diff --git a/clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/StdLibraryFunctionsChecker.cpp b/clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/StdLibraryFunctionsChecker.cpp
--- a/clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/StdLibraryFunctionsChecker.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/StdLibraryFunctionsChecker.cpp
@@ -249,15 +249,21 @@
-  // Represents a buffer argument with an additional size argument.
-  // E.g. the first two arguments here:
+  // Represents a buffer argument with an additional size constraint. The
+  // constraint may be a concrete value, or a symbolic value in an argument.
+  // Example 1. Concrete value as the minimum buffer size.
+  //   char *asctime_r(const struct tm *restrict tm, char *restrict buf);
+  //   // `buf` size must be at least 26 bytes according the POSIX standard.
+  // Example 2. Argument as a buffer size.
   //   ctime_s(char *buffer, rsize_t bufsz, const time_t *time);
-  // Another example:
+  // Example 3. The size is computed as a multiplication of other args.
   //   size_t fread(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream);
   //   // Here, ptr is the buffer, and its minimum size is `size * nmemb`.
   class BufferSizeConstraint : public ValueConstraint {
+    // The concrete value which is the minimum size for the buffer.
+    llvm::Optional<llvm::APSInt> ConcreteSize;
     // The argument which holds the size of the buffer.
-    ArgNo SizeArgN;
+    llvm::Optional<ArgNo> SizeArgN;
     // The argument which is a multiplier to size. This is set in case of
     // `fread` like functions where the size is computed as a multiplication of
     // two arguments.
@@ -266,9 +272,10 @@
     BinaryOperator::Opcode Op = BO_LE;
+    BufferSizeConstraint(ArgNo Buffer, llvm::APSInt BufMinSize)
+        : ValueConstraint(Buffer), ConcreteSize(BufMinSize) {}
     BufferSizeConstraint(ArgNo Buffer, ArgNo BufSize)
         : ValueConstraint(Buffer), SizeArgN(BufSize) {}
     BufferSizeConstraint(ArgNo Buffer, ArgNo BufSize, ArgNo BufSizeMultiplier)
         : ValueConstraint(Buffer), SizeArgN(BufSize),
           SizeMultiplierArgN(BufSizeMultiplier) {}
@@ -279,14 +286,27 @@
       SValBuilder &SvalBuilder = C.getSValBuilder();
       // The buffer argument.
       SVal BufV = getArgSVal(Call, getArgNo());
-      // The size argument.
-      SVal SizeV = getArgSVal(Call, SizeArgN);
-      // Multiply with another argument if given.
-      if (SizeMultiplierArgN) {
-        SVal SizeMulV = getArgSVal(Call, *SizeMultiplierArgN);
-        SizeV = SvalBuilder.evalBinOp(State, BO_Mul, SizeV, SizeMulV,
-                                      Summary.getArgType(SizeArgN));
-      }
+      // Get the size constraint.
+      const SVal SizeV = [this, &State, &Call, &Summary, &SvalBuilder]() {
+        if (ConcreteSize) {
+          return SVal(SvalBuilder.makeIntVal(*ConcreteSize));
+        } else if (SizeArgN) {
+          // The size argument.
+          SVal SizeV = getArgSVal(Call, *SizeArgN);
+          // Multiply with another argument if given.
+          if (SizeMultiplierArgN) {
+            SVal SizeMulV = getArgSVal(Call, *SizeMultiplierArgN);
+            SizeV = SvalBuilder.evalBinOp(State, BO_Mul, SizeV, SizeMulV,
+                                          Summary.getArgType(*SizeArgN));
+          }
+          return SizeV;
+        } else {
+          llvm_unreachable("The constraint must be either a concrete value or "
+                           "encoded in an arguement.");
+        }
+      }();
       // The dynamic size of the buffer argument, got from the analyzer engine.
