Index: include/lldb/Interpreter/Args.h
--- include/lldb/Interpreter/Args.h
+++ include/lldb/Interpreter/Args.h
@@ -28,8 +28,6 @@
 namespace lldb_private {
-struct Option;
 typedef std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, int, std::string>> OptionArgVector;
 typedef std::shared_ptr<OptionArgVector> OptionArgVectorSP;
@@ -161,10 +159,10 @@
   llvm::ArrayRef<ArgEntry> entries() const { return m_entries; }
   char GetArgumentQuoteCharAtIndex(size_t idx) const;
-  std::vector<ArgEntry>::const_iterator begin() const {
-    return m_entries.begin();
-  }
-  std::vector<ArgEntry>::const_iterator end() const { return m_entries.end(); }
+  using const_iterator = std::vector<ArgEntry>::const_iterator;
+  const_iterator begin() const { return m_entries.begin(); }
+  const_iterator end() const { return m_entries.end(); }
   size_t size() const { return GetArgumentCount(); }
   const ArgEntry &operator[](size_t n) const { return m_entries[n]; }
@@ -309,44 +307,6 @@
   void Unshift(llvm::StringRef arg_str, char quote_char = '\0');
-  //------------------------------------------------------------------
-  /// Parse the arguments in the contained arguments.
-  ///
-  /// The arguments that are consumed by the argument parsing process
-  /// will be removed from the argument vector. The arguments that
-  /// get processed start at the second argument. The first argument
-  /// is assumed to be the command and will not be touched.
-  ///
-  /// param[in] platform_sp
-  ///   The platform used for option validation.  This is necessary
-  ///   because an empty execution_context is not enough to get us
-  ///   to a reasonable platform.  If the platform isn't given,
-  ///   we'll try to get it from the execution context.  If we can't
-  ///   get it from the execution context, we'll skip validation.
-  ///
-  /// param[in] require_validation
-  ///   When true, it will fail option parsing if validation could
-  ///   not occur due to not having a platform.
-  ///
-  /// @see class Options
-  //------------------------------------------------------------------
-  Status ParseOptions(Options &options, ExecutionContext *execution_context,
-                      lldb::PlatformSP platform_sp, bool require_validation);
-  bool IsPositionalArgument(const char *arg);
-  // The following works almost identically to ParseOptions, except that no
-  // option is required to have arguments, and it builds up the
-  // option_arg_vector as it parses the options.
-  std::string ParseAliasOptions(Options &options, CommandReturnObject &result,
-                                OptionArgVector *option_arg_vector,
-                                llvm::StringRef raw_input_line);
-  void ParseArgsForCompletion(Options &options,
-                              OptionElementVector &option_element_vector,
-                              uint32_t cursor_index);
   // Clear the arguments.
@@ -441,13 +401,8 @@
                                                char quote_char);
-  size_t FindArgumentIndexForOption(Option *long_options,
-                                    int long_options_index) const;
   std::vector<ArgEntry> m_entries;
   std::vector<char *> m_argv;
-  void UpdateArgsAfterOptionParsing();
 } // namespace lldb_private
Index: include/lldb/Interpreter/Options.h
--- include/lldb/Interpreter/Options.h
+++ include/lldb/Interpreter/Options.h
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
 namespace lldb_private {
+struct Option;
 static inline bool isprint8(int ch) {
   if (ch & 0xffffff00u)
     return false;
@@ -36,10 +38,8 @@
 /// @brief A command line option parsing protocol class.
 /// Options is designed to be subclassed to contain all needed
-/// options for a given command. The options can be parsed by calling:
-/// \code
-///     Status Args::ParseOptions (Options &);
-/// \endcode
+/// options for a given command. The options can be parsed by calling the Parse
+/// function.
 /// The options are specified using the format defined for the libc
 /// options parsing function getopt_long_only:
@@ -49,74 +49,6 @@
 ///     *optstring, const struct option *longopts, int *longindex);
 /// \endcode
-/// Example code:
-/// \code
-///     #include <getopt.h>
-///     #include <string>
-///     class CommandOptions : public Options
-///     {
-///     public:
-///         virtual struct option *
-///         GetLongOptions() {
-///             return g_options;
-///         }
-///         virtual Status
-///         SetOptionValue (uint32_t option_idx, int option_val, const char
-///         *option_arg)
-///         {
-///             Status error;
-///             switch (option_val)
-///             {
-///             case 'g': debug = true; break;
-///             case 'v': verbose = true; break;
-///             case 'l': log_file = option_arg; break;
-///             case 'f': log_flags = strtoull(option_arg, nullptr, 0); break;
-///             default:
-///                 error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("unrecognized short option
-///                 %c", option_val);
-///                 break;
-///             }
-///             return error;
-///         }
-///         CommandOptions (CommandInterpreter &interpreter) : debug (true),
-///         verbose (false), log_file (), log_flags (0)
-///         {}
-///         bool debug;
-///         bool verbose;
-///         std::string log_file;
-///         uint32_t log_flags;
-///         static struct option g_options[];
-///     };
-///     struct option CommandOptions::g_options[] =
-///     {
-///         { "debug",              no_argument,        nullptr,   'g' },
-///         { "log-file",           required_argument,  nullptr,   'l' },
-///         { "log-flags",          required_argument,  nullptr,   'f' },
-///         { "verbose",            no_argument,        nullptr,   'v' },
-///         { nullptr,              0,                  nullptr,   0   }
-///     };
-///     int main (int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp)
-///     {
-///         CommandOptions options;
-///         Args main_command;
-///         main_command.SetArguments(argc, argv, false);
-///         main_command.ParseOptions(options);
-///         if (options.verbose)
-///         {
-///             std::cout << "verbose is on" << std::endl;
-///         }
-///     }
-/// \endcode
 class Options {
@@ -171,6 +103,36 @@
   // prone and subclasses shouldn't have to do it.
   void NotifyOptionParsingStarting(ExecutionContext *execution_context);
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /// Parse the provided arguments.
+  ///
+  /// The parsed options are set via calls to SetOptionValue. In case of a
+  /// successful parse, the function returns a copy of the input arguments with
+  /// the parsed options removed. Otherwise, it returns an error.
+  ///
+  /// param[in] platform_sp
+  ///   The platform used for option validation.  This is necessary
+  ///   because an empty execution_context is not enough to get us
+  ///   to a reasonable platform.  If the platform isn't given,
+  ///   we'll try to get it from the execution context.  If we can't
+  ///   get it from the execution context, we'll skip validation.
