diff --git a/bolt/docs/conf.py b/bolt/docs/conf.py --- a/bolt/docs/conf.py +++ b/bolt/docs/conf.py @@ -16,92 +16,92 @@ # If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, # add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the # documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here. -#sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.')) +# sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.')) # -- General configuration ----------------------------------------------------- # If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here. -#needs_sphinx = '1.0' +# needs_sphinx = '1.0' # Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be extensions # coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom ones. -extensions = ['sphinx.ext.intersphinx', 'sphinx.ext.todo'] +extensions = ["sphinx.ext.intersphinx", "sphinx.ext.todo"] # Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory. -templates_path = ['_templates'] +templates_path = ["_templates"] # The suffix of source filenames. -source_suffix = '.rst' +source_suffix = ".rst" # The encoding of source files. -#source_encoding = 'utf-8-sig' +# source_encoding = 'utf-8-sig' # The master toctree document. -master_doc = 'index' +master_doc = "index" # General information about the project. -project = u'BOLT' -copyright = u'2015-%d, BOLT team' % date.today().year +project = "BOLT" +copyright = "2015-%d, BOLT team" % date.today().year # The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation # for a list of supported languages. -#language = None +# language = None # There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some # non-false value, then it is used: -#today = '' +# today = '' # Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call. -today_fmt = '%Y-%m-%d' +today_fmt = "%Y-%m-%d" # List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and # directories to ignore when looking for source files. -exclude_patterns = ['_build'] +exclude_patterns = ["_build"] # The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all documents. -#default_role = None +# default_role = None # If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text. -#add_function_parentheses = True +# add_function_parentheses = True # If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description # unit titles (such as .. function::). -#add_module_names = True +# add_module_names = True # If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the # output. They are ignored by default. show_authors = True # The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use. -pygments_style = 'friendly' +pygments_style = "friendly" # A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting. -#modindex_common_prefix = [] +# modindex_common_prefix = [] # -- Options for HTML output --------------------------------------------------- # The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for # a list of builtin themes. -html_theme = 'haiku' +html_theme = "haiku" # Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme # further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the # documentation. -#html_theme_options = {} +# html_theme_options = {} # Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory. html_theme_path = ["."] # The name for this set of Sphinx documents. If None, it defaults to # " v documentation". -#html_title = None +# html_title = None # A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title. -#html_short_title = None +# html_short_title = None # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top # of the sidebar. -#html_logo = None +# html_logo = None # If given, this must be the name of an image file (path relative to the # configuration directory) that is the favicon of the docs. Modern browsers use @@ -109,110 +109,104 @@ # icon file (.ico), which is 16x16 or 32x32 pixels large. Default: None. The # image file will be copied to the _static directory of the output HTML, but # only if the file does not already exist there. -html_favicon = '_static/favicon.ico' +html_favicon = "_static/favicon.ico" # Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here, # relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files, # so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css". -html_static_path = ['_static'] +html_static_path = ["_static"] # If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom, # using the given strftime format. -html_last_updated_fmt = '%Y-%m-%d' +html_last_updated_fmt = "%Y-%m-%d" # If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to # typographically correct entities. -#html_use_smartypants = True +# html_use_smartypants = True # Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names. -html_sidebars = {'index': ['indexsidebar.html']} +html_sidebars = {"index": ["indexsidebar.html"]} # Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to # template names. # html_additional_pages = {'index': 'index.html'} # If false, no module index is generated. -#html_domain_indices = True +# html_domain_indices = True # If false, no index is generated. -#html_use_index = True +# html_use_index = True # If true, the index is split into individual pages for each letter. -#html_split_index = False +# html_split_index = False # If true, links to the reST sources are added to the pages. html_show_sourcelink = True # If true, "Created using Sphinx" is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True. -#html_show_sphinx = True +# html_show_sphinx = True # If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True. -#html_show_copyright = True +# html_show_copyright = True # If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will # contain a tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the # base URL from which the finished HTML is served. -#html_use_opensearch = '' +# html_use_opensearch = '' # This is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml"). -#html_file_suffix = None +# html_file_suffix = None # Output file base name for HTML help builder. -htmlhelp_basename = 'boltdoc' +htmlhelp_basename = "boltdoc" # -- Options for LaTeX output -------------------------------------------------- latex_elements = { -# The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper'). -#'papersize': 'letterpaper', - -# The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). -#'pointsize': '10pt', - -# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. -#'preamble': '', + # The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper'). + #'papersize': 'letterpaper', + # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). + #'pointsize': '10pt', + # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. + #'preamble': '', } # Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, author, documentclass [howto/manual]). latex_documents = [ - ('contents', 'bolt.tex', u'BOLT Documentation', - u'LLVM project', 'manual'), + ("contents", "bolt.tex", "BOLT Documentation", "LLVM project", "manual"), ] # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of # the title page. -#latex_logo = None +# latex_logo = None # For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts, # not chapters. -#latex_use_parts = False +# latex_use_parts = False # If true, show page references after internal links. -#latex_show_pagerefs = False +# latex_show_pagerefs = False # If true, show URL addresses after external links. -#latex_show_urls = False +# latex_show_urls = False # Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. -#latex_appendices = [] +# latex_appendices = [] # If false, no module index is generated. -#latex_domain_indices = True +# latex_domain_indices = True # -- Options for manual page output -------------------------------------------- # One entry per manual page. List of tuples # (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section). -man_pages = [ - ('contents', 'bolt', u'BOLT Documentation', - [u'LLVM project'], 1) -] +man_pages = [("contents", "bolt", "BOLT Documentation", ["LLVM project"], 1)] # If true, show URL addresses after external links. -#man_show_urls = False +# man_show_urls = False # -- Options for Texinfo output ------------------------------------------------ @@ -221,19 +215,25 @@ # (source start file, target name, title, author, # dir menu entry, description, category) texinfo_documents = [ - ('contents', 'BOLT', u'BOLT Documentation', - u'LLVM project', 'BOLT', 'Binary Optimization and Layout Tool', - 'Miscellaneous'), + ( + "contents", + "BOLT", + "BOLT Documentation", + "LLVM project", + "BOLT", + "Binary Optimization and Layout Tool", + "Miscellaneous", + ), ] # Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. -#texinfo_appendices = [] +# texinfo_appendices = [] # If false, no module index is generated. -#texinfo_domain_indices = True +# texinfo_domain_indices = True # How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'. -#texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote' +# texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote' # FIXME: Define intersphinx configuration. diff --git a/bolt/test/AArch64/lit.local.cfg b/bolt/test/AArch64/lit.local.cfg --- a/bolt/test/AArch64/lit.local.cfg +++ b/bolt/test/AArch64/lit.local.cfg @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -if 'AArch64' not in config.root.targets: +if "AArch64" not in config.root.targets: config.unsupported = True -flags = '--target=aarch64-pc-linux -nostartfiles -nostdlib -ffreestanding' +flags = "--target=aarch64-pc-linux -nostartfiles -nostdlib -ffreestanding" -config.substitutions.insert(0, ('%cflags', f'%cflags {flags}')) -config.substitutions.insert(0, ('%cxxflags', f'%cxxflags {flags}')) +config.substitutions.insert(0, ("%cflags", f"%cflags {flags}")) +config.substitutions.insert(0, ("%cxxflags", f"%cxxflags {flags}")) diff --git a/bolt/test/Unit/lit.cfg.py b/bolt/test/Unit/lit.cfg.py --- a/bolt/test/Unit/lit.cfg.py +++ b/bolt/test/Unit/lit.cfg.py @@ -8,15 +8,15 @@ import lit.formats # name: The name of this test suite. -config.name = 'BOLT-Unit' +config.name = "BOLT-Unit" # suffixes: A list of file extensions to treat as test files. config.suffixes = [] # test_source_root: The root path where tests are located. # test_exec_root: The root path where tests should be run. -config.test_exec_root = os.path.join(config.bolt_obj_root, 'unittests') +config.test_exec_root = os.path.join(config.bolt_obj_root, "unittests") config.test_source_root = config.test_exec_root # testFormat: The test format to use to interpret tests. -config.test_format = lit.formats.GoogleTest(config.llvm_build_mode, 'Tests') +config.test_format = lit.formats.GoogleTest(config.llvm_build_mode, "Tests") diff --git a/bolt/test/X86/lit.local.cfg b/bolt/test/X86/lit.local.cfg --- a/bolt/test/X86/lit.local.cfg +++ b/bolt/test/X86/lit.local.cfg @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -if not 'X86' in config.root.targets: +if not "X86" in config.root.targets: config.unsupported = True -flags = '--target=x86_64-pc-linux -nostdlib' +flags = "--target=x86_64-pc-linux -nostdlib" -config.substitutions.insert(0, ('%cflags', f'%cflags {flags}')) -config.substitutions.insert(0, ('%cxxflags', f'%cxxflags {flags}')) +config.substitutions.insert(0, ("%cflags", f"%cflags {flags}")) +config.substitutions.insert(0, ("%cxxflags", f"%cxxflags {flags}")) diff --git a/bolt/test/link_fdata.py b/bolt/test/link_fdata.py --- a/bolt/test/link_fdata.py +++ b/bolt/test/link_fdata.py @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ parser.add_argument("output") parser.add_argument("prefix", nargs="?", default="FDATA", help="Custom FDATA prefix") parser.add_argument("--nmtool", default="nm", help="Path to nm tool") -parser.add_argument("--no-lbr", action='store_true') +parser.add_argument("--no-lbr", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ # as (src_tuple, dst_tuple, mispred_count, exec_count) tuples, where src and dst # are represented as (is_sym, anchor, offset) tuples exprs = [] -with open(args.input, 'r') as f: +with open(args.input, "r") as f: for line in f.readlines(): prefix_match = prefix_pat.match(line) if not prefix_match: @@ -60,43 +60,49 @@ if fdata_match: src_dst, execnt, mispred = fdata_match.groups() # Split by whitespaces not preceded by a backslash (negative lookbehind) - chunks = re.split(r'(? -nm_output = subprocess.run([args.nmtool, '--defined-only', args.objfile], - text = True, capture_output = True).stdout +nm_output = subprocess.run( + [args.nmtool, "--defined-only", args.objfile], text=True, capture_output=True +).stdout # Populate symbol map symbols = {} for symline in nm_output.splitlines(): symval, _, symname = symline.split(maxsplit=2) symbols[symname] = symval + def evaluate_symbol(issym, anchor, offsym): sym_match = replace_pat.match(offsym) if not sym_match: # No need to evaluate symbol value, return as is - return f'{issym} {anchor} {offsym}' - symname = sym_match.group('symname') + return f"{issym} {anchor} {offsym}" + symname = sym_match.group("symname") assert symname in symbols, f"ERROR: symbol {symname} is not defined in binary" # Evaluate to an absolute offset if issym is false - if issym == '0': - return f'{issym} {anchor} {symbols[symname]}' + if issym == "0": + return f"{issym} {anchor} {symbols[symname]}" # Evaluate symbol against its anchor if issym is true assert anchor in symbols, f"ERROR: symbol {anchor} is not defined in binary" anchor_value = int(symbols[anchor], 16) @@ -104,29 +110,34 @@ sym_offset = symbol_value - anchor_value return f'{issym} {anchor} {format(sym_offset, "x")}' + def replace_symbol(matchobj): - ''' + """ Expects matchobj to only capture one group which contains the symbol name. - ''' - symname = matchobj.group('symname') + """ + symname = matchobj.group("symname") assert symname in symbols, f"ERROR: symbol {symname} is not defined in binary" return symbols[symname] -with open(args.output, 'w', newline='\n') as f: + +with open(args.output, "w", newline="\n") as f: if args.no_lbr: - print('no_lbr', file = f) + print("no_lbr", file=f) for etype, expr in exprs: - if etype == 'FDATA': + if etype == "FDATA": issym1, anchor1, offsym1, issym2, anchor2, offsym2, execnt, mispred = expr - print(evaluate_symbol(issym1, anchor1, offsym1), - evaluate_symbol(issym2, anchor2, offsym2), - execnt, mispred, file = f) - elif etype == 'NOLBR': + print( + evaluate_symbol(issym1, anchor1, offsym1), + evaluate_symbol(issym2, anchor2, offsym2), + execnt, + mispred, + file=f, + ) + elif etype == "NOLBR": issym, anchor, offsym, count = expr - print(evaluate_symbol(issym, anchor, offsym), count, file = f) - elif etype == 'PREAGG': + print(evaluate_symbol(issym, anchor, offsym), count, file=f) + elif etype == "PREAGG": # Replace all symbols enclosed in ## - print(expr[0], re.sub(replace_pat, replace_symbol, expr[1]), - file = f) + print(expr[0], re.sub(replace_pat, replace_symbol, expr[1]), file=f) else: exit("ERROR: unhandled expression type:\n%s" % etype) diff --git a/bolt/test/lit.cfg.py b/bolt/test/lit.cfg.py --- a/bolt/test/lit.cfg.py +++ b/bolt/test/lit.cfg.py @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ # Configuration file for the 'lit' test runner. # name: The name of this test suite. -config.name = 'BOLT' +config.name = "BOLT" # testFormat: The test format to use to interpret tests. # @@ -25,19 +25,32 @@ config.test_format = lit.formats.ShTest(not llvm_config.use_lit_shell) # suffixes: A list of file extensions to treat as test files. -config.suffixes = ['.c', '.cpp', '.cppm', '.m', '.mm', '.cu', - '.ll', '.cl', '.s', '.S', '.modulemap', '.test', '.rs'] +config.suffixes = [ + ".c", + ".cpp", + ".cppm", + ".m", + ".mm", + ".cu", + ".ll", + ".cl", + ".s", + ".S", + ".modulemap", + ".test", + ".rs", +] # excludes: A list of directories to exclude from the testsuite. The 'Inputs' # subdirectories contain auxiliary inputs for various tests in their parent # directories. -config.excludes = ['Inputs', 'CMakeLists.txt', 'README.txt', 'LICENSE.txt'] +config.excludes = ["Inputs", "CMakeLists.txt", "README.txt", "LICENSE.txt"] # test_source_root: The root path where tests are located. config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__) # test_exec_root: The root path where tests should be run. -config.test_exec_root = os.path.join(config.bolt_obj_root, 'test') +config.test_exec_root = os.path.join(config.bolt_obj_root, "test") # checking if maxIndividualTestTime is available on the platform and sets # it to 60sec if so, declares lit-max-individual-test-time feature for @@ -47,8 +60,11 @@ config.available_features.add("lit-max-individual-test-time") lit_config.maxIndividualTestTime = 60 else: - lit_config.warning('Setting a timeout per test not supported. ' + errormsg - + ' Some tests will be skipped.') + lit_config.warning( + "Setting a timeout per test not supported. " + + errormsg + + " Some tests will be skipped." + ) if config.bolt_enable_runtime: config.available_features.add("bolt-runtime") @@ -58,57 +74,64 @@ llvm_config.use_default_substitutions() -llvm_config.config.environment['CLANG'] = config.bolt_clang +llvm_config.config.environment["CLANG"] = config.bolt_clang llvm_config.use_clang() -llvm_config.config.environment['LD_LLD'] = config.bolt_lld -ld_lld = llvm_config.use_llvm_tool('ld.lld', required=True, search_env='LD_LLD') -llvm_config.config.available_features.add('ld.lld') -llvm_config.add_tool_substitutions([ToolSubst(r'ld\.lld', command=ld_lld)]) +llvm_config.config.environment["LD_LLD"] = config.bolt_lld +ld_lld = llvm_config.use_llvm_tool("ld.lld", required=True, search_env="LD_LLD") +llvm_config.config.available_features.add("ld.lld") +llvm_config.add_tool_substitutions([ToolSubst(r"ld\.lld", command=ld_lld)]) -config.substitutions.append(('%cflags', '')) -config.substitutions.append(('%cxxflags', '')) +config.substitutions.append(("%cflags", "")) +config.substitutions.append(("%cxxflags", "")) -link_fdata_cmd = os.path.join(config.test_source_root, 'link_fdata.py') +link_fdata_cmd = os.path.join(config.test_source_root, "link_fdata.py") -tool_dirs = [config.llvm_tools_dir, - config.test_source_root] +tool_dirs = [config.llvm_tools_dir, config.test_source_root] tools = [ - ToolSubst('llc', unresolved='fatal'), - ToolSubst('llvm-dwarfdump', unresolved='fatal'), - ToolSubst('llvm-bolt', unresolved='fatal'), - ToolSubst('llvm-boltdiff', unresolved='fatal'), - ToolSubst('llvm-bolt-heatmap', unresolved='fatal'), - ToolSubst('llvm-bat-dump', unresolved='fatal'), - ToolSubst('perf2bolt', unresolved='fatal'), - ToolSubst('yaml2obj', unresolved='fatal'), - ToolSubst('llvm-mc', unresolved='fatal'), - ToolSubst('llvm-nm', unresolved='fatal'), - ToolSubst('llvm-objdump', unresolved='fatal'), - ToolSubst('llvm-objcopy', unresolved='fatal'), - ToolSubst('llvm-strings', unresolved='fatal'), - ToolSubst('llvm-strip', unresolved='fatal'), - ToolSubst('llvm-readelf', unresolved='fatal'), - ToolSubst('link_fdata', command=sys.executable, unresolved='fatal', extra_args=[link_fdata_cmd]), - ToolSubst('merge-fdata', unresolved='fatal'), - ToolSubst('llvm-readobj', unresolved='fatal'), - ToolSubst('llvm-dwp', unresolved='fatal'), - ToolSubst('split-file', unresolved='fatal'), + ToolSubst("llc", unresolved="fatal"), + ToolSubst("llvm-dwarfdump", unresolved="fatal"), + ToolSubst("llvm-bolt", unresolved="fatal"), + ToolSubst("llvm-boltdiff", unresolved="fatal"), + ToolSubst("llvm-bolt-heatmap", unresolved="fatal"), + ToolSubst("llvm-bat-dump", unresolved="fatal"), + ToolSubst("perf2bolt", unresolved="fatal"), + ToolSubst("yaml2obj", unresolved="fatal"), + ToolSubst("llvm-mc", unresolved="fatal"), + ToolSubst("llvm-nm", unresolved="fatal"), + ToolSubst("llvm-objdump", unresolved="fatal"), + ToolSubst("llvm-objcopy", unresolved="fatal"), + ToolSubst("llvm-strings", unresolved="fatal"), + ToolSubst("llvm-strip", unresolved="fatal"), + ToolSubst("llvm-readelf", unresolved="fatal"), + ToolSubst( + "link_fdata", + command=sys.executable, + unresolved="fatal", + extra_args=[link_fdata_cmd], + ), + ToolSubst("merge-fdata", unresolved="fatal"), + ToolSubst("llvm-readobj", unresolved="fatal"), + ToolSubst("llvm-dwp", unresolved="fatal"), + ToolSubst("split-file", unresolved="fatal"), ] llvm_config.add_tool_substitutions(tools, tool_dirs) + def calculate_arch_features(arch_string): features = [] for arch in arch_string.split(): - features.append(arch.lower() + '-registered-target') + features.append(arch.lower() + "-registered-target") return features llvm_config.feature_config( - [('--assertion-mode', {'ON': 'asserts'}), - ('--cxxflags', {r'-D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG\b': 'libstdcxx-safe-mode'}), - ('--targets-built', calculate_arch_features) - ]) - -config.targets = frozenset(config.targets_to_build.split(';')) + [ + ("--assertion-mode", {"ON": "asserts"}), + ("--cxxflags", {r"-D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG\b": "libstdcxx-safe-mode"}), + ("--targets-built", calculate_arch_features), + ] +) + +config.targets = frozenset(config.targets_to_build.split(";")) diff --git a/bolt/test/lit.local.cfg b/bolt/test/lit.local.cfg --- a/bolt/test/lit.local.cfg +++ b/bolt/test/lit.local.cfg @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -host_linux_triple = config.target_triple.split('-')[0]+'-linux' -common_linker_flags = '-fuse-ld=lld -Wl,--unresolved-symbols=ignore-all' -flags = f'--target={host_linux_triple} {common_linker_flags}' +host_linux_triple = config.target_triple.split("-")[0] + "-linux" +common_linker_flags = "-fuse-ld=lld -Wl,--unresolved-symbols=ignore-all" +flags = f"--target={host_linux_triple} {common_linker_flags}" -config.substitutions.insert(0, ('%cflags', f'%cflags {flags}')) -config.substitutions.insert(0, ('%cxxflags', f'%cxxflags {flags}')) +config.substitutions.insert(0, ("%cflags", f"%cflags {flags}")) +config.substitutions.insert(0, ("%cxxflags", f"%cxxflags {flags}")) diff --git a/bolt/test/runtime/AArch64/lit.local.cfg b/bolt/test/runtime/AArch64/lit.local.cfg --- a/bolt/test/runtime/AArch64/lit.local.cfg +++ b/bolt/test/runtime/AArch64/lit.local.cfg @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -if config.host_arch not in ['aarch64']: +if config.host_arch not in ["aarch64"]: config.unsupported = True diff --git a/bolt/test/runtime/X86/lit.local.cfg b/bolt/test/runtime/X86/lit.local.cfg --- a/bolt/test/runtime/X86/lit.local.cfg +++ b/bolt/test/runtime/X86/lit.local.cfg @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -if config.host_arch not in ['x86', 'X86', 'x86_64']: +if config.host_arch not in ["x86", "X86", "x86_64"]: config.unsupported = True diff --git a/bolt/test/runtime/lit.local.cfg b/bolt/test/runtime/lit.local.cfg --- a/bolt/test/runtime/lit.local.cfg +++ b/bolt/test/runtime/lit.local.cfg @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ # Tests are not expected to pass in a cross-compilation setup. -if not {'native', 'system-linux'}.issubset(config.available_features): - config.unsupported = True +if not {"native", "system-linux"}.issubset(config.available_features): + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/bolt/utils/dot2html/dot2html.py b/bolt/utils/dot2html/dot2html.py --- a/bolt/utils/dot2html/dot2html.py +++ b/bolt/utils/dot2html/dot2html.py @@ -4,26 +4,36 @@ import sys BASE_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) -HTML_TEMPLATE_NAME = 'd3-graphviz-template.html' +HTML_TEMPLATE_NAME = "d3-graphviz-template.html" HTML_TEMPLATE_PATH = os.path.join(BASE_PATH, HTML_TEMPLATE_NAME) + def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() - parser.add_argument('dotfile', nargs='?', type=argparse.FileType('r'), - default=sys.stdin, - help='Input .dot file, reads from stdin if not set') - parser.add_argument('htmlfile', nargs='?', type=argparse.FileType('w'), - default=sys.stdout, - help='Output .html file, writes to stdout if not set') + parser.add_argument( + "dotfile", + nargs="?", + type=argparse.FileType("r"), + default=sys.stdin, + help="Input .dot file, reads from stdin if not set", + ) + parser.add_argument( + "htmlfile", + nargs="?", + type=argparse.FileType("w"), + default=sys.stdout, + help="Output .html file, writes to stdout if not set", + ) args = parser.parse_args() - template = open(HTML_TEMPLATE_PATH, 'r') + template = open(HTML_TEMPLATE_PATH, "r") for line in template: if "" in line: - print(args.dotfile.read(), file=args.htmlfile, end='') + print(args.dotfile.read(), file=args.htmlfile, end="") else: - print(line, file=args.htmlfile, end='') + print(line, file=args.htmlfile, end="") + if __name__ == "__main__": main() diff --git a/bolt/utils/llvm-bolt-wrapper.py b/bolt/utils/llvm-bolt-wrapper.py --- a/bolt/utils/llvm-bolt-wrapper.py +++ b/bolt/utils/llvm-bolt-wrapper.py @@ -41,9 +41,10 @@ # # optional, defaults to timing.log in CWD # timing_file = timing1.log + def read_cfg(): src_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) - cfg = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value = True) + cfg = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True) cfgs = cfg.read("llvm-bolt-wrapper.ini") if not cfgs: cfgs = cfg.read(os.path.join(src_dir, "llvm-bolt-wrapper.ini")) @@ -51,69 +52,72 @@ def get_cfg(key): # if key is not present in config, assume False - if key not in cfg['config']: + if key not in cfg["config"]: return False # if key is present, but has no value, assume True - if not cfg['config'][key]: + if not cfg["config"][key]: return True # if key has associated value, interpret the value - return cfg['config'].getboolean(key) + return cfg["config"].getboolean(key) d = { # BOLT binary locations - 'BASE_BOLT': cfg['config']['base_bolt'], - 'CMP_BOLT': cfg['config']['cmp_bolt'], + "BASE_BOLT": cfg["config"]["base_bolt"], + "CMP_BOLT": cfg["config"]["cmp_bolt"], # optional - 'VERBOSE': get_cfg('verbose'), - 'KEEP_TMP': get_cfg('keep_tmp'), - 'NO_MINIMIZE': get_cfg('no_minimize'), - 'RUN_SEQUENTIALLY': get_cfg('run_sequentially'), - 'COMPARE_OUTPUT': get_cfg('compare_output'), - 'SKIP_BINARY_CMP': get_cfg('skip_binary_cmp'), - 'TIMING_FILE': cfg['config'].get('timing_file', 'timing.log'), + "VERBOSE": get_cfg("verbose"), + "KEEP_TMP": get_cfg("keep_tmp"), + "NO_MINIMIZE": get_cfg("no_minimize"), + "RUN_SEQUENTIALLY": get_cfg("run_sequentially"), + "COMPARE_OUTPUT": get_cfg("compare_output"), + "SKIP_BINARY_CMP": get_cfg("skip_binary_cmp"), + "TIMING_FILE": cfg["config"].get("timing_file", "timing.log"), } - if d['VERBOSE']: + if d["VERBOSE"]: print(f"Using config {os.path.abspath(cfgs[0])}") return SimpleNamespace(**d) + # perf2bolt mode -PERF2BOLT_MODE = ['-aggregate-only', '-ignore-build-id'] +PERF2BOLT_MODE = ["-aggregate-only", "-ignore-build-id"] # boltdiff mode -BOLTDIFF_MODE = ['-diff-only', '-o', '/dev/null'] +BOLTDIFF_MODE = ["-diff-only", "-o", "/dev/null"] # options to suppress binary differences as much as possible -MINIMIZE_DIFFS = ['-bolt-info=0'] +MINIMIZE_DIFFS = ["-bolt-info=0"] # bolt output options that need to be intercepted BOLT_OUTPUT_OPTS = { - '-o': 'BOLT output binary', - '-w': 'BOLT recorded profile', + "-o": "BOLT output binary", + "-w": "BOLT recorded profile", } # regex patterns to exclude the line from log comparison SKIP_MATCH = [ - 'BOLT-INFO: BOLT version', - r'^Args: ', - r'^BOLT-DEBUG:', - r'BOLT-INFO:.*data.*output data', - 'WARNING: reading perf data directly', + "BOLT-INFO: BOLT version", + r"^Args: ", + r"^BOLT-DEBUG:", + r"BOLT-INFO:.*data.*output data", + "WARNING: reading perf data directly", ] + def run_cmd(cmd, out_f, cfg): if cfg.VERBOSE: - print(' '.join(cmd)) + print(" ".join(cmd)) return subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=out_f, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) + def run_bolt(bolt_path, bolt_args, out_f, cfg): - p2b = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) == 'perf2bolt' # perf2bolt mode - bd = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) == 'llvm-boltdiff' # boltdiff mode - hm = sys.argv[1] == 'heatmap' # heatmap mode - cmd = ['/usr/bin/time', '-f', '%e %M', bolt_path] + bolt_args + p2b = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) == "perf2bolt" # perf2bolt mode + bd = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) == "llvm-boltdiff" # boltdiff mode + hm = sys.argv[1] == "heatmap" # heatmap mode + cmd = ["/usr/bin/time", "-f", "%e %M", bolt_path] + bolt_args if p2b: # -ignore-build-id can occur at most once, hence remove it from cmd - if '-ignore-build-id' in cmd: - cmd.remove('-ignore-build-id') + if "-ignore-build-id" in cmd: + cmd.remove("-ignore-build-id") cmd += PERF2BOLT_MODE elif bd: cmd += BOLTDIFF_MODE @@ -121,55 +125,65 @@ cmd += MINIMIZE_DIFFS return run_cmd(cmd, out_f, cfg) + def prepend_dash(args: Mapping[AnyStr, AnyStr]) -> Sequence[AnyStr]: - ''' + """ Accepts parsed arguments and returns flat list with dash prepended to the option. Example: Namespace(o='test.tmp') -> ['-o', 'test.tmp'] - ''' - dashed = [('-'+key,value) for (key,value) in args.items()] + """ + dashed = [("-" + key, value) for (key, value) in args.items()] flattened = list(sum(dashed, ())) return flattened + def replace_cmp_path(tmp: AnyStr, args: Mapping[AnyStr, AnyStr]) -> Sequence[AnyStr]: - ''' + """ Keeps file names, but replaces the path to a temp folder. Example: Namespace(o='abc/test.tmp') -> Namespace(o='/tmp/tmpf9un/test.tmp') Except preserve /dev/null. - ''' - replace_path = lambda x: os.path.join(tmp, os.path.basename(x)) if x != '/dev/null' else '/dev/null' + """ + replace_path = ( + lambda x: os.path.join(tmp, os.path.basename(x)) + if x != "/dev/null" + else "/dev/null" + ) new_args = {key: replace_path(value) for key, value in args.items()} return prepend_dash(new_args) + def preprocess_args(args: argparse.Namespace) -> Mapping[AnyStr, AnyStr]: - ''' + """ Drop options that weren't parsed (e.g. -w), convert to a dict - ''' + """ return {key: value for key, value in vars(args).items() if value} -def write_to(txt, filename, mode='w'): + +def write_to(txt, filename, mode="w"): with open(filename, mode) as f: f.write(txt) + def wait(proc, fdesc): proc.wait() fdesc.close() return open(fdesc.name) + def compare_logs(main, cmp, skip_begin=0, skip_end=0, str_input=True): - ''' + """ Compares logs but allows for certain lines to be excluded from comparison. If str_input is True (default), the input it assumed to be a string, which is split into lines. Otherwise the input is assumed to be a file. Returns None on success, mismatch otherwise. - ''' + """ main_inp = main.splitlines() if str_input else main.readlines() cmp_inp = cmp.splitlines() if str_input else cmp.readlines() # rewind logs after consumption if not str_input: main.seek(0) cmp.seek(0) - for lhs, rhs in list(zip(main_inp, cmp_inp))[skip_begin:-skip_end or None]: + for lhs, rhs in list(zip(main_inp, cmp_inp))[skip_begin : -skip_end or None]: if lhs != rhs: # check skip patterns for skip in SKIP_MATCH: @@ -181,52 +195,59 @@ return (lhs, rhs) return None + def fmt_cmp(cmp_tuple): if not cmp_tuple: - return '' - return f'main:\n{cmp_tuple[0]}\ncmp:\n{cmp_tuple[1]}\n' + return "" + return f"main:\n{cmp_tuple[0]}\ncmp:\n{cmp_tuple[1]}\n" + def compare_with(lhs, rhs, cmd, skip_begin=0, skip_end=0): - ''' + """ Runs cmd on both lhs and rhs and compares stdout. Returns tuple (mismatch, lhs_stdout): - if stdout matches between two files, mismatch is None, - otherwise mismatch is a tuple of mismatching lines. - ''' - run = lambda binary: subprocess.run(cmd.split() + [binary], - text=True, check=True, - capture_output=True).stdout + """ + run = lambda binary: subprocess.run( + cmd.split() + [binary], text=True, check=True, capture_output=True + ).stdout run_lhs = run(lhs) run_rhs = run(rhs) cmp = compare_logs(run_lhs, run_rhs, skip_begin, skip_end) return cmp, run_lhs + def parse_cmp_offset(cmp_out): - ''' + """ Extracts byte number from cmp output: file1 file2 differ: byte X, line Y - ''' + """ # NOTE: cmp counts bytes starting from 1! - return int(re.search(r'byte (\d+),', cmp_out).groups()[0]) - 1 + return int(re.search(r"byte (\d+),", cmp_out).groups()[0]) - 1 + def report_real_time(binary, main_err, cmp_err, cfg): - ''' + """ Extracts real time from stderr and appends it to TIMING FILE it as csv: "output binary; base bolt; cmp bolt" - ''' + """ + def get_real_from_stderr(logline): - return '; '.join(logline.split()) + return "; ".join(logline.split()) + for line in main_err: pass main = get_real_from_stderr(line) for line in cmp_err: pass cmp = get_real_from_stderr(line) - write_to(f"{binary}; {main}; {cmp}\n", cfg.TIMING_FILE, 'a') + write_to(f"{binary}; {main}; {cmp}\n", cfg.TIMING_FILE, "a") # rewind logs after consumption main_err.seek(0) cmp_err.seek(0) + def clean_exit(tmp, out, exitcode, cfg): # temp files are only cleaned on success if not cfg.KEEP_TMP: @@ -236,8 +257,9 @@ shutil.copyfileobj(out, sys.stdout) sys.exit(exitcode) + def find_section(offset, readelf_hdr): - hdr = readelf_hdr.split('\n') + hdr = readelf_hdr.split("\n") section = None # extract sections table (parse objdump -hw output) for line in hdr[5:-1]: @@ -247,7 +269,7 @@ # section size size = int(cols[2], 16) if offset >= file_offset and offset < file_offset + size: - if sys.stdout.isatty(): # terminal supports colors + if sys.stdout.isatty(): # terminal supports colors print(f"\033[1m{line}\033[0m") else: print(f">{line}") @@ -256,34 +278,57 @@ print(line) return section + def main_config_generator(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() - parser.add_argument('base_bolt', help='Full path to base llvm-bolt binary') - parser.add_argument('cmp_bolt', help='Full path to cmp llvm-bolt binary') - parser.add_argument('--verbose', action='store_true', - help='Print subprocess invocation cmdline (default False)') - parser.add_argument('--keep_tmp', action='store_true', - help = 'Preserve tmp folder on a clean exit ' - '(tmp directory is preserved on crash by default)') - parser.add_argument('--no_minimize', action='store_true', - help=f'Do not add `{MINIMIZE_DIFFS}` that is used ' - 'by default to reduce binary differences') - parser.add_argument('--run_sequentially', action='store_true', - help='Run both binaries sequentially (default ' - 'in parallel). Use for timing comparison') - parser.add_argument('--compare_output', action='store_true', - help = 'Compare bolt stdout/stderr (disabled by default)') - parser.add_argument('--skip_binary_cmp', action='store_true', - help = 'Disable output comparison') - parser.add_argument('--timing_file', help = 'Override path to timing log ' - 'file (default `timing.log` in CWD)') + parser.add_argument("base_bolt", help="Full path to base llvm-bolt binary") + parser.add_argument("cmp_bolt", help="Full path to cmp llvm-bolt binary") + parser.add_argument( + "--verbose", + action="store_true", + help="Print subprocess invocation cmdline (default False)", + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--keep_tmp", + action="store_true", + help="Preserve tmp folder on a clean exit " + "(tmp directory is preserved on crash by default)", + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--no_minimize", + action="store_true", + help=f"Do not add `{MINIMIZE_DIFFS}` that is used " + "by default to reduce binary differences", + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--run_sequentially", + action="store_true", + help="Run both binaries sequentially (default " + "in parallel). Use for timing comparison", + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--compare_output", + action="store_true", + help="Compare bolt stdout/stderr (disabled by default)", + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--skip_binary_cmp", action="store_true", help="Disable output comparison" + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--timing_file", + help="Override path to timing log " "file (default `timing.log` in CWD)", + ) args = parser.parse_args() - print(dedent(f'''\ + print( + dedent( + f"""\ [config] # mandatory base_bolt = {args.base_bolt} - cmp_bolt = {args.cmp_bolt}''')) + cmp_bolt = {args.cmp_bolt}""" + ) + ) del args.base_bolt del args.cmp_bolt d = vars(args) @@ -293,6 +338,7 @@ if value: print(key) + def main(): cfg = read_cfg() # intercept output arguments @@ -309,8 +355,8 @@ args = prepend_dash(args) # run both BOLT binaries - main_f = open(os.path.join(tmp, 'main_bolt.stdout'), 'w') - cmp_f = open(os.path.join(tmp, 'cmp_bolt.stdout'), 'w') + main_f = open(os.path.join(tmp, "main_bolt.stdout"), "w") + cmp_f = open(os.path.join(tmp, "cmp_bolt.stdout"), "w") main_bolt = run_bolt(cfg.BASE_BOLT, unknownargs + args, main_f, cfg) if cfg.RUN_SEQUENTIALLY: main_out = wait(main_bolt, main_f) @@ -330,22 +376,26 @@ cfg.SKIP_BINARY_CMP = True # compare logs, skip_end=1 skips the line with time - out = compare_logs(main_out, cmp_out, skip_end=1, str_input=False) if cfg.COMPARE_OUTPUT else None + out = ( + compare_logs(main_out, cmp_out, skip_end=1, str_input=False) + if cfg.COMPARE_OUTPUT + else None + ) if out: print(tmp) print(fmt_cmp(out)) - write_to(fmt_cmp(out), os.path.join(tmp, 'summary.txt')) + write_to(fmt_cmp(out), os.path.join(tmp, "summary.txt")) exit("logs mismatch") - if os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) == 'llvm-boltdiff': # boltdiff mode + if os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) == "llvm-boltdiff": # boltdiff mode # no output binary to compare, so just exit clean_exit(tmp, main_out, main_bolt.returncode, cfg) # compare binaries (using cmp) - main_binary = args[args.index('-o')+1] - cmp_binary = cmp_args[cmp_args.index('-o')+1] - if main_binary == '/dev/null': - assert cmp_binary == '/dev/null' + main_binary = args[args.index("-o") + 1] + cmp_binary = cmp_args[cmp_args.index("-o") + 1] + if main_binary == "/dev/null": + assert cmp_binary == "/dev/null" cfg.SKIP_BINARY_CMP = True # report binary timing as csv: output binary; base bolt real; cmp bolt real @@ -368,23 +418,25 @@ assert not main_exists exit(f"{main_binary} doesn't exist") - cmp_proc = subprocess.run(['cmp', '-b', main_binary, cmp_binary], - capture_output=True, text=True) + cmp_proc = subprocess.run( + ["cmp", "-b", main_binary, cmp_binary], capture_output=True, text=True + ) if cmp_proc.returncode: # check if output is an ELF file (magic bytes) - with open(main_binary, 'rb') as f: + with open(main_binary, "rb") as f: magic = f.read(4) - if magic != b'\x7fELF': + if magic != b"\x7fELF": exit("output mismatch") # check if ELF headers match - mismatch, _ = compare_with(main_binary, cmp_binary, 'readelf -We') + mismatch, _ = compare_with(main_binary, cmp_binary, "readelf -We") if mismatch: print(fmt_cmp(mismatch)) - write_to(fmt_cmp(mismatch), os.path.join(tmp, 'headers.txt')) + write_to(fmt_cmp(mismatch), os.path.join(tmp, "headers.txt")) exit("headers mismatch") # if headers match, compare sections (skip line with filename) - mismatch, hdr = compare_with(main_binary, cmp_binary, 'objdump -hw', - skip_begin=2) + mismatch, hdr = compare_with( + main_binary, cmp_binary, "objdump -hw", skip_begin=2 + ) assert not mismatch # check which section has the first mismatch mismatch_offset = parse_cmp_offset(cmp_proc.stdout) @@ -393,6 +445,7 @@ clean_exit(tmp, main_out, main_bolt.returncode, cfg) + if __name__ == "__main__": # config generator mode if the script is launched as is if os.path.basename(__file__) == "llvm-bolt-wrapper.py": diff --git a/bolt/utils/nfc-check-setup.py b/bolt/utils/nfc-check-setup.py --- a/bolt/utils/nfc-check-setup.py +++ b/bolt/utils/nfc-check-setup.py @@ -7,56 +7,73 @@ import sys import textwrap + def get_git_ref_or_rev(dir: str) -> str: # Run 'git symbolic-ref -q --short HEAD || git rev-parse --short HEAD' - cmd_ref = 'git symbolic-ref -q --short HEAD' - ref = subprocess.run(shlex.split(cmd_ref), cwd=dir, text=True, - stdout=subprocess.PIPE) + cmd_ref = "git symbolic-ref -q --short HEAD" + ref = subprocess.run( + shlex.split(cmd_ref), cwd=dir, text=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE + ) if not ref.returncode: return ref.stdout.strip() - cmd_rev = 'git rev-parse --short HEAD' - return subprocess.check_output(shlex.split(cmd_rev), cwd=dir, - text=True).strip() + cmd_rev = "git rev-parse --short HEAD" + return subprocess.check_output(shlex.split(cmd_rev), cwd=dir, text=True).strip() def main(): - parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=textwrap.dedent(''' + parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( + description=textwrap.dedent( + """ This script builds two versions of BOLT (with the current and previous revision) and sets up symlink for llvm-bolt-wrapper. Passes the options through to llvm-bolt-wrapper. - ''')) - parser.add_argument('build_dir', nargs='?', default=os.getcwd(), - help='Path to BOLT build directory, default is current ' - 'directory') - parser.add_argument('--switch-back', default=False, action='store_true', - help='Checkout back to the starting revision') + """ + ) + ) + parser.add_argument( + "build_dir", + nargs="?", + default=os.getcwd(), + help="Path to BOLT build directory, default is current " "directory", + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--switch-back", + default=False, + action="store_true", + help="Checkout back to the starting revision", + ) args, wrapper_args = parser.parse_known_args() - bolt_path = f'{args.build_dir}/bin/llvm-bolt' + bolt_path = f"{args.build_dir}/bin/llvm-bolt" source_dir = None # find the repo directory - with open(f'{args.build_dir}/CMakeCache.txt') as f: + with open(f"{args.build_dir}/CMakeCache.txt") as f: for line in f: - m = re.match(r'LLVM_SOURCE_DIR:STATIC=(.*)', line) + m = re.match(r"LLVM_SOURCE_DIR:STATIC=(.*)", line) if m: source_dir = m.groups()[0] if not source_dir: sys.exit("Source directory is not found") script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) - wrapper_path = f'{script_dir}/llvm-bolt-wrapper.py' + wrapper_path = f"{script_dir}/llvm-bolt-wrapper.py" # build the current commit - subprocess.run(shlex.split("cmake --build . --target llvm-bolt"), - cwd=args.build_dir) + subprocess.run( + shlex.split("cmake --build . --target llvm-bolt"), cwd=args.build_dir + ) # rename llvm-bolt - os.replace(bolt_path, f'{bolt_path}.new') + os.replace(bolt_path, f"{bolt_path}.new") # memorize the old hash for logging old_ref = get_git_ref_or_rev(source_dir) # determine whether a stash is needed - stash = subprocess.run(shlex.split("git status --porcelain"), cwd=source_dir, - stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, - text=True).stdout + stash = subprocess.run( + shlex.split("git status --porcelain"), + cwd=source_dir, + stdout=subprocess.PIPE, + stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, + text=True, + ).stdout if stash: # save local changes before checkout subprocess.run(shlex.split("git stash push -u"), cwd=source_dir) @@ -65,16 +82,17 @@ # get the parent commit hash for logging new_ref = get_git_ref_or_rev(source_dir) # build the previous commit - subprocess.run(shlex.split("cmake --build . --target llvm-bolt"), - cwd=args.build_dir) + subprocess.run( + shlex.split("cmake --build . --target llvm-bolt"), cwd=args.build_dir + ) # rename llvm-bolt - os.replace(bolt_path, f'{bolt_path}.old') + os.replace(bolt_path, f"{bolt_path}.old") # set up llvm-bolt-wrapper.ini ini = subprocess.check_output( - shlex.split( - f"{wrapper_path} {bolt_path}.old {bolt_path}.new") + wrapper_args, - text=True) - with open(f'{args.build_dir}/bin/llvm-bolt-wrapper.ini', 'w') as f: + shlex.split(f"{wrapper_path} {bolt_path}.old {bolt_path}.new") + wrapper_args, + text=True, + ) + with open(f"{args.build_dir}/bin/llvm-bolt-wrapper.ini", "w") as f: f.write(ini) # symlink llvm-bolt-wrapper os.symlink(wrapper_path, bolt_path) @@ -83,12 +101,16 @@ subprocess.run(shlex.split("git stash pop"), cwd=source_dir) subprocess.run(shlex.split(f"git checkout {old_ref}"), cwd=source_dir) else: - print(f"The repository {source_dir} has been switched from {old_ref} " - f"to {new_ref}. Local changes were stashed. Switch back using\n\t" - f"git checkout {old_ref}\n") - print(f"Build directory {args.build_dir} is ready to run BOLT tests, e.g.\n" - "\tbin/llvm-lit -sv tools/bolt/test\nor\n" - "\tbin/llvm-lit -sv tools/bolttests") + print( + f"The repository {source_dir} has been switched from {old_ref} " + f"to {new_ref}. Local changes were stashed. Switch back using\n\t" + f"git checkout {old_ref}\n" + ) + print( + f"Build directory {args.build_dir} is ready to run BOLT tests, e.g.\n" + "\tbin/llvm-lit -sv tools/bolt/test\nor\n" + "\tbin/llvm-lit -sv tools/bolttests" + ) if __name__ == "__main__": diff --git a/compiler-rt/lib/asan/scripts/asan_symbolize.py b/compiler-rt/lib/asan/scripts/asan_symbolize.py --- a/compiler-rt/lib/asan/scripts/asan_symbolize.py +++ b/compiler-rt/lib/asan/scripts/asan_symbolize.py @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python -#===- lib/asan/scripts/asan_symbolize.py -----------------------------------===# +# ===- lib/asan/scripts/asan_symbolize.py -----------------------------------===# # # Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. # See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception # -#===------------------------------------------------------------------------===# +# ===------------------------------------------------------------------------===# """ Example of use: asan_symbolize.py -c "$HOME/opt/cross/bin/arm-linux-gnueabi-" -s "$HOME/SymbolFiles" < asan.log @@ -40,1027 +40,1133 @@ # FIXME: merge the code that calls fix_filename(). def fix_filename(file_name): - if fix_filename_patterns: - for path_to_cut in fix_filename_patterns: - file_name = re.sub('.*' + path_to_cut, '', file_name) - file_name = re.sub('.*asan_[a-z_]*.(cc|cpp):[0-9]*', '_asan_rtl_', file_name) - file_name = re.sub('.*crtstuff.c:0', '???:0', file_name) - return file_name + if fix_filename_patterns: + for path_to_cut in fix_filename_patterns: + file_name = re.sub(".*" + path_to_cut, "", file_name) + file_name = re.sub(".*asan_[a-z_]*.(cc|cpp):[0-9]*", "_asan_rtl_", file_name) + file_name = re.sub(".*crtstuff.c:0", "???:0", file_name) + return file_name + def is_valid_arch(s): - return s in ["i386", "x86_64", "x86_64h", "arm", "armv6", "armv7", "armv7s", - "armv7k", "arm64", "powerpc64", "powerpc64le", "s390x", "s390", - "riscv64", "loongarch64"] + return s in [ + "i386", + "x86_64", + "x86_64h", + "arm", + "armv6", + "armv7", + "armv7s", + "armv7k", + "arm64", + "powerpc64", + "powerpc64le", + "s390x", + "s390", + "riscv64", + "loongarch64", + ] + def guess_arch(addr): - # Guess which arch we're running. 10 = len('0x') + 8 hex digits. - if len(addr) > 10: - return 'x86_64' - else: - return 'i386' + # Guess which arch we're running. 10 = len('0x') + 8 hex digits. + if len(addr) > 10: + return "x86_64" + else: + return "i386" + class Symbolizer(object): - def __init__(self): - pass - - def symbolize(self, addr, binary, offset): - """Symbolize the given address (pair of binary and offset). - - Overriden in subclasses. - Args: - addr: virtual address of an instruction. - binary: path to executable/shared object containing this instruction. - offset: instruction offset in the @binary. - Returns: - list of strings (one string for each inlined frame) describing - the code locations for this instruction (that is, function name, file - name, line and column numbers). - """ - return None + def __init__(self): + pass + + def symbolize(self, addr, binary, offset): + """Symbolize the given address (pair of binary and offset). + + Overriden in subclasses. + Args: + addr: virtual address of an instruction. + binary: path to executable/shared object containing this instruction. + offset: instruction offset in the @binary. + Returns: + list of strings (one string for each inlined frame) describing + the code locations for this instruction (that is, function name, file + name, line and column numbers). + """ + return None class LLVMSymbolizer(Symbolizer): - def __init__(self, symbolizer_path, default_arch, system, dsym_hints=[]): - super(LLVMSymbolizer, self).__init__() - self.symbolizer_path = symbolizer_path - self.default_arch = default_arch - self.system = system - self.dsym_hints = dsym_hints - self.pipe = self.open_llvm_symbolizer() - - def open_llvm_symbolizer(self): - cmd = [self.symbolizer_path, - ('--demangle' if demangle else '--no-demangle'), - '--functions=linkage', - '--inlines', - '--default-arch=%s' % self.default_arch] - if self.system == 'Darwin': - for hint in self.dsym_hints: - cmd.append('--dsym-hint=%s' % hint) - logging.debug(' '.join(cmd)) - try: - result = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, - stdout=subprocess.PIPE, - bufsize=0, - universal_newlines=True) - except OSError: - result = None - return result - - def symbolize(self, addr, binary, offset): - """Overrides Symbolizer.symbolize.""" - if not self.pipe: - return None - result = [] - try: - symbolizer_input = '"%s" %s' % (binary, offset) - logging.debug(symbolizer_input) - self.pipe.stdin.write("%s\n" % symbolizer_input) - while True: - function_name = self.pipe.stdout.readline().rstrip() - if not function_name: - break - file_name = self.pipe.stdout.readline().rstrip() - file_name = fix_filename(file_name) - if (not function_name.startswith('??') or - not file_name.startswith('??')): - # Append only non-trivial frames. - result.append('%s in %s %s' % (addr, function_name, - file_name)) - except Exception: - result = [] - if not result: - result = None - return result + def __init__(self, symbolizer_path, default_arch, system, dsym_hints=[]): + super(LLVMSymbolizer, self).__init__() + self.symbolizer_path = symbolizer_path + self.default_arch = default_arch + self.system = system + self.dsym_hints = dsym_hints + self.pipe = self.open_llvm_symbolizer() + + def open_llvm_symbolizer(self): + cmd = [ + self.symbolizer_path, + ("--demangle" if demangle else "--no-demangle"), + "--functions=linkage", + "--inlines", + "--default-arch=%s" % self.default_arch, + ] + if self.system == "Darwin": + for hint in self.dsym_hints: + cmd.append("--dsym-hint=%s" % hint) + logging.debug(" ".join(cmd)) + try: + result = subprocess.Popen( + cmd, + stdin=subprocess.PIPE, + stdout=subprocess.PIPE, + bufsize=0, + universal_newlines=True, + ) + except OSError: + result = None + return result + + def symbolize(self, addr, binary, offset): + """Overrides Symbolizer.symbolize.""" + if not self.pipe: + return None + result = [] + try: + symbolizer_input = '"%s" %s' % (binary, offset) + logging.debug(symbolizer_input) + self.pipe.stdin.write("%s\n" % symbolizer_input) + while True: + function_name = self.pipe.stdout.readline().rstrip() + if not function_name: + break + file_name = self.pipe.stdout.readline().rstrip() + file_name = fix_filename(file_name) + if not function_name.startswith("??") or not file_name.startswith("??"): + # Append only non-trivial frames. + result.append("%s in %s %s" % (addr, function_name, file_name)) + except Exception: + result = [] + if not result: + result = None + return result def LLVMSymbolizerFactory(system, default_arch, dsym_hints=[]): - symbolizer_path = os.getenv('LLVM_SYMBOLIZER_PATH') - if not symbolizer_path: - symbolizer_path = os.getenv('ASAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH') + symbolizer_path = os.getenv("LLVM_SYMBOLIZER_PATH") if not symbolizer_path: - # Assume llvm-symbolizer is in PATH. - symbolizer_path = 'llvm-symbolizer' - return LLVMSymbolizer(symbolizer_path, default_arch, system, dsym_hints) + symbolizer_path = os.getenv("ASAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH") + if not symbolizer_path: + # Assume llvm-symbolizer is in PATH. + symbolizer_path = "llvm-symbolizer" + return LLVMSymbolizer(symbolizer_path, default_arch, system, dsym_hints) class Addr2LineSymbolizer(Symbolizer): - def __init__(self, binary): - super(Addr2LineSymbolizer, self).__init__() - self.binary = binary - self.pipe = self.open_addr2line() - self.output_terminator = -1 - - def open_addr2line(self): - addr2line_tool = 'addr2line' - if binutils_prefix: - addr2line_tool = binutils_prefix + addr2line_tool - logging.debug('addr2line binary is %s' % shutil.which(addr2line_tool)) - cmd = [addr2line_tool, '-fi'] - if demangle: - cmd += ['--demangle'] - cmd += ['-e', self.binary] - logging.debug(' '.join(cmd)) - return subprocess.Popen(cmd, - stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, - bufsize=0, - universal_newlines=True) - - def symbolize(self, addr, binary, offset): - """Overrides Symbolizer.symbolize.""" - if self.binary != binary: - return None - lines = [] - try: - self.pipe.stdin.write("%s\n" % offset) - self.pipe.stdin.write("%s\n" % self.output_terminator) - is_first_frame = True - while True: - function_name = self.pipe.stdout.readline().rstrip() - logging.debug("read function_name='%s' from addr2line" % function_name) - # If llvm-symbolizer is installed as addr2line, older versions of - # llvm-symbolizer will print -1 when presented with -1 and not print - # a second line. In that case we will block for ever trying to read the - # file name. This also happens for non-existent files, in which case GNU - # addr2line exits immediate, but llvm-symbolizer does not (see - # https://llvm.org/PR42754). - if function_name == '-1': - logging.debug("got function '-1' -> no more input") - break - file_name = self.pipe.stdout.readline().rstrip() - logging.debug("read file_name='%s' from addr2line" % file_name) - if is_first_frame: - is_first_frame = False - elif function_name == '??': - assert file_name == '??:0', file_name - logging.debug("got function '??' -> no more input") - break - elif not function_name: - assert not file_name, file_name - logging.debug("got empty function name -> no more input") - break - if not function_name and not file_name: - logging.debug("got empty function and file name -> unknown function") - function_name = '??' - file_name = '??:0' - lines.append((function_name, file_name)) - except IOError as e: - # EPIPE happens if addr2line exits early (which some implementations do - # if an invalid file is passed). - if e.errno == errno.EPIPE: - logging.debug(f"addr2line exited early (broken pipe) returncode={self.pipe.poll()}") - else: - logging.debug("unexpected I/O exception communicating with addr2line", exc_info=e) - lines.append(('??', '??:0')) - except Exception as e: - logging.debug("got unknown exception communicating with addr2line", exc_info=e) - lines.append(('??', '??:0')) - return ['%s in %s %s' % (addr, function, fix_filename(file)) for (function, file) in lines] + def __init__(self, binary): + super(Addr2LineSymbolizer, self).__init__() + self.binary = binary + self.pipe = self.open_addr2line() + self.output_terminator = -1 + + def open_addr2line(self): + addr2line_tool = "addr2line" + if binutils_prefix: + addr2line_tool = binutils_prefix + addr2line_tool + logging.debug("addr2line binary is %s" % shutil.which(addr2line_tool)) + cmd = [addr2line_tool, "-fi"] + if demangle: + cmd += ["--demangle"] + cmd += ["-e", self.binary] + logging.debug(" ".join(cmd)) + return subprocess.Popen( + cmd, + stdin=subprocess.PIPE, + stdout=subprocess.PIPE, + bufsize=0, + universal_newlines=True, + ) + + def symbolize(self, addr, binary, offset): + """Overrides Symbolizer.symbolize.""" + if self.binary != binary: + return None + lines = [] + try: + self.pipe.stdin.write("%s\n" % offset) + self.pipe.stdin.write("%s\n" % self.output_terminator) + is_first_frame = True + while True: + function_name = self.pipe.stdout.readline().rstrip() + logging.debug("read function_name='%s' from addr2line" % function_name) + # If llvm-symbolizer is installed as addr2line, older versions of + # llvm-symbolizer will print -1 when presented with -1 and not print + # a second line. In that case we will block for ever trying to read the + # file name. This also happens for non-existent files, in which case GNU + # addr2line exits immediate, but llvm-symbolizer does not (see + # https://llvm.org/PR42754). + if function_name == "-1": + logging.debug("got function '-1' -> no more input") + break + file_name = self.pipe.stdout.readline().rstrip() + logging.debug("read file_name='%s' from addr2line" % file_name) + if is_first_frame: + is_first_frame = False + elif function_name == "??": + assert file_name == "??:0", file_name + logging.debug("got function '??' -> no more input") + break + elif not function_name: + assert not file_name, file_name + logging.debug("got empty function name -> no more input") + break + if not function_name and not file_name: + logging.debug( + "got empty function and file name -> unknown function" + ) + function_name = "??" + file_name = "??:0" + lines.append((function_name, file_name)) + except IOError as e: + # EPIPE happens if addr2line exits early (which some implementations do + # if an invalid file is passed). + if e.errno == errno.EPIPE: + logging.debug( + f"addr2line exited early (broken pipe) returncode={self.pipe.poll()}" + ) + else: + logging.debug( + "unexpected I/O exception communicating with addr2line", exc_info=e + ) + lines.append(("??", "??:0")) + except Exception as e: + logging.debug( + "got unknown exception communicating with addr2line", exc_info=e + ) + lines.append(("??", "??:0")) + return [ + "%s in %s %s" % (addr, function, fix_filename(file)) + for (function, file) in lines + ] + class UnbufferedLineConverter(object): - """ - Wrap a child process that responds to each line of input with one line of - output. Uses pty to trick the child into providing unbuffered output. - """ - def __init__(self, args, close_stderr=False): - # Local imports so that the script can start on Windows. - import pty - import termios - pid, fd = pty.fork() - if pid == 0: - # We're the child. Transfer control to command. - if close_stderr: - dev_null = os.open('/dev/null', 0) - os.dup2(dev_null, 2) - os.execvp(args[0], args) - else: - # Disable echoing. - attr = termios.tcgetattr(fd) - attr[3] = attr[3] & ~termios.ECHO - termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSANOW, attr) - # Set up a file()-like interface to the child process - self.r = os.fdopen(fd, "r", 1) - self.w = os.fdopen(os.dup(fd), "w", 1) + """ + Wrap a child process that responds to each line of input with one line of + output. Uses pty to trick the child into providing unbuffered output. + """ - def convert(self, line): - self.w.write(line + "\n") - return self.readline() + def __init__(self, args, close_stderr=False): + # Local imports so that the script can start on Windows. + import pty + import termios + + pid, fd = pty.fork() + if pid == 0: + # We're the child. Transfer control to command. + if close_stderr: + dev_null = os.open("/dev/null", 0) + os.dup2(dev_null, 2) + os.execvp(args[0], args) + else: + # Disable echoing. + attr = termios.tcgetattr(fd) + attr[3] = attr[3] & ~termios.ECHO + termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSANOW, attr) + # Set up a file()-like interface to the child process + self.r = os.fdopen(fd, "r", 1) + self.w = os.fdopen(os.dup(fd), "w", 1) + + def convert(self, line): + self.w.write(line + "\n") + return self.readline() - def readline(self): - return self.r.readline().rstrip() + def readline(self): + return self.r.readline().rstrip() class DarwinSymbolizer(Symbolizer): - def __init__(self, addr, binary, arch): - super(DarwinSymbolizer, self).__init__() - self.binary = binary - self.arch = arch - self.open_atos() - - def open_atos(self): - logging.debug('atos -o %s -arch %s', self.binary, self.arch) - cmdline = ['atos', '-o', self.binary, '-arch', self.arch] - self.atos = UnbufferedLineConverter(cmdline, close_stderr=True) - - def symbolize(self, addr, binary, offset): - """Overrides Symbolizer.symbolize.""" - if self.binary != binary: - return None - if not os.path.exists(binary): - # If the binary doesn't exist atos will exit which will lead to IOError - # exceptions being raised later on so just don't try to symbolize. - return ['{} ({}:{}+{})'.format(addr, binary, self.arch, offset)] - atos_line = self.atos.convert('0x%x' % int(offset, 16)) - while "got symbolicator for" in atos_line: - atos_line = self.atos.readline() - # A well-formed atos response looks like this: - # foo(type1, type2) (in object.name) (filename.cc:80) - # NOTE: - # * For C functions atos omits parentheses and argument types. - # * For C++ functions the function name (i.e., `foo` above) may contain - # templates which may contain parentheses. - match = re.match('^(.*) \(in (.*)\) \((.*:\d*)\)$', atos_line) - logging.debug('atos_line: %s', atos_line) - if match: - function_name = match.group(1) - file_name = fix_filename(match.group(3)) - return ['%s in %s %s' % (addr, function_name, file_name)] - else: - return ['%s in %s' % (addr, atos_line)] + def __init__(self, addr, binary, arch): + super(DarwinSymbolizer, self).__init__() + self.binary = binary + self.arch = arch + self.open_atos() + + def open_atos(self): + logging.debug("atos -o %s -arch %s", self.binary, self.arch) + cmdline = ["atos", "-o", self.binary, "-arch", self.arch] + self.atos = UnbufferedLineConverter(cmdline, close_stderr=True) + + def symbolize(self, addr, binary, offset): + """Overrides Symbolizer.symbolize.""" + if self.binary != binary: + return None + if not os.path.exists(binary): + # If the binary doesn't exist atos will exit which will lead to IOError + # exceptions being raised later on so just don't try to symbolize. + return ["{} ({}:{}+{})".format(addr, binary, self.arch, offset)] + atos_line = self.atos.convert("0x%x" % int(offset, 16)) + while "got symbolicator for" in atos_line: + atos_line = self.atos.readline() + # A well-formed atos response looks like this: + # foo(type1, type2) (in object.name) (filename.cc:80) + # NOTE: + # * For C functions atos omits parentheses and argument types. + # * For C++ functions the function name (i.e., `foo` above) may contain + # templates which may contain parentheses. + match = re.match("^(.*) \(in (.*)\) \((.*:\d*)\)$", atos_line) + logging.debug("atos_line: %s", atos_line) + if match: + function_name = match.group(1) + file_name = fix_filename(match.group(3)) + return ["%s in %s %s" % (addr, function_name, file_name)] + else: + return ["%s in %s" % (addr, atos_line)] # Chain several symbolizers so that if one symbolizer fails, we fall back # to the next symbolizer in chain. class ChainSymbolizer(Symbolizer): - def __init__(self, symbolizer_list): - super(ChainSymbolizer, self).__init__() - self.symbolizer_list = symbolizer_list - - def symbolize(self, addr, binary, offset): - """Overrides Symbolizer.symbolize.""" - for symbolizer in self.symbolizer_list: - if symbolizer: - result = symbolizer.symbolize(addr, binary, offset) - if result: - return result - return None + def __init__(self, symbolizer_list): + super(ChainSymbolizer, self).__init__() + self.symbolizer_list = symbolizer_list + + def symbolize(self, addr, binary, offset): + """Overrides Symbolizer.symbolize.""" + for symbolizer in self.symbolizer_list: + if symbolizer: + result = symbolizer.symbolize(addr, binary, offset) + if result: + return result + return None - def append_symbolizer(self, symbolizer): - self.symbolizer_list.append(symbolizer) + def append_symbolizer(self, symbolizer): + self.symbolizer_list.append(symbolizer) def BreakpadSymbolizerFactory(binary): - suffix = os.getenv('BREAKPAD_SUFFIX') - if suffix: - filename = binary + suffix - if os.access(filename, os.F_OK): - return BreakpadSymbolizer(filename) - return None + suffix = os.getenv("BREAKPAD_SUFFIX") + if suffix: + filename = binary + suffix + if os.access(filename, os.F_OK): + return BreakpadSymbolizer(filename) + return None def SystemSymbolizerFactory(system, addr, binary, arch): - if system == 'Darwin': - return DarwinSymbolizer(addr, binary, arch) - elif system in ['Linux', 'FreeBSD', 'NetBSD', 'SunOS']: - return Addr2LineSymbolizer(binary) + if system == "Darwin": + return DarwinSymbolizer(addr, binary, arch) + elif system in ["Linux", "FreeBSD", "NetBSD", "SunOS"]: + return Addr2LineSymbolizer(binary) class BreakpadSymbolizer(Symbolizer): - def __init__(self, filename): - super(BreakpadSymbolizer, self).__init__() - self.filename = filename - lines = file(filename).readlines() - self.files = [] - self.symbols = {} - self.address_list = [] - self.addresses = {} - # MODULE mac x86_64 A7001116478B33F18FF9BEDE9F615F190 t - fragments = lines[0].rstrip().split() - self.arch = fragments[2] - self.debug_id = fragments[3] - self.binary = ' '.join(fragments[4:]) - self.parse_lines(lines[1:]) - - def parse_lines(self, lines): - cur_function_addr = '' - for line in lines: - fragments = line.split() - if fragments[0] == 'FILE': - assert int(fragments[1]) == len(self.files) - self.files.append(' '.join(fragments[2:])) - elif fragments[0] == 'PUBLIC': - self.symbols[int(fragments[1], 16)] = ' '.join(fragments[3:]) - elif fragments[0] in ['CFI', 'STACK']: - pass - elif fragments[0] == 'FUNC': - cur_function_addr = int(fragments[1], 16) - if not cur_function_addr in self.symbols.keys(): - self.symbols[cur_function_addr] = ' '.join(fragments[4:]) - else: - # Line starting with an address. - addr = int(fragments[0], 16) - self.address_list.append(addr) - # Tuple of symbol address, size, line, file number. - self.addresses[addr] = (cur_function_addr, - int(fragments[1], 16), - int(fragments[2]), - int(fragments[3])) - self.address_list.sort() - - def get_sym_file_line(self, addr): - key = None - if addr in self.addresses.keys(): - key = addr - else: - index = bisect.bisect_left(self.address_list, addr) - if index == 0: - return None - else: - key = self.address_list[index - 1] - sym_id, size, line_no, file_no = self.addresses[key] - symbol = self.symbols[sym_id] - filename = self.files[file_no] - if addr < key + size: - return symbol, filename, line_no - else: - return None - - def symbolize(self, addr, binary, offset): - if self.binary != binary: - return None - res = self.get_sym_file_line(int(offset, 16)) - if res: - function_name, file_name, line_no = res - result = ['%s in %s %s:%d' % ( - addr, function_name, file_name, line_no)] - print(result) - return result - else: - return None + def __init__(self, filename): + super(BreakpadSymbolizer, self).__init__() + self.filename = filename + lines = file(filename).readlines() + self.files = [] + self.symbols = {} + self.address_list = [] + self.addresses = {} + # MODULE mac x86_64 A7001116478B33F18FF9BEDE9F615F190 t + fragments = lines[0].rstrip().split() + self.arch = fragments[2] + self.debug_id = fragments[3] + self.binary = " ".join(fragments[4:]) + self.parse_lines(lines[1:]) + + def parse_lines(self, lines): + cur_function_addr = "" + for line in lines: + fragments = line.split() + if fragments[0] == "FILE": + assert int(fragments[1]) == len(self.files) + self.files.append(" ".join(fragments[2:])) + elif fragments[0] == "PUBLIC": + self.symbols[int(fragments[1], 16)] = " ".join(fragments[3:]) + elif fragments[0] in ["CFI", "STACK"]: + pass + elif fragments[0] == "FUNC": + cur_function_addr = int(fragments[1], 16) + if not cur_function_addr in self.symbols.keys(): + self.symbols[cur_function_addr] = " ".join(fragments[4:]) + else: + # Line starting with an address. + addr = int(fragments[0], 16) + self.address_list.append(addr) + # Tuple of symbol address, size, line, file number. + self.addresses[addr] = ( + cur_function_addr, + int(fragments[1], 16), + int(fragments[2]), + int(fragments[3]), + ) + self.address_list.sort() + + def get_sym_file_line(self, addr): + key = None + if addr in self.addresses.keys(): + key = addr + else: + index = bisect.bisect_left(self.address_list, addr) + if index == 0: + return None + else: + key = self.address_list[index - 1] + sym_id, size, line_no, file_no = self.addresses[key] + symbol = self.symbols[sym_id] + filename = self.files[file_no] + if addr < key + size: + return symbol, filename, line_no + else: + return None + + def symbolize(self, addr, binary, offset): + if self.binary != binary: + return None + res = self.get_sym_file_line(int(offset, 16)) + if res: + function_name, file_name, line_no = res + result = ["%s in %s %s:%d" % (addr, function_name, file_name, line_no)] + print(result) + return result + else: + return None class SymbolizationLoop(object): - def __init__(self, plugin_proxy=None, dsym_hint_producer=None): - self.plugin_proxy = plugin_proxy - if sys.platform == 'win32': - # ASan on Windows uses dbghelp.dll to symbolize in-process, which works - # even in sandboxed processes. Nothing needs to be done here. - self.process_line = self.process_line_echo - else: - # Used by clients who may want to supply a different binary name. - # E.g. in Chrome several binaries may share a single .dSYM. - self.dsym_hint_producer = dsym_hint_producer - self.system = os.uname()[0] - if self.system not in ['Linux', 'Darwin', 'FreeBSD', 'NetBSD','SunOS']: - raise Exception('Unknown system') - self.llvm_symbolizers = {} - self.last_llvm_symbolizer = None - self.dsym_hints = set([]) - self.frame_no = 0 - self.process_line = self.process_line_posix - self.using_module_map = plugin_proxy.has_plugin(ModuleMapPlugIn.get_name()) - - def symbolize_address(self, addr, binary, offset, arch): - # On non-Darwin (i.e. on platforms without .dSYM debug info) always use - # a single symbolizer binary. - # On Darwin, if the dsym hint producer is present: - # 1. check whether we've seen this binary already; if so, - # use |llvm_symbolizers[binary]|, which has already loaded the debug - # info for this binary (might not be the case for - # |last_llvm_symbolizer|); - # 2. otherwise check if we've seen all the hints for this binary already; - # if so, reuse |last_llvm_symbolizer| which has the full set of hints; - # 3. otherwise create a new symbolizer and pass all currently known - # .dSYM hints to it. - result = None - if not force_system_symbolizer: - if not binary in self.llvm_symbolizers: - use_new_symbolizer = True - if self.system == 'Darwin' and self.dsym_hint_producer: - dsym_hints_for_binary = set(self.dsym_hint_producer(binary)) - use_new_symbolizer = bool(dsym_hints_for_binary - self.dsym_hints) - self.dsym_hints |= dsym_hints_for_binary - if self.last_llvm_symbolizer and not use_new_symbolizer: - self.llvm_symbolizers[binary] = self.last_llvm_symbolizer + def __init__(self, plugin_proxy=None, dsym_hint_producer=None): + self.plugin_proxy = plugin_proxy + if sys.platform == "win32": + # ASan on Windows uses dbghelp.dll to symbolize in-process, which works + # even in sandboxed processes. Nothing needs to be done here. + self.process_line = self.process_line_echo else: - self.last_llvm_symbolizer = LLVMSymbolizerFactory( - self.system, arch, self.dsym_hints) - self.llvm_symbolizers[binary] = self.last_llvm_symbolizer - # Use the chain of symbolizers: - # Breakpad symbolizer -> LLVM symbolizer -> addr2line/atos - # (fall back to next symbolizer if the previous one fails). - if not binary in symbolizers: - symbolizers[binary] = ChainSymbolizer( - [BreakpadSymbolizerFactory(binary), self.llvm_symbolizers[binary]]) - result = symbolizers[binary].symbolize(addr, binary, offset) - else: - symbolizers[binary] = ChainSymbolizer([]) - if result is None: - if not allow_system_symbolizer: - raise Exception('Failed to launch or use llvm-symbolizer.') - # Initialize system symbolizer only if other symbolizers failed. - symbolizers[binary].append_symbolizer( - SystemSymbolizerFactory(self.system, addr, binary, arch)) - result = symbolizers[binary].symbolize(addr, binary, offset) - # The system symbolizer must produce some result. - assert result - return result - - def get_symbolized_lines(self, symbolized_lines, inc_frame_counter=True): - if not symbolized_lines: - if inc_frame_counter: - self.frame_no += 1 - return [self.current_line] - else: - assert inc_frame_counter - result = [] - for symbolized_frame in symbolized_lines: - result.append(' #%s %s' % (str(self.frame_no), symbolized_frame.rstrip())) - self.frame_no += 1 - return result - - def process_logfile(self): - self.frame_no = 0 - for line in logfile: - processed = self.process_line(line) - print('\n'.join(processed)) - - def process_line_echo(self, line): - return [line.rstrip()] - - def process_line_posix(self, line): - self.current_line = line.rstrip() - # Unsymbolicated: - # #0 0x7f6e35cf2e45 (/blah/foo.so+0x11fe45) - # Partially symbolicated: - # #0 0x7f6e35cf2e45 in foo (foo.so+0x11fe45) - # NOTE: We have to very liberal with symbol - # names in the regex because it could be an - # Objective-C or C++ demangled name. - stack_trace_line_format = ( - '^( *#([0-9]+) *)(0x[0-9a-f]+) *(?:in *.+)? *\((.*)\+(0x[0-9a-f]+)\)') - match = re.match(stack_trace_line_format, line) - if not match: - logging.debug('Line "{}" does not match regex'.format(line)) - # Not a frame line so don't increment the frame counter. - return self.get_symbolized_lines(None, inc_frame_counter=False) - logging.debug(line) - _, frameno_str, addr, binary, offset = match.groups() - - if not self.using_module_map and not os.path.isabs(binary): - # Do not try to symbolicate if the binary is just the module file name - # and a module map is unavailable. - # FIXME(dliew): This is currently necessary for reports on Darwin that are - # partially symbolicated by `atos`. - return self.get_symbolized_lines(None) - arch = "" - # Arch can be embedded in the filename, e.g.: "libabc.dylib:x86_64h" - colon_pos = binary.rfind(":") - if colon_pos != -1: - maybe_arch = binary[colon_pos+1:] - if is_valid_arch(maybe_arch): - arch = maybe_arch - binary = binary[0:colon_pos] - if arch == "": - arch = guess_arch(addr) - if frameno_str == '0': - # Assume that frame #0 is the first frame of new stack trace. - self.frame_no = 0 - original_binary = binary - binary = self.plugin_proxy.filter_binary_path(binary) - if binary is None: - # The binary filter has told us this binary can't be symbolized. - logging.debug('Skipping symbolication of binary "%s"', original_binary) - return self.get_symbolized_lines(None) - symbolized_line = self.symbolize_address(addr, binary, offset, arch) - if not symbolized_line: - if original_binary != binary: - symbolized_line = self.symbolize_address(addr, original_binary, offset, arch) - return self.get_symbolized_lines(symbolized_line) + # Used by clients who may want to supply a different binary name. + # E.g. in Chrome several binaries may share a single .dSYM. + self.dsym_hint_producer = dsym_hint_producer + self.system = os.uname()[0] + if self.system not in ["Linux", "Darwin", "FreeBSD", "NetBSD", "SunOS"]: + raise Exception("Unknown system") + self.llvm_symbolizers = {} + self.last_llvm_symbolizer = None + self.dsym_hints = set([]) + self.frame_no = 0 + self.process_line = self.process_line_posix + self.using_module_map = plugin_proxy.has_plugin(ModuleMapPlugIn.get_name()) + + def symbolize_address(self, addr, binary, offset, arch): + # On non-Darwin (i.e. on platforms without .dSYM debug info) always use + # a single symbolizer binary. + # On Darwin, if the dsym hint producer is present: + # 1. check whether we've seen this binary already; if so, + # use |llvm_symbolizers[binary]|, which has already loaded the debug + # info for this binary (might not be the case for + # |last_llvm_symbolizer|); + # 2. otherwise check if we've seen all the hints for this binary already; + # if so, reuse |last_llvm_symbolizer| which has the full set of hints; + # 3. otherwise create a new symbolizer and pass all currently known + # .dSYM hints to it. + result = None + if not force_system_symbolizer: + if not binary in self.llvm_symbolizers: + use_new_symbolizer = True + if self.system == "Darwin" and self.dsym_hint_producer: + dsym_hints_for_binary = set(self.dsym_hint_producer(binary)) + use_new_symbolizer = bool(dsym_hints_for_binary - self.dsym_hints) + self.dsym_hints |= dsym_hints_for_binary + if self.last_llvm_symbolizer and not use_new_symbolizer: + self.llvm_symbolizers[binary] = self.last_llvm_symbolizer + else: + self.last_llvm_symbolizer = LLVMSymbolizerFactory( + self.system, arch, self.dsym_hints + ) + self.llvm_symbolizers[binary] = self.last_llvm_symbolizer + # Use the chain of symbolizers: + # Breakpad symbolizer -> LLVM symbolizer -> addr2line/atos + # (fall back to next symbolizer if the previous one fails). + if not binary in symbolizers: + symbolizers[binary] = ChainSymbolizer( + [BreakpadSymbolizerFactory(binary), self.llvm_symbolizers[binary]] + ) + result = symbolizers[binary].symbolize(addr, binary, offset) + else: + symbolizers[binary] = ChainSymbolizer([]) + if result is None: + if not allow_system_symbolizer: + raise Exception("Failed to launch or use llvm-symbolizer.") + # Initialize system symbolizer only if other symbolizers failed. + symbolizers[binary].append_symbolizer( + SystemSymbolizerFactory(self.system, addr, binary, arch) + ) + result = symbolizers[binary].symbolize(addr, binary, offset) + # The system symbolizer must produce some result. + assert result + return result + + def get_symbolized_lines(self, symbolized_lines, inc_frame_counter=True): + if not symbolized_lines: + if inc_frame_counter: + self.frame_no += 1 + return [self.current_line] + else: + assert inc_frame_counter + result = [] + for symbolized_frame in symbolized_lines: + result.append( + " #%s %s" % (str(self.frame_no), symbolized_frame.rstrip()) + ) + self.frame_no += 1 + return result + + def process_logfile(self): + self.frame_no = 0 + for line in logfile: + processed = self.process_line(line) + print("\n".join(processed)) + + def process_line_echo(self, line): + return [line.rstrip()] + + def process_line_posix(self, line): + self.current_line = line.rstrip() + # Unsymbolicated: + # #0 0x7f6e35cf2e45 (/blah/foo.so+0x11fe45) + # Partially symbolicated: + # #0 0x7f6e35cf2e45 in foo (foo.so+0x11fe45) + # NOTE: We have to very liberal with symbol + # names in the regex because it could be an + # Objective-C or C++ demangled name. + stack_trace_line_format = ( + "^( *#([0-9]+) *)(0x[0-9a-f]+) *(?:in *.+)? *\((.*)\+(0x[0-9a-f]+)\)" + ) + match = re.match(stack_trace_line_format, line) + if not match: + logging.debug('Line "{}" does not match regex'.format(line)) + # Not a frame line so don't increment the frame counter. + return self.get_symbolized_lines(None, inc_frame_counter=False) + logging.debug(line) + _, frameno_str, addr, binary, offset = match.groups() + + if not self.using_module_map and not os.path.isabs(binary): + # Do not try to symbolicate if the binary is just the module file name + # and a module map is unavailable. + # FIXME(dliew): This is currently necessary for reports on Darwin that are + # partially symbolicated by `atos`. + return self.get_symbolized_lines(None) + arch = "" + # Arch can be embedded in the filename, e.g.: "libabc.dylib:x86_64h" + colon_pos = binary.rfind(":") + if colon_pos != -1: + maybe_arch = binary[colon_pos + 1 :] + if is_valid_arch(maybe_arch): + arch = maybe_arch + binary = binary[0:colon_pos] + if arch == "": + arch = guess_arch(addr) + if frameno_str == "0": + # Assume that frame #0 is the first frame of new stack trace. + self.frame_no = 0 + original_binary = binary + binary = self.plugin_proxy.filter_binary_path(binary) + if binary is None: + # The binary filter has told us this binary can't be symbolized. + logging.debug('Skipping symbolication of binary "%s"', original_binary) + return self.get_symbolized_lines(None) + symbolized_line = self.symbolize_address(addr, binary, offset, arch) + if not symbolized_line: + if original_binary != binary: + symbolized_line = self.symbolize_address( + addr, original_binary, offset, arch + ) + return self.get_symbolized_lines(symbolized_line) + class AsanSymbolizerPlugInProxy(object): - """ + """ Serves several purposes: - Manages the lifetime of plugins (must be used a `with` statement). - Provides interface for calling into plugins from within this script. - """ - def __init__(self): - self._plugins = [ ] - self._plugin_names = set() - - def _load_plugin_from_file_impl_py_gt_2(self, file_path, globals_space): - with open(file_path, 'r') as f: - exec(f.read(), globals_space, None) - - def load_plugin_from_file(self, file_path): - logging.info('Loading plugins from "{}"'.format(file_path)) - globals_space = dict(globals()) - # Provide function to register plugins - def register_plugin(plugin): - logging.info('Registering plugin %s', plugin.get_name()) - self.add_plugin(plugin) - globals_space['register_plugin'] = register_plugin - if sys.version_info.major < 3: - execfile(file_path, globals_space, None) - else: - # Indirection here is to avoid a bug in older Python 2 versions: - # `SyntaxError: unqualified exec is not allowed in function ...` - self._load_plugin_from_file_impl_py_gt_2(file_path, globals_space) - - def add_plugin(self, plugin): - assert isinstance(plugin, AsanSymbolizerPlugIn) - self._plugins.append(plugin) - self._plugin_names.add(plugin.get_name()) - plugin._receive_proxy(self) - - def remove_plugin(self, plugin): - assert isinstance(plugin, AsanSymbolizerPlugIn) - self._plugins.remove(plugin) - self._plugin_names.remove(plugin.get_name()) - logging.debug('Removing plugin %s', plugin.get_name()) - plugin.destroy() - - def has_plugin(self, name): - """ - Returns true iff the plugin name is currently - being managed by AsanSymbolizerPlugInProxy. - """ - return name in self._plugin_names - - def register_cmdline_args(self, parser): - plugins = list(self._plugins) - for plugin in plugins: - plugin.register_cmdline_args(parser) - - def process_cmdline_args(self, pargs): - # Use copy so we can remove items as we iterate. - plugins = list(self._plugins) - for plugin in plugins: - keep = plugin.process_cmdline_args(pargs) - assert isinstance(keep, bool) - if not keep: - self.remove_plugin(plugin) - - def __enter__(self): - return self - - def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): - for plugin in self._plugins: - plugin.destroy() - # Don't suppress raised exceptions - return False - - def _filter_single_value(self, function_name, input_value): """ - Helper for filter style plugin functions. - """ - new_value = input_value - for plugin in self._plugins: - result = getattr(plugin, function_name)(new_value) - if result is None: - return None - new_value = result - return new_value - def filter_binary_path(self, binary_path): - """ - Consult available plugins to filter the path to a binary - to make it suitable for symbolication. - - Returns `None` if symbolication should not be attempted for this - binary. - """ - return self._filter_single_value('filter_binary_path', binary_path) - - def filter_module_desc(self, module_desc): - """ - Consult available plugins to determine the module - description suitable for symbolication. + def __init__(self): + self._plugins = [] + self._plugin_names = set() + + def _load_plugin_from_file_impl_py_gt_2(self, file_path, globals_space): + with open(file_path, "r") as f: + exec(f.read(), globals_space, None) + + def load_plugin_from_file(self, file_path): + logging.info('Loading plugins from "{}"'.format(file_path)) + globals_space = dict(globals()) + # Provide function to register plugins + def register_plugin(plugin): + logging.info("Registering plugin %s", plugin.get_name()) + self.add_plugin(plugin) + + globals_space["register_plugin"] = register_plugin + if sys.version_info.major < 3: + execfile(file_path, globals_space, None) + else: + # Indirection here is to avoid a bug in older Python 2 versions: + # `SyntaxError: unqualified exec is not allowed in function ...` + self._load_plugin_from_file_impl_py_gt_2(file_path, globals_space) + + def add_plugin(self, plugin): + assert isinstance(plugin, AsanSymbolizerPlugIn) + self._plugins.append(plugin) + self._plugin_names.add(plugin.get_name()) + plugin._receive_proxy(self) + + def remove_plugin(self, plugin): + assert isinstance(plugin, AsanSymbolizerPlugIn) + self._plugins.remove(plugin) + self._plugin_names.remove(plugin.get_name()) + logging.debug("Removing plugin %s", plugin.get_name()) + plugin.destroy() + + def has_plugin(self, name): + """ + Returns true iff the plugin name is currently + being managed by AsanSymbolizerPlugInProxy. + """ + return name in self._plugin_names + + def register_cmdline_args(self, parser): + plugins = list(self._plugins) + for plugin in plugins: + plugin.register_cmdline_args(parser) + + def process_cmdline_args(self, pargs): + # Use copy so we can remove items as we iterate. + plugins = list(self._plugins) + for plugin in plugins: + keep = plugin.process_cmdline_args(pargs) + assert isinstance(keep, bool) + if not keep: + self.remove_plugin(plugin) + + def __enter__(self): + return self + + def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): + for plugin in self._plugins: + plugin.destroy() + # Don't suppress raised exceptions + return False + + def _filter_single_value(self, function_name, input_value): + """ + Helper for filter style plugin functions. + """ + new_value = input_value + for plugin in self._plugins: + result = getattr(plugin, function_name)(new_value) + if result is None: + return None + new_value = result + return new_value + + def filter_binary_path(self, binary_path): + """ + Consult available plugins to filter the path to a binary + to make it suitable for symbolication. + + Returns `None` if symbolication should not be attempted for this + binary. + """ + return self._filter_single_value("filter_binary_path", binary_path) + + def filter_module_desc(self, module_desc): + """ + Consult available plugins to determine the module + description suitable for symbolication. + + Returns `None` if symbolication should not be attempted for this module. + """ + assert isinstance(module_desc, ModuleDesc) + return self._filter_single_value("filter_module_desc", module_desc) - Returns `None` if symbolication should not be attempted for this module. - """ - assert isinstance(module_desc, ModuleDesc) - return self._filter_single_value('filter_module_desc', module_desc) class AsanSymbolizerPlugIn(object): - """ + """ This is the interface the `asan_symbolize.py` code uses to talk to plugins. - """ - @classmethod - def get_name(cls): """ - Returns the name of the plugin. - """ - return cls.__name__ - def _receive_proxy(self, proxy): - assert isinstance(proxy, AsanSymbolizerPlugInProxy) - self.proxy = proxy + @classmethod + def get_name(cls): + """ + Returns the name of the plugin. + """ + return cls.__name__ - def register_cmdline_args(self, parser): - """ - Hook for registering command line arguments to be - consumed in `process_cmdline_args()`. + def _receive_proxy(self, proxy): + assert isinstance(proxy, AsanSymbolizerPlugInProxy) + self.proxy = proxy - `parser` - Instance of `argparse.ArgumentParser`. - """ - pass + def register_cmdline_args(self, parser): + """ + Hook for registering command line arguments to be + consumed in `process_cmdline_args()`. - def process_cmdline_args(self, pargs): - """ - Hook for handling parsed arguments. Implementations - should not modify `pargs`. + `parser` - Instance of `argparse.ArgumentParser`. + """ + pass - `pargs` - Instance of `argparse.Namespace` containing - parsed command line arguments. + def process_cmdline_args(self, pargs): + """ + Hook for handling parsed arguments. Implementations + should not modify `pargs`. - Return `True` if plug-in should be used, otherwise - return `False`. - """ - return True + `pargs` - Instance of `argparse.Namespace` containing + parsed command line arguments. - def destroy(self): - """ - Hook called when a plugin is about to be destroyed. - Implementations should free any allocated resources here. - """ - pass + Return `True` if plug-in should be used, otherwise + return `False`. + """ + return True - # Symbolization hooks - def filter_binary_path(self, binary_path): - """ - Given a binary path return a binary path suitable for symbolication. + def destroy(self): + """ + Hook called when a plugin is about to be destroyed. + Implementations should free any allocated resources here. + """ + pass - Implementations should return `None` if symbolication of this binary - should be skipped. - """ - return binary_path + # Symbolization hooks + def filter_binary_path(self, binary_path): + """ + Given a binary path return a binary path suitable for symbolication. - def filter_module_desc(self, module_desc): - """ - Given a ModuleDesc object (`module_desc`) return - a ModuleDesc suitable for symbolication. + Implementations should return `None` if symbolication of this binary + should be skipped. + """ + return binary_path + + def filter_module_desc(self, module_desc): + """ + Given a ModuleDesc object (`module_desc`) return + a ModuleDesc suitable for symbolication. + + Implementations should return `None` if symbolication of this binary + should be skipped. + """ + return module_desc - Implementations should return `None` if symbolication of this binary - should be skipped. - """ - return module_desc class ModuleDesc(object): - def __init__(self, name, arch, start_addr, end_addr, module_path, uuid): - self.name = name - self.arch = arch - self.start_addr = start_addr - self.end_addr = end_addr - # Module path from an ASan report. - self.module_path = module_path - # Module for performing symbolization, by default same as above. - self.module_path_for_symbolization = module_path - self.uuid = uuid - assert self.is_valid() - - def __str__(self): - assert self.is_valid() - return "{name} {arch} {start_addr:#016x}-{end_addr:#016x} {module_path} {uuid}".format( - name=self.name, - arch=self.arch, - start_addr=self.start_addr, - end_addr=self.end_addr, - module_path=self.module_path if self.module_path == self.module_path_for_symbolization else '{} ({})'.format(self.module_path_for_symbolization, self.module_path), - uuid=self.uuid - ) + def __init__(self, name, arch, start_addr, end_addr, module_path, uuid): + self.name = name + self.arch = arch + self.start_addr = start_addr + self.end_addr = end_addr + # Module path from an ASan report. + self.module_path = module_path + # Module for performing symbolization, by default same as above. + self.module_path_for_symbolization = module_path + self.uuid = uuid + assert self.is_valid() + + def __str__(self): + assert self.is_valid() + return "{name} {arch} {start_addr:#016x}-{end_addr:#016x} {module_path} {uuid}".format( + name=self.name, + arch=self.arch, + start_addr=self.start_addr, + end_addr=self.end_addr, + module_path=self.module_path + if self.module_path == self.module_path_for_symbolization + else "{} ({})".format(self.module_path_for_symbolization, self.module_path), + uuid=self.uuid, + ) + + def is_valid(self): + if not isinstance(self.name, str): + return False + if not isinstance(self.arch, str): + return False + if not isinstance(self.start_addr, int): + return False + if self.start_addr < 0: + return False + if not isinstance(self.end_addr, int): + return False + if self.end_addr <= self.start_addr: + return False + if not isinstance(self.module_path, str): + return False + if not os.path.isabs(self.module_path): + return False + if not isinstance(self.module_path_for_symbolization, str): + return False + if not os.path.isabs(self.module_path_for_symbolization): + return False + if not isinstance(self.uuid, str): + return False + return True - def is_valid(self): - if not isinstance(self.name, str): - return False - if not isinstance(self.arch, str): - return False - if not isinstance(self.start_addr, int): - return False - if self.start_addr < 0: - return False - if not isinstance(self.end_addr, int): - return False - if self.end_addr <= self.start_addr: - return False - if not isinstance(self.module_path, str): - return False - if not os.path.isabs(self.module_path): - return False - if not isinstance(self.module_path_for_symbolization, str): - return False - if not os.path.isabs(self.module_path_for_symbolization): - return False - if not isinstance(self.uuid, str): - return False - return True class GetUUIDFromBinaryException(Exception): - def __init__(self, msg): - super(GetUUIDFromBinaryException, self).__init__(msg) + def __init__(self, msg): + super(GetUUIDFromBinaryException, self).__init__(msg) + _get_uuid_from_binary_cache = dict() -def get_uuid_from_binary(path_to_binary, arch=None): - cache_key = (path_to_binary, arch) - cached_value = _get_uuid_from_binary_cache.get(cache_key) - if cached_value: - return cached_value - if not os.path.exists(path_to_binary): - raise GetUUIDFromBinaryException('Binary "{}" does not exist'.format(path_to_binary)) - cmd = [ '/usr/bin/otool', '-l'] - if arch: - cmd.extend(['-arch', arch]) - cmd.append(path_to_binary) - output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) - # Look for this output: - # cmd LC_UUID - # cmdsize 24 - # uuid 4CA778FE-5BF9-3C45-AE59-7DF01B2BE83F - if isinstance(output, str): - output_str = output - else: - assert isinstance(output, bytes) - output_str = output.decode() - assert isinstance(output_str, str) - lines = output_str.split('\n') - uuid = None - for index, line in enumerate(lines): - stripped_line = line.strip() - if not stripped_line.startswith('cmd LC_UUID'): - continue - uuid_line = lines[index+2].strip() - if not uuid_line.startswith('uuid'): - raise GetUUIDFromBinaryException('Malformed output: "{}"'.format(uuid_line)) - split_uuid_line = uuid_line.split() - uuid = split_uuid_line[1] - break - if uuid is None: - logging.error('Failed to retrieve UUID from binary {}'.format(path_to_binary)) - logging.error('otool output was:\n{}'.format(output_str)) - raise GetUUIDFromBinaryException('Failed to retrieve UUID from binary "{}"'.format(path_to_binary)) - else: - # Update cache - _get_uuid_from_binary_cache[cache_key] = uuid - return uuid -class ModuleMap(object): - def __init__(self): - self._module_name_to_description_map = dict() - - def add_module(self, desc): - assert isinstance(desc, ModuleDesc) - assert desc.name not in self._module_name_to_description_map - self._module_name_to_description_map[desc.name] = desc - - def find_module_by_name(self, name): - return self._module_name_to_description_map.get(name, None) - - def __str__(self): - s = '{} modules:\n'.format(self.num_modules) - for module_desc in sorted(self._module_name_to_description_map.values(), key=lambda v: v.start_addr): - s += str(module_desc) + '\n' - return s - - @property - def num_modules(self): - return len(self._module_name_to_description_map) - - @property - def modules(self): - return set(self._module_name_to_description_map.values()) - - def get_module_path_for_symbolication(self, module_name, proxy, validate_uuid): - module_desc = self.find_module_by_name(module_name) - if module_desc is None: - return None - # Allow a plug-in to change the module description to make it - # suitable for symbolication or avoid symbolication altogether. - module_desc = proxy.filter_module_desc(module_desc) - if module_desc is None: - return None - if validate_uuid: - logging.debug('Validating UUID of {}'.format(module_desc.module_path_for_symbolization)) - try: - uuid = get_uuid_from_binary(module_desc.module_path_for_symbolization, arch = module_desc.arch) - if uuid != module_desc.uuid: - logging.warning("Detected UUID mismatch {} != {}".format(uuid, module_desc.uuid)) - # UUIDs don't match. Tell client to not symbolize this. - return None - except GetUUIDFromBinaryException as e: - logging.error('Failed to get binary from UUID: %s', str(e)) - return None - else: - logging.warning('Skipping validation of UUID of {}'.format(module_desc.module_path_for_symbolization)) - return module_desc.module_path_for_symbolization - - @staticmethod - def parse_from_file(module_map_path): - if not os.path.exists(module_map_path): - raise Exception('module map "{}" does not exist'.format(module_map_path)) - with open(module_map_path, 'r') as f: - mm = None - # E.g. - # 0x2db4000-0x102ddc000 /path/to (arm64) <0D6BBDE0-FF90-3680-899D-8E6F9528E04C> - hex_regex = lambda name: r'0x(?P<' + name + r'>[0-9a-f]+)' - module_path_regex = r'(?P.