Index: llvm/test/tools/llvm-readobj/elf-verneed-invalid.test
--- llvm/test/tools/llvm-readobj/elf-verneed-invalid.test
+++ llvm/test/tools/llvm-readobj/elf-verneed-invalid.test
@@ -86,11 +86,12 @@
 # GNU-NOLINK:      Version symbols section '.gnu.version' contains 2 entries:
 # GNU-NOLINK-NEXT:  Addr: 0000000000000000  Offset: 0x000040  Link: 5 (.dynsym)
-# GNU-NOLINK-NEXT:   000:   0 (*local*)       2 (bar)
+# GNU-NOLINK-NEXT:   000:   0 (*local*)
+# GNU-NOLINK-NEXT: warning: '[[FILE]]': invalid string table linked to SHT_GNU_verneed section with index 2: invalid sh_type for string table section [index 0]: expected SHT_STRTAB, but got SHT_NULL
+# GNU-NOLINK-NEXT:   2 (<corrupt>)
 # GNU-NOLINK:      Version needs section '.gnu.version_r' contains 1 entries:
 # GNU-NOLINK-NEXT:  Addr: 0000000000000000  Offset: 0x000044  Link: 0 ()
-# GNU-NOLINK-NEXT:  warning: '[[FILE]]': invalid string table linked to SHT_GNU_verneed section with index 2: invalid sh_type for string table section [index 0]: expected SHT_STRTAB, but got SHT_NULL
 # GNU-NOLINK-NEXT:   0x0000: Version: 1  File: <corrupt vn_file: 9>  Cnt: 1
 # GNU-NOLINK-NEXT:   0x0010:   Name: <corrupt>  Flags: none Version: 2
@@ -100,14 +101,14 @@
 # LLVM-NOLINK-NEXT:     Name:
 # LLVM-NOLINK-NEXT:   Symbol {
+# LLVM-NOLINK-NEXT:  warning: '[[FILE]]': invalid string table linked to SHT_GNU_verneed section with index 2: invalid sh_type for string table section [index 0]: expected SHT_STRTAB, but got SHT_NULL
 # LLVM-NOLINK-NEXT:     Version: 2
-# LLVM-NOLINK-NEXT:     Name: foo@bar
+# LLVM-NOLINK-NEXT:     Name: foo@<corrupt>
 # LLVM-NOLINK:      VersionRequirements [
-# LLVM-NOLINK-NEXT:  warning: '[[FILE]]': invalid string table linked to SHT_GNU_verneed section with index 2: invalid sh_type for string table section [index 0]: expected SHT_STRTAB, but got SHT_NULL
 # LLVM-NOLINK-NEXT:   Dependency {
 # LLVM-NOLINK-NEXT:     Version: 1
 # LLVM-NOLINK-NEXT:     Count: 1
@@ -155,14 +156,12 @@
     Binding: STB_GLOBAL
 ## We can't parse misaligned auxiliary version records.
-## Here we have a SHT_GNU_verneed section aligned by 1 byte.
-## This makes the first auxiliary record offset % 4 be non-zero.
 # RUN: yaml2obj --docnum=3 %s -o %t3
 # RUN: not llvm-readelf -V %t3 2>&1 | FileCheck %s -DFILE=%t3 --check-prefix=BROKEN-AUX
 # RUN: not llvm-readobj -V %t3 2>&1 | FileCheck %s -DFILE=%t3 --check-prefix=BROKEN-AUX
-# BROKEN-AUX: error: '[[FILE]]': SHT_GNU_verneed: the vn_aux field of the entry with index 0 references a misaligned auxiliary record
+# BROKEN-AUX: error: '[[FILE]]': invalid SHT_GNU_verneed section with index 2: found a misaligned auxiliary entry at offset 0x11
 --- !ELF
@@ -176,19 +175,14 @@
     Flags:   [ SHF_ALLOC ]
     Link:    .dynsym
     Entries: [ 2 ]
-  - Name:  .gnu.version_r
-    Type:  SHT_GNU_verneed
-    Flags: [ SHF_ALLOC ]
-    Info:  1
-    AddressAlign: 1
-    Dependencies:
-      - Version: 1
-        File:    somefile
-        Entries:
-          - Name:  'bar'
-            Hash:  0
-            Flags: 0
-            Other: 2
+  - Name:         .gnu.version_r
+    Type:         SHT_GNU_verneed
+    Flags:        [ SHF_ALLOC ]
+    Info:         1
+    Link:         .dynstr
+    AddressAlign: 4
+## The byte offset to the auxiliary entry is 0x11, i.e. it is not correctly aligned in memory.
+    Content: "0100010001000000110000000000000000000000"
   - Name: foo
Index: llvm/tools/llvm-readobj/ELFDumper.cpp
--- llvm/tools/llvm-readobj/ELFDumper.cpp
+++ llvm/tools/llvm-readobj/ELFDumper.cpp
@@ -258,11 +258,8 @@
   void loadDynamicTable(const ELFFile<ELFT> *Obj);
   void parseDynamicTable();
-  StringRef getSymbolVersion(StringRef StrTab, const Elf_Sym *symb,
-                             bool &IsDefault) const;
+  StringRef getSymbolVersion(const Elf_Sym *symb, bool &IsDefault) const;
   void LoadVersionMap() const;
-  void LoadVersionNeeds(const Elf_Shdr *ec) const;
-  void LoadVersionDefs(const Elf_Shdr *sec) const;
   const object::ELFObjectFile<ELFT> *ObjF;
   DynRegionInfo DynRelRegion;
@@ -285,29 +282,11 @@
   const Elf_Shdr *SymbolVersionNeedSection = nullptr; // .gnu.version_r
   const Elf_Shdr *SymbolVersionDefSection = nullptr; // .gnu.version_d
-  // Records for each version index the corresponding Verdef or Vernaux entry.
-  // This is filled the first time LoadVersionMap() is called.
-  class VersionMapEntry : public PointerIntPair<const void *, 1> {
-  public:
-    // If the integer is 0, this is an Elf_Verdef*.
-    // If the integer is 1, this is an Elf_Vernaux*.
-    VersionMapEntry() : PointerIntPair<const void *, 1>(nullptr, 0) {}
-    VersionMapEntry(const Elf_Verdef *verdef)
-        : PointerIntPair<const void *, 1>(verdef, 0) {}
-    VersionMapEntry(const Elf_Vernaux *vernaux)
-        : PointerIntPair<const void *, 1>(vernaux, 1) {}
-    bool isNull() const { return getPointer() == nullptr; }
-    bool isVerdef() const { return !isNull() && getInt() == 0; }
-    bool isVernaux() const { return !isNull() && getInt() == 1; }
-    const Elf_Verdef *getVerdef() const {
-      return isVerdef() ? (const Elf_Verdef *)getPointer() : nullptr;
-    }
-    const Elf_Vernaux *getVernaux() const {
-      return isVernaux() ? (const Elf_Vernaux *)getPointer() : nullptr;
-    }
+  struct VersionEntry {
+    std::string Name;
+    bool IsVerDef;
-  mutable SmallVector<VersionMapEntry, 16> VersionMap;
+  mutable SmallVector<Optional<VersionEntry>, 16> VersionMap;
   Elf_Dyn_Range dynamic_table() const {
@@ -340,8 +319,7 @@
                                            unsigned SectionIndex) const;
   Expected<std::string> getStaticSymbolName(uint32_t Index) const;
   std::string getDynamicString(uint64_t Value) const;
-  StringRef getSymbolVersionByIndex(StringRef StrTab,
-                                    uint32_t VersionSymbolIndex,
+  StringRef getSymbolVersionByIndex(uint32_t VersionSymbolIndex,
                                     bool &IsDefault) const;
   void printSymbolsHelper(bool IsDynamic) const;
@@ -903,78 +881,6 @@
 } // end namespace llvm
-// Iterate through the versions needed section, and place each Elf_Vernaux
-// in the VersionMap according to its index.
-template <class ELFT>
-void ELFDumper<ELFT>::LoadVersionNeeds(const Elf_Shdr *Sec) const {
-  unsigned VerneedSize = Sec->sh_size;    // Size of section in bytes
-  unsigned VerneedEntries = Sec->sh_info; // Number of Verneed entries
-  const uint8_t *VerneedStart = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(
-      ObjF->getELFFile()->base() + Sec->sh_offset);
-  const uint8_t *VerneedEnd = VerneedStart + VerneedSize;
-  // The first Verneed entry is at the start of the section.
