diff --git a/clang/include/clang/AST/OpenMPClause.h b/clang/include/clang/AST/OpenMPClause.h
--- a/clang/include/clang/AST/OpenMPClause.h
+++ b/clang/include/clang/AST/OpenMPClause.h
@@ -7178,9 +7178,11 @@
   /// former is a flat representation the actual main difference is that the
   /// latter uses clang::Expr to store the score/condition while the former is
   /// independent of clang. Thus, expressions and conditions are evaluated in
-  /// this method.
+  /// this method. If \p DeviceSetOnly is true, only the device selector set, if
+  /// present, is put in \p VMI, otherwise all selector sets are put in \p VMI.
   void getAsVariantMatchInfo(ASTContext &ASTCtx,
-                             llvm::omp::VariantMatchInfo &VMI) const;
+                             llvm::omp::VariantMatchInfo &VMI,
+                             bool DeviceSetOnly) const;
   /// Print a human readable representation into \p OS.
   void print(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const PrintingPolicy &Policy) const;
diff --git a/clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticParseKinds.td b/clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticParseKinds.td
--- a/clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticParseKinds.td
+++ b/clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticParseKinds.td
@@ -1232,8 +1232,8 @@
   "missing map type modifier">;
 def err_omp_declare_simd_inbranch_notinbranch : Error<
   "unexpected '%0' clause, '%1' is specified already">;
-def err_expected_end_declare_target : Error<
-  "expected '#pragma omp end declare target'">;
+def err_expected_end_declare_target_or_variant : Error<
+  "expected '#pragma omp end declare %select{target|variant}0'">;
 def err_omp_declare_target_unexpected_clause: Error<
   "unexpected '%0' clause, only %select{'to' or 'link'|'to', 'link' or 'device_type'}1 clauses expected">;
 def err_omp_expected_clause: Error<
diff --git a/clang/include/clang/Parse/Parser.h b/clang/include/clang/Parse/Parser.h
--- a/clang/include/clang/Parse/Parser.h
+++ b/clang/include/clang/Parse/Parser.h
@@ -2963,9 +2963,14 @@
   /// Parses OpenMP context selectors.
   bool parseOMPContextSelectors(SourceLocation Loc, OMPTraitInfo &TI);
+  /// Parse a `match` clause for an '#pragma omp declare variant'. Return true
+  /// if there was an error.
+  bool parseOMPDeclareVariantMatchClause(SourceLocation Loc, OMPTraitInfo &TI);
   /// Parse clauses for '#pragma omp declare variant'.
   void ParseOMPDeclareVariantClauses(DeclGroupPtrTy Ptr, CachedTokens &Toks,
                                      SourceLocation Loc);
   /// Parse clauses for '#pragma omp declare target'.
   DeclGroupPtrTy ParseOMPDeclareTargetClauses();
   /// Parse '#pragma omp end declare target'.
@@ -2976,6 +2981,17 @@
   /// it is not the current token.
   void skipUntilPragmaOpenMPEnd(OpenMPDirectiveKind DKind);
+  /// Check the \p FoundKind against the \p ExpectedKind, if not issue an error
+  /// that the "end" matching the "begin" directive of kind \p BeginKind was not
+  /// found. Finally, if the expected kind was found or if \p SkipUntilOpenMPEnd
+  /// is set, skip ahead using the helper `skipUntilPragmaOpenMPEnd`.
+  void parseOMPEndDirective(OpenMPDirectiveKind BeginKind,
+                            OpenMPDirectiveKind ExpectedKind,
+                            OpenMPDirectiveKind FoundKind,
+                            SourceLocation MatchingLoc,
+                            SourceLocation FoundLoc,
+                            bool SkipUntilOpenMPEnd);
   /// Parses declarative OpenMP directives.
   DeclGroupPtrTy ParseOpenMPDeclarativeDirectiveWithExtDecl(
       AccessSpecifier &AS, ParsedAttributesWithRange &Attrs,
diff --git a/clang/lib/AST/OpenMPClause.cpp b/clang/lib/AST/OpenMPClause.cpp
--- a/clang/lib/AST/OpenMPClause.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/AST/OpenMPClause.cpp
@@ -1868,9 +1868,12 @@
-void OMPTraitInfo::getAsVariantMatchInfo(
-    ASTContext &ASTCtx, VariantMatchInfo &VMI) const {
+void OMPTraitInfo::getAsVariantMatchInfo(ASTContext &ASTCtx,
+                                         VariantMatchInfo &VMI,
+                                         bool DeviceSetOnly) const {
   for (const OMPTraitSet &Set : Sets) {
+    if (DeviceSetOnly && Set.Kind != TraitSet::device)
+      continue;
     for (const OMPTraitSelector &Selector : Set.Selectors) {
       // User conditions are special as we evaluate the condition here.
