diff --git a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/StandardOps/IR/Ops.td b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/StandardOps/IR/Ops.td
--- a/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/StandardOps/IR/Ops.td
+++ b/mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/StandardOps/IR/Ops.td
@@ -2504,7 +2504,7 @@
 def SubViewOp : Std_Op<"subview", [
-    AttrSizedOperandSegments, 
+    AttrSizedOperandSegments,
   ]> {
@@ -2516,17 +2516,14 @@
     The SubView operation supports the following arguments:
     *) Memref: the "base" memref on which to create a "view" memref.
-    *) Offsets: zero or memref-rank number of dynamic offsets into the "base"
-                memref at which to create the "view" memref.
-    *) Sizes: zero or memref-rank dynamic size operands which specify the
-              dynamic sizes of the result "view" memref type.
-    *) Strides: zero or memref-rank number of dynamic strides which are applied
-                multiplicatively to the base memref strides in each dimension.
-    Note on the number of operands for offsets, sizes and strides: For
-    each of these, the number of operands must either be same as the
-    memref-rank number or empty. For the latter, those values will be
-    treated as constants.
+    *) Offsets: memref-rank number of dynamic offsets or static integer
+                attributes into the "base" memref at which to create the "view"
+                memref.
+    *) Sizes: memref-rank number of dynamic sizes or static integer attributes
+              which specify the sizes of the result "view" memref type.
+    *) Strides: memref-rank number of dynamic strides or static integer
+                attributes multiplicatively to the base memref strides in each
+                dimension.
     Example 1:
@@ -2564,9 +2561,9 @@
     %0 = alloc() : memref<8x16x4xf32, (d0, d1, d1) -> (d0 * 64 + d1 * 4 + d2)>
     // Subview with constant offsets, sizes and strides.
-    %1 = subview %0[][][]
+    %1 = subview %0[0, 2, 0][4, 4, 4][64, 4, 1]
       : memref<8x16x4xf32, (d0, d1, d2) -> (d0 * 64 + d1 * 4 + d2)> to
-        memref<4x4x4xf32, (d0, d1, d2) -> (d0 * 16 + d1 * 4 + d2 + 8)>
+        memref<4x4x4xf32, (d0, d1, d2) -> (d0 * 64 + d1 * 4 + d2 + 8)>
     Example 4:
@@ -2608,7 +2605,7 @@
     // #map2 = (d0, d1)[r0, r1, r2] -> (d0 * r1 + d1 * r2 + r0)
     // where, r0 = o0 * s1 + o1 * s2 + s0, r1 = s1 * t0, r2 = s2 * t1.
-    %1 = subview %0[%i, %j][][%x, %y] :
+    %1 = subview %0[%i, %j][4, 4][%x, %y] :
       : memref<?x?xf32, (d0, d1)[s0, s1, s2] -> (d0 * s1 + d1 * s2 + s0)> to
         memref<4x4xf32, (d0, d1)[r0, r1, r2] -> (d0 * r1 + d1 * r2 + r0)>
@@ -2624,24 +2621,25 @@
-    Variadic<Index>:$strides
+    Variadic<Index>:$strides,
+    I64ArrayAttr:$static_offsets,
+    I64ArrayAttr:$static_sizes,
+    I64ArrayAttr:$static_strides
   let results = (outs AnyMemRef:$result);
-  let assemblyFormat = [{
-    $source `[` $offsets `]` `[` $sizes `]` `[` $strides `]` attr-dict `:`
-    type($source) `to` type($result)
-  }];
   let builders = [
+    // Build a SubViewOp with mized static and dynamic entries.
       "OpBuilder &b, OperationState &result, Value source, "
-      "ValueRange offsets, ValueRange sizes, "
-      "ValueRange strides, Type resultType = Type(), "
-      "ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> attrs = {}">,
+      "ArrayRef<int64_t> staticOffsets, ArrayRef<int64_t> staticSizes,"
+      "ArrayRef<int64_t> staticStrides, ValueRange offsets, ValueRange sizes, "
+      "ValueRange strides, ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> attrs = {}">,
+    // Build a SubViewOp with all dynamic entries.
-      "OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result, "
-      "Type resultType, Value source">
+      "OpBuilder &b, OperationState &result, Value source, "
+      "ValueRange offsets, ValueRange sizes, ValueRange strides, "
+      "ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> attrs = {}">
   let extraClassDeclaration = [{
@@ -2670,13 +2668,83 @@
     /// operands could not be retrieved.
     LogicalResult getStaticStrides(SmallVectorImpl<int64_t> &staticStrides);
-    // Auxiliary range data structure and helper function that unpacks the
-    // offset, size and stride operands of the SubViewOp into a list of triples.
-    // Such a list of triple is sometimes more convenient to manipulate.
+    /// Auxiliary range data structure and helper function that unpacks the
+    /// offset, size and stride operands of the SubViewOp into a list of triples.
+    /// Such a list of triple is sometimes more convenient to manipulate.
     struct Range {
       Value offset, size, stride;
+    // TODO: retire `getRanges`.
     SmallVector<Range, 8> getRanges();
+    /// Return the rank of the result MemRefType.
+    unsigned getRank() { return getType().getRank(); }
+    /// Return true if the offset `idx` is a static constant.
+    bool isDynamicOffset(unsigned idx);
+    /// Return true if the size `idx` is a static constant.
+    bool isDynamicSize(unsigned idx);
+    /// Return true if the stride `idx` is a static constant.
+    bool isDynamicStride(unsigned idx);
+    /// Assert the offset `idx` is a static constant and return its value.
+    int64_t getStaticOffset(unsigned idx) {
+      assert(!isDynamicOffset(idx) && "expected static offset");
+      return
+        static_offsets().cast<ArrayAttr>()[idx].cast<IntegerAttr>().getInt();
+    }
+    /// Assert the size `idx` is a static constant and return its value.
+    int64_t getStaticSize(unsigned idx) {
+      assert(!isDynamicSize(idx) && "expected static size");
+      return static_sizes().cast<ArrayAttr>()[idx].cast<IntegerAttr>().getInt();
+    }
+    /// Assert the stride `idx` is a static constant and return its value.
+    int64_t getStaticStride(unsigned idx) {
+      assert(!isDynamicStride(idx) && "expected static stride");
+      return
+        static_strides().cast<ArrayAttr>()[idx].cast<IntegerAttr>().getInt();
+    }
+    /// Assert the offset `idx` is dynamic and return the position of the
+    /// corresponding operand.
+    unsigned getIndexOfDynamicOffset(unsigned idx);
+    /// Assert the size `idx` is dynamic and return the position of the
+    /// corresponding operand.
+    unsigned getIndexOfDynamicSize(unsigned idx);
+    /// Assert the stride `idx` is dynamic and return the position of the
+    /// corresponding operand.
+    unsigned getIndexOfDynamicStride(unsigned idx);
+    /// Assert the offset `idx` is dynamic and return its value.
+    Value getDynamicOffset(unsigned idx) {
+      return getOperand(getIndexOfDynamicOffset(idx));
+    }
+    /// Assert the size `idx` is dynamic and return its value.
+    Value getDynamicSize(unsigned idx) {
+      return getOperand(getIndexOfDynamicSize(idx));
+    }
+    /// Assert the stride `idx` is dynamic and return its value.
+    Value getDynamicStride(unsigned idx) {
+      return getOperand(getIndexOfDynamicStride(idx));
+    }
+    static StringRef getStaticOffsetsAttrName() {
+      return "static_offsets";
+    }
+    static StringRef getStaticSizesAttrName() {
+      return "static_sizes";
+    }
+    static StringRef getStaticStridesAttrName() {
+      return "static_strides";
+    }
+    static ArrayRef<StringRef> getSpecialAttrNames() {
+      static SmallVector<StringRef, 4> names{
+        getStaticOffsetsAttrName(),
+        getStaticSizesAttrName(),
+        getStaticStridesAttrName(),
+        getOperandSegmentSizeAttr()};
+      return names;
+   }
   let hasCanonicalizer = 1;
diff --git a/mlir/lib/Conversion/StandardToLLVM/StandardToLLVM.cpp b/mlir/lib/Conversion/StandardToLLVM/StandardToLLVM.cpp
--- a/mlir/lib/Conversion/StandardToLLVM/StandardToLLVM.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Conversion/StandardToLLVM/StandardToLLVM.cpp
@@ -2495,28 +2495,14 @@
   matchAndRewrite(Operation *op, ArrayRef<Value> operands,
                   ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
     auto loc = op->getLoc();
-    auto viewOp = cast<SubViewOp>(op);
-    // TODO(b/144779634, ravishankarm) : After Tblgen is adapted to support
-    // having multiple variadic operands where each operand can have different
-    // number of entries, clean all of this up.
-    SmallVector<Value, 2> dynamicOffsets(
-        std::next(operands.begin()),
-        std::next(operands.begin(), 1 + viewOp.getNumOffsets()));
-    SmallVector<Value, 2> dynamicSizes(
-        std::next(operands.begin(), 1 + viewOp.getNumOffsets()),
-        std::next(operands.begin(),
-                  1 + viewOp.getNumOffsets() + viewOp.getNumSizes()));
-    SmallVector<Value, 2> dynamicStrides(
-        std::next(operands.begin(),
-                  1 + viewOp.getNumOffsets() + viewOp.getNumSizes()),
-        operands.end());
-    auto sourceMemRefType = viewOp.source().getType().cast<MemRefType>();
+    auto subViewOp = cast<SubViewOp>(op);
+    auto sourceMemRefType = subViewOp.source().getType().cast<MemRefType>();
     auto sourceElementTy =
-    auto viewMemRefType = viewOp.getType();
+    auto viewMemRefType = subViewOp.getType();
     auto targetElementTy =
@@ -2525,26 +2511,13 @@
     if (!sourceElementTy || !targetDescTy)
       return failure();
-    // Currently, only rank > 0 and full or no operands are supported. Fail to
-    // convert otherwise.
-    unsigned rank = sourceMemRefType.getRank();
-    if (viewMemRefType.getRank() == 0 ||
-        (!dynamicOffsets.empty() && rank != dynamicOffsets.size()) ||
-        (!dynamicSizes.empty() && rank != dynamicSizes.size()) ||
-        (!dynamicStrides.empty() && rank != dynamicStrides.size()))
-      return failure();
+    // Extract the offset and strides from the type.
     int64_t offset;
     SmallVector<int64_t, 4> strides;
     auto successStrides = getStridesAndOffset(viewMemRefType, strides, offset);
     if (failed(successStrides))
       return failure();
-    // Fail to convert if neither a dynamic nor static offset is available.
-    if (dynamicOffsets.empty() &&
-        offset == MemRefType::getDynamicStrideOrOffset())
-      return failure();
     // Create the descriptor.
     if (!operands.front().getType().isa<LLVM::LLVMType>())
       return failure();
@@ -2558,6 +2531,7 @@
     targetMemRef.setAllocatedPtr(rewriter, loc, bitcastPtr);
+    // Copy the buffer pointer from the old descriptor to the new one.
     extracted = sourceMemRef.alignedPtr(rewriter, loc);
     bitcastPtr = rewriter.create<LLVM::BitcastOp>(
         loc, targetElementTy.getPointerTo(viewMemRefType.getMemorySpace()),
@@ -2570,42 +2544,48 @@
     for (int i = 0, e = viewMemRefType.getRank(); i < e; ++i)
       strideValues.push_back(sourceMemRef.stride(rewriter, loc, i));
-    // Fill in missing dynamic sizes.
-    auto llvmIndexType = typeConverter.convertType(rewriter.getIndexType());
-    if (dynamicSizes.empty()) {
-      dynamicSizes.reserve(viewMemRefType.getRank());
-      auto shape = viewMemRefType.getShape();
-      for (auto extent : shape) {
-        dynamicSizes.push_back(rewriter.create<LLVM::ConstantOp>(
-            loc, llvmIndexType, rewriter.getI64IntegerAttr(extent)));
-      }
-    }
     // Offset.
-    if (dynamicOffsets.empty()) {
+    auto llvmIndexType = typeConverter.convertType(rewriter.getIndexType());
+    if (!ShapedType::isDynamicStrideOrOffset(offset)) {
       targetMemRef.setConstantOffset(rewriter, loc, offset);
     } else {
       Value baseOffset = sourceMemRef.offset(rewriter, loc);
-      for (int i = 0, e = viewMemRefType.getRank(); i < e; ++i) {
-        Value min = dynamicOffsets[i];
-        baseOffset = rewriter.create<LLVM::AddOp>(
-            loc, baseOffset,
-            rewriter.create<LLVM::MulOp>(loc, min, strideValues[i]));
+      for (unsigned i = 0, e = viewMemRefType.getRank(); i < e; ++i) {
+        Value offset =
+            subViewOp.isDynamicOffset(i)
+                ? operands[subViewOp.getIndexOfDynamicOffset(i)]
+                : rewriter.create<LLVM::ConstantOp>(
+                      loc, llvmIndexType,
+                      rewriter.getI64IntegerAttr(subViewOp.getStaticOffset(i)));
+        Value mul = rewriter.create<LLVM::MulOp>(loc, offset, strideValues[i]);
+        baseOffset = rewriter.create<LLVM::AddOp>(loc, baseOffset, mul);
       targetMemRef.setOffset(rewriter, loc, baseOffset);
     // Update sizes and strides.
     for (int i = viewMemRefType.getRank() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
-      targetMemRef.setSize(rewriter, loc, i, dynamicSizes[i]);
-      Value newStride;
-      if (dynamicStrides.empty())
-        newStride = rewriter.create<LLVM::ConstantOp>(
+      Value size =
+          subViewOp.isDynamicSize(i)
+              ? operands[subViewOp.getIndexOfDynamicSize(i)]
+              : rewriter.create<LLVM::ConstantOp>(
+                    loc, llvmIndexType,
+                    rewriter.getI64IntegerAttr(subViewOp.getStaticSize(i)));
+      targetMemRef.setSize(rewriter, loc, i, size);
+      Value stride;
+      if (!ShapedType::isDynamicStrideOrOffset(strides[i])) {
+        stride = rewriter.create<LLVM::ConstantOp>(
             loc, llvmIndexType, rewriter.getI64IntegerAttr(strides[i]));
-      else
-        newStride = rewriter.create<LLVM::MulOp>(loc, dynamicStrides[i],
-                                                 strideValues[i]);
-      targetMemRef.setStride(rewriter, loc, i, newStride);
+      } else {
+        stride =
+            subViewOp.isDynamicStride(i)
+                ? operands[subViewOp.getIndexOfDynamicStride(i)]
+                : rewriter.create<LLVM::ConstantOp>(
+                      loc, llvmIndexType,
+                      rewriter.getI64IntegerAttr(subViewOp.getStaticStride(i)));
+        stride = rewriter.create<LLVM::MulOp>(loc, stride, strideValues[i]);
+      }
+      targetMemRef.setStride(rewriter, loc, i, stride);
     rewriter.replaceOp(op, {targetMemRef});
diff --git a/mlir/lib/Dialect/StandardOps/IR/Ops.cpp b/mlir/lib/Dialect/StandardOps/IR/Ops.cpp
--- a/mlir/lib/Dialect/StandardOps/IR/Ops.cpp
+++ b/mlir/lib/Dialect/StandardOps/IR/Ops.cpp
@@ -1293,7 +1293,7 @@
   auto indexAttr = op.getAttrOfType<IntegerAttr>("index");
   if (!indexAttr)
     return op.emitOpError("requires an integer attribute named 'index'");
-  int64_t index = indexAttr.getValue().getSExtValue();
+  int64_t index = indexAttr.getInt();
   auto type = op.getOperand().getType();
   if (auto tensorType = type.dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>()) {
@@ -1449,7 +1449,6 @@
       return failure();
   return success();
@@ -2183,59 +2182,272 @@
 // SubViewOp
-// Returns a MemRefType with dynamic sizes and offset and the same stride as the
-// `memRefType` passed as argument.
