diff --git a/llvm/utils/lit/lit/main.py b/llvm/utils/lit/lit/main.py
--- a/llvm/utils/lit/lit/main.py
+++ b/llvm/utils/lit/lit/main.py
@@ -25,77 +25,6 @@
import lit.Test
import lit.util
-def write_test_results(run, lit_config, testing_time, output_path):
- try:
- import json
- except ImportError:
- lit_config.fatal('test output unsupported with Python 2.5')
- # Construct the data we will write.
- data = {}
- # Encode the current lit version as a schema version.
- data['__version__'] = lit.__versioninfo__
- data['elapsed'] = testing_time
- # FIXME: Record some information on the lit configuration used?
- # FIXME: Record information from the individual test suites?
- # Encode the tests.
- data['tests'] = tests_data = []
- for test in run.tests:
- test_data = {
- 'name' : test.getFullName(),
- 'code' : test.result.code.name,
- 'output' : test.result.output,
- 'elapsed' : test.result.elapsed }
- # Add test metrics, if present.
- if test.result.metrics:
- test_data['metrics'] = metrics_data = {}
- for key, value in test.result.metrics.items():
- metrics_data[key] = value.todata()
- # Report micro-tests separately, if present
- if test.result.microResults:
- for key, micro_test in test.result.microResults.items():
- # Expand parent test name with micro test name
- parent_name = test.getFullName()
- micro_full_name = parent_name + ':' + key
- micro_test_data = {
- 'name' : micro_full_name,
- 'code' : micro_test.code.name,
- 'output' : micro_test.output,
- 'elapsed' : micro_test.elapsed }
- if micro_test.metrics:
- micro_test_data['metrics'] = micro_metrics_data = {}
- for key, value in micro_test.metrics.items():
- micro_metrics_data[key] = value.todata()
- tests_data.append(micro_test_data)
- tests_data.append(test_data)
- # Write the output.
- f = open(output_path, 'w')
- try:
- json.dump(data, f, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
- f.write('\n')
- finally:
- f.close()
-def update_incremental_cache(test):
- if not test.result.code.isFailure:
- return
- fname = test.getFilePath()
- os.utime(fname, None)
-def by_mtime(test):
- fname = test.getFilePath()
- try:
- return os.path.getmtime(fname)
- except:
- return 0
def main(builtinParameters = {}):
# Create a temp directory inside the normal temp directory so that we can
# try to avoid temporary test file leaks. The user can avoid this behavior
@@ -132,14 +61,7 @@
print("lit %s" % (lit.__version__,))
- # Create the user defined parameters.
- userParams = dict(builtinParameters)
- for entry in opts.userParameters:
- if '=' not in entry:
- name,val = entry,''
- else:
- name,val = entry.split('=', 1)
- userParams[name] = val
+ userParams = create_user_parameters(builtinParameters, opts)
# Decide what the requested maximum indvidual test time should be
if opts.maxIndividualTestTime is not None:
@@ -186,57 +108,16 @@
litConfig.maxIndividualTestTime = opts.maxIndividualTestTime
if opts.showSuites or opts.showTests:
- # Aggregate the tests by suite.
- suitesAndTests = {}
- for result_test in run.tests:
- if result_test.suite not in suitesAndTests:
- suitesAndTests[result_test.suite] = []
- suitesAndTests[result_test.suite].append(result_test)
- suitesAndTests = list(suitesAndTests.items())
- suitesAndTests.sort(key = lambda item: item[0].name)
- # Show the suites, if requested.
- if opts.showSuites:
- print('-- Test Suites --')
- for ts,ts_tests in suitesAndTests:
- print(' %s - %d tests' %(ts.name, len(ts_tests)))
- print(' Source Root: %s' % ts.source_root)
- print(' Exec Root : %s' % ts.exec_root)
- if ts.config.available_features:
- print(' Available Features : %s' % ' '.join(
- sorted(ts.config.available_features)))
- # Show the tests, if requested.
- if opts.showTests:
- print('-- Available Tests --')
- for ts,ts_tests in suitesAndTests:
- ts_tests.sort(key = lambda test: test.path_in_suite)
- for test in ts_tests:
- print(' %s' % (test.getFullName(),))
- # Exit.
- sys.exit(0)
+ print_suites_or_tests(run, opts)
+ return
# Select and order the tests.
numTotalTests = len(run.tests)
- # First, select based on the filter expression if given.
if opts.filter:
- try:
- rex = re.compile(opts.filter)
- except:
- parser.error("invalid regular expression for --filter: %r" % (
- opts.filter))
- run.tests = [result_test for result_test in run.tests
- if rex.search(result_test.getFullName())]
- # Then select the order.
