Index: lldb/trunk/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/tools/lldb-vscode/launch/
--- lldb/trunk/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/tools/lldb-vscode/launch/
+++ lldb/trunk/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/tools/lldb-vscode/launch/
@@ -341,3 +341,68 @@
         # "exitCommands" that were run after the second breakpoint was hit
         output = self.get_console(timeout=1.0)
         self.verify_commands('exitCommands', output, exitCommands)
+    @skipIfWindows
+    @skipIfDarwin # Skip this test for now until we can figure out why tings aren't working on build bots
+    @no_debug_info_test
+    def test_extra_launch_commands(self):
+        '''
+            Tests the "luanchCommands" with extra launching settings
+        '''
+        self.build_and_create_debug_adaptor()
+        program = self.getBuildArtifact("a.out")
+        source = 'main.c'
+        first_line = line_number(source, '// breakpoint 1')
+        second_line = line_number(source, '// breakpoint 2')
+        # Set target binary and 2 breakoints
+        # then we can varify the "launchCommands" get run
+        # also we can verify that "stopCommands" get run as the
+        # breakpoints get hit
+        launchCommands = [
+            'target create "%s"' % (program),
+            'br s -f main.c -l %d' % first_line,
+            'br s -f main.c -l %d' % second_line,
+            'run'
+        ]
+        initCommands = ['target list', 'platform list']
+        preRunCommands = ['image list a.out', 'image dump sections a.out']
+        stopCommands = ['frame variable', 'bt']
+        exitCommands = ['expr 2+3', 'expr 3+4']
+        self.launch(program,
+                    initCommands=initCommands,
+                    preRunCommands=preRunCommands,
+                    stopCommands=stopCommands,
+                    exitCommands=exitCommands,
+                    launchCommands=launchCommands)
+        # Get output from the console. This should contain both the
+        # "initCommands" and the "preRunCommands".
+        output = self.get_console()
+        # Verify all "initCommands" were found in console output
+        self.verify_commands('initCommands', output, initCommands)
+        # Verify all "preRunCommands" were found in console output
+        self.verify_commands('preRunCommands', output, preRunCommands)
+        # Verify all "launchCommands" were founc in console output
+        # After execution, program should launch
+        self.verify_commands('launchCommands', output, launchCommands)
+        # Verify the "stopCommands" here
+        self.continue_to_next_stop()
+        output = self.get_console(timeout=1.0)
+        self.verify_commands('stopCommands', output, stopCommands)
+        # Continue and hit the second breakpoint.
+        # Get output from the console. This should contain both the
+        # "stopCommands" that were run after the first breakpoint was hit
+        self.continue_to_next_stop()
+        output = self.get_console(timeout=1.0)
+        self.verify_commands('stopCommands', output, stopCommands)
+        # Continue until the program exits
+        self.continue_to_exit()
+        # Get output from the console. This should contain both the
+        # "exitCommands" that were run after the second breakpoint was hit
+        output = self.get_console(timeout=1.0)
+        self.verify_commands('exitCommands', output, exitCommands)
Index: lldb/trunk/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/tools/lldb-vscode/
--- lldb/trunk/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/tools/lldb-vscode/
+++ lldb/trunk/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/tools/lldb-vscode/
@@ -245,20 +245,17 @@
                             'attach failed (%s)' % (response['message']))
-    def build_and_launch(self, program, args=None, cwd=None, env=None,
-                         stopOnEntry=False, disableASLR=True,
-                         disableSTDIO=False, shellExpandArguments=False,
-                         trace=False, initCommands=None, preRunCommands=None,
-                         stopCommands=None, exitCommands=None,
-                         sourcePath=None, debuggerRoot=None):
-        '''Build the default Makefile target, create the VSCode debug adaptor,
-           and launch the process.
+    def launch(self, program=None, args=None, cwd=None, env=None,
+               stopOnEntry=False, disableASLR=True,
+               disableSTDIO=False, shellExpandArguments=False,
+               trace=False, initCommands=None, preRunCommands=None,
+               stopCommands=None, exitCommands=None,sourcePath= None,
+               debuggerRoot=None, launchCommands=None):
+        '''Sending launch request to vscode
-        self.build_and_create_debug_adaptor()
-        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(program), 'executable must exist')
-        # Make sure we disconnect and terminate the VSCode debug adaptor even
-        # if we throw an exception during the test case.