diff --git a/clang/lib/Basic/OpenMPKinds.cpp b/clang/lib/Basic/OpenMPKinds.cpp
--- a/clang/lib/Basic/OpenMPKinds.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/Basic/OpenMPKinds.cpp
@@ -1025,6 +1025,8 @@
+  case OMPD_begin_declare_variant:
+  case OMPD_end_declare_variant:
   case OMPD_declare_target:
   case OMPD_end_declare_target:
   case OMPD_unknown:
@@ -1288,6 +1290,8 @@
   case OMPD_end_declare_target:
   case OMPD_requires:
   case OMPD_declare_variant:
+  case OMPD_begin_declare_variant:
+  case OMPD_end_declare_variant:
     llvm_unreachable("OpenMP Directive is not allowed");
   case OMPD_unknown:
     llvm_unreachable("Unknown OpenMP directive");
diff --git a/clang/lib/CodeGen/CGOpenMPRuntime.cpp b/clang/lib/CodeGen/CGOpenMPRuntime.cpp
--- a/clang/lib/CodeGen/CGOpenMPRuntime.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/CodeGen/CGOpenMPRuntime.cpp
@@ -7008,6 +7008,8 @@
   case OMPD_target_update:
   case OMPD_declare_simd:
   case OMPD_declare_variant:
+  case OMPD_begin_declare_variant:
+  case OMPD_end_declare_variant:
   case OMPD_declare_target:
   case OMPD_end_declare_target:
   case OMPD_declare_reduction:
@@ -7321,6 +7323,8 @@
   case OMPD_target_update:
   case OMPD_declare_simd:
   case OMPD_declare_variant:
+  case OMPD_begin_declare_variant:
+  case OMPD_end_declare_variant:
   case OMPD_declare_target:
   case OMPD_end_declare_target:
   case OMPD_declare_reduction:
@@ -9107,6 +9111,8 @@
     case OMPD_target_update:
     case OMPD_declare_simd:
     case OMPD_declare_variant:
+    case OMPD_begin_declare_variant:
+    case OMPD_end_declare_variant:
     case OMPD_declare_target:
     case OMPD_end_declare_target:
     case OMPD_declare_reduction:
@@ -9886,6 +9892,8 @@
     case OMPD_target_update:
     case OMPD_declare_simd:
     case OMPD_declare_variant:
+    case OMPD_begin_declare_variant:
+    case OMPD_end_declare_variant:
     case OMPD_declare_target:
     case OMPD_end_declare_target:
     case OMPD_declare_reduction:
@@ -10525,6 +10533,8 @@
     case OMPD_teams_distribute_parallel_for_simd:
     case OMPD_declare_simd:
     case OMPD_declare_variant:
+    case OMPD_begin_declare_variant:
+    case OMPD_end_declare_variant:
     case OMPD_declare_target:
     case OMPD_end_declare_target:
     case OMPD_declare_reduction:
@@ -11395,7 +11405,8 @@
   for (const auto *A : FD->specific_attrs<OMPDeclareVariantAttr>()) {
     const OMPTraitInfo &TI = *A->getTraitInfos();
-    TI.getAsVariantMatchInfo(CGM.getContext(), VMIs.back());
+    TI.getAsVariantMatchInfo(CGM.getContext(), VMIs.back(),
+                             /* DeviceSetOnly */ false);
diff --git a/clang/lib/CodeGen/CGOpenMPRuntimeNVPTX.cpp b/clang/lib/CodeGen/CGOpenMPRuntimeNVPTX.cpp
--- a/clang/lib/CodeGen/CGOpenMPRuntimeNVPTX.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/CodeGen/CGOpenMPRuntimeNVPTX.cpp
@@ -803,6 +803,8 @@
     case OMPD_target_update:
     case OMPD_declare_simd:
     case OMPD_declare_variant:
+    case OMPD_begin_declare_variant:
+    case OMPD_end_declare_variant:
     case OMPD_declare_target:
     case OMPD_end_declare_target:
     case OMPD_declare_reduction:
@@ -881,6 +883,8 @@
   case OMPD_target_update:
   case OMPD_declare_simd:
   case OMPD_declare_variant:
+  case OMPD_begin_declare_variant:
+  case OMPD_end_declare_variant:
   case OMPD_declare_target:
   case OMPD_end_declare_target:
   case OMPD_declare_reduction:
@@ -1052,6 +1056,8 @@
     case OMPD_target_update:
     case OMPD_declare_simd:
     case OMPD_declare_variant:
+    case OMPD_begin_declare_variant:
+    case OMPD_end_declare_variant:
     case OMPD_declare_target:
     case OMPD_end_declare_target:
     case OMPD_declare_reduction:
@@ -1136,6 +1142,8 @@
   case OMPD_target_update:
   case OMPD_declare_simd:
   case OMPD_declare_variant:
+  case OMPD_begin_declare_variant:
+  case OMPD_end_declare_variant:
   case OMPD_declare_target:
   case OMPD_end_declare_target:
   case OMPD_declare_reduction:
diff --git a/clang/lib/Parse/ParseOpenMP.cpp b/clang/lib/Parse/ParseOpenMP.cpp
--- a/clang/lib/Parse/ParseOpenMP.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/Parse/ParseOpenMP.cpp
@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@
+  OMPD_begin,
+  OMPD_begin_declare,
 // Helper to unify the enum class OpenMPDirectiveKind with its extension
@@ -101,6 +103,7 @@
       .Case("update", OMPD_update)
       .Case("mapper", OMPD_mapper)
       .Case("variant", OMPD_variant)
+      .Case("begin", OMPD_begin)
@@ -109,18 +112,21 @@
   // E.g.: OMPD_for OMPD_simd ===> OMPD_for_simd
   // TODO: add other combined directives in topological order.
