This is an archive of the discontinued LLVM Phabricator instance.

[mips] Update tests with encoding information for slt, slti, sltiu and sltu.

Authored by matheusalmeida on Apr 25 2014, 3:05 AM.



Also renamed non-portable register names (e.g. $t2) so that we don't end up
with a different encoding for what appears to be an equivalent instruction.

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Event Timeline

matheusalmeida retitled this revision from to [mips] Update tests with encoding information for slt, slti, sltiu and sltu..
matheusalmeida updated this object.
matheusalmeida edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
dsanders accepted this revision.Apr 25 2014, 3:09 AM
dsanders edited edge metadata.

LGTM. We still test the names elsewhere.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Apr 25 2014, 3:09 AM