+)' - arch_regex = r'\((?P.+)\)' - uuid_regex = r'<(?P[0-9A-Z-]+)>' - line_regex = r'^{}-{}\s+{}\s+{}\s+{}'.format( - hex_regex('start_addr'), - hex_regex('end_addr'), - module_path_regex, - arch_regex, - uuid_regex - ) - matcher = re.compile(line_regex) - line_num = 0 - line = 'dummy' - while line != '': - line = f.readline() - line_num += 1 - if mm is None: - if line.startswith('Process module map:'): - mm = ModuleMap() - continue - if line.startswith('End of module map'): - break - m_obj = matcher.match(line) - if not m_obj: - raise Exception('Failed to parse line {} "{}"'.format(line_num, line)) - arch = m_obj.group('arch') - start_addr = int(m_obj.group('start_addr'), base=16) - end_addr = int(m_obj.group('end_addr'), base=16) - module_path = m_obj.group('path') - uuid = m_obj.group('uuid') - module_desc = ModuleDesc( - name=os.path.basename(module_path), - arch=arch, - start_addr=start_addr, - end_addr=end_addr, - module_path=module_path, - uuid=uuid +def get_uuid_from_binary(path_to_binary, arch=None): + cache_key = (path_to_binary, arch) + cached_value = _get_uuid_from_binary_cache.get(cache_key) + if cached_value: + return cached_value + if not os.path.exists(path_to_binary): + raise GetUUIDFromBinaryException( + 'Binary "{}" does not exist'.format(path_to_binary) ) - mm.add_module(module_desc) - if mm is not None: - logging.debug('Loaded Module map from "{}":\n{}'.format( - f.name, - str(mm)) + cmd = ["/usr/bin/otool", "-l"] + if arch: + cmd.extend(["-arch", arch]) + cmd.append(path_to_binary) + output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) + # Look for this output: + # cmd LC_UUID + # cmdsize 24 + # uuid 4CA778FE-5BF9-3C45-AE59-7DF01B2BE83F + if isinstance(output, str): + output_str = output + else: + assert isinstance(output, bytes) + output_str = output.decode() + assert isinstance(output_str, str) + lines = output_str.split("\n") + uuid = None + for index, line in enumerate(lines): + stripped_line = line.strip() + if not stripped_line.startswith("cmd LC_UUID"): + continue + uuid_line = lines[index + 2].strip() + if not uuid_line.startswith("uuid"): + raise GetUUIDFromBinaryException('Malformed output: "{}"'.format(uuid_line)) + split_uuid_line = uuid_line.split() + uuid = split_uuid_line[1] + break + if uuid is None: + logging.error("Failed to retrieve UUID from binary {}".format(path_to_binary)) + logging.error("otool output was:\n{}".format(output_str)) + raise GetUUIDFromBinaryException( + 'Failed to retrieve UUID from binary "{}"'.format(path_to_binary) ) - return mm + else: + # Update cache + _get_uuid_from_binary_cache[cache_key] = uuid + return uuid + + +class ModuleMap(object): + def __init__(self): + self._module_name_to_description_map = dict() + + def add_module(self, desc): + assert isinstance(desc, ModuleDesc) + assert desc.name not in self._module_name_to_description_map + self._module_name_to_description_map[desc.name] = desc + + def find_module_by_name(self, name): + return self._module_name_to_description_map.get(name, None) + + def __str__(self): + s = "{} modules:\n".format(self.num_modules) + for module_desc in sorted( + self._module_name_to_description_map.values(), key=lambda v: v.start_addr + ): + s += str(module_desc) + "\n" + return s + + @property + def num_modules(self): + return len(self._module_name_to_description_map) + + @property + def modules(self): + return set(self._module_name_to_description_map.values()) + + def get_module_path_for_symbolication(self, module_name, proxy, validate_uuid): + module_desc = self.find_module_by_name(module_name) + if module_desc is None: + return None + # Allow a plug-in to change the module description to make it + # suitable for symbolication or avoid symbolication altogether. + module_desc = proxy.filter_module_desc(module_desc) + if module_desc is None: + return None + if validate_uuid: + logging.debug( + "Validating UUID of {}".format( + module_desc.module_path_for_symbolization + ) + ) + try: + uuid = get_uuid_from_binary( + module_desc.module_path_for_symbolization, arch=module_desc.arch + ) + if uuid != module_desc.uuid: + logging.warning( + "Detected UUID mismatch {} != {}".format(uuid, module_desc.uuid) + ) + # UUIDs don't match. Tell client to not symbolize this. + return None + except GetUUIDFromBinaryException as e: + logging.error("Failed to get binary from UUID: %s", str(e)) + return None + else: + logging.warning( + "Skipping validation of UUID of {}".format( + module_desc.module_path_for_symbolization + ) + ) + return module_desc.module_path_for_symbolization + + @staticmethod + def parse_from_file(module_map_path): + if not os.path.exists(module_map_path): + raise Exception('module map "{}" does not exist'.format(module_map_path)) + with open(module_map_path, "r") as f: + mm = None + # E.g. + # 0x2db4000-0x102ddc000 /path/to (arm64) <0D6BBDE0-FF90-3680-899D-8E6F9528E04C> + hex_regex = lambda name: r"0x(?P<" + name + r">[0-9a-f]+)" + module_path_regex = r"(?P.+)" + arch_regex = r"\((?P.+)\)" + uuid_regex = r"<(?P[0-9A-Z-]+)>" + line_regex = r"^{}-{}\s+{}\s+{}\s+{}".format( + hex_regex("start_addr"), + hex_regex("end_addr"), + module_path_regex, + arch_regex, + uuid_regex, + ) + matcher = re.compile(line_regex) + line_num = 0 + line = "dummy" + while line != "": + line = f.readline() + line_num += 1 + if mm is None: + if line.startswith("Process module map:"): + mm = ModuleMap() + continue + if line.startswith("End of module map"): + break + m_obj = matcher.match(line) + if not m_obj: + raise Exception( + 'Failed to parse line {} "{}"'.format(line_num, line) + ) + arch = m_obj.group("arch") + start_addr = int(m_obj.group("start_addr"), base=16) + end_addr = int(m_obj.group("end_addr"), base=16) + module_path = m_obj.group("path") + uuid = m_obj.group("uuid") + module_desc = ModuleDesc( + name=os.path.basename(module_path), + arch=arch, + start_addr=start_addr, + end_addr=end_addr, + module_path=module_path, + uuid=uuid, + ) + mm.add_module(module_desc) + if mm is not None: + logging.debug( + 'Loaded Module map from "{}":\n{}'.format(f.name, str(mm)) + ) + return mm + class SysRootFilterPlugIn(AsanSymbolizerPlugIn): - """ + """ Simple plug-in to add sys root prefix to all binary paths used for symbolication. - """ - def __init__(self): - self.sysroot_path = "" + """ + + def __init__(self): + self.sysroot_path = "" + + def register_cmdline_args(self, parser): + parser.add_argument( + "-s", + dest="sys_root", + metavar="SYSROOT", + help="set path to sysroot for sanitized binaries", + ) - def register_cmdline_args(self, parser): - parser.add_argument('-s', dest='sys_root', metavar='SYSROOT', - help='set path to sysroot for sanitized binaries') + def process_cmdline_args(self, pargs): + if pargs.sys_root is None: + # Not being used so remove ourselves. + return False + self.sysroot_path = pargs.sys_root + return True - def process_cmdline_args(self, pargs): - if pargs.sys_root is None: - # Not being used so remove ourselves. - return False - self.sysroot_path = pargs.sys_root - return True + def filter_binary_path(self, path): + return self.sysroot_path + path - def filter_binary_path(self, path): - return self.sysroot_path + path class ModuleMapPlugIn(AsanSymbolizerPlugIn): - def __init__(self): - self._module_map = None - self._uuid_validation = True - def register_cmdline_args(self, parser): - parser.add_argument('--module-map', - help='Path to text file containing module map' - 'output. See print_module_map ASan option.') - parser.add_argument('--skip-uuid-validation', - default=False, - action='store_true', - help='Skips validating UUID of modules using otool.') - - def process_cmdline_args(self, pargs): - if not pargs.module_map: - return False - self._module_map = ModuleMap.parse_from_file(args.module_map) - if self._module_map is None: - msg = 'Failed to find module map' - logging.error(msg) - raise Exception(msg) - self._uuid_validation = not pargs.skip_uuid_validation - return True - - def filter_binary_path(self, binary_path): - if os.path.isabs(binary_path): - # This is a binary path so transform into - # a module name - module_name = os.path.basename(binary_path) - else: - module_name = binary_path - return self._module_map.get_module_path_for_symbolication( - module_name, - self.proxy, - self._uuid_validation - ) + def __init__(self): + self._module_map = None + self._uuid_validation = True + + def register_cmdline_args(self, parser): + parser.add_argument( + "--module-map", + help="Path to text file containing module map" + "output. See print_module_map ASan option.", + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--skip-uuid-validation", + default=False, + action="store_true", + help="Skips validating UUID of modules using otool.", + ) + + def process_cmdline_args(self, pargs): + if not pargs.module_map: + return False + self._module_map = ModuleMap.parse_from_file(args.module_map) + if self._module_map is None: + msg = "Failed to find module map" + logging.error(msg) + raise Exception(msg) + self._uuid_validation = not pargs.skip_uuid_validation + return True + + def filter_binary_path(self, binary_path): + if os.path.isabs(binary_path): + # This is a binary path so transform into + # a module name + module_name = os.path.basename(binary_path) + else: + module_name = binary_path + return self._module_map.get_module_path_for_symbolication( + module_name, self.proxy, self._uuid_validation + ) + def add_logging_args(parser): - parser.add_argument('--log-dest', - default=None, - help='Destination path for script logging (default stderr).', - ) - parser.add_argument('--log-level', - choices=['debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical'], - default='info', - help='Log level for script (default: %(default)s).' - ) + parser.add_argument( + "--log-dest", + default=None, + help="Destination path for script logging (default stderr).", + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--log-level", + choices=["debug", "info", "warning", "error", "critical"], + default="info", + help="Log level for script (default: %(default)s).", + ) + def setup_logging(): - # Set up a parser just for parsing the logging arguments. - # This is necessary because logging should be configured before we - # perform the main argument parsing. - parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) - add_logging_args(parser) - pargs, unparsed_args = parser.parse_known_args() - - log_level = getattr(logging, pargs.log_level.upper()) - if log_level == logging.DEBUG: - log_format = '%(levelname)s: [%(funcName)s() %(filename)s:%(lineno)d] %(message)s' - else: - log_format = '%(levelname)s: %(message)s' - basic_config = { - 'level': log_level, - 'format': log_format - } - log_dest = pargs.log_dest - if log_dest: - basic_config['filename'] = log_dest - logging.basicConfig(**basic_config) - logging.debug('Logging level set to "{}" and directing output to "{}"'.format( - pargs.log_level, - 'stderr' if log_dest is None else log_dest) - ) - return unparsed_args + # Set up a parser just for parsing the logging arguments. + # This is necessary because logging should be configured before we + # perform the main argument parsing. + parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) + add_logging_args(parser) + pargs, unparsed_args = parser.parse_known_args() + + log_level = getattr(logging, pargs.log_level.upper()) + if log_level == logging.DEBUG: + log_format = ( + "%(levelname)s: [%(funcName)s() %(filename)s:%(lineno)d] %(message)s" + ) + else: + log_format = "%(levelname)s: %(message)s" + basic_config = {"level": log_level, "format": log_format} + log_dest = pargs.log_dest + if log_dest: + basic_config["filename"] = log_dest + logging.basicConfig(**basic_config) + logging.debug( + 'Logging level set to "{}" and directing output to "{}"'.format( + pargs.log_level, "stderr" if log_dest is None else log_dest + ) + ) + return unparsed_args + def add_load_plugin_args(parser): - parser.add_argument('-p', '--plugins', - help='Load plug-in', nargs='+', default=[]) + parser.add_argument("-p", "--plugins", help="Load plug-in", nargs="+", default=[]) + def setup_plugins(plugin_proxy, args): - parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) - add_load_plugin_args(parser) - pargs , unparsed_args = parser.parse_known_args() - for plugin_path in pargs.plugins: - plugin_proxy.load_plugin_from_file(plugin_path) - # Add built-in plugins. - plugin_proxy.add_plugin(ModuleMapPlugIn()) - plugin_proxy.add_plugin(SysRootFilterPlugIn()) - return unparsed_args - -if __name__ == '__main__': - remaining_args = setup_logging() - with AsanSymbolizerPlugInProxy() as plugin_proxy: - remaining_args = setup_plugins(plugin_proxy, remaining_args) - parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( - formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, - description='ASan symbolization script', - epilog=__doc__) - parser.add_argument('path_to_cut', nargs='*', - help='pattern to be cut from the result file path ') - parser.add_argument('-d','--demangle', action='store_true', - help='demangle function names') - parser.add_argument('-c', metavar='CROSS_COMPILE', - help='set prefix for binutils') - parser.add_argument('-l','--logfile', default=sys.stdin, - type=argparse.FileType('r'), - help='set log file name to parse, default is stdin') - parser.add_argument('--force-system-symbolizer', action='store_true', - help='don\'t use llvm-symbolizer') - # Add logging arguments so that `--help` shows them. - add_logging_args(parser) - # Add load plugin arguments so that `--help` shows them. + parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) add_load_plugin_args(parser) - plugin_proxy.register_cmdline_args(parser) - args = parser.parse_args(remaining_args) - plugin_proxy.process_cmdline_args(args) - if args.path_to_cut: - fix_filename_patterns = args.path_to_cut - if args.demangle: - demangle = True - if args.c: - binutils_prefix = args.c - if args.logfile: - logfile = args.logfile - else: - logfile = sys.stdin - if args.force_system_symbolizer: - force_system_symbolizer = True - if force_system_symbolizer: - assert(allow_system_symbolizer) - loop = SymbolizationLoop(plugin_proxy) - loop.process_logfile() + pargs, unparsed_args = parser.parse_known_args() + for plugin_path in pargs.plugins: + plugin_proxy.load_plugin_from_file(plugin_path) + # Add built-in plugins. + plugin_proxy.add_plugin(ModuleMapPlugIn()) + plugin_proxy.add_plugin(SysRootFilterPlugIn()) + return unparsed_args + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + remaining_args = setup_logging() + with AsanSymbolizerPlugInProxy() as plugin_proxy: + remaining_args = setup_plugins(plugin_proxy, remaining_args) + parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( + formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, + description="ASan symbolization script", + epilog=__doc__, + ) + parser.add_argument( + "path_to_cut", + nargs="*", + help="pattern to be cut from the result file path ", + ) + parser.add_argument( + "-d", "--demangle", action="store_true", help="demangle function names" + ) + parser.add_argument( + "-c", metavar="CROSS_COMPILE", help="set prefix for binutils" + ) + parser.add_argument( + "-l", + "--logfile", + default=sys.stdin, + type=argparse.FileType("r"), + help="set log file name to parse, default is stdin", + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--force-system-symbolizer", + action="store_true", + help="don't use llvm-symbolizer", + ) + # Add logging arguments so that `--help` shows them. + add_logging_args(parser) + # Add load plugin arguments so that `--help` shows them. + add_load_plugin_args(parser) + plugin_proxy.register_cmdline_args(parser) + args = parser.parse_args(remaining_args) + plugin_proxy.process_cmdline_args(args) + if args.path_to_cut: + fix_filename_patterns = args.path_to_cut + if args.demangle: + demangle = True + if args.c: + binutils_prefix = args.c + if args.logfile: + logfile = args.logfile + else: + logfile = sys.stdin + if args.force_system_symbolizer: + force_system_symbolizer = True + if force_system_symbolizer: + assert allow_system_symbolizer + loop = SymbolizationLoop(plugin_proxy) + loop.process_logfile() diff --git a/compiler-rt/lib/dfsan/scripts/build-libc-list.py b/compiler-rt/lib/dfsan/scripts/build-libc-list.py --- a/compiler-rt/lib/dfsan/scripts/build-libc-list.py +++ b/compiler-rt/lib/dfsan/scripts/build-libc-list.py @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 -#===- lib/dfsan/scripts/build-libc-list.py ---------------------------------===# +# ===- lib/dfsan/scripts/build-libc-list.py ---------------------------------===# # # Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. # See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception # -#===------------------------------------------------------------------------===# +# ===------------------------------------------------------------------------===# # The purpose of this script is to identify every function symbol in a set of # libraries (in this case, libc and libgcc) so that they can be marked as # uninstrumented, thus allowing the instrumentation pass to treat calls to those @@ -42,50 +42,62 @@ def defined_function_list(lib): - """Get non-local function symbols from lib.""" - functions = [] - readelf_proc = subprocess.Popen(['readelf', '-s', '-W', lib], - stdout=subprocess.PIPE) - readelf = readelf_proc.communicate()[0].decode().split('\n') - if readelf_proc.returncode != 0: - raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(readelf_proc.returncode, 'readelf') - for line in readelf: - if (line[31:35] == 'FUNC' or line[31:36] == 'IFUNC') and \ - line[39:44] != 'LOCAL' and \ - line[55:58] != 'UND': - function_name = line[59:].split('@')[0] - functions.append(function_name) - return functions + """Get non-local function symbols from lib.""" + functions = [] + readelf_proc = subprocess.Popen( + ["readelf", "-s", "-W", lib], stdout=subprocess.PIPE + ) + readelf = readelf_proc.communicate()[0].decode().split("\n") + if readelf_proc.returncode != 0: + raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(readelf_proc.returncode, "readelf") + for line in readelf: + if ( + (line[31:35] == "FUNC" or line[31:36] == "IFUNC") + and line[39:44] != "LOCAL" + and line[55:58] != "UND" + ): + function_name = line[59:].split("@")[0] + functions.append(function_name) + return functions + p = OptionParser() -p.add_option('--lib-file', action='append', metavar='PATH', - help='Specific library files to add.', - default=[]) +p.add_option( + "--lib-file", + action="append", + metavar="PATH", + help="Specific library files to add.", + default=[], +) -p.add_option('--error-missing-lib', action='store_true', - help='Make this script exit with an error code if any library is missing.', - dest='error_missing_lib', default=False) +p.add_option( + "--error-missing-lib", + action="store_true", + help="Make this script exit with an error code if any library is missing.", + dest="error_missing_lib", + default=False, +) (options, args) = p.parse_args() libs = options.lib_file if not libs: - print('No libraries provided.', file=sys.stderr) + print("No libraries provided.", file=sys.stderr) exit(1) missing_lib = False functions = [] for l in libs: - if os.path.exists(l): - functions += defined_function_list(l) - else: - missing_lib = True - print('warning: library %s not found' % l, file=sys.stderr) + if os.path.exists(l): + functions += defined_function_list(l) + else: + missing_lib = True + print("warning: library %s not found" % l, file=sys.stderr) if options.error_missing_lib and missing_lib: - print('Exiting with failure code due to missing library.', file=sys.stderr) + print("Exiting with failure code due to missing library.", file=sys.stderr) exit(1) for f in sorted(set(functions)): - print('fun:%s=uninstrumented' % f) + print("fun:%s=uninstrumented" % f) diff --git a/compiler-rt/lib/fuzzer/scripts/unbalanced_allocs.py b/compiler-rt/lib/fuzzer/scripts/unbalanced_allocs.py --- a/compiler-rt/lib/fuzzer/scripts/unbalanced_allocs.py +++ b/compiler-rt/lib/fuzzer/scripts/unbalanced_allocs.py @@ -1,92 +1,100 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python -#===- lib/fuzzer/scripts/unbalanced_allocs.py ------------------------------===# +# ===- lib/fuzzer/scripts/unbalanced_allocs.py ------------------------------===# # # Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. # See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception # -#===------------------------------------------------------------------------===# +# ===------------------------------------------------------------------------===# # # Post-process -trace_malloc=2 output and printout only allocations and frees # unbalanced inside of fuzzer runs. # Usage: # my_fuzzer -trace_malloc=2 -runs=10 2>&1 | unbalanced_allocs.py -skip=5 # -#===------------------------------------------------------------------------===# +# ===------------------------------------------------------------------------===# import argparse import sys _skip = 0 + def PrintStack(line, stack): - global _skip - if _skip > 0: - return - print('Unbalanced ' + line.rstrip()); - for l in stack: - print(l.rstrip()) + global _skip + if _skip > 0: + return + print("Unbalanced " + line.rstrip()) + for l in stack: + print(l.rstrip()) + def ProcessStack(line, f): - stack = [] - while line and line.startswith(' #'): - stack += [line] - line = f.readline() - return line, stack + stack = [] + while line and line.startswith(" #"): + stack += [line] + line = f.readline() + return line, stack + def ProcessFree(line, f, allocs): - if not line.startswith('FREE['): - return f.readline() + if not line.startswith("FREE["): + return f.readline() + + addr = int(line.split()[1], 16) + next_line, stack = ProcessStack(f.readline(), f) + if addr in allocs: + del allocs[addr] + else: + PrintStack(line, stack) + return next_line - addr = int(line.split()[1], 16) - next_line, stack = ProcessStack(f.readline(), f) - if addr in allocs: - del allocs[addr] - else: - PrintStack(line, stack) - return next_line def ProcessMalloc(line, f, allocs): - if not line.startswith('MALLOC['): - return ProcessFree(line, f, allocs) + if not line.startswith("MALLOC["): + return ProcessFree(line, f, allocs) + + addr = int(line.split()[1], 16) + assert not addr in allocs - addr = int(line.split()[1], 16) - assert not addr in allocs + next_line, stack = ProcessStack(f.readline(), f) + allocs[addr] = (line, stack) + return next_line - next_line, stack = ProcessStack(f.readline(), f) - allocs[addr] = (line, stack) - return next_line def ProcessRun(line, f): - if not line.startswith('MallocFreeTracer: START'): - return ProcessMalloc(line, f, {}) - - allocs = {} - print(line.rstrip()) - line = f.readline() - while line: - if line.startswith('MallocFreeTracer: STOP'): - global _skip - _skip = _skip - 1 - for _, (l, s) in allocs.items(): - PrintStack(l, s) - print(line.rstrip()) - return f.readline() - line = ProcessMalloc(line, f, allocs) - return line + if not line.startswith("MallocFreeTracer: START"): + return ProcessMalloc(line, f, {}) + + allocs = {} + print(line.rstrip()) + line = f.readline() + while line: + if line.startswith("MallocFreeTracer: STOP"): + global _skip + _skip = _skip - 1 + for _, (l, s) in allocs.items(): + PrintStack(l, s) + print(line.rstrip()) + return f.readline() + line = ProcessMalloc(line, f, allocs) + return line + def ProcessFile(f): - line = f.readline() - while line: - line = ProcessRun(line, f); + line = f.readline() + while line: + line = ProcessRun(line, f) + def main(argv): - parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() - parser.add_argument('--skip', default=0, help='number of runs to ignore') - args = parser.parse_args() - global _skip - _skip = int(args.skip) + 1 - ProcessFile(sys.stdin) - -if __name__ == '__main__': - main(sys.argv) + parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() + parser.add_argument("--skip", default=0, help="number of runs to ignore") + args = parser.parse_args() + global _skip + _skip = int(args.skip) + 1 + ProcessFile(sys.stdin) + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + main(sys.argv) diff --git a/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/scripts/gen_dynamic_list.py b/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/scripts/gen_dynamic_list.py --- a/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/scripts/gen_dynamic_list.py +++ b/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/scripts/gen_dynamic_list.py @@ -1,18 +1,18 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python -#===- lib/sanitizer_common/scripts/gen_dynamic_list.py ---------------------===# +# ===- lib/sanitizer_common/scripts/gen_dynamic_list.py ---------------------===# # # Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. # See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception # -#===------------------------------------------------------------------------===# +# ===------------------------------------------------------------------------===# # # Generates the list of functions that should be exported from sanitizer # runtimes. The output format is recognized by --dynamic-list linker option. # Usage: # gen_dynamic_list.py libclang_rt.*san*.a [ files ... ] # -#===------------------------------------------------------------------------===# +# ===------------------------------------------------------------------------===# from __future__ import print_function import argparse import os @@ -21,115 +21,143 @@ import sys import platform -new_delete = set([ - '_Znam', '_ZnamRKSt9nothrow_t', # operator new[](unsigned long) - '_Znwm', '_ZnwmRKSt9nothrow_t', # operator new(unsigned long) - '_Znaj', '_ZnajRKSt9nothrow_t', # operator new[](unsigned int) - '_Znwj', '_ZnwjRKSt9nothrow_t', # operator new(unsigned int) - # operator new(unsigned long, std::align_val_t) - '_ZnwmSt11align_val_t', '_ZnwmSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t', - # operator new(unsigned int, std::align_val_t) - '_ZnwjSt11align_val_t', '_ZnwjSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t', - # operator new[](unsigned long, std::align_val_t) - '_ZnamSt11align_val_t', '_ZnamSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t', - # operator new[](unsigned int, std::align_val_t) - '_ZnajSt11align_val_t', '_ZnajSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t', - '_ZdaPv', '_ZdaPvRKSt9nothrow_t', # operator delete[](void *) - '_ZdlPv', '_ZdlPvRKSt9nothrow_t', # operator delete(void *) - '_ZdaPvm', # operator delete[](void*, unsigned long) - '_ZdlPvm', # operator delete(void*, unsigned long) - '_ZdaPvj', # operator delete[](void*, unsigned int) - '_ZdlPvj', # operator delete(void*, unsigned int) - # operator delete(void*, std::align_val_t) - '_ZdlPvSt11align_val_t', '_ZdlPvSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t', - # operator delete[](void*, std::align_val_t) - '_ZdaPvSt11align_val_t', '_ZdaPvSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t', - # operator delete(void*, unsigned long, std::align_val_t) - '_ZdlPvmSt11align_val_t', - # operator delete[](void*, unsigned long, std::align_val_t) - '_ZdaPvmSt11align_val_t', - # operator delete(void*, unsigned int, std::align_val_t) - '_ZdlPvjSt11align_val_t', - # operator delete[](void*, unsigned int, std::align_val_t) - '_ZdaPvjSt11align_val_t', - ]) +new_delete = set( + [ + "_Znam", + "_ZnamRKSt9nothrow_t", # operator new[](unsigned long) + "_Znwm", + "_ZnwmRKSt9nothrow_t", # operator new(unsigned long) + "_Znaj", + "_ZnajRKSt9nothrow_t", # operator new[](unsigned int) + "_Znwj", + "_ZnwjRKSt9nothrow_t", # operator new(unsigned int) + # operator new(unsigned long, std::align_val_t) + "_ZnwmSt11align_val_t", + "_ZnwmSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t", + # operator new(unsigned int, std::align_val_t) + "_ZnwjSt11align_val_t", + "_ZnwjSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t", + # operator new[](unsigned long, std::align_val_t) + "_ZnamSt11align_val_t", + "_ZnamSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t", + # operator new[](unsigned int, std::align_val_t) + "_ZnajSt11align_val_t", + "_ZnajSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t", + "_ZdaPv", + "_ZdaPvRKSt9nothrow_t", # operator delete[](void *) + "_ZdlPv", + "_ZdlPvRKSt9nothrow_t", # operator delete(void *) + "_ZdaPvm", # operator delete[](void*, unsigned long) + "_ZdlPvm", # operator delete(void*, unsigned long) + "_ZdaPvj", # operator delete[](void*, unsigned int) + "_ZdlPvj", # operator delete(void*, unsigned int) + # operator delete(void*, std::align_val_t) + "_ZdlPvSt11align_val_t", + "_ZdlPvSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t", + # operator delete[](void*, std::align_val_t) + "_ZdaPvSt11align_val_t", + "_ZdaPvSt11align_val_tRKSt9nothrow_t", + # operator delete(void*, unsigned long, std::align_val_t) + "_ZdlPvmSt11align_val_t", + # operator delete[](void*, unsigned long, std::align_val_t) + "_ZdaPvmSt11align_val_t", + # operator delete(void*, unsigned int, std::align_val_t) + "_ZdlPvjSt11align_val_t", + # operator delete[](void*, unsigned int, std::align_val_t) + "_ZdaPvjSt11align_val_t", + ] +) + +versioned_functions = set( + [ + "memcpy", + "pthread_attr_getaffinity_np", + "pthread_cond_broadcast", + "pthread_cond_destroy", + "pthread_cond_init", + "pthread_cond_signal", + "pthread_cond_timedwait", + "pthread_cond_wait", + "realpath", + "sched_getaffinity", + ] +) -versioned_functions = set(['memcpy', 'pthread_attr_getaffinity_np', - 'pthread_cond_broadcast', - 'pthread_cond_destroy', 'pthread_cond_init', - 'pthread_cond_signal', 'pthread_cond_timedwait', - 'pthread_cond_wait', 'realpath', - 'sched_getaffinity']) def get_global_functions(nm_executable, library): - functions = [] - nm = os.environ.get('NM', nm_executable) - nm_proc = subprocess.Popen([nm, library], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, - stderr=subprocess.PIPE) - nm_out = nm_proc.communicate()[0].decode().split('\n') - if nm_proc.returncode != 0: - raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(nm_proc.returncode, nm) - func_symbols = ['T', 'W'] - # On PowerPC, nm prints function descriptors from .data section. - if platform.uname()[4] in ["powerpc", "ppc64"]: - func_symbols += ['D'] - for line in nm_out: - cols = line.split(' ') - if len(cols) == 3 and cols[1] in func_symbols : - functions.append(cols[2]) - return functions + functions = [] + nm = os.environ.get("NM", nm_executable) + nm_proc = subprocess.Popen( + [nm, library], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE + ) + nm_out = nm_proc.communicate()[0].decode().split("\n") + if nm_proc.returncode != 0: + raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(nm_proc.returncode, nm) + func_symbols = ["T", "W"] + # On PowerPC, nm prints function descriptors from .data section. + if platform.uname()[4] in ["powerpc", "ppc64"]: + func_symbols += ["D"] + for line in nm_out: + cols = line.split(" ") + if len(cols) == 3 and cols[1] in func_symbols: + functions.append(cols[2]) + return functions + def main(argv): - parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() - parser.add_argument('--version-list', action='store_true') - parser.add_argument('--extra', default=[], action='append') - parser.add_argument('libraries', default=[], nargs='+') - parser.add_argument('--nm-executable', required=True) - parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', required=True) - args = parser.parse_args() + parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() + parser.add_argument("--version-list", action="store_true") + parser.add_argument("--extra", default=[], action="append") + parser.add_argument("libraries", default=[], nargs="+") + parser.add_argument("--nm-executable", required=True) + parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", required=True) + args = parser.parse_args() + + result = [] - result = [] + all_functions = [] + for library in args.libraries: + all_functions.extend(get_global_functions(args.nm_executable, library)) + function_set = set(all_functions) + for func in all_functions: + # Export new/delete operators. + if func in new_delete: + result.append(func) + continue + # Export interceptors. + match = re.match("__interceptor_(.*)", func) + if match: + result.append(func) + # We have to avoid exporting the interceptors for versioned library + # functions due to gold internal error. + orig_name = match.group(1) + if orig_name in function_set and ( + args.version_list or orig_name not in versioned_functions + ): + result.append(orig_name) + continue + # Export sanitizer interface functions. + if re.match("__sanitizer_(.*)", func): + result.append(func) - all_functions = [] - for library in args.libraries: - all_functions.extend(get_global_functions(args.nm_executable, library)) - function_set = set(all_functions) - for func in all_functions: - # Export new/delete operators. - if func in new_delete: - result.append(func) - continue - # Export interceptors. - match = re.match('__interceptor_(.*)', func) - if match: - result.append(func) - # We have to avoid exporting the interceptors for versioned library - # functions due to gold internal error. - orig_name = match.group(1) - if orig_name in function_set and (args.version_list or orig_name not in versioned_functions): - result.append(orig_name) - continue - # Export sanitizer interface functions. - if re.match('__sanitizer_(.*)', func): - result.append(func) + # Additional exported functions from files. + for fname in args.extra: + f = open(fname, "r") + for line in f: + result.append(line.rstrip()) + # Print the resulting list in the format recognized by ld. + with open(args.output, "w") as f: + print("{", file=f) + if args.version_list: + print("global:", file=f) + result.sort() + for sym in result: + print(" %s;" % sym, file=f) + if args.version_list: + print("local:", file=f) + print(" *;", file=f) + print("};", file=f) - # Additional exported functions from files. - for fname in args.extra: - f = open(fname, 'r') - for line in f: - result.append(line.rstrip()) - # Print the resulting list in the format recognized by ld. - with open(args.output, 'w') as f: - print('{', file=f) - if args.version_list: - print('global:', file=f) - result.sort() - for sym in result: - print(u' %s;' % sym, file=f) - if args.version_list: - print('local:', file=f) - print(' *;', file=f) - print('};', file=f) -if __name__ == '__main__': - main(sys.argv) +if __name__ == "__main__": + main(sys.argv) diff --git a/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/scripts/sancov.py b/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/scripts/sancov.py --- a/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/scripts/sancov.py +++ b/compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/scripts/sancov.py @@ -13,237 +13,276 @@ prog_name = "" + def Usage(): - sys.stderr.write( - "Usage: \n" + \ - " " + prog_name + " merge FILE [FILE...] > OUTPUT\n" \ - " " + prog_name + " print FILE [FILE...]\n" \ - " " + prog_name + " unpack FILE [FILE...]\n" \ - " " + prog_name + " rawunpack FILE [FILE ...]\n" \ - " " + prog_name + " missing BINARY < LIST_OF_PCS\n" \ - "\n") - exit(1) + sys.stderr.write( + "Usage: \n" + " " + prog_name + " merge FILE [FILE...] > OUTPUT\n" + " " + prog_name + " print FILE [FILE...]\n" + " " + prog_name + " unpack FILE [FILE...]\n" + " " + prog_name + " rawunpack FILE [FILE ...]\n" + " " + prog_name + " missing BINARY < LIST_OF_PCS\n" + "\n" + ) + exit(1) + def CheckBits(bits): - if bits != 32 and bits != 64: - raise Exception("Wrong bitness: %d" % bits) + if bits != 32 and bits != 64: + raise Exception("Wrong bitness: %d" % bits) + def TypeCodeForBits(bits): - CheckBits(bits) - return 'L' if bits == 64 else 'I' + CheckBits(bits) + return "L" if bits == 64 else "I" + def TypeCodeForStruct(bits): - CheckBits(bits) - return 'Q' if bits == 64 else 'I' + CheckBits(bits) + return "Q" if bits == 64 else "I" + + +kMagic32SecondHalf = 0xFFFFFF32 +kMagic64SecondHalf = 0xFFFFFF64 +kMagicFirstHalf = 0xC0BFFFFF -kMagic32SecondHalf = 0xFFFFFF32; -kMagic64SecondHalf = 0xFFFFFF64; -kMagicFirstHalf = 0xC0BFFFFF; def MagicForBits(bits): - CheckBits(bits) - if sys.byteorder == 'little': - return [kMagic64SecondHalf if bits == 64 else kMagic32SecondHalf, kMagicFirstHalf] - else: - return [kMagicFirstHalf, kMagic64SecondHalf if bits == 64 else kMagic32SecondHalf] + CheckBits(bits) + if sys.byteorder == "little": + return [ + kMagic64SecondHalf if bits == 64 else kMagic32SecondHalf, + kMagicFirstHalf, + ] + else: + return [ + kMagicFirstHalf, + kMagic64SecondHalf if bits == 64 else kMagic32SecondHalf, + ] + def ReadMagicAndReturnBitness(f, path): - magic_bytes = f.read(8) - magic_words = struct.unpack('II', magic_bytes); - bits = 0 - idx = 1 if sys.byteorder == 'little' else 0 - if magic_words[idx] == kMagicFirstHalf: - if magic_words[1-idx] == kMagic64SecondHalf: - bits = 64 - elif magic_words[1-idx] == kMagic32SecondHalf: - bits = 32 - if bits == 0: - raise Exception('Bad magic word in %s' % path) - return bits + magic_bytes = f.read(8) + magic_words = struct.unpack("II", magic_bytes) + bits = 0 + idx = 1 if sys.byteorder == "little" else 0 + if magic_words[idx] == kMagicFirstHalf: + if magic_words[1 - idx] == kMagic64SecondHalf: + bits = 64 + elif magic_words[1 - idx] == kMagic32SecondHalf: + bits = 32 + if bits == 0: + raise Exception("Bad magic word in %s" % path) + return bits + def ReadOneFile(path): - with open(path, mode="rb") as f: - f.seek(0, 2) - size = f.tell() - f.seek(0, 0) - if size < 8: - raise Exception('File %s is short (< 8 bytes)' % path) - bits = ReadMagicAndReturnBitness(f, path) - size -= 8 - w = size * 8 // bits - s = struct.unpack_from(TypeCodeForStruct(bits) * (w), f.read(size)) - sys.stderr.write( - "%s: read %d %d-bit PCs from %s\n" % (prog_name, w, bits, path)) - return s + with open(path, mode="rb") as f: + f.seek(0, 2) + size = f.tell() + f.seek(0, 0) + if size < 8: + raise Exception("File %s is short (< 8 bytes)" % path) + bits = ReadMagicAndReturnBitness(f, path) + size -= 8 + w = size * 8 // bits + s = struct.unpack_from(TypeCodeForStruct(bits) * (w), f.read(size)) + sys.stderr.write("%s: read %d %d-bit PCs from %s\n" % (prog_name, w, bits, path)) + return s + def Merge(files): - s = set() - for f in files: - s = s.union(set(ReadOneFile(f))) - sys.stderr.write( - "%s: %d files merged; %d PCs total\n" % (prog_name, len(files), len(s)) - ) - return sorted(s) + s = set() + for f in files: + s = s.union(set(ReadOneFile(f))) + sys.stderr.write( + "%s: %d files merged; %d PCs total\n" % (prog_name, len(files), len(s)) + ) + return sorted(s) + def PrintFiles(files): - if len(files) > 1: - s = Merge(files) - else: # If there is just on file, print the PCs in order. - s = ReadOneFile(files[0]) - sys.stderr.write("%s: 1 file merged; %d PCs total\n" % (prog_name, len(s))) - for i in s: - print("0x%x" % i) + if len(files) > 1: + s = Merge(files) + else: # If there is just on file, print the PCs in order. + s = ReadOneFile(files[0]) + sys.stderr.write("%s: 1 file merged; %d PCs total\n" % (prog_name, len(s))) + for i in s: + print("0x%x" % i) + def MergeAndPrint(files): - if sys.stdout.isatty(): - Usage() - s = Merge(files) - bits = 32 - if max(s) > 0xFFFFFFFF: - bits = 64 - stdout_buf = getattr(sys.stdout, 'buffer', sys.stdout) - array.array('I', MagicForBits(bits)).tofile(stdout_buf) - a = struct.pack(TypeCodeForStruct(bits) * len(s), *s) - stdout_buf.write(a) + if sys.stdout.isatty(): + Usage() + s = Merge(files) + bits = 32 + if max(s) > 0xFFFFFFFF: + bits = 64 + stdout_buf = getattr(sys.stdout, "buffer", sys.stdout) + array.array("I", MagicForBits(bits)).tofile(stdout_buf) + a = struct.pack(TypeCodeForStruct(bits) * len(s), *s) + stdout_buf.write(a) def UnpackOneFile(path): - with open(path, mode="rb") as f: - sys.stderr.write("%s: unpacking %s\n" % (prog_name, path)) - while True: - header = f.read(12) - if not header: return - if len(header) < 12: - break - pid, module_length, blob_size = struct.unpack('iII', header) - module = f.read(module_length).decode('utf-8') - blob = f.read(blob_size) - assert(len(module) == module_length) - assert(len(blob) == blob_size) - extracted_file = "%s.%d.sancov" % (module, pid) - sys.stderr.write("%s: extracting %s\n" % (prog_name, extracted_file)) - # The packed file may contain multiple blobs for the same pid/module - # pair. Append to the end of the file instead of overwriting. - with open(extracted_file, 'ab') as f2: - f2.write(blob) - # fail - raise Exception('Error reading file %s' % path) + with open(path, mode="rb") as f: + sys.stderr.write("%s: unpacking %s\n" % (prog_name, path)) + while True: + header = f.read(12) + if not header: + return + if len(header) < 12: + break + pid, module_length, blob_size = struct.unpack("iII", header) + module = f.read(module_length).decode("utf-8") + blob = f.read(blob_size) + assert len(module) == module_length + assert len(blob) == blob_size + extracted_file = "%s.%d.sancov" % (module, pid) + sys.stderr.write("%s: extracting %s\n" % (prog_name, extracted_file)) + # The packed file may contain multiple blobs for the same pid/module + # pair. Append to the end of the file instead of overwriting. + with open(extracted_file, "ab") as f2: + f2.write(blob) + # fail + raise Exception("Error reading file %s" % path) def Unpack(files): - for f in files: - UnpackOneFile(f) + for f in files: + UnpackOneFile(f) + def UnpackOneRawFile(path, map_path): - mem_map = [] - with open(map_path, mode="rt") as f_map: - sys.stderr.write("%s: reading map %s\n" % (prog_name, map_path)) - bits = int(f_map.readline()) - if bits != 32 and bits != 64: - raise Exception('Wrong bits size in the map') - for line in f_map: - parts = line.rstrip().split() - mem_map.append((int(parts[0], 16), - int(parts[1], 16), - int(parts[2], 16), - ' '.join(parts[3:]))) - mem_map.sort(key=lambda m : m[0]) - mem_map_keys = [m[0] for m in mem_map] - - with open(path, mode="rb") as f: - sys.stderr.write("%s: unpacking %s\n" % (prog_name, path)) - - f.seek(0, 2) - size = f.tell() - f.seek(0, 0) - pcs = struct.unpack_from(TypeCodeForStruct(bits) * (size * 8 // bits), f.read(size)) - mem_map_pcs = [[] for i in range(0, len(mem_map))] - - for pc in pcs: - if pc == 0: continue - map_idx = bisect.bisect(mem_map_keys, pc) - 1 - (start, end, base, module_path) = mem_map[map_idx] - assert pc >= start - if pc >= end: - sys.stderr.write("warning: %s: pc %x outside of any known mapping\n" % (prog_name, pc)) - continue - mem_map_pcs[map_idx].append(pc - base) - - for ((start, end, base, module_path), pc_list) in zip(mem_map, mem_map_pcs): - if len(pc_list) == 0: continue - assert path.endswith('.sancov.raw') - dst_path = module_path + '.' + os.path.basename(path)[:-4] - sys.stderr.write("%s: writing %d PCs to %s\n" % (prog_name, len(pc_list), dst_path)) - sorted_pc_list = sorted(pc_list) - pc_buffer = struct.pack(TypeCodeForStruct(bits) * len(pc_list), *sorted_pc_list) - with open(dst_path, 'ab+') as f2: - array.array('I', MagicForBits(bits)).tofile(f2) - f2.seek(0, 2) - f2.write(pc_buffer) + mem_map = [] + with open(map_path, mode="rt") as f_map: + sys.stderr.write("%s: reading map %s\n" % (prog_name, map_path)) + bits = int(f_map.readline()) + if bits != 32 and bits != 64: + raise Exception("Wrong bits size in the map") + for line in f_map: + parts = line.rstrip().split() + mem_map.append( + ( + int(parts[0], 16), + int(parts[1], 16), + int(parts[2], 16), + " ".join(parts[3:]), + ) + ) + mem_map.sort(key=lambda m: m[0]) + mem_map_keys = [m[0] for m in mem_map] + + with open(path, mode="rb") as f: + sys.stderr.write("%s: unpacking %s\n" % (prog_name, path)) + + f.seek(0, 2) + size = f.tell() + f.seek(0, 0) + pcs = struct.unpack_from( + TypeCodeForStruct(bits) * (size * 8 // bits), f.read(size) + ) + mem_map_pcs = [[] for i in range(0, len(mem_map))] + + for pc in pcs: + if pc == 0: + continue + map_idx = bisect.bisect(mem_map_keys, pc) - 1 + (start, end, base, module_path) = mem_map[map_idx] + assert pc >= start + if pc >= end: + sys.stderr.write( + "warning: %s: pc %x outside of any known mapping\n" + % (prog_name, pc) + ) + continue + mem_map_pcs[map_idx].append(pc - base) + + for ((start, end, base, module_path), pc_list) in zip(mem_map, mem_map_pcs): + if len(pc_list) == 0: + continue + assert path.endswith(".sancov.raw") + dst_path = module_path + "." + os.path.basename(path)[:-4] + sys.stderr.write( + "%s: writing %d PCs to %s\n" % (prog_name, len(pc_list), dst_path) + ) + sorted_pc_list = sorted(pc_list) + pc_buffer = struct.pack( + TypeCodeForStruct(bits) * len(pc_list), *sorted_pc_list + ) + with open(dst_path, "ab+") as f2: + array.array("I", MagicForBits(bits)).tofile(f2) + f2.seek(0, 2) + f2.write(pc_buffer) + def RawUnpack(files): - for f in files: - if not f.endswith('.sancov.raw'): - raise Exception('Unexpected raw file name %s' % f) - f_map = f[:-3] + 'map' - UnpackOneRawFile(f, f_map) + for f in files: + if not f.endswith(".sancov.raw"): + raise Exception("Unexpected raw file name %s" % f) + f_map = f[:-3] + "map" + UnpackOneRawFile(f, f_map) + def GetInstrumentedPCs(binary): - # This looks scary, but all it does is extract all offsets where we call: - # - __sanitizer_cov() or __sanitizer_cov_with_check(), - # - with call or callq, - # - directly or via PLT. - cmd = r"objdump --no-show-raw-insn -d %s | " \ - r"grep '^\s\+[0-9a-f]\+:\s\+call\(q\|\)\s\+\(0x\|\)[0-9a-f]\+ <__sanitizer_cov\(_with_check\|\|_trace_pc_guard\)\(@plt\|\)>' | " \ + # This looks scary, but all it does is extract all offsets where we call: + # - __sanitizer_cov() or __sanitizer_cov_with_check(), + # - with call or callq, + # - directly or via PLT. + cmd = ( + r"objdump --no-show-raw-insn -d %s | " + r"grep '^\s\+[0-9a-f]\+:\s\+call\(q\|\)\s\+\(0x\|\)[0-9a-f]\+ <__sanitizer_cov\(_with_check\|\|_trace_pc_guard\)\(@plt\|\)>' | " r"grep -o '^\s\+[0-9a-f]\+'" % binary - lines = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).splitlines() - # The PCs we get from objdump are off by 4 bytes, as they point to the - # beginning of the callq instruction. Empirically this is true on x86 and - # x86_64. - return set(int(line.strip(), 16) + 4 for line in lines) + ) + lines = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).splitlines() + # The PCs we get from objdump are off by 4 bytes, as they point to the + # beginning of the callq instruction. Empirically this is true on x86 and + # x86_64. + return set(int(line.strip(), 16) + 4 for line in lines) + def PrintMissing(binary): - if not os.path.isfile(binary): - raise Exception('File not found: %s' % binary) - instrumented = GetInstrumentedPCs(binary) - sys.stderr.write("%s: found %d instrumented PCs in %s\n" % (prog_name, - len(instrumented), - binary)) - covered = set(int(line, 16) for line in sys.stdin) - sys.stderr.write("%s: read %d PCs from stdin\n" % (prog_name, len(covered))) - missing = instrumented - covered - sys.stderr.write("%s: %d PCs missing from coverage\n" % (prog_name, len(missing))) - if (len(missing) > len(instrumented) - len(covered)): + if not os.path.isfile(binary): + raise Exception("File not found: %s" % binary) + instrumented = GetInstrumentedPCs(binary) sys.stderr.write( - "%s: WARNING: stdin contains PCs not found in binary\n" % prog_name + "%s: found %d instrumented PCs in %s\n" % (prog_name, len(instrumented), binary) ) - for pc in sorted(missing): - print("0x%x" % pc) - -if __name__ == '__main__': - prog_name = sys.argv[0] - if len(sys.argv) <= 2: - Usage(); - - if sys.argv[1] == "missing": - if len(sys.argv) != 3: - Usage() - PrintMissing(sys.argv[2]) - exit(0) - - file_list = [] - for f in sys.argv[2:]: - file_list += glob.glob(f) - if not file_list: - Usage() - - if sys.argv[1] == "print": - PrintFiles(file_list) - elif sys.argv[1] == "merge": - MergeAndPrint(file_list) - elif sys.argv[1] == "unpack": - Unpack(file_list) - elif sys.argv[1] == "rawunpack": - RawUnpack(file_list) - else: - Usage() + covered = set(int(line, 16) for line in sys.stdin) + sys.stderr.write("%s: read %d PCs from stdin\n" % (prog_name, len(covered))) + missing = instrumented - covered + sys.stderr.write("%s: %d PCs missing from coverage\n" % (prog_name, len(missing))) + if len(missing) > len(instrumented) - len(covered): + sys.stderr.write( + "%s: WARNING: stdin contains PCs not found in binary\n" % prog_name + ) + for pc in sorted(missing): + print("0x%x" % pc) + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + prog_name = sys.argv[0] + if len(sys.argv) <= 2: + Usage() + + if sys.argv[1] == "missing": + if len(sys.argv) != 3: + Usage() + PrintMissing(sys.argv[2]) + exit(0) + + file_list = [] + for f in sys.argv[2:]: + file_list += glob.glob(f) + if not file_list: + Usage() + + if sys.argv[1] == "print": + PrintFiles(file_list) + elif sys.argv[1] == "merge": + MergeAndPrint(file_list) + elif sys.argv[1] == "unpack": + Unpack(file_list) + elif sys.argv[1] == "rawunpack": + RawUnpack(file_list) + else: + Usage() diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/asan/TestCases/Android/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/asan/TestCases/Android/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/asan/TestCases/Android/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/asan/TestCases/Android/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,11 +1,12 @@ def getRoot(config): - if not config.parent: - return config - return getRoot(config.parent) + if not config.parent: + return config + return getRoot(config.parent) + root = getRoot(config) if root.android != "1": - config.unsupported = True + config.unsupported = True -config.substitutions.append( ("%device", "/data/local/tmp/Output") ) +config.substitutions.append(("%device", "/data/local/tmp/Output")) diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/asan/TestCases/Darwin/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/asan/TestCases/Darwin/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/asan/TestCases/Darwin/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/asan/TestCases/Darwin/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ def getRoot(config): - if not config.parent: - return config - return getRoot(config.parent) + if not config.parent: + return config + return getRoot(config.parent) + root = getRoot(config) -if root.host_os not in ['Darwin']: - config.unsupported = True +if root.host_os not in ["Darwin"]: + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/asan/TestCases/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/asan/TestCases/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/asan/TestCases/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/asan/TestCases/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ def getRoot(config): - if not config.parent: - return config - return getRoot(config.parent) + if not config.parent: + return config + return getRoot(config.parent) + root = getRoot(config) -if root.host_os not in ['Linux']: - config.unsupported = True +if root.host_os not in ["Linux"]: + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/asan/TestCases/Posix/asan_symbolize_script/plugin_no_op.py b/compiler-rt/test/asan/TestCases/Posix/asan_symbolize_script/plugin_no_op.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/asan/TestCases/Posix/asan_symbolize_script/plugin_no_op.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/asan/TestCases/Posix/asan_symbolize_script/plugin_no_op.py @@ -1,17 +1,20 @@ class NoOpPlugin(AsanSymbolizerPlugIn): - def register_cmdline_args(self, parser): - logging.info('Adding --unlikely-option-name-XXX option') - parser.add_argument('--unlikely-option-name-XXX', type=int, default=0) + def register_cmdline_args(self, parser): + logging.info("Adding --unlikely-option-name-XXX option") + parser.add_argument("--unlikely-option-name-XXX", type=int, default=0) - def process_cmdline_args(self, pargs): - logging.info('GOT --unlikely-option-name-XXX=%d', pargs.unlikely_option_name_XXX) - return True + def process_cmdline_args(self, pargs): + logging.info( + "GOT --unlikely-option-name-XXX=%d", pargs.unlikely_option_name_XXX + ) + return True - def destroy(self): - logging.info('destroy() called on NoOpPlugin') + def destroy(self): + logging.info("destroy() called on NoOpPlugin") + + def filter_binary_path(self, path): + logging.info("filter_binary_path called in NoOpPlugin") + return path - def filter_binary_path(self, path): - logging.info('filter_binary_path called in NoOpPlugin') - return path register_plugin(NoOpPlugin()) diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/asan/TestCases/Posix/asan_symbolize_script/plugin_wrong_frame_number_bug.py b/compiler-rt/test/asan/TestCases/Posix/asan_symbolize_script/plugin_wrong_frame_number_bug.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/asan/TestCases/Posix/asan_symbolize_script/plugin_wrong_frame_number_bug.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/asan/TestCases/Posix/asan_symbolize_script/plugin_wrong_frame_number_bug.py @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ import logging + class FailOncePlugin(AsanSymbolizerPlugIn): - """ + """ This is a simple plug-in that always claims that a binary can't be symbolized on the first call but succeeds for all subsequent calls. @@ -14,18 +15,20 @@ that didn't increment the frame counter which caused subsequent symbolization attempts to print the wrong frame number. - """ - def __init__(self): - self.should_fail = True - pass - - def filter_binary_path(self, path): - logging.info('filter_binary_path called in NoOpPlugin') - if self.should_fail: - logging.info('Doing first fail') - self.should_fail = False - return None - logging.info('Doing succeed') - return path + """ + + def __init__(self): + self.should_fail = True + pass + + def filter_binary_path(self, path): + logging.info("filter_binary_path called in NoOpPlugin") + if self.should_fail: + logging.info("Doing first fail") + self.should_fail = False + return None + logging.info("Doing succeed") + return path + register_plugin(FailOncePlugin()) diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/asan/TestCases/Posix/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/asan/TestCases/Posix/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/asan/TestCases/Posix/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/asan/TestCases/Posix/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ def getRoot(config): - if not config.parent: - return config - return getRoot(config.parent) + if not config.parent: + return config + return getRoot(config.parent) + root = getRoot(config) -if root.host_os in ['Windows']: - config.unsupported = True +if root.host_os in ["Windows"]: + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/asan/TestCases/Windows/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/asan/TestCases/Windows/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/asan/TestCases/Windows/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/asan/TestCases/Windows/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ def getRoot(config): - if not config.parent: - return config - return getRoot(config.parent) + if not config.parent: + return config + return getRoot(config.parent) + root = getRoot(config) -if root.host_os not in ['Windows']: - config.unsupported = True +if root.host_os not in ["Windows"]: + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/asan/TestCases/Windows/msvc/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/asan/TestCases/Windows/msvc/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/asan/TestCases/Windows/msvc/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/asan/TestCases/Windows/msvc/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ import re -if not re.match(r'.*-windows-msvc$', config.target_triple): +if not re.match(r".*-windows-msvc$", config.target_triple): config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/asan/lit.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/asan/lit.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/asan/lit.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/asan/lit.cfg.py @@ -7,257 +7,321 @@ import lit.formats + def get_required_attr(config, attr_name): - attr_value = getattr(config, attr_name, None) - if attr_value == None: - lit_config.fatal( - "No attribute %r in test configuration! You may need to run " - "tests from your build directory or add this attribute " - "to lit.site.cfg.py " % attr_name) - return attr_value + attr_value = getattr(config, attr_name, None) + if attr_value == None: + lit_config.fatal( + "No attribute %r in test configuration! You may need to run " + "tests from your build directory or add this attribute " + "to lit.site.cfg.py " % attr_name + ) + return attr_value + def push_dynamic_library_lookup_path(config, new_path): - if platform.system() == 'Windows': - dynamic_library_lookup_var = 'PATH' - elif platform.system() == 'Darwin': - dynamic_library_lookup_var = 'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH' - else: - dynamic_library_lookup_var = 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' - - new_ld_library_path = os.path.pathsep.join( - (new_path, config.environment.get(dynamic_library_lookup_var, ''))) - config.environment[dynamic_library_lookup_var] = new_ld_library_path - - if platform.system() == 'FreeBSD': - dynamic_library_lookup_var = 'LD_32_LIBRARY_PATH' - new_ld_32_library_path = os.path.pathsep.join( - (new_path, config.environment.get(dynamic_library_lookup_var, ''))) - config.environment[dynamic_library_lookup_var] = new_ld_32_library_path - - if platform.system() == 'SunOS': - dynamic_library_lookup_var = 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH_32' - new_ld_library_path_32 = os.path.pathsep.join( - (new_path, config.environment.get(dynamic_library_lookup_var, ''))) - config.environment[dynamic_library_lookup_var] = new_ld_library_path_32 - - dynamic_library_lookup_var = 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64' - new_ld_library_path_64 = os.path.pathsep.join( - (new_path, config.environment.get(dynamic_library_lookup_var, ''))) - config.environment[dynamic_library_lookup_var] = new_ld_library_path_64 + if platform.system() == "Windows": + dynamic_library_lookup_var = "PATH" + elif platform.system() == "Darwin": + dynamic_library_lookup_var = "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" + else: + dynamic_library_lookup_var = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" + + new_ld_library_path = os.path.pathsep.join( + (new_path, config.environment.get(dynamic_library_lookup_var, "")) + ) + config.environment[dynamic_library_lookup_var] = new_ld_library_path + + if platform.system() == "FreeBSD": + dynamic_library_lookup_var = "LD_32_LIBRARY_PATH" + new_ld_32_library_path = os.path.pathsep.join( + (new_path, config.environment.get(dynamic_library_lookup_var, "")) + ) + config.environment[dynamic_library_lookup_var] = new_ld_32_library_path + + if platform.system() == "SunOS": + dynamic_library_lookup_var = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH_32" + new_ld_library_path_32 = os.path.pathsep.join( + (new_path, config.environment.get(dynamic_library_lookup_var, "")) + ) + config.environment[dynamic_library_lookup_var] = new_ld_library_path_32 + + dynamic_library_lookup_var = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64" + new_ld_library_path_64 = os.path.pathsep.join( + (new_path, config.environment.get(dynamic_library_lookup_var, "")) + ) + config.environment[dynamic_library_lookup_var] = new_ld_library_path_64 + # Setup config name. -config.name = 'AddressSanitizer' + config.name_suffix +config.name = "AddressSanitizer" + config.name_suffix # Platform-specific default ASAN_OPTIONS for lit tests. default_asan_opts = list(config.default_sanitizer_opts) # On Darwin, leak checking is not enabled by default. Enable on macOS # tests to prevent regressions -if config.host_os == 'Darwin' and config.apple_platform == 'osx': - default_asan_opts += ['detect_leaks=1'] +if config.host_os == "Darwin" and config.apple_platform == "osx": + default_asan_opts += ["detect_leaks=1"] -default_asan_opts_str = ':'.join(default_asan_opts) +default_asan_opts_str = ":".join(default_asan_opts) if default_asan_opts_str: - config.environment['ASAN_OPTIONS'] = default_asan_opts_str - default_asan_opts_str += ':' -config.substitutions.append(('%env_asan_opts=', - 'env ASAN_OPTIONS=' + default_asan_opts_str)) + config.environment["ASAN_OPTIONS"] = default_asan_opts_str + default_asan_opts_str += ":" +config.substitutions.append( + ("%env_asan_opts=", "env ASAN_OPTIONS=" + default_asan_opts_str) +) # Setup source root. config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__) -if config.host_os not in ['FreeBSD', 'NetBSD']: - libdl_flag = "-ldl" +if config.host_os not in ["FreeBSD", "NetBSD"]: + libdl_flag = "-ldl" else: - libdl_flag = "" + libdl_flag = "" # GCC-ASan doesn't link in all the necessary libraries automatically, so # we have to do it ourselves. -if config.compiler_id == 'GNU': - extra_link_flags = ["-pthread", "-lstdc++", libdl_flag] +if config.compiler_id == "GNU": + extra_link_flags = ["-pthread", "-lstdc++", libdl_flag] else: - extra_link_flags = [] + extra_link_flags = [] # Setup default compiler flags used with -fsanitize=address option. # FIXME: Review the set of required flags and check if it can be reduced. target_cflags = [get_required_attr(config, "target_cflags")] + extra_link_flags target_cxxflags = config.cxx_mode_flags + target_cflags -clang_asan_static_cflags = (["-fsanitize=address", - "-mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer", - "-fno-omit-frame-pointer", - "-fno-optimize-sibling-calls"] + - config.debug_info_flags + target_cflags) -if config.target_arch == 's390x': - clang_asan_static_cflags.append("-mbackchain") +clang_asan_static_cflags = ( + [ + "-fsanitize=address", + "-mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer", + "-fno-omit-frame-pointer", + "-fno-optimize-sibling-calls", + ] + + config.debug_info_flags + + target_cflags +) +if config.target_arch == "s390x": + clang_asan_static_cflags.append("-mbackchain") clang_asan_static_cxxflags = config.cxx_mode_flags + clang_asan_static_cflags -target_is_msvc = bool(re.match(r'.*-windows-msvc$', config.target_triple)) +target_is_msvc = bool(re.match(r".*-windows-msvc$", config.target_triple)) asan_dynamic_flags = [] if config.asan_dynamic: - asan_dynamic_flags = ["-shared-libasan"] - if platform.system() == 'Windows' and target_is_msvc: - # On MSVC target, we need to simulate "clang-cl /MD" on the clang driver side. - asan_dynamic_flags += ["-D_MT", "-D_DLL", "-Wl,-nodefaultlib:libcmt,-defaultlib:msvcrt,-defaultlib:oldnames"] - elif platform.system() == 'FreeBSD': - # On FreeBSD, we need to add -pthread to ensure pthread functions are available. - asan_dynamic_flags += ['-pthread'] - config.available_features.add("asan-dynamic-runtime") + asan_dynamic_flags = ["-shared-libasan"] + if platform.system() == "Windows" and target_is_msvc: + # On MSVC target, we need to simulate "clang-cl /MD" on the clang driver side. + asan_dynamic_flags += [ + "-D_MT", + "-D_DLL", + "-Wl,-nodefaultlib:libcmt,-defaultlib:msvcrt,-defaultlib:oldnames", + ] + elif platform.system() == "FreeBSD": + # On FreeBSD, we need to add -pthread to ensure pthread functions are available. + asan_dynamic_flags += ["-pthread"] + config.available_features.add("asan-dynamic-runtime") else: - config.available_features.add("asan-static-runtime") + config.available_features.add("asan-static-runtime") clang_asan_cflags = clang_asan_static_cflags + asan_dynamic_flags clang_asan_cxxflags = clang_asan_static_cxxflags + asan_dynamic_flags # Add win32-(static|dynamic)-asan features to mark tests as passing or failing # in those modes. lit doesn't support logical feature test combinations. -if platform.system() == 'Windows': - if config.asan_dynamic: - win_runtime_feature = "win32-dynamic-asan" - else: - win_runtime_feature = "win32-static-asan" - config.available_features.add(win_runtime_feature) +if platform.system() == "Windows": + if config.asan_dynamic: + win_runtime_feature = "win32-dynamic-asan" + else: + win_runtime_feature = "win32-static-asan" + config.available_features.add(win_runtime_feature) + def build_invocation(compile_flags): - return " " + " ".join([config.clang] + compile_flags) + " " + return " " + " ".join([config.clang] + compile_flags) + " " + -config.substitutions.append( ("%clang ", build_invocation(target_cflags)) ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clangxx ", build_invocation(target_cxxflags)) ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clang_asan ", build_invocation(clang_asan_cflags)) ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clangxx_asan ", build_invocation(clang_asan_cxxflags)) ) +config.substitutions.append(("%clang ", build_invocation(target_cflags))) +config.substitutions.append(("%clangxx ", build_invocation(target_cxxflags))) +config.substitutions.append(("%clang_asan ", build_invocation(clang_asan_cflags))) +config.substitutions.append(("%clangxx_asan ", build_invocation(clang_asan_cxxflags))) if config.asan_dynamic: - if config.host_os in ['Linux', 'FreeBSD', 'NetBSD', 'SunOS']: - shared_libasan_path = os.path.join(config.compiler_rt_libdir, "libclang_rt.asan{}.so".format(config.target_suffix)) - elif config.host_os == 'Darwin': - shared_libasan_path = os.path.join(config.compiler_rt_libdir, 'libclang_rt.asan_{}_dynamic.dylib'.format(config.apple_platform)) - else: - lit_config.warning('%shared_libasan substitution not set but dynamic ASan is available.') - shared_libasan_path = None - - if shared_libasan_path is not None: - config.substitutions.append( ("%shared_libasan", shared_libasan_path) ) - config.substitutions.append( ("%clang_asan_static ", build_invocation(clang_asan_static_cflags)) ) - config.substitutions.append( ("%clangxx_asan_static ", build_invocation(clang_asan_static_cxxflags)) ) - -if platform.system() == 'Windows': - # MSVC-specific tests might also use the clang-cl.exe driver. - if target_is_msvc: - clang_cl_cxxflags = ["-Wno-deprecated-declarations", - "-WX", - "-D_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=0", - "-Zi"] + target_cflags - clang_cl_asan_cxxflags = ["-fsanitize=address"] + clang_cl_cxxflags - if config.asan_dynamic: - clang_cl_asan_cxxflags.append("-MD") - - clang_cl_invocation = build_invocation(clang_cl_cxxflags) - clang_cl_invocation = clang_cl_invocation.replace("clang.exe","clang-cl.exe") - config.substitutions.append( ("%clang_cl ", clang_cl_invocation) ) - - clang_cl_asan_invocation = build_invocation(clang_cl_asan_cxxflags) - clang_cl_asan_invocation = clang_cl_asan_invocation.replace("clang.exe","clang-cl.exe") - config.substitutions.append( ("%clang_cl_asan ", clang_cl_asan_invocation) ) - config.substitutions.append( ("%clang_cl_nocxx_asan ", clang_cl_asan_invocation) ) - config.substitutions.append( ("%Od", "-Od") ) - config.substitutions.append( ("%Fe", "-Fe") ) - config.substitutions.append( ("%LD", "-LD") ) - config.substitutions.append( ("%MD", "-MD") ) - config.substitutions.append( ("%MT", "-MT") ) - config.substitutions.append( ("%Gw", "-Gw") ) - - base_lib = os.path.join(config.compiler_rt_libdir, "clang_rt.asan%%s%s.lib" % config.target_suffix) - config.substitutions.append( ("%asan_lib", base_lib % "") ) - config.substitutions.append( ("%asan_cxx_lib", base_lib % "_cxx") ) - config.substitutions.append( ("%asan_dll_thunk", base_lib % "_dll_thunk") ) - else: - # To make some of these tests work on MinGW target without changing their - # behaviour for MSVC target, substitute clang-cl flags with gcc-like ones. - config.substitutions.append( ("%clang_cl ", build_invocation(target_cxxflags)) ) - config.substitutions.append( ("%clang_cl_asan ", build_invocation(clang_asan_cxxflags)) ) - config.substitutions.append( ("%clang_cl_nocxx_asan ", build_invocation(clang_asan_cflags)) ) - config.substitutions.append( ("%Od", "-O0") ) - config.substitutions.append( ("%Fe", "-o") ) - config.substitutions.append( ("%LD", "-shared") ) - config.substitutions.append( ("%MD", "") ) - config.substitutions.append( ("%MT", "") ) - config.substitutions.append( ("%Gw", "-fdata-sections") ) + if config.host_os in ["Linux", "FreeBSD", "NetBSD", "SunOS"]: + shared_libasan_path = os.path.join( + config.compiler_rt_libdir, + "libclang_rt.asan{}.so".format(config.target_suffix), + ) + elif config.host_os == "Darwin": + shared_libasan_path = os.path.join( + config.compiler_rt_libdir, + "libclang_rt.asan_{}_dynamic.dylib".format(config.apple_platform), + ) + else: + lit_config.warning( + "%shared_libasan substitution not set but dynamic ASan is available." + ) + shared_libasan_path = None + + if shared_libasan_path is not None: + config.substitutions.append(("%shared_libasan", shared_libasan_path)) + config.substitutions.append( + ("%clang_asan_static ", build_invocation(clang_asan_static_cflags)) + ) + config.substitutions.append( + ("%clangxx_asan_static ", build_invocation(clang_asan_static_cxxflags)) + ) + +if platform.system() == "Windows": + # MSVC-specific tests might also use the clang-cl.exe driver. + if target_is_msvc: + clang_cl_cxxflags = [ + "-Wno-deprecated-declarations", + "-WX", + "-D_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=0", + "-Zi", + ] + target_cflags + clang_cl_asan_cxxflags = ["-fsanitize=address"] + clang_cl_cxxflags + if config.asan_dynamic: + clang_cl_asan_cxxflags.append("-MD") + + clang_cl_invocation = build_invocation(clang_cl_cxxflags) + clang_cl_invocation = clang_cl_invocation.replace("clang.exe", "clang-cl.exe") + config.substitutions.append(("%clang_cl ", clang_cl_invocation)) + + clang_cl_asan_invocation = build_invocation(clang_cl_asan_cxxflags) + clang_cl_asan_invocation = clang_cl_asan_invocation.replace( + "clang.exe", "clang-cl.exe" + ) + config.substitutions.append(("%clang_cl_asan ", clang_cl_asan_invocation)) + config.substitutions.append(("%clang_cl_nocxx_asan ", clang_cl_asan_invocation)) + config.substitutions.append(("%Od", "-Od")) + config.substitutions.append(("%Fe", "-Fe")) + config.substitutions.append(("%LD", "-LD")) + config.substitutions.append(("%MD", "-MD")) + config.substitutions.append(("%MT", "-MT")) + config.substitutions.append(("%Gw", "-Gw")) + + base_lib = os.path.join( + config.compiler_rt_libdir, "clang_rt.asan%%s%s.lib" % config.target_suffix + ) + config.substitutions.append(("%asan_lib", base_lib % "")) + config.substitutions.append(("%asan_cxx_lib", base_lib % "_cxx")) + config.substitutions.append(("%asan_dll_thunk", base_lib % "_dll_thunk")) + else: + # To make some of these tests work on MinGW target without changing their + # behaviour for MSVC target, substitute clang-cl flags with gcc-like ones. + config.substitutions.append(("%clang_cl ", build_invocation(target_cxxflags))) + config.substitutions.append( + ("%clang_cl_asan ", build_invocation(clang_asan_cxxflags)) + ) + config.substitutions.append( + ("%clang_cl_nocxx_asan ", build_invocation(clang_asan_cflags)) + ) + config.substitutions.append(("%Od", "-O0")) + config.substitutions.append(("%Fe", "-o")) + config.substitutions.append(("%LD", "-shared")) + config.substitutions.append(("%MD", "")) + config.substitutions.append(("%MT", "")) + config.substitutions.append(("%Gw", "-fdata-sections")) # FIXME: De-hardcode this path. asan_source_dir = os.path.join( - get_required_attr(config, "compiler_rt_src_root"), "lib", "asan") + get_required_attr(config, "compiler_rt_src_root"), "lib", "asan" +) python_exec = shlex.quote(get_required_attr(config, "python_executable")) # Setup path to asan_symbolize.py script. asan_symbolize = os.path.join(asan_source_dir, "scripts", "asan_symbolize.py") if not os.path.exists(asan_symbolize): - lit_config.fatal("Can't find script on path %r" % asan_symbolize) -config.substitutions.append( ("%asan_symbolize", python_exec + " " + asan_symbolize + " ") ) + lit_config.fatal("Can't find script on path %r" % asan_symbolize) +config.substitutions.append( + ("%asan_symbolize", python_exec + " " + asan_symbolize + " ") +) # Setup path to sancov.py script. sanitizer_common_source_dir = os.path.join( - get_required_attr(config, "compiler_rt_src_root"), "lib", "sanitizer_common") + get_required_attr(config, "compiler_rt_src_root"), "lib", "sanitizer_common" +) sancov = os.path.join(sanitizer_common_source_dir, "scripts", "sancov.py") if not os.path.exists(sancov): - lit_config.fatal("Can't find script on path %r" % sancov) -config.substitutions.append( ("%sancov ", python_exec + " " + sancov + " ") ) + lit_config.fatal("Can't find script on path %r" % sancov) +config.substitutions.append(("%sancov ", python_exec + " " + sancov + " ")) # Determine kernel bitness -if config.host_arch.find('64') != -1 and not config.android: - kernel_bits = '64' +if config.host_arch.find("64") != -1 and not config.android: + kernel_bits = "64" else: - kernel_bits = '32' + kernel_bits = "32" -config.substitutions.append( ('CHECK-%kernel_bits', ("CHECK-kernel-" + kernel_bits + "-bits"))) +config.substitutions.append( + ("CHECK-%kernel_bits", ("CHECK-kernel-" + kernel_bits + "-bits")) +) -config.substitutions.append( ("%libdl", libdl_flag) ) +config.substitutions.append(("%libdl", libdl_flag)) config.available_features.add("asan-" + config.bits + "-bits") # Fast unwinder doesn't work with Thumb if not config.arm_thumb: - config.available_features.add('fast-unwinder-works') + config.available_features.add("fast-unwinder-works") # Turn on leak detection on 64-bit Linux. -leak_detection_android = config.android and 'android-thread-properties-api' in config.available_features and (config.target_arch in ['x86_64', 'i386', 'i686', 'aarch64']) -leak_detection_linux = (config.host_os == 'Linux') and (not config.android) and (config.target_arch in ['x86_64', 'i386', 'riscv64', 'loongarch64']) -leak_detection_mac = (config.host_os == 'Darwin') and (config.apple_platform == 'osx') -leak_detection_netbsd = (config.host_os == 'NetBSD') and (config.target_arch in ['x86_64', 'i386']) -if leak_detection_android or leak_detection_linux or leak_detection_mac or leak_detection_netbsd: - config.available_features.add('leak-detection') +leak_detection_android = ( + config.android + and "android-thread-properties-api" in config.available_features + and (config.target_arch in ["x86_64", "i386", "i686", "aarch64"]) +) +leak_detection_linux = ( + (config.host_os == "Linux") + and (not config.android) + and (config.target_arch in ["x86_64", "i386", "riscv64", "loongarch64"]) +) +leak_detection_mac = (config.host_os == "Darwin") and (config.apple_platform == "osx") +leak_detection_netbsd = (config.host_os == "NetBSD") and ( + config.target_arch in ["x86_64", "i386"] +) +if ( + leak_detection_android + or leak_detection_linux + or leak_detection_mac + or leak_detection_netbsd +): + config.available_features.add("leak-detection") # Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to pick dynamic runtime up properly. push_dynamic_library_lookup_path(config, config.compiler_rt_libdir) # GCC-ASan uses dynamic runtime by default. -if config.compiler_id == 'GNU': - gcc_dir = os.path.dirname(config.clang) - libasan_dir = os.path.join(gcc_dir, "..", "lib" + config.bits) - push_dynamic_library_lookup_path(config, libasan_dir) +if config.compiler_id == "GNU": + gcc_dir = os.path.dirname(config.clang) + libasan_dir = os.path.join(gcc_dir, "..", "lib" + config.bits) + push_dynamic_library_lookup_path(config, libasan_dir) # Add the RT libdir to PATH directly so that we can successfully run the gtest # binary to list its tests. -if config.host_os == 'Windows' and config.asan_dynamic: - os.environ['PATH'] = os.path.pathsep.join([config.compiler_rt_libdir, - os.environ.get('PATH', '')]) +if config.host_os == "Windows" and config.asan_dynamic: + os.environ["PATH"] = os.path.pathsep.join( + [config.compiler_rt_libdir, os.environ.get("PATH", "")] + ) # Default test suffixes. -config.suffixes = ['.c', '.cpp'] +config.suffixes = [".c", ".cpp"] -if config.host_os == 'Darwin': - config.suffixes.append('.mm') +if config.host_os == "Darwin": + config.suffixes.append(".mm") -if config.host_os == 'Windows': - config.substitutions.append(('%fPIC', '')) - config.substitutions.append(('%fPIE', '')) - config.substitutions.append(('%pie', '')) +if config.host_os == "Windows": + config.substitutions.append(("%fPIC", "")) + config.substitutions.append(("%fPIE", "")) + config.substitutions.append(("%pie", "")) else: - config.substitutions.append(('%fPIC', '-fPIC')) - config.substitutions.append(('%fPIE', '-fPIE')) - config.substitutions.append(('%pie', '-pie')) + config.substitutions.append(("%fPIC", "-fPIC")) + config.substitutions.append(("%fPIE", "-fPIE")) + config.substitutions.append(("%pie", "-pie")) # Only run the tests on supported OSs. -if config.host_os not in ['Linux', 'Darwin', 'FreeBSD', 'SunOS', 'Windows', 'NetBSD']: - config.unsupported = True +if config.host_os not in ["Linux", "Darwin", "FreeBSD", "SunOS", "Windows", "NetBSD"]: + config.unsupported = True if not config.parallelism_group: - config.parallelism_group = 'shadow-memory' + config.parallelism_group = "shadow-memory" -if config.host_os == 'NetBSD': - config.substitutions.insert(0, ('%run', config.netbsd_noaslr_prefix)) +if config.host_os == "NetBSD": + config.substitutions.insert(0, ("%run", config.netbsd_noaslr_prefix)) diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/builtins/TestCases/Darwin/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/builtins/TestCases/Darwin/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/builtins/TestCases/Darwin/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/builtins/TestCases/Darwin/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ def getRoot(config): - if not config.parent: - return config - return getRoot(config.parent) + if not config.parent: + return config + return getRoot(config.parent) + root = getRoot(config) -if root.host_os not in ['Darwin']: - config.unsupported = True +if root.host_os not in ["Darwin"]: + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/builtins/Unit/lit.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/builtins/Unit/lit.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/builtins/Unit/lit.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/builtins/Unit/lit.cfg.py @@ -10,26 +10,29 @@ use_lit_shell = os.environ.get("LIT_USE_INTERNAL_SHELL") if use_lit_shell: # 0 is external, "" is default, and everything else is internal. - execute_external = (use_lit_shell == "0") + execute_external = use_lit_shell == "0" else: # Otherwise we default to internal on Windows and external elsewhere, as # bash on Windows is usually very slow. - execute_external = (not sys.platform in ['win32']) + execute_external = not sys.platform in ["win32"] + def get_required_attr(config, attr_name): - attr_value = getattr(config, attr_name, None) - if attr_value == None: - lit_config.fatal( - "No attribute %r in test configuration! You may need to run " - "tests from your build directory or add this attribute " - "to lit.site.cfg.py " % attr_name) - return attr_value + attr_value = getattr(config, attr_name, None) + if attr_value == None: + lit_config.fatal( + "No attribute %r in test configuration! You may need to run " + "tests from your build directory or add this attribute " + "to lit.site.cfg.py " % attr_name + ) + return attr_value + # Setup config name. -config.name = 'Builtins' + config.name_suffix +config.name = "Builtins" + config.name_suffix # Platform-specific default Builtins_OPTIONS for lit tests. -default_builtins_opts = '' +default_builtins_opts = "" # Setup source root. config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__) @@ -37,44 +40,52 @@ # Path to the static library is_msvc = get_required_attr(config, "is_msvc") if is_msvc: - base_lib = os.path.join(config.compiler_rt_libdir, "clang_rt.builtins%s.lib " - % config.target_suffix) - config.substitutions.append( ("%librt ", base_lib) ) -elif config.host_os == 'Darwin': - base_lib = os.path.join(config.compiler_rt_libdir, "libclang_rt.osx.a ") - config.substitutions.append( ("%librt ", base_lib + ' -lSystem ') ) -elif config.host_os == 'Windows': - base_lib = os.path.join(config.compiler_rt_libdir, "libclang_rt.builtins%s.a" - % config.target_suffix) - if sys.platform in ['win32'] and execute_external: - # Don't pass dosish path separator to msys bash.exe. - base_lib = base_lib.replace('\\', '/') - config.substitutions.append( ("%librt ", base_lib + ' -lmingw32 -lmoldname -lmingwex -lmsvcrt -ladvapi32 -lshell32 -luser32 -lkernel32 ') ) + base_lib = os.path.join( + config.compiler_rt_libdir, "clang_rt.builtins%s.lib " % config.target_suffix + ) + config.substitutions.append(("%librt ", base_lib)) +elif config.host_os == "Darwin": + base_lib = os.path.join(config.compiler_rt_libdir, "libclang_rt.osx.a ") + config.substitutions.append(("%librt ", base_lib + " -lSystem ")) +elif config.host_os == "Windows": + base_lib = os.path.join( + config.compiler_rt_libdir, "libclang_rt.builtins%s.a" % config.target_suffix + ) + if sys.platform in ["win32"] and execute_external: + # Don't pass dosish path separator to msys bash.exe. + base_lib = base_lib.replace("\\", "/") + config.substitutions.append( + ( + "%librt ", + base_lib + + " -lmingw32 -lmoldname -lmingwex -lmsvcrt -ladvapi32 -lshell32 -luser32 -lkernel32 ", + ) + ) else: - base_lib = os.path.join(config.compiler_rt_libdir, "libclang_rt.builtins%s.a" - % config.target_suffix) - if sys.platform in ['win32'] and execute_external: - # Don't pass dosish path separator to msys bash.exe. - base_lib = base_lib.replace('\\', '/') - config.substitutions.append( ("%librt ", base_lib + ' -lc -lm ') ) + base_lib = os.path.join( + config.compiler_rt_libdir, "libclang_rt.builtins%s.a" % config.target_suffix + ) + if sys.platform in ["win32"] and execute_external: + # Don't pass dosish path separator to msys bash.exe. + base_lib = base_lib.replace("\\", "/") + config.substitutions.append(("%librt ", base_lib + " -lc -lm ")) builtins_source_dir = os.path.join( - get_required_attr(config, "compiler_rt_src_root"), "lib", "builtins") -if sys.platform in ['win32'] and execute_external: - # Don't pass dosish path separator to msys bash.exe. - builtins_source_dir = builtins_source_dir.replace('\\', '/') + get_required_attr(config, "compiler_rt_src_root"), "lib", "builtins" +) +if sys.platform in ["win32"] and execute_external: + # Don't pass dosish path separator to msys bash.exe. + builtins_source_dir = builtins_source_dir.replace("\\", "/") builtins_lit_source_dir = get_required_attr(config, "builtins_lit_source_dir") extra_link_flags = ["-nodefaultlibs"] target_cflags = [get_required_attr(config, "target_cflags")] -target_cflags += ['-fno-builtin', '-I', builtins_source_dir] +target_cflags += ["-fno-builtin", "-I", builtins_source_dir] target_cflags += extra_link_flags target_cxxflags = config.cxx_mode_flags + target_cflags -clang_builtins_static_cflags = ([""] + - config.debug_info_flags + target_cflags) -clang_builtins_static_cxxflags = config.cxx_mode_flags + \ - clang_builtins_static_cflags +clang_builtins_static_cflags = [""] + config.debug_info_flags + target_cflags +clang_builtins_static_cxxflags = config.cxx_mode_flags + clang_builtins_static_cflags clang_builtins_cflags = clang_builtins_static_cflags clang_builtins_cxxflags = clang_builtins_static_cxxflags @@ -82,49 +93,53 @@ # FIXME: Right now we don't compile the C99 complex builtins when using # clang-cl. Fix that. if not is_msvc: - config.available_features.add('c99-complex') + config.available_features.add("c99-complex") builtins_is_msvc = get_required_attr(config, "builtins_is_msvc") if not builtins_is_msvc: - config.available_features.add('int128') + config.available_features.add("int128") clang_wrapper = "" + def build_invocation(compile_flags): - return " " + " ".join([clang_wrapper, config.clang] + compile_flags) + " " + return " " + " ".join([clang_wrapper, config.clang] + compile_flags) + " " -config.substitutions.append( ("%clang ", build_invocation(target_cflags)) ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clangxx ", build_invocation(target_cxxflags)) ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clang_builtins ", \ - build_invocation(clang_builtins_cflags))) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clangxx_builtins ", \ - build_invocation(clang_builtins_cxxflags))) +config.substitutions.append(("%clang ", build_invocation(target_cflags))) +config.substitutions.append(("%clangxx ", build_invocation(target_cxxflags))) +config.substitutions.append( + ("%clang_builtins ", build_invocation(clang_builtins_cflags)) +) +config.substitutions.append( + ("%clangxx_builtins ", build_invocation(clang_builtins_cxxflags)) +) # Default test suffixes. -config.suffixes = ['.c', '.cpp'] +config.suffixes = [".c", ".cpp"] if not config.emulator: - config.available_features.add('native-run') + config.available_features.add("native-run") # Add features for available sources -builtins_source_features = config.builtins_lit_source_features.split(';') +builtins_source_features = config.builtins_lit_source_features.split(";") # Sanity checks if not builtins_source_features: - lit_config.fatal('builtins_source_features cannot be empty') + lit_config.fatal("builtins_source_features cannot be empty") builtins_source_features_set = set() builtins_source_feature_duplicates = [] for builtin_source_feature in builtins_source_features: - if len(builtin_source_feature) == 0: - lit_config.fatal('builtins_source_feature cannot contain empty features') - if builtin_source_feature not in builtins_source_features_set: - builtins_source_features_set.add(builtin_source_feature) - else: - builtins_source_feature_duplicates.append(builtin_source_feature) + if len(builtin_source_feature) == 0: + lit_config.fatal("builtins_source_feature cannot contain empty features") + if builtin_source_feature not in builtins_source_features_set: + builtins_source_features_set.add(builtin_source_feature) + else: + builtins_source_feature_duplicates.append(builtin_source_feature) if len(builtins_source_feature_duplicates) > 0: - lit_config.fatal( - 'builtins_source_features contains duplicates: {}'.format( - builtins_source_feature_duplicates) - ) + lit_config.fatal( + "builtins_source_features contains duplicates: {}".format( + builtins_source_feature_duplicates + ) + ) config.available_features.update(builtins_source_features) diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/builtins/lit.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/builtins/lit.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/builtins/lit.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/builtins/lit.cfg.py @@ -3,18 +3,24 @@ import os # Setup config name. -config.name = 'Builtins' +config.name = "Builtins" # Setup source root. config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__) # Test suffixes. -config.suffixes = ['.c', '.cpp', '.m', '.mm'] +config.suffixes = [".c", ".cpp", ".m", ".mm"] # Define %clang and %clangxx substitutions to use in test RUN lines. -config.substitutions.append( ("%clang ", " " + config.clang + " ") ) +config.substitutions.append(("%clang ", " " + config.clang + " ")) -if config.host_os == 'Darwin': - config.substitutions.append( ("%macos_version_major", str(config.darwin_osx_version[0])) ) - config.substitutions.append( ("%macos_version_minor", str(config.darwin_osx_version[1])) ) - config.substitutions.append( ("%macos_version_subminor", str(config.darwin_osx_version[2])) ) +if config.host_os == "Darwin": + config.substitutions.append( + ("%macos_version_major", str(config.darwin_osx_version[0])) + ) + config.substitutions.append( + ("%macos_version_minor", str(config.darwin_osx_version[1])) + ) + config.substitutions.append( + ("%macos_version_subminor", str(config.darwin_osx_version[2])) + ) diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/cfi/cross-dso/icall/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/cfi/cross-dso/icall/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/cfi/cross-dso/icall/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/cfi/cross-dso/icall/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ # The cfi-icall checker is only supported on x86 and x86_64 for now. -if config.root.host_arch not in ['x86', 'x86_64']: - config.unsupported = True +if config.root.host_arch not in ["x86", "x86_64"]: + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/cfi/cross-dso/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/cfi/cross-dso/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/cfi/cross-dso/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/cfi/cross-dso/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,13 +1,14 @@ def getRoot(config): - if not config.parent: - return config - return getRoot(config.parent) + if not config.parent: + return config + return getRoot(config.parent) + root = getRoot(config) -if root.host_os not in ['Linux', 'FreeBSD', 'NetBSD']: - config.unsupported = True +if root.host_os not in ["Linux", "FreeBSD", "NetBSD"]: + config.unsupported = True # Android O (API level 26) has support for cross-dso cfi in libdl.so. -if config.android and 'android-26' not in config.available_features: - config.unsupported = True +if config.android and "android-26" not in config.available_features: + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/cfi/icall/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/cfi/icall/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/cfi/icall/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/cfi/icall/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ # The cfi-icall checker is only supported on x86 and x86_64 for now. -if config.root.host_arch not in ['x86', 'x86_64']: - config.unsupported = True +if config.root.host_arch not in ["x86", "x86_64"]: + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/cfi/lit.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/cfi/lit.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/cfi/lit.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/cfi/lit.cfg.py @@ -1,50 +1,60 @@ import lit.formats import os -config.name = 'cfi' + config.name_suffix -config.suffixes = ['.c', '.cpp', '.test'] +config.name = "cfi" + config.name_suffix +config.suffixes = [".c", ".cpp", ".test"] config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__) + def build_invocation(compile_flags): - return " " + " ".join([config.clang] + compile_flags) + " " + return " " + " ".join([config.clang] + compile_flags) + " " + clang = build_invocation([config.target_cflags]) clangxx = build_invocation([config.target_cflags] + config.cxx_mode_flags) -config.substitutions.append((r"%clang ", clang + ' ')) -config.substitutions.append((r"%clangxx ", clangxx + ' ')) +config.substitutions.append((r"%clang ", clang + " ")) +config.substitutions.append((r"%clangxx ", clangxx + " ")) -if 'darwin' in config.available_features: - # -fsanitize=cfi is not supported on Darwin hosts - config.unsupported = True +if "darwin" in config.available_features: + # -fsanitize=cfi is not supported on Darwin hosts + config.unsupported = True elif config.lto_supported: - clang_cfi = clang + '-fsanitize=cfi ' - - if config.cfi_lit_test_mode == "Devirt": - config.available_features.add('devirt') - clang_cfi += '-fwhole-program-vtables ' - config.substitutions.append((r"%expect_crash_unless_devirt ", "")) - else: - config.substitutions.append((r"%expect_crash_unless_devirt ", config.expect_crash)) - - cxx = ' '.join(config.cxx_mode_flags) + ' ' - diag = '-fno-sanitize-trap=cfi -fsanitize-recover=cfi ' - non_dso = '-fvisibility=hidden ' - dso = '-fsanitize-cfi-cross-dso -fvisibility=default ' - if config.android: - dso += '-include ' + config.test_source_root + '/cross-dso/util/cfi_stubs.h ' - config.substitutions.append((r"%clang_cfi ", clang_cfi + non_dso)) - config.substitutions.append((r"%clangxx_cfi ", clang_cfi + cxx + non_dso)) - config.substitutions.append((r"%clang_cfi_diag ", clang_cfi + non_dso + diag)) - config.substitutions.append((r"%clangxx_cfi_diag ", clang_cfi + cxx + non_dso + diag)) - config.substitutions.append((r"%clangxx_cfi_dso ", clang_cfi + cxx + dso)) - config.substitutions.append((r"%clangxx_cfi_dso_diag ", clang_cfi + cxx + dso + diag)) - config.substitutions.append((r"%debug_info_flags", ' '.join(config.debug_info_flags))) + clang_cfi = clang + "-fsanitize=cfi " + + if config.cfi_lit_test_mode == "Devirt": + config.available_features.add("devirt") + clang_cfi += "-fwhole-program-vtables " + config.substitutions.append((r"%expect_crash_unless_devirt ", "")) + else: + config.substitutions.append( + (r"%expect_crash_unless_devirt ", config.expect_crash) + ) + + cxx = " ".join(config.cxx_mode_flags) + " " + diag = "-fno-sanitize-trap=cfi -fsanitize-recover=cfi " + non_dso = "-fvisibility=hidden " + dso = "-fsanitize-cfi-cross-dso -fvisibility=default " + if config.android: + dso += "-include " + config.test_source_root + "/cross-dso/util/cfi_stubs.h " + config.substitutions.append((r"%clang_cfi ", clang_cfi + non_dso)) + config.substitutions.append((r"%clangxx_cfi ", clang_cfi + cxx + non_dso)) + config.substitutions.append((r"%clang_cfi_diag ", clang_cfi + non_dso + diag)) + config.substitutions.append( + (r"%clangxx_cfi_diag ", clang_cfi + cxx + non_dso + diag) + ) + config.substitutions.append((r"%clangxx_cfi_dso ", clang_cfi + cxx + dso)) + config.substitutions.append( + (r"%clangxx_cfi_dso_diag ", clang_cfi + cxx + dso + diag) + ) + config.substitutions.append( + (r"%debug_info_flags", " ".join(config.debug_info_flags)) + ) else: - config.unsupported = True + config.unsupported = True if config.default_sanitizer_opts: - config.environment['UBSAN_OPTIONS'] = ':'.join(config.default_sanitizer_opts) + config.environment["UBSAN_OPTIONS"] = ":".join(config.default_sanitizer_opts) -if lit_config.params.get('check_supported', None) and config.unsupported: - raise BaseException("Tests unsupported") +if lit_config.params.get("check_supported", None) and config.unsupported: + raise BaseException("Tests unsupported") diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/crt/lit.