This is an archive of the discontinued LLVM Phabricator instance.

Addition of interfaces the FE to conform to Table A-2 of ELF V2 ABI V1.1

Authored by nemanjai on Sep 25 2015, 11:39 PM.



Implemented the following interfaces to conform to ELF V2 ABI version 1.1.

vector signed __int128 vec_adde (vector signed __int128, vector signed __int128, vector signed __int128);
vector unsigned __int128 vec_adde (vector unsigned __int128, vector unsigned __int128, vector unsigned __int128);
vector signed __int128 vec_addec (vector signed __int128, vector signed __int128, vector signed __int128);
vector unsigned __int128 vec_addec (vector unsigned __int128, vector unsigned __int128, vector unsigned __int128);
vector signed int vec_addc(vector signed int __a, vector signed int __b);
vector bool char vec_cmpge (vector signed char __a, vector signed char __b);
vector bool char vec_cmpge (vector unsigned char __a, vector unsigned char __b);
vector bool short vec_cmpge (vector signed short __a, vector signed short __b);
vector bool short vec_cmpge (vector unsigned short __a, vector unsigned short __b);
vector bool int vec_cmpge (vector signed int __a, vector signed int __b);
vector bool int vec_cmpge (vector unsigned int __a, vector unsigned int __b);
vector bool char vec_cmple (vector signed char __a, vector signed char __b);
vector bool char vec_cmple (vector unsigned char __a, vector unsigned char __b);
vector bool short vec_cmple (vector signed short __a, vector signed short __b);
vector bool short vec_cmple (vector unsigned short __a, vector unsigned short __b);
vector bool int vec_cmple (vector signed int __a, vector signed int __b);
vector bool int vec_cmple (vector unsigned int __a, vector unsigned int __b);
vector double vec_double (vector signed long long __a);
vector double vec_double (vector unsigned long long __a);
vector bool char vec_eqv(vector bool char __a, vector bool char __b);
vector bool short vec_eqv(vector bool short __a, vector bool short __b);
vector bool int vec_eqv(vector bool int __a, vector bool int __b);
vector bool long long vec_eqv(vector bool long long __a, vector bool long long __b);
vector signed short vec_madd(vector signed short __a, vector signed short __b, vector signed short __c);
vector signed short vec_madd(vector signed short __a, vector unsigned short __b, vector unsigned short __c);
vector signed short vec_madd(vector unsigned short __a, vector signed short __b, vector signed short __c);
vector unsigned short vec_madd(vector unsigned short __a, vector unsigned short __b, vector unsigned short __c);
vector bool long long vec_mergeh(vector bool long long __a, vector bool long long __b);
vector bool long long vec_mergel(vector bool long long __a, vector bool long long __b);
vector bool char vec_nand(vector bool char __a, vector bool char __b);
vector bool short vec_nand(vector bool short __a, vector bool short __b);
vector bool int vec_nand(vector bool int __a, vector bool int __b);
vector bool long long vec_nand(vector bool long long __a, vector bool long long __b);
vector bool char vec_orc(vector bool char __a, vector bool char __b);
vector bool short vec_orc(vector bool short __a, vector bool short __b);
vector bool int vec_orc(vector bool int __a, vector bool int __b);
vector bool long long vec_orc(vector bool long long __a, vector bool long long __b);
vector signed long long vec_sub(vector signed long long __a, vector signed long long __b);
vector signed long long vec_sub(vector bool long long __a, vector signed long long __b);
vector signed long long vec_sub(vector signed long long __a, vector bool long long __b);
vector unsigned long long vec_sub(vector unsigned long long __a, vector unsigned long long __b);
vector unsigned long long vec_sub(vector bool long long __a, vector unsigned long long __b);
vector unsigned long long vec_sub(vector unsigned long long __a, vector bool long long __b);
vector float vec_sub(vector float __a, vector float __b);
unsigned char vec_extract(vector bool char __a, int __b);
signed short vec_extract(vector signed short __a, int __b);
unsigned short vec_extract(vector bool short __a, int __b);
signed int vec_extract(vector signed int __a, int __b);
unsigned int vec_extract(vector bool int __a, int __b);
signed long long vec_extract(vector signed long long __a, int __b);
unsigned long long vec_extract(vector unsigned long long __a, int __b);
unsigned long long vec_extract(vector bool long long __a, int __b);
double vec_extract(vector double __a, int __b);
vector bool char vec_insert(unsigned char __a, vector bool char __b, int __c);
vector signed short vec_insert(signed short __a, vector signed short __b, int __c);
vector bool short vec_insert(unsigned short __a, vector bool short __b, int __c);
vector signed int vec_insert(signed int __a, vector signed int __b, int __c);
vector bool int vec_insert(unsigned int __a, vector bool int __b, int __c);
vector signed long long vec_insert(signed long long __a, vector signed long long __b, int __c);
vector unsigned long long vec_insert(unsigned long long __a, vector unsigned long long __b, int __c);
vector bool long long vec_insert(unsigned long long __a, vector bool long long __b, int __c);
vector double vec_insert(double __a, vector double __b, int __c);
vector signed long long vec_splats(signed long long __a);
vector unsigned long long vec_splats(unsigned long long __a);
vector signed __int128 vec_splats(signed __int128 __a);
vector unsigned __int128 vec_splats(unsigned __int128 __a);
vector double vec_splats(double __a);
int vec_all_eq(vector double __a, vector double __b);
int vec_all_ge(vector double __a, vector double __b);
int vec_all_gt(vector double __a, vector double __b);
int vec_all_le(vector double __a, vector double __b);
int vec_all_lt(vector double __a, vector double __b);
int vec_all_nan(vector double __a);
int vec_all_ne(vector double __a, vector double __b);
int vec_all_nge(vector double __a, vector double __b);
int vec_all_ngt(vector double __a, vector double __b);
int vec_any_eq(vector double __a, vector double __b);
int vec_any_ge(vector double __a, vector double __b);
int vec_any_gt(vector double __a, vector double __b);
int vec_any_le(vector double __a, vector double __b);
int vec_any_lt(vector double __a, vector double __b);
int vec_any_ne(vector double __a, vector double __b);
vector unsigned char vec_sbox_be (vector unsigned char);
vector unsigned char vec_cipher_be (vector unsigned char, vector unsigned char);
vector unsigned char vec_cipherlast_be (vector unsigned char, vector unsigned char);
vector unsigned char vec_ncipher_be (vector unsigned char, vector unsigned char);
vector unsigned char vec_ncipherlast_be (vector unsigned char, vector unsigned char);
vector unsigned int vec_shasigma_be (vector unsigned int, const int, const int);
vector unsigned long long vec_shasigma_be (vector unsigned long long, const int, const int);
vector unsigned short vec_pmsum_be (vector unsigned char, vector unsigned char);
vector unsigned int vec_pmsum_be (vector unsigned short, vector unsigned short);
vector unsigned long long vec_pmsum_be (vector unsigned int, vector unsigned int);
vector unsigned __int128 vec_pmsum_be (vector unsigned long long, vector unsigned long long);
vector unsigned char vec_gb (vector unsigned char);
vector unsigned long long vec_bperm (vector unsigned __int128 __a, vector unsigned char __b);

