Index: lib/Transform/ScheduleOptimizer.cpp
--- lib/Transform/ScheduleOptimizer.cpp
+++ lib/Transform/ScheduleOptimizer.cpp
@@ -618,6 +618,205 @@
   return {Mc, Nc, Kc};
+/// @brief Identify the first occurrence of @p ExpectedAccessRelation access
+///        relation
+/// Identify the first relation of memory accesses of @p Stmt that is equal
+/// to @p ExpectedAccessRelation.
+/// @param Stmt The SCoP statement that contains memory accesses under
+///             consideration.
+/// @param ExpectedAccessRelation The map describing access relation
+///                               that should be replaced.
+/// @return  The memory access of @p Stmt whose memory access relation is equal
+///          to @p ExpectedAccessRelation.  nullptr in case there is no such
+///          an access.
+MemoryAccess *
+identifyAccessOfShape(ScopStmt *Stmt,
+                      __isl_take isl_map *ExpectedAccessRelation) {
+  if (isl_map_has_tuple_id(ExpectedAccessRelation, isl_dim_out))
+    ExpectedAccessRelation =
+        isl_map_reset_tuple_id(ExpectedAccessRelation, isl_dim_out);
+  for (auto *MemA : *Stmt) {
+    auto *AccessRelation = MemA->getAccessRelation();
+    AccessRelation = isl_map_reset_tuple_id(AccessRelation, isl_dim_out);
+    if (isl_map_is_equal(ExpectedAccessRelation, AccessRelation)) {
+      isl_map_free(AccessRelation);
+      isl_map_free(ExpectedAccessRelation);
+      return MemA;
+    }
+    isl_map_free(AccessRelation);
+  }
+  isl_map_free(ExpectedAccessRelation);
+  return nullptr;
+/// @brief Create an access relation that is specific to matrix multiplication
+///        pattern
+/// Create an access relation of the following form:
+/// Stmt[O0, O1, O2]->[OI, OJ],
+/// where I is @p I, J is @J
+/// @param Stmt The SCoP statement that contains memory accesses under
+///             consideration.
+/// @param I, J The parameters of the access relation.
+/// @return The specified access relation.
+__isl_give isl_map *
+getMatMulPatternOriginalAccessRelation(ScopStmt *Stmt, unsigned I, unsigned J) {
+  auto *AccessRelSpace = isl_space_alloc(Stmt->getIslCtx(), 0, 3, 2);
+  auto *AccessRel = isl_map_universe(AccessRelSpace);
+  AccessRel = isl_map_equate(AccessRel, isl_dim_in, I, isl_dim_out, 0);
+  AccessRel = isl_map_equate(AccessRel, isl_dim_in, J, isl_dim_out, 1);
+  AccessRel = isl_map_set_tuple_id(AccessRel, isl_dim_in, Stmt->getDomainId());
+  return AccessRel;
+/// @brief Identify a memory access that corresponds to the access
+///        to the second operand of the matrix multiplication
+/// Idintify the first memory access that corresponds to the access
+/// to the matrix B of the matrix multiplication C = A x B.
+/// @param Stmt The SCoP statement that contains memory accesses
+///             under consideration.
+/// @return The memory access of @p Stmt that corresponds to the access
+///         to the second operand of the matrix multiplication.
+MemoryAccess *identifyAccessA(ScopStmt *Stmt) {
+  auto *OriginalRel = getMatMulPatternOriginalAccessRelation(Stmt, 0, 2);
+  return identifyAccessOfShape(Stmt, OriginalRel);
+/// @brief Identify a memory access that corresponds to the access to the first
+///        operand of the matrix multiplication
+/// Idintify the first memory access that corresponds to the access
+/// to the matrix A of the matrix multiplication C = A x B.
+/// @param Stmt The SCoP statement that contains memory accesses
+///             under consideration.
+/// @return The memory access of @p Stmt that corresponds to the access
+///         to the first operand of the matrix multiplication.
+MemoryAccess *identifyAccessB(ScopStmt *Stmt) {
+  auto *OriginalRel = getMatMulPatternOriginalAccessRelation(Stmt, 2, 1);
+  return identifyAccessOfShape(Stmt, OriginalRel);
+/// @brief Create an access relation that is specific to matrix multiplication
+///        pattern
+/// Create an access relation of the following form:
+/// [O0, O1, O2, O3, O4, O5, O6, O7, O8] -> [0, O5 + K * OI, OJ],
+/// where K is @p Coeff, I is @p FirstDim, J is @p SecondDim.
