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Create scheduler class LLDBTriggerable for LLDB Android builders

Authored by chying on Aug 27 2015, 5:34 PM.


  • subclass of buildbot.schedulers.triggerable.Triggerable
  • override trigger function to get changelist based on changes since their last build
  • this solves the problem that changelist from triggerer builder be inaccurate under some circumstances, like previous build failed and didn't trigger, those changelist on the failed build won't be pass through

Diff Detail


Event Timeline

chying updated this revision to Diff 33382.Aug 27 2015, 5:34 PM
chying retitled this revision from to Create scheduler class LLDBTriggerable for LLDB Android builders.
chying updated this object.
chying updated this revision to Diff 33392.Aug 27 2015, 7:37 PM

A few improvements for class design

  • Pass project list and max change count by argument at class initialization for flexibility
  • Remove newRevision from class member, define as function variable
chying updated this revision to Diff 33393.Aug 27 2015, 7:42 PM

Remove unused imports

This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.