Removed the folowing interfaces either because their signatures have changed
in version 1.1 of the ABI or because they were implemented for ELF V2 ABI but
have actually been deprecated in version 1.1.

vector signed char vec_eqv(vector bool char __a, vector signed char __b);
vector signed char vec_eqv(vector signed char __a, vector bool char __b);
vector unsigned char vec_eqv(vector bool char __a, vector unsigned char __b);
vector unsigned char vec_eqv(vector unsigned char __a, vector bool char __b);
vector signed short vec_eqv(vector bool short __a, vector signed short __b);
vector signed short vec_eqv(vector signed short __a, vector bool short __b);
vector unsigned short vec_eqv(vector bool short __a, vector unsigned short __b);
vector unsigned short vec_eqv(vector unsigned short __a, vector bool short __b);
vector signed int vec_eqv(vector bool int __a, vector signed int __b);
vector signed int vec_eqv(vector signed int __a, vector bool int __b);
vector unsigned int vec_eqv(vector bool int __a, vector unsigned int __b);
vector unsigned int vec_eqv(vector unsigned int __a, vector bool int __b);
vector signed long long vec_eqv(vector bool long long __a, vector signed long long __b);
vector signed long long vec_eqv(vector signed long long __a, vector bool long long __b);
vector unsigned long long vec_eqv(vector bool long long __a, vector unsigned long long __b);
vector unsigned long long vec_eqv(vector unsigned long long __a, vector bool long long __b);
vector float vec_eqv(vector bool int __a, vector float __b);
vector float vec_eqv(vector float __a, vector bool int __b);
vector double vec_eqv(vector bool long long __a, vector double __b);
vector double vec_eqv(vector double __a, vector bool long long __b);
vector unsigned short vec_nand(vector bool short __a, vector unsigned short __b);

Diff Detail


Event Timeline

nemanjai updated this revision to Diff 35795.Sep 25 2015, 11:39 PM
nemanjai retitled this revision from to Addition of interfaces the FE to conform to Table A-2 of ELF V2 ABI V1.1.
nemanjai updated this object.
nemanjai added reviewers: wschmidt, seurer, kbarton, hfinkel.
nemanjai set the repository for this revision to rL LLVM.
nemanjai added a subscriber: cfe-commits.
nemanjai updated this revision to Diff 35838.Sep 28 2015, 1:01 AM

I forgot the test cases in the original upload. This patch contains the test cases and is ready for review.

wschmidt edited edge metadata.Sep 28 2015, 7:47 AM

Other than the FIXME removal, this LGTM! Very good and careful work. Thanks for taking care of this!


Please remove the above FIXME, since this has now been taken care of.


Nice use of _Generic. I wasn't aware of this feature.

wschmidt accepted this revision.Sep 28 2015, 1:52 PM
wschmidt edited edge metadata.

Sorry, forgot to accept.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Sep 28 2015, 1:52 PM
nemanjai closed this revision.Sep 29 2015, 11:15 AM

Committed revision 248813.