   static const OpenMPDirectiveKindExWrapper F[][3] = {
+      {OMPD_begin, OMPD_declare, OMPD_begin_declare},
+      {OMPD_end, OMPD_declare, OMPD_end_declare},
       {OMPD_cancellation, OMPD_point, OMPD_cancellation_point},
       {OMPD_declare, OMPD_reduction, OMPD_declare_reduction},
       {OMPD_declare, OMPD_mapper, OMPD_declare_mapper},
       {OMPD_declare, OMPD_simd, OMPD_declare_simd},
       {OMPD_declare, OMPD_target, OMPD_declare_target},
       {OMPD_declare, OMPD_variant, OMPD_declare_variant},
+      {OMPD_begin_declare, OMPD_variant, OMPD_begin_declare_variant},
+      {OMPD_end_declare, OMPD_variant, OMPD_end_declare_variant},
       {OMPD_distribute, OMPD_parallel, OMPD_distribute_parallel},
       {OMPD_distribute_parallel, OMPD_for, OMPD_distribute_parallel_for},
       {OMPD_distribute_parallel_for, OMPD_simd,
       {OMPD_distribute, OMPD_simd, OMPD_distribute_simd},
-      {OMPD_end, OMPD_declare, OMPD_end_declare},
       {OMPD_end_declare, OMPD_target, OMPD_end_declare_target},
       {OMPD_target, OMPD_data, OMPD_target_data},
       {OMPD_target, OMPD_enter, OMPD_target_enter},
@@ -1124,13 +1130,19 @@
   // Parse '('.
+  SourceLocation ScoreLoc = Tok.getLocation();
   ExprResult Score = parseContextScore(*this);
-  if (!AllowsTraitScore && Score.isUsable()) {
-    Diag(Score.get()->getBeginLoc(),
-         diag::warn_omp_ctx_incompatible_score_for_property)
-        << getOpenMPContextTraitSelectorName(TISelector.Kind)
-        << getOpenMPContextTraitSetName(Set) << Score.get();
+  if (!AllowsTraitScore && !Score.isUnset()) {
+    if (Score.isUsable()) {
+      Diag(ScoreLoc, diag::warn_omp_ctx_incompatible_score_for_property)
+          << getOpenMPContextTraitSelectorName(TISelector.Kind)
+          << getOpenMPContextTraitSetName(Set) << Score.get();
+    } else {
+      Diag(ScoreLoc, diag::warn_omp_ctx_incompatible_score_for_property)
+          << getOpenMPContextTraitSelectorName(TISelector.Kind)
+          << getOpenMPContextTraitSetName(Set) << "<invalid>";
+    }
     Score = ExprResult();
@@ -1334,6 +1346,29 @@
+  OMPTraitInfo TI;
+  if (parseOMPDeclareVariantMatchClause(Loc, TI))
+    return;
+  Optional<std::pair<FunctionDecl *, Expr *>> DeclVarData =
+      Actions.checkOpenMPDeclareVariantFunction(
+          Ptr, AssociatedFunction.get(), TI,
+          SourceRange(Loc, Tok.getLocation()));
+  // Skip last tokens.
+  while (Tok.isNot(tok::annot_pragma_openmp_end))
+    ConsumeAnyToken();
+  if (DeclVarData && !TI.Sets.empty())
+    Actions.ActOnOpenMPDeclareVariantDirective(
+        DeclVarData->first, DeclVarData->second, TI,
+        SourceRange(Loc, Tok.getLocation()));
+  // Skip the last annot_pragma_openmp_end.
+  (void)ConsumeAnnotationToken();
+bool Parser::parseOMPDeclareVariantMatchClause(SourceLocation Loc,
+                                               OMPTraitInfo &TI) {
   // Parse 'match'.
   OpenMPClauseKind CKind = Tok.isAnnotation()
                                ? OMPC_unknown
@@ -1345,7 +1380,7 @@
     // Skip the last annot_pragma_openmp_end.
-    return;
+    return true;
   // Parse '('.
@@ -1356,31 +1391,15 @@
     // Skip the last annot_pragma_openmp_end.
-    return;
+    return true;
   // Parse inner context selectors.
-  OMPTraitInfo &TI = Actions.getASTContext().getNewOMPTraitInfo();
   parseOMPContextSelectors(Loc, TI);
   // Parse ')'
-  Optional<std::pair<FunctionDecl *, Expr *>> DeclVarData =
-      Actions.checkOpenMPDeclareVariantFunction(
-          Ptr, AssociatedFunction.get(), TI,
-          SourceRange(Loc, Tok.getLocation()));
-  // Skip last tokens.
-  while (Tok.isNot(tok::annot_pragma_openmp_end))
-    ConsumeAnyToken();
-  if (DeclVarData.hasValue() && !TI.Sets.empty())
-    Actions.ActOnOpenMPDeclareVariantDirective(
-        DeclVarData.getValue().first, DeclVarData.getValue().second, TI,
-        SourceRange(Loc, Tok.getLocation()));
-  // Skip the last annot_pragma_openmp_end.
-  (void)ConsumeAnnotationToken();
+  return false;
 /// Parsing of simple OpenMP clauses like 'default' or 'proc_bind'.
