A number of test cases were failing on big-endian systems simply due to
byte order assumptions in the tests themselves, and no underlying bug
in LLDB.
These two test cases:
tools/lldb-server/lldbgdbserverutils.py python_api/process/TestProcessAPI.py
actually check for big-endian target byte order, but contain Python errors
in the corresponding code paths.
These test cases:
functionalities/data-formatter/data-formatter-python-synth/TestDataFormatterPythonSynth.py functionalities/data-formatter/data-formatter-smart-array/TestDataFormatterSmartArray.py functionalities/data-formatter/synthcapping/TestSyntheticCapping.py lang/cpp/frame-var-anon-unions/TestFrameVariableAnonymousUnions.py python_api/sbdata/TestSBData.py (first change)
could be fixed to check for big-endian target byte order and update the
expected result strings accordingly. For the two synthetic tests, I've
also updated the source to make sure the fake_a value is always nonzero
on both big- and little-endian platforms.
These test case:
python_api/sbdata/TestSBData.py (second change) functionalities/memory/cache/TestMemoryCache.py
simply accessed memory with the wrong size, which wasn't noticed on LE
but fails on BE.