       SVal BufDynSize = getDynamicSizeWithOffset(State, BufV);
@@ -2036,6 +2056,132 @@
                 BufferSize(/*Buffer=*/ArgNo(4), /*BufSize=*/ArgNo(5)))
                 ArgumentCondition(5, WithinRange, Range(0, Socklen_tMax))));
+    Optional<QualType> StructUtimbufTy = lookupTy("utimbuf");
+    Optional<QualType> StructUtimbufPtrTy = getPointerTy(StructUtimbufTy);
+    // int utime(const char *filename, struct utimbuf *buf);
+    addToFunctionSummaryMap(
+        "utime", Summary(ArgTypes{ConstCharPtrTy, StructUtimbufPtrTy},
+                         RetType{IntTy}, NoEvalCall)
+                     .ArgConstraint(NotNull(ArgNo(0))));
+    Optional<QualType> StructTimespecTy = lookupTy("timespec");
+    Optional<QualType> StructTimespecPtrTy = getPointerTy(StructTimespecTy);
+    Optional<QualType> ConstStructTimespecPtrTy =
+        getPointerTy(getConstTy(StructTimespecTy));
+    // int futimens(int fd, const struct timespec times[2]);
+    addToFunctionSummaryMap(
+        "futimens", Summary(ArgTypes{IntTy, ConstStructTimespecPtrTy},
+                            RetType{IntTy}, NoEvalCall)
+                        .ArgConstraint(ArgumentCondition(0, WithinRange,
+                                                         Range(0, IntMax))));
+    // int utimensat(int dirfd, const char *pathname,
+    //               const struct timespec times[2], int flags);
+    addToFunctionSummaryMap("utimensat",
+                            Summary(ArgTypes{IntTy, ConstCharPtrTy,
+                                             ConstStructTimespecPtrTy, IntTy},
+                                    RetType{IntTy}, NoEvalCall)
+                                .ArgConstraint(NotNull(ArgNo(1))));
+    Optional<QualType> StructTimevalTy = lookupTy("timeval");
+    Optional<QualType> ConstStructTimevalPtrTy =
+        getPointerTy(getConstTy(StructTimevalTy));
+    // int utimes(const char *filename, const struct timeval times[2]);
+    addToFunctionSummaryMap(
+        "utimes", Summary(ArgTypes{ConstCharPtrTy, ConstStructTimevalPtrTy},
+                          RetType{IntTy}, NoEvalCall)
+                      .ArgConstraint(NotNull(ArgNo(0))));
+    // int nanosleep(const struct timespec *rqtp, struct timespec *rmtp);
+    addToFunctionSummaryMap(
+        "nanosleep",
+        Summary(ArgTypes{ConstStructTimespecPtrTy, StructTimespecPtrTy},
+                RetType{IntTy}, NoEvalCall)
+            .ArgConstraint(NotNull(ArgNo(0))));
+    Optional<QualType> Time_tTy = lookupTy("time_t");
+    Optional<QualType> ConstTime_tPtrTy = getPointerTy(getConstTy(Time_tTy));
+    Optional<QualType> ConstTime_tPtrRestrictTy =
+        getRestrictTy(ConstTime_tPtrTy);
+    Optional<QualType> StructTmTy = lookupTy("tm");
+    Optional<QualType> StructTmPtrTy = getPointerTy(StructTmTy);
+    Optional<QualType> StructTmPtrRestrictTy = getRestrictTy(StructTmPtrTy);
+    Optional<QualType> ConstStructTmPtrTy =
+        getPointerTy(getConstTy(StructTmTy));
+    Optional<QualType> ConstStructTmPtrRestrictTy =
+        getRestrictTy(ConstStructTmPtrTy);
+    // struct tm * localtime(const time_t *tp);
+    addToFunctionSummaryMap(
+        "localtime",
+        Summary(ArgTypes{ConstTime_tPtrTy}, RetType{StructTmPtrTy}, NoEvalCall)
+            .ArgConstraint(NotNull(ArgNo(0))));
+    // struct tm *localtime_r(const time_t *restrict timer,
+    //                        struct tm *restrict result);
+    addToFunctionSummaryMap(
+        "localtime_r",
+        Summary(ArgTypes{ConstTime_tPtrRestrictTy, StructTmPtrRestrictTy},
+                RetType{StructTmPtrTy}, NoEvalCall)
+            .ArgConstraint(NotNull(ArgNo(0)))
+            .ArgConstraint(NotNull(ArgNo(1))));