@@ -1530,17 +1549,36 @@
-void Parser::ParseOMPEndDeclareTargetDirective(OpenMPDirectiveKind DKind,
-                                               SourceLocation DTLoc) {
-  if (DKind != OMPD_end_declare_target) {
-    Diag(Tok, diag::err_expected_end_declare_target);
-    Diag(DTLoc, diag::note_matching) << "'#pragma omp declare target'";
+void Parser::parseOMPEndDirective(OpenMPDirectiveKind BeginKind,
+                                  OpenMPDirectiveKind ExpectedKind,
+                                  OpenMPDirectiveKind FoundKind,
+                                  SourceLocation BeginLoc,
+                                  SourceLocation FoundLoc,
+                                  bool SkipUntilOpenMPEnd) {
+  int DiagSelection = ExpectedKind == OMPD_end_declare_target ? 0 : 1;
+  if (FoundKind == ExpectedKind) {
+    ConsumeAnyToken();
+    skipUntilPragmaOpenMPEnd(ExpectedKind);
-  ConsumeAnyToken();
-  skipUntilPragmaOpenMPEnd(OMPD_end_declare_target);
+  Diag(FoundLoc, diag::err_expected_end_declare_target_or_variant)
+      << DiagSelection;
+  Diag(BeginLoc, diag::note_matching)
+      << ("'#pragma omp " + getOpenMPDirectiveName(BeginKind) + "'").str();
+  if (SkipUntilOpenMPEnd)
+    SkipUntil(tok::annot_pragma_openmp_end, StopBeforeMatch);
+void Parser::ParseOMPEndDeclareTargetDirective(OpenMPDirectiveKind DKind,
+                                               SourceLocation DKLoc) {
+  parseOMPEndDirective(OMPD_declare_target, OMPD_end_declare_target, DKind,
+                       DKLoc, Tok.getLocation(),
+                       /* SkipUntilOpenMPEnd */ false);
   // Skip the last annot_pragma_openmp_end.
-  ConsumeAnyToken();
+  if (Tok.is(tok::annot_pragma_openmp_end))
+    ConsumeAnnotationToken();
 /// Parsing of declarative OpenMP directives.
@@ -1725,6 +1763,56 @@
+  case OMPD_begin_declare_variant: {
+    // The syntax is:
+    // { #pragma omp begin declare variant clause }
+    // <function-declaration-or-definition-sequence>
+    // { #pragma omp end declare variant }
+    //
+    ConsumeToken();
+    OMPTraitInfo &TI = Actions.getASTContext().getNewOMPTraitInfo();
+    if (parseOMPDeclareVariantMatchClause(Loc, TI))
+      break;
+    // Skip last tokens.
+    skipUntilPragmaOpenMPEnd(OMPD_begin_declare_variant);
+    VariantMatchInfo VMI;
+    ASTContext &ASTCtx = Actions.getASTContext();
+    TI.getAsVariantMatchInfo(ASTCtx, VMI, /* DeviceSetOnly */ true);
+    OMPContext OMPCtx(ASTCtx.getLangOpts().OpenMPIsDevice,
+                      ASTCtx.getTargetInfo().getTriple());
+    if (isVariantApplicableInContext(VMI, OMPCtx))
+      break;
+    // Elide all the code till the matching end declare variant was found.
+    unsigned Nesting = 1;
+    SourceLocation DKLoc;
+    OpenMPDirectiveKind DK = OMPD_unknown;
+    do {
+      DKLoc = Tok.getLocation();
+      DK = parseOpenMPDirectiveKind(*this);
+      if (DK == OMPD_end_declare_variant)
+        --Nesting;
+      else if (DK == OMPD_begin_declare_variant)
+        ++Nesting;
+      if (!Nesting || isEofOrEom())
+        break;
+      ConsumeAnyToken();
+    } while (true);
+    parseOMPEndDirective(OMPD_begin_declare_variant, OMPD_end_declare_variant,
+                         DK, Loc, DKLoc, /* SkipUntilOpenMPEnd */ true);
+    if (isEofOrEom())
+      return nullptr;
+    break;
+  }
+  case OMPD_end_declare_variant:
+    // FIXME: With the sema changes we will keep track of nesting and be able to
+    // diagnose unmatchend OMPD_end_declare_variant.
+    ConsumeToken();
+    break;
   case OMPD_declare_variant:
   case OMPD_declare_simd: {
     // The syntax is:
@@ -2215,6 +2303,8 @@
   case OMPD_declare_target:
   case OMPD_end_declare_target:
   case OMPD_requires:
+  case OMPD_begin_declare_variant:
+  case OMPD_end_declare_variant:
   case OMPD_declare_variant:
     Diag(Tok, diag::err_omp_unexpected_directive)
         << 1 << getOpenMPDirectiveName(DKind);
diff --git a/clang/lib/Sema/SemaOpenMP.cpp b/clang/lib/Sema/SemaOpenMP.cpp
--- a/clang/lib/Sema/SemaOpenMP.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/Sema/SemaOpenMP.cpp
@@ -3788,6 +3788,8 @@
   case OMPD_end_declare_target:
   case OMPD_requires:
   case OMPD_declare_variant:
+  case OMPD_begin_declare_variant:
+  case OMPD_end_declare_variant:
     llvm_unreachable("OpenMP Directive is not allowed");
   case OMPD_unknown:
     llvm_unreachable("Unknown OpenMP directive");
@@ -5015,6 +5017,8 @@
   case OMPD_declare_simd:
   case OMPD_requires:
   case OMPD_declare_variant:
+  case OMPD_begin_declare_variant:
+  case OMPD_end_declare_variant:
     llvm_unreachable("OpenMP Directive is not allowed");
   case OMPD_unknown:
     llvm_unreachable("Unknown OpenMP directive");
@@ -11222,6 +11226,8 @@
     case OMPD_declare_mapper:
     case OMPD_declare_simd:
     case OMPD_declare_variant:
+    case OMPD_begin_declare_variant:
+    case OMPD_end_declare_variant:
     case OMPD_declare_target:
     case OMPD_end_declare_target:
     case OMPD_teams:
@@ -11294,6 +11300,8 @@
     case OMPD_declare_mapper:
     case OMPD_declare_simd:
     case OMPD_declare_variant:
+    case OMPD_begin_declare_variant:
+    case OMPD_end_declare_variant:
     case OMPD_declare_target:
     case OMPD_end_declare_target:
     case OMPD_teams:
@@ -11371,6 +11379,8 @@
     case OMPD_declare_mapper:
     case OMPD_declare_simd:
     case OMPD_declare_variant:
+    case OMPD_begin_declare_variant:
+    case OMPD_end_declare_variant:
     case OMPD_declare_target:
     case OMPD_end_declare_target:
     case OMPD_simd:
@@ -11445,6 +11455,8 @@
     case OMPD_declare_mapper:
     case OMPD_declare_simd:
     case OMPD_declare_variant:
+    case OMPD_begin_declare_variant:
+    case OMPD_end_declare_variant:
     case OMPD_declare_target:
     case OMPD_end_declare_target:
     case OMPD_simd:
@@ -11520,6 +11532,8 @@
     case OMPD_declare_mapper:
     case OMPD_declare_simd:
     case OMPD_declare_variant:
+    case OMPD_begin_declare_variant:
+    case OMPD_end_declare_variant:
     case OMPD_declare_target:
     case OMPD_end_declare_target:
     case OMPD_simd:
@@ -11594,6 +11608,8 @@
     case OMPD_declare_mapper:
     case OMPD_declare_simd:
     case OMPD_declare_variant:
+    case OMPD_begin_declare_variant:
+    case OMPD_end_declare_variant:
     case OMPD_declare_target:
     case OMPD_end_declare_target:
     case OMPD_simd:
@@ -11667,6 +11683,8 @@
     case OMPD_declare_mapper:
     case OMPD_declare_simd:
     case OMPD_declare_variant:
+    case OMPD_begin_declare_variant:
+    case OMPD_end_declare_variant:
     case OMPD_declare_target:
     case OMPD_end_declare_target:
     case OMPD_simd:
@@ -11743,6 +11761,8 @@
     case OMPD_declare_mapper:
     case OMPD_declare_simd:
     case OMPD_declare_variant:
+    case OMPD_begin_declare_variant:
+    case OMPD_end_declare_variant:
     case OMPD_declare_target:
     case OMPD_end_declare_target:
     case OMPD_simd:
diff --git a/clang/test/AST/ast-dump-openmp-begin-declare-variant.c b/clang/test/AST/ast-dump-openmp-begin-declare-variant.c
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/test/AST/ast-dump-openmp-begin-declare-variant.c
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-unknown-unknown -fopenmp -ast-dump %s | FileCheck %s
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(device={kind(cpu)})
+int also_before(void) {
+  return 0;
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(device={kind(gpu)})
+int also_after(void) {
+  return 2;
+int also_before(void) {
+  return 2;
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(device={kind(fpga)})
+This text is never parsed!
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+int also_after(void) {
+  return 0;
+int test() {
+  return also_after() + also_before();
+// Make sure:
+//  - we do see the ast nodes for the cpu kind
+//  - we do not see the ast nodes for the gpu kind
+//  - we do not choke on the text in the kind(fpga) guarded scope.
+// CHECK:       -FunctionDecl {{.*}} <{{.*}}4:1, line:{{.*}}:1> line:{{.*}}:5 used also_before 'int (void)'
+// CHECK-NEXT:   -CompoundStmt {{.*}} <col:23, line:{{.*}}:1>
+// CHECK-NEXT:    `-ReturnStmt {{.*}} <line:{{.*}}:3, col:10>
+// CHECK-NEXT:      `-IntegerLiteral {{.*}} <col:10> 'int' 0
+// CHECK-NEXT:  -FunctionDecl {{.*}} <line:{{.*}}:1, line:{{.*}}:1> line:{{.*}}:5 used also_after 'int (void)'
+// CHECK-NEXT:   -CompoundStmt {{.*}} <col:22, line:{{.*}}:1>
+// CHECK-NEXT:    `-ReturnStmt {{.*}} <line:{{.*}}:3, col:10>
+// CHECK-NEXT:      `-IntegerLiteral {{.*}} <col:10> 'int' 0
+// CHECK-NEXT:  `-FunctionDecl {{.*}} <line:{{.*}}:1, line:{{.*}}:1> line:{{.*}}:5 test 'int ()'
+// CHECK-NEXT:    `-CompoundStmt {{.*}} <col:12, line:{{.*}}:1>
+// CHECK-NEXT:      `-ReturnStmt {{.*}} <line:{{.*}}:3, col:37>
+// CHECK-NEXT:        `-BinaryOperator {{.*}} <col:10, col:37> 'int' '+'
+// CHECK-NEXT:          |-CallExpr {{.*}} <col:10, col:21> 'int'
+// CHECK-NEXT:          | `-ImplicitCastExpr {{.*}} <col:10> 'int (*)(void)' <FunctionToPointerDecay>
+// CHECK-NEXT:          |   `-DeclRefExpr {{.*}} <col:10> 'int (void)' Function {{.*}} 'also_after' 'int (void)'
+// CHECK-NEXT:          `-CallExpr {{.*}} <col:25, col:37> 'int'
+// CHECK-NEXT:            `-ImplicitCastExpr {{.*}} <col:25> 'int (*)(void)' <FunctionToPointerDecay>
+// CHECK-NEXT:              `-DeclRefExpr {{.*}} <col:25> 'int (void)' Function {{.*}} 'also_before' 'int (void)'
diff --git a/clang/test/OpenMP/begin-declare-variant_no_end_for_matching_selector.c b/clang/test/OpenMP/begin-declare-variant_no_end_for_matching_selector.c
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/test/OpenMP/begin-declare-variant_no_end_for_matching_selector.c
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple=x86_64-pc-win32 -verify -fopenmp -x c -std=c99 -fms-extensions -Wno-pragma-pack %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple=x86_64-pc-win32 -verify -fopenmp-simd -x c -std=c99 -fms-extensions -Wno-pragma-pack %s
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(device={kind(cpu)})
+int also_before(void) {
+  return 0;
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(device={kind(gpu)}) // expected-note {{to match this '#pragma omp begin declare variant'}}
+// The matching end is missing. Since the device clause is not matching we will
+// cause us to elide the rest of the file and emit and error.
