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Workaround MSVC bug when using TrailingObjects from a template.

Authored by jyknight on Feb 12 2017, 8:41 PM.



MSVC appears to be getting confused as to whether OverloadToken is
supposed to be public or not.

Reported to microsoft by hughbe:

Event Timeline

jyknight created this revision.Feb 12 2017, 8:41 PM

hughbe: I believe this is a better fix for the reported issue. Can you verify that it works for the real code in swift as well as the test-case?

hughbe edited edge metadata.EditedFeb 12 2017, 8:54 PM

Nice - this is much cleaner than my attempt!

One nit: it seems like Clang ( and GCC ( can compile both conditional compilation blocks. Perhaps we can just get rid of the conditional compilation and use "template<typename T> using OverloadToken = typename ParentType::template OverloadToken<T>;"

I know it's uglier, but perhaps conditional compilation is ugly too!

I don't have access to a PC with VS right now (so can't fully test this with Swift).

However, I can confirm that MSVC compiles the original code that failed to compile with this change, according to an online compiler:

hughbe accepted this revision.Feb 13 2017, 4:27 AM

I'm sorry @jyknight

Swift still doesn't compile. The error is different this time thankfully:

#include "llvm/Support/TrailingObjects.h"

// Test the use of TrailingObjects with a template class. This
// previously failed to compile due to a bug in MSVC's member access
// control/lookup handling for OverloadToken.
template<typename Derived>
class Class5 : private llvm::TrailingObjects<Derived, float, int/*, void* */> {
  using TrailingObjects = typename llvm::TrailingObjects<Derived, float, int/*,  void* */>;
  friend TrailingObjects;

  size_t numTrailingObjects(
    typename TrailingObjects::template OverloadToken<float>) const {
    return 1;

  size_t numTrailingObjects(
    typename TrailingObjects::template OverloadToken<int>) const {
    return 2;

template class Class5<int>; // instantiate to trigger the error
// 1>consoleapplication1.cpp(17): error C2535: 'size_t Class5<Derived>::numTrailingObjects(TrailingObjects<BaseTy,TrailingTys...>::TrailingObjectsImpl<llvm::trailing_objects_internal::AlignmentCalcHelper<TrailingTys...>::Alignment,BaseTy,llvm::TrailingObjects<BaseTy,TrailingTys...>,BaseTy,TrailingTys...>::OverloadToken) const': member function already defined or declared
// 1>  consoleapplication1.cpp(11) : note: see declaration of 'Class5<Derived>::numTrailingObjects'
// 1>  consoleapplication1.cpp(20) : note: see reference to class template instantiation 'Class5<Derived>' being compiled

// Uncommenting either of the ", void*" generic parameters removes the errors.
// HOWEVER, uncommenting both restores the errors.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Feb 13 2017, 4:27 AM

Shoot, didn't mean to accept the revision, apologies

hughbe requested changes to this revision.Feb 13 2017, 4:28 AM
This revision now requires changes to proceed.Feb 13 2017, 4:28 AM

I just noticed that the test case I wrote is passing a bogus first-argument to the template -- and so is your modified version in the comment above. So any errors resulting from that are probably not useful to examine. The testcase should've look like this instead:

I'm assuming the error coming from swift is actually from something else?

// Test the use of TrailingObjects with a template class. This                                                                                                                      
// previously failed to compile due to a bug in MSVC's member access                                                                                                                
// control/lookup handling for OverloadToken.                                                                                                                                       
template <typename Derived>
class Class5Tmpl : private llvm::TrailingObjects<Derived, float, int> {
  using TrailingObjects = typename llvm::TrailingObjects<Derived, float>;
  friend TrailingObjects;

  size_t numTrailingObjects(
      typename TrailingObjects::template OverloadToken<float>) const {
    return 1;

  size_t numTrailingObjects(                                                                                                                                                              typename TrailingObjects::template OverloadToken<int>) const {
    return 2;

class Class5 : public Class5Tmpl<Class5> {}
hughbe accepted this revision.EditedFeb 17 2017, 10:06 PM

Okay, considering this fixes the bug, I'm happy. Cheers, thanks for the fix! I'll make the necessary cherry-picking and upstream pulling to Swift

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Feb 17 2017, 10:06 PM

Good to merge?

This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.