+/// It can be used, for example, to create relations that helps to consequently
+/// access elements of operands of a matrix multiplication after creation of
+/// the BLIS micro and macro kernels.
+/// @see ScheduleTreeOptimizer::createMicroKernel
+/// @see ScheduleTreeOptimizer::createMacroKernel
+/// Subsequently, the described access relation is applied to the range of
+/// @p MapOldIndVar, that is used to map original induction variables to
+/// the ones, which are produced by schedule transformations. It helps to
+/// define relations using a new space and, at the same time, keep them
+/// in the original one.
+/// @param MapOldIndVar The relation, which maps original induction variables
+///                     to the ones, which are produced by schedule
+///                     transformations.
+/// @param Coeff The coefficient that is used to define the specified access
+///              relation.
+/// @param FirstDim, SecondDim The input dimensions that are used to define
+///        the specified access relation.
+/// @return The specified access relation.
+__isl_give isl_map *getMatMulAccRel(__isl_take isl_map *MapOldIndVar,
+                                    unsigned K, unsigned I, unsigned J) {
+  auto *Ctx = isl_map_get_ctx(MapOldIndVar);
+  auto *AccessRelSpace = isl_space_alloc(Ctx, 0, 9, 3);
+  auto *AccessRel = isl_map_universe(isl_space_copy(AccessRelSpace));
+  auto *ConstrSpace = isl_local_space_from_space(AccessRelSpace);
+  auto *Constr = isl_constraint_alloc_equality(ConstrSpace);
+  Constr = isl_constraint_set_coefficient_si(Constr, isl_dim_out, 1, -1);
+  Constr = isl_constraint_set_coefficient_si(Constr, isl_dim_in, 5, 1);
+  Constr = isl_constraint_set_coefficient_si(Constr, isl_dim_in, I, K);
+  AccessRel = isl_map_add_constraint(AccessRel, Constr);
+  AccessRel = isl_map_fix_si(AccessRel, isl_dim_out, 0, 0);
+  AccessRel = isl_map_equate(AccessRel, isl_dim_in, J, isl_dim_out, 2);
+  return isl_map_apply_range(MapOldIndVar, AccessRel);
+/// @brief Apply the packing transformation
+/// The packing transformation can be described as a data-layout
+/// transformation that requires to introduce a new array, copy data
+/// to the array and change memory access locations of the compute kernel
+/// to reference the array.
+/// @param Node The schedule node to be optimized.
+/// @param MapOldIndVar The relation, which maps original induction variables
+///                     to the ones, which are produced by schedule
+///                     transformations.
+/// @param MicroParams, MacroParams Parameters of the BLIS kernel
+///                                 to be taken into account.
+/// @return The optimized schedule node.
+static void optimizeDataLayoutMatrMulPattern(__isl_take isl_map *MapOldIndVar,
+                                             MicroKernelParamsTy MicroParams,
+                                             MacroKernelParamsTy MacroParams) {
+  auto InputDimsId = isl_map_get_tuple_id(MapOldIndVar, isl_dim_in);
+  auto *Stmt = static_cast<ScopStmt *>(isl_id_get_user(InputDimsId));
+  isl_id_free(InputDimsId);
+  MemoryAccess *MemAcc = identifyAccessA(Stmt);
+  if (MemAcc) {
+    auto *AccRel =
+        getMatMulAccRel(isl_map_copy(MapOldIndVar), MacroParams.Kc, 3, 6);
+    unsigned FirstDimSize = MacroParams.Mc * MacroParams.Kc / MicroParams.Mr;
+    unsigned SecondDimSize = MicroParams.Mr;
+    auto *SAI = Stmt->getParent()->createScopArrayInfo(
+        MemAcc->getElementType(), "Packed_A", {FirstDimSize, SecondDimSize});
+    AccRel = isl_map_set_tuple_id(AccRel, isl_dim_out, SAI->getBasePtrId());
+    MemAcc->setNewAccessRelation(AccRel);
+  }
+  if (!(MemAcc = identifyAccessB(Stmt))) {
+    isl_map_free(MapOldIndVar);
+    return;
+  }
+  auto *AccRel = getMatMulAccRel(MapOldIndVar, MacroParams.Kc, 4, 7);
+  unsigned FirstDimSize = MacroParams.Nc * MacroParams.Kc / MicroParams.Nr;
+  unsigned SecondDimSize = MicroParams.Nr;
+  auto *SAI = Stmt->getParent()->createScopArrayInfo(
+      MemAcc->getElementType(), "Packed_B", {FirstDimSize, SecondDimSize});
+  AccRel = isl_map_set_tuple_id(AccRel, isl_dim_out, SAI->getBasePtrId());
+  MemAcc->setNewAccessRelation(AccRel);
+/// @brief Get a relation mapping induction variables produced by schedule
+///        transformations to the original ones
+/// @param Node The schedule node produced as the result of creation
+///        of the BLIS kernels.
+/// @param MicroKernelParams, MacroKernelParams Parameters of the BLIS kernel
+///                                             to be taken into account.
+/// @return  The relation mapping original induction variables to the ones
+///          produced by schedule transformation.
+/// @see ScheduleTreeOptimizer::createMicroKernel
+/// @see ScheduleTreeOptimizer::createMacroKernel
+/// @see getMacroKernelParams
+__isl_give isl_map *
+getInductionVariablesSubstitution(__isl_take isl_schedule_node *Node,
+                                  MicroKernelParamsTy MicroKernelParams,
+                                  MacroKernelParamsTy MacroKernelParams) {
+  auto *Child = isl_schedule_node_get_child(Node, 0);
+  auto *UnMapOldIndVar = isl_schedule_node_get_prefix_schedule_union_map(Child);
+  isl_schedule_node_free(Child);
+  auto *MapOldIndVar = isl_map_from_union_map(UnMapOldIndVar);
+  if (isl_map_dim(MapOldIndVar, isl_dim_out) > 9)
+    MapOldIndVar =
+        isl_map_project_out(MapOldIndVar, isl_dim_out, 0,
+                            isl_map_dim(MapOldIndVar, isl_dim_out) - 9);
+  return MapOldIndVar;
 __isl_give isl_schedule_node *ScheduleTreeOptimizer::optimizeMatMulPattern(
     __isl_take isl_schedule_node *Node, const llvm::TargetTransformInfo *TTI) {
   assert(TTI && "The target transform info should be provided.");
@@ -625,6 +824,15 @@
   auto MacroKernelParams = getMacroKernelParams(MicroKernelParams);
   Node = createMacroKernel(Node, MacroKernelParams);
   Node = createMicroKernel(Node, MicroKernelParams);
+  if (MacroKernelParams.Mc == 1 || MacroKernelParams.Nc == 1 ||
+      MacroKernelParams.Kc == 1)
+    return Node;
+  auto *MapOldIndVar = getInductionVariablesSubstitution(
+      Node, MicroKernelParams, MacroKernelParams);
+  if (!MapOldIndVar)
+    return Node;
+  optimizeDataLayoutMatrMulPattern(MapOldIndVar, MicroKernelParams,
+                                   MacroKernelParams);
   return Node;
Index: test/Isl/CodeGen/MemAccess/mat_mul_pattern_data_layout.ll
--- /dev/null
+++ test/Isl/CodeGen/MemAccess/mat_mul_pattern_data_layout.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+; RUN: opt %loadPolly -polly-opt-isl -polly-pattern-matching-based-opts=true -polly-target-througput-vector-fma=1 -polly-target-latency-vector-fma=8 -polly-target-cache-level-associativity=8,8 -polly-target-cache-level-sizes=32768,262144 -polly-codegen -S < %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
+;    /* C := alpha*A*B + beta*C */
+;    for (i = 0; i < _PB_NI; i++)
+;      for (j = 0; j < _PB_NJ; j++)
+;        {
+;	   C[i][j] *= beta;
+;	   for (k = 0; k < _PB_NK; ++k)
+;	     C[i][j] += alpha * A[i][k] * B[k][j];
+;        }
+; CHECK:define internal void @kernel_gemm(i32 %arg, i32 %arg1, i32 %arg2, double %arg3, double %arg4, [1056 x double]* %arg5, [1024 x double]* %arg6, [1056 x double]* %arg7) #0 {
+; CHECK:bb:
+; CHECK:  %arg3.s2a = alloca double
+; CHECK:  %arg4.s2a = alloca double
+; CHECK:  %Packed_A = alloca [1024 x [4 x double]]
+; CHECK:  %Packed_B = alloca [3072 x [8 x double]]
+; CHECK:  br label %polly.split_new_and_old
+; CHECK:polly.stmt.bb14398:                               ; preds = %polly.stmt.bb14379
+; CHECK:  %arg3.s2a.reload399 = load double, double* %arg3.s2a
+; CHECK:  %polly.access.cast.Packed_A400 = bitcast [1024 x [4 x double]]* %Packed_A to double*
