Index: lnt/external/stats/
--- lnt/external/stats/
+++ lnt/external/stats/
@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@
 ## 11/08/98 ... fixed aput to output large arrays correctly
+from __future__ import print_function
 import stats  # required 3rd party module
 import string, copy
 from types import *
@@ -514,14 +515,14 @@
         maxsize[col] = max(map(len,items)) + extra
     for row in lst:
         if row == ['\n'] or row == '\n' or row == '' or row == ['']:
-            print
+            print()
         elif row == ['dashes'] or row == 'dashes':
             dashes = [0]*len(maxsize)
             for j in range(len(maxsize)):
                 dashes[j] = '-'*(maxsize[j]-2)
-            print lineincustcols(dashes,maxsize)
+            print(lineincustcols(dashes,maxsize))
-            print lineincustcols(row,maxsize)
+            print(lineincustcols(row,maxsize))
     return None
@@ -534,7 +535,7 @@
 Returns: None
     for row in listoflists:
-        print lineincols(row,colsize)
+        print(lineincols(row,colsize))
     return None
@@ -547,9 +548,9 @@
     for row in listoflists:
         if row[-1] == '\n':
-            print row,
+            print(row, end=' ')
-            print row
+            print(row)
     return None
Index: lnt/external/stats/
--- lnt/external/stats/
+++ lnt/external/stats/
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
 argument types require different functions to be called.  Having
 implementated the Dispatch class, however, means that to get info on
 a given function, you must use the REAL function name ... that is
-"print stats.lmean.__doc__" or "print stats.amean.__doc__" work fine,
-while "print stats.mean.__doc__" will print the doc for the Dispatch
+"print(stats.lmean.__doc__)" or "print(stats.amean.__doc__)" work fine,
+while "print(stats.mean.__doc__)" will print the doc for the Dispatch
 class.  NUMPY FUNCTIONS ('a' prefix) generally have more argument options
 but should otherwise be consistent with the corresponding list functions.
@@ -222,6 +222,7 @@
 ##              changed name of skewness and askewness to skew and askew
 ##              fixed (a)histogram (which sometimes counted points <lowerlimit)
+from __future__ import print_function
 import pstat               # required 3rd party module
 import math, string, copy  # required python modules
 from types import *
@@ -473,7 +474,7 @@
 Usage:   lscoreatpercentile(inlist,percent)
     if percent > 1:
-        print "\nDividing percent>1 by 100 in lscoreatpercentile().\n"
+        print("\nDividing percent>1 by 100 in lscoreatpercentile().\n")
         percent = percent / 100.0
     targetcf = percent*len(inlist)
     h, lrl, binsize, extras = histogram(inlist)
@@ -535,7 +536,7 @@
             extrapoints = extrapoints + 1
     if (extrapoints > 0 and printextras == 1):
-        print '\nPoints outside given histogram range =',extrapoints
+        print('\nPoints outside given histogram range =',extrapoints)
     return (bins, lowerreallimit, binsize, extrapoints)
@@ -777,11 +778,11 @@
     samples = ''
     while samples not in ['i','r','I','R','c','C']:
-        print '\nIndependent or related samples, or correlation (i,r,c): ',
+        print('\nIndependent or related samples, or correlation (i,r,c): ', end=' ')
         samples = raw_input()
     if samples in ['i','I','r','R']:
-        print '\nComparing variances ...',
+        print('\nComparing variances ...', end=' ')
         r = obrientransform(x,y)
         f,p = F_oneway(pstat.colex(r,0),pstat.colex(r,1))
@@ -789,45 +790,45 @@
             vartype='unequal, p='+str(round(p,4))
-        print vartype
+        print(vartype)
         if samples in ['i','I']:
             if vartype[0]=='e':
                 t,p = ttest_ind(x,y,0)
-                print '\nIndependent samples t-test:  ', round(t,4),round(p,4)
+                print('\nIndependent samples t-test:  ', round(t,4),round(p,4))
                 if len(x)>20 or len(y)>20:
                     z,p = ranksums(x,y)
-                    print '\nRank Sums test (NONparametric, n>20):  ', round(z,4),round(p,4)
+                    print('\nRank Sums test (NONparametric, n>20):  ', round(z,4),round(p,4))
                     u,p = mannwhitneyu(x,y)
-                    print '\nMann-Whitney U-test (NONparametric, ns<20):  ', round(u,4),round(p,4)
+                    print('\nMann-Whitney U-test (NONparametric, ns<20):  ', round(u,4),round(p,4))
         else:  # RELATED SAMPLES
             if vartype[0]=='e':
                 t,p = ttest_rel(x,y,0)
-                print '\nRelated samples t-test:  ', round(t,4),round(p,4)
+                print('\nRelated samples t-test:  ', round(t,4),round(p,4))
                 t,p = ranksums(x,y)
-                print '\nWilcoxon T-test (NONparametric):  ', round(t,4),round(p,4)
+                print('\nWilcoxon T-test (NONparametric):  ', round(t,4),round(p,4))
         corrtype = ''
         while corrtype not in ['c','C','r','R','d','D']:
-            print '\nIs the data Continuous, Ranked, or Dichotomous (c,r,d): ',
+            print('\nIs the data Continuous, Ranked, or Dichotomous (c,r,d): ', end=' ')
             corrtype = raw_input()
         if corrtype in ['c','C']:
             m,b,r,p,see = linregress(x,y)
-            print '\nLinear regression for continuous variables ...'