-// TODO(andydavis,ntv) Evolve to a more powerful inference that can also keep
-// sizes and offset static.
-static Type inferSubViewResultType(MemRefType memRefType) {
-  auto rank = memRefType.getRank();
-  int64_t offset;
-  SmallVector<int64_t, 4> strides;
-  auto res = getStridesAndOffset(memRefType, strides, offset);
+/// Print a list with either (1) the static integer value in `arrayAttr` if
+/// `isDynamic` evaluates to false or (2) the next value otherwise.
+/// This allows idiomatic printing of mixed value and integer attributes in a
+/// list. E.g. `[%arg0, 7, 42, %arg42]`.
+static void printSubViewListOfOperandsOrIntegers(
+    OpAsmPrinter &p, ValueRange values, ArrayAttr arrayAttr,
+    llvm::function_ref<bool(int64_t)> isDynamic) {
+  p << "[";
+  unsigned idx = 0;
+  llvm::interleaveComma(arrayAttr, p, [&](Attribute a) {
+    int64_t val = a.cast<IntegerAttr>().getInt();
+    if (isDynamic(val))
+      p << values[idx++];
+    else
+      p << val;
+  });
+  p << "] ";
+/// Parse a mixed list with either (1) static integer values or (2) SSA values.
+/// Fill `result` with the integer ArrayAttr named `attrName` where `dynVal`
+/// encode the position of SSA values. Add the parsed SSA values to `ssa`
+/// in-order.
+/// E.g. after parsing "[%arg0, 7, 42, %arg42]":
+///   1. `result` is filled with the i64 ArrayAttr "[`dynVal`, 7, 42, `dynVal`]"
+///   2. `ssa` is filled with "[%arg0, %arg1]".
+static ParseResult
+parseListOfOperandsOrIntegers(OpAsmParser &parser, OperationState &result,
+                              StringRef attrName, int64_t dynVal,
+                              SmallVectorImpl<OpAsmParser::OperandType> &ssa) {
+  if (failed(parser.parseLSquare()))
+    return failure();
+  // 0-D.
+  if (succeeded(parser.parseOptionalRSquare()))
+    return success();
+  SmallVector<int64_t, 4> attrVals;
+  while (true) {
+    OpAsmParser::OperandType operand;
+    auto res = parser.parseOptionalOperand(operand);
+    if (res.hasValue() && succeeded(res.getValue())) {
+      ssa.push_back(operand);
+      attrVals.push_back(dynVal);
+    } else {
+      Attribute attr;
+      NamedAttrList placeholder;
+      if (failed(parser.parseAttribute(attr, "_", placeholder)) ||
+          !attr.isa<IntegerAttr>())
+        return parser.emitError(parser.getNameLoc())
+               << "expected SSA value or integer";
+      attrVals.push_back(attr.cast<IntegerAttr>().getInt());
+    }
+    if (succeeded(parser.parseOptionalComma()))
+      continue;
+    if (failed(parser.parseRSquare()))
+      return failure();
+    else
+      break;
+  }
+  auto arrayAttr = parser.getBuilder().getI64ArrayAttr(attrVals);
+  result.addAttribute(attrName, arrayAttr);
+  return success();
+namespace {
+/// Helpers to write more idiomatic operations.
+namespace saturated_arith {
+struct Wrapper {
+  explicit Wrapper(int64_t v) : v(v) {}
+  operator int64_t() { return v; }
+  int64_t v;
+Wrapper operator+(Wrapper a, int64_t b) {
+  if (ShapedType::isDynamicStrideOrOffset(a) ||
+      ShapedType::isDynamicStrideOrOffset(b))
+    return Wrapper(ShapedType::kDynamicStrideOrOffset);
+  return Wrapper(a.v + b);
+Wrapper operator*(Wrapper a, int64_t b) {
+  if (ShapedType::isDynamicStrideOrOffset(a) ||
+      ShapedType::isDynamicStrideOrOffset(b))
+    return Wrapper(ShapedType::kDynamicStrideOrOffset);
+  return Wrapper(a.v * b);
+} // end namespace saturated_arith
+} // end namespace
+/// A subview result type can be fully inferred from the source type and the
+/// static representation of offsets, sizes and strides. Special sentinels
+/// encode the dynamic case.
+static Type inferSubViewResultType(MemRefType sourceMemRefType,
+                                   ArrayRef<int64_t> staticOffsets,
+                                   ArrayRef<int64_t> staticSizes,
+                                   ArrayRef<int64_t> staticStrides) {
+  unsigned rank = sourceMemRefType.getRank();
+  (void)rank;
+  assert(staticOffsets.size() == rank &&
+         "unexpected staticOffsets size mismatch");
+  assert(staticSizes.size() == rank && "unexpected staticSizes size mismatch");
+  assert(staticStrides.size() == rank &&
+         "unexpected staticStrides size mismatch");
+  // Extract source offset and strides.
+  int64_t sourceOffset;
+  SmallVector<int64_t, 4> sourceStrides;
+  auto res = getStridesAndOffset(sourceMemRefType, sourceStrides, sourceOffset);
   assert(succeeded(res) && "SubViewOp expected strided memref type");
-  // Assume sizes and offset are fully dynamic for now until canonicalization
-  // occurs on the ranges. Typed strides don't change though.
-  offset = MemRefType::getDynamicStrideOrOffset();
-  // Overwrite strides because verifier will not pass.
-  // TODO(b/144419106): don't force degrade the strides to fully dynamic.
-  for (auto &stride : strides)
-    stride = MemRefType::getDynamicStrideOrOffset();
-  auto stridedLayout =
-      makeStridedLinearLayoutMap(strides, offset, memRefType.getContext());
-  SmallVector<int64_t, 4> sizes(rank, ShapedType::kDynamicSize);
-  return MemRefType::Builder(memRefType)
-      .setShape(sizes)
-      .setAffineMaps(stridedLayout);
+  // Compute target offset whose value is:
+  //   `sourceOffset + sum_i(staticOffset_i * sourceStrides_i)`.
+  int64_t targetOffset = sourceOffset;
+  for (auto it : llvm::zip(staticOffsets, sourceStrides)) {
+    auto staticOffset = std::get<0>(it), targetStride = std::get<1>(it);
+    using namespace saturated_arith;
+    targetOffset = Wrapper(targetOffset) + Wrapper(staticOffset) * targetStride;
+  }
+  // Compute target stride whose value is:
+  //   `sourceStrides_i * staticStrides_i`.
+  SmallVector<int64_t, 4> targetStrides;
+  targetStrides.reserve(staticOffsets.size());
+  for (auto it : llvm::zip(sourceStrides, staticStrides)) {
+    auto sourceStride = std::get<0>(it), staticStride = std::get<1>(it);
+    using namespace saturated_arith;
+    targetStrides.push_back(Wrapper(sourceStride) * staticStride);
+  }
+  // The type is now known.
+  return MemRefType::get(
+      staticSizes, sourceMemRefType.getElementType(),
+      makeStridedLinearLayoutMap(targetStrides, targetOffset,
+                                 sourceMemRefType.getContext()),
+      sourceMemRefType.getMemorySpace());
+/// Print SubViewOp in the form:
+/// ```
+///   subview ssa-name `[` offset-list `]` `[` size-list `]` `[` stride-list `]`
+///     `:` strided-memref-type `to` strided-memref-type
+/// ```
+static void print(OpAsmPrinter &p, SubViewOp op) {
+  int stdDotLen = StandardOpsDialect::getDialectNamespace().size() + 1;
+  p << op.getOperation()->getName().getStringRef().drop_front(stdDotLen) << ' ';
+  p << op.getOperand(0);
+  printSubViewListOfOperandsOrIntegers(p, op.offsets(), op.static_offsets(),
+                                       ShapedType::isDynamicStrideOrOffset);
+  printSubViewListOfOperandsOrIntegers(p, op.sizes(), op.static_sizes(),
+                                       ShapedType::isDynamic);
+  printSubViewListOfOperandsOrIntegers(p, op.strides(), op.static_strides(),
+                                       ShapedType::isDynamicStrideOrOffset);
+  p.printOptionalAttrDict(op.getAttrs(),
+                          /*elidedAttrs=*/{SubViewOp::getSpecialAttrNames()});
+  p << " : " << op.getOperand(0).getType() << " to " << op.getType();
+/// Parse SubViewOp of the form:
+/// ```
+///   subview ssa-name `[` offset-list `]` `[` size-list `]` `[` stride-list `]`
+///     `:` strided-memref-type `to` strided-memref-type
+/// ```
+static ParseResult parseSubViewOp(OpAsmParser &parser, OperationState &result) {
+  OpAsmParser::OperandType srcInfo;
+  SmallVector<OpAsmParser::OperandType, 4> offsetsInfo, sizesInfo, stridesInfo;
+  auto indexType = parser.getBuilder().getIndexType();
+  Type srcType, dstType;
+  if (parser.parseOperand(srcInfo))
+    return failure();
+  if (parseListOfOperandsOrIntegers(
+          parser, result, SubViewOp::getStaticOffsetsAttrName(),
+          ShapedType::kDynamicStrideOrOffset, offsetsInfo) ||
+      parseListOfOperandsOrIntegers(parser, result,
+                                    SubViewOp::getStaticSizesAttrName(),
+                                    ShapedType::kDynamicSize, sizesInfo) ||
+      parseListOfOperandsOrIntegers(
+          parser, result, SubViewOp::getStaticStridesAttrName(),
+          ShapedType::kDynamicStrideOrOffset, stridesInfo))
+    return failure();
+  auto b = parser.getBuilder();
+  SmallVector<int, 4> segmentSizes{1, static_cast<int>(offsetsInfo.size()),
+                                   static_cast<int>(sizesInfo.size()),
+                                   static_cast<int>(stridesInfo.size())};
+  result.addAttribute(SubViewOp::getOperandSegmentSizeAttr(),
+                      b.getI32VectorAttr(segmentSizes));
+  return failure(
+      parser.parseOptionalAttrDict(result.attributes) ||
+      parser.parseColonType(srcType) ||
+      parser.resolveOperand(srcInfo, srcType, result.operands) ||
+      parser.resolveOperands(offsetsInfo, indexType, result.operands) ||
+      parser.resolveOperands(sizesInfo, indexType, result.operands) ||
+      parser.resolveOperands(stridesInfo, indexType, result.operands) ||
+      parser.parseKeywordType("to", dstType) ||
+      parser.addTypeToList(dstType, result.types));
 void mlir::SubViewOp::build(OpBuilder &b, OperationState &result, Value source,
-                            ValueRange offsets, ValueRange sizes,
-                            ValueRange strides, Type resultType,
+                            ArrayRef<int64_t> staticOffsets,
+                            ArrayRef<int64_t> staticSizes,
+                            ArrayRef<int64_t> staticStrides, ValueRange offsets,
+                            ValueRange sizes, ValueRange strides,
                             ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> attrs) {
-  if (!resultType)
-    resultType = inferSubViewResultType(source.getType().cast<MemRefType>());
-  build(b, result, resultType, source, offsets, sizes, strides);
+  auto sourceMemRefType = source.getType().cast<MemRefType>();
+  auto resultType = inferSubViewResultType(sourceMemRefType, staticOffsets,
+                                           staticSizes, staticStrides);
+  build(b, result, resultType, source, offsets, sizes, strides,
+        b.getI64ArrayAttr(staticOffsets), b.getI64ArrayAttr(staticSizes),
+        b.getI64ArrayAttr(staticStrides));
-void mlir::SubViewOp::build(OpBuilder &b, OperationState &result,
-                            Type resultType, Value source) {
-  build(b, result, source, /*offsets=*/{}, /*sizes=*/{}, /*strides=*/{},
-        resultType);
+/// Build a SubViewOp with all dynamic entries: `staticOffsets`, `staticSizes`
+/// and `staticStrides` are  automatically filled with source-memref-rank
+/// sentinel values that encode dynamic entries.
+void mlir::SubViewOp::build(OpBuilder &b, OperationState &result, Value source,
+                            ValueRange offsets, ValueRange sizes,
+                            ValueRange strides,
+                            ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> attrs) {
+  auto sourceMemRefType = source.getType().cast<MemRefType>();
+  unsigned rank = sourceMemRefType.getRank();
+  SmallVector<int64_t, 4> staticOffsetsVector;
+  staticOffsetsVector.assign(rank, ShapedType::kDynamicStrideOrOffset);
+  SmallVector<int64_t, 4> staticSizesVector;
+  staticSizesVector.assign(rank, ShapedType::kDynamicSize);
+  SmallVector<int64_t, 4> staticStridesVector;
+  staticStridesVector.assign(rank, ShapedType::kDynamicStrideOrOffset);
+  build(b, result, source, staticOffsetsVector, staticSizesVector,
+        staticStridesVector, offsets, sizes, strides, attrs);
+/// Verify that a particular offset/size/stride static attribute is well-formed.
+static LogicalResult
+verifySubViewOpPart(SubViewOp op, StringRef name, StringRef attrName,
+                    ArrayAttr attr, llvm::function_ref<bool(int64_t)> isDynamic,
+                    ValueRange values) {
+  /// Check static and dynamic offsets/sizes/strides breakdown.
+  if (attr.size() != op.getRank())
+    return op.emitError("expected ")
+           << op.getRank() << " " << name << " values";
+  unsigned expectedNumDynamicEntries =
+      llvm::count_if(attr.getValue(), [&](Attribute attr) {
+        return isDynamic(attr.cast<IntegerAttr>().getInt());
+      });
+  if (values.size() != expectedNumDynamicEntries)
+    return op.emitError("expected ")
+           << expectedNumDynamicEntries << " dynamic " << name << " values";
+  return success();
+/// Helper function extracts int64_t from the assumedArrayAttr of IntegerAttr.
+static SmallVector<int64_t, 4> extractFromI64ArrayAttr(Attribute attr) {
+  return llvm::to_vector<4>(
+      llvm::map_range(attr.cast<ArrayAttr>(), [](Attribute a) -> int64_t {
+        return a.cast<IntegerAttr>().getInt();
+      }));
+/// Verifier for SubViewOp.
 static LogicalResult verify(SubViewOp op) {
   auto baseType = op.getBaseMemRefType().cast<MemRefType>();
   auto subViewType = op.getType();
-  // The rank of the base and result subview must match.
-  if (baseType.getRank() != subViewType.getRank()) {
-    return op.emitError(
-        "expected rank of result type to match rank of base type ");
-  }
   // The base memref and the view memref should be in the same memory space.
   if (baseType.getMemorySpace() != subViewType.getMemorySpace())
     return op.emitError("different memory spaces specified for base memref "
@@ -2243,96 +2455,32 @@
            << baseType << " and subview memref type " << subViewType;
   // Verify that the base memref type has a strided layout map.
