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[ObjC] Use the name specified by objc_runtime_name instead of the class identifier

Authored by ahatanak on Mar 30 2018, 11:46 AM.



This patch fixes a few places in CGObjCMac.cpp where the class identifier was used instead of the name specified by objc_runtime_name.


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rC Clang

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ahatanak created this revision.Mar 30 2018, 11:46 AM

Note that CGObjCNonFragileABIMac::EmitClassRef also passes the class identifier to CGObjCNonFragileABIMac::EmitClassRefFromId, but it doesn't cause a problem. CGObjCNonFragileABIMac::EmitClassRefFromId uses the identifier only when the ObjCInterfaceDecl passed to it is null and that happens only when it is called from CGObjCNonFragileABIMac::EmitNSAutoreleasePoolClassRef.

rjmccall accepted this revision.Mar 30 2018, 8:19 PM

Note that CGObjCNonFragileABIMac::EmitClassRef also passes the class identifier to CGObjCNonFragileABIMac::EmitClassRefFromId, but it doesn't cause a problem. CGObjCNonFragileABIMac::EmitClassRefFromId uses the identifier only when the ObjCInterfaceDecl passed to it is null and that happens only when it is called from CGObjCNonFragileABIMac::EmitNSAutoreleasePoolClassRef.

Hmm. Alright.


This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Mar 30 2018, 8:19 PM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.