+            print('\nLinear regression for continuous variables ...')
             lol = [['Slope','Intercept','r','Prob','SEestimate'],[round(m,4),round(b,4),round(r,4),round(p,4),round(see,4)]]
         elif corrtype in ['r','R']:
             r,p = spearmanr(x,y)
-            print '\nCorrelation for ranked variables ...'
-            print "Spearman's r: ",round(r,4),round(p,4)
+            print('\nCorrelation for ranked variables ...')
+            print("Spearman's r: ",round(r,4),round(p,4))
         else: # DICHOTOMOUS
             r,p = pointbiserialr(x,y)
-            print '\nAssuming x contains a dichotomous variable ...'
-            print 'Point Biserial r: ',round(r,4),round(p,4)
-    print '\n\n'
+            print('\nAssuming x contains a dichotomous variable ...')
+            print('Point Biserial r: ',round(r,4),round(p,4))
+    print('\n\n')
     return None
@@ -1501,7 +1502,7 @@
         bz = 1.0
         if (abs(az-aold)<(EPS*abs(az))):
             return az
-    print 'a or b too big, or ITMAX too small in Betacf.'
+    print('a or b too big, or ITMAX too small in Betacf.')
 def lgammln(xx):
@@ -1821,11 +1822,11 @@
     lofl = title+[[name1,n1,round(m1,3),round(math.sqrt(se1),3),min1,max1],
     if type(fname)<>StringType or len(fname)==0:
-        print
-        print statname
-        print
+        print()
+        print(statname)
+        print()
-        print
+        print()
             if stat.shape == ():
                 stat = stat[0]
@@ -1833,8 +1834,8 @@
                 prob = prob[0]
-        print 'Test statistic = ',round(stat,3),'   p = ',round(prob,3),suffix
-        print
+        print('Test statistic = ',round(stat,3),'   p = ',round(prob,3),suffix)
+        print()
         file = open(fname,writemode)
@@ -2417,7 +2418,7 @@
     denom = N.power(amoment(a,2,dimension),1.5)
     zero = N.equal(denom,0)
     if type(denom) == N.ndarray and asum(zero) <> 0:
-        print "Number of zeros in askew: ",asum(zero)
+        print("Number of zeros in askew: ",asum(zero))
     denom = denom + zero  # prevent divide-by-zero
     return N.where(zero, 0, amoment(a,3,dimension)/denom)
@@ -2436,7 +2437,7 @@
     denom = N.power(amoment(a,2,dimension),2)
     zero = N.equal(denom,0)
     if type(denom) == N.ndarray and asum(zero) <> 0:
-        print "Number of zeros in akurtosis: ",asum(zero)
+        print("Number of zeros in akurtosis: ",asum(zero))
     denom = denom + zero  # prevent divide-by-zero
     return N.where(zero,0,amoment(a,4,dimension)/denom)
@@ -2506,7 +2507,7 @@
         dimension = 0
     n = float(a.shape[dimension])
     if n<20:
-        print "akurtosistest only valid for n>=20 ... continuing anyway, n=",n
+        print("akurtosistest only valid for n>=20 ... continuing anyway, n=",n)
     b2 = akurtosis(a,dimension)
     E = 3.0*(n-1) /(n+1)
     varb2 = 24.0*n*(n-2)*(n-3) / ((n+1)*(n+1)*(n+3)*(n+5))
@@ -2629,7 +2630,7 @@
         except:                           # point outside lower/upper limits
             extrapoints = extrapoints + 1
     if (extrapoints > 0 and printextras == 1):
-        print '\nPoints outside given histogram range =',extrapoints
+        print('\nPoints outside given histogram range =',extrapoints)
     return (bins, lowerreallimit, binsize, extrapoints)
@@ -3001,11 +3002,11 @@
     samples = ''
     while samples not in ['i','r','I','R','c','C']:
-        print '\nIndependent or related samples, or correlation (i,r,c): ',
+        print('\nIndependent or related samples, or correlation (i,r,c): ', end=' ')
         samples = raw_input()
     if samples in ['i','I','r','R']:
-        print '\nComparing variances ...',
+        print('\nComparing variances ...', end=' ')
         r = obrientransform(x,y)
         f,p = F_oneway(pstat.colex(r,0),pstat.colex(r,1))
@@ -3013,45 +3014,45 @@
             vartype='unequal, p='+str(round(p,4))
-        print vartype
+        print(vartype)
         if samples in ['i','I']:
             if vartype[0]=='e':
                 t,p = ttest_ind(x,y,None,0)
-                print '\nIndependent samples t-test:  ', round(t,4),round(p,4)
+                print('\nIndependent samples t-test:  ', round(t,4),round(p,4))
                 if len(x)>20 or len(y)>20:
                     z,p = ranksums(x,y)
-                    print '\nRank Sums test (NONparametric, n>20):  ', round(z,4),round(p,4)
+                    print('\nRank Sums test (NONparametric, n>20):  ', round(z,4),round(p,4))