- if opts.shuffle:
- random.shuffle(run.tests)
- elif opts.incremental:
- run.tests.sort(key=by_mtime, reverse=True)
- else:
- run.tests.sort(key = lambda t: (not t.isEarlyTest(), t.getFullName()))
+ filter_tests(run, opts)
+ order_tests(run, opts)
# Then optionally restrict our attention to a shard of the tests.
if (opts.numShards is not None) or (opts.runShard is not None):
@@ -262,27 +143,7 @@
# Don't create more workers than tests.
opts.numWorkers = min(len(run.tests), opts.numWorkers)
- # Because some tests use threads internally, and at least on Linux each
- # of these threads counts toward the current process limit, try to
- # raise the (soft) process limit so that tests don't fail due to
- # resource exhaustion.
- try:
- cpus = lit.util.detectCPUs()
- desired_limit = opts.numWorkers * cpus * 2 # the 2 is a safety factor
- # Import the resource module here inside this try block because it
- # will likely fail on Windows.
- import resource
- max_procs_soft, max_procs_hard = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NPROC)
- desired_limit = min(desired_limit, max_procs_hard)
- if max_procs_soft < desired_limit:
- resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NPROC, (desired_limit, max_procs_hard))
- litConfig.note('raised the process limit from %d to %d' % \
- (max_procs_soft, desired_limit))
- except:
- pass
+ increase_process_limit(litConfig, opts)
display = lit.display.create_display(opts, len(run.tests),
numTotalTests, opts.numWorkers)
@@ -358,41 +219,7 @@
print(' %s: %d' % (name,N))
if opts.xunit_output_file:
- # Collect the tests, indexed by test suite
- by_suite = {}
- for result_test in run.tests:
- suite = result_test.suite.config.name
- if suite not in by_suite:
- by_suite[suite] = {
- 'passes' : 0,
- 'failures' : 0,
- 'skipped': 0,
- 'tests' : [] }
- by_suite[suite]['tests'].append(result_test)
- if result_test.result.code.isFailure:
- by_suite[suite]['failures'] += 1
- elif result_test.result.code == lit.Test.UNSUPPORTED:
- by_suite[suite]['skipped'] += 1
- else:
- by_suite[suite]['passes'] += 1
- xunit_output_file = open(opts.xunit_output_file, "w")
- xunit_output_file.write("\n")
- xunit_output_file.write("\n")
- for suite_name, suite in by_suite.items():
- safe_suite_name = quoteattr(suite_name.replace(".", "-"))
- xunit_output_file.write("\n")
- for result_test in suite['tests']:
- result_test.writeJUnitXML(xunit_output_file)
- xunit_output_file.write("\n")
- xunit_output_file.write("\n")
- xunit_output_file.write("")
- xunit_output_file.close()
+ write_test_results_xunit(run, opts)
# If we encountered any additional errors, exit abnormally.
if litConfig.numErrors:
@@ -407,5 +234,196 @@
+def create_user_parameters(builtinParameters, opts):
+ userParams = dict(builtinParameters)
+ for entry in opts.userParameters:
+ if '=' not in entry:
+ name,val = entry,''
+ else:
+ name,val = entry.split('=', 1)
+ userParams[name] = val
+ return userParams
+def print_suites_or_tests(run, opts):
+ # Aggregate the tests by suite.
+ suitesAndTests = {}
+ for result_test in run.tests:
+ if result_test.suite not in suitesAndTests:
+ suitesAndTests[result_test.suite] = []
+ suitesAndTests[result_test.suite].append(result_test)
+ suitesAndTests = list(suitesAndTests.items())
+ suitesAndTests.sort(key = lambda item: item[0].name)
+ # Show the suites, if requested.
+ if opts.showSuites:
+ print('-- Test Suites --')
+ for ts,ts_tests in suitesAndTests:
+ print(' %s - %d tests' %(ts.name, len(ts_tests)))
+ print(' Source Root: %s' % ts.source_root)
+ print(' Exec Root : %s' % ts.exec_root)
+ if ts.config.available_features:
+ print(' Available Features : %s' % ' '.join(
+ sorted(ts.config.available_features)))
+ # Show the tests, if requested.
+ if opts.showTests:
+ print('-- Available Tests --')
+ for ts,ts_tests in suitesAndTests:
+ ts_tests.sort(key = lambda test: test.path_in_suite)
+ for test in ts_tests:
+ print(' %s' % (test.getFullName(),))
+ # Exit.