-  int64_t baseOffset;
-  SmallVector<int64_t, 4> baseStrides;
-  if (failed(getStridesAndOffset(baseType, baseStrides, baseOffset)))
-    return op.emitError("base type ") << subViewType << " is not strided";
-  // Verify that the result memref type has a strided layout map.
-  int64_t subViewOffset;
-  SmallVector<int64_t, 4> subViewStrides;
-  if (failed(getStridesAndOffset(subViewType, subViewStrides, subViewOffset)))
-    return op.emitError("result type ") << subViewType << " is not strided";
-  // Num offsets should either be zero or rank of memref.
-  if (op.getNumOffsets() != 0 && op.getNumOffsets() != subViewType.getRank()) {
-    return op.emitError("expected number of dynamic offsets specified to match "
-                        "the rank of the result type ")
-           << subViewType;
-  }
-  // Num sizes should either be zero or rank of memref.
-  if (op.getNumSizes() != 0 && op.getNumSizes() != subViewType.getRank()) {
-    return op.emitError("expected number of dynamic sizes specified to match "
-                        "the rank of the result type ")
-           << subViewType;
-  }
+  if (!isStrided(baseType))
+    return op.emitError("base type ") << baseType << " is not strided";
-  // Num strides should either be zero or rank of memref.
-  if (op.getNumStrides() != 0 && op.getNumStrides() != subViewType.getRank()) {
-    return op.emitError("expected number of dynamic strides specified to match "
-                        "the rank of the result type ")
-           << subViewType;
-  }
-  // Verify that if the shape of the subview type is static, then sizes are not
-  // dynamic values, and vice versa.
-  if ((subViewType.hasStaticShape() && op.getNumSizes() != 0) ||
-      (op.getNumSizes() == 0 && !subViewType.hasStaticShape())) {
-    return op.emitError("invalid to specify dynamic sizes when subview result "
-                        "type is statically shaped and viceversa");
-  }
-  // Verify that if dynamic sizes are specified, then the result memref type
-  // have full dynamic dimensions.
-  if (op.getNumSizes() > 0) {
-    if (llvm::any_of(subViewType.getShape(), [](int64_t dim) {
-          return dim != ShapedType::kDynamicSize;
-        })) {
-      // TODO: This is based on the assumption that number of size arguments are
-      // either 0, or the rank of the result type. It is possible to have more
-      // fine-grained verification where only particular dimensions are
-      // dynamic. That probably needs further changes to the shape op
-      // specification.
-      return op.emitError("expected shape of result type to be fully dynamic "
-                          "when sizes are specified");
-    }
-  }
+  // Verify static attributes offsets/sizes/strides.
+  if (failed(verifySubViewOpPart(
+          op, "offset", op.getStaticOffsetsAttrName(), op.static_offsets(),
+          ShapedType::isDynamicStrideOrOffset, op.offsets())))
+    return failure();
-  // Verify that if dynamic offsets are specified or base memref has dynamic
-  // offset or base memref has dynamic strides, then the subview offset is
-  // dynamic.
-  if ((op.getNumOffsets() > 0 ||
-       baseOffset == MemRefType::getDynamicStrideOrOffset() ||
-       llvm::is_contained(baseStrides,
-                          MemRefType::getDynamicStrideOrOffset())) &&
-      subViewOffset != MemRefType::getDynamicStrideOrOffset()) {
-    return op.emitError(
-        "expected result memref layout map to have dynamic offset");
-  }
+  if (failed(verifySubViewOpPart(op, "size", op.getStaticSizesAttrName(),
+                                 op.static_sizes(), ShapedType::isDynamic,
+                                 op.sizes())))
+    return failure();
+  if (failed(verifySubViewOpPart(
+          op, "stride", op.getStaticStridesAttrName(), op.static_strides(),
+          ShapedType::isDynamicStrideOrOffset, op.strides())))
+    return failure();
-  // For now, verify that if dynamic strides are specified, then all the result
-  // memref type have dynamic strides.
-  if (op.getNumStrides() > 0) {
-    if (llvm::any_of(subViewStrides, [](int64_t stride) {
-          return stride != MemRefType::getDynamicStrideOrOffset();
-        })) {
-      return op.emitError("expected result type to have dynamic strides");
-    }
-  }
+  // Verify result type against inferred type.
+  auto expectedType = inferSubViewResultType(
+      op.getBaseMemRefType(), extractFromI64ArrayAttr(op.static_offsets()),
+      extractFromI64ArrayAttr(op.static_sizes()),
+      extractFromI64ArrayAttr(op.static_strides()));
+  if (op.getType() != expectedType)
+    return op.emitError("expected result type to be ") << expectedType;
-  // If any of the base memref has dynamic stride, then the corresponding
-  // stride of the subview must also have dynamic stride.
-  assert(baseStrides.size() == subViewStrides.size());
-  for (auto stride : enumerate(baseStrides)) {
-    if (stride.value() == MemRefType::getDynamicStrideOrOffset() &&
-        subViewStrides[stride.index()] !=
-            MemRefType::getDynamicStrideOrOffset()) {
-      return op.emitError(
-          "expected result type to have dynamic stride along a dimension if "
-          "the base memref type has dynamic stride along that dimension");
-    }
-  }
   return success();
@@ -2351,39 +2499,52 @@
   return res;
+static unsigned getNumDynamicEntriesUpToIdx(
+    ArrayAttr attr, llvm::function_ref<bool(int64_t)> isDynamic, unsigned idx) {
+  return std::count_if(attr.getValue().begin(), attr.getValue().begin() + idx,
+                       [&](Attribute attr) {
+                         return isDynamic(attr.cast<IntegerAttr>().getInt());
+                       });
+bool SubViewOp::isDynamicOffset(unsigned idx) {
+  return ShapedType::isDynamicStrideOrOffset(
+      extractFromI64ArrayAttr(static_offsets())[idx]);
+bool SubViewOp::isDynamicSize(unsigned idx) {
+  return ShapedType::isDynamic(extractFromI64ArrayAttr(static_sizes())[idx]);
+bool SubViewOp::isDynamicStride(unsigned idx) {
+  return ShapedType::isDynamicStrideOrOffset(
+      extractFromI64ArrayAttr(static_strides())[idx]);
+unsigned SubViewOp::getIndexOfDynamicOffset(unsigned idx) {
+  assert(isDynamicOffset(idx) && "expected static offset");
+  auto numDynamic =
+      getNumDynamicEntriesUpToIdx(static_offsets().cast<ArrayAttr>(),
+                                  ShapedType::isDynamicStrideOrOffset, idx);
+  return 1 + numDynamic;
+unsigned SubViewOp::getIndexOfDynamicSize(unsigned idx) {
+  assert(isDynamicSize(idx) && "expected static size");
+  auto numDynamic = getNumDynamicEntriesUpToIdx(
+      static_sizes().cast<ArrayAttr>(), ShapedType::isDynamic, idx);
+  return 1 + offsets().size() + numDynamic;
+unsigned SubViewOp::getIndexOfDynamicStride(unsigned idx) {
+  assert(isDynamicStride(idx) && "expected static stride");
+  auto numDynamic =
+      getNumDynamicEntriesUpToIdx(static_strides().cast<ArrayAttr>(),
+                                  ShapedType::isDynamicStrideOrOffset, idx);
+  return 1 + offsets().size() + sizes().size() + numDynamic;
 SubViewOp::getStaticStrides(SmallVectorImpl<int64_t> &staticStrides) {
-  // If the strides are dynamic return failure.
-  if (getNumStrides())
-    return failure();
-  // When static, the stride operands can be retrieved by taking the strides of
-  // the result of the subview op, and dividing the strides of the base memref.
-  int64_t resultOffset, baseOffset;
-  SmallVector<int64_t, 2> resultStrides, baseStrides;
-  if (failed(
-          getStridesAndOffset(getBaseMemRefType(), baseStrides, baseOffset)) ||
-      llvm::is_contained(baseStrides, MemRefType::getDynamicStrideOrOffset()) ||
-      failed(getStridesAndOffset(getType(), resultStrides, resultOffset)))
+  if (!strides().empty())
     return failure();
-  assert(static_cast<int64_t>(resultStrides.size()) == getType().getRank() &&
-         baseStrides.size() == resultStrides.size() &&
-         "base and result memrefs must have the same rank");
-  assert(!llvm::is_contained(resultStrides,
-                             MemRefType::getDynamicStrideOrOffset()) &&
-         "strides of subview op must be static, when there are no dynamic "
-         "strides specified");
-  staticStrides.resize(getType().getRank());
-  for (auto resultStride : enumerate(resultStrides)) {
-    auto baseStride = baseStrides[resultStride.index()];
-    // The result stride is expected to be a multiple of the base stride. Abort
-    // if that is not the case.
-    if (resultStride.value() < baseStride ||
-        resultStride.value() % baseStride != 0)
-      return failure();
-    staticStrides[resultStride.index()] = resultStride.value() / baseStride;
-  }
+  staticStrides = extractFromI64ArrayAttr(static_strides());
   return success();
@@ -2391,136 +2552,80 @@
 namespace {
-/// Pattern to rewrite a subview op with constant size arguments.
-class SubViewOpShapeFolder final : public OpRewritePattern<SubViewOp> {
-  using OpRewritePattern<SubViewOp>::OpRewritePattern;
-  LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(SubViewOp subViewOp,
-                                PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
-    MemRefType subViewType = subViewOp.getType();
-    // Follow all or nothing approach for shapes for now. If all the operands
-    // for sizes are constants then fold it into the type of the result memref.
-    if (subViewType.hasStaticShape() ||
-        llvm::any_of(subViewOp.sizes(), [](Value operand) {
-          return !matchPattern(operand, m_ConstantIndex());
-        })) {
-      return failure();
-    }
-    SmallVector<int64_t, 4> staticShape(subViewOp.getNumSizes());
-    for (auto size : llvm::enumerate(subViewOp.sizes())) {
-      auto defOp = size.value().getDefiningOp();
-      assert(defOp);
-      staticShape[size.index()] = cast<ConstantIndexOp>(defOp).getValue();
+/// Take a list of `values` with potential new constant to extract and a list
+/// of `constantValues` with`values.size()` sentinel that evaluate to true by
+/// applying `isDynamic`.
+/// Detects the `values` produced by a ConstantIndexOp and places the new
+/// constant in place of the corresponding sentinel value.
+void canonicalizeSubViewPart(SmallVectorImpl<Value> &values,
+                             SmallVectorImpl<int64_t> &constantValues,
+                             llvm::function_ref<bool(int64_t)> isDynamic) {
+  bool hasNewStaticValue = llvm::any_of(
+      values, [](Value val) { return matchPattern(val, m_ConstantIndex()); });
+  if (hasNewStaticValue) {
+    for (unsigned cstIdx = 0, valIdx = 0, e = constantValues.size();
+         cstIdx != e; ++cstIdx) {
+      // Was already static, skip.
+      if (!isDynamic(constantValues[cstIdx]))
+        continue;
+      // Newly static, move from Value to constant.
+      if (matchPattern(values[valIdx], m_ConstantIndex())) {
+        constantValues[cstIdx] =
+            cast<ConstantIndexOp>(values[valIdx].getDefiningOp()).getValue();
+        // Erase for impl. simplicity. Reverse iterator if we really must.
+        values.erase(std::next(values.begin(), valIdx));
+        continue;
+      }
+      // Remains dynamic move to next value.
+      ++valIdx;
-    MemRefType newMemRefType =
-        MemRefType::Builder(subViewType).setShape(staticShape);
-    auto newSubViewOp = rewriter.create<SubViewOp>(
-        subViewOp.getLoc(), subViewOp.source(), subViewOp.offsets(),
-        ArrayRef<Value>(), subViewOp.strides(), newMemRefType);
-    // Insert a memref_cast for compatibility of the uses of the op.
-    rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<MemRefCastOp>(subViewOp, newSubViewOp,
-                                              subViewOp.getType());
-    return success();
-// Pattern to rewrite a subview op with constant stride arguments.
-class SubViewOpStrideFolder final : public OpRewritePattern<SubViewOp> {
+/// Pattern to rewrite a subview op with constant arguments.
+class SubViewOpFolder final : public OpRewritePattern<SubViewOp> {
   using OpRewritePattern<SubViewOp>::OpRewritePattern;
   LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(SubViewOp subViewOp,
                                 PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
-    if (subViewOp.getNumStrides() == 0) {
-      return failure();
-    }
-    // Follow all or nothing approach for strides for now. If all the operands
-    // for strides are constants then fold it into the strides of the result
-    // memref.
-    int64_t baseOffset, resultOffset;
-    SmallVector<int64_t, 4> baseStrides, resultStrides;
-    MemRefType subViewType = subViewOp.getType();
-    if (failed(getStridesAndOffset(subViewOp.getBaseMemRefType(), baseStrides,
-                                   baseOffset)) ||
-        failed(getStridesAndOffset(subViewType, resultStrides, resultOffset)) ||
-        llvm::is_contained(baseStrides,
-                           MemRefType::getDynamicStrideOrOffset()) ||
-        llvm::any_of(subViewOp.strides(), [](Value stride) {
-          return !matchPattern(stride, m_ConstantIndex());
-        })) {
+    // No constant operand, just return;
+    if (llvm::none_of(subViewOp.getOperands(), [](Value operand) {
+          return matchPattern(operand, m_ConstantIndex());
+        }))
       return failure();
-    }
-    SmallVector<int64_t, 4> staticStrides(subViewOp.getNumStrides());
-    for (auto stride : llvm::enumerate(subViewOp.strides())) {
-      auto defOp = stride.value().getDefiningOp();
-      assert(defOp);
-      assert(baseStrides[stride.index()] > 0);
-      staticStrides[stride.index()] =
-          cast<ConstantIndexOp>(defOp).getValue() * baseStrides[stride.index()];
-    }
-    AffineMap layoutMap = makeStridedLinearLayoutMap(
-        staticStrides, resultOffset, rewriter.getContext());
-    MemRefType newMemRefType =
-        MemRefType::Builder(subViewType).setAffineMaps(layoutMap);
+    // At least one of offsets/sizes/strides is a new constant.
+    // Form the new list of operands and constant attributes from the existing.
+    SmallVector<Value, 8> newOffsets(subViewOp.offsets());
+    SmallVector<int64_t, 8> newStaticOffsets =
+        extractFromI64ArrayAttr(subViewOp.static_offsets());
+    assert(newStaticOffsets.size() == subViewOp.getRank());
+    canonicalizeSubViewPart(newOffsets, newStaticOffsets,
+                            ShapedType::isDynamicStrideOrOffset);
+    SmallVector<Value, 8> newSizes(subViewOp.sizes());
+    SmallVector<int64_t, 8> newStaticSizes =
+        extractFromI64ArrayAttr(subViewOp.static_sizes());
+    assert(newStaticOffsets.size() == subViewOp.getRank());
+    canonicalizeSubViewPart(newSizes, newStaticSizes, ShapedType::isDynamic);
+    SmallVector<Value, 8> newStrides(subViewOp.strides());
+    SmallVector<int64_t, 8> newStaticStrides =
+        extractFromI64ArrayAttr(subViewOp.static_strides());
+    assert(newStaticOffsets.size() == subViewOp.getRank());
+    canonicalizeSubViewPart(newStrides, newStaticStrides,
+                            ShapedType::isDynamicStrideOrOffset);
+    // Create the new op in canonical form.
     auto newSubViewOp = rewriter.create<SubViewOp>(
-        subViewOp.getLoc(), subViewOp.source(), subViewOp.offsets(),
-        subViewOp.sizes(), ArrayRef<Value>(), newMemRefType);
-    // Insert a memref_cast for compatibility of the uses of the op.