                     u,p = mannwhitneyu(x,y)
-                    print '\nMann-Whitney U-test (NONparametric, ns<20):  ', round(u,4),round(p,4)
+                    print('\nMann-Whitney U-test (NONparametric, ns<20):  ', round(u,4),round(p,4))
         else:  # RELATED SAMPLES
             if vartype[0]=='e':
                 t,p = ttest_rel(x,y,0)
-                print '\nRelated samples t-test:  ', round(t,4),round(p,4)
+                print('\nRelated samples t-test:  ', round(t,4),round(p,4))
                 t,p = ranksums(x,y)
-                print '\nWilcoxon T-test (NONparametric):  ', round(t,4),round(p,4)
+                print('\nWilcoxon T-test (NONparametric):  ', round(t,4),round(p,4))
         corrtype = ''
         while corrtype not in ['c','C','r','R','d','D']:
-            print '\nIs the data Continuous, Ranked, or Dichotomous (c,r,d): ',
+            print('\nIs the data Continuous, Ranked, or Dichotomous (c,r,d): ', end=' ')
             corrtype = raw_input()
         if corrtype in ['c','C']:
             m,b,r,p,see = linregress(x,y)
-            print '\nLinear regression for continuous variables ...'
+            print('\nLinear regression for continuous variables ...')
             lol = [['Slope','Intercept','r','Prob','SEestimate'],[round(m,4),round(b,4),round(r,4),round(p,4),round(see,4)]]
         elif corrtype in ['r','R']:
             r,p = spearmanr(x,y)
-            print '\nCorrelation for ranked variables ...'
-            print "Spearman's r: ",round(r,4),round(p,4)
+            print('\nCorrelation for ranked variables ...')
+            print("Spearman's r: ",round(r,4),round(p,4))
         else: # DICHOTOMOUS
             r,p = pointbiserialr(x,y)
-            print '\nAssuming x contains a dichotomous variable ...'
-            print 'Point Biserial r: ',round(r,4),round(p,4)
-    print '\n\n'
+            print('\nAssuming x contains a dichotomous variable ...')
+            print('Point Biserial r: ',round(r,4),round(p,4))
+    print('\n\n')
     return None
@@ -3284,7 +3285,7 @@
     shp = N.ones(len(y.shape))
     shp[0] = len(x)
     x.shape = shp
-    print x.shape, y.shape
+    print(x.shape, y.shape)
     r_num = n*(N.add.reduce(x*y,0)) - N.add.reduce(x)*N.add.reduce(y,0)
     r_den = N.sqrt((n*ass(x) - asquare_of_sums(x))*(n*ass(y,0)-asquare_of_sums(y,0)))
     zerodivproblem = N.equal(r_den,0)
@@ -3404,15 +3405,15 @@
     pval = abs(pval)
     t = N.ones(pval.shape,N.float_)*50
     step = N.ones(pval.shape,N.float_)*25
-    print "Initial ap2t() prob calc"
+    print("Initial ap2t() prob calc")
     prob = abetai(0.5*df,0.5,float(df)/(df+t*t))
-    print 'ap2t() iter: ',
+    print('ap2t() iter: ', end=' ')
     for i in range(10):
-        print i,' ',
+        print(i,' ', end=' ')
         t = N.where(pval<prob,t+step,t-step)
         prob = abetai(0.5*df,0.5,float(df)/(df+t*t))
         step = step/2
-    print
+    print()
     # since this is an ugly hack, we get ugly boundaries
     t = N.where(t>99.9,1000,t)      # hit upper-boundary
     t = t+signs
@@ -3935,7 +3936,7 @@
         mask = N.clip(mask+newmask,0,1)
     noconverge = asum(N.equal(frozen,-1))
     if noconverge <> 0 and verbose:
-        print 'a or b too big, or ITMAX too small in Betacf for ',noconverge,' elements'
+        print('a or b too big, or ITMAX too small in Betacf for ',noconverge,' elements')
     if arrayflag:
         return frozen
@@ -4020,7 +4021,7 @@
 Returns: statistic, p-value ???
     if len(para) <> len(data):
-        print "data and para must be same length in aglm"
+        print("data and para must be same length in aglm")
     n = len(para)
     p = pstat.aunique(para)
Index: lnt/lnttool/
--- lnt/lnttool/
+++ lnt/lnttool/
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+from __future__ import print_function
 import click
 import platform
@@ -164,19 +165,19 @@
     # Execute an upgrade on the database to initialize the schema.
-    print 'created LNT configuration in %r' % basepath
-    print '  configuration file: %s' % cfg_path
-    print '  WSGI app          : %s' % wsgi_path
-    print '  database file     : %s' % db_path
-    print '  temporary dir     : %s' % tmp_path
-    print '  host URL          : %s' % hosturl
-    print
-    print 'You can execute:'
-    print '  %s' % wsgi_path
-    print 'to test your installation with the builtin server.'
