Index: www/analyzer/faq.html =================================================================== --- www/analyzer/faq.html +++ www/analyzer/faq.html @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
The clang command line option --analyze enables usage on a single +file:
+ ++clang --analyze myfile.c ++ +
All usual clang flags may be used, +e.g. a custom include directory may be specified:
+ ++clang --analyze -Iinclude myotherfile.c ++ +
Moreover, the clang-check +tool can be used to automatically extract +flags from the +compilation database:
+ ++clang-check -analyze -p db-folder myfile.c ++ +
HTML reports can be generated by passing the following command line flag:
+ ++clang --analyze -Xclang -analyzer-output=html mythirdfile.c -o report ++ +
This invocation would generate an HTML report for each issue found +in a translation unit, and place it in the directory report.
+ +