+    // char *asctime_r(const struct tm *restrict tm, char *restrict buf);
+    addToFunctionSummaryMap(
+        "asctime_r",
+        Summary(ArgTypes{ConstStructTmPtrRestrictTy, CharPtrRestrictTy},
+                RetType{CharPtrTy}, NoEvalCall)
+            .ArgConstraint(NotNull(ArgNo(0)))
+            .ArgConstraint(NotNull(ArgNo(1)))
+            .ArgConstraint(BufferSize(/*Buffer=*/ArgNo(1),
+                                      /*MinBufSize=*/BVF.getValue(26, IntTy))));
+    // char *ctime_r(const time_t *timep, char *buf);
+    addToFunctionSummaryMap("ctime_r",
+                            Summary(ArgTypes{ConstTime_tPtrTy, CharPtrTy},
+                                    RetType{CharPtrTy}, NoEvalCall)
+                                .ArgConstraint(NotNull(ArgNo(0)))
+                                .ArgConstraint(NotNull(ArgNo(1)))
+                                .ArgConstraint(BufferSize(
+                                    /*Buffer=*/ArgNo(1),
+                                    /*MinBufSize=*/BVF.getValue(26, IntTy))));
+    // struct tm *gmtime_r(const time_t *restrict timer,
+    //                     struct tm *restrict result);
+    addToFunctionSummaryMap(
+        "gmtime_r",
+        Summary(ArgTypes{ConstTime_tPtrRestrictTy, StructTmPtrRestrictTy},
+                RetType{StructTmPtrTy}, NoEvalCall)
+            .ArgConstraint(NotNull(ArgNo(0)))
+            .ArgConstraint(NotNull(ArgNo(1))));
+    // struct tm * gmtime(const time_t *tp);
+    addToFunctionSummaryMap(
+        "gmtime",
+        Summary(ArgTypes{ConstTime_tPtrTy}, RetType{StructTmPtrTy}, NoEvalCall)
+            .ArgConstraint(NotNull(ArgNo(0))));
+    Optional<QualType> Clockid_tTy = lookupTy("clockid_t");
+    // int clock_gettime(clockid_t clock_id, struct timespec *tp);
+    addToFunctionSummaryMap("clock_gettime",
+                            Summary(ArgTypes{Clockid_tTy, StructTimespecPtrTy},
+                                    RetType{IntTy}, NoEvalCall)
+                                .ArgConstraint(NotNull(ArgNo(1))));
+    Optional<QualType> StructItimervalTy = lookupTy("itimerval");
+    Optional<QualType> StructItimervalPtrTy = getPointerTy(StructItimervalTy);
+    // int getitimer(int which, struct itimerval *curr_value);
+    addToFunctionSummaryMap("getitimer",
+                            Summary(ArgTypes{IntTy, StructItimervalPtrTy},
+                                    RetType{IntTy}, NoEvalCall)
+                                .ArgConstraint(NotNull(ArgNo(1))));
   // Functions for testing.
@@ -2071,6 +2217,11 @@
             .ArgConstraint(BufferSize(/*Buffer=*/ArgNo(0), /*BufSize=*/ArgNo(1),
+    addToFunctionSummaryMap(
+        "__buf_size_arg_constraint_concrete",
+        Summary(ArgTypes{ConstVoidPtrTy}, RetType{IntTy}, EvalCallAsPure)
+            .ArgConstraint(BufferSize(/*Buffer=*/ArgNo(0),
+                                      /*BufSize=*/BVF.getValue(10, IntTy))));
         {"__test_restrict_param_0", "__test_restrict_param_1",
diff --git a/clang/test/Analysis/std-c-library-functions-POSIX.c b/clang/test/Analysis/std-c-library-functions-POSIX.c
--- a/clang/test/Analysis/std-c-library-functions-POSIX.c
+++ b/clang/test/Analysis/std-c-library-functions-POSIX.c
@@ -95,6 +95,19 @@
 // CHECK: Loaded summary for: ssize_t send(int sockfd, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags)
 // CHECK: Loaded summary for: int socketpair(int domain, int type, int protocol, int sv[2])
 // CHECK: Loaded summary for: int getnameinfo(const struct sockaddr *restrict sa, socklen_t salen, char *restrict node, socklen_t nodelen, char *restrict service, socklen_t servicelen, int flags)