-    print
-    print 'For production use configure this application to run with any'
-    print 'WSGI capable web server. You may need to modify the permissions'
-    print 'on the database and temporary file directory to allow writing'
-    print 'by the web app.'
-    print
+    print('created LNT configuration in %r' % basepath)
+    print('  configuration file: %s' % cfg_path)
+    print('  WSGI app          : %s' % wsgi_path)
+    print('  database file     : %s' % db_path)
+    print('  temporary dir     : %s' % tmp_path)
+    print('  host URL          : %s' % hosturl)
+    print()
+    print('You can execute:')
+    print('  %s' % wsgi_path)
+    print('to test your installation with the builtin server.')
+    print()
+    print('For production use configure this application to run with any')
+    print('WSGI capable web server. You may need to modify the permissions')
+    print('on the database and temporary file directory to allow writing')
+    print('by the web app.')
+    print()
Index: lnt/lnttool/
--- lnt/lnttool/
+++ lnt/lnttool/
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 """Implement the command line 'lnt' tool."""
+from __future__ import print_function
 from .common import init_logger
 from .common import submit_options
 from .convert import action_convert
@@ -134,11 +135,11 @@
     result_url = results.get('result_url')
     if result_url is not None:
         if verbose:
-            print "Results available at:", result_url
+            print("Results available at:", result_url)
-            print result_url
+            print(result_url)
     elif verbose:
-        print "Results available at: no URL available"
+        print("Results available at: no URL available")
 class RunTestCLI(click.MultiCommand):
@@ -167,13 +168,13 @@
     import lnt.tests
     import inspect
-    print 'Available tests:'
+    print('Available tests:')
     test_names = lnt.tests.get_names()
     max_name = max(map(len, test_names))
     for name in test_names:
         test_module = lnt.tests.get_module(name)
         description = inspect.cleandoc(test_module.__doc__)
-        print '  %-*s - %s' % (max_name, name, description)
+        print('  %-*s - %s' % (max_name, name, description))
@@ -409,7 +410,7 @@
 def command_get_version(input):
     """print the version of a profile"""
     import lnt.testing.profile.profile as profile
-    print profile.Profile.fromFile(input).getVersion()
+    print(profile.Profile.fromFile(input).getVersion())
@@ -418,7 +419,7 @@
     """print the whole-profile counter values"""
     import json
     import lnt.testing.profile.profile as profile
-    print json.dumps(profile.Profile.fromFile(input).getTopLevelCounters())
+    print(json.dumps(profile.Profile.fromFile(input).getTopLevelCounters()))
@@ -427,7 +428,7 @@
     """print the functions in a profile"""
     import json
     import lnt.testing.profile.profile as profile
-    print json.dumps(profile.Profile.fromFile(input).getFunctions())
+    print(json.dumps(profile.Profile.fromFile(input).getFunctions()))
@@ -437,8 +438,8 @@
     """print the code/instruction for a function"""
     import json
     import lnt.testing.profile.profile as profile
-    print json.dumps(
-        list(profile.Profile.fromFile(input).getCodeForFunction(fn)))
+    print(json.dumps(
+        list(profile.Profile.fromFile(input).getCodeForFunction(fn))))
 def _version_check():
@@ -472,7 +473,7 @@
     if not value or ctx.resilient_parsing:
     if lnt.__version__:
-        print "LNT %s" % (lnt.__version__,)
+        print("LNT %s" % (lnt.__version__,))
Index: lnt/server/ui/
--- lnt/server/ui/
+++ lnt/server/ui/
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+from __future__ import print_function
 import StringIO
 import logging
 import logging.handlers
@@ -262,12 +263,12 @@
             except (OSError, IOError) as e:
-                print >> sys.stderr, "Error making log file", \
-                                     LOG_FILENAME, str(e)
-                print >> sys.stderr, "Will not log to file."
+                print("Error making log file", \
+                      LOG_FILENAME, str(e), file=sys.stderr)
+                print("Will not log to file.", file=sys.stderr)
       "Started file logging.")
-                print "Logging to :", LOG_FILENAME
+                print("Logging to :", LOG_FILENAME)
             self.config['log_file_name'] = log_file_name
Index: lnt/tests/
--- lnt/tests/
+++ lnt/tests/
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 Base class for builtin-in tests.