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/crt/lit.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/crt/lit.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/crt/lit.cfg.py @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import shlex # Setup config name. -config.name = 'CRT' + config.name_suffix +config.name = "CRT" + config.name_suffix # Setup source root. config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__) @@ -16,80 +16,80 @@ use_lit_shell = os.environ.get("LIT_USE_INTERNAL_SHELL") if use_lit_shell: # 0 is external, "" is default, and everything else is internal. - execute_external = (use_lit_shell == "0") + execute_external = use_lit_shell == "0" else: # Otherwise we default to internal on Windows and external elsewhere, as # bash on Windows is usually very slow. - execute_external = (not sys.platform in ['win32']) + execute_external = not sys.platform in ["win32"] + def get_library_path(file): - cmd = subprocess.Popen([config.clang.strip(), - '-print-file-name=%s' % file] + - shlex.split(config.target_cflags), - stdout=subprocess.PIPE, - env=config.environment, - universal_newlines=True) + cmd = subprocess.Popen( + [config.clang.strip(), "-print-file-name=%s" % file] + + shlex.split(config.target_cflags), + stdout=subprocess.PIPE, + env=config.environment, + universal_newlines=True, + ) if not cmd.stdout: - lit_config.fatal("Couldn't find the library path for '%s'" % file) + lit_config.fatal("Couldn't find the library path for '%s'" % file) dir = cmd.stdout.read().strip() - if sys.platform in ['win32'] and execute_external: + if sys.platform in ["win32"] and execute_external: # Don't pass dosish path separator to msys bash.exe. - dir = dir.replace('\\', '/') + dir = dir.replace("\\", "/") return dir def get_libgcc_file_name(): - cmd = subprocess.Popen([config.clang.strip(), - '-print-libgcc-file-name'] + - shlex.split(config.target_cflags), - stdout=subprocess.PIPE, - env=config.environment, - universal_newlines=True) + cmd = subprocess.Popen( + [config.clang.strip(), "-print-libgcc-file-name"] + + shlex.split(config.target_cflags), + stdout=subprocess.PIPE, + env=config.environment, + universal_newlines=True, + ) if not cmd.stdout: - lit_config.fatal("Couldn't find the library path for '%s'" % file) + lit_config.fatal("Couldn't find the library path for '%s'" % file) dir = cmd.stdout.read().strip() - if sys.platform in ['win32'] and execute_external: + if sys.platform in ["win32"] and execute_external: # Don't pass dosish path separator to msys bash.exe. - dir = dir.replace('\\', '/') + dir = dir.replace("\\", "/") return dir def build_invocation(compile_flags): - return ' ' + ' '.join([config.clang] + compile_flags) + ' ' + return " " + " ".join([config.clang] + compile_flags) + " " # Setup substitutions. +config.substitutions.append(("%clang ", build_invocation([config.target_cflags]))) config.substitutions.append( - ('%clang ', build_invocation([config.target_cflags]))) -config.substitutions.append( - ('%clangxx ', - build_invocation(config.cxx_mode_flags + [config.target_cflags]))) + ("%clangxx ", build_invocation(config.cxx_mode_flags + [config.target_cflags])) +) base_lib = os.path.join( - config.compiler_rt_libdir, "clang_rt.%%s%s.o" % config.target_suffix) + config.compiler_rt_libdir, "clang_rt.%%s%s.o" % config.target_suffix +) -if sys.platform in ['win32'] and execute_external: +if sys.platform in ["win32"] and execute_external: # Don't pass dosish path separator to msys bash.exe. - base_lib = base_lib.replace('\\', '/') + base_lib = base_lib.replace("\\", "/") -config.substitutions.append(('%crtbegin', base_lib % "crtbegin")) -config.substitutions.append(('%crtend', base_lib % "crtend")) +config.substitutions.append(("%crtbegin", base_lib % "crtbegin")) +config.substitutions.append(("%crtend", base_lib % "crtend")) -config.substitutions.append( - ('%crt1', get_library_path('crt1.o'))) -config.substitutions.append( - ('%crti', get_library_path('crti.o'))) -config.substitutions.append( - ('%crtn', get_library_path('crtn.o'))) +config.substitutions.append(("%crt1", get_library_path("crt1.o"))) +config.substitutions.append(("%crti", get_library_path("crti.o"))) +config.substitutions.append(("%crtn", get_library_path("crtn.o"))) -config.substitutions.append( - ('%libgcc', get_libgcc_file_name())) +config.substitutions.append(("%libgcc", get_libgcc_file_name())) config.substitutions.append( - ('%libstdcxx', '-l' + config.sanitizer_cxx_lib.lstrip('lib'))) + ("%libstdcxx", "-l" + config.sanitizer_cxx_lib.lstrip("lib")) +) # Default test suffixes. -config.suffixes = ['.c', '.cpp'] +config.suffixes = [".c", ".cpp"] -if config.host_os not in ['Linux']: +if config.host_os not in ["Linux"]: config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/dfsan/lit.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/dfsan/lit.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/dfsan/lit.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/dfsan/lit.cfg.py @@ -3,26 +3,27 @@ import os # Setup config name. -config.name = 'DataFlowSanitizer' + config.name_suffix +config.name = "DataFlowSanitizer" + config.name_suffix # Setup source root. config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__) # Setup default compiler flags used with -fsanitize=dataflow option. -clang_dfsan_cflags = (["-fsanitize=dataflow"] + - [config.target_cflags]) +clang_dfsan_cflags = ["-fsanitize=dataflow"] + [config.target_cflags] clang_dfsan_cxxflags = config.cxx_mode_flags + clang_dfsan_cflags + def build_invocation(compile_flags): - return " " + " ".join([config.clang] + compile_flags) + " " + return " " + " ".join([config.clang] + compile_flags) + " " + -config.substitutions.append( ("%clang_dfsan ", build_invocation(clang_dfsan_cflags)) ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clangxx_dfsan ", build_invocation(clang_dfsan_cxxflags)) ) +config.substitutions.append(("%clang_dfsan ", build_invocation(clang_dfsan_cflags))) +config.substitutions.append(("%clangxx_dfsan ", build_invocation(clang_dfsan_cxxflags))) # Default test suffixes. -config.suffixes = ['.c', '.cpp'] +config.suffixes = [".c", ".cpp"] # DataFlowSanitizer tests are currently supported on Linux only. -if not (config.host_os in ['Linux'] and config.target_arch in ['aarch64', 'x86_64']): - config.unsupported = True +if not (config.host_os in ["Linux"] and config.target_arch in ["aarch64", "x86_64"]): + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/fuzzer/lit.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/fuzzer/lit.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/fuzzer/lit.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/fuzzer/lit.cfg.py @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ config.name = "libFuzzer" + config.name_suffix config.test_format = lit.formats.ShTest(True) -config.suffixes = ['.test'] +config.suffixes = [".test"] config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__) config.available_features.add(config.target_arch) lit_config.note(f'arch feature "{config.target_arch}" available') @@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ use_lit_shell = os.environ.get("LIT_USE_INTERNAL_SHELL") if use_lit_shell: # 0 is external, "" is default, and everything else is internal. - execute_external = (use_lit_shell == "0") + execute_external = use_lit_shell == "0" else: # Otherwise we default to internal on Windows and external elsewhere, as # bash on Windows is usually very slow. - execute_external = (not sys.platform in ['win32']) + execute_external = not sys.platform in ["win32"] # testFormat: The test format to use to interpret tests. # @@ -27,100 +27,116 @@ config.test_format = lit.formats.ShTest(execute_external) # LeakSanitizer is not supported on OSX or Windows right now. -if (sys.platform.startswith('darwin') or - sys.platform.startswith('freebsd') or - sys.platform.startswith('win')): - lit_config.note('lsan feature unavailable') +if ( + sys.platform.startswith("darwin") + or sys.platform.startswith("freebsd") + or sys.platform.startswith("win") +): + lit_config.note("lsan feature unavailable") else: - lit_config.note('lsan feature available') - config.available_features.add('lsan') + lit_config.note("lsan feature available") + config.available_features.add("lsan") # MemorySanitizer is not supported on OSX or Windows right now -if (sys.platform.startswith('darwin') or sys.platform.startswith('win') or - config.target_arch == 'i386'): - lit_config.note('msan feature unavailable') - assert 'msan' not in config.available_features +if ( + sys.platform.startswith("darwin") + or sys.platform.startswith("win") + or config.target_arch == "i386" +): + lit_config.note("msan feature unavailable") + assert "msan" not in config.available_features else: - lit_config.note('msan feature available') - config.available_features.add('msan') + lit_config.note("msan feature available") + config.available_features.add("msan") -if sys.platform.startswith('win') or sys.platform.startswith('cygwin'): - config.available_features.add('windows') +if sys.platform.startswith("win") or sys.platform.startswith("cygwin"): + config.available_features.add("windows") -if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): - config.available_features.add('darwin') +if sys.platform.startswith("darwin"): + config.available_features.add("darwin") -if sys.platform.startswith('linux'): - # Note the value of ``sys.platform`` is not consistent - # between python 2 and 3, hence the use of ``.startswith()``. - lit_config.note('linux feature available') - config.available_features.add('linux') +if sys.platform.startswith("linux"): + # Note the value of ``sys.platform`` is not consistent + # between python 2 and 3, hence the use of ``.startswith()``. + lit_config.note("linux feature available") + config.available_features.add("linux") else: - lit_config.note('linux feature unavailable') + lit_config.note("linux feature unavailable") if config.arm_thumb: - config.available_features.add('thumb') + config.available_features.add("thumb") -config.substitutions.append(('%build_dir', config.cmake_binary_dir)) +config.substitutions.append(("%build_dir", config.cmake_binary_dir)) libfuzzer_src_root = os.path.join(config.compiler_rt_src_root, "lib", "fuzzer") -config.substitutions.append(('%libfuzzer_src', libfuzzer_src_root)) +config.substitutions.append(("%libfuzzer_src", libfuzzer_src_root)) + +config.substitutions.append(("%python", '"%s"' % (sys.executable))) -config.substitutions.append(('%python', '"%s"' % (sys.executable))) def generate_compiler_cmd(is_cpp=True, fuzzer_enabled=True, msan_enabled=False): - compiler_cmd = config.clang - extra_cmd = config.target_flags - - if is_cpp: - std_cmd = '--driver-mode=g++' - else: - std_cmd = '' - - if msan_enabled: - sanitizers = ['memory'] - else: - sanitizers = ['address'] - if fuzzer_enabled: - sanitizers.append('fuzzer') - sanitizers_cmd = ('-fsanitize=%s' % ','.join(sanitizers)) - return " ".join([ - compiler_cmd, - std_cmd, - "-O2 -gline-tables-only", - sanitizers_cmd, - "-I%s" % libfuzzer_src_root, - extra_cmd - ]) - -config.substitutions.append(('%cpp_compiler', - generate_compiler_cmd(is_cpp=True, fuzzer_enabled=True) - )) - -config.substitutions.append(('%c_compiler', - generate_compiler_cmd(is_cpp=False, fuzzer_enabled=True) - )) - -config.substitutions.append(('%no_fuzzer_cpp_compiler', - generate_compiler_cmd(is_cpp=True, fuzzer_enabled=False) - )) - -config.substitutions.append(('%no_fuzzer_c_compiler', - generate_compiler_cmd(is_cpp=False, fuzzer_enabled=False) - )) - -config.substitutions.append(('%msan_compiler', - generate_compiler_cmd(is_cpp=True, fuzzer_enabled=True, msan_enabled=True) - )) - -default_asan_opts_str = ':'.join(config.default_sanitizer_opts) + compiler_cmd = config.clang + extra_cmd = config.target_flags + + if is_cpp: + std_cmd = "--driver-mode=g++" + else: + std_cmd = "" + + if msan_enabled: + sanitizers = ["memory"] + else: + sanitizers = ["address"] + if fuzzer_enabled: + sanitizers.append("fuzzer") + sanitizers_cmd = "-fsanitize=%s" % ",".join(sanitizers) + return " ".join( + [ + compiler_cmd, + std_cmd, + "-O2 -gline-tables-only", + sanitizers_cmd, + "-I%s" % libfuzzer_src_root, + extra_cmd, + ] + ) + + +config.substitutions.append( + ("%cpp_compiler", generate_compiler_cmd(is_cpp=True, fuzzer_enabled=True)) +) + +config.substitutions.append( + ("%c_compiler", generate_compiler_cmd(is_cpp=False, fuzzer_enabled=True)) +) + +config.substitutions.append( + ( + "%no_fuzzer_cpp_compiler", + generate_compiler_cmd(is_cpp=True, fuzzer_enabled=False), + ) +) + +config.substitutions.append( + ("%no_fuzzer_c_compiler", generate_compiler_cmd(is_cpp=False, fuzzer_enabled=False)) +) + +config.substitutions.append( + ( + "%msan_compiler", + generate_compiler_cmd(is_cpp=True, fuzzer_enabled=True, msan_enabled=True), + ) +) + +default_asan_opts_str = ":".join(config.default_sanitizer_opts) if default_asan_opts_str: - config.environment['ASAN_OPTIONS'] = default_asan_opts_str - default_asan_opts_str += ':' -config.substitutions.append(('%env_asan_opts=', - 'env ASAN_OPTIONS=' + default_asan_opts_str)) + config.environment["ASAN_OPTIONS"] = default_asan_opts_str + default_asan_opts_str += ":" +config.substitutions.append( + ("%env_asan_opts=", "env ASAN_OPTIONS=" + default_asan_opts_str) +) if not config.parallelism_group: - config.parallelism_group = 'shadow-memory' + config.parallelism_group = "shadow-memory" -if config.host_os == 'NetBSD': - config.substitutions.insert(0, ('%run', config.netbsd_noaslr_prefix)) +if config.host_os == "NetBSD": + config.substitutions.insert(0, ("%run", config.netbsd_noaslr_prefix)) diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/gwp_asan/lit.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/gwp_asan/lit.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/gwp_asan/lit.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/gwp_asan/lit.cfg.py @@ -3,54 +3,69 @@ import os # Setup config name. -config.name = 'GWP-ASan' + config.name_suffix +config.name = "GWP-ASan" + config.name_suffix # Setup source root. config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__) # Test suffixes. -config.suffixes = ['.c', '.cpp', '.test'] +config.suffixes = [".c", ".cpp", ".test"] # C & CXX flags. -c_flags = ([config.target_cflags]) +c_flags = [config.target_cflags] -cxx_flags = (c_flags + config.cxx_mode_flags + ["-std=c++14"]) +cxx_flags = c_flags + config.cxx_mode_flags + ["-std=c++14"] libscudo_standalone = os.path.join( - config.compiler_rt_libdir, - "libclang_rt.scudo_standalone%s.a" % config.target_suffix) + config.compiler_rt_libdir, "libclang_rt.scudo_standalone%s.a" % config.target_suffix +) libscudo_standalone_cxx = os.path.join( config.compiler_rt_libdir, - "libclang_rt.scudo_standalone_cxx%s.a" % config.target_suffix) + "libclang_rt.scudo_standalone_cxx%s.a" % config.target_suffix, +) -scudo_link_flags = ["-pthread", "-Wl,--whole-archive", libscudo_standalone, - "-Wl,--no-whole-archive"] -scudo_link_cxx_flags = ["-Wl,--whole-archive", libscudo_standalone_cxx, - "-Wl,--no-whole-archive"] +scudo_link_flags = [ + "-pthread", + "-Wl,--whole-archive", + libscudo_standalone, + "-Wl,--no-whole-archive", +] +scudo_link_cxx_flags = [ + "-Wl,--whole-archive", + libscudo_standalone_cxx, + "-Wl,--no-whole-archive", +] # -rdynamic is necessary for online function symbolization. gwp_asan_flags = ["-rdynamic"] + scudo_link_flags + def build_invocation(compile_flags): - return " " + " ".join([config.clang] + compile_flags) + " " + return " " + " ".join([config.clang] + compile_flags) + " " + # Add substitutions. config.substitutions.append(("%clang ", build_invocation(c_flags))) config.substitutions.append( - ("%clang_gwp_asan ", build_invocation(c_flags + gwp_asan_flags))) -config.substitutions.append(( - "%clangxx_gwp_asan ", - build_invocation(cxx_flags + gwp_asan_flags + scudo_link_cxx_flags))) + ("%clang_gwp_asan ", build_invocation(c_flags + gwp_asan_flags)) +) +config.substitutions.append( + ( + "%clangxx_gwp_asan ", + build_invocation(cxx_flags + gwp_asan_flags + scudo_link_cxx_flags), + ) +) # Platform-specific default GWP_ASAN for lit tests. Ensure that GWP-ASan is # enabled and that it samples every allocation. -default_gwp_asan_options = 'GWP_ASAN_Enabled=1:GWP_ASAN_SampleRate=1' +default_gwp_asan_options = "GWP_ASAN_Enabled=1:GWP_ASAN_SampleRate=1" -config.environment['SCUDO_OPTIONS'] = default_gwp_asan_options -default_gwp_asan_options += ':' -config.substitutions.append(('%env_scudo_options=', - 'env SCUDO_OPTIONS=' + default_gwp_asan_options)) +config.environment["SCUDO_OPTIONS"] = default_gwp_asan_options +default_gwp_asan_options += ":" +config.substitutions.append( + ("%env_scudo_options=", "env SCUDO_OPTIONS=" + default_gwp_asan_options) +) # GWP-ASan tests are currently supported on Linux only. -if config.host_os not in ['Linux']: - config.unsupported = True +if config.host_os not in ["Linux"]: + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/hwasan/TestCases/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/hwasan/TestCases/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/hwasan/TestCases/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/hwasan/TestCases/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ def getRoot(config): - if not config.parent: - return config - return getRoot(config.parent) + if not config.parent: + return config + return getRoot(config.parent) + root = getRoot(config) -if root.host_os not in ['Linux']: - config.unsupported = True +if root.host_os not in ["Linux"]: + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/hwasan/TestCases/Posix/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/hwasan/TestCases/Posix/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/hwasan/TestCases/Posix/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/hwasan/TestCases/Posix/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ def getRoot(config): - if not config.parent: - return config - return getRoot(config.parent) + if not config.parent: + return config + return getRoot(config.parent) + root = getRoot(config) -if root.host_os in ['Windows']: - config.unsupported = True +if root.host_os in ["Windows"]: + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/hwasan/lit.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/hwasan/lit.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/hwasan/lit.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/hwasan/lit.cfg.py @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import os # Setup config name. -config.name = 'HWAddressSanitizer' + getattr(config, 'name_suffix', 'default') +config.name = "HWAddressSanitizer" + getattr(config, "name_suffix", "default") # Setup source root. config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__) @@ -13,46 +13,69 @@ clang_cxxflags = config.cxx_mode_flags + clang_cflags clang_hwasan_common_cflags = clang_cflags + ["-fsanitize=hwaddress", "-fuse-ld=lld"] -if config.target_arch == 'x86_64' and config.enable_aliases == '1': - clang_hwasan_common_cflags += ["-fsanitize-hwaddress-experimental-aliasing"] +if config.target_arch == "x86_64" and config.enable_aliases == "1": + clang_hwasan_common_cflags += ["-fsanitize-hwaddress-experimental-aliasing"] else: - config.available_features.add('pointer-tagging') -if config.target_arch == 'x86_64': - # The callback instrumentation used on x86_64 has a 1/64 chance of choosing a - # stack tag of 0. This causes stack tests to become flaky, so we force tags - # to be generated via calls to __hwasan_generate_tag, which never returns 0. - # TODO: See if we can remove this once we use the outlined instrumentation. - clang_hwasan_common_cflags += ["-mllvm", "-hwasan-generate-tags-with-calls=1"] -clang_hwasan_cflags = clang_hwasan_common_cflags + ["-mllvm", "-hwasan-globals", - "-mllvm", "-hwasan-use-short-granules", - "-mllvm", "-hwasan-instrument-landing-pads=0", - "-mllvm", "-hwasan-instrument-personality-functions"] -clang_hwasan_oldrt_cflags = clang_hwasan_common_cflags + ["-mllvm", "-hwasan-use-short-granules=0", - "-mllvm", "-hwasan-instrument-landing-pads=1", - "-mllvm", "-hwasan-instrument-personality-functions=0"] + config.available_features.add("pointer-tagging") +if config.target_arch == "x86_64": + # The callback instrumentation used on x86_64 has a 1/64 chance of choosing a + # stack tag of 0. This causes stack tests to become flaky, so we force tags + # to be generated via calls to __hwasan_generate_tag, which never returns 0. + # TODO: See if we can remove this once we use the outlined instrumentation. + clang_hwasan_common_cflags += ["-mllvm", "-hwasan-generate-tags-with-calls=1"] +clang_hwasan_cflags = clang_hwasan_common_cflags + [ + "-mllvm", + "-hwasan-globals", + "-mllvm", + "-hwasan-use-short-granules", + "-mllvm", + "-hwasan-instrument-landing-pads=0", + "-mllvm", + "-hwasan-instrument-personality-functions", +] +clang_hwasan_oldrt_cflags = clang_hwasan_common_cflags + [ + "-mllvm", + "-hwasan-use-short-granules=0", + "-mllvm", + "-hwasan-instrument-landing-pads=1", + "-mllvm", + "-hwasan-instrument-personality-functions=0", +] clang_hwasan_cxxflags = config.cxx_mode_flags + clang_hwasan_cflags clang_hwasan_oldrt_cxxflags = config.cxx_mode_flags + clang_hwasan_oldrt_cflags + def build_invocation(compile_flags): - return " " + " ".join([config.clang] + compile_flags) + " " + return " " + " ".join([config.clang] + compile_flags) + " " + -config.substitutions.append( ("%clangxx ", build_invocation(clang_cxxflags)) ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clang_hwasan ", build_invocation(clang_hwasan_cflags)) ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clang_hwasan_oldrt ", build_invocation(clang_hwasan_oldrt_cflags)) ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clangxx_hwasan ", build_invocation(clang_hwasan_cxxflags)) ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clangxx_hwasan_oldrt ", build_invocation(clang_hwasan_oldrt_cxxflags)) ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%compiler_rt_libdir", config.compiler_rt_libdir) ) +config.substitutions.append(("%clangxx ", build_invocation(clang_cxxflags))) +config.substitutions.append(("%clang_hwasan ", build_invocation(clang_hwasan_cflags))) +config.substitutions.append( + ("%clang_hwasan_oldrt ", build_invocation(clang_hwasan_oldrt_cflags)) +) +config.substitutions.append( + ("%clangxx_hwasan ", build_invocation(clang_hwasan_cxxflags)) +) +config.substitutions.append( + ("%clangxx_hwasan_oldrt ", build_invocation(clang_hwasan_oldrt_cxxflags)) +) +config.substitutions.append(("%compiler_rt_libdir", config.compiler_rt_libdir)) -default_hwasan_opts_str = ':'.join(['disable_allocator_tagging=1', 'random_tags=0', 'fail_without_syscall_abi=0'] + config.default_sanitizer_opts) +default_hwasan_opts_str = ":".join( + ["disable_allocator_tagging=1", "random_tags=0", "fail_without_syscall_abi=0"] + + config.default_sanitizer_opts +) if default_hwasan_opts_str: - config.environment['HWASAN_OPTIONS'] = default_hwasan_opts_str - default_hwasan_opts_str += ':' -config.substitutions.append(('%env_hwasan_opts=', - 'env HWASAN_OPTIONS=' + default_hwasan_opts_str)) + config.environment["HWASAN_OPTIONS"] = default_hwasan_opts_str + default_hwasan_opts_str += ":" +config.substitutions.append( + ("%env_hwasan_opts=", "env HWASAN_OPTIONS=" + default_hwasan_opts_str) +) # Default test suffixes. -config.suffixes = ['.c', '.cpp'] +config.suffixes = [".c", ".cpp"] -if config.host_os not in ['Linux', 'Android'] or not config.has_lld: - config.unsupported = True +if config.host_os not in ["Linux", "Android"] or not config.has_lld: + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/lit.common.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/lit.common.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/lit.common.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/lit.common.cfg.py @@ -13,78 +13,79 @@ import lit.formats import lit.util + def find_compiler_libdir(): - """ + """ Returns the path to library resource directory used by the compiler. - """ - if config.compiler_id != 'Clang': - lit_config.warning(f'Determining compiler\'s runtime directory is not supported for {config.compiler_id}') - # TODO: Support other compilers. - return None - def get_path_from_clang(args, allow_failure): - clang_cmd = [ - config.clang.strip(), - f'--target={config.target_triple}', - ] - clang_cmd.extend(args) - path = None - try: - result = subprocess.run( - clang_cmd, - stdout=subprocess.PIPE, - stderr=subprocess.PIPE, - check=True - ) - path = result.stdout.decode().strip() - except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: - msg = f'Failed to run {clang_cmd}\nrc:{e.returncode}\nstdout:{e.stdout}\ne.stderr{e.stderr}' - if allow_failure: - lit_config.warning(msg) - else: - lit_config.fatal(msg) - return path, clang_cmd - - # Try using `-print-runtime-dir`. This is only supported by very new versions of Clang. - # so allow failure here. - runtime_dir, clang_cmd = get_path_from_clang(shlex.split(config.target_cflags) - + ['-print-runtime-dir'], - allow_failure=True) - if runtime_dir: - if os.path.exists(runtime_dir): - return os.path.realpath(runtime_dir) - # TODO(dliew): This should be a fatal error but it seems to trip the `llvm-clang-win-x-aarch64` - # bot which is likely misconfigured - lit_config.warning( - f'Path reported by clang does not exist: \"{runtime_dir}\". ' - f'This path was found by running {clang_cmd}.' + """ + if config.compiler_id != "Clang": + lit_config.warning( + f"Determining compiler's runtime directory is not supported for {config.compiler_id}" + ) + # TODO: Support other compilers. + return None + + def get_path_from_clang(args, allow_failure): + clang_cmd = [ + config.clang.strip(), + f"--target={config.target_triple}", + ] + clang_cmd.extend(args) + path = None + try: + result = subprocess.run( + clang_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, check=True + ) + path = result.stdout.decode().strip() + except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: + msg = f"Failed to run {clang_cmd}\nrc:{e.returncode}\nstdout:{e.stdout}\ne.stderr{e.stderr}" + if allow_failure: + lit_config.warning(msg) + else: + lit_config.fatal(msg) + return path, clang_cmd + + # Try using `-print-runtime-dir`. This is only supported by very new versions of Clang. + # so allow failure here. + runtime_dir, clang_cmd = get_path_from_clang( + shlex.split(config.target_cflags) + ["-print-runtime-dir"], allow_failure=True ) + if runtime_dir: + if os.path.exists(runtime_dir): + return os.path.realpath(runtime_dir) + # TODO(dliew): This should be a fatal error but it seems to trip the `llvm-clang-win-x-aarch64` + # bot which is likely misconfigured + lit_config.warning( + f'Path reported by clang does not exist: "{runtime_dir}". ' + f"This path was found by running {clang_cmd}." + ) + return None + + # Fall back for older AppleClang that doesn't support `-print-runtime-dir` + # Note `-print-file-name=` was broken for Apple + # platforms so we can't use that approach here (see https://reviews.llvm.org/D101682). + if config.host_os == "Darwin": + lib_dir, _ = get_path_from_clang(["-print-file-name=lib"], allow_failure=False) + runtime_dir = os.path.join(lib_dir, "darwin") + if not os.path.exists(runtime_dir): + lit_config.fatal(f"Path reported by clang does not exist: {runtime_dir}") + return os.path.realpath(runtime_dir) + + lit_config.warning("Failed to determine compiler's runtime directory") return None - # Fall back for older AppleClang that doesn't support `-print-runtime-dir` - # Note `-print-file-name=` was broken for Apple - # platforms so we can't use that approach here (see https://reviews.llvm.org/D101682). - if config.host_os == 'Darwin': - lib_dir, _ = get_path_from_clang(['-print-file-name=lib'], allow_failure=False) - runtime_dir = os.path.join(lib_dir, 'darwin') - if not os.path.exists(runtime_dir): - lit_config.fatal(f'Path reported by clang does not exist: {runtime_dir}') - return os.path.realpath(runtime_dir) - - lit_config.warning('Failed to determine compiler\'s runtime directory') - return None - # Choose between lit's internal shell pipeline runner and a real shell. If # LIT_USE_INTERNAL_SHELL is in the environment, we use that as an override. use_lit_shell = os.environ.get("LIT_USE_INTERNAL_SHELL") if use_lit_shell: # 0 is external, "" is default, and everything else is internal. - execute_external = (use_lit_shell == "0") + execute_external = use_lit_shell == "0" else: # Otherwise we default to internal on Windows and external elsewhere, as # bash on Windows is usually very slow. - execute_external = (not sys.platform in ['win32']) + execute_external = not sys.platform in ["win32"] # Allow expanding substitutions that are based on other substitutions config.recursiveExpansionLimit = 10 @@ -92,30 +93,30 @@ # Setup test format. config.test_format = lit.formats.ShTest(execute_external) if execute_external: - config.available_features.add('shell') + config.available_features.add("shell") -target_is_msvc = bool(re.match(r'.*-windows-msvc$', config.target_triple)) +target_is_msvc = bool(re.match(r".*-windows-msvc$", config.target_triple)) -compiler_id = getattr(config, 'compiler_id', None) +compiler_id = getattr(config, "compiler_id", None) if compiler_id == "Clang": - if not (platform.system() == 'Windows' and target_is_msvc): - config.cxx_mode_flags = ["--driver-mode=g++"] - else: - config.cxx_mode_flags = [] - # We assume that sanitizers should provide good enough error - # reports and stack traces even with minimal debug info. - config.debug_info_flags = ["-gline-tables-only"] - if platform.system() == 'Windows' and target_is_msvc: - # On MSVC, use CodeView with column info instead of DWARF. Both VS and - # windbg do not behave well when column info is enabled, but users have - # requested it because it makes ASan reports more precise. - config.debug_info_flags.append("-gcodeview") - config.debug_info_flags.append("-gcolumn-info") -elif compiler_id == 'GNU': - config.cxx_mode_flags = ["-x c++"] - config.debug_info_flags = ["-g"] + if not (platform.system() == "Windows" and target_is_msvc): + config.cxx_mode_flags = ["--driver-mode=g++"] + else: + config.cxx_mode_flags = [] + # We assume that sanitizers should provide good enough error + # reports and stack traces even with minimal debug info. + config.debug_info_flags = ["-gline-tables-only"] + if platform.system() == "Windows" and target_is_msvc: + # On MSVC, use CodeView with column info instead of DWARF. Both VS and + # windbg do not behave well when column info is enabled, but users have + # requested it because it makes ASan reports more precise. + config.debug_info_flags.append("-gcodeview") + config.debug_info_flags.append("-gcolumn-info") +elif compiler_id == "GNU": + config.cxx_mode_flags = ["-x c++"] + config.debug_info_flags = ["-g"] else: - lit_config.fatal("Unsupported compiler id: %r" % compiler_id) + lit_config.fatal("Unsupported compiler id: %r" % compiler_id) # Add compiler ID to the list of available features. config.available_features.add(compiler_id) @@ -124,10 +125,14 @@ # triple as the trailing path component. The value is incorrect for -m32/-m64. # Adjust config.compiler_rt accordingly. if config.enable_per_target_runtime_dir: - if '-m32' in shlex.split(config.target_cflags): - config.compiler_rt_libdir = re.sub(r'/x86_64(?=-[^/]+$)', '/i386', config.compiler_rt_libdir) - elif '-m64' in shlex.split(config.target_cflags): - config.compiler_rt_libdir = re.sub(r'/i386(?=-[^/]+$)', '/x86_64', config.compiler_rt_libdir) + if "-m32" in shlex.split(config.target_cflags): + config.compiler_rt_libdir = re.sub( + r"/x86_64(?=-[^/]+$)", "/i386", config.compiler_rt_libdir + ) + elif "-m64" in shlex.split(config.target_cflags): + config.compiler_rt_libdir = re.sub( + r"/i386(?=-[^/]+$)", "/x86_64", config.compiler_rt_libdir + ) # Ask the compiler for the path to libraries it is going to use. If this # doesn't match config.compiler_rt_libdir then it means we might be testing the @@ -135,99 +140,121 @@ # Warn about about this and handle appropriately. compiler_libdir = find_compiler_libdir() if compiler_libdir: - compiler_rt_libdir_real = os.path.realpath(config.compiler_rt_libdir) - if compiler_libdir != compiler_rt_libdir_real: - lit_config.warning( - 'Compiler lib dir != compiler-rt lib dir\n' - f'Compiler libdir: "{compiler_libdir}"\n' - f'compiler-rt libdir: "{compiler_rt_libdir_real}"') - if config.test_standalone_build_libs: - # Use just built runtime libraries, i.e. the the libraries this built just built. - if not config.test_suite_supports_overriding_runtime_lib_path: - # Test suite doesn't support this configuration. - # TODO(dliew): This should be an error but it seems several bots are - # testing incorrectly and having this as an error breaks them. + compiler_rt_libdir_real = os.path.realpath(config.compiler_rt_libdir) + if compiler_libdir != compiler_rt_libdir_real: lit_config.warning( - 'COMPILER_RT_TEST_STANDALONE_BUILD_LIBS=ON, but this test suite ' - 'does not support testing the just-built runtime libraries ' - 'when the test compiler is configured to use different runtime ' - 'libraries. Either modify this test suite to support this test ' - 'configuration, or set COMPILER_RT_TEST_STANDALONE_BUILD_LIBS=OFF ' - 'to test the runtime libraries included in the compiler instead.' + "Compiler lib dir != compiler-rt lib dir\n" + f'Compiler libdir: "{compiler_libdir}"\n' + f'compiler-rt libdir: "{compiler_rt_libdir_real}"' ) - else: - # Use Compiler's resource library directory instead. - config.compiler_rt_libdir = compiler_libdir - lit_config.note(f'Testing using libraries in "{config.compiler_rt_libdir}"') + if config.test_standalone_build_libs: + # Use just built runtime libraries, i.e. the the libraries this built just built. + if not config.test_suite_supports_overriding_runtime_lib_path: + # Test suite doesn't support this configuration. + # TODO(dliew): This should be an error but it seems several bots are + # testing incorrectly and having this as an error breaks them. + lit_config.warning( + "COMPILER_RT_TEST_STANDALONE_BUILD_LIBS=ON, but this test suite " + "does not support testing the just-built runtime libraries " + "when the test compiler is configured to use different runtime " + "libraries. Either modify this test suite to support this test " + "configuration, or set COMPILER_RT_TEST_STANDALONE_BUILD_LIBS=OFF " + "to test the runtime libraries included in the compiler instead." + ) + else: + # Use Compiler's resource library directory instead. + config.compiler_rt_libdir = compiler_libdir + lit_config.note(f'Testing using libraries in "{config.compiler_rt_libdir}"') # If needed, add cflag for shadow scale. -if config.asan_shadow_scale != '': - config.target_cflags += " -mllvm -asan-mapping-scale=" + config.asan_shadow_scale -if config.memprof_shadow_scale != '': - config.target_cflags += " -mllvm -memprof-mapping-scale=" + config.memprof_shadow_scale +if config.asan_shadow_scale != "": + config.target_cflags += " -mllvm -asan-mapping-scale=" + config.asan_shadow_scale +if config.memprof_shadow_scale != "": + config.target_cflags += ( + " -mllvm -memprof-mapping-scale=" + config.memprof_shadow_scale + ) # Clear some environment variables that might affect Clang. -possibly_dangerous_env_vars = ['ASAN_OPTIONS', 'DFSAN_OPTIONS', 'HWASAN_OPTIONS', - 'LSAN_OPTIONS', 'MSAN_OPTIONS', 'UBSAN_OPTIONS', - 'COMPILER_PATH', 'RC_DEBUG_OPTIONS', - 'CINDEXTEST_PREAMBLE_FILE', 'LIBRARY_PATH', - 'CPATH', 'C_INCLUDE_PATH', 'CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH', - 'OBJC_INCLUDE_PATH', 'OBJCPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH', - 'LIBCLANG_TIMING', 'LIBCLANG_OBJTRACKING', - 'LIBCLANG_LOGGING', 'LIBCLANG_BGPRIO_INDEX', - 'LIBCLANG_BGPRIO_EDIT', 'LIBCLANG_NOTHREADS', - 'LIBCLANG_RESOURCE_USAGE', - 'LIBCLANG_CODE_COMPLETION_LOGGING', - 'XRAY_OPTIONS'] +possibly_dangerous_env_vars = [ + "ASAN_OPTIONS", + "DFSAN_OPTIONS", + "HWASAN_OPTIONS", + "LSAN_OPTIONS", + "MSAN_OPTIONS", + "UBSAN_OPTIONS", + "COMPILER_PATH", + "RC_DEBUG_OPTIONS", + "CINDEXTEST_PREAMBLE_FILE", + "LIBRARY_PATH", + "CPATH", + "C_INCLUDE_PATH", + "CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH", + "OBJC_INCLUDE_PATH", + "OBJCPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH", + "LIBCLANG_TIMING", + "LIBCLANG_OBJTRACKING", + "LIBCLANG_LOGGING", + "LIBCLANG_BGPRIO_INDEX", + "LIBCLANG_BGPRIO_EDIT", + "LIBCLANG_NOTHREADS", + "LIBCLANG_RESOURCE_USAGE", + "LIBCLANG_CODE_COMPLETION_LOGGING", + "XRAY_OPTIONS", +] # Clang/MSVC may refer to %INCLUDE%. vsvarsall.bat sets it. -if not (platform.system() == 'Windows' and target_is_msvc): - possibly_dangerous_env_vars.append('INCLUDE') +if not (platform.system() == "Windows" and target_is_msvc): + possibly_dangerous_env_vars.append("INCLUDE") for name in possibly_dangerous_env_vars: - if name in config.environment: - del config.environment[name] + if name in config.environment: + del config.environment[name] # Tweak PATH to include llvm tools dir. if (not config.llvm_tools_dir) or (not os.path.exists(config.llvm_tools_dir)): - lit_config.fatal("Invalid llvm_tools_dir config attribute: %r" % config.llvm_tools_dir) -path = os.path.pathsep.join((config.llvm_tools_dir, config.environment['PATH'])) -config.environment['PATH'] = path + lit_config.fatal( + "Invalid llvm_tools_dir config attribute: %r" % config.llvm_tools_dir + ) +path = os.path.pathsep.join((config.llvm_tools_dir, config.environment["PATH"])) +config.environment["PATH"] = path # Help MSVS link.exe find the standard libraries. # Make sure we only try to use it when targetting Windows. -if platform.system() == 'Windows' and target_is_msvc: - config.environment['LIB'] = os.environ['LIB'] +if platform.system() == "Windows" and target_is_msvc: + config.environment["LIB"] = os.environ["LIB"] config.available_features.add(config.host_os.lower()) if config.target_triple.startswith("ppc") or config.target_triple.startswith("powerpc"): - config.available_features.add("ppc") + config.available_features.add("ppc") -if re.match(r'^x86_64.*-linux', config.target_triple): - config.available_features.add("x86_64-linux") +if re.match(r"^x86_64.*-linux", config.target_triple): + config.available_features.add("x86_64-linux") config.available_features.add("host-byteorder-" + sys.byteorder + "-endian") if config.have_zlib == "1": - config.available_features.add("zlib") + config.available_features.add("zlib") # Use ugly construction to explicitly prohibit "clang", "clang++" etc. # in RUN lines. config.substitutions.append( - (' clang', """\n\n*** Do not use 'clangXXX' in tests, - instead define '%clangXXX' substitution in lit config. ***\n\n""") ) - -if config.host_os == 'NetBSD': - nb_commands_dir = os.path.join(config.compiler_rt_src_root, - "test", "sanitizer_common", "netbsd_commands") - config.netbsd_noaslr_prefix = ('sh ' + - os.path.join(nb_commands_dir, 'run_noaslr.sh')) - config.netbsd_nomprotect_prefix = ('sh ' + - os.path.join(nb_commands_dir, - 'run_nomprotect.sh')) - config.substitutions.append( ('%run_nomprotect', - config.netbsd_nomprotect_prefix) ) + ( + " clang", + """\n\n*** Do not use 'clangXXX' in tests, + instead define '%clangXXX' substitution in lit config. ***\n\n""", + ) +) + +if config.host_os == "NetBSD": + nb_commands_dir = os.path.join( + config.compiler_rt_src_root, "test", "sanitizer_common", "netbsd_commands" + ) + config.netbsd_noaslr_prefix = "sh " + os.path.join(nb_commands_dir, "run_noaslr.sh") + config.netbsd_nomprotect_prefix = "sh " + os.path.join( + nb_commands_dir, "run_nomprotect.sh" + ) + config.substitutions.append(("%run_nomprotect", config.netbsd_nomprotect_prefix)) else: - config.substitutions.append( ('%run_nomprotect', '%run') ) + config.substitutions.append(("%run_nomprotect", "%run")) # Copied from libcxx's config.py def get_lit_conf(name, default=None): @@ -239,492 +266,610 @@ val = default return val -emulator = get_lit_conf('emulator', None) + +emulator = get_lit_conf("emulator", None) + def get_ios_commands_dir(): - return os.path.join(config.compiler_rt_src_root, "test", "sanitizer_common", "ios_commands") + return os.path.join( + config.compiler_rt_src_root, "test", "sanitizer_common", "ios_commands" + ) + # Allow tests to be executed on a simulator or remotely. if emulator: - config.substitutions.append( ('%run', emulator) ) - config.substitutions.append( ('%env ', "env ") ) - # TODO: Implement `%device_rm` to perform removal of files in the emulator. - # For now just make it a no-op. - lit_config.warning('%device_rm is not implemented') - config.substitutions.append( ('%device_rm', 'echo ') ) - config.compile_wrapper = "" -elif config.host_os == 'Darwin' and config.apple_platform != "osx": - # Darwin tests can be targetting macOS, a device or a simulator. All devices - # are declared as "ios", even for iOS derivatives (tvOS, watchOS). Similarly, - # all simulators are "iossim". See the table below. - # - # ========================================================================= - # Target | Feature set - # ========================================================================= - # macOS | darwin - # iOS device | darwin, ios - # iOS simulator | darwin, ios, iossim - # tvOS device | darwin, ios, tvos - # tvOS simulator | darwin, ios, iossim, tvos, tvossim - # watchOS device | darwin, ios, watchos - # watchOS simulator | darwin, ios, iossim, watchos, watchossim - # ========================================================================= - - ios_or_iossim = "iossim" if config.apple_platform.endswith("sim") else "ios" - - config.available_features.add('ios') - device_id_env = "SANITIZER_" + ios_or_iossim.upper() + "_TEST_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER" - if ios_or_iossim == "iossim": - config.available_features.add('iossim') - if device_id_env not in os.environ: - lit_config.fatal( - '{} must be set in the environment when running iossim tests'.format( - device_id_env)) - if config.apple_platform != "ios" and config.apple_platform != "iossim": - config.available_features.add(config.apple_platform) - - ios_commands_dir = get_ios_commands_dir() - - run_wrapper = os.path.join(ios_commands_dir, ios_or_iossim + "_run.py") - env_wrapper = os.path.join(ios_commands_dir, ios_or_iossim + "_env.py") - compile_wrapper = os.path.join(ios_commands_dir, ios_or_iossim + "_compile.py") - prepare_script = os.path.join(ios_commands_dir, ios_or_iossim + "_prepare.py") - - if device_id_env in os.environ: - config.environment[device_id_env] = os.environ[device_id_env] - config.substitutions.append(('%run', run_wrapper)) - config.substitutions.append(('%env ', env_wrapper + " ")) - # Current implementation of %device_rm uses the run_wrapper to do - # the work. - config.substitutions.append(('%device_rm', '{} rm '.format(run_wrapper))) - config.compile_wrapper = compile_wrapper - - try: - prepare_output = subprocess.check_output([prepare_script, config.apple_platform, config.clang]).decode().strip() - except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: - print("Command failed:") - print(e.output) - raise e - if len(prepare_output) > 0: print(prepare_output) - prepare_output_json = prepare_output.split("\n")[-1] - prepare_output = json.loads(prepare_output_json) - config.environment.update(prepare_output["env"]) + config.substitutions.append(("%run", emulator)) + config.substitutions.append(("%env ", "env ")) + # TODO: Implement `%device_rm` to perform removal of files in the emulator. + # For now just make it a no-op. + lit_config.warning("%device_rm is not implemented") + config.substitutions.append(("%device_rm", "echo ")) + config.compile_wrapper = "" +elif config.host_os == "Darwin" and config.apple_platform != "osx": + # Darwin tests can be targetting macOS, a device or a simulator. All devices + # are declared as "ios", even for iOS derivatives (tvOS, watchOS). Similarly, + # all simulators are "iossim". See the table below. + # + # ========================================================================= + # Target | Feature set + # ========================================================================= + # macOS | darwin + # iOS device | darwin, ios + # iOS simulator | darwin, ios, iossim + # tvOS device | darwin, ios, tvos + # tvOS simulator | darwin, ios, iossim, tvos, tvossim + # watchOS device | darwin, ios, watchos + # watchOS simulator | darwin, ios, iossim, watchos, watchossim + # ========================================================================= + + ios_or_iossim = "iossim" if config.apple_platform.endswith("sim") else "ios" + + config.available_features.add("ios") + device_id_env = "SANITIZER_" + ios_or_iossim.upper() + "_TEST_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER" + if ios_or_iossim == "iossim": + config.available_features.add("iossim") + if device_id_env not in os.environ: + lit_config.fatal( + "{} must be set in the environment when running iossim tests".format( + device_id_env + ) + ) + if config.apple_platform != "ios" and config.apple_platform != "iossim": + config.available_features.add(config.apple_platform) + + ios_commands_dir = get_ios_commands_dir() + + run_wrapper = os.path.join(ios_commands_dir, ios_or_iossim + "_run.py") + env_wrapper = os.path.join(ios_commands_dir, ios_or_iossim + "_env.py") + compile_wrapper = os.path.join(ios_commands_dir, ios_or_iossim + "_compile.py") + prepare_script = os.path.join(ios_commands_dir, ios_or_iossim + "_prepare.py") + + if device_id_env in os.environ: + config.environment[device_id_env] = os.environ[device_id_env] + config.substitutions.append(("%run", run_wrapper)) + config.substitutions.append(("%env ", env_wrapper + " ")) + # Current implementation of %device_rm uses the run_wrapper to do + # the work. + config.substitutions.append(("%device_rm", "{} rm ".format(run_wrapper))) + config.compile_wrapper = compile_wrapper + + try: + prepare_output = ( + subprocess.check_output( + [prepare_script, config.apple_platform, config.clang] + ) + .decode() + .strip() + ) + except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: + print("Command failed:") + print(e.output) + raise e + if len(prepare_output) > 0: + print(prepare_output) + prepare_output_json = prepare_output.split("\n")[-1] + prepare_output = json.loads(prepare_output_json) + config.environment.update(prepare_output["env"]) elif config.android: - config.available_features.add('android') - compile_wrapper = os.path.join(config.compiler_rt_src_root, "test", "sanitizer_common", "android_commands", "android_compile.py") + " " - config.compile_wrapper = compile_wrapper - config.substitutions.append( ('%run', "") ) - config.substitutions.append( ('%env ', "env ") ) + config.available_features.add("android") + compile_wrapper = ( + os.path.join( + config.compiler_rt_src_root, + "test", + "sanitizer_common", + "android_commands", + "android_compile.py", + ) + + " " + ) + config.compile_wrapper = compile_wrapper + config.substitutions.append(("%run", "")) + config.substitutions.append(("%env ", "env ")) else: - config.substitutions.append( ('%run', "") ) - config.substitutions.append( ('%env ', "env ") ) - # When running locally %device_rm is a no-op. - config.substitutions.append( ('%device_rm', 'echo ') ) - config.compile_wrapper = "" + config.substitutions.append(("%run", "")) + config.substitutions.append(("%env ", "env ")) + # When running locally %device_rm is a no-op. + config.substitutions.append(("%device_rm", "echo ")) + config.compile_wrapper = "" # Define CHECK-%os to check for OS-dependent output. -config.substitutions.append( ('CHECK-%os', ("CHECK-" + config.host_os))) +config.substitutions.append(("CHECK-%os", ("CHECK-" + config.host_os))) # Define %arch to check for architecture-dependent output. -config.substitutions.append( ('%arch', (config.host_arch))) - -if config.host_os == 'Windows': - # FIXME: This isn't quite right. Specifically, it will succeed if the program - # does not crash but exits with a non-zero exit code. We ought to merge - # KillTheDoctor and not --crash to make the latter more useful and remove the - # need for this substitution. - config.expect_crash = "not KillTheDoctor " +config.substitutions.append(("%arch", (config.host_arch))) + +if config.host_os == "Windows": + # FIXME: This isn't quite right. Specifically, it will succeed if the program + # does not crash but exits with a non-zero exit code. We ought to merge + # KillTheDoctor and not --crash to make the latter more useful and remove the + # need for this substitution. + config.expect_crash = "not KillTheDoctor " else: - config.expect_crash = "not --crash " + config.expect_crash = "not --crash " -config.substitutions.append( ("%expect_crash ", config.expect_crash) ) +config.substitutions.append(("%expect_crash ", config.expect_crash)) -target_arch = getattr(config, 'target_arch', None) +target_arch = getattr(config, "target_arch", None) if target_arch: - config.available_features.add(target_arch + '-target-arch') - if target_arch in ['x86_64', 'i386']: - config.available_features.add('x86-target-arch') - config.available_features.add(target_arch + '-' + config.host_os.lower()) + config.available_features.add(target_arch + "-target-arch") + if target_arch in ["x86_64", "i386"]: + config.available_features.add("x86-target-arch") + config.available_features.add(target_arch + "-" + config.host_os.lower()) -compiler_rt_debug = getattr(config, 'compiler_rt_debug', False) +compiler_rt_debug = getattr(config, "compiler_rt_debug", False) if not compiler_rt_debug: - config.available_features.add('compiler-rt-optimized') + config.available_features.add("compiler-rt-optimized") -libdispatch = getattr(config, 'compiler_rt_intercept_libdispatch', False) +libdispatch = getattr(config, "compiler_rt_intercept_libdispatch", False) if libdispatch: - config.available_features.add('libdispatch') + config.available_features.add("libdispatch") -sanitizer_can_use_cxxabi = getattr(config, 'sanitizer_can_use_cxxabi', True) +sanitizer_can_use_cxxabi = getattr(config, "sanitizer_can_use_cxxabi", True) if sanitizer_can_use_cxxabi: - config.available_features.add('cxxabi') + config.available_features.add("cxxabi") -if not getattr(config, 'sanitizer_uses_static_cxxabi', False): - config.available_features.add('shared_cxxabi') +if not getattr(config, "sanitizer_uses_static_cxxabi", False): + config.available_features.add("shared_cxxabi") -if not getattr(config, 'sanitizer_uses_static_unwind', False): - config.available_features.add('shared_unwind') +if not getattr(config, "sanitizer_uses_static_unwind", False): + config.available_features.add("shared_unwind") if config.has_lld: - config.available_features.add('lld-available') + config.available_features.add("lld-available") if config.use_lld: - config.available_features.add('lld') + config.available_features.add("lld") if config.can_symbolize: - config.available_features.add('can-symbolize') + config.available_features.add("can-symbolize") if config.gwp_asan: - config.available_features.add('gwp_asan') + config.available_features.add("gwp_asan") lit.util.usePlatformSdkOnDarwin(config, lit_config) min_macos_deployment_target_substitutions = [ - (10, 11), - (10, 12), + (10, 11), + (10, 12), ] # TLS requires watchOS 3+ -config.substitutions.append( ('%darwin_min_target_with_tls_support', '%min_macos_deployment_target=10.12') ) - -if config.host_os == 'Darwin': - osx_version = (10, 0, 0) - try: - osx_version = subprocess.check_output(["sw_vers", "-productVersion"], - universal_newlines=True) - osx_version = tuple(int(x) for x in osx_version.split('.')) - if len(osx_version) == 2: osx_version = (osx_version[0], osx_version[1], 0) - if osx_version >= (10, 11): - config.available_features.add('osx-autointerception') - config.available_features.add('osx-ld64-live_support') - if osx_version >= (13, 1): - config.available_features.add('jit-compatible-osx-swift-runtime') - except subprocess.CalledProcessError: - pass - - config.darwin_osx_version = osx_version - - # Detect x86_64h - try: - output = subprocess.check_output(["sysctl", "hw.cpusubtype"]) - output_re = re.match("^hw.cpusubtype: ([0-9]+)$", output) - if output_re: - cpu_subtype = int(output_re.group(1)) - if cpu_subtype == 8: # x86_64h - config.available_features.add('x86_64h') - except: - pass - - # 32-bit iOS simulator is deprecated and removed in latest Xcode. - if config.apple_platform == "iossim": - if config.target_arch == "i386": - config.unsupported = True - - def get_macos_aligned_version(macos_vers): - platform = config.apple_platform - if platform == 'osx': - return macos_vers - - macos_major, macos_minor = macos_vers - assert macos_major >= 10 - - if macos_major == 10: # macOS 10.x - major = macos_minor - minor = 0 - else: # macOS 11+ - major = macos_major + 5 - minor = macos_minor - - assert major >= 11 - - if platform.startswith('ios') or platform.startswith('tvos'): - major -= 2 - elif platform.startswith('watch'): - major -= 9 - else: - lit_config.fatal("Unsupported apple platform '{}'".format(platform)) - - return (major, minor) +config.substitutions.append( + ("%darwin_min_target_with_tls_support", "%min_macos_deployment_target=10.12") +) - for vers in min_macos_deployment_target_substitutions: - flag = config.apple_platform_min_deployment_target_flag - major, minor = get_macos_aligned_version(vers) - if 'mtargetos' in flag: - sim = '-simulator' if 'sim' in config.apple_platform else '' - config.substitutions.append( ('%%min_macos_deployment_target=%s.%s' % vers, '{}{}.{}{}'.format(flag, major, minor, sim)) ) - else: - config.substitutions.append( ('%%min_macos_deployment_target=%s.%s' % vers, '{}={}.{}'.format(flag, major, minor)) ) +if config.host_os == "Darwin": + osx_version = (10, 0, 0) + try: + osx_version = subprocess.check_output( + ["sw_vers", "-productVersion"], universal_newlines=True + ) + osx_version = tuple(int(x) for x in osx_version.split(".")) + if len(osx_version) == 2: + osx_version = (osx_version[0], osx_version[1], 0) + if osx_version >= (10, 11): + config.available_features.add("osx-autointerception") + config.available_features.add("osx-ld64-live_support") + if osx_version >= (13, 1): + config.available_features.add("jit-compatible-osx-swift-runtime") + except subprocess.CalledProcessError: + pass + + config.darwin_osx_version = osx_version + + # Detect x86_64h + try: + output = subprocess.check_output(["sysctl", "hw.cpusubtype"]) + output_re = re.match("^hw.cpusubtype: ([0-9]+)$", output) + if output_re: + cpu_subtype = int(output_re.group(1)) + if cpu_subtype == 8: # x86_64h + config.available_features.add("x86_64h") + except: + pass + + # 32-bit iOS simulator is deprecated and removed in latest Xcode. + if config.apple_platform == "iossim": + if config.target_arch == "i386": + config.unsupported = True + + def get_macos_aligned_version(macos_vers): + platform = config.apple_platform + if platform == "osx": + return macos_vers + + macos_major, macos_minor = macos_vers + assert macos_major >= 10 + + if macos_major == 10: # macOS 10.x + major = macos_minor + minor = 0 + else: # macOS 11+ + major = macos_major + 5 + minor = macos_minor + + assert major >= 11 + + if platform.startswith("ios") or platform.startswith("tvos"): + major -= 2 + elif platform.startswith("watch"): + major -= 9 + else: + lit_config.fatal("Unsupported apple platform '{}'".format(platform)) + + return (major, minor) + + for vers in min_macos_deployment_target_substitutions: + flag = config.apple_platform_min_deployment_target_flag + major, minor = get_macos_aligned_version(vers) + if "mtargetos" in flag: + sim = "-simulator" if "sim" in config.apple_platform else "" + config.substitutions.append( + ( + "%%min_macos_deployment_target=%s.%s" % vers, + "{}{}.{}{}".format(flag, major, minor, sim), + ) + ) + else: + config.substitutions.append( + ( + "%%min_macos_deployment_target=%s.%s" % vers, + "{}={}.{}".format(flag, major, minor), + ) + ) else: - for vers in min_macos_deployment_target_substitutions: - config.substitutions.append( ('%%min_macos_deployment_target=%s.%s' % vers, '') ) + for vers in min_macos_deployment_target_substitutions: + config.substitutions.append(("%%min_macos_deployment_target=%s.%s" % vers, "")) if config.android: - env = os.environ.copy() - if config.android_serial: - env['ANDROID_SERIAL'] = config.android_serial - config.environment['ANDROID_SERIAL'] = config.android_serial - - adb = os.environ.get('ADB', 'adb') - - # These are needed for tests to upload/download temp files, such as - # suppression-files, to device. - config.substitutions.append( ('%device_rundir/', "/data/local/tmp/Output/") ) - config.substitutions.append( ('%push_to_device', "%s -s '%s' push " % (adb, env['ANDROID_SERIAL']) ) ) - config.substitutions.append( ('%adb_shell ', "%s -s '%s' shell " % (adb, env['ANDROID_SERIAL']) ) ) - config.substitutions.append( ('%device_rm', "%s -s '%s' shell 'rm ' " % (adb, env['ANDROID_SERIAL']) ) ) - - try: - android_api_level_str = subprocess.check_output([adb, "shell", "getprop", "ro.build.version.sdk"], env=env).rstrip() - android_api_codename = subprocess.check_output([adb, "shell", "getprop", "ro.build.version.codename"], env=env).rstrip().decode("utf-8") - except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError): - lit_config.fatal("Failed to read ro.build.version.sdk (using '%s' as adb)" % adb) - try: - android_api_level = int(android_api_level_str) - except ValueError: - lit_config.fatal("Failed to read ro.build.version.sdk (using '%s' as adb): got '%s'" % (adb, android_api_level_str)) - android_api_level = min(android_api_level, int(config.android_api_level)) - for required in [26, 28, 29, 30]: - if android_api_level >= required: - config.available_features.add('android-%s' % required) - # FIXME: Replace with appropriate version when availible. - if android_api_level > 30 or (android_api_level == 30 and android_api_codename == 'S'): - config.available_features.add('android-thread-properties-api') - - # Prepare the device. - android_tmpdir = '/data/local/tmp/Output' - subprocess.check_call([adb, "shell", "mkdir", "-p", android_tmpdir], env=env) - for file in config.android_files_to_push: - subprocess.check_call([adb, "push", file, android_tmpdir], env=env) + env = os.environ.copy() + if config.android_serial: + env["ANDROID_SERIAL"] = config.android_serial + config.environment["ANDROID_SERIAL"] = config.android_serial + + adb = os.environ.get("ADB", "adb") + + # These are needed for tests to upload/download temp files, such as + # suppression-files, to device. + config.substitutions.append(("%device_rundir/", "/data/local/tmp/Output/")) + config.substitutions.append( + ("%push_to_device", "%s -s '%s' push " % (adb, env["ANDROID_SERIAL"])) + ) + config.substitutions.append( + ("%adb_shell ", "%s -s '%s' shell " % (adb, env["ANDROID_SERIAL"])) + ) + config.substitutions.append( + ("%device_rm", "%s -s '%s' shell 'rm ' " % (adb, env["ANDROID_SERIAL"])) + ) + + try: + android_api_level_str = subprocess.check_output( + [adb, "shell", "getprop", "ro.build.version.sdk"], env=env + ).rstrip() + android_api_codename = ( + subprocess.check_output( + [adb, "shell", "getprop", "ro.build.version.codename"], env=env + ) + .rstrip() + .decode("utf-8") + ) + except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError): + lit_config.fatal( + "Failed to read ro.build.version.sdk (using '%s' as adb)" % adb + ) + try: + android_api_level = int(android_api_level_str) + except ValueError: + lit_config.fatal( + "Failed to read ro.build.version.sdk (using '%s' as adb): got '%s'" + % (adb, android_api_level_str) + ) + android_api_level = min(android_api_level, int(config.android_api_level)) + for required in [26, 28, 29, 30]: + if android_api_level >= required: + config.available_features.add("android-%s" % required) + # FIXME: Replace with appropriate version when availible. + if android_api_level > 30 or ( + android_api_level == 30 and android_api_codename == "S" + ): + config.available_features.add("android-thread-properties-api") + + # Prepare the device. + android_tmpdir = "/data/local/tmp/Output" + subprocess.check_call([adb, "shell", "mkdir", "-p", android_tmpdir], env=env) + for file in config.android_files_to_push: + subprocess.check_call([adb, "push", file, android_tmpdir], env=env) else: - config.substitutions.append( ('%device_rundir/', "") ) - config.substitutions.append( ('%push_to_device', "echo ") ) - config.substitutions.append( ('%adb_shell', "echo ") ) - -if config.host_os == 'Linux': - # detect whether we are using glibc, and which version - # NB: 'ldd' is just one of the tools commonly installed as part of glibc/musl - ldd_ver_cmd = subprocess.Popen(['ldd', '--version'], - stdout=subprocess.PIPE, - stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, - env={'LANG': 'C'}) - sout, _ = ldd_ver_cmd.communicate() - ver_lines = sout.splitlines() - if not config.android and len(ver_lines) and ver_lines[0].startswith(b"ldd "): - from distutils.version import LooseVersion - ver = LooseVersion(ver_lines[0].split()[-1].decode()) - any_glibc = False - for required in ["2.19", "2.27", "2.30", "2.34", "2.37"]: - if ver >= LooseVersion(required): - config.available_features.add("glibc-" + required) - any_glibc = True - if any_glibc: - config.available_features.add("glibc") + config.substitutions.append(("%device_rundir/", "")) + config.substitutions.append(("%push_to_device", "echo ")) + config.substitutions.append(("%adb_shell", "echo ")) + +if config.host_os == "Linux": + # detect whether we are using glibc, and which version + # NB: 'ldd' is just one of the tools commonly installed as part of glibc/musl + ldd_ver_cmd = subprocess.Popen( + ["ldd", "--version"], + stdout=subprocess.PIPE, + stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, + env={"LANG": "C"}, + ) + sout, _ = ldd_ver_cmd.communicate() + ver_lines = sout.splitlines() + if not config.android and len(ver_lines) and ver_lines[0].startswith(b"ldd "): + from distutils.version import LooseVersion + + ver = LooseVersion(ver_lines[0].split()[-1].decode()) + any_glibc = False + for required in ["2.19", "2.27", "2.30", "2.34", "2.37"]: + if ver >= LooseVersion(required): + config.available_features.add("glibc-" + required) + any_glibc = True + if any_glibc: + config.available_features.add("glibc") sancovcc_path = os.path.join(config.llvm_tools_dir, "sancov") if os.path.exists(sancovcc_path): - config.available_features.add("has_sancovcc") - config.substitutions.append( ("%sancovcc ", sancovcc_path) ) + config.available_features.add("has_sancovcc") + config.substitutions.append(("%sancovcc ", sancovcc_path)) + def liblto_path(): - return os.path.join(config.llvm_shlib_dir, 'libLTO.dylib') + return os.path.join(config.llvm_shlib_dir, "libLTO.dylib") + def is_darwin_lto_supported(): - return os.path.exists(liblto_path()) + return os.path.exists(liblto_path()) + def is_binutils_lto_supported(): - if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(config.llvm_shlib_dir, 'LLVMgold.so')): - return False + if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(config.llvm_shlib_dir, "LLVMgold.so")): + return False + + # We require both ld.bfd and ld.gold exist and support plugins. They are in + # the same repository 'binutils-gdb' and usually built together. + for exe in (config.gnu_ld_executable, config.gold_executable): + try: + ld_cmd = subprocess.Popen( + [exe, "--help"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env={"LANG": "C"} + ) + ld_out = ld_cmd.stdout.read().decode() + ld_cmd.wait() + except OSError: + return False + if not "-plugin" in ld_out: + return False - # We require both ld.bfd and ld.gold exist and support plugins. They are in - # the same repository 'binutils-gdb' and usually built together. - for exe in (config.gnu_ld_executable, config.gold_executable): - try: - ld_cmd = subprocess.Popen([exe, '--help'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env={'LANG': 'C'}) - ld_out = ld_cmd.stdout.read().decode() - ld_cmd.wait() - except OSError: - return False - if not '-plugin' in ld_out: - return False + return True - return True def is_windows_lto_supported(): - if not target_is_msvc: - return True - return os.path.exists(os.path.join(config.llvm_tools_dir, 'lld-link.exe')) - -if config.host_os == 'Darwin' and is_darwin_lto_supported(): - config.lto_supported = True - config.lto_flags = [ '-Wl,-lto_library,' + liblto_path() ] -elif config.host_os in ['Linux', 'FreeBSD', 'NetBSD']: - config.lto_supported = False - if config.use_lld: - config.lto_supported = True - if is_binutils_lto_supported(): - config.available_features.add('binutils_lto') - config.lto_supported = True + if not target_is_msvc: + return True + return os.path.exists(os.path.join(config.llvm_tools_dir, "lld-link.exe")) - if config.lto_supported: + +if config.host_os == "Darwin" and is_darwin_lto_supported(): + config.lto_supported = True + config.lto_flags = ["-Wl,-lto_library," + liblto_path()] +elif config.host_os in ["Linux", "FreeBSD", "NetBSD"]: + config.lto_supported = False if config.use_lld: - config.lto_flags = ["-fuse-ld=lld"] - else: - config.lto_flags = ["-fuse-ld=gold"] -elif config.host_os == 'Windows' and is_windows_lto_supported(): - config.lto_supported = True - config.lto_flags = ["-fuse-ld=lld"] + config.lto_supported = True + if is_binutils_lto_supported(): + config.available_features.add("binutils_lto") + config.lto_supported = True + + if config.lto_supported: + if config.use_lld: + config.lto_flags = ["-fuse-ld=lld"] + else: + config.lto_flags = ["-fuse-ld=gold"] +elif config.host_os == "Windows" and is_windows_lto_supported(): + config.lto_supported = True + config.lto_flags = ["-fuse-ld=lld"] else: - config.lto_supported = False + config.lto_supported = False if config.lto_supported: - config.available_features.add('lto') - if config.use_thinlto: - config.available_features.add('thinlto') - config.lto_flags += ["-flto=thin"] - else: - config.lto_flags += ["-flto"] + config.available_features.add("lto") + if config.use_thinlto: + config.available_features.add("thinlto") + config.lto_flags += ["-flto=thin"] + else: + config.lto_flags += ["-flto"] if config.have_rpc_xdr_h: - config.available_features.add('sunrpc') + config.available_features.add("sunrpc") # Ask llvm-config about assertion mode. try: - llvm_config_cmd = subprocess.Popen( - [os.path.join(config.llvm_tools_dir, 'llvm-config'), '--assertion-mode'], - stdout = subprocess.PIPE, - env=config.environment) + llvm_config_cmd = subprocess.Popen( + [os.path.join(config.llvm_tools_dir, "llvm-config"), "--assertion-mode"], + stdout=subprocess.PIPE, + env=config.environment, + ) except OSError as e: - print("Could not launch llvm-config in " + config.llvm_tools_dir) - print(" Failed with error #{0}: {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror)) - exit(42) + print("Could not launch llvm-config in " + config.llvm_tools_dir) + print(" Failed with error #{0}: {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror)) + exit(42) -if re.search(r'ON', llvm_config_cmd.stdout.read().decode('ascii')): - config.available_features.add('asserts') +if re.search(r"ON", llvm_config_cmd.stdout.read().decode("ascii")): + config.available_features.add("asserts") llvm_config_cmd.wait() # Sanitizer tests tend to be flaky on Windows due to PR24554, so add some # retries. We don't do this on otther platforms because it's slower. -if platform.system() == 'Windows': - config.test_retry_attempts = 2 +if platform.system() == "Windows": + config.test_retry_attempts = 2 # No throttling on non-Darwin platforms. -lit_config.parallelism_groups['shadow-memory'] = None - -if platform.system() == 'Darwin': - ios_device = config.apple_platform != 'osx' and not config.apple_platform.endswith('sim') - # Force sequential execution when running tests on iOS devices. - if ios_device: - lit_config.warning('Forcing sequential execution for iOS device tests') - lit_config.parallelism_groups['ios-device'] = 1 - config.parallelism_group = 'ios-device' - - # Only run up to 3 processes that require shadow memory simultaneously on - # 64-bit Darwin. Using more scales badly and hogs the system due to - # inefficient handling of large mmap'd regions (terabytes) by the kernel. - else: - lit_config.warning('Throttling sanitizer tests that require shadow memory on Darwin') - lit_config.parallelism_groups['shadow-memory'] = 3 +lit_config.parallelism_groups["shadow-memory"] = None + +if platform.system() == "Darwin": + ios_device = config.apple_platform != "osx" and not config.apple_platform.endswith( + "sim" + ) + # Force sequential execution when running tests on iOS devices. + if ios_device: + lit_config.warning("Forcing sequential execution for iOS device tests") + lit_config.parallelism_groups["ios-device"] = 1 + config.parallelism_group = "ios-device" + + # Only run up to 3 processes that require shadow memory simultaneously on + # 64-bit Darwin. Using more scales badly and hogs the system due to + # inefficient handling of large mmap'd regions (terabytes) by the kernel. + else: + lit_config.warning( + "Throttling sanitizer tests that require shadow memory on Darwin" + ) + lit_config.parallelism_groups["shadow-memory"] = 3 # Multiple substitutions are necessary to support multiple shared objects used # at once. # Note that substitutions with numbers have to be defined first to avoid # being subsumed by substitutions with smaller postfix. for postfix in ["2", "1", ""]: - if config.host_os == 'Darwin': - config.substitutions.append( ("%ld_flags_rpath_exe" + postfix, '-Wl,-rpath,@executable_path/ %dynamiclib' + postfix) ) - config.substitutions.append( ("%ld_flags_rpath_so" + postfix, '-install_name @rpath/`basename %dynamiclib{}`'.format(postfix)) ) - elif config.host_os in ('FreeBSD', 'NetBSD', 'OpenBSD'): - config.substitutions.append( ("%ld_flags_rpath_exe" + postfix, "-Wl,-z,origin -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN -L%T -l%xdynamiclib_namespec" + postfix) ) - config.substitutions.append( ("%ld_flags_rpath_so" + postfix, '') ) - elif config.host_os == 'Linux': - config.substitutions.append( ("%ld_flags_rpath_exe" + postfix, "-Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN -L%T -l%xdynamiclib_namespec" + postfix) ) - config.substitutions.append( ("%ld_flags_rpath_so" + postfix, '') ) - elif config.host_os == 'SunOS': - config.substitutions.append( ("%ld_flags_rpath_exe" + postfix, "-Wl,-R\$ORIGIN -L%T -l%xdynamiclib_namespec" + postfix) ) - config.substitutions.append( ("%ld_flags_rpath_so" + postfix, '') ) - - # Must be defined after the substitutions that use %dynamiclib. - config.substitutions.append( ("%dynamiclib" + postfix, '%T/%xdynamiclib_filename' + postfix) ) - config.substitutions.append( ("%xdynamiclib_filename" + postfix, 'lib%xdynamiclib_namespec{}.so'.format(postfix)) ) - config.substitutions.append( ("%xdynamiclib_namespec", '%basename_t.dynamic') ) + if config.host_os == "Darwin": + config.substitutions.append( + ( + "%ld_flags_rpath_exe" + postfix, + "-Wl,-rpath,@executable_path/ %dynamiclib" + postfix, + ) + ) + config.substitutions.append( + ( + "%ld_flags_rpath_so" + postfix, + "-install_name @rpath/`basename %dynamiclib{}`".format(postfix), + ) + ) + elif config.host_os in ("FreeBSD", "NetBSD", "OpenBSD"): + config.substitutions.append( + ( + "%ld_flags_rpath_exe" + postfix, + "-Wl,-z,origin -Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN -L%T -l%xdynamiclib_namespec" + + postfix, + ) + ) + config.substitutions.append(("%ld_flags_rpath_so" + postfix, "")) + elif config.host_os == "Linux": + config.substitutions.append( + ( + "%ld_flags_rpath_exe" + postfix, + "-Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN -L%T -l%xdynamiclib_namespec" + postfix, + ) + ) + config.substitutions.append(("%ld_flags_rpath_so" + postfix, "")) + elif config.host_os == "SunOS": + config.substitutions.append( + ( + "%ld_flags_rpath_exe" + postfix, + "-Wl,-R\$ORIGIN -L%T -l%xdynamiclib_namespec" + postfix, + ) + ) + config.substitutions.append(("%ld_flags_rpath_so" + postfix, "")) + + # Must be defined after the substitutions that use %dynamiclib. + config.substitutions.append( + ("%dynamiclib" + postfix, "%T/%xdynamiclib_filename" + postfix) + ) + config.substitutions.append( + ( + "%xdynamiclib_filename" + postfix, + "lib%xdynamiclib_namespec{}.so".format(postfix), + ) + ) + config.substitutions.append(("%xdynamiclib_namespec", "%basename_t.dynamic")) config.default_sanitizer_opts = [] -if config.host_os == 'Darwin': - # On Darwin, we default to `abort_on_error=1`, which would make tests run - # much slower. Let's override this and run lit tests with 'abort_on_error=0'. - config.default_sanitizer_opts += ['abort_on_error=0'] - config.default_sanitizer_opts += ['log_to_syslog=0'] - if lit.util.which('log'): - # Querying the log can only done by a privileged user so - # so check if we can query the log. - exit_code = -1 - with open('/dev/null', 'r') as f: - # Run a `log show` command the should finish fairly quickly and produce very little output. - exit_code = subprocess.call(['log', 'show', '--last', '1m', '--predicate', '1 == 0'], stdout=f, stderr=f) - if exit_code == 0: - config.available_features.add('darwin_log_cmd') +if config.host_os == "Darwin": + # On Darwin, we default to `abort_on_error=1`, which would make tests run + # much slower. Let's override this and run lit tests with 'abort_on_error=0'. + config.default_sanitizer_opts += ["abort_on_error=0"] + config.default_sanitizer_opts += ["log_to_syslog=0"] + if lit.util.which("log"): + # Querying the log can only done by a privileged user so + # so check if we can query the log. + exit_code = -1 + with open("/dev/null", "r") as f: + # Run a `log show` command the should finish fairly quickly and produce very little output. + exit_code = subprocess.call( + ["log", "show", "--last", "1m", "--predicate", "1 == 0"], + stdout=f, + stderr=f, + ) + if exit_code == 0: + config.available_features.add("darwin_log_cmd") + else: + lit_config.warning("log command found but cannot queried") else: - lit_config.warning('log command found but cannot queried') - else: - lit_config.warning('log command not found. Some tests will be skipped.') + lit_config.warning("log command not found. Some tests will be skipped.") elif config.android: - config.default_sanitizer_opts += ['abort_on_error=0'] + config.default_sanitizer_opts += ["abort_on_error=0"] # Allow tests to use REQUIRES=stable-runtime. For use when you cannot use XFAIL # because the test hangs or fails on one configuration and not the other. -if config.android or (config.target_arch not in ['arm', 'armhf', 'aarch64']): - config.available_features.add('stable-runtime') +if config.android or (config.target_arch not in ["arm", "armhf", "aarch64"]): + config.available_features.add("stable-runtime") if config.asan_shadow_scale: - config.available_features.add("shadow-scale-%s" % config.asan_shadow_scale) + config.available_features.add("shadow-scale-%s" % config.asan_shadow_scale) else: - config.available_features.add("shadow-scale-3") + config.available_features.add("shadow-scale-3") if config.memprof_shadow_scale: - config.available_features.add("memprof-shadow-scale-%s" % config.memprof_shadow_scale) + config.available_features.add( + "memprof-shadow-scale-%s" % config.memprof_shadow_scale + ) else: - config.available_features.add("memprof-shadow-scale-3") + config.available_features.add("memprof-shadow-scale-3") if config.expensive_checks: - config.available_features.add("expensive_checks") + config.available_features.add("expensive_checks") # Propagate the LLD/LTO into the clang config option, so nothing else is needed. run_wrapper = [] -target_cflags = [getattr(config, 'target_cflags', None)] +target_cflags = [getattr(config, "target_cflags", None)] extra_cflags = [] if config.use_lto and config.lto_supported: - extra_cflags += config.lto_flags + extra_cflags += config.lto_flags elif config.use_lto and (not config.lto_supported): - config.unsupported = True + config.unsupported = True if config.use_lld and config.has_lld and not config.use_lto: - extra_cflags += ["-fuse-ld=lld"] + extra_cflags += ["-fuse-ld=lld"] elif config.use_lld and (not config.has_lld): - config.unsupported = True + config.unsupported = True # Append any extra flags passed in lit_config -append_target_cflags = lit_config.params.get('append_target_cflags', None) +append_target_cflags = lit_config.params.get("append_target_cflags", None) if append_target_cflags: - lit_config.note('Appending to extra_cflags: "{}"'.format(append_target_cflags)) - extra_cflags += [append_target_cflags] + lit_config.note('Appending to extra_cflags: "{}"'.format(append_target_cflags)) + extra_cflags += [append_target_cflags] -config.clang = " " + " ".join(run_wrapper + [config.compile_wrapper, config.clang]) + " " +config.clang = ( + " " + " ".join(run_wrapper + [config.compile_wrapper, config.clang]) + " " +) config.target_cflags = " " + " ".join(target_cflags + extra_cflags) + " " -if config.host_os == 'Darwin': - config.substitutions.append(( - "%get_pid_from_output", - "{} {}/get_pid_from_output.py".format( - shlex.quote(config.python_executable), - shlex.quote(get_ios_commands_dir()) - )) - ) - config.substitutions.append( - ("%print_crashreport_for_pid", - "{} {}/print_crashreport_for_pid.py".format( - shlex.quote(config.python_executable), - shlex.quote(get_ios_commands_dir()) - )) - ) +if config.host_os == "Darwin": + config.substitutions.append( + ( + "%get_pid_from_output", + "{} {}/get_pid_from_output.py".format( + shlex.quote(config.python_executable), + shlex.quote(get_ios_commands_dir()), + ), + ) + ) + config.substitutions.append( + ( + "%print_crashreport_for_pid", + "{} {}/print_crashreport_for_pid.py".format( + shlex.quote(config.python_executable), + shlex.quote(get_ios_commands_dir()), + ), + ) + ) # It is not realistically possible to account for all options that could # possibly be present in system and user configuration files, so disable diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/lsan/TestCases/Darwin/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/lsan/TestCases/Darwin/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/lsan/TestCases/Darwin/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/lsan/TestCases/Darwin/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ def getRoot(config): - if not config.parent: - return config - return getRoot(config.parent) + if not config.parent: + return config + return getRoot(config.parent) + root = getRoot(config) -if root.host_os not in ['Darwin']: - config.unsupported = True +if root.host_os not in ["Darwin"]: + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/lsan/TestCases/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/lsan/TestCases/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/lsan/TestCases/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/lsan/TestCases/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ def getRoot(config): - if not config.parent: - return config - return getRoot(config.parent) + if not config.parent: + return config + return getRoot(config.parent) + root = getRoot(config) -if root.host_os not in ['Linux']: - config.unsupported = True +if root.host_os not in ["Linux"]: + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/lsan/TestCases/Posix/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/lsan/TestCases/Posix/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/lsan/TestCases/Posix/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/lsan/TestCases/Posix/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ def getRoot(config): - if not config.parent: - return config - return getRoot(config.parent) + if not config.parent: + return config + return getRoot(config.parent) + root = getRoot(config) -if root.host_os in ['Windows']: - config.unsupported = True +if root.host_os in ["Windows"]: + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/lsan/lit.common.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/lsan/lit.common.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/lsan/lit.common.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/lsan/lit.common.cfg.py @@ -7,66 +7,70 @@ import lit.util + def get_required_attr(config, attr_name): - attr_value = getattr(config, attr_name, None) - if attr_value == None: - lit_config.fatal( - "No attribute %r in test configuration! You may need to run " - "tests from your build directory or add this attribute " - "to lit.site.cfg.py " % attr_name) - return attr_value + attr_value = getattr(config, attr_name, None) + if attr_value == None: + lit_config.fatal( + "No attribute %r in test configuration! You may need to run " + "tests from your build directory or add this attribute " + "to lit.site.cfg.py " % attr_name + ) + return attr_value + # Setup source root. config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__) # Choose between standalone and LSan+(ASan|HWAsan) modes. -lsan_lit_test_mode = get_required_attr(config, 'lsan_lit_test_mode') -target_arch = getattr(config, 'target_arch', None) +lsan_lit_test_mode = get_required_attr(config, "lsan_lit_test_mode") +target_arch = getattr(config, "target_arch", None) if lsan_lit_test_mode == "Standalone": - config.name = "LeakSanitizer-Standalone" - lsan_cflags = ["-fsanitize=leak"] - config.available_features.add('lsan-standalone') + config.name = "LeakSanitizer-Standalone" + lsan_cflags = ["-fsanitize=leak"] + config.available_features.add("lsan-standalone") elif lsan_lit_test_mode == "AddressSanitizer": - config.name = "LeakSanitizer-AddressSanitizer" - lsan_cflags = ["-fsanitize=address"] - config.available_features.add('asan') - if config.host_os == 'NetBSD': - config.substitutions.insert(0, ('%run', config.netbsd_noaslr_prefix)) + config.name = "LeakSanitizer-AddressSanitizer" + lsan_cflags = ["-fsanitize=address"] + config.available_features.add("asan") + if config.host_os == "NetBSD": + config.substitutions.insert(0, ("%run", config.netbsd_noaslr_prefix)) elif lsan_lit_test_mode == "HWAddressSanitizer": - config.name = "LeakSanitizer-HWAddressSanitizer" - lsan_cflags = ["-fsanitize=hwaddress", "-fuse-ld=lld"] - if target_arch == "x86_64": - lsan_cflags = lsan_cflags + [ '-fsanitize-hwaddress-experimental-aliasing'] - config.available_features.add('hwasan') - if config.host_os == 'NetBSD': - config.substitutions.insert(0, ('%run', config.netbsd_noaslr_prefix)) + config.name = "LeakSanitizer-HWAddressSanitizer" + lsan_cflags = ["-fsanitize=hwaddress", "-fuse-ld=lld"] + if target_arch == "x86_64": + lsan_cflags = lsan_cflags + ["-fsanitize-hwaddress-experimental-aliasing"] + config.available_features.add("hwasan") + if config.host_os == "NetBSD": + config.substitutions.insert(0, ("%run", config.netbsd_noaslr_prefix)) else: - lit_config.fatal("Unknown LSan test mode: %r" % lsan_lit_test_mode) + lit_config.fatal("Unknown LSan test mode: %r" % lsan_lit_test_mode) config.name += config.name_suffix # Platform-specific default LSAN_OPTIONS for lit tests. -default_common_opts_str = ':'.join(list(config.default_sanitizer_opts)) -default_lsan_opts = default_common_opts_str + ':detect_leaks=1' -if config.host_os == 'Darwin': - # On Darwin, we default to `abort_on_error=1`, which would make tests run - # much slower. Let's override this and run lit tests with 'abort_on_error=0'. - # Also, make sure we do not overwhelm the syslog while testing. - default_lsan_opts += ':abort_on_error=0' - default_lsan_opts += ':log_to_syslog=0' +default_common_opts_str = ":".join(list(config.default_sanitizer_opts)) +default_lsan_opts = default_common_opts_str + ":detect_leaks=1" +if config.host_os == "Darwin": + # On Darwin, we default to `abort_on_error=1`, which would make tests run + # much slower. Let's override this and run lit tests with 'abort_on_error=0'. + # Also, make sure we do not overwhelm the syslog while testing. + default_lsan_opts += ":abort_on_error=0" + default_lsan_opts += ":log_to_syslog=0" if default_lsan_opts: - config.environment['LSAN_OPTIONS'] = default_lsan_opts - default_lsan_opts += ':' -config.substitutions.append(('%env_lsan_opts=', - 'env LSAN_OPTIONS=' + default_lsan_opts)) + config.environment["LSAN_OPTIONS"] = default_lsan_opts + default_lsan_opts += ":" +config.substitutions.append( + ("%env_lsan_opts=", "env LSAN_OPTIONS=" + default_lsan_opts) +) -if lit.util.which('strace'): - config.available_features.add('strace') +if lit.util.which("strace"): + config.available_features.add("strace") clang_cflags = ["-O0", config.target_cflags] + config.debug_info_flags if config.android: - clang_cflags = clang_cflags + ["-fno-emulated-tls"] + clang_cflags = clang_cflags + ["-fno-emulated-tls"] clang_cxxflags = config.cxx_mode_flags + clang_cflags lsan_incdir = config.test_source_root + "/../" clang_lsan_cflags = clang_cflags + lsan_cflags + ["-I%s" % lsan_incdir] @@ -75,33 +79,59 @@ config.clang_cflags = clang_cflags config.clang_cxxflags = clang_cxxflags + def build_invocation(compile_flags): - return " " + " ".join([config.clang] + compile_flags) + " " + return " " + " ".join([config.clang] + compile_flags) + " " + -config.substitutions.append( ("%clang ", build_invocation(clang_cflags)) ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clangxx ", build_invocation(clang_cxxflags)) ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clang_lsan ", build_invocation(clang_lsan_cflags)) ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clangxx_lsan ", build_invocation(clang_lsan_cxxflags)) ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clang_hwasan ", build_invocation(clang_lsan_cflags)) ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clangxx_hwasan ", build_invocation(clang_lsan_cxxflags)) ) +config.substitutions.append(("%clang ", build_invocation(clang_cflags))) +config.substitutions.append(("%clangxx ", build_invocation(clang_cxxflags))) +config.substitutions.append(("%clang_lsan ", build_invocation(clang_lsan_cflags))) +config.substitutions.append(("%clangxx_lsan ", build_invocation(clang_lsan_cxxflags))) +config.substitutions.append(("%clang_hwasan ", build_invocation(clang_lsan_cflags))) +config.substitutions.append(("%clangxx_hwasan ", build_invocation(clang_lsan_cxxflags))) # LeakSanitizer tests are currently supported on # Android{aarch64, x86, x86_64}, x86-64 Linux, PowerPC64 Linux, arm Linux, mips64 Linux, s390x Linux, loongarch64 Linux and x86_64 Darwin. -supported_android = config.android and config.target_arch in ['x86_64', 'i386', 'aarch64'] and 'android-thread-properties-api' in config.available_features -supported_linux = (not config.android) and config.host_os == 'Linux' and config.host_arch in ['aarch64', 'x86_64', 'ppc64', 'ppc64le', 'mips64', 'riscv64', 'arm', 'armhf', 'armv7l', 's390x', 'loongarch64'] -supported_darwin = config.host_os == 'Darwin' and config.target_arch in ['x86_64'] -supported_netbsd = config.host_os == 'NetBSD' and config.target_arch in ['x86_64', 'i386'] +supported_android = ( + config.android + and config.target_arch in ["x86_64", "i386", "aarch64"] + and "android-thread-properties-api" in config.available_features +) +supported_linux = ( + (not config.android) + and config.host_os == "Linux" + and config.host_arch + in [ + "aarch64", + "x86_64", + "ppc64", + "ppc64le", + "mips64", + "riscv64", + "arm", + "armhf", + "armv7l", + "s390x", + "loongarch64", + ] +) +supported_darwin = config.host_os == "Darwin" and config.target_arch in ["x86_64"] +supported_netbsd = config.host_os == "NetBSD" and config.target_arch in [ + "x86_64", + "i386", +] if not (supported_android or supported_linux or supported_darwin or supported_netbsd): - config.unsupported = True + config.unsupported = True # Don't support Thumb due to broken fast unwinder -if re.search('mthumb', config.target_cflags) is not None: - config.unsupported = True +if re.search("mthumb", config.target_cflags) is not None: + config.unsupported = True # HWASAN tests require lld because without D65857, ld.bfd and ld.gold would # generate a corrupted binary. Mark them unsupported if lld is not available. -if 'hwasan' in config.available_features and not config.has_lld: - config.unsupported = True +if "hwasan" in config.available_features and not config.has_lld: + config.unsupported = True -config.suffixes = ['.c', '.cpp', '.mm'] +config.suffixes = [".c", ".cpp", ".mm"] diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/memprof/lit.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/memprof/lit.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/memprof/lit.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/memprof/lit.cfg.py @@ -6,87 +6,108 @@ import lit.formats + def get_required_attr(config, attr_name): - attr_value = getattr(config, attr_name, None) - if attr_value == None: - lit_config.fatal( - "No attribute %r in test configuration! You may need to run " - "tests from your build directory or add this attribute " - "to lit.site.cfg.py " % attr_name) - return attr_value + attr_value = getattr(config, attr_name, None) + if attr_value == None: + lit_config.fatal( + "No attribute %r in test configuration! You may need to run " + "tests from your build directory or add this attribute " + "to lit.site.cfg.py " % attr_name + ) + return attr_value + # Setup config name. -config.name = 'MemProfiler' + config.name_suffix +config.name = "MemProfiler" + config.name_suffix # Platform-specific default MEMPROF_OPTIONS for lit tests. default_memprof_opts = list(config.default_sanitizer_opts) -default_memprof_opts_str = ':'.join(default_memprof_opts) +default_memprof_opts_str = ":".join(default_memprof_opts) if default_memprof_opts_str: - config.environment['MEMPROF_OPTIONS'] = default_memprof_opts_str - default_memprof_opts_str += ':' -config.substitutions.append(('%env_memprof_opts=', - 'env MEMPROF_OPTIONS=' + default_memprof_opts_str)) + config.environment["MEMPROF_OPTIONS"] = default_memprof_opts_str + default_memprof_opts_str += ":" +config.substitutions.append( + ("%env_memprof_opts=", "env MEMPROF_OPTIONS=" + default_memprof_opts_str) +) # Setup source root. config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__) -libdl_flag = '-ldl' +libdl_flag = "-ldl" # Setup default compiler flags used with -fmemory-profile option. # FIXME: Review the set of required flags and check if it can be reduced. -target_cflags = [get_required_attr(config, 'target_cflags')] +target_cflags = [get_required_attr(config, "target_cflags")] target_cxxflags = config.cxx_mode_flags + target_cflags -clang_memprof_static_cflags = (['-fmemory-profile', - '-mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer', - '-fno-omit-frame-pointer', - '-fno-optimize-sibling-calls'] + - config.debug_info_flags + target_cflags) +clang_memprof_static_cflags = ( + [ + "-fmemory-profile", + "-mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer", + "-fno-omit-frame-pointer", + "-fno-optimize-sibling-calls", + ] + + config.debug_info_flags + + target_cflags +) clang_memprof_static_cxxflags = config.cxx_mode_flags + clang_memprof_static_cflags memprof_dynamic_flags = [] if config.memprof_dynamic: - memprof_dynamic_flags = ['-shared-libsan'] - config.available_features.add('memprof-dynamic-runtime') + memprof_dynamic_flags = ["-shared-libsan"] + config.available_features.add("memprof-dynamic-runtime") else: - config.available_features.add('memprof-static-runtime') + config.available_features.add("memprof-static-runtime") clang_memprof_cflags = clang_memprof_static_cflags + memprof_dynamic_flags clang_memprof_cxxflags = clang_memprof_static_cxxflags + memprof_dynamic_flags + def build_invocation(compile_flags): - return ' ' + ' '.join([config.clang] + compile_flags) + ' ' + return " " + " ".join([config.clang] + compile_flags) + " " + -config.substitutions.append( ("%clang ", build_invocation(target_cflags)) ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clangxx ", build_invocation(target_cxxflags)) ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clang_memprof ", build_invocation(clang_memprof_cflags)) ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clangxx_memprof ", build_invocation(clang_memprof_cxxflags)) ) +config.substitutions.append(("%clang ", build_invocation(target_cflags))) +config.substitutions.append(("%clangxx ", build_invocation(target_cxxflags))) +config.substitutions.append(("%clang_memprof ", build_invocation(clang_memprof_cflags))) +config.substitutions.append( + ("%clangxx_memprof ", build_invocation(clang_memprof_cxxflags)) +) if config.memprof_dynamic: - shared_libmemprof_path = os.path.join(config.compiler_rt_libdir, 'libclang_rt.memprof{}.so'.format(config.target_suffix)) - config.substitutions.append( ("%shared_libmemprof", shared_libmemprof_path) ) - config.substitutions.append( ("%clang_memprof_static ", build_invocation(clang_memprof_static_cflags)) ) - config.substitutions.append( ("%clangxx_memprof_static ", build_invocation(clang_memprof_static_cxxflags)) ) + shared_libmemprof_path = os.path.join( + config.compiler_rt_libdir, + "libclang_rt.memprof{}.so".format(config.target_suffix), + ) + config.substitutions.append(("%shared_libmemprof", shared_libmemprof_path)) + config.substitutions.append( + ("%clang_memprof_static ", build_invocation(clang_memprof_static_cflags)) + ) + config.substitutions.append( + ("%clangxx_memprof_static ", build_invocation(clang_memprof_static_cxxflags)) + ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%libdl", libdl_flag) ) +config.substitutions.append(("%libdl", libdl_flag)) -config.available_features.add('memprof-' + config.bits + '-bits') +config.available_features.add("memprof-" + config.bits + "-bits") -config.available_features.add('fast-unwinder-works') +config.available_features.add("fast-unwinder-works") # Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to pick dynamic runtime up properly. new_ld_library_path = os.path.pathsep.join( - (config.compiler_rt_libdir, config.environment.get('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', ''))) -config.environment['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = new_ld_library_path + (config.compiler_rt_libdir, config.environment.get("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "")) +) +config.environment["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = new_ld_library_path # Default test suffixes. -config.suffixes = ['.c', '.cpp'] +config.suffixes = [".c", ".cpp"] -config.substitutions.append(('%fPIC', '-fPIC')) -config.substitutions.append(('%fPIE', '-fPIE')) -config.substitutions.append(('%pie', '-pie')) +config.substitutions.append(("%fPIC", "-fPIC")) +config.substitutions.append(("%fPIE", "-fPIE")) +config.substitutions.append(("%pie", "-pie")) # Only run the tests on supported OSs. -if config.host_os not in ['Linux']: - config.unsupported = True +if config.host_os not in ["Linux"]: + config.unsupported = True if not config.parallelism_group: - config.parallelism_group = 'shadow-memory' + config.parallelism_group = "shadow-memory" diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/metadata/lit.