Index: lib/Support/FileOutputBuffer.cpp
--- lib/Support/FileOutputBuffer.cpp
+++ lib/Support/FileOutputBuffer.cpp
@@ -77,16 +77,11 @@
-#ifndef LLVM_ON_WIN32
-  // On Windows, CreateFileMapping (the mmap function on Windows)
-  // automatically extends the underlying file. We don't need to
-  // extend the file beforehand. _chsize (ftruncate on Windows) is
-  // pretty slow just like it writes specified amount of bytes,
-  // so we should avoid calling that.
+  // The behavior is defined by the file system. On filesystems
+  // backed by NFS, this is essential.
   EC = sys::fs::resize_file(FD, Size);
   if (EC)
     return EC;
   auto MappedFile = llvm::make_unique<mapped_file_region>(
       FD, mapped_file_region::readwrite, Size, 0, EC);