+int also_after(void) {
+  return 2;
+int also_before(void) {
+  return 2;
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(device={kind(fpga)})
+This text is never parsed!
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+int also_after(void) {
+  return 0;
+int test() {
+  return also_after() + also_before();
+} // expected-error {{expected '#pragma omp end declare variant'}}
diff --git a/clang/test/OpenMP/begin_declare_variant_messages.c b/clang/test/OpenMP/begin_declare_variant_messages.c
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clang/test/OpenMP/begin_declare_variant_messages.c
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple=x86_64-pc-win32 -verify -fopenmp -x c -std=c99 -fms-extensions -Wno-pragma-pack %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple=x86_64-pc-win32 -verify -fopenmp-simd -x c -std=c99 -fms-extensions -Wno-pragma-pack %s
+#pragma omp begin // expected-error {{expected an OpenMP directive}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare // expected-error {{expected an OpenMP directive}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin variant // expected-error {{expected an OpenMP directive}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp variant begin // expected-error {{expected an OpenMP directive}}
+#pragma omp declare variant end // expected-error {{function declaration is expected after 'declare variant' directive}}
+#pragma omp begin declare variant // expected-error {{expected 'match' clause on 'omp declare variant' directive}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+// TODO: Issue an error message
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+int foo(void);
+const int var;
+#pragma omp begin declare variant // expected-error {{expected 'match' clause on 'omp declare variant' directive}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant xxx // expected-error {{expected 'match' clause on 'omp declare variant' directive}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match // expected-error {{expected '(' after 'match'}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match( // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context set; set skipped}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match() // expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context set; set skipped}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(xxx) // expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`; set ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(xxx=) // expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`; set ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(xxx=yyy) // expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`; set ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(xxx=yyy}) // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`; set ignored}} expected-warning {{extra tokens at the end of '#pragma omp begin declare variant' are ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(xxx={) // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`; set ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(xxx={}) // expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`; set ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(xxx={vvv, vvv}) // expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`; set ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(xxx={vvv} xxx) // expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`; set ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(xxx={vvv}) xxx // expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`; set ignored}} expected-warning {{extra tokens at the end of '#pragma omp begin declare variant' are ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(implementation={xxx}) // expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context selector for the context set 'implementation'; selector ignored}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'vendor' 'extension' 'unified_address' 'unified_shared_memory' 'reverse_offload' 'dynamic_allocators' 'atomic_default_mem_order'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(implementation={vendor}) // expected-warning {{the context selector 'vendor' in context set 'implementation' requires a context property defined in parentheses; selector ignored}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(implementation={vendor(}) // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property; property skipped}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'amd' 'arm' 'bsc' 'cray' 'fujitsu' 'gnu' 'ibm' 'intel' 'llvm' 'pgi' 'ti' 'unknown'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(implementation={vendor()}) // expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property; property skipped}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'amd' 'arm' 'bsc' 'cray' 'fujitsu' 'gnu' 'ibm' 'intel' 'llvm' 'pgi' 'ti' 'unknown'}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(implementation={vendor(score ibm)}) // expected-error {{expected '(' after 'score'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression; '':'' assumed}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(implementation={vendor(score( ibm)}) // expected-error {{use of undeclared identifier 'ibm'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression; '':'' assumed}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property; property skipped}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'amd' 'arm' 'bsc' 'cray' 'fujitsu' 'gnu' 'ibm' 'intel' 'llvm' 'pgi' 'ti' 'unknown'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(implementation={vendor(score(2 ibm)}) // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression; '':'' assumed}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property; property skipped}} expected-note {{to match this '('}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'amd' 'arm' 'bsc' 'cray' 'fujitsu' 'gnu' 'ibm' 'intel' 'llvm' 'pgi' 'ti' 'unknown'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(implementation={vendor(score(foo()) ibm)}) // expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression; '':'' assumed}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(implementation={vendor(score(5): ibm), vendor(llvm)}) // expected-warning {{the context selector 'vendor' was used already in the same 'omp declare variant' directive; selector ignored}} expected-note {{the previous context selector 'vendor' used here}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(implementation={vendor(score(5): ibm), kind(cpu)}) // expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' is not valid for the context set 'implementation'; selector ignored}} expected-note {{the context selector 'kind' can be nested in the context set 'device'; try 'match(device={kind(property)})'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(device={xxx}) // expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context selector for the context set 'device'; selector ignored}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'kind' 'isa' 'arch'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(device={kind}) // expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in context set 'device' requires a context property defined in parentheses; selector ignored}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(device={kind(}) // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property; property skipped}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'host' 'nohost' 'cpu' 'gpu' 'fpga' 'any'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(device={kind()}) // expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property; property skipped}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'host' 'nohost' 'cpu' 'gpu' 'fpga' 'any'}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(device={kind(score cpu)}) // expected-error {{expected '(' after 'score'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression; '':'' assumed}} expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('<invalid>'); score ignored}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(device={kind(score( ibm)}) // expected-error {{use of undeclared identifier 'ibm'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression; '':'' assumed}} expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('<invalid>'); score ignored}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property; property skipped}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'host' 'nohost' 'cpu' 'gpu' 'fpga' 'any'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(device={kind(score(2 gpu)}) // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression; '':'' assumed}} expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('2'); score ignored}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property; property skipped}} expected-note {{to match this '('}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'host' 'nohost' 'cpu' 'gpu' 'fpga' 