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/metadata/lit.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/metadata/lit.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/metadata/lit.cfg.py @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ import os -config.name = 'SanitizerBinaryMetadata' +config.name = "SanitizerBinaryMetadata" config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__) -config.suffixes = ['.cpp'] +config.suffixes = [".cpp"] # Binary metadata is currently emited only for ELF binaries # and sizes of stack arguments depend on the arch. -if config.host_os not in ['Linux'] or config.target_arch not in ['x86_64']: - config.unsupported = True +if config.host_os not in ["Linux"] or config.target_arch not in ["x86_64"]: + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/msan/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/msan/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/msan/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/msan/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ def getRoot(config): - if not config.parent: - return config - return getRoot(config.parent) + if not config.parent: + return config + return getRoot(config.parent) + root = getRoot(config) -if root.host_os not in ['Linux']: - config.unsupported = True +if root.host_os not in ["Linux"]: + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/msan/lit.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/msan/lit.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/msan/lit.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/msan/lit.cfg.py @@ -3,51 +3,57 @@ import os # Setup config name. -config.name = 'MemorySanitizer' + getattr(config, 'name_suffix', 'default') +config.name = "MemorySanitizer" + getattr(config, "name_suffix", "default") # Setup source root. config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__) # Setup default compiler flags used with -fsanitize=memory option. -clang_msan_cflags = (["-fsanitize=memory", - "-mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer", - "-fno-omit-frame-pointer", - "-fno-optimize-sibling-calls"] + - [config.target_cflags] + - config.debug_info_flags) +clang_msan_cflags = ( + [ + "-fsanitize=memory", + "-mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer", + "-fno-omit-frame-pointer", + "-fno-optimize-sibling-calls", + ] + + [config.target_cflags] + + config.debug_info_flags +) # Some Msan tests leverage backtrace() which requires libexecinfo on FreeBSD. -if config.host_os == 'FreeBSD': - clang_msan_cflags += ["-lexecinfo", "-fPIC"] +if config.host_os == "FreeBSD": + clang_msan_cflags += ["-lexecinfo", "-fPIC"] # On SystemZ we need -mbackchain to make the fast unwinder work. -if config.target_arch == 's390x': - clang_msan_cflags.append("-mbackchain") +if config.target_arch == "s390x": + clang_msan_cflags.append("-mbackchain") clang_msan_cxxflags = config.cxx_mode_flags + clang_msan_cflags # Flags for KMSAN invocation. This is C-only, we're not interested in C++. -clang_kmsan_cflags = (["-fsanitize=kernel-memory"] + - [config.target_cflags] + - config.debug_info_flags) +clang_kmsan_cflags = ( + ["-fsanitize=kernel-memory"] + [config.target_cflags] + config.debug_info_flags +) + def build_invocation(compile_flags): - return " " + " ".join([config.clang] + compile_flags) + " " + return " " + " ".join([config.clang] + compile_flags) + " " + -config.substitutions.append( ("%clang_msan ", build_invocation(clang_msan_cflags)) ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clangxx_msan ", build_invocation(clang_msan_cxxflags)) ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clang_kmsan ", build_invocation(clang_kmsan_cflags)) ) +config.substitutions.append(("%clang_msan ", build_invocation(clang_msan_cflags))) +config.substitutions.append(("%clangxx_msan ", build_invocation(clang_msan_cxxflags))) +config.substitutions.append(("%clang_kmsan ", build_invocation(clang_kmsan_cflags))) # Default test suffixes. -config.suffixes = ['.c', '.cpp'] +config.suffixes = [".c", ".cpp"] -if config.host_os not in ['Linux', 'NetBSD', 'FreeBSD']: - config.unsupported = True +if config.host_os not in ["Linux", "NetBSD", "FreeBSD"]: + config.unsupported = True # For mips64, mips64el we have forced store_context_size to 1 because these # archs use slow unwinder which is not async signal safe. Therefore we only # check the first frame since store_context size is 1. -if config.host_arch in ['mips64', 'mips64el']: - config.substitutions.append( ('CHECK-%short-stack', 'CHECK-SHORT-STACK')) +if config.host_arch in ["mips64", "mips64el"]: + config.substitutions.append(("CHECK-%short-stack", "CHECK-SHORT-STACK")) else: - config.substitutions.append( ('CHECK-%short-stack', 'CHECK-FULL-STACK')) + config.substitutions.append(("CHECK-%short-stack", "CHECK-FULL-STACK")) -if config.host_os == 'NetBSD': - config.substitutions.insert(0, ('%run', config.netbsd_noaslr_prefix)) +if config.host_os == "NetBSD": + config.substitutions.insert(0, ("%run", config.netbsd_noaslr_prefix)) diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/Darwin/arm64/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/Darwin/arm64/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/Darwin/arm64/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/Darwin/arm64/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -if config.root.host_arch not in ['aarch64', 'arm64']: - config.unsupported = True +if config.root.host_arch not in ["aarch64", "arm64"]: + config.unsupported = True -if config.target_arch not in ['aarch64', 'arm64']: - config.unsupported = True \ No newline at end of file +if config.target_arch not in ["aarch64", "arm64"]: + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/Darwin/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/Darwin/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/Darwin/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/Darwin/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -if config.root.host_os != 'Darwin': - config.unsupported = True +if config.root.host_os != "Darwin": + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/Darwin/x86-64/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/Darwin/x86-64/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/Darwin/x86-64/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/Darwin/x86-64/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -if config.root.host_arch != 'x86_64': - config.unsupported = True +if config.root.host_arch != "x86_64": + config.unsupported = True -if config.target_arch != 'x86_64': - config.unsupported = True \ No newline at end of file +if config.target_arch != "x86_64": + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/FreeBSD/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/FreeBSD/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/FreeBSD/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/FreeBSD/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -if config.root.host_os != 'FreeBSD': - config.unsupported = True +if config.root.host_os != "FreeBSD": + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/FreeBSD/x86-64/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/FreeBSD/x86-64/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/FreeBSD/x86-64/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/FreeBSD/x86-64/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -if config.root.host_arch not in ['x86_64', 'amd64']: - config.unsupported = True +if config.root.host_arch not in ["x86_64", "amd64"]: + config.unsupported = True -if config.target_arch not in ['x86_64', 'amd64']: - config.unsupported = True \ No newline at end of file +if config.target_arch not in ["x86_64", "amd64"]: + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/Generic/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/Generic/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/Generic/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/Generic/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ if not config.test_target_is_host_executable: - config.unsupported = True + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/Linux/aarch64/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/Linux/aarch64/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/Linux/aarch64/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/Linux/aarch64/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -if config.root.host_arch != 'aarch64': - config.unsupported = True +if config.root.host_arch != "aarch64": + config.unsupported = True -if config.target_arch != 'aarch64': - config.unsupported = True +if config.target_arch != "aarch64": + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -if config.root.host_os != 'Linux': - config.unsupported = True +if config.root.host_os != "Linux": + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/Linux/x86-64/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/Linux/x86-64/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/Linux/x86-64/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/Linux/x86-64/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -if config.root.host_arch != 'x86_64': - config.unsupported = True +if config.root.host_arch != "x86_64": + config.unsupported = True -if config.target_arch != 'x86_64': - config.unsupported = True +if config.target_arch != "x86_64": + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/Windows/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/Windows/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/Windows/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/Windows/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -if config.root.host_os != 'Windows': - config.unsupported = True +if config.root.host_os != "Windows": + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/Windows/x86-64/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/Windows/x86-64/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/Windows/x86-64/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/orc/TestCases/Windows/x86-64/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -if config.root.host_arch not in ['AMD64','x86_64']: - config.unsupported = True +if config.root.host_arch not in ["AMD64", "x86_64"]: + config.unsupported = True -if config.target_arch not in ['AMD64','x86_64']: - config.unsupported = True +if config.target_arch not in ["AMD64", "x86_64"]: + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/orc/lit.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/orc/lit.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/orc/lit.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/orc/lit.cfg.py @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import os # Setup config name. -config.name = 'ORC' + config.name_suffix +config.name = "ORC" + config.name_suffix # Setup source root. config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__) @@ -12,51 +12,70 @@ host_arch_compatible = config.target_arch == config.host_arch if config.host_arch == "x86_64h" and config.target_arch == "x86_64": - host_arch_compatible = True -config.test_target_is_host_executable = config.target_os == config.host_os and host_arch_compatible + host_arch_compatible = True +config.test_target_is_host_executable = ( + config.target_os == config.host_os and host_arch_compatible +) # Assume that llvm-jitlink is in the config.llvm_tools_dir. -llvm_jitlink = os.path.join(config.llvm_tools_dir, 'llvm-jitlink') -orc_rt_executor_stem = os.path.join(config.compiler_rt_obj_root, 'lib/orc/tests/tools/orc-rt-executor') -lli = os.path.join(config.llvm_tools_dir, 'lli') -if config.host_os == 'Darwin': - orc_rt_path = '%s/liborc_rt_osx.a' % config.compiler_rt_libdir +llvm_jitlink = os.path.join(config.llvm_tools_dir, "llvm-jitlink") +orc_rt_executor_stem = os.path.join( + config.compiler_rt_obj_root, "lib/orc/tests/tools/orc-rt-executor" +) +lli = os.path.join(config.llvm_tools_dir, "lli") +if config.host_os == "Darwin": + orc_rt_path = "%s/liborc_rt_osx.a" % config.compiler_rt_libdir else: - orc_rt_path = '%s/liborc_rt%s.a' % (config.compiler_rt_libdir, config.target_suffix) + orc_rt_path = "%s/liborc_rt%s.a" % (config.compiler_rt_libdir, config.target_suffix) if config.libunwind_shared: - config.available_features.add('libunwind-available') - shared_libunwind_path = os.path.join(config.libunwind_install_dir, 'libunwind.so') - config.substitutions.append( ("%shared_libunwind", shared_libunwind_path) ) + config.available_features.add("libunwind-available") + shared_libunwind_path = os.path.join(config.libunwind_install_dir, "libunwind.so") + config.substitutions.append(("%shared_libunwind", shared_libunwind_path)) + def build_invocation(compile_flags): - return ' ' + ' '.join([config.clang] + compile_flags) + ' ' + return " " + " ".join([config.clang] + compile_flags) + " " + +config.substitutions.append(("%clang ", build_invocation([config.target_cflags]))) config.substitutions.append( - ('%clang ', build_invocation([config.target_cflags]))) -config.substitutions.append( - ('%clangxx ', - build_invocation(config.cxx_mode_flags + [config.target_cflags]))) + ("%clangxx ", build_invocation(config.cxx_mode_flags + [config.target_cflags])) +) config.substitutions.append( - ('%clang_cl ', - build_invocation(['--driver-mode=cl'] + [config.target_cflags]))) -if config.host_os == 'Windows': - config.substitutions.append( - ('%llvm_jitlink', (llvm_jitlink + ' -orc-runtime=' + - orc_rt_path + ' -no-process-syms=true -slab-allocate=64MB'))) + ("%clang_cl ", build_invocation(["--driver-mode=cl"] + [config.target_cflags])) +) +if config.host_os == "Windows": + config.substitutions.append( + ( + "%llvm_jitlink", + ( + llvm_jitlink + + " -orc-runtime=" + + orc_rt_path + + " -no-process-syms=true -slab-allocate=64MB" + ), + ) + ) else: - config.substitutions.append( - ('%llvm_jitlink', (llvm_jitlink + ' -orc-runtime=' + orc_rt_path))) + config.substitutions.append( + ("%llvm_jitlink", (llvm_jitlink + " -orc-runtime=" + orc_rt_path)) + ) config.substitutions.append( - ('%orc_rt_executor', orc_rt_executor_stem + "-" + config.host_arch)) + ("%orc_rt_executor", orc_rt_executor_stem + "-" + config.host_arch) +) config.substitutions.append( - ('%lli_orc_jitlink', (lli + ' -jit-kind=orc -jit-linker=jitlink -orc-runtime=' + orc_rt_path))) + ( + "%lli_orc_jitlink", + (lli + " -jit-kind=orc -jit-linker=jitlink -orc-runtime=" + orc_rt_path), + ) +) # Default test suffixes. -config.suffixes = ['.c', '.cpp', '.S', '.ll', '.test'] +config.suffixes = [".c", ".cpp", ".S", ".ll", ".test"] # Exclude Inputs directories. -config.excludes = ['Inputs'] +config.excludes = ["Inputs"] -if config.host_os not in ['Darwin', 'FreeBSD', 'Linux', 'Windows']: - config.unsupported = True +if config.host_os not in ["Darwin", "FreeBSD", "Linux", "Windows"]: + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/profile/AIX/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/profile/AIX/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/profile/AIX/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/profile/AIX/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ def getRoot(config): - if not config.parent: - return config - return getRoot(config.parent) + if not config.parent: + return config + return getRoot(config.parent) + root = getRoot(config) -if root.host_os not in ['AIX']: - config.unsupported = True +if root.host_os not in ["AIX"]: + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/profile/Darwin/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/profile/Darwin/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/profile/Darwin/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/profile/Darwin/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ def getRoot(config): - if not config.parent: - return config - return getRoot(config.parent) + if not config.parent: + return config + return getRoot(config.parent) + root = getRoot(config) -if root.host_os not in ['Darwin']: - config.unsupported = True +if root.host_os not in ["Darwin"]: + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/profile/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/profile/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/profile/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/profile/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,43 +1,49 @@ import subprocess + def getRoot(config): - if not config.parent: - return config - return getRoot(config.parent) + if not config.parent: + return config + return getRoot(config.parent) def is_gold_linker_available(): - if not config.gold_executable: - return False - try: - ld_cmd = subprocess.Popen([config.gold_executable, '--help'], stdout = subprocess.PIPE) - ld_out = ld_cmd.stdout.read().decode() - ld_cmd.wait() - except: - return False + if not config.gold_executable: + return False + try: + ld_cmd = subprocess.Popen( + [config.gold_executable, "--help"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE + ) + ld_out = ld_cmd.stdout.read().decode() + ld_cmd.wait() + except: + return False + + if not "-plugin" in ld_out: + return False + + # config.clang is not guaranteed to be just the executable! + clang_cmd = subprocess.Popen( + " ".join([config.clang, "-fuse-ld=gold", "-xc", "-"]), + shell=True, + universal_newlines=True, + stdin=subprocess.PIPE, + stdout=subprocess.PIPE, + stderr=subprocess.PIPE, + ) + clang_err = clang_cmd.communicate("int main() { return 0; }")[1] + + if not "invalid linker" in clang_err: + return True - if not '-plugin' in ld_out: return False - # config.clang is not guaranteed to be just the executable! - clang_cmd = subprocess.Popen(" ".join([config.clang, '-fuse-ld=gold', '-xc', '-']), - shell=True, - universal_newlines = True, - stdin = subprocess.PIPE, - stdout = subprocess.PIPE, - stderr = subprocess.PIPE) - clang_err = clang_cmd.communicate('int main() { return 0; }')[1] - - if not 'invalid linker' in clang_err: - return True - - return False root = getRoot(config) -if root.host_os not in ['Linux'] or not is_gold_linker_available(): - config.unsupported = True +if root.host_os not in ["Linux"] or not is_gold_linker_available(): + config.unsupported = True if config.have_curl: - config.available_features.add('curl') + config.available_features.add("curl") diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/profile/Posix/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/profile/Posix/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/profile/Posix/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/profile/Posix/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,16 +1,17 @@ def getRoot(config): - if not config.parent: - return config - return getRoot(config.parent) + if not config.parent: + return config + return getRoot(config.parent) + root = getRoot(config) -if root.host_os in ['Windows']: - config.unsupported = True +if root.host_os in ["Windows"]: + config.unsupported = True # AIX usually usually makes use of an explicit export list when linking a shared # object, since the linker doesn't export anything by default. -if root.host_os in ['AIX']: - config.substitutions.append(('%shared_linker_xopts', '-Wl,-bE:shr.exp')) +if root.host_os in ["AIX"]: + config.substitutions.append(("%shared_linker_xopts", "-Wl,-bE:shr.exp")) else: - config.substitutions.append(('%shared_linker_xopts', '')) + config.substitutions.append(("%shared_linker_xopts", "")) diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/profile/Windows/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/profile/Windows/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/profile/Windows/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/profile/Windows/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ def getRoot(config): - if not config.parent: - return config - return getRoot(config.parent) + if not config.parent: + return config + return getRoot(config.parent) + root = getRoot(config) -if root.host_os not in ['Windows']: - config.unsupported = True +if root.host_os not in ["Windows"]: + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/profile/lit.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/profile/lit.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/profile/lit.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/profile/lit.cfg.py @@ -3,45 +3,50 @@ import os import re + def get_required_attr(config, attr_name): - attr_value = getattr(config, attr_name, None) - if attr_value == None: - lit_config.fatal( - "No attribute %r in test configuration! You may need to run " - "tests from your build directory or add this attribute " - "to lit.site.cfg.py " % attr_name) - return attr_value + attr_value = getattr(config, attr_name, None) + if attr_value == None: + lit_config.fatal( + "No attribute %r in test configuration! You may need to run " + "tests from your build directory or add this attribute " + "to lit.site.cfg.py " % attr_name + ) + return attr_value + # Setup config name. -config.name = 'Profile-' + config.target_arch +config.name = "Profile-" + config.target_arch # Setup source root. config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__) # Setup executable root. -if hasattr(config, 'profile_lit_binary_dir') and \ - config.profile_lit_binary_dir is not None: +if ( + hasattr(config, "profile_lit_binary_dir") + and config.profile_lit_binary_dir is not None +): config.test_exec_root = os.path.join(config.profile_lit_binary_dir, config.name) -target_is_msvc = bool(re.match(r'.*-windows-msvc$', config.target_triple)) +target_is_msvc = bool(re.match(r".*-windows-msvc$", config.target_triple)) -if config.host_os in ['Linux']: - extra_link_flags = ["-ldl"] +if config.host_os in ["Linux"]: + extra_link_flags = ["-ldl"] elif target_is_msvc: - # InstrProf is incompatible with incremental linking. Disable it as a - # workaround. - extra_link_flags = ["-Wl,-incremental:no"] + # InstrProf is incompatible with incremental linking. Disable it as a + # workaround. + extra_link_flags = ["-Wl,-incremental:no"] else: - extra_link_flags = [] + extra_link_flags = [] # Test suffixes. -config.suffixes = ['.c', '.cpp', '.m', '.mm', '.ll', '.test'] +config.suffixes = [".c", ".cpp", ".m", ".mm", ".ll", ".test"] # What to exclude. -config.excludes = ['Inputs'] +config.excludes = ["Inputs"] # Clang flags. -target_cflags=[get_required_attr(config, "target_cflags")] +target_cflags = [get_required_attr(config, "target_cflags")] clang_cflags = target_cflags + extra_link_flags clang_cxxflags = config.cxx_mode_flags + clang_cflags @@ -51,65 +56,126 @@ # We remove -stdlib= from the cflags here to avoid problems, but the interaction between # CMake and compiler-rt's tests should be reworked so that cflags don't contain C++ only # flags. -clang_cflags = [flag.replace('-stdlib=libc++', '').replace('-stdlib=libstdc++', '') for flag in clang_cflags] - -def build_invocation(compile_flags, with_lto = False): - lto_flags = [] - if with_lto and config.lto_supported: - lto_flags += config.lto_flags - return " " + " ".join([config.clang] + lto_flags + compile_flags) + " " - -def exclude_unsupported_files_for_aix(dirname): - for filename in os.listdir(dirname): - source_path = os.path.join( dirname, filename) - if os.path.isdir(source_path): - continue - f = open(source_path, 'r') - try: - data = f.read() - # -fprofile-instr-generate and rpath are not supported on AIX, exclude all tests with them. - if ("%clang_profgen" in data or "%clangxx_profgen" in data or "-rpath" in data): - config.excludes += [ filename ] - finally: - f.close() - -# Add clang substitutions. -config.substitutions.append( ("%clang ", build_invocation(clang_cflags)) ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clangxx ", build_invocation(clang_cxxflags)) ) - -config.substitutions.append( ("%clang_profgen ", build_invocation(clang_cflags) + " -fprofile-instr-generate ") ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clang_profgen=", build_invocation(clang_cflags) + " -fprofile-instr-generate=") ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clangxx_profgen ", build_invocation(clang_cxxflags) + " -fprofile-instr-generate ") ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clangxx_profgen=", build_invocation(clang_cxxflags) + " -fprofile-instr-generate=") ) - -config.substitutions.append( ("%clang_pgogen ", build_invocation(clang_cflags) + " -fprofile-generate ") ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clang_pgogen=", build_invocation(clang_cflags) + " -fprofile-generate=") ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clangxx_pgogen ", build_invocation(clang_cxxflags) + " -fprofile-generate ") ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clangxx_pgogen=", build_invocation(clang_cxxflags) + " -fprofile-generate=") ) +clang_cflags = [ + flag.replace("-stdlib=libc++", "").replace("-stdlib=libstdc++", "") + for flag in clang_cflags +] -config.substitutions.append( ("%clang_cspgogen ", build_invocation(clang_cflags) + " -fcs-profile-generate ") ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clang_cspgogen=", build_invocation(clang_cflags) + " -fcs-profile-generate=") ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clangxx_cspgogen ", build_invocation(clang_cxxflags) + " -fcs-profile-generate ") ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clangxx_cspgogen=", build_invocation(clang_cxxflags) + " -fcs-profile-generate=") ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clang_profuse=", build_invocation(clang_cflags) + " -fprofile-instr-use=") ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clangxx_profuse=", build_invocation(clang_cxxflags) + " -fprofile-instr-use=") ) +def build_invocation(compile_flags, with_lto=False): + lto_flags = [] + if with_lto and config.lto_supported: + lto_flags += config.lto_flags + return " " + " ".join([config.clang] + lto_flags + compile_flags) + " " -config.substitutions.append( ("%clang_pgouse=", build_invocation(clang_cflags) + " -fprofile-use=") ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clangxx_profuse=", build_invocation(clang_cxxflags) + " -fprofile-instr-use=") ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clang_lto_profgen=", build_invocation(clang_cflags, True) + " -fprofile-instr-generate=") ) - -if config.host_os not in ['Windows', 'Darwin', 'FreeBSD', 'Linux', 'NetBSD', 'SunOS', 'AIX']: - config.unsupported = True +def exclude_unsupported_files_for_aix(dirname): + for filename in os.listdir(dirname): + source_path = os.path.join(dirname, filename) + if os.path.isdir(source_path): + continue + f = open(source_path, "r") + try: + data = f.read() + # -fprofile-instr-generate and rpath are not supported on AIX, exclude all tests with them. + if ( + "%clang_profgen" in data + or "%clangxx_profgen" in data + or "-rpath" in data + ): + config.excludes += [filename] + finally: + f.close() -if config.host_os in ['AIX']: - config.available_features.add('system-aix') - exclude_unsupported_files_for_aix(config.test_source_root) - exclude_unsupported_files_for_aix(config.test_source_root + "/Posix") -if config.target_arch in ['armv7l']: - config.unsupported = True +# Add clang substitutions. +config.substitutions.append(("%clang ", build_invocation(clang_cflags))) +config.substitutions.append(("%clangxx ", build_invocation(clang_cxxflags))) + +config.substitutions.append( + ("%clang_profgen ", build_invocation(clang_cflags) + " -fprofile-instr-generate ") +) +config.substitutions.append( + ("%clang_profgen=", build_invocation(clang_cflags) + " -fprofile-instr-generate=") +) +config.substitutions.append( + ( + "%clangxx_profgen ", + build_invocation(clang_cxxflags) + " -fprofile-instr-generate ", + ) +) +config.substitutions.append( + ( + "%clangxx_profgen=", + build_invocation(clang_cxxflags) + " -fprofile-instr-generate=", + ) +) + +config.substitutions.append( + ("%clang_pgogen ", build_invocation(clang_cflags) + " -fprofile-generate ") +) +config.substitutions.append( + ("%clang_pgogen=", build_invocation(clang_cflags) + " -fprofile-generate=") +) +config.substitutions.append( + ("%clangxx_pgogen ", build_invocation(clang_cxxflags) + " -fprofile-generate ") +) +config.substitutions.append( + ("%clangxx_pgogen=", build_invocation(clang_cxxflags) + " -fprofile-generate=") +) + +config.substitutions.append( + ("%clang_cspgogen ", build_invocation(clang_cflags) + " -fcs-profile-generate ") +) +config.substitutions.append( + ("%clang_cspgogen=", build_invocation(clang_cflags) + " -fcs-profile-generate=") +) +config.substitutions.append( + ("%clangxx_cspgogen ", build_invocation(clang_cxxflags) + " -fcs-profile-generate ") +) +config.substitutions.append( + ("%clangxx_cspgogen=", build_invocation(clang_cxxflags) + " -fcs-profile-generate=") +) + +config.substitutions.append( + ("%clang_profuse=", build_invocation(clang_cflags) + " -fprofile-instr-use=") +) +config.substitutions.append( + ("%clangxx_profuse=", build_invocation(clang_cxxflags) + " -fprofile-instr-use=") +) + +config.substitutions.append( + ("%clang_pgouse=", build_invocation(clang_cflags) + " -fprofile-use=") +) +config.substitutions.append( + ("%clangxx_profuse=", build_invocation(clang_cxxflags) + " -fprofile-instr-use=") +) + +config.substitutions.append( + ( + "%clang_lto_profgen=", + build_invocation(clang_cflags, True) + " -fprofile-instr-generate=", + ) +) + +if config.host_os not in [ + "Windows", + "Darwin", + "FreeBSD", + "Linux", + "NetBSD", + "SunOS", + "AIX", +]: + config.unsupported = True + +if config.host_os in ["AIX"]: + config.available_features.add("system-aix") + exclude_unsupported_files_for_aix(config.test_source_root) + exclude_unsupported_files_for_aix(config.test_source_root + "/Posix") + +if config.target_arch in ["armv7l"]: + config.unsupported = True if config.android: - config.unsupported = True + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/safestack/lit.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/safestack/lit.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/safestack/lit.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/safestack/lit.cfg.py @@ -3,20 +3,29 @@ import os # Setup config name. -config.name = 'SafeStack' +config.name = "SafeStack" # Setup source root. config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__) # Test suffixes. -config.suffixes = ['.c', '.cpp', '.m', '.mm', '.ll', '.test'] +config.suffixes = [".c", ".cpp", ".m", ".mm", ".ll", ".test"] # Add clang substitutions. -config.substitutions.append( ("%clang_nosafestack ", config.clang + " -O0 -fno-sanitize=safe-stack ") ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clang_safestack ", config.clang + " -O0 -fsanitize=safe-stack ") ) +config.substitutions.append( + ("%clang_nosafestack ", config.clang + " -O0 -fno-sanitize=safe-stack ") +) +config.substitutions.append( + ("%clang_safestack ", config.clang + " -O0 -fsanitize=safe-stack ") +) if config.lto_supported: - config.substitutions.append((r"%clang_lto_safestack ", ' '.join([config.clang] + config.lto_flags + ['-fsanitize=safe-stack ']))) + config.substitutions.append( + ( + r"%clang_lto_safestack ", + " ".join([config.clang] + config.lto_flags + ["-fsanitize=safe-stack "]), + ) + ) -if config.host_os not in ['Linux', 'FreeBSD', 'NetBSD']: - config.unsupported = True +if config.host_os not in ["Linux", "FreeBSD", "NetBSD"]: + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/TestCases/Darwin/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/TestCases/Darwin/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/TestCases/Darwin/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/TestCases/Darwin/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ def getRoot(config): - if not config.parent: - return config - return getRoot(config.parent) + if not config.parent: + return config + return getRoot(config.parent) + root = getRoot(config) -if root.host_os not in ['Darwin']: - config.unsupported = True +if root.host_os not in ["Darwin"]: + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/TestCases/FreeBSD/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/TestCases/FreeBSD/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/TestCases/FreeBSD/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/TestCases/FreeBSD/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ def getRoot(config): - if not config.parent: - return config - return getRoot(config.parent) + if not config.parent: + return config + return getRoot(config.parent) + root = getRoot(config) -if root.host_os not in ['FreeBSD']: - config.unsupported = True +if root.host_os not in ["FreeBSD"]: + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/TestCases/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/TestCases/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/TestCases/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/TestCases/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ def getRoot(config): - if not config.parent: - return config - return getRoot(config.parent) + if not config.parent: + return config + return getRoot(config.parent) + root = getRoot(config) -if root.host_os not in ['Linux']: - config.unsupported = True +if root.host_os not in ["Linux"]: + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/TestCases/NetBSD/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/TestCases/NetBSD/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/TestCases/NetBSD/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/TestCases/NetBSD/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ def getRoot(config): - if not config.parent: - return config - return getRoot(config.parent) + if not config.parent: + return config + return getRoot(config.parent) + root = getRoot(config) -if root.host_os not in ['NetBSD']: - config.unsupported = True +if root.host_os not in ["NetBSD"]: + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/TestCases/Posix/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/TestCases/Posix/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/TestCases/Posix/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/TestCases/Posix/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ def getRoot(config): - if not config.parent: - return config - return getRoot(config.parent) + if not config.parent: + return config + return getRoot(config.parent) + root = getRoot(config) -if root.host_os in ['Windows']: - config.unsupported = True +if root.host_os in ["Windows"]: + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/android_commands/android_common.py b/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/android_commands/android_common.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/android_commands/android_common.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/android_commands/android_common.py @@ -1,44 +1,52 @@ import os, sys, subprocess, tempfile import time -ANDROID_TMPDIR = '/data/local/tmp/Output' -ADB = os.environ.get('ADB', 'adb') +ANDROID_TMPDIR = "/data/local/tmp/Output" +ADB = os.environ.get("ADB", "adb") verbose = False -if os.environ.get('ANDROID_RUN_VERBOSE') == '1': +if os.environ.get("ANDROID_RUN_VERBOSE") == "1": verbose = True + def host_to_device_path(path): rel = os.path.relpath(path, "/") dev = os.path.join(ANDROID_TMPDIR, rel) return dev -def adb(args, attempts = 1, timeout_sec = 600): + +def adb(args, attempts=1, timeout_sec=600): if verbose: print(args) tmpname = tempfile.mktemp() - out = open(tmpname, 'w') + out = open(tmpname, "w") ret = 255 while attempts > 0 and ret != 0: - attempts -= 1 - ret = subprocess.call(['timeout', str(timeout_sec), ADB] + args, stdout=out, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) + attempts -= 1 + ret = subprocess.call( + ["timeout", str(timeout_sec), ADB] + args, + stdout=out, + stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, + ) if ret != 0: - print("adb command failed", args) - print(tmpname) - out.close() - out = open(tmpname, 'r') - print(out.read()) + print("adb command failed", args) + print(tmpname) + out.close() + out = open(tmpname, "r") + print(out.read()) out.close() os.unlink(tmpname) return ret + def pull_from_device(path): tmp = tempfile.mktemp() - adb(['pull', path, tmp], 5, 60) - text = open(tmp, 'r').read() + adb(["pull", path, tmp], 5, 60) + text = open(tmp, "r").read() os.unlink(tmp) return text + def push_to_device(path): dst_path = host_to_device_path(path) - adb(['push', path, dst_path], 5, 60) + adb(["push", path, dst_path], 5, 60) diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/android_commands/android_compile.py b/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/android_commands/android_compile.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/android_commands/android_compile.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/android_commands/android_compile.py @@ -5,19 +5,19 @@ here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) -android_run = os.path.join(here, 'android_run.py') +android_run = os.path.join(here, "android_run.py") output = None -output_type = 'executable' +output_type = "executable" args = sys.argv[1:] while args: arg = args.pop(0) - if arg == '-shared': - output_type = 'shared' - elif arg == '-c': - output_type = 'object' - elif arg == '-o': + if arg == "-shared": + output_type = "shared" + elif arg == "-c": + output_type = "object" + elif arg == "-o": output = args.pop(0) if output == None: @@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ if ret != 0: sys.exit(ret) -if output_type in ['executable', 'shared']: +if output_type in ["executable", "shared"]: push_to_device(output) -if output_type == 'executable': - os.rename(output, output + '.real') +if output_type == "executable": + os.rename(output, output + ".real") os.symlink(android_run, output) diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/android_commands/android_run.py b/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/android_commands/android_run.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/android_commands/android_run.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/android_commands/android_run.py @@ -3,29 +3,47 @@ import os, signal, sys, subprocess, tempfile from android_common import * -ANDROID_TMPDIR = '/data/local/tmp/Output' +ANDROID_TMPDIR = "/data/local/tmp/Output" device_binary = host_to_device_path(sys.argv[0]) + def build_env(): args = [] # Android linker ignores RPATH. Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to Output dir. - args.append('LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s' % (ANDROID_TMPDIR,)) + args.append("LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s" % (ANDROID_TMPDIR,)) for (key, value) in list(os.environ.items()): - if key in ['ASAN_ACTIVATION_OPTIONS', 'SCUDO_OPTIONS'] or key.endswith('SAN_OPTIONS'): + if key in ["ASAN_ACTIVATION_OPTIONS", "SCUDO_OPTIONS"] or key.endswith( + "SAN_OPTIONS" + ): args.append('%s="%s"' % (key, value.replace('"', '\\"'))) - return ' '.join(args) + return " ".join(args) + -is_64bit = str(subprocess.check_output(['file', sys.argv[0] + '.real'])).find('64-bit') != -1 +is_64bit = ( + str(subprocess.check_output(["file", sys.argv[0] + ".real"])).find("64-bit") != -1 +) device_env = build_env() -device_args = ' '.join(sys.argv[1:]) # FIXME: escape? -device_stdout = device_binary + '.stdout' -device_stderr = device_binary + '.stderr' -device_exitcode = device_binary + '.exitcode' -ret = adb(['shell', 'cd %s && %s %s %s >%s 2>%s ; echo $? >%s' % - (ANDROID_TMPDIR, device_env, device_binary, device_args, - device_stdout, device_stderr, device_exitcode)]) +device_args = " ".join(sys.argv[1:]) # FIXME: escape? +device_stdout = device_binary + ".stdout" +device_stderr = device_binary + ".stderr" +device_exitcode = device_binary + ".exitcode" +ret = adb( + [ + "shell", + "cd %s && %s %s %s >%s 2>%s ; echo $? >%s" + % ( + ANDROID_TMPDIR, + device_env, + device_binary, + device_args, + device_stdout, + device_stderr, + device_exitcode, + ), + ] +) if ret != 0: sys.exit(ret) @@ -35,5 +53,5 @@ # If the device process died with a signal, do abort(). # Not exactly the same, but good enough to fool "not --crash". if retcode > 128: - os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGABRT) + os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGABRT) sys.exit(retcode) diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/ios_commands/get_pid_from_output.py b/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/ios_commands/get_pid_from_output.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/ios_commands/get_pid_from_output.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/ios_commands/get_pid_from_output.py @@ -3,10 +3,23 @@ """ import sys, argparse, re + def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() - parser.add_argument('--infile', nargs='?', type=argparse.FileType('r'), default=sys.stdin, help='The sanitizer output to get the pid from') - parser.add_argument('--outfile', nargs='?', type=argparse.FileType('r'), default=sys.stdout, help='Where to write the result') + parser.add_argument( + "--infile", + nargs="?", + type=argparse.FileType("r"), + default=sys.stdin, + help="The sanitizer output to get the pid from", + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--outfile", + nargs="?", + type=argparse.FileType("r"), + default=sys.stdout, + help="Where to write the result", + ) args = parser.parse_args() pid = process_file(args.infile) @@ -15,15 +28,14 @@ args.outfile.close() - def process_file(infile): # check first line is just ==== divider - first_line_pattern = re.compile(r'=*') + first_line_pattern = re.compile(r"=*") assert first_line_pattern.match(infile.readline()) - # parse out pid from 2nd line + # parse out pid from 2nd line # `==PID==ERROR: SanitizerName: error-type on address...` - pid_pattern = re.compile(r'==([0-9]*)==ERROR:') + pid_pattern = re.compile(r"==([0-9]*)==ERROR:") pid = pid_pattern.search(infile.readline()).group(1) # ignore the rest @@ -32,5 +44,6 @@ return pid -if __name__ == '__main__': + +if __name__ == "__main__": main() diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/ios_commands/iossim_compile.py b/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/ios_commands/iossim_compile.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/ios_commands/iossim_compile.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/ios_commands/iossim_compile.py @@ -3,20 +3,20 @@ import os, sys, subprocess output = None -output_type = 'executable' +output_type = "executable" args = sys.argv[1:] while args: arg = args.pop(0) - if arg == '-shared': - output_type = 'shared' - elif arg == '-dynamiclib': - output_type = 'dylib' - elif arg == '-c': - output_type = 'object' - elif arg == '-S': - output_type = 'assembly' - elif arg == '-o': + if arg == "-shared": + output_type = "shared" + elif arg == "-dynamiclib": + output_type = "dylib" + elif arg == "-c": + output_type = "object" + elif arg == "-S": + output_type = "assembly" + elif arg == "-o": output = args.pop(0) if output == None: @@ -28,5 +28,5 @@ sys.exit(ret) # If we produce a dylib, ad-hoc sign it. -if output_type in ['shared', 'dylib']: +if output_type in ["shared", "dylib"]: ret = subprocess.call(["codesign", "-s", "-", output]) diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/ios_commands/iossim_run.py b/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/ios_commands/iossim_run.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/ios_commands/iossim_run.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/ios_commands/iossim_run.py @@ -3,65 +3,76 @@ import glob, os, pipes, sys, subprocess -device_id = os.environ.get('SANITIZER_IOSSIM_TEST_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER') -iossim_run_verbose = os.environ.get('SANITIZER_IOSSIM_RUN_VERBOSE') -wait_for_debug = os.environ.get('SANITIZER_IOSSIM_RUN_WAIT_FOR_DEBUGGER') +device_id = os.environ.get("SANITIZER_IOSSIM_TEST_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER") +iossim_run_verbose = os.environ.get("SANITIZER_IOSSIM_RUN_VERBOSE") +wait_for_debug = os.environ.get("SANITIZER_IOSSIM_RUN_WAIT_FOR_DEBUGGER") if not device_id: - raise EnvironmentError("Specify SANITIZER_IOSSIM_TEST_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER to select which simulator to use.") + raise EnvironmentError( + "Specify SANITIZER_IOSSIM_TEST_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER to select which simulator to use." + ) for e in [ - "ASAN_OPTIONS", - "TSAN_OPTIONS", - "UBSAN_OPTIONS", - "LSAN_OPTIONS", - "APPLE_ASAN_INIT_FOR_DLOPEN", - "ASAN_ACTIVATION_OPTIONS", - "MallocNanoZone", + "ASAN_OPTIONS", + "TSAN_OPTIONS", + "UBSAN_OPTIONS", + "LSAN_OPTIONS", + "APPLE_ASAN_INIT_FOR_DLOPEN", + "ASAN_ACTIVATION_OPTIONS", + "MallocNanoZone", ]: - if e in os.environ: - os.environ["SIMCTL_CHILD_" + e] = os.environ[e] + if e in os.environ: + os.environ["SIMCTL_CHILD_" + e] = os.environ[e] -find_atos_cmd = 'xcrun -sdk iphonesimulator -f atos' -atos_path = subprocess.run(find_atos_cmd.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, check=True).stdout.decode().strip() -for san in ['ASAN', 'TSAN', 'UBSAN', 'LSAN']: - os.environ[f'SIMCTL_CHILD_{san}_SYMBOLIZER_PATH'] = atos_path +find_atos_cmd = "xcrun -sdk iphonesimulator -f atos" +atos_path = ( + subprocess.run( + find_atos_cmd.split(), + stdout=subprocess.PIPE, + stderr=subprocess.PIPE, + check=True, + ) + .stdout.decode() + .strip() +) +for san in ["ASAN", "TSAN", "UBSAN", "LSAN"]: + os.environ[f"SIMCTL_CHILD_{san}_SYMBOLIZER_PATH"] = atos_path prog = sys.argv[1] exit_code = None -if prog == 'rm': - # The simulator and host actually share the same file system so we can just - # execute directly on the host. - rm_args = [] - for arg in sys.argv[2:]: - if '*' in arg or '?' in arg: - # Don't quote glob pattern - rm_args.append(arg) - else: - # FIXME(dliew): pipes.quote() is deprecated - rm_args.append(pipes.quote(arg)) - rm_cmd_line = ["/bin/rm"] + rm_args - rm_cmd_line_str = ' '.join(rm_cmd_line) - # We use `shell=True` so that any wildcard globs get expanded by the shell. +if prog == "rm": + # The simulator and host actually share the same file system so we can just + # execute directly on the host. + rm_args = [] + for arg in sys.argv[2:]: + if "*" in arg or "?" in arg: + # Don't quote glob pattern + rm_args.append(arg) + else: + # FIXME(dliew): pipes.quote() is deprecated + rm_args.append(pipes.quote(arg)) + rm_cmd_line = ["/bin/rm"] + rm_args + rm_cmd_line_str = " ".join(rm_cmd_line) + # We use `shell=True` so that any wildcard globs get expanded by the shell. - if iossim_run_verbose: - print("RUNNING: \t{}".format(rm_cmd_line_str), flush=True) + if iossim_run_verbose: + print("RUNNING: \t{}".format(rm_cmd_line_str), flush=True) - exitcode = subprocess.call(rm_cmd_line_str, shell=True) + exitcode = subprocess.call(rm_cmd_line_str, shell=True) else: - cmd = ["xcrun", "simctl", "spawn", "--standalone"] + cmd = ["xcrun", "simctl", "spawn", "--standalone"] - if wait_for_debug: - cmd.append("--wait-for-debugger") + if wait_for_debug: + cmd.append("--wait-for-debugger") - cmd.append(device_id) - cmd += sys.argv[1:] + cmd.append(device_id) + cmd += sys.argv[1:] - if iossim_run_verbose: - print("RUNNING: \t{}".format(" ".join(cmd)), flush=True) + if iossim_run_verbose: + print("RUNNING: \t{}".format(" ".join(cmd)), flush=True) - exitcode = subprocess.call(cmd) + exitcode = subprocess.call(cmd) if exitcode > 125: - exitcode = 126 + exitcode = 126 sys.exit(exitcode) diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/ios_commands/print_crashreport_for_pid.py b/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/ios_commands/print_crashreport_for_pid.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/ios_commands/print_crashreport_for_pid.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/ios_commands/print_crashreport_for_pid.py @@ -6,44 +6,91 @@ """ import sys, os, argparse, re, glob, shutil, time + def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() - parser.add_argument('--pid', type=str, required=True, help='The process id of the process that crashed') - parser.add_argument('--binary-filename', type=str, required=True, help='The name of the file that crashed') - parser.add_argument('--retry-count', type=int, nargs='?', default=10, help='The number of retries to make') - parser.add_argument('--max-wait-time', type=float, nargs='?', default=5.0, help='The max amount of seconds to wait between tries') + parser.add_argument( + "--pid", + type=str, + required=True, + help="The process id of the process that crashed", + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--binary-filename", + type=str, + required=True, + help="The name of the file that crashed", + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--retry-count", + type=int, + nargs="?", + default=10, + help="The number of retries to make", + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--max-wait-time", + type=float, + nargs="?", + default=5.0, + help="The max amount of seconds to wait between tries", + ) - parser.add_argument('--dir', nargs='?', type=str, default="~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports", help='The directory to look for the crash report') - parser.add_argument('--outfile', nargs='?', type=argparse.FileType('r'), default=sys.stdout, help='Where to write the result') + parser.add_argument( + "--dir", + nargs="?", + type=str, + default="~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports", + help="The directory to look for the crash report", + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--outfile", + nargs="?", + type=argparse.FileType("r"), + default=sys.stdout, + help="Where to write the result", + ) args = parser.parse_args() assert args.pid, "pid can't be empty" assert args.binary_filename, "binary-filename can't be empty" os.chdir(os.path.expanduser(args.dir)) - output_report_with_retries(args.outfile, args.pid.strip(), args.binary_filename, args.retry_count, args.max_wait_time) + output_report_with_retries( + args.outfile, + args.pid.strip(), + args.binary_filename, + args.retry_count, + args.max_wait_time, + ) + -def output_report_with_retries(outfile, pid, filename, attempts_remaining, max_wait_time): +def output_report_with_retries( + outfile, pid, filename, attempts_remaining, max_wait_time +): report_name = find_report_in_cur_dir(pid, filename) if report_name: with open(report_name, "r") as f: shutil.copyfileobj(f, outfile) return - elif(attempts_remaining > 0): + elif attempts_remaining > 0: # As the number of attempts remaining decreases, increase the number of seconds waited # if the max wait time is 2s and there are 10 attempts remaining, wait .2 seconds. - # if the max wait time is 2s and there are 2 attempts remaining, wait 1 second. + # if the max wait time is 2s and there are 2 attempts remaining, wait 1 second. time.sleep(max_wait_time / attempts_remaining) - output_report_with_retries(outfile, pid, filename, attempts_remaining - 1, max_wait_time) + output_report_with_retries( + outfile, pid, filename, attempts_remaining - 1, max_wait_time + ) else: raise RuntimeError("Report not found for ({}, {}).".format(filename, pid)) + def find_report_in_cur_dir(pid, filename): for report_name in sorted(glob.glob("{}_*.crash".format(filename)), reverse=True): # parse out pid from first line of report # `Process: filename [pid]`` with open(report_name) as cur_report: - pattern = re.compile(r'Process: *{} \[([0-9]*)\]'.format(filename)) + pattern = re.compile(r"Process: *{} \[([0-9]*)\]".format(filename)) cur_report_pid = pattern.search(cur_report.readline()).group(1) assert cur_report_pid and cur_report_pid.isdigit() @@ -52,7 +99,7 @@ # did not find the crash report return None - -if __name__ == '__main__': + +if __name__ == "__main__": main() diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/lit.common.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/lit.common.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/lit.common.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/lit.common.cfg.py @@ -8,85 +8,92 @@ default_tool_options = [] collect_stack_traces = "" if config.tool_name == "asan": - tool_cflags = ["-fsanitize=address"] - tool_options = "ASAN_OPTIONS" + tool_cflags = ["-fsanitize=address"] + tool_options = "ASAN_OPTIONS" elif config.tool_name == "hwasan": - tool_cflags = ["-fsanitize=hwaddress", "-fuse-ld=lld"] - if config.target_arch == "x86_64": - tool_cflags += ["-fsanitize-hwaddress-experimental-aliasing"] - config.available_features.add("hwasan-aliasing") - tool_options = "HWASAN_OPTIONS" - if not config.has_lld: - config.unsupported = True + tool_cflags = ["-fsanitize=hwaddress", "-fuse-ld=lld"] + if config.target_arch == "x86_64": + tool_cflags += ["-fsanitize-hwaddress-experimental-aliasing"] + config.available_features.add("hwasan-aliasing") + tool_options = "HWASAN_OPTIONS" + if not config.has_lld: + config.unsupported = True elif config.tool_name == "tsan": - tool_cflags = ["-fsanitize=thread"] - tool_options = "TSAN_OPTIONS" + tool_cflags = ["-fsanitize=thread"] + tool_options = "TSAN_OPTIONS" elif config.tool_name == "msan": - tool_cflags = ["-fsanitize=memory"] - tool_options = "MSAN_OPTIONS" - collect_stack_traces = "-fsanitize-memory-track-origins" + tool_cflags = ["-fsanitize=memory"] + tool_options = "MSAN_OPTIONS" + collect_stack_traces = "-fsanitize-memory-track-origins" elif config.tool_name == "lsan": - tool_cflags = ["-fsanitize=leak"] - tool_options = "LSAN_OPTIONS" + tool_cflags = ["-fsanitize=leak"] + tool_options = "LSAN_OPTIONS" elif config.tool_name == "ubsan": - tool_cflags = ["-fsanitize=undefined"] - tool_options = "UBSAN_OPTIONS" + tool_cflags = ["-fsanitize=undefined"] + tool_options = "UBSAN_OPTIONS" else: - lit_config.fatal("Unknown tool for sanitizer_common tests: %r" % config.tool_name) + lit_config.fatal("Unknown tool for sanitizer_common tests: %r" % config.tool_name) config.available_features.add(config.tool_name) -if config.host_os == 'Linux' and config.tool_name == "lsan" and config.target_arch == 'i386': - config.available_features.add("lsan-x86") +if ( + config.host_os == "Linux" + and config.tool_name == "lsan" + and config.target_arch == "i386" +): + config.available_features.add("lsan-x86") if config.arm_thumb: - config.available_features.add('thumb') - -if config.host_os == 'Darwin': - # On Darwin, we default to `abort_on_error=1`, which would make tests run - # much slower. Let's override this and run lit tests with 'abort_on_error=0'. - default_tool_options += ['abort_on_error=0'] - if config.tool_name == "tsan": - default_tool_options += ['ignore_interceptors_accesses=0'] + config.available_features.add("thumb") + +if config.host_os == "Darwin": + # On Darwin, we default to `abort_on_error=1`, which would make tests run + # much slower. Let's override this and run lit tests with 'abort_on_error=0'. + default_tool_options += ["abort_on_error=0"] + if config.tool_name == "tsan": + default_tool_options += ["ignore_interceptors_accesses=0"] elif config.android: - # The same as on Darwin, we default to "abort_on_error=1" which slows down - # testing. Also, all existing tests are using "not" instead of "not --crash" - # which does not work for abort()-terminated programs. - default_tool_options += ['abort_on_error=0'] + # The same as on Darwin, we default to "abort_on_error=1" which slows down + # testing. Also, all existing tests are using "not" instead of "not --crash" + # which does not work for abort()-terminated programs. + default_tool_options += ["abort_on_error=0"] -default_tool_options_str = ':'.join(default_tool_options) +default_tool_options_str = ":".join(default_tool_options) if default_tool_options_str: - config.environment[tool_options] = default_tool_options_str - default_tool_options_str += ':' + config.environment[tool_options] = default_tool_options_str + default_tool_options_str += ":" extra_link_flags = [] -if config.host_os in ['Linux']: - extra_link_flags += ["-ldl"] +if config.host_os in ["Linux"]: + extra_link_flags += ["-ldl"] clang_cflags = config.debug_info_flags + tool_cflags + [config.target_cflags] clang_cflags += ["-I%s" % os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))] clang_cflags += extra_link_flags clang_cxxflags = config.cxx_mode_flags + clang_cflags + def build_invocation(compile_flags): - return " " + " ".join([config.clang] + compile_flags) + " " + return " " + " ".join([config.clang] + compile_flags) + " " -config.substitutions.append( ("%clang ", build_invocation(clang_cflags)) ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clangxx ", build_invocation(clang_cxxflags)) ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%collect_stack_traces", collect_stack_traces) ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%tool_name", config.tool_name) ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%tool_options", tool_options) ) -config.substitutions.append( ('%env_tool_opts=', - 'env ' + tool_options + '=' + default_tool_options_str)) -config.suffixes = ['.c', '.cpp'] +config.substitutions.append(("%clang ", build_invocation(clang_cflags))) +config.substitutions.append(("%clangxx ", build_invocation(clang_cxxflags))) +config.substitutions.append(("%collect_stack_traces", collect_stack_traces)) +config.substitutions.append(("%tool_name", config.tool_name)) +config.substitutions.append(("%tool_options", tool_options)) +config.substitutions.append( + ("%env_tool_opts=", "env " + tool_options + "=" + default_tool_options_str) +) -if config.host_os not in ['Linux', 'Darwin', 'NetBSD', 'FreeBSD', 'SunOS']: - config.unsupported = True +config.suffixes = [".c", ".cpp"] + +if config.host_os not in ["Linux", "Darwin", "NetBSD", "FreeBSD", "SunOS"]: + config.unsupported = True if not config.parallelism_group: - config.parallelism_group = 'shadow-memory' + config.parallelism_group = "shadow-memory" -if config.host_os == 'NetBSD': - config.substitutions.insert(0, ('%run', config.netbsd_noaslr_prefix)) +if config.host_os == "NetBSD": + config.substitutions.insert(0, ("%run", config.netbsd_noaslr_prefix)) diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/scudo/lit.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/scudo/lit.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/scudo/lit.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/scudo/lit.cfg.py @@ -3,62 +3,72 @@ import os # Setup config name. -config.name = 'Scudo' + config.name_suffix +config.name = "Scudo" + config.name_suffix # Setup source root. config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__) # Path to the shared library -shared_libscudo = os.path.join(config.compiler_rt_libdir, "libclang_rt.scudo%s.so" % config.target_suffix) -shared_minlibscudo = os.path.join(config.compiler_rt_libdir, "libclang_rt.scudo_minimal%s.so" % config.target_suffix) +shared_libscudo = os.path.join( + config.compiler_rt_libdir, "libclang_rt.scudo%s.so" % config.target_suffix +) +shared_minlibscudo = os.path.join( + config.compiler_rt_libdir, "libclang_rt.scudo_minimal%s.so" % config.target_suffix +) # Test suffixes. -config.suffixes = ['.c', '.cpp', '.test'] +config.suffixes = [".c", ".cpp", ".test"] # C & CXX flags. -c_flags = ([config.target_cflags] + - ["-pthread", - "-fPIE", - "-pie", - "-O0", - "-UNDEBUG", - "-ldl", - "-Wl,--gc-sections"]) +c_flags = [config.target_cflags] + [ + "-pthread", + "-fPIE", + "-pie", + "-O0", + "-UNDEBUG", + "-ldl", + "-Wl,--gc-sections", +] # Android doesn't want -lrt. if not config.android: - c_flags += ["-lrt"] + c_flags += ["-lrt"] -cxx_flags = (c_flags + config.cxx_mode_flags + ["-std=c++11"]) +cxx_flags = c_flags + config.cxx_mode_flags + ["-std=c++11"] scudo_flags = ["-fsanitize=scudo"] + def build_invocation(compile_flags): - return " " + " ".join([config.clang] + compile_flags) + " " + return " " + " ".join([config.clang] + compile_flags) + " " + # Add substitutions. config.substitutions.append(("%clang ", build_invocation(c_flags))) config.substitutions.append(("%clang_scudo ", build_invocation(c_flags + scudo_flags))) -config.substitutions.append(("%clangxx_scudo ", build_invocation(cxx_flags + scudo_flags))) +config.substitutions.append( + ("%clangxx_scudo ", build_invocation(cxx_flags + scudo_flags)) +) config.substitutions.append(("%shared_libscudo", shared_libscudo)) config.substitutions.append(("%shared_minlibscudo", shared_minlibscudo)) # Platform-specific default SCUDO_OPTIONS for lit tests. -default_scudo_opts = '' +default_scudo_opts = "" if config.android: - # Android defaults to abort_on_error=1, which doesn't work for us. - default_scudo_opts = 'abort_on_error=0' + # Android defaults to abort_on_error=1, which doesn't work for us. + default_scudo_opts = "abort_on_error=0" # Disable GWP-ASan for scudo internal tests. if config.gwp_asan: - config.environment['GWP_ASAN_OPTIONS'] = 'Enabled=0' + config.environment["GWP_ASAN_OPTIONS"] = "Enabled=0" if default_scudo_opts: - config.environment['SCUDO_OPTIONS'] = default_scudo_opts - default_scudo_opts += ':' -config.substitutions.append(('%env_scudo_opts=', - 'env SCUDO_OPTIONS=' + default_scudo_opts)) + config.environment["SCUDO_OPTIONS"] = default_scudo_opts + default_scudo_opts += ":" +config.substitutions.append( + ("%env_scudo_opts=", "env SCUDO_OPTIONS=" + default_scudo_opts) +) # Hardened Allocator tests are currently supported on Linux only. -if config.host_os not in ['Linux']: - config.unsupported = True +if config.host_os not in ["Linux"]: + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/shadowcallstack/lit.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/shadowcallstack/lit.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/shadowcallstack/lit.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/shadowcallstack/lit.cfg.py @@ -3,21 +3,34 @@ import os # Setup config name. -config.name = 'ShadowCallStack' +config.name = "ShadowCallStack" # Setup source root. config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__) # Test suffixes. -config.suffixes = ['.c', '.cpp', '.m', '.mm', '.ll', '.test'] +config.suffixes = [".c", ".cpp", ".m", ".mm", ".ll", ".test"] # Add clang substitutions. -config.substitutions.append( ("%clang_noscs ", config.clang + ' -O0 -fno-sanitize=shadow-call-stack ' + config.target_cflags + ' ') ) +config.substitutions.append( + ( + "%clang_noscs ", + config.clang + + " -O0 -fno-sanitize=shadow-call-stack " + + config.target_cflags + + " ", + ) +) scs_arch_cflags = config.target_cflags -if config.target_arch == 'aarch64': - scs_arch_cflags += ' -ffixed-x18 ' -config.substitutions.append( ("%clang_scs ", config.clang + ' -O0 -fsanitize=shadow-call-stack ' + scs_arch_cflags + ' ') ) +if config.target_arch == "aarch64": + scs_arch_cflags += " -ffixed-x18 " +config.substitutions.append( + ( + "%clang_scs ", + config.clang + " -O0 -fsanitize=shadow-call-stack " + scs_arch_cflags + " ", + ) +) -if config.host_os not in ['Linux'] or config.target_arch not in ['aarch64','riscv64']: - config.unsupported = True +if config.host_os not in ["Linux"] or config.target_arch not in ["aarch64", "riscv64"]: + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/tsan/Darwin/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/tsan/Darwin/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/tsan/Darwin/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/tsan/Darwin/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,11 +1,12 @@ def getRoot(config): - if not config.parent: - return config - return getRoot(config.parent) + if not config.parent: + return config + return getRoot(config.parent) + root = getRoot(config) -if root.host_os not in ['Darwin']: - config.unsupported = True +if root.host_os not in ["Darwin"]: + config.unsupported = True -config.environment['TSAN_OPTIONS'] += ':ignore_noninstrumented_modules=1' +config.environment["TSAN_OPTIONS"] += ":ignore_noninstrumented_modules=1" diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/tsan/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/tsan/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/tsan/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/tsan/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ def getRoot(config): - if not config.parent: - return config - return getRoot(config.parent) + if not config.parent: + return config + return getRoot(config.parent) + root = getRoot(config) -if root.host_os not in ['Linux']: - config.unsupported = True +if root.host_os not in ["Linux"]: + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/tsan/libcxx/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/tsan/libcxx/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/tsan/libcxx/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/tsan/libcxx/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ def getRoot(config): - if not config.parent: - return config - return getRoot(config.parent) + if not config.parent: + return config + return getRoot(config.parent) + root = getRoot(config) # Only run if we have an instrumented libcxx. On Darwin, run always (we have # interceptors to support the system-provided libcxx). -if not root.has_libcxx and root.host_os != 'Darwin': - config.unsupported = True - +if not root.has_libcxx and root.host_os != "Darwin": + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/tsan/libdispatch/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/tsan/libdispatch/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/tsan/libdispatch/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/tsan/libdispatch/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,17 +1,18 @@ def getRoot(config): - if not config.parent: - return config - return getRoot(config.parent) + if not config.parent: + return config + return getRoot(config.parent) + root = getRoot(config) -if 'libdispatch' in root.available_features: - additional_cflags = ' -fblocks ' - for index, (template, replacement) in enumerate(config.substitutions): - if template in ['%clang_tsan ', '%clangxx_tsan ']: - config.substitutions[index] = (template, replacement + additional_cflags) +if "libdispatch" in root.available_features: + additional_cflags = " -fblocks " + for index, (template, replacement) in enumerate(config.substitutions): + if template in ["%clang_tsan ", "%clangxx_tsan "]: + config.substitutions[index] = (template, replacement + additional_cflags) else: - config.unsupported = True + config.unsupported = True -if config.host_os == 'Darwin': - config.environment['TSAN_OPTIONS'] += ':ignore_noninstrumented_modules=1' +if config.host_os == "Darwin": + config.environment["TSAN_OPTIONS"] += ":ignore_noninstrumented_modules=1" diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/tsan/lit.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/tsan/lit.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/tsan/lit.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/tsan/lit.cfg.py @@ -2,17 +2,20 @@ import os + def get_required_attr(config, attr_name): - attr_value = getattr(config, attr_name, None) - if not attr_value: - lit_config.fatal( - "No attribute %r in test configuration! You may need to run " - "tests from your build directory or add this attribute " - "to lit.site.cfg.py " % attr_name) - return attr_value + attr_value = getattr(config, attr_name, None) + if not attr_value: + lit_config.fatal( + "No attribute %r in test configuration! You may need to run " + "tests from your build directory or add this attribute " + "to lit.site.cfg.py " % attr_name + ) + return attr_value + # Setup config name. -config.name = 'ThreadSanitizer' + config.name_suffix +config.name = "ThreadSanitizer" + config.name_suffix # Setup source root. config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__) @@ -20,75 +23,92 @@ # Setup environment variables for running ThreadSanitizer. default_tsan_opts = "atexit_sleep_ms=0" -if config.host_os == 'Darwin': - # On Darwin, we default to `abort_on_error=1`, which would make tests run - # much slower. Let's override this and run lit tests with 'abort_on_error=0'. - default_tsan_opts += ':abort_on_error=0' - # On Darwin, we default to ignore_noninstrumented_modules=1, which also - # suppresses some races the tests are supposed to find. Let's run without this - # setting, but turn it back on for Darwin tests (see Darwin/lit.local.cfg.py). - default_tsan_opts += ':ignore_noninstrumented_modules=0' - default_tsan_opts += ':ignore_interceptors_accesses=0' +if config.host_os == "Darwin": + # On Darwin, we default to `abort_on_error=1`, which would make tests run + # much slower. Let's override this and run lit tests with 'abort_on_error=0'. + default_tsan_opts += ":abort_on_error=0" + # On Darwin, we default to ignore_noninstrumented_modules=1, which also + # suppresses some races the tests are supposed to find. Let's run without this + # setting, but turn it back on for Darwin tests (see Darwin/lit.local.cfg.py). + default_tsan_opts += ":ignore_noninstrumented_modules=0" + default_tsan_opts += ":ignore_interceptors_accesses=0" # Platform-specific default TSAN_OPTIONS for lit tests. if default_tsan_opts: - config.environment['TSAN_OPTIONS'] = default_tsan_opts - default_tsan_opts += ':' -config.substitutions.append(('%env_tsan_opts=', - 'env TSAN_OPTIONS=' + default_tsan_opts)) + config.environment["TSAN_OPTIONS"] = default_tsan_opts + default_tsan_opts += ":" +config.substitutions.append( + ("%env_tsan_opts=", "env TSAN_OPTIONS=" + default_tsan_opts) +) # GCC driver doesn't add necessary compile/link flags with -fsanitize=thread. -if config.compiler_id == 'GNU': - extra_cflags = ["-fPIE", "-pthread", "-ldl", "-lrt", "-pie"] +if config.compiler_id == "GNU": + extra_cflags = ["-fPIE", "-pthread", "-ldl", "-lrt", "-pie"] else: - extra_cflags = [] + extra_cflags = [] tsan_incdir = config.test_source_root + "/../" # Setup default compiler flags used with -fsanitize=thread option. -clang_tsan_cflags = (["-fsanitize=thread", - "-Wall"] + - [config.target_cflags] + - config.debug_info_flags + - extra_cflags + - ["-I%s" % tsan_incdir]) -clang_tsan_cxxflags = config.cxx_mode_flags + clang_tsan_cflags + ["-std=c++11"] + ["-I%s" % tsan_incdir] +clang_tsan_cflags = ( + ["-fsanitize=thread", "-Wall"] + + [config.target_cflags] + + config.debug_info_flags + + extra_cflags + + ["-I%s" % tsan_incdir] +) +clang_tsan_cxxflags = ( + config.cxx_mode_flags + clang_tsan_cflags + ["-std=c++11"] + ["-I%s" % tsan_incdir] +) # Add additional flags if we're using instrumented libc++. # Instrumented libcxx currently not supported on Darwin. -if config.has_libcxx and config.host_os != 'Darwin': - # FIXME: Dehardcode this path somehow. - libcxx_path = os.path.join(config.compiler_rt_obj_root, "lib", - "tsan", "libcxx_tsan_%s" % config.target_arch) - libcxx_incdir = os.path.join(libcxx_path, "include", "c++", "v1") - libcxx_libdir = os.path.join(libcxx_path, "lib") - libcxx_a = os.path.join(libcxx_libdir, "libc++.a") - clang_tsan_cxxflags += ["-nostdinc++", - "-I%s" % libcxx_incdir] - config.substitutions.append( ("%link_libcxx_tsan", libcxx_a) ) +if config.has_libcxx and config.host_os != "Darwin": + # FIXME: Dehardcode this path somehow. + libcxx_path = os.path.join( + config.compiler_rt_obj_root, + "lib", + "tsan", + "libcxx_tsan_%s" % config.target_arch, + ) + libcxx_incdir = os.path.join(libcxx_path, "include", "c++", "v1") + libcxx_libdir = os.path.join(libcxx_path, "lib") + libcxx_a = os.path.join(libcxx_libdir, "libc++.a") + clang_tsan_cxxflags += ["-nostdinc++", "-I%s" % libcxx_incdir] + config.substitutions.append(("%link_libcxx_tsan", libcxx_a)) else: - config.substitutions.append( ("%link_libcxx_tsan", "") ) + config.substitutions.append(("%link_libcxx_tsan", "")) + def build_invocation(compile_flags): - return " " + " ".join([config.clang] + compile_flags) + " " + return " " + " ".join([config.clang] + compile_flags) + " " -config.substitutions.append( ("%clang_tsan ", build_invocation(clang_tsan_cflags)) ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clangxx_tsan ", build_invocation(clang_tsan_cxxflags)) ) -# Define CHECK-%os to check for OS-dependent output. -config.substitutions.append( ('CHECK-%os', ("CHECK-" + config.host_os))) +config.substitutions.append(("%clang_tsan ", build_invocation(clang_tsan_cflags))) +config.substitutions.append(("%clangxx_tsan ", build_invocation(clang_tsan_cxxflags))) -config.substitutions.append( ("%deflake ", os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "deflake.bash") + " " + config.deflake_threshold + " ")) +# Define CHECK-%os to check for OS-dependent output. +config.substitutions.append(("CHECK-%os", ("CHECK-" + config.host_os))) + +config.substitutions.append( + ( + "%deflake ", + os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "deflake.bash") + + " " + + config.deflake_threshold + + " ", + ) +) # Default test suffixes. -config.suffixes = ['.c', '.cpp', '.m', '.mm'] +config.suffixes = [".c", ".cpp", ".m", ".mm"] -if config.host_os not in ['FreeBSD', 'Linux', 'Darwin', 'NetBSD']: - config.unsupported = True +if config.host_os not in ["FreeBSD", "Linux", "Darwin", "NetBSD"]: + config.unsupported = True if config.android: - config.unsupported = True + config.unsupported = True if not config.parallelism_group: - config.parallelism_group = 'shadow-memory' + config.parallelism_group = "shadow-memory" -if config.host_os == 'NetBSD': - config.substitutions.insert(0, ('%run', config.netbsd_noaslr_prefix)) +if config.host_os == "NetBSD": + config.substitutions.insert(0, ("%run", config.netbsd_noaslr_prefix)) diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/ubsan/TestCases/Misc/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/ubsan/TestCases/Misc/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/ubsan/TestCases/Misc/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/ubsan/TestCases/Misc/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ def getRoot(config): - if not config.parent: - return config - return getRoot(config.parent) + if not config.parent: + return config + return getRoot(config.parent) + root = getRoot(config) -if root.host_os not in ['Linux']: - config.unsupported = True +if root.host_os not in ["Linux"]: + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/ubsan/TestCases/TypeCheck/Function/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/ubsan/TestCases/TypeCheck/Function/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/ubsan/TestCases/TypeCheck/Function/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/ubsan/TestCases/TypeCheck/Function/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ -if config.host_os not in ['Darwin', 'FreeBSD', 'Linux', 'NetBSD']: - config.unsupported = True +if config.host_os not in ["Darwin", "FreeBSD", "Linux", "NetBSD"]: + config.unsupported = True # Work around "Cannot represent a difference across sections" -if config.target_arch == 'powerpc64': - config.unsupported = True +if config.target_arch == "powerpc64": + config.unsupported = True # Work around "library ... not found: needed by main executable" in qemu. -if config.android and config.target_arch not in ['x86', 'x86_64']: - config.unsupported = True +if config.android and config.target_arch not in ["x86", "x86_64"]: + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/ubsan/TestCases/TypeCheck/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/ubsan/TestCases/TypeCheck/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/ubsan/TestCases/TypeCheck/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/ubsan/TestCases/TypeCheck/Linux/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1,9 +1,10 @@ def getRoot(config): - if not config.parent: - return config - return getRoot(config.parent) + if not config.parent: + return config + return getRoot(config.parent) + root = getRoot(config) -if root.host_os not in ['Linux']: - config.unsupported = True +if root.host_os not in ["Linux"]: + config.unsupported = True diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/ubsan/lit.common.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/ubsan/lit.common.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/ubsan/lit.common.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/ubsan/lit.common.cfg.py @@ -2,81 +2,95 @@ import os + def get_required_attr(config, attr_name): - attr_value = getattr(config, attr_name, None) - if attr_value == None: - lit_config.fatal( - "No attribute %r in test configuration! You may need to run " - "tests from your build directory or add this attribute " - "to lit.site.cfg.py " % attr_name) - return attr_value + attr_value = getattr(config, attr_name, None) + if attr_value == None: + lit_config.fatal( + "No attribute %r in test configuration! You may need to run " + "tests from your build directory or add this attribute " + "to lit.site.cfg.py " % attr_name + ) + return attr_value + # Setup config name. -config.name = 'UBSan-' + config.name_suffix +config.name = "UBSan-" + config.name_suffix # Setup source root. config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__) default_ubsan_opts = list(config.default_sanitizer_opts) # Choose between standalone and UBSan+ASan modes. -ubsan_lit_test_mode = get_required_attr(config, 'ubsan_lit_test_mode') +ubsan_lit_test_mode = get_required_attr(config, "ubsan_lit_test_mode") if ubsan_lit_test_mode == "Standalone": - config.available_features.add("ubsan-standalone") - clang_ubsan_cflags = [] + config.available_features.add("ubsan-standalone") + clang_ubsan_cflags = [] elif ubsan_lit_test_mode == "StandaloneStatic": - config.available_features.add("ubsan-standalone-static") - clang_ubsan_cflags = ['-static-libsan'] + config.available_features.add("ubsan-standalone-static") + clang_ubsan_cflags = ["-static-libsan"] elif ubsan_lit_test_mode == "AddressSanitizer": - config.available_features.add("ubsan-asan") - clang_ubsan_cflags = ["-fsanitize=address"] - default_ubsan_opts += ['detect_leaks=0'] + config.available_features.add("ubsan-asan") + clang_ubsan_cflags = ["-fsanitize=address"] + default_ubsan_opts += ["detect_leaks=0"] elif ubsan_lit_test_mode == "MemorySanitizer": - config.available_features.add("ubsan-msan") - clang_ubsan_cflags = ["-fsanitize=memory"] + config.available_features.add("ubsan-msan") + clang_ubsan_cflags = ["-fsanitize=memory"] elif ubsan_lit_test_mode == "ThreadSanitizer": - config.available_features.add("ubsan-tsan") - clang_ubsan_cflags = ["-fsanitize=thread"] + config.available_features.add("ubsan-tsan") + clang_ubsan_cflags = ["-fsanitize=thread"] else: - lit_config.fatal("Unknown UBSan test mode: %r" % ubsan_lit_test_mode) + lit_config.fatal("Unknown UBSan test mode: %r" % ubsan_lit_test_mode) # Platform-specific default for lit tests. -if config.target_arch == 's390x': - # On SystemZ we need -mbackchain to make the fast unwinder work. - clang_ubsan_cflags.append("-mbackchain") +if config.target_arch == "s390x": + # On SystemZ we need -mbackchain to make the fast unwinder work. + clang_ubsan_cflags.append("-mbackchain") -default_ubsan_opts_str = ':'.join(default_ubsan_opts) +default_ubsan_opts_str = ":".join(default_ubsan_opts) if default_ubsan_opts_str: - config.environment['UBSAN_OPTIONS'] = default_ubsan_opts_str - default_ubsan_opts_str += ':' + config.environment["UBSAN_OPTIONS"] = default_ubsan_opts_str + default_ubsan_opts_str += ":" # Substitution to setup UBSAN_OPTIONS in portable way. -config.substitutions.append(('%env_ubsan_opts=', - 'env UBSAN_OPTIONS=' + default_ubsan_opts_str)) +config.substitutions.append( + ("%env_ubsan_opts=", "env UBSAN_OPTIONS=" + default_ubsan_opts_str) +) + def build_invocation(compile_flags): - return " " + " ".join([config.clang] + compile_flags) + " " + return " " + " ".join([config.clang] + compile_flags) + " " + target_cflags = [get_required_attr(config, "target_cflags")] clang_ubsan_cflags += target_cflags clang_ubsan_cxxflags = config.cxx_mode_flags + clang_ubsan_cflags # Define %clang and %clangxx substitutions to use in test RUN lines. -config.substitutions.append( ("%clang ", build_invocation(clang_ubsan_cflags)) ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clangxx ", build_invocation(clang_ubsan_cxxflags)) ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%gmlt ", " ".join(config.debug_info_flags) + " ") ) +config.substitutions.append(("%clang ", build_invocation(clang_ubsan_cflags))) +config.substitutions.append(("%clangxx ", build_invocation(clang_ubsan_cxxflags))) +config.substitutions.append(("%gmlt ", " ".join(config.debug_info_flags) + " ")) # Default test suffixes. -config.suffixes = ['.c', '.cpp', '.m'] +config.suffixes = [".c", ".cpp", ".m"] # Check that the host supports UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer tests -if config.host_os not in ['Linux', 'Darwin', 'FreeBSD', 'Windows', 'NetBSD', 'SunOS', 'OpenBSD']: - config.unsupported = True +if config.host_os not in [ + "Linux", + "Darwin", + "FreeBSD", + "Windows", + "NetBSD", + "SunOS", + "OpenBSD", +]: + config.unsupported = True -config.available_features.add('arch=' + config.target_arch) +config.available_features.add("arch=" + config.target_arch) -config.excludes = ['Inputs'] +config.excludes = ["Inputs"] -if ubsan_lit_test_mode in ['AddressSanitizer', 'MemorySanitizer', 'ThreadSanitizer']: - if not config.parallelism_group: - config.parallelism_group = 'shadow-memory' - if config.host_os == 'NetBSD': - config.substitutions.insert(0, ('%run', config.netbsd_noaslr_prefix)) +if ubsan_lit_test_mode in ["AddressSanitizer", "MemorySanitizer", "ThreadSanitizer"]: + if not config.parallelism_group: + config.parallelism_group = "shadow-memory" + if config.host_os == "NetBSD": + config.substitutions.insert(0, ("%run", config.netbsd_noaslr_prefix)) diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/ubsan_minimal/lit.common.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/ubsan_minimal/lit.common.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/ubsan_minimal/lit.common.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/ubsan_minimal/lit.common.cfg.py @@ -2,39 +2,51 @@ import os + def get_required_attr(config, attr_name): - attr_value = getattr(config, attr_name, None) - if attr_value == None: - lit_config.fatal( - "No attribute %r in test configuration! You may need to run " - "tests from your build directory or add this attribute " - "to lit.site.cfg.py " % attr_name) - return attr_value + attr_value = getattr(config, attr_name, None) + if attr_value == None: + lit_config.fatal( + "No attribute %r in test configuration! You may need to run " + "tests from your build directory or add this attribute " + "to lit.site.cfg.py " % attr_name + ) + return attr_value + # Setup source root. config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__) -config.name = 'UBSan-Minimal-' + config.target_arch +config.name = "UBSan-Minimal-" + config.target_arch + def build_invocation(compile_flags): - return " " + " ".join([config.clang] + compile_flags) + " " + return " " + " ".join([config.clang] + compile_flags) + " " + target_cflags = [get_required_attr(config, "target_cflags")] clang_ubsan_cflags = ["-fsanitize-minimal-runtime"] + target_cflags clang_ubsan_cxxflags = config.cxx_mode_flags + clang_ubsan_cflags # Define %clang and %clangxx substitutions to use in test RUN lines. -config.substitutions.append( ("%clang ", build_invocation(clang_ubsan_cflags)) ) -config.substitutions.append( ("%clangxx ", build_invocation(clang_ubsan_cxxflags)) ) +config.substitutions.append(("%clang ", build_invocation(clang_ubsan_cflags))) +config.substitutions.append(("%clangxx ", build_invocation(clang_ubsan_cxxflags))) # Default test suffixes. -config.suffixes = ['.c', '.cpp'] +config.suffixes = [".c", ".cpp"] # Check that the host supports UndefinedBehaviorSanitizerMinimal tests -if config.host_os not in ['Linux', 'FreeBSD', 'NetBSD', 'Darwin', 'OpenBSD', 'SunOS']: # TODO: Windows - config.unsupported = True +if config.host_os not in [ + "Linux", + "FreeBSD", + "NetBSD", + "Darwin", + "OpenBSD", + "SunOS", +]: # TODO: Windows + config.unsupported = True # Don't target x86_64h if the test machine can't execute x86_64h binaries. -if '-arch x86_64h' in target_cflags and 'x86_64h' not in config.available_features: - config.unsupported = True +if "-arch x86_64h" in target_cflags and "x86_64h" not in config.available_features: + config.unsupported = True -config.available_features.add('arch=' + config.target_arch) +config.available_features.add("arch=" + config.target_arch) diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/xray/lit.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/test/xray/lit.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/test/xray/lit.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/test/xray/lit.cfg.py @@ -3,64 +3,67 @@ import os # Setup config name. -config.name = 'XRay' + config.name_suffix +config.name = "XRay" + config.name_suffix # Setup source root. config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__) # Setup default compiler flags use with -fxray-instrument option. -clang_xray_cflags = (['-fxray-instrument', config.target_cflags]) +clang_xray_cflags = ["-fxray-instrument", config.target_cflags] # If libc++ was used to build XRAY libraries, libc++ is needed. Fix applied # to Linux only since -rpath may not be portable. This can be extended to # other platforms. if config.libcxx_used == "1" and config.host_os == "Linux": - clang_xray_cflags = clang_xray_cflags + (['-L%s -lc++ -Wl,-rpath=%s' - % (config.llvm_shlib_dir, - config.llvm_shlib_dir)]) + clang_xray_cflags = clang_xray_cflags + ( + ["-L%s -lc++ -Wl,-rpath=%s" % (config.llvm_shlib_dir, config.llvm_shlib_dir)] + ) clang_xray_cxxflags = config.cxx_mode_flags + clang_xray_cflags + def build_invocation(compile_flags): - return ' ' + ' '.join([config.clang] + compile_flags) + ' ' + return " " + " ".join([config.clang] + compile_flags) + " " + # Assume that llvm-xray is in the config.llvm_tools_dir. -llvm_xray = os.path.join(config.llvm_tools_dir, 'llvm-xray') +llvm_xray = os.path.join(config.llvm_tools_dir, "llvm-xray") # Setup substitutions. if config.host_os == "Linux": - libdl_flag = "-ldl" + libdl_flag = "-ldl" else: - libdl_flag = "" + libdl_flag = "" +config.substitutions.append(("%clang ", build_invocation([config.target_cflags]))) config.substitutions.append( - ('%clang ', build_invocation([config.target_cflags]))) -config.substitutions.append( - ('%clangxx ', - build_invocation(config.cxx_mode_flags + [config.target_cflags]))) -config.substitutions.append( - ('%clang_xray ', build_invocation(clang_xray_cflags))) -config.substitutions.append( - ('%clangxx_xray', build_invocation(clang_xray_cxxflags))) -config.substitutions.append( - ('%llvm_xray', llvm_xray)) + ("%clangxx ", build_invocation(config.cxx_mode_flags + [config.target_cflags])) +) +config.substitutions.append(("%clang_xray ", build_invocation(clang_xray_cflags))) +config.substitutions.append(("%clangxx_xray", build_invocation(clang_xray_cxxflags))) +config.substitutions.append(("%llvm_xray", llvm_xray)) config.substitutions.append( - ('%xraylib', - ('-lm -lpthread %s -lrt -L%s ' - '-Wl,-whole-archive -lclang_rt.xray%s -Wl,-no-whole-archive') - % (libdl_flag, config.compiler_rt_libdir, config.target_suffix))) + ( + "%xraylib", + ( + "-lm -lpthread %s -lrt -L%s " + "-Wl,-whole-archive -lclang_rt.xray%s -Wl,-no-whole-archive" + ) + % (libdl_flag, config.compiler_rt_libdir, config.target_suffix), + ) +) # Default test suffixes. -config.suffixes = ['.c', '.cpp'] +config.suffixes = [".c", ".cpp"] -if config.host_os not in ['FreeBSD', 'Linux', 'NetBSD', 'OpenBSD']: - config.unsupported = True -elif '64' not in config.host_arch: - if 'arm' in config.host_arch: - if '-mthumb' in config.target_cflags: - config.unsupported = True - else: +if config.host_os not in ["FreeBSD", "Linux", "NetBSD", "OpenBSD"]: config.unsupported = True +elif "64" not in config.host_arch: + if "arm" in config.host_arch: + if "-mthumb" in config.target_cflags: + config.unsupported = True + else: + config.unsupported = True -if config.host_os == 'NetBSD': - config.substitutions.insert(0, ('%run', config.netbsd_nomprotect_prefix)) +if config.host_os == "NetBSD": + config.substitutions.insert(0, ("%run", config.netbsd_nomprotect_prefix)) diff --git a/compiler-rt/unittests/lit.common.unit.cfg.py b/compiler-rt/unittests/lit.common.unit.cfg.py --- a/compiler-rt/unittests/lit.common.unit.cfg.py +++ b/compiler-rt/unittests/lit.common.unit.cfg.py @@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ val = default return val -emulator = get_lit_conf('emulator', None) + +emulator = get_lit_conf("emulator", None) # Setup test format llvm_build_mode = getattr(config, "llvm_build_mode", "Debug") @@ -30,28 +31,28 @@ # Tweak PATH to include llvm tools dir. llvm_tools_dir = config.llvm_tools_dir if (not llvm_tools_dir) or (not os.path.exists(llvm_tools_dir)): - lit_config.fatal("Invalid llvm_tools_dir config attribute: %r" % llvm_tools_dir) -path = os.path.pathsep.join((llvm_tools_dir, config.environment['PATH'])) -config.environment['PATH'] = path + lit_config.fatal("Invalid llvm_tools_dir config attribute: %r" % llvm_tools_dir) +path = os.path.pathsep.join((llvm_tools_dir, config.environment["PATH"])) +config.environment["PATH"] = path # Propagate the temp directory. Windows requires this because it uses \Windows\ # if none of these are present. -if 'TMP' in os.environ: - config.environment['TMP'] = os.environ['TMP'] -if 'TEMP' in os.environ: - config.environment['TEMP'] = os.environ['TEMP'] - -if config.host_os == 'Darwin': - # Only run up to 3 processes that require shadow memory simultaneously on - # 64-bit Darwin. Using more scales badly and hogs the system due to - # inefficient handling of large mmap'd regions (terabytes) by the kernel. - lit_config.parallelism_groups["shadow-memory"] = 3 - - # Disable libmalloc nano allocator due to crashes running on macOS 12.0. - # rdar://80086125 - config.environment['MallocNanoZone'] = '0' - - # We crash when we set DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES for unit tests, so interceptors - # don't work. - config.environment['ASAN_OPTIONS'] = 'verify_interceptors=0' - config.environment['TSAN_OPTIONS'] = 'verify_interceptors=0' +if "TMP" in os.environ: + config.environment["TMP"] = os.environ["TMP"] +if "TEMP" in os.environ: + config.environment["TEMP"] = os.environ["TEMP"] + +if config.host_os == "Darwin": + # Only run up to 3 processes that require shadow memory simultaneously on + # 64-bit Darwin. Using more scales badly and hogs the system due to + # inefficient handling of large mmap'd regions (terabytes) by the kernel. + lit_config.parallelism_groups["shadow-memory"] = 3 + + # Disable libmalloc nano allocator due to crashes running on macOS 12.0. + # rdar://80086125 + config.environment["MallocNanoZone"] = "0" + + # We crash when we set DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES for unit tests, so interceptors + # don't work. + config.environment["ASAN_OPTIONS"] = "verify_interceptors=0" + config.environment["TSAN_OPTIONS"] = "verify_interceptors=0" diff --git a/cross-project-tests/amdgpu/lit.local.cfg b/cross-project-tests/amdgpu/lit.local.cfg --- a/cross-project-tests/amdgpu/lit.local.cfg +++ b/cross-project-tests/amdgpu/lit.local.cfg @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -if 'clang' not in config.available_features or 'AMDGPU' not in config.targets_to_build: +if "clang" not in config.available_features or "AMDGPU" not in config.targets_to_build: config.unsupported = True diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/clang_llvm_roundtrip/lit.local.cfg b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/clang_llvm_roundtrip/lit.local.cfg --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/clang_llvm_roundtrip/lit.local.cfg +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/clang_llvm_roundtrip/lit.local.cfg @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ # In MSVC mode DWARF isn't produced & is needed for these tests -if 'native' not in config.available_features or config.is_msvc: +if "native" not in config.available_features or config.is_msvc: config.unsupported = True diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter-tests/lit.local.cfg b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter-tests/lit.local.cfg --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter-tests/lit.local.cfg +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter-tests/lit.local.cfg @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -if 'dexter' not in config.available_features: +if "dexter" not in config.available_features: config.unsupported = True diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/__init__.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/__init__.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/__init__.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/__init__.py @@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ # See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception -__version__ = '1.0.0' +__version__ = "1.0.0" diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/builder/Builder.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/builder/Builder.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/builder/Builder.