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Fix the problem that the last test failure not always displayed on test summary page for LitTestCommand

Authored by chying on Mar 10 2015, 2:24 PM.


  • Bug http://b/19664754
  • Process each output line immediately once it is received
  • If current output is verbose message, update the last record with verbose msg
  • Add failure code to summary display

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

chying updated this revision to Diff 21636.Mar 10 2015, 2:24 PM
chying retitled this revision from to Fix the problem that the last test failure not always displayed on test summary page for LitTestCommand.
chying updated this object.
chying edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
chying added reviewers: sivachandra, ovyalov, chaoren.
chying added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).
sivachandra added inline comments.Mar 10 2015, 4:41 PM

I think you can refactor this logic of handling verbose logs by using "Failing Tests" as an indicator. That is, if you hit "Failing Tests" before you see any failures, assume that there will be no verbose logs. If you see failing tests before you see "Failing Tests", then there could be verbose logs and so look for them.


I think you dont need this anymore.


I think to increase readability here, you should move lines 104-114 to line 99. But, this might look different after the refactoring suggested above.

chying updated this revision to Diff 21667.Mar 10 2015, 5:54 PM

Fix the problem that the last test failure not always displayed on test summary page for LitTestCommand


  • Bug http://b/19664754
  • Use "Testing Failing" line as indicator, assert summary lines don't have verbose msg
  • Output lines before above indicator still follow original logic
  • Add failure code to summary display
sivachandra accepted this revision.Mar 10 2015, 6:08 PM
sivachandra edited edge metadata.

LGTM with nits. Assuming you have tested all possible builder outputs.


I think you can remove this, but can be done on another day.


nit: s/summaryLine/summaryStarted


nit: s/summaryLineReceived/handleTestResultLine

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Mar 10 2015, 6:08 PM

I think the "Summary" is not accurate any more. Please fix before submitting.

chying updated this revision to Diff 21796.Mar 11 2015, 6:41 PM
chying edited edge metadata.

As suggested by Siva, change variable/function name for readability

  • Change from summaryLineReceived to handleSimplifiedLogLine as opposed to handleVerboseLogLine
  • Change from summaryLine to simplifiedLog
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.