This is an archive of the discontinued LLVM Phabricator instance.

Make SectionPiece 8 bytes smaller on LP64.

Authored by ruiu on May 24 2016, 11:11 PM.



This patch makes SectionPiece class 8 bytes smaller on platforms
on which pointer size is 8 bytes. Sean suggested in a post commit
review for r270340 that this could make a differentce, and it
actually is. Time to link clang (with debug info) improved from
6.725 seconds to 6.589 seconds or by 2%.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

ruiu updated this revision to Diff 58387.May 24 2016, 11:11 PM
ruiu retitled this revision from to Make SectionPiece 8 bytes smaller on LP64..
ruiu updated this object.
ruiu added a reviewer: silvas.
ruiu added a subscriber: llvm-commits.


The largest speedup I noticed when using two ltoed llds was when
linking scylladb. From 4.246328024 to 4.185731084. 1.014477026541795
times faster.


This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.