Index: docs/LibASTMatchersReference.html =================================================================== --- docs/LibASTMatchersReference.html +++ docs/LibASTMatchersReference.html @@ -1577,6 +1577,18 @@ +Matcher<Type>decltypeTypeMatcher<DecltypeType>... +
Matches types nodes representing C++11 decltype(<expr>) types.
+  short i = 1;
+  int j = 42;
+  decltype(i + j) result = i + j;
+  matches "decltype(i + j)"
+ + Matcher<Type>dependentSizedArrayTypeMatcher<DependentSizedArrayType>...
Matches C++ arrays whose size is a value-dependent expression.
@@ -5150,6 +5162,19 @@
+Matcher<DecltypeType>hasUnderlyingTypeMatcher<Type> +
Matches DecltypeType nodes to find out the underlying type.
+  decltype(1) a = 1;
+  decltype(2.0) b = 2.0;
+  matches "auto a"
+Usable as: Matcher<DecltypeType>
+ + Matcher<DoStmt>hasBodyMatcher<Stmt> InnerMatcher
Matches a 'for', 'while', 'do while' statement or a function
 definition that has a given body.