+  ///
+  /// param[in] require_validation
+  ///   When true, it will fail option parsing if validation could
+  ///   not occur due to not having a platform.
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------
+  llvm::Expected<Args> Parse(const Args &args,
+                             ExecutionContext *execution_context,
+                             lldb::PlatformSP platform_sp,
+                             bool require_validation);
+  llvm::Expected<Args> ParseAlias(const Args &args,
+                                  OptionArgVector *option_arg_vector,
+                                  std::string &input_line);
+  OptionElementVector ParseForCompletion(const Args &args,
+                                         uint32_t cursor_index);
   Status NotifyOptionParsingFinished(ExecutionContext *execution_context);
Index: packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/functionalities/completion/
--- packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/functionalities/completion/
+++ packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/functionalities/completion/
@@ -85,23 +85,6 @@
             'watchpoint command a',
             'watchpoint command add ')
-    @expectedFailureAll(hostoslist=["windows"], bugnumber="")
-    @skipIfFreeBSD  # timing out on the FreeBSD buildbot
-    @no_debug_info_test
-    def test_watchpoint_set_variable_dash_w(self):
-        """Test that 'watchpoint set variable -w' completes to 'watchpoint set variable -w '."""
-        self.complete_from_to(
-            'watchpoint set variable -w',
-            'watchpoint set variable -w ')
-    @expectedFailureAll(hostoslist=["windows"], bugnumber="")
-    @skipIfFreeBSD  # timing out on the FreeBSD buildbot
-    @no_debug_info_test
-    def test_watchpoint_set_variable_dash_w_space(self):
-        """Test that 'watchpoint set variable -w ' completes to ['read', 'write', 'read_write']."""
-        self.complete_from_to('watchpoint set variable -w ',
-                              ['read', 'write', 'read_write'])
     @expectedFailureAll(hostoslist=["windows"], bugnumber="")
     @skipIfFreeBSD  # timing out on the FreeBSD buildbot
@@ -118,15 +101,6 @@
         """Test that 'watchpoint set var' completes to 'watchpoint set variable '."""
         self.complete_from_to('watchpoint set var', 'watchpoint set variable ')
-    @expectedFailureAll(hostoslist=["windows"], bugnumber="")
-    @skipIfFreeBSD  # timing out on the FreeBSD buildbot
-    @no_debug_info_test
-    def test_watchpoint_set_variable_dash_w_read_underbar(self):
-        """Test that 'watchpoint set variable -w read_' completes to 'watchpoint set variable -w read_write'."""
-        self.complete_from_to(
-            'watchpoint set variable -w read_',
-            'watchpoint set variable -w read_write')
     @expectedFailureAll(hostoslist=["windows"], bugnumber="")
     @skipIfFreeBSD  # timing out on the FreeBSD buildbot
@@ -296,6 +270,27 @@
         """Test that 'target va' completes to 'target variable '."""
         self.complete_from_to('target va', 'target variable ')
+    def test_command_argument_completion(self):
+	"""Test completion of command arguments"""
+	self.complete_from_to("watchpoint set variable -", ["-w", "-s"])
+        self.complete_from_to('watchpoint set variable -w', 'watchpoint set variable -w ')
+	self.complete_from_to("watchpoint set variable --", ["--watch", "--size"])
+	self.complete_from_to("watchpoint set variable --w", "watchpoint set variable --watch")
+        self.complete_from_to('watchpoint set variable -w ', ['read', 'write', 'read_write'])
+	self.complete_from_to("watchpoint set variable --watch ", ["read", "write", "read_write"])
+	self.complete_from_to("watchpoint set variable --watch w", "watchpoint set variable --watch write")
+        self.complete_from_to('watchpoint set variable -w read_', 'watchpoint set variable -w read_write')
+	# Now try the same thing with a variable name (non-option argument) to
+	# test that getopts arg reshuffling doesn't confuse us.
+	self.complete_from_to("watchpoint set variable foo -", ["-w", "-s"])
+        self.complete_from_to('watchpoint set variable foo -w', 'watchpoint set variable foo -w ')
+	self.complete_from_to("watchpoint set variable foo --", ["--watch", "--size"])
+	self.complete_from_to("watchpoint set variable foo --w", "watchpoint set variable foo --watch")
+        self.complete_from_to('watchpoint set variable foo -w ', ['read', 'write', 'read_write'])
+	self.complete_from_to("watchpoint set variable foo --watch ", ["read", "write", "read_write"])
+	self.complete_from_to("watchpoint set variable foo --watch w", "watchpoint set variable foo --watch write")
+        self.complete_from_to('watchpoint set variable foo -w read_', 'watchpoint set variable foo -w read_write')
     @expectedFailureAll(hostoslist=["windows"], bugnumber="")
     def test_symbol_name(self):
Index: source/Commands/CommandObjectSettings.cpp
--- source/Commands/CommandObjectSettings.cpp
+++ source/Commands/CommandObjectSettings.cpp
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
     const size_t argc = input.GetArgumentCount();
     const char *arg = nullptr;
     int setting_var_idx;
-    for (setting_var_idx = 1; setting_var_idx < static_cast<int>(argc);
+    for (setting_var_idx = 0; setting_var_idx < static_cast<int>(argc);
          ++setting_var_idx) {
       arg = input.GetArgumentAtIndex(setting_var_idx);
       if (arg && arg[0] != '-')
Index: source/Interpreter/Args.cpp
--- source/Interpreter/Args.cpp
+++ source/Interpreter/Args.cpp
@@ -13,11 +13,7 @@
 // Other libraries and framework includes
 // Project includes
 #include "lldb/DataFormatters/FormatManager.h"
-#include "lldb/Host/OptionParser.h"
 #include "lldb/Interpreter/Args.h"
-#include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandInterpreter.h"
-#include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandReturnObject.h"
-#include "lldb/Interpreter/Options.h"
 #include "lldb/Target/Target.h"
 #include "lldb/Utility/Stream.h"
 #include "lldb/Utility/StreamString.h"
@@ -269,32 +265,6 @@
-void Args::UpdateArgsAfterOptionParsing() {
-  assert(!m_argv.empty());
-  assert(m_argv.back() == nullptr);
-  // Now m_argv might be out of date with m_entries, so we need to fix that.
-  // This happens because getopt_long_only may permute the order of the
-  // arguments in argv, so we need to re-order the quotes and the refs array
-  // to match.
