CUDA 8.0 E.3.9.4 says: Within the body of a __device__ or __global__
function, only __shared__ variables or variables without any device
memory qualifiers may be declared with static storage class.
It is unclear how a function-scope non-const static variable
without device memory qualifier is implemented, therefore only static
const variable without device memory qualifier is allowed, which
can be emitted as a global variable in constant address space.
Currently clang only allows function-scope static variable with
__shared__ qualifier.
This patch also allows function-scope static const variable without
device memory qualifier and emits it as a global variable in constant
address space.
This is rather convoluted. It would make it somewhat more readable if we could split CUDADiagIfDeviceCode into its own if().
Or, maybe use a lambda + early exit or, perhaps even goto to break down this huge if: