Index: include/llvm/Analysis/MemorySSA.h
--- include/llvm/Analysis/MemorySSA.h
+++ include/llvm/Analysis/MemorySSA.h
@@ -824,7 +824,8 @@
   void insertIntoListsBefore(MemoryAccess *, const BasicBlock *,
-  MemoryUseOrDef *createDefinedAccess(Instruction *, MemoryAccess *);
+  MemoryUseOrDef *createDefinedAccess(Instruction *, MemoryAccess *,
+                                      const MemoryUseOrDef *Template = nullptr);
   class CachingWalker;
@@ -845,7 +846,8 @@
   void markUnreachableAsLiveOnEntry(BasicBlock *BB);
   bool dominatesUse(const MemoryAccess *, const MemoryAccess *) const;
   MemoryPhi *createMemoryPhi(BasicBlock *BB);
-  MemoryUseOrDef *createNewAccess(Instruction *);
+  MemoryUseOrDef *createNewAccess(Instruction *,
+                                  const MemoryUseOrDef *Template = nullptr);
   MemoryAccess *findDominatingDef(BasicBlock *, enum InsertionPlace);
   void placePHINodes(const SmallPtrSetImpl<BasicBlock *> &);
   MemoryAccess *renameBlock(BasicBlock *, MemoryAccess *, bool);
Index: include/llvm/Analysis/MemorySSAUpdater.h
--- include/llvm/Analysis/MemorySSAUpdater.h
+++ include/llvm/Analysis/MemorySSAUpdater.h
@@ -35,8 +35,10 @@
 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
+#include "llvm/Analysis/LoopIterator.h"
 #include "llvm/Analysis/MemorySSA.h"
 #include "llvm/IR/BasicBlock.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/CFGDiff.h"
 #include "llvm/IR/Dominators.h"
 #include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
 #include "llvm/IR/OperandTraits.h"
@@ -45,6 +47,7 @@
 #include "llvm/IR/User.h"
 #include "llvm/IR/Value.h"
 #include "llvm/IR/ValueHandle.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/ValueMap.h"
 #include "llvm/Pass.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
@@ -57,6 +60,12 @@
 class LLVMContext;
 class raw_ostream;
+using ValueToValueMapTy = ValueMap<const Value *, WeakTrackingVH>;
+using PhiToDefMap = SmallDenseMap<MemoryPhi *, MemoryAccess *>;
+using CFGUpdate = cfg::Update<BasicBlock *>;
+using GraphDiffInvBBPair =
+    std::pair<const GraphDiff<BasicBlock *> *, Inverse<BasicBlock *>>;
 class MemorySSAUpdater {
   MemorySSA *MSSA;
@@ -70,6 +79,7 @@
   MemorySSAUpdater(MemorySSA *MSSA) : MSSA(MSSA) {}
   /// Insert a definition into the MemorySSA IR.  RenameUses will rename any use
   /// below the new def block (and any inserted phis).  RenameUses should be set
   /// to true if the definition may cause new aliases for loads below it.  This
@@ -89,6 +99,39 @@
   /// Where a mayalias b, *does* require RenameUses be set to true.
   void insertDef(MemoryDef *Def, bool RenameUses = false);
   void insertUse(MemoryUse *Use);
+  /// Update the MemoryPhi in `To` following an edge deletion between `From` and
+  /// `To`. If `To` becomes unreachable, a call to removeBlocks should be made.
+  void removeEdge(BasicBlock *From, BasicBlock *To);
+  /// Update the MemoryPhi in `To` to have a single incoming edge from `From`,
+  /// following a CFG change that replaced multiple edges (switch) with a direct
+  /// branch.
+  void removeDuplicatePhiEdgesBetween(BasicBlock *From, BasicBlock *To);
+  /// Update MemorySSA after a loop was cloned, given the blocks in RPO order,
+  /// the exit blocks and a 1:1 mapping of all blocks and instructions
+  /// cloned. This involves duplicating all defs and uses in the cloned blocks
+  /// Updating phi nodes in exit block successors is done separately.
+  void updateForClonedLoop(const LoopBlocksRPO &LoopBlocks,
+                           ArrayRef<BasicBlock *> ExitBlocks,
+                           const ValueToValueMapTy &VM,
+                           bool IgnoreIncomingWithNoClones = false);
+  // Block BB was fully or partially cloned into its predecessor P1. Map
+  // contains the 1:1 mapping of instructions cloned and VM[BB]=P1.
+  void updateForClonedBlockIntoPred(BasicBlock *BB, BasicBlock *P1,
+                                    const ValueToValueMapTy &VM);
+  /// Update phi nodes in exit block successors following cloning. Exit blocks
+  /// that were not cloned don't have additional predecessors added.
+  void updateExitBlocksForClonedLoop(ArrayRef<BasicBlock *> ExitBlocks,
+                                     const ValueToValueMapTy &VMap,
+                                     DominatorTree &DT);
+  void updateExitBlocksForClonedLoop(
+      ArrayRef<BasicBlock *> ExitBlocks,
+      ArrayRef<std::unique_ptr<ValueToValueMapTy>> VMaps, DominatorTree &DT);
+  /// Apply CFG updates, analogous with the DT edge updates.
+  void applyUpdates(ArrayRef<CFGUpdate> Updates, DominatorTree &DT);
+  /// Apply CFG insert updates, analogous with the DT edge updates.
