diff --git a/clang/include/clang/AST/Attr.h b/clang/include/clang/AST/Attr.h
--- a/clang/include/clang/AST/Attr.h
+++ b/clang/include/clang/AST/Attr.h
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 #include "clang/AST/AttrIterator.h"
 #include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
 #include "clang/AST/Expr.h"
+#include "clang/AST/OpenMPClause.h"
 #include "clang/AST/Type.h"
 #include "clang/Basic/AttrKinds.h"
 #include "clang/Basic/AttributeCommonInfo.h"
diff --git a/clang/include/clang/AST/OpenMPClause.h b/clang/include/clang/AST/OpenMPClause.h
--- a/clang/include/clang/AST/OpenMPClause.h
+++ b/clang/include/clang/AST/OpenMPClause.h
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 #include "llvm/ADT/iterator.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/iterator_range.h"
 #include "llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPConstants.h"
+#include "llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPContext.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/TrailingObjects.h"
@@ -6499,6 +6500,41 @@
 #include "clang/Basic/OpenMPKinds.def"
+/// Helper datastructure representing the traits in a match clause of an
+/// `declare variant` or `metadirective`. The outer level is an ordered
+/// collection of selector sets, each with an associated kind and an ordered
+/// collection of selectors. A selector has a kind, an optional score/condition,
+/// and an ordered collection of properties.
+struct OMPTraitInfo {
+  struct OMPTraitProperty {
+    llvm::omp::TraitProperty Kind = llvm::omp::TraitProperty::invalid;
+  };
+  struct OMPTraitSelector {
+    Expr *ScoreOrCondition = nullptr;
+    llvm::omp::TraitSelector Kind = llvm::omp::TraitSelector::invalid;
+    llvm::SmallVector<OMPTraitProperty, 4> Properties;
+  };
+  struct OMPTraitSet {
+    llvm::omp::TraitSet Kind = llvm::omp::TraitSet::invalid;
+    llvm::SmallVector<OMPTraitSelector, 4> Selectors;
+  };
+  /// The outermost level of selector sets.
+  llvm::SmallVector<OMPTraitSet, 4> Sets;
+  /// Create a variant match infor object from this trait info object. While the
+  /// former is a flat representation the actual main difference is that the
+  /// latter uses clang::Expr to store the score/condition while the former is
+  /// independent of clang. Thus, expressions and conditions are evaluated in
+  /// this method.
+  void getAsVariantMatchInfo(ASTContext &ASTCtx,
+                             llvm::omp::VariantMatchInfo &VMI) const;
+  /// Print a humand readable representation into \p OS.
+  void print(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const PrintingPolicy &Policy) const;
+llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const OMPTraitInfo &TI);
 } // namespace clang
diff --git a/clang/include/clang/Basic/Attr.td b/clang/include/clang/Basic/Attr.td
--- a/clang/include/clang/Basic/Attr.td
+++ b/clang/include/clang/Basic/Attr.td
@@ -180,6 +180,12 @@
 class NamedArgument<string name, bit opt = 0, bit fake = 0> : Argument<name,
+// An argument of type \p type with name \p name.
+class GenericPointerArgument<string name, string type> : Argument<name, 1> {
+  string Type = type;
 class TypeArgument<string name, bit opt = 0> : Argument<name, opt>;
 class UnsignedArgument<string name, bit opt = 0> : Argument<name, opt>;
 class VariadicUnsignedArgument<string name> : Argument<name, 1>;
@@ -3342,20 +3348,9 @@
   let Documentation = [OMPDeclareVariantDocs];
   let Args = [
-    VariadicExprArgument<"Scores">,
-    VariadicUnsignedArgument<"CtxSelectorSets">,
-    VariadicUnsignedArgument<"CtxSelectors">,
-    VariadicStringArgument<"ImplVendors">,
-    VariadicStringArgument<"DeviceKinds">
+    GenericPointerArgument<"TraitInfos", "OMPTraitInfo*">,
   let AdditionalMembers = [{
-    void printScore(raw_ostream & OS, const PrintingPolicy &Policy, unsigned I) const {
-      if (const Expr *E = *std::next(scores_begin(), I)) {
-        OS << "score(";
-        E->printPretty(OS, nullptr, Policy);
-        OS << "):";
-      }
-    }
     void printPrettyPragma(raw_ostream & OS, const PrintingPolicy &Policy)
         const {
       if (const Expr *E = getVariantFuncRef()) {
@@ -3363,66 +3358,8 @@
         E->printPretty(OS, nullptr, Policy);
         OS << ")";
-      // TODO: add printing of real context selectors.
       OS << " match(";
-      int Used[OMP_CTX_SET_unknown] = {0};
-      for (unsigned I = 0, E = ctxSelectorSets_size(); I < E; ++I) {
-        auto CtxSet = static_cast<OpenMPContextSelectorSetKind>(
-            *std::next(ctxSelectorSets_begin(), I));
-        if (Used[CtxSet])
-          continue;
-        if (I > 0)
-          OS << ",";
-        switch (CtxSet) {
-        case OMP_CTX_SET_implementation:
-          OS << "implementation={";
-          break;
-        case OMP_CTX_SET_device:
-          OS << "device={";
-          break;
-        case OMP_CTX_SET_unknown:
-          llvm_unreachable("Unknown context selector set.");
-        }
-        Used[CtxSet] = 1;
-        for (unsigned K = I, EK = ctxSelectors_size(); K < EK; ++K) {
-          auto CtxSetK = static_cast<OpenMPContextSelectorSetKind>(
-              *std::next(ctxSelectorSets_begin(), K));
-          if (CtxSet != CtxSetK)
-            continue;
-          if (K != I)
-            OS << ",";
-          auto Ctx = static_cast<OpenMPContextSelectorKind>(
-              *std::next(ctxSelectors_begin(), K));
-          switch (Ctx) {
-          case OMP_CTX_vendor:
-            assert(CtxSet == OMP_CTX_SET_implementation &&
-                   "Expected implementation context selector set.");
-            OS << "vendor(";
-            printScore(OS, Policy, K);
-            if (implVendors_size() > 0) {
-              OS << *implVendors(). begin();
-              for (StringRef VendorName : llvm::drop_begin(implVendors(), 1))
-                OS << ", " << VendorName;
-            }
-            OS << ")";
-            break;
-          case OMP_CTX_kind:
-            assert(CtxSet == OMP_CTX_SET_device &&
-                   "Expected device context selector set.");
-            OS << "kind(";
-            if (deviceKinds_size() > 0) {
-              OS << *deviceKinds().begin();
-              for (StringRef KindName : llvm::drop_begin(deviceKinds(), 1))
-                OS << ", " << KindName;
-            }
-            OS << ")";
-            break;
-          case OMP_CTX_unknown:
-            llvm_unreachable("Unknown context selector.");
-          }
-        }
-        OS << "}";
-      }
+      traitInfos->print(OS, Policy);
       OS << ")";
diff --git a/clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticParseKinds.td b/clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticParseKinds.td
--- a/clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticParseKinds.td
+++ b/clang/include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticParseKinds.td
@@ -1258,30 +1258,53 @@
   "expected declarator on 'omp declare mapper' directive">;
 def err_omp_declare_variant_wrong_clause : Error<
   "expected '%0' clause on 'omp declare variant' directive">;
-def err_omp_declare_variant_no_ctx_selector : Error<
-  "expected context selector in '%0' clause on 'omp declare variant' directive">;
-def err_omp_declare_variant_equal_expected : Error<
-  "expected '=' after '%0' context selector set name on 'omp declare variant' directive">;
-def warn_omp_declare_variant_cs_name_expected : Warning<
-  "unknown context selector in '%0' context selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive, ignored">,
+def warn_omp_declare_variant_string_literal_or_identifier : Warning<
+  "expected identifier or string literal describing a context %select{set|selector|property}0, %select{set|selector|property}0 skipped">,
+  InGroup<OpenMPClauses>;
+def note_omp_declare_variant_ctx_options : Note<
+  "context %select{set|selector|property}0 options are: %1">;
+def warn_omp_declare_variant_expected : Warning<
+  "expected '%0' after the %1, '%0' assumed">,
+  InGroup<OpenMPClauses>;
+def warn_omp_declare_variant_ctx_not_a_property : Warning<
+  "'%0' is not a valid context property for the context selector '%1' and the context set '%2', property ignored">,
+  InGroup<OpenMPClauses>;
+def note_omp_declare_variant_ctx_is_a : Note<
+  "'%0' is a context %select{set|selector|property}1 not a context %select{set|selector|property}2">;
+def note_omp_declare_variant_ctx_try : Note<
+  "try 'match(%0={%1%2})'">;
+def warn_omp_declare_variant_ctx_not_a_selector : Warning<
+  "'%0' is not a valid context selector for the context set '%1', selector ignored">,
+  InGroup<OpenMPClauses>;
+def warn_omp_declare_variant_ctx_not_a_set : Warning<
+  "'%0' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`, set ignored">,
+  InGroup<OpenMPClauses>;
+def warn_omp_declare_variant_ctx_mutiple_use : Warning<
+  "the context %select{set|selector|property}0 '%1' was used already in the same 'omp declare variant' directive, %select{set|selector|property}0 ignored">,
-def err_omp_declare_variant_item_expected : Error<
-  "expected %0 in '%1' context selector of '%2' selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive">;
-def err_omp_declare_variant_ctx_set_mutiple_use : Error<
-  "context selector set '%0' is used already in the same 'omp declare variant' directive">;
-def note_omp_declare_variant_ctx_set_used_here : Note<
-  "previously context selector set '%0' used here">;
-def err_omp_expected_comma_brace : Error<"expected '}' or ',' after '%0'">;
-def err_omp_declare_variant_ctx_mutiple_use : Error<
-  "context trait selector '%0' is used already in the same '%1' context selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive">;
 def note_omp_declare_variant_ctx_used_here : Note<
-  "previously context trait selector '%0' used here">;
+  "the previous context %select{set|selector|property}0 '%1' used here">;
+def note_omp_declare_variant_ctx_continue_here : Note<
+  "the ignored %select{set|selector|property}0 spans until here">;
+def warn_omp_ctx_incompatible_selector_for_set : Warning<
+  "the context selector '%0' is not valid for the context set '%1', selector ignored">,
+  InGroup<OpenMPClauses>;
+def note_omp_ctx_compatible_set_for_selector : Note<
+  "the context selector '%0' can be nested in the context set '%1', try 'match(%1={%0%select{|(property)}2})'">;
+def warn_omp_ctx_selector_without_properties : Warning<
+  "the context selector '%0' in context set '%1' requires a context property defined in parenthesis, selector ignored">,
+  InGroup<OpenMPClauses>;
+def warn_omp_ctx_incompatible_property_for_selector : Warning<
+  "the context property '%0' is not valid for the context selector '%1' and the context set '%2', property ignored">,
+  InGroup<OpenMPClauses>;
+def note_omp_ctx_compatible_set_and_selector_for_property : Note<
+  "the context property '%0' can be nested in the context selector '%1' which is nested in the context set '%2', try 'match(%2={%1(%0)})'">;
+def warn_omp_ctx_incompatible_score_for_property : Warning<
+  "the context selector '%0' in the context set '%1' cannot have a score ('%2'), score ignored">,
+  InGroup<OpenMPClauses>;
 def warn_omp_more_one_device_type_clause : Warning<
   "more than one 'device_type' clause is specified">,
-def err_omp_wrong_device_kind_trait : Error<
-  "unknown '%0' device kind trait in the 'device' context selector set, expected"
-  " one of 'host', 'nohost', 'cpu', 'gpu' or 'fpga'">;
 // Pragma loop support.
 def err_pragma_loop_missing_argument : Error<
diff --git a/clang/include/clang/Basic/OpenMPKinds.h b/clang/include/clang/Basic/OpenMPKinds.h
--- a/clang/include/clang/Basic/OpenMPKinds.h
+++ b/clang/include/clang/Basic/OpenMPKinds.h
@@ -19,45 +19,6 @@
 namespace clang {
-/// OpenMP context selector sets.
-enum OpenMPContextSelectorSetKind {
-#include "clang/Basic/OpenMPKinds.def"
-  OMP_CTX_SET_unknown,
-/// OpenMP context selectors.
-enum OpenMPContextSelectorKind {
-#include "clang/Basic/OpenMPKinds.def"
-  OMP_CTX_unknown,
-OpenMPContextSelectorSetKind getOpenMPContextSelectorSet(llvm::StringRef Str);
-getOpenMPContextSelectorSetName(OpenMPContextSelectorSetKind Kind);
-OpenMPContextSelectorKind getOpenMPContextSelector(llvm::StringRef Str);
-llvm::StringRef getOpenMPContextSelectorName(OpenMPContextSelectorKind Kind);
-/// Struct to store the context selectors info.
-template <typename VectorType, typename ScoreT> struct OpenMPCtxSelectorData {
-  OpenMPContextSelectorSetKind CtxSet = OMP_CTX_SET_unknown;
-  OpenMPContextSelectorKind Ctx = OMP_CTX_unknown;
-  ScoreT Score;
-  VectorType Names;
-  explicit OpenMPCtxSelectorData() = default;
-  explicit OpenMPCtxSelectorData(OpenMPContextSelectorSetKind CtxSet,
-                                 OpenMPContextSelectorKind Ctx,
-                                 const ScoreT &Score, VectorType &&Names)
-      : CtxSet(CtxSet), Ctx(Ctx), Score(Score), Names(Names) {}
-  template <typename U>
-  explicit OpenMPCtxSelectorData(OpenMPContextSelectorSetKind CtxSet,
-                                 OpenMPContextSelectorKind Ctx,
-                                 const ScoreT &Score, const U &Names)
-      : CtxSet(CtxSet), Ctx(Ctx), Score(Score),
-        Names(Names.begin(), Names.end()) {}
 /// OpenMP directives.
 using OpenMPDirectiveKind = llvm::omp::Directive;
diff --git a/clang/include/clang/Basic/OpenMPKinds.def b/clang/include/clang/Basic/OpenMPKinds.def
--- a/clang/include/clang/Basic/OpenMPKinds.def
+++ b/clang/include/clang/Basic/OpenMPKinds.def
@@ -203,12 +203,6 @@
@@ -216,14 +210,6 @@
 #define OPENMP_ORDER_KIND(Name)
-// OpenMP context selector sets.
-// OpenMP context selectors.
 // OpenMP clauses.
 OPENMP_CLAUSE(allocator, OMPAllocatorClause)
@@ -1084,8 +1070,6 @@
diff --git a/clang/include/clang/Parse/Parser.h b/clang/include/clang/Parse/Parser.h
--- a/clang/include/clang/Parse/Parser.h
+++ b/clang/include/clang/Parse/Parser.h
@@ -2920,11 +2920,39 @@
   DeclGroupPtrTy ParseOMPDeclareSimdClauses(DeclGroupPtrTy Ptr,
                                             CachedTokens &Toks,
                                             SourceLocation Loc);
-  /// Parses OpenMP context selectors and calls \p Callback for each
-  /// successfully parsed context selector.
-  bool
-  parseOpenMPContextSelectors(SourceLocation Loc,
-                              SmallVectorImpl<Sema::OMPCtxSelectorData> &Data);
+  /// Parse a property kind into \p TIProperty for the selector set \p Set and
+  /// selector \p Selector.
+  void parseOMPTraitPropertyKind(OMPTraitInfo::OMPTraitProperty &TIProperty,
+                                 llvm::omp::TraitSet Set,
+                                 llvm::omp::TraitSelector Selector,
+                                 llvm::StringMap<SourceLocation> &Seen);
+  /// Parse a selector kind into \p TISelector for the selector set \p Set.
+  void parseOMPTraitSelectorKind(OMPTraitInfo::OMPTraitSelector &TISelector,
+                                 llvm::omp::TraitSet Set,
+                                 llvm::StringMap<SourceLocation> &Seen);
+  /// Parse a selector set kind into \p TISet.
+  void parseOMPTraitSetKind(OMPTraitInfo::OMPTraitSet &TISet,
+                            llvm::StringMap<SourceLocation> &Seen);
+  /// Parses an OpenMP context property.
+  void parseOMPContextProperty(OMPTraitInfo::OMPTraitSelector &TISelector,
+                               llvm::omp::TraitSet Set,
+                               llvm::StringMap<SourceLocation> &Seen);
+  /// Parses an OpenMP context selector.
+  void parseOMPContextSelector(OMPTraitInfo::OMPTraitSelector &TISelector,
+                               llvm::omp::TraitSet Set,
+                               llvm::StringMap<SourceLocation> &SeenSelectors);
+  /// Parses an OpenMP context selector set.
+  void parseOMPContextSelectorSet(OMPTraitInfo::OMPTraitSet &TISet,
+                                  llvm::StringMap<SourceLocation> &SeenSets);
+  /// Parses OpenMP context selectors.
+  bool parseOMPContextSelectors(SourceLocation Loc, OMPTraitInfo &TI);
   /// Parse clauses for '#pragma omp declare variant'.
   void ParseOMPDeclareVariantClauses(DeclGroupPtrTy Ptr, CachedTokens &Toks,
diff --git a/clang/include/clang/Sema/Sema.h b/clang/include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
--- a/clang/include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
+++ b/clang/include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
@@ -9697,9 +9697,6 @@
   /// Struct to store the context selectors info for declare variant directive.
-  using OMPCtxStringType = SmallString<8>;
-  using OMPCtxSelectorData =
-      OpenMPCtxSelectorData<SmallVector<OMPCtxStringType, 4>, ExprResult>;
   /// Checks if the variant/multiversion functions are compatible.
   bool areMultiversionVariantFunctionsCompatible(
@@ -10173,8 +10170,9 @@
   /// must be used instead of the original one, specified in \p DG.
   /// \returns None, if the function/variant function are not compatible with
   /// the pragma, pair of original function/variant ref expression otherwise.
-  Optional<std::pair<FunctionDecl *, Expr *>> checkOpenMPDeclareVariantFunction(
-      DeclGroupPtrTy DG, Expr *VariantRef, SourceRange SR);
+  Optional<std::pair<FunctionDecl *, Expr *>>
+  checkOpenMPDeclareVariantFunction(DeclGroupPtrTy DG, Expr *VariantRef,
+                                    SourceRange SR);
   /// Called on well-formed '\#pragma omp declare variant' after parsing of
   /// the associated method/function.
@@ -10182,11 +10180,9 @@
   /// applied to.
   /// \param VariantRef Expression that references the variant function, which
   /// must be used instead of the original one, specified in \p DG.
-  /// \param Data Set of context-specific data for the specified context
-  /// selector.
+  /// \param TI The context traits associated with the function variant.
   void ActOnOpenMPDeclareVariantDirective(FunctionDecl *FD, Expr *VariantRef,
-                                          SourceRange SR,
-                                          ArrayRef<OMPCtxSelectorData> Data);
+                                          OMPTraitInfo *TI, SourceRange SR);
   OMPClause *ActOnOpenMPSingleExprClause(OpenMPClauseKind Kind,
                                          Expr *Expr,
diff --git a/clang/include/clang/Serialization/ASTRecordReader.h b/clang/include/clang/Serialization/ASTRecordReader.h
--- a/clang/include/clang/Serialization/ASTRecordReader.h
+++ b/clang/include/clang/Serialization/ASTRecordReader.h
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 #include "llvm/ADT/APSInt.h"
 namespace clang {
+struct OMPTraitInfo;
 /// An object for streaming information from a record.
 class ASTRecordReader
@@ -258,9 +259,18 @@
     return Reader->ReadCXXTemporary(*F, Record, Idx);
+  /// Read prototype for GenericPointerArguments in Attributes. Requires a
+  /// specialization for the used UserType.
+  template <typename T> T *readUserType();
   /// Read an OpenMP clause, advancing Idx.
   OMPClause *readOMPClause();
+  /// Read an OpenMP trait info object.
+  OMPTraitInfo *readOMPTraitInfo();
+  template <> OMPTraitInfo *readUserType() { return readOMPTraitInfo(); }
   /// Read a source location, advancing Idx.
   SourceLocation readSourceLocation() {
     return Reader->ReadSourceLocation(*F, Record, Idx);
diff --git a/clang/include/clang/Serialization/ASTRecordWriter.h b/clang/include/clang/Serialization/ASTRecordWriter.h
--- a/clang/include/clang/Serialization/ASTRecordWriter.h
+++ b/clang/include/clang/Serialization/ASTRecordWriter.h
@@ -266,8 +266,16 @@
   void AddCXXDefinitionData(const CXXRecordDecl *D);
+  /// Write prototype for GenericPointerArguments in Attributes. Requires a
+  /// specialization for the used UserType.
+  template <typename T> void writeUserType(T *);
   void writeOMPClause(OMPClause *C);
+  void writeOMPTraitInfo(const OMPTraitInfo *TI);
+  template <> void writeUserType(OMPTraitInfo *TI) { writeOMPTraitInfo(TI); }
   /// Emit a string.
   void AddString(StringRef Str) {
     return Writer->AddString(Str, *Record);
diff --git a/clang/lib/AST/OpenMPClause.cpp b/clang/lib/AST/OpenMPClause.cpp
--- a/clang/lib/AST/OpenMPClause.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/AST/OpenMPClause.cpp
@@ -1698,3 +1698,108 @@
   OS << "order(" << getOpenMPSimpleClauseTypeName(OMPC_order, Node->getKind())
      << ")";
+void OMPTraitInfo::getAsVariantMatchInfo(
+    ASTContext &ASTCtx, llvm::omp::VariantMatchInfo &VMI) const {
+  for (const OMPTraitSet &Set : Sets) {
+    for (const OMPTraitSelector &Selector : Set.Selectors) {
+      // User conditions are special as we evaluate the condition here.
+      if (Selector.Kind == llvm::omp::TraitSelector::user_condition) {
+        assert(Selector.ScoreOrCondition &&
+               "Ill-formed user condition, expected condition expression!");
+        assert(Selector.Properties.size() == 1 &&
+               Selector.Properties.front().Kind ==
+                   llvm::omp::TraitProperty::user_condition_unknown &&
+               "Ill-formed user condition, expected unknown trait property!");
+        llvm::APInt CondVal =
+            Selector.ScoreOrCondition->EvaluateKnownConstInt(ASTCtx);
+        if (CondVal.isNullValue())
+          VMI.addTrait(llvm::omp::TraitProperty::user_condition_false);
+        else
+          VMI.addTrait(llvm::omp::TraitProperty::user_condition_true);
+        continue;
+      }
+      llvm::APInt Score;
+      llvm::APInt *ScorePtr = nullptr;
+      if (Selector.ScoreOrCondition) {
+        Score = Selector.ScoreOrCondition->EvaluateKnownConstInt(ASTCtx);
+        ScorePtr = &Score;
+      }
+      for (const OMPTraitProperty &Property : Selector.Properties)
+        VMI.addTrait(Set.Kind, Property.Kind, ScorePtr);
+      if (Set.Kind != llvm::omp::TraitSet::construct)
+        continue;
+      // TODO: This might not hold once we implement SIMD properly.
+      assert(Selector.Properties.size() == 1 &&
+             Selector.Properties.front().Kind ==
+                 llvm::omp::getOpenMPContextTraitPropertyForSelector(
+                     Selector.Kind) &&
+             "Ill-formed construct selector!");
+      VMI.ConstructTraits.push_back(Selector.Properties.front().Kind);
+    }
+  }
+void OMPTraitInfo::print(llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
+                         const PrintingPolicy &Policy) const {
+  bool FirstSet = true;
+  for (const OMPTraitInfo::OMPTraitSet &Set : Sets) {
+    if (!FirstSet)
+      OS << ", ";
+    FirstSet = false;
+    OS << llvm::omp::getOpenMPContextTraitSetName(Set.Kind) << "={";
+    bool FirstSelector = true;
+    for (const OMPTraitInfo::OMPTraitSelector &Selector : Set.Selectors) {
+      if (!FirstSelector)
+        OS << ", ";
+      FirstSelector = false;
+      OS << llvm::omp::getOpenMPContextTraitSelectorName(Selector.Kind);
+      bool AllowsTraitScore = false;
+      bool RequiresProperty = false;
+      llvm::omp::isValidTraitSelectorForTraitSet(
+          Selector.Kind, Set.Kind, AllowsTraitScore, RequiresProperty);
+      if (!RequiresProperty)
+        continue;
+      OS << "(";
+      if (Selector.Kind == llvm::omp::TraitSelector::user_condition) {
+        Selector.ScoreOrCondition->printPretty(OS, nullptr, Policy);
+      } else {
+        if (Selector.ScoreOrCondition) {
+          OS << "score(";
+          Selector.ScoreOrCondition->printPretty(OS, nullptr, Policy);
+          OS << "): ";
+        }
+        bool FirstProperty = true;
+        for (const OMPTraitInfo::OMPTraitProperty &Property :
+             Selector.Properties) {
+          if (!FirstProperty)
+            OS << ", ";
+          FirstProperty = false;
+          OS << llvm::omp::getOpenMPContextTraitPropertyName(Property.Kind);
+        }
+      }
+      OS << ")";
+    }
+    OS << "}";
+  }
+llvm::raw_ostream &clang::operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
+                                     const OMPTraitInfo &TI) {
+  LangOptions LO;
+  PrintingPolicy Policy(LO);
+  TI.print(OS, Policy);
+  return OS;
diff --git a/clang/lib/Basic/OpenMPKinds.cpp b/clang/lib/Basic/OpenMPKinds.cpp
--- a/clang/lib/Basic/OpenMPKinds.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/Basic/OpenMPKinds.cpp
@@ -20,49 +20,6 @@
 using namespace clang;
 using namespace llvm::omp;
-clang::getOpenMPContextSelectorSet(llvm::StringRef Str) {
-  return llvm::StringSwitch<OpenMPContextSelectorSetKind>(Str)
-#define OPENMP_CONTEXT_SELECTOR_SET(Name) .Case(#Name, OMP_CTX_SET_##Name)
-#include "clang/Basic/OpenMPKinds.def"
-      .Default(OMP_CTX_SET_unknown);
-clang::getOpenMPContextSelectorSetName(OpenMPContextSelectorSetKind Kind) {
-  switch (Kind) {
-  case OMP_CTX_SET_unknown:
-    return "unknown";
-#define OPENMP_CONTEXT_SELECTOR_SET(Name)                                      \
-  case OMP_CTX_SET_##Name:                                                     \
-    return #Name;
-#include "clang/Basic/OpenMPKinds.def"
-    break;
-  }
-  llvm_unreachable("Invalid OpenMP context selector set kind");
-OpenMPContextSelectorKind clang::getOpenMPContextSelector(llvm::StringRef Str) {
-  return llvm::StringSwitch<OpenMPContextSelectorKind>(Str)
-#define OPENMP_CONTEXT_SELECTOR(Name) .Case(#Name, OMP_CTX_##Name)
-#include "clang/Basic/OpenMPKinds.def"
-      .Default(OMP_CTX_unknown);
-clang::getOpenMPContextSelectorName(OpenMPContextSelectorKind Kind) {
-  switch (Kind) {
-  case OMP_CTX_unknown:
-    return "unknown";
-#define OPENMP_CONTEXT_SELECTOR(Name)                                          \
-  case OMP_CTX_##Name:                                                         \
-    return #Name;
-#include "clang/Basic/OpenMPKinds.def"
-    break;
-  }
-  llvm_unreachable("Invalid OpenMP context selector kind");
 OpenMPClauseKind clang::getOpenMPClauseKind(StringRef Str) {
   // 'flush' clause cannot be specified explicitly, because this is an implicit
   // clause for 'flush' directive. If the 'flush' clause is explicitly specified
diff --git a/clang/lib/CodeGen/CGOpenMPRuntime.cpp b/clang/lib/CodeGen/CGOpenMPRuntime.cpp
--- a/clang/lib/CodeGen/CGOpenMPRuntime.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/CodeGen/CGOpenMPRuntime.cpp
@@ -11019,257 +11019,34 @@
   return Address(Addr, Align);
-namespace {
-using OMPContextSelectorData =
-    OpenMPCtxSelectorData<ArrayRef<StringRef>, llvm::APSInt>;
-using CompleteOMPContextSelectorData = SmallVector<OMPContextSelectorData, 4>;
-} // anonymous namespace
-/// Checks current context and returns true if it matches the context selector.
-template <OpenMPContextSelectorSetKind CtxSet, OpenMPContextSelectorKind Ctx,
-          typename... Arguments>
-static bool checkContext(const OMPContextSelectorData &Data,
-                         Arguments... Params) {
-  assert(Data.CtxSet != OMP_CTX_SET_unknown && Data.Ctx != OMP_CTX_unknown &&
-         "Unknown context selector or context selector set.");
-  return false;
-/// Checks for implementation={vendor(<vendor>)} context selector.
-/// \returns true iff <vendor>="llvm", false otherwise.
-template <>
-bool checkContext<OMP_CTX_SET_implementation, OMP_CTX_vendor>(
-    const OMPContextSelectorData &Data) {
-  return llvm::all_of(Data.Names,
-                      [](StringRef S) { return !S.compare_lower("llvm"); });
-/// Checks for device={kind(<kind>)} context selector.
-/// \returns true if <kind>="host" and compilation is for host.
-/// true if <kind>="nohost" and compilation is for device.
-/// true if <kind>="cpu" and compilation is for Arm, X86 or PPC CPU.
-/// true if <kind>="gpu" and compilation is for NVPTX or AMDGCN.
-/// false otherwise.
-template <>
-bool checkContext<OMP_CTX_SET_device, OMP_CTX_kind, CodeGenModule &>(
-    const OMPContextSelectorData &Data, CodeGenModule &CGM) {
-  for (StringRef Name : Data.Names) {
-    if (!Name.compare_lower("host")) {
-      if (CGM.getLangOpts().OpenMPIsDevice)
-        return false;
-      continue;
-    }
-    if (!Name.compare_lower("nohost")) {
-      if (!CGM.getLangOpts().OpenMPIsDevice)
-        return false;
-      continue;
-    }
-    switch (CGM.getTriple().getArch()) {
-    case llvm::Triple::arm:
-    case llvm::Triple::armeb:
-    case llvm::Triple::aarch64:
-    case llvm::Triple::aarch64_be:
-    case llvm::Triple::aarch64_32:
-    case llvm::Triple::ppc:
-    case llvm::Triple::ppc64:
-    case llvm::Triple::ppc64le:
-    case llvm::Triple::x86:
-    case llvm::Triple::x86_64:
-      if (Name.compare_lower("cpu"))
-        return false;
-      break;
-    case llvm::Triple::amdgcn:
-    case llvm::Triple::nvptx:
-    case llvm::Triple::nvptx64:
-      if (Name.compare_lower("gpu"))
-        return false;
-      break;
-    case llvm::Triple::UnknownArch:
-    case llvm::Triple::arc:
-    case llvm::Triple::avr:
-    case llvm::Triple::bpfel:
-    case llvm::Triple::bpfeb:
-    case llvm::Triple::hexagon:
-    case llvm::Triple::mips:
-    case llvm::Triple::mipsel:
-    case llvm::Triple::mips64:
-    case llvm::Triple::mips64el:
-    case llvm::Triple::msp430:
-    case llvm::Triple::r600:
-    case llvm::Triple::riscv32:
-    case llvm::Triple::riscv64:
-    case llvm::Triple::sparc:
-    case llvm::Triple::sparcv9:
-    case llvm::Triple::sparcel:
-    case llvm::Triple::systemz:
-    case llvm::Triple::tce:
-    case llvm::Triple::tcele:
-    case llvm::Triple::thumb:
-    case llvm::Triple::thumbeb:
-    case llvm::Triple::xcore:
-    case llvm::Triple::le32:
-    case llvm::Triple::le64:
-    case llvm::Triple::amdil:
-    case llvm::Triple::amdil64:
-    case llvm::Triple::hsail:
-    case llvm::Triple::hsail64:
-    case llvm::Triple::spir:
-    case llvm::Triple::spir64:
-    case llvm::Triple::kalimba:
-    case llvm::Triple::shave:
-    case llvm::Triple::lanai:
-    case llvm::Triple::wasm32:
-    case llvm::Triple::wasm64:
-    case llvm::Triple::renderscript32:
-    case llvm::Triple::renderscript64:
-    case llvm::Triple::ve:
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
-  return true;
-static bool matchesContext(CodeGenModule &CGM,
-                           const CompleteOMPContextSelectorData &ContextData) {
-  for (const OMPContextSelectorData &Data : ContextData) {
-    switch (Data.Ctx) {
-    case OMP_CTX_vendor:
-      assert(Data.CtxSet == OMP_CTX_SET_implementation &&
-             "Expected implementation context selector set.");
-      if (!checkContext<OMP_CTX_SET_implementation, OMP_CTX_vendor>(Data))
-        return false;
-      break;
-    case OMP_CTX_kind:
-      assert(Data.CtxSet == OMP_CTX_SET_device &&
-             "Expected device context selector set.");
-      if (!checkContext<OMP_CTX_SET_device, OMP_CTX_kind, CodeGenModule &>(Data,
-                                                                           CGM))
-        return false;
-      break;
-    case OMP_CTX_unknown:
-      llvm_unreachable("Unknown context selector kind.");
-    }
-  }
-  return true;
-static CompleteOMPContextSelectorData
-translateAttrToContextSelectorData(ASTContext &C,
-                                   const OMPDeclareVariantAttr *A) {
-  CompleteOMPContextSelectorData Data;
-  for (unsigned I = 0, E = A->scores_size(); I < E; ++I) {
-    Data.emplace_back();
-    auto CtxSet = static_cast<OpenMPContextSelectorSetKind>(
-        *std::next(A->ctxSelectorSets_begin(), I));
-    auto Ctx = static_cast<OpenMPContextSelectorKind>(
-        *std::next(A->ctxSelectors_begin(), I));
-    Data.back().CtxSet = CtxSet;
-    Data.back().Ctx = Ctx;
-    const Expr *Score = *std::next(A->scores_begin(), I);
-    Data.back().Score = Score->EvaluateKnownConstInt(C);
-    switch (Ctx) {
-    case OMP_CTX_vendor:
-      assert(CtxSet == OMP_CTX_SET_implementation &&
-             "Expected implementation context selector set.");
-      Data.back().Names =
-          llvm::makeArrayRef(A->implVendors_begin(), A->implVendors_end());
-      break;
-    case OMP_CTX_kind:
-      assert(CtxSet == OMP_CTX_SET_device &&
-             "Expected device context selector set.");
-      Data.back().Names =
-          llvm::makeArrayRef(A->deviceKinds_begin(), A->deviceKinds_end());
-      break;
-    case OMP_CTX_unknown:
-      llvm_unreachable("Unknown context selector kind.");
-    }
-  }
-  return Data;
-static bool isStrictSubset(const CompleteOMPContextSelectorData &LHS,
-                           const CompleteOMPContextSelectorData &RHS) {
-  llvm::SmallDenseMap<std::pair<int, int>, llvm::StringSet<>, 4> RHSData;
-  for (const OMPContextSelectorData &D : RHS) {
-    auto &Pair = RHSData.FindAndConstruct(std::make_pair(D.CtxSet, D.Ctx));
-    Pair.getSecond().insert(D.Names.begin(), D.Names.end());
-  }
-  bool AllSetsAreEqual = true;
-  for (const OMPContextSelectorData &D : LHS) {
-    auto It = RHSData.find(std::make_pair(D.CtxSet, D.Ctx));
-    if (It == RHSData.end())
-      return false;
-    if (D.Names.size() > It->getSecond().size())
-      return false;
-    if (llvm::set_union(It->getSecond(), D.Names))
-      return false;
-    AllSetsAreEqual =
-        AllSetsAreEqual && (D.Names.size() == It->getSecond().size());
-  }
-  return LHS.size() != RHS.size() || !AllSetsAreEqual;
-static bool greaterCtxScore(const CompleteOMPContextSelectorData &LHS,
-                            const CompleteOMPContextSelectorData &RHS) {
-  // Score is calculated as sum of all scores + 1.
-  llvm::APSInt LHSScore(llvm::APInt(64, 1), /*isUnsigned=*/false);
-  bool RHSIsSubsetOfLHS = isStrictSubset(RHS, LHS);
-  if (RHSIsSubsetOfLHS) {
-    LHSScore = llvm::APSInt::get(0);
-  } else {
-    for (const OMPContextSelectorData &Data : LHS) {
-      if (Data.Score.getBitWidth() > LHSScore.getBitWidth()) {
-        LHSScore = LHSScore.extend(Data.Score.getBitWidth()) + Data.Score;
-      } else if (Data.Score.getBitWidth() < LHSScore.getBitWidth()) {
-        LHSScore += Data.Score.extend(LHSScore.getBitWidth());
-      } else {
-        LHSScore += Data.Score;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  llvm::APSInt RHSScore(llvm::APInt(64, 1), /*isUnsigned=*/false);
-  if (!RHSIsSubsetOfLHS && isStrictSubset(LHS, RHS)) {
-    RHSScore = llvm::APSInt::get(0);
-  } else {
-    for (const OMPContextSelectorData &Data : RHS) {
-      if (Data.Score.getBitWidth() > RHSScore.getBitWidth()) {
-        RHSScore = RHSScore.extend(Data.Score.getBitWidth()) + Data.Score;
-      } else if (Data.Score.getBitWidth() < RHSScore.getBitWidth()) {
-        RHSScore += Data.Score.extend(RHSScore.getBitWidth());
-      } else {
-        RHSScore += Data.Score;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return llvm::APSInt::compareValues(LHSScore, RHSScore) >= 0;
 /// Finds the variant function that matches current context with its context
 /// selector.
 static const FunctionDecl *getDeclareVariantFunction(CodeGenModule &CGM,
                                                      const FunctionDecl *FD) {
   if (!FD->hasAttrs() || !FD->hasAttr<OMPDeclareVariantAttr>())
     return FD;
-  // Iterate through all DeclareVariant attributes and check context selectors.
-  const OMPDeclareVariantAttr *TopMostAttr = nullptr;
-  CompleteOMPContextSelectorData TopMostData;
+  SmallVector<Expr *, 8> VariantExprs;
+  SmallVector<VariantMatchInfo, 8> VMIs;
   for (const auto *A : FD->specific_attrs<OMPDeclareVariantAttr>()) {
-    CompleteOMPContextSelectorData Data =
-        translateAttrToContextSelectorData(CGM.getContext(), A);
-    if (!matchesContext(CGM, Data))
+    const OMPTraitInfo *TI = A->getTraitInfos();
+    if (!TI)
-    // If the attribute matches the context, find the attribute with the highest
-    // score.
-    if (!TopMostAttr || !greaterCtxScore(TopMostData, Data)) {
-      TopMostAttr = A;
-      TopMostData.swap(Data);
-    }
+    VMIs.push_back(VariantMatchInfo());
+    TI->getAsVariantMatchInfo(CGM.getContext(), VMIs.back());
+    VariantExprs.push_back(A->getVariantFuncRef());
-  if (!TopMostAttr)
+  OMPContext Ctx(CGM.getLangOpts().OpenMPIsDevice, CGM.getTriple());
+  // TODO: Keep the context in the OMPIRBuilder so we can add constructs as we
+  // build them.
+  int BestMatchIdx = getBestVariantMatchForContext(VMIs, Ctx);
+  if (BestMatchIdx < 0)
     return FD;
   return cast<FunctionDecl>(
-      cast<DeclRefExpr>(TopMostAttr->getVariantFuncRef()->IgnoreParenImpCasts())
+      cast<DeclRefExpr>(VariantExprs[BestMatchIdx]->IgnoreParenImpCasts())
diff --git a/clang/lib/Parse/ParseOpenMP.cpp b/clang/lib/Parse/ParseOpenMP.cpp
--- a/clang/lib/Parse/ParseOpenMP.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/Parse/ParseOpenMP.cpp
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 #include "clang/Sema/Scope.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/PointerIntPair.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/UniqueVector.h"
+#include "llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPContext.h"
 using namespace clang;
 using namespace llvm::omp;
@@ -810,10 +811,227 @@
       LinModifiers, Steps, SourceRange(Loc, EndLoc));
+namespace {
+/// Constant used in the diagnostics to distinguish the levels in an OpenMP
+/// contexts: selector-set={selector(trait, ...), ...}, ....
+enum OMPContextLvl {
+static StringRef
+getNameFromIdOrString(Parser &P, Token &Tok, OMPContextLvl Lvl,
+                      llvm::function_ref<StringRef()> StringLiteralParser) {
+  if (Tok.is(tok::identifier)) {
+    llvm::SmallString<16> Buffer;
+    StringRef Name = P.getPreprocessor().getSpelling(Tok, Buffer);
+    (void)P.ConsumeToken();
+    return Name;
+  }
+  if (tok::isStringLiteral(Tok.getKind()))
+    return StringLiteralParser();
+  P.Diag(Tok.getLocation(),
+         diag::warn_omp_declare_variant_string_literal_or_identifier)
+      << Lvl;
+  return "";
+static bool checkForDuplicates(Parser &P, StringRef Name,
+                               SourceLocation NameLoc,
+                               llvm::StringMap<SourceLocation> &Seen,
+                               OMPContextLvl Lvl) {
+  auto Res = Seen.try_emplace(Name, NameLoc);
+  if (Res.second)
+    return false;
+  // Each trait-set-selector-name, trait-selector-name and trait-name can
+  // only be specified once.
+  P.Diag(NameLoc, diag::warn_omp_declare_variant_ctx_mutiple_use)
+      << Lvl << Name;
+  P.Diag(Res.first->getValue(), diag::note_omp_declare_variant_ctx_used_here)
+      << Lvl << Name;
+  return true;
+} // namespace
+void Parser::parseOMPTraitPropertyKind(
+    OMPTraitInfo::OMPTraitProperty &TIProperty, llvm::omp::TraitSet Set,
+    llvm::omp::TraitSelector Selector, llvm::StringMap<SourceLocation> &Seen) {
+  TIProperty.Kind = TraitProperty::invalid;
+  SourceLocation NameLoc = Tok.getLocation();
+  auto StringLiteralParser = [this]() -> StringRef {
+    ExprResult Res = ParseStringLiteralExpression(true);
+    return Res.isUsable() ? Res.getAs<StringLiteral>()->getString() : "";
+  };
+  StringRef Name =
+      getNameFromIdOrString(*this, Tok, CONTEXT_TRAIT_LVL, StringLiteralParser);
+  if (Name.empty()) {
+    Diag(Tok.getLocation(), diag::note_omp_declare_variant_ctx_options)
+        << CONTEXT_TRAIT_LVL << listOpenMPContextTraitProperties(Set, Selector);
+    return;
+  }
+  TIProperty.Kind = getOpenMPContextTraitPropertyKind(Set, Name);
+  if (TIProperty.Kind != TraitProperty::invalid) {
+    if (checkForDuplicates(*this, Name, NameLoc, Seen, CONTEXT_TRAIT_LVL))
+      TIProperty.Kind = TraitProperty::invalid;
+    return;
+  }
+  // It follows diagnosis and helping notes.
+  // TODO: We should move the diagnosis string generation into libFrontend.
+  Diag(NameLoc, diag::warn_omp_declare_variant_ctx_not_a_property)
+      << Name << getOpenMPContextTraitSelectorName(Selector)
+      << getOpenMPContextTraitSetName(Set);
+  TraitSet SetForName = getOpenMPContextTraitSetKind(Name);
+  if (SetForName != TraitSet::invalid) {
+    Diag(NameLoc, diag::note_omp_declare_variant_ctx_is_a)
+    Diag(NameLoc, diag::note_omp_declare_variant_ctx_try)
+        << Name << "<selector-name>"
+        << "(<property-name>)";
+    return;
+  }
+  TraitSelector SelectorForName = getOpenMPContextTraitSelectorKind(Name);
+  if (SelectorForName != TraitSelector::invalid) {
+    Diag(NameLoc, diag::note_omp_declare_variant_ctx_is_a)
+    bool AllowsTraitScore = false;
+    bool RequiresProperty = false;
+    isValidTraitSelectorForTraitSet(
+        SelectorForName, getOpenMPContextTraitSetForSelector(SelectorForName),
+        AllowsTraitScore, RequiresProperty);
+    Diag(NameLoc, diag::note_omp_declare_variant_ctx_try)
+        << getOpenMPContextTraitSetName(
+               getOpenMPContextTraitSetForSelector(SelectorForName))
+        << Name << (RequiresProperty ? "(<property-name>)" : "");
+    return;
+  }
+  for (auto &PotentialSet : {TraitSet::construct, TraitSet::user,
+                             TraitSet::implementation, TraitSet::device}) {
+    TraitProperty PropertyForName =
+        getOpenMPContextTraitPropertyKind(PotentialSet, Name);
+    if (PropertyForName == TraitProperty::invalid)
+      continue;
+    Diag(NameLoc, diag::note_omp_declare_variant_ctx_try)
+        << getOpenMPContextTraitSetName(
+               getOpenMPContextTraitSetForProperty(PropertyForName))
+        << getOpenMPContextTraitSelectorName(
+               getOpenMPContextTraitSelectorForProperty(PropertyForName))
+        << ("(" + Name + ")").str();
+    return;
+  }
+  Diag(NameLoc, diag::note_omp_declare_variant_ctx_options)
+      << CONTEXT_TRAIT_LVL << listOpenMPContextTraitProperties(Set, Selector);
+void Parser::parseOMPContextProperty(OMPTraitInfo::OMPTraitSelector &TISelector,
+                                     llvm::omp::TraitSet Set,
+                                     llvm::StringMap<SourceLocation> &Seen) {
+  assert(TISelector.Kind != TraitSelector::user_condition &&
+         "User conditions are special properties not handled here!");
+  SourceLocation PropertyLoc = Tok.getLocation();
+  OMPTraitInfo::OMPTraitProperty TIProperty;
+  parseOMPTraitPropertyKind(TIProperty, Set, TISelector.Kind, Seen);
+  // If we have an invalid property here we already issued a warning.
+  if (TIProperty.Kind == TraitProperty::invalid) {
+    if (PropertyLoc != Tok.getLocation())
+      Diag(Tok.getLocation(), diag::note_omp_declare_variant_ctx_continue_here)
+          << CONTEXT_TRAIT_LVL;
+    return;
+  }
+  if (isValidTraitPropertyForTraitSetAndSelector(TIProperty.Kind,
+                                                 TISelector.Kind, Set)) {
+    // If we make it here the property, selector, set, score, condition, ... are
+    // all valid (or have been corrected). Thus we can record the property.
+    TISelector.Properties.push_back(TIProperty);
+    return;
+  }
+  Diag(PropertyLoc, diag::warn_omp_ctx_incompatible_property_for_selector)
+      << getOpenMPContextTraitPropertyName(TIProperty.Kind)
+      << getOpenMPContextTraitSelectorName(TISelector.Kind)
+      << getOpenMPContextTraitSetName(Set);
+  Diag(PropertyLoc, diag::note_omp_ctx_compatible_set_and_selector_for_property)
+      << getOpenMPContextTraitPropertyName(TIProperty.Kind)
+      << getOpenMPContextTraitSelectorName(
+             getOpenMPContextTraitSelectorForProperty(TIProperty.Kind))
+      << getOpenMPContextTraitSetName(
+             getOpenMPContextTraitSetForProperty(TIProperty.Kind));
+  Diag(Tok.getLocation(), diag::note_omp_declare_variant_ctx_continue_here)
+void Parser::parseOMPTraitSelectorKind(
+    OMPTraitInfo::OMPTraitSelector &TISelector, llvm::omp::TraitSet Set,
+    llvm::StringMap<SourceLocation> &Seen) {
+  TISelector.Kind = TraitSelector::invalid;
+  SourceLocation NameLoc = Tok.getLocation();
+  auto StringLiteralParser = [this]() -> StringRef {
+    ExprResult Res = ParseStringLiteralExpression(true);
+    return Res.isUsable() ? Res.getAs<StringLiteral>()->getString() : "";
+  };
+  StringRef Name = getNameFromIdOrString(*this, Tok, CONTEXT_SELECTOR_LVL,
+                                         StringLiteralParser);
+  if (Name.empty()) {
+    Diag(Tok.getLocation(), diag::note_omp_declare_variant_ctx_options)
+        << CONTEXT_SELECTOR_LVL << listOpenMPContextTraitSelectors(Set);
+    return;
+  }
+  TISelector.Kind = getOpenMPContextTraitSelectorKind(Name);
+  if (TISelector.Kind != TraitSelector::invalid) {
+    if (checkForDuplicates(*this, Name, NameLoc, Seen, CONTEXT_SELECTOR_LVL))
+      TISelector.Kind = TraitSelector::invalid;
+    return;
+  }
+  // It follows diagnosis and helping notes.
+  Diag(NameLoc, diag::warn_omp_declare_variant_ctx_not_a_selector)
+      << Name << getOpenMPContextTraitSetName(Set);
+  TraitSet SetForName = getOpenMPContextTraitSetKind(Name);
+  if (SetForName != TraitSet::invalid) {
+    Diag(NameLoc, diag::note_omp_declare_variant_ctx_is_a)
+    Diag(NameLoc, diag::note_omp_declare_variant_ctx_try)
+        << Name << "<selector-name>"
+        << "<property-name>";
+    return;
+  }
+  for (auto &PotentialSet : {TraitSet::construct, TraitSet::user,
+                             TraitSet::implementation, TraitSet::device}) {
+    TraitProperty PropertyForName =
+        getOpenMPContextTraitPropertyKind(PotentialSet, Name);
+    if (PropertyForName == TraitProperty::invalid)
+      continue;
+    Diag(NameLoc, diag::note_omp_declare_variant_ctx_is_a)
+    Diag(NameLoc, diag::note_omp_declare_variant_ctx_try)
+        << getOpenMPContextTraitSetName(
+               getOpenMPContextTraitSetForProperty(PropertyForName))
+        << getOpenMPContextTraitSelectorName(
+               getOpenMPContextTraitSelectorForProperty(PropertyForName))
+        << ("(" + Name + ")").str();
+    return;
+  }
+  Diag(NameLoc, diag::note_omp_declare_variant_ctx_options)
+      << CONTEXT_SELECTOR_LVL << listOpenMPContextTraitSelectors(Set);
 /// Parse optional 'score' '(' <expr> ')' ':'.
 static ExprResult parseContextScore(Parser &P) {
   ExprResult ScoreExpr;
-  Sema::OMPCtxStringType Buffer;
+  llvm::SmallString<16> Buffer;
   StringRef SelectorName =
       P.getPreprocessor().getSpelling(P.getCurToken(), Buffer);
   if (!SelectorName.equals("score"))
@@ -825,246 +1043,269 @@
   if (P.getCurToken().is(tok::colon))
-    P.Diag(P.getCurToken(), diag::warn_pragma_expected_colon)
-        << "context selector score clause";
+    P.Diag(P.getCurToken(), diag::warn_omp_declare_variant_expected)
+        << "':'"
+        << "score expression";
   return ScoreExpr;
-/// Parse context selector for 'implementation' selector set:
-/// 'vendor' '(' [ 'score' '(' <score _expr> ')' ':' ] <vendor> { ',' <vendor> }
-/// ')'
-static void
-parseImplementationSelector(Parser &P, SourceLocation Loc,
-                            llvm::StringMap<SourceLocation> &UsedCtx,
-                            SmallVectorImpl<Sema::OMPCtxSelectorData> &Data) {
-  const Token &Tok = P.getCurToken();
-  // Parse inner context selector set name, if any.
-  if (!Tok.is(tok::identifier)) {
-    P.Diag(Tok.getLocation(), diag::warn_omp_declare_variant_cs_name_expected)
-        << "implementation";
-    // Skip until either '}', ')', or end of directive.
-    while (!P.SkipUntil(tok::r_brace, tok::r_paren,
-                        tok::annot_pragma_openmp_end, Parser::StopBeforeMatch))
-      ;
-    return;
-  }
-  Sema::OMPCtxStringType Buffer;
-  StringRef CtxSelectorName = P.getPreprocessor().getSpelling(Tok, Buffer);
-  auto Res = UsedCtx.try_emplace(CtxSelectorName, Tok.getLocation());
-  if (!Res.second) {
-    // OpenMP 5.0, 2.3.2 Context Selectors, Restrictions.
-    // Each trait-selector-name can only be specified once.
-    P.Diag(Tok.getLocation(), diag::err_omp_declare_variant_ctx_mutiple_use)
-        << CtxSelectorName << "implementation";
-    P.Diag(Res.first->getValue(), diag::note_omp_declare_variant_ctx_used_here)
-        << CtxSelectorName;
-  }
-  OpenMPContextSelectorKind CSKind = getOpenMPContextSelector(CtxSelectorName);
-  (void)P.ConsumeToken();
-  switch (CSKind) {
-  case OMP_CTX_vendor: {
-    // Parse '('.
-    BalancedDelimiterTracker T(P, tok::l_paren, tok::annot_pragma_openmp_end);
-    (void)T.expectAndConsume(diag::err_expected_lparen_after,
-                             CtxSelectorName.data());
-    ExprResult Score = parseContextScore(P);
-    llvm::UniqueVector<Sema::OMPCtxStringType> Vendors;
-    do {
-      // Parse <vendor>.
-      StringRef VendorName;
-      if (Tok.is(tok::identifier)) {
-        Buffer.clear();
-        VendorName = P.getPreprocessor().getSpelling(P.getCurToken(), Buffer);
-        (void)P.ConsumeToken();
-        if (!VendorName.empty())
-          Vendors.insert(VendorName);
-      } else {
-        P.Diag(Tok.getLocation(), diag::err_omp_declare_variant_item_expected)
-            << "vendor identifier"
-            << "vendor"
-            << "implementation";
+/// Parses an OpenMP context selector.
+/// <trait-selector-name> ['('[<trait-score>] <trait-property> [, <t-p>]* ')']
+void Parser::parseOMPContextSelector(
+    OMPTraitInfo::OMPTraitSelector &TISelector, llvm::omp::TraitSet Set,
+    llvm::StringMap<SourceLocation> &SeenSelectors) {
+  auto OuterPC = ParenCount;
+  // If anything went wrong we issue an error or warning and then skip the rest
+  // of the selector. However, commas are ambiguous so we look for the nesting
+  // of parenthesis here as well.
+  auto FinishSelector = [OuterPC, this]() -> void {
+    bool Done = false;
+    while (!Done) {
+      while (!SkipUntil({tok::r_brace, tok::r_paren, tok::comma,
+                         tok::annot_pragma_openmp_end},
+                        StopBeforeMatch))
+        ;
+      if (Tok.is(tok::r_paren) && OuterPC > ParenCount)
+        (void)ConsumeParen();
+      if (OuterPC <= ParenCount) {
+        Done = true;
+        break;
-      if (!P.TryConsumeToken(tok::comma) && Tok.isNot(tok::r_paren)) {
-        P.Diag(Tok, diag::err_expected_punc)
-            << (VendorName.empty() ? "vendor name" : VendorName);
+      if (!Tok.is(tok::comma) && !Tok.is(tok::r_paren)) {
+        Done = true;
+        break;
-    } while (Tok.is(tok::identifier));
-    // Parse ')'.
-    (void)T.consumeClose();
-    if (!Vendors.empty())
-      Data.emplace_back(OMP_CTX_SET_implementation, CSKind, Score, Vendors);
-    break;
+      (void)ConsumeAnyToken();
+    }
+    Diag(Tok.getLocation(), diag::note_omp_declare_variant_ctx_continue_here)
+  };
+  SourceLocation SelectorLoc = Tok.getLocation();
+  parseOMPTraitSelectorKind(TISelector, Set, SeenSelectors);
+  if (TISelector.Kind == TraitSelector::invalid)
+    return FinishSelector();
+  bool AllowsTraitScore = false;
+  bool RequiresProperty = false;
+  if (!isValidTraitSelectorForTraitSet(TISelector.Kind, Set, AllowsTraitScore,
+                                       RequiresProperty)) {
+    Diag(SelectorLoc, diag::warn_omp_ctx_incompatible_selector_for_set)
+        << getOpenMPContextTraitSelectorName(TISelector.Kind)
+        << getOpenMPContextTraitSetName(Set);
+    Diag(SelectorLoc, diag::note_omp_ctx_compatible_set_for_selector)
+        << getOpenMPContextTraitSelectorName(TISelector.Kind)
+        << getOpenMPContextTraitSetName(
+               getOpenMPContextTraitSetForSelector(TISelector.Kind))
+        << RequiresProperty;
+    return FinishSelector();
+  }
+  if (!RequiresProperty) {
+    TISelector.Properties.push_back(
+        {getOpenMPContextTraitPropertyForSelector(TISelector.Kind)});
+    return;
-  case OMP_CTX_kind:
-  case OMP_CTX_unknown:
-    P.Diag(Tok.getLocation(), diag::warn_omp_declare_variant_cs_name_expected)
-        << "implementation";
-    // Skip until either '}', ')', or end of directive.
-    while (!P.SkipUntil(tok::r_brace, tok::r_paren,
-                        tok::annot_pragma_openmp_end, Parser::StopBeforeMatch))
-      ;
+  if (!Tok.is(tok::l_paren)) {
+    Diag(SelectorLoc, diag::warn_omp_ctx_selector_without_properties)
+        << getOpenMPContextTraitSelectorName(TISelector.Kind)
+        << getOpenMPContextTraitSetName(Set);
+    return FinishSelector();
+  }
+  if (TISelector.Kind == TraitSelector::user_condition) {
+    SourceLocation RLoc;
+    ExprResult Condition = ParseOpenMPParensExpr("user condition", RLoc);
+    if (!Condition.isUsable())
+      return FinishSelector();
+    TISelector.ScoreOrCondition = Condition.get();
+    TISelector.Properties.push_back({TraitProperty::user_condition_unknown});
+  BalancedDelimiterTracker BDT(*this, tok::l_paren,
+                               tok::annot_pragma_openmp_end);
+  // Parse '('.
+  (void)BDT.consumeOpen();
+  ExprResult Score = parseContextScore(*this);
+  if (!AllowsTraitScore && Score.isUsable()) {
+    Diag(Score.get()->getBeginLoc(),
+         diag::warn_omp_ctx_incompatible_score_for_property)
+        << getOpenMPContextTraitSelectorName(TISelector.Kind)
+        << getOpenMPContextTraitSetName(Set) << Score.get();
+    Score = ExprResult();
+  }
+  if (Score.isUsable())
+    TISelector.ScoreOrCondition = Score.get();
+  llvm::StringMap<SourceLocation> SeenProperties;
+  do {
+    parseOMPContextProperty(TISelector, Set, SeenProperties);
+  } while (TryConsumeToken(tok::comma));
+  // Parse ')'.
+  BDT.consumeClose();
-/// Parse context selector for 'device' selector set:
-/// 'kind' '(' <kind> { ',' <kind> } ')'
-static void
-parseDeviceSelector(Parser &P, SourceLocation Loc,
-                    llvm::StringMap<SourceLocation> &UsedCtx,
-                    SmallVectorImpl<Sema::OMPCtxSelectorData> &Data) {
-  const Token &Tok = P.getCurToken();
-  // Parse inner context selector set name, if any.
-  if (!Tok.is(tok::identifier)) {
-    P.Diag(Tok.getLocation(), diag::warn_omp_declare_variant_cs_name_expected)
-        << "device";
-    // Skip until either '}', ')', or end of directive.
-    while (!P.SkipUntil(tok::r_brace, tok::r_paren,
-                        tok::annot_pragma_openmp_end, Parser::StopBeforeMatch))
-      ;
+void Parser::parseOMPTraitSetKind(OMPTraitInfo::OMPTraitSet &TISet,
+                                  llvm::StringMap<SourceLocation> &Seen) {
+  TISet.Kind = TraitSet::invalid;
+  SourceLocation NameLoc = Tok.getLocation();
+  auto StringLiteralParser = [this]() -> StringRef {
+    ExprResult Res = ParseStringLiteralExpression(true);
+    return Res.isUsable() ? Res.getAs<StringLiteral>()->getString() : "";
+  };
+  StringRef Name = getNameFromIdOrString(*this, Tok, CONTEXT_SELECTOR_SET_LVL,
+                                         StringLiteralParser);
+  if (Name.empty()) {
+    Diag(Tok.getLocation(), diag::note_omp_declare_variant_ctx_options)
+        << CONTEXT_SELECTOR_SET_LVL << listOpenMPContextTraitSets();
-  Sema::OMPCtxStringType Buffer;
-  StringRef CtxSelectorName = P.getPreprocessor().getSpelling(Tok, Buffer);
-  auto Res = UsedCtx.try_emplace(CtxSelectorName, Tok.getLocation());
-  if (!Res.second) {
-    // OpenMP 5.0, 2.3.2 Context Selectors, Restrictions.
-    // Each trait-selector-name can only be specified once.
-    P.Diag(Tok.getLocation(), diag::err_omp_declare_variant_ctx_mutiple_use)
-        << CtxSelectorName << "device";
-    P.Diag(Res.first->getValue(), diag::note_omp_declare_variant_ctx_used_here)
-        << CtxSelectorName;
-  }
-  OpenMPContextSelectorKind CSKind = getOpenMPContextSelector(CtxSelectorName);
-  (void)P.ConsumeToken();
-  switch (CSKind) {
-  case OMP_CTX_kind: {
-    // Parse '('.
-    BalancedDelimiterTracker T(P, tok::l_paren, tok::annot_pragma_openmp_end);
-    (void)T.expectAndConsume(diag::err_expected_lparen_after,
-                             CtxSelectorName.data());
-    llvm::UniqueVector<Sema::OMPCtxStringType> Kinds;
-    do {
-      // Parse <kind>.
-      StringRef KindName;
-      if (Tok.is(tok::identifier)) {
-        Buffer.clear();
-        KindName = P.getPreprocessor().getSpelling(P.getCurToken(), Buffer);
-        SourceLocation SLoc = P.getCurToken().getLocation();
-        (void)P.ConsumeToken();
-        if (llvm::StringSwitch<bool>(KindName)
-                .Case("host", false)
-                .Case("nohost", false)
-                .Case("cpu", false)
-                .Case("gpu", false)
-                .Case("fpga", false)
-                .Default(true)) {
-          P.Diag(SLoc, diag::err_omp_wrong_device_kind_trait) << KindName;
-        } else {
-          Kinds.insert(KindName);
-        }
-      } else {
-        P.Diag(Tok.getLocation(), diag::err_omp_declare_variant_item_expected)
-            << "'host', 'nohost', 'cpu', 'gpu', or 'fpga'"
-            << "kind"
-            << "device";
+  TISet.Kind = getOpenMPContextTraitSetKind(Name);
+  if (TISet.Kind != TraitSet::invalid) {
+    if (checkForDuplicates(*this, Name, NameLoc, Seen,
+                           CONTEXT_SELECTOR_SET_LVL))
+      TISet.Kind = TraitSet::invalid;
+    return;
+  }
+  // It follows diagnosis and helping notes.
+  Diag(NameLoc, diag::warn_omp_declare_variant_ctx_not_a_set) << Name;
+  TraitSelector SelectorForName = getOpenMPContextTraitSelectorKind(Name);
+  if (SelectorForName != TraitSelector::invalid) {
+    Diag(NameLoc, diag::note_omp_declare_variant_ctx_is_a)
+    bool AllowsTraitScore = false;
+    bool RequiresProperty = false;
+    isValidTraitSelectorForTraitSet(
+        SelectorForName, getOpenMPContextTraitSetForSelector(SelectorForName),
+        AllowsTraitScore, RequiresProperty);
+    Diag(NameLoc, diag::note_omp_declare_variant_ctx_try)
+        << getOpenMPContextTraitSetName(
+               getOpenMPContextTraitSetForSelector(SelectorForName))
+        << Name << (RequiresProperty ? "(<property-name>)" : "");
+    return;
+  }
+  for (auto &PotentialSet : {TraitSet::construct, TraitSet::user,
+                             TraitSet::implementation, TraitSet::device}) {
+    TraitProperty PropertyForName =
+        getOpenMPContextTraitPropertyKind(PotentialSet, Name);
+    if (PropertyForName == TraitProperty::invalid)
+      continue;
+    Diag(NameLoc, diag::note_omp_declare_variant_ctx_is_a)
+    Diag(NameLoc, diag::note_omp_declare_variant_ctx_try)
+        << getOpenMPContextTraitSetName(
+               getOpenMPContextTraitSetForProperty(PropertyForName))
+        << getOpenMPContextTraitSelectorName(
+               getOpenMPContextTraitSelectorForProperty(PropertyForName))
+        << ("(" + Name + ")").str();
+    return;
+  }
+  Diag(NameLoc, diag::note_omp_declare_variant_ctx_options)
+      << CONTEXT_SELECTOR_SET_LVL << listOpenMPContextTraitSets();
+/// Parses an OpenMP context selector set.
+/// <trait-set-selector-name> '=' '{' <trait-selector> [, <trait-selector>]* '}'
+void Parser::parseOMPContextSelectorSet(
+    OMPTraitInfo::OMPTraitSet &TISet,
+    llvm::StringMap<SourceLocation> &SeenSets) {
+  auto OuterBC = BraceCount;
+  // If anything went wrong we issue an error or warning and then skip the rest
+  // of the set. However, commas are ambiguous so we look for the nesting
+  // of braces here as well.
+  auto FinishSelectorSet = [this, OuterBC]() -> void {
+    bool Done = false;
+    while (!Done) {
+      while (!SkipUntil({tok::comma, tok::r_brace, tok::r_paren,
+                         tok::annot_pragma_openmp_end},
+                        StopBeforeMatch))
+        ;
+      if (Tok.is(tok::r_brace) && OuterBC > BraceCount)
+        (void)ConsumeBrace();
+      if (OuterBC <= BraceCount) {
+        Done = true;
+        break;
-      if (!P.TryConsumeToken(tok::comma) && Tok.isNot(tok::r_paren)) {
-        P.Diag(Tok, diag::err_expected_punc)
-            << (KindName.empty() ? "kind of device" : KindName);
+      if (!Tok.is(tok::comma) && !Tok.is(tok::r_brace)) {
+        Done = true;
+        break;
-    } while (Tok.is(tok::identifier));
-    // Parse ')'.
-    (void)T.consumeClose();
-    if (!Kinds.empty())
-      Data.emplace_back(OMP_CTX_SET_device, CSKind, ExprResult(), Kinds);
-    break;
+      (void)ConsumeAnyToken();
+    }
+    Diag(Tok.getLocation(), diag::note_omp_declare_variant_ctx_continue_here)
+  };
+  parseOMPTraitSetKind(TISet, SeenSets);
+  if (TISet.Kind == TraitSet::invalid)
+    return FinishSelectorSet();
+  // Parse '='.
+  if (!TryConsumeToken(tok::equal))
+    Diag(Tok.getLocation(), diag::warn_omp_declare_variant_expected)
+        << "="
+        << ("context set name \"" + getOpenMPContextTraitSetName(TISet.Kind) +
+            "\"")
+               .str();
+  // Parse '{'.
+  if (Tok.is(tok::l_brace)) {
+    (void)ConsumeBrace();
+  } else {
+    Diag(Tok.getLocation(), diag::warn_omp_declare_variant_expected)
+        << "{"
+        << ("'=' that follows the context set name \"" +
+            getOpenMPContextTraitSetName(TISet.Kind) + "\"")
+               .str();
-  case OMP_CTX_vendor:
-  case OMP_CTX_unknown:
-    P.Diag(Tok.getLocation(), diag::warn_omp_declare_variant_cs_name_expected)
-        << "device";
-    // Skip until either '}', ')', or end of directive.
-    while (!P.SkipUntil(tok::r_brace, tok::r_paren,
-                        tok::annot_pragma_openmp_end, Parser::StopBeforeMatch))
-      ;
-    return;
+  llvm::StringMap<SourceLocation> SeenSelectors;
+  do {
+    OMPTraitInfo::OMPTraitSelector TISelector;
+    parseOMPContextSelector(TISelector, TISet.Kind, SeenSelectors);
+    if (TISelector.Kind != TraitSelector::invalid &&
+        !TISelector.Properties.empty())
+      TISet.Selectors.push_back(TISelector);
+  } while (TryConsumeToken(tok::comma));
+  // Parse '}'.
+  if (Tok.is(tok::r_brace)) {
+    (void)ConsumeBrace();
+  } else {
+    Diag(Tok.getLocation(), diag::warn_omp_declare_variant_expected)
+        << "}"
+        << ("context selectors for the context set \"" +
+            getOpenMPContextTraitSetName(TISet.Kind) + "\"")
+               .str();
-/// Parses clauses for 'declare variant' directive.
-/// clause:
-/// <selector_set_name> '=' '{' <context_selectors> '}'
-/// [ ',' <selector_set_name> '=' '{' <context_selectors> '}' ]
-bool Parser::parseOpenMPContextSelectors(
-    SourceLocation Loc, SmallVectorImpl<Sema::OMPCtxSelectorData> &Data) {
-  llvm::StringMap<SourceLocation> UsedCtxSets;
+/// Parse OpenMP context selectors:
+/// <trait-set-selector> [, <trait-set-selector>]*
+bool Parser::parseOMPContextSelectors(SourceLocation Loc, OMPTraitInfo &TI) {
+  llvm::StringMap<SourceLocation> SeenSets;
   do {
-    // Parse inner context selector set name.
-    if (!Tok.is(tok::identifier)) {
-      Diag(Tok.getLocation(), diag::err_omp_declare_variant_no_ctx_selector)
-          << getOpenMPClauseName(OMPC_match);
-      return true;
-    }
-    Sema::OMPCtxStringType Buffer;
-    StringRef CtxSelectorSetName = PP.getSpelling(Tok, Buffer);
-    auto Res = UsedCtxSets.try_emplace(CtxSelectorSetName, Tok.getLocation());
-    if (!Res.second) {
-      // OpenMP 5.0, 2.3.2 Context Selectors, Restrictions.
-      // Each trait-set-selector-name can only be specified once.
-      Diag(Tok.getLocation(), diag::err_omp_declare_variant_ctx_set_mutiple_use)
-          << CtxSelectorSetName;
-      Diag(Res.first->getValue(),
-           diag::note_omp_declare_variant_ctx_set_used_here)
-          << CtxSelectorSetName;
-    }
-    // Parse '='.
-    (void)ConsumeToken();
-    if (Tok.isNot(tok::equal)) {
-      Diag(Tok.getLocation(), diag::err_omp_declare_variant_equal_expected)
-          << CtxSelectorSetName;
-      return true;
-    }
-    (void)ConsumeToken();
-    // TBD: add parsing of known context selectors.
-    // Unknown selector - just ignore it completely.
-    {
-      // Parse '{'.
-      BalancedDelimiterTracker TBr(*this, tok::l_brace,
-                                   tok::annot_pragma_openmp_end);
-      if (TBr.expectAndConsume(diag::err_expected_lbrace_after, "="))
-        return true;
-      OpenMPContextSelectorSetKind CSSKind =
-          getOpenMPContextSelectorSet(CtxSelectorSetName);
-      llvm::StringMap<SourceLocation> UsedCtx;
-      do {
-        switch (CSSKind) {
-        case OMP_CTX_SET_implementation:
-          parseImplementationSelector(*this, Loc, UsedCtx, Data);
-          break;
-        case OMP_CTX_SET_device:
-          parseDeviceSelector(*this, Loc, UsedCtx, Data);
-          break;
-        case OMP_CTX_SET_unknown:
-          // Skip until either '}', ')', or end of directive.
-          while (!SkipUntil(tok::r_brace, tok::r_paren,
-                            tok::annot_pragma_openmp_end, StopBeforeMatch))
-            ;
-          break;
-        }
-        const Token PrevTok = Tok;
-        if (!TryConsumeToken(tok::comma) && Tok.isNot(tok::r_brace))
-          Diag(Tok, diag::err_omp_expected_comma_brace)
-              << (PrevTok.isAnnotation() ? "context selector trait"
-                                         : PP.getSpelling(PrevTok));
-      } while (Tok.is(tok::identifier));
-      // Parse '}'.
-      (void)TBr.consumeClose();
-    }
-    // Consume ','
-    if (Tok.isNot(tok::r_paren) && Tok.isNot(tok::annot_pragma_openmp_end))
-      (void)ExpectAndConsume(tok::comma);
-  } while (Tok.isAnyIdentifier());
+    OMPTraitInfo::OMPTraitSet TISet;
+    parseOMPContextSelectorSet(TISet, SeenSets);
+    if (TISet.Kind != TraitSet::invalid && !TISet.Selectors.empty())
+      TI.Sets.push_back(TISet);
+  } while (TryConsumeToken(tok::comma));
   return false;
@@ -1132,24 +1373,19 @@
   // Parse inner context selectors.
-  SmallVector<Sema::OMPCtxSelectorData, 4> Data;
-  if (!parseOpenMPContextSelectors(Loc, Data)) {
-    // Parse ')'.
-    (void)T.consumeClose();
-    // Need to check for extra tokens.
-    if (Tok.isNot(tok::annot_pragma_openmp_end)) {
-      Diag(Tok, diag::warn_omp_extra_tokens_at_eol)
-          << getOpenMPDirectiveName(OMPD_declare_variant);
-    }
-  }
+  OMPTraitInfo *TI = new OMPTraitInfo();
+  parseOMPContextSelectors(Loc, *TI);
+  // Parse ')'
+  (void)T.consumeClose();
   // Skip last tokens.
   while (Tok.isNot(tok::annot_pragma_openmp_end))
-  if (DeclVarData.hasValue())
+  if (DeclVarData.hasValue() && !TI->Sets.empty())
-        DeclVarData.getValue().first, DeclVarData.getValue().second,
-        SourceRange(Loc, Tok.getLocation()), Data);
+        DeclVarData.getValue().first, DeclVarData.getValue().second, TI,
+        SourceRange(Loc, Tok.getLocation()));
   // Skip the last annot_pragma_openmp_end.
diff --git a/clang/lib/Sema/SemaOpenMP.cpp b/clang/lib/Sema/SemaOpenMP.cpp
--- a/clang/lib/Sema/SemaOpenMP.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/Sema/SemaOpenMP.cpp
@@ -5570,75 +5570,13 @@
   return std::make_pair(FD, cast<Expr>(DRE));
-void Sema::ActOnOpenMPDeclareVariantDirective(
-    FunctionDecl *FD, Expr *VariantRef, SourceRange SR,
-    ArrayRef<OMPCtxSelectorData> Data) {
-  if (Data.empty())
-    return;
-  SmallVector<Expr *, 4> CtxScores;
-  SmallVector<unsigned, 4> CtxSets;
-  SmallVector<unsigned, 4> Ctxs;
-  SmallVector<StringRef, 4> ImplVendors, DeviceKinds;
-  bool IsError = false;
-  for (const OMPCtxSelectorData &D : Data) {
-    OpenMPContextSelectorSetKind CtxSet = D.CtxSet;
-    OpenMPContextSelectorKind Ctx = D.Ctx;
-    if (CtxSet == OMP_CTX_SET_unknown || Ctx == OMP_CTX_unknown)
-      return;
-    Expr *Score = nullptr;
-    if (D.Score.isUsable()) {
-      Score = D.Score.get();
-      if (!Score->isTypeDependent() && !Score->isValueDependent() &&
-          !Score->isInstantiationDependent() &&
-          !Score->containsUnexpandedParameterPack()) {
-        Score =
-            PerformOpenMPImplicitIntegerConversion(Score->getExprLoc(), Score)
-                .get();
-        if (Score)
-          Score = VerifyIntegerConstantExpression(Score).get();
-      }
-    } else {
-      // OpenMP 5.0, 2.3.3 Matching and Scoring Context Selectors.
-      // The kind, arch, and isa selectors are given the values 2^l, 2^(l+1) and
-      // 2^(l+2), respectively, where l is the number of traits in the construct
-      // set.
-      // TODO: implement correct logic for isa and arch traits.
-      // TODO: take the construct context set into account when it is
-      // implemented.
-      int L = 0; // Currently set the number of traits in construct set to 0,
-                 // since the construct trait set in not supported yet.
-      if (CtxSet == OMP_CTX_SET_device && Ctx == OMP_CTX_kind)
-        Score = ActOnIntegerConstant(SourceLocation(), std::pow(2, L)).get();
-      else
-        Score = ActOnIntegerConstant(SourceLocation(), 0).get();
-    }
-    switch (Ctx) {
-    case OMP_CTX_vendor:
-      assert(CtxSet == OMP_CTX_SET_implementation &&
-             "Expected implementation context selector set.");
-      ImplVendors.append(D.Names.begin(), D.Names.end());
-      break;
-    case OMP_CTX_kind:
-      assert(CtxSet == OMP_CTX_SET_device &&
-             "Expected device context selector set.");
-      DeviceKinds.append(D.Names.begin(), D.Names.end());
-      break;
-    case OMP_CTX_unknown:
-      llvm_unreachable("Unknown context selector kind.");
-    }
-    IsError = IsError || !Score;
-    CtxSets.push_back(CtxSet);
-    Ctxs.push_back(Ctx);
-    CtxScores.push_back(Score);
-  }
-  if (!IsError) {
-    auto *NewAttr = OMPDeclareVariantAttr::CreateImplicit(
-        Context, VariantRef, CtxScores.begin(), CtxScores.size(),
-        CtxSets.begin(), CtxSets.size(), Ctxs.begin(), Ctxs.size(),
-        ImplVendors.begin(), ImplVendors.size(), DeviceKinds.begin(),
-        DeviceKinds.size(), SR);
-    FD->addAttr(NewAttr);
-  }
+void Sema::ActOnOpenMPDeclareVariantDirective(FunctionDecl *FD,
+                                              Expr *VariantRef,
+                                              OMPTraitInfo *TI,
+                                              SourceRange SR) {
+  auto *NewAttr =
+      OMPDeclareVariantAttr::CreateImplicit(Context, VariantRef, TI, SR);
+  FD->addAttr(NewAttr);
 void Sema::markOpenMPDeclareVariantFuncsReferenced(SourceLocation Loc,
diff --git a/clang/lib/Sema/SemaTemplateInstantiateDecl.cpp b/clang/lib/Sema/SemaTemplateInstantiateDecl.cpp
--- a/clang/lib/Sema/SemaTemplateInstantiateDecl.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/Sema/SemaTemplateInstantiateDecl.cpp
@@ -399,44 +399,27 @@
           S.ConvertDeclToDeclGroup(New), VariantFuncRef.get(), Attr.getRange());
   if (!DeclVarData)
-  SmallVector<Sema::OMPCtxSelectorData, 4> Data;
-  for (unsigned I = 0, E = Attr.scores_size(); I < E; ++I) {
-    ExprResult Score;
-    if (Expr *E = *std::next(Attr.scores_begin(), I))
-      Score = Subst(E);
-    // Instantiate the attribute.
-    auto CtxSet = static_cast<OpenMPContextSelectorSetKind>(
-        *std::next(Attr.ctxSelectorSets_begin(), I));
-    auto Ctx = static_cast<OpenMPContextSelectorKind>(
-        *std::next(Attr.ctxSelectors_begin(), I));
-    switch (CtxSet) {
-    case OMP_CTX_SET_implementation:
-      switch (Ctx) {
-      case OMP_CTX_vendor:
-        Data.emplace_back(CtxSet, Ctx, Score, Attr.implVendors());
-        break;
-      case OMP_CTX_kind:
-      case OMP_CTX_unknown:
-        llvm_unreachable("Unexpected context selector kind.");
-      }
-      break;
-    case OMP_CTX_SET_device:
-      switch (Ctx) {
-      case OMP_CTX_kind:
-        Data.emplace_back(CtxSet, Ctx, Score, Attr.deviceKinds());
-        break;
-      case OMP_CTX_vendor:
-      case OMP_CTX_unknown:
-        llvm_unreachable("Unexpected context selector kind.");
-      }
-      break;
-    case OMP_CTX_SET_unknown:
-      llvm_unreachable("Unexpected context selector set kind.");
+  // Copy the template version of the OMPTraitInfo and run substitute on all
+  // score and condition expressiosn.
+  OMPTraitInfo *TI = new OMPTraitInfo();
+  *TI = *Attr.getTraitInfos();
+  for (OMPTraitInfo::OMPTraitSet &Set : TI->Sets) {
+    for (OMPTraitInfo::OMPTraitSelector &Selector : Set.Selectors) {
+      if (!Selector.ScoreOrCondition)
+        continue;
+      ExprResult ScoreOrConditionRes = Subst(Selector.ScoreOrCondition);
+      if (ScoreOrConditionRes.isUsable())
+        Selector.ScoreOrCondition = ScoreOrConditionRes.get();
+      else
+        Selector.ScoreOrCondition = nullptr;
-                                       DeclVarData.getValue().second,
-                                       Attr.getRange(), Data);
+                                       DeclVarData.getValue().second, TI,
+                                       Attr.getRange());
 static void instantiateDependentAMDGPUFlatWorkGroupSizeAttr(
diff --git a/clang/lib/Serialization/ASTReader.cpp b/clang/lib/Serialization/ASTReader.cpp
--- a/clang/lib/Serialization/ASTReader.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/Serialization/ASTReader.cpp
@@ -12592,3 +12592,22 @@
+OMPTraitInfo *ASTRecordReader::readOMPTraitInfo() {
+  OMPTraitInfo *TI = new OMPTraitInfo();
+  TI->Sets.resize(readUInt32());
+  for (auto &Set : TI->Sets) {
+    Set.Kind = readEnum<llvm::omp::TraitSet>();
+    Set.Selectors.resize(readUInt32());
+    for (auto &Selector : Set.Selectors) {
+      Selector.Kind = readEnum<llvm::omp::TraitSelector>();
+      Selector.ScoreOrCondition = nullptr;
+      if (readBool())
+        Selector.ScoreOrCondition = readExprRef();
+      Selector.Properties.resize(readUInt32());
+      for (auto &Property : Selector.Properties)
+        Property.Kind = readEnum<llvm::omp::TraitProperty>();
+    }
+  }
+  return TI;
diff --git a/clang/lib/Serialization/ASTReaderDecl.cpp b/clang/lib/Serialization/ASTReaderDecl.cpp
--- a/clang/lib/Serialization/ASTReaderDecl.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/Serialization/ASTReaderDecl.cpp
@@ -2756,6 +2756,8 @@
     return Reader.readVersionTuple();
+  template <typename T> T *readUserType() { return Reader.readUserType<T>(); }
   template <typename T> T *GetLocalDeclAs(uint32_t LocalID) {
     return Reader.GetLocalDeclAs<T>(LocalID);
diff --git a/clang/lib/Serialization/ASTWriter.cpp b/clang/lib/Serialization/ASTWriter.cpp
--- a/clang/lib/Serialization/ASTWriter.cpp
+++ b/clang/lib/Serialization/ASTWriter.cpp
@@ -6570,3 +6570,19 @@
+void ASTRecordWriter::writeOMPTraitInfo(const OMPTraitInfo *TI) {
+  writeUInt32(TI->Sets.size());
+  for (auto &Set : TI->Sets) {
+    writeEnum(Set.Kind);
+    writeUInt32(Set.Selectors.size());
+    for (auto &Selector : Set.Selectors) {
+      writeEnum(Selector.Kind);
+      writeBool(Selector.ScoreOrCondition);
+      if (Selector.ScoreOrCondition)
+        writeExprRef(Selector.ScoreOrCondition);
+      writeUInt32(Selector.Properties.size());
+      for (auto &Property : Selector.Properties)
+        writeEnum(Property.Kind);
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/clang/test/OpenMP/declare_variant_ast_print.c b/clang/test/OpenMP/declare_variant_ast_print.c
--- a/clang/test/OpenMP/declare_variant_ast_print.c
+++ b/clang/test/OpenMP/declare_variant_ast_print.c
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 #pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(xxx={}, yyy={ccc})
 #pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(xxx={vvv})
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(implementation={vendor(llvm)}, device={kind(fpga)})
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(implementation={vendor(score(0):llvm)}, device={kind(fpga)})
 #pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(implementation={vendor(llvm), xxx})
 #pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(implementation={vendor(unknown)}, device={kind(gpu)})
 #pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(implementation={vendor(score(5): ibm, xxx, ibm)}, device={kind(cpu, nohost)})
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
 // CHECK:      int foo();
 // CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(device={kind(nohost)})
 // CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(device={kind(host)})
-// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(implementation={vendor(score(5):ibm, xxx)},device={kind(cpu, nohost)})
-// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(implementation={vendor(score(0):unknown)},device={kind(gpu)})
-// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(implementation={vendor(score(0):llvm)})
-// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(implementation={vendor(score(0):llvm)},device={kind(fpga)})
+// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(implementation={vendor(score(5): ibm)}, device={kind(cpu, nohost)})
+// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(implementation={vendor(unknown)}, device={kind(gpu)})
+// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(implementation={vendor(llvm)})
+// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(implementation={vendor(score(0): llvm)}, device={kind(fpga)})
 // CHECK-NEXT: int bar();
diff --git a/clang/test/OpenMP/declare_variant_ast_print.cpp b/clang/test/OpenMP/declare_variant_ast_print.cpp
--- a/clang/test/OpenMP/declare_variant_ast_print.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/OpenMP/declare_variant_ast_print.cpp
@@ -17,36 +17,40 @@
 // CHECK-NEXT: return int();
-// CHECK:      #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo<int>) match(implementation={vendor(score(5):ibm)},device={kind(fpga)})
-// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo<int>) match(implementation={vendor(score(0):unknown)})
-// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo<int>) match(implementation={vendor(score(0):llvm)},device={kind(cpu)})
+// CHECK:      #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo<int>) match(implementation={vendor(score(5): ibm)}, device={kind(fpga)})
+// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo<int>) match(implementation={vendor(unknown)})
+// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo<int>) match(implementation={vendor(score(0): llvm)}, device={kind(cpu)})
 // CHECK-NEXT: int bar();
 #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(xxx = {})
 #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(xxx = {vvv})
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation={vendor(llvm), xxx}, device={kind(cpu)})
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation={vendor(unknown)})
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation={vendor(score(5): ibm)}, device={kind(fpga)})
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation = {vendor(score(0): "llvm"), xxx}, device = {kind(cpu)})
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation = {vendor("unknown")})
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation = {vendor(score(5): ibm)}, device = {kind(fpga)})
 int bar();
-// CHECK:      #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo<T>) match(implementation={vendor(score(C + 5):ibm, xxx)},device={kind(cpu, host)})
-// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo<T>) match(implementation={vendor(score(0):unknown)})
-// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo<T>) match(implementation={vendor(score(0):llvm)},device={kind(cpu)})
+// CHECK:      #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo<T>) match(implementation={vendor(score(C + 5): ibm)}, device={kind(cpu, host)})
+// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo<T>) match(implementation={vendor(unknown)})
+// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo<T>) match(implementation={vendor(llvm)}, device={kind(cpu)})
+// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo<T>) match(user={condition(false)})
+// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo<T>) match(user={condition(true)})
 // CHECK-NEXT: template <typename T, int C> T barbar();
 #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match(xxx = {})
 #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match(xxx = {vvv})
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match(user = {score(<expr>) : condition(<expr>)})
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match(user = {score(<expr>) : condition(<expr>)})
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match(user = {condition(<expr>)})
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match(user = {condition(<expr>)})
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match(implementation={vendor(llvm)},device={kind(cpu)})
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match(user = {score(1 * 1 + 1) : condition(100 > 10 + 2)})
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match(user = {score(0) : condition(0)})
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match(user = {condition(true)})
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match(user = {condition(false)})
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match(implementation = {vendor(llvm)}, device = {kind(cpu)})
 #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match(implementation={vendor(unknown)})
 #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match(implementation={vendor(score(C+5): ibm, xxx, ibm)},device={kind(cpu,host)})
 template <typename T, int C>
 T barbar();
-// CHECK:      #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo<int>) match(implementation={vendor(score(3 + 5):ibm, xxx)},device={kind(cpu, host)})
-// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo<int>) match(implementation={vendor(score(0):unknown)})
-// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo<int>) match(implementation={vendor(score(0):llvm)},device={kind(cpu)})
+// CHECK:      #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo<int>) match(implementation={vendor(score(3 + 5): ibm)}, device={kind(cpu, host)})
+// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo<int>) match(implementation={vendor(unknown)})
+// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo<int>) match(implementation={vendor(llvm)}, device={kind(cpu)})
+// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo<int>) match(user={condition(false)})
+// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(foofoo<int>) match(user={condition(true)})
 // CHECK-NEXT: template<> int barbar<int, 3>();
 // CHECK-NEXT: int baz() {
@@ -66,19 +70,19 @@
 void h_ref(C *hp, C *hp2, C *hq, C *lin) {
-// CHECK:      #pragma omp declare variant(h_ref<C>) match(implementation={vendor(score(0):unknown)},device={kind(nohost)})
-// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(h_ref<C>) match(implementation={vendor(score(0):llvm)},device={kind(gpu)})
+// CHECK:      #pragma omp declare variant(h_ref<C>) match(implementation={vendor(unknown)}, device={kind(nohost)})
+// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(h_ref<C>) match(implementation={vendor(llvm)}, device={kind(gpu)})
 // CHECK-NEXT: template <class C> void h(C *hp, C *hp2, C *hq, C *lin) {
 #pragma omp declare variant(h_ref <C>) match(xxx = {})
-#pragma omp declare variant(h_ref <C>) match(implementation={vendor(llvm)}, device={kind(gpu)})
-#pragma omp declare variant(h_ref <C>) match(implementation={vendor(unknown)},device={kind(nohost)})
+#pragma omp declare variant(h_ref <C>) match(implementation = {vendor(llvm)}, device = {kind(gpu)})
+#pragma omp declare variant(h_ref <C>) match(implementation = {vendor(unknown)}, device = {kind(nohost)})
 template <class C>
 void h(C *hp, C *hp2, C *hq, C *lin) {
-// CHECK:      #pragma omp declare variant(h_ref<float>) match(implementation={vendor(score(0):unknown)},device={kind(nohost)})
-// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(h_ref<float>) match(implementation={vendor(score(0):llvm)},device={kind(gpu)})
+// CHECK:      #pragma omp declare variant(h_ref<float>) match(implementation={vendor(unknown)}, device={kind(nohost)})
+// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(h_ref<float>) match(implementation={vendor(llvm)}, device={kind(gpu)})
 // CHECK-NEXT: template<> void h<float>(float *hp, float *hp2, float *hq, float *lin) {
@@ -86,7 +90,7 @@
 // CHECK-NEXT:   h((float *)hp, (float *)hp2, (float *)hq, (float *)lin);
 #pragma omp declare variant(h_ref <double>) match(xxx = {})
-#pragma omp declare variant(h_ref <double>) match(implementation={vendor(ibm)},device={kind(cpu,gpu)})
+#pragma omp declare variant(h_ref <double>) match(implementation = {vendor(ibm)}, device = {kind(cpu, gpu)})
 #pragma omp declare variant(h_ref <double>) match(implementation={vendor(unknown)})
 template <>
 void h(double *hp, double *hp2, double *hq, double *lin) {
@@ -97,36 +101,36 @@
 int fn();
 // CHECK: int fn(int);
 int fn(int);
-// CHECK:      #pragma omp declare variant(fn) match(implementation={vendor(score(0):unknown)},device={kind(cpu, gpu)})
-// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(fn) match(implementation={vendor(score(0):llvm)})
+// CHECK:      #pragma omp declare variant(fn) match(implementation={vendor(unknown)}, device={kind(cpu, gpu)})
+// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(fn) match(implementation={vendor(llvm)})
 // CHECK-NEXT: int overload();
 #pragma omp declare variant(fn) match(xxx = {})
 #pragma omp declare variant(fn) match(implementation={vendor(llvm)})
-#pragma omp declare variant(fn) match(implementation={vendor(unknown)},device={kind(cpu,gpu)})
+#pragma omp declare variant(fn) match(implementation = {vendor(unknown)}, device = {kind(cpu, gpu)})
 int overload(void);
 // CHECK:      int fn_deduced_variant() {
 // CHECK-NEXT: return 0;
 auto fn_deduced_variant() { return 0; }
-// CHECK:      #pragma omp declare variant(fn_deduced_variant) match(implementation={vendor(score(0):unknown)},device={kind(gpu, nohost)})
-// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(fn_deduced_variant) match(implementation={vendor(score(0):llvm)},device={kind(cpu, host)})
+// CHECK:      #pragma omp declare variant(fn_deduced_variant) match(implementation={vendor(unknown)}, device={kind(gpu, nohost)})
+// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(fn_deduced_variant) match(implementation={vendor(llvm)}, device={kind(cpu, host)})
 // CHECK-NEXT: int fn_deduced();
 #pragma omp declare variant(fn_deduced_variant) match(xxx = {})
-#pragma omp declare variant(fn_deduced_variant) match(implementation={vendor(llvm)},device={kind(cpu,host)})
-#pragma omp declare variant(fn_deduced_variant) match(implementation={vendor(unknown)},device={kind(gpu,nohost)})
+#pragma omp declare variant(fn_deduced_variant) match(implementation = {vendor(llvm)}, device = {kind(cpu, host)})
+#pragma omp declare variant(fn_deduced_variant) match(implementation = {vendor(unknown)}, device = {kind(gpu, nohost)})
 int fn_deduced();
 // CHECK: int fn_deduced_variant1();
 int fn_deduced_variant1();
-// CHECK:      #pragma omp declare variant(fn_deduced_variant1) match(implementation={vendor(score(0):unknown)},device={kind(cpu, host)})
-// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(fn_deduced_variant1) match(implementation={vendor(score(0):ibm)},device={kind(gpu, nohost)})
+// CHECK:      #pragma omp declare variant(fn_deduced_variant1) match(implementation={vendor(unknown)}, device={kind(cpu, host)})
+// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(fn_deduced_variant1) match(implementation={vendor(ibm)}, device={kind(gpu, nohost)})
 // CHECK-NEXT: int fn_deduced1() {
 // CHECK-NEXT: return 0;
 #pragma omp declare variant(fn_deduced_variant1) match(xxx = {})
-#pragma omp declare variant(fn_deduced_variant1) match(implementation={vendor(ibm)},device={kind(gpu,nohost)})
-#pragma omp declare variant(fn_deduced_variant1) match(implementation={vendor(unknown)},device={kind(cpu,host)})
+#pragma omp declare variant(fn_deduced_variant1) match(implementation = {vendor(ibm)}, device = {kind(gpu, nohost)})
+#pragma omp declare variant(fn_deduced_variant1) match(implementation = {vendor(unknown)}, device = {kind(cpu, host)})
 auto fn_deduced1() { return 0; }
 // CHECK:      struct SpecialFuncs {
@@ -140,11 +144,11 @@
 // CHECK-NEXT: void bar(int) {
-// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(SpecialFuncs::baz) match(implementation={vendor(score(0):unknown)},device={kind(nohost)})
-// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(SpecialFuncs::bar) match(implementation={vendor(score(0):ibm)},device={kind(cpu)})
+// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(SpecialFuncs::baz) match(implementation={vendor(unknown)}, device={kind(nohost)})
+// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(SpecialFuncs::bar) match(implementation={vendor(ibm)}, device={kind(cpu)})
 // CHECK-NEXT: void foo1() {
-// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(SpecialFuncs::baz) match(implementation={vendor(score(0):unknown)},device={kind(cpu, host)})
+// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(SpecialFuncs::baz) match(implementation={vendor(unknown)}, device={kind(cpu, host)})
 // CHECK-NEXT: void xxx();
 // CHECK-NEXT: } s;
 struct SpecialFuncs {
@@ -157,14 +161,14 @@
   void bar(int) {}
 #pragma omp declare variant(SpecialFuncs::baz) match(xxx = {})
 #pragma omp declare variant(SpecialFuncs::bar) match(xxx = {})
-#pragma omp declare variant(SpecialFuncs::bar) match(implementation={vendor(ibm)},device={kind(cpu)})
-#pragma omp declare variant(SpecialFuncs::baz) match(implementation={vendor(unknown)},device={kind(nohost)})
+#pragma omp declare variant(SpecialFuncs::bar) match(implementation = {vendor(ibm)}, device = {kind(cpu)})
+#pragma omp declare variant(SpecialFuncs::baz) match(implementation = {vendor(unknown)}, device = {kind(nohost)})
   void foo1() {}
-#pragma omp declare variant(SpecialFuncs::baz) match(implementation={vendor(unknown)},device={kind(cpu, host)})
+#pragma omp declare variant(SpecialFuncs::baz) match(implementation = {vendor(unknown)}, device = {kind(cpu, host)})
   void xxx();
 } s;
-// CHECK:      #pragma omp declare variant(SpecialFuncs::baz) match(implementation={vendor(score(0):unknown)},device={kind(cpu, host)})
+// CHECK:      #pragma omp declare variant(SpecialFuncs::baz) match(implementation={vendor(unknown)}, device={kind(cpu, host)})
 // CHECK-NEXT: void SpecialFuncs::xxx() {
 void SpecialFuncs::xxx() {}
@@ -172,12 +176,12 @@
 // CHECK:      static void static_f_variant() {
 static void static_f_variant() {}
-// CHECK:      #pragma omp declare variant(static_f_variant) match(implementation={vendor(score(0):unknown)})
-// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(static_f_variant) match(implementation={vendor(score(0):llvm)},device={kind(fpga)})
+// CHECK:      #pragma omp declare variant(static_f_variant) match(implementation={vendor(unknown)})
+// CHECK-NEXT: #pragma omp declare variant(static_f_variant) match(implementation={vendor(llvm)}, device={kind(fpga)})
 // CHECK-NEXT: static void static_f() {
 #pragma omp declare variant(static_f_variant) match(xxx = {})
-#pragma omp declare variant(static_f_variant) match(implementation={vendor(llvm)},device={kind(fpga)})
+#pragma omp declare variant(static_f_variant) match(implementation = {vendor(llvm)}, device = {kind(fpga)})
 #pragma omp declare variant(static_f_variant) match(implementation={vendor(unknown)})
 static void static_f() {}
@@ -192,19 +196,19 @@
 // CHECK: int fn_linkage_variant();
 // CHECK: extern "C" {
-// CHECK:     #pragma omp declare variant(fn_linkage_variant) match(implementation={vendor(score(0):xxx)},device={kind(cpu, host)})
+// CHECK:     #pragma omp declare variant(fn_linkage_variant) match(implementation={vendor(ti)}, device={kind(cpu, host)})
 // CHECK:     int fn_linkage();
 // CHECK: }
 int fn_linkage_variant();
 extern "C" {
-#pragma omp declare variant(fn_linkage_variant) match(implementation = {vendor(xxx)},device={kind(cpu,host)})
+#pragma omp declare variant(fn_linkage_variant) match(implementation = {vendor(ti)}, device = {kind(cpu, host)})
 int fn_linkage();
 // CHECK: extern "C" int fn_linkage_variant1()
-// CHECK: #pragma omp declare variant(fn_linkage_variant1) match(implementation={vendor(score(0):xxx)},device={kind(cpu, host)})
+// CHECK: #pragma omp declare variant(fn_linkage_variant1) match(implementation={vendor(gnu)}, device={kind(cpu, host)})
 // CHECK: int fn_linkage1();
 extern "C" int fn_linkage_variant1();
-#pragma omp declare variant(fn_linkage_variant1) match(implementation = {vendor(xxx)},device={kind(cpu,host)})
+#pragma omp declare variant(fn_linkage_variant1) match(implementation = {vendor(gnu)}, device = {kind(cpu, host)})
 int fn_linkage1();
diff --git a/clang/test/OpenMP/declare_variant_device_kind_codegen.cpp b/clang/test/OpenMP/declare_variant_device_kind_codegen.cpp
--- a/clang/test/OpenMP/declare_variant_device_kind_codegen.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/OpenMP/declare_variant_device_kind_codegen.cpp
@@ -71,18 +71,18 @@
 #pragma omp declare target
 #ifdef HOST
-#define CORRECT host
-#define SUBSET host, cpu
+#define SUBSET host
+#define CORRECT host, cpu
 #define WRONG host, nohost
 #endif // HOST
 #ifdef CPU
-#define CORRECT cpu
-#define SUBSET host, cpu
+#define SUBSET cpu
+#define CORRECT cpu, any
 #define WRONG cpu, gpu
 #endif // CPU
 #ifdef NOHOST
-#define CORRECT nohost
-#define SUBSET nohost, cpu
+#define SUBSET nohost
+#define CORRECT nohost, cpu
 #define WRONG nohost, host
 #endif // NOHOST
diff --git a/clang/test/OpenMP/declare_variant_implementation_vendor_codegen.cpp b/clang/test/OpenMP/declare_variant_implementation_vendor_codegen.cpp
--- a/clang/test/OpenMP/declare_variant_implementation_vendor_codegen.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/OpenMP/declare_variant_implementation_vendor_codegen.cpp
@@ -65,10 +65,10 @@
   int method_() { return 6; }
-#pragma omp declare variant(SpecialFuncs::method_)                             \
+#pragma omp declare variant(SpecialFuncs::method_) \
     match(implementation = {vendor(llvm)})
   int method() { return 1; }
-#pragma omp declare variant(SpecialFuncs::method_)                             \
+#pragma omp declare variant(SpecialFuncs::method_) \
     match(implementation = {vendor(llvm)})
   int Method();
 } s;
@@ -81,10 +81,10 @@
   int method_();
-#pragma omp declare variant(SpecSpecialFuncs::method_)                         \
+#pragma omp declare variant(SpecSpecialFuncs::method_) \
     match(implementation = {vendor(llvm)})
   int method() { return 1; }
-#pragma omp declare variant(SpecSpecialFuncs::method_)                         \
+#pragma omp declare variant(SpecSpecialFuncs::method_) \
     match(implementation = {vendor(llvm)})
   int Method();
 } s1;
@@ -101,7 +101,8 @@
 int prio1() { return 82; }
 #pragma omp declare variant(prio) match(implementation = {vendor(llvm)})
-#pragma omp declare variant(prio1) match(implementation = {vendor(score(1): llvm)})
+#pragma omp declare variant(prio1) match(implementation = {vendor(score(1) \
+                                                                  : llvm)})
 int prio_() { return 1; }
 static int prio2() { return 83; }
diff --git a/clang/test/OpenMP/declare_variant_messages.c b/clang/test/OpenMP/declare_variant_messages.c
--- a/clang/test/OpenMP/declare_variant_messages.c
+++ b/clang/test/OpenMP/declare_variant_messages.c
@@ -2,95 +2,95 @@
 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple=x86_64-pc-win32 -verify -fopenmp-simd -x c -std=c99 -fms-extensions -Wno-pragma-pack %s
-// expected-error@+1 {{expected an OpenMP directive}}
-#pragma omp declare
+#pragma omp declare // expected-error {{expected an OpenMP directive}}
 int foo(void);
 #pragma omp declare variant // expected-error {{expected '(' after 'declare variant'}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(  // expected-error {{expected expression}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp declare variant( // expected-error {{expected expression}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
 #pragma omp declare variant(foo // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-error {{expected 'match' clause on 'omp declare variant' directive}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
 #pragma omp declare variant(x) // expected-error {{use of undeclared identifier 'x'}}
 #pragma omp declare variant(foo) // expected-error {{expected 'match' clause on 'omp declare variant' directive}}
 #pragma omp declare variant(foo) // expected-error {{expected 'match' clause on 'omp declare variant' directive}}
 #pragma omp declare variant(foo) xxx // expected-error {{expected 'match' clause on 'omp declare variant' directive}}
 #pragma omp declare variant(foo) match // expected-error {{expected '(' after 'match'}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match( // expected-error {{expected context selector in 'match' clause on 'omp declare variant' directive}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match() // expected-error {{expected context selector in 'match' clause on 'omp declare variant' directive}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(xxx) // expected-error {{expected '=' after 'xxx' context selector set name on 'omp declare variant' directive}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(xxx=) // expected-error {{expected '{' after '='}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(xxx=yyy) // expected-error {{expected '{' after '='}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(xxx=yyy}) // expected-error {{expected '{' after '='}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(xxx={) // expected-error {{expected '}' or ',' after ')'}} expected-error {{expected '}'}} expected-note {{to match this '{'}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(xxx={})
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(xxx={vvv, vvv})
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(xxx={vvv} xxx) // expected-error {{expected ','}} expected-error {{expected '=' after 'xxx' context selector set name on 'omp declare variant' directive}} expected-error {{context selector set 'xxx' is used already in the same 'omp declare variant' directive}} expected-note {{previously context selector set 'xxx' used here}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(xxx={vvv}) xxx // expected-warning {{extra tokens at the end of '#pragma omp declare variant' are ignored}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(implementation={xxx}) // expected-warning {{unknown context selector in 'implementation' context selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive, ignored}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(implementation={vendor}) // expected-error {{expected '(' after 'vendor'}} expected-error {{expected vendor identifier in 'vendor' context selector of 'implementation' selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive}} expected-error {{expected ')' or ',' after 'vendor name'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(implementation={vendor(}) // expected-error {{expected vendor identifier in 'vendor' context selector of 'implementation' selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive}} expected-error {{expected ')' or ',' after 'vendor name'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(implementation={vendor()}) // expected-error {{expected vendor identifier in 'vendor' context selector of 'implementation' selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(implementation={vendor(score ibm)}) // expected-error {{expected '(' after 'score'}} expected-warning {{missing ':' after context selector score clause - ignoring}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(implementation={vendor(score( ibm)}) // expected-error {{expected ')' or ',' after 'vendor name'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-error {{use of undeclared identifier 'ibm'}} expected-error {{expected vendor identifier in 'vendor' context selector of 'implementation' selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive}} expected-warning {{missing ':' after context selector score clause - ignoring}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(implementation={vendor(score(2 ibm)}) // expected-error {{expected ')' or ',' after 'vendor name'}} expected-error 2 {{expected ')'}} expected-error {{expected vendor identifier in 'vendor' context selector of 'implementation' selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive}} expected-warning {{missing ':' after context selector score clause - ignoring}} expected-note 2 {{to match this '('}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(implementation={vendor(score(foo()) ibm)}) // expected-warning {{missing ':' after context selector score clause - ignoring}} expected-error {{expression is not an integer constant expression}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(implementation={vendor(score(5): ibm), vendor(llvm)}) // expected-error {{context trait selector 'vendor' is used already in the same 'implementation' context selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive}} expected-note {{previously context trait selector 'vendor' used here}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(implementation={vendor(score(5): ibm), kind(cpu)}) // expected-warning {{unknown context selector in 'implementation' context selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive, ignored}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(device={xxx}) // expected-warning {{unknown context selector in 'device' context selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive, ignored}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(device={kind}) // expected-error {{expected '(' after 'kind'}} expected-error {{expected 'host', 'nohost', 'cpu', 'gpu', or 'fpga' in 'kind' context selector of 'device' selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(device={kind(}) // expected-error {{expected 'host', 'nohost', 'cpu', 'gpu', or 'fpga' in 'kind' context selector of 'device' selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive}} expected-error 2 {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(device={kind()}) // expected-error {{expected 'host', 'nohost', 'cpu', 'gpu', or 'fpga' in 'kind' context selector of 'device' selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(device={kind(score cpu)}) // expected-error {{expected ')' or ',' after 'score'}} expected-error {{unknown 'score' device kind trait in the 'device' context selector set, expected one of 'host', 'nohost', 'cpu', 'gpu' or 'fpga'}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(device={kind(score( ibm)}) // expected-error 2 {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}} expected-error {{unknown 'score' device kind trait in the 'device' context selector set, expected one of 'host', 'nohost', 'cpu', 'gpu' or 'fpga'}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(device={kind(score(2 gpu)}) // expected-error 2 {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}} expected-error {{unknown 'score' device kind trait in the 'device' context selector set, expected one of 'host', 'nohost', 'cpu', 'gpu' or 'fpga'}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(device={kind(score(foo()) ibm)}) // expected-error {{expected ')' or ',' after 'score'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}} expected-error {{unknown 'score' device kind trait in the 'device' context selector set, expected one of 'host', 'nohost', 'cpu', 'gpu' or 'fpga'}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(device={kind(score(5): host), kind(llvm)}) // expected-error {{context trait selector 'kind' is used already in the same 'device' context selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive}} expected-note {{previously context trait selector 'kind' used here}} expected-error {{expected ')' or ',' after 'score'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-error {{unknown 'score' device kind trait in the 'device' context selector set, expected one of 'host', 'nohost', 'cpu', 'gpu' or 'fpga'}} expected-error {{unknown 'llvm' device kind trait in the 'device' context selector set, expected one of 'host', 'nohost', 'cpu', 'gpu' or 'fpga'}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(device={kind(score(5): nohost), vendor(llvm)}) // expected-warning {{unknown context selector in 'device' context selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive, ignored}} expected-error {{expected ')' or ',' after 'score'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}} expected-error {{unknown 'score' device kind trait in the 'device' context selector set, expected one of 'host', 'nohost', 'cpu', 'gpu' or 'fpga'}}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match( // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context set, set skipped}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match() // expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context set, set skipped}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(xxx) // expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`, set ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(xxx=) // expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`, set ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(xxx=yyy) // expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`, set ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(xxx=yyy}) // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`, set ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(xxx={) // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`, set ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(xxx={}) // expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`, set ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(xxx={vvv, vvv}) // expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`, set ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(xxx={vvv} xxx) // expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`, set ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(xxx={vvv}) xxx // expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`, set ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(implementation={xxx}) // expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context selector for the context set 'implementation', selector ignored}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'vendor' 'extension' 'unified_address' 'unified_shared_memory' 'reverse_offload' 'dynamic_allocators' 'atomic_default_mem_order'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(implementation={vendor}) // expected-warning {{the context selector 'vendor' in context set 'implementation' requires a context property defined in parenthesis, selector ignored}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(implementation={vendor(}) // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property, property skipped}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'amd' 'arm' 'bsc' 'cray' 'fujitsu' 'gnu' 'ibm' 'intel' 'llvm' 'pgi' 'ti' 'unknown'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(implementation={vendor()}) // expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property, property skipped}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'amd' 'arm' 'bsc' 'cray' 'fujitsu' 'gnu' 'ibm' 'intel' 'llvm' 'pgi' 'ti' 'unknown'}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(implementation={vendor(score ibm)}) // expected-error {{expected '(' after 'score'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression, '':'' assumed}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(implementation={vendor(score( ibm)}) // expected-error {{use of undeclared identifier 'ibm'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression, '':'' assumed}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property, property skipped}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'amd' 'arm' 'bsc' 'cray' 'fujitsu' 'gnu' 'ibm' 'intel' 'llvm' 'pgi' 'ti' 'unknown'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(implementation={vendor(score(2 ibm)}) // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression, '':'' assumed}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property, property skipped}} expected-note {{to match this '('}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'amd' 'arm' 'bsc' 'cray' 'fujitsu' 'gnu' 'ibm' 'intel' 'llvm' 'pgi' 'ti' 'unknown'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(implementation={vendor(score(foo()) ibm)}) // expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression, '':'' assumed}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(implementation={vendor(score(5): ibm), vendor(llvm)}) // expected-warning {{the context selector 'vendor' was used already in the same 'omp declare variant' directive, selector ignored}} expected-note {{the previous context selector 'vendor' used here}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(implementation={vendor(score(5): ibm), kind(cpu)}) // expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' is not valid for the context set 'implementation', selector ignored}} expected-note {{the context selector 'kind' can be nested in the context set 'device', try 'match(device={kind(property)})'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(device={xxx}) // expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context selector for the context set 'device', selector ignored}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'kind' 'isa' 'arch'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(device={kind}) // expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in context set 'device' requires a context property defined in parenthesis, selector ignored}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(device={kind(}) // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property, property skipped}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'host' 'nohost' 'cpu' 'gpu' 'fpga' 'any'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(device={kind()}) // expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property, property skipped}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'host' 'nohost' 'cpu' 'gpu' 'fpga' 'any'}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(device={kind(score cpu)}) // expected-error {{expected '(' after 'score'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression, '':'' assumed}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(device={kind(score( ibm)}) // expected-error {{use of undeclared identifier 'ibm'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression, '':'' assumed}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property, property skipped}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'host' 'nohost' 'cpu' 'gpu' 'fpga' 'any'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(device={kind(score(2 gpu)}) // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression, '':'' assumed}} expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('2'), score ignored}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property, property skipped}} expected-note {{to match this '('}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'host' 'nohost' 'cpu' 'gpu' 'fpga' 'any'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(device={kind(score(foo()) ibm)}) // expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression, '':'' assumed}} expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('foo()'), score ignored}} expected-warning {{'ibm' is not a valid context property for the context selector 'kind' and the context set 'device', property ignored}} expected-note {{try 'match(implementation={vendor(ibm)})'}} expected-note {{the ignored property spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(device={kind(score(5): host), kind(llvm)}) // expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('5'), score ignored}} expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' was used already in the same 'omp declare variant' directive, selector ignored}} expected-note {{the previous context selector 'kind' used here}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(device={kind(score(5): nohost), vendor(llvm)}) // expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('5'), score ignored}} expected-warning {{the context selector 'vendor' is not valid for the context set 'device', selector ignored}} expected-note {{the context selector 'vendor' can be nested in the context set 'implementation', try 'match(implementation={vendor(property)})'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
 int bar(void);
-// expected-error@+2 {{'#pragma omp declare variant' can only be applied to functions}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(xxx={})
-int a;
-// expected-error@+2 {{'#pragma omp declare variant' can only be applied to functions}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(xxx={})
-#pragma omp threadprivate(a)
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(xxx={}) // expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`, set ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
+int a; // expected-error {{'#pragma omp declare variant' can only be applied to functions}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(xxx={}) // expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`, set ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
+#pragma omp threadprivate(a) // expected-error {{'#pragma omp declare variant' can only be applied to functions}}
 int var;
 #pragma omp threadprivate(var)
-// expected-error@+2 {{expected an OpenMP directive}} expected-error@+1 {{function declaration is expected after 'declare variant' directive}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(xxx={})
-#pragma omp declare
-// expected-error@+3 {{function declaration is expected after 'declare variant' directive}}
-// expected-error@+1 {{function declaration is expected after 'declare variant' directive}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(xxx={})
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(xxx={})
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(xxx={}) // expected-error {{function declaration is expected after 'declare variant' directive}}
+#pragma omp declare // expected-error {{expected an OpenMP directive}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(xxx={}) // expected-error {{function declaration is expected after 'declare variant' directive}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(xxx={}) // expected-error {{function declaration is expected after 'declare variant' directive}}
 #pragma options align=packed
 int main();
-// expected-error@+3 {{function declaration is expected after 'declare variant' directive}}
-// expected-error@+1 {{function declaration is expected after 'declare variant' directive}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(xxx={})
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(xxx={})
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(xxx={}) // expected-error {{function declaration is expected after 'declare variant' directive}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(xxx={}) // expected-error {{function declaration is expected after 'declare variant' directive}}
 #pragma init_seg(compiler)
 int main();
-// expected-error@+1 {{single declaration is expected after 'declare variant' directive}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(xxx={})
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) match(xxx={}) // expected-error {{single declaration is expected after 'declare variant' directive}} expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`, set ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
 int b, c;
 int no_proto();
-#pragma omp declare variant(no_proto) match(xxx={})
+#pragma omp declare variant(no_proto) match(xxx={}) // expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`, set ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
 int no_proto_too();
 int proto1(int);
-// expected-note@+2 {{previous declaration is here}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(proto1) match(xxx={})
-int diff_proto();
-// expected-error@+1 {{conflicting types for 'diff_proto'}}
-int diff_proto(double);
-#pragma omp declare variant(no_proto) match(xxx={})
+#pragma omp declare variant(proto1) match(xxx={}) // expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`, set ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
+int diff_proto(); // expected-note {{previous declaration is here}}
+int diff_proto(double); // expected-error {{conflicting types for 'diff_proto'}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(no_proto) match(xxx={}) // expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`, set ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
 int diff_proto1(double);
 int after_use_variant(void);
@@ -99,37 +99,37 @@
   return after_use();
-// expected-warning@+1 {{'#pragma omp declare variant' cannot be applied for function after first usage; the original function might be used}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(after_use_variant) match(xxx={})
+#pragma omp declare variant(after_use_variant) match(xxx={}) // expected-warning {{'#pragma omp declare variant' cannot be applied for function after first usage; the original function might be used}} expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`, set ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
 int after_use(void);
-#pragma omp declare variant(after_use_variant) match(xxx={})
+#pragma omp declare variant(after_use_variant) match(xxx={}) // expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`, set ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
 int defined(void) { return 0; }
 int defined1(void) { return 0; }
-// expected-warning@+1 {{#pragma omp declare variant' cannot be applied to the function that was defined already; the original function might be used}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(after_use_variant) match(xxx={})
+#pragma omp declare variant(after_use_variant) match(xxx={}) // expected-warning {{'#pragma omp declare variant' cannot be applied to the function that was defined already; the original function might be used}} expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`, set ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
 int defined1(void);
 int diff_cc_variant(void);
-// expected-error@+1 {{variant in '#pragma omp declare variant' with type 'int (void)' is incompatible with type 'int (void) __attribute__((vectorcall))'}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(diff_cc_variant) match(xxx={})
+#pragma omp declare variant(diff_cc_variant) match(xxx={}) // expected-error {{variant in '#pragma omp declare variant' with type 'int (void)' is incompatible with type 'int (void) __attribute__((vectorcall))'}} expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`, set ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
 __vectorcall int diff_cc(void);
 int diff_ret_variant(void);
-// expected-error@+1 {{variant in '#pragma omp declare variant' with type 'int (void)' is incompatible with type 'void (void)'}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(diff_ret_variant) match(xxx={})
+#pragma omp declare variant(diff_ret_variant) match(xxx={}) // expected-error {{variant in '#pragma omp declare variant' with type 'int (void)' is incompatible with type 'void (void)'}} expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`, set ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
 void diff_ret(void);
 void marked(void);
 void not_marked(void);
-// expected-note@+1 {{marked as 'declare variant' here}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(not_marked) match(implementation={vendor(unknown)}, device={kind(cpu)})
+#pragma omp declare variant(not_marked) match(implementation={vendor(unknown)}, device={kind(cpu)}) // expected-note {{marked as 'declare variant' here}}
 void marked_variant(void);
-// expected-warning@+1 {{variant function in '#pragma omp declare variant' is itself marked as '#pragma omp declare variant'}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(marked_variant) match(xxx={})
+#pragma omp declare variant(marked_variant) match(xxx={}) // expected-warning {{variant function in '#pragma omp declare variant' is itself marked as '#pragma omp declare variant'}} expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`, set ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
 void marked(void);
-// expected-error@+1 {{function declaration is expected after 'declare variant' directive}}
-#pragma omp declare variant
-// expected-error@+1 {{function declaration is expected after 'declare variant' directive}}
-#pragma omp declare variant
+#pragma omp declare variant // expected-error {{function declaration is expected after 'declare variant' directive}}
+#pragma omp declare variant // expected-error {{function declaration is expected after 'declare variant' directive}}
diff --git a/clang/test/OpenMP/declare_variant_messages.cpp b/clang/test/OpenMP/declare_variant_messages.cpp
--- a/clang/test/OpenMP/declare_variant_messages.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/OpenMP/declare_variant_messages.cpp
@@ -2,137 +2,137 @@
 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple=x86_64-pc-win32 -verify -fopenmp-simd -x c++ -std=c++14 -fms-extensions -Wno-pragma-pack -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions %s
-// expected-error@+1 {{expected an OpenMP directive}}
-#pragma omp declare
+#pragma omp declare // expected-error {{expected an OpenMP directive}}
 int foo();
 template <typename T>
-T foofoo(); // expected-note 2 {{declared here}}
-#pragma omp declare variant                                  // expected-error {{expected '(' after 'declare variant'}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(                                 // expected-error {{expected expression}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo                              // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-error {{expected 'match' clause on 'omp declare variant' directive}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(x)                               // expected-error {{use of undeclared identifier 'x'}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo)                             // expected-error {{expected 'match' clause on 'omp declare variant' directive}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>)                    // expected-error {{expected 'match' clause on 'omp declare variant' directive}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) xxx                // expected-error {{expected 'match' clause on 'omp declare variant' directive}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match              // expected-error {{expected '(' after 'match'}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(             // expected-error {{expected context selector in 'match' clause on 'omp declare variant' directive}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match()            // expected-error {{expected context selector in 'match' clause on 'omp declare variant' directive}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(xxx)         // expected-error {{expected '=' after 'xxx' context selector set name on 'omp declare variant' directive}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(xxx =)       // expected-error {{expected '{' after '='}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(xxx = yyy)   // expected-error {{expected '{' after '='}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(xxx = yyy }) // expected-error {{expected '{' after '='}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(xxx = {)     // expected-error {{expected '}' or ',' after ')'}} expected-error {{expected '}'}} expected-note {{to match this '{'}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(xxx = {})
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(xxx = {vvv, vvv})
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(xxx = {vvv} xxx) // expected-error {{expected ','}} expected-error {{expected '=' after 'xxx' context selector set name on 'omp declare variant' directive}} expected-error {{context selector set 'xxx' is used already in the same 'omp declare variant' directive}} expected-note {{previously context selector set 'xxx' used here}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(xxx = {vvv}) xxx // expected-warning {{extra tokens at the end of '#pragma omp declare variant' are ignored}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation={xxx}) // expected-warning {{unknown context selector in 'implementation' context selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive, ignored}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation={vendor}) // expected-error {{expected '(' after 'vendor'}} expected-error {{expected vendor identifier in 'vendor' context selector of 'implementation' selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive}} expected-error {{expected ')' or ',' after 'vendor name'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation={vendor(}) // expected-error {{expected vendor identifier in 'vendor' context selector of 'implementation' selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive}} expected-error {{expected ')' or ',' after 'vendor name'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation={vendor()}) // expected-error {{expected vendor identifier in 'vendor' context selector of 'implementation' selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation={vendor(score ibm)}) // expected-error {{expected '(' after 'score'}} expected-warning {{missing ':' after context selector score clause - ignoring}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation={vendor(score( ibm)}) // expected-error {{expected ')' or ',' after 'vendor name'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-error {{use of undeclared identifier 'ibm'}} expected-error {{expected vendor identifier in 'vendor' context selector of 'implementation' selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive}} expected-warning {{missing ':' after context selector score clause - ignoring}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation={vendor(score(2 ibm)}) // expected-error {{expected ')' or ',' after 'vendor name'}} expected-error 2 {{expected ')'}} expected-error {{expected vendor identifier in 'vendor' context selector of 'implementation' selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive}} expected-warning {{missing ':' after context selector score clause - ignoring}} expected-note 2 {{to match this '('}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation={vendor(score(foofoo <int>()) ibm)}) // expected-warning {{missing ':' after context selector score clause - ignoring}} expected-error {{expression is not an integral constant expression}} expected-note {{non-constexpr function 'foofoo<int>' cannot be used in a constant expression}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation={vendor(score(5): ibm), vendor(llvm)}) // expected-error {{context trait selector 'vendor' is used already in the same 'implementation' context selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive}} expected-note {{previously context trait selector 'vendor' used here}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation={vendor(score(5): ibm), kind(cpu)}) // expected-warning {{unknown context selector in 'implementation' context selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive, ignored}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={xxx}) // expected-warning {{unknown context selector in 'device' context selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive, ignored}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind}) // expected-error {{expected '(' after 'kind'}} expected-error {{expected 'host', 'nohost', 'cpu', 'gpu', or 'fpga' in 'kind' context selector of 'device' selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(}) // expected-error {{expected 'host', 'nohost', 'cpu', 'gpu', or 'fpga' in 'kind' context selector of 'device' selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive}} expected-error 2 {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind()}) // expected-error {{expected 'host', 'nohost', 'cpu', 'gpu', or 'fpga' in 'kind' context selector of 'device' selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(score cpu)}) // expected-error {{expected ')' or ',' after 'score'}} expected-error {{unknown 'score' device kind trait in the 'device' context selector set, expected one of 'host', 'nohost', 'cpu', 'gpu' or 'fpga'}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(score( ibm)}) // expected-error 2 {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}} expected-error {{unknown 'score' device kind trait in the 'device' context selector set, expected one of 'host', 'nohost', 'cpu', 'gpu' or 'fpga'}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(score(2 gpu)}) // expected-error 2 {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}} expected-error {{unknown 'score' device kind trait in the 'device' context selector set, expected one of 'host', 'nohost', 'cpu', 'gpu' or 'fpga'}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(score(foofoo <int>()) ibm)}) // expected-error {{expected ')' or ',' after 'score'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}} expected-error {{unknown 'score' device kind trait in the 'device' context selector set, expected one of 'host', 'nohost', 'cpu', 'gpu' or 'fpga'}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(score(5): host), kind(llvm)}) // expected-error {{context trait selector 'kind' is used already in the same 'device' context selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive}} expected-note {{previously context trait selector 'kind' used here}} expected-error {{expected ')' or ',' after 'score'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-error {{unknown 'score' device kind trait in the 'device' context selector set, expected one of 'host', 'nohost', 'cpu', 'gpu' or 'fpga'}} expected-error {{unknown 'llvm' device kind trait in the 'device' context selector set, expected one of 'host', 'nohost', 'cpu', 'gpu' or 'fpga'}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(score(5): nohost), vendor(llvm)}) // expected-warning {{unknown context selector in 'device' context selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive, ignored}} expected-error {{expected ')' or ',' after 'score'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}} expected-error {{unknown 'score' device kind trait in the 'device' context selector set, expected one of 'host', 'nohost', 'cpu', 'gpu' or 'fpga'}}
+T foofoo();
+#pragma omp declare variant // expected-error {{expected '(' after 'declare variant'}}
+#pragma omp declare variant( // expected-error {{expected expression}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-error {{expected 'match' clause on 'omp declare variant' directive}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(x) // expected-error {{use of undeclared identifier 'x'}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) // expected-error {{expected 'match' clause on 'omp declare variant' directive}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) // expected-error {{expected 'match' clause on 'omp declare variant' directive}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) xxx // expected-error {{expected 'match' clause on 'omp declare variant' directive}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match // expected-error {{expected '(' after 'match'}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match( // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context set, set skipped}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match() // expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context set, set skipped}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation) // expected-warning {{expected '=' after the context set name "implementation", '=' assumed}} expected-warning {{expected '{' after the '=' that follows the context set name "implementation", '{' assumed}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context selector, selector skipped}} expected-warning {{expected '}' after the context selectors for the context set "implementation", '}' assumed}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'vendor' 'extension' 'unified_address' 'unified_shared_memory' 'reverse_offload' 'dynamic_allocators' 'atomic_default_mem_order'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation =) // expected-warning {{expected '{' after the '=' that follows the context set name "implementation", '{' assumed}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context selector, selector skipped}} expected-warning {{expected '}' after the context selectors for the context set "implementation", '}' assumed}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'vendor' 'extension' 'unified_address' 'unified_shared_memory' 'reverse_offload' 'dynamic_allocators' 'atomic_default_mem_order'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation = yyy) // expected-warning {{expected '{' after the '=' that follows the context set name "implementation", '{' assumed}} expected-warning {{'yyy' is not a valid context selector for the context set 'implementation', selector ignored}} expected-warning {{expected '}' after the context selectors for the context set "implementation", '}' assumed}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'vendor' 'extension' 'unified_address' 'unified_shared_memory' 'reverse_offload' 'dynamic_allocators' 'atomic_default_mem_order'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation = yyy }) // expected-warning {{expected '{' after the '=' that follows the context set name "implementation", '{' assumed}} expected-warning {{'yyy' is not a valid context selector for the context set 'implementation', selector ignored}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'vendor' 'extension' 'unified_address' 'unified_shared_memory' 'reverse_offload' 'dynamic_allocators' 'atomic_default_mem_order'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation = {) // expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context selector, selector skipped}} expected-warning {{expected '}' after the context selectors for the context set "implementation", '}' assumed}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'vendor' 'extension' 'unified_address' 'unified_shared_memory' 'reverse_offload' 'dynamic_allocators' 'atomic_default_mem_order'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation = {}) // expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context selector, selector skipped}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'vendor' 'extension' 'unified_address' 'unified_shared_memory' 'reverse_offload' 'dynamic_allocators' 'atomic_default_mem_order'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation = {vvv, vvv}) // expected-warning {{'vvv' is not a valid context selector for the context set 'implementation', selector ignored}} expected-warning {{'vvv' is not a valid context selector for the context set 'implementation', selector ignored}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'vendor' 'extension' 'unified_address' 'unified_shared_memory' 'reverse_offload' 'dynamic_allocators' 'atomic_default_mem_order'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'vendor' 'extension' 'unified_address' 'unified_shared_memory' 'reverse_offload' 'dynamic_allocators' 'atomic_default_mem_order'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation = {vvv} implementation) // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{'vvv' is not a valid context selector for the context set 'implementation', selector ignored}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'vendor' 'extension' 'unified_address' 'unified_shared_memory' 'reverse_offload' 'dynamic_allocators' 'atomic_default_mem_order'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation = {vvv}) implementation // expected-warning {{'vvv' is not a valid context selector for the context set 'implementation', selector ignored}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'vendor' 'extension' 'unified_address' 'unified_shared_memory' 'reverse_offload' 'dynamic_allocators' 'atomic_default_mem_order'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation={xxx}) // expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context selector for the context set 'implementation', selector ignored}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'vendor' 'extension' 'unified_address' 'unified_shared_memory' 'reverse_offload' 'dynamic_allocators' 'atomic_default_mem_order'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation={vendor}) // expected-warning {{the context selector 'vendor' in context set 'implementation' requires a context property defined in parenthesis, selector ignored}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation={vendor(}) // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property, property skipped}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'amd' 'arm' 'bsc' 'cray' 'fujitsu' 'gnu' 'ibm' 'intel' 'llvm' 'pgi' 'ti' 'unknown'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation={vendor()}) // expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property, property skipped}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'amd' 'arm' 'bsc' 'cray' 'fujitsu' 'gnu' 'ibm' 'intel' 'llvm' 'pgi' 'ti' 'unknown'}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation={vendor(score ibm)}) // expected-error {{expected '(' after 'score'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression, '':'' assumed}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation={vendor(score( ibm)}) // expected-error {{use of undeclared identifier 'ibm'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression, '':'' assumed}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property, property skipped}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'amd' 'arm' 'bsc' 'cray' 'fujitsu' 'gnu' 'ibm' 'intel' 'llvm' 'pgi' 'ti' 'unknown'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation={vendor(score(2 ibm)}) // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression, '':'' assumed}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property, property skipped}} expected-note {{to match this '('}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'amd' 'arm' 'bsc' 'cray' 'fujitsu' 'gnu' 'ibm' 'intel' 'llvm' 'pgi' 'ti' 'unknown'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation={vendor(score(foofoo <int>()) ibm)}) // expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression, '':'' assumed}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation={vendor(score(5): ibm), vendor(llvm)}) // expected-warning {{the context selector 'vendor' was used already in the same 'omp declare variant' directive, selector ignored}} expected-note {{the previous context selector 'vendor' used here}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation={vendor(score(5): ibm), kind(cpu)}) // expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' is not valid for the context set 'implementation', selector ignored}} expected-note {{the context selector 'kind' can be nested in the context set 'device', try 'match(device={kind(property)})'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={xxx}) // expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context selector for the context set 'device', selector ignored}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'kind' 'isa' 'arch'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind}) // expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in context set 'device' requires a context property defined in parenthesis, selector ignored}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(}) // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property, property skipped}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'host' 'nohost' 'cpu' 'gpu' 'fpga' 'any'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind()}) // expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property, property skipped}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'host' 'nohost' 'cpu' 'gpu' 'fpga' 'any'}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(score cpu)}) // expected-error {{expected '(' after 'score'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression, '':'' assumed}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(score( ibm)}) // expected-error {{use of undeclared identifier 'ibm'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression, '':'' assumed}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property, property skipped}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'host' 'nohost' 'cpu' 'gpu' 'fpga' 'any'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(score(2 gpu)}) // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression, '':'' assumed}} expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('2'), score ignored}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property, property skipped}} expected-note {{to match this '('}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'host' 'nohost' 'cpu' 'gpu' 'fpga' 'any'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(score(foofoo <int>()) ibm)}) // expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression, '':'' assumed}} expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('foofoo<int>()'), score ignored}} expected-warning {{'ibm' is not a valid context property for the context selector 'kind' and the context set 'device', property ignored}} expected-note {{try 'match(implementation={vendor(ibm)})'}} expected-note {{the ignored property spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(score(5): host), kind(llvm)}) // expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('5'), score ignored}} expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' was used already in the same 'omp declare variant' directive, selector ignored}} expected-note {{the previous context selector 'kind' used here}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(score(5): nohost), vendor(llvm)}) // expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('5'), score ignored}} expected-warning {{the context selector 'vendor' is not valid for the context set 'device', selector ignored}} expected-note {{the context selector 'vendor' can be nested in the context set 'implementation', try 'match(implementation={vendor(property)})'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
 int bar();
