Index: compiler-rt/trunk/include/xray/xray_log_interface.h
--- compiler-rt/trunk/include/xray/xray_log_interface.h
+++ compiler-rt/trunk/include/xray/xray_log_interface.h
@@ -159,6 +159,9 @@
   /// always have a handler for function entry and exit events. In case the
   /// implementation wants to support arg1 (or other future extensions to XRay
   /// logging) those MUST be installed by the installed 'log_init' handler.
+  ///
+  /// Because we didn't want to change the ABI of this struct, the arg1 handler
+  /// may be silently overwritten during initialization as well.
   void (*handle_arg0)(int32_t, XRayEntryType);
   /// The log implementation provided routine for when __xray_log_flushLog() is
Index: compiler-rt/trunk/lib/xray/xray_fdr_log_records.h
--- compiler-rt/trunk/lib/xray/xray_fdr_log_records.h
+++ compiler-rt/trunk/lib/xray/xray_fdr_log_records.h
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
+    CallArgument,
   // Use 7 bits to identify this record type.
   /* RecordKinds */ uint8_t RecordKind : 7;
Index: compiler-rt/trunk/lib/xray/xray_fdr_logging.h
--- compiler-rt/trunk/lib/xray/xray_fdr_logging.h
+++ compiler-rt/trunk/lib/xray/xray_fdr_logging.h
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
                                  void *Options, size_t OptionsSize);
 XRayLogInitStatus fdrLoggingFinalize();
 void fdrLoggingHandleArg0(int32_t FuncId, XRayEntryType Entry);
+void fdrLoggingHandleArg1(int32_t FuncId, XRayEntryType Entry, uint64_t Arg1);
 XRayLogFlushStatus fdrLoggingFlush();
 XRayLogInitStatus fdrLoggingReset();
Index: compiler-rt/trunk/lib/xray/
--- compiler-rt/trunk/lib/xray/
+++ compiler-rt/trunk/lib/xray/
@@ -196,9 +196,17 @@
 void fdrLoggingHandleArg0(int32_t FuncId,
                           XRayEntryType Entry) XRAY_NEVER_INSTRUMENT {
   auto TSC_CPU = getTimestamp();
-  __xray_fdr_internal::processFunctionHook(FuncId, Entry, std::get<0>(TSC_CPU),
-                                           std::get<1>(TSC_CPU), clock_gettime,
-                                           LoggingStatus, *BQ);
+  __xray_fdr_internal::processFunctionHook(
+      FuncId, Entry, std::get<0>(TSC_CPU), std::get<1>(TSC_CPU), 0,
+      clock_gettime, *BQ);
+void fdrLoggingHandleArg1(int32_t FuncId, XRayEntryType Entry,
+                          uint64_t Arg) XRAY_NEVER_INSTRUMENT {
+  auto TSC_CPU = getTimestamp();
+  __xray_fdr_internal::processFunctionHook(
+      FuncId, Entry, std::get<0>(TSC_CPU), std::get<1>(TSC_CPU), Arg,
+      clock_gettime, *BQ);
 void fdrLoggingHandleCustomEvent(void *Event,
@@ -280,6 +288,9 @@
     return XRayLogInitStatus::XRAY_LOG_UNINITIALIZED;
+  // Arg1 handler should go in first to avoid concurrent code accidentally
+  // falling back to arg0 when it should have ran arg1.
+  __xray_set_handler_arg1(fdrLoggingHandleArg1);
   // Install the actual handleArg0 handler after initialising the buffers.
Index: compiler-rt/trunk/lib/xray/xray_fdr_logging_impl.h
--- compiler-rt/trunk/lib/xray/xray_fdr_logging_impl.h
+++ compiler-rt/trunk/lib/xray/xray_fdr_logging_impl.h
@@ -91,19 +91,6 @@
 /// TSC Wrap records are written when a TSC delta encoding scheme overflows.
 static void writeTSCWrapMetadata(uint64_t TSC);
-/// Here's where the meat of the processing happens. The writer captures
-/// function entry, exit and tail exit points with a time and will create
-/// TSCWrap, NewCPUId and Function records as necessary. The writer might
-/// walk backward through its buffer and erase trivial functions to avoid
-/// polluting the log and may use the buffer queue to obtain or release a
-/// buffer.