-  const uint8_t *VerneedBuf = VerneedStart;
-  for (unsigned VerneedIndex = 0; VerneedIndex < VerneedEntries;
-       ++VerneedIndex) {
-    if (VerneedBuf + sizeof(Elf_Verneed) > VerneedEnd)
-      report_fatal_error("Section ended unexpectedly while scanning "
-                         "version needed records.");
-    const Elf_Verneed *Verneed =
-        reinterpret_cast<const Elf_Verneed *>(VerneedBuf);
-    if (Verneed->vn_version != ELF::VER_NEED_CURRENT)
-      report_fatal_error("Unexpected verneed version");
-    // Iterate through the Vernaux entries
-    const uint8_t *VernauxBuf = VerneedBuf + Verneed->vn_aux;
-    for (unsigned VernauxIndex = 0; VernauxIndex < Verneed->vn_cnt;
-         ++VernauxIndex) {
-      if (VernauxBuf + sizeof(Elf_Vernaux) > VerneedEnd)
-        report_fatal_error("Section ended unexpected while scanning auxiliary "
-                           "version needed records.");
-      if ((ptrdiff_t)VernauxBuf % sizeof(uint32_t) != 0)
-        reportError(createError("SHT_GNU_verneed: the vn_aux field of the "
-                                "entry with index " +
-                                Twine(VerneedIndex) +
-                                " references a misaligned auxiliary record"),
-                    ObjF->getFileName());
-      const Elf_Vernaux *Vernaux =
-          reinterpret_cast<const Elf_Vernaux *>(VernauxBuf);
-      size_t Index = Vernaux->vna_other & ELF::VERSYM_VERSION;
-      if (Index >= VersionMap.size())
-        VersionMap.resize(Index + 1);
-      VersionMap[Index] = VersionMapEntry(Vernaux);
-      VernauxBuf += Vernaux->vna_next;
-    }
-    VerneedBuf += Verneed->vn_next;
-  }
-// Iterate through the version definitions, and place each Elf_Verdef
-// in the VersionMap according to its index.
-template <class ELFT>
-void ELFDumper<ELFT>::LoadVersionDefs(const Elf_Shdr *Sec) const {
-  unsigned VerdefSize = Sec->sh_size;    // Size of section in bytes
-  unsigned VerdefEntries = Sec->sh_info; // Number of Verdef entries
-  const uint8_t *VerdefStart = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(
-      ObjF->getELFFile()->base() + Sec->sh_offset);
-  const uint8_t *VerdefEnd = VerdefStart + VerdefSize;
-  // The first Verdef entry is at the start of the section.
-  const uint8_t *VerdefBuf = VerdefStart;
-  for (unsigned VerdefIndex = 0; VerdefIndex < VerdefEntries; ++VerdefIndex) {
-    if (VerdefBuf + sizeof(Elf_Verdef) > VerdefEnd)
-      report_fatal_error("Section ended unexpectedly while scanning "
-                         "version definitions.");
-    const Elf_Verdef *Verdef = reinterpret_cast<const Elf_Verdef *>(VerdefBuf);
-    if (Verdef->vd_version != ELF::VER_DEF_CURRENT)
-      report_fatal_error("Unexpected verdef version");
-    size_t Index = Verdef->vd_ndx & ELF::VERSYM_VERSION;
-    if (Index >= VersionMap.size())
-      VersionMap.resize(Index + 1);
-    VersionMap[Index] = VersionMapEntry(Verdef);
-    VerdefBuf += Verdef->vd_next;
-  }
 template <class ELFT> void ELFDumper<ELFT>::LoadVersionMap() const {
   // If there is no dynamic symtab or version table, there is nothing to do.
   if (!DynSymRegion.Addr || !SymbolVersionSection)
@@ -986,19 +892,40 @@
   // The first two version indexes are reserved.
   // Index 0 is LOCAL, index 1 is GLOBAL.
-  VersionMap.push_back(VersionMapEntry());
-  VersionMap.push_back(VersionMapEntry());
-  if (SymbolVersionDefSection)
-    LoadVersionDefs(SymbolVersionDefSection);
+  VersionMap.push_back(VersionEntry());
+  VersionMap.push_back(VersionEntry());
+  if (SymbolVersionDefSection) {
+    Expected<std::vector<VerDef>> Defs =
+        this->getVersionDefinitions(SymbolVersionDefSection);
+    if (!Defs)
+      reportError(Defs.takeError(), ObjF->getFileName());
+    for (const VerDef &Def : *Defs) {
+      unsigned Ver = Def.Ndx & ELF::VERSYM_VERSION;
+      if (Ver >= VersionMap.size())
+        VersionMap.resize(Ver + 1);
+      VersionMap[Ver] = {Def.Name, true};
+    }
+  }
-  if (SymbolVersionNeedSection)
-    LoadVersionNeeds(SymbolVersionNeedSection);
+  if (SymbolVersionNeedSection) {
+    Expected<std::vector<VerNeed>> Deps =
+        this->getVersionDependencies(SymbolVersionNeedSection);
+    if (!Deps)
+      reportError(Deps.takeError(), ObjF->getFileName());
+    for (const VerNeed &Dep : *Deps) {
+      for (const VernAux &Aux : Dep.AuxV) {
+        unsigned Ver = Aux.Other & ELF::VERSYM_VERSION;
+        if (Ver >= VersionMap.size())
+          VersionMap.resize(Ver + 1);
+        VersionMap[Ver] = {Aux.Name, false};
+      }
+    }
+  }
 template <typename ELFT>
-StringRef ELFDumper<ELFT>::getSymbolVersion(StringRef StrTab,
-                                            const Elf_Sym *Sym,
+StringRef ELFDumper<ELFT>::getSymbolVersion(const Elf_Sym *Sym,
                                             bool &IsDefault) const {
   // This is a dynamic symbol. Look in the GNU symbol version table.