-#pragma omp declare variant                            // expected-error {{expected '(' after 'declare variant'}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(                           // expected-error {{expected expression}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>                 // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-error {{expected 'match' clause on 'omp declare variant' directive}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(x)                         // expected-error {{use of undeclared identifier 'x'}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foo)                       // expected-error {{expected 'match' clause on 'omp declare variant' directive}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo)                    // expected-error {{expected 'match' clause on 'omp declare variant' directive}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>)                // expected-error {{expected 'match' clause on 'omp declare variant' directive}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) xxx            // expected-error {{expected 'match' clause on 'omp declare variant' directive}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match          // expected-error {{expected '(' after 'match'}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match(         // expected-error {{expected context selector in 'match' clause on 'omp declare variant' directive}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match()        // expected-error {{expected context selector in 'match' clause on 'omp declare variant' directive}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match(xxx)     // expected-error {{expected '=' after 'xxx' context selector set name on 'omp declare variant' directive}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match(xxx =)   // expected-error {{expected '{' after '='}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match(xxx = {) // expected-error {{expected '}' or ',' after ')'}} expected-error {{expected '}'}} expected-note {{to match this '{'}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match(xxx = {})
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match(xxx = {vvv, vvv})
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match(user = {score(<expr>) : condition(<expr>)})
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match(user = {score(<expr>) : condition(<expr>)})
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match(user = {condition(<expr>)})
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match(user = {condition(<expr>)})
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match(xxx = {vvv} xxx) // expected-error {{expected ','}} expected-error {{expected '=' after 'xxx' context selector set name on 'omp declare variant' directive}} expected-error {{context selector set 'xxx' is used already in the same 'omp declare variant' directive}} expected-note {{previously context selector set 'xxx' used here}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match(xxx = {vvv}) xxx // expected-warning {{extra tokens at the end of '#pragma omp declare variant' are ignored}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation={vendor(score ibm)}) // expected-error {{expected '(' after 'score'}} expected-warning {{missing ':' after context selector score clause - ignoring}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation={vendor(score( ibm)}) // expected-error {{expected ')' or ',' after 'vendor name'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-error {{use of undeclared identifier 'ibm'}} expected-error {{expected vendor identifier in 'vendor' context selector of 'implementation' selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive}} expected-warning {{missing ':' after context selector score clause - ignoring}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation={vendor(score(C ibm)}) // expected-error {{expected ')' or ',' after 'vendor name'}} expected-error 2 {{expected ')'}} expected-error {{expected vendor identifier in 'vendor' context selector of 'implementation' selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive}} expected-warning {{missing ':' after context selector score clause - ignoring}} expected-note 2 {{to match this '('}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation={vendor(score(foofoo <int>()) ibm)}) // expected-warning {{missing ':' after context selector score clause - ignoring}} expected-error {{expression is not an integral constant expression}} expected-note {{non-constexpr function 'foofoo<int>' cannot be used in a constant expression}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation={vendor(score(C+5): ibm), vendor(llvm)}) // expected-error {{context trait selector 'vendor' is used already in the same 'implementation' context selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive}} expected-note {{previously context trait selector 'vendor' used here}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation={vendor(score(5): ibm), kind(cpu)}) // expected-warning {{unknown context selector in 'implementation' context selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive, ignored}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={xxx}) // expected-warning {{unknown context selector in 'device' context selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive, ignored}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind}) // expected-error {{expected '(' after 'kind'}} expected-error {{expected 'host', 'nohost', 'cpu', 'gpu', or 'fpga' in 'kind' context selector of 'device' selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(}) // expected-error {{expected 'host', 'nohost', 'cpu', 'gpu', or 'fpga' in 'kind' context selector of 'device' selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive}} expected-error 2 {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind()}) // expected-error {{expected 'host', 'nohost', 'cpu', 'gpu', or 'fpga' in 'kind' context selector of 'device' selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(score cpu)}) // expected-error {{expected ')' or ',' after 'score'}} expected-error {{unknown 'score' device kind trait in the 'device' context selector set, expected one of 'host', 'nohost', 'cpu', 'gpu' or 'fpga'}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(score( ibm)}) // expected-error 2 {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}} expected-error {{unknown 'score' device kind trait in the 'device' context selector set, expected one of 'host', 'nohost', 'cpu', 'gpu' or 'fpga'}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(score(C gpu)}) // expected-error 2 {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}} expected-error {{unknown 'score' device kind trait in the 'device' context selector set, expected one of 'host', 'nohost', 'cpu', 'gpu' or 'fpga'}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(score(foofoo <int>()) ibm)}) // expected-error {{expected ')' or ',' after 'score'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}} expected-error {{unknown 'score' device kind trait in the 'device' context selector set, expected one of 'host', 'nohost', 'cpu', 'gpu' or 'fpga'}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(score(C+5): host), kind(llvm)}) // expected-error {{context trait selector 'kind' is used already in the same 'device' context selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive}} expected-note {{previously context trait selector 'kind' used here}} expected-error {{expected ')' or ',' after 'score'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-error {{unknown 'score' device kind trait in the 'device' context selector set, expected one of 'host', 'nohost', 'cpu', 'gpu' or 'fpga'}} expected-error {{unknown 'llvm' device kind trait in the 'device' context selector set, expected one of 'host', 'nohost', 'cpu', 'gpu' or 'fpga'}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(score(C+5): nohost), vendor(llvm)}) // expected-warning {{unknown context selector in 'device' context selector set of 'omp declare variant' directive, ignored}} expected-error {{expected ')' or ',' after 'score'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}} expected-error {{unknown 'score' device kind trait in the 'device' context selector set, expected one of 'host', 'nohost', 'cpu', 'gpu' or 'fpga'}}
+#pragma omp declare variant // expected-error {{expected '(' after 'declare variant'}}
+#pragma omp declare variant( // expected-error {{expected expression}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T> // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-error {{expected 'match' clause on 'omp declare variant' directive}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(x) // expected-error {{use of undeclared identifier 'x'}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foo) // expected-error {{expected 'match' clause on 'omp declare variant' directive}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo) // expected-error {{expected 'match' clause on 'omp declare variant' directive}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) // expected-error {{expected 'match' clause on 'omp declare variant' directive}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) xxx // expected-error {{expected 'match' clause on 'omp declare variant' directive}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match // expected-error {{expected '(' after 'match'}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match( // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context set, set skipped}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match() // expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context set, set skipped}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match(implementation) // expected-warning {{expected '=' after the context set name "implementation", '=' assumed}} expected-warning {{expected '{' after the '=' that follows the context set name "implementation", '{' assumed}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context selector, selector skipped}} expected-warning {{expected '}' after the context selectors for the context set "implementation", '}' assumed}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'vendor' 'extension' 'unified_address' 'unified_shared_memory' 'reverse_offload' 'dynamic_allocators' 'atomic_default_mem_order'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match(implementation =) // expected-warning {{expected '{' after the '=' that follows the context set name "implementation", '{' assumed}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context selector, selector skipped}} expected-warning {{expected '}' after the context selectors for the context set "implementation", '}' assumed}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'vendor' 'extension' 'unified_address' 'unified_shared_memory' 'reverse_offload' 'dynamic_allocators' 'atomic_default_mem_order'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match(implementation = {) // expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context selector, selector skipped}} expected-warning {{expected '}' after the context selectors for the context set "implementation", '}' assumed}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'vendor' 'extension' 'unified_address' 'unified_shared_memory' 'reverse_offload' 'dynamic_allocators' 'atomic_default_mem_order'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match(implementation = {}) // expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context selector, selector skipped}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'vendor' 'extension' 'unified_address' 'unified_shared_memory' 'reverse_offload' 'dynamic_allocators' 'atomic_default_mem_order'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match(implementation = {vvv, vvv}) // expected-warning {{'vvv' is not a valid context selector for the context set 'implementation', selector ignored}} expected-warning {{'vvv' is not a valid context selector for the context set 'implementation', selector ignored}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'vendor' 'extension' 'unified_address' 'unified_shared_memory' 'reverse_offload' 'dynamic_allocators' 'atomic_default_mem_order'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'vendor' 'extension' 'unified_address' 'unified_shared_memory' 'reverse_offload' 'dynamic_allocators' 'atomic_default_mem_order'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match(user = {score(<expr>) : condition(<expr>)}) // expected-warning {{'score' is not a valid context selector for the context set 'user', selector ignored}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'condition'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match(user = {score(<expr>) : condition(<expr>)}) // expected-warning {{'score' is not a valid context selector for the context set 'user', selector ignored}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'condition'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match(user = {condition(<expr>)}) // expected-error {{expected expression}} expected-error {{use of undeclared identifier 'expr'}} expected-error {{expected expression}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match(user = {condition(<expr>)}) // expected-error {{expected expression}} expected-error {{use of undeclared identifier 'expr'}} expected-error {{expected expression}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match(implementation = {vvv} implementation) // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{'vvv' is not a valid context selector for the context set 'implementation', selector ignored}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'vendor' 'extension' 'unified_address' 'unified_shared_memory' 'reverse_offload' 'dynamic_allocators' 'atomic_default_mem_order'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <T>) match(implementation = {vvv}) xxx // expected-warning {{'vvv' is not a valid context selector for the context set 'implementation', selector ignored}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'vendor' 'extension' 'unified_address' 'unified_shared_memory' 'reverse_offload' 'dynamic_allocators' 'atomic_default_mem_order'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation={vendor(score ibm)}) // expected-error {{expected '(' after 'score'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression, '':'' assumed}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation={vendor(score( ibm)}) // expected-error {{use of undeclared identifier 'ibm'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression, '':'' assumed}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property, property skipped}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'amd' 'arm' 'bsc' 'cray' 'fujitsu' 'gnu' 'ibm' 'intel' 'llvm' 'pgi' 'ti' 'unknown'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation={vendor(score(C ibm)}) // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression, '':'' assumed}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property, property skipped}} expected-note {{to match this '('}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'amd' 'arm' 'bsc' 'cray' 'fujitsu' 'gnu' 'ibm' 'intel' 'llvm' 'pgi' 'ti' 'unknown'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation={vendor(score(foofoo <int>()) ibm)}) // expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression, '':'' assumed}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation={vendor(score(C+5): ibm), vendor(llvm)}) // expected-warning {{the context selector 'vendor' was used already in the same 'omp declare variant' directive, selector ignored}} expected-note {{the previous context selector 'vendor' used here}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(implementation={vendor(score(5): ibm), kind(cpu)}) // expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' is not valid for the context set 'implementation', selector ignored}} expected-note {{the context selector 'kind' can be nested in the context set 'device', try 'match(device={kind(property)})'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={xxx}) // expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context selector for the context set 'device', selector ignored}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'kind' 'isa' 'arch'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind}) // expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in context set 'device' requires a context property defined in parenthesis, selector ignored}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(}) // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property, property skipped}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'host' 'nohost' 'cpu' 'gpu' 'fpga' 'any'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind()}) // expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property, property skipped}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'host' 'nohost' 'cpu' 'gpu' 'fpga' 'any'}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(score cpu)}) // expected-error {{expected '(' after 'score'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression, '':'' assumed}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(score( ibm)}) // expected-error {{use of undeclared identifier 'ibm'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression, '':'' assumed}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property, property skipped}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'host' 'nohost' 'cpu' 'gpu' 'fpga' 'any'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(score(C gpu)}) // expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-error {{expected ')'}} expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression, '':'' assumed}} expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('C'), score ignored}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context property, property skipped}} expected-note {{to match this '('}} expected-note {{context property options are: 'host' 'nohost' 'cpu' 'gpu' 'fpga' 'any'}} expected-note {{to match this '('}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(score(foofoo <int>()) ibm)}) // expected-warning {{expected '':'' after the score expression, '':'' assumed}} expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('foofoo<int>()'), score ignored}} expected-warning {{'ibm' is not a valid context property for the context selector 'kind' and the context set 'device', property ignored}} expected-note {{try 'match(implementation={vendor(ibm)})'}} expected-note {{the ignored property spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(score(C+5): host), kind(llvm)}) // expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('C + 5'), score ignored}} expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' was used already in the same 'omp declare variant' directive, selector ignored}} expected-note {{the previous context selector 'kind' used here}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(foofoo <int>) match(device={kind(score(C+5): nohost), vendor(llvm)}) // expected-warning {{the context selector 'kind' in the context set 'device' cannot have a score ('C + 5'), score ignored}} expected-warning {{the context selector 'vendor' is not valid for the context set 'device', selector ignored}} expected-note {{the context selector 'vendor' can be nested in the context set 'implementation', try 'match(implementation={vendor(property)})'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
 template <typename T, int C>
 T barbar();
-// expected-error@+2 {{'#pragma omp declare variant' can only be applied to functions}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(barbar <int>) match(xxx = {})
-int a;
-// expected-error@+2 {{'#pragma omp declare variant' can only be applied to functions}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(barbar <int>) match(xxx = {})
-#pragma omp threadprivate(a)
+#pragma omp declare variant(barbar <int>) match(implementation = {}) // expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context selector, selector skipped}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'vendor' 'extension' 'unified_address' 'unified_shared_memory' 'reverse_offload' 'dynamic_allocators' 'atomic_default_mem_order'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+int a; // expected-error {{'#pragma omp declare variant' can only be applied to functions}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(barbar <int>) match(implementation = {}) // expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context selector, selector skipped}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'vendor' 'extension' 'unified_address' 'unified_shared_memory' 'reverse_offload' 'dynamic_allocators' 'atomic_default_mem_order'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp threadprivate(a) // expected-error {{'#pragma omp declare variant' can only be applied to functions}}
 int var;
 #pragma omp threadprivate(var)
-// expected-error@+2 {{expected an OpenMP directive}} expected-error@+1 {{function declaration is expected after 'declare variant' directive}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(barbar <int>) match(xxx = {})
-#pragma omp declare
-// expected-error@+3 {{function declaration is expected after 'declare variant' directive}}
-// expected-error@+1 {{function declaration is expected after 'declare variant' directive}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(barbar <int>) match(xxx = {})
-#pragma omp declare variant(barbar <int>) match(xxx = {})
+#pragma omp declare variant(barbar <int>) match(implementation = {}) // expected-error {{function declaration is expected after 'declare variant' directive}}
+#pragma omp declare // expected-error {{expected an OpenMP directive}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(barbar <int>) match(implementation = {}) // expected-error {{function declaration is expected after 'declare variant' directive}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(barbar <int>) match(xxx = {}) // expected-error {{function declaration is expected after 'declare variant' directive}}
 #pragma options align = packed
 int main();
-// expected-error@+3 {{function declaration is expected after 'declare variant' directive}}
-// expected-error@+1 {{function declaration is expected after 'declare variant' directive}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(barbar <int>) match(xxx = {})
-#pragma omp declare variant(barbar <int>) match(xxx = {})
+#pragma omp declare variant(barbar <int>) match(implementation = {}) // expected-error {{function declaration is expected after 'declare variant' directive}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(barbar <int>) match(xxx = {}) // expected-error {{function declaration is expected after 'declare variant' directive}}
 #pragma init_seg(compiler)
 int main();
-// expected-error@+1 {{single declaration is expected after 'declare variant' directive}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(barbar <int>) match(xxx = {})
+#pragma omp declare variant(barbar <int>) match(implementation = {}) // expected-error {{single declaration is expected after 'declare variant' directive}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context selector, selector skipped}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'vendor' 'extension' 'unified_address' 'unified_shared_memory' 'reverse_offload' 'dynamic_allocators' 'atomic_default_mem_order'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
 int b, c;
-// expected-error@+1 {{'C' does not refer to a value}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(C) match(xxx = {})
-// expected-note@+1 {{declared here}}
-template <class C>
+#pragma omp declare variant(C) match(implementation = {}) // expected-error {{'C' does not refer to a value}}
+template <class C> // expected-note {{declared here}}
 void h(C *hp, C *hp2, C *hq, C *lin) {
   b = 0;
-// expected-error@+1 {{variant in '#pragma omp declare variant' with type '<overloaded function type>' is incompatible with type 'void (int *, int *, int *, int *)'}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(barbar <int>) match(xxx = {})
+#pragma omp declare variant(barbar <int>) match(implementation = {}) // expected-error {{variant in '#pragma omp declare variant' with type '<overloaded function type>' is incompatible with type 'void (int *, int *, int *, int *)'}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context selector, selector skipped}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'vendor' 'extension' 'unified_address' 'unified_shared_memory' 'reverse_offload' 'dynamic_allocators' 'atomic_default_mem_order'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
 template <>
 void h(int *hp, int *hp2, int *hq, int *lin);
@@ -142,113 +142,113 @@
   return after_use();
-// expected-warning@+1 {{'#pragma omp declare variant' cannot be applied for function after first usage; the original function might be used}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(after_use_variant) match(xxx = {})
+#pragma omp declare variant(after_use_variant) match(implementation = {}) // expected-warning {{'#pragma omp declare variant' cannot be applied for function after first usage; the original function might be used}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context selector, selector skipped}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'vendor' 'extension' 'unified_address' 'unified_shared_memory' 'reverse_offload' 'dynamic_allocators' 'atomic_default_mem_order'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
 int after_use(void);
 int fn();
 int fn(int);
-#pragma omp declare variant(fn) match(xxx = {})
+#pragma omp declare variant(fn) match(xxx = {}) // expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`, set ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
 int overload(void);
 int fn1();
 int fn1(int);
-// expected-error@+1 {{variant in '#pragma omp declare variant' with type '<overloaded function type>' is incompatible with type 'int (float)'}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(fn1) match(xxx = {})
+#pragma omp declare variant(fn1) match(implementation = {}) // expected-error {{variant in '#pragma omp declare variant' with type '<overloaded function type>' is incompatible with type 'int (float)'}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context selector, selector skipped}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'vendor' 'extension' 'unified_address' 'unified_shared_memory' 'reverse_offload' 'dynamic_allocators' 'atomic_default_mem_order'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
 int overload1(float);
 int fn_constexpr_variant();
-// expected-error@+2 {{'#pragma omp declare variant' does not support constexpr functions}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(fn_constexpr_variant) match(xxx = {})
-constexpr int fn_constexpr();
+#pragma omp declare variant(fn_constexpr_variant) match(xxx = {}) // expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`, set ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
+constexpr int fn_constexpr(); // expected-error {{'#pragma omp declare variant' does not support constexpr functions}}
 constexpr int fn_constexpr_variant1();
-// expected-error@+1 {{'#pragma omp declare variant' does not support constexpr functions}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(fn_constexpr_variant1) match(xxx = {})
+#pragma omp declare variant(fn_constexpr_variant1) match(implementation = {}) // expected-error {{'#pragma omp declare variant' does not support constexpr functions}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context selector, selector skipped}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'vendor' 'extension' 'unified_address' 'unified_shared_memory' 'reverse_offload' 'dynamic_allocators' 'atomic_default_mem_order'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
 int fn_constexpr1();
 int fn_sc_variant();
-// expected-error@+1 {{function with '#pragma omp declare variant' has a different storage class}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(fn_sc_variant) match(xxx = {})
