Note libc++ actually implemented this wording from the start (D49338).
The Clang version is the same as the version that implements
P0122R7 <span>
- LWG3903 span destructor is redundantly noexcept
| Differential D153284
[NFC][libc++] Addresses LWG3903. ClosedPublic Authored by Mordante on Jun 19 2023, 8:11 AM.
Summary Note libc++ actually implemented this wording from the start (D49338). P0122R7 <span> Implements
Diff Detail
Event TimelineThis revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jul 7 2023, 4:23 PM Closed by commit rG00e740f1e96d: [NFC][libc++] Addresses LWG3903. (authored by Mordante). · Explain WhyJul 8 2023, 3:54 AM This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.
Revision Contents
Diff 532668 libcxx/docs/Status/Cxx2cIssues.csv