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_argv.size() - 1; ++i) {
-    const char *argv = m_argv[i];
-    auto pos =
-        std::find_if(m_entries.begin() + i, m_entries.end(),
-                     [argv](const ArgEntry &D) { return D.c_str() == argv; });
-    assert(pos != m_entries.end());
-    size_t distance = std::distance(m_entries.begin(), pos);
-    if (i == distance)
-      continue;
-    assert(distance > i);
-    std::swap(m_entries[i], m_entries[distance]);
-    assert(m_entries[i] == m_argv[i]);
-  }
-  m_entries.resize(m_argv.size() - 1);
 size_t Args::GetArgumentCount() const { return m_entries.size(); }
 const char *Args::GetArgumentAtIndex(size_t idx) const {
@@ -425,125 +395,6 @@
   SetArguments(ArgvToArgc(argv), argv);
-Status Args::ParseOptions(Options &options, ExecutionContext *execution_context,
-                          PlatformSP platform_sp, bool require_validation) {
-  StreamString sstr;
-  Status error;
-  Option *long_options = options.GetLongOptions();
-  if (long_options == nullptr) {
-    error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("invalid long options");
-    return error;
-  }
-  for (int i = 0; long_options[i].definition != nullptr; ++i) {
-    if (long_options[i].flag == nullptr) {
-      if (isprint8(long_options[i].val)) {
-        sstr << (char)long_options[i].val;
-        switch (long_options[i].definition->option_has_arg) {
-        default:
-        case OptionParser::eNoArgument:
-          break;
-        case OptionParser::eRequiredArgument:
-          sstr << ':';
-          break;
-        case OptionParser::eOptionalArgument:
-          sstr << "::";
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock;
-  OptionParser::Prepare(lock);
-  int val;
-  while (1) {
-    int long_options_index = -1;
-    val = OptionParser::Parse(GetArgumentCount(), GetArgumentVector(),
-                              sstr.GetString(), long_options,
-                              &long_options_index);
-    if (val == -1)
-      break;
-    // Did we get an error?
-    if (val == '?') {
-      error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("unknown or ambiguous option");
-      break;
-    }
-    // The option auto-set itself
-    if (val == 0)
-      continue;
-    ((Options *)&options)->OptionSeen(val);
-    // Lookup the long option index
-    if (long_options_index == -1) {
-      for (int i = 0; long_options[i].definition || long_options[i].flag ||
-                      long_options[i].val;
-           ++i) {
-        if (long_options[i].val == val) {
-          long_options_index = i;
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // Call the callback with the option
-    if (long_options_index >= 0 &&
-        long_options[long_options_index].definition) {
-      const OptionDefinition *def = long_options[long_options_index].definition;
-      if (!platform_sp) {
-        // User did not pass in an explicit platform.  Try to grab
-        // from the execution context.
-        TargetSP target_sp =
-            execution_context ? execution_context->GetTargetSP() : TargetSP();
-        platform_sp = target_sp ? target_sp->GetPlatform() : PlatformSP();
-      }
-      OptionValidator *validator = def->validator;
-      if (!platform_sp && require_validation) {
-        // Caller requires validation but we cannot validate as we
-        // don't have the mandatory platform against which to
-        // validate.
-        error.SetErrorString("cannot validate options: "
-                             "no platform available");
-        return error;
-      }
-      bool validation_failed = false;
-      if (platform_sp) {
-        // Ensure we have an execution context, empty or not.
-        ExecutionContext dummy_context;
-        ExecutionContext *exe_ctx_p =
-            execution_context ? execution_context : &dummy_context;
-        if (validator && !validator->IsValid(*platform_sp, *exe_ctx_p)) {
-          validation_failed = true;
-          error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("Option \"%s\" invalid.  %s",
-                                         def->long_option,
-                                         def->validator->LongConditionString());
-        }
-      }
-      // As long as validation didn't fail, we set the option value.
-      if (!validation_failed)
-        error = options.SetOptionValue(
-            long_options_index,
-            (def->option_has_arg == OptionParser::eNoArgument)
-                ? nullptr
-                : OptionParser::GetOptionArgument(),
-            execution_context);
-    } else {
-      error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("invalid option with value '%i'", val);
-    }
-    if (error.Fail())
-      break;
-  }
-  // Update our ARGV now that get options has consumed all the options
-  m_argv.erase(m_argv.begin(), m_argv.begin() + OptionParser::GetOptionIndex());
-  UpdateArgsAfterOptionParsing();
-  return error;
 void Args::Clear() {
@@ -900,384 +751,6 @@
   return result;
-size_t Args::FindArgumentIndexForOption(Option *long_options,
-                                        int long_options_index) const {
-  char short_buffer[3];
-  char long_buffer[255];
-  ::snprintf(short_buffer, sizeof(short_buffer), "-%c",
-             long_options[long_options_index].val);
-  ::snprintf(long_buffer, sizeof(long_buffer), "--%s",
-             long_options[long_options_index].definition->long_option);
-  for (auto entry : llvm::enumerate(m_entries)) {
-    if (entry.value().ref.startswith(short_buffer) ||
-        entry.value().ref.startswith(long_buffer))
-      return entry.index();
-  }
-  return size_t(-1);
-bool Args::IsPositionalArgument(const char *arg) {
-  if (arg == nullptr)
-    return false;
-  bool is_positional = true;
-  const char *cptr = arg;
-  if (cptr[0] == '%') {
-    ++cptr;
-    while (isdigit(cptr[0]))
-      ++cptr;
-    if (cptr[0] != '\0')
-      is_positional = false;
-  } else
-    is_positional = false;
-  return is_positional;
-std::string Args::ParseAliasOptions(Options &options,
-                                    CommandReturnObject &result,
-                                    OptionArgVector *option_arg_vector,
-                                    llvm::StringRef raw_input_string) {
-  std::string result_string(raw_input_string);
-  StreamString sstr;
-  int i;
-  Option *long_options = options.GetLongOptions();
-  if (long_options == nullptr) {
-    result.AppendError("invalid long options");
-    result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed);
-    return result_string;
-  }
-  for (i = 0; long_options[i].definition != nullptr; ++i) {
-    if (long_options[i].flag == nullptr) {
-      sstr << (char)long_options[i].val;
-      switch (long_options[i].definition->option_has_arg) {
-      default:
-      case OptionParser::eNoArgument:
-        break;
-      case OptionParser::eRequiredArgument:
-        sstr << ":";
-        break;
-      case OptionParser::eOptionalArgument:
-        sstr << "::";
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock;
-  OptionParser::Prepare(lock);
-  result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult);
-  int val;
-  while (1) {
-    int long_options_index = -1;
-    val = OptionParser::Parse(GetArgumentCount(), GetArgumentVector(),
-                              sstr.GetString(), long_options,
-                              &long_options_index);
-    if (val == -1)
-      break;
-    if (val == '?') {
-      result.AppendError("unknown or ambiguous option");
-      result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed);
-      break;
-    }
-    if (val == 0)
-      continue;
-    options.OptionSeen(val);
-    // Look up the long option index
-    if (long_options_index == -1) {
-      for (int j = 0; long_options[j].definition || long_options[j].flag ||
-                      long_options[j].val;
-           ++j) {
-        if (long_options[j].val == val) {
-          long_options_index = j;
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // See if the option takes an argument, and see if one was supplied.
