Index: llvm/trunk/include/llvm/Support/FileSystem.h
--- llvm/trunk/include/llvm/Support/FileSystem.h
+++ llvm/trunk/include/llvm/Support/FileSystem.h
@@ -1100,38 +1100,51 @@
 /// @name Iterators
 /// @{
-/// directory_entry - A single entry in a directory. Caches the status either
-/// from the result of the iteration syscall, or the first time status is
-/// called.
+/// directory_entry - A single entry in a directory.
 class directory_entry {
+  // FIXME: different platforms make different information available "for free"
+  // when traversing a directory. The design of this class wraps most of the
+  // information in basic_file_status, so on platforms where we can't populate
+  // that whole structure, callers end up paying for a stat().
+  // std::filesystem::directory_entry may be a better model.
   std::string Path;
-  bool FollowSymlinks;
-  basic_file_status Status;
+  file_type Type;           // Most platforms can provide this.
+  bool FollowSymlinks;      // Affects the behavior of status().
+  basic_file_status Status; // If available.
-  explicit directory_entry(const Twine &path, bool follow_symlinks = true,
-                           basic_file_status st = basic_file_status())
-      : Path(path.str()), FollowSymlinks(follow_symlinks), Status(st) {}
+  explicit directory_entry(const Twine &Path, bool FollowSymlinks = true,
+                           file_type Type = file_type::type_unknown,
+                           basic_file_status Status = basic_file_status())
+      : Path(Path.str()), Type(Type), FollowSymlinks(FollowSymlinks),
+        Status(Status) {}
   directory_entry() = default;
-  void assign(const Twine &path, basic_file_status st = basic_file_status()) {
-    Path = path.str();
-    Status = st;
-  }
-  void replace_filename(const Twine &filename,
-                        basic_file_status st = basic_file_status());
+  void replace_filename(const Twine &Filename, file_type Type,
+                        basic_file_status Status = basic_file_status());
   const std::string &path() const { return Path; }
+  // Get basic information about entry file (a subset of fs::status()).
+  // On most platforms this is a stat() call.
+  // On windows the information was already retrieved from the directory.
   ErrorOr<basic_file_status> status() const;
+  // Get the type of this file.
+  // On most platforms (Linux/Mac/Windows/BSD), this was already retrieved.
+  // On some platforms (e.g. Solaris) this is a stat() call.
+  file_type type() const {
+    if (Type != file_type::type_unknown)
+      return Type;
+    auto S = status();
+    return S ? S->type() : file_type::type_unknown;
+  }
-  bool operator==(const directory_entry& rhs) const { return Path == rhs.Path; }
-  bool operator!=(const directory_entry& rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); }
-  bool operator< (const directory_entry& rhs) const;
-  bool operator<=(const directory_entry& rhs) const;
-  bool operator> (const directory_entry& rhs) const;
-  bool operator>=(const directory_entry& rhs) const;
+  bool operator==(const directory_entry& RHS) const { return Path == RHS.Path; }
+  bool operator!=(const directory_entry& RHS) const { return !(*this == RHS); }
+  bool operator< (const directory_entry& RHS) const;
+  bool operator<=(const directory_entry& RHS) const;
+  bool operator> (const directory_entry& RHS) const;
+  bool operator>=(const directory_entry& RHS) const;
 namespace detail {
Index: llvm/trunk/lib/Support/Path.cpp
--- llvm/trunk/lib/Support/Path.cpp
+++ llvm/trunk/lib/Support/Path.cpp
@@ -1085,12 +1085,13 @@
   return std::error_code();
-void directory_entry::replace_filename(const Twine &filename,
-                                       basic_file_status st) {
-  SmallString<128> path = path::parent_path(Path);
-  path::append(path, filename);
-  Path = path.str();
-  Status = st;
+void directory_entry::replace_filename(const Twine &Filename, file_type Type,
+                                       basic_file_status Status) {
+  SmallString<128> PathStr = path::parent_path(Path);
+  path::append(PathStr, Filename);
+  this->Path = PathStr.str();
+  this->Type = Type;
+  this->Status = Status;
 ErrorOr<perms> getPermissions(const Twine &Path) {
Index: llvm/trunk/lib/Support/Unix/
--- llvm/trunk/lib/Support/Unix/
+++ llvm/trunk/lib/Support/Unix/
@@ -523,38 +523,40 @@
   llvm::sys::path::append(Path, Storage);
+static file_type typeForMode(mode_t Mode) {
+  if (S_ISDIR(Mode))
+    return file_type::directory_file;
+  else if (S_ISREG(Mode))
+    return file_type::regular_file;