+from __future__ import print_function
 import sys
 import os
@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@
     def log(self, message, ts=None):
         if not ts:
             ts = timestamp()
-        print >>sys.stderr, '%s: %s' % (ts, message)
+        print('%s: %s' % (ts, message), file=sys.stderr)
     def print_report(report, output):
@@ -52,7 +53,7 @@
             output_stream = sys.stdout
             output_stream = open(output, 'w')
-        print >> output_stream, report.render()
+        print(report.render(), file=output_stream)
         if output_stream is not sys.stdout:
@@ -87,4 +88,4 @@
         """Print the result URL"""
         result_url = server_results.get('result_url', None)
         if result_url is not None:
-            print "Results available at:", server_results['result_url']
+            print("Results available at:", server_results['result_url'])
Index: lnt/tests/
--- lnt/tests/
+++ lnt/tests/
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 """Single file compile-time performance testing"""
+from __future__ import print_function
 import errno
 import hashlib
 import json
@@ -759,8 +760,8 @@
         # Set up the sandbox.
         global g_output_dir
         if not os.path.exists(opts.sandbox_path):
-            print >>sys.stderr, "%s: creating sandbox: %r" % (
-                timestamp(), opts.sandbox_path)
+            print("%s: creating sandbox: %r" % (
+                timestamp(), opts.sandbox_path), file=sys.stderr)
         if opts.timestamp_build:
             fmt_timestamp = timestamp().replace(' ', '_').replace(':', '-')
@@ -888,10 +889,10 @@
         # Show the tests, if requested.
         if opts.show_tests:
-            print >>sys.stderr, 'Available Tests'
+            print('Available Tests', file=sys.stderr)
             for name in sorted(set(name for name, _ in all_tests)):
-                print >>sys.stderr, '  %s' % (name,)
-            print
+                print('  %s' % (name,), file=sys.stderr)
+            print()
             raise SystemExit
         # Find the tests to run.
Index: lnt/tests/
--- lnt/tests/
+++ lnt/tests/
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 """LLVM test-suite compile and execution tests"""
+from __future__ import print_function
 import csv
 import os
 import platform
@@ -64,8 +65,8 @@
             cmdstr = ' '.join(args)
         if 'cwd' in kwargs:
-            print >>self._log, "# In working dir: " + kwargs['cwd']
-        print >>self.log, cmdstr
+            print("# In working dir: " + kwargs['cwd'], file=self._log)
+        print(cmdstr, file=self.log)
         p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=self._log, stderr=self._log,
@@ -530,7 +531,7 @@
     # parallel build options to the test.
-    print >>sys.stderr, '%s: executing test modules' % (timestamp(),)
+    print('%s: executing test modules' % (timestamp(),), file=sys.stderr)
     results = []
     for name in test_modules:
         # First, load the test module file.
@@ -655,10 +656,10 @@
     if config.use_isolation:
         # Write out the sandbox profile.
         sandbox_profile_path = os.path.join(basedir, "")
-        print >>sys.stderr, "%s: creating sandbox profile %r" % (
-            timestamp(), sandbox_profile_path)
+        print("%s: creating sandbox profile %r" % (
+            timestamp(), sandbox_profile_path), file=sys.stderr)
         with open(sandbox_profile_path, 'w') as f:
-            print >>f, """
+            print("""
 ;; Sandbox profile for isolation test access.
 (version 1)
@@ -678,44 +679,44 @@
                         (regex #"^/private/tmp/")
                         (regex #"^/private/var/folders/")
                         (regex #"^/dev/")
-                        (regex #"^%s"))""" % (basedir,)
+                        (regex #"^%s"))""" % (basedir,), file=f)
         common_args = ['sandbox-exec', '-f', sandbox_profile_path] +\
     # Run a separate 'make build' step if --build-threads was given.
     if config.build_threads > 0:
         args = common_args + ['-j', str(config.build_threads), 'build']
-        print >>test_log, '%s: running: %s' % (timestamp(),
-                                               ' '.join('"%s"' % a
-                                                        for a in args))
+        print('%s: running: %s' % (timestamp(),
+                                   ' '.join('"%s"' % a
+                                            for a in args)), file=test_log)
-        print >>sys.stderr, '%s: building "nightly tests" with -j%u...' % (
-            timestamp(), config.build_threads)
+        print('%s: building "nightly tests" with -j%u...' % (
+            timestamp(), config.build_threads), file=sys.stderr)
         res = execute_command(test_log, basedir, args, report_dir)
         if res != 0:
-            print >> sys.stderr, "Failure while running make build! " \
-                                 "See log: %s" %
+            print("Failure while running make build! " \
+                  "See log: %s" %, file=sys.stderr)
     # Then 'make report'.
     args = common_args + ['-j', str(config.threads),
                           'report', 'report.%s.csv' % config.test_style]
-    print >>test_log, '%s: running: %s' % (timestamp(),
-                                           ' '.join('"%s"' % a
-                                                    for a in args))
+    print('%s: running: %s' % (timestamp(),
+                               ' '.join('"%s"' % a
+                                        for a in args)), file=test_log)