-    if (long_options_index == -1) {
-      result.AppendErrorWithFormat("Invalid option with value '%c'.\n", val);
-      result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed);
-      return result_string;
-    }
-    StreamString option_str;
-    option_str.Printf("-%c", val);
-    const OptionDefinition *def = long_options[long_options_index].definition;
-    int has_arg =
-        (def == nullptr) ? OptionParser::eNoArgument : def->option_has_arg;
-    const char *option_arg = nullptr;
-    switch (has_arg) {
-    case OptionParser::eRequiredArgument:
-      if (OptionParser::GetOptionArgument() == nullptr) {
-        result.AppendErrorWithFormat(
-            "Option '%s' is missing argument specifier.\n",
-            option_str.GetData());
-        result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed);
-        return result_string;
-      }
-    case OptionParser::eOptionalArgument:
-      option_arg = OptionParser::GetOptionArgument();
-    case OptionParser::eNoArgument:
-      break;
-    default:
-      result.AppendErrorWithFormat("error with options table; invalid value "
-                                   "in has_arg field for option '%c'.\n",
-                                   val);
-      result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed);
-      return result_string;
-    }
-    if (!option_arg)
-      option_arg = "<no-argument>";
-    option_arg_vector->emplace_back(option_str.GetString(), has_arg,
-                                    option_arg);
-    // Find option in the argument list; also see if it was supposed to take
-    // an argument and if one was supplied.  Remove option (and argument, if
-    // given) from the argument list.  Also remove them from the
-    // raw_input_string, if one was passed in.
-    size_t idx = FindArgumentIndexForOption(long_options, long_options_index);
-    if (idx == size_t(-1))
-      continue;
-    if (!result_string.empty()) {
-      auto tmp_arg = m_entries[idx].ref;
-      size_t pos = result_string.find(tmp_arg);
-      if (pos != std::string::npos)
-        result_string.erase(pos, tmp_arg.size());
-    }
-    ReplaceArgumentAtIndex(idx, llvm::StringRef());
-    if ((long_options[long_options_index].definition->option_has_arg !=
-         OptionParser::eNoArgument) &&
-        (OptionParser::GetOptionArgument() != nullptr) &&
-        (idx + 1 < GetArgumentCount()) &&
-        (m_entries[idx + 1].ref == OptionParser::GetOptionArgument())) {
-      if (result_string.size() > 0) {
-        auto tmp_arg = m_entries[idx + 1].ref;
-        size_t pos = result_string.find(tmp_arg);
-        if (pos != std::string::npos)
-          result_string.erase(pos, tmp_arg.size());
-      }
-      ReplaceArgumentAtIndex(idx + 1, llvm::StringRef());
-    }
-  }
-  return result_string;
-void Args::ParseArgsForCompletion(Options &options,
-                                  OptionElementVector &option_element_vector,
-                                  uint32_t cursor_index) {
-  StreamString sstr;
-  Option *long_options = options.GetLongOptions();
-  option_element_vector.clear();
-  if (long_options == nullptr) {
-    return;
-  }
-  // Leading : tells getopt to return a : for a missing option argument AND
-  // to suppress error messages.
-  sstr << ":";
-  for (int i = 0; long_options[i].definition != nullptr; ++i) {
-    if (long_options[i].flag == nullptr) {
-      sstr << (char)long_options[i].val;
-      switch (long_options[i].definition->option_has_arg) {
-      default:
-      case OptionParser::eNoArgument:
-        break;
-      case OptionParser::eRequiredArgument:
-        sstr << ":";
-        break;
-      case OptionParser::eOptionalArgument:
-        sstr << "::";
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock;
-  OptionParser::Prepare(lock);
-  OptionParser::EnableError(false);
-  int val;
-  auto opt_defs = options.GetDefinitions();
-  // Fooey... OptionParser::Parse permutes the GetArgumentVector to move the
-  // options to the front. So we have to build another Arg and pass that to
-  // OptionParser::Parse so it doesn't change the one we have.
-  std::vector<char *> dummy_vec = m_argv;
-  bool failed_once = false;
-  uint32_t dash_dash_pos = -1;
-  while (1) {
-    bool missing_argument = false;
-    int long_options_index = -1;
-    val = OptionParser::Parse(dummy_vec.size() - 1, &dummy_vec[0],
-                              sstr.GetString(), long_options,
-                              &long_options_index);
-    if (val == -1) {
-      // When we're completing a "--" which is the last option on line,
-      if (failed_once)
-        break;
-      failed_once = true;
-      // If this is a bare  "--" we mark it as such so we can complete it
-      // successfully later.
-      // Handling the "--" is a little tricky, since that may mean end of
-      // options or arguments, or the
-      // user might want to complete options by long name.  I make this work by
-      // checking whether the
-      // cursor is in the "--" argument, and if so I assume we're completing the
-      // long option, otherwise
-      // I let it pass to OptionParser::Parse which will terminate the option
-      // parsing.
-      // Note, in either case we continue parsing the line so we can figure out
-      // what other options
-      // were passed.  This will be useful when we come to restricting
-      // completions based on what other
-      // options we've seen on the line.
-      if (static_cast<size_t>(OptionParser::GetOptionIndex()) <
-              dummy_vec.size() - 1 &&
-          (strcmp(dummy_vec[OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1], "--") == 0)) {
-        dash_dash_pos = OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1;
-        if (static_cast<size_t>(OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1) ==
-            cursor_index) {
-          option_element_vector.push_back(
-              OptionArgElement(OptionArgElement::eBareDoubleDash,
-                               OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1,
-                               OptionArgElement::eBareDoubleDash));
-          continue;
-        } else
-          break;
-      } else
-        break;
-    } else if (val == '?') {
-      option_element_vector.push_back(
-          OptionArgElement(OptionArgElement::eUnrecognizedArg,
-                           OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1,
-                           OptionArgElement::eUnrecognizedArg));
-      continue;
-    } else if (val == 0) {
-      continue;
-    } else if (val == ':') {
-      // This is a missing argument.