+  void applyInsertUpdates(ArrayRef<CFGUpdate> Updates, DominatorTree &DT);
   void moveBefore(MemoryUseOrDef *What, MemoryUseOrDef *Where);
   void moveAfter(MemoryUseOrDef *What, MemoryUseOrDef *Where);
   void moveToPlace(MemoryUseOrDef *What, BasicBlock *BB,
@@ -132,7 +175,6 @@
   wireOldPredecessorsToNewImmediatePredecessor(BasicBlock *Old, BasicBlock *New,
                                                ArrayRef<BasicBlock *> Preds);
   // The below are utility functions. Other than creation of accesses to pass
   // to insertDef, and removeAccess to remove accesses, you should generally
   // not attempt to update memoryssa yourself. It is very non-trivial to get
@@ -220,6 +262,23 @@
   template <class RangeType>
   MemoryAccess *tryRemoveTrivialPhi(MemoryPhi *Phi, RangeType &Operands);
   void fixupDefs(const SmallVectorImpl<WeakVH> &);
+  // Clone all uses and defs from BB to NewBB given a 1:1 map of all
+  // instructions and blocks cloned, and a map of MemoryPhi : Definition
+  // (MemoryAccess Phi or Def). VMap maps old instructions to cloned
+  // instructions and old blocks to cloned blocks. MPhiMap, is created in the
+  // caller of this private method, and maps existing MemoryPhis to new
+  // definitions that new MemoryAccesses must point to. These definitions may
+  // not necessarily be MemoryPhis themselves, they may be MemoryDefs. As such,
+  // the map is between MemoryPhis and MemoryAccesses, where the MemoryAccesses
+  // may be MemoryPhis or MemoryDefs and not MemoryUses.
+  void cloneUsesAndDefs(BasicBlock *BB, BasicBlock *NewBB,
+                        const ValueToValueMapTy &VMap, PhiToDefMap &MPhiMap);
+  template <typename Iter>
+  void privateUpdateExitBlocksForClonedLoop(ArrayRef<BasicBlock *> ExitBlocks,
+                                            Iter ValuesBegin, Iter ValuesEnd,
+                                            DominatorTree &DT);
+  void applyInsertUpdates(ArrayRef<CFGUpdate>, DominatorTree &DT,
+                          const GraphDiff<BasicBlock *> *GD);
 } // end namespace llvm
Index: lib/Analysis/MemorySSA.cpp
--- lib/Analysis/MemorySSA.cpp
+++ lib/Analysis/MemorySSA.cpp
@@ -1532,9 +1532,10 @@
 MemoryUseOrDef *MemorySSA::createDefinedAccess(Instruction *I,
-                                               MemoryAccess *Definition) {
+                                               MemoryAccess *Definition,
+                                               const MemoryUseOrDef *Template) {
   assert(!isa<PHINode>(I) && "Cannot create a defined access for a PHI");
-  MemoryUseOrDef *NewAccess = createNewAccess(I);
+  MemoryUseOrDef *NewAccess = createNewAccess(I, Template);
       NewAccess != nullptr &&
       "Tried to create a memory access for a non-memory touching instruction");
@@ -1557,7 +1558,8 @@
 /// Helper function to create new memory accesses
-MemoryUseOrDef *MemorySSA::createNewAccess(Instruction *I) {
+MemoryUseOrDef *MemorySSA::createNewAccess(Instruction *I,
+                                           const MemoryUseOrDef *Template) {
   // The assume intrinsic has a control dependency which we model by claiming
   // that it writes arbitrarily. Ignore that fake memory dependency here.
   // FIXME: Replace this special casing with a more accurate modelling of
@@ -1566,18 +1568,31 @@
     if (II->getIntrinsicID() == Intrinsic::assume)
       return nullptr;
-  // Find out what affect this instruction has on memory.
-  ModRefInfo ModRef = AA->getModRefInfo(I, None);
-  // The isOrdered check is used to ensure that volatiles end up as defs
-  // (atomics end up as ModRef right now anyway).  Until we separate the
-  // ordering chain from the memory chain, this enables people to see at least
-  // some relative ordering to volatiles.  Note that getClobberingMemoryAccess
-  // will still give an answer that bypasses other volatile loads.  TODO:
-  // Separate memory aliasing and ordering into two different chains so that we
-  // can precisely represent both "what memory will this read/write/is clobbered
-  // by" and "what instructions can I move this past".
-  bool Def = isModSet(ModRef) || isOrdered(I);
-  bool Use = isRefSet(ModRef);
+  bool Def, Use;
+  if (Template) {
+    Def = dyn_cast_or_null<MemoryDef>(Template) != nullptr;
+    Use = dyn_cast_or_null<MemoryUse>(Template) != nullptr;
+#if !defined(NDEBUG)
+    ModRefInfo ModRef = AA->getModRefInfo(I, None);
+    bool DefCheck, UseCheck;
+    DefCheck = isModSet(ModRef) || isOrdered(I);
+    UseCheck = isRefSet(ModRef);
+    assert(Def == DefCheck && (Def || Use == UseCheck) && "Invalid template");
+  } else {
+    // Find out what affect this instruction has on memory.
+    ModRefInfo ModRef = AA->getModRefInfo(I, None);
+    // The isOrdered check is used to ensure that volatiles end up as defs
+    // (atomics end up as ModRef right now anyway).  Until we separate the
+    // ordering chain from the memory chain, this enables people to see at least
+    // some relative ordering to volatiles.  Note that getClobberingMemoryAccess
+    // will still give an answer that bypasses other volatile loads.  TODO:
+    // Separate memory aliasing and ordering into two different chains so that
+    // we can precisely represent both "what memory will this read/write/is
+    // clobbered by" and "what instructions can I move this past".
+    Def = isModSet(ModRef) || isOrdered(I);
+    Use = isRefSet(ModRef);
+  }
   // It's possible for an instruction to not modify memory at all. During
   // construction, we ignore them.
