Personality is copied as part of copyFunctionAttributes, but it is
invalid on a declaration. Remove the personality attribute it the
function body is not cloned.
Also add a verifier run over output modules in the llvm-split tool.
| Differential D18486
Remove personality for declarations in CloneModule.
ClosedPublic Authored by eugenis on Mar 25 2016, 4:56 PM.
Summary Personality is copied as part of copyFunctionAttributes, but it is Also add a verifier run over output modules in the llvm-split tool.
Diff Detail
Event Timelineeugenis updated this object. Comment Actions Instead of doing this, we should probably fix the module splitter to not set the personality attribute on a function declaration. What does the verifier make of this? eugenis retitled this revision from Update personality for declarations in CloneModule. to Remove personality for declarations in CloneModule.
. eugenis updated this object. eugenis edited edge metadata. Comment Actions
Verifier is not happy about this, but it is not being run. I've added a verifier pass to llvm-split, do you think it's a good idea? pcc edited edge metadata. Comment ActionsLGTM
Yes, the modules we get from the splitter should verify. This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Mar 28 2016, 2:30 PM
Revision Contents
Diff 51841 lib/Transforms/Utils/CloneModule.cpp