+  else if (S_ISBLK(Mode))
+    return file_type::block_file;
+  else if (S_ISCHR(Mode))
+    return file_type::character_file;
+  else if (S_ISFIFO(Mode))
+    return file_type::fifo_file;
+  else if (S_ISSOCK(Mode))
+    return file_type::socket_file;
+  else if (S_ISLNK(Mode))
+    return file_type::symlink_file;
+  return file_type::type_unknown;
 static std::error_code fillStatus(int StatRet, const struct stat &Status,
                                   file_status &Result) {
   if (StatRet != 0) {
-    std::error_code ec(errno, std::generic_category());
-    if (ec == errc::no_such_file_or_directory)
+    std::error_code EC(errno, std::generic_category());
+    if (EC == errc::no_such_file_or_directory)
       Result = file_status(file_type::file_not_found);
       Result = file_status(file_type::status_error);
-    return ec;
+    return EC;
-  file_type Type = file_type::type_unknown;
-  if (S_ISDIR(Status.st_mode))
-    Type = file_type::directory_file;
-  else if (S_ISREG(Status.st_mode))
-    Type = file_type::regular_file;
-  else if (S_ISBLK(Status.st_mode))
-    Type = file_type::block_file;
-  else if (S_ISCHR(Status.st_mode))
-    Type = file_type::character_file;
-  else if (S_ISFIFO(Status.st_mode))
-    Type = file_type::fifo_file;
-  else if (S_ISSOCK(Status.st_mode))
-    Type = file_type::socket_file;
-  else if (S_ISLNK(Status.st_mode))
-    Type = file_type::symlink_file;
   perms Perms = static_cast<perms>(Status.st_mode) & all_perms;
-  Result = file_status(Type, Perms, Status.st_dev, Status.st_nlink,
-                       Status.st_ino, Status.st_atime, Status.st_mtime,
-                       Status.st_uid, Status.st_gid, Status.st_size);
+  Result = file_status(typeForMode(Status.st_mode), Perms, Status.st_dev,
+                       Status.st_nlink, Status.st_ino, Status.st_atime,
+                       Status.st_mtime, Status.st_uid, Status.st_gid,
+                       Status.st_size);
   return std::error_code();
@@ -696,19 +698,30 @@
   return std::error_code();
-std::error_code detail::directory_iterator_increment(detail::DirIterState &it) {
+static file_type direntType(dirent* Entry) {
+  // Most platforms provide the file type in the dirent: Linux/BSD/Mac.
+  // The DTTOIF macro lets us reuse our status -> type conversion.
+#if defined(_DIRENT_HAVE_D_TYPE) && defined(DTTOIF)
+  return typeForMode(DTTOIF(Entry->d_type));
+  // Other platforms such as Solaris require a stat() to get the type.
+  return file_type::type_unknown;
+std::error_code detail::directory_iterator_increment(detail::DirIterState &It) {
   errno = 0;
-  dirent *cur_dir = ::readdir(reinterpret_cast<DIR *>(it.IterationHandle));
-  if (cur_dir == nullptr && errno != 0) {
+  dirent *CurDir = ::readdir(reinterpret_cast<DIR *>(It.IterationHandle));
+  if (CurDir == nullptr && errno != 0) {
     return std::error_code(errno, std::generic_category());
-  } else if (cur_dir != nullptr) {
-    StringRef name(cur_dir->d_name);
-    if ((name.size() == 1 && name[0] == '.') ||
-        (name.size() == 2 && name[0] == '.' && name[1] == '.'))
-      return directory_iterator_increment(it);
-    it.CurrentEntry.replace_filename(name);
+  } else if (CurDir != nullptr) {
+    StringRef Name(CurDir->d_name);
+    if ((Name.size() == 1 && Name[0] == '.') ||
+        (Name.size() == 2 && Name[0] == '.' && Name[1] == '.'))
+      return directory_iterator_increment(It);
+    It.CurrentEntry.replace_filename(Name, direntType(CurDir));
   } else
-    return directory_iterator_destruct(it);
+    return directory_iterator_destruct(It);
   return std::error_code();
Index: llvm/trunk/lib/Support/Windows/
--- llvm/trunk/lib/Support/Windows/
+++ llvm/trunk/lib/Support/Windows/
@@ -902,28 +902,28 @@
                            FindData->nFileSizeHigh, FindData->nFileSizeLow);
-std::error_code detail::directory_iterator_construct(detail::DirIterState &it,
-                                                     StringRef path,
-                                                     bool follow_symlinks) {
-  SmallVector<wchar_t, 128> path_utf16;
+std::error_code detail::directory_iterator_construct(detail::DirIterState &IT,
+                                                     StringRef Path,
+                                                     bool FollowSymlinks) {
+  SmallVector<wchar_t, 128> PathUTF16;
-  if (std::error_code ec = widenPath(path, path_utf16))
-    return ec;
+  if (std::error_code EC = widenPath(Path, PathUTF16))
+    return EC;
   // Convert path to the format that Windows is happy with.
