Index: make/platform/
--- /dev/null
+++ make/platform/
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+Description = compiler runtime library for clang/Windows
+CheckArchSource := $(ProjSrcRoot)/make/platform/clang_windows_test_input.c
+CheckArch = \
+  $(shell                                                                       \
+      result="" ;                                                               \
+      for arch in $(1) ; do                                                     \
+	if $(CC) -target $$arch-windows-msvc -c $(CheckArchSource)              \
+		 -o /dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then                            \
+	  result="$$result$$arch " ;                                            \
+	else                                                                    \
+	  printf 1>&2 "warning: dropping arch '$$arch' from lib\n"; \
+	fi                                                                      \
+      done ;                                                                    \
+    echo $$result)
+AR     := ar
+CC     := clang
+RANLIB := ranlib
+STRIP  := strip
+CFLAGS.base := -fms-compatibility -ffreestanding -fomit-frame-pointer -Wall -Werror
+CFLAGS.armv7.sysroot :=
+CFLAGS.i686.sysroot :=
+  CFLAGS.i686.sysroot := -isystem $(LLVM_WINDOWS_X86_SYSROOT)/usr/include
+CFLAGS.x86_64.sysroot :=
+ifneq ($(LLVM_WINDOWS_X86_64_SYSROOT),)
+  CFLAGS.x86_64.sysroot := -isystem $(LLVM_WINDOWS_X86_64_SYSROOT)/usr/include
+# NOTE: the use of the itanium environment is due to the ARM assembly syntax;
+# the environment here is fully compatible with "msvc".  Explicitly add a -mcpu
+# option to enable the use of sdiv/udiv on the target.
+Platform.clang_windows.CFLAGS.pic.armv7 := -target thumbv7-windows-itanium $(CFLAGS.armv7.sysroot) -Os -fPIC $(CFLAGS.base) -mfloat-abi=hard -mcpu=cortex-a7 -mfpu=neon
+Platform.clang_windows.CFLAGS.pic.i686 := -target i686-windows-msvc $(CFLAGS.i686.sysroot) -Os -fPIC $(CFLAGS.base)
+Platform.clang_windows.CFLAGS.pic.x86_64 := -target x86_64-windows-msvc $(CFLAGS.x86_64.sysroot) -Os -fPIC $(CFLAGS.base)
+# Unwanted functions:
+#   + apple_versioning - Apple specific
+#   + enable_execute_stack - Windows disables executable stacks
+#   + eprintf - Apple specific
+#   + trampoline_step - PPC specific
+# TODO: _Atomic collides with the MSVC extension, resulting in compilation
+# failures for atomic routines.  Once that has been resolved, it should be added
+# to the common functions.
+FUNCTIONS.common := absvdi2 absvsi2 absvti2             \
+		    adddf3 addsf3                       \
+		    addvdi3 addvsi3 addvti3             \
+		    ashldi3 ashlti3                     \
+		    ashrdi3 ashrti3                     \
+		    clear_cache                         \
+		    clzdi2 clzsi2 clzti2                \
+		    cmpdi2 cmpti2                       \
+		    comparedf2 comparesf2 comparetf2    \
+		    ctzdi2 ctzsi2 ctzti2                \
+		    divdc3 divdf3 divdi3                \
+		    divmoddi4 divmodsi4                 \
+		    divsc3 divsf3 divsi3                \
+		    divti3 divxc3                       \
+		    extendsfdf2                         \
+		    ffsdi2 ffsti2                       \
+		    fixdfdi fixdfsi fixdfti             \
+		    fixsfdi fixsfsi fixsfti             \
+		    fixunsdfdi fixunsdfsi fixunsdfti    \
+		    fixunssfdi fixunssfsi fixunssfti    \
+		    fixunsxfdi fixunsxfsi fixunsxfti    \
+		    fixxfdi fixxfti                     \
+		    floatdidf floatdisf floatdixf       \
+		    floatsidf floatsisf                 \
+		    floattidf floattisf floattixf       \
+		    floatundidf floatundisf floatundixf \
+		    floatunsidf floatunsisf             \
+		    floatuntidf floatuntisf floatuntixf \
+		    gcc_personality_v0                  \
+		    int_util                            \
+		    lshrdi3 lshrti3                     \
+		    moddi3 modsi3 modti3                \
+		    muldc3 muldf3 muldi3                \
+		    mulodi4 mulosi4 muloti4             \
+		    mulsc3 mulsf3                       \
+		    multi3                              \
+		    mulvdi3 mulvsi3 mulvti3             \
+		    mulxc3                              \
+		    negdf2 negdi2                       \
+		    negsf2                              \
+		    negti2                              \
+		    negvdi2 negvsi2 negvti2             \
+		    paritydi2 paritysi2 parityti2       \
+		    popcountdi2 popcountsi2 popcountti2 \
+		    powidf2 powisf2 powitf2 powixf2     \
+		    subdf3 subsf3                       \
+		    subvdi3 subvsi3 subvti3             \
+		    truncdfsf2                          \
+		    ucmpdi2 ucmpti2                     \
+		    udivdi3                             \
+		    udivmoddi4 udivmodsi4 udivmodti4    \
+		    udivsi3 udivti3                     \
+		    umoddi3 umodsi3 umodti3             \
+		    $(NULL)
+# Unwanted Functions:
+#   + aeabi_*: Windows does not conform to AEABI
+#   + {restore,save}_vfp_d8_d15_regs: designed for Thumb1 SJLJ exceptions
+#   + switch{16,32,8,u8}: designed for Thumb1 CPUs to generate switch tables
+#   + sync_synchronize: for Thumb1 GCC __sync_synchronize intrinsic usage
+#   + *vfp: designed for Thumb1 CPUs with VFPv2
+FUNCTIONS.armv7 := bswapdi2 bswapsi2                    \
+		   sync_fetch_and_add_4                 \
+		   sync_fetch_and_sub_4                 \
+		   sync_fetch_and_and_4                 \
+		   sync_fetch_and_or_4                  \
+		   sync_fetch_and_xor_4                 \
+		   sync_fetch_and_nand_4                \
+		   sync_fetch_and_max_4                 \
+		   sync_fetch_and_umax_4                \
+		   sync_fetch_and_min_4                 \
+		   sync_fetch_and_umin_4                \
+		   sync_fetch_and_add_8                 \
+		   sync_fetch_and_sub_8                 \
+		   sync_fetch_and_and_8                 \
+		   sync_fetch_and_or_8                  \
+		   sync_fetch_and_xor_8                 \
+		   sync_fetch_and_nand_8                \
+		   sync_fetch_and_max_8                 \
+		   sync_fetch_and_umax_8                \
+		   sync_fetch_and_min_8                 \
+		   sync_fetch_and_umin_8                \
+		   $(NULL)
+FUNCTIONS.pic := $(FUNCTIONS.common)
+FUNCTIONS.pic.armv7 := $(FUNCTIONS.common) $(FUNCTIONS.armv7)
+Arch :=
+Configs := pic
+Arch.pic := $(call CheckArch,armv7 i686 x86_64)