Index: lib/Analysis/MemorySSAUpdater.cpp
--- lib/Analysis/MemorySSAUpdater.cpp
+++ lib/Analysis/MemorySSAUpdater.cpp
@@ -12,7 +12,9 @@
 #include "llvm/Analysis/MemorySSAUpdater.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
+#include "llvm/Analysis/IteratedDominanceFrontier.h"
 #include "llvm/Analysis/MemorySSA.h"
 #include "llvm/IR/DataLayout.h"
 #include "llvm/IR/Dominators.h"
@@ -392,6 +394,516 @@
+void MemorySSAUpdater::removeEdge(BasicBlock *From, BasicBlock *To) {
+  if (MemoryPhi *MPhi = MSSA->getMemoryAccess(To)) {
+    MPhi->unorderedDeleteIncomingBlock(From);
+    if (MPhi->getNumIncomingValues() == 1)
+      removeMemoryAccess(MPhi);
+  }
+void MemorySSAUpdater::removeDuplicatePhiEdgesBetween(BasicBlock *From,
+                                                      BasicBlock *To) {
+  if (MemoryPhi *MPhi = MSSA->getMemoryAccess(To)) {
+    bool Found = false;
+    MPhi->unorderedDeleteIncomingIf([&](const MemoryAccess *, BasicBlock *B) {
+      if (From != B)
+        return false;
+      if (Found)
+        return true;
+      Found = true;
+      return false;
+    });
+    if (MPhi->getNumIncomingValues() == 1)
+      removeMemoryAccess(MPhi);
+  }
+void MemorySSAUpdater::cloneUsesAndDefs(BasicBlock *BB, BasicBlock *NewBB,
+                                        const ValueToValueMapTy &VMap,
+                                        PhiToDefMap &MPhiMap) {
+  auto GetNewDefiningAccess = [&](MemoryAccess *MA) -> MemoryAccess * {
+    MemoryAccess *InsnDefining = MA;
+    if (MemoryUseOrDef *DefMUD = dyn_cast<MemoryUseOrDef>(InsnDefining)) {
+      if (!MSSA->isLiveOnEntryDef(DefMUD)) {
+        Instruction *DefMUDI = DefMUD->getMemoryInst();
+        assert(DefMUDI && "Found MemoryUseOrDef with no Instruction.");
+        if (Instruction *NewDefMUDI =
+                cast_or_null<Instruction>(VMap.lookup(DefMUDI)))
+          InsnDefining = MSSA->getMemoryAccess(NewDefMUDI);
+      }
+    } else {
+      MemoryPhi *DefPhi = cast<MemoryPhi>(InsnDefining);
+      if (MemoryAccess *NewDefPhi = MPhiMap.lookup(DefPhi))
+        InsnDefining = NewDefPhi;
+    }
+    assert(InsnDefining && "Defining instruction cannot be nullptr.");
+    return InsnDefining;
+  };
+  const MemorySSA::AccessList *Acc = MSSA->getBlockAccesses(BB);
+  if (!Acc)
+    return;
+  for (const MemoryAccess &MA : *Acc) {
+    if (const MemoryUseOrDef *MUD = dyn_cast<MemoryUseOrDef>(&MA)) {
+      Instruction *Insn = MUD->getMemoryInst();
+      // Entry does not exist if the clone of the block did not clone all
+      // instructions. This occurs in LoopRotate when cloning instructions
+      // from the old header to the old preheader.
+      if (Instruction *NewInsn = cast_or_null<Instruction>(VMap.lookup(Insn))) {
+        MemoryAccess *NewUseOrDef = MSSA->createDefinedAccess(
+            NewInsn, GetNewDefiningAccess(MUD->getDefiningAccess()), MUD);
+        MSSA->insertIntoListsForBlock(NewUseOrDef, NewBB, MemorySSA::End);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void MemorySSAUpdater::updateForClonedLoop(const LoopBlocksRPO &LoopBlocks,
+                                           ArrayRef<BasicBlock *> ExitBlocks,
+                                           const ValueToValueMapTy &VMap,
+                                           bool IgnoreIncomingWithNoClones) {
+  PhiToDefMap MPhiMap;
+  auto FixPhiIncomingValues = [&](MemoryPhi *Phi, MemoryPhi *NewPhi) {
+    assert(Phi && NewPhi && "Invalid Phi nodes.");
+    BasicBlock *NewPhiBB = NewPhi->getBlock();
+    SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock *, 4> NewPhiBBPreds(pred_begin(NewPhiBB),
+                                               pred_end(NewPhiBB));
+    for (unsigned It = 0, E = Phi->getNumIncomingValues(); It < E; ++It) {
+      MemoryAccess *IncomingAccess = Phi->getIncomingValue(It);
+      BasicBlock *IncBB = Phi->getIncomingBlock(It);
+      if (BasicBlock *NewIncBB = cast_or_null<BasicBlock>(VMap.lookup(IncBB)))
+        IncBB = NewIncBB;
+      else if (IgnoreIncomingWithNoClones)
+        continue;
+      // Now we have IncBB, and will need to add incoming from it to NewPhi.
+      // If IncBB is not a predecessor of NewPhiBB, then do not add it.
+      // NewPhiBB was cloned without that edge.
+      if (!NewPhiBBPreds.count(IncBB))
+        continue;
+      // Determine incoming value and add it as incoming from IncBB.
+      if (MemoryUseOrDef *IncMUD = dyn_cast<MemoryUseOrDef>(IncomingAccess)) {
+        if (!MSSA->isLiveOnEntryDef(IncMUD)) {
+          Instruction *IncI = IncMUD->getMemoryInst();
+          assert(IncI && "Found MemoryUseOrDef with no Instruction.");
+          if (Instruction *NewIncI =
+                  cast_or_null<Instruction>(VMap.lookup(IncI))) {
+            IncMUD = MSSA->getMemoryAccess(NewIncI);
+            assert(IncMUD &&
+                   "MemoryUseOrDef cannot be null, all preds processed.");
+          }
+        }
+        NewPhi->addIncoming(IncMUD, IncBB);
+      } else {
+        MemoryPhi *IncPhi = cast<MemoryPhi>(IncomingAccess);
+        if (MemoryAccess *NewDefPhi = MPhiMap.lookup(IncPhi))
+          NewPhi->addIncoming(NewDefPhi, IncBB);
+        else
+          NewPhi->addIncoming(IncPhi, IncBB);
+      }
+    }
+  };
+  auto ProcessBlock = [&](BasicBlock *BB) {
+    BasicBlock *NewBlock = cast_or_null<BasicBlock>(VMap.lookup(BB));
+    if (!NewBlock)
+      return;
+    assert(!MSSA->getWritableBlockAccesses(NewBlock) &&
+           "Cloned block should have no accesses");
+    // Add MemoryPhi.
+    if (MemoryPhi *MPhi = MSSA->getMemoryAccess(BB)) {
+      MemoryPhi *NewPhi = MSSA->createMemoryPhi(NewBlock);
+      MPhiMap[MPhi] = NewPhi;
+    }
+    // Update Uses and Defs.
+    cloneUsesAndDefs(BB, NewBlock, VMap, MPhiMap);
+  };
+  for (auto BB : llvm::concat<BasicBlock *const>(LoopBlocks, ExitBlocks))
+    ProcessBlock(BB);
+  for (auto BB : llvm::concat<BasicBlock *const>(LoopBlocks, ExitBlocks))
+    if (MemoryPhi *MPhi = MSSA->getMemoryAccess(BB))
+      if (MemoryAccess *NewPhi = MPhiMap.lookup(MPhi))
+        FixPhiIncomingValues(MPhi, cast<MemoryPhi>(NewPhi));
+void MemorySSAUpdater::updateForClonedBlockIntoPred(
+    BasicBlock *BB, BasicBlock *P1, const ValueToValueMapTy &VM) {
+  // All defs/phis from outside BB that are used in BB, are valid uses in P1.
+  // Since those defs/phis must have dominated BB, and also dominate P1.
+  // Defs from BB being used in BB will be replaced with the cloned defs from
+  // VM. The uses of BB's Phi (if it exists) in BB will be replaced by the
+  // incoming def into the Phi from P1.
+  PhiToDefMap MPhiMap;
+  if (MemoryPhi *MPhi = MSSA->getMemoryAccess(BB))
+    MPhiMap[MPhi] = MPhi->getIncomingValueForBlock(P1);
+  cloneUsesAndDefs(BB, P1, VM, MPhiMap);
+template <typename Iter>
+void MemorySSAUpdater::privateUpdateExitBlocksForClonedLoop(
+    ArrayRef<BasicBlock *> ExitBlocks, Iter ValuesBegin, Iter ValuesEnd,
+    DominatorTree &DT) {
+  SmallVector<CFGUpdate, 4> Updates;
+  // Update/insert phis in all successors of exit blocks.
+  for (auto *Exit : ExitBlocks)
+    for (const ValueToValueMapTy *VMap : make_range(ValuesBegin, ValuesEnd))
+      if (BasicBlock *NewExit = cast_or_null<BasicBlock>(VMap->lookup(Exit))) {
+        BasicBlock *ExitSucc = NewExit->getTerminator()->getSuccessor(0);
+        Updates.push_back({DT.Insert, NewExit, ExitSucc});
+      }
+  applyInsertUpdates(Updates, DT);
+void MemorySSAUpdater::updateExitBlocksForClonedLoop(
+    ArrayRef<BasicBlock *> ExitBlocks, const ValueToValueMapTy &VMap,
+    DominatorTree &DT) {
+  const ValueToValueMapTy *const Arr[] = {&VMap};
+  privateUpdateExitBlocksForClonedLoop(ExitBlocks, std::begin(Arr),
+                                       std::end(Arr), DT);
+void MemorySSAUpdater::updateExitBlocksForClonedLoop(
+    ArrayRef<BasicBlock *> ExitBlocks,
+    ArrayRef<std::unique_ptr<ValueToValueMapTy>> VMaps, DominatorTree &DT) {
+  auto GetPtr = [&](const std::unique_ptr<ValueToValueMapTy> &I) {
+    return I.get();
+  };
+  using MappedIteratorType =
+      mapped_iterator<const std::unique_ptr<ValueToValueMapTy> *,
+                      decltype(GetPtr)>;
+  auto MapBegin = MappedIteratorType(VMaps.begin(), GetPtr);
+  auto MapEnd = MappedIteratorType(VMaps.end(), GetPtr);
+  privateUpdateExitBlocksForClonedLoop(ExitBlocks, MapBegin, MapEnd, DT);
+void MemorySSAUpdater::applyUpdates(ArrayRef<CFGUpdate> Updates,
+                                    DominatorTree &DT) {
+  SmallVector<CFGUpdate, 4> RevDeleteUpdates;
+  SmallVector<CFGUpdate, 4> InsertUpdates;
+  for (auto &Update : Updates) {
+    if (Update.getKind() == DT.Insert)
+      InsertUpdates.push_back({DT.Insert, Update.getFrom(), Update.getTo()});
+    else
+      RevDeleteUpdates.push_back({DT.Insert, Update.getFrom(), Update.getTo()});
+  }
+  if (!RevDeleteUpdates.empty()) {
+    // Update for inserted edges: use newDT and snapshot CFG as if deletes had
+    // not occured.
+    // FIXME: This creates a new DT, so it's more expensive to do mix
+    // delete/inserts vs just inserts. We can do an incremental update on the DT
+    // to revert deletes, than re-delete the edges. Teaching DT to do this, is
+    // part of a pending cleanup.
+    DominatorTree NewDT(DT, RevDeleteUpdates);
+    GraphDiff<BasicBlock *> GD(RevDeleteUpdates);
+    applyInsertUpdates(InsertUpdates, NewDT, &GD);
+  } else {
+    GraphDiff<BasicBlock *> GD;
+    applyInsertUpdates(InsertUpdates, DT, &GD);
+  }
+  // Update for deleted edges
+  for (auto &Update : RevDeleteUpdates)
+    removeEdge(Update.getFrom(), Update.getTo());
+void MemorySSAUpdater::applyInsertUpdates(ArrayRef<CFGUpdate> Updates,
+                                          DominatorTree &DT) {
+  GraphDiff<BasicBlock *> GD;
+  applyInsertUpdates(Updates, DT, &GD);
+void MemorySSAUpdater::applyInsertUpdates(ArrayRef<CFGUpdate> Updates,
+                                          DominatorTree &DT,
+                                          const GraphDiff<BasicBlock *> *GD) {
+  // Get recursive last Def, assuming well formed MSSA and updated DT.