'any'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(device={kind(score(foo()) ibm)}) // expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression; '':'' assumed}} expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('foo()'); score ignored}} expected-warning {{'ibm' is not a valid context property for the context selector 'kind' and the context set 'device'; property ignored}} expected-note {{try 'match(implementation={vendor(ibm)})'}} expected-note {{the ignored property spans until here}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(device={kind(score(5): host), kind(llvm)}) // expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('5'); score ignored}} expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' was used already in the same 'omp declare variant' directive; selector ignored}} expected-note {{the previous context selector 'kind' used here}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(device={kind(score(5): nohost), vendor(llvm)}) // expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('5'); score ignored}} expected-warning {{the context selector 'vendor' is not valid for the context set 'device'; selector ignored}} expected-note {{the context selector 'vendor' can be nested in the context set 'implementation'; try 'match(implementation={vendor(property)})'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(device = {kind(score(foo()): cpu}) // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('foo()'); score ignored}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(device = {kind(score(foo()): cpu)) // expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('foo()'); score ignored}} expected-warning {{expected '}' after the context selectors for the context set "device"; '}' assumed}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(device = {kind(score(foo()): cpu)} // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('foo()'); score ignored}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(implementation = {vendor(score(foo) :llvm)})
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(implementation = {vendor(score(foo()) :llvm)})
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(implementation = {vendor(score(<expr>) :llvm)}) // expected-error {{expected expression}} expected-error {{use of undeclared identifier 'expr'}} expected-error {{expected expression}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(user = {condition(foo)})
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(user = {condition(foo())})
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(user = {condition(<expr>)}) // expected-error {{expected expression}} expected-error {{use of undeclared identifier 'expr'}} expected-error {{expected expression}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(device = {kind(score(&var): cpu)}) // expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('&var'); score ignored}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(device = {kind(score(var): cpu)}) // expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('var'); score ignored}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(device = {kind(score(foo): cpu)}) // expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('foo'); score ignored}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(device = {kind(score(foo()): cpu)}) // expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('foo()'); score ignored}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(device = {kind(score(<expr>): cpu)}) // expected-error {{expected expression}} expected-error {{use of undeclared identifier 'expr'}} expected-error {{expected expression}} expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('<invalid>'); score ignored}}
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+// TODO: Issue an error message
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(device={kind(cpu)})
+// The matching end is missing. Since the device clause is matching we will
+// emit and error.
+int also_before(void) {
+  return 0;
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(device={kind(gpu)}) // expected-note {{to match this '#pragma omp begin declare variant'}}
+// The matching end is missing. Since the device clause is not matching we will
+// cause us to elide the rest of the file and emit and error.
+int also_after(void) {
+  return 2;
+int also_before(void) {
+  return 2;
+#pragma omp begin declare variant match(device={kind(fpga)})
+This text is never parsed!
+#pragma omp end declare variant
+This text is also not parsed! // expected-error {{expected '#pragma omp end declare variant'}}
diff --git a/clang/test/OpenMP/declare_variant_messages.c b/clang/test/OpenMP/declare_variant_messages.c
--- a/clang/test/OpenMP/declare_variant_messages.c
+++ b/clang/test/OpenMP/declare_variant_messages.c
@@ -40,12 +40,13 @@
 #pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(device={kind}) // expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in context set 'device' requires a context property defined in parentheses; selector ignored}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
 #pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(device={kind(}) // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property; property skipped}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'host' 'nohost' 'cpu' 'gpu' 'fpga' 'any'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
 #pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(device={kind()}) // expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property; property skipped}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'host' 'nohost' 'cpu' 'gpu' 'fpga' 'any'}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(device={kind(score cpu)}) // expected-error {{expected '(' after 'score'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression; '':'' assumed}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(device={kind(score( ibm)}) // expected-error {{use of undeclared identifier 'ibm'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression; '':'' assumed}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property; property skipped}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'host' 'nohost' 'cpu' 'gpu' 'fpga' 'any'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(device={kind(score cpu)}) // expected-error {{expected '(' after 'score'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression; '':'' assumed}} expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('<invalid>'); score ignored}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(device={kind(score( ibm)}) // expected-error {{use of undeclared identifier 'ibm'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression; '':'' assumed}} expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('<invalid>'); score ignored}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property; property skipped}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'host' 'nohost' 'cpu' 'gpu' 'fpga' 'any'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
 #pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(device={kind(score(2 gpu)}) // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression; '':'' assumed}} expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('2'); score ignored}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property; property skipped}} expected-note {{to match this '('}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'host' 'nohost' 'cpu' 'gpu' 'fpga' 'any'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
 #pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(device={kind(score(foo()) ibm)}) // expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression; '':'' assumed}} expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('foo()'); score ignored}} expected-warning {{'ibm' is not a valid context property for the context selector 'kind' and the context set 'device'; property ignored}} expected-note {{try 'match(implementation={vendor(ibm)})'}} expected-note {{the ignored property spans until here}}
 #pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(device={kind(score(5): host), kind(llvm)}) // expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('5'); score ignored}} expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' was used already in the same 'omp declare variant' directive; selector ignored}} expected-note {{the previous context selector 'kind' used here}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
 #pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(device={kind(score(5): nohost), vendor(llvm)}) // expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('5'); score ignored}} expected-warning {{the context selector 'vendor' is not valid for the context set 'device'; selector ignored}} expected-note {{the context selector 'vendor' can be nested in the context set 'implementation'; try 'match(implementation={vendor(property)})'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(implementation={extension("aaa")}) // expected-warning {{'aaa' is not a valid context property for the context selector 'extension' and the context set 'implementation'; property ignored}} expected-note {{context property options are: <none>}} expected-note {{the ignored property spans until here}}
