sphinx processes text in backticks depending on what 'role' it has (e.g., :code:\blub\` -> role is code`).
If no role is provided, the default role is taken which is right now using the default value of content.
content only really makes the text cursive which isn't really useful for anything right now.
Sphinx recommends using the any role by default [1] as that turns text in backticks without an explicit
roles into some kind of smart reference. If we did this in LLDB, then we could just reference SB API classes
by doing \SBValue\` instead of typing out the rather verbose :py:class:/:py:func:`/... role before each reference.
This would be especially nice when writing the SB API docs itself as we constantly have to reference other classes.
[1] https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/roles.html#role-any