     # FIXME: We shouldn't need to set env=os.environ here, but if we don't
     # somehow MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET gets injected into the environment on OS
     # X (which changes the driver behavior and causes generally weirdness).
-    print >>sys.stderr, '%s: executing "nightly tests" with -j%u...' % (
-        timestamp(), config.threads)
+    print('%s: executing "nightly tests" with -j%u...' % (
+        timestamp(), config.threads), file=sys.stderr)
     res = execute_command(test_log, basedir, args, report_dir)
     if res != 0:
-        print >> sys.stderr, "Failure while running nightly tests!  "\
-                             "See log: %s" %
+        print("Failure while running nightly tests!  "\
+              "See log: %s" %, file=sys.stderr)
 # Keep a mapping of mangled test names, to the original names in the
@@ -867,10 +868,10 @@
 def prepare_report_dir(config):
     # Set up the sandbox.
     sandbox_path = config.sandbox_path
-    print sandbox_path
+    print(sandbox_path)
     if not os.path.exists(sandbox_path):
-        print >>sys.stderr, "%s: creating sandbox: %r" % (
-            timestamp(), sandbox_path)
+        print("%s: creating sandbox: %r" % (
+            timestamp(), sandbox_path), file=sys.stderr)
     # Create the per-test directory.
@@ -908,15 +909,15 @@
 def update_tools(make_variables, config, iteration):
     """Update the test suite tools. """
-    print >>sys.stderr, '%s: building test-suite tools' % (timestamp(),)
+    print('%s: building test-suite tools' % (timestamp(),), file=sys.stderr)
     args = ['make', 'tools']
     args.extend('%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in make_variables.items())
     build_tools_log_path = os.path.join(config.build_dir(iteration),
     build_tools_log = open(build_tools_log_path, 'w')
-    print >>build_tools_log, '%s: running: %s' % (timestamp(),
-                                                  ' '.join('"%s"' % a
-                                                           for a in args))
+    print('%s: running: %s' % (timestamp(),
+                               ' '.join('"%s"' % a
+                                        for a in args)), file=build_tools_log)
     res = execute_command(build_tools_log, config.build_dir(iteration),
                           args, config.report_dir)
@@ -947,12 +948,12 @@
     args.extend(['--target=%s' %])
-    print >>configure_log, '%s: running: %s' % (timestamp(),
-                                                ' '.join('"%s"' % a
-                                                         for a in args))
+    print('%s: running: %s' % (timestamp(),
+                               ' '.join('"%s"' % a
+                                        for a in args)), file=configure_log)
-    print >>sys.stderr, '%s: configuring...' % timestamp()
+    print('%s: configuring...' % timestamp(), file=sys.stderr)
     res = execute_command(configure_log, basedir, args, config.report_dir)
     if res != 0:
@@ -968,15 +969,15 @@
         obj_path = os.path.join(basedir, suffix)
         src_path = os.path.join(config.test_suite_root, suffix)
         if not os.path.exists(obj_path):
-            print '%s: initializing test dir %s' % (timestamp(), suffix)
+            print('%s: initializing test dir %s' % (timestamp(), suffix))
             shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(src_path, 'Makefile'),
                             os.path.join(obj_path, 'Makefile'))
 def run_test(nick_prefix, iteration, config):
-    print >>sys.stderr, "%s: checking source versions" % (
-        timestamp(),)
+    print("%s: checking source versions" % (
+        timestamp(),), file=sys.stderr)
     test_suite_source_version = get_source_version(config.test_suite_root)
@@ -989,11 +990,11 @@
     # Scan for LNT-based test modules.
-    print >>sys.stderr, "%s: scanning for LNT-based test modules" % (
-        timestamp(),)
+    print("%s: scanning for LNT-based test modules" % (
+        timestamp(),), file=sys.stderr)
     test_modules = list(scan_for_test_modules(config))
-    print >>sys.stderr, "%s: found %d LNT-based test modules" % (
-        timestamp(), len(test_modules))
+    print("%s: found %d LNT-based test modules" % (
+        timestamp(), len(test_modules)), file=sys.stderr)
     nick = nick_prefix
     if config.auto_name:
@@ -1001,7 +1002,7 @@
         cc_info = config.cc_info
         cc_nick = '%s_%s' % (cc_info.get('cc_name'), cc_info.get('cc_build'))
         nick += "__%s__%s" % (cc_nick, cc_info.get('cc_target').split('-')[0])
-    print >>sys.stderr, "%s: using nickname: %r" % (timestamp(), nick)
+    print("%s: using nickname: %r" % (timestamp(), nick), file=sys.stderr)
     basedir = prepare_build_dir(config, iteration)
@@ -1009,7 +1010,7 @@
     # cause make horrible fits).
     start_time = timestamp()
-    print >>sys.stderr, '%s: starting test in %r' % (start_time, basedir)
+    print('%s: starting test in %r' % (start_time, basedir), file=sys.stderr)
     # Configure the test suite.
     if config.run_configure or not os.path.exists(os.path.join(
@@ -1054,9 +1055,9 @@
         test_namespace = 'nightlytest'
     if run_nightly_test:
-        print >>sys.stderr, '%s: loading nightly test data...' % timestamp()
+        print('%s: loading nightly test data...' % timestamp(), file=sys.stderr)
         # If nightly test went screwy, it won't have produced a report.
-        print build_report_path
+        print(build_report_path)
         if not os.path.exists(build_report_path):
             fatal('nightly test failed, no report generated')
@@ -1076,7 +1077,7 @@
-    print >>sys.stderr, '%s: capturing machine information' % (timestamp(),)
+    print('%s: capturing machine information' % (timestamp(),), file=sys.stderr)
