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[LV][NFC] New test case for compile time known trip count (TC)

Authored by ebrevnov on Nov 24 2021, 4:53 AM.



New test to test/track upcoming chnages

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

ebrevnov requested review of this revision.Nov 24 2021, 4:53 AM
ebrevnov created this revision.
Herald added a project: Restricted Project. · View Herald TranscriptNov 24 2021, 4:53 AM
fhahn added a subscriber: fhahn.Dec 3 2021, 2:57 AM
fhahn added inline comments.

It might be good to have a slightly more descriptive name for the test file, like limit-vf-by-tripcount.ll or something like that.

ebrevnov added inline comments.Dec 3 2021, 3:48 AM

Sounds reasonable. Will fix.

fhahn accepted this revision.Dec 10 2021, 1:35 AM

LGTM, thanks!

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Dec 10 2021, 1:35 AM