This is an archive of the discontinued LLVM Phabricator instance.

Fix frontend crash related to forward declaration of NSNumber

Authored by AlexDenisov on Feb 14 2015, 10:28 AM.


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AlexDenisov retitled this revision from to Fix frontend crash related to forward declaration of NSNumber.
AlexDenisov updated this object.
AlexDenisov edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
AlexDenisov added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).


It’s a trivial one, but I don’t want to push it without review, though it fixes crash
Software Engineer,

hfinkel accepted this revision.Feb 16 2015, 5:35 AM
hfinkel added a reviewer: hfinkel.
hfinkel added a subscriber: hfinkel.


It’s a trivial one, but I don’t want to push it without review, though it fixes crash

Not to give you a hard time, but, why are you asking for pre-commit review? It sounds like you consider this to be a fairly-obvious one-line change to fix a crash-on-invalid case (and that is indeed what it looks like). If so, you don't need pre-commit review, so please feel free to commit. If you'd like a pre-commit review anyway, it is helpful to explain your doubts so potential reviews have some idea about what you're unsure, and are aware of any potential complications you're contemplating.


Also, for the future, please upload full-context patches to Phabricator, see:

Software Engineer,

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Feb 16 2015, 5:35 AM

Not to give you a hard time, but, why are you asking for pre-commit review?
Well, due to first link (obtaining commit access) I got 'commit-after-approval’ access, so just trying to follow the rules.

Anyway, thank you for feedback and useful links.


Software Engineer,

Not to give you a hard time, but, why are you asking for pre-commit review?
Well, due to first link (obtaining commit access) I got 'commit-after-approval’ access, so just trying to follow the rules.

Understood, but we do have this rule:

  1. You are allowed to commit patches without approval which you think are obvious. This is clearly a subjective decision — we simply expect you to use good judgement. Examples include: fixing build breakage, reverting obviously broken patches, documentation/comment changes, any other minor changes.

and you're welcome to follow that one too ;)

Anyway, thank you for feedback and useful links.


Software Engineer,

AlexDenisov closed this revision.Aug 21 2015, 1:36 PM