+  auto GetLastDef = [&](BasicBlock *BB) -> MemoryAccess * {
+    while (true) {
+      MemorySSA::DefsList *Defs = MSSA->getWritableBlockDefs(BB);
+      // Return last Def or Phi in BB, if it exists.
+      if (Defs)
+        return &*(--Defs->end());
+      // Check number of predecessors, we only care if there's more than one.
+      unsigned Count = 0;
+      BasicBlock *Pred = nullptr;
+      for (auto &Pair : children<GraphDiffInvBBPair>({GD, BB})) {
+        Pred = Pair.second;
+        Count++;
+        if (Count == 2)
+          break;
+      }
+      // If BB has multiple predecessors, get last definition from IDom.
+      if (Count != 1) {
+        // [SimpleLoopUnswitch] If BB is a dead block, about to be deleted, its
+        // DT is invalidated. Return LoE as its last def. This will be added to
+        // MemoryPhi node, and later deleted when the block is deleted.
+        if (!DT.getNode(BB))
+          return MSSA->getLiveOnEntryDef();
+        if (auto *IDom = DT.getNode(BB)->getIDom())
+          if (IDom->getBlock() != BB) {
+            BB = IDom->getBlock();
+            continue;
+          }
+        return MSSA->getLiveOnEntryDef();
+      } else {
+        // Single predecessor, BB cannot be dead. GetLastDef of Pred.
+        assert(Count == 1 && Pred && "Single predecessor expected.");
+        BB = Pred;
+      }
+    };
+    llvm_unreachable("Unable to get last definition.");
+  };
+  // Get nearest IDom given a set of blocks.
+  // TODO: this can be optimized by starting the search at the node with the
+  // lowest level (highest in the tree).
+  auto FindNearestCommonDominator =
+      [&](const SmallSetVector<BasicBlock *, 2> &BBSet) -> BasicBlock * {
+    BasicBlock *PrevIDom = *BBSet.begin();
+    for (auto *BB : BBSet)
+      PrevIDom = DT.findNearestCommonDominator(PrevIDom, BB);
+    return PrevIDom;
+  };
+  // Get all blocks that dominate PrevIDom, stop when reaching CurrIDom. Do not
+  // include CurrIDom.
+  auto GetNoLongerDomBlocks =
+      [&](BasicBlock *PrevIDom, BasicBlock *CurrIDom,
+          SmallVectorImpl<BasicBlock *> &BlocksPrevDom) {
+        if (PrevIDom == CurrIDom)
+          return;
+        BlocksPrevDom.push_back(PrevIDom);
+        BasicBlock *NextIDom = PrevIDom;
+        while (BasicBlock *UpIDom =
+                   DT.getNode(NextIDom)->getIDom()->getBlock()) {
+          if (UpIDom == CurrIDom)
+            break;
+          BlocksPrevDom.push_back(UpIDom);
+          NextIDom = UpIDom;
+        }
+      };
+  // Map a BB to its predecessors: added + previously existing. To get a
+  // deterministic order, store predecessors as SetVectors. The order in each
+  // will be defined by teh order in Updates (fixed) and the order given by
+  // children<> (also fixed). Since we further iterate over these ordered sets,
+  // we lose the information of multiple edges possibly existing between two
+  // blocks, so we'll keep and EdgeCount map for that.
+  // An alternate implementation could keep unordered set for the predecessors,
+  // traverse either Updates or children<> each time to get  the deterministic
+  // order, and drop the usage of EdgeCount. This alternate approach would still
+  // require querying the maps for each predecessor, and children<> call has
+  // additional computation inside for creating the snapshot-graph predecessors.
+  // As such, we favor using a little additional storage and less compute time.
+  // This decision can be revisited if we find the alternative more favorable.
+  struct PredInfo {
+    SmallSetVector<BasicBlock *, 2> Added;
+    SmallSetVector<BasicBlock *, 2> Prev;
+  };
+  SmallDenseMap<BasicBlock *, PredInfo> PredMap;
+  for (auto &Edge : Updates) {
+    BasicBlock *BB = Edge.getTo();
+    auto &AddedBlockSet = PredMap[BB].Added;
+    AddedBlockSet.insert(Edge.getFrom());
+  }
+  // Store all existing predecessor for each BB, at least one must exist.
+  SmallDenseMap<std::pair<BasicBlock *, BasicBlock *>, int> EdgeCountMap;
+  SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock *, 2> NewBlocks;
+  for (auto &BBPredPair : PredMap) {
+    auto *BB = BBPredPair.first;
+    const auto &AddedBlockSet = BBPredPair.second.Added;
+    auto &PrevBlockSet = BBPredPair.second.Prev;
+    for (auto &Pair : children<GraphDiffInvBBPair>({GD, BB})) {
+      BasicBlock *Pi = Pair.second;
+      if (!AddedBlockSet.count(Pi))
+        PrevBlockSet.insert(Pi);
+      EdgeCountMap[{Pi, BB}]++;
+    }
+    if (PrevBlockSet.empty()) {
+      assert(pred_size(BB) == AddedBlockSet.size() && "Duplicate edges added.");
+      LLVM_DEBUG(
+          dbgs()
+          << "Adding a predecessor to a block with no predecessors. "
+             "This must be an edge added to a new, likely cloned, block. "
+             "Its memory accesses must be already correct, assuming completed "
+             "via the updateExitBlocksForClonedLoop API. "
+             "Assert a single such edge is added so no phi addition or "
+             "additional processing is required.\n");
+      assert(AddedBlockSet.size() == 1 &&
+             "Can only handle adding one predecessor to a new block.");
+      // Need to remove new blocks from PredMap. Remove below to not invalidate
+      // iterator here.