-      val = OptionParser::GetOptionErrorCause();
-      missing_argument = true;
-    }
-    ((Options *)&options)->OptionSeen(val);
-    // Look up the long option index
-    if (long_options_index == -1) {
-      for (int j = 0; long_options[j].definition || long_options[j].flag ||
-                      long_options[j].val;
-           ++j) {
-        if (long_options[j].val == val) {
-          long_options_index = j;
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // See if the option takes an argument, and see if one was supplied.
-    if (long_options_index >= 0) {
-      int opt_defs_index = -1;
-      for (size_t i = 0; i < opt_defs.size(); i++) {
-        if (opt_defs[i].short_option != val)
-          continue;
-        opt_defs_index = i;
-        break;
-      }
-      const OptionDefinition *def = long_options[long_options_index].definition;
-      int has_arg =
-          (def == nullptr) ? OptionParser::eNoArgument : def->option_has_arg;
-      switch (has_arg) {
-      case OptionParser::eNoArgument:
-        option_element_vector.push_back(OptionArgElement(
-            opt_defs_index, OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1, 0));
-        break;
-      case OptionParser::eRequiredArgument:
-        if (OptionParser::GetOptionArgument() != nullptr) {
-          int arg_index;
-          if (missing_argument)
-            arg_index = -1;
-          else
-            arg_index = OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1;
-          option_element_vector.push_back(OptionArgElement(
-              opt_defs_index, OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 2, arg_index));
-        } else {
-          option_element_vector.push_back(OptionArgElement(
-              opt_defs_index, OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1, -1));
-        }
-        break;
-      case OptionParser::eOptionalArgument:
-        if (OptionParser::GetOptionArgument() != nullptr) {
-          option_element_vector.push_back(OptionArgElement(
-              opt_defs_index, OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 2,
-              OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1));
-        } else {
-          option_element_vector.push_back(OptionArgElement(
-              opt_defs_index, OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 2,
-              OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1));
-        }
-        break;
-      default:
-        // The options table is messed up.  Here we'll just continue
-        option_element_vector.push_back(
-            OptionArgElement(OptionArgElement::eUnrecognizedArg,
-                             OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1,
-                             OptionArgElement::eUnrecognizedArg));
-        break;
-      }
-    } else {
-      option_element_vector.push_back(
-          OptionArgElement(OptionArgElement::eUnrecognizedArg,
-                           OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1,
-                           OptionArgElement::eUnrecognizedArg));
-    }
-  }
-  // Finally we have to handle the case where the cursor index points at a
-  // single "-".  We want to mark that in
-  // the option_element_vector, but only if it is not after the "--".  But it
-  // turns out that OptionParser::Parse just ignores
-  // an isolated "-".  So we have to look it up by hand here.  We only care if
-  // it is AT the cursor position.
-  // Note, a single quoted dash is not the same as a single dash...
-  const ArgEntry &cursor = m_entries[cursor_index];
-  if ((static_cast<int32_t>(dash_dash_pos) == -1 ||
-       cursor_index < dash_dash_pos) &&
-      cursor.quote == '\0' && cursor.ref == "-") {
-    option_element_vector.push_back(
-        OptionArgElement(OptionArgElement::eBareDash, cursor_index,
-                         OptionArgElement::eBareDash));
-  }
 void Args::EncodeEscapeSequences(const char *src, std::string &dst) {
   if (src) {
Index: source/Interpreter/CommandAlias.cpp
--- source/Interpreter/CommandAlias.cpp
+++ source/Interpreter/CommandAlias.cpp
@@ -40,12 +40,17 @@
     ExecutionContext exe_ctx =
-    args.Unshift(llvm::StringRef("dummy_arg"));
-    options_string = args.ParseAliasOptions(*options, result, option_arg_vector,
-                                            options_args);
-    args.Shift();
-    if (result.Succeeded())
-      options->VerifyPartialOptions(result);
+    llvm::Expected<Args> args_or =
+        options->ParseAlias(args, option_arg_vector, options_string);
+    if (!args_or) {
+      result.AppendError(toString(args_or.takeError()));
+      result.AppendError("Unable to create requested alias.\n");
+      result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed);
+      return false;
+    }
+    args = std::move(*args_or);
+    options->VerifyPartialOptions(result);
     if (!result.Succeeded() &&
         result.GetStatus() != lldb::eReturnStatusStarted) {
       result.AppendError("Unable to create requested alias.\n");
Index: source/Interpreter/CommandObject.cpp
--- source/Interpreter/CommandObject.cpp
+++ source/Interpreter/CommandObject.cpp
@@ -104,20 +104,16 @@
     auto exe_ctx = GetCommandInterpreter().GetExecutionContext();
-    // ParseOptions calls getopt_long_only, which always skips the zero'th item
-    // in the array and starts at position 1,
-    // so we need to push a dummy value into position zero.
-    args.Unshift(llvm::StringRef("dummy_string"));
     const bool require_validation = true;
-    error = args.ParseOptions(*options, &exe_ctx,
-                              GetCommandInterpreter().GetPlatform(true),
-                              require_validation);
+    llvm::Expected<Args> args_or = options->Parse(
+        args, &exe_ctx, GetCommandInterpreter().GetPlatform(true),
+        require_validation);
-    // The "dummy_string" will have already been removed by ParseOptions,
-    // so no need to remove it.
-    if (error.Success())
+    if (args_or) {
+      args = std::move(*args_or);
       error = options->NotifyOptionParsingFinished(&exe_ctx);
+    } else
+      error = args_or.takeError();
     if (error.Success()) {
       if (options->VerifyOptions(result))
@@ -285,20 +281,7 @@
     OptionElementVector opt_element_vector;
     if (cur_options != nullptr) {
-      // Re-insert the dummy command name string which will have been
-      // stripped off:
-      input.Unshift(llvm::StringRef("dummy-string"));
-      cursor_index++;
-      // I stick an element on the end of the input, because if the last element
-      // is option that requires an argument, getopt_long_only will freak out.