     # Collect the machine and run info.
     # FIXME: Import full range of data that the Clang tests are using?
@@ -1154,19 +1155,19 @@
             if name in target:
                 logger.warning("parameter %r overwrote existing value: %r" %
                                (name, target.get(name)))
-            print target, name, value
+            print(target, name, value)
             target[name] = value
     # Generate the test report.
     lnt_report_path = config.report_path(iteration)
-    print >>sys.stderr, '%s: generating report: %r' % (timestamp(),
-                                                       lnt_report_path)
+    print('%s: generating report: %r' % (timestamp(),
+                                         lnt_report_path), file=sys.stderr)
     machine = lnt.testing.Machine(nick, machine_info)
     run = lnt.testing.Run(start_time, end_time, info=run_info)
     report = lnt.testing.Report(machine, run, test_samples)
     lnt_report_file = open(lnt_report_path, 'w')
-    print >>lnt_report_file, report.render()
+    print(report.render(), file=lnt_report_file)
     return report
@@ -1236,7 +1237,7 @@
     assert len(to_go) >= 1, "Missing at least one accounting file."
     for path in to_go:
-        print "Removing:", path
+        print("Removing:", path)
@@ -1706,16 +1707,16 @@
             reports = []
             for i in range(opts.multisample):
-                print >>sys.stderr, "%s: (multisample) running iteration %d" %\
-                        (timestamp(), i)
+                print("%s: (multisample) running iteration %d" %\
+                        (timestamp(), i), file=sys.stderr)
                 report = run_test(opts.label, i, config)
             # Create the merged report.
             # FIXME: Do a more robust job of merging the reports?
-            print >>sys.stderr, "%s: (multisample) creating merged report" % (
-                timestamp(),)
+            print("%s: (multisample) creating merged report" % (
+                timestamp(),), file=sys.stderr)
             machine = reports[0].machine
             run = reports[0].run
             run.end_time = reports[-1].run.end_time
@@ -1726,7 +1727,7 @@
             lnt_report_path = config.report_path(None)
             report = lnt.testing.Report(machine, run, test_samples)
             lnt_report_file = open(lnt_report_path, 'w')
-            print >>lnt_report_file, report.render()
+            print(report.render(), file=lnt_report_file)
@@ -1742,7 +1743,7 @@
                 lnt_report_path = config.report_path(None)
                 lnt_report_file = open(lnt_report_path, 'w')
-                print >>lnt_report_file, test_results.render()
+                print(test_results.render(), file=lnt_report_file)
                 merge_run = 'replace'
Index: lnt/tests/
--- lnt/tests/
+++ lnt/tests/
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 """LLVM test-suite"""
+from __future__ import print_function
 import subprocess
 import tempfile
 import json
@@ -971,7 +972,7 @@
                                   "iprofiler -timeprofiler -I 40u")
             cmd_iprofiler = cmd + ['-DTEST_SUITE_RUN_UNDER=' + iprofiler]
-            print ' '.join(cmd_iprofiler)
+            print(' '.join(cmd_iprofiler))
             out = subprocess.check_output(cmd_iprofiler)
Index: lnt/util/
--- lnt/util/
+++ lnt/util/
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+from __future__ import print_function
 from lnt.util import NTEmailReport
 from contextlib import closing
 from lnt.util import logger
@@ -200,18 +201,18 @@
     # Print the generic import information.
     if 'import_file' in result:
-        print >>out, "Importing %r" % os.path.basename(result['import_file'])
+        print("Importing %r" % os.path.basename(result['import_file']), file=out)
     if result['success']:
-        print >>out, "Import succeeded."
-        print >>out
+        print("Import succeeded.", file=out)
+        print(file=out)
-        print >>err, "Import Failed:"
-        print >>err, "%s\n" % result['error']
+        print("Import Failed:", file=err)
+        print("%s\n" % result['error'], file=err)
         message = result.get('message', None)
         if message:
-            print >>err, "%s\n" % message
-        print >>err, "--------------"
+            print("%s\n" % message, file=err)
+        print("--------------", file=err)