+      NewBlocks.insert(BB);
+    }
+  }
+  // Nothing to process for new/cloned blocks.
+  for (auto *BB : NewBlocks)
+    PredMap.erase(BB);
+  SmallVector<BasicBlock *, 8> BlocksToProcess;
+  SmallVector<BasicBlock *, 16> BlocksWithDefsToReplace;
+  // First create MemoryPhis in all blocks that don't have one. Create in the
+  // order found in Updates, not in PredMap, to get deterministic numbering.
+  for (auto &Edge : Updates) {
+    BasicBlock *BB = Edge.getTo();
+    if (PredMap.count(BB) && !MSSA->getMemoryAccess(BB))
+      MSSA->createMemoryPhi(BB);
+  }
+  // Now we'll fill in the MemoryPhis with the right incoming values.
+  for (auto &BBPredPair : PredMap) {
+    auto *BB = BBPredPair.first;
+    const auto &PrevBlockSet = BBPredPair.second.Prev;
+    const auto &AddedBlockSet = BBPredPair.second.Added;
+    assert(!PrevBlockSet.empty() &&
+           "At least one previous predecessor must exist.");
+    // TODO: if this becomes a bottleneck, we can save on GetLastDef calls by
+    // keeping this map before the loop. We can reuse already populated entries
+    // if an edge is added from the same predecessor to two different blocks,
+    // and this does happen in rotate. Note that the map needs to be updated
+    // when deleting non-necessary phis below, if the phi is in the map by
+    // replacing the value with DefP1.
+    SmallDenseMap<BasicBlock *, MemoryAccess *> LastDefAddedPred;
+    for (auto *AddedPred : AddedBlockSet) {
+      auto *DefPn = GetLastDef(AddedPred);
+      assert(DefPn != nullptr && "Unable to find last definition.");
+      LastDefAddedPred[AddedPred] = DefPn;
+    }
+    MemoryPhi *NewPhi = MSSA->getMemoryAccess(BB);
+    // If Phi is not empty, add an incoming edge from each added pred. Must
+    // still compute blocks with defs to replace for this block below.
+    if (NewPhi->getNumOperands()) {
+      for (auto *Pred : AddedBlockSet) {
+        auto *LastDefForPred = LastDefAddedPred[Pred];
+        for (int I = 0, E = EdgeCountMap[{Pred, BB}]; I < E; ++I)
+          NewPhi->addIncoming(LastDefForPred, Pred);
+      }
+    } else {
+      // Pick any existing predecessor and get its definition. All other
+      // existing predecessors should have the same one, since no phi existed.
+      auto *P1 = *PrevBlockSet.begin();
+      MemoryAccess *DefP1 = GetLastDef(P1);
+      // Check DefP1 against all Defs in LastDefPredPair. If all the same,
+      // nothing to add.
+      bool InsertPhi = false;
+      for (auto LastDefPredPair : LastDefAddedPred)
+        if (DefP1 != LastDefPredPair.second) {
+          InsertPhi = true;
+          break;
+        }
+      if (!InsertPhi) {
+        // Since NewPhi may be used in other newly added Phis, replace all uses
+        // of NewPhi with the definition coming from all predecessors (DefP1),
+        // before deleting it.
+        NewPhi->replaceAllUsesWith(DefP1);
+        removeMemoryAccess(NewPhi);
+        continue;
+      }
+      // Update Phi with new values for new predecessors and old value for all
+      // other predecessors. Since AddedBlockSet and PrevBlockSet are ordered
+      // sets, the order of entries in NewPhi is deterministic.
+      for (auto *Pred : AddedBlockSet) {
+        auto *LastDefForPred = LastDefAddedPred[Pred];
+        for (int I = 0, E = EdgeCountMap[{Pred, BB}]; I < E; ++I)
+          NewPhi->addIncoming(LastDefForPred, Pred);
+      }
+      for (auto *Pred : PrevBlockSet)
+        for (int I = 0, E = EdgeCountMap[{Pred, BB}]; I < E; ++I)
+          NewPhi->addIncoming(DefP1, Pred);
+      // Insert BB in the set of blocks that now have definition. We'll use this
+      // to compute IDF and add Phis there next.
+      BlocksToProcess.push_back(BB);
+    }
+    // Get all blocks that used to dominate BB and no longer do after adding
+    // AddedBlockSet, where PrevBlockSet are the previously known predecessors.
+    assert(DT.getNode(BB)->getIDom() && "BB does not have valid idom");
+    BasicBlock *PrevIDom = FindNearestCommonDominator(PrevBlockSet);
+    assert(PrevIDom && "Previous IDom should exists");
+    BasicBlock *NewIDom = DT.getNode(BB)->getIDom()->getBlock();
+    assert(NewIDom && "BB should have a new valid idom");
+    assert(DT.dominates(NewIDom, PrevIDom) &&
+           "New idom should dominate old idom");
+    GetNoLongerDomBlocks(PrevIDom, NewIDom, BlocksWithDefsToReplace);
+  }
+  // Compute IDF and add Phis in all IDF blocks that do not have one.
+  SmallVector<BasicBlock *, 32> IDFBlocks;
+  if (!BlocksToProcess.empty()) {
+    ForwardIDFCalculator IDFs(DT);
+    SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock *, 16> DefiningBlocks(BlocksToProcess.begin(),
+                                                 BlocksToProcess.end());
+    IDFs.setDefiningBlocks(DefiningBlocks);
+    IDFs.calculate(IDFBlocks);
+    for (auto *BBIDF : IDFBlocks) {
+      if (auto *IDFPhi = MSSA->getMemoryAccess(BBIDF)) {
+        // Update existing Phi.
+        // FIXME: some updates may be redundant, try to optimize and skip some.