-    rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<MemRefCastOp>(subViewOp, newSubViewOp,
-                                              subViewOp.getType());
-    return success();
-  }
-// Pattern to rewrite a subview op with constant offset arguments.
-class SubViewOpOffsetFolder final : public OpRewritePattern<SubViewOp> {
-  using OpRewritePattern<SubViewOp>::OpRewritePattern;
-  LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(SubViewOp subViewOp,
-                                PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
-    if (subViewOp.getNumOffsets() == 0) {
-      return failure();
-    }
-    // Follow all or nothing approach for offsets for now. If all the operands
-    // for offsets are constants then fold it into the offset of the result
-    // memref.
-    int64_t baseOffset, resultOffset;
-    SmallVector<int64_t, 4> baseStrides, resultStrides;
-    MemRefType subViewType = subViewOp.getType();
-    if (failed(getStridesAndOffset(subViewOp.getBaseMemRefType(), baseStrides,
-                                   baseOffset)) ||
-        failed(getStridesAndOffset(subViewType, resultStrides, resultOffset)) ||
-        llvm::is_contained(baseStrides,
-                           MemRefType::getDynamicStrideOrOffset()) ||
-        baseOffset == MemRefType::getDynamicStrideOrOffset() ||
-        llvm::any_of(subViewOp.offsets(), [](Value stride) {
-          return !matchPattern(stride, m_ConstantIndex());
-        })) {
-      return failure();
-    }
-    auto staticOffset = baseOffset;
-    for (auto offset : llvm::enumerate(subViewOp.offsets())) {
-      auto defOp = offset.value().getDefiningOp();
-      assert(defOp);
-      assert(baseStrides[offset.index()] > 0);
-      staticOffset +=
-          cast<ConstantIndexOp>(defOp).getValue() * baseStrides[offset.index()];
-    }
+        subViewOp.getLoc(), subViewOp.source(), newStaticOffsets,
+        newStaticSizes, newStaticStrides, newOffsets, newSizes, newStrides);
-    AffineMap layoutMap = makeStridedLinearLayoutMap(
-        resultStrides, staticOffset, rewriter.getContext());
-    MemRefType newMemRefType =
-        MemRefType::Builder(subViewType).setAffineMaps(layoutMap);
-    auto newSubViewOp = rewriter.create<SubViewOp>(
-        subViewOp.getLoc(), subViewOp.source(), ArrayRef<Value>(),
-        subViewOp.sizes(), subViewOp.strides(), newMemRefType);
     // Insert a memref_cast for compatibility of the uses of the op.
     rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<MemRefCastOp>(subViewOp, newSubViewOp,
     return success();
@@ -2633,8 +2738,7 @@
 void SubViewOp::getCanonicalizationPatterns(OwningRewritePatternList &results,
                                             MLIRContext *context) {
-  results.insert<SubViewOpShapeFolder, SubViewOpStrideFolder,
-                 SubViewOpOffsetFolder>(context);
+  results.insert<SubViewOpFolder>(context);
diff --git a/mlir/test/Conversion/StandardToLLVM/convert-to-llvmir.mlir b/mlir/test/Conversion/StandardToLLVM/convert-to-llvmir.mlir
--- a/mlir/test/Conversion/StandardToLLVM/convert-to-llvmir.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Conversion/StandardToLLVM/convert-to-llvmir.mlir
@@ -839,7 +839,7 @@
 // CHECK32:         %[[ARG0:[a-zA-Z0-9]*]]: !llvm.i32,
 // CHECK32:         %[[ARG1:[a-zA-Z0-9]*]]: !llvm.i32,
 // CHECK32:         %[[ARG2:.*]]: !llvm.i32)
-func @subview(%0 : memref<64x4xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0 * 4 + d1)>>, %arg0 : index, %arg1 : index, %arg2 : index) {
+func @subview(%0 : memref<64x4xf32, offset: 0, strides: [4, 1]>, %arg0 : index, %arg1 : index, %arg2 : index) {
   // The last "insertvalue" that populates the memref descriptor from the function arguments.
   // CHECK: %[[MEMREF:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}[4, 1]
   // CHECK32: %[[MEMREF:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}[4, 1]
@@ -883,7 +883,8 @@
   // CHECK32: %[[DESCSTRIDE0:.*]] = llvm.mul %[[ARG0]], %[[STRIDE0]] : !llvm.i32
   %1 = subview %0[%arg0, %arg1][%arg0, %arg1][%arg0, %arg1] :
-    memref<64x4xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0 * 4 + d1)>> to memref<?x?xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1)[s0, s1, s2] -> (d0 * s1 + d1 * s2 + s0)>>
+    memref<64x4xf32, offset: 0, strides: [4, 1]>
+  to memref<?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, ?]>
@@ -899,7 +900,7 @@
 // CHECK32:         %[[ARG0:[a-zA-Z0-9]*]]: !llvm.i32,
 // CHECK32:         %[[ARG1:[a-zA-Z0-9]*]]: !llvm.i32,
 // CHECK32:         %[[ARG2:.*]]: !llvm.i32)
-func @subview_non_zero_addrspace(%0 : memref<64x4xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0 * 4 + d1)>, 3>, %arg0 : index, %arg1 : index, %arg2 : index) {
+func @subview_non_zero_addrspace(%0 : memref<64x4xf32, offset: 0, strides: [4, 1], 3>, %arg0 : index, %arg1 : index, %arg2 : index) {
   // The last "insertvalue" that populates the memref descriptor from the function arguments.
   // CHECK: %[[MEMREF:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}[4, 1]
   // CHECK32: %[[MEMREF:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}[4, 1]
@@ -943,13 +944,14 @@
   // CHECK32: %[[DESCSTRIDE0:.*]] = llvm.mul %[[ARG0]], %[[STRIDE0]] : !llvm.i32
   %1 = subview %0[%arg0, %arg1][%arg0, %arg1][%arg0, %arg1] :
-    memref<64x4xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0 * 4 + d1)>, 3> to memref<?x?xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1)[s0, s1, s2] -> (d0 * s1 + d1 * s2 + s0)>, 3>
+    memref<64x4xf32, offset: 0, strides: [4, 1], 3>
+    to memref<?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, ?], 3>
 // CHECK-LABEL: func @subview_const_size(
 // CHECK32-LABEL: func @subview_const_size(
-func @subview_const_size(%0 : memref<64x4xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0 * 4 + d1)>>, %arg0 : index, %arg1 : index, %arg2 : index) {
+func @subview_const_size(%0 : memref<64x4xf32, offset: 0, strides: [4, 1]>, %arg0 : index, %arg1 : index, %arg2 : index) {
   // The last "insertvalue" that populates the memref descriptor from the function arguments.
   // CHECK: %[[MEMREF:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}[4, 1]
   // CHECK32: %[[MEMREF:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}[4, 1]
@@ -961,17 +963,17 @@
   // CHECK: %[[DESC1:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[BITCAST1]], %[[DESC0]][1] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i64, [2 x i64], [2 x i64] }">
   // CHECK: %[[STRIDE0:.*]] = llvm.extractvalue %[[MEMREF]][4, 0] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i64, [2 x i64], [2 x i64] }">
   // CHECK: %[[STRIDE1:.*]] = llvm.extractvalue %[[MEMREF]][4, 1] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i64, [2 x i64], [2 x i64] }">
-  // CHECK: %[[CST4:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(4 : i64)
-  // CHECK: %[[CST2:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(2 : i64)
   // CHECK: %[[OFF:.*]] = llvm.extractvalue %[[MEMREF]][2] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i64, [2 x i64], [2 x i64] }">
   // CHECK: %[[OFFINC:.*]] = llvm.mul %[[ARG0]], %[[STRIDE0]] : !llvm.i64
   // CHECK: %[[OFF1:.*]] = llvm.add %[[OFF]], %[[OFFINC]] : !llvm.i64
   // CHECK: %[[OFFINC1:.*]] = llvm.mul %[[ARG1]], %[[STRIDE1]] : !llvm.i64
   // CHECK: %[[OFF2:.*]] = llvm.add %[[OFF1]], %[[OFFINC1]] : !llvm.i64
   // CHECK: %[[DESC2:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[OFF2]], %[[DESC1]][2] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i64, [2 x i64], [2 x i64] }">
+  // CHECK: %[[CST2:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(2 : i64)
   // CHECK: %[[DESC3:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[CST2]], %[[DESC2]][3, 1] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i64, [2 x i64], [2 x i64] }">
   // CHECK: %[[DESCSTRIDE1:.*]] = llvm.mul %[[ARG1]], %[[STRIDE1]] : !llvm.i64
   // CHECK: %[[DESC4:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[DESCSTRIDE1]], %[[DESC3]][4, 1] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i64, [2 x i64], [2 x i64] }">
+  // CHECK: %[[CST4:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(4 : i64)
   // CHECK: %[[DESC5:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[CST4]], %[[DESC4]][3, 0] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i64, [2 x i64], [2 x i64] }">
   // CHECK: %[[DESCSTRIDE0:.*]] = llvm.mul %[[ARG0]], %[[STRIDE0]] : !llvm.i64
   // CHECK: llvm.insertvalue %[[DESCSTRIDE0]], %[[DESC5]][4, 0] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i64, [2 x i64], [2 x i64] }">
@@ -982,28 +984,29 @@
   // CHECK32: %[[DESC1:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[BITCAST1]], %[[DESC0]][1] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i32, [2 x i32], [2 x i32] }">
   // CHECK32: %[[STRIDE0:.*]] = llvm.extractvalue %[[MEMREF]][4, 0] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i32, [2 x i32], [2 x i32] }">
   // CHECK32: %[[STRIDE1:.*]] = llvm.extractvalue %[[MEMREF]][4, 1] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i32, [2 x i32], [2 x i32] }">
-  // CHECK32: %[[CST4:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(4 : i64)
-  // CHECK32: %[[CST2:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(2 : i64)
   // CHECK32: %[[OFF:.*]] = llvm.extractvalue %[[MEMREF]][2] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i32, [2 x i32], [2 x i32] }">
   // CHECK32: %[[OFFINC:.*]] = llvm.mul %[[ARG0]], %[[STRIDE0]] : !llvm.i32
   // CHECK32: %[[OFF1:.*]] = llvm.add %[[OFF]], %[[OFFINC]] : !llvm.i32
   // CHECK32: %[[OFFINC1:.*]] = llvm.mul %[[ARG1]], %[[STRIDE1]] : !llvm.i32
   // CHECK32: %[[OFF2:.*]] = llvm.add %[[OFF1]], %[[OFFINC1]] : !llvm.i32
   // CHECK32: %[[DESC2:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[OFF2]], %[[DESC1]][2] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i32, [2 x i32], [2 x i32] }">
+  // CHECK32: %[[CST2:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(2 : i64)
   // CHECK32: %[[DESC3:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[CST2]], %[[DESC2]][3, 1] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i32, [2 x i32], [2 x i32] }">
   // CHECK32: %[[DESCSTRIDE1:.*]] = llvm.mul %[[ARG1]], %[[STRIDE1]] : !llvm.i32
   // CHECK32: %[[DESC4:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[DESCSTRIDE1]], %[[DESC3]][4, 1] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i32, [2 x i32], [2 x i32] }">
+  // CHECK32: %[[CST4:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(4 : i64)
   // CHECK32: %[[DESC5:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[CST4]], %[[DESC4]][3, 0] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i32, [2 x i32], [2 x i32] }">
   // CHECK32: %[[DESCSTRIDE0:.*]] = llvm.mul %[[ARG0]], %[[STRIDE0]] : !llvm.i32
   // CHECK32: llvm.insertvalue %[[DESCSTRIDE0]], %[[DESC5]][4, 0] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i32, [2 x i32], [2 x i32] }">
-  %1 = subview %0[%arg0, %arg1][][%arg0, %arg1] :
-    memref<64x4xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0 * 4 + d1)>> to memref<4x2xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1)[s0, s1, s2] -> (d0 * s1 + d1 * s2 + s0)>>
+  %1 = subview %0[%arg0, %arg1][4, 2][%arg0, %arg1] :
+    memref<64x4xf32, offset: 0, strides: [4, 1]>
+    to memref<4x2xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, ?]>
 // CHECK-LABEL: func @subview_const_stride(
 // CHECK32-LABEL: func @subview_const_stride(
-func @subview_const_stride(%0 : memref<64x4xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0 * 4 + d1)>>, %arg0 : index, %arg1 : index, %arg2 : index) {
+func @subview_const_stride(%0 : memref<64x4xf32, offset: 0, strides: [4, 1]>, %arg0 : index, %arg1 : index, %arg2 : index) {
   // The last "insertvalue" that populates the memref descriptor from the function arguments.
   // CHECK: %[[MEMREF:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}[4, 1]
   // CHECK32: %[[MEMREF:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}[4, 1]
@@ -1046,35 +1049,19 @@
   // CHECK32: %[[DESC5:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[ARG0]], %[[DESC4]][3, 0] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i32, [2 x i32], [2 x i32] }">
   // CHECK32: %[[CST4:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(4 : i64)
   // CHECK32: llvm.insertvalue %[[CST4]], %[[DESC5]][4, 0] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i32, [2 x i32], [2 x i32] }">
-  %1 = subview %0[%arg0, %arg1][%arg0, %arg1][] :
-    memref<64x4xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0 * 4 + d1)>> to memref<?x?xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1)[s0] -> (d0 * 4 + d1 * 2 + s0)>>
+  %1 = subview %0[%arg0, %arg1][%arg0, %arg1][1, 2] :
+    memref<64x4xf32, offset: 0, strides: [4, 1]>
+    to memref<?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [4, 2]>
 // CHECK-LABEL: func @subview_const_stride_and_offset(
 // CHECK32-LABEL: func @subview_const_stride_and_offset(
-func @subview_const_stride_and_offset(%0 : memref<64x4xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0 * 4 + d1)>>) {
+func @subview_const_stride_and_offset(%0 : memref<64x4xf32, offset: 0, strides: [4, 1]>) {
   // The last "insertvalue" that populates the memref descriptor from the function arguments.