-      input.AppendArgument(llvm::StringRef("<FAKE-VALUE>"));
-      input.ParseArgsForCompletion(*cur_options, opt_element_vector,
-                                   cursor_index);
-      input.DeleteArgumentAtIndex(input.GetArgumentCount() - 1);
+      opt_element_vector = cur_options->ParseForCompletion(input, cursor_index);
       bool handled_by_options;
       handled_by_options = cur_options->HandleOptionCompletion(
Index: source/Interpreter/Options.cpp
--- source/Interpreter/Options.cpp
+++ source/Interpreter/Options.cpp
@@ -951,3 +951,527 @@
   return error;
+// OptionParser permutes the arguments while processing them, so we create a
+// temporary array holding to avoid modification of the input arguments. The
+// options themselves are never modified, but the API expects a char * anyway,
+// hence the const_cast.
+static std::vector<char *> GetArgvForParsing(const Args &args) {
+  std::vector<char *> result;
+  // OptionParser always skips the first argument as it is based on getopt().
+  result.push_back(const_cast<char *>("<FAKE-ARG0>"));
+  for (const Args::ArgEntry &entry : args)
+    result.push_back(const_cast<char *>(entry.c_str()));
+  return result;
+// Given a permuted argument, find it's position in the original Args vector.
+static Args::const_iterator FindOriginalIter(const char *arg,
+                                             const Args &original) {
+  return llvm::find_if(
+      original, [arg](const Args::ArgEntry &D) { return D.c_str() == arg; });
+// Given a permuted argument, find it's index in the original Args vector.
+static size_t FindOriginalIndex(const char *arg, const Args &original) {
+  return std::distance(original.begin(), FindOriginalIter(arg, original));
+// Construct a new Args object, consisting of the entries from the original
+// arguments, but in the permuted order.
+static Args ReconstituteArgsAfterParsing(llvm::ArrayRef<char *> parsed,
+                                         const Args &original) {
+  Args result;
+  for (const char *arg : parsed) {
+    auto pos = FindOriginalIter(arg, original);
+    assert(pos != original.end());
+    result.AppendArgument(pos->ref, pos->quote);
+  }
+  return result;
+static size_t FindArgumentIndexForOption(const Args &args,
+                                         const Option &long_option) {
+  std::string short_opt = llvm::formatv("-{0}", char(long_option.val)).str();
+  std::string long_opt =
+      llvm::formatv("--{0}", long_option.definition->long_option);
+  for (const auto &entry : llvm::enumerate(args)) {
+    if (entry.value().ref.startswith(short_opt) ||
+        entry.value().ref.startswith(long_opt))
+      return entry.index();
+  }
+  return size_t(-1);
+llvm::Expected<Args> Options::ParseAlias(const Args &args,
+                                         OptionArgVector *option_arg_vector,
+                                         std::string &input_line) {
+  StreamString sstr;
+  int i;
+  Option *long_options = GetLongOptions();
+  if (long_options == nullptr) {
+    return llvm::make_error<llvm::StringError>("Invalid long options",
+                                               llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode());
+  }
+  for (i = 0; long_options[i].definition != nullptr; ++i) {
+    if (long_options[i].flag == nullptr) {
+      sstr << (char)long_options[i].val;
+      switch (long_options[i].definition->option_has_arg) {
+      default:
+      case OptionParser::eNoArgument:
+        break;
+      case OptionParser::eRequiredArgument:
+        sstr << ":";
+        break;
+      case OptionParser::eOptionalArgument:
+        sstr << "::";
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  Args args_copy = args;
+  std::vector<char *> argv = GetArgvForParsing(args);
+  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock;
+  OptionParser::Prepare(lock);
+  int val;
+  while (1) {
+    int long_options_index = -1;
+    val = OptionParser::Parse(argv.size(), &*argv.begin(), sstr.GetString(),
+                              long_options, &long_options_index);
+    if (val == -1)
+      break;
+    if (val == '?') {
+      return llvm::make_error<llvm::StringError>(
+          "Unknown or ambiguous option", llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode());
+    }
+    if (val == 0)
+      continue;
+    OptionSeen(val);
+    // Look up the long option index
+    if (long_options_index == -1) {
+      for (int j = 0; long_options[j].definition || long_options[j].flag ||
+                      long_options[j].val;
+           ++j) {
+        if (long_options[j].val == val) {
+          long_options_index = j;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // See if the option takes an argument, and see if one was supplied.
+    if (long_options_index == -1) {
+      return llvm::make_error<llvm::StringError>(
+          llvm::formatv("Invalid option with value '{0}'.", char(val)).str(),
+          llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode());
+    }
+    StreamString option_str;
+    option_str.Printf("-%c", val);
+    const OptionDefinition *def = long_options[long_options_index].definition;
+    int has_arg =
+        (def == nullptr) ? OptionParser::eNoArgument : def->option_has_arg;
+    const char *option_arg = nullptr;
+    switch (has_arg) {
+    case OptionParser::eRequiredArgument:
+      if (OptionParser::GetOptionArgument() == nullptr) {
+        return llvm::make_error<llvm::StringError>(
+            llvm::formatv("Option '{0}' is missing argument specifier.",
+                          option_str.GetString())
+                .str(),
+            llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode());
+      }
+    case OptionParser::eOptionalArgument:
+      option_arg = OptionParser::GetOptionArgument();
+    case OptionParser::eNoArgument:
+      break;
+    default:
+      return llvm::make_error<llvm::StringError>(
+          llvm::formatv("error with options table; invalid value in has_arg "
+                        "field for option '{0}'.",
+                        char(val))
+              .str(),
+          llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode());
+    }
+    if (!option_arg)
+      option_arg = "<no-argument>";
+    option_arg_vector->emplace_back(option_str.GetString(), has_arg,
+                                    option_arg);
+    // Find option in the argument list; also see if it was supposed to take
+    // an argument and if one was supplied.  Remove option (and argument, if
+    // given) from the argument list.  Also remove them from the
+    // raw_input_string, if one was passed in.
