Index: packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/functionalities/breakpoint/consecutive_breakpoints/
--- packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/functionalities/breakpoint/consecutive_breakpoints/
+++ packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/functionalities/breakpoint/consecutive_breakpoints/
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
     mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
-    @expectedFailureAll("", oslist = not_in(["macosx"]))
     def test (self): ()
Index: packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/functionalities/dynamic_value_child_count/
--- packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/functionalities/dynamic_value_child_count/
+++ packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/functionalities/dynamic_value_child_count/
@@ -31,10 +31,7 @@
         self.main_sixth_call_line = line_number('pass-to-base.cpp',
                                                        '// Break here and check b has 0 children again')
-    @expectedFailureLinux("")
-    @expectedFailureFreeBSD("") # continue at a breakpoint does not work
-    @expectedFailurei386("to be figured out")
     def test_get_dynamic_vals(self):
         """Test fetching C++ dynamic values from pointers & references."""
Index: source/Plugins/Process/FreeBSD/FreeBSDThread.cpp
--- source/Plugins/Process/FreeBSD/FreeBSDThread.cpp
+++ source/Plugins/Process/FreeBSD/FreeBSDThread.cpp
@@ -558,22 +558,49 @@
 FreeBSDThread::TraceNotify(const ProcessMessage &message)
-    POSIXBreakpointProtocol* reg_ctx = GetPOSIXBreakpointProtocol();
-    if (reg_ctx)
+    Log *log (ProcessPOSIXLog::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (POSIX_LOG_THREAD));
+    // Try to resolve the breakpoint object corresponding to the current PC.
+    assert(GetRegisterContext());
+    lldb::addr_t pc = GetRegisterContext()->GetPC();
+    if (log)
+        log->Printf ("FreeBSDThread::%s () PC=0x%8.8" PRIx64, __FUNCTION__, pc);
+    lldb::BreakpointSiteSP bp_site(GetProcess()->GetBreakpointSiteList().FindByAddress(pc));
+    // If the current pc is a breakpoint site then set the StopInfo to Breakpoint.
+    // Otherwise, set the StopInfo to Watchpoint or Trace.
+    if (bp_site)
-        uint32_t num_hw_wps = reg_ctx->NumSupportedHardwareWatchpoints();
-        uint32_t wp_idx;
-        for (wp_idx = 0; wp_idx < num_hw_wps; wp_idx++)
+        lldb::break_id_t bp_id = bp_site->GetID();
+        // If we have an operating system plug-in, we might have set a thread specific breakpoint using the
+        // operating system thread ID, so we can't make any assumptions about the thread ID so we must always
+        // report the breakpoint regardless of the thread.
+        if (bp_site->ValidForThisThread(this) || GetProcess()->GetOperatingSystem () != NULL)
+            SetStopInfo (StopInfo::CreateStopReasonWithBreakpointSiteID(*this, bp_id));
+        else
-            if (reg_ctx->IsWatchpointHit(wp_idx))
+            const bool should_stop = false;
+            SetStopInfo (StopInfo::CreateStopReasonWithBreakpointSiteID(*this, bp_id, should_stop));
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        POSIXBreakpointProtocol* reg_ctx = GetPOSIXBreakpointProtocol();
+        if (reg_ctx)
+        {
+            uint32_t num_hw_wps = reg_ctx->NumSupportedHardwareWatchpoints();
+            uint32_t wp_idx;
+            for (wp_idx = 0; wp_idx < num_hw_wps; wp_idx++)
-                WatchNotify(message);
-                return;
+                if (reg_ctx->IsWatchpointHit(wp_idx))
+                {
+                    WatchNotify(message);
+                    return;
+                }
+        SetStopInfo (StopInfo::CreateStopReasonToTrace(*this));
-    SetStopInfo (StopInfo::CreateStopReasonToTrace(*this));
Index: source/Plugins/Process/gdb-remote/ProcessGDBRemote.cpp
--- source/Plugins/Process/gdb-remote/ProcessGDBRemote.cpp
+++ source/Plugins/Process/gdb-remote/ProcessGDBRemote.cpp
@@ -2001,7 +2001,27 @@
                         if ("trace") == 0)
-                            thread_sp->SetStopInfo (StopInfo::CreateStopReasonToTrace (*thread_sp));
+                            addr_t pc = thread_sp->GetRegisterContext()->GetPC();
+                            lldb::BreakpointSiteSP bp_site_sp = thread_sp->GetProcess()->GetBreakpointSiteList().FindByAddress(pc);
+                            // If the current pc is a breakpoint site then the StopInfo should be set to Breakpoint
+                            // Otherwise, it will be set to Trace.
+                            if (bp_site_sp)
+                            {
+                                // If the breakpoint is for this thread, then we'll report the hit, but if it is for another thread,
+                                // we can just report no reason.
+                                if (bp_site_sp->ValidForThisThread (thread_sp.get()))
+                                {
+                                    thread_sp->SetStopInfo (StopInfo::CreateStopReasonWithBreakpointSiteID (*thread_sp, bp_site_sp->GetID()));
+                                }
+                                else
+                                {
+                                    StopInfoSP invalid_stop_info_sp;
+                                    thread_sp->SetStopInfo (invalid_stop_info_sp);
+                                }
+                            }
+                            else
+                              thread_sp->SetStopInfo (StopInfo::CreateStopReasonToTrace (*thread_sp));
                             handled = true;
                         else if ("breakpoint") == 0)