   // CHECK: %[[MEMREF:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}[4, 1]
   // CHECK32: %[[MEMREF:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}[4, 1]
-  // CHECK: %[[DESC:.*]] = llvm.mlir.undef : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i64, [2 x i64], [2 x i64] }">
-  // CHECK: %[[BITCAST0:.*]] = llvm.bitcast %{{.*}} : !llvm<"float*"> to !llvm<"float*">
-  // CHECK: %[[DESC0:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[BITCAST0]], %[[DESC]][0] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i64, [2 x i64], [2 x i64] }">
-  // CHECK: %[[BITCAST1:.*]] = llvm.bitcast %{{.*}} : !llvm<"float*"> to !llvm<"float*">
-  // CHECK: %[[DESC1:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[BITCAST1]], %[[DESC0]][1] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i64, [2 x i64], [2 x i64] }">
-  // CHECK: %[[STRIDE0:.*]] = llvm.extractvalue %[[MEMREF]][4, 0] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i64, [2 x i64], [2 x i64] }">
-  // CHECK: %[[STRIDE1:.*]] = llvm.extractvalue %[[MEMREF]][4, 1] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i64, [2 x i64], [2 x i64] }">
-  // CHECK: %[[CST62:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(62 : i64)
-  // CHECK: %[[CST3:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(3 : i64)
-  // CHECK: %[[CST8:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(8 : index)
-  // CHECK: %[[DESC2:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[CST8]], %[[DESC1]][2] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i64, [2 x i64], [2 x i64] }">
-  // CHECK: %[[DESC3:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[CST3]], %[[DESC2]][3, 1] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i64, [2 x i64], [2 x i64] }">
-  // CHECK: %[[CST1:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(1 : i64)
-  // CHECK: %[[DESC4:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[CST1]], %[[DESC3]][4, 1] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i64, [2 x i64], [2 x i64] }">
-  // CHECK: %[[DESC5:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[CST62]], %[[DESC4]][3, 0] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i64, [2 x i64], [2 x i64] }">
-  // CHECK: %[[CST4:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(4 : i64)
-  // CHECK: llvm.insertvalue %[[CST4]], %[[DESC5]][4, 0] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i64, [2 x i64], [2 x i64] }">
   // CHECK32: %[[DESC:.*]] = llvm.mlir.undef : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i32, [2 x i32], [2 x i32] }">
   // CHECK32: %[[BITCAST0:.*]] = llvm.bitcast %{{.*}} : !llvm<"float*"> to !llvm<"float*">
   // CHECK32: %[[DESC0:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[BITCAST0]], %[[DESC]][0] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i32, [2 x i32], [2 x i32] }">
@@ -1082,18 +1069,64 @@
   // CHECK32: %[[DESC1:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[BITCAST1]], %[[DESC0]][1] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i32, [2 x i32], [2 x i32] }">
   // CHECK32: %[[STRIDE0:.*]] = llvm.extractvalue %[[MEMREF]][4, 0] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i32, [2 x i32], [2 x i32] }">
   // CHECK32: %[[STRIDE1:.*]] = llvm.extractvalue %[[MEMREF]][4, 1] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i32, [2 x i32], [2 x i32] }">
-  // CHECK32: %[[CST62:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(62 : i64)
-  // CHECK32: %[[CST3:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(3 : i64)
   // CHECK32: %[[CST8:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(8 : index)
   // CHECK32: %[[DESC2:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[CST8]], %[[DESC1]][2] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i32, [2 x i32], [2 x i32] }">
+  // CHECK32: %[[CST3:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(3 : i64)
   // CHECK32: %[[DESC3:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[CST3]], %[[DESC2]][3, 1] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i32, [2 x i32], [2 x i32] }">
   // CHECK32: %[[CST1:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(1 : i64)
   // CHECK32: %[[DESC4:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[CST1]], %[[DESC3]][4, 1] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i32, [2 x i32], [2 x i32] }">
+  // CHECK32: %[[CST62:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(62 : i64)
   // CHECK32: %[[DESC5:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[CST62]], %[[DESC4]][3, 0] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i32, [2 x i32], [2 x i32] }">
   // CHECK32: %[[CST4:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(4 : i64)
   // CHECK32: llvm.insertvalue %[[CST4]], %[[DESC5]][4, 0] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i32, [2 x i32], [2 x i32] }">
-  %1 = subview %0[][][] :
-    memref<64x4xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0 * 4 + d1)>> to memref<62x3xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0 * 4 + d1 + 8)>>
+  %1 = subview %0[0, 8][62, 3][1, 1] :
+    memref<64x4xf32, offset: 0, strides: [4, 1]>
+    to memref<62x3xf32, offset: 8, strides: [4, 1]>
+  return
+// CHECK-LABEL: func @subview_mixed_static_dynamic(
+// CHECK-COUNT-2: !llvm<"float*">,
+// CHECK-COUNT-5: {{%[a-zA-Z0-9]*}}: !llvm.i64,
+// CHECK:         %[[ARG0:[a-zA-Z0-9]*]]: !llvm.i64,
+// CHECK:         %[[ARG1:[a-zA-Z0-9]*]]: !llvm.i64,
+// CHECK:         %[[ARG2:.*]]: !llvm.i64)
+// CHECK32-LABEL: func @subview_mixed_static_dynamic(
+// CHECK32-COUNT-2: !llvm<"float*">,
+// CHECK32-COUNT-5: {{%[a-zA-Z0-9]*}}: !llvm.i32,
+// CHECK32:         %[[ARG0:[a-zA-Z0-9]*]]: !llvm.i32,
+// CHECK32:         %[[ARG1:[a-zA-Z0-9]*]]: !llvm.i32,
+// CHECK32:         %[[ARG2:.*]]: !llvm.i32)
+func @subview_mixed_static_dynamic(%0 : memref<64x4xf32, offset: 0, strides: [4, 1]>, %arg0 : index, %arg1 : index, %arg2 : index) {
+  // The last "insertvalue" that populates the memref descriptor from the function arguments.
+  // CHECK: %[[MEMREF:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}[4, 1]
+  // CHECK32: %[[MEMREF:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}[4, 1]
+  // CHECK32: %[[DESC:.*]] = llvm.mlir.undef : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i32, [2 x i32], [2 x i32] }">
+  // CHECK32: %[[BITCAST0:.*]] = llvm.bitcast %{{.*}} : !llvm<"float*"> to !llvm<"float*">
+  // CHECK32: %[[DESC0:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[BITCAST0]], %[[DESC]][0] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i32, [2 x i32], [2 x i32] }">
+  // CHECK32: %[[BITCAST1:.*]] = llvm.bitcast %{{.*}} : !llvm<"float*"> to !llvm<"float*">
+  // CHECK32: %[[DESC1:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[BITCAST1]], %[[DESC0]][1] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i32, [2 x i32], [2 x i32] }">
+  // CHECK32: %[[STRIDE0:.*]] = llvm.extractvalue %[[MEMREF]][4, 0] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i32, [2 x i32], [2 x i32] }">
+  // CHECK32: %[[STRIDE1:.*]] = llvm.extractvalue %[[MEMREF]][4, 1] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i32, [2 x i32], [2 x i32] }">
+  // CHECK32: %[[OFF:.*]] = llvm.extractvalue %[[MEMREF]][2] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i32, [2 x i32], [2 x i32] }">
+  // CHECK32: %[[OFFM1:.*]] = llvm.mul %[[ARG1]], %[[STRIDE0]] : !llvm.i32
+  // CHECK32: %[[OFFA1:.*]] = llvm.add %[[OFF]], %[[OFFM1]] : !llvm.i32
+  // CHECK32: %[[CST8:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(8 : i64) : !llvm.i32
+  // CHECK32: %[[OFFM2:.*]] = llvm.mul %[[CST8]], %[[STRIDE1]] : !llvm.i32
+  // CHECK32: %[[OFFA2:.*]] = llvm.add %[[OFFA1]], %[[OFFM2]] : !llvm.i32
+  // CHECK32: %[[DESC2:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[OFFA2]], %[[DESC1]][2] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i32, [2 x i32], [2 x i32] }">
+  // CHECK32: %[[DESC3:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[ARG2]], %[[DESC2]][3, 1] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i32, [2 x i32], [2 x i32] }">
+  // CHECK32: %[[CST1:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(1 : i64) : !llvm.i32
+  // CHECK32: %[[DESC4:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[CST1]], %[[DESC3]][4, 1] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i32, [2 x i32], [2 x i32] }">
+  // CHECK32: %[[CST62:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(62 : i64) : !llvm.i32
+  // CHECK32: %[[DESC5:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[CST62]], %[[DESC4]][3, 0] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i32, [2 x i32], [2 x i32] }">
+  // CHECK32: %[[DESCSTRIDE0:.*]] = llvm.mul %[[ARG0]], %[[STRIDE0]] : !llvm.i32
+  // CHECK32: llvm.insertvalue %[[DESCSTRIDE0]], %[[DESC5]][4, 0] : !llvm<"{ float*, float*, i32, [2 x i32], [2 x i32] }">
+  %1 = subview %0[%arg1, 8][62, %arg2][%arg0, 1] :
+    memref<64x4xf32, offset: 0, strides: [4, 1]>
+    to memref<62x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, 1]>
diff --git a/mlir/test/Conversion/StandardToLLVM/invalid.mlir b/mlir/test/Conversion/StandardToLLVM/invalid.mlir
--- a/mlir/test/Conversion/StandardToLLVM/invalid.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Conversion/StandardToLLVM/invalid.mlir
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
   %c0 = constant 0 : index
   // expected-error@+1 {{'std.memref_cast' op operand #0 must be unranked.memref of any type values or memref of any type values, but got '!llvm<"{ double*, double*, i64, [2 x i64], [2 x i64] }">'}}
   %5 = memref_cast %arg0 : memref<?x?xf64> to memref<?x?xf64, #map1>
-  %25 = std.subview %5[%c0, %c0][%c1, %c1][] : memref<?x?xf64, #map1> to memref<?x?xf64, #map1>
+  %25 = std.subview %5[%c0, %c0][%c1, %c1][1, 1] : memref<?x?xf64, #map1> to memref<?x?xf64, #map1>
diff --git a/mlir/test/Conversion/StandardToSPIRV/legalization.mlir b/mlir/test/Conversion/StandardToSPIRV/legalization.mlir
--- a/mlir/test/Conversion/StandardToSPIRV/legalization.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Conversion/StandardToSPIRV/legalization.mlir
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
   // CHECK: [[STRIDE2:%.*]] = muli [[ARG4]], [[C3]] : index
   // CHECK: [[INDEX2:%.*]] = addi [[ARG2]], [[STRIDE2]] : index
   // CHECK: load [[ARG0]]{{\[}}[[INDEX1]], [[INDEX2]]{{\]}}
-  %0 = subview %arg0[%arg1, %arg2][][] : memref<12x32xf32> to memref<4x4xf32, offset:?, strides: [64, 3]>
+  %0 = subview %arg0[%arg1, %arg2][4, 4][2, 3] : memref<12x32xf32> to memref<4x4xf32, offset:?, strides: [64, 3]>
   %1 = load %0[%arg3, %arg4] : memref<4x4xf32, offset:?, strides: [64, 3]>
   return %1 : f32
@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@
   // CHECK: [[STRIDE2:%.*]] = muli [[ARG4]], [[ARG6]] : index
   // CHECK: [[INDEX2:%.*]] = addi [[ARG2]], [[STRIDE2]] : index
   // CHECK: load [[ARG0]]{{\[}}[[INDEX1]], [[INDEX2]]{{\]}}
-  %0 = subview %arg0[%arg1, %arg2][][%arg5, %arg6] : memref<12x32xf32> to memref<4x4xf32, offset:?, strides: [?, ?]>
+  %0 = subview %arg0[%arg1, %arg2][4, 4][%arg5, %arg6] :
+    memref<12x32xf32> to memref<4x4xf32, offset:?, strides: [?, ?]>
   %1 = load %0[%arg3, %arg4] : memref<4x4xf32, offset:?, strides: [?, ?]>
   return %1 : f32
@@ -41,7 +42,8 @@
   // CHECK: [[STRIDE2:%.*]] = muli [[ARG4]], [[C3]] : index
   // CHECK: [[INDEX2:%.*]] = addi [[ARG2]], [[STRIDE2]] : index
   // CHECK: store [[ARG5]], [[ARG0]]{{\[}}[[INDEX1]], [[INDEX2]]{{\]}}
-  %0 = subview %arg0[%arg1, %arg2][][] : memref<12x32xf32> to memref<4x4xf32, offset:?, strides: [64, 3]>
+  %0 = subview %arg0[%arg1, %arg2][4, 4][2, 3] :
+    memref<12x32xf32> to memref<4x4xf32, offset:?, strides: [64, 3]>
   store %arg5, %0[%arg3, %arg4] : memref<4x4xf32, offset:?, strides: [64, 3]>
@@ -55,7 +57,8 @@
   // CHECK: [[STRIDE2:%.*]] = muli [[ARG4]], [[ARG6]] : index
   // CHECK: [[INDEX2:%.*]] = addi [[ARG2]], [[STRIDE2]] : index
   // CHECK: store [[ARG7]], [[ARG0]]{{\[}}[[INDEX1]], [[INDEX2]]{{\]}}
-  %0 = subview %arg0[%arg1, %arg2][][%arg5, %arg6] : memref<12x32xf32> to memref<4x4xf32, offset:?, strides: [?, ?]>
+  %0 = subview %arg0[%arg1, %arg2][4, 4][%arg5, %arg6] :
+    memref<12x32xf32> to memref<4x4xf32, offset:?, strides: [?, ?]>
   store %arg7, %0[%arg3, %arg4] : memref<4x4xf32, offset:?, strides: [?, ?]>
diff --git a/mlir/test/Conversion/StandardToSPIRV/subview-to-spirv.mlir b/mlir/test/Conversion/StandardToSPIRV/subview-to-spirv.mlir
--- a/mlir/test/Conversion/StandardToSPIRV/subview-to-spirv.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Conversion/StandardToSPIRV/subview-to-spirv.mlir
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
