pygments 2.6.1 contains support for MIR syntax highlighting.
It's been a couple months since that was released so I'd like
to suggest enabling it in our docs. There are two lexers
available, llvm-mir is for full MIR examples, and
llvm-mir-body is for examples of the body section without the
usual YAML wrapper.
It looks like I missed a few things in the pygments lexer as
some of these MIR examples don't highlight. Some like 'BUNDLE'
I intentionally didn't cover in the first attempt but it seems
I missed some keywords too (e.g. implicit-def, frame-setup,
frame-destroy), some LLVM-IR variable characters, and <regmask...>
Unfortunately, sphinx doesn't warn when pygments emits an
Error token (it silently drops all highlighting) so there may be more.
A few subsections in MIR are also not highlighted but they
don't cause unrelated highlights to disappear. E.g. the constants