   if (!SymbolVersionSection) {
@@ -1016,7 +943,7 @@
   const Elf_Versym *Versym = unwrapOrError(
       ObjF->getFileName(), ObjF->getELFFile()->template getEntry<Elf_Versym>(
                                SymbolVersionSection, EntryIndex));
-  return this->getSymbolVersionByIndex(StrTab, Versym->vs_index, IsDefault);
+  return this->getSymbolVersionByIndex(Versym->vs_index, IsDefault);
 static std::string maybeDemangle(StringRef Name) {
@@ -1043,8 +970,7 @@
 template <typename ELFT>
-StringRef ELFDumper<ELFT>::getSymbolVersionByIndex(StringRef StrTab,
-                                                   uint32_t SymbolVersionIndex,
+StringRef ELFDumper<ELFT>::getSymbolVersionByIndex(uint32_t SymbolVersionIndex,
                                                    bool &IsDefault) const {
   size_t VersionIndex = SymbolVersionIndex & VERSYM_VERSION;
@@ -1056,23 +982,15 @@
   // Lookup this symbol in the version table.
-  if (VersionIndex >= VersionMap.size() || VersionMap[VersionIndex].isNull())
+  if (VersionIndex >= VersionMap.size() || !VersionMap[VersionIndex])
     reportError(createError("Invalid version entry"), ObjF->getFileName());
-  const VersionMapEntry &Entry = VersionMap[VersionIndex];
-  // Get the version name string.
-  size_t NameOffset;
-  if (Entry.isVerdef()) {
-    // The first Verdaux entry holds the name.
-    NameOffset = Entry.getVerdef()->getAux()->vda_name;
+  const VersionEntry &Entry = *VersionMap[VersionIndex];
+  if (Entry.IsVerDef)
     IsDefault = !(SymbolVersionIndex & VERSYM_HIDDEN);
-  } else {
-    NameOffset = Entry.getVernaux()->vna_name;
+  else
     IsDefault = false;
-  }
-  if (NameOffset >= StrTab.size())
-    reportError(createError("Invalid string offset"), ObjF->getFileName());
-  return + NameOffset;
+  return Entry.Name.c_str();
 template <typename ELFT>
@@ -1103,7 +1021,7 @@
     return SymbolName;
   bool IsDefault;
-  StringRef Version = getSymbolVersion(StrTable, &*Symbol, IsDefault);
+  StringRef Version = getSymbolVersion(&*Symbol, IsDefault);
   if (!Version.empty()) {
     SymbolName += (IsDefault ? "@@" : "@");
     SymbolName += Version;
@@ -4094,7 +4012,6 @@
   const uint8_t *VersymBuf =
       reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(Obj->base() + Sec->sh_offset);
   const ELFDumper<ELFT> *Dumper = this->dumper();
-  StringRef StrTable = Dumper->getDynamicStringTable();
   // readelf prints 4 entries per line.
   for (uint64_t VersymRow = 0; VersymRow < Entries; VersymRow += 4) {
@@ -4113,17 +4030,17 @@
         OS << "   1 (*global*)   ";
-        OS << format("%4x%c", Versym->vs_index & VERSYM_VERSION,
-                     Versym->vs_index & VERSYM_HIDDEN ? 'h' : ' ');
         bool IsDefault = true;
-        std::string VersionName = Dumper->getSymbolVersionByIndex(
-            StrTable, Versym->vs_index, IsDefault);
+        std::string VersionName =
+            Dumper->getSymbolVersionByIndex(Versym->vs_index, IsDefault);
         if (!VersionName.empty())
           VersionName = "(" + VersionName + ")";
           VersionName = "(*invalid*)";
+        OS << format("%4x%c", Versym->vs_index & VERSYM_VERSION,
+                     Versym->vs_index & VERSYM_HIDDEN ? 'h' : ' ');
         OS << left_justify(VersionName, 13);
       VersymBuf += sizeof(Elf_Versym);