   // CHECK: %[[T8:.*]] = muli %[[ARG4]], %[[C3]]
   // CHECK: %[[T9:.*]] = addi %[[ARG2]], %[[T8]]
   // CHECK store %[[STOREVAL]], %[[ARG0]][%[[T7]], %[[T9]]]
-  %0 = subview %arg0[%arg1, %arg2][][] : memref<12x32xf32> to memref<4x4xf32, offset:?, strides: [64, 3]>
+  %0 = subview %arg0[%arg1, %arg2][4, 4][2, 3] : memref<12x32xf32> to memref<4x4xf32, offset:?, strides: [64, 3]>
   %1 = load %0[%arg3, %arg4] : memref<4x4xf32, offset:?, strides: [64, 3]>
   %2 = sqrt %1 : f32
   store %2, %0[%arg3, %arg4] : memref<4x4xf32, offset:?, strides: [64, 3]>
diff --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/Affine/ops.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/Affine/ops.mlir
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/Affine/ops.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/Affine/ops.mlir
@@ -103,8 +103,8 @@
     affine.for %arg4 = 0 to %13 step 264 {
       %18 = dim %0, 0 : memref<?x?xf32>
       %20 = std.subview %0[%c0, %c0][%18,%arg4][%c1,%c1] : memref<?x?xf32>
-                          to memref<?x?xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1)[s0, s1, s2] -> (d0 * s1 + d1 * s2 + s0)>>
-      %24 = dim %20, 0 : memref<?x?xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1)[s0, s1, s2] -> (d0 * s1 + d1 * s2 + s0)>>
+                          to memref<?x?xf32, offset : ?, strides : [?, ?]>
+      %24 = dim %20, 0 : memref<?x?xf32, offset : ?, strides : [?, ?]>
       affine.for %arg5 = 0 to %24 step 768 {
         "foo"() : () -> ()
diff --git a/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/promote.mlir b/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/promote.mlir
--- a/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/promote.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/promote.mlir
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@
   loop.for %arg4 = %c0 to %6 step %c2 {
     loop.for %arg5 = %c0 to %8 step %c3 {
       loop.for %arg6 = %c0 to %7 step %c4 {
-        %11 = std.subview %3[%arg4, %arg6][%c2, %c4][] : memref<?x?xf32> to memref<?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, 1]>
-        %14 = std.subview %4[%arg6, %arg5][%c4, %c3][] : memref<?x?xf32> to memref<?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, 1]>
-        %17 = std.subview %5[%arg4, %arg5][%c2, %c3][] : memref<?x?xf32> to memref<?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, 1]>
+        %11 = std.subview %3[%arg4, %arg6][%c2, %c4][1, 1] : memref<?x?xf32> to memref<?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, 1]>
+        %14 = std.subview %4[%arg6, %arg5][%c4, %c3][1, 1] : memref<?x?xf32> to memref<?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, 1]>
+        %17 = std.subview %5[%arg4, %arg5][%c2, %c3][1, 1] : memref<?x?xf32> to memref<?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, 1]>
         linalg.matmul(%11, %14, %17) : memref<?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, 1]>, memref<?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, 1]>, memref<?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, 1]>
@@ -88,9 +88,9 @@
   loop.for %arg4 = %c0 to %6 step %c2 {
     loop.for %arg5 = %c0 to %8 step %c3 {
       loop.for %arg6 = %c0 to %7 step %c4 {
-        %11 = std.subview %3[%arg4, %arg6][%c2, %c4][] : memref<?x?xf64> to memref<?x?xf64, offset: ?, strides: [?, 1]>
-        %14 = std.subview %4[%arg6, %arg5][%c4, %c3][] : memref<?x?xf64> to memref<?x?xf64, offset: ?, strides: [?, 1]>
-        %17 = std.subview %5[%arg4, %arg5][%c2, %c3][] : memref<?x?xf64> to memref<?x?xf64, offset: ?, strides: [?, 1]>
+        %11 = std.subview %3[%arg4, %arg6][%c2, %c4][1, 1] : memref<?x?xf64> to memref<?x?xf64, offset: ?, strides: [?, 1]>
+        %14 = std.subview %4[%arg6, %arg5][%c4, %c3][1, 1] : memref<?x?xf64> to memref<?x?xf64, offset: ?, strides: [?, 1]>
+        %17 = std.subview %5[%arg4, %arg5][%c2, %c3][1, 1] : memref<?x?xf64> to memref<?x?xf64, offset: ?, strides: [?, 1]>
         linalg.matmul(%11, %14, %17) : memref<?x?xf64, offset: ?, strides: [?, 1]>, memref<?x?xf64, offset: ?, strides: [?, 1]>, memref<?x?xf64, offset: ?, strides: [?, 1]>
@@ -153,9 +153,9 @@
   loop.for %arg4 = %c0 to %6 step %c2 {
     loop.for %arg5 = %c0 to %8 step %c3 {
       loop.for %arg6 = %c0 to %7 step %c4 {
-        %11 = std.subview %3[%arg4, %arg6][%c2, %c4][] : memref<?x?xi32> to memref<?x?xi32, offset: ?, strides: [?, 1]>
-        %14 = std.subview %4[%arg6, %arg5][%c4, %c3][] : memref<?x?xi32> to memref<?x?xi32, offset: ?, strides: [?, 1]>
-        %17 = std.subview %5[%arg4, %arg5][%c2, %c3][] : memref<?x?xi32> to memref<?x?xi32, offset: ?, strides: [?, 1]>
+        %11 = std.subview %3[%arg4, %arg6][%c2, %c4][1, 1] : memref<?x?xi32> to memref<?x?xi32, offset: ?, strides: [?, 1]>
+        %14 = std.subview %4[%arg6, %arg5][%c4, %c3][1, 1] : memref<?x?xi32> to memref<?x?xi32, offset: ?, strides: [?, 1]>
+        %17 = std.subview %5[%arg4, %arg5][%c2, %c3][1, 1] : memref<?x?xi32> to memref<?x?xi32, offset: ?, strides: [?, 1]>
         linalg.matmul(%11, %14, %17) : memref<?x?xi32, offset: ?, strides: [?, 1]>, memref<?x?xi32, offset: ?, strides: [?, 1]>, memref<?x?xi32, offset: ?, strides: [?, 1]>
diff --git a/mlir/test/IR/core-ops.mlir b/mlir/test/IR/core-ops.mlir
--- a/mlir/test/IR/core-ops.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/IR/core-ops.mlir
@@ -10,15 +10,14 @@
 // CHECK-DAG: #[[BASE_MAP0:map[0-9]+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0 * 64 + d1 * 4 + d2)>
 // CHECK-DAG: #[[BASE_MAP3:map[0-9]+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2)[s0, s1, s2, s3] -> (d0 * s1 + s0 + d1 * s2 + d2 * s3)>
-// CHECK-DAG: #[[SUBVIEW_MAP0:map[0-9]+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2)[s0, s1, s2, s3] -> (d0 * s1 + d1 * s2 + d2 * s3 + s0)>
 // CHECK-DAG: #[[BASE_MAP1:map[0-9]+]] = affine_map<(d0)[s0] -> (d0 + s0)>
 // CHECK-DAG: #[[SUBVIEW_MAP1:map[0-9]+]] = affine_map<(d0)[s0, s1] -> (d0 * s1 + s0)>
 // CHECK-DAG: #[[BASE_MAP2:map[0-9]+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0 * 22 + d1)>
-// CHECK-DAG: #[[SUBVIEW_MAP2:map[0-9]+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1)[s0, s1, s2] -> (d0 * s1 + d1 * s2 + s0)>
-// CHECK-DAG: #[[SUBVIEW_MAP3:map[0-9]+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0 * 16 + d1 * 4 + d2 + 8)>
-// CHECK-DAG: #[[SUBVIEW_MAP4:map[0-9]+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1)[s0, s1, s2] -> (d0 * s1 + s0 + d1 * s2)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[SUBVIEW_MAP2:map[0-9]+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1)[s0, s1, s2] -> (d0 * s1 + s0 + d1 * s2)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[SUBVIEW_MAP3:map[0-9]+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0 * 64 + d1 * 4 + d2 + 8)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[SUBVIEW_MAP4:map[0-9]+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1)[s0, s1] -> (d0 * s1 + s0 + d1)>
 // CHECK-DAG: #[[SUBVIEW_MAP5:map[0-9]+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1)[s0] -> (d0 * 8 + s0 + d1 * 2)>
 // CHECK-LABEL: func @func_with_ops(%arg0: f32) {
@@ -708,41 +707,56 @@
   %c1 = constant 1 : index
   %0 = alloc() : memref<8x16x4xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0 * 64 + d1 * 4 + d2)>>
-  // CHECK: subview %0[%c0, %c0, %c0] [%arg0, %arg1, %arg2] [%c1, %c1, %c1] : memref<8x16x4xf32, #[[BASE_MAP0]]> to memref<?x?x?xf32, #[[SUBVIEW_MAP0]]>
+  // CHECK: subview %0[%c0, %c0, %c0] [%arg0, %arg1, %arg2] [%c1, %c1, %c1] :
+  // CHECK-SAME: memref<8x16x4xf32, #[[BASE_MAP0]]>
+  // CHECK-SAME: to memref<?x?x?xf32, #[[BASE_MAP3]]>
   %1 = subview %0[%c0, %c0, %c0][%arg0, %arg1, %arg2][%c1, %c1, %c1]
-    : memref<8x16x4xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0 * 64 + d1 * 4 + d2)>> to
-      memref<?x?x?xf32,
-       affine_map<(d0, d1, d2)[s0, s1, s2, s3] -> (d0 * s1 + d1 * s2 + d2 * s3 + s0)>>
+    : memref<8x16x4xf32, offset:0, strides: [64, 4, 1]> to
+      memref<?x?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, ?, ?]>
   %2 = alloc()[%arg2] : memref<64xf32, affine_map<(d0)[s0] -> (d0 + s0)>>
- // CHECK: subview %2[%c1] [%arg0] [%c1] : memref<64xf32, #[[BASE_MAP1]]> to memref<?xf32, #[[SUBVIEW_MAP1]]>
+  // CHECK: subview %2[%c1] [%arg0] [%c1] :
+  // CHECK-SAME: memref<64xf32, #[[BASE_MAP1]]>
+  // CHECK-SAME: to memref<?xf32, #[[SUBVIEW_MAP1]]>
   %3 = subview %2[%c1][%arg0][%c1]
     : memref<64xf32, affine_map<(d0)[s0] -> (d0 + s0)>> to
       memref<?xf32, affine_map<(d0)[s0, s1] -> (d0 * s1 + s0)>>
   %4 = alloc() : memref<64x22xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0 * 22 + d1)>>
-  // CHECK: subview %4[%c0, %c1] [%arg0, %arg1] [%c1, %c0] : memref<64x22xf32, #[[BASE_MAP2]]> to memref<?x?xf32, #[[SUBVIEW_MAP2]]>
+  // CHECK: subview %4[%c0, %c1] [%arg0, %arg1] [%c1, %c0] :
+  // CHECK-SAME: memref<64x22xf32, #[[BASE_MAP2]]>
+  // CHECK-SAME: to memref<?x?xf32, #[[SUBVIEW_MAP2]]>
   %5 = subview %4[%c0, %c1][%arg0, %arg1][%c1, %c0]
-    : memref<64x22xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0 * 22 + d1)>> to
-      memref<?x?xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1)[s0, s1, s2] -> (d0 * s1 + d1 * s2 + s0)>>
+    : memref<64x22xf32, offset:0, strides: [22, 1]> to
+      memref<?x?xf32, offset:?, strides: [?, ?]>
-  // CHECK: subview %0[] [] [] : memref<8x16x4xf32, #[[BASE_MAP0]]> to memref<4x4x4xf32, #[[SUBVIEW_MAP3]]>
-  %6 = subview %0[][][]
-    : memref<8x16x4xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0 * 64 + d1 * 4 + d2)>> to
-      memref<4x4x4xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0 * 16 + d1 * 4 + d2 + 8)>>
+  // CHECK: subview %0[0, 2, 0] [4, 4, 4] [1, 1, 1] :
+  // CHECK-SAME: memref<8x16x4xf32, #[[BASE_MAP0]]>
+  // CHECK-SAME: to memref<4x4x4xf32, #[[SUBVIEW_MAP3]]>
+  %6 = subview %0[0, 2, 0][4, 4, 4][1, 1, 1]
+    : memref<8x16x4xf32, offset:0, strides: [64, 4, 1]> to
+      memref<4x4x4xf32, offset:8, strides: [64, 4, 1]>
   %7 = alloc(%arg1, %arg2) : memref<?x?xf32>
-  // CHECK: subview {{%.*}}[] [] [] : memref<?x?xf32> to memref<4x4xf32, #[[SUBVIEW_MAP4]]>
-  %8 = subview %7[][][]
-    : memref<?x?xf32> to memref<4x4xf32, offset: ?, strides:[?, ?]>
+  // CHECK: subview {{%.*}}[0, 0] [4, 4] [1, 1] :
+  // CHECK-SAME: memref<?x?xf32>
+  // CHECK-SAME: to memref<4x4xf32, #[[SUBVIEW_MAP4]]>
+  %8 = subview %7[0, 0][4, 4][1, 1]
+    : memref<?x?xf32> to memref<4x4xf32, offset: ?, strides:[?, 1]>
   %9 = alloc() : memref<16x4xf32>
-  // CHECK: subview {{%.*}}[{{%.*}}, {{%.*}}] [] [{{%.*}}, {{%.*}}] : memref<16x4xf32> to memref<4x4xf32, #[[SUBVIEW_MAP4]]
-  %10 = subview %9[%arg1, %arg1][][%arg2, %arg2]
+  // CHECK: subview {{%.*}}[{{%.*}}, {{%.*}}] [4, 4] [{{%.*}}, {{%.*}}] :
+  // CHECK-SAME: memref<16x4xf32>
+  // CHECK-SAME: to memref<4x4xf32, #[[SUBVIEW_MAP2]]
+  %10 = subview %9[%arg1, %arg1][4, 4][%arg2, %arg2]
     : memref<16x4xf32> to memref<4x4xf32, offset: ?, strides:[?, ?]>
-  // CHECK: subview {{%.*}}[{{%.*}}, {{%.*}}] [] [] : memref<16x4xf32> to memref<4x4xf32, #[[SUBVIEW_MAP5]]
-  %11 = subview %9[%arg1, %arg2][][]
+  // CHECK: subview {{%.*}}[{{%.*}}, {{%.*}}] [4, 4] [2, 2] :
+  // CHECK-SAME: memref<16x4xf32>
+  // CHECK-SAME: to memref<4x4xf32, #[[SUBVIEW_MAP5]]
+  %11 = subview %9[%arg1, %arg2][4, 4][2, 2]
     : memref<16x4xf32> to memref<4x4xf32, offset: ?, strides:[8, 2]>
diff --git a/mlir/test/IR/invalid-ops.mlir b/mlir/test/IR/invalid-ops.mlir
--- a/mlir/test/IR/invalid-ops.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/IR/invalid-ops.mlir
@@ -976,10 +976,10 @@
 // -----
 func @invalid_subview(%arg0 : index, %arg1 : index, %arg2 : index) {
-  %0 = alloc() : memref<8x16x4xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0 * 64 + d1 * 4 + d2)>, 2>
+  %0 = alloc() : memref<8x16x4xf32, offset: 0, strides: [64, 4, 1], 2>
   // expected-error@+1 {{different memory spaces}}
-  %1 = subview %0[][%arg2][]
-    : memref<8x16x4xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0 * 64 + d1 * 4 + d2)>, 2> to
+  %1 = subview %0[0, 0, 0][%arg2][1, 1, 1]
+    : memref<8x16x4xf32, offset: 0, strides: [64, 4, 1], 2> to
       memref<8x?x4xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1, d2)[s0] -> (d0 * s0 + d1 * 4 + d2)>>
@@ -987,22 +987,11 @@
 // -----
 func @invalid_subview(%arg0 : index, %arg1 : index, %arg2 : index) {
-  %0 = alloc() : memref<8x16x4xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0 * 64 + d1 * 4 + d2)>>
-  // expected-error@+1 {{is not strided}}
-  %1 = subview %0[][%arg2][]
-    : memref<8x16x4xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0 * 64 + d1 * 4 + d2)>> to