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/builder/Builder.py @@ -16,40 +16,44 @@ def _quotify(text): - if '"' in text or ' ' not in text: + if '"' in text or " " not in text: return text return '"{}"'.format(text) -def _get_script_environment(source_files, compiler_options, - linker_options, executable_file): +def _get_script_environment( + source_files, compiler_options, linker_options, executable_file +): source_files = [_quotify(f) for f in source_files] - object_files = [ - _quotify('{}.o'.format(os.path.basename(f))) for f in source_files - ] - source_indexes = ['{:02d}'.format(i + 1) for i in range(len(source_files))] + object_files = [_quotify("{}.o".format(os.path.basename(f))) for f in source_files] + source_indexes = ["{:02d}".format(i + 1) for i in range(len(source_files))] env_variables = {} - env_variables['SOURCE_INDEXES'] = ' '.join(source_indexes) - env_variables['SOURCE_FILES'] = ' '.join(source_files) - env_variables['OBJECT_FILES'] = ' '.join(object_files) - env_variables['LINKER_OPTIONS'] = linker_options + env_variables["SOURCE_INDEXES"] = " ".join(source_indexes) + env_variables["SOURCE_FILES"] = " ".join(source_files) + env_variables["OBJECT_FILES"] = " ".join(object_files) + env_variables["LINKER_OPTIONS"] = linker_options for i, _ in enumerate(source_files): index = source_indexes[i] - env_variables['SOURCE_FILE_{}'.format(index)] = source_files[i] - env_variables['OBJECT_FILE_{}'.format(index)] = object_files[i] - env_variables['COMPILER_OPTIONS_{}'.format(index)] = compiler_options[i] + env_variables["SOURCE_FILE_{}".format(index)] = source_files[i] + env_variables["OBJECT_FILE_{}".format(index)] = object_files[i] + env_variables["COMPILER_OPTIONS_{}".format(index)] = compiler_options[i] - env_variables['EXECUTABLE_FILE'] = executable_file + env_variables["EXECUTABLE_FILE"] = executable_file return env_variables -def run_external_build_script(context, script_path, source_files, - compiler_options, linker_options, - executable_file): +def run_external_build_script( + context, + script_path, + source_files, + compiler_options, + linker_options, + executable_file, +): """Build an executable using a builder script. The executable is saved to `context.working_directory.path`. @@ -63,57 +67,61 @@ cflags=compiler_options, ldflags=linker_options, ) - assert len(source_files) == len(compiler_options), (source_files, - compiler_options) + assert len(source_files) == len(compiler_options), (source_files, compiler_options) - script_environ = _get_script_environment(source_files, compiler_options, - linker_options, executable_file) + script_environ = _get_script_environment( + source_files, compiler_options, linker_options, executable_file + ) env = dict(os.environ) env.update(script_environ) try: - with Timer('running build script'): + with Timer("running build script"): process = subprocess.Popen( [script_path], cwd=context.working_directory.path, env=env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, - stderr=subprocess.PIPE) + stderr=subprocess.PIPE, + ) out, err = process.communicate() returncode = process.returncode - out = out.decode('utf-8') - err = err.decode('utf-8') + out = out.decode("utf-8") + err = err.decode("utf-8") if returncode != 0: raise BuildScriptException( - '{}: failed with returncode {}.\nstdout:\n{}\n\nstderr:\n{}\n'. - format(script_path, returncode, out, err), - script_error=err) + "{}: failed with returncode {}.\nstdout:\n{}\n\nstderr:\n{}\n".format( + script_path, returncode, out, err + ), + script_error=err, + ) return out, err, builderIR except OSError as e: - raise BuildScriptException('{}: {}'.format(e.strerror, script_path)) + raise BuildScriptException("{}: {}".format(e.strerror, script_path)) class TestBuilder(unittest.TestCase): def test_get_script_environment(self): - source_files = ['a.a', 'b.b'] - compiler_options = ['-option1 value1', '-option2 value2'] - linker_options = '-optionX valueX' - executable_file = 'exe.exe' - env = _get_script_environment(source_files, compiler_options, - linker_options, executable_file) + source_files = ["a.a", "b.b"] + compiler_options = ["-option1 value1", "-option2 value2"] + linker_options = "-optionX valueX" + executable_file = "exe.exe" + env = _get_script_environment( + source_files, compiler_options, linker_options, executable_file + ) - assert env['SOURCE_FILES'] == 'a.a b.b' - assert env['OBJECT_FILES'] == 'a.a.o b.b.o' + assert env["SOURCE_FILES"] == "a.a b.b" + assert env["OBJECT_FILES"] == "a.a.o b.b.o" - assert env['SOURCE_INDEXES'] == '01 02' - assert env['LINKER_OPTIONS'] == '-optionX valueX' + assert env["SOURCE_INDEXES"] == "01 02" + assert env["LINKER_OPTIONS"] == "-optionX valueX" - assert env['SOURCE_FILE_01'] == 'a.a' - assert env['SOURCE_FILE_02'] == 'b.b' + assert env["SOURCE_FILE_01"] == "a.a" + assert env["SOURCE_FILE_02"] == "b.b" - assert env['OBJECT_FILE_01'] == 'a.a.o' - assert env['OBJECT_FILE_02'] == 'b.b.o' + assert env["OBJECT_FILE_01"] == "a.a.o" + assert env["OBJECT_FILE_02"] == "b.b.o" - assert env['EXECUTABLE_FILE'] == 'exe.exe' + assert env["EXECUTABLE_FILE"] == "exe.exe" - assert env['COMPILER_OPTIONS_01'] == '-option1 value1' - assert env['COMPILER_OPTIONS_02'] == '-option2 value2' + assert env["COMPILER_OPTIONS_01"] == "-option1 value1" + assert env["COMPILER_OPTIONS_02"] == "-option2 value2" diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/builder/ParserOptions.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/builder/ParserOptions.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/builder/ParserOptions.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/builder/ParserOptions.py @@ -21,17 +21,18 @@ try: return _find_build_scripts.cached except AttributeError: - scripts_directory = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'scripts') + scripts_directory = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "scripts") if is_native_windows(): - scripts_directory = os.path.join(scripts_directory, 'windows') + scripts_directory = os.path.join(scripts_directory, "windows") else: - scripts_directory = os.path.join(scripts_directory, 'posix') + scripts_directory = os.path.join(scripts_directory, "posix") assert os.path.isdir(scripts_directory), scripts_directory results = {} for f in os.listdir(scripts_directory): results[os.path.splitext(f)[0]] = os.path.abspath( - os.path.join(scripts_directory, f)) + os.path.join(scripts_directory, f) + ) _find_build_scripts.cached = results return results @@ -39,20 +40,23 @@ def add_builder_tool_arguments(parser): build_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) - build_group.add_argument('--binary', - metavar="", - help='provide binary file instead of --builder') + build_group.add_argument( + "--binary", metavar="", help="provide binary file instead of --builder" + ) build_group.add_argument( - '--builder', + "--builder", type=str, choices=sorted(_find_build_scripts().keys()), - help='test builder to use') - build_group.add_argument('--vs-solution', metavar="", - help='provide a path to an already existing visual studio solution.') - parser.add_argument( - '--cflags', type=str, default='', help='compiler flags') - parser.add_argument('--ldflags', type=str, default='', help='linker flags') + help="test builder to use", + ) + build_group.add_argument( + "--vs-solution", + metavar="", + help="provide a path to an already existing visual studio solution.", + ) + parser.add_argument("--cflags", type=str, default="", help="compiler flags") + parser.add_argument("--ldflags", type=str, default="", help="linker flags") def handle_builder_tool_options(context: Context) -> str: diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/CommandBase.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/CommandBase.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/CommandBase.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/CommandBase.py @@ -13,13 +13,14 @@ from collections import namedtuple from typing import List -StepExpectInfo = namedtuple('StepExpectInfo', 'expression, path, frame_idx, line_range') +StepExpectInfo = namedtuple("StepExpectInfo", "expression, path, frame_idx, line_range") + class CommandBase(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): def __init__(self): self.path = None self.lineno = None - self.raw_text = '' + self.raw_text = "" def get_label_args(self): return list() diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/ParseCommand.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/ParseCommand.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/ParseCommand.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/ParseCommand.py @@ -26,7 +26,10 @@ from dex.command.commands.DexExpectStepOrder import DexExpectStepOrder from dex.command.commands.DexExpectWatchType import DexExpectWatchType from dex.command.commands.DexExpectWatchValue import DexExpectWatchValue -from dex.command.commands.DexExpectWatchBase import AddressExpression, DexExpectWatchBase +from dex.command.commands.DexExpectWatchBase import ( + AddressExpression, + DexExpectWatchBase, +) from dex.command.commands.DexLabel import DexLabel from dex.command.commands.DexLimitSteps import DexLimitSteps from dex.command.commands.DexFinishTest import DexFinishTest @@ -35,6 +38,7 @@ from dex.utils import Timer from dex.utils.Exceptions import CommandParseError, DebuggerException + def _get_valid_commands(): """Return all top level DExTer test commands. @@ -42,19 +46,19 @@ { name (str): command (class) } """ return { - DexCommandLine.get_name() : DexCommandLine, - DexDeclareAddress.get_name() : DexDeclareAddress, - DexDeclareFile.get_name() : DexDeclareFile, - DexExpectProgramState.get_name() : DexExpectProgramState, - DexExpectStepKind.get_name() : DexExpectStepKind, - DexExpectStepOrder.get_name() : DexExpectStepOrder, - DexExpectWatchType.get_name() : DexExpectWatchType, - DexExpectWatchValue.get_name() : DexExpectWatchValue, - DexLabel.get_name() : DexLabel, - DexLimitSteps.get_name() : DexLimitSteps, - DexFinishTest.get_name() : DexFinishTest, - DexUnreachable.get_name() : DexUnreachable, - DexWatch.get_name() : DexWatch + DexCommandLine.get_name(): DexCommandLine, + DexDeclareAddress.get_name(): DexDeclareAddress, + DexDeclareFile.get_name(): DexDeclareFile, + DexExpectProgramState.get_name(): DexExpectProgramState, + DexExpectStepKind.get_name(): DexExpectStepKind, + DexExpectStepOrder.get_name(): DexExpectStepOrder, + DexExpectWatchType.get_name(): DexExpectWatchType, + DexExpectWatchValue.get_name(): DexExpectWatchValue, + DexLabel.get_name(): DexLabel, + DexLimitSteps.get_name(): DexLimitSteps, + DexFinishTest.get_name(): DexFinishTest, + DexUnreachable.get_name(): DexUnreachable, + DexWatch.get_name(): DexWatch, } @@ -63,7 +67,7 @@ command_raw on the first opening paranthesis and further stripping any potential leading or trailing whitespace. """ - return command_raw.split('(', 1)[0].rstrip() + return command_raw.split("(", 1)[0].rstrip() def _merge_subcommands(command_name: str, valid_commands: dict) -> dict: @@ -74,11 +78,13 @@ """ subcommands = valid_commands[command_name].get_subcommands() if subcommands: - return { **valid_commands, **subcommands } + return {**valid_commands, **subcommands} return valid_commands -def _build_command(command_type, labels, addresses, raw_text: str, path: str, lineno: str) -> CommandBase: +def _build_command( + command_type, labels, addresses, raw_text: str, path: str, lineno: str +) -> CommandBase: """Build a command object from raw text. This function will call eval(). @@ -89,23 +95,26 @@ Returns: A dexter command object. """ + def label_to_line(label_name: str) -> int: line = labels.get(label_name, None) if line != None: return line raise format_unresolved_label_err(label_name, raw_text, path, lineno) - def get_address_object(address_name: str, offset: int=0): + def get_address_object(address_name: str, offset: int = 0): if address_name not in addresses: raise format_undeclared_address_err(address_name, raw_text, path, lineno) return AddressExpression(address_name, offset) valid_commands = _merge_subcommands( - command_type.get_name(), { - 'ref': label_to_line, - 'address': get_address_object, + command_type.get_name(), + { + "ref": label_to_line, + "address": get_address_object, command_type.get_name(): command_type, - }) + }, + ) # pylint: disable=eval-used command = eval(raw_text, valid_commands) @@ -130,7 +139,7 @@ idx = line.find(command, start) if idx != -1: # Ignore escaped '\' commands. - if idx > 0 and line[idx - 1] == '\\': + if idx > 0 and line[idx - 1] == "\\": continue return idx return -1 @@ -158,17 +167,17 @@ """ for end in range(start, len(line)): ch = line[end] - if ch == '(': + if ch == "(": paren_balance += 1 - elif ch == ')': - paren_balance -=1 + elif ch == ")": + paren_balance -= 1 if paren_balance == 0: break end += 1 return (end, paren_balance) -class TextPoint(): +class TextPoint: def __init__(self, line, char): self.line = line self.char = char @@ -180,37 +189,45 @@ return self.char + 1 -def format_unresolved_label_err(label: str, src: str, filename: str, lineno) -> CommandParseError: +def format_unresolved_label_err( + label: str, src: str, filename: str, lineno +) -> CommandParseError: err = CommandParseError() err.src = src - err.caret = '' # Don't bother trying to point to the bad label. + err.caret = "" # Don't bother trying to point to the bad label. err.filename = filename err.lineno = lineno - err.info = f'Unresolved label: \'{label}\'' + err.info = f"Unresolved label: '{label}'" return err -def format_undeclared_address_err(address: str, src: str, filename: str, lineno) -> CommandParseError: + +def format_undeclared_address_err( + address: str, src: str, filename: str, lineno +) -> CommandParseError: err = CommandParseError() err.src = src - err.caret = '' # Don't bother trying to point to the bad address. + err.caret = "" # Don't bother trying to point to the bad address. err.filename = filename err.lineno = lineno - err.info = f'Undeclared address: \'{address}\'' + err.info = f"Undeclared address: '{address}'" return err -def format_parse_err(msg: str, path: str, lines: list, point: TextPoint) -> CommandParseError: + +def format_parse_err( + msg: str, path: str, lines: list, point: TextPoint +) -> CommandParseError: err = CommandParseError() err.filename = path err.src = lines[point.line].rstrip() err.lineno = point.get_lineno() err.info = msg - err.caret = '{}^'.format(' ' * (point.char)) + err.caret = "{}^".format(" " * (point.char)) return err def skip_horizontal_whitespace(line, point): - for idx, char in enumerate(line[point.char:]): - if char not in ' \t': + for idx, char in enumerate(line[point.char :]): + if char not in " \t": point.char += idx return @@ -219,34 +236,36 @@ # Enforce unique line labels. if label.eval() in labels: err = CommandParseError() - err.info = f'Found duplicate line label: \'{label.eval()}\'' + err.info = f"Found duplicate line label: '{label.eval()}'" err.lineno = cmd_lineno err.filename = cmd_path err.src = label.raw_text # Don't both trying to point to it since we're only printing the raw # command, which isn't much text. - err.caret = '' + err.caret = "" raise err labels[label.eval()] = label.get_line() + def add_address(addresses, address, cmd_path, cmd_lineno): # Enforce unique address variables. address_name = address.get_address_name() if address_name in addresses: err = CommandParseError() - err.info = f'Found duplicate address: \'{address_name}\'' + err.info = f"Found duplicate address: '{address_name}'" err.lineno = cmd_lineno err.filename = cmd_path err.src = address.raw_text # Don't both trying to point to it since we're only printing the raw # command, which isn't much text. - err.caret = '' + err.caret = "" raise err addresses.append(address_name) + def _find_all_commands_in_file(path, file_lines, valid_commands, source_root_dir): - labels = {} # dict of {name: line}. - addresses = [] # list of addresses. + labels = {} # dict of {name: line}. + addresses = [] # list of addresses. address_resolutions = {} cmd_path = path declared_files = set() @@ -262,23 +281,30 @@ while True: # If parens are currently balanced we can look for a new command. if paren_balance == 0: - region_start.char = _search_line_for_cmd_start(line, region_start.char, valid_commands) + region_start.char = _search_line_for_cmd_start( + line, region_start.char, valid_commands + ) if region_start.char == -1: - break # Read next line. + break # Read next line. - command_name = _get_command_name(line[region_start.char:]) + command_name = _get_command_name(line[region_start.char :]) cmd_point = copy(region_start) cmd_text_list = [command_name] - region_start.char += len(command_name) # Start searching for parens after cmd. + region_start.char += len( + command_name + ) # Start searching for parens after cmd. skip_horizontal_whitespace(line, region_start) - if region_start.char >= len(line) or line[region_start.char] != '(': + if region_start.char >= len(line) or line[region_start.char] != "(": raise format_parse_err( - "Missing open parenthesis", path, file_lines, region_start) + "Missing open parenthesis", path, file_lines, region_start + ) - end, paren_balance = _search_line_for_cmd_end(line, region_start.char, paren_balance) + end, paren_balance = _search_line_for_cmd_end( + line, region_start.char, paren_balance + ) # Add this text blob to the command. - cmd_text_list.append(line[region_start.char:end]) + cmd_text_list.append(line[region_start.char : end]) # Move parse ptr to end of line or parens. region_start.char = end @@ -302,8 +328,8 @@ # This err should point to the problem line. err_point = copy(cmd_point) # To e the command start is the absolute start, so use as offset. - err_point.line += e.lineno - 1 # e.lineno is a position, not index. - err_point.char += e.offset - 1 # e.offset is a position, not index. + err_point.line += e.lineno - 1 # e.lineno is a position, not index. + err_point.char += e.offset - 1 # e.offset is a position, not index. raise format_parse_err(e.msg, path, file_lines, err_point) except TypeError as e: # This err should always point to the end of the command name. @@ -322,18 +348,23 @@ elif type(command) is DexDeclareFile: cmd_path = command.declared_file if not os.path.isabs(cmd_path): - source_dir = (source_root_dir if source_root_dir else - os.path.dirname(path)) + source_dir = ( + source_root_dir + if source_root_dir + else os.path.dirname(path) + ) cmd_path = os.path.join(source_dir, cmd_path) # TODO: keep stored paths as PurePaths for 'longer'. cmd_path = str(PurePath(cmd_path)) declared_files.add(cmd_path) - elif type(command) is DexCommandLine and 'DexCommandLine' in commands: + elif type(command) is DexCommandLine and "DexCommandLine" in commands: msg = "More than one DexCommandLine in file" raise format_parse_err(msg, path, file_lines, err_point) assert (path, cmd_point) not in commands[command_name], ( - command_name, commands[command_name]) + command_name, + commands[command_name], + ) commands[command_name][path, cmd_point] = command if paren_balance != 0: @@ -344,6 +375,7 @@ raise format_parse_err(msg, path, file_lines, err_point) return dict(commands), declared_files + def _find_all_commands(test_files, source_root_dir): commands = defaultdict(dict) valid_commands = _get_valid_commands() @@ -352,28 +384,32 @@ with open(test_file) as fp: lines = fp.readlines() file_commands, declared_files = _find_all_commands_in_file( - test_file, lines, valid_commands, source_root_dir) + test_file, lines, valid_commands, source_root_dir + ) for command_name in file_commands: commands[command_name].update(file_commands[command_name]) new_source_files |= declared_files return dict(commands), new_source_files + def get_command_infos(test_files, source_root_dir): - with Timer('parsing commands'): - try: - commands, new_source_files = _find_all_commands(test_files, source_root_dir) - command_infos = OrderedDict() - for command_type in commands: - for command in commands[command_type].values(): - if command_type not in command_infos: - command_infos[command_type] = [] - command_infos[command_type].append(command) - return OrderedDict(command_infos), new_source_files - except CommandParseError as e: - msg = 'parser error: {}({}): {}\n{}\n{}\n'.format( - e.filename, e.lineno, e.info, e.src, e.caret) - raise DebuggerException(msg) + with Timer("parsing commands"): + try: + commands, new_source_files = _find_all_commands(test_files, source_root_dir) + command_infos = OrderedDict() + for command_type in commands: + for command in commands[command_type].values(): + if command_type not in command_infos: + command_infos[command_type] = [] + command_infos[command_type].append(command) + return OrderedDict(command_infos), new_source_files + except CommandParseError as e: + msg = "parser error: {}({}): {}\n{}\n{}\n".format( + e.filename, e.lineno, e.info, e.src, e.caret + ) + raise DebuggerException(msg) + class TestParseCommand(unittest.TestCase): class MockCmd(CommandBase): @@ -384,7 +420,7 @@ """ def __init__(self, *args): - self.value = args[0] + self.value = args[0] def get_name(): return __class__.__name__ @@ -392,25 +428,24 @@ def eval(this): pass - def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args) self.valid_commands = { - TestParseCommand.MockCmd.get_name() : TestParseCommand.MockCmd + TestParseCommand.MockCmd.get_name(): TestParseCommand.MockCmd } - def _find_all_commands_in_lines(self, lines): """Use DExTer parsing methods to find all the mock commands in lines. Returns: { cmd_name: { (path, line): command_obj } } """ - cmds, declared_files = _find_all_commands_in_file(__file__, lines, self.valid_commands, None) + cmds, declared_files = _find_all_commands_in_file( + __file__, lines, self.valid_commands, None + ) return cmds - def _find_all_mock_values_in_lines(self, lines): """Use DExTer parsing methods to find all mock command values in lines. @@ -421,36 +456,34 @@ mocks = cmds.get(TestParseCommand.MockCmd.get_name(), None) return [v.value for v in mocks.values()] if mocks else [] - def test_parse_inline(self): """Commands can be embedded in other text.""" lines = [ 'MockCmd("START") Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur\n', 'adipiscing elit, MockCmd("EMBEDDED") sed doeiusmod tempor,\n', - 'incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.\n' + "incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.\n", ] values = self._find_all_mock_values_in_lines(lines) - self.assertTrue('START' in values) - self.assertTrue('EMBEDDED' in values) - + self.assertTrue("START" in values) + self.assertTrue("EMBEDDED" in values) def test_parse_multi_line_comment(self): """Multi-line commands can embed comments.""" lines = [ - 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur\n', - 'adipiscing elit, sed doeiusmod tempor,\n', - 'incididunt ut labore et MockCmd(\n', + "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur\n", + "adipiscing elit, sed doeiusmod tempor,\n", + "incididunt ut labore et MockCmd(\n", ' "WITH_COMMENT" # THIS IS A COMMENT\n', - ') dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim\n', + ") dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim\n", ] values = self._find_all_mock_values_in_lines(lines) - self.assertTrue('WITH_COMMENT' in values) + self.assertTrue("WITH_COMMENT" in values) def test_parse_empty(self): """Empty files are silently ignored.""" @@ -462,7 +495,7 @@ def test_parse_bad_whitespace(self): """Throw exception when parsing badly formed whitespace.""" lines = [ - 'MockCmd\n', + "MockCmd\n", '("XFAIL_CMD_LF_PAREN")\n', ] @@ -478,42 +511,38 @@ 'MockCmd\t\t("TABS")\n', 'MockCmd( "ARG_SPACE" )\n', 'MockCmd(\t\t"ARG_TABS"\t\t)\n', - 'MockCmd(\n', + "MockCmd(\n", '"CMD_PAREN_LF")\n', ] values = self._find_all_mock_values_in_lines(lines) - self.assertTrue('NONE' in values) - self.assertTrue('SPACE' in values) - self.assertTrue('TABS' in values) - self.assertTrue('ARG_SPACE' in values) - self.assertTrue('ARG_TABS' in values) - self.assertTrue('CMD_PAREN_LF' in values) - + self.assertTrue("NONE" in values) + self.assertTrue("SPACE" in values) + self.assertTrue("TABS" in values) + self.assertTrue("ARG_SPACE" in values) + self.assertTrue("ARG_TABS" in values) + self.assertTrue("CMD_PAREN_LF" in values) def test_parse_share_line(self): """More than one command can appear on one line.""" lines = [ 'MockCmd("START") MockCmd("CONSECUTIVE") words ' - 'MockCmd("EMBEDDED") more words\n' + 'MockCmd("EMBEDDED") more words\n' ] values = self._find_all_mock_values_in_lines(lines) - self.assertTrue('START' in values) - self.assertTrue('CONSECUTIVE' in values) - self.assertTrue('EMBEDDED' in values) - + self.assertTrue("START" in values) + self.assertTrue("CONSECUTIVE" in values) + self.assertTrue("EMBEDDED" in values) def test_parse_escaped(self): """Escaped commands are ignored.""" - lines = [ - 'words \MockCmd("IGNORED") words words words\n' - ] + lines = ['words \MockCmd("IGNORED") words words words\n'] values = self._find_all_mock_values_in_lines(lines) - self.assertFalse('IGNORED' in values) + self.assertFalse("IGNORED" in values) diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/StepValueInfo.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/StepValueInfo.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/StepValueInfo.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/StepValueInfo.py @@ -13,11 +13,15 @@ self.expected_value = expected_value def __str__(self): - return '{}:{}: expected value:{}'.format(self.step_index, self.watch_info, self.expected_value) + return "{}:{}: expected value:{}".format( + self.step_index, self.watch_info, self.expected_value + ) def __eq__(self, other): - return (self.watch_info.expression == other.watch_info.expression - and self.expected_value == other.expected_value) + return ( + self.watch_info.expression == other.watch_info.expression + and self.expected_value == other.expected_value + ) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.watch_info.expression, self.expected_value) diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexCommandLine.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexCommandLine.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexCommandLine.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexCommandLine.py @@ -9,18 +9,21 @@ from dex.command.CommandBase import CommandBase + class DexCommandLine(CommandBase): def __init__(self, the_cmdline): if type(the_cmdline) is not list: - raise TypeError('Expected list, got {}'.format(type(the_cmdline))) + raise TypeError("Expected list, got {}".format(type(the_cmdline))) for x in the_cmdline: - if type(x) is not str: - raise TypeError('Command line element "{}" has type {}'.format(x, type(x))) + if type(x) is not str: + raise TypeError( + 'Command line element "{}" has type {}'.format(x, type(x)) + ) self.the_cmdline = the_cmdline super(DexCommandLine, self).__init__() def eval(self): - raise NotImplementedError('DexCommandLine commands cannot be evaled.') + raise NotImplementedError("DexCommandLine commands cannot be evaled.") @staticmethod def get_name(): diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexDeclareAddress.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexDeclareAddress.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexDeclareAddress.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexDeclareAddress.py @@ -12,16 +12,17 @@ from dex.command.CommandBase import CommandBase, StepExpectInfo + class DexDeclareAddress(CommandBase): def __init__(self, addr_name, expression, **kwargs): if not isinstance(addr_name, str): - raise TypeError('invalid argument type') + raise TypeError("invalid argument type") self.addr_name = addr_name self.expression = expression - self.on_line = kwargs.pop('on_line') - self.hit_count = kwargs.pop('hit_count', 0) + self.on_line = kwargs.pop("on_line") + self.hit_count = kwargs.pop("hit_count", 0) self.address_resolutions = None @@ -32,7 +33,11 @@ return __class__.__name__ def get_watches(self): - return [StepExpectInfo(self.expression, self.path, 0, range(self.on_line, self.on_line + 1))] + return [ + StepExpectInfo( + self.expression, self.path, 0, range(self.on_line, self.on_line + 1) + ) + ] def get_address_name(self): return self.addr_name @@ -42,9 +47,12 @@ for step in step_collection.steps: loc = step.current_location - if (loc.path and self.path and - PurePath(loc.path) == PurePath(self.path) and - loc.lineno == self.on_line): + if ( + loc.path + and self.path + and PurePath(loc.path) == PurePath(self.path) + and loc.lineno == self.on_line + ): if self.hit_count > 0: self.hit_count -= 1 continue diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexDeclareFile.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexDeclareFile.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexDeclareFile.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexDeclareFile.py @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ def __init__(self, declared_file): if not isinstance(declared_file, str): - raise TypeError('invalid argument type') + raise TypeError("invalid argument type") # Use PurePath to create a cannonical platform path. # TODO: keep paths as PurePath objects for 'longer' diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexExpectProgramState.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexExpectProgramState.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexExpectProgramState.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexExpectProgramState.py @@ -13,18 +13,21 @@ from dex.command.CommandBase import CommandBase, StepExpectInfo from dex.dextIR import ProgramState, SourceLocation, StackFrame, DextIR + def frame_from_dict(source: dict) -> StackFrame: - if 'location' in source: - assert isinstance(source['location'], dict) - source['location'] = SourceLocation(**source['location']) + if "location" in source: + assert isinstance(source["location"], dict) + source["location"] = SourceLocation(**source["location"]) return StackFrame(**source) + def state_from_dict(source: dict) -> ProgramState: - if 'frames' in source: - assert isinstance(source['frames'], list) - source['frames'] = list(map(frame_from_dict, source['frames'])) + if "frames" in source: + assert isinstance(source["frames"], list) + source["frames"] = list(map(frame_from_dict, source["frames"])) return ProgramState(**source) + class DexExpectProgramState(CommandBase): """Expect to see a given program `state` a certain numer of `times`. @@ -35,16 +38,15 @@ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) != 1: - raise TypeError('expected exactly one unnamed arg') + raise TypeError("expected exactly one unnamed arg") self.program_state_text = str(args[0]) self.expected_program_state = state_from_dict(args[0]) - self.times = kwargs.pop('times', -1) + self.times = kwargs.pop("times", -1) if kwargs: - raise TypeError('unexpected named args: {}'.format( - ', '.join(kwargs))) + raise TypeError("unexpected named args: {}".format(", ".join(kwargs))) # Step indices at which the expected program state was encountered. self.encounters = [] @@ -58,18 +60,23 @@ def get_watches(self): frame_expects = set() for idx, frame in enumerate(self.expected_program_state.frames): - path = (frame.location.path if - frame.location and frame.location.path else self.path) + path = ( + frame.location.path + if frame.location and frame.location.path + else self.path + ) line_range = ( range(frame.location.lineno, frame.location.lineno + 1) - if frame.location and frame.location.lineno else None) + if frame.location and frame.location.lineno + else None + ) for watch in frame.watches: frame_expects.add( StepExpectInfo( expression=watch, path=path, frame_idx=idx, - line_range=line_range + line_range=line_range, ) ) return frame_expects @@ -79,4 +86,6 @@ if self.expected_program_state.match(step.program_state): self.encounters.append(step.step_index) - return self.times < 0 < len(self.encounters) or len(self.encounters) == self.times + return ( + self.times < 0 < len(self.encounters) or len(self.encounters) == self.times + ) diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexExpectStepKind.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexExpectStepKind.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexExpectStepKind.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexExpectStepKind.py @@ -21,13 +21,16 @@ def __init__(self, *args): if len(args) != 2: - raise TypeError('expected two args') + raise TypeError("expected two args") try: step_kind = StepKind[args[0]] except KeyError: - raise TypeError('expected arg 0 to be one of {}'.format( - [kind for kind, _ in StepKind.__members__.items()])) + raise TypeError( + "expected arg 0 to be one of {}".format( + [kind for kind, _ in StepKind.__members__.items()] + ) + ) self.name = step_kind self.count = args[1] diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexExpectStepOrder.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexExpectStepOrder.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexExpectStepOrder.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexExpectStepOrder.py @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ from dex.dextIR import LocIR from dex.dextIR import ValueIR + class DexExpectStepOrder(CommandBase): """Expect the line every `DexExpectStepOrder` is found on to be stepped on in `order`. Each instance must have a set of unique ascending indicies. @@ -20,14 +21,16 @@ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if not args: - raise TypeError('Need at least one order number') + raise TypeError("Need at least one order number") - if 'on_line' in kwargs: + if "on_line" in kwargs: try: - on_line = kwargs.pop('on_line') + on_line = kwargs.pop("on_line") self.on_line = int(on_line) except ValueError: - raise ValueError('on_line value \'{0}\' cannot be parsed to an integer'.format(on_line)) + raise ValueError( + "on_line value '{0}' cannot be parsed to an integer".format(on_line) + ) self.sequence = [int(x) for x in args] super(DexExpectStepOrder, self).__init__() @@ -36,12 +39,17 @@ return __class__.__name__ def get_line(self): - return self.on_line if hasattr(self, 'on_line') else self.lineno + return self.on_line if hasattr(self, "on_line") else self.lineno def eval(self, step_info): - return {'DexExpectStepOrder': ValueIR(expression=str(step_info.current_location.lineno), - value=str(step_info.step_index), type_name=None, - error_string=None, - could_evaluate=True, - is_optimized_away=True, - is_irretrievable=False)} + return { + "DexExpectStepOrder": ValueIR( + expression=str(step_info.current_location.lineno), + value=str(step_info.step_index), + type_name=None, + error_string=None, + could_evaluate=True, + is_optimized_away=True, + is_irretrievable=False, + ) + } diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexExpectWatchBase.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexExpectWatchBase.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexExpectWatchBase.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexExpectWatchBase.py @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ from dex.command.StepValueInfo import StepValueInfo from dex.utils.Exceptions import NonFloatValueInCommand + class AddressExpression(object): def __init__(self, name, offset=0): self.name = name @@ -36,37 +37,47 @@ # Technically we should fill(8) if we're debugging on a 32bit architecture? return format_address(resolutions[self.name] + self.offset) + def format_address(value, address_width=64): - return "0x" + hex(value)[2:].zfill(math.ceil(address_width/4)) + return "0x" + hex(value)[2:].zfill(math.ceil(address_width / 4)) + def resolved_value(value, resolutions): - return value.resolved_value(resolutions) if isinstance(value, AddressExpression) else value + return ( + value.resolved_value(resolutions) + if isinstance(value, AddressExpression) + else value + ) + class DexExpectWatchBase(CommandBase): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) < 2: - raise TypeError('expected at least two args') + raise TypeError("expected at least two args") self.expression = args[0] - self.values = [arg if isinstance(arg, AddressExpression) else str(arg) for arg in args[1:]] + self.values = [ + arg if isinstance(arg, AddressExpression) else str(arg) for arg in args[1:] + ] try: - on_line = kwargs.pop('on_line') + on_line = kwargs.pop("on_line") self._from_line = on_line self._to_line = on_line except KeyError: - self._from_line = kwargs.pop('from_line', 1) - self._to_line = kwargs.pop('to_line', 999999) - self._require_in_order = kwargs.pop('require_in_order', True) - self.float_range = kwargs.pop('float_range', None) + self._from_line = kwargs.pop("from_line", 1) + self._to_line = kwargs.pop("to_line", 999999) + self._require_in_order = kwargs.pop("require_in_order", True) + self.float_range = kwargs.pop("float_range", None) if self.float_range is not None: for value in self.values: try: float(value) except ValueError: - raise NonFloatValueInCommand(f'Non-float value \'{value}\' when float_range arg provided') + raise NonFloatValueInCommand( + f"Non-float value '{value}' when float_range arg provided" + ) if kwargs: - raise TypeError('unexpected named args: {}'.format( - ', '.join(kwargs))) + raise TypeError("unexpected named args: {}".format(", ".join(kwargs))) # Number of times that this watch has been encountered. self.times_encountered = 0 @@ -108,7 +119,11 @@ super(DexExpectWatchBase, self).__init__() def resolve_value(self, value): - return value.resolved_value(self.address_resolutions) if isinstance(value, AddressExpression) else value + return ( + value.resolved_value(self.address_resolutions) + if isinstance(value, AddressExpression) + else value + ) def describe_value(self, value): if isinstance(value, AddressExpression): @@ -117,14 +132,18 @@ offset = f"+{value.offset}" elif value.offset < 0: offset = str(value.offset) - desc = f"address '{value.name}'{offset}" + desc = f"address '{value.name}'{offset}" if self.resolve_value(value) is not None: desc += f" ({self.resolve_value(value)})" return desc return value def get_watches(self): - return [StepExpectInfo(self.expression, self.path, 0, range(self._from_line, self._to_line + 1))] + return [ + StepExpectInfo( + self.expression, self.path, 0, range(self._from_line, self._to_line + 1) + ) + ] @property def line_range(self): @@ -136,12 +155,18 @@ @property def encountered_values(self): - return sorted(list(set(self.describe_value(v) for v in set(self.values) - self._missing_values))) + return sorted( + list( + set( + self.describe_value(v) + for v in set(self.values) - self._missing_values + ) + ) + ) @abc.abstractmethod def _get_expected_field(self, watch): - """Return a field from watch that this ExpectWatch command is checking. - """ + """Return a field from watch that this ExpectWatch command is checking.""" def _match_expected_floating_point(self, value): """Checks to see whether value is a float that falls within the @@ -155,13 +180,13 @@ possible_values = self.values for expected in possible_values: - try: - expected_as_float = float(expected) - difference = abs(value_as_float - expected_as_float) - if difference <= self.float_range: - return expected - except ValueError: - pass + try: + expected_as_float = float(expected) + difference = abs(value_as_float - expected_as_float) + if difference <= self.float_range: + return expected + except ValueError: + pass return value def _maybe_fix_float(self, value): @@ -190,9 +215,11 @@ # Check to see if this value matches with a resolved address. matching_address = None for v in self.values: - if (isinstance(v, AddressExpression) and - v.name in self.address_resolutions and - self.resolve_value(v) == expected_value): + if ( + isinstance(v, AddressExpression) + and v.name in self.address_resolutions + and self.resolve_value(v) == expected_value + ): matching_address = v break @@ -203,7 +230,9 @@ return self.expected_watches.append(step_info) - value_to_remove = matching_address if matching_address is not None else expected_value + value_to_remove = ( + matching_address if matching_address is not None else expected_value + ) try: self._missing_values.remove(value_to_remove) except KeyError: @@ -214,20 +243,23 @@ or not. """ differences = [] - actual_values = [self._maybe_fix_float(w.expected_value) for w in actual_watches] - value_differences = list(difflib.Differ().compare(actual_values, - expected_values)) + actual_values = [ + self._maybe_fix_float(w.expected_value) for w in actual_watches + ] + value_differences = list( + difflib.Differ().compare(actual_values, expected_values) + ) missing_value = False index = 0 for vd in value_differences: kind = vd[0] - if kind == '+': + if kind == "+": # A value that is encountered in the expected list but not in the # actual list. We'll keep a note that something is wrong and flag # the next value that matches as misordered. missing_value = True - elif kind == ' ': + elif kind == " ": # This value is as expected. It might still be wrong if we've # previously encountered a value that is in the expected list but # not the actual list. @@ -235,13 +267,13 @@ missing_value = False differences.append(actual_watches[index]) index += 1 - elif kind == '-': + elif kind == "-": # A value that is encountered in the actual list but not the # expected list. differences.append(actual_watches[index]) index += 1 else: - assert False, 'unexpected diff:{}'.format(vd) + assert False, "unexpected diff:{}".format(vd) return differences @@ -249,17 +281,19 @@ for step in step_collection.steps: loc = step.current_location - if (loc.path and self.path and - PurePath(loc.path) == PurePath(self.path) and - loc.lineno in self.line_range): + if ( + loc.path + and self.path + and PurePath(loc.path) == PurePath(self.path) + and loc.lineno in self.line_range + ): try: watch = step.program_state.frames[0].watches[self.expression] except KeyError: pass else: expected_field = self._get_expected_field(watch) - step_info = StepValueInfo(step.step_index, watch, - expected_field) + step_info = StepValueInfo(step.step_index, watch, expected_field) self._handle_watch(step_info) if self._require_in_order: @@ -276,6 +310,6 @@ resolved_values = [self.resolve_value(v) for v in self.values] self.misordered_watches = self._check_watch_order( - value_change_watches, [ - v for v in resolved_values if v in all_expected_values - ]) + value_change_watches, + [v for v in resolved_values if v in all_expected_values], + ) diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexExpectWatchType.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexExpectWatchType.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexExpectWatchType.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexExpectWatchType.py @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ from dex.command.commands.DexExpectWatchBase import DexExpectWatchBase + class DexExpectWatchType(DexExpectWatchBase): """Expect the expression `expr` to evaluate be evaluated and have each evaluation's type checked against the list of `types`. @@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ See Commands.md for more info. """ + @staticmethod def get_name(): return __class__.__name__ diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexExpectWatchValue.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexExpectWatchValue.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexExpectWatchValue.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexExpectWatchValue.py @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ from dex.command.commands.DexExpectWatchBase import DexExpectWatchBase + class DexExpectWatchValue(DexExpectWatchBase): """Expect the expression `expr` to evaluate to the list of `values` sequentially. diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexFinishTest.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexFinishTest.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexFinishTest.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexFinishTest.py @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ from dex.command.CommandBase import CommandBase + class DexFinishTest(CommandBase): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) == 0: @@ -20,15 +21,14 @@ else: self.expression = args[0] self.values = [str(arg) for arg in args[1:]] - self.on_line = kwargs.pop('on_line') - self.hit_count = kwargs.pop('hit_count', 0) + self.on_line = kwargs.pop("on_line") + self.hit_count = kwargs.pop("hit_count", 0) if kwargs: - raise TypeError('unexpected named args: {}'.format( - ', '.join(kwargs))) + raise TypeError("unexpected named args: {}".format(", ".join(kwargs))) super(DexFinishTest, self).__init__() def eval(self): - raise NotImplementedError('DexFinishTest commands cannot be evaled.') + raise NotImplementedError("DexFinishTest commands cannot be evaled.") @staticmethod def get_name(): diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexLabel.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexLabel.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexLabel.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexLabel.py @@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ def __init__(self, label, **kwargs): if not isinstance(label, str): - raise TypeError('invalid argument type') + raise TypeError("invalid argument type") try: - self.on_line = kwargs.pop('on_line') + self.on_line = kwargs.pop("on_line") except KeyError: # We cannot use self.lineno because it hasn't been set yet. pass @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ super(DexLabel, self).__init__() def get_line(self): - return getattr(self, 'on_line', self.lineno) + return getattr(self, "on_line", self.lineno) def get_as_pair(self): return (self._label, self.get_line()) diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexLimitSteps.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexLimitSteps.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexLimitSteps.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexLimitSteps.py @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ from dex.command.CommandBase import CommandBase + class DexLimitSteps(CommandBase): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) == 0: @@ -21,20 +22,19 @@ self.expression = args[0] self.values = [str(arg) for arg in args[1:]] try: - on_line = kwargs.pop('on_line') + on_line = kwargs.pop("on_line") self.from_line = on_line self.to_line = on_line except KeyError: - self.from_line = kwargs.pop('from_line', 1) - self.to_line = kwargs.pop('to_line', 999999) - self.hit_count = kwargs.pop('hit_count', None) + self.from_line = kwargs.pop("from_line", 1) + self.to_line = kwargs.pop("to_line", 999999) + self.hit_count = kwargs.pop("hit_count", None) if kwargs: - raise TypeError('unexpected named args: {}'.format( - ', '.join(kwargs))) + raise TypeError("unexpected named args: {}".format(", ".join(kwargs))) super(DexLimitSteps, self).__init__() def eval(self): - raise NotImplementedError('DexLimitSteps commands cannot be evaled.') + raise NotImplementedError("DexLimitSteps commands cannot be evaled.") @staticmethod def get_name(): diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexUnreachable.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexUnreachable.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexUnreachable.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexUnreachable.py @@ -21,14 +21,14 @@ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) != 0: raise TypeError("DexUnreachable takes no positional arguments") - if 'on_line' in kwargs: - on_line = kwargs.pop('on_line') + if "on_line" in kwargs: + on_line = kwargs.pop("on_line") self._from_line = on_line self._to_line = on_line - elif 'from_line' in kwargs and 'to_line' in kwargs: - self._from_line = kwargs.pop('from_line') - self._to_line = kwargs.pop('to_line') - elif 'from_line' in kwargs or 'to_line' in kwargs: + elif "from_line" in kwargs and "to_line" in kwargs: + self._from_line = kwargs.pop("from_line") + self._to_line = kwargs.pop("to_line") + elif "from_line" in kwargs or "to_line" in kwargs: raise TypeError("Must provide both from_line and to_line to DexUnreachable") if len(kwargs) > 0: @@ -43,10 +43,13 @@ def eval(self, step_info): # If we're ever called, at all, then we're evaluating a line that has # been marked as unreachable. Which means a failure. - vir = ValueIR(expression="Unreachable", - value="True", type_name=None, - error_string=None, - could_evaluate=True, - is_optimized_away=True, - is_irretrievable=False) - return {'DexUnreachable' : vir} + vir = ValueIR( + expression="Unreachable", + value="True", + type_name=None, + error_string=None, + could_evaluate=True, + is_optimized_away=True, + is_irretrievable=False, + ) + return {"DexUnreachable": vir} diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexWatch.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexWatch.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexWatch.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/command/commands/DexWatch.py @@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ def __init__(self, *args): if not args: - raise TypeError('expected some arguments') + raise TypeError("expected some arguments") for arg in args: if not isinstance(arg, str): - raise TypeError('invalid argument type') + raise TypeError("invalid argument type") self._args = args super(DexWatch, self).__init__() diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/DebuggerBase.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/DebuggerBase.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/DebuggerBase.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/DebuggerBase.py @@ -18,14 +18,14 @@ from dex.utils.Exceptions import DebuggerException from dex.utils.ReturnCode import ReturnCode + def watch_is_active(watch_info: StepExpectInfo, path, frame_idx, line_no): _, watch_path, watch_frame_idx, watch_line_range = watch_info # If this watch should only be active for a specific file... if watch_path and os.path.isfile(watch_path): # If the current path does not match the expected file, this watch is # not active. - if not (path and os.path.isfile(path) and - os.path.samefile(path, watch_path)): + if not (path and os.path.isfile(path) and os.path.samefile(path, watch_path)): return False if watch_frame_idx != frame_idx: return False @@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ return False return True + class DebuggerBase(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): def __init__(self, context): self.context = context @@ -77,8 +78,7 @@ @property def loading_error(self): - return (str(self._loading_error[1]) - if self._loading_error is not None else None) + return str(self._loading_error[1]) if self._loading_error is not None else None @property def loading_error_trace(self): @@ -89,13 +89,14 @@ if self._loading_error[1].orig_exception is not None: orig_exception = traceback.format_exception( - *self._loading_error[1].orig_exception) + *self._loading_error[1].orig_exception + ) - if ''.join(orig_exception) not in ''.join(tb): - tb.extend(['\n']) + if "".join(orig_exception) not in "".join(tb): + tb.extend(["\n"]) tb.extend(orig_exception) - tb = ''.join(tb).splitlines(True) + tb = "".join(tb).splitlines(True) return tb def _sanitize_function_name(self, name): # pylint: disable=no-self-use @@ -147,8 +148,7 @@ @abc.abstractmethod def _add_breakpoint(self, file_, line): - """Returns a unique opaque breakpoint id. - """ + """Returns a unique opaque breakpoint id.""" pass def add_conditional_breakpoint(self, file_, line, condition): @@ -158,12 +158,12 @@ an int. """ return self._add_conditional_breakpoint( - self._external_to_debug_path(file_), line, condition) + self._external_to_debug_path(file_), line, condition + ) @abc.abstractmethod def _add_conditional_breakpoint(self, file_, line, condition): - """Returns a unique opaque breakpoint id. - """ + """Returns a unique opaque breakpoint id.""" pass @abc.abstractmethod @@ -176,8 +176,7 @@ @abc.abstractmethod def get_triggered_breakpoint_ids(self): - """Returns a set of opaque ids for just-triggered breakpoints. - """ + """Returns a set of opaque ids for just-triggered breakpoints.""" pass @abc.abstractmethod @@ -225,7 +224,7 @@ if not root_dir or not path: return path assert path.startswith(root_dir) - return path[len(root_dir):].lstrip(os.path.sep) + return path[len(root_dir) :].lstrip(os.path.sep) def _debug_to_external_path(self, path): if not self.options.debugger_use_relative_paths: @@ -237,10 +236,9 @@ return file return path -class TestDebuggerBase(unittest.TestCase): +class TestDebuggerBase(unittest.TestCase): class MockDebugger(DebuggerBase): - def __init__(self, context, *args): super().__init__(context, *args) self.step_info = None @@ -255,8 +253,8 @@ def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args) TestDebuggerBase.MockDebugger.__abstractmethods__ = set() - self.options = SimpleNamespace(source_root_dir = '', source_files = []) - context = SimpleNamespace(options = self.options) + self.options = SimpleNamespace(source_root_dir="", source_files=[]) + context = SimpleNamespace(options=self.options) self.dbg = TestDebuggerBase.MockDebugger(context) def _new_step(self, paths): @@ -264,7 +262,9 @@ FrameIR( function=None, is_inlined=False, - loc=LocIR(path=path, lineno=0, column=0)) for path in paths + loc=LocIR(path=path, lineno=0, column=0), + ) + for path in paths ] return StepIR(step_index=0, stop_reason=None, frames=frames) @@ -273,47 +273,45 @@ def test_add_breakpoint_no_source_root_dir(self): self.options.debugger_use_relative_paths = True - self.options.source_root_dir = '' - path = os.path.join(os.path.sep + 'root', 'some_file') + self.options.source_root_dir = "" + path = os.path.join(os.path.sep + "root", "some_file") self.dbg.add_breakpoint(path, 12) self.assertEqual(path, self.dbg.breakpoint_file) def test_add_breakpoint_with_source_root_dir(self): self.options.debugger_use_relative_paths = True - self.options.source_root_dir = os.path.sep + 'my_root' - path = os.path.join(self.options.source_root_dir, 'some_file') + self.options.source_root_dir = os.path.sep + "my_root" + path = os.path.join(self.options.source_root_dir, "some_file") self.dbg.add_breakpoint(path, 12) - self.assertEqual('some_file', self.dbg.breakpoint_file) + self.assertEqual("some_file", self.dbg.breakpoint_file) def test_add_breakpoint_with_source_root_dir_slash_suffix(self): self.options.debugger_use_relative_paths = True - self.options.source_root_dir = os.path.sep + 'my_root' + os.path.sep - path = os.path.join(self.options.source_root_dir, 'some_file') + self.options.source_root_dir = os.path.sep + "my_root" + os.path.sep + path = os.path.join(self.options.source_root_dir, "some_file") self.dbg.add_breakpoint(path, 12) - self.assertEqual('some_file', self.dbg.breakpoint_file) + self.assertEqual("some_file", self.dbg.breakpoint_file) def test_get_step_info_no_source_root_dir(self): self.options.debugger_use_relative_paths = True - path = os.path.join(os.path.sep + 'root', 'some_file') + path = os.path.join(os.path.sep + "root", "some_file") self.dbg.step_info = self._new_step([path]) - self.assertEqual([path], - self._step_paths(self.dbg.get_step_info([], 0))) + self.assertEqual([path], self._step_paths(self.dbg.get_step_info([], 0))) def test_get_step_info_no_frames(self): self.options.debugger_use_relative_paths = True - self.options.source_root_dir = os.path.sep + 'my_root' + self.options.source_root_dir = os.path.sep + "my_root" self.dbg.step_info = self._new_step([]) - self.assertEqual([], - self._step_paths(self.dbg.get_step_info([], 0))) + self.assertEqual([], self._step_paths(self.dbg.get_step_info([], 0))) def test_get_step_info(self): self.options.debugger_use_relative_paths = True - self.options.source_root_dir = os.path.sep + 'my_root' - path = os.path.join(self.options.source_root_dir, 'some_file') + self.options.source_root_dir = os.path.sep + "my_root" + path = os.path.join(self.options.source_root_dir, "some_file") self.options.source_files = [path] - other_path = os.path.join(os.path.sep + 'other', 'file') - dbg_path = os.path.join(os.path.sep + 'dbg', 'some_file') - self.dbg.step_info = self._new_step( - [None, other_path, dbg_path]) - self.assertEqual([None, other_path, path], - self._step_paths(self.dbg.get_step_info([], 0))) + other_path = os.path.join(os.path.sep + "other", "file") + dbg_path = os.path.join(os.path.sep + "dbg", "some_file") + self.dbg.step_info = self._new_step([None, other_path, dbg_path]) + self.assertEqual( + [None, other_path, path], self._step_paths(self.dbg.get_step_info([], 0)) + ) diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/DebuggerControllers/ConditionalController.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/DebuggerControllers/ConditionalController.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/DebuggerControllers/ConditionalController.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/DebuggerControllers/ConditionalController.py @@ -12,8 +12,13 @@ from collections import defaultdict from itertools import chain -from dex.debugger.DebuggerControllers.ControllerHelpers import in_source_file, update_step_watches -from dex.debugger.DebuggerControllers.DebuggerControllerBase import DebuggerControllerBase +from dex.debugger.DebuggerControllers.ControllerHelpers import ( + in_source_file, + update_step_watches, +) +from dex.debugger.DebuggerControllers.DebuggerControllerBase import ( + DebuggerControllerBase, +) from dex.debugger.DebuggerBase import DebuggerBase from dex.utils.Exceptions import DebuggerException from dex.utils.Timeout import Timeout @@ -37,8 +42,16 @@ leading breakpoint is triggered before it is removed. """ - def __init__(self, expression: str, path: str, range_from: int, range_to: int, - values: list, hit_count: int, finish_on_remove: bool): + def __init__( + self, + expression: str, + path: str, + range_from: int, + range_to: int, + values: list, + hit_count: int, + finish_on_remove: bool, + ): self.expression = expression self.path = path self.range_from = range_from @@ -55,7 +68,7 @@ conditional_list = [] for value in self.conditional_values: # () == () - conditional_expression = '({}) == ({})'.format(self.expression, value) + conditional_expression = "({}) == ({})".format(self.expression, value) conditional_list.append(conditional_expression) return conditional_list @@ -70,44 +83,48 @@ class ConditionalController(DebuggerControllerBase): def __init__(self, context, step_collection): - self._bp_ranges = None - self._watches = set() - self._step_index = 0 - self._pause_between_steps = context.options.pause_between_steps - self._max_steps = context.options.max_steps - # Map {id: BreakpointRange} - self._leading_bp_handles = {} - super(ConditionalController, self).__init__(context, step_collection) - self._build_bp_ranges() + self._bp_ranges = None + self._watches = set() + self._step_index = 0 + self._pause_between_steps = context.options.pause_between_steps + self._max_steps = context.options.max_steps + # Map {id: BreakpointRange} + self._leading_bp_handles = {} + super(ConditionalController, self).__init__(context, step_collection) + self._build_bp_ranges() def _build_bp_ranges(self): commands = self.step_collection.commands self._bp_ranges = [] try: - limit_commands = commands['DexLimitSteps'] + limit_commands = commands["DexLimitSteps"] for lc in limit_commands: bpr = BreakpointRange( - lc.expression, - lc.path, - lc.from_line, - lc.to_line, - lc.values, - lc.hit_count, - False) + lc.expression, + lc.path, + lc.from_line, + lc.to_line, + lc.values, + lc.hit_count, + False, + ) self._bp_ranges.append(bpr) except KeyError: - raise DebuggerException('Missing DexLimitSteps commands, cannot conditionally step.') - if 'DexFinishTest' in commands: - finish_commands = commands['DexFinishTest'] + raise DebuggerException( + "Missing DexLimitSteps commands, cannot conditionally step." + ) + if "DexFinishTest" in commands: + finish_commands = commands["DexFinishTest"] for ic in finish_commands: bpr = BreakpointRange( - ic.expression, - ic.path, - ic.on_line, - ic.on_line, - ic.values, - ic.hit_count + 1, - True) + ic.expression, + ic.path, + ic.on_line, + ic.on_line, + ic.values, + ic.hit_count + 1, + True, + ) self._bp_ranges.append(bpr) def _set_leading_bps(self): @@ -117,9 +134,9 @@ if bpr.has_conditions(): # Add a conditional breakpoint for each condition. for cond_expr in bpr.get_conditional_expression_list(): - id = self.debugger.add_conditional_breakpoint(bpr.path, - bpr.range_from, - cond_expr) + id = self.debugger.add_conditional_breakpoint( + bpr.path, bpr.range_from, cond_expr + ) self._leading_bp_handles[id] = bpr else: # Add an unconditional breakpoint. @@ -128,8 +145,10 @@ def _run_debugger_custom(self, cmdline): # TODO: Add conditional and unconditional breakpoint support to dbgeng. - if self.debugger.get_name() == 'dbgeng': - raise DebuggerException('DexLimitSteps commands are not supported by dbgeng') + if self.debugger.get_name() == "dbgeng": + raise DebuggerException( + "DexLimitSteps commands are not supported by dbgeng" + ) self.step_collection.clear_steps() self._set_leading_bps() @@ -150,13 +169,17 @@ while self.debugger.is_running and not timed_out: # Check to see whether we've timed out while we're waiting. if total_timeout.timed_out(): - self.context.logger.error('Debugger session has been ' - f'running for {total_timeout.elapsed}s, timeout reached!') + self.context.logger.error( + "Debugger session has been " + f"running for {total_timeout.elapsed}s, timeout reached!" + ) timed_out = True if breakpoint_timeout.timed_out(): - self.context.logger.error(f'Debugger session has not ' - f'hit a breakpoint for {breakpoint_timeout.elapsed}s, timeout ' - 'reached!') + self.context.logger.error( + f"Debugger session has not " + f"hit a breakpoint for {breakpoint_timeout.elapsed}s, timeout " + "reached!" + ) timed_out = True if timed_out: @@ -165,7 +188,9 @@ step_info = self.debugger.get_step_info(self._watches, self._step_index) if step_info.current_frame: self._step_index += 1 - update_step_watches(step_info, self._watches, self.step_collection.commands) + update_step_watches( + step_info, self._watches, self.step_collection.commands + ) self.step_collection.new_step(self.context, step_info) bp_to_delete = [] diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/DebuggerControllers/ControllerHelpers.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/DebuggerControllers/ControllerHelpers.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/DebuggerControllers/ControllerHelpers.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/DebuggerControllers/ControllerHelpers.py @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import os from itertools import chain + def in_source_file(source_files, step_info): if not step_info.current_frame: return False @@ -15,31 +16,34 @@ return False if not os.path.exists(step_info.current_location.path): return False - return any(os.path.samefile(step_info.current_location.path, f) \ - for f in source_files) + return any( + os.path.samefile(step_info.current_location.path, f) for f in source_files + ) + def have_hit_line(watch, loc): - if hasattr(watch, 'on_line'): - return watch.on_line == loc.lineno - elif hasattr(watch, '_from_line'): - return watch._from_line <= loc.lineno and watch._to_line >= loc.lineno - elif watch.lineno == loc.lineno: - return True - return False + if hasattr(watch, "on_line"): + return watch.on_line == loc.lineno + elif hasattr(watch, "_from_line"): + return watch._from_line <= loc.lineno and watch._to_line >= loc.lineno + elif watch.lineno == loc.lineno: + return True + return False + def update_step_watches(step_info, watches, commands): - watch_cmds = ['DexUnreachable', 'DexExpectStepOrder'] - towatch = chain.from_iterable(commands[x] - for x in watch_cmds - if x in commands) + watch_cmds = ["DexUnreachable", "DexExpectStepOrder"] + towatch = chain.from_iterable(commands[x] for x in watch_cmds if x in commands) try: # Iterate over all watches of the types named in watch_cmds for watch in towatch: loc = step_info.current_location - if (loc.path != None - and os.path.exists(loc.path) - and os.path.samefile(watch.path, loc.path) - and have_hit_line(watch, loc)): + if ( + loc.path != None + and os.path.exists(loc.path) + and os.path.samefile(watch.path, loc.path) + and have_hit_line(watch, loc) + ): result = watch.eval(step_info) step_info.watches.update(result) break diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/DebuggerControllers/DebuggerControllerBase.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/DebuggerControllers/DebuggerControllerBase.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/DebuggerControllers/DebuggerControllerBase.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/DebuggerControllers/DebuggerControllerBase.py @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import abc + class DebuggerControllerBase(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): def __init__(self, context, step_collection): self.context = context @@ -21,15 +22,14 @@ pass def run_debugger(self, debugger): - """Responsible for correctly launching and tearing down the debugger. - """ + """Responsible for correctly launching and tearing down the debugger.""" self.debugger = debugger # Fetch command line options, if any. the_cmdline = [] commands = self.step_collection.commands - if 'DexCommandLine' in commands: - cmd_line_objs = commands['DexCommandLine'] + if "DexCommandLine" in commands: + cmd_line_objs = commands["DexCommandLine"] assert len(cmd_line_objs) == 1 cmd_line_obj = cmd_line_objs[0] the_cmdline = cmd_line_obj.the_cmdline diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/DebuggerControllers/DefaultController.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/DebuggerControllers/DefaultController.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/DebuggerControllers/DefaultController.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/DebuggerControllers/DefaultController.py @@ -10,11 +10,17 @@ import os import time -from dex.debugger.DebuggerControllers.DebuggerControllerBase import DebuggerControllerBase -from dex.debugger.DebuggerControllers.ControllerHelpers import in_source_file, update_step_watches +from dex.debugger.DebuggerControllers.DebuggerControllerBase import ( + DebuggerControllerBase, +) +from dex.debugger.DebuggerControllers.ControllerHelpers import ( + in_source_file, + update_step_watches, +) from dex.utils.Exceptions import DebuggerException, LoadDebuggerException from dex.utils.Timeout import Timeout + class EarlyExitCondition(object): def __init__(self, on_line, hit_count, expression, values): self.on_line = on_line @@ -22,6 +28,7 @@ self.expression = expression self.values = values + class DefaultController(DebuggerControllerBase): def __init__(self, context, step_collection): self.source_files = context.options.source_files @@ -31,24 +38,26 @@ def _break_point_all_lines(self): for s in self.context.options.source_files: - with open(s, 'r') as fp: + with open(s, "r") as fp: num_lines = len(fp.readlines()) for line in range(1, num_lines + 1): try: - self.debugger.add_breakpoint(s, line) + self.debugger.add_breakpoint(s, line) except DebuggerException: - raise LoadDebuggerException(DebuggerException.msg) + raise LoadDebuggerException(DebuggerException.msg) def _get_early_exit_conditions(self): commands = self.step_collection.commands early_exit_conditions = [] - if 'DexFinishTest' in commands: - finish_commands = commands['DexFinishTest'] + if "DexFinishTest" in commands: + finish_commands = commands["DexFinishTest"] for fc in finish_commands: - condition = EarlyExitCondition(on_line=fc.on_line, - hit_count=fc.hit_count, - expression=fc.expression, - values=fc.values) + condition = EarlyExitCondition( + on_line=fc.on_line, + hit_count=fc.hit_count, + expression=fc.expression, + values=fc.values, + ) early_exit_conditions.append(condition) return early_exit_conditions @@ -61,8 +70,10 @@ # Conditional Controller, check equality in the debugger # rather than in python (as the two can differ). for value in condition.values: - expr_val = self.debugger.evaluate_expression(f'({condition.expression}) == ({value})') - if expr_val.value == 'true': + expr_val = self.debugger.evaluate_expression( + f"({condition.expression}) == ({value})" + ) + if expr_val.value == "true": exit_condition_hit = True break if exit_condition_hit: @@ -72,7 +83,6 @@ condition.hit_count -= 1 return False - def _run_debugger_custom(self, cmdline): self.step_collection.debugger = self.debugger.debugger_info self._break_point_all_lines() @@ -91,13 +101,17 @@ while self.debugger.is_running and not timed_out: # Check to see whether we've timed out while we're waiting. if total_timeout.timed_out(): - self.context.logger.error('Debugger session has been ' - f'running for {total_timeout.elapsed}s, timeout reached!') + self.context.logger.error( + "Debugger session has been " + f"running for {total_timeout.elapsed}s, timeout reached!" + ) timed_out = True if breakpoint_timeout.timed_out(): - self.context.logger.error(f'Debugger session has not ' - f'hit a breakpoint for {breakpoint_timeout.elapsed}s, timeout ' - 'reached!') + self.context.logger.error( + f"Debugger session has not " + f"hit a breakpoint for {breakpoint_timeout.elapsed}s, timeout " + "reached!" + ) timed_out = True if timed_out or self.debugger.is_finished: @@ -107,9 +121,13 @@ step_info = self.debugger.get_step_info(self.watches, self.step_index) if step_info.current_frame: - update_step_watches(step_info, self.watches, self.step_collection.commands) + update_step_watches( + step_info, self.watches, self.step_collection.commands + ) self.step_collection.new_step(self.context, step_info) - if self._should_exit(early_exit_conditions, step_info.current_frame.loc.lineno): + if self._should_exit( + early_exit_conditions, step_info.current_frame.loc.lineno + ): break if in_source_file(self.source_files, step_info): @@ -120,4 +138,5 @@ time.sleep(self.context.options.pause_between_steps) else: raise DebuggerException( - 'maximum number of steps reached ({})'.format(max_steps)) + "maximum number of steps reached ({})".format(max_steps) + ) diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/Debuggers.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/Debuggers.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/Debuggers.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/Debuggers.py @@ -39,29 +39,31 @@ LLDB.get_option_name(): LLDB, VisualStudio2015.get_option_name(): VisualStudio2015, VisualStudio2017.get_option_name(): VisualStudio2017, - VisualStudio2019.get_option_name(): VisualStudio2019 + VisualStudio2019.get_option_name(): VisualStudio2019, } def _warn_meaningless_option(context, option): - if hasattr(context.options, 'list_debuggers'): + if hasattr(context.options, "list_debuggers"): return context.logger.warning( - f'option "{option}" is meaningless with this debugger', - enable_prefix=True, - flag=f'--debugger={context.options.debugger}') + f'option "{option}" is meaningless with this debugger', + enable_prefix=True, + flag=f"--debugger={context.options.debugger}", + ) def add_debugger_tool_base_arguments(parser, defaults): - defaults.lldb_executable = 'lldb.exe' if is_native_windows() else 'lldb' + defaults.lldb_executable = "lldb.exe" if is_native_windows() else "lldb" parser.add_argument( - '--lldb-executable', + "--lldb-executable", type=str, - metavar='', + metavar="", default=None, display_default=defaults.lldb_executable, - help='location of LLDB executable') + help="location of LLDB executable", + ) def add_debugger_tool_arguments(parser, context, defaults): @@ -71,71 +73,79 @@ add_debugger_tool_base_arguments(parser, defaults) parser.add_argument( - '--debugger', + "--debugger", type=str, choices=potential_debuggers, required=True, - help='debugger to use') + help="debugger to use", + ) parser.add_argument( - '--max-steps', - metavar='', + "--max-steps", + metavar="", type=int, default=1000, - help='maximum number of program steps allowed') + help="maximum number of program steps allowed", + ) parser.add_argument( - '--pause-between-steps', - metavar='', + "--pause-between-steps", + metavar="", type=float, default=0.0, - help='number of seconds to pause between steps') + help="number of seconds to pause between steps", + ) defaults.show_debugger = False parser.add_argument( - '--show-debugger', - action='store_true', - default=None, - help='show the debugger') - defaults.arch = 'x86_64' + "--show-debugger", action="store_true", default=None, help="show the debugger" + ) + defaults.arch = "x86_64" parser.add_argument( - '--arch', + "--arch", type=str, - metavar='', + metavar="", default=None, display_default=defaults.arch, - help='target architecture') - defaults.source_root_dir = '' + help="target architecture", + ) + defaults.source_root_dir = "" parser.add_argument( - '--source-root-dir', + "--source-root-dir", type=str, - metavar='', + metavar="", default=None, - help='source root directory') + help="source root directory", + ) parser.add_argument( - '--debugger-use-relative-paths', - action='store_true', + "--debugger-use-relative-paths", + action="store_true", default=False, - help='pass the debugger paths relative to --source-root-dir') + help="pass the debugger paths relative to --source-root-dir", + ) parser.add_argument( - '--target-run-args', + "--target-run-args", type=str, - metavar='', - default='', - help='command line arguments for the test program, in addition to any ' - 'provided by DexCommandLine') + metavar="", + default="", + help="command line arguments for the test program, in addition to any " + "provided by DexCommandLine", + ) parser.add_argument( - '--timeout-total', - metavar='', + "--timeout-total", + metavar="", type=float, default=0.0, - help='if >0, debugger session will automatically exit after ' - 'running for seconds') + help="if >0, debugger session will automatically exit after " + "running for seconds", + ) parser.add_argument( - '--timeout-breakpoint', - metavar='', + "--timeout-breakpoint", + metavar="", type=float, default=0.0, - help='if >0, debugger session will automatically exit after ' - 'waiting seconds without hitting a ' - 'breakpoint') + help="if >0, debugger session will automatically exit after " + "waiting seconds without hitting a " + "breakpoint", + ) + def handle_debugger_tool_base_options(context, defaults): # noqa options = context.options @@ -143,13 +153,14 @@ if options.lldb_executable is None: options.lldb_executable = defaults.lldb_executable else: - if getattr(options, 'debugger', 'lldb') != 'lldb': - _warn_meaningless_option(context, '--lldb-executable') + if getattr(options, "debugger", "lldb") != "lldb": + _warn_meaningless_option(context, "--lldb-executable") options.lldb_executable = os.path.abspath(options.lldb_executable) if not os.path.isfile(options.lldb_executable): - raise ToolArgumentError('could not find "{}"'.format( - options.lldb_executable)) + raise ToolArgumentError( + 'could not find "{}"'.format(options.lldb_executable) + ) def handle_debugger_tool_options(context, defaults): # noqa @@ -160,53 +171,59 @@ if options.arch is None: options.arch = defaults.arch else: - if options.debugger != 'lldb': - _warn_meaningless_option(context, '--arch') + if options.debugger != "lldb": + _warn_meaningless_option(context, "--arch") if options.show_debugger is None: options.show_debugger = defaults.show_debugger else: - if options.debugger == 'lldb': - _warn_meaningless_option(context, '--show-debugger') + if options.debugger == "lldb": + _warn_meaningless_option(context, "--show-debugger") if options.source_root_dir != None: if not os.path.isabs(options.source_root_dir): - raise ToolArgumentError(f'--source-root-dir: expected absolute path, got "{options.source_root_dir}"') + raise ToolArgumentError( + f'--source-root-dir: expected absolute path, got "{options.source_root_dir}"' + ) if not os.path.isdir(options.source_root_dir): - raise ToolArgumentError(f'--source-root-dir: could not find directory "{options.source_root_dir}"') + raise ToolArgumentError( + f'--source-root-dir: could not find directory "{options.source_root_dir}"' + ) if options.debugger_use_relative_paths: if not options.source_root_dir: - raise ToolArgumentError(f'--debugger-relative-paths requires --source-root-dir') + raise ToolArgumentError( + f"--debugger-relative-paths requires --source-root-dir" + ) + def run_debugger_subprocess(debugger_controller, working_dir_path): - with NamedTemporaryFile( - dir=working_dir_path, delete=False, mode='wb') as fp: + with NamedTemporaryFile(dir=working_dir_path, delete=False, mode="wb") as fp: pickle.dump(debugger_controller, fp, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) controller_path = fp.name dexter_py = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) if not os.path.isfile(dexter_py): - dexter_py = os.path.join(get_root_directory(), '..', dexter_py) + dexter_py = os.path.join(get_root_directory(), "..", dexter_py) assert os.path.isfile(dexter_py) with NamedTemporaryFile(dir=working_dir_path) as fp: args = [ sys.executable, dexter_py, - 'run-debugger-internal-', + "run-debugger-internal-", controller_path, - '--working-directory={}'.format(working_dir_path), - '--unittest=off', - '--indent-timer-level={}'.format(Timer.indent + 2) + "--working-directory={}".format(working_dir_path), + "--unittest=off", + "--indent-timer-level={}".format(Timer.indent + 2), ] try: - with Timer('running external debugger process'): + with Timer("running external debugger process"): subprocess.check_call(args) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise DebuggerException(e) - with open(controller_path, 'rb') as fp: + with open(controller_path, "rb") as fp: debugger_controller = pickle.load(fp) return debugger_controller @@ -225,7 +242,7 @@ self.context = context def load(self, key): - with Timer('load {}'.format(key)): + with Timer("load {}".format(key)): return Debuggers.potential_debuggers()[key](self.context) def _populate_debugger_cache(self): @@ -237,19 +254,19 @@ pass LoadedDebugger.option_name = key - LoadedDebugger.full_name = '[{}]'.format(debugger.name) + LoadedDebugger.full_name = "[{}]".format(debugger.name) LoadedDebugger.is_available = debugger.is_available if LoadedDebugger.is_available: try: LoadedDebugger.version = debugger.version.splitlines() except AttributeError: - LoadedDebugger.version = [''] + LoadedDebugger.version = [""] else: try: LoadedDebugger.error = debugger.loading_error.splitlines() except AttributeError: - LoadedDebugger.error = [''] + LoadedDebugger.error = [""] try: LoadedDebugger.error_trace = debugger.loading_error_trace @@ -269,29 +286,27 @@ for d in debuggers: # Option name, right padded with spaces for alignment - option_name = ( - '{{name: <{}}}'.format(max_o_len).format(name=d.option_name)) + option_name = "{{name: <{}}}".format(max_o_len).format(name=d.option_name) # Full name, right padded with spaces for alignment - full_name = ('{{name: <{}}}'.format(max_n_len) - .format(name=d.full_name)) + full_name = "{{name: <{}}}".format(max_n_len).format(name=d.full_name) if d.is_available: - name = '{} {}'.format(option_name, full_name) + name = "{} {}".format(option_name, full_name) # If the debugger is available, show the first line of the # version info. - available = 'YES' - info = '({})'.format(d.version[0]) + available = "YES" + info = "({})".format(d.version[0]) else: - name = '{} {}'.format(option_name, full_name) + name = "{} {}".format(option_name, full_name) # If the debugger is not available, show the first line of the # error reason. - available = 'NO ' - info = '({})'.format(d.error[0]) + available = "NO " + info = "({})".format(d.error[0]) - msg = '{} {} {}'.format(name, available, info) + msg = "{} {} {}".format(name, available, info) if self.context.options.verbose: # If verbose mode and there was more version or error output @@ -300,16 +315,18 @@ verbose_info = None if d.is_available: if d.version[1:]: - verbose_info = d.version + ['\n'] + verbose_info = d.version + ["\n"] else: # Some of list elems may contain multiple lines, so make # sure each elem is a line of its own. verbose_info = d.error_trace if verbose_info: - verbose_info = '\n'.join(' {}'.format(l.rstrip()) - for l in verbose_info) + '\n' - msg = '{}\n\n{}'.format(msg, verbose_info) + verbose_info = ( + "\n".join(" {}".format(l.rstrip()) for l in verbose_info) + + "\n" + ) + msg = "{}\n\n{}".format(msg, verbose_info) msgs.append(msg) - self.context.o.auto('\n{}\n\n'.format('\n'.join(msgs))) + self.context.o.auto("\n{}\n\n".format("\n".join(msgs))) diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/__init__.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/__init__.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/__init__.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/__init__.py @@ -6,5 +6,7 @@ # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception from dex.debugger.Debuggers import Debuggers -from dex.debugger.DebuggerControllers.DebuggerControllerBase import DebuggerControllerBase +from dex.debugger.DebuggerControllers.DebuggerControllerBase import ( + DebuggerControllerBase, +) from dex.debugger.DebuggerControllers.DefaultController import DefaultController diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/__init__.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/__init__.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/__init__.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/__init__.py @@ -8,12 +8,13 @@ from . import dbgeng import platform -if platform.system() == 'Windows': - from . import breakpoint - from . import control - from . import probe_process - from . import setup - from . import symbols - from . import symgroup - from . import sysobjs - from . import utils + +if platform.system() == "Windows": + from . import breakpoint + from . import control + from . import probe_process + from . import setup + from . import symbols + from . import symgroup + from . import sysobjs + from . import utils diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/breakpoint.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/breakpoint.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/breakpoint.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/breakpoint.py @@ -11,78 +11,90 @@ from .utils import * + class BreakpointTypes(IntEnum): - DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_CODE = 0 - DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_DATA = 1 - DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_TIME = 2 - DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_INLINE = 3 + DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_CODE = 0 + DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_DATA = 1 + DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_TIME = 2 + DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_INLINE = 3 + class BreakpointFlags(IntFlag): - DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_GO_ONLY = 0x00000001 - DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_DEFERRED = 0x00000002 - DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_ENABLED = 0x00000004 - DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_ADDER_ONLY = 0x00000008 - DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_ONE_SHOT = 0x00000010 + DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_GO_ONLY = 0x00000001 + DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_DEFERRED = 0x00000002 + DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_ENABLED = 0x00000004 + DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_ADDER_ONLY = 0x00000008 + DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_ONE_SHOT = 0x00000010 + + +DebugBreakpoint2IID = IID( + 0x1B278D20, + 0x79F2, + 0x426E, + IID_Data4_Type(0xA3, 0xF9, 0xC1, 0xDD, 0xF3, 0x75, 0xD4, 0x8E), +) -DebugBreakpoint2IID = IID(0x1b278d20, 0x79f2, 0x426e, IID_Data4_Type(0xa3, 0xf9, 0xc1, 0xdd, 0xf3, 0x75, 0xd4, 0x8e)) class DebugBreakpoint2(Structure): - pass + pass + class DebugBreakpoint2Vtbl(Structure): - wrp = partial(WINFUNCTYPE, c_long, POINTER(DebugBreakpoint2)) - idb_setoffset = wrp(c_ulonglong) - idb_setflags = wrp(c_ulong) - _fields_ = [ - ("QueryInterface", c_void_p), - ("AddRef", c_void_p), - ("Release", c_void_p), - ("GetId", c_void_p), - ("GetType", c_void_p), - ("GetAdder", c_void_p), - ("GetFlags", c_void_p), - ("AddFlags", c_void_p), - ("RemoveFlags", c_void_p), - ("SetFlags", idb_setflags), - ("GetOffset", c_void_p), - ("SetOffset", idb_setoffset), - ("GetDataParameters", c_void_p), - ("SetDataParameters", c_void_p), - ("GetPassCount", c_void_p), - ("SetPassCount", c_void_p), - ("GetCurrentPassCount", c_void_p), - ("GetMatchThreadId", c_void_p), - ("SetMatchThreadId", c_void_p), - ("GetCommand", c_void_p), - ("SetCommand", c_void_p), - ("GetOffsetExpression", c_void_p), - ("SetOffsetExpression", c_void_p), - ("GetParameters", c_void_p), - ("GetCommandWide", c_void_p), - ("SetCommandWide", c_void_p), - ("GetOffsetExpressionWide", c_void_p), - ("SetOffsetExpressionWide", c_void_p) + wrp = partial(WINFUNCTYPE, c_long, POINTER(DebugBreakpoint2)) + idb_setoffset = wrp(c_ulonglong) + idb_setflags = wrp(c_ulong) + _fields_ = [ + ("QueryInterface", c_void_p), + ("AddRef", c_void_p), + ("Release", c_void_p), + ("GetId", c_void_p), + ("GetType", c_void_p), + ("GetAdder", c_void_p), + ("GetFlags", c_void_p), + ("AddFlags", c_void_p), + ("RemoveFlags", c_void_p), + ("SetFlags", idb_setflags), + ("GetOffset", c_void_p), + ("SetOffset", idb_setoffset), + ("GetDataParameters", c_void_p), + ("SetDataParameters", c_void_p), + ("GetPassCount", c_void_p), + ("SetPassCount", c_void_p), + ("GetCurrentPassCount", c_void_p), + ("GetMatchThreadId", c_void_p), + ("SetMatchThreadId", c_void_p), + ("GetCommand", c_void_p), + ("SetCommand", c_void_p), + ("GetOffsetExpression", c_void_p), + ("SetOffsetExpression", c_void_p), + ("GetParameters", c_void_p), + ("GetCommandWide", c_void_p), + ("SetCommandWide", c_void_p), + ("GetOffsetExpressionWide", c_void_p), + ("SetOffsetExpressionWide", c_void_p), ] + DebugBreakpoint2._fields_ = [("lpVtbl", POINTER(DebugBreakpoint2Vtbl))] + class Breakpoint(object): - def __init__(self, breakpoint): - self.breakpoint = breakpoint.contents - self.vt = self.breakpoint.lpVtbl.contents + def __init__(self, breakpoint): + self.breakpoint = breakpoint.contents + self.vt = self.breakpoint.lpVtbl.contents - def SetFlags(self, flags): - res = self.vt.SetFlags(self.breakpoint, flags) - aborter(res, "Breakpoint SetFlags") + def SetFlags(self, flags): + res = self.vt.SetFlags(self.breakpoint, flags) + aborter(res, "Breakpoint SetFlags") - def SetOffset(self, offs): - res = self.vt.SetOffset(self.breakpoint, offs) - aborter(res, "Breakpoint SetOffset") + def SetOffset(self, offs): + res = self.vt.SetOffset(self.breakpoint, offs) + aborter(res, "Breakpoint SetOffset") - def RemoveFlags(self, flags): - res = self.vt.RemoveFlags(self.breakpoint, flags) - aborter(res, "Breakpoint RemoveFlags") + def RemoveFlags(self, flags): + res = self.vt.RemoveFlags(self.breakpoint, flags) + aborter(res, "Breakpoint RemoveFlags") - def die(self): - self.breakpoint = None - self.vt = None + def die(self): + self.breakpoint = None + self.vt = None diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/client.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/client.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/client.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/client.py @@ -14,198 +14,224 @@ from . import symbols from . import sysobjs + class DebugAttach(IntFlag): - DEBUG_ATTACH_DEFAULT = 0 - DEBUG_ATTACH_NONINVASIVE = 1 - DEBUG_ATTACH_EXISTING = 2 - DEBUG_ATTACH_NONINVASIVE_NO_SUSPEND = 4 - DEBUG_ATTACH_INVASIVE_NO_INITIAL_BREAK = 8 - DEBUG_ATTACH_INVASIVE_RESUME_PROCESS = 0x10 - DEBUG_ATTACH_NONINVASIVE_ALLOW_PARTIAL = 0x20 + DEBUG_ATTACH_DEFAULT = 0 + DEBUG_ATTACH_NONINVASIVE = 1 + DEBUG_ATTACH_EXISTING = 2 + DEBUG_ATTACH_NONINVASIVE_NO_SUSPEND = 4 + DEBUG_ATTACH_INVASIVE_NO_INITIAL_BREAK = 8 + DEBUG_ATTACH_INVASIVE_RESUME_PROCESS = 0x10 + DEBUG_ATTACH_NONINVASIVE_ALLOW_PARTIAL = 0x20 + # UUID for DebugClient7 interface. -DebugClient7IID = IID(0x13586be3, 0x542e, 0x481e, IID_Data4_Type(0xb1, 0xf2, 0x84, 0x97, 0xba, 0x74, 0xf9, 0xa9 )) +DebugClient7IID = IID( + 0x13586BE3, + 0x542E, + 0x481E, + IID_Data4_Type(0xB1, 0xF2, 0x84, 0x97, 0xBA, 0x74, 0xF9, 0xA9), +) + class DEBUG_CREATE_PROCESS_OPTIONS(Structure): - _fields_ = [ - ("CreateFlags", c_ulong), - ("EngCreateFlags", c_ulong), - ("VerifierFlags", c_ulong), - ("Reserved", c_ulong) - ] + _fields_ = [ + ("CreateFlags", c_ulong), + ("EngCreateFlags", c_ulong), + ("VerifierFlags", c_ulong), + ("Reserved", c_ulong), + ] + class IDebugClient7(Structure): - pass + pass + class IDebugClient7Vtbl(Structure): - wrp = partial(WINFUNCTYPE, c_long, POINTER(IDebugClient7)) - idc_queryinterface = wrp(POINTER(IID), POINTER(c_void_p)) - idc_attachprocess = wrp(c_longlong, c_long, c_long) - idc_detachprocesses = wrp() - idc_terminateprocesses = wrp() - idc_createprocessandattach2 = wrp(c_ulonglong, c_char_p, c_void_p, c_ulong, c_char_p, c_char_p, c_ulong, c_ulong) - _fields_ = [ - ("QueryInterface", idc_queryinterface), - ("AddRef", c_void_p), - ("Release", c_void_p), - ("AttachKernel", c_void_p), - ("GetKernelConnectionOptions", c_void_p), - ("SetKernelConnectionOptions", c_void_p), - ("StartProcessServer", c_void_p), - ("ConnectProcessServer", c_void_p), - ("DisconnectProcessServer", c_void_p), - ("GetRunningProcessSystemIds", c_void_p), - ("GetRunningProcessSystemIdsByExecutableName", c_void_p), - ("GetRunningProcessDescription", c_void_p), - ("AttachProcess", idc_attachprocess), - ("CreateProcess", c_void_p), - ("CreateProcessAndAttach", c_void_p), - ("GetProcessOptions", c_void_p), - ("AddProcessOptions", c_void_p), - ("RemoveProcessOptions", c_void_p), - ("SetProcessOptions", c_void_p), - ("OpenDumpFile", c_void_p), - ("WriteDumpFile", c_void_p), - ("ConnectSession", c_void_p), - ("StartServer", c_void_p), - ("OutputServers", c_void_p), - ("TerminateProcesses", idc_terminateprocesses), - ("DetachProcesses", idc_detachprocesses), - ("EndSession", c_void_p), - ("GetExitCode", c_void_p), - ("DispatchCallbacks", c_void_p), - ("ExitDispatch", c_void_p), - ("CreateClient", c_void_p), - ("GetInputCallbacks", c_void_p), - ("SetInputCallbacks", c_void_p), - ("GetOutputCallbacks", c_void_p), - ("SetOutputCallbacks", c_void_p), - ("GetOutputMask", c_void_p), - ("SetOutputMask", c_void_p), - ("GetOtherOutputMask", c_void_p), - ("SetOtherOutputMask", c_void_p), - ("GetOutputWidth", c_void_p), - ("SetOutputWidth", c_void_p), - ("GetOutputLinePrefix", c_void_p), - ("SetOutputLinePrefix", c_void_p), - ("GetIdentity", c_void_p), - ("OutputIdentity", c_void_p), - ("GetEventCallbacks", c_void_p), - ("SetEventCallbacks", c_void_p), - ("FlushCallbacks", c_void_p), - ("WriteDumpFile2", c_void_p), - ("AddDumpInformationFile", c_void_p), - ("EndProcessServer", c_void_p), - ("WaitForProcessServerEnd", c_void_p), - ("IsKernelDebuggerEnabled", c_void_p), - ("TerminateCurrentProcess", c_void_p), - ("DetachCurrentProcess", c_void_p), - ("AbandonCurrentProcess", c_void_p), - ("GetRunningProcessSystemIdByExecutableNameWide", c_void_p), - ("GetRunningProcessDescriptionWide", c_void_p), - ("CreateProcessWide", c_void_p), - ("CreateProcessAndAttachWide", c_void_p), - ("OpenDumpFileWide", c_void_p), - ("WriteDumpFileWide", c_void_p), - ("AddDumpInformationFileWide", c_void_p), - ("GetNumberDumpFiles", c_void_p), - ("GetDumpFile", c_void_p), - ("GetDumpFileWide", c_void_p), - ("AttachKernelWide", c_void_p), - ("GetKernelConnectionOptionsWide", c_void_p), - ("SetKernelConnectionOptionsWide", c_void_p), - ("StartProcessServerWide", c_void_p), - ("ConnectProcessServerWide", c_void_p), - ("StartServerWide", c_void_p), - ("OutputServerWide", c_void_p), - ("GetOutputCallbacksWide", c_void_p), - ("SetOutputCallbacksWide", c_void_p), - ("GetOutputLinePrefixWide", c_void_p), - ("SetOutputLinePrefixWide", c_void_p), - ("GetIdentityWide", c_void_p), - ("OutputIdentityWide", c_void_p), - ("GetEventCallbacksWide", c_void_p), - ("SetEventCallbacksWide", c_void_p), - ("CreateProcess2", c_void_p), - ("CreateProcess2Wide", c_void_p), - ("CreateProcessAndAttach2", idc_createprocessandattach2), - ("CreateProcessAndAttach2Wide", c_void_p), - ("PushOutputLinePrefix", c_void_p), - ("PushOutputLinePrefixWide", c_void_p), - ("PopOutputLinePrefix", c_void_p), - ("GetNumberInputCallbacks", c_void_p), - ("GetNumberOutputCallbacks", c_void_p), - ("GetNumberEventCallbacks", c_void_p), - ("GetQuitLockString", c_void_p), - ("SetQuitLockString", c_void_p), - ("GetQuitLockStringWide", c_void_p), - ("SetQuitLockStringWide", c_void_p), - ("SetEventContextCallbacks", c_void_p), - ("SetClientContext", c_void_p), + wrp = partial(WINFUNCTYPE, c_long, POINTER(IDebugClient7)) + idc_queryinterface = wrp(POINTER(IID), POINTER(c_void_p)) + idc_attachprocess = wrp(c_longlong, c_long, c_long) + idc_detachprocesses = wrp() + idc_terminateprocesses = wrp() + idc_createprocessandattach2 = wrp( + c_ulonglong, c_char_p, c_void_p, c_ulong, c_char_p, c_char_p, c_ulong, c_ulong + ) + _fields_ = [ + ("QueryInterface", idc_queryinterface), + ("AddRef", c_void_p), + ("Release", c_void_p), + ("AttachKernel", c_void_p), + ("GetKernelConnectionOptions", c_void_p), + ("SetKernelConnectionOptions", c_void_p), + ("StartProcessServer", c_void_p), + ("ConnectProcessServer", c_void_p), + ("DisconnectProcessServer", c_void_p), + ("GetRunningProcessSystemIds", c_void_p), + ("GetRunningProcessSystemIdsByExecutableName", c_void_p), + ("GetRunningProcessDescription", c_void_p), + ("AttachProcess", idc_attachprocess), + ("CreateProcess", c_void_p), + ("CreateProcessAndAttach", c_void_p), + ("GetProcessOptions", c_void_p), + ("AddProcessOptions", c_void_p), + ("RemoveProcessOptions", c_void_p), + ("SetProcessOptions", c_void_p), + ("OpenDumpFile", c_void_p), + ("WriteDumpFile", c_void_p), + ("ConnectSession", c_void_p), + ("StartServer", c_void_p), + ("OutputServers", c_void_p), + ("TerminateProcesses", idc_terminateprocesses), + ("DetachProcesses", idc_detachprocesses), + ("EndSession", c_void_p), + ("GetExitCode", c_void_p), + ("DispatchCallbacks", c_void_p), + ("ExitDispatch", c_void_p), + ("CreateClient", c_void_p), + ("GetInputCallbacks", c_void_p), + ("SetInputCallbacks", c_void_p), + ("GetOutputCallbacks", c_void_p), + ("SetOutputCallbacks", c_void_p), + ("GetOutputMask", c_void_p), + ("SetOutputMask", c_void_p), + ("GetOtherOutputMask", c_void_p), + ("SetOtherOutputMask", c_void_p), + ("GetOutputWidth", c_void_p), + ("SetOutputWidth", c_void_p), + ("GetOutputLinePrefix", c_void_p), + ("SetOutputLinePrefix", c_void_p), + ("GetIdentity", c_void_p), + ("OutputIdentity", c_void_p), + ("GetEventCallbacks", c_void_p), + ("SetEventCallbacks", c_void_p), + ("FlushCallbacks", c_void_p), + ("WriteDumpFile2", c_void_p), + ("AddDumpInformationFile", c_void_p), + ("EndProcessServer", c_void_p), + ("WaitForProcessServerEnd", c_void_p), + ("IsKernelDebuggerEnabled", c_void_p), + ("TerminateCurrentProcess", c_void_p), + ("DetachCurrentProcess", c_void_p), + ("AbandonCurrentProcess", c_void_p), + ("GetRunningProcessSystemIdByExecutableNameWide", c_void_p), + ("GetRunningProcessDescriptionWide", c_void_p), + ("CreateProcessWide", c_void_p), + ("CreateProcessAndAttachWide", c_void_p), + ("OpenDumpFileWide", c_void_p), + ("WriteDumpFileWide", c_void_p), + ("AddDumpInformationFileWide", c_void_p), + ("GetNumberDumpFiles", c_void_p), + ("GetDumpFile", c_void_p), + ("GetDumpFileWide", c_void_p), + ("AttachKernelWide", c_void_p), + ("GetKernelConnectionOptionsWide", c_void_p), + ("SetKernelConnectionOptionsWide", c_void_p), + ("StartProcessServerWide", c_void_p), + ("ConnectProcessServerWide", c_void_p), + ("StartServerWide", c_void_p), + ("OutputServerWide", c_void_p), + ("GetOutputCallbacksWide", c_void_p), + ("SetOutputCallbacksWide", c_void_p), + ("GetOutputLinePrefixWide", c_void_p), + ("SetOutputLinePrefixWide", c_void_p), + ("GetIdentityWide", c_void_p), + ("OutputIdentityWide", c_void_p), + ("GetEventCallbacksWide", c_void_p), + ("SetEventCallbacksWide", c_void_p), + ("CreateProcess2", c_void_p), + ("CreateProcess2Wide", c_void_p), + ("CreateProcessAndAttach2", idc_createprocessandattach2), + ("CreateProcessAndAttach2Wide", c_void_p), + ("PushOutputLinePrefix", c_void_p), + ("PushOutputLinePrefixWide", c_void_p), + ("PopOutputLinePrefix", c_void_p), + ("GetNumberInputCallbacks", c_void_p), + ("GetNumberOutputCallbacks", c_void_p), + ("GetNumberEventCallbacks", c_void_p), + ("GetQuitLockString", c_void_p), + ("SetQuitLockString", c_void_p), + ("GetQuitLockStringWide", c_void_p), + ("SetQuitLockStringWide", c_void_p), + ("SetEventContextCallbacks", c_void_p), + ("SetClientContext", c_void_p), ] + IDebugClient7._fields_ = [("lpVtbl", POINTER(IDebugClient7Vtbl))] + class Client(object): - def __init__(self): - DbgEng = WinDLL("DbgEng") - DbgEng.DebugCreate.argtypes = [POINTER(IID), POINTER(POINTER(IDebugClient7))] - DbgEng.DebugCreate.restype = c_ulong - - # Call DebugCreate to create a new debug client - ptr = POINTER(IDebugClient7)() - res = DbgEng.DebugCreate(byref(DebugClient7IID), ptr) - aborter(res, "DebugCreate") - self.client = ptr.contents - self.vt = vt = self.client.lpVtbl.contents - - def QI(iface, ptr): - return vt.QueryInterface(self.client, byref(iface), byref(ptr)) - - # Query for a control object - ptr = c_void_p() - res = QI(control.DebugControl7IID, ptr) - aborter(res, "QueryInterface control") - self.control_ptr = cast(ptr, POINTER(control.IDebugControl7)) - self.Control = control.Control(self.control_ptr) - - # Query for a SystemObjects object - ptr = c_void_p() - res = QI(sysobjs.DebugSystemObjects4IID, ptr) - aborter(res, "QueryInterface sysobjects") - self.sysobjects_ptr = cast(ptr, POINTER(sysobjs.IDebugSystemObjects4)) - self.SysObjects = sysobjs.SysObjects(self.sysobjects_ptr) - - # Query for a Symbols object - ptr = c_void_p() - res = QI(symbols.DebugSymbols5IID, ptr) - aborter(res, "QueryInterface debugsymbosl5") - self.symbols_ptr = cast(ptr, POINTER(symbols.IDebugSymbols5)) - self.Symbols = symbols.Symbols(self.symbols_ptr) - - def AttachProcess(self, pid): - # Zero process-server id means no process-server. - res = self.vt.AttachProcess(self.client, 0, pid, DebugAttach.DEBUG_ATTACH_DEFAULT) - aborter(res, "AttachProcess") - return - - def DetachProcesses(self): - res = self.vt.DetachProcesses(self.client) - aborter(res, "DetachProcesses") - return - - def TerminateProcesses(self): - res = self.vt.TerminateProcesses(self.client) - aborter(res, "TerminateProcesses") - return - - def CreateProcessAndAttach2(self, cmdline): - options = DEBUG_CREATE_PROCESS_OPTIONS() - options.CreateFlags = 0x2 # DEBUG_ONLY_THIS_PROCESS - options.EngCreateFlags = 0 - options.VerifierFlags = 0 - options.Reserved = 0 - attach_flags = 0 - res = self.vt.CreateProcessAndAttach2(self.client, 0, cmdline.encode("ascii"), byref(options), sizeof(options), None, None, 0, attach_flags) - aborter(res, "CreateProcessAndAttach2") - return + def __init__(self): + DbgEng = WinDLL("DbgEng") + DbgEng.DebugCreate.argtypes = [POINTER(IID), POINTER(POINTER(IDebugClient7))] + DbgEng.DebugCreate.restype = c_ulong + + # Call DebugCreate to create a new debug client + ptr = POINTER(IDebugClient7)() + res = DbgEng.DebugCreate(byref(DebugClient7IID), ptr) + aborter(res, "DebugCreate") + self.client = ptr.contents + self.vt = vt = self.client.lpVtbl.contents + + def QI(iface, ptr): + return vt.QueryInterface(self.client, byref(iface), byref(ptr)) + + # Query for a control object + ptr = c_void_p() + res = QI(control.DebugControl7IID, ptr) + aborter(res, "QueryInterface control") + self.control_ptr = cast(ptr, POINTER(control.IDebugControl7)) + self.Control = control.Control(self.control_ptr) + + # Query for a SystemObjects object + ptr = c_void_p() + res = QI(sysobjs.DebugSystemObjects4IID, ptr) + aborter(res, "QueryInterface sysobjects") + self.sysobjects_ptr = cast(ptr, POINTER(sysobjs.IDebugSystemObjects4)) + self.SysObjects = sysobjs.SysObjects(self.sysobjects_ptr) + + # Query for a Symbols object + ptr = c_void_p() + res = QI(symbols.DebugSymbols5IID, ptr) + aborter(res, "QueryInterface debugsymbosl5") + self.symbols_ptr = cast(ptr, POINTER(symbols.IDebugSymbols5)) + self.Symbols = symbols.Symbols(self.symbols_ptr) + + def AttachProcess(self, pid): + # Zero process-server id means no process-server. + res = self.vt.AttachProcess( + self.client, 0, pid, DebugAttach.DEBUG_ATTACH_DEFAULT + ) + aborter(res, "AttachProcess") + return + + def DetachProcesses(self): + res = self.vt.DetachProcesses(self.client) + aborter(res, "DetachProcesses") + return + + def TerminateProcesses(self): + res = self.vt.TerminateProcesses(self.client) + aborter(res, "TerminateProcesses") + return + + def CreateProcessAndAttach2(self, cmdline): + options = DEBUG_CREATE_PROCESS_OPTIONS() + options.CreateFlags = 0x2 # DEBUG_ONLY_THIS_PROCESS + options.EngCreateFlags = 0 + options.VerifierFlags = 0 + options.Reserved = 0 + attach_flags = 0 + res = self.vt.CreateProcessAndAttach2( + self.client, + 0, + cmdline.encode("ascii"), + byref(options), + sizeof(options), + None, + None, + 0, + attach_flags, + ) + aborter(res, "CreateProcessAndAttach2") + return diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/control.