+; CHECK:  %243 = mul nsw i64 256, %polly.indvar95
+; CHECK:  %244 = add nsw i64 %243, %polly.indvar107
+; CHECK:  %polly.access.add.Packed_A401 = add nsw i64 0, %244
+; CHECK:  %polly.access.mul.Packed_A402 = mul nsw i64 %polly.access.add.Packed_A401, 4
+; CHECK:  %polly.access.add.Packed_A403 = add nsw i64 %polly.access.mul.Packed_A402, 2
+; CHECK:  %polly.access.Packed_A404 = getelementptr double, double* %polly.access.cast.Packed_A400, i64 %polly.access.add.Packed_A403
+; CHECK:  %tmp17_p_scalar_405 = load double, double* %polly.access.Packed_A404, align 8
+; CHECK:  %p_tmp18406 = fmul double %tmp17_p_scalar_405, %arg3.s2a.reload399
+; CHECK:  %polly.access.cast.Packed_B407 = bitcast [3072 x [8 x double]]* %Packed_B to double*
+; CHECK  %245 = mul nsw i64 256, %polly.indvar101
+; CHECK  %246 = add nsw i64 %245, %polly.indvar107
+; CHECK  %polly.access.add.Packed_B408 = add nsw i64 0, %246
+; CHECK  %polly.access.mul.Packed_B409 = mul nsw i64 %polly.access.add.Packed_B408, 8
+; CHECK  %polly.access.add.Packed_B410 = add nsw i64 %polly.access.mul.Packed_B409, 0
+target datalayout = "e-m:e-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
+target triple = "x86_64-unknown-unknown"
+define internal void @kernel_gemm(i32 %arg, i32 %arg1, i32 %arg2, double %arg3, double %arg4, [1056 x double]* %arg5, [1024 x double]* %arg6, [1056 x double]* %arg7) #0 {
+  br label %bb8
+bb8:                                              ; preds = %bb29, %bb
+  %tmp = phi i64 [ 0, %bb ], [ %tmp30, %bb29 ]
+  br label %bb9
+bb9:                                              ; preds = %bb26, %bb8
+  %tmp10 = phi i64 [ 0, %bb8 ], [ %tmp27, %bb26 ]
+  %tmp11 = getelementptr inbounds [1056 x double], [1056 x double]* %arg5, i64 %tmp, i64 %tmp10
+  %tmp12 = load double, double* %tmp11, align 8
+  %tmp13 = fmul double %tmp12, %arg4
+  store double %tmp13, double* %tmp11, align 8
+  br label %bb14
+bb14:                                             ; preds = %bb14, %bb9
+  %tmp15 = phi i64 [ 0, %bb9 ], [ %tmp24, %bb14 ]
+  %tmp16 = getelementptr inbounds [1024 x double], [1024 x double]* %arg6, i64 %tmp, i64 %tmp15
+  %tmp17 = load double, double* %tmp16, align 8
+  %tmp18 = fmul double %tmp17, %arg3
+  %tmp19 = getelementptr inbounds [1056 x double], [1056 x double]* %arg7, i64 %tmp15, i64 %tmp10
+  %tmp20 = load double, double* %tmp19, align 8
+  %tmp21 = fmul double %tmp18, %tmp20
+  %tmp22 = load double, double* %tmp11, align 8
+  %tmp23 = fadd double %tmp22, %tmp21
+  store double %tmp23, double* %tmp11, align 8
+  %tmp24 = add nuw nsw i64 %tmp15, 1
+  %tmp25 = icmp ne i64 %tmp24, 1024
+  br i1 %tmp25, label %bb14, label %bb26
+bb26:                                             ; preds = %bb14
+  %tmp27 = add nuw nsw i64 %tmp10, 1
+  %tmp28 = icmp ne i64 %tmp27, 1056
+  br i1 %tmp28, label %bb9, label %bb29
+bb29:                                             ; preds = %bb26
+  %tmp30 = add nuw nsw i64 %tmp, 1
+  %tmp31 = icmp ne i64 %tmp30, 1056
+  br i1 %tmp31, label %bb8, label %bb32
+bb32:                                             ; preds = %bb29
+  ret void
+attributes #0 = { nounwind uwtable "target-cpu"="x86-64" "target-features"="+aes,+avx,+cmov,+cx16,+fxsr,+mmx,+pclmul,+popcnt,+sse,+sse2,+sse3,+sse4.1,+sse4.2,+ssse3,+x87,+xsave,+xsaveopt" }