+    size_t idx =
+        FindArgumentIndexForOption(args_copy, long_options[long_options_index]);
+    if (idx == size_t(-1))
+      continue;
+    if (!input_line.empty()) {
+      auto tmp_arg = args_copy[idx].ref;
+      size_t pos = input_line.find(tmp_arg);
+      if (pos != std::string::npos)
+        input_line.erase(pos, tmp_arg.size());
+    }
+    args_copy.DeleteArgumentAtIndex(idx);
+    if ((long_options[long_options_index].definition->option_has_arg !=
+         OptionParser::eNoArgument) &&
+        (OptionParser::GetOptionArgument() != nullptr) &&
+        (idx < args_copy.GetArgumentCount()) &&
+        (args_copy[idx].ref == OptionParser::GetOptionArgument())) {
+      if (input_line.size() > 0) {
+        auto tmp_arg = args_copy[idx].ref;
+        size_t pos = input_line.find(tmp_arg);
+        if (pos != std::string::npos)
+          input_line.erase(pos, tmp_arg.size());
+      }
+      args_copy.DeleteArgumentAtIndex(idx);
+    }
+  }
+  return std::move(args_copy);
+OptionElementVector Options::ParseForCompletion(const Args &args,
+                                                uint32_t cursor_index) {
+  OptionElementVector option_element_vector;
+  StreamString sstr;
+  Option *long_options = GetLongOptions();
+  option_element_vector.clear();
+  if (long_options == nullptr)
+    return option_element_vector;
+  // Leading : tells getopt to return a : for a missing option argument AND
+  // to suppress error messages.
+  sstr << ":";
+  for (int i = 0; long_options[i].definition != nullptr; ++i) {
+    if (long_options[i].flag == nullptr) {
+      sstr << (char)long_options[i].val;
+      switch (long_options[i].definition->option_has_arg) {
+      default:
+      case OptionParser::eNoArgument:
+        break;
+      case OptionParser::eRequiredArgument:
+        sstr << ":";
+        break;
+      case OptionParser::eOptionalArgument:
+        sstr << "::";
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock;
+  OptionParser::Prepare(lock);
+  OptionParser::EnableError(false);
+  int val;
+  auto opt_defs = GetDefinitions();
+  std::vector<char *> dummy_vec = GetArgvForParsing(args);
+  // I stick an element on the end of the input, because if the last element
+  // is option that requires an argument, getopt_long_only will freak out.
+  dummy_vec.push_back(const_cast<char *>("<FAKE-VALUE>"));
+  bool failed_once = false;
+  uint32_t dash_dash_pos = -1;
+  while (1) {
+    bool missing_argument = false;
+    int long_options_index = -1;
+    val = OptionParser::Parse(dummy_vec.size(), &dummy_vec[0], sstr.GetString(),
+                              long_options, &long_options_index);
+    if (val == -1) {
+      // When we're completing a "--" which is the last option on line,
+      if (failed_once)
+        break;
+      failed_once = true;
+      // If this is a bare  "--" we mark it as such so we can complete it
+      // successfully later.  Handling the "--" is a little tricky, since that
+      // may mean end of options or arguments, or the user might want to
+      // complete options by long name.  I make this work by checking whether
+      // the cursor is in the "--" argument, and if so I assume we're
+      // completing the long option, otherwise I let it pass to
+      // OptionParser::Parse which will terminate the option parsing.  Note, in
+      // either case we continue parsing the line so we can figure out what
+      // other options were passed.  This will be useful when we come to
+      // restricting completions based on what other options we've seen on the
+      // line.
+      if (static_cast<size_t>(OptionParser::GetOptionIndex()) <
+              dummy_vec.size() &&
+          (strcmp(dummy_vec[OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1], "--") == 0)) {
+        dash_dash_pos = FindOriginalIndex(
+            dummy_vec[OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1], args);
+        if (dash_dash_pos == cursor_index) {
+          option_element_vector.push_back(
+              OptionArgElement(OptionArgElement::eBareDoubleDash, dash_dash_pos,
+                               OptionArgElement::eBareDoubleDash));
+          continue;
+        } else
+          break;
+      } else
+        break;
+    } else if (val == '?') {
+      option_element_vector.push_back(OptionArgElement(
+          OptionArgElement::eUnrecognizedArg,
+          FindOriginalIndex(dummy_vec[OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1],
+                            args),
+          OptionArgElement::eUnrecognizedArg));
+      continue;
+    } else if (val == 0) {
+      continue;
+    } else if (val == ':') {
+      // This is a missing argument.
+      val = OptionParser::GetOptionErrorCause();
+      missing_argument = true;
+    }
+    OptionSeen(val);
+    // Look up the long option index
+    if (long_options_index == -1) {
+      for (int j = 0; long_options[j].definition || long_options[j].flag ||
+                      long_options[j].val;
+           ++j) {
+        if (long_options[j].val == val) {
+          long_options_index = j;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // See if the option takes an argument, and see if one was supplied.
+    if (long_options_index >= 0) {
+      int opt_defs_index = -1;
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < opt_defs.size(); i++) {
+        if (opt_defs[i].short_option != val)
+          continue;
+        opt_defs_index = i;
+        break;
+      }
+      const OptionDefinition *def = long_options[long_options_index].definition;
+      int has_arg =
+          (def == nullptr) ? OptionParser::eNoArgument : def->option_has_arg;
+      switch (has_arg) {
+      case OptionParser::eNoArgument:
+        option_element_vector.push_back(OptionArgElement(
+            opt_defs_index,
+            FindOriginalIndex(dummy_vec[OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1],
+                              args),
+            0));
+        break;
+      case OptionParser::eRequiredArgument:
+        if (OptionParser::GetOptionArgument() != nullptr) {
+          int arg_index;
+          if (missing_argument)
+            arg_index = -1;
+          else
+            arg_index = OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 2;
+          option_element_vector.push_back(OptionArgElement(
+              opt_defs_index,
+              FindOriginalIndex(dummy_vec[OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 2],
+                                args),
+              arg_index));
+        } else {
+          option_element_vector.push_back(OptionArgElement(
+              opt_defs_index,
+              FindOriginalIndex(dummy_vec[OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1],
+                                args),
+              -1));
+        }
+        break;
+      case OptionParser::eOptionalArgument:
+        if (OptionParser::GetOptionArgument() != nullptr) {
+          option_element_vector.push_back(OptionArgElement(
+              opt_defs_index,
+              FindOriginalIndex(dummy_vec[OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 2],
+                                args),
+              FindOriginalIndex(dummy_vec[OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1],
+                                args)));
+        } else {
+          option_element_vector.push_back(OptionArgElement(
+              opt_defs_index,
+              FindOriginalIndex(dummy_vec[OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 2],
+                                args),
+              FindOriginalIndex(dummy_vec[OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1],
+                                args)));
+        }
+        break;
+      default:
+        // The options table is messed up.  Here we'll just continue
+        option_element_vector.push_back(OptionArgElement(
+            OptionArgElement::eUnrecognizedArg,
+            FindOriginalIndex(dummy_vec[OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1],
+                              args),
+            OptionArgElement::eUnrecognizedArg));
+        break;
+      }
+    } else {
+      option_element_vector.push_back(OptionArgElement(
+          OptionArgElement::eUnrecognizedArg,
+          FindOriginalIndex(dummy_vec[OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1],
+                            args),
+          OptionArgElement::eUnrecognizedArg));
+    }
+  }
+  // Finally we have to handle the case where the cursor index points at a
+  // single "-".  We want to mark that in
+  // the option_element_vector, but only if it is not after the "--".  But it
+  // turns out that OptionParser::Parse just ignores
+  // an isolated "-".  So we have to look it up by hand here.  We only care if
+  // it is AT the cursor position.