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/control.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/control.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/control.py @@ -11,401 +11,440 @@ from .utils import * from .breakpoint import * + class DEBUG_STACK_FRAME_EX(Structure): - _fields_ = [ - ("InstructionOffset", c_ulonglong), - ("ReturnOffset", c_ulonglong), - ("FrameOffset", c_ulonglong), - ("StackOffset", c_ulonglong), - ("FuncTableEntry", c_ulonglong), - ("Params", c_ulonglong * 4), - ("Reserved", c_ulonglong * 6), - ("Virtual", c_bool), - ("FrameNumber", c_ulong), - ("InlineFrameContext", c_ulong), - ("Reserved1", c_ulong) + _fields_ = [ + ("InstructionOffset", c_ulonglong), + ("ReturnOffset", c_ulonglong), + ("FrameOffset", c_ulonglong), + ("StackOffset", c_ulonglong), + ("FuncTableEntry", c_ulonglong), + ("Params", c_ulonglong * 4), + ("Reserved", c_ulonglong * 6), + ("Virtual", c_bool), + ("FrameNumber", c_ulong), + ("InlineFrameContext", c_ulong), + ("Reserved1", c_ulong), ] + + PDEBUG_STACK_FRAME_EX = POINTER(DEBUG_STACK_FRAME_EX) + class DEBUG_VALUE_U(Union): - _fields_ = [ - ("I8", c_byte), - ("I16", c_short), - ("I32", c_int), - ("I64", c_long), - ("F32", c_float), - ("F64", c_double), - ("RawBytes", c_ubyte * 24) # Force length to 24b. + _fields_ = [ + ("I8", c_byte), + ("I16", c_short), + ("I32", c_int), + ("I64", c_long), + ("F32", c_float), + ("F64", c_double), + ("RawBytes", c_ubyte * 24), # Force length to 24b. ] + class DEBUG_VALUE(Structure): - _fields_ = [ - ("U", DEBUG_VALUE_U), - ("TailOfRawBytes", c_ulong), - ("Type", c_ulong) - ] + _fields_ = [("U", DEBUG_VALUE_U), ("TailOfRawBytes", c_ulong), ("Type", c_ulong)] + + PDEBUG_VALUE = POINTER(DEBUG_VALUE) + class DebugValueType(IntEnum): - DEBUG_VALUE_INVALID = 0 - DEBUG_VALUE_INT8 = 1 - DEBUG_VALUE_INT16 = 2 - DEBUG_VALUE_INT32 = 3 - DEBUG_VALUE_INT64 = 4 - DEBUG_VALUE_FLOAT32 = 5 - DEBUG_VALUE_FLOAT64 = 6 - DEBUG_VALUE_FLOAT80 = 7 - DEBUG_VALUE_FLOAT82 = 8 - DEBUG_VALUE_FLOAT128 = 9 - DEBUG_VALUE_VECTOR64 = 10 - DEBUG_VALUE_VECTOR128 = 11 - DEBUG_VALUE_TYPES = 12 + DEBUG_VALUE_INVALID = 0 + DEBUG_VALUE_INT8 = 1 + DEBUG_VALUE_INT16 = 2 + DEBUG_VALUE_INT32 = 3 + DEBUG_VALUE_INT64 = 4 + DEBUG_VALUE_FLOAT32 = 5 + DEBUG_VALUE_FLOAT64 = 6 + DEBUG_VALUE_FLOAT80 = 7 + DEBUG_VALUE_FLOAT82 = 8 + DEBUG_VALUE_FLOAT128 = 9 + DEBUG_VALUE_VECTOR64 = 10 + DEBUG_VALUE_VECTOR128 = 11 + DEBUG_VALUE_TYPES = 12 + # UUID for DebugControl7 interface. -DebugControl7IID = IID(0xb86fb3b1, 0x80d4, 0x475b, IID_Data4_Type(0xae, 0xa3, 0xcf, 0x06, 0x53, 0x9c, 0xf6, 0x3a)) +DebugControl7IID = IID( + 0xB86FB3B1, + 0x80D4, + 0x475B, + IID_Data4_Type(0xAE, 0xA3, 0xCF, 0x06, 0x53, 0x9C, 0xF6, 0x3A), +) + class IDebugControl7(Structure): - pass + pass + class IDebugControl7Vtbl(Structure): - wrp = partial(WINFUNCTYPE, c_long, POINTER(IDebugControl7)) - idc_getnumbereventfilters = wrp(c_ulong_p, c_ulong_p, c_ulong_p) - idc_setexceptionfiltersecondcommand = wrp(c_ulong, c_char_p) - idc_waitforevent = wrp(c_long, c_long) - idc_execute = wrp(c_long, c_char_p, c_long) - idc_setexpressionsyntax = wrp(c_ulong) - idc_addbreakpoint2 = wrp(c_ulong, c_ulong, POINTER(POINTER(DebugBreakpoint2))) - idc_setexecutionstatus = wrp(c_ulong) - idc_getexecutionstatus = wrp(c_ulong_p) - idc_getstacktraceex = wrp(c_ulonglong, c_ulonglong, c_ulonglong, PDEBUG_STACK_FRAME_EX, c_ulong, c_ulong_p) - idc_evaluate = wrp(c_char_p, c_ulong, PDEBUG_VALUE, c_ulong_p) - idc_setengineoptions = wrp(c_ulong) - _fields_ = [ - ("QueryInterface", c_void_p), - ("AddRef", c_void_p), - ("Release", c_void_p), - ("GetInterrupt", c_void_p), - ("SetInterrupt", c_void_p), - ("GetInterruptTimeout", c_void_p), - ("SetInterruptTimeout", c_void_p), - ("GetLogFile", c_void_p), - ("OpenLogFile", c_void_p), - ("CloseLogFile", c_void_p), - ("GetLogMask", c_void_p), - ("SetLogMask", c_void_p), - ("Input", c_void_p), - ("ReturnInput", c_void_p), - ("Output", c_void_p), - ("OutputVaList", c_void_p), - ("ControlledOutput", c_void_p), - ("ControlledOutputVaList", c_void_p), - ("OutputPrompt", c_void_p), - ("OutputPromptVaList", c_void_p), - ("GetPromptText", c_void_p), - ("OutputCurrentState", c_void_p), - ("OutputVersionInformation", c_void_p), - ("GetNotifyEventHandle", c_void_p), - ("SetNotifyEventHandle", c_void_p), - ("Assemble", c_void_p), - ("Disassemble", c_void_p), - ("GetDisassembleEffectiveOffset", c_void_p), - ("OutputDisassembly", c_void_p), - ("OutputDisassemblyLines", c_void_p), - ("GetNearInstruction", c_void_p), - ("GetStackTrace", c_void_p), - ("GetReturnOffset", c_void_p), - ("OutputStackTrace", c_void_p), - ("GetDebuggeeType", c_void_p), - ("GetActualProcessorType", c_void_p), - ("GetExecutingProcessorType", c_void_p), - ("GetNumberPossibleExecutingProcessorTypes", c_void_p), - ("GetPossibleExecutingProcessorTypes", c_void_p), - ("GetNumberProcessors", c_void_p), - ("GetSystemVersion", c_void_p), - ("GetPageSize", c_void_p), - ("IsPointer64Bit", c_void_p), - ("ReadBugCheckData", c_void_p), - ("GetNumberSupportedProcessorTypes", c_void_p), - ("GetSupportedProcessorTypes", c_void_p), - ("GetProcessorTypeNames", c_void_p), - ("GetEffectiveProcessorType", c_void_p), - ("SetEffectiveProcessorType", c_void_p), - ("GetExecutionStatus", idc_getexecutionstatus), - ("SetExecutionStatus", idc_setexecutionstatus), - ("GetCodeLevel", c_void_p), - ("SetCodeLevel", c_void_p), - ("GetEngineOptions", c_void_p), - ("AddEngineOptions", c_void_p), - ("RemoveEngineOptions", c_void_p), - ("SetEngineOptions", idc_setengineoptions), - ("GetSystemErrorControl", c_void_p), - ("SetSystemErrorControl", c_void_p), - ("GetTextMacro", c_void_p), - ("SetTextMacro", c_void_p), - ("GetRadix", c_void_p), - ("SetRadix", c_void_p), - ("Evaluate", idc_evaluate), - ("CoerceValue", c_void_p), - ("CoerceValues", c_void_p), - ("Execute", idc_execute), - ("ExecuteCommandFile", c_void_p), - ("GetNumberBreakpoints", c_void_p), - ("GetBreakpointByIndex", c_void_p), - ("GetBreakpointById", c_void_p), - ("GetBreakpointParameters", c_void_p), - ("AddBreakpoint", c_void_p), - ("RemoveBreakpoint", c_void_p), - ("AddExtension", c_void_p), - ("RemoveExtension", c_void_p), - ("GetExtensionByPath", c_void_p), - ("CallExtension", c_void_p), - ("GetExtensionFunction", c_void_p), - ("GetWindbgExtensionApis32", c_void_p), - ("GetWindbgExtensionApis64", c_void_p), - ("GetNumberEventFilters", idc_getnumbereventfilters), - ("GetEventFilterText", c_void_p), - ("GetEventFilterCommand", c_void_p), - ("SetEventFilterCommand", c_void_p), - ("GetSpecificFilterParameters", c_void_p), - ("SetSpecificFilterParameters", c_void_p), - ("GetSpecificFilterArgument", c_void_p), - ("SetSpecificFilterArgument", c_void_p), - ("GetExceptionFilterParameters", c_void_p), - ("SetExceptionFilterParameters", c_void_p), - ("GetExceptionFilterSecondCommand", c_void_p), - ("SetExceptionFilterSecondCommand", idc_setexceptionfiltersecondcommand), - ("WaitForEvent", idc_waitforevent), - ("GetLastEventInformation", c_void_p), - ("GetCurrentTimeDate", c_void_p), - ("GetCurrentSystemUpTime", c_void_p), - ("GetDumpFormatFlags", c_void_p), - ("GetNumberTextReplacements", c_void_p), - ("GetTextReplacement", c_void_p), - ("SetTextReplacement", c_void_p), - ("RemoveTextReplacements", c_void_p), - ("OutputTextReplacements", c_void_p), - ("GetAssemblyOptions", c_void_p), - ("AddAssemblyOptions", c_void_p), - ("RemoveAssemblyOptions", c_void_p), - ("SetAssemblyOptions", c_void_p), - ("GetExpressionSyntax", c_void_p), - ("SetExpressionSyntax", idc_setexpressionsyntax), - ("SetExpressionSyntaxByName", c_void_p), - ("GetNumberExpressionSyntaxes", c_void_p), - ("GetExpressionSyntaxNames", c_void_p), - ("GetNumberEvents", c_void_p), - ("GetEventIndexDescription", c_void_p), - ("GetCurrentEventIndex", c_void_p), - ("SetNextEventIndex", c_void_p), - ("GetLogFileWide", c_void_p), - ("OpenLogFileWide", c_void_p), - ("InputWide", c_void_p), - ("ReturnInputWide", c_void_p), - ("OutputWide", c_void_p), - ("OutputVaListWide", c_void_p), - ("ControlledOutputWide", c_void_p), - ("ControlledOutputVaListWide", c_void_p), - ("OutputPromptWide", c_void_p), - ("OutputPromptVaListWide", c_void_p), - ("GetPromptTextWide", c_void_p), - ("AssembleWide", c_void_p), - ("DisassembleWide", c_void_p), - ("GetProcessrTypeNamesWide", c_void_p), - ("GetTextMacroWide", c_void_p), - ("SetTextMacroWide", c_void_p), - ("EvaluateWide", c_void_p), - ("ExecuteWide", c_void_p), - ("ExecuteCommandFileWide", c_void_p), - ("GetBreakpointByIndex2", c_void_p), - ("GetBreakpointById2", c_void_p), - ("AddBreakpoint2", idc_addbreakpoint2), - ("RemoveBreakpoint2", c_void_p), - ("AddExtensionWide", c_void_p), - ("GetExtensionByPathWide", c_void_p), - ("CallExtensionWide", c_void_p), - ("GetExtensionFunctionWide", c_void_p), - ("GetEventFilterTextWide", c_void_p), - ("GetEventfilterCommandWide", c_void_p), - ("SetEventFilterCommandWide", c_void_p), - ("GetSpecificFilterArgumentWide", c_void_p), - ("SetSpecificFilterArgumentWide", c_void_p), - ("GetExceptionFilterSecondCommandWide", c_void_p), - ("SetExceptionFilterSecondCommandWider", c_void_p), - ("GetLastEventInformationWide", c_void_p), - ("GetTextReplacementWide", c_void_p), - ("SetTextReplacementWide", c_void_p), - ("SetExpressionSyntaxByNameWide", c_void_p), - ("GetExpressionSyntaxNamesWide", c_void_p), - ("GetEventIndexDescriptionWide", c_void_p), - ("GetLogFile2", c_void_p), - ("OpenLogFile2", c_void_p), - ("GetLogFile2Wide", c_void_p), - ("OpenLogFile2Wide", c_void_p), - ("GetSystemVersionValues", c_void_p), - ("GetSystemVersionString", c_void_p), - ("GetSystemVersionStringWide", c_void_p), - ("GetContextStackTrace", c_void_p), - ("OutputContextStackTrace", c_void_p), - ("GetStoredEventInformation", c_void_p), - ("GetManagedStatus", c_void_p), - ("GetManagedStatusWide", c_void_p), - ("ResetManagedStatus", c_void_p), - ("GetStackTraceEx", idc_getstacktraceex), - ("OutputStackTraceEx", c_void_p), - ("GetContextStackTraceEx", c_void_p), - ("OutputContextStackTraceEx", c_void_p), - ("GetBreakpointByGuid", c_void_p), - ("GetExecutionStatusEx", c_void_p), - ("GetSynchronizationStatus", c_void_p), - ("GetDebuggeeType2", c_void_p) + wrp = partial(WINFUNCTYPE, c_long, POINTER(IDebugControl7)) + idc_getnumbereventfilters = wrp(c_ulong_p, c_ulong_p, c_ulong_p) + idc_setexceptionfiltersecondcommand = wrp(c_ulong, c_char_p) + idc_waitforevent = wrp(c_long, c_long) + idc_execute = wrp(c_long, c_char_p, c_long) + idc_setexpressionsyntax = wrp(c_ulong) + idc_addbreakpoint2 = wrp(c_ulong, c_ulong, POINTER(POINTER(DebugBreakpoint2))) + idc_setexecutionstatus = wrp(c_ulong) + idc_getexecutionstatus = wrp(c_ulong_p) + idc_getstacktraceex = wrp( + c_ulonglong, c_ulonglong, c_ulonglong, PDEBUG_STACK_FRAME_EX, c_ulong, c_ulong_p + ) + idc_evaluate = wrp(c_char_p, c_ulong, PDEBUG_VALUE, c_ulong_p) + idc_setengineoptions = wrp(c_ulong) + _fields_ = [ + ("QueryInterface", c_void_p), + ("AddRef", c_void_p), + ("Release", c_void_p), + ("GetInterrupt", c_void_p), + ("SetInterrupt", c_void_p), + ("GetInterruptTimeout", c_void_p), + ("SetInterruptTimeout", c_void_p), + ("GetLogFile", c_void_p), + ("OpenLogFile", c_void_p), + ("CloseLogFile", c_void_p), + ("GetLogMask", c_void_p), + ("SetLogMask", c_void_p), + ("Input", c_void_p), + ("ReturnInput", c_void_p), + ("Output", c_void_p), + ("OutputVaList", c_void_p), + ("ControlledOutput", c_void_p), + ("ControlledOutputVaList", c_void_p), + ("OutputPrompt", c_void_p), + ("OutputPromptVaList", c_void_p), + ("GetPromptText", c_void_p), + ("OutputCurrentState", c_void_p), + ("OutputVersionInformation", c_void_p), + ("GetNotifyEventHandle", c_void_p), + ("SetNotifyEventHandle", c_void_p), + ("Assemble", c_void_p), + ("Disassemble", c_void_p), + ("GetDisassembleEffectiveOffset", c_void_p), + ("OutputDisassembly", c_void_p), + ("OutputDisassemblyLines", c_void_p), + ("GetNearInstruction", c_void_p), + ("GetStackTrace", c_void_p), + ("GetReturnOffset", c_void_p), + ("OutputStackTrace", c_void_p), + ("GetDebuggeeType", c_void_p), + ("GetActualProcessorType", c_void_p), + ("GetExecutingProcessorType", c_void_p), + ("GetNumberPossibleExecutingProcessorTypes", c_void_p), + ("GetPossibleExecutingProcessorTypes", c_void_p), + ("GetNumberProcessors", c_void_p), + ("GetSystemVersion", c_void_p), + ("GetPageSize", c_void_p), + ("IsPointer64Bit", c_void_p), + ("ReadBugCheckData", c_void_p), + ("GetNumberSupportedProcessorTypes", c_void_p), + ("GetSupportedProcessorTypes", c_void_p), + ("GetProcessorTypeNames", c_void_p), + ("GetEffectiveProcessorType", c_void_p), + ("SetEffectiveProcessorType", c_void_p), + ("GetExecutionStatus", idc_getexecutionstatus), + ("SetExecutionStatus", idc_setexecutionstatus), + ("GetCodeLevel", c_void_p), + ("SetCodeLevel", c_void_p), + ("GetEngineOptions", c_void_p), + ("AddEngineOptions", c_void_p), + ("RemoveEngineOptions", c_void_p), + ("SetEngineOptions", idc_setengineoptions), + ("GetSystemErrorControl", c_void_p), + ("SetSystemErrorControl", c_void_p), + ("GetTextMacro", c_void_p), + ("SetTextMacro", c_void_p), + ("GetRadix", c_void_p), + ("SetRadix", c_void_p), + ("Evaluate", idc_evaluate), + ("CoerceValue", c_void_p), + ("CoerceValues", c_void_p), + ("Execute", idc_execute), + ("ExecuteCommandFile", c_void_p), + ("GetNumberBreakpoints", c_void_p), + ("GetBreakpointByIndex", c_void_p), + ("GetBreakpointById", c_void_p), + ("GetBreakpointParameters", c_void_p), + ("AddBreakpoint", c_void_p), + ("RemoveBreakpoint", c_void_p), + ("AddExtension", c_void_p), + ("RemoveExtension", c_void_p), + ("GetExtensionByPath", c_void_p), + ("CallExtension", c_void_p), + ("GetExtensionFunction", c_void_p), + ("GetWindbgExtensionApis32", c_void_p), + ("GetWindbgExtensionApis64", c_void_p), + ("GetNumberEventFilters", idc_getnumbereventfilters), + ("GetEventFilterText", c_void_p), + ("GetEventFilterCommand", c_void_p), + ("SetEventFilterCommand", c_void_p), + ("GetSpecificFilterParameters", c_void_p), + ("SetSpecificFilterParameters", c_void_p), + ("GetSpecificFilterArgument", c_void_p), + ("SetSpecificFilterArgument", c_void_p), + ("GetExceptionFilterParameters", c_void_p), + ("SetExceptionFilterParameters", c_void_p), + ("GetExceptionFilterSecondCommand", c_void_p), + ("SetExceptionFilterSecondCommand", idc_setexceptionfiltersecondcommand), + ("WaitForEvent", idc_waitforevent), + ("GetLastEventInformation", c_void_p), + ("GetCurrentTimeDate", c_void_p), + ("GetCurrentSystemUpTime", c_void_p), + ("GetDumpFormatFlags", c_void_p), + ("GetNumberTextReplacements", c_void_p), + ("GetTextReplacement", c_void_p), + ("SetTextReplacement", c_void_p), + ("RemoveTextReplacements", c_void_p), + ("OutputTextReplacements", c_void_p), + ("GetAssemblyOptions", c_void_p), + ("AddAssemblyOptions", c_void_p), + ("RemoveAssemblyOptions", c_void_p), + ("SetAssemblyOptions", c_void_p), + ("GetExpressionSyntax", c_void_p), + ("SetExpressionSyntax", idc_setexpressionsyntax), + ("SetExpressionSyntaxByName", c_void_p), + ("GetNumberExpressionSyntaxes", c_void_p), + ("GetExpressionSyntaxNames", c_void_p), + ("GetNumberEvents", c_void_p), + ("GetEventIndexDescription", c_void_p), + ("GetCurrentEventIndex", c_void_p), + ("SetNextEventIndex", c_void_p), + ("GetLogFileWide", c_void_p), + ("OpenLogFileWide", c_void_p), + ("InputWide", c_void_p), + ("ReturnInputWide", c_void_p), + ("OutputWide", c_void_p), + ("OutputVaListWide", c_void_p), + ("ControlledOutputWide", c_void_p), + ("ControlledOutputVaListWide", c_void_p), + ("OutputPromptWide", c_void_p), + ("OutputPromptVaListWide", c_void_p), + ("GetPromptTextWide", c_void_p), + ("AssembleWide", c_void_p), + ("DisassembleWide", c_void_p), + ("GetProcessrTypeNamesWide", c_void_p), + ("GetTextMacroWide", c_void_p), + ("SetTextMacroWide", c_void_p), + ("EvaluateWide", c_void_p), + ("ExecuteWide", c_void_p), + ("ExecuteCommandFileWide", c_void_p), + ("GetBreakpointByIndex2", c_void_p), + ("GetBreakpointById2", c_void_p), + ("AddBreakpoint2", idc_addbreakpoint2), + ("RemoveBreakpoint2", c_void_p), + ("AddExtensionWide", c_void_p), + ("GetExtensionByPathWide", c_void_p), + ("CallExtensionWide", c_void_p), + ("GetExtensionFunctionWide", c_void_p), + ("GetEventFilterTextWide", c_void_p), + ("GetEventfilterCommandWide", c_void_p), + ("SetEventFilterCommandWide", c_void_p), + ("GetSpecificFilterArgumentWide", c_void_p), + ("SetSpecificFilterArgumentWide", c_void_p), + ("GetExceptionFilterSecondCommandWide", c_void_p), + ("SetExceptionFilterSecondCommandWider", c_void_p), + ("GetLastEventInformationWide", c_void_p), + ("GetTextReplacementWide", c_void_p), + ("SetTextReplacementWide", c_void_p), + ("SetExpressionSyntaxByNameWide", c_void_p), + ("GetExpressionSyntaxNamesWide", c_void_p), + ("GetEventIndexDescriptionWide", c_void_p), + ("GetLogFile2", c_void_p), + ("OpenLogFile2", c_void_p), + ("GetLogFile2Wide", c_void_p), + ("OpenLogFile2Wide", c_void_p), + ("GetSystemVersionValues", c_void_p), + ("GetSystemVersionString", c_void_p), + ("GetSystemVersionStringWide", c_void_p), + ("GetContextStackTrace", c_void_p), + ("OutputContextStackTrace", c_void_p), + ("GetStoredEventInformation", c_void_p), + ("GetManagedStatus", c_void_p), + ("GetManagedStatusWide", c_void_p), + ("ResetManagedStatus", c_void_p), + ("GetStackTraceEx", idc_getstacktraceex), + ("OutputStackTraceEx", c_void_p), + ("GetContextStackTraceEx", c_void_p), + ("OutputContextStackTraceEx", c_void_p), + ("GetBreakpointByGuid", c_void_p), + ("GetExecutionStatusEx", c_void_p), + ("GetSynchronizationStatus", c_void_p), + ("GetDebuggeeType2", c_void_p), ] + IDebugControl7._fields_ = [("lpVtbl", POINTER(IDebugControl7Vtbl))] + class DebugStatus(IntEnum): - DEBUG_STATUS_NO_CHANGE = 0 - DEBUG_STATUS_GO = 1 - DEBUG_STATUS_GO_HANDLED = 2 - DEBUG_STATUS_GO_NOT_HANDLED = 3 - DEBUG_STATUS_STEP_OVER = 4 - DEBUG_STATUS_STEP_INTO = 5 - DEBUG_STATUS_BREAK = 6 - DEBUG_STATUS_NO_DEBUGGEE = 7 - DEBUG_STATUS_STEP_BRANCH = 8 - DEBUG_STATUS_IGNORE_EVENT = 9 - DEBUG_STATUS_RESTART_REQUESTED = 10 - DEBUG_STATUS_REVERSE_GO = 11 - DEBUG_STATUS_REVERSE_STEP_BRANCH = 12 - DEBUG_STATUS_REVERSE_STEP_OVER = 13 - DEBUG_STATUS_REVERSE_STEP_INTO = 14 - DEBUG_STATUS_OUT_OF_SYNC = 15 - DEBUG_STATUS_WAIT_INPUT = 16 - DEBUG_STATUS_TIMEOUT = 17 + DEBUG_STATUS_NO_CHANGE = 0 + DEBUG_STATUS_GO = 1 + DEBUG_STATUS_GO_HANDLED = 2 + DEBUG_STATUS_GO_NOT_HANDLED = 3 + DEBUG_STATUS_STEP_OVER = 4 + DEBUG_STATUS_STEP_INTO = 5 + DEBUG_STATUS_BREAK = 6 + DEBUG_STATUS_NO_DEBUGGEE = 7 + DEBUG_STATUS_STEP_BRANCH = 8 + DEBUG_STATUS_IGNORE_EVENT = 9 + DEBUG_STATUS_RESTART_REQUESTED = 10 + DEBUG_STATUS_REVERSE_GO = 11 + DEBUG_STATUS_REVERSE_STEP_BRANCH = 12 + DEBUG_STATUS_REVERSE_STEP_OVER = 13 + DEBUG_STATUS_REVERSE_STEP_INTO = 14 + DEBUG_STATUS_OUT_OF_SYNC = 15 + DEBUG_STATUS_WAIT_INPUT = 16 + DEBUG_STATUS_TIMEOUT = 17 + class DebugSyntax(IntEnum): - DEBUG_EXPR_MASM = 0 - DEBUG_EXPR_CPLUSPLUS = 1 + DEBUG_EXPR_MASM = 0 + DEBUG_EXPR_CPLUSPLUS = 1 + class Control(object): - def __init__(self, control): - self.ptr = control - self.control = control.contents - self.vt = self.control.lpVtbl.contents - # Keep a handy ulong for passing into C methods. - self.ulong = c_ulong() - - def GetExecutionStatus(self, doprint=False): - ret = self.vt.GetExecutionStatus(self.control, byref(self.ulong)) - aborter(ret, "GetExecutionStatus") - status = DebugStatus(self.ulong.value) - if doprint: - print("Execution status: {}".format(status)) - return status - - def SetExecutionStatus(self, status): - assert isinstance(status, DebugStatus) - res = self.vt.SetExecutionStatus(self.control, status.value) - aborter(res, "SetExecutionStatus") - - def WaitForEvent(self, timeout=100): - # No flags are taken by WaitForEvent, hence 0 - ret = self.vt.WaitForEvent(self.control, 0, timeout) - aborter(ret, "WaitforEvent", ignore=[S_FALSE]) - return ret - - def GetNumberEventFilters(self): - specific_events = c_ulong() - specific_exceptions = c_ulong() - arbitrary_exceptions = c_ulong() - res = self.vt.GetNumberEventFilters(self.control, byref(specific_events), - byref(specific_exceptions), - byref(arbitrary_exceptions)) - aborter(res, "GetNumberEventFilters") - return (specific_events.value, specific_exceptions.value, - arbitrary_exceptions.value) - - def SetExceptionFilterSecondCommand(self, index, command): - buf = create_string_buffer(command.encode('ascii')) - res = self.vt.SetExceptionFilterSecondCommand(self.control, index, buf) - aborter(res, "SetExceptionFilterSecondCommand") - return - - def AddBreakpoint2(self, offset=None, enabled=None): - breakpoint = POINTER(DebugBreakpoint2)() - res = self.vt.AddBreakpoint2(self.control, BreakpointTypes.DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_CODE, DEBUG_ANY_ID, byref(breakpoint)) - aborter(res, "Add breakpoint 2") - bp = Breakpoint(breakpoint) - - if offset is not None: - bp.SetOffset(offset) - if enabled is not None and enabled: - bp.SetFlags(BreakpointFlags.DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_ENABLED) - - return bp - - def RemoveBreakpoint(self, bp): - res = self.vt.RemoveBreakpoint2(self.control, bp.breakpoint) - aborter(res, "RemoveBreakpoint2") - bp.die() - - def GetStackTraceEx(self): - # XXX -- I can't find a way to query for how many stack frames there _are_ - # in advance. Guess 128 for now. - num_frames_buffer = 128 - - frames = (DEBUG_STACK_FRAME_EX * num_frames_buffer)() - numframes = c_ulong() - - # First three args are frame/stack/IP offsets -- leave them as zero to - # default to the current instruction. - res = self.vt.GetStackTraceEx(self.control, 0, 0, 0, frames, num_frames_buffer, byref(numframes)) - aborter(res, "GetStackTraceEx") - return frames, numframes.value - - def Execute(self, command): - # First zero is DEBUG_OUTCTL_*, which we leave as a default, second - # zero is DEBUG_EXECUTE_* flags, of which we set none. - res = self.vt.Execute(self.control, 0, command.encode('ascii'), 0) - aborter(res, "Client execute") - - def SetExpressionSyntax(self, cpp=True): - if cpp: - syntax = DebugSyntax.DEBUG_EXPR_CPLUSPLUS - else: - syntax = DebugSyntax.DEBUG_EXPR_MASM - - res = self.vt.SetExpressionSyntax(self.control, syntax) - aborter(res, "SetExpressionSyntax") - - def Evaluate(self, expr): - ptr = DEBUG_VALUE() - res = self.vt.Evaluate(self.control, expr.encode("ascii"), DebugValueType.DEBUG_VALUE_INVALID, byref(ptr), None) - aborter(res, "Evaluate", ignore=[E_INTERNALEXCEPTION, E_FAIL]) - if res != 0: - return None - - val_type = DebugValueType(ptr.Type) - - # Here's a map from debug value types to fields. Unclear what happens - # with unsigned values, as DbgEng doesn't present any unsigned fields. - - extract_map = { - DebugValueType.DEBUG_VALUE_INT8 : ("I8", "char"), - DebugValueType.DEBUG_VALUE_INT16 : ("I16", "short"), - DebugValueType.DEBUG_VALUE_INT32 : ("I32", "int"), - DebugValueType.DEBUG_VALUE_INT64 : ("I64", "long"), - DebugValueType.DEBUG_VALUE_FLOAT32 : ("F32", "float"), - DebugValueType.DEBUG_VALUE_FLOAT64 : ("F64", "double") - } # And everything else is invalid. - - if val_type not in extract_map: - raise Exception("Unexpected debug value type {} when evalutaing".format(val_type)) - - # Also produce a type name... - - return getattr(ptr.U, extract_map[val_type][0]), extract_map[val_type][1] - - def SetEngineOptions(self, opt): - res = self.vt.SetEngineOptions(self.control, opt) - aborter(res, "SetEngineOptions") - return + def __init__(self, control): + self.ptr = control + self.control = control.contents + self.vt = self.control.lpVtbl.contents + # Keep a handy ulong for passing into C methods. + self.ulong = c_ulong() + + def GetExecutionStatus(self, doprint=False): + ret = self.vt.GetExecutionStatus(self.control, byref(self.ulong)) + aborter(ret, "GetExecutionStatus") + status = DebugStatus(self.ulong.value) + if doprint: + print("Execution status: {}".format(status)) + return status + + def SetExecutionStatus(self, status): + assert isinstance(status, DebugStatus) + res = self.vt.SetExecutionStatus(self.control, status.value) + aborter(res, "SetExecutionStatus") + + def WaitForEvent(self, timeout=100): + # No flags are taken by WaitForEvent, hence 0 + ret = self.vt.WaitForEvent(self.control, 0, timeout) + aborter(ret, "WaitforEvent", ignore=[S_FALSE]) + return ret + + def GetNumberEventFilters(self): + specific_events = c_ulong() + specific_exceptions = c_ulong() + arbitrary_exceptions = c_ulong() + res = self.vt.GetNumberEventFilters( + self.control, + byref(specific_events), + byref(specific_exceptions), + byref(arbitrary_exceptions), + ) + aborter(res, "GetNumberEventFilters") + return ( + specific_events.value, + specific_exceptions.value, + arbitrary_exceptions.value, + ) + + def SetExceptionFilterSecondCommand(self, index, command): + buf = create_string_buffer(command.encode("ascii")) + res = self.vt.SetExceptionFilterSecondCommand(self.control, index, buf) + aborter(res, "SetExceptionFilterSecondCommand") + return + + def AddBreakpoint2(self, offset=None, enabled=None): + breakpoint = POINTER(DebugBreakpoint2)() + res = self.vt.AddBreakpoint2( + self.control, + BreakpointTypes.DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_CODE, + DEBUG_ANY_ID, + byref(breakpoint), + ) + aborter(res, "Add breakpoint 2") + bp = Breakpoint(breakpoint) + + if offset is not None: + bp.SetOffset(offset) + if enabled is not None and enabled: + bp.SetFlags(BreakpointFlags.DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_ENABLED) + + return bp + + def RemoveBreakpoint(self, bp): + res = self.vt.RemoveBreakpoint2(self.control, bp.breakpoint) + aborter(res, "RemoveBreakpoint2") + bp.die() + + def GetStackTraceEx(self): + # XXX -- I can't find a way to query for how many stack frames there _are_ + # in advance. Guess 128 for now. + num_frames_buffer = 128 + + frames = (DEBUG_STACK_FRAME_EX * num_frames_buffer)() + numframes = c_ulong() + + # First three args are frame/stack/IP offsets -- leave them as zero to + # default to the current instruction. + res = self.vt.GetStackTraceEx( + self.control, 0, 0, 0, frames, num_frames_buffer, byref(numframes) + ) + aborter(res, "GetStackTraceEx") + return frames, numframes.value + + def Execute(self, command): + # First zero is DEBUG_OUTCTL_*, which we leave as a default, second + # zero is DEBUG_EXECUTE_* flags, of which we set none. + res = self.vt.Execute(self.control, 0, command.encode("ascii"), 0) + aborter(res, "Client execute") + + def SetExpressionSyntax(self, cpp=True): + if cpp: + syntax = DebugSyntax.DEBUG_EXPR_CPLUSPLUS + else: + syntax = DebugSyntax.DEBUG_EXPR_MASM + + res = self.vt.SetExpressionSyntax(self.control, syntax) + aborter(res, "SetExpressionSyntax") + + def Evaluate(self, expr): + ptr = DEBUG_VALUE() + res = self.vt.Evaluate( + self.control, + expr.encode("ascii"), + DebugValueType.DEBUG_VALUE_INVALID, + byref(ptr), + None, + ) + aborter(res, "Evaluate", ignore=[E_INTERNALEXCEPTION, E_FAIL]) + if res != 0: + return None + + val_type = DebugValueType(ptr.Type) + + # Here's a map from debug value types to fields. Unclear what happens + # with unsigned values, as DbgEng doesn't present any unsigned fields. + + extract_map = { + DebugValueType.DEBUG_VALUE_INT8: ("I8", "char"), + DebugValueType.DEBUG_VALUE_INT16: ("I16", "short"), + DebugValueType.DEBUG_VALUE_INT32: ("I32", "int"), + DebugValueType.DEBUG_VALUE_INT64: ("I64", "long"), + DebugValueType.DEBUG_VALUE_FLOAT32: ("F32", "float"), + DebugValueType.DEBUG_VALUE_FLOAT64: ("F64", "double"), + } # And everything else is invalid. + + if val_type not in extract_map: + raise Exception( + "Unexpected debug value type {} when evalutaing".format(val_type) + ) + + # Also produce a type name... + + return getattr(ptr.U, extract_map[val_type][0]), extract_map[val_type][1] + + def SetEngineOptions(self, opt): + res = self.vt.SetEngineOptions(self.control, opt) + aborter(res, "SetEngineOptions") + return diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/dbgeng.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/dbgeng.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/dbgeng.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/dbgeng.py @@ -16,10 +16,11 @@ from dex.utils.ReturnCode import ReturnCode if platform.system() == "Windows": - # Don't load on linux; _load_interface will croak before any names are used. - from . import setup - from . import probe_process - from . import breakpoint + # Don't load on linux; _load_interface will croak before any names are used. + from . import setup + from . import probe_process + from . import breakpoint + class DbgEng(DebuggerBase): def __init__(self, context, *args): @@ -31,11 +32,11 @@ def _custom_init(self): try: - res = setup.setup_everything(self.context.options.executable) - self.client = res - self.running = True + res = setup.setup_everything(self.context.options.executable) + self.client = res + self.running = True except Exception as e: - raise Exception('Failed to start debuggee: {}'.format(e)) + raise Exception("Failed to start debuggee: {}".format(e)) def _custom_exit(self): setup.cleanup(self.client) @@ -43,23 +44,25 @@ def _load_interface(self): arch = platform.architecture()[0] machine = platform.machine() - if arch == '32bit' and machine == 'AMD64': - # This python process is 32 bits, but is sitting on a 64 bit machine. - # Bad things may happen, don't support it. - raise LoadDebuggerException('Can\'t run Dexter dbgeng on 32 bit python in a 64 bit environment') + if arch == "32bit" and machine == "AMD64": + # This python process is 32 bits, but is sitting on a 64 bit machine. + # Bad things may happen, don't support it. + raise LoadDebuggerException( + "Can't run Dexter dbgeng on 32 bit python in a 64 bit environment" + ) - if platform.system() != 'Windows': - raise LoadDebuggerException('DbgEng supports Windows only') + if platform.system() != "Windows": + raise LoadDebuggerException("DbgEng supports Windows only") # Otherwise, everything was imported earlier @classmethod def get_name(cls): - return 'dbgeng' + return "dbgeng" @classmethod def get_option_name(cls): - return 'dbgeng' + return "dbgeng" @property def frames_below_main(self): @@ -85,25 +88,33 @@ def _add_conditional_breakpoint(self, file_, line, condition): # breakpoint setting/deleting is not supported by dbgeng at this moment # but is something that should be considered in the future. - raise NotImplementedError('add_conditional_breakpoint is not yet implemented by dbgeng') + raise NotImplementedError( + "add_conditional_breakpoint is not yet implemented by dbgeng" + ) def get_triggered_breakpoint_ids(self): - raise NotImplementedError('get_triggered_breakpoint_ids is not yet implemented by dbgeng') + raise NotImplementedError( + "get_triggered_breakpoint_ids is not yet implemented by dbgeng" + ) def delete_breakpoints(self, ids): # breakpoint setting/deleting is not supported by dbgeng at this moment # but is something that should be considered in the future. - raise NotImplementedError('delete_conditional_breakpoint is not yet implemented by dbgeng') + raise NotImplementedError( + "delete_conditional_breakpoint is not yet implemented by dbgeng" + ) def launch(self, cmdline): - assert len(cmdline) == 0 and not self.context.options.target_run_args, "Command lines unimplemented for dbgeng right now" + assert ( + len(cmdline) == 0 and not self.context.options.target_run_args + ), "Command lines unimplemented for dbgeng right now" # We are, by this point, already launched. self.step_info = probe_process.probe_state(self.client) def step(self): res = setup.step_once(self.client) if not res: - self.finished = True + self.finished = True self.step_info = res def go(self): @@ -121,38 +132,44 @@ # inlining. dex_frames = [] for i, x in enumerate(frames): - # XXX Might be able to get columns out through - # GetSourceEntriesByOffset, not a priority now - loc = LocIR(path=x.source_file, lineno=x.line_no, column=0) - new_frame = FrameIR(function=x.function_name, is_inlined=False, loc=loc) - dex_frames.append(new_frame) - - state_frame = StackFrame(function=new_frame.function, - is_inlined=new_frame.is_inlined, - location=SourceLocation(path=x.source_file, - lineno=x.line_no, - column=0), - watches={}) - for expr in map( - # Filter out watches that are not active in the current frame, - # and then evaluate all the active watches. - lambda watch_info, idx=i: - self.evaluate_expression(watch_info.expression, idx), - filter( - lambda watch_info, idx=i, line_no=loc.lineno, path=loc.path: - watch_is_active(watch_info, path, idx, line_no), - watches)): - state_frame.watches[expr.expression] = expr - state_frames.append(state_frame) + # XXX Might be able to get columns out through + # GetSourceEntriesByOffset, not a priority now + loc = LocIR(path=x.source_file, lineno=x.line_no, column=0) + new_frame = FrameIR(function=x.function_name, is_inlined=False, loc=loc) + dex_frames.append(new_frame) + + state_frame = StackFrame( + function=new_frame.function, + is_inlined=new_frame.is_inlined, + location=SourceLocation(path=x.source_file, lineno=x.line_no, column=0), + watches={}, + ) + for expr in map( + # Filter out watches that are not active in the current frame, + # and then evaluate all the active watches. + lambda watch_info, idx=i: self.evaluate_expression( + watch_info.expression, idx + ), + filter( + lambda watch_info, idx=i, line_no=loc.lineno, path=loc.path: watch_is_active( + watch_info, path, idx, line_no + ), + watches, + ), + ): + state_frame.watches[expr.expression] = expr + state_frames.append(state_frame) return StepIR( - step_index=step_index, frames=dex_frames, + step_index=step_index, + frames=dex_frames, stop_reason=StopReason.STEP, - program_state=ProgramState(state_frames)) + program_state=ProgramState(state_frames), + ) @property def is_running(self): - return False # We're never free-running + return False # We're never free-running @property def is_finished(self): @@ -161,18 +178,18 @@ def evaluate_expression(self, expression, frame_idx=0): # XXX: cdb insists on using '->' to examine fields of structures, # as it appears to reserve '.' for other purposes. - fixed_expr = expression.replace('.', '->') + fixed_expr = expression.replace(".", "->") orig_scope_idx = self.client.Symbols.GetCurrentScopeFrameIndex() self.client.Symbols.SetScopeFrameByIndex(frame_idx) res = self.client.Control.Evaluate(fixed_expr) if res is not None: - result, typename = self.client.Control.Evaluate(fixed_expr) - could_eval = True + result, typename = self.client.Control.Evaluate(fixed_expr) + could_eval = True else: - result, typename = (None, None) - could_eval = False + result, typename = (None, None) + could_eval = False self.client.Symbols.SetScopeFrameByIndex(orig_scope_idx) @@ -183,4 +200,5 @@ error_string="", could_evaluate=could_eval, is_optimized_away=False, - is_irretrievable=not could_eval) + is_irretrievable=not could_eval, + ) diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/probe_process.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/probe_process.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/probe_process.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/probe_process.py @@ -9,72 +9,75 @@ from .utils import * + class Frame(object): - def __init__(self, frame, idx, Symbols): - # Store some base information about the frame - self.ip = frame.InstructionOffset - self.scope_idx = idx - self.virtual = frame.Virtual - self.inline_frame_context = frame.InlineFrameContext - self.func_tbl_entry = frame.FuncTableEntry - - # Fetch the module/symbol we're in, with displacement. Useful for debugging. - self.descr = Symbols.GetNearNameByOffset(self.ip) - split = self.descr.split('!')[0] - self.module = split[0] - self.symbol = split[1] - - # Fetch symbol group for this scope. - prevscope = Symbols.GetCurrentScopeFrameIndex() - if Symbols.SetScopeFrameByIndex(idx): - symgroup = Symbols.GetScopeSymbolGroup2() - Symbols.SetScopeFrameByIndex(prevscope) - self.symgroup = symgroup - else: - self.symgroup = None - - # Fetch the name according to the line-table, using inlining context. - name = Symbols.GetNameByInlineContext(self.ip, self.inline_frame_context) - self.function_name = name.split('!')[-1] - - try: - tup = Symbols.GetLineByInlineContext(self.ip, self.inline_frame_context) - self.source_file, self.line_no = tup - except WinError as e: - # Fall back to trying to use a non-inlining-aware line number - # XXX - this is not inlining aware - sym = Symbols.GetLineByOffset(self.ip) - if sym is not None: - self.source_file, self.line_no = sym - else: - self.source_file = None - self.line_no = None - self.basename = None - - if self.source_file is not None: - self.basename = os.path.basename(self.source_file) - else: - self.basename = None - - - - def __str__(self): - return '{}:{}({}) {}'.format(self.basename, self.line, self.descr, self.function_name) + def __init__(self, frame, idx, Symbols): + # Store some base information about the frame + self.ip = frame.InstructionOffset + self.scope_idx = idx + self.virtual = frame.Virtual + self.inline_frame_context = frame.InlineFrameContext + self.func_tbl_entry = frame.FuncTableEntry + + # Fetch the module/symbol we're in, with displacement. Useful for debugging. + self.descr = Symbols.GetNearNameByOffset(self.ip) + split = self.descr.split("!")[0] + self.module = split[0] + self.symbol = split[1] + + # Fetch symbol group for this scope. + prevscope = Symbols.GetCurrentScopeFrameIndex() + if Symbols.SetScopeFrameByIndex(idx): + symgroup = Symbols.GetScopeSymbolGroup2() + Symbols.SetScopeFrameByIndex(prevscope) + self.symgroup = symgroup + else: + self.symgroup = None + + # Fetch the name according to the line-table, using inlining context. + name = Symbols.GetNameByInlineContext(self.ip, self.inline_frame_context) + self.function_name = name.split("!")[-1] + + try: + tup = Symbols.GetLineByInlineContext(self.ip, self.inline_frame_context) + self.source_file, self.line_no = tup + except WinError as e: + # Fall back to trying to use a non-inlining-aware line number + # XXX - this is not inlining aware + sym = Symbols.GetLineByOffset(self.ip) + if sym is not None: + self.source_file, self.line_no = sym + else: + self.source_file = None + self.line_no = None + self.basename = None + + if self.source_file is not None: + self.basename = os.path.basename(self.source_file) + else: + self.basename = None + + def __str__(self): + return "{}:{}({}) {}".format( + self.basename, self.line, self.descr, self.function_name + ) + def main_on_stack(Symbols, frames): - module_name = Symbols.get_exefile_module_name() - main_name = "{}!main".format(module_name) - for x in frames: - if main_name in x.descr: # Could be less hard coded... - return True - return False + module_name = Symbols.get_exefile_module_name() + main_name = "{}!main".format(module_name) + for x in frames: + if main_name in x.descr: # Could be less hard coded... + return True + return False + def probe_state(Client): - # Fetch the state of the program -- represented by the stack frames. - frames, numframes = Client.Control.GetStackTraceEx() + # Fetch the state of the program -- represented by the stack frames. + frames, numframes = Client.Control.GetStackTraceEx() - the_frames = [Frame(frames[x], x, Client.Symbols) for x in range(numframes)] - if not main_on_stack(Client.Symbols, the_frames): - return None + the_frames = [Frame(frames[x], x, Client.Symbols) for x in range(numframes)] + if not main_on_stack(Client.Symbols, the_frames): + return None - return the_frames + return the_frames diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/setup.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/setup.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/setup.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/setup.py @@ -13,133 +13,145 @@ from .probe_process import probe_state from .utils import * + class STARTUPINFOA(Structure): - _fields_ = [ - ('cb', c_ulong), - ('lpReserved', c_char_p), - ('lpDesktop', c_char_p), - ('lpTitle', c_char_p), - ('dwX', c_ulong), - ('dwY', c_ulong), - ('dwXSize', c_ulong), - ('dwYSize', c_ulong), - ('dwXCountChars', c_ulong), - ('dwYCountChars', c_ulong), - ('dwFillAttribute', c_ulong), - ('wShowWindow', c_ushort), - ('cbReserved2', c_ushort), - ('lpReserved2', c_char_p), - ('hStdInput', c_void_p), - ('hStdOutput', c_void_p), - ('hStdError', c_void_p) + _fields_ = [ + ("cb", c_ulong), + ("lpReserved", c_char_p), + ("lpDesktop", c_char_p), + ("lpTitle", c_char_p), + ("dwX", c_ulong), + ("dwY", c_ulong), + ("dwXSize", c_ulong), + ("dwYSize", c_ulong), + ("dwXCountChars", c_ulong), + ("dwYCountChars", c_ulong), + ("dwFillAttribute", c_ulong), + ("wShowWindow", c_ushort), + ("cbReserved2", c_ushort), + ("lpReserved2", c_char_p), + ("hStdInput", c_void_p), + ("hStdOutput", c_void_p), + ("hStdError", c_void_p), ] + class PROCESS_INFORMATION(Structure): - _fields_ = [ - ('hProcess', c_void_p), - ('hThread', c_void_p), - ('dwProcessId', c_ulong), - ('dwThreadId', c_ulong) + _fields_ = [ + ("hProcess", c_void_p), + ("hThread", c_void_p), + ("dwProcessId", c_ulong), + ("dwThreadId", c_ulong), ] -def fetch_local_function_syms(Symbols, prefix): - syms = Symbols.get_all_functions() - - def is_sym_in_src_dir(sym): - name, data = sym - symdata = Symbols.GetLineByOffset(data.Offset) - if symdata is not None: - srcfile, line = symdata - if prefix in srcfile: - return True - return False - - syms = [x for x in syms if is_sym_in_src_dir(x)] - return syms -def break_on_all_but_main(Control, Symbols, main_offset): - mainfile, _ = Symbols.GetLineByOffset(main_offset) - prefix = '\\'.join(mainfile.split('\\')[:-1]) - - for name, rec in fetch_local_function_syms(Symbols, prefix): - if name == "main": - continue - bp = Control.AddBreakpoint2(offset=rec.Offset, enabled=True) +def fetch_local_function_syms(Symbols, prefix): + syms = Symbols.get_all_functions() - # All breakpoints are currently discarded: we just sys.exit for cleanup - return + def is_sym_in_src_dir(sym): + name, data = sym + symdata = Symbols.GetLineByOffset(data.Offset) + if symdata is not None: + srcfile, line = symdata + if prefix in srcfile: + return True + return False -def setup_everything(binfile): - from . import client - from . import symbols - Client = client.Client() + syms = [x for x in syms if is_sym_in_src_dir(x)] + return syms - Client.Control.SetEngineOptions(0x20) # DEBUG_ENGOPT_INITIAL_BREAK - Client.CreateProcessAndAttach2(binfile) +def break_on_all_but_main(Control, Symbols, main_offset): + mainfile, _ = Symbols.GetLineByOffset(main_offset) + prefix = "\\".join(mainfile.split("\\")[:-1]) - # Load lines as well as general symbols - sym_opts = Client.Symbols.GetSymbolOptions() - sym_opts |= symbols.SymbolOptionFlags.SYMOPT_LOAD_LINES - Client.Symbols.SetSymbolOptions(sym_opts) + for name, rec in fetch_local_function_syms(Symbols, prefix): + if name == "main": + continue + bp = Control.AddBreakpoint2(offset=rec.Offset, enabled=True) - # Need to enter the debugger engine to let it attach properly. - res = Client.Control.WaitForEvent(timeout=1000) - if res == S_FALSE: - # The debugee apparently didn't do anything at all. Rather than risk - # hanging, bail out at this point. - client.TerminateProcesses() - raise Exception("Debuggee did not start in a timely manner") - - # Enable line stepping. - Client.Control.Execute("l+t") - # Enable C++ expression interpretation. - Client.Control.SetExpressionSyntax(cpp=True) - - # We've requested to break into the process at the earliest opportunity, - # and WaitForEvent'ing means we should have reached that break state. - # Now set a breakpoint on the main symbol, and "go" until we reach it. - module_name = Client.Symbols.get_exefile_module_name() - offset = Client.Symbols.GetOffsetByName("{}!main".format(module_name)) - breakpoint = Client.Control.AddBreakpoint2(offset=offset, enabled=True) - Client.Control.SetExecutionStatus(control.DebugStatus.DEBUG_STATUS_GO) - - # Problem: there is no guarantee that the client will ever reach main, - # something else exciting could happen in that time, the host system may - # be very loaded, and similar. Wait for some period, say, five seconds, and - # abort afterwards: this is a trade-off between spurious timeouts and - # completely hanging in the case of a environmental/programming error. - res = Client.Control.WaitForEvent(timeout=5000) - if res == S_FALSE: - client.TerminateProcesses() - raise Exception("Debuggee did not reach main function in a timely manner") + # All breakpoints are currently discarded: we just sys.exit for cleanup + return - break_on_all_but_main(Client.Control, Client.Symbols, offset) - # Set the default action on all exceptions to be "quit and detach". If we - # don't, dbgeng will merrily spin at the exception site forever. - filts = Client.Control.GetNumberEventFilters() - for x in range(filts[0], filts[0] + filts[1]): - Client.Control.SetExceptionFilterSecondCommand(x, "qd") +def setup_everything(binfile): + from . import client + from . import symbols + + Client = client.Client() + + Client.Control.SetEngineOptions(0x20) # DEBUG_ENGOPT_INITIAL_BREAK + + Client.CreateProcessAndAttach2(binfile) + + # Load lines as well as general symbols + sym_opts = Client.Symbols.GetSymbolOptions() + sym_opts |= symbols.SymbolOptionFlags.SYMOPT_LOAD_LINES + Client.Symbols.SetSymbolOptions(sym_opts) + + # Need to enter the debugger engine to let it attach properly. + res = Client.Control.WaitForEvent(timeout=1000) + if res == S_FALSE: + # The debugee apparently didn't do anything at all. Rather than risk + # hanging, bail out at this point. + client.TerminateProcesses() + raise Exception("Debuggee did not start in a timely manner") + + # Enable line stepping. + Client.Control.Execute("l+t") + # Enable C++ expression interpretation. + Client.Control.SetExpressionSyntax(cpp=True) + + # We've requested to break into the process at the earliest opportunity, + # and WaitForEvent'ing means we should have reached that break state. + # Now set a breakpoint on the main symbol, and "go" until we reach it. + module_name = Client.Symbols.get_exefile_module_name() + offset = Client.Symbols.GetOffsetByName("{}!main".format(module_name)) + breakpoint = Client.Control.AddBreakpoint2(offset=offset, enabled=True) + Client.Control.SetExecutionStatus(control.DebugStatus.DEBUG_STATUS_GO) + + # Problem: there is no guarantee that the client will ever reach main, + # something else exciting could happen in that time, the host system may + # be very loaded, and similar. Wait for some period, say, five seconds, and + # abort afterwards: this is a trade-off between spurious timeouts and + # completely hanging in the case of a environmental/programming error. + res = Client.Control.WaitForEvent(timeout=5000) + if res == S_FALSE: + client.TerminateProcesses() + raise Exception("Debuggee did not reach main function in a timely manner") + + break_on_all_but_main(Client.Control, Client.Symbols, offset) + + # Set the default action on all exceptions to be "quit and detach". If we + # don't, dbgeng will merrily spin at the exception site forever. + filts = Client.Control.GetNumberEventFilters() + for x in range(filts[0], filts[0] + filts[1]): + Client.Control.SetExceptionFilterSecondCommand(x, "qd") + + return Client - return Client def step_once(client): - client.Control.Execute("p") - try: - client.Control.WaitForEvent() - except Exception as e: - if client.Control.GetExecutionStatus() == control.DebugStatus.DEBUG_STATUS_NO_DEBUGGEE: - return None # Debuggee has gone away, likely due to an exception. - raise e - # Could assert here that we're in the "break" state - client.Control.GetExecutionStatus() - return probe_state(client) + client.Control.Execute("p") + try: + client.Control.WaitForEvent() + except Exception as e: + if ( + client.Control.GetExecutionStatus() + == control.DebugStatus.DEBUG_STATUS_NO_DEBUGGEE + ): + return None # Debuggee has gone away, likely due to an exception. + raise e + # Could assert here that we're in the "break" state + client.Control.GetExecutionStatus() + return probe_state(client) + def main_loop(client): - res = True - while res is not None: - res = step_once(client) + res = True + while res is not None: + res = step_once(client) + def cleanup(client): - client.TerminateProcesses() + client.TerminateProcesses() diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/symbols.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/symbols.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/symbols.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/symbols.py @@ -13,487 +13,594 @@ from .symgroup import SymbolGroup, IDebugSymbolGroup2 from .utils import * + class SymbolOptionFlags(IntFlag): - SYMOPT_CASE_INSENSITIVE = 0x00000001 - SYMOPT_UNDNAME = 0x00000002 - SYMOPT_DEFERRED_LOADS = 0x00000004 - SYMOPT_NO_CPP = 0x00000008 - SYMOPT_LOAD_LINES = 0x00000010 - SYMOPT_OMAP_FIND_NEAREST = 0x00000020 - SYMOPT_LOAD_ANYTHING = 0x00000040 - SYMOPT_IGNORE_CVREC = 0x00000080 - SYMOPT_NO_UNQUALIFIED_LOADS = 0x00000100 - SYMOPT_FAIL_CRITICAL_ERRORS = 0x00000200 - SYMOPT_EXACT_SYMBOLS = 0x00000400 - SYMOPT_ALLOW_ABSOLUTE_SYMBOLS = 0x00000800 - SYMOPT_IGNORE_NT_SYMPATH = 0x00001000 - SYMOPT_INCLUDE_32BIT_MODULES = 0x00002000 - SYMOPT_PUBLICS_ONLY = 0x00004000 - SYMOPT_NO_PUBLICS = 0x00008000 - SYMOPT_AUTO_PUBLICS = 0x00010000 - SYMOPT_NO_IMAGE_SEARCH = 0x00020000 - SYMOPT_SECURE = 0x00040000 - SYMOPT_NO_PROMPTS = 0x00080000 - SYMOPT_DEBUG = 0x80000000 + SYMOPT_CASE_INSENSITIVE = 0x00000001 + SYMOPT_UNDNAME = 0x00000002 + SYMOPT_DEFERRED_LOADS = 0x00000004 + SYMOPT_NO_CPP = 0x00000008 + SYMOPT_LOAD_LINES = 0x00000010 + SYMOPT_OMAP_FIND_NEAREST = 0x00000020 + SYMOPT_LOAD_ANYTHING = 0x00000040 + SYMOPT_IGNORE_CVREC = 0x00000080 + SYMOPT_NO_UNQUALIFIED_LOADS = 0x00000100 + SYMOPT_FAIL_CRITICAL_ERRORS = 0x00000200 + SYMOPT_EXACT_SYMBOLS = 0x00000400 + SYMOPT_ALLOW_ABSOLUTE_SYMBOLS = 0x00000800 + SYMOPT_IGNORE_NT_SYMPATH = 0x00001000 + SYMOPT_INCLUDE_32BIT_MODULES = 0x00002000 + SYMOPT_PUBLICS_ONLY = 0x00004000 + SYMOPT_NO_PUBLICS = 0x00008000 + SYMOPT_AUTO_PUBLICS = 0x00010000 + SYMOPT_NO_IMAGE_SEARCH = 0x00020000 + SYMOPT_SECURE = 0x00040000 + SYMOPT_NO_PROMPTS = 0x00080000 + SYMOPT_DEBUG = 0x80000000 + class ScopeGroupFlags(IntFlag): - DEBUG_SCOPE_GROUP_ARGUMENTS = 0x00000001 - DEBUG_SCOPE_GROUP_LOCALS = 0x00000002 - DEBUG_SCOPE_GROUP_ALL = 0x00000003 - DEBUG_SCOPE_GROUP_BY_DATAMODEL = 0x00000004 + DEBUG_SCOPE_GROUP_ARGUMENTS = 0x00000001 + DEBUG_SCOPE_GROUP_LOCALS = 0x00000002 + DEBUG_SCOPE_GROUP_ALL = 0x00000003 + DEBUG_SCOPE_GROUP_BY_DATAMODEL = 0x00000004 + class DebugModuleNames(IntEnum): - DEBUG_MODNAME_IMAGE = 0x00000000 - DEBUG_MODNAME_MODULE = 0x00000001 - DEBUG_MODNAME_LOADED_IMAGE = 0x00000002 - DEBUG_MODNAME_SYMBOL_FILE = 0x00000003 - DEBUG_MODNAME_MAPPED_IMAGE = 0x00000004 + DEBUG_MODNAME_IMAGE = 0x00000000 + DEBUG_MODNAME_MODULE = 0x00000001 + DEBUG_MODNAME_LOADED_IMAGE = 0x00000002 + DEBUG_MODNAME_SYMBOL_FILE = 0x00000003 + DEBUG_MODNAME_MAPPED_IMAGE = 0x00000004 + class DebugModuleFlags(IntFlag): - DEBUG_MODULE_LOADED = 0x00000000 - DEBUG_MODULE_UNLOADED = 0x00000001 - DEBUG_MODULE_USER_MODE = 0x00000002 - DEBUG_MODULE_EXE_MODULE = 0x00000004 - DEBUG_MODULE_EXPLICIT = 0x00000008 - DEBUG_MODULE_SECONDARY = 0x00000010 - DEBUG_MODULE_SYNTHETIC = 0x00000020 - DEBUG_MODULE_SYM_BAD_CHECKSUM = 0x00010000 + DEBUG_MODULE_LOADED = 0x00000000 + DEBUG_MODULE_UNLOADED = 0x00000001 + DEBUG_MODULE_USER_MODE = 0x00000002 + DEBUG_MODULE_EXE_MODULE = 0x00000004 + DEBUG_MODULE_EXPLICIT = 0x00000008 + DEBUG_MODULE_SECONDARY = 0x00000010 + DEBUG_MODULE_SYNTHETIC = 0x00000020 + DEBUG_MODULE_SYM_BAD_CHECKSUM = 0x00010000 + class DEBUG_MODULE_PARAMETERS(Structure): - _fields_ = [ - ("Base", c_ulonglong), - ("Size", c_ulong), - ("TimeDateStamp", c_ulong), - ("Checksum", c_ulong), - ("Flags", c_ulong), - ("SymbolType", c_ulong), - ("ImageNameSize", c_ulong), - ("ModuleNameSize", c_ulong), - ("LoadedImageNameSize", c_ulong), - ("SymbolFileNameSize", c_ulong), - ("MappedImageNameSize", c_ulong), - ("Reserved", c_ulonglong * 2) + _fields_ = [ + ("Base", c_ulonglong), + ("Size", c_ulong), + ("TimeDateStamp", c_ulong), + ("Checksum", c_ulong), + ("Flags", c_ulong), + ("SymbolType", c_ulong), + ("ImageNameSize", c_ulong), + ("ModuleNameSize", c_ulong), + ("LoadedImageNameSize", c_ulong), + ("SymbolFileNameSize", c_ulong), + ("MappedImageNameSize", c_ulong), + ("Reserved", c_ulonglong * 2), ] + + PDEBUG_MODULE_PARAMETERS = POINTER(DEBUG_MODULE_PARAMETERS) + class DEBUG_MODULE_AND_ID(Structure): - _fields_ = [ - ("ModuleBase", c_ulonglong), - ("Id", c_ulonglong) - ] + _fields_ = [("ModuleBase", c_ulonglong), ("Id", c_ulonglong)] + + PDEBUG_MODULE_AND_ID = POINTER(DEBUG_MODULE_AND_ID) + class DEBUG_SYMBOL_ENTRY(Structure): - _fields_ = [ - ("ModuleBase", c_ulonglong), - ("Offset", c_ulonglong), - ("Id", c_ulonglong), - ("Arg64", c_ulonglong), - ("Size", c_ulong), - ("Flags", c_ulong), - ("TypeId", c_ulong), - ("NameSize", c_ulong), - ("Token", c_ulong), - ("Tag", c_ulong), - ("Arg32", c_ulong), - ("Reserved", c_ulong) + _fields_ = [ + ("ModuleBase", c_ulonglong), + ("Offset", c_ulonglong), + ("Id", c_ulonglong), + ("Arg64", c_ulonglong), + ("Size", c_ulong), + ("Flags", c_ulong), + ("TypeId", c_ulong), + ("NameSize", c_ulong), + ("Token", c_ulong), + ("Tag", c_ulong), + ("Arg32", c_ulong), + ("Reserved", c_ulong), ] + + PDEBUG_SYMBOL_ENTRY = POINTER(DEBUG_SYMBOL_ENTRY) # UUID for DebugSymbols5 interface. -DebugSymbols5IID = IID(0xc65fa83e, 0x1e69, 0x475e, IID_Data4_Type(0x8e, 0x0e, 0xb5, 0xd7, 0x9e, 0x9c, 0xc1, 0x7e)) +DebugSymbols5IID = IID( + 0xC65FA83E, + 0x1E69, + 0x475E, + IID_Data4_Type(0x8E, 0x0E, 0xB5, 0xD7, 0x9E, 0x9C, 0xC1, 0x7E), +) + class IDebugSymbols5(Structure): - pass + pass + class IDebugSymbols5Vtbl(Structure): - wrp = partial(WINFUNCTYPE, c_long, POINTER(IDebugSymbols5)) - ids_getsymboloptions = wrp(c_ulong_p) - ids_setsymboloptions = wrp(c_ulong) - ids_getmoduleparameters = wrp(c_ulong, c_ulong64_p, c_ulong, PDEBUG_MODULE_PARAMETERS) - ids_getmodulenamestring = wrp(c_ulong, c_ulong, c_ulonglong, c_char_p, c_ulong, c_ulong_p) - ids_getoffsetbyname = wrp(c_char_p, c_ulong64_p) - ids_getlinebyoffset = wrp(c_ulonglong, c_ulong_p, c_char_p, c_ulong, c_ulong_p, c_ulong64_p) - ids_getsymbolentriesbyname = wrp(c_char_p, c_ulong, PDEBUG_MODULE_AND_ID, c_ulong, c_ulong_p) - ids_getsymbolentrystring = wrp(PDEBUG_MODULE_AND_ID, c_ulong, c_char_p, c_ulong, c_ulong_p) - ids_getsymbolentryinformation = wrp(PDEBUG_MODULE_AND_ID, PDEBUG_SYMBOL_ENTRY) - ids_getcurrentscopeframeindex = wrp(c_ulong_p) - ids_getnearnamebyoffset = wrp(c_ulonglong, c_long, c_char_p, c_ulong, c_ulong_p, c_ulong64_p) - ids_setscopeframebyindex = wrp(c_ulong) - ids_getscopesymbolgroup2 = wrp(c_ulong, POINTER(IDebugSymbolGroup2), POINTER(POINTER(IDebugSymbolGroup2))) - ids_getnamebyinlinecontext = wrp(c_ulonglong, c_ulong, c_char_p, c_ulong, c_ulong_p, c_ulong64_p) - ids_getlinebyinlinecontext = wrp(c_ulonglong, c_ulong, c_ulong_p, c_char_p, c_ulong, c_ulong_p, c_ulong64_p) - _fields_ = [ - ("QueryInterface", c_void_p), - ("AddRef", c_void_p), - ("Release", c_void_p), - ("GetSymbolOptions", ids_getsymboloptions), - ("AddSymbolOptions", c_void_p), - ("RemoveSymbolOptions", c_void_p), - ("SetSymbolOptions", ids_setsymboloptions), - ("GetNameByOffset", c_void_p), - ("GetOffsetByName", ids_getoffsetbyname), - ("GetNearNameByOffset", ids_getnearnamebyoffset), - ("GetLineByOffset", ids_getlinebyoffset), - ("GetOffsetByLine", c_void_p), - ("GetNumberModules", c_void_p), - ("GetModuleByIndex", c_void_p), - ("GetModuleByModuleName", c_void_p), - ("GetModuleByOffset", c_void_p), - ("GetModuleNames", c_void_p), - ("GetModuleParameters", ids_getmoduleparameters), - ("GetSymbolModule", c_void_p), - ("GetTypeName", c_void_p), - ("GetTypeId", c_void_p), - ("GetTypeSize", c_void_p), - ("GetFieldOffset", c_void_p), - ("GetSymbolTypeId", c_void_p), - ("GetOffsetTypeId", c_void_p), - ("ReadTypedDataVirtual", c_void_p), - ("WriteTypedDataVirtual", c_void_p), - ("OutputTypedDataVirtual", c_void_p), - ("ReadTypedDataPhysical", c_void_p), - ("WriteTypedDataPhysical", c_void_p), - ("OutputTypedDataPhysical", c_void_p), - ("GetScope", c_void_p), - ("SetScope", c_void_p), - ("ResetScope", c_void_p), - ("GetScopeSymbolGroup", c_void_p), - ("CreateSymbolGroup", c_void_p), - ("StartSymbolMatch", c_void_p), - ("GetNextSymbolMatch", c_void_p), - ("EndSymbolMatch", c_void_p), - ("Reload", c_void_p), - ("GetSymbolPath", c_void_p), - ("SetSymbolPath", c_void_p), - ("AppendSymbolPath", c_void_p), - ("GetImagePath", c_void_p), - ("SetImagePath", c_void_p), - ("AppendImagePath", c_void_p), - ("GetSourcePath", c_void_p), - ("GetSourcePathElement", c_void_p), - ("SetSourcePath", c_void_p), - ("AppendSourcePath", c_void_p), - ("FindSourceFile", c_void_p), - ("GetSourceFileLineOffsets", c_void_p), - ("GetModuleVersionInformation", c_void_p), - ("GetModuleNameString", ids_getmodulenamestring), - ("GetConstantName", c_void_p), - ("GetFieldName", c_void_p), - ("GetTypeOptions", c_void_p), - ("AddTypeOptions", c_void_p), - ("RemoveTypeOptions", c_void_p), - ("SetTypeOptions", c_void_p), - ("GetNameByOffsetWide", c_void_p), - ("GetOffsetByNameWide", c_void_p), - ("GetNearNameByOffsetWide", c_void_p), - ("GetLineByOffsetWide", c_void_p), - ("GetOffsetByLineWide", c_void_p), - ("GetModuleByModuleNameWide", c_void_p), - ("GetSymbolModuleWide", c_void_p), - ("GetTypeNameWide", c_void_p), - ("GetTypeIdWide", c_void_p), - ("GetFieldOffsetWide", c_void_p), - ("GetSymbolTypeIdWide", c_void_p), - ("GetScopeSymbolGroup2", ids_getscopesymbolgroup2), - ("CreateSymbolGroup2", c_void_p), - ("StartSymbolMatchWide", c_void_p), - ("GetNextSymbolMatchWide", c_void_p), - ("ReloadWide", c_void_p), - ("GetSymbolPathWide", c_void_p), - ("SetSymbolPathWide", c_void_p), - ("AppendSymbolPathWide", c_void_p), - ("GetImagePathWide", c_void_p), - ("SetImagePathWide", c_void_p), - ("AppendImagePathWide", c_void_p), - ("GetSourcePathWide", c_void_p), - ("GetSourcePathElementWide", c_void_p), - ("SetSourcePathWide", c_void_p), - ("AppendSourcePathWide", c_void_p), - ("FindSourceFileWide", c_void_p), - ("GetSourceFileLineOffsetsWide", c_void_p), - ("GetModuleVersionInformationWide", c_void_p), - ("GetModuleNameStringWide", c_void_p), - ("GetConstantNameWide", c_void_p), - ("GetFieldNameWide", c_void_p), - ("IsManagedModule", c_void_p), - ("GetModuleByModuleName2", c_void_p), - ("GetModuleByModuleName2Wide", c_void_p), - ("GetModuleByOffset2", c_void_p), - ("AddSyntheticModule", c_void_p), - ("AddSyntheticModuleWide", c_void_p), - ("RemoveSyntheticModule", c_void_p), - ("GetCurrentScopeFrameIndex", ids_getcurrentscopeframeindex), - ("SetScopeFrameByIndex", ids_setscopeframebyindex), - ("SetScopeFromJitDebugInfo", c_void_p), - ("SetScopeFromStoredEvent", c_void_p), - ("OutputSymbolByOffset", c_void_p), - ("GetFunctionEntryByOffset", c_void_p), - ("GetFieldTypeAndOffset", c_void_p), - ("GetFieldTypeAndOffsetWide", c_void_p), - ("AddSyntheticSymbol", c_void_p), - ("AddSyntheticSymbolWide", c_void_p), - ("RemoveSyntheticSymbol", c_void_p), - ("GetSymbolEntriesByOffset", c_void_p), - ("GetSymbolEntriesByName", ids_getsymbolentriesbyname), - ("GetSymbolEntriesByNameWide", c_void_p), - ("GetSymbolEntryByToken", c_void_p), - ("GetSymbolEntryInformation", ids_getsymbolentryinformation), - ("GetSymbolEntryString", ids_getsymbolentrystring), - ("GetSymbolEntryStringWide", c_void_p), - ("GetSymbolEntryOffsetRegions", c_void_p), - ("GetSymbolEntryBySymbolEntry", c_void_p), - ("GetSourceEntriesByOffset", c_void_p), - ("GetSourceEntriesByLine", c_void_p), - ("GetSourceEntriesByLineWide", c_void_p), - ("GetSourceEntryString", c_void_p), - ("GetSourceEntryStringWide", c_void_p), - ("GetSourceEntryOffsetRegions", c_void_p), - ("GetsourceEntryBySourceEntry", c_void_p), - ("GetScopeEx", c_void_p), - ("SetScopeEx", c_void_p), - ("GetNameByInlineContext", ids_getnamebyinlinecontext), - ("GetNameByInlineContextWide", c_void_p), - ("GetLineByInlineContext", ids_getlinebyinlinecontext), - ("GetLineByInlineContextWide", c_void_p), - ("OutputSymbolByInlineContext", c_void_p), - ("GetCurrentScopeFrameIndexEx", c_void_p), - ("SetScopeFrameByIndexEx", c_void_p) + wrp = partial(WINFUNCTYPE, c_long, POINTER(IDebugSymbols5)) + ids_getsymboloptions = wrp(c_ulong_p) + ids_setsymboloptions = wrp(c_ulong) + ids_getmoduleparameters = wrp( + c_ulong, c_ulong64_p, c_ulong, PDEBUG_MODULE_PARAMETERS + ) + ids_getmodulenamestring = wrp( + c_ulong, c_ulong, c_ulonglong, c_char_p, c_ulong, c_ulong_p + ) + ids_getoffsetbyname = wrp(c_char_p, c_ulong64_p) + ids_getlinebyoffset = wrp( + c_ulonglong, c_ulong_p, c_char_p, c_ulong, c_ulong_p, c_ulong64_p + ) + ids_getsymbolentriesbyname = wrp( + c_char_p, c_ulong, PDEBUG_MODULE_AND_ID, c_ulong, c_ulong_p + ) + ids_getsymbolentrystring = wrp( + PDEBUG_MODULE_AND_ID, c_ulong, c_char_p, c_ulong, c_ulong_p + ) + ids_getsymbolentryinformation = wrp(PDEBUG_MODULE_AND_ID, PDEBUG_SYMBOL_ENTRY) + ids_getcurrentscopeframeindex = wrp(c_ulong_p) + ids_getnearnamebyoffset = wrp( + c_ulonglong, c_long, c_char_p, c_ulong, c_ulong_p, c_ulong64_p + ) + ids_setscopeframebyindex = wrp(c_ulong) + ids_getscopesymbolgroup2 = wrp( + c_ulong, POINTER(IDebugSymbolGroup2), POINTER(POINTER(IDebugSymbolGroup2)) + ) + ids_getnamebyinlinecontext = wrp( + c_ulonglong, c_ulong, c_char_p, c_ulong, c_ulong_p, c_ulong64_p + ) + ids_getlinebyinlinecontext = wrp( + c_ulonglong, c_ulong, c_ulong_p, c_char_p, c_ulong, c_ulong_p, c_ulong64_p + ) + _fields_ = [ + ("QueryInterface", c_void_p), + ("AddRef", c_void_p), + ("Release", c_void_p), + ("GetSymbolOptions", ids_getsymboloptions), + ("AddSymbolOptions", c_void_p), + ("RemoveSymbolOptions", c_void_p), + ("SetSymbolOptions", ids_setsymboloptions), + ("GetNameByOffset", c_void_p), + ("GetOffsetByName", ids_getoffsetbyname), + ("GetNearNameByOffset", ids_getnearnamebyoffset), + ("GetLineByOffset", ids_getlinebyoffset), + ("GetOffsetByLine", c_void_p), + ("GetNumberModules", c_void_p), + ("GetModuleByIndex", c_void_p), + ("GetModuleByModuleName", c_void_p), + ("GetModuleByOffset", c_void_p), + ("GetModuleNames", c_void_p), + ("GetModuleParameters", ids_getmoduleparameters), + ("GetSymbolModule", c_void_p), + ("GetTypeName", c_void_p), + ("GetTypeId", c_void_p), + ("GetTypeSize", c_void_p), + ("GetFieldOffset", c_void_p), + ("GetSymbolTypeId", c_void_p), + ("GetOffsetTypeId", c_void_p), + ("ReadTypedDataVirtual", c_void_p), + ("WriteTypedDataVirtual", c_void_p), + ("OutputTypedDataVirtual", c_void_p), + ("ReadTypedDataPhysical", c_void_p), + ("WriteTypedDataPhysical", c_void_p), + ("OutputTypedDataPhysical", c_void_p), + ("GetScope", c_void_p), + ("SetScope", c_void_p), + ("ResetScope", c_void_p), + ("GetScopeSymbolGroup", c_void_p), + ("CreateSymbolGroup", c_void_p), + ("StartSymbolMatch", c_void_p), + ("GetNextSymbolMatch", c_void_p), + ("EndSymbolMatch", c_void_p), + ("Reload", c_void_p), + ("GetSymbolPath", c_void_p), + ("SetSymbolPath", c_void_p), + ("AppendSymbolPath", c_void_p), + ("GetImagePath", c_void_p), + ("SetImagePath", c_void_p), + ("AppendImagePath", c_void_p), + ("GetSourcePath", c_void_p), + ("GetSourcePathElement", c_void_p), + ("SetSourcePath", c_void_p), + ("AppendSourcePath", c_void_p), + ("FindSourceFile", c_void_p), + ("GetSourceFileLineOffsets", c_void_p), + ("GetModuleVersionInformation", c_void_p), + ("GetModuleNameString", ids_getmodulenamestring), + ("GetConstantName", c_void_p), + ("GetFieldName", c_void_p), + ("GetTypeOptions", c_void_p), + ("AddTypeOptions", c_void_p), + ("RemoveTypeOptions", c_void_p), + ("SetTypeOptions", c_void_p), + ("GetNameByOffsetWide", c_void_p), + ("GetOffsetByNameWide", c_void_p), + ("GetNearNameByOffsetWide", c_void_p), + ("GetLineByOffsetWide", c_void_p), + ("GetOffsetByLineWide", c_void_p), + ("GetModuleByModuleNameWide", c_void_p), + ("GetSymbolModuleWide", c_void_p), + ("GetTypeNameWide", c_void_p), + ("GetTypeIdWide", c_void_p), + ("GetFieldOffsetWide", c_void_p), + ("GetSymbolTypeIdWide", c_void_p), + ("GetScopeSymbolGroup2", ids_getscopesymbolgroup2), + ("CreateSymbolGroup2", c_void_p), + ("StartSymbolMatchWide", c_void_p), + ("GetNextSymbolMatchWide", c_void_p), + ("ReloadWide", c_void_p), + ("GetSymbolPathWide", c_void_p), + ("SetSymbolPathWide", c_void_p), + ("AppendSymbolPathWide", c_void_p), + ("GetImagePathWide", c_void_p), + ("SetImagePathWide", c_void_p), + ("AppendImagePathWide", c_void_p), + ("GetSourcePathWide", c_void_p), + ("GetSourcePathElementWide", c_void_p), + ("SetSourcePathWide", c_void_p), + ("AppendSourcePathWide", c_void_p), + ("FindSourceFileWide", c_void_p), + ("GetSourceFileLineOffsetsWide", c_void_p), + ("GetModuleVersionInformationWide", c_void_p), + ("GetModuleNameStringWide", c_void_p), + ("GetConstantNameWide", c_void_p), + ("GetFieldNameWide", c_void_p), + ("IsManagedModule", c_void_p), + ("GetModuleByModuleName2", c_void_p), + ("GetModuleByModuleName2Wide", c_void_p), + ("GetModuleByOffset2", c_void_p), + ("AddSyntheticModule", c_void_p), + ("AddSyntheticModuleWide", c_void_p), + ("RemoveSyntheticModule", c_void_p), + ("GetCurrentScopeFrameIndex", ids_getcurrentscopeframeindex), + ("SetScopeFrameByIndex", ids_setscopeframebyindex), + ("SetScopeFromJitDebugInfo", c_void_p), + ("SetScopeFromStoredEvent", c_void_p), + ("OutputSymbolByOffset", c_void_p), + ("GetFunctionEntryByOffset", c_void_p), + ("GetFieldTypeAndOffset", c_void_p), + ("GetFieldTypeAndOffsetWide", c_void_p), + ("AddSyntheticSymbol", c_void_p), + ("AddSyntheticSymbolWide", c_void_p), + ("RemoveSyntheticSymbol", c_void_p), + ("GetSymbolEntriesByOffset", c_void_p), + ("GetSymbolEntriesByName", ids_getsymbolentriesbyname), + ("GetSymbolEntriesByNameWide", c_void_p), + ("GetSymbolEntryByToken", c_void_p), + ("GetSymbolEntryInformation", ids_getsymbolentryinformation), + ("GetSymbolEntryString", ids_getsymbolentrystring), + ("GetSymbolEntryStringWide", c_void_p), + ("GetSymbolEntryOffsetRegions", c_void_p), + ("GetSymbolEntryBySymbolEntry", c_void_p), + ("GetSourceEntriesByOffset", c_void_p), + ("GetSourceEntriesByLine", c_void_p), + ("GetSourceEntriesByLineWide", c_void_p), + ("GetSourceEntryString", c_void_p), + ("GetSourceEntryStringWide", c_void_p), + ("GetSourceEntryOffsetRegions", c_void_p), + ("GetsourceEntryBySourceEntry", c_void_p), + ("GetScopeEx", c_void_p), + ("SetScopeEx", c_void_p), + ("GetNameByInlineContext", ids_getnamebyinlinecontext), + ("GetNameByInlineContextWide", c_void_p), + ("GetLineByInlineContext", ids_getlinebyinlinecontext), + ("GetLineByInlineContextWide", c_void_p), + ("OutputSymbolByInlineContext", c_void_p), + ("GetCurrentScopeFrameIndexEx", c_void_p), + ("SetScopeFrameByIndexEx", c_void_p), ] + IDebugSymbols5._fields_ = [("lpVtbl", POINTER(IDebugSymbols5Vtbl))] SymbolId = namedtuple("SymbolId", ["ModuleBase", "Id"]) -SymbolEntry = namedtuple("SymbolEntry", ["ModuleBase", "Offset", "Id", "Arg64", "Size", "Flags", "TypeId", "NameSize", "Token", "Tag", "Arg32"]) -DebugModuleParams = namedtuple("DebugModuleParams", ["Base", "Size", "TimeDateStamp", "Checksum", "Flags", "SymbolType", "ImageNameSize", "ModuleNameSize", "LoadedImageNameSize", "SymbolFileNameSize", "MappedImageNameSize"]) +SymbolEntry = namedtuple( + "SymbolEntry", + [ + "ModuleBase", + "Offset", + "Id", + "Arg64", + "Size", + "Flags", + "TypeId", + "NameSize", + "Token", + "Tag", + "Arg32", + ], +) +DebugModuleParams = namedtuple( + "DebugModuleParams", + [ + "Base", + "Size", + "TimeDateStamp", + "Checksum", + "Flags", + "SymbolType", + "ImageNameSize", + "ModuleNameSize", + "LoadedImageNameSize", + "SymbolFileNameSize", + "MappedImageNameSize", + ], +) + class SymTags(IntEnum): - Null = 0 - Exe = 1 - SymTagFunction = 5 + Null = 0 + Exe = 1 + SymTagFunction = 5 + def make_debug_module_params(cdata): - fieldvalues = map(lambda y: getattr(cdata, y), DebugModuleParams._fields) - return DebugModuleParams(*fieldvalues) + fieldvalues = map(lambda y: getattr(cdata, y), DebugModuleParams._fields) + return DebugModuleParams(*fieldvalues) + class Symbols(object): - def __init__(self, symbols): - self.ptr = symbols - self.symbols = symbols.contents - self.vt = self.symbols.lpVtbl.contents - # Keep some handy ulongs for passing into C methods. - self.ulong = c_ulong() - self.ulong64 = c_ulonglong() - - def GetCurrentScopeFrameIndex(self): - res = self.vt.GetCurrentScopeFrameIndex(self.symbols, byref(self.ulong)) - aborter(res, "GetCurrentScopeFrameIndex") - return self.ulong.value - - def SetScopeFrameByIndex(self, idx): - res = self.vt.SetScopeFrameByIndex(self.symbols, idx) - aborter(res, "SetScopeFrameByIndex", ignore=[E_EINVAL]) - return res != E_EINVAL - - def GetOffsetByName(self, name): - res = self.vt.GetOffsetByName(self.symbols, name.encode("ascii"), byref(self.ulong64)) - aborter(res, "GetOffsetByName {}".format(name)) - return self.ulong64.value - - def GetNearNameByOffset(self, addr): - ptr = create_string_buffer(256) - pulong = c_ulong() - disp = c_ulonglong() - # Zero arg -> "delta" indicating how many symbols to skip - res = self.vt.GetNearNameByOffset(self.symbols, addr, 0, ptr, 255, byref(pulong), byref(disp)) - if res == E_NOINTERFACE: - return "{noname}" - aborter(res, "GetNearNameByOffset") - ptr[255] = '\0'.encode("ascii") - return '{}+{}'.format(string_at(ptr).decode("ascii"), disp.value) - - def GetModuleByModuleName2(self, name): - # First zero arg -> module index to search from, second zero arg -> - # DEBUG_GETMOD_* flags, none of which we use. - res = self.vt.GetModuleByModuleName2(self.symbols, name, 0, 0, None, byref(self.ulong64)) - aborter(res, "GetModuleByModuleName2") - return self.ulong64.value - - def GetScopeSymbolGroup2(self): - retptr = POINTER(IDebugSymbolGroup2)() - res = self.vt.GetScopeSymbolGroup2(self.symbols, ScopeGroupFlags.DEBUG_SCOPE_GROUP_ALL, None, retptr) - aborter(res, "GetScopeSymbolGroup2") - return SymbolGroup(retptr) - - def GetSymbolEntryString(self, idx, module): - symid = DEBUG_MODULE_AND_ID() - symid.ModuleBase = module - symid.Id = idx - ptr = create_string_buffer(1024) - # Zero arg is the string index -- symbols can have multiple names, for now - # only support the first one. - res = self.vt.GetSymbolEntryString(self.symbols, symid, 0, ptr, 1023, byref(self.ulong)) - aborter(res, "GetSymbolEntryString") - return string_at(ptr).decode("ascii") - - def GetSymbolEntryInformation(self, module, theid): - symid = DEBUG_MODULE_AND_ID() - symentry = DEBUG_SYMBOL_ENTRY() - symid.ModuleBase = module - symid.Id = theid - res = self.vt.GetSymbolEntryInformation(self.symbols, symid, symentry) - aborter(res, "GetSymbolEntryInformation") - # Fetch fields into SymbolEntry object - fields = map(lambda x: getattr(symentry, x), SymbolEntry._fields) - return SymbolEntry(*fields) - - def GetSymbolEntriesByName(self, symstr): - # Initial query to find number of symbol entries - res = self.vt.GetSymbolEntriesByName(self.symbols, symstr.encode("ascii"), 0, None, 0, byref(self.ulong)) - aborter(res, "GetSymbolEntriesByName") - - # Build a buffer and query for 'length' entries - length = self.ulong.value - symrecs = (DEBUG_MODULE_AND_ID * length)() - # Zero arg -> flags, of which there are none defined. - res = self.vt.GetSymbolEntriesByName(self.symbols, symstr.encode("ascii"), 0, symrecs, length, byref(self.ulong)) - aborter(res, "GetSymbolEntriesByName") - - # Extract 'length' number of SymbolIds - length = self.ulong.value - def extract(x): - sym = symrecs[x] - return SymbolId(sym.ModuleBase, sym.Id) - return [extract(x) for x in range(length)] - - def GetSymbolPath(self): - # Query for length of buffer to allocate - res = self.vt.GetSymbolPath(self.symbols, None, 0, byref(self.ulong)) - aborter(res, "GetSymbolPath", ignore=[S_FALSE]) - - # Fetch 'length' length symbol path string - length = self.ulong.value - arr = create_string_buffer(length) - res = self.vt.GetSymbolPath(self.symbols, arr, length, byref(self.ulong)) - aborter(res, "GetSymbolPath") - - return string_at(arr).decode("ascii") - - def GetSourcePath(self): - # Query for length of buffer to allocate - res = self.vt.GetSourcePath(self.symbols, None, 0, byref(self.ulong)) - aborter(res, "GetSourcePath", ignore=[S_FALSE]) - - # Fetch a string of len 'length' - length = self.ulong.value - arr = create_string_buffer(length) - res = self.vt.GetSourcePath(self.symbols, arr, length, byref(self.ulong)) - aborter(res, "GetSourcePath") - - return string_at(arr).decode("ascii") - - def SetSourcePath(self, string): - res = self.vt.SetSourcePath(self.symbols, string.encode("ascii")) - aborter(res, "SetSourcePath") - return - - def GetModuleParameters(self, base): - self.ulong64.value = base - params = DEBUG_MODULE_PARAMETERS() - # Fetch one module params struct, starting at idx zero - res = self.vt.GetModuleParameters(self.symbols, 1, byref(self.ulong64), 0, byref(params)) - aborter(res, "GetModuleParameters") - return make_debug_module_params(params) - - def GetSymbolOptions(self): - res = self.vt.GetSymbolOptions(self.symbols, byref(self.ulong)) - aborter(res, "GetSymbolOptions") - return SymbolOptionFlags(self.ulong.value) - - def SetSymbolOptions(self, opts): - assert isinstance(opts, SymbolOptionFlags) - res = self.vt.SetSymbolOptions(self.symbols, opts.value) - aborter(res, "SetSymbolOptions") - return - - def GetLineByOffset(self, offs): - # Initial query for filename buffer size - res = self.vt.GetLineByOffset(self.symbols, offs, None, None, 0, byref(self.ulong), None) - if res == E_FAIL: - return None # Sometimes we just can't get line numbers, of course - aborter(res, "GetLineByOffset", ignore=[S_FALSE]) - - # Allocate filename buffer and query for line number too - filenamelen = self.ulong.value - text = create_string_buffer(filenamelen) - line = c_ulong() - res = self.vt.GetLineByOffset(self.symbols, offs, byref(line), text, filenamelen, byref(self.ulong), None) - aborter(res, "GetLineByOffset") - - return string_at(text).decode("ascii"), line.value - - def GetModuleNameString(self, whichname, base): - # Initial query for name string length - res = self.vt.GetModuleNameString(self.symbols, whichname, DEBUG_ANY_ID, base, None, 0, byref(self.ulong)) - aborter(res, "GetModuleNameString", ignore=[S_FALSE]) - - module_name_len = self.ulong.value - module_name = (c_char * module_name_len)() - res = self.vt.GetModuleNameString(self.symbols, whichname, DEBUG_ANY_ID, base, module_name, module_name_len, None) - aborter(res, "GetModuleNameString") - - return string_at(module_name).decode("ascii") - - def GetNameByInlineContext(self, pc, ctx): - # None args -> ignore output name size and displacement - buf = create_string_buffer(256) - res = self.vt.GetNameByInlineContext(self.symbols, pc, ctx, buf, 255, None, None) - aborter(res, "GetNameByInlineContext") - return string_at(buf).decode("ascii") - - def GetLineByInlineContext(self, pc, ctx): - # None args -> ignore output filename size and displacement - buf = create_string_buffer(256) - res = self.vt.GetLineByInlineContext(self.symbols, pc, ctx, byref(self.ulong), buf, 255, None, None) - aborter(res, "GetLineByInlineContext") - return string_at(buf).decode("ascii"), self.ulong.value - - def get_all_symbols(self): - main_module_name = self.get_exefile_module_name() - idnumbers = self.GetSymbolEntriesByName("{}!*".format(main_module_name)) - lst = [] - for symid in idnumbers: - s = self.GetSymbolEntryString(symid.Id, symid.ModuleBase) - symentry = self.GetSymbolEntryInformation(symid.ModuleBase, symid.Id) - lst.append((s, symentry)) - return lst - - def get_all_functions(self): - syms = self.get_all_symbols() - return [x for x in syms if x[1].Tag == SymTags.SymTagFunction] - - def get_all_modules(self): - params = DEBUG_MODULE_PARAMETERS() - idx = 0 - res = 0 - all_modules = [] - while res != E_EINVAL: - res = self.vt.GetModuleParameters(self.symbols, 1, None, idx, byref(params)) - aborter(res, "GetModuleParameters", ignore=[E_EINVAL]) - all_modules.append(make_debug_module_params(params)) - idx += 1 - return all_modules - - def get_exefile_module(self): - all_modules = self.get_all_modules() - reduce_func = lambda x, y: y if y.Flags & DebugModuleFlags.DEBUG_MODULE_EXE_MODULE else x - main_module = reduce(reduce_func, all_modules, None) - if main_module is None: - raise Exception("Couldn't find the exefile module") - return main_module - - def get_module_name(self, base): - return self.GetModuleNameString(DebugModuleNames.DEBUG_MODNAME_MODULE, base) - - def get_exefile_module_name(self): - return self.get_module_name(self.get_exefile_module().Base) + def __init__(self, symbols): + self.ptr = symbols + self.symbols = symbols.contents + self.vt = self.symbols.lpVtbl.contents + # Keep some handy ulongs for passing into C methods. + self.ulong = c_ulong() + self.ulong64 = c_ulonglong() + + def GetCurrentScopeFrameIndex(self): + res = self.vt.GetCurrentScopeFrameIndex(self.symbols, byref(self.ulong)) + aborter(res, "GetCurrentScopeFrameIndex") + return self.ulong.value + + def SetScopeFrameByIndex(self, idx): + res = self.vt.SetScopeFrameByIndex(self.symbols, idx) + aborter(res, "SetScopeFrameByIndex", ignore=[E_EINVAL]) + return res != E_EINVAL + + def GetOffsetByName(self, name): + res = self.vt.GetOffsetByName( + self.symbols, name.encode("ascii"), byref(self.ulong64) + ) + aborter(res, "GetOffsetByName {}".format(name)) + return self.ulong64.value + + def GetNearNameByOffset(self, addr): + ptr = create_string_buffer(256) + pulong = c_ulong() + disp = c_ulonglong() + # Zero arg -> "delta" indicating how many symbols to skip + res = self.vt.GetNearNameByOffset( + self.symbols, addr, 0, ptr, 255, byref(pulong), byref(disp) + ) + if res == E_NOINTERFACE: + return "{noname}" + aborter(res, "GetNearNameByOffset") + ptr[255] = "\0".encode("ascii") + return "{}+{}".format(string_at(ptr).decode("ascii"), disp.value) + + def GetModuleByModuleName2(self, name): + # First zero arg -> module index to search from, second zero arg -> + # DEBUG_GETMOD_* flags, none of which we use. + res = self.vt.GetModuleByModuleName2( + self.symbols, name, 0, 0, None, byref(self.ulong64) + ) + aborter(res, "GetModuleByModuleName2") + return self.ulong64.value + + def GetScopeSymbolGroup2(self): + retptr = POINTER(IDebugSymbolGroup2)() + res = self.vt.GetScopeSymbolGroup2( + self.symbols, ScopeGroupFlags.DEBUG_SCOPE_GROUP_ALL, None, retptr + ) + aborter(res, "GetScopeSymbolGroup2") + return SymbolGroup(retptr) + + def GetSymbolEntryString(self, idx, module): + symid = DEBUG_MODULE_AND_ID() + symid.ModuleBase = module + symid.Id = idx + ptr = create_string_buffer(1024) + # Zero arg is the string index -- symbols can have multiple names, for now + # only support the first one. + res = self.vt.GetSymbolEntryString( + self.symbols, symid, 0, ptr, 1023, byref(self.ulong) + ) + aborter(res, "GetSymbolEntryString") + return string_at(ptr).decode("ascii") + + def GetSymbolEntryInformation(self, module, theid): + symid = DEBUG_MODULE_AND_ID() + symentry = DEBUG_SYMBOL_ENTRY() + symid.ModuleBase = module + symid.Id = theid + res = self.vt.GetSymbolEntryInformation(self.symbols, symid, symentry) + aborter(res, "GetSymbolEntryInformation") + # Fetch fields into SymbolEntry object + fields = map(lambda x: getattr(symentry, x), SymbolEntry._fields) + return SymbolEntry(*fields) + + def GetSymbolEntriesByName(self, symstr): + # Initial query to find number of symbol entries + res = self.vt.GetSymbolEntriesByName( + self.symbols, symstr.encode("ascii"), 0, None, 0, byref(self.ulong) + ) + aborter(res, "GetSymbolEntriesByName") + + # Build a buffer and query for 'length' entries + length = self.ulong.value + symrecs = (DEBUG_MODULE_AND_ID * length)() + # Zero arg -> flags, of which there are none defined. + res = self.vt.GetSymbolEntriesByName( + self.symbols, symstr.encode("ascii"), 0, symrecs, length, byref(self.ulong) + ) + aborter(res, "GetSymbolEntriesByName") + + # Extract 'length' number of SymbolIds + length = self.ulong.value + + def extract(x): + sym = symrecs[x] + return SymbolId(sym.ModuleBase, sym.Id) + + return [extract(x) for x in range(length)] + + def GetSymbolPath(self): + # Query for length of buffer to allocate + res = self.vt.GetSymbolPath(self.symbols, None, 0, byref(self.ulong)) + aborter(res, "GetSymbolPath", ignore=[S_FALSE]) + + # Fetch 'length' length symbol path string + length = self.ulong.value + arr = create_string_buffer(length) + res = self.vt.GetSymbolPath(self.symbols, arr, length, byref(self.ulong)) + aborter(res, "GetSymbolPath") + + return string_at(arr).decode("ascii") + + def GetSourcePath(self): + # Query for length of buffer to allocate + res = self.vt.GetSourcePath(self.symbols, None, 0, byref(self.ulong)) + aborter(res, "GetSourcePath", ignore=[S_FALSE]) + + # Fetch a string of len 'length' + length = self.ulong.value + arr = create_string_buffer(length) + res = self.vt.GetSourcePath(self.symbols, arr, length, byref(self.ulong)) + aborter(res, "GetSourcePath") + + return string_at(arr).decode("ascii") + + def SetSourcePath(self, string): + res = self.vt.SetSourcePath(self.symbols, string.encode("ascii")) + aborter(res, "SetSourcePath") + return + + def GetModuleParameters(self, base): + self.ulong64.value = base + params = DEBUG_MODULE_PARAMETERS() + # Fetch one module params struct, starting at idx zero + res = self.vt.GetModuleParameters( + self.symbols, 1, byref(self.ulong64), 0, byref(params) + ) + aborter(res, "GetModuleParameters") + return make_debug_module_params(params) + + def GetSymbolOptions(self): + res = self.vt.GetSymbolOptions(self.symbols, byref(self.ulong)) + aborter(res, "GetSymbolOptions") + return SymbolOptionFlags(self.ulong.value) + + def SetSymbolOptions(self, opts): + assert isinstance(opts, SymbolOptionFlags) + res = self.vt.SetSymbolOptions(self.symbols, opts.value) + aborter(res, "SetSymbolOptions") + return + + def GetLineByOffset(self, offs): + # Initial query for filename buffer size + res = self.vt.GetLineByOffset( + self.symbols, offs, None, None, 0, byref(self.ulong), None + ) + if res == E_FAIL: + return None # Sometimes we just can't get line numbers, of course + aborter(res, "GetLineByOffset", ignore=[S_FALSE]) + + # Allocate filename buffer and query for line number too + filenamelen = self.ulong.value + text = create_string_buffer(filenamelen) + line = c_ulong() + res = self.vt.GetLineByOffset( + self.symbols, offs, byref(line), text, filenamelen, byref(self.ulong), None + ) + aborter(res, "GetLineByOffset") + + return string_at(text).decode("ascii"), line.value + + def GetModuleNameString(self, whichname, base): + # Initial query for name string length + res = self.vt.GetModuleNameString( + self.symbols, whichname, DEBUG_ANY_ID, base, None, 0, byref(self.ulong) + ) + aborter(res, "GetModuleNameString", ignore=[S_FALSE]) + + module_name_len = self.ulong.value + module_name = (c_char * module_name_len)() + res = self.vt.GetModuleNameString( + self.symbols, + whichname, + DEBUG_ANY_ID, + base, + module_name, + module_name_len, + None, + ) + aborter(res, "GetModuleNameString") + + return string_at(module_name).decode("ascii") + + def GetNameByInlineContext(self, pc, ctx): + # None args -> ignore output name size and displacement + buf = create_string_buffer(256) + res = self.vt.GetNameByInlineContext( + self.symbols, pc, ctx, buf, 255, None, None + ) + aborter(res, "GetNameByInlineContext") + return string_at(buf).decode("ascii") + + def GetLineByInlineContext(self, pc, ctx): + # None args -> ignore output filename size and displacement + buf = create_string_buffer(256) + res = self.vt.GetLineByInlineContext( + self.symbols, pc, ctx, byref(self.ulong), buf, 255, None, None + ) + aborter(res, "GetLineByInlineContext") + return string_at(buf).decode("ascii"), self.ulong.value + + def get_all_symbols(self): + main_module_name = self.get_exefile_module_name() + idnumbers = self.GetSymbolEntriesByName("{}!*".format(main_module_name)) + lst = [] + for symid in idnumbers: + s = self.GetSymbolEntryString(symid.Id, symid.ModuleBase) + symentry = self.GetSymbolEntryInformation(symid.ModuleBase, symid.Id) + lst.append((s, symentry)) + return lst + + def get_all_functions(self): + syms = self.get_all_symbols() + return [x for x in syms if x[1].Tag == SymTags.SymTagFunction] + + def get_all_modules(self): + params = DEBUG_MODULE_PARAMETERS() + idx = 0 + res = 0 + all_modules = [] + while res != E_EINVAL: + res = self.vt.GetModuleParameters(self.symbols, 1, None, idx, byref(params)) + aborter(res, "GetModuleParameters", ignore=[E_EINVAL]) + all_modules.append(make_debug_module_params(params)) + idx += 1 + return all_modules + + def get_exefile_module(self): + all_modules = self.get_all_modules() + reduce_func = ( + lambda x, y: y if y.Flags & DebugModuleFlags.DEBUG_MODULE_EXE_MODULE else x + ) + main_module = reduce(reduce_func, all_modules, None) + if main_module is None: + raise Exception("Couldn't find the exefile module") + return main_module + + def get_module_name(self, base): + return self.GetModuleNameString(DebugModuleNames.DEBUG_MODNAME_MODULE, base) + + def get_exefile_module_name(self): + return self.get_module_name(self.get_exefile_module().Base) diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/symgroup.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/symgroup.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/symgroup.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/symgroup.py @@ -13,86 +13,92 @@ Symbol = namedtuple("Symbol", ["num", "name", "type", "value"]) + class IDebugSymbolGroup2(Structure): - pass + pass + class IDebugSymbolGroup2Vtbl(Structure): - wrp = partial(WINFUNCTYPE, c_long, POINTER(IDebugSymbolGroup2)) - ids_getnumbersymbols = wrp(c_ulong_p) - ids_getsymbolname = wrp(c_ulong, c_char_p, c_ulong, c_ulong_p) - ids_getsymboltypename = wrp(c_ulong, c_char_p, c_ulong, c_ulong_p) - ids_getsymbolvaluetext = wrp(c_ulong, c_char_p, c_ulong, c_ulong_p) - _fields_ = [ - ("QueryInterface", c_void_p), - ("AddRef", c_void_p), - ("Release", c_void_p), - ("GetNumberSymbols", ids_getnumbersymbols), - ("AddSymbol", c_void_p), - ("RemoveSymbolByName", c_void_p), - ("RemoveSymbolByIndex", c_void_p), - ("GetSymbolName", ids_getsymbolname), - ("GetSymbolParameters", c_void_p), - ("ExpandSymbol", c_void_p), - ("OutputSymbols", c_void_p), - ("WriteSymbol", c_void_p), - ("OutputAsType", c_void_p), - ("AddSymbolWide", c_void_p), - ("RemoveSymbolByNameWide", c_void_p), - ("GetSymbolNameWide", c_void_p), - ("WritesymbolWide", c_void_p), - ("OutputAsTypeWide", c_void_p), - ("GetSymbolTypeName", ids_getsymboltypename), - ("GetSymbolTypeNameWide", c_void_p), - ("GetSymbolSize", c_void_p), - ("GetSymbolOffset", c_void_p), - ("GetSymbolRegister", c_void_p), - ("GetSymbolValueText", ids_getsymbolvaluetext), - ("GetSymbolValueTextWide", c_void_p), - ("GetSymbolEntryInformation", c_void_p) + wrp = partial(WINFUNCTYPE, c_long, POINTER(IDebugSymbolGroup2)) + ids_getnumbersymbols = wrp(c_ulong_p) + ids_getsymbolname = wrp(c_ulong, c_char_p, c_ulong, c_ulong_p) + ids_getsymboltypename = wrp(c_ulong, c_char_p, c_ulong, c_ulong_p) + ids_getsymbolvaluetext = wrp(c_ulong, c_char_p, c_ulong, c_ulong_p) + _fields_ = [ + ("QueryInterface", c_void_p), + ("AddRef", c_void_p), + ("Release", c_void_p), + ("GetNumberSymbols", ids_getnumbersymbols), + ("AddSymbol", c_void_p), + ("RemoveSymbolByName", c_void_p), + ("RemoveSymbolByIndex", c_void_p), + ("GetSymbolName", ids_getsymbolname), + ("GetSymbolParameters", c_void_p), + ("ExpandSymbol", c_void_p), + ("OutputSymbols", c_void_p), + ("WriteSymbol", c_void_p), + ("OutputAsType", c_void_p), + ("AddSymbolWide", c_void_p), + ("RemoveSymbolByNameWide", c_void_p), + ("GetSymbolNameWide", c_void_p), + ("WritesymbolWide", c_void_p), + ("OutputAsTypeWide", c_void_p), + ("GetSymbolTypeName", ids_getsymboltypename), + ("GetSymbolTypeNameWide", c_void_p), + ("GetSymbolSize", c_void_p), + ("GetSymbolOffset", c_void_p), + ("GetSymbolRegister", c_void_p), + ("GetSymbolValueText", ids_getsymbolvaluetext), + ("GetSymbolValueTextWide", c_void_p), + ("GetSymbolEntryInformation", c_void_p), ] + IDebugSymbolGroup2._fields_ = [("lpVtbl", POINTER(IDebugSymbolGroup2Vtbl))] + class SymbolGroup(object): - def __init__(self, symgroup): - self.symgroup = symgroup.contents - self.vt = self.symgroup.lpVtbl.contents - self.ulong = c_ulong() - - def GetNumberSymbols(self): - res = self.vt.GetNumberSymbols(self.symgroup, byref(self.ulong)) - aborter(res, "GetNumberSymbols") - return self.ulong.value - - def GetSymbolName(self, idx): - buf = create_string_buffer(256) - res = self.vt.GetSymbolName(self.symgroup, idx, buf, 255, byref(self.ulong)) - aborter(res, "GetSymbolName") - thelen = self.ulong.value - return string_at(buf).decode("ascii") - - def GetSymbolTypeName(self, idx): - buf = create_string_buffer(256) - res = self.vt.GetSymbolTypeName(self.symgroup, idx, buf, 255, byref(self.ulong)) - aborter(res, "GetSymbolTypeName") - thelen = self.ulong.value - return string_at(buf).decode("ascii") - - def GetSymbolValueText(self, idx, handleserror=False): - buf = create_string_buffer(256) - res = self.vt.GetSymbolValueText(self.symgroup, idx, buf, 255, byref(self.ulong)) - if res != 0 and handleserror: - return None - aborter(res, "GetSymbolTypeName") - thelen = self.ulong.value - return string_at(buf).decode("ascii") - - def get_symbol(self, idx): - name = self.GetSymbolName(idx) - thetype = self.GetSymbolTypeName(idx) - value = self.GetSymbolValueText(idx) - return Symbol(idx, name, thetype, value) - - def get_all_symbols(self): - num_syms = self.GetNumberSymbols() - return list(map(self.get_symbol, list(range(num_syms)))) + def __init__(self, symgroup): + self.symgroup = symgroup.contents + self.vt = self.symgroup.lpVtbl.contents + self.ulong = c_ulong() + + def GetNumberSymbols(self): + res = self.vt.GetNumberSymbols(self.symgroup, byref(self.ulong)) + aborter(res, "GetNumberSymbols") + return self.ulong.value + + def GetSymbolName(self, idx): + buf = create_string_buffer(256) + res = self.vt.GetSymbolName(self.symgroup, idx, buf, 255, byref(self.ulong)) + aborter(res, "GetSymbolName") + thelen = self.ulong.value + return string_at(buf).decode("ascii") + + def GetSymbolTypeName(self, idx): + buf = create_string_buffer(256) + res = self.vt.GetSymbolTypeName(self.symgroup, idx, buf, 255, byref(self.ulong)) + aborter(res, "GetSymbolTypeName") + thelen = self.ulong.value + return string_at(buf).decode("ascii") + + def GetSymbolValueText(self, idx, handleserror=False): + buf = create_string_buffer(256) + res = self.vt.GetSymbolValueText( + self.symgroup, idx, buf, 255, byref(self.ulong) + ) + if res != 0 and handleserror: + return None + aborter(res, "GetSymbolTypeName") + thelen = self.ulong.value + return string_at(buf).decode("ascii") + + def get_symbol(self, idx): + name = self.GetSymbolName(idx) + thetype = self.GetSymbolTypeName(idx) + value = self.GetSymbolValueText(idx) + return Symbol(idx, name, thetype, value) + + def get_all_symbols(self): + num_syms = self.GetNumberSymbols() + return list(map(self.get_symbol, list(range(num_syms)))) diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/sysobjs.