For now this only changes the handle Access.
This is convenient to break the patches since we need DELETE access to change the LockFileManager implementation but if this were to set the file disposition we would need to squash all the patches.
| Differential D40378
Add an F_Delete flag ClosedPublic Authored by • rafael on Nov 22 2017, 5:59 PM.
Summary For now this only changes the handle Access. This is convenient to break the patches since we need DELETE access to change the LockFileManager implementation but if this were to set the file disposition we would need to squash all the patches.
Diff Detail Event Timeline• rafael added a parent revision: D40377: Add OpenFlags to the create(Unique|Temporary)File interfaces.Nov 23 2017, 1:51 PM This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Nov 27 2017, 1:29 PM
Revision Contents
Diff 124027 include/llvm/Support/FileSystem.h