-  if (path_utf16.size() > 0 &&
-      !is_separator(path_utf16[path.size() - 1]) &&
-      path_utf16[path.size() - 1] != L':') {
-    path_utf16.push_back(L'\\');
-    path_utf16.push_back(L'*');
+  if (PathUTF16.size() > 0 &&
+      !is_separator(PathUTF16[Path.size() - 1]) &&
+      PathUTF16[Path.size() - 1] != L':') {
+    PathUTF16.push_back(L'\\');
+    PathUTF16.push_back(L'*');
   } else {
-    path_utf16.push_back(L'*');
+    PathUTF16.push_back(L'*');
   //  Get the first directory entry.
   WIN32_FIND_DATAW FirstFind;
   ScopedFindHandle FindHandle(::FindFirstFileExW(
-      c_str(path_utf16), FindExInfoBasic, &FirstFind, FindExSearchNameMatch,
+      c_str(PathUTF16), FindExInfoBasic, &FirstFind, FindExSearchNameMatch,
   if (!FindHandle)
     return mapWindowsError(::GetLastError());
@@ -936,43 +936,45 @@
       DWORD LastError = ::GetLastError();
       // Check for end.
       if (LastError == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES)
-        return detail::directory_iterator_destruct(it);
+        return detail::directory_iterator_destruct(IT);
       return mapWindowsError(LastError);
     } else
       FilenameLen = ::wcslen(FirstFind.cFileName);
   // Construct the current directory entry.
-  SmallString<128> directory_entry_name_utf8;
-  if (std::error_code ec =
+  SmallString<128> DirectoryEntryNameUTF8;
+  if (std::error_code EC =
           UTF16ToUTF8(FirstFind.cFileName, ::wcslen(FirstFind.cFileName),
-                      directory_entry_name_utf8))
-    return ec;
+                      DirectoryEntryNameUTF8))
+    return EC;
-  it.IterationHandle = intptr_t(FindHandle.take());
-  SmallString<128> directory_entry_path(path);
-  path::append(directory_entry_path, directory_entry_name_utf8);
-  it.CurrentEntry = directory_entry(directory_entry_path, follow_symlinks,
-                                    status_from_find_data(&FirstFind));
+  IT.IterationHandle = intptr_t(FindHandle.take());
+  SmallString<128> DirectoryEntryPath(Path);
+  path::append(DirectoryEntryPath, DirectoryEntryNameUTF8);
+  IT.CurrentEntry =
+      directory_entry(DirectoryEntryPath, FollowSymlinks,
+                      file_type_from_attrs(FirstFind.dwFileAttributes),
+                      status_from_find_data(&FirstFind));
   return std::error_code();
-std::error_code detail::directory_iterator_destruct(detail::DirIterState &it) {
-  if (it.IterationHandle != 0)
+std::error_code detail::directory_iterator_destruct(detail::DirIterState &IT) {
+  if (IT.IterationHandle != 0)
     // Closes the handle if it's valid.
-    ScopedFindHandle close(HANDLE(it.IterationHandle));
-  it.IterationHandle = 0;
-  it.CurrentEntry = directory_entry();
+    ScopedFindHandle close(HANDLE(IT.IterationHandle));
+  IT.IterationHandle = 0;
+  IT.CurrentEntry = directory_entry();
   return std::error_code();
-std::error_code detail::directory_iterator_increment(detail::DirIterState &it) {
+std::error_code detail::directory_iterator_increment(detail::DirIterState &IT) {
   WIN32_FIND_DATAW FindData;
-  if (!::FindNextFileW(HANDLE(it.IterationHandle), &FindData)) {
+  if (!::FindNextFileW(HANDLE(IT.IterationHandle), &FindData)) {
     DWORD LastError = ::GetLastError();
     // Check for end.
     if (LastError == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES)
-      return detail::directory_iterator_destruct(it);
+      return detail::directory_iterator_destruct(IT);
     return mapWindowsError(LastError);
@@ -980,16 +982,18 @@
   if ((FilenameLen == 1 && FindData.cFileName[0] == L'.') ||
       (FilenameLen == 2 && FindData.cFileName[0] == L'.' &&
                            FindData.cFileName[1] == L'.'))
-    return directory_iterator_increment(it);
+    return directory_iterator_increment(IT);
-  SmallString<128> directory_entry_path_utf8;
-  if (std::error_code ec =
+  SmallString<128> DirectoryEntryPathUTF8;
+  if (std::error_code EC =
           UTF16ToUTF8(FindData.cFileName, ::wcslen(FindData.cFileName),
-                      directory_entry_path_utf8))
-    return ec;
+                      DirectoryEntryPathUTF8))
+    return EC;
-  it.CurrentEntry.replace_filename(Twine(directory_entry_path_utf8),
-                                   status_from_find_data(&FindData));
+  IT.CurrentEntry.replace_filename(
+      Twine(DirectoryEntryPathUTF8),
+      file_type_from_attrs(FindData.dwFileAttributes),
+      status_from_find_data(&FindData));
   return std::error_code();