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[OpenCL] Fix extension guards for atomic functions

Authored by jprice on Mar 10 2017, 8:10 AM.



Event Timeline

jprice created this revision.Mar 10 2017, 8:10 AM
Anastasia accepted this revision.Mar 10 2017, 8:17 AM

LGTM! This bit was poorly tested initially as there were simply too many things. I am wondering if we could improve these bits slowly by extending further lib/Headers/opencl-c.h.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Mar 10 2017, 8:17 AM

Thanks - could you commit this on my behalf please?

Ping - maybe this got lost in the noise.

I don't have commit access - could somebody commit this on my behalf please?

Anastasia closed this revision.Mar 20 2017, 8:16 AM

Sorry, I overlooked this indeed. Committed in r298256!