+        for (unsigned I = 0, E = IDFPhi->getNumIncomingValues(); I < E; ++I)
+          IDFPhi->setIncomingValue(I, GetLastDef(IDFPhi->getIncomingBlock(I)));
+      } else {
+        IDFPhi = MSSA->createMemoryPhi(BBIDF);
+        for (auto &Pair : children<GraphDiffInvBBPair>({GD, BBIDF})) {
+          BasicBlock *Pi = Pair.second;
+          IDFPhi->addIncoming(GetLastDef(Pi), Pi);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // Now for all defs in BlocksWithDefsToReplace, if there are uses they no
+  // longer dominate, replace those with the closest dominating def.
+  // This will also update optimized accesses, as they're also uses.
+  for (auto *BlockWithDefsToReplace : BlocksWithDefsToReplace) {
+    if (auto DefsList = MSSA->getWritableBlockDefs(BlockWithDefsToReplace)) {
+      for (auto &DefToReplaceUses : *DefsList) {
+        BasicBlock *DominatingBlock = DefToReplaceUses.getBlock();
+        Value::use_iterator UI = DefToReplaceUses.use_begin(),
+                            E = DefToReplaceUses.use_end();
+        for (; UI != E;) {
+          Use &U = *UI;
+          ++UI;
+          MemoryAccess *Usr = dyn_cast<MemoryAccess>(U.getUser());
+          if (MemoryPhi *UsrPhi = dyn_cast<MemoryPhi>(Usr)) {
+            BasicBlock *DominatedBlock = UsrPhi->getIncomingBlock(U);
+            if (!DT.dominates(DominatingBlock, DominatedBlock))
+              U.set(GetLastDef(DominatedBlock));
+          } else {
+            BasicBlock *DominatedBlock = Usr->getBlock();
+            if (!DT.dominates(DominatingBlock, DominatedBlock)) {
+              auto *IDom = DT.getNode(DominatedBlock)->getIDom();
+              assert(IDom && "Block must have a valid IDom.");
+              U.set(GetLastDef(IDom->getBlock()));
+              cast<MemoryUseOrDef>(Usr)->resetOptimized();
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
 // Move What before Where in the MemorySSA IR.
 template <class WhereType>
 void MemorySSAUpdater::moveTo(MemoryUseOrDef *What, BasicBlock *BB,
Index: unittests/Analysis/MemorySSA.cpp
--- unittests/Analysis/MemorySSA.cpp
+++ unittests/Analysis/MemorySSA.cpp
@@ -1393,3 +1393,195 @@
             (std::vector<const MemoryDef *>{StoreAAccess, StoreAAccess,
+//   entry
+//     |
+//   header
+//    / \
+// body  |
+//    \ /
+//    exit
+// header:
+//  ; 1 = MemoryDef(liveOnEntry)
+// body:
+//  ; 2 = MemoryDef(1)
+// exit:
+//  ; 3 = MemoryPhi({body, 2}, {header, 1})
+//  ; 4 = MemoryDef(3); optimized to 3, cannot optimize thorugh phi.
+//  Insert edge: entry -> exit, check mssa Update is correct.
+TEST_F(MemorySSATest, TestAddedEdgeToBlockWithPhiNotOpt) {
+  F = Function::Create(
+      FunctionType::get(B.getVoidTy(), {B.getInt8PtrTy()}, false),
+      GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage, "F", &M);
+  Argument *PointerArg = &*F->arg_begin();
+  BasicBlock *Entry(BasicBlock::Create(C, "entry", F));
+  BasicBlock *Header(BasicBlock::Create(C, "header", F));
+  BasicBlock *Body(BasicBlock::Create(C, "body", F));
+  BasicBlock *Exit(BasicBlock::Create(C, "exit", F));
+  B.SetInsertPoint(Entry);
+  BranchInst::Create(Header, Entry);
+  B.SetInsertPoint(Header);
+  B.CreateStore(B.getInt8(16), PointerArg);
+  B.CreateCondBr(B.getTrue(), Exit, Body);
+  B.SetInsertPoint(Body);
+  B.CreateStore(B.getInt8(16), PointerArg);
+  BranchInst::Create(Exit, Body);
+  B.SetInsertPoint(Exit);
+  StoreInst *S1 = B.CreateStore(B.getInt8(16), PointerArg);
+  setupAnalyses();
+  MemorySSA &MSSA = *Analyses->MSSA;
+  MemorySSAWalker *Walker = Analyses->Walker;
+  std::unique_ptr<MemorySSAUpdater> MSSAU =
+      make_unique<MemorySSAUpdater>(&MSSA);
+  MemoryPhi *Phi = MSSA.getMemoryAccess(Exit);
+  EXPECT_EQ(Phi, Walker->getClobberingMemoryAccess(S1));
+  // Alter CFG, add edge: entry -> exit
+  Entry->getTerminator()->eraseFromParent();
+  B.SetInsertPoint(Entry);
+  B.CreateCondBr(B.getTrue(), Header, Exit);
+  SmallVector<CFGUpdate, 1> Updates;
+  Updates.push_back({cfg::UpdateKind::Insert, Entry, Exit});
+  Analyses->DT.applyUpdates(Updates);
+  MSSAU->applyInsertUpdates(Updates, Analyses->DT);
+  EXPECT_EQ(Phi, Walker->getClobberingMemoryAccess(S1));
+//   entry
+//     |
+//   header
+//    / \
+// body  |
+//    \ /
+//    exit
+// header:
+//  ; 1 = MemoryDef(liveOnEntry)
+// body:
+//  ; 2 = MemoryDef(1)
+// exit:
+//  ; 3 = MemoryPhi({body, 2}, {header, 1})
+//  ; 4 = MemoryDef(3); optimize this to 1 now, added edge should invalidate
+//  the optimized access.
+//  Insert edge: entry -> exit, check mssa Update is correct.
