Index: clang/tools/static-analyzer/
--- /dev/null
+++ clang/tools/static-analyzer/
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+#==- - Simplifies the ExplodedGraph -*- python -*-==#
+# Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+# See for license information.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+import argparse
+import json
+import sys
+import subprocess
+import os.path
+def main():
+ node_parts = ['program_points', 'program_state', 'store', 'environment',
+ 'constraints', 'dynamic_types', 'constructing_objects',
+ 'checker_messages']
+ # Store which parts of the node we would show if they are not empty.
+ node_parts_dot = []
+ for node_part in node_parts:
+ node_parts_dot.append('\\"' + node_part + '\\"')
+ # Store what we would adjust with a title.
+ node_parts_svg = node_parts[2:]
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Simplifies the ExplodedGraph.')
+ parser.add_argument('-d', '--dot', help='path for the DOT file')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ dot_file_full_path =;
+ dot_file_path, dot_file_name = os.path.split(dot_file_full_path)
+ svg_file_full_path = dot_file_path + '/' + dot_file_name[0:-4] + '-full.svg'
+ #===----------------------------------------------------------------------===#
+ # Build the JSON graph from the DOT file.
+ #===----------------------------------------------------------------------===#
+ graph = {}
+ dot_lines = []
+ with open(dot_file_full_path) as dot_instream:
+ for raw_line in dot_instream:
+ line = raw_line.lstrip('\t').rstrip('\n')
+ dot_lines.append(line)
+ # Node - e.g. 'Node0x31f39c0 [shape=record,label="{\{ JSON stuff \}\l}"];'
+ if (is_dot_node(line)):
+ node_id = str_between(line, 'Node', ' [shape=record')
+ label = get_label(line)
+ label = (label.replace('\\"', '"').replace('\\\\', '\\')
+ .replace('\\{', '{').replace('\\}', '}')
+ .replace('\\<', '<').replace('\\>', '>')
+ .replace(' ', '').replace('\l', '')
+ .replace('\|', '|'))
+ graph[node_id] = json.loads(label.rstrip(',')) # FIXME: remove ','.
+ graph[node_id]['successors'] = []
+ graph[node_id]['predecessors'] = []
+ # Edge - e.g. 'Node0x31f39c0 -> Node0x31f3a40;'
+ if (line.startswith('Node') and ' -> ' in line):
+ pred_id = str_between(line, 'Node', ' -> ')
+ succ_id = str_between(line, ' -> Node', ';')
+ graph[pred_id]['successors'].append(str(succ_id))
+ # Make the graph bidirectional.
+ for node_id, node in graph.items():
+ for succ_id in node['successors']:
+ graph[succ_id]['predecessors'].append(str(node_id))
+ #===----------------------------------------------------------------------===#
+ # Simplification of the DOT file.
+ #===----------------------------------------------------------------------===#
+ # Simplify each node by removing duplicated informations.
+ dot_simplified = []
+ previous_label_lines = None
+ for line in dot_lines:
+ # If it is not a node just append it.
+ if (not is_dot_node(line)):
+ dot_simplified.append(line)
+ continue
+ # Initialize the lines of the previous node.
+ current_label_lines = get_label(line).split('\\l')
+ if (previous_label_lines is None):
+ previous_label_lines = current_label_lines
+ dot_simplified.append(line)
+ continue
+ # Add the start of the node.
+ node_start = line[0 : line.find('{')]
+ dot_simplified.append(node_start)
+ for label_line in current_label_lines:
+ # Concatenate new information into the current label.
+ if (label_line not in previous_label_lines):
+ dot_simplified[-1] += label_line + '\l'
+ # Also concatenate the parts of the node.
+ for node_part in node_parts_dot:
+ if (node_part in label_line):
+ dot_simplified[-1] += label_line + '\l'
+ break
+ # Add the end of the node.
+ dot_simplified[-1] += '}"];'
+ previous_label_lines = current_label_lines
+ #===----------------------------------------------------------------------===#
+ # Write out the simplified DOT.
+ #===----------------------------------------------------------------------===#
+ dot_diff_path = dot_file_full_path[0:-4] + ''
+ with open(dot_diff_path, 'w') as dot_outstream:
+ for line in dot_simplified:
+ dot_outstream.write('%s\n' % line)
+ # Parse it to an SVG file.
+["dot", "-Tsvg", dot_diff_path, "-o", svg_file_full_path])
+ #===----------------------------------------------------------------------===#
+ # Simplification of the SVG file.
+ #===----------------------------------------------------------------------===#
+ # Simplify each node to contain only one 'text' element.
+ svg_simplified = []
+ base_x = 0.0
+ is_node_read = False
+ with open(svg_file_full_path) as svg_instream:
+ for raw_line in svg_instream:
+ line = raw_line.rstrip('\n').replace('"', '\"').replace('\0xc2', '')
+ # If we have ended with reading a node add the ending tag of 'text'.
+ if (is_node_read and line.startswith('')):
+ is_node_read = False
+ svg_simplified.append('')
+ # If we do not read a node just append the text.
+ if (not is_svg_node(line)):
+ svg_simplified.append(line)
+ continue
+ # Node - Store the 'x' position of the first 'text' and drop its end tag.
+ # After the first 'text' added replace other 'text' tags with 'tspan' tags
+ # and also replace the spaces with better 'x' positioning.
+ if (not is_node_read):
+ svg_simplified.append(line[0 : line.find('')])
+ is_node_read = True
+ base_x = float(str_between(line, ' x="', '" y='))
+ else:
+ # 'x' is based on the count of spaces, 'y' is relative to its parent.
+ x_offset = line.decode('utf-8').count(u'\xa0') * 4.5
+ new_line = ('