This is an archive of the discontinued LLVM Phabricator instance.

Fix build with CMake if LLVM_USE_INTEL_JITEVENTS option is enabled.

Authored by bader on Oct 7 2014, 4:10 AM.


  • Added LLVM libraries required for IntelJITEvents to LLVMBuild.txt.
  • Removed 'jit' library from llvm-jitlistener.
  • Added support for OptionalLibraries to llvm-build cmake files generator.

Diff Detail


Event Timeline

bader updated this revision to Diff 14498.Oct 7 2014, 4:10 AM
bader retitled this revision from to Fix build with CMake if LLVM_USE_INTEL_JITEVENTS option is enabled..
bader updated this object.
bader edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
bader added a reviewer: chapuni.
bader added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).
ddunbar edited edge metadata.Oct 27 2014, 6:43 PM

The llvm-build part LGTM.

  • Daniel
bader added a comment.Oct 28 2014, 1:29 AM
In D5646#7, @ddunbar wrote:

The llvm-build part LGTM.

  • Daniel

Hi Daniel,

Thanks a lot for reviewing the patch!
In addition to llvm-build part there are only two one-line fixes:

  1. Removed linking llvm-jitlistener with old JIT library (which was removed - rev. 216982). This part was already reviewed by Rafael, but never landed.
  2. Added LLVM libraries to the list of required dependencies for IntelJITEvents. I'm not sure that the list is exhaustive, but it's enough to pass build in our environment with LLVM_USE_INTEL_JITEVENTS option.

If you are OK with the rest of the changes, could you commit this patch for me, please?

Thanks in advance,

I'm not actively working on LLVM currently, please work with someone else
who is active in this area if you need the patch committed for you.

  • Daniel
Diffusion closed this revision.Oct 29 2014, 2:29 AM
Diffusion updated this revision to Diff 15540.

Closed by commit rL220848 (authored by mkuper).