This is an archive of the discontinued LLVM Phabricator instance.

[mips] Return {f128} correctly for N32/N64.

Authored by dsanders on Oct 2 2014, 5:42 AM.



According to the ABI documentation, f128 and {f128} should both be returned
in $f0 and $f2. However, this doesn't match GCC's behaviour which is to
return f128 in $f0 and $f2, but {f128} in $f0 and $f1.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

dsanders updated this revision to Diff 14321.Oct 2 2014, 5:42 AM
dsanders retitled this revision from to [mips] Return {f128} correctly for N32/N64..
dsanders updated this object.
dsanders edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
dsanders added a reviewer: vmedic.
dsanders added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).
vmedic accepted this revision.Oct 6 2014, 4:46 AM
vmedic edited edge metadata.


This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Oct 6 2014, 4:46 AM
dsanders closed this revision.Oct 7 2014, 2:40 AM