Index: ELF/OutputSections.h
--- ELF/OutputSections.h
+++ ELF/OutputSections.h
@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@
   std::string MemoryRegionName;
   std::string LMARegionName;
   bool Noload = false;
+  StringRef InsertAfter;
   template <class ELFT> void finalize();
   template <class ELFT> void writeTo(uint8_t *Buf);
Index: ELF/ScriptParser.cpp
--- ELF/ScriptParser.cpp
+++ ELF/ScriptParser.cpp
@@ -457,6 +457,15 @@
+  if (consume("INSERT")) {
+    expect("AFTER");
+    StringRef After = next();
+    for (BaseCommand *Base : Script->SectionCommands) {
+      auto *Sec = cast<OutputSection>(Base);
+      Sec->InsertAfter = After;
+    }
+  }
 static int precedence(StringRef Op) {
Index: ELF/Writer.cpp
--- ELF/Writer.cpp
+++ ELF/Writer.cpp
@@ -1109,6 +1109,30 @@
   // after another commands. For the details, look at shouldSkip
   // function.
+  // For handling "INSERT AFTER" we make all inserted sections to be orphans,
+  // because according to specification insertion point is as for oprhan
+  // sections.
+  for (BaseCommand *&Base : Script->SectionCommands)
+    if (auto *Sec = dyn_cast<OutputSection>(Base))
+      if (!Sec->InsertAfter.empty())
+        Sec->SectionIndex = INT_MAX;
+  // We assuming that sections inserted with "INSERT AFTER" are not referencing
+  // each other for simplivity, so just placing them to the end and let orphans
+  // heuristic code do all job about placing them after already created
+  // sections.
+  std::stable_sort(Script->SectionCommands.begin(),
+                   Script->SectionCommands.end(),
+                   [](const BaseCommand *ACmd, const BaseCommand *BCmd) {
+                     auto *SecA = dyn_cast<OutputSection>(ACmd);
+                     auto *SecB = dyn_cast<OutputSection>(BCmd);
+                     if (!SecA || !SecB)
+                       return false;
+                     if (SecA->InsertAfter.empty() == SecB->InsertAfter.empty())
+                       return false;
+                     return SecA->InsertAfter.empty();
+                   });
   auto I = Script->SectionCommands.begin();
   auto E = Script->SectionCommands.end();
   auto NonScriptI = std::find_if(I, E, [](BaseCommand *Base) {
@@ -1143,9 +1167,9 @@
     std::rotate(Pos, NonScriptI, End);
     NonScriptI = End;
-  }
+    }
-  Script->adjustSectionsAfterSorting();
+    Script->adjustSectionsAfterSorting();
 static bool compareByFilePosition(InputSection *A, InputSection *B) {
Index: test/ELF/linkerscript/insert-after.s
--- test/ELF/linkerscript/insert-after.s
+++ test/ELF/linkerscript/insert-after.s
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# REQUIRES: x86
+# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=x86_64-unknown-linux %s -o %t1.o
+# RUN: echo "SECTIONS {                                         \
+# RUN:   .bar1 : { __start_bar1 = .; *(.foo1) __end_bar1 = .; } \
+# RUN:  } INSERT AFTER .data;                                   \
+# RUN:  SECTIONS {                                              \
+# RUN:   .bar2 : { __start_bar2 = .; *(.foo2) __end_bar2 = .; } \
+# RUN:  } INSERT AFTER .text;" > %t.script
+# RUN: ld.lld %t1.o -o %t1 --script %t.script
+# RUN: llvm-objdump -section-headers %t1 | FileCheck %s
+# CHECK:      Sections:
+# CHECK-NEXT: Idx Name          Size      Address          Type
+# CHECK-NEXT:   0               00000000 0000000000000000
+# CHECK-NEXT:   1 .text         00000001 0000000000000000 TEXT DATA
+# CHECK-NEXT:   2 .bar2         00000008 0000000000000001 TEXT DATA
+# CHECK-NEXT:   3 .data         00000008 0000000000000009 DATA
+# CHECK-NEXT:   4 .bar1         00000008 0000000000000011 DATA
+# CHECK-NEXT:   5 .comment      00000008 0000000000000000
+# CHECK-NEXT:   6 .symtab       00000090 0000000000000000
+# CHECK-NEXT:   7 .shstrtab     0000003c 0000000000000000
+# CHECK-NEXT:   8 .strtab       00000038 0000000000000000
+ _start
+ nop
+.section .data,"aw"
+.quad 0
+.section .foo1,"aw"
+.quad 1
+.section .foo2,"ax"
+.quad 1