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[Fix] Make it an error to take the address of (most) enable_if functions.

Authored by george.burgess.iv on Oct 9 2015, 2:19 PM.



For the following function:

int foo(int a) __attribute__((enable_if(a > 0, “”)));

The callee should be able to reasonably assume that foo will be called iff a > 0. However, this is currently not the case. One can grab the address of foo and use the resultant function pointer to call foo with any value of a.

Additionally, given a situation like:

int bar(int a) __attribute__((overloadable, enable_if(a > 0, “”)));
int bar(int a) __attribute__((overloadable));
int baz(int a) { return bar(a); }

One may only indirectly call bar by making a wrapper like baz, because there’s no way to disambiguate which bar you’re referring to in &bar.

This patch fixes both of these issues by making it an error to take the address of a function with an enable_if attribute, unless the condition in said attribute is always true.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

george.burgess.iv retitled this revision from to [Fix] Make it an error to take the address of (most) enable_if functions..
george.burgess.iv updated this object.
george.burgess.iv added a reviewer: rsmith.
george.burgess.iv added a subscriber: cfe-commits.
rsmith added inline comments.Oct 9 2015, 3:10 PM

Converting the RHS to the type of the LHS seems to only be appropriate for simple assignment operators, not for arbitrary binary operators.


It would seem better to handle this in the assignment rules rather than duplicating it between here and the binary operator case.

george.burgess.iv marked 2 inline comments as done.

Addressed all feedback by rolling two of our overloading checks into one.


I tried that initially, and it failed. Turns out the error in my initial attempt was just me being dumb. :)

Thanks for catching that.

rsmith accepted this revision.Oct 12 2015, 11:40 AM
rsmith edited edge metadata.


This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Oct 12 2015, 11:40 AM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.