+// CHECK: Loaded summary for: int utime(const char *filename, struct utimbuf *buf)
+// CHECK: Loaded summary for: int futimens(int fd, const struct timespec times[2])
+// CHECK: Loaded summary for: int utimensat(int dirfd, const char *pathname, const struct timespec times[2], int flags)
+// CHECK: Loaded summary for: int utimes(const char *filename, const struct timeval times[2])
+// CHECK: Loaded summary for: int nanosleep(const struct timespec *rqtp, struct timespec *rmtp)
+// CHECK: Loaded summary for: struct tm *localtime(const time_t *tp)
+// CHECK: Loaded summary for: struct tm *localtime_r(const time_t *restrict timer, struct tm *restrict result)
+// CHECK: Loaded summary for: char *asctime_r(const struct tm *restrict tm, char *restrict buf)
+// CHECK: Loaded summary for: char *ctime_r(const time_t *timep, char *buf)
+// CHECK: Loaded summary for: struct tm *gmtime_r(const time_t *restrict timer, struct tm *restrict result)
+// CHECK: Loaded summary for: struct tm *gmtime(const time_t *tp)
+// CHECK: Loaded summary for: int clock_gettime(clockid_t clock_id, struct timespec *tp)
+// CHECK: Loaded summary for: int getitimer(int which, struct itimerval *curr_value)
 long a64l(const char *str64);
 char *l64a(long value);
@@ -226,6 +239,25 @@
 ssize_t send(int sockfd, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags);
 int socketpair(int domain, int type, int protocol, int sv[2]);
 int getnameinfo(const struct sockaddr *restrict sa, socklen_t salen, char *restrict node, socklen_t nodelen, char *restrict service, socklen_t servicelen, int flags);
+struct utimbuf;
+struct timespec { int x; };
+struct timeval { int x; };
+int utime(const char *filename, struct utimbuf *buf);
+int futimens(int fd, const struct timespec times[2]);
+int utimensat(int dirfd, const char *pathname, const struct timespec times[2], int flags);
+int utimes(const char *filename, const struct timeval times[2]);
+int nanosleep(const struct timespec *rqtp, struct timespec *rmtp);
+typedef unsigned long time_t;
+struct tm *localtime(const time_t *tp);
+struct tm *localtime_r(const time_t *restrict timer, struct tm *restrict result);
+char *asctime_r(const struct tm *restrict tm, char *restrict buf);
+char *ctime_r(const time_t *timep, char *buf);
+struct tm *gmtime_r(const time_t *restrict timer, struct tm *restrict result);
+struct tm *gmtime(const time_t *tp);
+typedef unsigned long clockid_t;
+int clock_gettime(clockid_t clock_id, struct timespec *tp);
+struct itimerval;
+int getitimer(int which, struct itimerval *curr_value);
 // Must have at least one call expression to initialize the summary map.
 int bar(void);
diff --git a/clang/test/Analysis/std-c-library-functions-arg-constraints.c b/clang/test/Analysis/std-c-library-functions-arg-constraints.c
--- a/clang/test/Analysis/std-c-library-functions-arg-constraints.c
+++ b/clang/test/Analysis/std-c-library-functions-arg-constraints.c
@@ -256,6 +256,7 @@
   // bugpath-note{{TRUE}} \
   // bugpath-note{{'s' is <= 2}}
 int __buf_size_arg_constraint_mul(const void *, size_t, size_t);
 void test_buf_size_concrete_with_multiplication() {
   short buf[3];                                         // bugpath-note{{'buf' initialized here}}
@@ -280,3 +281,13 @@
   // bugpath-warning{{TRUE}} \
   // bugpath-note{{TRUE}}
+// The minimum buffer size for this function is set to 10.
+int __buf_size_arg_constraint_concrete(const void *);
+void test_min_buf_size() {
+  char buf[9];// bugpath-note{{'buf' initialized here}}
+  __buf_size_arg_constraint_concrete(buf); // \
+  // report-warning{{Function argument constraint is not satisfied}} \
+  // bugpath-warning{{Function argument constraint is not satisfied}} \
+  // bugpath-note{{Function argument constraint is not satisfied}}