+ sys.exit(0)
+def filter_tests(run, opts):
+ try:
+ rex = re.compile(opts.filter)
+ except:
+ parser.error("invalid regular expression for --filter: %r" % (
+ opts.filter))
+ run.tests = [result_test for result_test in run.tests
+ if rex.search(result_test.getFullName())]
+def order_tests(run, opts):
+ if opts.shuffle:
+ random.shuffle(run.tests)
+ elif opts.incremental:
+ run.tests.sort(key = by_mtime, reverse = True)
+ else:
+ run.tests.sort(key = lambda t: (not t.isEarlyTest(), t.getFullName()))
+def by_mtime(test):
+ fname = test.getFilePath()
+ try:
+ return os.path.getmtime(fname)
+ except:
+ return 0
+def update_incremental_cache(test):
+ if not test.result.code.isFailure:
+ return
+ fname = test.getFilePath()
+ os.utime(fname, None)
+def increase_process_limit(litConfig, opts):
+ # Because some tests use threads internally, and at least on Linux each
+ # of these threads counts toward the current process limit, try to
+ # raise the (soft) process limit so that tests don't fail due to
+ # resource exhaustion.
+ try:
+ cpus = lit.util.detectCPUs()
+ desired_limit = opts.numWorkers * cpus * 2 # the 2 is a safety factor
+ # Import the resource module here inside this try block because it
+ # will likely fail on Windows.
+ import resource
+ max_procs_soft, max_procs_hard = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NPROC)
+ desired_limit = min(desired_limit, max_procs_hard)
+ if max_procs_soft < desired_limit:
+ resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NPROC, (desired_limit, max_procs_hard))
+ litConfig.note('raised the process limit from %d to %d' % \
+ (max_procs_soft, desired_limit))
+ except:
+ pass
+def write_test_results(run, lit_config, testing_time, output_path):
+ try:
+ import json
+ except ImportError:
+ lit_config.fatal('test output unsupported with Python 2.5')
+ # Construct the data we will write.
+ data = {}
+ # Encode the current lit version as a schema version.
+ data['__version__'] = lit.__versioninfo__
+ data['elapsed'] = testing_time
+ # FIXME: Record some information on the lit configuration used?
+ # FIXME: Record information from the individual test suites?
+ # Encode the tests.
+ data['tests'] = tests_data = []
+ for test in run.tests:
+ test_data = {
+ 'name' : test.getFullName(),
+ 'code' : test.result.code.name,
+ 'output' : test.result.output,
+ 'elapsed' : test.result.elapsed }
+ # Add test metrics, if present.
+ if test.result.metrics:
+ test_data['metrics'] = metrics_data = {}
+ for key, value in test.result.metrics.items():
+ metrics_data[key] = value.todata()
+ # Report micro-tests separately, if present
+ if test.result.microResults:
+ for key, micro_test in test.result.microResults.items():
+ # Expand parent test name with micro test name
+ parent_name = test.getFullName()
+ micro_full_name = parent_name + ':' + key
+ micro_test_data = {
+ 'name' : micro_full_name,
+ 'code' : micro_test.code.name,
+ 'output' : micro_test.output,
+ 'elapsed' : micro_test.elapsed }
+ if micro_test.metrics:
+ micro_test_data['metrics'] = micro_metrics_data = {}
+ for key, value in micro_test.metrics.items():
+ micro_metrics_data[key] = value.todata()
+ tests_data.append(micro_test_data)
+ tests_data.append(test_data)
+ # Write the output.
+ f = open(output_path, 'w')
+ try:
+ json.dump(data, f, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
+ f.write('\n')
+ finally:
+ f.close()
+def write_test_results_xunit(run, opts):
+ # Collect the tests, indexed by test suite
+ by_suite = {}
+ for result_test in run.tests:
+ suite = result_test.suite.config.name
+ if suite not in by_suite:
+ by_suite[suite] = {
+ 'passes' : 0,
+ 'failures' : 0,
+ 'skipped': 0,
+ 'tests' : [] }
+ by_suite[suite]['tests'].append(result_test)
+ if result_test.result.code.isFailure:
+ by_suite[suite]['failures'] += 1
+ elif result_test.result.code == lit.Test.UNSUPPORTED:
+ by_suite[suite]['skipped'] += 1
+ else:
+ by_suite[suite]['passes'] += 1
+ xunit_output_file = open(opts.xunit_output_file, "w")
+ xunit_output_file.write("\n")
+ xunit_output_file.write("\n")
+ for suite_name, suite in by_suite.items():
+ safe_suite_name = quoteattr(suite_name.replace(".", "-"))
+ xunit_output_file.write("\n")
+ for result_test in suite['tests']:
+ result_test.writeJUnitXML(xunit_output_file)
+ xunit_output_file.write("\n")
+ xunit_output_file.write("\n")
+ xunit_output_file.write("")
+ xunit_output_file.close()
if __name__=='__main__':