-      memref<8x?x4xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1, d2)[s0] -> (d0 + s0, d1, d2)>>
-  return
-// -----
-func @invalid_subview(%arg0 : index, %arg1 : index, %arg2 : index) {
   %0 = alloc() : memref<8x16x4xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0 + d1, d1 + d2, d2)>>
   // expected-error@+1 {{is not strided}}
-  %1 = subview %0[][%arg2][]
+  %1 = subview %0[0, 0, 0][%arg2][1, 1, 1]
     : memref<8x16x4xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0 + d1, d1 + d2, d2)>> to
-      memref<8x?x4xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1, d2)[s0] -> (d0 * s0 + d1 * 4 + d2)>>
+      memref<8x?x4xf32, offset: 0, strides: [?, 4, 1]>
@@ -1010,8 +999,8 @@
 func @invalid_subview(%arg0 : index, %arg1 : index, %arg2 : index) {
   %0 = alloc() : memref<8x16x4xf32>
-  // expected-error@+1 {{expected number of dynamic offsets specified to match the rank of the result type}}
-  %1 = subview %0[%arg0, %arg1][%arg2][]
+  // expected-error@+1 {{expected 3 offset values}}
+  %1 = subview %0[%arg0, %arg1][%arg2][1, 1, 1]
     : memref<8x16x4xf32> to
       memref<8x?x4xf32, offset: 0, strides:[?, ?, 4]>
@@ -1021,7 +1010,7 @@
 func @invalid_subview(%arg0 : index, %arg1 : index, %arg2 : index) {
   %0 = alloc() : memref<8x16x4xf32>
-  // expected-error@+1 {{expected result type to have dynamic strides}}
+  // expected-error@+1 {{expected result type to be 'memref<?x?x?xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1, d2)[s0, s1, s2, s3] -> (d0 * s1 + s0 + d1 * s2 + d2 * s3)>>'}}
   %1 = subview %0[%arg0, %arg1, %arg2][%arg0, %arg1, %arg2][%arg0, %arg1, %arg2]
     : memref<8x16x4xf32> to
       memref<?x?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [64, 4, 1]>
@@ -1030,106 +1019,6 @@
 // -----
-func @invalid_subview(%arg0 : index, %arg1 : index, %arg2 : index) {
-  %0 = alloc() : memref<8x16x4xf32>
-  %c0 = constant 0 : index
-  %c1 = constant 1 : index
-  // expected-error@+1 {{expected result memref layout map to have dynamic offset}}
-  %1 = subview %0[%c0, %c0, %c0][%arg0, %arg1, %arg2][%c1, %c1, %c1]
-    : memref<8x16x4xf32> to
-      memref<?x?x?xf32, offset: 0, strides: [?, ?, ?]>
-  return
-// -----
-func @invalid_subview(%arg0 : index, %arg1 : memref<?x?xf32>) {
-  // expected-error@+1 {{expected rank of result type to match rank of base type}}
-  %0 = subview %arg1[%arg0, %arg0][][%arg0, %arg0] : memref<?x?xf32> to memref<?xf32>
-// -----
-func @invalid_subview(%arg0 : index, %arg1 : memref<?x?xf32>) {
-  // expected-error@+1 {{expected number of dynamic offsets specified to match the rank of the result type}}
-  %0 = subview %arg1[%arg0][][] : memref<?x?xf32> to memref<4x4xf32, offset: ?, strides: [4, 1]>
-// -----
-func @invalid_subview(%arg0 : index, %arg1 : memref<?x?xf32>) {
-  // expected-error@+1 {{expected number of dynamic sizes specified to match the rank of the result type}}
-  %0 = subview %arg1[][%arg0][] : memref<?x?xf32> to memref<?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, ?]>
-// -----
-func @invalid_subview(%arg0 : index, %arg1 : memref<?x?xf32>) {
-  // expected-error@+1 {{expected number of dynamic strides specified to match the rank of the result type}}
-  %0 = subview %arg1[][][%arg0] : memref<?x?xf32> to memref<?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, ?]>
-// -----
-func @invalid_subview(%arg0 : index, %arg1 : memref<?x?xf32>) {
-  // expected-error@+1 {{invalid to specify dynamic sizes when subview result type is statically shaped and viceversa}}
-  %0 = subview %arg1[][%arg0, %arg0][] : memref<?x?xf32> to memref<4x8xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, ?]>
-// -----
-func @invalid_subview(%arg0 : index, %arg1 : memref<?x?xf32>) {
-  // expected-error@+1 {{invalid to specify dynamic sizes when subview result type is statically shaped and viceversa}}
-  %0 = subview %arg1[][][] : memref<?x?xf32> to memref<?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, ?]>
-// -----
-func @invalid_subview(%arg0 : index, %arg1 : memref<16x4xf32>) {
-  // expected-error@+1 {{expected result memref layout map to have dynamic offset}}
-  %0 = subview %arg1[%arg0, %arg0][][] : memref<16x4xf32> to memref<4x2xf32>
-// -----
-func @invalid_subview(%arg0 : index, %arg1 : memref<16x4xf32, offset: ?, strides: [4, 1]>) {
-  // expected-error@+1 {{expected result memref layout map to have dynamic offset}}
-  %0 = subview %arg1[][][] : memref<16x4xf32, offset: ?, strides: [4, 1]> to memref<4x2xf32>
-// -----
-func @invalid_subview(%arg0 : index, %arg1 : memref<16x4xf32, offset: 8, strides:[?, 1]>) {
-  // expected-error@+1 {{expected result memref layout map to have dynamic offset}}
-  %0 = subview %arg1[][][] : memref<16x4xf32, offset: 8, strides:[?, 1]> to memref<4x2xf32>
-// -----
-func @invalid_subview(%arg0 : index, %arg1 : memref<16x4xf32>) {
-  // expected-error@+1 {{expected result type to have dynamic strides}}
-  %0 = subview %arg1[][][%arg0, %arg0] : memref<16x4xf32> to memref<4x2xf32>
-// -----
-func @invalid_subview(%arg0 : index, %arg1 : memref<16x4xf32, offset: 0, strides:[?, ?]>) {
-  // expected-error@+1 {{expected result type to have dynamic stride along a dimension if the base memref type has dynamic stride along that dimension}}
-  %0 = subview %arg1[][][] : memref<16x4xf32, offset: 0, strides:[?, ?]> to memref<4x2xf32, offset:?, strides:[2, 1]>
-// -----
-func @invalid_subview(%arg0 : index, %arg1 : memref<?x8x?xf32>) {
-  %c0 = constant 0 : index
-  %c1 = constant 1 : index
-  // expected-error@+1 {{expected shape of result type to be fully dynamic when sizes are specified}}
-  %0 = subview %arg1[%c0, %c0, %c0][%c1, %arg0, %c1][%c1, %c1, %c1] : memref<?x8x?xf32> to memref<?x8x?xf32, offset:?, strides:[?, ?, ?]>
-  return
-// -----
 func @invalid_memref_cast(%arg0 : memref<12x4x16xf32, offset:0, strides:[64, 16, 1]>) {
   // expected-error@+1{{operand type 'memref<12x4x16xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0 * 64 + d1 * 16 + d2)>>' and result type 'memref<12x4x16xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0 * 128 + d1 * 32 + d2 * 2)>>' are cast incompatible}}
   %0 = memref_cast %arg0 : memref<12x4x16xf32, offset:0, strides:[64, 16, 1]> to memref<12x4x16xf32, offset:0, strides:[128, 32, 2]>
diff --git a/mlir/test/Transforms/canonicalize.mlir b/mlir/test/Transforms/canonicalize.mlir
--- a/mlir/test/Transforms/canonicalize.mlir
+++ b/mlir/test/Transforms/canonicalize.mlir
@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@
   return %c, %d : memref<? x ? x i32>, memref<? x ? x f32>
-#map1 = affine_map<(d0, d1)[s0, s1, s2] -> (d0 * s1 + d1 * s2 + s0)>
+#map1 = affine_map<(d0, d1)[s0, s1, s2] -> (d0 * s1 + s0 + d1 * s2)>
 #map2 = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2)[s0, s1, s2] -> (d0 * s2 + d1 * s1 + d2 + s0)>
 // CHECK-LABEL: func @dim_op_fold(%arg0: index, %arg1: index, %arg2: index,
@@ -684,106 +684,138 @@
 // CHECK-DAG: #[[SUBVIEW_MAP3:map[0-9]+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2)[s0, s1, s2, s3] -> (d0 * s1 + s0 + d1 * s2 + d2 * s3)>
 // CHECK-DAG: #[[SUBVIEW_MAP4:map[0-9]+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2)[s0] -> (d0 * 128 + s0 + d1 * 28 + d2 * 11)>
 // CHECK-DAG: #[[SUBVIEW_MAP5:map[0-9]+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2)[s0, s1, s2] -> (d0 * s0 + d1 * s1 + d2 * s2 + 79)>
-// CHECK-DAG: #[[SUBVIEW_MAP6:map[0-9]+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1)[s0] -> (d0 * 4 + s0 + d1)>
-// CHECK-DAG: #[[SUBVIEW_MAP7:map[0-9]+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0 * 4 + d1 + 12)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[SUBVIEW_MAP6:map[0-9]+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2)[s0, s1, s2] -> (d0 * s1 + s0 + d1 * s2 + d2 * 2)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[SUBVIEW_MAP7:map[0-9]+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1)[s0] -> (d0 * 4 + s0 + d1)>
+// CHECK-DAG: #[[SUBVIEW_MAP8:map[0-9]+]] = affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0 * 4 + d1 + 12)>
 // CHECK-LABEL: func @subview
 // CHECK-SAME: %[[ARG0:.*]]: index, %[[ARG1:.*]]: index
 func @subview(%arg0 : index, %arg1 : index) -> (index, index) {
   // CHECK: %[[C0:.*]] = constant 0 : index
   %c0 = constant 0 : index
-  // CHECK: %[[C1:.*]] = constant 1 : index
+  // CHECK-NOT: constant 1 : index
   %c1 = constant 1 : index
-  // CHECK: %[[C2:.*]] = constant 2 : index
+  // CHECK-NOT: constant 2 : index
   %c2 = constant 2 : index
+  // Folded but reappears after subview folding into dim.
   // CHECK: %[[C7:.*]] = constant 7 : index
   %c7 = constant 7 : index
+  // Folded but reappears after subview folding into dim.
   // CHECK: %[[C11:.*]] = constant 11 : index
   %c11 = constant 11 : index
+  // CHECK-NOT: constant 15 : index
   %c15 = constant 15 : index
   // CHECK: %[[ALLOC0:.*]] = alloc()
-  %0 = alloc() : memref<8x16x4xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0 * 64 + d1 * 4 + d2)>>
+  %0 = alloc() : memref<8x16x4xf32, offset : 0, strides : [64, 4, 1]>
   // Test: subview with constant base memref and constant operands is folded.
   // Note that the subview uses the base memrefs layout map because it used
   // zero offset and unit stride arguments.
-  // CHECK: subview %[[ALLOC0]][] [] [] : memref<8x16x4xf32, #[[BASE_MAP0]]> to memref<7x11x2xf32, #[[BASE_MAP0]]>
+  // CHECK: subview %[[ALLOC0]][0, 0, 0] [7, 11, 2] [1, 1, 1] :
+  // CHECK-SAME: memref<8x16x4xf32, #[[BASE_MAP0]]>
+  // CHECK-SAME: to memref<7x11x2xf32, #[[BASE_MAP0]]>
   %1 = subview %0[%c0, %c0, %c0] [%c7, %c11, %c2] [%c1, %c1, %c1]
-    : memref<8x16x4xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0 * 64 + d1 * 4 + d2)>> to
-      memref<?x?x?xf32,
-       affine_map<(d0, d1, d2)[s0, s1, s2, s3] -> (d0 * s1 + d1 * s2 + d2 * s3 + s0)>>
-  %v0 = load %1[%c0, %c0, %c0] : memref<?x?x?xf32,
-       affine_map<(d0, d1, d2)[s0, s1, s2, s3] -> (d0 * s1 + d1 * s2 + d2 * s3 + s0)>>
-  // Test: subview with one dynamic operand should not be folded.
-  // CHECK: subview %[[ALLOC0]][%[[C0]], %[[ARG0]], %[[C0]]] [] [] : memref<8x16x4xf32, #[[BASE_MAP0]]> to memref<7x11x15xf32, #[[SUBVIEW_MAP0]]>
+    : memref<8x16x4xf32, offset : 0, strides : [64, 4, 1]> to
+      memref<?x?x?xf32, offset : ?, strides : [?, ?, ?]>
+  %v0 = load %1[%c0, %c0, %c0] : memref<?x?x?xf32, offset : ?, strides : [?, ?, ?]>
+  // Test: subview with one dynamic operand can also be folded.
+  // CHECK: subview %[[ALLOC0]][0, %[[ARG0]], 0] [7, 11, 15] [1, 1, 1] :
+  // CHECK-SAME: memref<8x16x4xf32, #[[BASE_MAP0]]>
+  // CHECK-SAME: to memref<7x11x15xf32, #[[SUBVIEW_MAP0]]>
   %2 = subview %0[%c0, %arg0, %c0] [%c7, %c11, %c15] [%c1, %c1, %c1]
-    : memref<8x16x4xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0 * 64 + d1 * 4 + d2)>> to
-      memref<?x?x?xf32,
-       affine_map<(d0, d1, d2)[s0, s1, s2, s3] -> (d0 * s1 + d1 * s2 + d2 * s3 + s0)>>
-  store %v0, %2[%c0, %c0, %c0] : memref<?x?x?xf32,
-       affine_map<(d0, d1, d2)[s0, s1, s2, s3] -> (d0 * s1 + d1 * s2 + d2 * s3 + s0)>>
+    : memref<8x16x4xf32, offset : 0, strides : [64, 4, 1]> to
+      memref<?x?x?xf32, offset : ?, strides : [?, ?, ?]>
+  store %v0, %2[%c0, %c0, %c0] : memref<?x?x?xf32, offset : ?, strides : [?, ?, ?]>
   // CHECK: %[[ALLOC1:.*]] = alloc(%[[ARG0]])
-  %3 = alloc(%arg0) : memref<?x16x4xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0 * 64 + d1 * 4 + d2)>>
+  %3 = alloc(%arg0) : memref<?x16x4xf32, offset : 0, strides : [64, 4, 1]>
   // Test: subview with constant operands but dynamic base memref is folded as long as the strides and offset of the base memref are static.
-  // CHECK: subview %[[ALLOC1]][] [] [] : memref<?x16x4xf32, #[[BASE_MAP0]]> to memref<7x11x15xf32, #[[BASE_MAP0]]>
+  // CHECK: subview %[[ALLOC1]][0, 0, 0] [7, 11, 15] [1, 1, 1] :
+  // CHECK-SAME: memref<?x16x4xf32, #[[BASE_MAP0]]>
+  // CHECK-SAME: to memref<7x11x15xf32, #[[BASE_MAP0]]>
   %4 = subview %3[%c0, %c0, %c0] [%c7, %c11, %c15] [%c1, %c1, %c1]
-    : memref<?x16x4xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0 * 64 + d1 * 4 + d2)>> to
-      memref<?x?x?xf32,
-       affine_map<(d0, d1, d2)[s0, s1, s2, s3] -> (d0 * s1 + d1 * s2 + d2 * s3 + s0)>>
-  store %v0, %4[%c0, %c0, %c0] : memref<?x?x?xf32,
-       affine_map<(d0, d1, d2)[s0, s1, s2, s3] -> (d0 * s1 + d1 * s2 + d2 * s3 + s0)>>
+    : memref<?x16x4xf32, offset : 0, strides : [64, 4, 1]> to
+      memref<?x?x?xf32, offset : ?, strides : [?, ?, ?]>
+  store %v0, %4[%c0, %c0, %c0] : memref<?x?x?xf32, offset : ?, strides : [?, ?, ?]>
   // Test: subview offset operands are folded correctly w.r.t. base strides.