@@ -223,15 +224,15 @@
     # List the parameter sets, if interesting.
     show_pset = len(test_results) > 1
     if show_pset:
-        print >>out, "Parameter Sets"
-        print >>out, "--------------"
+        print("Parameter Sets", file=out)
+        print("--------------", file=out)
         for i, info in enumerate(test_results):
-            print >>out, "P%d: %s" % (i, info['pset'])
-        print >>out
+            print("P%d: %s" % (i, info['pset']), file=out)
+        print(file=out)
     total_num_tests = sum([len(item['results'])
                            for item in test_results])
-    print >>out, "--- Tested: %d tests --" % total_num_tests
+    print("--- Tested: %d tests --" % total_num_tests, file=out)
     test_index = 0
     result_kinds = collections.Counter()
     for i, item in enumerate(test_results):
@@ -270,51 +271,51 @@
             if show_pset:
                 name = 'P%d :: %s' % (i, name)
-            print >>out, "%s: %s (%d of %d)" % (result_string, name,
-                                                test_index, total_num_tests)
+            print("%s: %s (%d of %d)" % (result_string, name,
+                                         test_index, total_num_tests), file=out)
             if result_info:
-                print >>out, "%s TEST '%s' %s" % ('*'*20, name, '*'*20)
-                print >>out, result_info
-                print >>out, "*" * 20
+                print("%s TEST '%s' %s" % ('*'*20, name, '*'*20), file=out)
+                print(result_info, file=out)
+                print("*" * 20, file=out)
     if 'original_run' in result:
-        print >>out, ("This submission is a duplicate of run %d, "
-                      "already in the database.") % result['original_run']
-        print >>out
+        print(("This submission is a duplicate of run %d, "
+               "already in the database.") % result['original_run'], file=out)
+        print(file=out)
     if result['report_to_address']:
-        print >>out, "Report emailed to: %r" % result['report_to_address']
-        print >>out
+        print("Report emailed to: %r" % result['report_to_address'], file=out)
+        print(file=out)
     # Print the processing times.
-    print >>out, "Processing Times"
-    print >>out, "----------------"
-    print >>out, "Load   : %.2fs" % result['load_time']
-    print >>out, "Import : %.2fs" % result['import_time']
-    print >>out, "Report : %.2fs" % result['report_time']
-    print >>out, "Total  : %.2fs" % result['total_time']
-    print >>out
+    print("Processing Times", file=out)
+    print("----------------", file=out)
+    print("Load   : %.2fs" % result['load_time'], file=out)
+    print("Import : %.2fs" % result['import_time'], file=out)
+    print("Report : %.2fs" % result['report_time'], file=out)
+    print("Total  : %.2fs" % result['total_time'], file=out)
+    print(file=out)
     # Print the added database items.
     total_added = (result['added_machines'] + result['added_runs'] +
                    result['added_tests'] + result.get('added_samples', 0))
     if total_added:
-        print >>out, "Imported Data"
-        print >>out, "-------------"
+        print("Imported Data", file=out)
+        print("-------------", file=out)
         if result['added_machines']:
-            print >>out, "Added Machines: %d" % result['added_machines']
+            print("Added Machines: %d" % result['added_machines'], file=out)
         if result['added_runs']:
-            print >>out, "Added Runs    : %d" % result['added_runs']
+            print("Added Runs    : %d" % result['added_runs'], file=out)
         if result['added_tests']:
-            print >>out, "Added Tests   : %d" % result['added_tests']
+            print("Added Tests   : %d" % result['added_tests'], file=out)
         if result.get('added_samples', 0):
-            print >>out, "Added Samples : %d" % result['added_samples']
-        print >>out
-    print >>out, "Results"
-    print >>out, "----------------"
+            print("Added Samples : %d" % result['added_samples'], file=out)
+        print(file=out)
+    print("Results", file=out)
+    print("----------------", file=out)
     for kind, count in result_kinds.items():
-        print >>out, kind, ":", count
+        print(kind, ":", count, file=out)
 def import_from_string(config, db_name, db, session, ts_name, data,
Index: lnt/util/
--- lnt/util/
+++ lnt/util/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 Utility for submitting files to a web server over HTTP.
+from __future__ import print_function
 import sys
 import urllib
 import urllib2
@@ -19,7 +20,7 @@
         error = json.loads(reply)
     except ValueError:
-        print "error: {}".format(reply)
+        print("error: {}".format(reply))
     sys.stderr.write("error: lnt server: {}\n".format(error.get('error')))
     message = error.get('message', '')
@@ -55,13 +56,13 @@
         return json.loads(result_data)
     except Exception:
         import traceback
-        print "Unable to load result, not a valid JSON object."
-        print
-        print "Traceback:"
+        print("Unable to load result, not a valid JSON object.")
+        print()
+        print("Traceback:")
-        print
-        print "Result:"
-        print "error:", result_data
+        print()
+        print("Result:")
+        print("error:", result_data)
Index: lnt/util/
--- lnt/util/
+++ lnt/util/
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 # This code lifted from the mod_wsgi docs.
+from __future__ import print_function
 import os
 import sys
 import signal
@@ -18,8 +19,8 @@
 def _restart(path):
     prefix = 'monitor (pid=%d):' % os.getpid()
-    print >> sys.stderr, '%s Change detected to \'%s\'.' % (prefix, path)
-    print >> sys.stderr, '%s Triggering process restart.' % prefix
+    print('%s Change detected to \'%s\'.' % (prefix, path), file=sys.stderr)
+    print('%s Triggering process restart.' % prefix, file=sys.stderr)
     os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGINT)
@@ -116,6 +117,6 @@
     if not _running:
         prefix = 'monitor (pid=%d):' % os.getpid()
-        print >> sys.stderr, '%s Starting change monitor.' % prefix
+        print('%s Starting change monitor.' % prefix, file=sys.stderr)
         _running = True