Currently has a whitelist of methods like std::vector::empty() which,
in a standalone statement, likely won't do what the programmer wants.
The whitelist is brittle (Did I misspell a method? Does a container
other than std::vector have a base class like std::__vector_base?) and
unlikely to be maintained, so two directions for improvement could be:
- Use the compiler to determine whether a method has side effects.
- Annotate methods without side effects. A newly-added method is more
likely to end up with the annotation than in this check's whitelist.
...but this might be a good start.
Project from
I think, there's a slightly more effective way of doing this in clang-tidy/readability/ContainerSizeEmptyCheck.cpp. Also, Samuel is working on a hasAnyName matcher that would allow checking whether a declaration name is one of the declaration names in a list.