+#pragma omp declare variant(fn_sc_variant) match(xxx = {}) // expected-error {{function with '#pragma omp declare variant' has a different storage class}} expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`, set ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
 static int fn_sc();
 static int fn_sc_variant1();
-// expected-error@+1 {{function with '#pragma omp declare variant' has a different storage class}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(fn_sc_variant1) match(xxx = {})
+#pragma omp declare variant(fn_sc_variant1) match(implementation = {}) // expected-error {{function with '#pragma omp declare variant' has a different storage class}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context selector, selector skipped}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'vendor' 'extension' 'unified_address' 'unified_shared_memory' 'reverse_offload' 'dynamic_allocators' 'atomic_default_mem_order'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
 int fn_sc1();
 int fn_inline_variant();
-// expected-error@+1 {{function with '#pragma omp declare variant' has a different inline specification}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(fn_inline_variant) match(xxx = {})
+#pragma omp declare variant(fn_inline_variant) match(xxx = {}) // expected-error {{function with '#pragma omp declare variant' has a different inline specification}} expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`, set ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
 inline int fn_inline();
 inline int fn_inline_variant1();
-// expected-error@+1 {{function with '#pragma omp declare variant' has a different inline specification}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(fn_inline_variant1) match(xxx = {})
+#pragma omp declare variant(fn_inline_variant1) match(implementation = {}) // expected-error {{function with '#pragma omp declare variant' has a different inline specification}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context selector, selector skipped}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'vendor' 'extension' 'unified_address' 'unified_shared_memory' 'reverse_offload' 'dynamic_allocators' 'atomic_default_mem_order'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
 int fn_inline1();
 auto fn_deduced_variant() { return 0; }
-#pragma omp declare variant(fn_deduced_variant) match(xxx = {})
+#pragma omp declare variant(fn_deduced_variant) match(xxx = {}) // expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`, set ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
 int fn_deduced();
 int fn_deduced_variant1();
-#pragma omp declare variant(fn_deduced_variant1) match(xxx = {})
+#pragma omp declare variant(fn_deduced_variant1) match(implementation = {}) // expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context selector, selector skipped}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'vendor' 'extension' 'unified_address' 'unified_shared_memory' 'reverse_offload' 'dynamic_allocators' 'atomic_default_mem_order'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
 auto fn_deduced1() { return 0; }
 auto fn_deduced3() { return 0; }
-// expected-warning@+1 {{'#pragma omp declare variant' cannot be applied to the function that was defined already; the original function might be used}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(fn_deduced_variant1) match(xxx = {})
+#pragma omp declare variant(fn_deduced_variant1) match(implementation = {}) // expected-warning {{'#pragma omp declare variant' cannot be applied to the function that was defined already; the original function might be used}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context selector, selector skipped}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'vendor' 'extension' 'unified_address' 'unified_shared_memory' 'reverse_offload' 'dynamic_allocators' 'atomic_default_mem_order'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
 auto fn_deduced3();
 auto fn_deduced_variant2() { return 0; }
-// expected-error@+1 {{variant in '#pragma omp declare variant' with type 'int ()' is incompatible with type 'float ()'}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(fn_deduced_variant2) match(xxx = {})
+#pragma omp declare variant(fn_deduced_variant2) match(xxx = {}) // expected-error {{variant in '#pragma omp declare variant' with type 'int ()' is incompatible with type 'float ()'}} expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`, set ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
 float fn_deduced2();
-// expected-error@+1 {{exception specification in declaration does not match previous declaration}}
-int fn_except_variant() noexcept(true);
-// expected-note@+2 {{previous declaration is here}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(fn_except_variant) match(xxx = {})
-int fn_except() noexcept(false);
-// expected-error@+1 {{exception specification in declaration does not match previous declaration}}
-int fn_except_variant1() noexcept(false);
-// expected-note@+2 {{previous declaration is here}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(fn_except_variant1) match(xxx = {})
-int fn_except1() noexcept(true);
+int fn_except_variant() noexcept(true); // expected-error {{exception specification in declaration does not match previous declaration}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(fn_except_variant) match(implementation = {}) // expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context selector, selector skipped}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'vendor' 'extension' 'unified_address' 'unified_shared_memory' 'reverse_offload' 'dynamic_allocators' 'atomic_default_mem_order'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+int fn_except() noexcept(false); // expected-note {{previous declaration is here}}
+int fn_except_variant1() noexcept(false); // expected-error {{exception specification in declaration does not match previous declaration}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(fn_except_variant1) match(xxx = {}) // expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`, set ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
+int fn_except1() noexcept(true); // expected-note {{previous declaration is here}}
 struct SpecialFuncs {
   void vd();
-  // expected-error@+2 {{'#pragma omp declare variant' does not support constructors}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(SpecialFuncs::vd) match(xxx = {})
-  SpecialFuncs();
-  // expected-error@+2 {{'#pragma omp declare variant' does not support destructors}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(SpecialFuncs::vd) match(xxx = {})
-  ~SpecialFuncs();
+#pragma omp declare variant(SpecialFuncs::vd) match(implementation = {}) // expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context selector, selector skipped}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'vendor' 'extension' 'unified_address' 'unified_shared_memory' 'reverse_offload' 'dynamic_allocators' 'atomic_default_mem_order'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+  SpecialFuncs(); // expected-error {{'#pragma omp declare variant' does not support constructors}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(SpecialFuncs::vd) match(xxx = {}) // expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`, set ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
+  ~SpecialFuncs(); // expected-error {{'#pragma omp declare variant' does not support destructors}}
   void baz();
   void bar();
   void bar(int);
-#pragma omp declare variant(SpecialFuncs::baz) match(xxx = {})
-#pragma omp declare variant(SpecialFuncs::bar) match(xxx = {})
-// expected-error@+1 {{variant in '#pragma omp declare variant' with type 'int (*)()' is incompatible with type 'void (SpecialFuncs::*)()'}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(fn_sc_variant1) match(xxx = {})
+#pragma omp declare variant(SpecialFuncs::baz) match(implementation = {}) // expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context selector, selector skipped}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'vendor' 'extension' 'unified_address' 'unified_shared_memory' 'reverse_offload' 'dynamic_allocators' 'atomic_default_mem_order'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(SpecialFuncs::bar) match(xxx = {}) // expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`, set ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(fn_sc_variant1) match(implementation = {}) // expected-error {{variant in '#pragma omp declare variant' with type 'int (*)()' is incompatible with type 'void (SpecialFuncs::*)()'}} expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context selector, selector skipped}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'vendor' 'extension' 'unified_address' 'unified_shared_memory' 'reverse_offload' 'dynamic_allocators' 'atomic_default_mem_order'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
   void foo1();
   SpecialFuncs& foo(const SpecialFuncs&);
   SpecialFuncs& bar(SpecialFuncs&&);
-  // expected-error@+2 {{'#pragma omp declare variant' does not support defaulted functions}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(SpecialFuncs::foo) match(xxx = {})
-  SpecialFuncs& operator=(const SpecialFuncs&) = default;
-  // expected-error@+2 {{'#pragma omp declare variant' does not support deleted functions}}
-#pragma omp declare variant(SpecialFuncs::bar) match(xxx = {})
-  SpecialFuncs& operator=(SpecialFuncs&&) = delete;
+#pragma omp declare variant(SpecialFuncs::foo) match(xxx = {}) // expected-warning {{'xxx' is not a valid context set in a `declare variant`, set ignored}} expected-note {{context set options are: 'construct' 'device' 'implementation' 'user'}} expected-note {{the ignored set spans until here}}
+  SpecialFuncs& operator=(const SpecialFuncs&) = default; // expected-error {{'#pragma omp declare variant' does not support defaulted functions}}
+#pragma omp declare variant(SpecialFuncs::bar) match(implementation = {}) // expected-warning {{expected identifier or string literal describing a context selector, selector skipped}} expected-note {{context selector options are: 'vendor' 'extension' 'unified_address' 'unified_shared_memory' 'reverse_offload' 'dynamic_allocators' 'atomic_default_mem_order'}} expected-note {{the ignored selector spans until here}}
+  SpecialFuncs& operator=(SpecialFuncs&&) = delete; // expected-error {{'#pragma omp declare variant' does not support deleted functions}}
 namespace N {
-// expected-error@+1 {{function declaration is expected after 'declare variant' directive}}
-#pragma omp declare variant
+#pragma omp declare variant // expected-error {{function declaration is expected after 'declare variant' directive}}
 } // namespace N
-// expected-error@+1 {{function declaration is expected after 'declare variant' directive}}
-#pragma omp declare variant
-// expected-error@+1 {{function declaration is expected after 'declare variant' directive}}
-#pragma omp declare variant
+#pragma omp declare variant // expected-error {{function declaration is expected after 'declare variant' directive}}
+#pragma omp declare variant // expected-error {{function declaration is expected after 'declare variant' directive}}
diff --git a/clang/test/OpenMP/declare_variant_mixed_codegen.cpp b/clang/test/OpenMP/declare_variant_mixed_codegen.cpp
--- a/clang/test/OpenMP/declare_variant_mixed_codegen.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/OpenMP/declare_variant_mixed_codegen.cpp
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 static int stat_unused_no_emit() { return 1; }
 static int stat_unused_();
 #pragma omp declare variant(stat_unused_) match(implementation = {vendor(llvm)}, device={kind(cpu)})
-#pragma omp declare variant(stat_unused_no_emit) match(implementation = {vendor(xxx)}, device={kind(gpu)})
+#pragma omp declare variant(stat_unused_no_emit) match(implementation = {vendor(unknown)}, device = {kind(gpu)})
 static int stat_unused() { return 1; }
 static int stat_used_();
@@ -103,16 +103,16 @@
 int prio() { return 81; }
 int prio1() { return 82; }
-#pragma omp declare variant(prio) match(implementation = {vendor(score(2): llvm)}, device={kind(cpu,host)})
-#pragma omp declare variant(prio1) match(implementation = {vendor(score(1): llvm)}, device={kind(cpu)})
+#pragma omp declare variant(prio1) match(implementation = {vendor(score(2): llvm)}, device={kind(cpu,host)})
+#pragma omp declare variant(prio) match(implementation = {vendor(score(1): llvm)}, device={kind(cpu)})
 int prio_() { return 1; }
 static int prio2() { return 83; }
 static int prio3() { return 84; }
 static int prio4() { return 84; }
-#pragma omp declare variant(prio4) match(implementation = {vendor(score(8): llvm)},device={kind(cpu,host)})
-#pragma omp declare variant(prio2) match(implementation = {vendor(score(5): llvm)})
+#pragma omp declare variant(prio4) match(implementation = {vendor(score(5): llvm)})
+#pragma omp declare variant(prio2) match(implementation = {vendor(score(8): llvm)}, device={kind(cpu,host)})
 #pragma omp declare variant(prio3) match(implementation = {vendor(score(7): llvm)}, device={kind(cpu)})
 static int prio1_() { return 1; }
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
 #pragma omp declare variant(fn_variant2) match(implementation = {vendor(llvm)}, device={kind(fpga)})
 int fn2() { return 87; }
-#pragma omp declare variant(stat_unused_no_emit) match(implementation = {vendor(xxx)}, device={kind(gpu)})
+#pragma omp declare variant(stat_unused_no_emit) match(implementation = {vendor(unknown)}, device = {kind(gpu)})
 template <typename T>
 static T stat_unused_T() { return 88; }
diff --git a/clang/test/OpenMP/nvptx_declare_variant_device_kind_codegen.cpp b/clang/test/OpenMP/nvptx_declare_variant_device_kind_codegen.cpp
--- a/clang/test/OpenMP/nvptx_declare_variant_device_kind_codegen.cpp
+++ b/clang/test/OpenMP/nvptx_declare_variant_device_kind_codegen.cpp
@@ -43,13 +43,13 @@
 #define HEADER
 #ifdef GPU
-#define CORRECT gpu
-#define SUBSET nohost, gpu
+#define SUBSET gpu
+#define CORRECT nohost, gpu
 #define WRONG cpu, gpu
 #endif // GPU
 #ifdef NOHOST
-#define CORRECT nohost
-#define SUBSET nohost, gpu
+#define SUBSET nohost
+#define CORRECT nohost, gpu
 #define WRONG nohost, host
 #endif // NOHOST
diff --git a/clang/utils/TableGen/ClangAttrEmitter.cpp b/clang/utils/TableGen/ClangAttrEmitter.cpp
--- a/clang/utils/TableGen/ClangAttrEmitter.cpp
+++ b/clang/utils/TableGen/ClangAttrEmitter.cpp
@@ -107,6 +107,8 @@
       .Case("IdentifierInfo *", "Record.readIdentifier()")
       .Case("StringRef", "Record.readString()")
       .Case("ParamIdx", "ParamIdx::deserialize(Record.readInt())")
+      .EndsWith("*", "Record.readUserType<" +
+                         std::string(type.data(), 0, type.size() - 1) + ">()")
@@ -130,6 +132,7 @@
              .Case("StringRef", "AddString(" + std::string(name) + ");\n")
                    "push_back(" + std::string(name) + ".serialize());\n")
+             .EndsWith("*", "writeUserType(" + std::string(name) + ");\n")
              .Default("push_back(" + std::string(name) + ");\n");
@@ -338,7 +341,7 @@
     void writeDump(raw_ostream &OS) const override {
       if (type == "FunctionDecl *" || type == "NamedDecl *") {
         OS << "    OS << \" \";\n";
-        OS << "    dumpBareDeclRef(SA->get" << getUpperName() << "());\n"; 
+        OS << "    dumpBareDeclRef(SA->get" << getUpperName() << "());\n";
       } else if (type == "IdentifierInfo *") {
         // Some non-optional (comma required) identifier arguments can be the
         // empty string but are then recorded as a nullptr.
@@ -361,7 +364,8 @@
         OS << "    OS << \" \" << SA->get" << getUpperName()
            << "().getSourceIndex();\n";
       } else {
-        llvm_unreachable("Unknown SimpleArgument type!");
+        OS << "    if (SA->get" << getUpperName() << "())\n  ";
+        OS << "      OS << \" \" << *SA->get" << getUpperName() << "();\n";
@@ -500,7 +504,7 @@
       OS << "  if (is" << getLowerName() << "Expr)\n";
       OS << "    return " << getLowerName() << "Expr && (" << getLowerName()
          << "Expr->isValueDependent() || " << getLowerName()
-         << "Expr->isTypeDependent());\n"; 
+         << "Expr->isTypeDependent());\n";
       OS << "  else\n";
       OS << "    return " << getLowerName()
          << "Type->getType()->isDependentType();\n";
@@ -525,11 +529,11 @@
     void writeASTVisitorTraversal(raw_ostream &OS) const override {
       StringRef Name = getUpperName();
       OS << "  if (A->is" << Name << "Expr()) {\n"
-         << "    if (!getDerived().TraverseStmt(A->get" << Name << "Expr()))\n" 
-         << "      return false;\n" 
+         << "    if (!getDerived().TraverseStmt(A->get" << Name << "Expr()))\n"
+         << "      return false;\n"
          << "  } else if (auto *TSI = A->get" << Name << "Type()) {\n"
          << "    if (!getDerived().TraverseTypeLoc(TSI->getTypeLoc()))\n"
-         << "      return false;\n" 
+         << "      return false;\n"
          << "  }\n";
@@ -658,7 +662,7 @@
       std::string IteratorType = getLowerName().str() + "_iterator";
       std::string BeginFn = getLowerName().str() + "_begin()";
       std::string EndFn = getLowerName().str() + "_end()";
       OS << "  typedef " << Type << "* " << IteratorType << ";\n";
       OS << "  " << IteratorType << " " << BeginFn << " const {"
          << " return " << ArgName << "; }\n";
@@ -915,14 +919,14 @@
       for (size_t I = 0; I < enums.size(); ++I) {
         if (Uniques.insert(enums[I]).second)
           OS << "    case " << getAttrName() << "Attr::" << enums[I]
-             << ": return \"" << values[I] << "\";\n";       
+             << ": return \"" << values[I] << "\";\n";
       OS << "    }\n"
          << "    llvm_unreachable(\"No enumerator with that value\");\n"
          << "  }\n";
   class VariadicEnumArgument: public VariadicArgument {
     std::string type, QualifiedTypeName;
     std::vector<StringRef> values, enums, uniques;
@@ -945,13 +949,13 @@
           uniques(uniqueEnumsInOrder(enums)) {
       QualifiedTypeName = getAttrName().str() + "Attr::" + type;
       // FIXME: Emit a proper error
     bool isVariadicEnumArg() const override { return true; }
     void writeDeclarations(raw_ostream &OS) const override {
       auto i = uniques.cbegin(), e = uniques.cend();
       // The last one needs to not have a comma.
@@ -964,7 +968,7 @@
       OS << "    " << *e << "\n";
       OS << "  };\n";
       OS << "private:\n";
@@ -1041,7 +1045,7 @@
       OS << "  VersionTuple get" << getUpperName() << "() const {\n";
       OS << "    return " << getLowerName() << ";\n";
       OS << "  }\n";
-      OS << "  void set" << getUpperName() 
+      OS << "  void set" << getUpperName()
          << "(ASTContext &C, VersionTuple V) {\n";
       OS << "    " << getLowerName() << " = V;\n";
       OS << "  }";
@@ -1308,6 +1312,9 @@
     Ptr = std::make_unique<VariadicIdentifierArgument>(Arg, Attr);
   else if (ArgName == "VersionArgument")
     Ptr = std::make_unique<VersionArgument>(Arg, Attr);
+  else if (ArgName == "GenericPointerArgument")
+    Ptr = std::make_unique<SimpleArgument>(Arg, Attr,
+                                           Arg.getValueAsString("Type").str());
   if (!Ptr) {
     // Search in reverse order so that the most-derived type is handled first.
@@ -2252,10 +2259,10 @@
     // When attribute documentation can be generated as part of the build
     // itself, this code can be removed.
     if (!R.getValueAsBit("ASTNode"))
     ArrayRef<std::pair<Record *, SMRange>> Supers = R.getSuperClasses();
     assert(!Supers.empty() && "Forgot to specify a superclass for the attr");
     std::string SuperName;
@@ -2437,7 +2444,7 @@
       OS << "  {\n";
       for (auto const &ai : Args) {
         if (!shouldEmitArg(ai)) continue;
@@ -2452,7 +2459,7 @@
     // Emit a constructor that takes all the non-fake arguments.
     if (HasFakeArg)
       emitCtor(true, false);
     // Emit a constructor that takes all the non-fake, non-optional arguments.
     if (HasOptArg)
       emitCtor(false, false);
@@ -2461,7 +2468,7 @@
     OS << "  void printPretty(raw_ostream &OS,\n"
        << "                   const PrintingPolicy &Policy) const;\n";
     OS << "  const char *getSpelling() const;\n";
     if (!ElideSpelling) {
       assert(!SemanticToSyntacticMap.empty() && "Empty semantic mapping list");
       OS << "  Spelling getSemanticSpelling() const {\n";
@@ -2506,7 +2513,7 @@
   for (auto *Attr : Attrs) {
     Record &R = *Attr;
     if (!R.getValueAsBit("ASTNode"))
@@ -2971,7 +2978,7 @@
     // them. If the attribute has no scope, the version information must not
     // have the default value (1), as that's incorrect. Instead, the unscoped
     // attribute version information should be taken from the SD-6 standing
-    // document, which can be found at: 
+    // document, which can be found at:
     // https://isocpp.org/std/standing-documents/sd-6-sg10-feature-test-recommendations
     int Version = 1;
@@ -3263,7 +3270,7 @@
   OS << "#ifndef PARSED_ATTR\n";
   OS << "#define PARSED_ATTR(NAME) NAME\n";
   OS << "#endif\n\n";
   ParsedAttrMap Names = getParsedAttrList(Records);
   for (const auto &I : Names) {
     OS << "PARSED_ATTR(" << I.first << ")\n";
diff --git a/llvm/include/llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPContext.h b/llvm/include/llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPContext.h
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPContext.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPContext.h
@@ -49,6 +49,9 @@
 /// Parse \p Str and return the trait set it matches or TraitSet::invalid.
 TraitSet getOpenMPContextTraitSetKind(StringRef Str);
+/// Return the trait set for which \p Selector is a selector.
+TraitSet getOpenMPContextTraitSetForSelector(TraitSelector Selector);
 /// Return the trait set for which \p Property is a property.
 TraitSet getOpenMPContextTraitSetForProperty(TraitProperty Property);
@@ -67,9 +70,7 @@
 /// Parse \p Str and return the trait set it matches or
 /// TraitProperty::invalid.
-TraitProperty getOpenMPContextTraitPropertyKind(TraitSet Set,
-                                                TraitSelector Selector,
-                                                StringRef Str);
+TraitProperty getOpenMPContextTraitPropertyKind(TraitSet Set, StringRef Str);
 /// Return the trait property for a singleton selector \p Selector.
 TraitProperty getOpenMPContextTraitPropertyForSelector(TraitSelector Selector);
@@ -80,6 +81,15 @@
 /// Return a textual representation of the trait property \p Kind with selector
 /// and set name included.
 StringRef getOpenMPContextTraitPropertyFullName(TraitProperty Kind);
+/// Return a string listing all trait sets.
+std::string listOpenMPContextTraitSets();
+/// Return a string listing all trait selectors for \p Set.
+std::string listOpenMPContextTraitSelectors(TraitSet Set);
+/// Return a string listing all trait properties for \p Set and \p Selector.
+std::string listOpenMPContextTraitProperties(TraitSet Set, TraitSelector Selector);
 /// Return true if \p Selector can be nested in \p Set. Also sets
diff --git a/llvm/lib/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPContext.cpp b/llvm/lib/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPContext.cpp
--- a/llvm/lib/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPContext.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPContext.cpp
@@ -286,6 +286,15 @@
 #include "llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPKinds.def"
+TraitSet llvm::omp::getOpenMPContextTraitSetForSelector(TraitSelector Selector) {
+  switch (Selector) {
+#define OMP_TRAIT_SELECTOR(Enum, TraitSetEnum, Str, ReqProp)                   \
+  case TraitSelector::Enum:                                                    \
+    return TraitSet::TraitSetEnum;
+#include "llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPKinds.def"
+  }
 llvm::omp::getOpenMPContextTraitSetForProperty(TraitProperty Property) {
   switch (Property) {
@@ -334,10 +343,9 @@
 TraitProperty llvm::omp::getOpenMPContextTraitPropertyKind(
-    TraitSet Set, TraitSelector Selector, StringRef S) {
+    TraitSet Set, StringRef S) {
 #define OMP_TRAIT_PROPERTY(Enum, TraitSetEnum, TraitSelectorEnum, Str)         \
-  if (Set == TraitSet::TraitSetEnum &&                                         \
-      Selector == TraitSelector::TraitSelectorEnum && Str == S)                \
+  if (Set == TraitSet::TraitSetEnum && Str == S)                \
     return TraitProperty::Enum;
 #include "llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPKinds.def"
   return TraitProperty::invalid;
@@ -398,3 +406,36 @@
   llvm_unreachable("Unknown trait property!");
+std::string llvm::omp::listOpenMPContextTraitSets() {
+  std::string S;
+#define OMP_TRAIT_SET(Enum, Str)                                               \
+  if (Str != "invalid")                                                        \
+    S.append("'").append(Str).append("'").append(" ");
+#include "llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPKinds.def"
+  S.pop_back();
+  return S;
+std::string llvm::omp::listOpenMPContextTraitSelectors(TraitSet Set) {
+  std::string S;
+#define OMP_TRAIT_SELECTOR(Enum, TraitSetEnum, Str, ReqProp)                   \
+  if (TraitSet::TraitSetEnum == Set && Str != "Invalid")                       \
+    S.append("'").append(Str).append("'").append(" ");
+#include "llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPKinds.def"
+  S.pop_back();
+  return S;
+llvm::omp::listOpenMPContextTraitProperties(TraitSet Set,
+                                            TraitSelector Selector) {
+  std::string S;
+#define OMP_TRAIT_PROPERTY(Enum, TraitSetEnum, TraitSelectorEnum, Str)         \
+  if (TraitSet::TraitSetEnum == Set &&                                         \
+      TraitSelector::TraitSelectorEnum == Selector && Str != "invalid")        \
+    S.append("'").append(Str).append("'").append(" ");
+#include "llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPKinds.def"
+  S.pop_back();
+  return S;
diff --git a/llvm/unittests/Frontend/OpenMPContextTest.cpp b/llvm/unittests/Frontend/OpenMPContextTest.cpp
--- a/llvm/unittests/Frontend/OpenMPContextTest.cpp
+++ b/llvm/unittests/Frontend/OpenMPContextTest.cpp
@@ -38,12 +38,11 @@
 #define OMP_TRAIT_PROPERTY(Enum, TraitSetEnum, TraitSelectorEnum, Str)         \
   EXPECT_EQ(TraitProperty::Enum,                                               \
             getOpenMPContextTraitPropertyKind(                                 \
-                TraitSet::TraitSetEnum, TraitSelector::TraitSelectorEnum,      \
+                TraitSet::TraitSetEnum,                                        \
                 getOpenMPContextTraitPropertyName(TraitProperty::Enum)));      \
-  EXPECT_EQ(                                                                   \
-      Str,                                                                     \
-      getOpenMPContextTraitPropertyName(getOpenMPContextTraitPropertyKind(     \
-          TraitSet::TraitSetEnum, TraitSelector::TraitSelectorEnum, Str)));    \
+  EXPECT_EQ(Str, getOpenMPContextTraitPropertyName(                            \
+                     getOpenMPContextTraitPropertyKind(TraitSet::TraitSetEnum, \
+                                                       Str)));                 \
   EXPECT_EQ(TraitSet::TraitSetEnum,                                            \
             getOpenMPContextTraitSetForProperty(TraitProperty::Enum));         \
   EXPECT_EQ(TraitSelector::TraitSelectorEnum,                                  \