-static void processFunctionHook(int32_t FuncId, XRayEntryType Entry,
-                                uint64_t TSC, unsigned char CPU,
-                                int (*wall_clock_reader)(clockid_t,
-                                                         struct timespec *),
-                                __sanitizer::atomic_sint32_t &LoggingStatus,
-                                const std::shared_ptr<BufferQueue> &BQ);
 // Group together thread-local-data in a struct, then hide it behind a function
 // call so that it can be initialized on first use instead of as a global.
 struct ThreadLocalData {
@@ -331,9 +318,22 @@
   writeTSCWrapMetadata(TSC, getThreadLocalData().RecordPtr);
-inline void writeFunctionRecord(int FuncId, uint32_t TSCDelta,
-                                XRayEntryType EntryType,
-                                char *&MemPtr) XRAY_NEVER_INSTRUMENT {
+// Call Argument metadata records store the arguments to a function in the
+// order of their appearance; holes are not supported by the buffer format.
+static inline void writeCallArgumentMetadata(uint64_t A) XRAY_NEVER_INSTRUMENT {
+  auto &TLD = getThreadLocalData();
+  MetadataRecord CallArg;
+  CallArg.Type = uint8_t(RecordType::Metadata);
+  CallArg.RecordKind = uint8_t(MetadataRecord::RecordKinds::CallArgument);
+  std::memcpy(CallArg.Data, &A, sizeof(A));
+  std::memcpy(TLD.RecordPtr, &CallArg, sizeof(MetadataRecord));
+  TLD.RecordPtr += sizeof(MetadataRecord);
+static inline void writeFunctionRecord(int FuncId, uint32_t TSCDelta,
+                                       XRayEntryType EntryType,
+                                       char *&MemPtr) XRAY_NEVER_INSTRUMENT {
   std::aligned_storage<sizeof(FunctionRecord), alignof(FunctionRecord)>::type
   auto &FuncRecord =
@@ -560,6 +560,41 @@
   return true;
 } // namespace __xray_fdr_internal
+// Compute the TSC difference between the time of measurement and the previous
+// event. There are a few interesting situations we need to account for:
+//   - The thread has migrated to a different CPU. If this is the case, then
+//     we write down the following records:
+//       1. A 'NewCPUId' Metadata record.
+//       2. A FunctionRecord with a 0 for the TSCDelta field.
+//   - The TSC delta is greater than the 32 bits we can store in a
+//     FunctionRecord. In this case we write down the following records:
+//       1. A 'TSCWrap' Metadata record.
+//       2. A FunctionRecord with a 0 for the TSCDelta field.
+//   - The TSC delta is representable within the 32 bits we can store in a
+//     FunctionRecord. In this case we write down just a FunctionRecord with
+//     the correct TSC delta.
+inline uint32_t writeCurrentCPUTSC(ThreadLocalData &TLD, uint64_t TSC, uint8_t CPU) {
+  if (CPU != TLD.CurrentCPU) {
+    // We've moved to a new CPU.
+    writeNewCPUIdMetadata(CPU, TSC);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  // If the delta is greater than the range for a uint32_t, then we write out
+  // the TSC wrap metadata entry with the full TSC, and the TSC for the
+  // function record be 0.
+  uint64_t Delta = TSC - TLD.LastTSC;
+  if (Delta <= std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max())
+    return Delta;
+  writeTSCWrapMetadata(TSC);
+  return 0;
 inline void endBufferIfFull() XRAY_NEVER_INSTRUMENT {
   auto &TLD = getThreadLocalData();
   auto BufferStart = static_cast<char *>(TLD.Buffer.Buffer);
@@ -573,10 +608,15 @@
 thread_local volatile bool Running = false;
+/// Here's where the meat of the processing happens. The writer captures
+/// function entry, exit and tail exit points with a time and will create
+/// TSCWrap, NewCPUId and Function records as necessary. The writer might
+/// walk backward through its buffer and erase trivial functions to avoid
+/// polluting the log and may use the buffer queue to obtain or release a
+/// buffer.
 inline void processFunctionHook(
     int32_t FuncId, XRayEntryType Entry, uint64_t TSC, unsigned char CPU,
-    int (*wall_clock_reader)(clockid_t, struct timespec *),
-    __sanitizer::atomic_sint32_t &LoggingStatus,
+    uint64_t Arg1, int (*wall_clock_reader)(clockid_t, struct timespec *),
     const std::shared_ptr<BufferQueue> &BQ) XRAY_NEVER_INSTRUMENT {
   // Prevent signal handler recursion, so in case we're already in a log writing
   // mode and the signal handler comes in (and is also instrumented) then we
@@ -609,10 +649,10 @@
   //   - The least number of bytes we will ever write is 8
   //     (sizeof(FunctionRecord)) only if the delta between the previous entry
   //     and this entry is within 32 bits.
