diff --git a/libcxx/cmake/Modules/DefineLinkerScript.cmake b/libcxx/cmake/Modules/DefineLinkerScript.cmake
--- a/libcxx/cmake/Modules/DefineLinkerScript.cmake
+++ b/libcxx/cmake/Modules/DefineLinkerScript.cmake
@@ -1,3 +1,85 @@
+# This function tries to find library file name without the prefix and the
+# extension.
+# Arguments:
+#   <tgt>: Target name.
+#   <var>: Output variable that the result be written into.
+function(get_imported_library_file_base_name tgt var)
+  get_target_property(imported_loc ${tgt} IMPORTED_LOCATION)
+  if (NOT imported_loc)
+    get_target_property(imported_loc_debug ${tgt} IMPORTED_LOCATION_DEBUG)
+    get_target_property(imported_loc_release ${tgt} IMPORTED_LOCATION_RELEASE)
+    if (NOT imported_loc_debug AND NOT imported_loc_release)
+      message(FATAL_ERROR "Cannot determine import location for library ${tgt}")
+    endif()
+    set(imported_loc "$<$<CONFIG:DEBUG>:${imported_loc_debug}>$<$<CONFIG:RELEASE>:${imported_loc_release}>")
+  endif()
+  get_filename_component(lib_name "${imported_loc}" NAME_WE)
+  unset(imported_loc)
+  string(LENGTH "${CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_PREFIX}" prefix_length)
+  if (prefix_length)
+    string(FIND "${lib_name}" "${CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_PREFIX}" prefix_pos)
+    if (NOT prefix_pos EQUAL 0)
+      message(FATAL_ERROR "Library name '${tgt}' doesn't start with expected prefix")
+    endif(NOT prefix_pos EQUAL 0)
+    unset(prefix_pos)
+    string(SUBSTRING "${lib_name}" ${prefix_length} -1 dep_lib_base_name)
+    set(${var} "${dep_lib_base_name}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+  endif(prefix_length)
+# This function builds list of dependencies for given target.
+# Arguments:
+#   <tgt>: Target to build list of dependencies for.
+#   <var>: Output variable that the list be written into.
+function(get_dependencies_recursive tgt var)
+  if (TARGET ${tgt})
+    get_target_property(my_deps ${tgt} INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES)
+    if (NOT my_deps)
+      return()
+    endif()
+  endif()
+  foreach(dep ${my_deps})
+    if (TARGET ${dep})
+      get_target_property(lib_type ${dep} TYPE)
+    endif()
+        lib_type STREQUAL "STATIC_LIBRARY" OR
+        lib_type STREQUAL "SHARED_LIBRARY")
+      set(transitive_deps)
+      get_dependencies_recursive(${dep} transitive_deps)
+      list(APPEND result ${transitive_deps})
+        get_target_property(is_imported ${dep} IMPORTED)
+        # The generator expression $<TARGET_FILE_BASE_NAME:${dep}> yields the
+        # target's name when applied to an imported target. We will try to get
+        # its imported location and do some post-processing to obtain a usable
+        # file name.
+        if (is_imported)
+          get_imported_library_file_base_name(${dep} dep_file_base_name)
+          list(APPEND result "${CMAKE_LINK_LIBRARY_FLAG}${dep_file_base_name}")
+          unset(dep_file_base_name)
+        else(is_imported)
+          list(APPEND result "${CMAKE_LINK_LIBRARY_FLAG}$<TARGET_FILE_BASE_NAME:${dep}>")
+        endif(is_imported)
+        unset(is_imported)
+      endif()
+    endif()
+    unset(lib_type)
+  endforeach()
+  set(${var} ${result} PARENT_SCOPE)
 # This function defines a linker script in place of the symlink traditionally
 # created for shared libraries.
@@ -34,7 +116,8 @@
       if (TARGET "${lib}" OR
           (${lib} MATCHES "cxxabi(_static|_shared)?" AND HAVE_LIBCXXABI) OR
           (${lib} MATCHES "unwind(_static|_shared)?" AND HAVE_LIBUNWIND))
-        list(APPEND link_libraries "${CMAKE_LINK_LIBRARY_FLAG}$<TARGET_PROPERTY:${lib},OUTPUT_NAME>")
+        get_dependencies_recursive(${lib} recursive_deps)
+        list(APPEND link_libraries "${recursive_deps}")
         list(APPEND link_libraries "${CMAKE_LINK_LIBRARY_FLAG}${lib}")
diff --git a/pstl/CMakeLists.txt b/pstl/CMakeLists.txt
--- a/pstl/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/pstl/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
     find_package(TBB 2018 REQUIRED tbb OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS tbbmalloc)
     message(STATUS "Parallel STL uses TBB ${TBB_VERSION} (interface version: ${TBB_INTERFACE_VERSION})")
     target_link_libraries(ParallelSTL INTERFACE TBB::tbb)
+    set_target_properties(TBB::tbb PROPERTIES IMPORTED_GLOBAL TRUE)
     message(FATAL_ERROR "Requested unknown Parallel STL backend '${PSTL_PARALLEL_BACKEND}'.")