This is an archive of the discontinued LLVM Phabricator instance.

Introduce forward definitions

Authored by rodgert on Jan 14 2019, 10:47 AM.



These are necessary when the standalone PSTL is pulled into the standard

Event Timeline

rodgert created this revision.Jan 14 2019, 10:47 AM

As I understand, this patch adds forward declarations for all internal functions, similarly to "defs" files having declarations for all functions in namespace std. Perhaps the file names should be aligned with the existing files, e.g. glue_algorithm_internal_defs.h etc.

Also the new files are not included anywhere. Will there be a separate patch that uses these files, or they are intended solely for integration into C++ libraries (or even solely libstdc++)? If the latter, perhaps a usage example could be documented somewhere - in the comments or maybe in a separate readme-like file.


The backend API was supposed to be implementation independent. Maybe there should be no "tbb" in the file name?


Currently, cancel_execution() is a standalone function in namespace par_backend. Is this mismatch intentional or accidental?

rodgert abandoned this revision.Jan 14 2019, 5:07 PM

Ignore this version, Intel changed the definitions of most (all?) of these entry points in the version committed to LLVM, will resubmit after fixing signatures