-  //   - The most number of bytes we will ever write is 8 + 16 = 24. This is
-  //     computed by:
+  //   - The most number of bytes we will ever write is 8 + 16 + 16 = 40.
+  //     This is computed by:
-  //       sizeof(FunctionRecord) + sizeof(MetadataRecord)
+  //       MaxSize = sizeof(FunctionRecord) + 2 * sizeof(MetadataRecord)
   //     These arise in the following cases:
@@ -626,6 +666,7 @@
   //          FunctionRecord.
   //       3. When we learn about a new CPU ID, we need to write down a "new cpu
   //          id" MetadataRecord before writing out the actual FunctionRecord.
+  //       4. The second MetadataRecord is the optional function call argument.
   //   - An End-of-Buffer (EOB) MetadataRecord is 16 bytes.
@@ -634,53 +675,18 @@
   // MetadataRecord. If we don't have enough space after writing as much as 24
   // bytes in the end of the buffer, we need to write out the EOB, get a new
   // Buffer, set it up properly before doing any further writing.
-  //
-  if (!prepareBuffer(wall_clock_reader, FunctionRecSize + MetadataRecSize)) {
+  size_t MaxSize = FunctionRecSize + 2 * MetadataRecSize;
+  if (!prepareBuffer(wall_clock_reader, MaxSize)) {
     TLD.LocalBQ = nullptr;
-  // By this point, we are now ready to write at most 24 bytes (one metadata
-  // record and one function record).
-  assert((TLD.RecordPtr + (MetadataRecSize + FunctionRecSize)) -
-                 static_cast<char *>(TLD.Buffer.Buffer) >=
+  // By this point, we are now ready to write up to 40 bytes (explained above).
+  assert((TLD.RecordPtr + MaxSize) - static_cast<char *>(TLD.Buffer.Buffer) >=
              static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(MetadataRecSize) &&
          "Misconfigured BufferQueue provided; Buffer size not large enough.");
-  // Here we compute the TSC Delta. There are a few interesting situations we
-  // need to account for:
-  //
-  //   - The thread has migrated to a different CPU. If this is the case, then
-  //     we write down the following records:
-  //
-  //       1. A 'NewCPUId' Metadata record.
-  //       2. A FunctionRecord with a 0 for the TSCDelta field.
-  //
-  //   - The TSC delta is greater than the 32 bits we can store in a
-  //     FunctionRecord. In this case we write down the following records:
-  //
-  //       1. A 'TSCWrap' Metadata record.
-  //       2. A FunctionRecord with a 0 for the TSCDelta field.
-  //
-  //   - The TSC delta is representable within the 32 bits we can store in a
-  //     FunctionRecord. In this case we write down just a FunctionRecord with
-  //     the correct TSC delta.
-  //
-  uint32_t RecordTSCDelta = 0;
-  if (CPU != TLD.CurrentCPU) {
-    // We've moved to a new CPU.
-    writeNewCPUIdMetadata(CPU, TSC);
-  } else {
-    // If the delta is greater than the range for a uint32_t, then we write out
-    // the TSC wrap metadata entry with the full TSC, and the TSC for the
-    // function record be 0.
-    auto Delta = TSC - TLD.LastTSC;
-    if (Delta > (1ULL << 32) - 1)
-      writeTSCWrapMetadata(TSC);
-    else
-      RecordTSCDelta = Delta;
-  }
+  auto RecordTSCDelta = writeCurrentCPUTSC(TLD, TSC, CPU);
   TLD.LastTSC = TSC;
   TLD.CurrentCPU = CPU;
   switch (Entry) {
@@ -711,6 +717,8 @@
   writeFunctionRecord(FuncId, RecordTSCDelta, Entry, TLD.RecordPtr);
+  if (Entry == XRayEntryType::LOG_ARGS_ENTRY)
+    writeCallArgumentMetadata(Arg1);
   // If we've exhausted the buffer by this time, we then release the buffer to
   // make sure that other threads may start using this buffer.