+TEST_F(MemorySSATest, TestAddedEdgeToBlockWithPhiOpt) {
+  F = Function::Create(
+      FunctionType::get(B.getVoidTy(), {B.getInt8PtrTy()}, false),
+      GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage, "F", &M);
+  Argument *PointerArg = &*F->arg_begin();
+  Type *Int8 = Type::getInt8Ty(C);
+  BasicBlock *Entry(BasicBlock::Create(C, "entry", F));
+  BasicBlock *Header(BasicBlock::Create(C, "header", F));
+  BasicBlock *Body(BasicBlock::Create(C, "body", F));
+  BasicBlock *Exit(BasicBlock::Create(C, "exit", F));
+  B.SetInsertPoint(Entry);
+  Value *Alloca = B.CreateAlloca(Int8, ConstantInt::get(Int8, 1), "A");
+  BranchInst::Create(Header, Entry);
+  B.SetInsertPoint(Header);
+  StoreInst *S1 = B.CreateStore(B.getInt8(16), PointerArg);
+  B.CreateCondBr(B.getTrue(), Exit, Body);
+  B.SetInsertPoint(Body);
+  B.CreateStore(ConstantInt::get(Int8, 0), Alloca);
+  BranchInst::Create(Exit, Body);
+  B.SetInsertPoint(Exit);
+  StoreInst *S2 = B.CreateStore(B.getInt8(16), PointerArg);
+  setupAnalyses();
+  MemorySSA &MSSA = *Analyses->MSSA;
+  MemorySSAWalker *Walker = Analyses->Walker;
+  std::unique_ptr<MemorySSAUpdater> MSSAU =
+      make_unique<MemorySSAUpdater>(&MSSA);
+  MemoryDef *DefS1 = cast<MemoryDef>(MSSA.getMemoryAccess(S1));
+  EXPECT_EQ(DefS1, Walker->getClobberingMemoryAccess(S2));
+  // Alter CFG, add edge: entry -> exit
+  Entry->getTerminator()->eraseFromParent();
+  B.SetInsertPoint(Entry);
+  B.CreateCondBr(B.getTrue(), Header, Exit);
+  SmallVector<CFGUpdate, 1> Updates;
+  Updates.push_back({cfg::UpdateKind::Insert, Entry, Exit});
+  Analyses->DT.applyUpdates(Updates);
+  MSSAU->applyInsertUpdates(Updates, Analyses->DT);
+  MemoryPhi *Phi = MSSA.getMemoryAccess(Exit);
+  EXPECT_EQ(Phi, Walker->getClobberingMemoryAccess(S2));
+//   entry
+//    /  |
+//   a   |
+//  / \  |
+//  b c  f
+//  \ /  |
+//   d   |
+//    \ /
+//     e
+// f:
+//  ; 1 = MemoryDef(liveOnEntry)
+// e:
+//  ; 2 = MemoryPhi({d, liveOnEntry}, {f, 1})
+// Insert edge: f -> c, check update is correct.
+// After update:
+// f:
+//  ; 1 = MemoryDef(liveOnEntry)
+// c:
+//  ; 3 = MemoryPhi({a, liveOnEntry}, {f, 1})
+// d:
+//  ; 4 = MemoryPhi({b, liveOnEntry}, {c, 3})
+// e:
+//  ; 2 = MemoryPhi({d, 4}, {f, 1})
+TEST_F(MemorySSATest, TestAddedEdgeToBlockWithNoPhiAddNewPhis) {
+  F = Function::Create(
+      FunctionType::get(B.getVoidTy(), {B.getInt8PtrTy()}, false),
+      GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage, "F", &M);
+  Argument *PointerArg = &*F->arg_begin();
+  BasicBlock *Entry(BasicBlock::Create(C, "entry", F));
+  BasicBlock *ABlock(BasicBlock::Create(C, "a", F));
+  BasicBlock *BBlock(BasicBlock::Create(C, "b", F));
+  BasicBlock *CBlock(BasicBlock::Create(C, "c", F));
+  BasicBlock *DBlock(BasicBlock::Create(C, "d", F));
+  BasicBlock *EBlock(BasicBlock::Create(C, "e", F));
+  BasicBlock *FBlock(BasicBlock::Create(C, "f", F));
+  B.SetInsertPoint(Entry);
+  B.CreateCondBr(B.getTrue(), ABlock, FBlock);
+  B.SetInsertPoint(ABlock);
+  B.CreateCondBr(B.getTrue(), BBlock, CBlock);
+  B.SetInsertPoint(BBlock);
+  BranchInst::Create(DBlock, BBlock);
+  B.SetInsertPoint(CBlock);
+  BranchInst::Create(DBlock, CBlock);
+  B.SetInsertPoint(DBlock);
+  BranchInst::Create(EBlock, DBlock);
+  B.SetInsertPoint(FBlock);
+  B.CreateStore(B.getInt8(16), PointerArg);
+  BranchInst::Create(EBlock, FBlock);
+  setupAnalyses();
+  MemorySSA &MSSA = *Analyses->MSSA;
+  std::unique_ptr<MemorySSAUpdater> MSSAU =
+      make_unique<MemorySSAUpdater>(&MSSA);
+  // Alter CFG, add edge: f -> c
+  FBlock->getTerminator()->eraseFromParent();
+  B.SetInsertPoint(FBlock);
+  B.CreateCondBr(B.getTrue(), CBlock, EBlock);
+  SmallVector<CFGUpdate, 1> Updates;
+  Updates.push_back({cfg::UpdateKind::Insert, FBlock, CBlock});
+  Analyses->DT.applyUpdates(Updates);
+  MSSAU->applyInsertUpdates(Updates, Analyses->DT);
+  MemoryPhi *MPC = MSSA.getMemoryAccess(CBlock);
+  EXPECT_NE(MPC, nullptr);
+  MemoryPhi *MPD = MSSA.getMemoryAccess(DBlock);
+  EXPECT_NE(MPD, nullptr);
+  MemoryPhi *MPE = MSSA.getMemoryAccess(EBlock);
+  EXPECT_EQ(MPD, MPE->getIncomingValueForBlock(DBlock));