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/sysobjs.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/sysobjs.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/sysobjs.py @@ -11,190 +11,210 @@ from .utils import * # UUID For SystemObjects4 interface. -DebugSystemObjects4IID = IID(0x489468e6, 0x7d0f, 0x4af5, IID_Data4_Type(0x87, 0xab, 0x25, 0x20, 0x74, 0x54, 0xd5, 0x53)) +DebugSystemObjects4IID = IID( + 0x489468E6, + 0x7D0F, + 0x4AF5, + IID_Data4_Type(0x87, 0xAB, 0x25, 0x20, 0x74, 0x54, 0xD5, 0x53), +) + class IDebugSystemObjects4(Structure): - pass + pass + class IDebugSystemObjects4Vtbl(Structure): - wrp = partial(WINFUNCTYPE, c_long, POINTER(IDebugSystemObjects4)) - ids_getnumberprocesses = wrp(POINTER(c_ulong)) - ids_getprocessidsbyindex = wrp(c_ulong, c_ulong, c_ulong_p, c_ulong_p) - ids_setcurrentprocessid = wrp(c_ulong) - ids_getnumberthreads = wrp(c_ulong_p) - ids_getthreadidsbyindex = wrp(c_ulong, c_ulong, c_ulong_p, c_ulong_p) - ids_setcurrentthreadid = wrp(c_ulong) - _fields_ = [ - ("QueryInterface", c_void_p), - ("AddRef", c_void_p), - ("Release", c_void_p), - ("GetEventThread", c_void_p), - ("GetEventProcess", c_void_p), - ("GetCurrentThreadId", c_void_p), - ("SetCurrentThreadId", ids_setcurrentthreadid), - ("GetCurrentProcessId", c_void_p), - ("SetCurrentProcessId", ids_setcurrentprocessid), - ("GetNumberThreads", ids_getnumberthreads), - ("GetTotalNumberThreads", c_void_p), - ("GetThreadIdsByIndex", ids_getthreadidsbyindex), - ("GetThreadIdByProcessor", c_void_p), - ("GetCurrentThreadDataOffset", c_void_p), - ("GetThreadIdByDataOffset", c_void_p), - ("GetCurrentThreadTeb", c_void_p), - ("GetThreadIdByTeb", c_void_p), - ("GetCurrentThreadSystemId", c_void_p), - ("GetThreadIdBySystemId", c_void_p), - ("GetCurrentThreadHandle", c_void_p), - ("GetThreadIdByHandle", c_void_p), - ("GetNumberProcesses", ids_getnumberprocesses), - ("GetProcessIdsByIndex", ids_getprocessidsbyindex), - ("GetCurrentProcessDataOffset", c_void_p), - ("GetProcessIdByDataOffset", c_void_p), - ("GetCurrentProcessPeb", c_void_p), - ("GetProcessIdByPeb", c_void_p), - ("GetCurrentProcessSystemId", c_void_p), - ("GetProcessIdBySystemId", c_void_p), - ("GetCurrentProcessHandle", c_void_p), - ("GetProcessIdByHandle", c_void_p), - ("GetCurrentProcessExecutableName", c_void_p), - ("GetCurrentProcessUpTime", c_void_p), - ("GetImplicitThreadDataOffset", c_void_p), - ("SetImplicitThreadDataOffset", c_void_p), - ("GetImplicitProcessDataOffset", c_void_p), - ("SetImplicitProcessDataOffset", c_void_p), - ("GetEventSystem", c_void_p), - ("GetCurrentSystemId", c_void_p), - ("SetCurrentSystemId", c_void_p), - ("GetNumberSystems", c_void_p), - ("GetSystemIdsByIndex", c_void_p), - ("GetTotalNumberThreadsAndProcesses", c_void_p), - ("GetCurrentSystemServer", c_void_p), - ("GetSystemByServer", c_void_p), - ("GetCurrentSystemServerName", c_void_p), - ("GetCurrentProcessExecutableNameWide", c_void_p), - ("GetCurrentSystemServerNameWide", c_void_p) + wrp = partial(WINFUNCTYPE, c_long, POINTER(IDebugSystemObjects4)) + ids_getnumberprocesses = wrp(POINTER(c_ulong)) + ids_getprocessidsbyindex = wrp(c_ulong, c_ulong, c_ulong_p, c_ulong_p) + ids_setcurrentprocessid = wrp(c_ulong) + ids_getnumberthreads = wrp(c_ulong_p) + ids_getthreadidsbyindex = wrp(c_ulong, c_ulong, c_ulong_p, c_ulong_p) + ids_setcurrentthreadid = wrp(c_ulong) + _fields_ = [ + ("QueryInterface", c_void_p), + ("AddRef", c_void_p), + ("Release", c_void_p), + ("GetEventThread", c_void_p), + ("GetEventProcess", c_void_p), + ("GetCurrentThreadId", c_void_p), + ("SetCurrentThreadId", ids_setcurrentthreadid), + ("GetCurrentProcessId", c_void_p), + ("SetCurrentProcessId", ids_setcurrentprocessid), + ("GetNumberThreads", ids_getnumberthreads), + ("GetTotalNumberThreads", c_void_p), + ("GetThreadIdsByIndex", ids_getthreadidsbyindex), + ("GetThreadIdByProcessor", c_void_p), + ("GetCurrentThreadDataOffset", c_void_p), + ("GetThreadIdByDataOffset", c_void_p), + ("GetCurrentThreadTeb", c_void_p), + ("GetThreadIdByTeb", c_void_p), + ("GetCurrentThreadSystemId", c_void_p), + ("GetThreadIdBySystemId", c_void_p), + ("GetCurrentThreadHandle", c_void_p), + ("GetThreadIdByHandle", c_void_p), + ("GetNumberProcesses", ids_getnumberprocesses), + ("GetProcessIdsByIndex", ids_getprocessidsbyindex), + ("GetCurrentProcessDataOffset", c_void_p), + ("GetProcessIdByDataOffset", c_void_p), + ("GetCurrentProcessPeb", c_void_p), + ("GetProcessIdByPeb", c_void_p), + ("GetCurrentProcessSystemId", c_void_p), + ("GetProcessIdBySystemId", c_void_p), + ("GetCurrentProcessHandle", c_void_p), + ("GetProcessIdByHandle", c_void_p), + ("GetCurrentProcessExecutableName", c_void_p), + ("GetCurrentProcessUpTime", c_void_p), + ("GetImplicitThreadDataOffset", c_void_p), + ("SetImplicitThreadDataOffset", c_void_p), + ("GetImplicitProcessDataOffset", c_void_p), + ("SetImplicitProcessDataOffset", c_void_p), + ("GetEventSystem", c_void_p), + ("GetCurrentSystemId", c_void_p), + ("SetCurrentSystemId", c_void_p), + ("GetNumberSystems", c_void_p), + ("GetSystemIdsByIndex", c_void_p), + ("GetTotalNumberThreadsAndProcesses", c_void_p), + ("GetCurrentSystemServer", c_void_p), + ("GetSystemByServer", c_void_p), + ("GetCurrentSystemServerName", c_void_p), + ("GetCurrentProcessExecutableNameWide", c_void_p), + ("GetCurrentSystemServerNameWide", c_void_p), ] + IDebugSystemObjects4._fields_ = [("lpVtbl", POINTER(IDebugSystemObjects4Vtbl))] + class SysObjects(object): - def __init__(self, sysobjects): - self.ptr = sysobjects - self.sysobjects = sysobjects.contents - self.vt = self.sysobjects.lpVtbl.contents - # Keep a handy ulong for passing into C methods. - self.ulong = c_ulong() - - def GetNumberSystems(self): - res = self.vt.GetNumberSystems(self.sysobjects, byref(self.ulong)) - aborter(res, "GetNumberSystems") - return self.ulong.value - - def GetNumberProcesses(self): - res = self.vt.GetNumberProcesses(self.sysobjects, byref(self.ulong)) - aborter(res, "GetNumberProcesses") - return self.ulong.value - - def GetNumberThreads(self): - res = self.vt.GetNumberThreads(self.sysobjects, byref(self.ulong)) - aborter(res, "GetNumberThreads") - return self.ulong.value - - def GetTotalNumberThreadsAndProcesses(self): - tthreads = c_ulong() - tprocs = c_ulong() - pulong3 = c_ulong() - res = self.vt.GetTotalNumberThreadsAndProcesses(self.sysobjects, byref(tthreads), byref(tprocs), byref(pulong3), byref(pulong3), byref(pulong3)) - aborter(res, "GettotalNumberThreadsAndProcesses") - return tthreads.value, tprocs.value - - def GetCurrentProcessId(self): - res = self.vt.GetCurrentProcessId(self.sysobjects, byref(self.ulong)) - aborter(res, "GetCurrentProcessId") - return self.ulong.value - - def SetCurrentProcessId(self, sysid): - res = self.vt.SetCurrentProcessId(self.sysobjects, sysid) - aborter(res, "SetCurrentProcessId") - return - - def GetCurrentThreadId(self): - res = self.vt.GetCurrentThreadId(self.sysobjects, byref(self.ulong)) - aborter(res, "GetCurrentThreadId") - return self.ulong.value - - def SetCurrentThreadId(self, sysid): - res = self.vt.SetCurrentThreadId(self.sysobjects, sysid) - aborter(res, "SetCurrentThreadId") - return - - def GetProcessIdsByIndex(self): - num_processes = self.GetNumberProcesses() - if num_processes == 0: - return [] - engineids = (c_ulong * num_processes)() - pids = (c_ulong * num_processes)() - for x in range(num_processes): - engineids[x] = DEBUG_ANY_ID - pids[x] = DEBUG_ANY_ID - res = self.vt.GetProcessIdsByIndex(self.sysobjects, 0, num_processes, engineids, pids) - aborter(res, "GetProcessIdsByIndex") - return list(zip(engineids, pids)) - - def GetThreadIdsByIndex(self): - num_threads = self.GetNumberThreads() - if num_threads == 0: - return [] - engineids = (c_ulong * num_threads)() - tids = (c_ulong * num_threads)() - for x in range(num_threads): - engineids[x] = DEBUG_ANY_ID - tids[x] = DEBUG_ANY_ID - # Zero -> start index - res = self.vt.GetThreadIdsByIndex(self.sysobjects, 0, num_threads, engineids, tids) - aborter(res, "GetThreadIdsByIndex") - return list(zip(engineids, tids)) - - def GetCurThreadHandle(self): - pulong64 = c_ulonglong() - res = self.vt.GetCurrentThreadHandle(self.sysobjects, byref(pulong64)) - aborter(res, "GetCurrentThreadHandle") - return pulong64.value - - def set_current_thread(self, pid, tid): - proc_sys_id = -1 - for x in self.GetProcessIdsByIndex(): - sysid, procid = x - if procid == pid: - proc_sys_id = sysid - - if proc_sys_id == -1: - raise Exception("Couldn't find designated PID {}".format(pid)) - - self.SetCurrentProcessId(proc_sys_id) - - thread_sys_id = -1 - for x in self.GetThreadIdsByIndex(): - sysid, threadid = x - if threadid == tid: - thread_sys_id = sysid - - if thread_sys_id == -1: - raise Exception("Couldn't find designated TID {}".format(tid)) - - self.SetCurrentThreadId(thread_sys_id) - return - - def print_current_procs_threads(self): - procs = [] - for x in self.GetProcessIdsByIndex(): - sysid, procid = x - procs.append(procid) - - threads = [] - for x in self.GetThreadIdsByIndex(): - sysid, threadid = x - threads.append(threadid) - - print("Current processes: {}".format(procs)) - print("Current threads: {}".format(threads)) + def __init__(self, sysobjects): + self.ptr = sysobjects + self.sysobjects = sysobjects.contents + self.vt = self.sysobjects.lpVtbl.contents + # Keep a handy ulong for passing into C methods. + self.ulong = c_ulong() + + def GetNumberSystems(self): + res = self.vt.GetNumberSystems(self.sysobjects, byref(self.ulong)) + aborter(res, "GetNumberSystems") + return self.ulong.value + + def GetNumberProcesses(self): + res = self.vt.GetNumberProcesses(self.sysobjects, byref(self.ulong)) + aborter(res, "GetNumberProcesses") + return self.ulong.value + + def GetNumberThreads(self): + res = self.vt.GetNumberThreads(self.sysobjects, byref(self.ulong)) + aborter(res, "GetNumberThreads") + return self.ulong.value + + def GetTotalNumberThreadsAndProcesses(self): + tthreads = c_ulong() + tprocs = c_ulong() + pulong3 = c_ulong() + res = self.vt.GetTotalNumberThreadsAndProcesses( + self.sysobjects, + byref(tthreads), + byref(tprocs), + byref(pulong3), + byref(pulong3), + byref(pulong3), + ) + aborter(res, "GettotalNumberThreadsAndProcesses") + return tthreads.value, tprocs.value + + def GetCurrentProcessId(self): + res = self.vt.GetCurrentProcessId(self.sysobjects, byref(self.ulong)) + aborter(res, "GetCurrentProcessId") + return self.ulong.value + + def SetCurrentProcessId(self, sysid): + res = self.vt.SetCurrentProcessId(self.sysobjects, sysid) + aborter(res, "SetCurrentProcessId") + return + + def GetCurrentThreadId(self): + res = self.vt.GetCurrentThreadId(self.sysobjects, byref(self.ulong)) + aborter(res, "GetCurrentThreadId") + return self.ulong.value + + def SetCurrentThreadId(self, sysid): + res = self.vt.SetCurrentThreadId(self.sysobjects, sysid) + aborter(res, "SetCurrentThreadId") + return + + def GetProcessIdsByIndex(self): + num_processes = self.GetNumberProcesses() + if num_processes == 0: + return [] + engineids = (c_ulong * num_processes)() + pids = (c_ulong * num_processes)() + for x in range(num_processes): + engineids[x] = DEBUG_ANY_ID + pids[x] = DEBUG_ANY_ID + res = self.vt.GetProcessIdsByIndex( + self.sysobjects, 0, num_processes, engineids, pids + ) + aborter(res, "GetProcessIdsByIndex") + return list(zip(engineids, pids)) + + def GetThreadIdsByIndex(self): + num_threads = self.GetNumberThreads() + if num_threads == 0: + return [] + engineids = (c_ulong * num_threads)() + tids = (c_ulong * num_threads)() + for x in range(num_threads): + engineids[x] = DEBUG_ANY_ID + tids[x] = DEBUG_ANY_ID + # Zero -> start index + res = self.vt.GetThreadIdsByIndex( + self.sysobjects, 0, num_threads, engineids, tids + ) + aborter(res, "GetThreadIdsByIndex") + return list(zip(engineids, tids)) + + def GetCurThreadHandle(self): + pulong64 = c_ulonglong() + res = self.vt.GetCurrentThreadHandle(self.sysobjects, byref(pulong64)) + aborter(res, "GetCurrentThreadHandle") + return pulong64.value + + def set_current_thread(self, pid, tid): + proc_sys_id = -1 + for x in self.GetProcessIdsByIndex(): + sysid, procid = x + if procid == pid: + proc_sys_id = sysid + + if proc_sys_id == -1: + raise Exception("Couldn't find designated PID {}".format(pid)) + + self.SetCurrentProcessId(proc_sys_id) + + thread_sys_id = -1 + for x in self.GetThreadIdsByIndex(): + sysid, threadid = x + if threadid == tid: + thread_sys_id = sysid + + if thread_sys_id == -1: + raise Exception("Couldn't find designated TID {}".format(tid)) + + self.SetCurrentThreadId(thread_sys_id) + return + + def print_current_procs_threads(self): + procs = [] + for x in self.GetProcessIdsByIndex(): + sysid, procid = x + procs.append(procid) + + threads = [] + for x in self.GetThreadIdsByIndex(): + sysid, threadid = x + threads.append(threadid) + + print("Current processes: {}".format(procs)) + print("Current threads: {}".format(threads)) diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/utils.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/utils.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/utils.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/dbgeng/utils.py @@ -19,29 +19,34 @@ # This doesn't fit into any convenient category DEBUG_ANY_ID = 0xFFFFFFFF + class WinError(Exception): - def __init__(self, msg, hstatus): - self.hstatus = hstatus - super(WinError, self).__init__(msg) + def __init__(self, msg, hstatus): + self.hstatus = hstatus + super(WinError, self).__init__(msg) + def aborter(res, msg, ignore=[]): - if res != 0 and res not in ignore: - # Convert a negative error code to a positive unsigned one, which is - # now NTSTATUSes appear in documentation. - if res < 0: - res += 0x100000000 - msg = '{:08X} : {}'.format(res, msg) - raise WinError(msg, res) + if res != 0 and res not in ignore: + # Convert a negative error code to a positive unsigned one, which is + # now NTSTATUSes appear in documentation. + if res < 0: + res += 0x100000000 + msg = "{:08X} : {}".format(res, msg) + raise WinError(msg, res) + IID_Data4_Type = c_ubyte * 8 + class IID(Structure): - _fields_ = [ - ("Data1", c_uint), - ("Data2", c_ushort), - ("Data3", c_ushort), - ("Data4", IID_Data4_Type) - ] + _fields_ = [ + ("Data1", c_uint), + ("Data2", c_ushort), + ("Data3", c_ushort), + ("Data4", IID_Data4_Type), + ] + c_ulong_p = POINTER(c_ulong) c_ulong64_p = POINTER(c_ulonglong) diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/lldb/LLDB.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/lldb/LLDB.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/lldb/LLDB.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/lldb/LLDB.py @@ -36,17 +36,19 @@ self._debugger = self._interface.SBDebugger.Create() self._debugger.SetAsync(False) self._target = self._debugger.CreateTargetWithFileAndArch( - self.context.options.executable, self.context.options.arch) + self.context.options.executable, self.context.options.arch + ) if not self._target: raise LoadDebuggerException( - 'could not create target for executable "{}" with arch:{}'. - format(self.context.options.executable, - self.context.options.arch)) + 'could not create target for executable "{}" with arch:{}'.format( + self.context.options.executable, self.context.options.arch + ) + ) def _custom_exit(self): - if getattr(self, '_process', None): + if getattr(self, "_process", None): self._process.Kill() - if getattr(self, '_debugger', None) and getattr(self, '_target', None): + if getattr(self, "_debugger", None) and getattr(self, "_target", None): self._debugger.DeleteTarget(self._target) def _translate_stop_reason(self, reason): @@ -64,38 +66,37 @@ def _load_interface(self): try: - args = [self.lldb_executable, '-P'] - pythonpath = check_output( - args, stderr=STDOUT).rstrip().decode('utf-8') + args = [self.lldb_executable, "-P"] + pythonpath = check_output(args, stderr=STDOUT).rstrip().decode("utf-8") except CalledProcessError as e: raise LoadDebuggerException(str(e), sys.exc_info()) except OSError as e: raise LoadDebuggerException( - '{} ["{}"]'.format(e.strerror, self.lldb_executable), - sys.exc_info()) + '{} ["{}"]'.format(e.strerror, self.lldb_executable), sys.exc_info() + ) if not os.path.isdir(pythonpath): raise LoadDebuggerException( - 'path "{}" does not exist [result of {}]'.format( - pythonpath, args), sys.exc_info()) + 'path "{}" does not exist [result of {}]'.format(pythonpath, args), + sys.exc_info(), + ) try: - module_info = imp.find_module('lldb', [pythonpath]) - return imp.load_module('lldb', *module_info) + module_info = imp.find_module("lldb", [pythonpath]) + return imp.load_module("lldb", *module_info) except ImportError as e: msg = str(e) - if msg.endswith('not a valid Win32 application.'): - msg = '{} [Are you mixing 32-bit and 64-bit binaries?]'.format( - msg) + if msg.endswith("not a valid Win32 application."): + msg = "{} [Are you mixing 32-bit and 64-bit binaries?]".format(msg) raise LoadDebuggerException(msg, sys.exc_info()) @classmethod def get_name(cls): - return 'lldb' + return "lldb" @classmethod def get_option_name(cls): - return 'lldb' + return "lldb" @property def version(self): @@ -114,7 +115,8 @@ bp = self._target.BreakpointCreateByLocation(file_, line) if not bp: raise DebuggerException( - 'could not add breakpoint [{}:{}]'.format(file_, line)) + "could not add breakpoint [{}:{}]".format(file_, line) + ) id = bp.GetID() if condition: bp.SetCondition(condition) @@ -134,7 +136,7 @@ # This must be an unconditional breakpoint. return True valueIR = self.evaluate_expression(condition) - return valueIR.type_name == 'bool' and valueIR.value == 'true' + return valueIR.type_name == "bool" and valueIR.value == "true" def get_triggered_breakpoint_ids(self): # Breakpoints can only have been triggered if we've hit one. @@ -173,12 +175,12 @@ def launch(self, cmdline): if self.context.options.target_run_args: - cmdline += shlex.split(self.context.options.target_run_args) + cmdline += shlex.split(self.context.options.target_run_args) self._process = self._target.LaunchSimple(cmdline, None, os.getcwd()) if not self._process or self._process.GetNumThreads() == 0: - raise DebuggerException('could not launch process') + raise DebuggerException("could not launch process") if self._process.GetNumThreads() != 1: - raise DebuggerException('multiple threads not supported') + raise DebuggerException("multiple threads not supported") self._thread = self._process.GetThreadAtIndex(0) assert self._thread, (self._process, self._thread) @@ -199,45 +201,52 @@ sb_filespec = sb_line.GetFileSpec() try: - path = os.path.join(sb_filespec.GetDirectory(), - sb_filespec.GetFilename()) + path = os.path.join( + sb_filespec.GetDirectory(), sb_filespec.GetFilename() + ) except (AttributeError, TypeError): path = None function = self._sanitize_function_name(sb_frame.GetFunctionName()) loc_dict = { - 'path': path, - 'lineno': sb_line.GetLine(), - 'column': sb_line.GetColumn() + "path": path, + "lineno": sb_line.GetLine(), + "column": sb_line.GetColumn(), } loc = LocIR(**loc_dict) valid_loc_for_watch = loc.path and os.path.exists(loc.path) - frame = FrameIR( - function=function, is_inlined=sb_frame.IsInlined(), loc=loc) + frame = FrameIR(function=function, is_inlined=sb_frame.IsInlined(), loc=loc) if any( - name in (frame.function or '') # pylint: disable=no-member - for name in self.frames_below_main): + name in (frame.function or "") # pylint: disable=no-member + for name in self.frames_below_main + ): break frames.append(frame) - state_frame = StackFrame(function=frame.function, - is_inlined=frame.is_inlined, - location=SourceLocation(**loc_dict), - watches={}) + state_frame = StackFrame( + function=frame.function, + is_inlined=frame.is_inlined, + location=SourceLocation(**loc_dict), + watches={}, + ) if valid_loc_for_watch: for expr in map( # Filter out watches that are not active in the current frame, # and then evaluate all the active watches. - lambda watch_info, idx=i: - self.evaluate_expression(watch_info.expression, idx), + lambda watch_info, idx=i: self.evaluate_expression( + watch_info.expression, idx + ), filter( - lambda watch_info, idx=i, line_no=loc.lineno, loc_path=loc.path: - watch_is_active(watch_info, loc_path, idx, line_no), - watches)): + lambda watch_info, idx=i, line_no=loc.lineno, loc_path=loc.path: watch_is_active( + watch_info, loc_path, idx, line_no + ), + watches, + ), + ): state_frame.watches[expr.expression] = expr state_frames.append(state_frame) @@ -248,8 +257,11 @@ reason = self._translate_stop_reason(self._thread.GetStopReason()) return StepIR( - step_index=step_index, frames=frames, stop_reason=reason, - program_state=ProgramState(state_frames)) + step_index=step_index, + frames=frames, + stop_reason=reason, + program_state=ProgramState(state_frames), + ) @property def is_running(self): @@ -262,46 +274,54 @@ @property def frames_below_main(self): - return ['__scrt_common_main_seh', '__libc_start_main', '__libc_start_call_main'] + return ["__scrt_common_main_seh", "__libc_start_main", "__libc_start_call_main"] def evaluate_expression(self, expression, frame_idx=0) -> ValueIR: - result = self._thread.GetFrameAtIndex(frame_idx - ).EvaluateExpression(expression) + result = self._thread.GetFrameAtIndex(frame_idx).EvaluateExpression(expression) error_string = str(result.error) value = result.value - could_evaluate = not any(s in error_string for s in [ - "Can't run the expression locally", - "use of undeclared identifier", - "no member named", - "Couldn't lookup symbols", - "reference to local variable", - "invalid use of 'this' outside of a non-static member function", - ]) - - is_optimized_away = any(s in error_string for s in [ - 'value may have been optimized out', - ]) - - is_irretrievable = any(s in error_string for s in [ - "couldn't get the value of variable", - "couldn't read its memory", - "couldn't read from memory", - "Cannot access memory at address", - "invalid address (fault address:", - ]) + could_evaluate = not any( + s in error_string + for s in [ + "Can't run the expression locally", + "use of undeclared identifier", + "no member named", + "Couldn't lookup symbols", + "reference to local variable", + "invalid use of 'this' outside of a non-static member function", + ] + ) + + is_optimized_away = any( + s in error_string + for s in [ + "value may have been optimized out", + ] + ) + + is_irretrievable = any( + s in error_string + for s in [ + "couldn't get the value of variable", + "couldn't read its memory", + "couldn't read from memory", + "Cannot access memory at address", + "invalid address (fault address:", + ] + ) if could_evaluate and not is_irretrievable and not is_optimized_away: - assert error_string == 'success', (error_string, expression, value) + assert error_string == "success", (error_string, expression, value) # assert result.value is not None, (result.value, expression) - if error_string == 'success': + if error_string == "success": error_string = None # attempt to find expression as a variable, if found, take the variable # obj's type information as it's 'usually' more accurate. var_result = self._thread.GetFrameAtIndex(frame_idx).FindVariable(expression) - if str(var_result.error) == 'success': + if str(var_result.error) == "success": type_name = var_result.type.GetDisplayTypeName() else: type_name = result.type.GetDisplayTypeName() diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/visualstudio/VisualStudio.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/visualstudio/VisualStudio.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/visualstudio/VisualStudio.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/visualstudio/VisualStudio.py @@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ def _load_com_module(): try: module_info = imp.find_module( - 'ComInterface', - [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'windows')]) - return imp.load_module('ComInterface', *module_info) + "ComInterface", [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "windows")] + ) + return imp.load_module("ComInterface", *module_info) except ImportError as e: raise LoadDebuggerException(e, sys.exc_info()) @@ -34,9 +34,12 @@ # VSBreakpoint(path: PurePath, line: int, col: int, cond: str). This is enough # info to identify breakpoint equivalence in visual studio based on the # properties we set through dexter currently. -VSBreakpoint = namedtuple('VSBreakpoint', 'path, line, col, cond') +VSBreakpoint = namedtuple("VSBreakpoint", "path, line, col, cond") + -class VisualStudio(DebuggerBase, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): # pylint: disable=abstract-method +class VisualStudio( + DebuggerBase, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta +): # pylint: disable=abstract-method # Constants for results of Debugger.CurrentMode # (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/envdte.debugger.currentmode.aspx) @@ -68,29 +71,31 @@ super(VisualStudio, self).__init__(*args) def _create_solution(self): - self._solution.Create(self.context.working_directory.path, - 'DexterSolution') + self._solution.Create(self.context.working_directory.path, "DexterSolution") try: self._solution.AddFromFile(self._project_file) except OSError: raise LoadDebuggerException( - 'could not debug the specified executable', sys.exc_info()) + "could not debug the specified executable", sys.exc_info() + ) def _load_solution(self): try: self._solution.Open(self.context.options.vs_solution) except: raise LoadDebuggerException( - 'could not load specified vs solution at {}'. - format(self.context.options.vs_solution), sys.exc_info()) + "could not load specified vs solution at {}".format( + self.context.options.vs_solution + ), + sys.exc_info(), + ) def _custom_init(self): try: self._debugger = self._interface.Debugger self._debugger.HexDisplayMode = False - self._interface.MainWindow.Visible = ( - self.context.options.show_debugger) + self._interface.MainWindow.Visible = self.context.options.show_debugger self._solution = self._interface.Solution if self.context.options.vs_solution is None: @@ -118,14 +123,14 @@ @property def _location(self): - #TODO: Find a better way of determining path, line and column info + # TODO: Find a better way of determining path, line and column info # that doesn't require reading break points. This method requires # all lines to have a break point on them. bp = self._debugger.BreakpointLastHit return { - 'path': getattr(bp, 'File', None), - 'lineno': getattr(bp, 'FileLine', None), - 'column': getattr(bp, 'FileColumn', None) + "path": getattr(bp, "File", None), + "lineno": getattr(bp, "FileLine", None), + "column": getattr(bp, "FileColumn", None), } @property @@ -150,7 +155,7 @@ self._dex_id_to_vs.clear() def _add_breakpoint(self, file_, line): - return self._add_conditional_breakpoint(file_, line, '') + return self._add_conditional_breakpoint(file_, line, "") def _get_next_id(self): # "Generate" a new unique id for the breakpoint. @@ -171,7 +176,7 @@ # Breakpoint doesn't exist already. Add it now. count_before = self._debugger.Breakpoints.Count - self._debugger.Breakpoints.Add('', file_, line, col, condition) + self._debugger.Breakpoints.Add("", file_, line, col, condition) # Our internal representation of VS says that the breakpoint doesn't # already exist so we do not expect this operation to fail here. assert count_before < self._debugger.Breakpoints.Count @@ -181,8 +186,7 @@ return new_id def get_triggered_breakpoint_ids(self): - """Returns a set of opaque ids for just-triggered breakpoints. - """ + """Returns a set of opaque ids for just-triggered breakpoints.""" bps_hit = self._debugger.AllBreakpointsLastHit bp_id_list = [] # Intuitively, AllBreakpointsLastHit breakpoints are the last hit @@ -194,8 +198,12 @@ # All bound breakpoints should have the user-defined breakpoint as # a parent. assert bp.Parent - vsbp = VSBreakpoint(PurePath(bp.Parent.File), bp.Parent.FileLine, - bp.Parent.FileColumn, bp.Parent.Condition) + vsbp = VSBreakpoint( + PurePath(bp.Parent.File), + bp.Parent.FileLine, + bp.Parent.FileColumn, + bp.Parent.Condition, + ) try: ids = self._vs_to_dex_ids[vsbp] except KeyError: @@ -229,20 +237,21 @@ # We're looking at the user-set breakpoints so there should be no # Parent. assert bp.Parent == None - this_vsbp = VSBreakpoint(PurePath(bp.File), bp.FileLine, - bp.FileColumn, bp.Condition) + this_vsbp = VSBreakpoint( + PurePath(bp.File), bp.FileLine, bp.FileColumn, bp.Condition + ) if this_vsbp in vsbp_set: bp.Delete() vsbp_to_del_count -= 1 if vsbp_to_del_count == 0: break if vsbp_to_del_count: - raise KeyError('did not find breakpoint to be deleted') + raise KeyError("did not find breakpoint to be deleted") def _fetch_property(self, props, name): num_props = props.Count result = None - for x in range(1, num_props+1): + for x in range(1, num_props + 1): item = props.Item(x) if item.Name == name: return item @@ -251,18 +260,22 @@ def launch(self, cmdline): exe_path = Path(self.context.options.executable) self.context.logger.note(f"VS: Using executable: '{exe_path}'") - cmdline_str = ' '.join(cmdline) + cmdline_str = " ".join(cmdline) if self.context.options.target_run_args: - cmdline_str += f" {self.context.options.target_run_args}" + cmdline_str += f" {self.context.options.target_run_args}" if cmdline_str: - self.context.logger.note(f"VS: Using executable args: '{cmdline_str}'") + self.context.logger.note(f"VS: Using executable args: '{cmdline_str}'") # In a slightly baroque manner, lookup the VS project that runs when # you click "run", and set its command line options to the desired # command line options. - startup_proj_name = str(self._fetch_property(self._interface.Solution.Properties, 'StartupProject')) + startup_proj_name = str( + self._fetch_property(self._interface.Solution.Properties, "StartupProject") + ) project = self._fetch_property(self._interface.Solution, startup_proj_name) - ActiveConfiguration = self._fetch_property(project.Properties, 'ActiveConfiguration').Object + ActiveConfiguration = self._fetch_property( + project.Properties, "ActiveConfiguration" + ).Object ActiveConfiguration.DebugSettings.CommandArguments = cmdline_str self.context.logger.note("Launching VS debugger...") @@ -282,8 +295,11 @@ stack_frame = stack_frames[idx] self._debugger.CurrentStackFrame = stack_frame.raw except IndexError: - raise Error('attempted to access stack frame {} out of {}' - .format(idx, len(stack_frames))) + raise Error( + "attempted to access stack frame {} out of {}".format( + idx, len(stack_frames) + ) + ) def _get_step_info(self, watches, step_index): thread = self._debugger.CurrentThread @@ -292,30 +308,31 @@ frames = [] state_frames = [] - loc = LocIR(**self._location) valid_loc_for_watch = loc.path and os.path.exists(loc.path) for idx, sf in enumerate(stackframes): frame = FrameIR( function=self._sanitize_function_name(sf.FunctionName), - is_inlined=sf.FunctionName.startswith('[Inline Frame]'), - loc=LocIR(path=None, lineno=None, column=None)) + is_inlined=sf.FunctionName.startswith("[Inline Frame]"), + loc=LocIR(path=None, lineno=None, column=None), + ) - fname = frame.function or '' # pylint: disable=no-member + fname = frame.function or "" # pylint: disable=no-member if any(name in fname for name in self.frames_below_main): break - state_frame = StackFrame(function=frame.function, - is_inlined=frame.is_inlined, - watches={}) + state_frame = StackFrame( + function=frame.function, is_inlined=frame.is_inlined, watches={} + ) if valid_loc_for_watch and idx == 0: for watch_info in watches: if watch_is_active(watch_info, loc.path, idx, loc.lineno): watch_expr = watch_info.expression - state_frame.watches[watch_expr] = self.evaluate_expression(watch_expr, idx) - + state_frame.watches[watch_expr] = self.evaluate_expression( + watch_expr, idx + ) state_frames.append(state_frame) frames.append(frame) @@ -331,8 +348,11 @@ program_state = ProgramState(frames=state_frames) return StepIR( - step_index=step_index, frames=frames, stop_reason=reason, - program_state=program_state) + step_index=step_index, + frames=frames, + stop_reason=reason, + program_state=program_state, + ) @property def is_running(self): @@ -345,8 +365,10 @@ @property def frames_below_main(self): return [ - '[Inline Frame] invoke_main', '__scrt_common_main_seh', - '__tmainCRTStartup', 'mainCRTStartup' + "[Inline Frame] invoke_main", + "__scrt_common_main_seh", + "__tmainCRTStartup", + "mainCRTStartup", ] def evaluate_expression(self, expression, frame_idx=0) -> ValueIR: @@ -357,20 +379,25 @@ self.set_current_stack_frame(0) value = result.Value - is_optimized_away = any(s in value for s in [ - 'Variable is optimized away and not available', - 'Value is not available, possibly due to optimization', - ]) + is_optimized_away = any( + s in value + for s in [ + "Variable is optimized away and not available", + "Value is not available, possibly due to optimization", + ] + ) - is_irretrievable = any(s in value for s in [ - '???', - '', - ]) + is_irretrievable = any( + s in value + for s in [ + "???", + "", + ] + ) # an optimized away value is still counted as being able to be # evaluated. - could_evaluate = (result.IsValidValue or is_optimized_away - or is_irretrievable) + could_evaluate = result.IsValidValue or is_optimized_away or is_irretrievable return ValueIR( expression=expression, diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/visualstudio/VisualStudio2015.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/visualstudio/VisualStudio2015.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/visualstudio/VisualStudio2015.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/visualstudio/VisualStudio2015.py @@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ class VisualStudio2015(VisualStudio): @classmethod def get_name(cls): - return 'Visual Studio 2015' + return "Visual Studio 2015" @classmethod def get_option_name(cls): - return 'vs2015' + return "vs2015" @property def _dte_version(self): - return 'VisualStudio.DTE.14.0' + return "VisualStudio.DTE.14.0" diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/visualstudio/VisualStudio2017.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/visualstudio/VisualStudio2017.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/visualstudio/VisualStudio2017.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/visualstudio/VisualStudio2017.py @@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ class VisualStudio2017(VisualStudio): @classmethod def get_name(cls): - return 'Visual Studio 2017' + return "Visual Studio 2017" @classmethod def get_option_name(cls): - return 'vs2017' + return "vs2017" @property def _dte_version(self): - return 'VisualStudio.DTE.15.0' + return "VisualStudio.DTE.15.0" diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/visualstudio/VisualStudio2019.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/visualstudio/VisualStudio2019.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/visualstudio/VisualStudio2019.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/visualstudio/VisualStudio2019.py @@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ class VisualStudio2019(VisualStudio): @classmethod def get_name(cls): - return 'Visual Studio 2019' + return "Visual Studio 2019" @classmethod def get_option_name(cls): - return 'vs2019' + return "vs2019" @property def _dte_version(self): - return 'VisualStudio.DTE.16.0' + return "VisualStudio.DTE.16.0" diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/visualstudio/windows/ComInterface.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/visualstudio/windows/ComInterface.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/visualstudio/windows/ComInterface.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/debugger/visualstudio/windows/ComInterface.py @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ # pylint: disable=import-error import win32com.client as com import win32api + # pylint: enable=import-error from dex.utils.Exceptions import LoadDebuggerException @@ -22,25 +23,27 @@ def get_file_version(file_): try: - info = win32api.GetFileVersionInfo(file_, '\\') - ms = info['FileVersionMS'] - ls = info['FileVersionLS'] - return '.'.join( - str(s) for s in [ + info = win32api.GetFileVersionInfo(file_, "\\") + ms = info["FileVersionMS"] + ls = info["FileVersionLS"] + return ".".join( + str(s) + for s in [ win32api.HIWORD(ms), win32api.LOWORD(ms), win32api.HIWORD(ls), - win32api.LOWORD(ls) - ]) + win32api.LOWORD(ls), + ] + ) except com.pywintypes.error: # pylint: disable=no-member - return 'no versioninfo present' + return "no versioninfo present" def _handle_com_error(e): exc = sys.exc_info() msg = win32api.FormatMessage(e.hresult) try: - msg = msg.decode('CP1251') + msg = msg.decode("CP1251") except AttributeError: pass msg = msg.strip() @@ -54,7 +57,7 @@ def __init__(self, raw): assert not isinstance(raw, ComObject), raw - self.__dict__['raw'] = raw + self.__dict__["raw"] = raw def __str__(self): return self._call(self.raw.__str__) @@ -88,15 +91,15 @@ """ ex = AssertionError("this should never be raised!") - assert (inspect.isfunction(fn) or inspect.ismethod(fn) - or inspect.isbuiltin(fn)), (fn, type(fn)) + assert ( + inspect.isfunction(fn) or inspect.ismethod(fn) or inspect.isbuiltin(fn) + ), (fn, type(fn)) retries = ([0] * 50) + ([1] * 5) for r in retries: try: try: result = fn(*args) - if inspect.ismethod(result) or 'win32com' in str( - result.__class__): + if inspect.ismethod(result) or "win32com" in str(result.__class__): result = ComObject(result) return result except _com_error as e: @@ -116,4 +119,5 @@ except _com_error as e: msg, exc = _handle_com_error(e) raise LoadDebuggerException( - '{} [{}]'.format(msg, class_string), orig_exception=exc) + "{} [{}]".format(msg, class_string), orig_exception=exc + ) diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/dextIR/BuilderIR.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/dextIR/BuilderIR.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/dextIR/BuilderIR.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/dextIR/BuilderIR.py @@ -7,8 +7,7 @@ class BuilderIR: - """Data class which represents the compiler related options passed to Dexter - """ + """Data class which represents the compiler related options passed to Dexter""" def __init__(self, name: str, cflags: str, ldflags: str): self.name = name diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/dextIR/DextIR.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/dextIR/DextIR.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/dextIR/DextIR.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/dextIR/DextIR.py @@ -14,12 +14,15 @@ def _step_kind_func(context, step): - if (step.current_location.path is None or - not os.path.exists(step.current_location.path)): + if step.current_location.path is None or not os.path.exists( + step.current_location.path + ): return StepKind.FUNC_UNKNOWN - if any(os.path.samefile(step.current_location.path, f) - for f in context.options.source_files): + if any( + os.path.samefile(step.current_location.path, f) + for f in context.options.source_files + ): return StepKind.FUNC return StepKind.FUNC_EXTERNAL @@ -39,13 +42,15 @@ commands: { name (str), commands (list[CommandIR]) """ - def __init__(self, - dexter_version: str, - executable_path: str, - source_paths: List[str], - builder: BuilderIR = None, - debugger: DebuggerIR = None, - commands: OrderedDict = None): + def __init__( + self, + dexter_version: str, + executable_path: str, + source_paths: List[str], + builder: BuilderIR = None, + debugger: DebuggerIR = None, + commands: OrderedDict = None, + ): self.dexter_version = dexter_version self.executable_path = executable_path self.source_paths = source_paths @@ -55,18 +60,22 @@ self.steps: List[StepIR] = [] def __str__(self): - colors = 'rgby' - st = '## BEGIN ##\n' + colors = "rgby" + st = "## BEGIN ##\n" color_idx = 0 for step in self.steps: - if step.step_kind in (StepKind.FUNC, StepKind.FUNC_EXTERNAL, - StepKind.FUNC_UNKNOWN): + if step.step_kind in ( + StepKind.FUNC, + StepKind.FUNC_EXTERNAL, + StepKind.FUNC_UNKNOWN, + ): color_idx += 1 color = colors[color_idx % len(colors)] - st += '<{}>{}\n'.format(color, step) - st += '## END ({} step{}) ##\n'.format( - self.num_steps, '' if self.num_steps == 1 else 's') + st += "<{}>{}\n".format(color, step) + st += "## END ({} step{}) ##\n".format( + self.num_steps, "" if self.num_steps == 1 else "s" + ) return st @property @@ -79,9 +88,15 @@ Returns: StepIR or None if there is no previous step in this frame. """ - return next((s for s in reversed(self.steps) - if s.current_function == step.current_function - and s.num_frames == step.num_frames), None) + return next( + ( + s + for s in reversed(self.steps) + if s.current_function == step.current_function + and s.num_frames == step.num_frames + ), + None, + ) def _get_new_step_kind(self, context, step): if step.current_function is None: @@ -103,7 +118,10 @@ prev_step = frame_step if frame_step is not None else prev_step # If we're missing line numbers to compare then the step kind has to be UNKNOWN. - if prev_step.current_location.lineno is None or step.current_location.lineno is None: + if ( + prev_step.current_location.lineno is None + or step.current_location.lineno is None + ): return StepKind.UNKNOWN # We're in the same func as prev step, check lineo. diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/dextIR/LocIR.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/dextIR/LocIR.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/dextIR/LocIR.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/dextIR/LocIR.py @@ -18,13 +18,16 @@ self.column = column def __str__(self): - return '{}({}:{})'.format(self.path, self.lineno, self.column) + return "{}({}:{})".format(self.path, self.lineno, self.column) def __eq__(self, rhs): - return (os.path.exists(self.path) and os.path.exists(rhs.path) - and os.path.samefile(self.path, rhs.path) - and self.lineno == rhs.lineno - and self.column == rhs.column) + return ( + os.path.exists(self.path) + and os.path.exists(rhs.path) + and os.path.samefile(self.path, rhs.path) + and self.lineno == rhs.lineno + and self.column == rhs.column + ) def __lt__(self, rhs): if self.path != rhs.path: diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/dextIR/ProgramState.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/dextIR/ProgramState.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/dextIR/ProgramState.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/dextIR/ProgramState.py @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ from pathlib import PurePath from typing import List + class SourceLocation: def __init__(self, path: str = None, lineno: int = None, column: int = None): if path: @@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ self.column = column def __str__(self): - return '{}({}:{})'.format(self.path, self.lineno, self.column) + return "{}({}:{})".format(self.path, self.lineno, self.column) def match(self, other) -> bool: """Returns true iff all the properties that appear in `self` have the @@ -32,7 +33,9 @@ if not other or not isinstance(other, SourceLocation): return False - if self.path and (other.path is None or (PurePath(self.path) != PurePath(other.path))): + if self.path and ( + other.path is None or (PurePath(self.path) != PurePath(other.path)) + ): return False if self.lineno and (self.lineno != other.lineno): @@ -45,11 +48,13 @@ class StackFrame: - def __init__(self, - function: str = None, - is_inlined: bool = None, - location: SourceLocation = None, - watches: OrderedDict = None): + def __init__( + self, + function: str = None, + is_inlined: bool = None, + location: SourceLocation = None, + watches: OrderedDict = None, + ): if watches is None: watches = {} @@ -59,11 +64,12 @@ self.watches = watches def __str__(self): - return '{}{}: {} | {}'.format( + return "{}{}: {} | {}".format( self.function, - ' (inlined)' if self.is_inlined else '', + " (inlined)" if self.is_inlined else "", self.location, - {k: str(self.watches[k]) for k in self.watches}) + {k: str(self.watches[k]) for k in self.watches}, + ) def match(self, other) -> bool: """Returns true iff all the properties that appear in `self` have the @@ -80,8 +86,10 @@ try: if isinstance(self.watches[name], dict): for attr in iter(self.watches[name]): - if (getattr(other.watches[name], attr, None) != - self.watches[name][attr]): + if ( + getattr(other.watches[name], attr, None) + != self.watches[name][attr] + ): return False else: if other.watches[name].value != self.watches[name]: @@ -91,14 +99,18 @@ return True + class ProgramState: def __init__(self, frames: List[StackFrame] = None): self.frames = frames def __str__(self): - return '\n'.join(map( - lambda enum: 'Frame {}: {}'.format(enum[0], enum[1]), - enumerate(self.frames))) + return "\n".join( + map( + lambda enum: "Frame {}: {}".format(enum[0], enum[1]), + enumerate(self.frames), + ) + ) def match(self, other) -> bool: """Returns true iff all the properties that appear in `self` have the diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/dextIR/StepIR.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/dextIR/StepIR.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/dextIR/StepIR.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/dextIR/StepIR.py @@ -43,13 +43,15 @@ watches (OrderedDict): { expression (str), result (ValueIR) } """ - def __init__(self, - step_index: int, - stop_reason: StopReason, - frames: List[FrameIR], - step_kind: StepKind = None, - watches: OrderedDict = None, - program_state: ProgramState = None): + def __init__( + self, + step_index: int, + stop_reason: StopReason, + frames: List[FrameIR], + step_kind: StepKind = None, + watches: OrderedDict = None, + program_state: ProgramState = None, + ): self.step_index = step_index self.step_kind = step_kind self.stop_reason = stop_reason @@ -66,17 +68,22 @@ def __str__(self): try: frame = self.current_frame - frame_info = (frame.function, frame.loc.path, frame.loc.lineno, - frame.loc.column) + frame_info = ( + frame.function, + frame.loc.path, + frame.loc.lineno, + frame.loc.column, + ) except AttributeError: frame_info = (None, None, None, None) - step_info = (self.step_index, ) + frame_info + ( - str(self.stop_reason), str(self.step_kind), - [w for w in self.watches]) + step_info = ( + (self.step_index,) + + frame_info + + (str(self.stop_reason), str(self.step_kind), [w for w in self.watches]) + ) - return '{}{}'.format('. ' * (self.num_frames - 1), - json.dumps(step_info)) + return "{}{}".format(". " * (self.num_frames - 1), json.dumps(step_info)) @property def num_frames(self): diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/dextIR/ValueIR.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/dextIR/ValueIR.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/dextIR/ValueIR.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/dextIR/ValueIR.py @@ -9,14 +9,16 @@ class ValueIR: """Data class to store the result of an expression evaluation.""" - def __init__(self, - expression: str, - value: str, - type_name: str, - could_evaluate: bool, - error_string: str = None, - is_optimized_away: bool = False, - is_irretrievable: bool = False): + def __init__( + self, + expression: str, + value: str, + type_name: str, + could_evaluate: bool, + error_string: str = None, + is_optimized_away: bool = False, + is_irretrievable: bool = False, + ): self.expression = expression self.value = value self.type_name = type_name @@ -30,9 +32,10 @@ if self.error_string is not None: return prefix + self.error_string if self.value is not None: - return prefix + '({}) {}'.format(self.type_name, self.value) - return (prefix + - 'could_evaluate: {}; irretrievable: {}; optimized_away: {};' - .format(self.could_evaluate, self.is_irretrievable, - self.is_optimized_away)) - + return prefix + "({}) {}".format(self.type_name, self.value) + return ( + prefix + + "could_evaluate: {}; irretrievable: {}; optimized_away: {};".format( + self.could_evaluate, self.is_irretrievable, self.is_optimized_away + ) + ) diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/heuristic/Heuristic.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/heuristic/Heuristic.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/heuristic/Heuristic.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/heuristic/Heuristic.py @@ -18,84 +18,92 @@ from dex.command.commands.DexExpectWatchBase import format_address -PenaltyCommand = namedtuple('PenaltyCommand', ['pen_dict', 'max_penalty']) +PenaltyCommand = namedtuple("PenaltyCommand", ["pen_dict", "max_penalty"]) # 'meta' field used in different ways by different things -PenaltyInstance = namedtuple('PenaltyInstance', ['meta', 'the_penalty']) +PenaltyInstance = namedtuple("PenaltyInstance", ["meta", "the_penalty"]) def add_heuristic_tool_arguments(parser): parser.add_argument( - '--penalty-variable-optimized', + "--penalty-variable-optimized", type=int, default=3, - help='set the penalty multiplier for each' - ' occurrence of a variable that was optimized' - ' away', - metavar='') + help="set the penalty multiplier for each" + " occurrence of a variable that was optimized" + " away", + metavar="", + ) parser.add_argument( - '--penalty-misordered-values', + "--penalty-misordered-values", type=int, default=3, - help='set the penalty multiplier for each' - ' occurrence of a misordered value.', - metavar='') + help="set the penalty multiplier for each" " occurrence of a misordered value.", + metavar="", + ) parser.add_argument( - '--penalty-irretrievable', + "--penalty-irretrievable", type=int, default=4, - help='set the penalty multiplier for each' + help="set the penalty multiplier for each" " occurrence of a variable that couldn't" - ' be retrieved', - metavar='') + " be retrieved", + metavar="", + ) parser.add_argument( - '--penalty-not-evaluatable', + "--penalty-not-evaluatable", type=int, default=5, - help='set the penalty multiplier for each' + help="set the penalty multiplier for each" " occurrence of a variable that couldn't" - ' be evaluated', - metavar='') + " be evaluated", + metavar="", + ) parser.add_argument( - '--penalty-missing-values', + "--penalty-missing-values", type=int, default=6, - help='set the penalty multiplier for each missing' - ' value', - metavar='') + help="set the penalty multiplier for each missing" " value", + metavar="", + ) parser.add_argument( - '--penalty-incorrect-values', + "--penalty-incorrect-values", type=int, default=7, - help='set the penalty multiplier for each' - ' occurrence of an unexpected value.', - metavar='') + help="set the penalty multiplier for each" + " occurrence of an unexpected value.", + metavar="", + ) parser.add_argument( - '--penalty-unreachable', + "--penalty-unreachable", type=int, default=4, # XXX XXX XXX selected by random - help='set the penalty for each line stepped onto that should' - ' have been unreachable.', - metavar='') + help="set the penalty for each line stepped onto that should" + " have been unreachable.", + metavar="", + ) parser.add_argument( - '--penalty-misordered-steps', + "--penalty-misordered-steps", type=int, default=2, # XXX XXX XXX selected by random - help='set the penalty for differences in the order of steps' - ' the program was expected to observe.', - metavar='') + help="set the penalty for differences in the order of steps" + " the program was expected to observe.", + metavar="", + ) parser.add_argument( - '--penalty-missing-step', + "--penalty-missing-step", type=int, default=4, # XXX XXX XXX selected by random - help='set the penalty for the program skipping over a step.', - metavar='') + help="set the penalty for the program skipping over a step.", + metavar="", + ) parser.add_argument( - '--penalty-incorrect-program-state', + "--penalty-incorrect-program-state", type=int, default=4, # XXX XXX XXX selected by random - help='set the penalty for the program never entering an expected state' - ' or entering an unexpected state.', - metavar='') + help="set the penalty for the program never entering an expected state" + " or entering an unexpected state.", + metavar="", + ) class PenaltyLineRanges: @@ -106,21 +114,21 @@ def add_step(self, next_step, penalty): last_range = self.ranges[-1] last_step = last_range[1] - if (next_step == last_step + 1): + if next_step == last_step + 1: self.ranges[-1] = (last_range[0], next_step) else: self.ranges.append((next_step, next_step)) self.penalty += penalty def __str__(self): - range_to_str = lambda r: str(r[0]) if r[0] == r[1] else f'{r[0]}-{r[1]}' + range_to_str = lambda r: str(r[0]) if r[0] == r[1] else f"{r[0]}-{r[1]}" if self.ranges[0][0] == self.ranges[-1][1]: - text = f'step {self.ranges[0][0]}' + text = f"step {self.ranges[0][0]}" else: - step_list = ', '.join([range_to_str(r) for r in self.ranges]) - text = f'steps [{step_list}]' + step_list = ", ".join([range_to_str(r) for r in self.ranges]) + text = f"steps [{step_list}]" if self.penalty: - text += ' [-{}]'.format(self.penalty) + text += " [-{}]".format(self.penalty) return text @@ -130,16 +138,22 @@ self.penalties = {} self.address_resolutions = {} - worst_penalty = max([ - self.penalty_variable_optimized, self.penalty_irretrievable, - self.penalty_not_evaluatable, self.penalty_incorrect_values, - self.penalty_missing_values, self.penalty_unreachable, - self.penalty_missing_step, self.penalty_misordered_steps - ]) + worst_penalty = max( + [ + self.penalty_variable_optimized, + self.penalty_irretrievable, + self.penalty_not_evaluatable, + self.penalty_incorrect_values, + self.penalty_missing_values, + self.penalty_unreachable, + self.penalty_missing_step, + self.penalty_misordered_steps, + ] + ) # Before evaluating scoring commands, evaluate address values. try: - for command in steps.commands['DexDeclareAddress']: + for command in steps.commands["DexDeclareAddress"]: command.address_resolutions = self.address_resolutions command.eval(steps) except KeyError: @@ -147,90 +161,94 @@ # Get DexExpectWatchType results. try: - for command in steps.commands['DexExpectWatchType']: + for command in steps.commands["DexExpectWatchType"]: command.eval(steps) - maximum_possible_penalty = min(3, len( - command.values)) * worst_penalty + maximum_possible_penalty = min(3, len(command.values)) * worst_penalty name, p = self._calculate_expect_watch_penalties( - command, maximum_possible_penalty) - name = name + ' ExpectType' - self.penalties[name] = PenaltyCommand(p, - maximum_possible_penalty) + command, maximum_possible_penalty + ) + name = name + " ExpectType" + self.penalties[name] = PenaltyCommand(p, maximum_possible_penalty) except KeyError: pass # Get DexExpectWatchValue results. try: - for command in steps.commands['DexExpectWatchValue']: + for command in steps.commands["DexExpectWatchValue"]: command.address_resolutions = self.address_resolutions command.eval(steps) - maximum_possible_penalty = min(3, len( - command.values)) * worst_penalty + maximum_possible_penalty = min(3, len(command.values)) * worst_penalty name, p = self._calculate_expect_watch_penalties( - command, maximum_possible_penalty) - name = name + ' ExpectValue' - self.penalties[name] = PenaltyCommand(p, - maximum_possible_penalty) + command, maximum_possible_penalty + ) + name = name + " ExpectValue" + self.penalties[name] = PenaltyCommand(p, maximum_possible_penalty) except KeyError: pass try: penalties = defaultdict(list) maximum_possible_penalty_all = 0 - for expect_state in steps.commands['DexExpectProgramState']: + for expect_state in steps.commands["DexExpectProgramState"]: success = expect_state.eval(steps) p = 0 if success else self.penalty_incorrect_program_state - meta = 'expected {}: {}'.format( - '{} times'.format(expect_state.times) - if expect_state.times >= 0 else 'at least once', - expect_state.program_state_text) + meta = "expected {}: {}".format( + "{} times".format(expect_state.times) + if expect_state.times >= 0 + else "at least once", + expect_state.program_state_text, + ) if success: - meta = '{}'.format(meta) + meta = "{}".format(meta) maximum_possible_penalty = self.penalty_incorrect_program_state maximum_possible_penalty_all += maximum_possible_penalty name = expect_state.program_state_text - penalties[meta] = [PenaltyInstance('{} times'.format( - len(expect_state.encounters)), p)] - self.penalties['expected program states'] = PenaltyCommand( - penalties, maximum_possible_penalty_all) + penalties[meta] = [ + PenaltyInstance("{} times".format(len(expect_state.encounters)), p) + ] + self.penalties["expected program states"] = PenaltyCommand( + penalties, maximum_possible_penalty_all + ) except KeyError: pass # Get the total number of each step kind. step_kind_counts = defaultdict(int) - for step in getattr(steps, 'steps'): + for step in getattr(steps, "steps"): step_kind_counts[step.step_kind] += 1 # Get DexExpectStepKind results. penalties = defaultdict(list) maximum_possible_penalty_all = 0 try: - for command in steps.commands['DexExpectStepKind']: + for command in steps.commands["DexExpectStepKind"]: command.eval() # Cap the penalty at 2 * expected count or else 1 maximum_possible_penalty = max(command.count * 2, 1) p = abs(command.count - step_kind_counts[command.name]) actual_penalty = min(p, maximum_possible_penalty) - key = ('{}'.format(command.name) - if actual_penalty else '{}'.format(command.name)) + key = ( + "{}".format(command.name) + if actual_penalty + else "{}".format(command.name) + ) penalties[key] = [PenaltyInstance(p, actual_penalty)] maximum_possible_penalty_all += maximum_possible_penalty - self.penalties['step kind differences'] = PenaltyCommand( - penalties, maximum_possible_penalty_all) + self.penalties["step kind differences"] = PenaltyCommand( + penalties, maximum_possible_penalty_all + ) except KeyError: pass - if 'DexUnreachable' in steps.commands: - cmds = steps.commands['DexUnreachable'] + if "DexUnreachable" in steps.commands: + cmds = steps.commands["DexUnreachable"] unreach_count = 0 # Find steps with unreachable in them - ureachs = [ - s for s in steps.steps if 'DexUnreachable' in s.watches.keys() - ] + ureachs = [s for s in steps.steps if "DexUnreachable" in s.watches.keys()] # There's no need to match up cmds with the actual watches upen = self.penalty_unreachable @@ -239,22 +257,19 @@ if count != 0: d = dict() for x in ureachs: - msg = 'line {} reached'.format(x.current_location.lineno) + msg = "line {} reached".format(x.current_location.lineno) d[msg] = [PenaltyInstance(upen, upen)] else: - d = { - 'No unreachable lines seen': [PenaltyInstance(0, 0)] - } + d = {"No unreachable lines seen": [PenaltyInstance(0, 0)]} total = PenaltyCommand(d, len(cmds) * upen) - self.penalties['unreachable lines'] = total + self.penalties["unreachable lines"] = total - if 'DexExpectStepOrder' in steps.commands: - cmds = steps.commands['DexExpectStepOrder'] + if "DexExpectStepOrder" in steps.commands: + cmds = steps.commands["DexExpectStepOrder"] # Form a list of which line/cmd we _should_ have seen - cmd_num_lst = [(x, c.get_line()) for c in cmds - for x in c.sequence] + cmd_num_lst = [(x, c.get_line()) for c in cmds for x in c.sequence] # Order them by the sequence number cmd_num_lst.sort(key=lambda t: t[0]) # Strip out sequence key @@ -262,8 +277,8 @@ # Now do the same, but for the actually observed lines/cmds ss = steps.steps - deso = [s for s in ss if 'DexExpectStepOrder' in s.watches.keys()] - deso = [s.watches['DexExpectStepOrder'] for s in deso] + deso = [s for s in ss if "DexExpectStepOrder" in s.watches.keys()] + deso = [s.watches["DexExpectStepOrder"] for s in deso] # We rely on the steps remaining in order here order_list = [int(x.expression) for x in deso] @@ -279,11 +294,11 @@ num_repeats = 0 for k, v in expected.items(): if k not in seen: - msg = 'Line {} not seen'.format(k) + msg = "Line {} not seen".format(k) unseen_line_dict[msg] = [PenaltyInstance(mispen, mispen)] num_missing += v elif v > seen[k]: - msg = 'Line {} skipped at least once'.format(k) + msg = "Line {} skipped at least once".format(k) skipped_line_dict[msg] = [PenaltyInstance(mispen, mispen)] num_missing += v - seen[k] elif v < seen[k]: @@ -294,16 +309,16 @@ if len(unseen_line_dict) == 0: pi = PenaltyInstance(0, 0) - unseen_line_dict['All lines were seen'] = [pi] + unseen_line_dict["All lines were seen"] = [pi] if len(skipped_line_dict) == 0: pi = PenaltyInstance(0, 0) - skipped_line_dict['No lines were skipped'] = [pi] + skipped_line_dict["No lines were skipped"] = [pi] total = PenaltyCommand(unseen_line_dict, len(expected) * mispen) - self.penalties['Unseen lines'] = total + self.penalties["Unseen lines"] = total total = PenaltyCommand(skipped_line_dict, len(expected) * mispen) - self.penalties['Skipped lines'] = total + self.penalties["Skipped lines"] = total ordpen = self.penalty_misordered_steps cmd_num_lst = [str(x) for x in cmd_num_lst] @@ -311,7 +326,7 @@ lst = list(difflib.Differ().compare(cmd_num_lst, order_list)) diff_detail = Counter(l[0] for l in lst) - assert '?' not in diff_detail + assert "?" not in diff_detail # Diffs are hard to interpret; there are many algorithms for # condensing them. Ignore all that, and just print out the changed @@ -328,9 +343,9 @@ diff_msgs = dict() def reportdiff(start_idx, segment, end_idx): - msg = 'Order mismatch, expected linenos {}, saw {}' - expected_linenos = filt_lines(start_idx, segment, end_idx, '-') - seen_linenos = filt_lines(start_idx, segment, end_idx, '+') + msg = "Order mismatch, expected linenos {}, saw {}" + expected_linenos = filt_lines(start_idx, segment, end_idx, "-") + seen_linenos = filt_lines(start_idx, segment, end_idx, "+") msg = msg.format(expected_linenos, seen_linenos) diff_msgs[msg] = [PenaltyInstance(ordpen, ordpen)] @@ -338,13 +353,12 @@ start_expt_step = 0 end_expt_step = 0 to_print_lst = [] - for k, subit in groupby(lst, lambda x: x[0] == ' '): + for k, subit in groupby(lst, lambda x: x[0] == " "): if k: # Whitespace group nochanged = [x for x in subit] end_expt_step = int(nochanged[0][2:]) if len(to_print_lst) > 0: - reportdiff(start_expt_step, to_print_lst, - end_expt_step) + reportdiff(start_expt_step, to_print_lst, end_expt_step) start_expt_step = int(nochanged[-1][2:]) to_print_lst = [] else: # Diff group, save for printing @@ -352,14 +366,12 @@ # If there was a dangling different step, print that too. if len(to_print_lst) > 0: - reportdiff(start_expt_step, to_print_lst, '[End]') + reportdiff(start_expt_step, to_print_lst, "[End]") if len(diff_msgs) == 0: - diff_msgs['No lines misordered'] = [ - PenaltyInstance(0, 0) - ] + diff_msgs["No lines misordered"] = [PenaltyInstance(0, 0)] total = PenaltyCommand(diff_msgs, len(cmd_num_lst) * ordpen) - self.penalties['Misordered lines'] = total + self.penalties["Misordered lines"] = total return @@ -369,13 +381,11 @@ if c.line_range[0] == c.line_range[-1]: line_range = str(c.line_range[0]) else: - line_range = '{}-{}'.format(c.line_range[0], c.line_range[-1]) + line_range = "{}-{}".format(c.line_range[0], c.line_range[-1]) - name = '{}:{} [{}]'.format( - os.path.basename(c.path), line_range, c.expression) + name = "{}:{} [{}]".format(os.path.basename(c.path), line_range, c.expression) - num_actual_watches = len(c.expected_watches) + len( - c.unexpected_watches) + num_actual_watches = len(c.expected_watches) + len(c.unexpected_watches) penalty_available = maximum_possible_penalty @@ -384,27 +394,29 @@ # encountered the value at all. if num_actual_watches or c.times_encountered == 0: for v in c.missing_values: - current_penalty = min(penalty_available, - self.penalty_missing_values) + current_penalty = min(penalty_available, self.penalty_missing_values) penalty_available -= current_penalty - penalties['missing values'].append( - PenaltyInstance(v, current_penalty)) + penalties["missing values"].append(PenaltyInstance(v, current_penalty)) for v in c.encountered_values: - penalties['expected encountered watches'].append( - PenaltyInstance(v, 0)) + penalties["expected encountered watches"].append( + PenaltyInstance(v, 0) + ) penalty_descriptions = [ - (self.penalty_not_evaluatable, c.invalid_watches, - 'could not evaluate'), - (self.penalty_variable_optimized, c.optimized_out_watches, - 'result optimized away'), - (self.penalty_misordered_values, c.misordered_watches, - 'misordered result'), - (self.penalty_irretrievable, c.irretrievable_watches, - 'result could not be retrieved'), - (self.penalty_incorrect_values, c.unexpected_watches, - 'unexpected result'), + (self.penalty_not_evaluatable, c.invalid_watches, "could not evaluate"), + ( + self.penalty_variable_optimized, + c.optimized_out_watches, + "result optimized away", + ), + (self.penalty_misordered_values, c.misordered_watches, "misordered result"), + ( + self.penalty_irretrievable, + c.irretrievable_watches, + "result could not be retrieved", + ), + (self.penalty_incorrect_values, c.unexpected_watches, "unexpected result"), ] for penalty_score, watches, description in penalty_descriptions: @@ -417,8 +429,7 @@ times_to_penalize -= 1 penalty_score = min(penalty_available, penalty_score) penalty_available -= penalty_score - penalties[description].append( - PenaltyInstance(w, penalty_score)) + penalties[description].append(PenaltyInstance(w, penalty_score)) if not times_to_penalize: penalty_score = 0 @@ -445,56 +456,60 @@ try: return 1.0 - (self.penalty / float(self.max_penalty)) except ZeroDivisionError: - return float('nan') + return float("nan") @property def summary_string(self): score = self.score isnan = score != score # pylint: disable=comparison-with-itself - color = 'g' + color = "g" if score < 0.25 or isnan: - color = 'r' + color = "r" elif score < 0.75: - color = 'y' + color = "y" - return '<{}>({:.4f})'.format(color, score) + return "<{}>({:.4f})".format(color, score) @property def verbose_output(self): # noqa - string = '' + string = "" # Add address resolutions if present. if self.address_resolutions: if self.resolved_addresses: - string += '\nResolved Addresses:\n' + string += "\nResolved Addresses:\n" for addr, res in self.resolved_addresses.items(): string += f" '{addr}': {res}\n" if self.unresolved_addresses: - string += '\n' - string += f'Unresolved Addresses:\n {self.unresolved_addresses}\n' + string += "\n" + string += f"Unresolved Addresses:\n {self.unresolved_addresses}\n" - string += ('\n') + string += "\n" for command in sorted(self.penalties): pen_cmd = self.penalties[command] maximum_possible_penalty = pen_cmd.max_penalty total_penalty = 0 lines = [] for category in sorted(pen_cmd.pen_dict): - lines.append(' {}:\n'.format(category)) + lines.append(" {}:\n".format(category)) step_value_results = {} for result, penalty in pen_cmd.pen_dict[category]: if not isinstance(result, StepValueInfo): continue if result.expected_value not in step_value_results: - step_value_results[result.expected_value] = PenaltyLineRanges(result.step_index, penalty) + step_value_results[result.expected_value] = PenaltyLineRanges( + result.step_index, penalty + ) else: - step_value_results[result.expected_value].add_step(result.step_index, penalty) + step_value_results[result.expected_value].add_step( + result.step_index, penalty + ) for value, penalty_line_range in step_value_results.items(): - text = f'({value}): {penalty_line_range}' + text = f"({value}): {penalty_line_range}" total_penalty += penalty_line_range.penalty - lines.append(' {}\n'.format(text)) + lines.append(" {}\n".format(text)) for result, penalty in pen_cmd.pen_dict[category]: if isinstance(result, StepValueInfo): @@ -504,21 +519,26 @@ if penalty: assert penalty > 0, penalty total_penalty += penalty - text += ' [-{}]'.format(penalty) - lines.append(' {}\n'.format(text)) + text += " [-{}]".format(penalty) + lines.append(" {}\n".format(text)) - lines.append('\n') + lines.append("\n") - string += (' {} [{}/{}]\n'.format( - command, total_penalty, maximum_possible_penalty)) + string += " {} [{}/{}]\n".format( + command, total_penalty, maximum_possible_penalty + ) for line in lines: - string += (line) - string += ('\n') + string += line + string += "\n" return string @property def resolved_addresses(self): - return {addr: format_address(res) for addr, res in self.address_resolutions.items() if res is not None} + return { + addr: format_address(res) + for addr, res in self.address_resolutions.items() + if res is not None + } @property def unresolved_addresses(self): diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/Main.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/Main.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/Main.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/Main.py @@ -26,106 +26,114 @@ def _output_bug_report_message(context): - """ In the event of a catastrophic failure, print bug report request to the - user. + """In the event of a catastrophic failure, print bug report request to the + user. """ context.o.red( - '\n\n' - '****************************************\n' - '****************************************\n' - '****************************************\n' - '** **\n' - '** This is a bug in DExTer. **\n' - '** **\n' - '** Please report it. **\n' - '** **\n' - '****************************************\n' - '****************************************\n' - '****************************************\n' - '\n' - 'system:\n' - '{}\n\n' - 'version:\n' - '{}\n\n' - 'args:\n' - '{}\n' - '\n'.format(sys.platform, version('DExTer'), - [sys.executable] + sys.argv), - stream=PrettyOutput.stderr) + "\n\n" + "****************************************\n" + "****************************************\n" + "****************************************\n" + "** **\n" + "** This is a bug in DExTer. **\n" + "** **\n" + "** Please report it. **\n" + "** **\n" + "****************************************\n" + "****************************************\n" + "****************************************\n" + "\n" + "system:\n" + "{}\n\n" + "version:\n" + "{}\n\n" + "args:\n" + "{}\n" + "\n".format(sys.platform, version("DExTer"), [sys.executable] + sys.argv), + stream=PrettyOutput.stderr, + ) def get_tools_directory(): - """ Returns directory path where DExTer tool imports can be - found. + """Returns directory path where DExTer tool imports can be + found. """ - tools_directory = os.path.join(get_root_directory(), 'tools') + tools_directory = os.path.join(get_root_directory(), "tools") assert os.path.isdir(tools_directory), tools_directory return tools_directory def get_tool_names(): - """ Returns a list of expected DExTer Tools - """ + """Returns a list of expected DExTer Tools""" return [ - 'clang-opt-bisect', 'help', 'list-debuggers', 'no-tool-', - 'run-debugger-internal-', 'test', 'view' + "clang-opt-bisect", + "help", + "list-debuggers", + "no-tool-", + "run-debugger-internal-", + "test", + "view", ] def _set_auto_highlights(context): - """Flag some strings for auto-highlighting. - """ - context.o.auto_reds.extend([ - r'[Ee]rror\:', - r'[Ee]xception\:', - r'un(expected|recognized) argument', - ]) - context.o.auto_yellows.extend([ - r'[Ww]arning\:', - r'\(did you mean ', - r'During handling of the above exception, another exception', - ]) + """Flag some strings for auto-highlighting.""" + context.o.auto_reds.extend( + [ + r"[Ee]rror\:", + r"[Ee]xception\:", + r"un(expected|recognized) argument", + ] + ) + context.o.auto_yellows.extend( + [ + r"[Ww]arning\:", + r"\(did you mean ", + r"During handling of the above exception, another exception", + ] + ) def _get_options_and_args(context): - """ get the options and arguments from the commandline - """ + """get the options and arguments from the commandline""" parser = argparse.ExtArgumentParser(context, add_help=False) - parser.add_argument('tool', default=None, nargs='?') + parser.add_argument("tool", default=None, nargs="?") options, args = parser.parse_known_args(sys.argv[1:]) return options, args def _get_tool_name(options): - """ get the name of the dexter tool (if passed) specified on the command - line, otherwise return 'no_tool_'. + """get the name of the dexter tool (if passed) specified on the command + line, otherwise return 'no_tool_'. """ tool_name = options.tool if tool_name is None: - tool_name = 'no_tool_' + tool_name = "no_tool_" else: _is_valid_tool_name(tool_name) return tool_name def _is_valid_tool_name(tool_name): - """ check tool name matches a tool directory within the dexter tools - directory. + """check tool name matches a tool directory within the dexter tools + directory. """ valid_tools = get_tool_names() if tool_name not in valid_tools: - raise Error('invalid tool "{}" (choose from {})'.format( - tool_name, - ', '.join([t for t in valid_tools if not t.endswith('-')]))) + raise Error( + 'invalid tool "{}" (choose from {})'.format( + tool_name, ", ".join([t for t in valid_tools if not t.endswith("-")]) + ) + ) def _import_tool_module(tool_name): - """ Imports the python module at the tool directory specificed by - tool_name. + """Imports the python module at the tool directory specificed by + tool_name. """ # format tool argument to reflect tool directory form. - tool_name = tool_name.replace('-', '_') + tool_name = tool_name.replace("-", "_") tools_directory = get_tools_directory() module_info = imp.find_module(tool_name, [tools_directory]) @@ -143,7 +151,7 @@ context.version = version(tool.name) if options.version: - context.o.green('{}\n'.format(context.version)) + context.o.green("{}\n".format(context.version)) return ReturnCode.OK if options.verbose: @@ -151,8 +159,8 @@ elif options.no_warnings: context.logger.verbosity = 0 - if (options.unittest != 'off' and not unit_tests_ok(context)): - raise Error('unit test failures') + if options.unittest != "off" and not unit_tests_ok(context): + raise Error("unit test failures") if options.colortest: context.o.colortest() diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/TestToolBase.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/TestToolBase.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/TestToolBase.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/TestToolBase.py @@ -34,39 +34,45 @@ add_heuristic_tool_arguments(parser) parser.add_argument( - 'test_path', + "test_path", type=str, - metavar='', - nargs='?', - default=os.path.abspath( - os.path.join(get_root_directory(), '..', 'tests')), - help='directory containing test(s)') + metavar="", + nargs="?", + default=os.path.abspath(os.path.join(get_root_directory(), "..", "tests")), + help="directory containing test(s)", + ) parser.add_argument( - '--results-directory', + "--results-directory", type=str, - metavar='', + metavar="", default=None, - help='directory to save results (default: none)') + help="directory to save results (default: none)", + ) def handle_options(self, defaults): options = self.context.options if not options.builder and (options.cflags or options.ldflags): self.context.logger.warning( - '--cflags and --ldflags will be ignored when not using --builder', - enable_prefix=True) + "--cflags and --ldflags will be ignored when not using --builder", + enable_prefix=True, + ) if options.vs_solution: options.vs_solution = os.path.abspath(options.vs_solution) if not os.path.isfile(options.vs_solution): - raise Error('could not find VS solution file "{}"' - .format(options.vs_solution)) + raise Error( + 'could not find VS solution file "{}"'.format( + options.vs_solution + ) + ) elif options.binary: options.binary = os.path.abspath(options.binary) if not os.path.isfile(options.binary): - raise Error('could not find binary file "{}"' - .format(options.binary)) + raise Error( + 'could not find binary file "{}"'.format(options.binary) + ) else: try: self.build_script = handle_builder_tool_options(self.context) @@ -80,10 +86,12 @@ options.test_path = os.path.abspath(options.test_path) options.test_path = os.path.normcase(options.test_path) - if not os.path.isfile(options.test_path) and not os.path.isdir(options.test_path): + if not os.path.isfile(options.test_path) and not os.path.isdir( + options.test_path + ): raise Error( - 'could not find test path "{}"'.format( - options.test_path)) + 'could not find test path "{}"'.format(options.test_path) + ) if options.results_directory: options.results_directory = os.path.abspath(options.results_directory) @@ -92,14 +100,17 @@ os.makedirs(options.results_directory, exist_ok=True) except OSError as e: raise Error( - 'could not create directory "{}" ({})'. - format(options.results_directory, e.strerror)) + 'could not create directory "{}" ({})'.format( + options.results_directory, e.strerror + ) + ) def go(self) -> ReturnCode: # noqa options = self.context.options options.executable = os.path.join( - self.context.working_directory.path, 'tmp.exe') + self.context.working_directory.path, "tmp.exe" + ) # Test files contain dexter commands. options.test_files = [] @@ -107,21 +118,20 @@ # contains dexter commands. options.source_files = [] if os.path.isdir(options.test_path): - subdirs = sorted([ - r for r, _, f in os.walk(options.test_path) - if 'test.cfg' in f - ]) + subdirs = sorted( + [r for r, _, f in os.walk(options.test_path) if "test.cfg" in f] + ) for subdir in subdirs: for f in os.listdir(subdir): # TODO: read file extensions from the test.cfg file instead so # that this isn't just limited to C and C++. file_path = os.path.normcase(os.path.join(subdir, f)) - if f.endswith('.cpp'): + if f.endswith(".cpp"): options.source_files.append(file_path) - elif f.endswith('.c'): + elif f.endswith(".c"): options.source_files.append(file_path) - elif f.endswith('.dex'): + elif f.endswith(".dex"): options.test_files.append(file_path) # Source files can contain dexter commands too. options.test_files = options.test_files + options.source_files @@ -130,7 +140,7 @@ else: # We're dealing with a direct file path to a test file. If the file is non # .dex, then it must be a source file. - if not options.test_path.endswith('.dex'): + if not options.test_path.endswith(".dex"): options.source_files = [options.test_path] options.test_files = [options.test_path] self._run_test(self._get_test_name(options.test_path)) @@ -139,7 +149,7 @@ @staticmethod def _is_current_directory(test_directory): - return test_directory == '.' + return test_directory == "." def _get_test_name(self, test_path): """Get the test name from either the test file, or the sub directory @@ -147,8 +157,7 @@ """ # test names are distinguished by their relative path from the # specified test path. - test_name = os.path.relpath(test_path, - self.context.options.test_path) + test_name = os.path.relpath(test_path, self.context.options.test_path) if self._is_current_directory(test_name): test_name = os.path.basename(test_path) return test_name diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/ToolBase.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/ToolBase.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/ToolBase.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/ToolBase.py @@ -40,74 +40,86 @@ pass pparser = ExtArgParse.ExtArgumentParser( - self.context, add_help=False, prog=self.name) + self.context, add_help=False, prog=self.name + ) pparser.add_argument( - '--no-color-output', - action='store_true', + "--no-color-output", + action="store_true", default=False, - help='do not use colored output on stdout/stderr') + help="do not use colored output on stdout/stderr", + ) pparser.add_argument( - '--time-report', - action='store_true', + "--time-report", + action="store_true", default=False, - help='display timing statistics') + help="display timing statistics", + ) self.parser = ExtArgParse.ExtArgumentParser( - self.context, parents=[pparser], prog=self.name) + self.context, parents=[pparser], prog=self.name + ) self.parser.add_argument( - '-v', - '--verbose', - action='store_true', + "-v", + "--verbose", + action="store_true", default=False, - help='enable verbose output (overrides --no-warnings)') + help="enable verbose output (overrides --no-warnings)", + ) self.parser.add_argument( - '-V', - '--version', - action='store_true', + "-V", + "--version", + action="store_true", default=False, - help='display the DExTer version and exit') + help="display the DExTer version and exit", + ) self.parser.add_argument( - '-w', - '--no-warnings', - action='store_true', + "-w", + "--no-warnings", + action="store_true", default=False, - help='suppress warning output') + help="suppress warning output", + ) self.parser.add_argument( - '--unittest', + "--unittest", type=str, - choices=['off', 'show-failures', 'show-all'], - default='off', - help='run the DExTer codebase unit tests') + choices=["off", "show-failures", "show-all"], + default="off", + help="run the DExTer codebase unit tests", + ) suppress = ExtArgParse.SUPPRESS # pylint: disable=no-member self.parser.add_argument( - '--colortest', action='store_true', default=False, help=suppress) + "--colortest", action="store_true", default=False, help=suppress + ) self.parser.add_argument( - '--error-debug', action='store_true', default=False, help=suppress) - defaults.working_directory = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), - 'dexter') + "--error-debug", action="store_true", default=False, help=suppress + ) + defaults.working_directory = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "dexter") self.parser.add_argument( - '--indent-timer-level', type=int, default=1, help=suppress) + "--indent-timer-level", type=int, default=1, help=suppress + ) self.parser.add_argument( - '--working-directory', + "--working-directory", type=str, - metavar='', + metavar="", default=None, display_default=defaults.working_directory, - help='location of working directory') + help="location of working directory", + ) self.parser.add_argument( - '--save-temps', - action='store_true', + "--save-temps", + action="store_true", default=False, - help='save temporary files') + help="save temporary files", + ) self.add_tool_arguments(self.parser, defaults) # If an error is encountered during pparser, show the full usage text # including self.parser options. Strip the preceding 'usage: ' to avoid # having it appear twice. - pparser.usage = self.parser.format_usage().lstrip('usage: ') + pparser.usage = self.parser.format_usage().lstrip("usage: ") options, args = pparser.parse_known_args(args) diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/clang_opt_bisect/Tool.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/clang_opt_bisect/Tool.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/clang_opt_bisect/Tool.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/clang_opt_bisect/Tool.py @@ -44,8 +44,7 @@ debugging experience at each value. """ - _re_running_pass = re.compile( - r'^BISECT\: running pass \((\d+)\) (.+?)( \(.+\))?$') + _re_running_pass = re.compile(r"^BISECT\: running pass \((\d+)\) (.+?)( \(.+\))?$") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Tool, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @@ -53,7 +52,7 @@ @property def name(self): - return 'DExTer clang opt bisect' + return "DExTer clang opt bisect" def _get_bisect_limits(self): options = self.context.options @@ -61,40 +60,45 @@ max_limit = 999999 limits = [max_limit for _ in options.source_files] all_passes = [ - l for l in self._clang_opt_bisect_build(limits)[1].splitlines() - if l.startswith('BISECT: running pass (') + l + for l in self._clang_opt_bisect_build(limits)[1].splitlines() + if l.startswith("BISECT: running pass (") ] results = [] for i, pass_ in enumerate(all_passes[1:]): - if pass_.startswith('BISECT: running pass (1)'): + if pass_.startswith("BISECT: running pass (1)"): results.append(all_passes[i]) results.append(all_passes[-1]) - assert len(results) == len( - options.source_files), (results, options.source_files) + assert len(results) == len(options.source_files), ( + results, + options.source_files, + ) - limits = [ - int(Tool._re_running_pass.match(r).group(1)) for r in results - ] + limits = [int(Tool._re_running_pass.match(r).group(1)) for r in results] return limits def handle_options(self, defaults): options = self.context.options if "clang" not in options.builder.lower(): - raise Error("--builder %s is not supported by the clang-opt-bisect tool - only 'clang' is " - "supported " % options.builder) + raise Error( + "--builder %s is not supported by the clang-opt-bisect tool - only 'clang' is " + "supported " % options.builder + ) super(Tool, self).handle_options(defaults) def _init_debugger_controller(self): step_collection = DextIR( executable_path=self.context.options.executable, source_paths=self.context.options.source_files, - dexter_version=self.context.version) + dexter_version=self.context.version, + ) step_collection.commands, new_source_files = get_command_infos( - self.context.options.source_files, self.context.options.source_root_dir) + self.context.options.source_files, self.context.options.source_root_dir + ) self.context.options.source_files.extend(list(new_source_files)) debugger_controller = DefaultController(self.context, step_collection) @@ -139,15 +143,17 @@ pass_info = (0, None, None) try: - debugger_controller =self._init_debugger_controller() + debugger_controller = self._init_debugger_controller() debugger_controller = run_debugger_subprocess( - debugger_controller, self.context.working_directory.path) + debugger_controller, self.context.working_directory.path + ) steps = debugger_controller.step_collection except DebuggerException: - steps = DextIR( + steps = DextIR( executable_path=self.context.options.executable, source_paths=self.context.options.source_files, - dexter_version=self.context.version) + dexter_version=self.context.version, + ) steps.builder = builderIR @@ -161,25 +167,25 @@ isnan = heuristic.score != heuristic.score if isnan or score_difference < 0: - color1 = 'r' - color2 = 'r' + color1 = "r" + color2 = "r" elif score_difference > 0: - color1 = 'g' - color2 = 'g' + color1 = "g" + color2 = "g" else: - color1 = 'y' - color2 = 'd' + color1 = "y" + color2 = "d" summary = '<{}>running pass {}/{} on "{}"'.format( - color2, pass_info[0], max_limits[current_file_index], - test_name) + color2, pass_info[0], max_limits[current_file_index], test_name + ) if len(options.source_files) > 1: - summary += ' [{}/{}]'.format(current_limit, overall_limit) + summary += " [{}/{}]".format(current_limit, overall_limit) - pass_text = ''.join(p for p in pass_info[1:] if p) - summary += ': {} <{}>{:+.4f} <{}>{}\n'.format( - heuristic.summary_string, color1, score_difference, color2, - pass_text) + pass_text = "".join(p for p in pass_info[1:] if p) + summary += ": {} <{}>{:+.4f} <{}>{}\n".format( + heuristic.summary_string, color1, score_difference, color2, pass_text + ) self.context.o.auto(summary) @@ -195,79 +201,86 @@ # If a results directory has been specified and this is the first # pass or something has changed, write a text file containing # verbose information on the current status. - if options.results_directory and (current_limit == 0 or - score_difference or - steps_changed): - file_name = '-'.join( - str(s) for s in [ - 'status', test_name, '{{:0>{}}}'.format( - len(str(overall_limit))).format(current_limit), - '{:.4f}'.format(heuristic.score).replace( - '.', '_'), pass_info[1] - ] if s is not None) - - file_name = ''.join( - c for c in file_name - if c.isalnum() or c in '()-_./ ').strip().replace( - ' ', '_').replace('/', '_') - - output_text_path = os.path.join(options.results_directory, - '{}.txt'.format(file_name)) - with open(output_text_path, 'w') as fp: - self.context.o.auto(summary + '\n', stream=Stream(fp)) - self.context.o.auto(str(steps) + '\n', stream=Stream(fp)) + if options.results_directory and ( + current_limit == 0 or score_difference or steps_changed + ): + file_name = "-".join( + str(s) + for s in [ + "status", + test_name, + "{{:0>{}}}".format(len(str(overall_limit))).format( + current_limit + ), + "{:.4f}".format(heuristic.score).replace(".", "_"), + pass_info[1], + ] + if s is not None + ) + + file_name = ( + "".join(c for c in file_name if c.isalnum() or c in "()-_./ ") + .strip() + .replace(" ", "_") + .replace("/", "_") + ) + + output_text_path = os.path.join( + options.results_directory, "{}.txt".format(file_name) + ) + with open(output_text_path, "w") as fp: + self.context.o.auto(summary + "\n", stream=Stream(fp)) + self.context.o.auto(str(steps) + "\n", stream=Stream(fp)) self.context.o.auto( - heuristic_verbose_output + '\n', stream=Stream(fp)) + heuristic_verbose_output + "\n", stream=Stream(fp) + ) - output_dextIR_path = os.path.join(options.results_directory, - '{}.dextIR'.format(file_name)) - with open(output_dextIR_path, 'wb') as fp: + output_dextIR_path = os.path.join( + options.results_directory, "{}.dextIR".format(file_name) + ) + with open(output_dextIR_path, "wb") as fp: pickle.dump(steps, fp, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) - per_pass_score.append((test_name, pass_text, - heuristic.score)) + per_pass_score.append((test_name, pass_text, heuristic.score)) if pass_info[1]: - self._all_bisect_pass_summary[pass_info[1]].append( - score_difference) + self._all_bisect_pass_summary[pass_info[1]].append(score_difference) - current_bisect_pass_summary[pass_info[1]].append( - score_difference) + current_bisect_pass_summary[pass_info[1]].append(score_difference) if options.results_directory: per_pass_score_path = os.path.join( - options.results_directory, - '{}-per_pass_score.csv'.format(test_name)) + options.results_directory, "{}-per_pass_score.csv".format(test_name) + ) - with open(per_pass_score_path, mode='w', newline='') as fp: - writer = csv.writer(fp, delimiter=',') - writer.writerow(['Source File', 'Pass', 'Score']) + with open(per_pass_score_path, mode="w", newline="") as fp: + writer = csv.writer(fp, delimiter=",") + writer.writerow(["Source File", "Pass", "Score"]) for path, pass_, score in per_pass_score: writer.writerow([path, pass_, score]) self.context.o.blue('wrote "{}"\n'.format(per_pass_score_path)) pass_summary_path = os.path.join( - options.results_directory, '{}-pass-summary.csv'.format(test_name)) + options.results_directory, "{}-pass-summary.csv".format(test_name) + ) - self._write_pass_summary(pass_summary_path, - current_bisect_pass_summary) + self._write_pass_summary(pass_summary_path, current_bisect_pass_summary) def _handle_results(self) -> ReturnCode: options = self.context.options if options.results_directory: - pass_summary_path = os.path.join(options.results_directory, - 'overall-pass-summary.csv') + pass_summary_path = os.path.join( + options.results_directory, "overall-pass-summary.csv" + ) - self._write_pass_summary(pass_summary_path, - self._all_bisect_pass_summary) + self._write_pass_summary(pass_summary_path, self._all_bisect_pass_summary) return ReturnCode.OK def _clang_opt_bisect_build(self, opt_bisect_limits): options = self.context.options compiler_options = [ - '{} -mllvm -opt-bisect-limit={}'.format(options.cflags, - opt_bisect_limit) + "{} -mllvm -opt-bisect-limit={}".format(options.cflags, opt_bisect_limit) for opt_bisect_limit in opt_bisect_limits ] linker_options = options.ldflags @@ -279,7 +292,8 @@ compiler_options=compiler_options, linker_options=linker_options, script_path=self.build_script, - executable_file=options.executable) + executable_file=options.executable, + ) except BuildScriptException as e: raise Error(e) @@ -291,11 +305,15 @@ # Add elems for the sum, min, and max of the values, as well as # 'interestingness' which is whether any of these values are # non-zero. - pass_summary_list[i] += (sum(item[1]), min(item[1]), max(item[1]), - any(item[1])) + pass_summary_list[i] += ( + sum(item[1]), + min(item[1]), + max(item[1]), + any(item[1]), + ) # Split the pass name into the basic name and kind. - pass_summary_list[i] += tuple(item[0].rsplit(' on ', 1)) + pass_summary_list[i] += tuple(item[0].rsplit(" on ", 1)) # Sort the list by the following columns in order of precedence: # - Is interesting (True first) @@ -304,16 +322,23 @@ # - Kind (alphabetically) # - Name (alphabetically) pass_summary_list.sort( - key=lambda tup: (not tup[5], tup[2], -len(tup[1]), tup[7], tup[6])) - - with open(path, mode='w', newline='') as fp: - writer = csv.writer(fp, delimiter=',') - writer.writerow( - ['Pass', 'Kind', 'Sum', 'Min', 'Max', 'Interesting']) - - for (_, vals, sum_, min_, max_, interesting, name, - kind) in pass_summary_list: - writer.writerow([name, kind, sum_, min_, max_, interesting] + - vals) + key=lambda tup: (not tup[5], tup[2], -len(tup[1]), tup[7], tup[6]) + ) + + with open(path, mode="w", newline="") as fp: + writer = csv.writer(fp, delimiter=",") + writer.writerow(["Pass", "Kind", "Sum", "Min", "Max", "Interesting"]) + + for ( + _, + vals, + sum_, + min_, + max_, + interesting, + name, + kind, + ) in pass_summary_list: + writer.writerow([name, kind, sum_, min_, max_, interesting] + vals) self.context.o.blue('wrote "{}"\n'.format(path)) diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/help/Tool.