Index: compiler-rt/trunk/lib/xray/xray_trampoline_x86_64.S
--- compiler-rt/trunk/lib/xray/xray_trampoline_x86_64.S
+++ compiler-rt/trunk/lib/xray/xray_trampoline_x86_64.S
@@ -173,11 +173,11 @@
-  // First argument will become the third
+	// First argument will become the third
 	movq	%rdi, %rdx
-  // XRayEntryType::ENTRY into the second
-	xorq	%rsi, %rsi
+	// XRayEntryType::LOG_ARGS_ENTRY into the second
+	mov	$0x3, %esi
 	// 32-bit function ID becomes the first
 	movl	%r10d, %edi
Index: compiler-rt/trunk/test/xray/TestCases/Linux/
--- compiler-rt/trunk/test/xray/TestCases/Linux/
+++ compiler-rt/trunk/test/xray/TestCases/Linux/
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
-  // CHECK: Arg1: 0, XRayEntryType 0
+  // CHECK: Arg1: 0, XRayEntryType 3
   foo((void *) 0xBADC0DE);
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
   foo((void *) 0xDEADBEEFCAFE);
-  // CHECK-NEXT: Arg1: deadbeefcafe, XRayEntryType 0
+  // CHECK-NEXT: Arg1: deadbeefcafe, XRayEntryType 3
   foo((void *) -1);
-  // CHECK-NEXT: Arg1: ffffffffffffffff, XRayEntryType 0
+  // CHECK-NEXT: Arg1: ffffffffffffffff, XRayEntryType 3
Index: compiler-rt/trunk/test/xray/TestCases/Linux/
--- compiler-rt/trunk/test/xray/TestCases/Linux/
+++ compiler-rt/trunk/test/xray/TestCases/Linux/
@@ -30,6 +30,9 @@
 [[clang::xray_always_instrument]] void __attribute__((noinline)) fA() { fB(); }
+[[clang::xray_always_instrument, clang::xray_log_args(1)]]
+void __attribute__((noinline)) fArg(int) { }
 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
   using namespace __xray;
   FDRLoggingOptions Options;
@@ -52,6 +55,7 @@
+    fArg(1);
   std::cout << "Joined" << std::endl;
@@ -85,8 +89,15 @@
 // TRACE-DAG: - { type: 0, func-id: [[FIDB]], function: {{.*fB.*}}, cpu: {{.*}}, thread: [[THREAD2:[0-9]+]], kind: function-enter, tsc: {{[0-9]+}} }
 // TRACE:     - { type: 0, func-id: [[FIDB]], function: {{.*fB.*}}, cpu: {{.*}}, thread: [[THREAD2]], kind: function-{{exit|tail-exit}}, tsc: {{[0-9]+}} }
+// TRACE-DAG: - { type: 0, func-id: [[FIDARG:[0-9]+]], function: 'fArg(int)', args: [ 1 ], cpu: {{.*}}, thread: [[THREAD2]], kind: function-enter-arg, tsc: {{[0-9]+}} }
+// TRACE-DAG: - { type: 0, func-id: [[FIDARG]], function: 'fArg(int)', cpu: {{.*}}, thread: [[THREAD2]], kind: function-exit, tsc: {{[0-9]+}} }
 // Assert that when unwriting is enabled with a high threshold time, all the function records are erased. A CPU switch could erroneously fail this test, but
 // is unlikely given the test program.
-// UNWRITE: header
+// Even with a high threshold, arg1 logging is never unwritten.
+// UNWRITE: header:
+// UNWRITE: records:
+// UNWRITE-NEXT: - { type: 0, func-id: [[FIDARG:[0-9]+]], function: 'fArg(int)', args: [ 1 ], cpu: {{.*}}, thread: [[THREAD2:[0-9]+]], kind: function-enter-arg, tsc: {{[0-9]+}} }
+// UNWRITE-NEXT: - { type: 0, func-id: [[FIDARG]], function: 'fArg(int)', cpu: {{.*}}, thread: [[THREAD2]], kind: function-exit, tsc: {{[0-9]+}} }
 // UNWRITE-NOT: function-enter
 // UNWRITE-NOT: function-{{exit|tail-exit}}