 int bar(void);
 #pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(implementation = {vendor(score(foo) :llvm)}) // expected-warning {{score expressions in the OpenMP context selector need to be constant; foo is not and will be ignored}}
diff --git a/clang/test/OpenMP/declare_variant_messages.cpp b/clang/test/OpenMP/declare_variant_messages.cpp
--- a/clang/test/OpenMP/declare_variant_messages.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/OpenMP/declare_variant_messages.cpp
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@
 #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind}) // expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in context set 'device' requires a context property defined in parentheses; selector ignored}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
 #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(}) // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property; property skipped}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'host' 'nohost' 'cpu' 'gpu' 'fpga' 'any'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
 #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind()}) // expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property; property skipped}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'host' 'nohost' 'cpu' 'gpu' 'fpga' 'any'}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(score cpu)}) // expected-error {{expected '(' after 'score'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression; '':'' assumed}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(score( ibm)}) // expected-error {{use of undeclared identifier 'ibm'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression; '':'' assumed}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property; property skipped}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'host' 'nohost' 'cpu' 'gpu' 'fpga' 'any'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(score cpu)}) // expected-error {{expected '(' after 'score'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression; '':'' assumed}} expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('<invalid>'); score ignored}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(score( ibm)}) // expected-error {{use of undeclared identifier 'ibm'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression; '':'' assumed}} expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('<invalid>'); score ignored}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property; property skipped}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'host' 'nohost' 'cpu' 'gpu' 'fpga' 'any'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
 #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(score(2 gpu)}) // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression; '':'' assumed}} expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('2'); score ignored}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property; property skipped}} expected-note {{to match this '('}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'host' 'nohost' 'cpu' 'gpu' 'fpga' 'any'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
 #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(score(foofoo <int>()) ibm)}) // expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression; '':'' assumed}} expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('foofoo<int>()'); score ignored}} expected-warning {{'ibm' is not a valid context property for the context selector 'kind' and the context set 'device'; property ignored}} expected-note {{try 'match(implementation={vendor(ibm)})'}} expected-note {{the ignored property spans until here}}
 #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(score(5): host), kind(llvm)}) // expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('5'); score ignored}} expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' was used already in the same 'omp declare variant' directive; selector ignored}} expected-note {{the previous context selector 'kind' used here}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
@@ -83,8 +83,8 @@
 #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind}) // expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in context set 'device' requires a context property defined in parentheses; selector ignored}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
 #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(}) // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property; property skipped}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'host' 'nohost' 'cpu' 'gpu' 'fpga' 'any'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
 #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind()}) // expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property; property skipped}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'host' 'nohost' 'cpu' 'gpu' 'fpga' 'any'}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(score cpu)}) // expected-error {{expected '(' after 'score'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression; '':'' assumed}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(score( ibm)}) // expected-error {{use of undeclared identifier 'ibm'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression; '':'' assumed}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property; property skipped}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'host' 'nohost' 'cpu' 'gpu' 'fpga' 'any'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(score cpu)}) // expected-error {{expected '(' after 'score'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression; '':'' assumed}} expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('<invalid>'); score ignored}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(score( ibm)}) // expected-error {{use of undeclared identifier 'ibm'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression; '':'' assumed}} expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('<invalid>'); score ignored}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property; property skipped}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'host' 'nohost' 'cpu' 'gpu' 'fpga' 'any'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
 #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(score(C gpu)}) // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression; '':'' assumed}} expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('C'); score ignored}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property; property skipped}} expected-note {{to match this '('}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'host' 'nohost' 'cpu' 'gpu' 'fpga' 'any'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
 #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(score(foofoo <int>()) ibm)}) // expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression; '':'' assumed}} expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('foofoo<int>()'); score ignored}} expected-warning {{'ibm' is not a valid context property for the context selector 'kind' and the context set 'device'; property ignored}} expected-note {{try 'match(implementation={vendor(ibm)})'}} expected-note {{the ignored property spans until here}}
 #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(score(C+5): host), kind(llvm)}) // expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('C + 5'); score ignored}} expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' was used already in the same 'omp declare variant' directive; selector ignored}} expected-note {{the previous context selector 'kind' used here}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
diff --git a/llvm/include/llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPKinds.def b/llvm/include/llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPKinds.def
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPKinds.def
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPKinds.def
@@ -93,6 +93,8 @@
                     "parallel master taskloop simd")
+__OMP_DIRECTIVE_EXT(begin_declare_variant, "begin declare variant")
+__OMP_DIRECTIVE_EXT(end_declare_variant, "end declare variant")
 // Has to be the last because Clang implicitly expects it to be.
diff --git a/llvm/lib/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPContext.cpp b/llvm/lib/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPContext.cpp
--- a/llvm/lib/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPContext.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPContext.cpp
@@ -450,6 +450,8 @@
       StringRef(Str) != "invalid")                                             \
     S.append("'").append(Str).append("'").append(" ");
 #include "llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPKinds.def"
+  if (S.empty())
+    return "<none>";
   return S;