+  // Note, a single quoted dash is not the same as a single dash...
+  const Args::ArgEntry &cursor = args[cursor_index];
+  if ((static_cast<int32_t>(dash_dash_pos) == -1 ||
+       cursor_index < dash_dash_pos) &&
+      cursor.quote == '\0' && cursor.ref == "-") {
+    option_element_vector.push_back(
+        OptionArgElement(OptionArgElement::eBareDash, cursor_index,
+                         OptionArgElement::eBareDash));
+  }
+  return option_element_vector;
+llvm::Expected<Args> Options::Parse(const Args &args,
+                                    ExecutionContext *execution_context,
+                                    lldb::PlatformSP platform_sp,
+                                    bool require_validation) {
+  StreamString sstr;
+  Status error;
+  Option *long_options = GetLongOptions();
+  if (long_options == nullptr) {
+    return llvm::make_error<llvm::StringError>("Invalid long options.",
+                                               llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode());
+  }
+  for (int i = 0; long_options[i].definition != nullptr; ++i) {
+    if (long_options[i].flag == nullptr) {
+      if (isprint8(long_options[i].val)) {
+        sstr << (char)long_options[i].val;
+        switch (long_options[i].definition->option_has_arg) {
+        default:
+        case OptionParser::eNoArgument:
+          break;
+        case OptionParser::eRequiredArgument:
+          sstr << ':';
+          break;
+        case OptionParser::eOptionalArgument:
+          sstr << "::";
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  std::vector<char *> argv = GetArgvForParsing(args);
+  std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock;
+  OptionParser::Prepare(lock);
+  int val;
+  while (1) {
+    int long_options_index = -1;
+    val = OptionParser::Parse(argv.size(), &*argv.begin(), sstr.GetString(),
+                              long_options, &long_options_index);
+    if (val == -1)
+      break;
+    // Did we get an error?
+    if (val == '?') {
+      error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("unknown or ambiguous option");
+      break;
+    }
+    // The option auto-set itself
+    if (val == 0)
+      continue;
+    OptionSeen(val);
+    // Lookup the long option index
+    if (long_options_index == -1) {
+      for (int i = 0; long_options[i].definition || long_options[i].flag ||
+                      long_options[i].val;
+           ++i) {
+        if (long_options[i].val == val) {
+          long_options_index = i;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // Call the callback with the option
+    if (long_options_index >= 0 &&
+        long_options[long_options_index].definition) {
+      const OptionDefinition *def = long_options[long_options_index].definition;
+      if (!platform_sp) {
+        // User did not pass in an explicit platform.  Try to grab
+        // from the execution context.
+        TargetSP target_sp =
+            execution_context ? execution_context->GetTargetSP() : TargetSP();
+        platform_sp = target_sp ? target_sp->GetPlatform() : PlatformSP();
+      }
+      OptionValidator *validator = def->validator;
+      if (!platform_sp && require_validation) {
+        // Caller requires validation but we cannot validate as we
+        // don't have the mandatory platform against which to
+        // validate.
+        return llvm::make_error<llvm::StringError>(
+            "cannot validate options: no platform available",
+            llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode());
+      }
+      bool validation_failed = false;
+      if (platform_sp) {
+        // Ensure we have an execution context, empty or not.
+        ExecutionContext dummy_context;
+        ExecutionContext *exe_ctx_p =
+            execution_context ? execution_context : &dummy_context;
+        if (validator && !validator->IsValid(*platform_sp, *exe_ctx_p)) {
+          validation_failed = true;
+          error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("Option \"%s\" invalid.  %s",
+                                         def->long_option,
+                                         def->validator->LongConditionString());
+        }
+      }
+      // As long as validation didn't fail, we set the option value.
+      if (!validation_failed)
+        error =
+            SetOptionValue(long_options_index,
+                           (def->option_has_arg == OptionParser::eNoArgument)
+                               ? nullptr
+                               : OptionParser::GetOptionArgument(),
+                           execution_context);
+    } else {
+      error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("invalid option with value '%i'", val);
+    }
+    if (error.Fail())
+      return error.ToError();
+  }
+  argv.erase(argv.begin(), argv.begin() + OptionParser::GetOptionIndex());
+  return ReconstituteArgsAfterParsing(argv, args);
Index: source/Plugins/StructuredData/DarwinLog/StructuredDataDarwinLog.cpp
--- source/Plugins/StructuredData/DarwinLog/StructuredDataDarwinLog.cpp
+++ source/Plugins/StructuredData/DarwinLog/StructuredDataDarwinLog.cpp
@@ -1013,6 +1013,7 @@
 EnableOptionsSP ParseAutoEnableOptions(Status &error, Debugger &debugger) {
+  Log *log = GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_PROCESS);
   // We are abusing the options data model here so that we can parse
   // options without requiring the Debugger instance.
@@ -1051,15 +1052,16 @@
-  // ParseOptions calls getopt_long_only, which always skips the zero'th item in
-  // the array and starts at position 1,
-  // so we need to push a dummy value into position zero.
-  args.Unshift(llvm::StringRef("dummy_string"));
   bool require_validation = false;
-  error = args.ParseOptions(*options_sp.get(), &exe_ctx, PlatformSP(),
-                            require_validation);
-  if (!error.Success())
+  llvm::Expected<Args> args_or =
+      options_sp->Parse(args, &exe_ctx, PlatformSP(), require_validation);
+  if (!args_or) {
+        log, args_or.takeError(),
+        "Parsing value "
+        "failed: {0}");
     return EnableOptionsSP();
+  }
   if (!options_sp->VerifyOptions(result))
     return EnableOptionsSP();