+        # Make sure we disconnet and terminate the VSCode debug adaptor,
+        # if we throw an exception during the test case
         def cleanup():
@@ -283,7 +280,25 @@
-            debuggerRoot=debuggerRoot)
+            debuggerRoot=debuggerRoot,
+            launchCommands=launchCommands)
         if not (response and response['success']):
                             'launch failed (%s)' % (response['message']))
+    def build_and_launch(self, program, args=None, cwd=None, env=None,
+                         stopOnEntry=False, disableASLR=True,
+                         disableSTDIO=False, shellExpandArguments=False,
+                         trace=False, initCommands=None, preRunCommands=None,
+                         stopCommands=None, exitCommands=None,
+                         sourcePath=None, debuggerRoot=None):
+        '''Build the default Makefile target, create the VSCode debug adaptor,
+           and launch the process.
+        '''
+        self.build_and_create_debug_adaptor()
+        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(program), 'executable must exist')
+        self.launch(program, args, cwd, env, stopOnEntry, disableASLR,
+                    disableSTDIO, shellExpandArguments, trace,
+                    initCommands, preRunCommands, stopCommands, exitCommands,
+                    sourcePath, debuggerRoot)
Index: lldb/trunk/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/tools/lldb-vscode/
--- lldb/trunk/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/tools/lldb-vscode/
+++ lldb/trunk/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/tools/lldb-vscode/
@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@
                        disableSTDIO=False, shellExpandArguments=False,
                        trace=False, initCommands=None, preRunCommands=None,
                        stopCommands=None, exitCommands=None, sourcePath=None,
-                       debuggerRoot=None):
+                       debuggerRoot=None, launchCommands=None):
         args_dict = {
             'program': program
@@ -591,6 +591,8 @@
             args_dict['sourcePath'] = sourcePath
         if debuggerRoot:
             args_dict['debuggerRoot'] = debuggerRoot
+        if launchCommands:
+            args_dict['launchCommands'] = launchCommands
         command_dict = {
             'command': 'launch',
             'type': 'request',
Index: lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-vscode/lldb-vscode.cpp
--- lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-vscode/lldb-vscode.cpp
+++ lldb/trunk/tools/lldb-vscode/lldb-vscode.cpp
@@ -1182,6 +1182,7 @@
   g_vsc.pre_run_commands = GetStrings(arguments, "preRunCommands");
   g_vsc.stop_commands = GetStrings(arguments, "stopCommands");
   g_vsc.exit_commands = GetStrings(arguments, "exitCommands");
+  auto launchCommands = GetStrings(arguments, "launchCommands");
   g_vsc.stop_at_entry = GetBoolean(arguments, "stopOnEntry", false);
   const auto debuggerRoot = GetString(arguments, "debuggerRoot");
@@ -1254,11 +1255,19 @@
   // Run any pre run LLDB commands the user specified in the launch.json
+  if (launchCommands.empty()) {
+    // Disable async events so the launch will be successful when we return from
+    // the launch call and the launch will happen synchronously
+    g_vsc.debugger.SetAsync(false);
+, error);
+    g_vsc.debugger.SetAsync(true);
+  } else {
+    g_vsc.RunLLDBCommands("Running launchCommands:", launchCommands);
+    // The custom commands might have created a new target so we should use the
+    // selected target after these commands are run.
+ = g_vsc.debugger.GetSelectedTarget();
+  }
-  // Disable async events so the launch will be successful when we return from
-  // the launch call and the launch will happen synchronously
-  g_vsc.debugger.SetAsync(false);
-, error);
   if (error.Fail()) {
     response["success"] = llvm::json::Value(false);
     EmplaceSafeString(response, "message", std::string(error.GetCString()));
@@ -1268,7 +1277,7 @@
   // Reenable async events and start the event thread to catch async events.
-  g_vsc.debugger.SetAsync(true);
+  // g_vsc.debugger.SetAsync(true);
 // "NextRequest": {