-  // CHECK: subview %[[ALLOC0]][] [] [] : memref<8x16x4xf32, #[[BASE_MAP0]]> to memref<7x11x2xf32, #[[SUBVIEW_MAP1]]>
+  // CHECK: subview %[[ALLOC0]][1, 2, 7] [7, 11, 2] [1, 1, 1] :
+  // CHECK-SAME: memref<8x16x4xf32, #[[BASE_MAP0]]> to
+  // CHECK-SAME: memref<7x11x2xf32, #[[SUBVIEW_MAP1]]>
   %5 = subview %0[%c1, %c2, %c7] [%c7, %c11, %c2] [%c1, %c1, %c1]
-    : memref<8x16x4xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0 * 64 + d1 * 4 + d2)>> to
-      memref<?x?x?xf32,
-       affine_map<(d0, d1, d2)[s0, s1, s2, s3] -> (d0 * s1 + d1 * s2 + d2 * s3 + s0)>>
-  store %v0, %5[%c0, %c0, %c0] : memref<?x?x?xf32,
-       affine_map<(d0, d1, d2)[s0, s1, s2, s3] -> (d0 * s1 + d1 * s2 + d2 * s3 + s0)>>
+    : memref<8x16x4xf32, offset : 0, strides : [64, 4, 1]> to
+      memref<?x?x?xf32, offset : ?, strides : [?, ?, ?]>
+  store %v0, %5[%c0, %c0, %c0] : memref<?x?x?xf32, offset : ?, strides : [?, ?, ?]>
   // Test: subview stride operands are folded correctly w.r.t. base strides.
-  // CHECK: subview %[[ALLOC0]][] [] [] : memref<8x16x4xf32, #[[BASE_MAP0]]> to memref<7x11x2xf32, #[[SUBVIEW_MAP2]]>
+  // CHECK: subview %[[ALLOC0]][0, 0, 0] [7, 11, 2] [2, 7, 11] :
+  // CHECK-SAME: memref<8x16x4xf32, #[[BASE_MAP0]]>
+  // CHECK-SAME: to memref<7x11x2xf32, #[[SUBVIEW_MAP2]]>
   %6 = subview %0[%c0, %c0, %c0] [%c7, %c11, %c2] [%c2, %c7, %c11]
-    : memref<8x16x4xf32, affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0 * 64 + d1 * 4 + d2)>> to
-      memref<?x?x?xf32,
-       affine_map<(d0, d1, d2)[s0, s1, s2, s3] -> (d0 * s1 + d1 * s2 + d2 * s3 + s0)>>
-  store %v0, %6[%c0, %c0, %c0] : memref<?x?x?xf32,
-       affine_map<(d0, d1, d2)[s0, s1, s2, s3] -> (d0 * s1 + d1 * s2 + d2 * s3 + s0)>>
+    : memref<8x16x4xf32, offset : 0, strides : [64, 4, 1]> to
+      memref<?x?x?xf32, offset : ?, strides : [?, ?, ?]>
+  store %v0, %6[%c0, %c0, %c0] : memref<?x?x?xf32, offset : ?, strides : [?, ?, ?]>
   // Test: subview shape are folded, but offsets and strides are not even if base memref is static
-  // CHECK: subview %[[ALLOC0]][%[[ARG0]], %[[ARG0]], %[[ARG0]]] [] [%[[ARG1]], %[[ARG1]], %[[ARG1]]] : memref<8x16x4xf32, #[[BASE_MAP0]]> to memref<7x11x2xf32, #[[SUBVIEW_MAP3]]>
-  %10 = subview %0[%arg0, %arg0, %arg0] [%c7, %c11, %c2] [%arg1, %arg1, %arg1] : memref<8x16x4xf32, offset:0, strides:[64, 4, 1]> to memref<?x?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, ?, ?]>
-  store %v0, %10[%arg1, %arg1, %arg1] : memref<?x?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, ?, ?]>
+  // CHECK: subview %[[ALLOC0]][%[[ARG0]], %[[ARG0]], %[[ARG0]]] [7, 11, 2] [%[[ARG1]], %[[ARG1]], %[[ARG1]]] :
+  // CHECK-SAME: memref<8x16x4xf32, #[[BASE_MAP0]]> to
+  // CHECK-SAME: memref<7x11x2xf32, #[[SUBVIEW_MAP3]]>
+  %10 = subview %0[%arg0, %arg0, %arg0] [%c7, %c11, %c2] [%arg1, %arg1, %arg1] :
+    memref<8x16x4xf32, offset:0, strides:[64, 4, 1]> to
+    memref<?x?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, ?, ?]>
+  store %v0, %10[%arg1, %arg1, %arg1] :
+    memref<?x?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, ?, ?]>
   // Test: subview strides are folded, but offsets and shape are not even if base memref is static
-  // CHECK: subview %[[ALLOC0]][%[[ARG0]], %[[ARG0]], %[[ARG0]]] [%[[ARG1]], %[[ARG1]], %[[ARG1]]] [] : memref<8x16x4xf32, #[[BASE_MAP0]]> to memref<?x?x?xf32, #[[SUBVIEW_MAP4]]
-  %11 = subview %0[%arg0, %arg0, %arg0] [%arg1, %arg1, %arg1] [%c2, %c7, %c11] : memref<8x16x4xf32, offset:0, strides:[64, 4, 1]> to memref<?x?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, ?, ?]>
-  store %v0, %11[%arg0, %arg0, %arg0] : memref<?x?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, ?, ?]>
+  // CHECK: subview %[[ALLOC0]][%[[ARG0]], %[[ARG0]], %[[ARG0]]] [%[[ARG1]], %[[ARG1]], %[[ARG1]]] [2, 7, 11] :
+  // CHECK-SAME: memref<8x16x4xf32, #[[BASE_MAP0]]> to
+  // CHECK-SAME: memref<?x?x?xf32, #[[SUBVIEW_MAP4]]
+  %11 = subview %0[%arg0, %arg0, %arg0] [%arg1, %arg1, %arg1] [%c2, %c7, %c11] :
+    memref<8x16x4xf32, offset:0, strides:[64, 4, 1]> to
+    memref<?x?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, ?, ?]>
+  store %v0, %11[%arg0, %arg0, %arg0] :
+    memref<?x?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, ?, ?]>
   // Test: subview offsets are folded, but strides and shape are not even if base memref is static
-  // CHECK: subview %[[ALLOC0]][] [%[[ARG1]], %[[ARG1]], %[[ARG1]]] [%[[ARG0]], %[[ARG0]], %[[ARG0]]] : memref<8x16x4xf32, #[[BASE_MAP0]]> to memref<?x?x?xf32, #[[SUBVIEW_MAP5]]
-  %13 = subview %0[%c1, %c2, %c7] [%arg1, %arg1, %arg1] [%arg0, %arg0, %arg0] :  memref<8x16x4xf32, offset:0, strides:[64, 4, 1]> to memref<?x?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, ?, ?]>
-  store %v0, %13[%arg1, %arg1, %arg1] : memref<?x?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, ?, ?]>
+  // CHECK: subview %[[ALLOC0]][1, 2, 7] [%[[ARG1]], %[[ARG1]], %[[ARG1]]] [%[[ARG0]], %[[ARG0]], %[[ARG0]]] :
+  // CHECK-SAME: memref<8x16x4xf32, #[[BASE_MAP0]]> to
+  // CHECK-SAME: memref<?x?x?xf32, #[[SUBVIEW_MAP5]]
+  %13 = subview %0[%c1, %c2, %c7] [%arg1, %arg1, %arg1] [%arg0, %arg0, %arg0] :
+    memref<8x16x4xf32, offset:0, strides:[64, 4, 1]> to
+    memref<?x?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, ?, ?]>
+  store %v0, %13[%arg1, %arg1, %arg1] :
+    memref<?x?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, ?, ?]>
   // CHECK: %[[ALLOC2:.*]] = alloc(%[[ARG0]], %[[ARG0]], %[[ARG1]])
   %14 = alloc(%arg0, %arg0, %arg1) : memref<?x?x?xf32>
   // Test: subview shape are folded, even if base memref is not static
-  // CHECK: subview %[[ALLOC2]][%[[ARG0]], %[[ARG0]], %[[ARG0]]] [] [%[[ARG1]], %[[ARG1]], %[[ARG1]]] : memref<?x?x?xf32> to memref<7x11x2xf32, #[[SUBVIEW_MAP3]]>
-  %15 = subview %14[%arg0, %arg0, %arg0] [%c7, %c11, %c2] [%arg1, %arg1, %arg1] : memref<?x?x?xf32> to memref<?x?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, ?, ?]>
+  // CHECK: subview %[[ALLOC2]][%[[ARG0]], %[[ARG0]], %[[ARG0]]] [7, 11, 2] [%[[ARG1]], %[[ARG1]], %[[ARG1]]] :
+  // CHECK-SAME: memref<?x?x?xf32> to
+  // CHECK-SAME: memref<7x11x2xf32, #[[SUBVIEW_MAP3]]>
+  %15 = subview %14[%arg0, %arg0, %arg0] [%c7, %c11, %c2] [%arg1, %arg1, %arg1] :
+    memref<?x?x?xf32> to
+    memref<?x?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, ?, ?]>
   store %v0, %15[%arg1, %arg1, %arg1] : memref<?x?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, ?, ?]>
-  // TEST: subview strides are not folded when the base memref is not static
-  // CHECK: subview %[[ALLOC2]][%[[ARG0]], %[[ARG0]], %[[ARG0]]] [%[[ARG1]], %[[ARG1]], %[[ARG1]]] [%[[C2]], %[[C2]], %[[C2]]] : memref<?x?x?xf32> to memref<?x?x?xf32, #[[SUBVIEW_MAP3]]
-  %16 = subview %14[%arg0, %arg0, %arg0] [%arg1, %arg1, %arg1] [%c2, %c2, %c2] : memref<?x?x?xf32> to memref<?x?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, ?, ?]>
+  // TEST: subview strides are folded, in the type only the most minor stride is folded.
+  // CHECK: subview %[[ALLOC2]][%[[ARG0]], %[[ARG0]], %[[ARG0]]] [%[[ARG1]], %[[ARG1]], %[[ARG1]]] [2, 2, 2] :
+  // CHECK-SAME: memref<?x?x?xf32> to
+  // CHECK-SAME: memref<?x?x?xf32, #[[SUBVIEW_MAP6]]
+  %16 = subview %14[%arg0, %arg0, %arg0] [%arg1, %arg1, %arg1] [%c2, %c2, %c2] :
+    memref<?x?x?xf32> to
+    memref<?x?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, ?, ?]>
   store %v0, %16[%arg0, %arg0, %arg0] : memref<?x?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, ?, ?]>
-  // TEST: subview offsets are not folded when the base memref is not static
-  // CHECK: subview %[[ALLOC2]][%[[C1]], %[[C1]], %[[C1]]] [%[[ARG0]], %[[ARG0]], %[[ARG0]]] [%[[ARG1]], %[[ARG1]], %[[ARG1]]] : memref<?x?x?xf32> to memref<?x?x?xf32, #[[SUBVIEW_MAP3]]
-  %17 = subview %14[%c1, %c1, %c1] [%arg0, %arg0, %arg0] [%arg1, %arg1, %arg1] : memref<?x?x?xf32> to memref<?x?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, ?, ?]>
+  // TEST: subview offsets are folded but the type offset remains dynamic, when the base memref is not static
+  // CHECK: subview %[[ALLOC2]][1, 1, 1] [%[[ARG0]], %[[ARG0]], %[[ARG0]]] [%[[ARG1]], %[[ARG1]], %[[ARG1]]] :
+  // CHECK-SAME: memref<?x?x?xf32> to
+  // CHECK-SAME: memref<?x?x?xf32, #[[SUBVIEW_MAP3]]
+  %17 = subview %14[%c1, %c1, %c1] [%arg0, %arg0, %arg0] [%arg1, %arg1, %arg1] :
+    memref<?x?x?xf32> to
+    memref<?x?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, ?, ?]>
   store %v0, %17[%arg0, %arg0, %arg0] : memref<?x?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides: [?, ?, ?]>
   // CHECK: %[[ALLOC3:.*]] = alloc() : memref<12x4xf32>
@@ -791,20 +823,26 @@
   %c4 = constant 4 : index
   // TEST: subview strides are maintained when sizes are folded
-  // CHECK: subview %[[ALLOC3]][%arg1, %arg1] [] [] : memref<12x4xf32> to memref<2x4xf32, #[[SUBVIEW_MAP6]]>
-  %19 = subview %18[%arg1, %arg1] [%c2, %c4] [] : memref<12x4xf32> to memref<?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides:[4, 1]>
+  // CHECK: subview %[[ALLOC3]][%arg1, %arg1] [2, 4] [1, 1] :
+  // CHECK-SAME: memref<12x4xf32> to
+  // CHECK-SAME: memref<2x4xf32, #[[SUBVIEW_MAP7]]>
+  %19 = subview %18[%arg1, %arg1] [%c2, %c4] [1, 1] :
+    memref<12x4xf32> to
+    memref<?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides:[4, 1]>
   store %v0, %19[%arg1, %arg1] : memref<?x?xf32, offset: ?, strides:[4, 1]>
   // TEST: subview strides and sizes are maintained when offsets are folded
-  // CHECK: subview %[[ALLOC3]][] [] [] : memref<12x4xf32> to memref<12x4xf32, #[[SUBVIEW_MAP7]]>
-  %20 = subview %18[%c2, %c4] [] [] : memref<12x4xf32> to memref<12x4xf32, offset: ?, strides:[4, 1]>
+  // CHECK: subview %[[ALLOC3]][2, 4] [12, 4] [1, 1] :
+  // CHECK-SAME: memref<12x4xf32> to
+  // CHECK-SAME: memref<12x4xf32, #[[SUBVIEW_MAP8]]>
+  %20 = subview %18[%c2, %c4] [12, 4] [1, 1] :
+    memref<12x4xf32> to
+    memref<12x4xf32, offset: ?, strides:[4, 1]>
   store %v0, %20[%arg1, %arg1] : memref<12x4xf32, offset: ?, strides:[4, 1]>
   // Test: dim on subview is rewritten to size operand.
-  %7 = dim %4, 0 : memref<?x?x?xf32,
-       affine_map<(d0, d1, d2)[s0, s1, s2, s3] -> (d0 * s1 + d1 * s2 + d2 * s3 + s0)>>
-  %8 = dim %4, 1 : memref<?x?x?xf32,
-       affine_map<(d0, d1, d2)[s0, s1, s2, s3] -> (d0 * s1 + d1 * s2 + d2 * s3 + s0)>>
+  %7 = dim %4, 0 : memref<?x?x?xf32, offset : ?, strides : [?, ?, ?]>
+  %8 = dim %4, 1 : memref<?x?x?xf32, offset : ?, strides : [?, ?, ?]>
   // CHECK: return %[[C7]], %[[C11]]
   return %7, %8 : index, index
@@ -898,7 +936,7 @@
 func @memref_cast_folding_subview(%arg0: memref<4x5xf32>, %i: index) -> (memref<?x?xf32, offset:? , strides: [?, ?]>) {
   %0 = memref_cast %arg0 : memref<4x5xf32> to memref<?x?xf32>
   // CHECK-NEXT: subview %{{.*}}: memref<4x5xf32>
-  %1 = subview %0[][%i,%i][]: memref<?x?xf32> to memref<?x?xf32, offset:? , strides: [?, ?]>
+  %1 = subview %0[%i, %i][%i, %i][%i, %i]: memref<?x?xf32> to memref<?x?xf32, offset:? , strides: [?, ?]>
   // CHECK-NEXT: return %{{.*}}
   return %1: memref<?x?xf32, offset:? , strides: [?, ?]>