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[WIP][Parser][FixIt] Better diagnostics for omitted template keyword (type dependent template names)
Needs ReviewPublic

Authored by jkorous-apple on Feb 15 2018, 3:09 AM.
This revision needs review, but there are no reviewers specified.



What I would love to have is FixIt for this kind of situation:

template <class T> void foo() {
    T::bar<int*>(); /* missing template keyword */

which currently gets not that helpful diagnostics:

> clang misleading.cpp
misleading.cpp:2:15: error: expected '(' for function-style cast or type construction
misleading.cpp:2:16: error: expected expression
misleading.cpp:2:18: error: expected expression
3 errors generated.


template <class T> void foo() {

gets a good one:

good.cpp:2:8: error: use 'template' keyword to treat 'bar' as a dependent template name
1 error generated.

If I understand it correctly than current implementation of

bool Parser::IsTemplateArgumentList(unsigned Skip)

relies on the fact that if there's a '<' token followed by declaration specifier it has to be a template. Which is true but produces false negatives for non-type parameters (array<1>) or pointer type parameters (vector<int*>) (among others).

One particular thing to keep on mind is that there's the [over.over] rule about resolving names to function pointers - best explained by test test/SemaTemplate/dependent-template-recover.cpp (look for snippet below):

// Note: no diagnostic here, this is actually valid as a comparison between
// the decayed pointer to Y::g<> and mb!

What I did so far is that in case the simple approach doesn't validate there's a template I try to use speculative parsing. The only problem remaining is diagnostics - I am able to use TentativeParsingAction which is later reverted but I still get all the diagnostics which is incorrect in case my speculation about how to parse the code was wrong.

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Event Timeline

jkorous-apple created this revision.Feb 15 2018, 3:09 AM