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/help/Tool.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/help/Tool.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/help/Tool.py @@ -18,35 +18,32 @@ @property def name(self): - return 'DExTer help' + return "DExTer help" @property def _visible_tool_names(self): - return [t for t in get_tool_names() if not t.endswith('-')] + return [t for t in get_tool_names() if not t.endswith("-")] def add_tool_arguments(self, parser, defaults): parser.description = Tool.__doc__ parser.add_argument( - 'tool', - choices=self._visible_tool_names, - nargs='?', - help='name of subtool') + "tool", choices=self._visible_tool_names, nargs="?", help="name of subtool" + ) def handle_options(self, defaults): pass @property def _default_text(self): - s = '\nThe following subtools are available:\n\n' + s = "\nThe following subtools are available:\n\n" tools_directory = get_tools_directory() for tool_name in sorted(self._visible_tool_names): - internal_name = tool_name.replace('-', '_') + internal_name = tool_name.replace("-", "_") module_info = imp.find_module(internal_name, [tools_directory]) - tool_doc = imp.load_module(internal_name, - *module_info).Tool.__doc__ - tool_doc = tool_doc.strip() if tool_doc else '' - tool_doc = textwrap.fill(' '.join(tool_doc.split()), 80) - s += '{}\n{}\n\n'.format(tool_name, tool_doc) + tool_doc = imp.load_module(internal_name, *module_info).Tool.__doc__ + tool_doc = tool_doc.strip() if tool_doc else "" + tool_doc = textwrap.fill(" ".join(tool_doc.split()), 80) + s += "{}\n{}\n\n".format(tool_name, tool_doc) return s def go(self) -> ReturnCode: @@ -54,8 +51,8 @@ self.context.o.auto(self._default_text) return ReturnCode.OK - tool_name = self.context.options.tool.replace('-', '_') + tool_name = self.context.options.tool.replace("-", "_") tools_directory = get_tools_directory() module_info = imp.find_module(tool_name, [tools_directory]) module = imp.load_module(tool_name, *module_info) - return tool_main(self.context, module.Tool(self.context), ['--help']) + return tool_main(self.context, module.Tool(self.context), ["--help"]) diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/list_debuggers/Tool.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/list_debuggers/Tool.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/list_debuggers/Tool.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/list_debuggers/Tool.py @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ @property def name(self): - return 'DExTer list debuggers' + return "DExTer list debuggers" def add_tool_arguments(self, parser, defaults): parser.description = Tool.__doc__ @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ handle_debugger_tool_base_options(self.context, defaults) def go(self) -> ReturnCode: - with Timer('list debuggers'): + with Timer("list debuggers"): try: Debuggers(self.context).list() except DebuggerException as e: diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/no_tool_/Tool.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/no_tool_/Tool.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/no_tool_/Tool.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/no_tool_/Tool.py @@ -23,25 +23,28 @@ @property def name(self): - return 'DExTer' + return "DExTer" def add_tool_arguments(self, parser, defaults): parser.description = Tool.__doc__ parser.add_argument( - 'subtool', - choices=[t for t in get_tool_names() if not t.endswith('-')], - nargs='?', - help='name of subtool') + "subtool", + choices=[t for t in get_tool_names() if not t.endswith("-")], + nargs="?", + help="name of subtool", + ) parser.add_argument( - 'subtool_options', - metavar='subtool-options', - nargs='*', - help='subtool specific options') + "subtool_options", + metavar="subtool-options", + nargs="*", + help="subtool specific options", + ) def handle_options(self, defaults): if not self.context.options.subtool: - raise Error('no subtool specified\n\n{}\n'.format( - self.parser.format_help())) + raise Error( + "no subtool specified\n\n{}\n".format(self.parser.format_help()) + ) def go(self) -> ReturnCode: # This fn is never called because not specifying a subtool raises an diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/run_debugger_internal_/Tool.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/run_debugger_internal_/Tool.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/run_debugger_internal_/Tool.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/run_debugger_internal_/Tool.py @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ from dex.utils.Exceptions import DebuggerException, Error from dex.utils.ReturnCode import ReturnCode + class Tool(ToolBase): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.controller_path = None @@ -26,43 +27,42 @@ @property def name(self): - return 'DExTer run debugger internal' + return "DExTer run debugger internal" def add_tool_arguments(self, parser, defaults): parser.add_argument( - 'controller_path', - type=str, - help='pickled debugger controller file') + "controller_path", type=str, help="pickled debugger controller file" + ) def handle_options(self, defaults): - with open(self.context.options.controller_path, 'rb') as fp: + with open(self.context.options.controller_path, "rb") as fp: self.debugger_controller = pickle.load(fp) - self.controller_path = self.context.options.controller_path + self.controller_path = self.context.options.controller_path self.context = self.debugger_controller.context self.options = self.context.options Timer.display = self.options.time_report def raise_debugger_error(self, action, debugger): - msg = 'could not {} {} ({})\n'.format( - action, debugger.name, debugger.loading_error) + msg = "could not {} {} ({})\n".format( + action, debugger.name, debugger.loading_error + ) if self.options.verbose: - msg = '{}\n {}'.format( - msg, ' '.join(debugger.loading_error_trace)) + msg = "{}\n {}".format(msg, " ".join(debugger.loading_error_trace)) raise Error(msg) def go(self) -> ReturnCode: - with Timer('loading debugger'): + with Timer("loading debugger"): debugger = Debuggers(self.context).load(self.options.debugger) - with Timer('running debugger'): + with Timer("running debugger"): if not debugger.is_available: - self.raise_debugger_error('load', debugger) + self.raise_debugger_error("load", debugger) self.debugger_controller.run_debugger(debugger) if debugger.loading_error: - self.raise_debugger_error('run', debugger) + self.raise_debugger_error("run", debugger) - with open(self.controller_path, 'wb') as fp: + with open(self.controller_path, "wb") as fp: pickle.dump(self.debugger_controller, fp) return ReturnCode.OK diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/test/Tool.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/test/Tool.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/test/Tool.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/test/Tool.py @@ -39,43 +39,44 @@ try: return self.heuristic.penalty except AttributeError: - return float('nan') + return float("nan") @property def max_penalty(self): try: return self.heuristic.max_penalty except AttributeError: - return float('nan') + return float("nan") @property def score(self): try: return self.heuristic.score except AttributeError: - return float('nan') + return float("nan") def __str__(self): if self.error and self.context.options.verbose: verbose_error = str(self.error) else: - verbose_error = '' + verbose_error = "" if self.error: - script_error = (' : {}'.format( - self.error.script_error.splitlines()[0]) if getattr( - self.error, 'script_error', None) else '') + script_error = ( + " : {}".format(self.error.script_error.splitlines()[0]) + if getattr(self.error, "script_error", None) + else "" + ) - error = ' [{}{}]'.format( - str(self.error).splitlines()[0], script_error) + error = " [{}{}]".format(str(self.error).splitlines()[0], script_error) else: - error = '' + error = "" try: summary = self.heuristic.summary_string except AttributeError: - summary = 'nan/nan (nan)' - return '{}: {}{}\n{}'.format(self.name, summary, error, verbose_error) + summary = "nan/nan (nan)" + return "{}: {}{}\n{}".format(self.name, summary, error, verbose_error) class Tool(TestToolBase): @@ -90,18 +91,22 @@ @property def name(self): - return 'DExTer test' + return "DExTer test" def add_tool_arguments(self, parser, defaults): - parser.add_argument('--fail-lt', - type=float, - default=0.0, # By default TEST always succeeds. - help='exit with status FAIL(2) if the test result' - ' is less than this value.', - metavar='') - parser.add_argument('--calculate-average', - action="store_true", - help='calculate the average score of every test run') + parser.add_argument( + "--fail-lt", + type=float, + default=0.0, # By default TEST always succeeds. + help="exit with status FAIL(2) if the test result" + " is less than this value.", + metavar="", + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--calculate-average", + action="store_true", + help="calculate the average score of every test run", + ) super(Tool, self).add_tool_arguments(parser, defaults) def _build_test_case(self): @@ -119,10 +124,7 @@ if options.binary: # Copy user's binary into the tmp working directory shutil.copy(options.binary, options.executable) - builderIR = BuilderIR( - name='binary', - cflags=[options.binary], - ldflags='') + builderIR = BuilderIR(name="binary", cflags=[options.binary], ldflags="") else: options = self.context.options compiler_options = [options.cflags for _ in options.source_files] @@ -133,21 +135,24 @@ source_files=options.source_files, compiler_options=compiler_options, linker_options=linker_options, - executable_file=options.executable) + executable_file=options.executable, + ) return builderIR def _init_debugger_controller(self): step_collection = DextIR( executable_path=self.context.options.executable, source_paths=self.context.options.source_files, - dexter_version=self.context.version) + dexter_version=self.context.version, + ) step_collection.commands, new_source_files = get_command_infos( - self.context.options.test_files, self.context.options.source_root_dir) + self.context.options.test_files, self.context.options.source_root_dir + ) self.context.options.source_files.extend(list(new_source_files)) - if 'DexLimitSteps' in step_collection.commands: + if "DexLimitSteps" in step_collection.commands: debugger_controller = ConditionalController(self.context, step_collection) else: debugger_controller = DefaultController(self.context, step_collection) @@ -155,11 +160,11 @@ return debugger_controller def _get_steps(self, builderIR): - """Generate a list of debugger steps from a test case. - """ + """Generate a list of debugger steps from a test case.""" debugger_controller = self._init_debugger_controller() debugger_controller = run_debugger_subprocess( - debugger_controller, self.context.working_directory.path) + debugger_controller, self.context.working_directory.path + ) steps = debugger_controller.step_collection steps.builder = builderIR return steps @@ -167,30 +172,31 @@ def _get_results_basename(self, test_name): def splitall(x): while len(x) > 0: - x, y = os.path.split(x) - yield y + x, y = os.path.split(x) + yield y + all_components = reversed([x for x in splitall(test_name)]) - return '_'.join(all_components) + return "_".join(all_components) def _get_results_path(self, test_name): """Returns the path to the test results directory for the test denoted by test_name. """ assert self.context.options.results_directory != None - return os.path.join(self.context.options.results_directory, - self._get_results_basename(test_name)) + return os.path.join( + self.context.options.results_directory, + self._get_results_basename(test_name), + ) def _get_results_text_path(self, test_name): - """Returns path results .txt file for test denoted by test_name. - """ + """Returns path results .txt file for test denoted by test_name.""" test_results_path = self._get_results_path(test_name) - return '{}.txt'.format(test_results_path) + return "{}.txt".format(test_results_path) def _get_results_pickle_path(self, test_name): - """Returns path results .dextIR file for test denoted by test_name. - """ + """Returns path results .dextIR file for test denoted by test_name.""" test_results_path = self._get_results_path(test_name) - return '{}.dextIR'.format(test_results_path) + return "{}.dextIR".format(test_results_path) def _record_steps(self, test_name, steps): """Write out the set of steps out to the test's .txt and .json @@ -198,11 +204,11 @@ """ if self.context.options.results_directory: output_text_path = self._get_results_text_path(test_name) - with open(output_text_path, 'w') as fp: + with open(output_text_path, "w") as fp: self.context.o.auto(str(steps), stream=Stream(fp)) output_dextIR_path = self._get_results_pickle_path(test_name) - with open(output_dextIR_path, 'wb') as fp: + with open(output_dextIR_path, "wb") as fp: pickle.dump(steps, fp, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) def _record_score(self, test_name, heuristic): @@ -211,7 +217,7 @@ """ if self.context.options.results_directory: output_text_path = self._get_results_text_path(test_name) - with open(output_text_path, 'a') as fp: + with open(output_text_path, "a") as fp: self.context.o.auto(heuristic.verbose_output, stream=Stream(fp)) def _record_test_and_display(self, test_case): @@ -235,7 +241,7 @@ test_case = TestCase(self.context, test_name, heuristic, None) self._record_test_and_display(test_case) if self.context.options.verbose: - self.context.o.auto('\n{}\n'.format(steps)) + self.context.o.auto("\n{}\n".format(steps)) self.context.o.auto(heuristic.verbose_output) def _run_test(self, test_name): @@ -248,8 +254,7 @@ self._record_steps(test_name, steps) heuristic_score = Heuristic(self.context, steps) self._record_score(test_name, heuristic_score) - except (BuildScriptException, DebuggerException, - HeuristicException) as e: + except (BuildScriptException, DebuggerException, HeuristicException) as e: self._record_failed_test(test_name, e) return @@ -261,7 +266,7 @@ options = self.context.options if not options.verbose: - self.context.o.auto('\n') + self.context.o.auto("\n") if options.calculate_average: # Calculate and print the average score @@ -274,22 +279,25 @@ num_tests += 1 if num_tests != 0: - print("@avg: ({:.4f})".format(score_sum/num_tests)) + print("@avg: ({:.4f})".format(score_sum / num_tests)) has_failed = lambda test: test.score < options.fail_lt or test.error if any(map(has_failed, self._test_cases)): return_code = ReturnCode.FAIL if options.results_directory: - summary_path = os.path.join(options.results_directory, 'summary.csv') - with open(summary_path, mode='w', newline='') as fp: - writer = csv.writer(fp, delimiter=',') - writer.writerow(['Test Case', 'Score', 'Error']) + summary_path = os.path.join(options.results_directory, "summary.csv") + with open(summary_path, mode="w", newline="") as fp: + writer = csv.writer(fp, delimiter=",") + writer.writerow(["Test Case", "Score", "Error"]) for test_case in self._test_cases: - writer.writerow([ - test_case.name, '{:.4f}'.format(test_case.score), - test_case.error - ]) + writer.writerow( + [ + test_case.name, + "{:.4f}".format(test_case.score), + test_case.error, + ] + ) return return_code diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/view/Tool.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/view/Tool.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/view/Tool.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/tools/view/Tool.py @@ -17,21 +17,21 @@ class Tool(ToolBase): - """Given a dextIR file, display the information in a human-readable form. - """ + """Given a dextIR file, display the information in a human-readable form.""" @property def name(self): - return 'DExTer view' + return "DExTer view" def add_tool_arguments(self, parser, defaults): add_heuristic_tool_arguments(parser) parser.add_argument( - 'input_path', - metavar='dextIR-file', + "input_path", + metavar="dextIR-file", type=str, default=None, - help='dexter dextIR file to view') + help="dexter dextIR file to view", + ) parser.description = Tool.__doc__ def handle_options(self, defaults): @@ -39,21 +39,25 @@ options.input_path = os.path.abspath(options.input_path) if not os.path.isfile(options.input_path): - raise Error('could not find dextIR file "{}"'.format( - options.input_path)) + raise Error( + 'could not find dextIR file "{}"'.format(options.input_path) + ) def go(self) -> ReturnCode: options = self.context.options - with open(options.input_path, 'rb') as fp: + with open(options.input_path, "rb") as fp: steps = pickle.load(fp) try: heuristic = Heuristic(self.context, steps) except HeuristicException as e: - raise Error('could not apply heuristic: {}'.format(e)) + raise Error("could not apply heuristic: {}".format(e)) - self.context.o.auto('{}\n\n{}\n\n{}\n\n'.format( - heuristic.summary_string, steps, heuristic.verbose_output)) + self.context.o.auto( + "{}\n\n{}\n\n{}\n\n".format( + heuristic.summary_string, steps, heuristic.verbose_output + ) + ) return ReturnCode.OK diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/Environment.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/Environment.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/Environment.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/Environment.py @@ -10,13 +10,14 @@ def is_native_windows(): - return os.name == 'nt' + return os.name == "nt" def has_pywin32(): try: import win32com.client # pylint:disable=unused-variable import win32api # pylint:disable=unused-variable + return True except ImportError: return False diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/Exceptions.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/Exceptions.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/Exceptions.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/Exceptions.py @@ -9,11 +9,13 @@ class Dexception(Exception): """All dexter-specific exceptions derive from this.""" + pass class Error(Dexception): """Error. Prints 'error: ' without a traceback.""" + pass @@ -31,6 +33,7 @@ class LoadDebuggerException(DebuggerException): """If specified debugger cannot be loaded.""" + pass @@ -38,8 +41,9 @@ """If specified debugger has not yet been attempted to load.""" def __init__(self): - super(NotYetLoadedDebuggerException, - self).__init__('not loaded', orig_exception=None) + super(NotYetLoadedDebuggerException, self).__init__( + "not loaded", orig_exception=None + ) class CommandParseError(Dexception): @@ -62,8 +66,10 @@ super(NonFloatValueInCommand, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.value = None + class ToolArgumentError(Dexception): """If a tool argument is invalid.""" + pass @@ -71,10 +77,11 @@ """If there is an error in a build script file.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): - self.script_error = kwargs.pop('script_error', None) + self.script_error = kwargs.pop("script_error", None) super(BuildScriptException, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) class HeuristicException(Dexception): """If there was a problem with the heuristic.""" + pass diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/ExtArgParse.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/ExtArgParse.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/ExtArgParse.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/ExtArgParse.py @@ -22,32 +22,32 @@ def _did_you_mean(val, possibles): close_matches = difflib.get_close_matches(val, possibles) - did_you_mean = '' + did_you_mean = "" if close_matches: - did_you_mean = 'did you mean {}?'.format(' or '.join( - "'{}'".format(c) for c in close_matches[:2])) + did_you_mean = "did you mean {}?".format( + " or ".join("'{}'".format(c) for c in close_matches[:2]) + ) return did_you_mean def _colorize(message): lines = message.splitlines() for i, line in enumerate(lines): - lines[i] = lines[i].replace('usage:', 'usage:') - if line.endswith(':'): - lines[i] = '{}'.format(line) - return '\n'.join(lines) + lines[i] = lines[i].replace("usage:", "usage:") + if line.endswith(":"): + lines[i] = "{}".format(line) + return "\n".join(lines) class ExtArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser): def error(self, message): - """Use the Dexception Error mechanism (including auto-colored output). - """ - raise Error('{}\n\n{}'.format(message, self.format_usage())) + """Use the Dexception Error mechanism (including auto-colored output).""" + raise Error("{}\n\n{}".format(message, self.format_usage())) # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin def _print_message(self, message, file=None): if message: - if file and file.name == '': + if file and file.name == "": file = PrettyOutput.stdout else: file = PrettyOutput.stderr @@ -60,13 +60,14 @@ return _colorize(super(ExtArgumentParser, self).format_usage()) def format_help(self): - return _colorize(super(ExtArgumentParser, self).format_help() + '\n\n') + return _colorize(super(ExtArgumentParser, self).format_help() + "\n\n") @property def _valid_visible_options(self): """A list of all non-suppressed command line flags.""" return [ - item for sublist in vars(self)['_actions'] + item + for sublist in vars(self)["_actions"] for item in sublist.option_strings if sublist.help != argparse.SUPPRESS ] @@ -83,29 +84,32 @@ error = "unrecognized argument: '{}'".format(arg) dym = _did_you_mean(arg, self._valid_visible_options) if dym: - error += ' ({})'.format(dym) + error += " ({})".format(dym) errors.append(error) - self.error('\n '.join(errors)) + self.error("\n ".join(errors)) return args def add_argument(self, *args, **kwargs): """Automatically add the default value to help text.""" - if 'default' in kwargs: - default = kwargs['default'] + if "default" in kwargs: + default = kwargs["default"] if default is None: - default = kwargs.pop('display_default', None) + default = kwargs.pop("display_default", None) - if (default and isinstance(default, (str, int, float)) - and default != argparse.SUPPRESS): + if ( + default + and isinstance(default, (str, int, float)) + and default != argparse.SUPPRESS + ): assert ( - 'choices' not in kwargs or default in kwargs['choices']), ( - "default value '{}' is not one of allowed choices: {}". - format(default, kwargs['choices'])) - if 'help' in kwargs and kwargs['help'] != argparse.SUPPRESS: - assert isinstance(kwargs['help'], str), type(kwargs['help']) - kwargs['help'] = ('{} (default:{})'.format( - kwargs['help'], default)) + "choices" not in kwargs or default in kwargs["choices"] + ), "default value '{}' is not one of allowed choices: {}".format( + default, kwargs["choices"] + ) + if "help" in kwargs and kwargs["help"] != argparse.SUPPRESS: + assert isinstance(kwargs["help"], str), type(kwargs["help"]) + kwargs["help"] = "{} (default:{})".format(kwargs["help"], default) super(ExtArgumentParser, self).add_argument(*args, **kwargs) @@ -117,32 +121,34 @@ class TestExtArgumentParser(unittest.TestCase): def test_did_you_mean(self): parser = ExtArgumentParser(None) - parser.add_argument('--foo') - parser.add_argument('--qoo', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) - parser.add_argument('jam', nargs='?') + parser.add_argument("--foo") + parser.add_argument("--qoo", help=argparse.SUPPRESS) + parser.add_argument("jam", nargs="?") - parser.parse_args(['--foo', '0']) + parser.parse_args(["--foo", "0"]) - expected = (r"^unrecognized argument\: '\-\-doo'\s+" - r"\(did you mean '\-\-foo'\?\)\n" - r"\s*usage:") + expected = ( + r"^unrecognized argument\: '\-\-doo'\s+" + r"\(did you mean '\-\-foo'\?\)\n" + r"\s*usage:" + ) with self.assertRaisesRegex(Error, expected): - parser.parse_args(['--doo']) + parser.parse_args(["--doo"]) - parser.add_argument('--noo') + parser.add_argument("--noo") - expected = (r"^unrecognized argument\: '\-\-doo'\s+" - r"\(did you mean '\-\-noo' or '\-\-foo'\?\)\n" - r"\s*usage:") + expected = ( + r"^unrecognized argument\: '\-\-doo'\s+" + r"\(did you mean '\-\-noo' or '\-\-foo'\?\)\n" + r"\s*usage:" + ) with self.assertRaisesRegex(Error, expected): - parser.parse_args(['--doo']) + parser.parse_args(["--doo"]) - expected = (r"^unrecognized argument\: '\-\-bar'\n" - r"\s*usage:") + expected = r"^unrecognized argument\: '\-\-bar'\n" r"\s*usage:" with self.assertRaisesRegex(Error, expected): - parser.parse_args(['--bar']) + parser.parse_args(["--bar"]) - expected = (r"^unexpected argument\: '\-\-foo'\n" - r"\s*usage:") + expected = r"^unexpected argument\: '\-\-foo'\n" r"\s*usage:" with self.assertRaisesRegex(Error, expected): - parser.parse_args(['--', 'x', '--foo']) + parser.parse_args(["--", "x", "--foo"]) diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/Logging.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/Logging.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/Logging.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/Logging.py @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ from dex.utils import PrettyOutput + class Logger(object): def __init__(self, pretty_output: PrettyOutput): self.o = pretty_output @@ -20,25 +21,25 @@ if self.verbosity < 0: return if enable_prefix: - msg = f'error: {msg}' + msg = f"error: {msg}" if flag: - msg = f'{msg} [{flag}]' - self.error_color('{}\n'.format(msg), stream=PrettyOutput.stderr) + msg = f"{msg} [{flag}]" + self.error_color("{}\n".format(msg), stream=PrettyOutput.stderr) def warning(self, msg, enable_prefix=True, flag=None): if self.verbosity < 1: return if enable_prefix: - msg = f'warning: {msg}' + msg = f"warning: {msg}" if flag: - msg = f'{msg} [{flag}]' - self.warning_color('{}\n'.format(msg), stream=PrettyOutput.stderr) + msg = f"{msg} [{flag}]" + self.warning_color("{}\n".format(msg), stream=PrettyOutput.stderr) def note(self, msg, enable_prefix=True, flag=None): if self.verbosity < 2: return if enable_prefix: - msg = f'note: {msg}' + msg = f"note: {msg}" if flag: - msg = f'{msg} [{flag}]' - self.note_color('{}\n'.format(msg), stream=PrettyOutput.stderr) + msg = f"{msg} [{flag}]" + self.note_color("{}\n".format(msg), stream=PrettyOutput.stderr) diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/PrettyOutputBase.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/PrettyOutputBase.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/PrettyOutputBase.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/PrettyOutputBase.py @@ -37,9 +37,7 @@ def __init__(self, pretty_output): self.pretty_output = pretty_output self.orig_values = {} - self.properties = [ - 'auto_reds', 'auto_yellows', 'auto_greens', 'auto_blues' - ] + self.properties = ["auto_reds", "auto_yellows", "auto_greens", "auto_blues"] def __enter__(self): for p in self.properties: @@ -90,18 +88,16 @@ # This function parses these tags using a very simple recursive # descent. colors = { - 'r': self.red, - 'y': self.yellow, - 'g': self.green, - 'b': self.blue, - 'd': self.default, - 'a': self.auto, + "r": self.red, + "y": self.yellow, + "g": self.green, + "b": self.blue, + "d": self.default, + "a": self.auto, } # Find all tags (whether open or close) - tags = [ - t for t in re.finditer('<([{}/])>'.format(''.join(colors)), text) - ] + tags = [t for t in re.finditer("<([{}/])>".format("".join(colors)), text)] if not tags: # No tags. Just write the text to the current stream and return. @@ -109,17 +105,20 @@ # render as colors (for example in error output from this # function). stream = self._set_valid_stream(stream) - stream.py.write(text.replace(r'\>', '>')) + stream.py.write(text.replace(r"\>", ">")) return - open_tags = [i for i in tags if i.group(1) != '/'] - close_tags = [i for i in tags if i.group(1) == '/'] + open_tags = [i for i in tags if i.group(1) != "/"] + close_tags = [i for i in tags if i.group(1) == "/"] - if (len(open_tags) != len(close_tags) - or any(o.start() >= c.start() - for (o, c) in zip(open_tags, close_tags))): - raise Error('open/close tag mismatch in "{}"'.format( - text.rstrip()).replace('>', r'\>')) + if len(open_tags) != len(close_tags) or any( + o.start() >= c.start() for (o, c) in zip(open_tags, close_tags) + ): + raise Error( + 'open/close tag mismatch in "{}"'.format(text.rstrip()).replace( + ">", r"\>" + ) + ) open_tag = open_tags.pop(0) @@ -128,7 +127,7 @@ tag_nesting = 1 close_tag = None for tag in tags[1:]: - if tag.group(1) == '/': + if tag.group(1) == "/": tag_nesting -= 1 else: tag_nesting += 1 @@ -140,18 +139,18 @@ # Use the method on the top of the stack for text prior to the open # tag. - before = text[:open_tag.start()] + before = text[: open_tag.start()] if before: self._stack[-1](before, lock=_null_lock, stream=stream) # Use the specified color for the tag itself. color = open_tag.group(1) - within = text[open_tag.end():close_tag.start()] + within = text[open_tag.end() : close_tag.start()] if within: colors[color](within, lock=_null_lock, stream=stream) # Use the method on the top of the stack for text after the close tag. - after = text[close_tag.end():] + after = text[close_tag.end() :] if after: self._stack[-1](after, lock=_null_lock, stream=stream) @@ -168,16 +167,17 @@ for line in lines: # This is just being cute for the sake of cuteness, but why # not? - line = line.replace('DExTer', 'DExTer') + line = line.replace("DExTer", "DExTer") # Apply the appropriate color method if the expression matches # any of # the patterns we have set up. - for fn, regexs in ((self.red, self.auto_reds), - (self.yellow, self.auto_yellows), - (self.green, - self.auto_greens), (self.blue, - self.auto_blues)): + for fn, regexs in ( + (self.red, self.auto_reds), + (self.yellow, self.auto_yellows), + (self.green, self.auto_greens), + (self.blue, self.auto_blues), + ): if any(re.search(regex, line) for regex in regexs): fn(line, stream=stream, lock=_null_lock) break @@ -203,190 +203,197 @@ pass def yellow(self, *args, **kwargs): - return self._call_color_impl(self.yellow, self.yellow_impl, *args, - **kwargs) + return self._call_color_impl(self.yellow, self.yellow_impl, *args, **kwargs) @abc.abstractmethod def green_impl(self, text, stream=None, **kwargs): pass def green(self, *args, **kwargs): - return self._call_color_impl(self.green, self.green_impl, *args, - **kwargs) + return self._call_color_impl(self.green, self.green_impl, *args, **kwargs) @abc.abstractmethod def blue_impl(self, text, stream=None, **kwargs): pass def blue(self, *args, **kwargs): - return self._call_color_impl(self.blue, self.blue_impl, *args, - **kwargs) + return self._call_color_impl(self.blue, self.blue_impl, *args, **kwargs) @abc.abstractmethod def default_impl(self, text, stream=None, **kwargs): pass def default(self, *args, **kwargs): - return self._call_color_impl(self.default, self.default_impl, *args, - **kwargs) + return self._call_color_impl(self.default, self.default_impl, *args, **kwargs) def colortest(self): from itertools import combinations, permutations - fns = ((self.red, 'rrr'), (self.yellow, 'yyy'), (self.green, 'ggg'), - (self.blue, 'bbb'), (self.default, 'ddd')) + fns = ( + (self.red, "rrr"), + (self.yellow, "yyy"), + (self.green, "ggg"), + (self.blue, "bbb"), + (self.default, "ddd"), + ) for l in range(1, len(fns) + 1): for comb in combinations(fns, l): for perm in permutations(comb): for stream in (None, self.__class__.stderr): - perm[0][0]('stdout ' - if stream is None else 'stderr ', stream) + perm[0][0]("stdout " if stream is None else "stderr ", stream) for fn, string in perm: fn(string, stream) - self.default('\n', stream) + self.default("\n", stream) tests = [ - (self.auto, 'default1red2default3'), - (self.red, 'red1red2red3'), - (self.blue, 'blue1red2blue3'), - (self.red, 'red1yellow2red3'), - (self.auto, 'default1yellow2red3'), - (self.auto, 'default1green2red3'), - (self.auto, 'default1green2red3green4default5'), - (self.auto, 'default1green2default3green4default5'), - (self.auto, 'red1green2red3green4red5'), - (self.auto, 'red1green2yellow3green4default5'), - (self.auto, 'default1red2'), - (self.auto, 'red1default2red3green4default5'), - (self.blue, 'red1blue2red3green'), - (self.blue, 'rryrb'), + (self.auto, "default1red2default3"), + (self.red, "red1red2red3"), + (self.blue, "blue1red2blue3"), + (self.red, "red1yellow2red3"), + (self.auto, "default1yellow2red3"), + (self.auto, "default1green2red3"), + (self.auto, "default1green2red3green4default5"), + (self.auto, "default1green2default3green4default5"), + (self.auto, "red1green2red3green4red5"), + (self.auto, "red1green2yellow3green4default5"), + (self.auto, "default1red2"), + (self.auto, "red1default2red3green4default5"), + (self.blue, "red1blue2red3green"), + (self.blue, "rryrb"), ] for fn, text in tests: for stream in (None, self.__class__.stderr): - stream_name = 'stdout' if stream is None else 'stderr' - fn('{} {}\n'.format(stream_name, text), stream) + stream_name = "stdout" if stream is None else "stderr" + fn("{} {}\n".format(stream_name, text), stream) class TestPrettyOutput(unittest.TestCase): class MockPrettyOutput(PrettyOutputBase): def red_impl(self, text, stream=None, **kwargs): - self._write('[R]{}[/R]'.format(text), stream) + self._write("[R]{}[/R]".format(text), stream) def yellow_impl(self, text, stream=None, **kwargs): - self._write('[Y]{}[/Y]'.format(text), stream) + self._write("[Y]{}[/Y]".format(text), stream) def green_impl(self, text, stream=None, **kwargs): - self._write('[G]{}[/G]'.format(text), stream) + self._write("[G]{}[/G]".format(text), stream) def blue_impl(self, text, stream=None, **kwargs): - self._write('[B]{}[/B]'.format(text), stream) + self._write("[B]{}[/B]".format(text), stream) def default_impl(self, text, stream=None, **kwargs): - self._write('[D]{}[/D]'.format(text), stream) + self._write("[D]{}[/D]".format(text), stream) def test_red(self): with TestPrettyOutput.MockPrettyOutput() as o: stream = Stream(StringIO()) - o.red('hello', stream) - self.assertEqual(stream.py.getvalue(), '[R]hello[/R]') + o.red("hello", stream) + self.assertEqual(stream.py.getvalue(), "[R]hello[/R]") def test_yellow(self): with TestPrettyOutput.MockPrettyOutput() as o: stream = Stream(StringIO()) - o.yellow('hello', stream) - self.assertEqual(stream.py.getvalue(), '[Y]hello[/Y]') + o.yellow("hello", stream) + self.assertEqual(stream.py.getvalue(), "[Y]hello[/Y]") def test_green(self): with TestPrettyOutput.MockPrettyOutput() as o: stream = Stream(StringIO()) - o.green('hello', stream) - self.assertEqual(stream.py.getvalue(), '[G]hello[/G]') + o.green("hello", stream) + self.assertEqual(stream.py.getvalue(), "[G]hello[/G]") def test_blue(self): with TestPrettyOutput.MockPrettyOutput() as o: stream = Stream(StringIO()) - o.blue('hello', stream) - self.assertEqual(stream.py.getvalue(), '[B]hello[/B]') + o.blue("hello", stream) + self.assertEqual(stream.py.getvalue(), "[B]hello[/B]") def test_default(self): with TestPrettyOutput.MockPrettyOutput() as o: stream = Stream(StringIO()) - o.default('hello', stream) - self.assertEqual(stream.py.getvalue(), '[D]hello[/D]') + o.default("hello", stream) + self.assertEqual(stream.py.getvalue(), "[D]hello[/D]") def test_auto(self): with TestPrettyOutput.MockPrettyOutput() as o: stream = Stream(StringIO()) - o.auto_reds.append('foo') - o.auto('bar\n', stream) - o.auto('foo\n', stream) - o.auto('baz\n', stream) - self.assertEqual(stream.py.getvalue(), - '[D]bar\n[/D][R]foo\n[/R][D]baz\n[/D]') + o.auto_reds.append("foo") + o.auto("bar\n", stream) + o.auto("foo\n", stream) + o.auto("baz\n", stream) + self.assertEqual( + stream.py.getvalue(), "[D]bar\n[/D][R]foo\n[/R][D]baz\n[/D]" + ) stream = Stream(StringIO()) - o.auto('bar\nfoo\nbaz\n', stream) - self.assertEqual(stream.py.getvalue(), - '[D]bar\n[/D][R]foo\n[/R][D]baz\n[/D]') + o.auto("bar\nfoo\nbaz\n", stream) + self.assertEqual( + stream.py.getvalue(), "[D]bar\n[/D][R]foo\n[/R][D]baz\n[/D]" + ) stream = Stream(StringIO()) - o.auto('barfoobaz\nbardoobaz\n', stream) - self.assertEqual(stream.py.getvalue(), - '[R]barfoobaz\n[/R][D]bardoobaz\n[/D]') + o.auto("barfoobaz\nbardoobaz\n", stream) + self.assertEqual( + stream.py.getvalue(), "[R]barfoobaz\n[/R][D]bardoobaz\n[/D]" + ) - o.auto_greens.append('doo') + o.auto_greens.append("doo") stream = Stream(StringIO()) - o.auto('barfoobaz\nbardoobaz\n', stream) - self.assertEqual(stream.py.getvalue(), - '[R]barfoobaz\n[/R][G]bardoobaz\n[/G]') + o.auto("barfoobaz\nbardoobaz\n", stream) + self.assertEqual( + stream.py.getvalue(), "[R]barfoobaz\n[/R][G]bardoobaz\n[/G]" + ) def test_PreserveAutoColors(self): with TestPrettyOutput.MockPrettyOutput() as o: - o.auto_reds.append('foo') + o.auto_reds.append("foo") with PreserveAutoColors(o): - o.auto_greens.append('bar') + o.auto_greens.append("bar") stream = Stream(StringIO()) - o.auto('foo\nbar\nbaz\n', stream) - self.assertEqual(stream.py.getvalue(), - '[R]foo\n[/R][G]bar\n[/G][D]baz\n[/D]') + o.auto("foo\nbar\nbaz\n", stream) + self.assertEqual( + stream.py.getvalue(), "[R]foo\n[/R][G]bar\n[/G][D]baz\n[/D]" + ) stream = Stream(StringIO()) - o.auto('foo\nbar\nbaz\n', stream) - self.assertEqual(stream.py.getvalue(), - '[R]foo\n[/R][D]bar\n[/D][D]baz\n[/D]') + o.auto("foo\nbar\nbaz\n", stream) + self.assertEqual( + stream.py.getvalue(), "[R]foo\n[/R][D]bar\n[/D][D]baz\n[/D]" + ) stream = Stream(StringIO()) - o.yellow('foobarbaz', stream) + o.yellow("foobarbaz", stream) self.assertEqual( stream.py.getvalue(), - '[Y][Y][/Y][R]foo[/R][Y][Y]bar[/Y][D]baz[/D][Y][/Y][/Y][/Y]') + "[Y][Y][/Y][R]foo[/R][Y][Y]bar[/Y][D]baz[/D][Y][/Y][/Y][/Y]", + ) def test_tags(self): with TestPrettyOutput.MockPrettyOutput() as o: stream = Stream(StringIO()) - o.auto('hi', stream) - self.assertEqual(stream.py.getvalue(), - '[D][D][/D][R]hi[/R][D][/D][/D]') + o.auto("hi", stream) + self.assertEqual(stream.py.getvalue(), "[D][D][/D][R]hi[/R][D][/D][/D]") stream = Stream(StringIO()) - o.auto('abc', stream) + o.auto("abc", stream) self.assertEqual( stream.py.getvalue(), - '[D][D][/D][R][R][/R][Y]a[/Y][R]b[/R][/R][D]c[/D][/D]') + "[D][D][/D][R][R][/R][Y]a[/Y][R]b[/R][/R][D]c[/D][/D]", + ) - with self.assertRaisesRegex(Error, 'tag mismatch'): - o.auto('hi', stream) + with self.assertRaisesRegex(Error, "tag mismatch"): + o.auto("hi", stream) - with self.assertRaisesRegex(Error, 'tag mismatch'): - o.auto('hi', stream) + with self.assertRaisesRegex(Error, "tag mismatch"): + o.auto("hi", stream) - with self.assertRaisesRegex(Error, 'tag mismatch'): - o.auto('hi', stream) + with self.assertRaisesRegex(Error, "tag mismatch"): + o.auto("hi", stream) - with self.assertRaisesRegex(Error, 'tag mismatch'): - o.auto('hi', stream) + with self.assertRaisesRegex(Error, "tag mismatch"): + o.auto("hi", stream) - with self.assertRaisesRegex(Error, 'tag mismatch'): - o.auto('hi', stream) + with self.assertRaisesRegex(Error, "tag mismatch"): + o.auto("hi", stream) diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/ReturnCode.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/ReturnCode.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/ReturnCode.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/ReturnCode.py @@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ class ReturnCode(Enum): - """Used to indicate whole program success status.""" + """Used to indicate whole program success status.""" - OK = 0 - _ERROR = 1 # Unhandled exceptions result in exit(1) by default. - # Usage of _ERROR is discouraged: - # If the program cannot run, raise an exception. - # If the program runs successfully but the result is - # "failure" based on the inputs, return FAIL - FAIL = 2 + OK = 0 + _ERROR = 1 # Unhandled exceptions result in exit(1) by default. + # Usage of _ERROR is discouraged: + # If the program cannot run, raise an exception. + # If the program runs successfully but the result is + # "failure" based on the inputs, return FAIL + FAIL = 2 diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/RootDirectory.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/RootDirectory.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/RootDirectory.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/RootDirectory.py @@ -10,6 +10,6 @@ def get_root_directory(): - root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')) - assert os.path.basename(root) == 'dex', root + root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..")) + assert os.path.basename(root) == "dex", root return root diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/Timeout.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/Timeout.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/Timeout.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/Timeout.py @@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ import time -class Timeout(object): +class Timeout(object): def __init__(self, duration: float): self.start = self.now self.duration = duration diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/Timer.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/Timer.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/Timer.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/Timer.py @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ def _indent(indent): - return '| ' * indent + return "| " * indent class Timer(object): @@ -28,17 +28,18 @@ def __enter__(self): Timer.indent += 1 if Timer.display and self.name: - indent = _indent(Timer.indent - 1) + ' _' - Timer.fn('{}\n'.format(_indent(Timer.indent - 1))) - Timer.fn('{} start {}\n'.format(indent, self.name)) + indent = _indent(Timer.indent - 1) + " _" + Timer.fn("{}\n".format(_indent(Timer.indent - 1))) + Timer.fn("{} start {}\n".format(indent, self.name)) return self def __exit__(self, *args): if Timer.display and self.name: - indent = _indent(Timer.indent - 1) + '|_' - Timer.fn('{} {} time taken: {:0.1f}s\n'.format( - indent, self.name, self.elapsed)) - Timer.fn('{}\n'.format(_indent(Timer.indent - 1))) + indent = _indent(Timer.indent - 1) + "|_" + Timer.fn( + "{} {} time taken: {:0.1f}s\n".format(indent, self.name, self.elapsed) + ) + Timer.fn("{}\n".format(_indent(Timer.indent - 1))) Timer.indent -= 1 @property diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/UnitTests.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/UnitTests.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/UnitTests.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/UnitTests.py @@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ """ d = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(full_path)) if is_native_windows(): - if d == 'posix': + if d == "posix": return False - if d == 'windows': + if d == "windows": return has_pywin32() else: - if d == 'windows': + if d == "windows": return False - elif d == 'dbgeng': + elif d == "dbgeng": return False return fnmatch(path, pattern) @@ -39,20 +39,18 @@ def unit_tests_ok(context): unittest.TestCase.maxDiff = None # remove size limit from diff output. - with Timer('unit tests'): - suite = DexTestLoader().discover( - context.root_directory, pattern='*.py') + with Timer("unit tests"): + suite = DexTestLoader().discover(context.root_directory, pattern="*.py") stream = StringIO() result = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2, stream=stream).run(suite) ok = result.wasSuccessful() - if not ok or context.options.unittest == 'show-all': + if not ok or context.options.unittest == "show-all": with PreserveAutoColors(context.o): - context.o.auto_reds.extend( - [r'FAIL(ED|\:)', r'\.\.\.\s(FAIL|ERROR)$']) - context.o.auto_greens.extend([r'^OK$', r'\.\.\.\sok$']) - context.o.auto_blues.extend([r'^Ran \d+ test']) - context.o.default('\n') + context.o.auto_reds.extend([r"FAIL(ED|\:)", r"\.\.\.\s(FAIL|ERROR)$"]) + context.o.auto_greens.extend([r"^OK$", r"\.\.\.\sok$"]) + context.o.auto_blues.extend([r"^Ran \d+ test"]) + context.o.default("\n") for line in stream.getvalue().splitlines(True): context.o.auto(line, stream=PrettyOutput.stderr) diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/Version.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/Version.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/Version.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/Version.py @@ -16,17 +16,26 @@ def _git_version(): dir_ = os.path.dirname(__file__) try: - branch = (check_output( - ['git', 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD'], - stderr=STDOUT, - cwd=dir_).rstrip().decode('utf-8')) - hash_ = check_output( - ['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'], stderr=STDOUT, - cwd=dir_).rstrip().decode('utf-8') - repo = check_output( - ['git', 'remote', 'get-url', 'origin'], stderr=STDOUT, - cwd=dir_).rstrip().decode('utf-8') - return '[{} {}] ({})'.format(branch, hash_, repo) + branch = ( + check_output( + ["git", "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD"], stderr=STDOUT, cwd=dir_ + ) + .rstrip() + .decode("utf-8") + ) + hash_ = ( + check_output(["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"], stderr=STDOUT, cwd=dir_) + .rstrip() + .decode("utf-8") + ) + repo = ( + check_output( + ["git", "remote", "get-url", "origin"], stderr=STDOUT, cwd=dir_ + ) + .rstrip() + .decode("utf-8") + ) + return "[{} {}] ({})".format(branch, hash_, repo) except (OSError, CalledProcessError): pass return None @@ -34,7 +43,6 @@ def version(name): lines = [] - lines.append(' '.join( - [s for s in [name, __version__, _git_version()] if s])) - lines.append(' using Python {}'.format(sys.version)) - return '\n'.join(lines) + lines.append(" ".join([s for s in [name, __version__, _git_version()] if s])) + lines.append(" using Python {}".format(sys.version)) + return "\n".join(lines) diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/WorkingDirectory.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/WorkingDirectory.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/WorkingDirectory.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/WorkingDirectory.py @@ -13,12 +13,13 @@ from dex.utils.Exceptions import Error + class WorkingDirectory(object): def __init__(self, context, *args, **kwargs): self.context = context self.orig_cwd = os.getcwd() - dir_ = kwargs.get('dir', None) + dir_ = kwargs.get("dir", None) if dir_ and not os.path.isdir(dir_): os.makedirs(dir_, exist_ok=True) self.path = tempfile.mkdtemp(*args, **kwargs) @@ -30,8 +31,7 @@ def __exit__(self, *args): os.chdir(self.orig_cwd) if self.context.options.save_temps: - self.context.o.blue('"{}" left in place [--save-temps]\n'.format( - self.path)) + self.context.o.blue('"{}" left in place [--save-temps]\n'.format(self.path)) return for _ in range(100): @@ -41,5 +41,7 @@ except OSError: time.sleep(0.1) - self.context.logger.warning(f'"{self.path}" left in place (couldn\'t delete)', enable_prefix=True) + self.context.logger.warning( + f'"{self.path}" left in place (couldn\'t delete)', enable_prefix=True + ) return diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/posix/PrettyOutput.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/posix/PrettyOutput.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/posix/PrettyOutput.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/posix/PrettyOutput.py @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ stream = self._set_valid_stream(stream) with lock: if stream.color_enabled: - text = '\033[{}m{}\033[0m'.format(color, text) + text = "\033[{}m{}\033[0m".format(color, text) self._write(text, stream) def red_impl(self, text, stream=None, **kwargs): diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/windows/PrettyOutput.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/windows/PrettyOutput.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/windows/PrettyOutput.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dex/utils/windows/PrettyOutput.py @@ -16,11 +16,13 @@ class _CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO(ctypes.Structure): # pylint: disable=protected-access - _fields_ = [('dwSize', ctypes.wintypes._COORD), ('dwCursorPosition', - ctypes.wintypes._COORD), - ('wAttributes', - ctypes.c_ushort), ('srWindow', ctypes.wintypes._SMALL_RECT), - ('dwMaximumWindowSize', ctypes.wintypes._COORD)] + _fields_ = [ + ("dwSize", ctypes.wintypes._COORD), + ("dwCursorPosition", ctypes.wintypes._COORD), + ("wAttributes", ctypes.c_ushort), + ("srWindow", ctypes.wintypes._SMALL_RECT), + ("dwMaximumWindowSize", ctypes.wintypes._COORD), + ] # pylint: enable=protected-access @@ -33,8 +35,7 @@ info = _CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO() for s in (PrettyOutput.stdout, PrettyOutput.stderr): - ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( - s.os, ctypes.byref(info)) + ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(s.os, ctypes.byref(info)) s.orig_color = info.wAttributes return self @@ -52,15 +53,15 @@ self.flush(stream) if stream.orig_color: ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTextAttribute( - stream.os, stream.orig_color) + stream.os, stream.orig_color + ) def _color(self, text, color, stream, lock=_lock): stream = self._set_valid_stream(stream) with lock: try: if stream.color_enabled: - ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTextAttribute( - stream.os, color) + ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTextAttribute(stream.os, color) self._write(text, stream) finally: if stream.color_enabled: diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dexter.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dexter.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dexter.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/dexter.py @@ -16,6 +16,6 @@ from dex.tools import main -if __name__ == '__main__': +if __name__ == "__main__": return_code = main() sys.exit(return_code.value) diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/feature_tests/commands/perfect/dex_declare_file/dex_and_source/lit.local.cfg.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/feature_tests/commands/perfect/dex_declare_file/dex_and_source/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/feature_tests/commands/perfect/dex_declare_file/dex_and_source/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/feature_tests/commands/perfect/dex_declare_file/dex_and_source/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1 +1 @@ -config.suffixes = ['.cpp'] +config.suffixes = [".cpp"] diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/feature_tests/commands/perfect/dex_declare_file/precompiled_binary/lit.local.cfg.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/feature_tests/commands/perfect/dex_declare_file/precompiled_binary/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/feature_tests/commands/perfect/dex_declare_file/precompiled_binary/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/feature_tests/commands/perfect/dex_declare_file/precompiled_binary/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1 +1 @@ -config.suffixes = ['.dex'] +config.suffixes = [".dex"] diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/feature_tests/commands/perfect/dex_declare_file/precompiled_binary_different_dir/lit.local.cfg.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/feature_tests/commands/perfect/dex_declare_file/precompiled_binary_different_dir/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/feature_tests/commands/perfect/dex_declare_file/precompiled_binary_different_dir/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/feature_tests/commands/perfect/dex_declare_file/precompiled_binary_different_dir/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1 +1 @@ -config.suffixes = ['.dex'] +config.suffixes = [".dex"] diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/feature_tests/commands/perfect/dex_declare_file/windows_noncanonical_path/lit.local.cfg.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/feature_tests/commands/perfect/dex_declare_file/windows_noncanonical_path/lit.local.cfg.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/feature_tests/commands/perfect/dex_declare_file/windows_noncanonical_path/lit.local.cfg.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/feature_tests/commands/perfect/dex_declare_file/windows_noncanonical_path/lit.local.cfg.py @@ -1 +1 @@ -config.suffixes = ['.dex'] +config.suffixes = [".dex"] diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/feature_tests/commands/perfect/limit_steps/lit.local.cfg b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/feature_tests/commands/perfect/limit_steps/lit.local.cfg --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/feature_tests/commands/perfect/limit_steps/lit.local.cfg +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/feature_tests/commands/perfect/limit_steps/lit.local.cfg @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ # The dbgeng driver doesn't support DexLimitSteps yet. if config.is_msvc: config.unsupported = True - diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/feature_tests/lit.local.cfg b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/feature_tests/lit.local.cfg --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/feature_tests/lit.local.cfg +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/dexter/feature_tests/lit.local.cfg @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -if 'dexter' not in config.available_features: +if "dexter" not in config.available_features: config.unsupported = True config.name = "DExTer feature tests" -config.suffixes = ['.cpp', '.c', '.test'] +config.suffixes = [".cpp", ".c", ".test"] diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/lit.local.cfg b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/lit.local.cfg --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/lit.local.cfg +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/lit.local.cfg @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -if 'clang' not in config.available_features: +if "clang" not in config.available_features: config.unsupported = True diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/llgdb-tests/lit.local.cfg b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/llgdb-tests/lit.local.cfg --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/llgdb-tests/lit.local.cfg +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/llgdb-tests/lit.local.cfg @@ -1,5 +1,3 @@ # debuginfo-tests are not expected to pass in a cross-compilation setup. -if 'native' not in config.available_features or config.is_msvc: +if "native" not in config.available_features or config.is_msvc: config.unsupported = True - - diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/llgdb-tests/llgdb.py b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/llgdb-tests/llgdb.py --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/llgdb-tests/llgdb.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/llgdb-tests/llgdb.py @@ -6,14 +6,17 @@ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Auto-detect lldb python module. -import subprocess, platform, os, sys +import subprocess, platform, os, sys + try: # Just try for LLDB in case PYTHONPATH is already correctly setup. import lldb except ImportError: # Ask the command line driver for the path to the lldb module. Copy over # the environment so that SDKROOT is propagated to xcrun. - command = ['xcrun', 'lldb', '-P'] if platform.system() == 'Darwin' else ['lldb', '-P'] + command = ( + ["xcrun", "lldb", "-P"] if platform.system() == "Darwin" else ["lldb", "-P"] + ) # Extend the PYTHONPATH if the path exists and isn't already there. lldb_python_path = subprocess.check_output(command).decode("utf-8").strip() if os.path.exists(lldb_python_path) and not sys.path.__contains__(lldb_python_path): @@ -21,21 +24,27 @@ # Try importing LLDB again. try: import lldb - print('imported lldb from: "%s"'%lldb_python_path) + + print('imported lldb from: "%s"' % lldb_python_path) except ImportError: - print("error: couldn't locate the 'lldb' module, please set PYTHONPATH correctly") + print( + "error: couldn't locate the 'lldb' module, please set PYTHONPATH correctly" + ) sys.exit(1) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command line option handling. import argparse + parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) -parser.add_argument('--quiet', '-q', action="store_true", help='ignored') -parser.add_argument('-batch', action="store_true", - help='exit after processing comand line') -parser.add_argument('-n', action="store_true", help='ignore .lldb file') -parser.add_argument('-x', dest='script', type=argparse.FileType('r'), - help='execute commands from file') +parser.add_argument("--quiet", "-q", action="store_true", help="ignored") +parser.add_argument( + "-batch", action="store_true", help="exit after processing comand line" +) +parser.add_argument("-n", action="store_true", help="ignore .lldb file") +parser.add_argument( + "-x", dest="script", type=argparse.FileType("r"), help="execute commands from file" +) parser.add_argument("target", help="the program to debug") args = parser.parse_args() @@ -46,19 +55,23 @@ # Make sure to clean up the debugger on exit. import atexit + + def on_exit(): debugger.Terminate() + + atexit.register(on_exit) # Don't return from lldb function calls until the process stops. debugger.SetAsync(False) # Create a target from a file and arch. -arch = os.popen("file "+args.target).read().split()[-1] +arch = os.popen("file " + args.target).read().split()[-1] target = debugger.CreateTargetWithFileAndArch(args.target, arch) if not target: - print("Could not create target %s"% args.target) + print("Could not create target %s" % args.target) sys.exit(1) if not args.script: @@ -66,16 +79,17 @@ sys.exit(1) import re + for command in args.script: # Strip newline and whitespaces and split into words. cmd = command[:-1].strip().split() if not cmd: continue - print('> %s'% command[:-1]) + print("> %s" % command[:-1]) try: - if re.match('^r|(run)$', cmd[0]): + if re.match("^r|(run)$", cmd[0]): error = lldb.SBError() launchinfo = lldb.SBLaunchInfo([]) launchinfo.SetWorkingDirectory(os.getcwd()) @@ -84,25 +98,27 @@ if not process or error.fail: state = process.GetState() print("State = %d" % state) - print(""" + print( + """ ERROR: Could not launch process. NOTE: There are several reasons why this may happen: * Root needs to run "DevToolsSecurity --enable". * Older versions of lldb cannot launch more than one process simultaneously. -""") +""" + ) sys.exit(1) - elif re.match('^b|(break)$', cmd[0]) and len(cmd) == 2: - if re.match('[0-9]+', cmd[1]): + elif re.match("^b|(break)$", cmd[0]) and len(cmd) == 2: + if re.match("[0-9]+", cmd[1]): # b line - mainfile = target.FindFunctions('main')[0].compile_unit.file + mainfile = target.FindFunctions("main")[0].compile_unit.file print(target.BreakpointCreateByLocation(mainfile, int(cmd[1]))) else: # b file:line - file, line = cmd[1].split(':') + file, line = cmd[1].split(":") print(target.BreakpointCreateByLocation(file, int(line))) - elif re.match('^ptype$', cmd[0]) and len(cmd) == 2: + elif re.match("^ptype$", cmd[0]) and len(cmd) == 2: # GDB's ptype has multiple incarnations depending on its # argument (global variable, function, type). The definition # here is for looking up the signature of a function and only @@ -113,36 +129,35 @@ continue print(target.FindFirstType(cmd[1])) - elif re.match('^po$', cmd[0]) and len(cmd) > 1: + elif re.match("^po$", cmd[0]) and len(cmd) > 1: try: opts = lldb.SBExpressionOptions() opts.SetFetchDynamicValue(True) opts.SetCoerceResultToId(True) - print(target.EvaluateExpression(' '.join(cmd[1:]), opts)) + print(target.EvaluateExpression(" ".join(cmd[1:]), opts)) except: # FIXME: This is a fallback path for the lab.llvm.org # buildbot running OS X 10.7; it should be removed. thread = process.GetThreadAtIndex(0) frame = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(0) - print(frame.EvaluateExpression(' '.join(cmd[1:]))) + print(frame.EvaluateExpression(" ".join(cmd[1:]))) - elif re.match('^p|(print)$', cmd[0]) and len(cmd) > 1: + elif re.match("^p|(print)$", cmd[0]) and len(cmd) > 1: thread = process.GetThreadAtIndex(0) frame = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(0) - print(frame.EvaluateExpression(' '.join(cmd[1:]))) + print(frame.EvaluateExpression(" ".join(cmd[1:]))) - elif re.match('^n|(next)$', cmd[0]): + elif re.match("^n|(next)$", cmd[0]): thread = process.GetThreadAtIndex(0) thread.StepOver() - elif re.match('^q|(quit)$', cmd[0]): + elif re.match("^q|(quit)$", cmd[0]): sys.exit(0) else: - print(debugger.HandleCommand(' '.join(cmd))) + print(debugger.HandleCommand(" ".join(cmd))) except SystemExit: raise except: - print('Could not handle the command "%s"' % ' '.join(cmd)) - + print('Could not handle the command "%s"' % " ".join(cmd)) diff --git a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/llvm-prettyprinters/gdb/lit.local.cfg b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/llvm-prettyprinters/gdb/lit.local.cfg --- a/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/llvm-prettyprinters/gdb/lit.local.cfg +++ b/cross-project-tests/debuginfo-tests/llvm-prettyprinters/gdb/lit.local.cfg @@ -1,13 +1,11 @@ import lit.util # debuginfo-tests are not expected to pass in a cross-compilation setup. -if 'native' not in config.available_features or lit.util.which('gdb') is None: +if "native" not in config.available_features or lit.util.which("gdb") is None: config.unsupported = True if config.mlir_src_root: - config.substitutions.append(("%mlir_src_root", config.mlir_src_root)) - config.available_features.add('mlir') - -config.suffixes = ['.gdb'] - + config.substitutions.append(("%mlir_src_root", config.mlir_src_root)) + config.available_features.add("mlir") +config.suffixes = [".gdb"] diff --git a/cross-project-tests/intrinsic-header-tests/lit.local.cfg b/cross-project-tests/intrinsic-header-tests/lit.local.cfg --- a/cross-project-tests/intrinsic-header-tests/lit.local.cfg +++ b/cross-project-tests/intrinsic-header-tests/lit.local.cfg @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -if 'clang' not in config.available_features: +if "clang" not in config.available_features: config.unsupported = True diff --git a/cross-project-tests/lit.cfg.py b/cross-project-tests/lit.cfg.py --- a/cross-project-tests/lit.cfg.py +++ b/cross-project-tests/lit.cfg.py @@ -16,18 +16,18 @@ # Configuration file for the 'lit' test runner. # name: The name of this test suite. -config.name = 'cross-project-tests' +config.name = "cross-project-tests" # testFormat: The test format to use to interpret tests. config.test_format = lit.formats.ShTest(not llvm_config.use_lit_shell) # suffixes: A list of file extensions to treat as test files. -config.suffixes = ['.c', '.cl', '.cpp', '.m'] +config.suffixes = [".c", ".cl", ".cpp", ".m"] # excludes: A list of directories to exclude from the testsuite. The 'Inputs' # subdirectories contain auxiliary inputs for various tests in their parent # directories. -config.excludes = ['Inputs'] +config.excludes = ["Inputs"] # test_source_root: The root path where tests are located. config.test_source_root = config.cross_project_tests_src_root @@ -38,154 +38,191 @@ llvm_config.use_default_substitutions() tools = [ - ToolSubst('%test_debuginfo', command=os.path.join( - config.cross_project_tests_src_root, 'debuginfo-tests', - 'llgdb-tests', 'test_debuginfo.pl')), + ToolSubst( + "%test_debuginfo", + command=os.path.join( + config.cross_project_tests_src_root, + "debuginfo-tests", + "llgdb-tests", + "test_debuginfo.pl", + ), + ), ToolSubst("%llvm_src_root", config.llvm_src_root), ToolSubst("%llvm_tools_dir", config.llvm_tools_dir), ] + def get_required_attr(config, attr_name): - attr_value = getattr(config, attr_name, None) - if attr_value == None: - lit_config.fatal( - "No attribute %r in test configuration! You may need to run " - "tests from your build directory or add this attribute " - "to lit.site.cfg " % attr_name) - return attr_value + attr_value = getattr(config, attr_name, None) + if attr_value == None: + lit_config.fatal( + "No attribute %r in test configuration! You may need to run " + "tests from your build directory or add this attribute " + "to lit.site.cfg " % attr_name + ) + return attr_value + # If this is an MSVC environment, the tests at the root of the tree are # unsupported. The local win_cdb test suite, however, is supported. is_msvc = get_required_attr(config, "is_msvc") if is_msvc: - config.available_features.add('msvc') + config.available_features.add("msvc") # FIXME: We should add some llvm lit utility code to find the Windows SDK # and set up the environment appopriately. - win_sdk = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/10/' - arch = 'x64' - llvm_config.with_system_environment(['LIB', 'LIBPATH', 'INCLUDE']) + win_sdk = "C:/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/10/" + arch = "x64" + llvm_config.with_system_environment(["LIB", "LIBPATH", "INCLUDE"]) # Clear _NT_SYMBOL_PATH to prevent cdb from attempting to load symbols from # the network. - llvm_config.with_environment('_NT_SYMBOL_PATH', '') - tools.append(ToolSubst('%cdb', '"%s"' % os.path.join(win_sdk, 'Debuggers', - arch, 'cdb.exe'))) + llvm_config.with_environment("_NT_SYMBOL_PATH", "") + tools.append( + ToolSubst("%cdb", '"%s"' % os.path.join(win_sdk, "Debuggers", arch, "cdb.exe")) + ) # clang_src_dir and lld_src_dir are not used by these tests, but are required by # use_clang() and use_lld() respectively, so set them to "", if needed. -if not hasattr(config, 'clang_src_dir'): +if not hasattr(config, "clang_src_dir"): config.clang_src_dir = "" -llvm_config.use_clang(required=('clang' in config.llvm_enabled_projects)) +llvm_config.use_clang(required=("clang" in config.llvm_enabled_projects)) -if not hasattr(config, 'lld_src_dir'): +if not hasattr(config, "lld_src_dir"): config.lld_src_dir = "" -llvm_config.use_lld(required=('lld' in config.llvm_enabled_projects)) +llvm_config.use_lld(required=("lld" in config.llvm_enabled_projects)) -if 'compiler-rt' in config.llvm_enabled_projects: - config.available_features.add('compiler-rt') +if "compiler-rt" in config.llvm_enabled_projects: + config.available_features.add("compiler-rt") # Check which debuggers are available: -lldb_path = llvm_config.use_llvm_tool('lldb', search_env='LLDB') +lldb_path = llvm_config.use_llvm_tool("lldb", search_env="LLDB") if lldb_path is not None: - config.available_features.add('lldb') + config.available_features.add("lldb") + def configure_dexter_substitutions(): - """Configure substitutions for host platform and return list of dependencies - """ - # Produce dexter path, lldb path, and combine into the %dexter substitution - # for running a test. - dexter_path = os.path.join(config.cross_project_tests_src_root, - 'debuginfo-tests', 'dexter', 'dexter.py') - dexter_test_cmd = '"{}" "{}" test'.format(sys.executable, dexter_path) - if lldb_path is not None: - dexter_test_cmd += ' --lldb-executable "{}"'.format(lldb_path) - tools.append(ToolSubst('%dexter', dexter_test_cmd)) - - # For testing other bits of dexter that aren't under the "test" subcommand, - # have a %dexter_base substitution. - dexter_base_cmd = '"{}" "{}"'.format(sys.executable, dexter_path) - tools.append(ToolSubst('%dexter_base', dexter_base_cmd)) - - # Set up commands for DexTer regression tests. - # Builder, debugger, optimisation level and several other flags differ - # depending on whether we're running a unix like or windows os. - if platform.system() == 'Windows': - # The Windows builder script uses lld. - dependencies = ['clang', 'lld-link'] - dexter_regression_test_builder = 'clang-cl_vs2015' - dexter_regression_test_debugger = 'dbgeng' - dexter_regression_test_cflags = '/Zi /Od' - dexter_regression_test_ldflags = '/Zi' - else: - # Use lldb as the debugger on non-Windows platforms. - dependencies = ['clang', 'lldb'] - dexter_regression_test_builder = 'clang' - dexter_regression_test_debugger = 'lldb' - dexter_regression_test_cflags = '-O0 -glldb' - dexter_regression_test_ldflags = '' - - tools.append(ToolSubst('%dexter_regression_test_builder', dexter_regression_test_builder)) - tools.append(ToolSubst('%dexter_regression_test_debugger', dexter_regression_test_debugger)) - tools.append(ToolSubst('%dexter_regression_test_cflags', dexter_regression_test_cflags)) - tools.append(ToolSubst('%dexter_regression_test_ldflags', dexter_regression_test_cflags)) - - # Typical command would take the form: - # ./path_to_py/python.exe ./path_to_dex/dexter.py test --fail-lt 1.0 -w --builder clang --debugger lldb --cflags '-O0 -g' - # Exclude build flags for %dexter_regression_base. - dexter_regression_test_base = ' '.join( - # "python", "dexter.py", test, fail_mode, builder, debugger, cflags, ldflags - ['"{}"'.format(sys.executable), - '"{}"'.format(dexter_path), - 'test', - '--fail-lt 1.0 -w', - '--debugger', dexter_regression_test_debugger]) - tools.append(ToolSubst('%dexter_regression_base', dexter_regression_test_base)) - - # Include build flags for %dexter_regression_test. - dexter_regression_test_build = ' '.join([ - dexter_regression_test_base, - '--builder', dexter_regression_test_builder, - '--cflags "', dexter_regression_test_cflags + '"', - '--ldflags "', dexter_regression_test_ldflags + '"']) - tools.append(ToolSubst('%dexter_regression_test', dexter_regression_test_build)) - return dependencies + """Configure substitutions for host platform and return list of dependencies""" + # Produce dexter path, lldb path, and combine into the %dexter substitution + # for running a test. + dexter_path = os.path.join( + config.cross_project_tests_src_root, "debuginfo-tests", "dexter", "dexter.py" + ) + dexter_test_cmd = '"{}" "{}" test'.format(sys.executable, dexter_path) + if lldb_path is not None: + dexter_test_cmd += ' --lldb-executable "{}"'.format(lldb_path) + tools.append(ToolSubst("%dexter", dexter_test_cmd)) + + # For testing other bits of dexter that aren't under the "test" subcommand, + # have a %dexter_base substitution. + dexter_base_cmd = '"{}" "{}"'.format(sys.executable, dexter_path) + tools.append(ToolSubst("%dexter_base", dexter_base_cmd)) + + # Set up commands for DexTer regression tests. + # Builder, debugger, optimisation level and several other flags differ + # depending on whether we're running a unix like or windows os. + if platform.system() == "Windows": + # The Windows builder script uses lld. + dependencies = ["clang", "lld-link"] + dexter_regression_test_builder = "clang-cl_vs2015" + dexter_regression_test_debugger = "dbgeng" + dexter_regression_test_cflags = "/Zi /Od" + dexter_regression_test_ldflags = "/Zi" + else: + # Use lldb as the debugger on non-Windows platforms. + dependencies = ["clang", "lldb"] + dexter_regression_test_builder = "clang" + dexter_regression_test_debugger = "lldb" + dexter_regression_test_cflags = "-O0 -glldb" + dexter_regression_test_ldflags = "" + + tools.append( + ToolSubst("%dexter_regression_test_builder", dexter_regression_test_builder) + ) + tools.append( + ToolSubst("%dexter_regression_test_debugger", dexter_regression_test_debugger) + ) + tools.append( + ToolSubst("%dexter_regression_test_cflags", dexter_regression_test_cflags) + ) + tools.append( + ToolSubst("%dexter_regression_test_ldflags", dexter_regression_test_cflags) + ) + + # Typical command would take the form: + # ./path_to_py/python.exe ./path_to_dex/dexter.py test --fail-lt 1.0 -w --builder clang --debugger lldb --cflags '-O0 -g' + # Exclude build flags for %dexter_regression_base. + dexter_regression_test_base = " ".join( + # "python", "dexter.py", test, fail_mode, builder, debugger, cflags, ldflags + [ + '"{}"'.format(sys.executable), + '"{}"'.format(dexter_path), + "test", + "--fail-lt 1.0 -w", + "--debugger", + dexter_regression_test_debugger, + ] + ) + tools.append(ToolSubst("%dexter_regression_base", dexter_regression_test_base)) + + # Include build flags for %dexter_regression_test. + dexter_regression_test_build = " ".join( + [ + dexter_regression_test_base, + "--builder", + dexter_regression_test_builder, + '--cflags "', + dexter_regression_test_cflags + '"', + '--ldflags "', + dexter_regression_test_ldflags + '"', + ] + ) + tools.append(ToolSubst("%dexter_regression_test", dexter_regression_test_build)) + return dependencies + def add_host_triple(clang): - return '{} --target={}'.format(clang, config.host_triple) + return "{} --target={}".format(clang, config.host_triple) + # The set of arches we can build. targets = set(config.targets_to_build) # Add aliases to the target set. -if 'AArch64' in targets: - targets.add('arm64') -if 'ARM' in config.targets_to_build: - targets.add('thumbv7') +if "AArch64" in targets: + targets.add("arm64") +if "ARM" in config.targets_to_build: + targets.add("thumbv7") + def can_target_host(): - # Check if the targets set contains anything that looks like our host arch. - # The arch name in the triple and targets set may be spelled differently - # (e.g. x86 vs X86). - return any(config.host_triple.lower().startswith(x.lower()) - for x in targets) + # Check if the targets set contains anything that looks like our host arch. + # The arch name in the triple and targets set may be spelled differently + # (e.g. x86 vs X86). + return any(config.host_triple.lower().startswith(x.lower()) for x in targets) + # Dexter tests run on the host machine. If the host arch is supported add # 'dexter' as an available feature and force the dexter tests to use the host # triple. if can_target_host(): - if config.host_triple != config.target_triple: - print('Forcing dexter tests to use host triple {}.'.format(config.host_triple)) - dependencies = configure_dexter_substitutions() - if all(d in config.available_features for d in dependencies): - config.available_features.add('dexter') - llvm_config.with_environment('PATHTOCLANG', - add_host_triple(llvm_config.config.clang)) - llvm_config.with_environment('PATHTOCLANGPP', - add_host_triple(llvm_config.use_llvm_tool('clang++'))) - llvm_config.with_environment('PATHTOCLANGCL', - add_host_triple(llvm_config.use_llvm_tool('clang-cl'))) + if config.host_triple != config.target_triple: + print("Forcing dexter tests to use host triple {}.".format(config.host_triple)) + dependencies = configure_dexter_substitutions() + if all(d in config.available_features for d in dependencies): + config.available_features.add("dexter") + llvm_config.with_environment( + "PATHTOCLANG", add_host_triple(llvm_config.config.clang) + ) + llvm_config.with_environment( + "PATHTOCLANGPP", add_host_triple(llvm_config.use_llvm_tool("clang++")) + ) + llvm_config.with_environment( + "PATHTOCLANGCL", add_host_triple(llvm_config.use_llvm_tool("clang-cl")) + ) else: - print('Host triple {} not supported. Skipping dexter tests in the ' - 'debuginfo-tests project.'.format(config.host_triple)) + print( + "Host triple {} not supported. Skipping dexter tests in the " + "debuginfo-tests project.".format(config.host_triple) + ) tool_dirs = [config.llvm_tools_dir] @@ -193,47 +230,54 @@ lit.util.usePlatformSdkOnDarwin(config, lit_config) -if platform.system() == 'Darwin': - xcode_lldb_vers = subprocess.check_output(['xcrun', 'lldb', '--version']).decode("utf-8") - match = re.search('lldb-(\d+)', xcode_lldb_vers) +if platform.system() == "Darwin": + xcode_lldb_vers = subprocess.check_output(["xcrun", "lldb", "--version"]).decode( + "utf-8" + ) + match = re.search("lldb-(\d+)", xcode_lldb_vers) if match: apple_lldb_vers = int(match.group(1)) if apple_lldb_vers < 1000: - config.available_features.add('apple-lldb-pre-1000') + config.available_features.add("apple-lldb-pre-1000") + def get_gdb_version_string(): - """Return gdb's version string, or None if gdb cannot be found or the - --version output is formatted unexpectedly. - """ - # See if we can get a gdb version, e.g. - # $ gdb --version - # GNU gdb (GDB) 10.2 - # ...More stuff... - try: - gdb_vers_lines = subprocess.check_output(['gdb', '--version']).decode().splitlines() - except: - return None # We coudln't find gdb or something went wrong running it. - if len(gdb_vers_lines) < 1: - print("Unkown GDB version format (too few lines)", file=sys.stderr) - return None - match = re.search('GNU gdb \(.*?\) ((\d|\.)+)', gdb_vers_lines[0].strip()) - if match is None: - print(f"Unkown GDB version format: {gdb_vers_lines[0]}", file=sys.stderr) - return None - return match.group(1) + """Return gdb's version string, or None if gdb cannot be found or the + --version output is formatted unexpectedly. + """ + # See if we can get a gdb version, e.g. + # $ gdb --version + # GNU gdb (GDB) 10.2 + # ...More stuff... + try: + gdb_vers_lines = ( + subprocess.check_output(["gdb", "--version"]).decode().splitlines() + ) + except: + return None # We coudln't find gdb or something went wrong running it. + if len(gdb_vers_lines) < 1: + print("Unkown GDB version format (too few lines)", file=sys.stderr) + return None + match = re.search("GNU gdb \(.*?\) ((\d|\.)+)", gdb_vers_lines[0].strip()) + if match is None: + print(f"Unkown GDB version format: {gdb_vers_lines[0]}", file=sys.stderr) + return None + return match.group(1) + def get_clang_default_dwarf_version_string(triple): - """Return the default dwarf version string for clang on this (host) platform - or None if we can't work it out. - """ - # Get the flags passed by the driver and look for -dwarf-version. - cmd = f'{llvm_config.use_llvm_tool("clang")} -g -xc -c - -v -### --target={triple}' - stderr = subprocess.run(cmd.split(), stderr=subprocess.PIPE).stderr.decode() - match = re.search('-dwarf-version=(\d+)', stderr) - if match is None: - print("Cannot determine default dwarf version", file=sys.stderr) - return None - return match.group(1) + """Return the default dwarf version string for clang on this (host) platform + or None if we can't work it out. + """ + # Get the flags passed by the driver and look for -dwarf-version. + cmd = f'{llvm_config.use_llvm_tool("clang")} -g -xc -c - -v -### --target={triple}' + stderr = subprocess.run(cmd.split(), stderr=subprocess.PIPE).stderr.decode() + match = re.search("-dwarf-version=(\d+)", stderr) + if match is None: + print("Cannot determine default dwarf version", file=sys.stderr) + return None + return match.group(1) + # Some cross-project-tests use gdb, but not all versions of gdb are compatible # with clang's dwarf. Add feature `gdb-clang-incompatibility` to signal that @@ -242,17 +286,18 @@ dwarf_version_string = get_clang_default_dwarf_version_string(config.host_triple) gdb_version_string = get_gdb_version_string() if dwarf_version_string and gdb_version_string: - if int(dwarf_version_string) >= 5: - if LooseVersion(gdb_version_string) < LooseVersion('10.1'): - # Example for llgdb-tests, which use lldb on darwin but gdb elsewhere: - # XFAIL: !system-darwin && gdb-clang-incompatibility - config.available_features.add('gdb-clang-incompatibility') - print("XFAIL some tests: use gdb version >= 10.1 to restore test coverage", file=sys.stderr) - -llvm_config.feature_config( - [('--build-mode', {'Debug|RelWithDebInfo': 'debug-info'})] -) + if int(dwarf_version_string) >= 5: + if LooseVersion(gdb_version_string) < LooseVersion("10.1"): + # Example for llgdb-tests, which use lldb on darwin but gdb elsewhere: + # XFAIL: !system-darwin && gdb-clang-incompatibility + config.available_features.add("gdb-clang-incompatibility") + print( + "XFAIL some tests: use gdb version >= 10.1 to restore test coverage", + file=sys.stderr, + ) + +llvm_config.feature_config([("--build-mode", {"Debug|RelWithDebInfo": "debug-info"})]) # Allow 'REQUIRES: XXX-registered-target' in tests. for arch in config.targets_to_build: - config.available_features.add(arch.lower() + '-registered-target') + config.available_features.add(arch.lower() + "-registered-target") diff --git a/flang/docs/FIR/CreateFIRLangRef.py b/flang/docs/FIR/CreateFIRLangRef.py --- a/flang/docs/FIR/CreateFIRLangRef.py +++ b/flang/docs/FIR/CreateFIRLangRef.py @@ -4,16 +4,16 @@ import os # These paths are relative to flang/docs in the build directory, not source, as that's where this tool is executed. -HEADER_PATH = os.path.join('Source', 'FIR', 'FIRLangRef_Header.md') -DOCS_PATH = os.path.join('Dialect', 'FIRLangRef.md') -OUTPUT_PATH = os.path.join('Source', 'FIRLangRef.md') +HEADER_PATH = os.path.join("Source", "FIR", "FIRLangRef_Header.md") +DOCS_PATH = os.path.join("Dialect", "FIRLangRef.md") +OUTPUT_PATH = os.path.join("Source", "FIRLangRef.md") # 1. Writes line 1 from docs to output, (comment line that the file is autogenerated) # 2. Adds a new line # 3. Writes the entire header to the output file # 4. Writes the remainder of docs to the output file -with open(OUTPUT_PATH, 'w') as output: - with open(HEADER_PATH, 'r') as header, open(DOCS_PATH, 'r') as docs: +with open(OUTPUT_PATH, "w") as output: + with open(HEADER_PATH, "r") as header, open(DOCS_PATH, "r") as docs: output.write(docs.readline()) output.write("\n") output.write(header.read()) diff --git a/flang/docs/conf.py b/flang/docs/conf.py --- a/flang/docs/conf.py +++ b/flang/docs/conf.py @@ -16,76 +16,79 @@ # If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, # add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the # documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here. -#sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.')) +# sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.')) # -- General configuration ----------------------------------------------------- # https://github.com/readthedocs/recommonmark/issues/177 -#Method used to remove the warning message. +# Method used to remove the warning message. class CustomCommonMarkParser(CommonMarkParser): def visit_document(self, node): pass # If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here. -#needs_sphinx = '1.0' +# needs_sphinx = '1.0' # Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be extensions # coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom ones. -extensions = ['sphinx.ext.todo', 'sphinx.ext.mathjax', 'sphinx.ext.intersphinx'] +extensions = ["sphinx.ext.todo", "sphinx.ext.mathjax", "sphinx.ext.intersphinx"] # Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory. -templates_path = ['_templates'] +templates_path = ["_templates"] # The suffix of source filenames. source_suffix = { - '.rst': 'restructuredtext', + ".rst": "restructuredtext", } try: - import recommonmark + import recommonmark except ImportError: - # manpages do not use any .md sources - if not tags.has('builder-man'): - raise + # manpages do not use any .md sources + if not tags.has("builder-man"): + raise else: - import sphinx - if sphinx.version_info >= (3, 0): - # This requires 0.5 or later. - extensions.append('recommonmark') - else: - source_parsers = {'.md': CustomCommonMarkParser} - source_suffix['.md'] = 'markdown' - extensions.append('sphinx_markdown_tables') - - # Setup AutoStructify for inline .rst toctrees in index.md - from recommonmark.transform import AutoStructify - - # Stolen from https://github.com/readthedocs/recommonmark/issues/93 - # Monkey patch to fix recommonmark 0.4 doc reference issues. - from recommonmark.states import DummyStateMachine - orig_run_role = DummyStateMachine.run_role - def run_role(self, name, options=None, content=None): - if name == 'doc': - name = 'any' - return orig_run_role(self, name, options, content) - DummyStateMachine.run_role = run_role - - def setup(app): - # Disable inline math to avoid - # https://github.com/readthedocs/recommonmark/issues/120 in Extensions.md - app.add_config_value('recommonmark_config', { - 'enable_inline_math': False - }, True) - app.add_transform(AutoStructify) + import sphinx + + if sphinx.version_info >= (3, 0): + # This requires 0.5 or later. + extensions.append("recommonmark") + else: + source_parsers = {".md": CustomCommonMarkParser} + source_suffix[".md"] = "markdown" + extensions.append("sphinx_markdown_tables") + + # Setup AutoStructify for inline .rst toctrees in index.md + from recommonmark.transform import AutoStructify + + # Stolen from https://github.com/readthedocs/recommonmark/issues/93 + # Monkey patch to fix recommonmark 0.4 doc reference issues. + from recommonmark.states import DummyStateMachine + + orig_run_role = DummyStateMachine.run_role + + def run_role(self, name, options=None, content=None): + if name == "doc": + name = "any" + return orig_run_role(self, name, options, content) + + DummyStateMachine.run_role = run_role + + def setup(app): + # Disable inline math to avoid + # https://github.com/readthedocs/recommonmark/issues/120 in Extensions.md + app.add_config_value("recommonmark_config", {"enable_inline_math": False}, True) + app.add_transform(AutoStructify) + # The encoding of source files. -#source_encoding = 'utf-8-sig' +# source_encoding = 'utf-8-sig' # The master toctree document. -master_doc = 'index' +master_doc = "index" # General information about the project. -project = u'Flang' -copyright = u'2017-%d, The Flang Team' % date.today().year +project = "Flang" +copyright = "2017-%d, The Flang Team" % date.today().year # The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for # |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the @@ -94,138 +97,136 @@ # everytime a new release comes out. # # The short version. -#version = '0' +# version = '0' # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags. -#release = '0' +# release = '0' # The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation # for a list of supported languages. -#language = None +# language = None # There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some # non-false value, then it is used: -#today = '' +# today = '' # Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call. -#today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y' +# today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y' # List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and # directories to ignore when looking for source files. -exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'analyzer'] +exclude_patterns = ["_build", "analyzer"] # The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all documents. -#default_role = None +# default_role = None # If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text. -#add_function_parentheses = True +# add_function_parentheses = True # If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description # unit titles (such as .. function::). -#add_module_names = True +# add_module_names = True # If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the # output. They are ignored by default. -#show_authors = False +# show_authors = False # The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use. -pygments_style = 'friendly' +pygments_style = "friendly" # A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting. -#modindex_common_prefix = [] +# modindex_common_prefix = [] # -- Options for HTML output --------------------------------------------------- # The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for # a list of builtin themes. -html_theme = 'llvm-theme' +html_theme = "llvm-theme" # Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme # further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the # documentation. -html_theme_options = { "nosidebar": False } +html_theme_options = {"nosidebar": False} # Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory. html_theme_path = ["_themes"] # Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory. -#html_theme_path = [] +# html_theme_path = [] # The name for this set of Sphinx documents. If None, it defaults to # " v documentation". -html_title = 'The Flang Compiler' +html_title = "The Flang Compiler" # A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title. -#html_short_title = None +# html_short_title = None # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top # of the sidebar. -#html_logo = None +# html_logo = None # The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the # docs. This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32 # pixels large. -#html_favicon = None +# html_favicon = None # Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here, # relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files, # so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css". -html_static_path = ['_static'] +html_static_path = ["_static"] html_context = { - 'css_files': [ - '_static/llvm.css' - ], - } + "css_files": ["_static/llvm.css"], +} # If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom, # using the given strftime format. -html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y' +html_last_updated_fmt = "%b %d, %Y" # If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to # typographically correct entities. -#html_use_smartypants = True +# html_use_smartypants = True # Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names. html_sidebars = { - '**': [ - 'indexsidebar.html', - 'searchbox.html', + "**": [ + "indexsidebar.html", + "searchbox.html", ] } # Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to # template names. -#html_additional_pages = {} +# html_additional_pages = {} # If false, no module index is generated. -#html_domain_indices = True +# html_domain_indices = True # If false, no index is generated. -#html_use_index = True +# html_use_index = True # If true, the index is split into individual pages for each letter. -#html_split_index = False +# html_split_index = False # If true, links to the reST sources are added to the pages. -#html_show_sourcelink = True +# html_show_sourcelink = True # If true, "Created using Sphinx" is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True. -#html_show_sphinx = True +# html_show_sphinx = True # If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True. -#html_show_copyright = True +# html_show_copyright = True # If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will # contain a tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the # base URL from which the finished HTML is served. -#html_use_opensearch = '' +# html_use_opensearch = '' # This is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml"). -#html_file_suffix = None +# html_file_suffix = None # Output file base name for HTML help builder. -htmlhelp_basename = 'Flangdoc' +htmlhelp_basename = "Flangdoc" # If true, the reST sources are included in the HTML build as # _sources/name. The default is True. @@ -234,42 +235,39 @@ # -- Options for LaTeX output -------------------------------------------------- latex_elements = { -# The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper'). -#'papersize': 'letterpaper', - -# The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). -#'pointsize': '10pt', - -# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. -#'preamble': '', + # The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper'). + #'papersize': 'letterpaper', + # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). + #'pointsize': '10pt', + # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. + #'preamble': '', } # Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, author, documentclass [howto/manual]). latex_documents = [ - ('Overview', 'Flang.tex', u'Flang Documentation', - u'The Flang Team', 'manual'), + ("Overview", "Flang.tex", "Flang Documentation", "The Flang Team", "manual"), ] # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of # the title page. -#latex_logo = None +# latex_logo = None # For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts, # not chapters. -#latex_use_parts = False +# latex_use_parts = False # If true, show page references after internal links. -#latex_show_pagerefs = False +# latex_show_pagerefs = False # If true, show URL addresses after external links. -#latex_show_urls = False +# latex_show_urls = False # Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. -#latex_appendices = [] +# latex_appendices = [] # If false, no module index is generated. -#latex_domain_indices = True +# latex_domain_indices = True # -- Options for manual page output -------------------------------------------- @@ -279,7 +277,7 @@ man_pages = [] # If true, show URL addresses after external links. -#man_show_urls = False +# man_show_urls = False # -- Options for Texinfo output ------------------------------------------------ @@ -288,16 +286,22 @@ # (source start file, target name, title, author, # dir menu entry, description, category) texinfo_documents = [ - ('Overview', 'Flang', u'Flang Documentation', - u'The Flang Team', 'Flang', 'A Fortran front end for LLVM.', - 'Miscellaneous'), + ( + "Overview", + "Flang", + "Flang Documentation", + "The Flang Team", + "Flang", + "A Fortran front end for LLVM.", + "Miscellaneous", + ), ] # Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. -#texinfo_appendices = [] +# texinfo_appendices = [] # If false, no module index is generated. -#texinfo_domain_indices = True +# texinfo_domain_indices = True # How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'. -#texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote' +# texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote' diff --git a/flang/examples/FlangOmpReport/yaml_summarizer.py b/flang/examples/FlangOmpReport/yaml_summarizer.py --- a/flang/examples/FlangOmpReport/yaml_summarizer.py +++ b/flang/examples/FlangOmpReport/yaml_summarizer.py @@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ from ruamel.yaml import YAML + def find_yaml_files(search_directory: Path, search_pattern: str): """ Find all '.yaml' files and returns an iglob iterator to them. @@ -90,10 +91,13 @@ # been generated with 'flang-omp-report' or not. This might result in the script # reading files that it should ignore. if search_directory: - return glob.iglob(str(search_directory.joinpath(search_pattern)), recursive=True) + return glob.iglob( + str(search_directory.joinpath(search_pattern)), recursive=True + ) return glob.iglob(str("/" + search_pattern), recursive=True) + def process_log(data, result: list): """ Process the data input as a 'log' to the result array. This esssentially just @@ -104,11 +108,16 @@ result -- Array to add the processed data to. """ for datum in data: - items = result.get(datum['file'], []) - items.append({"construct" : datum['construct'], - "line" : datum['line'], - "clauses" : datum['clauses']}) - result[datum['file']] = items + items = result.get(datum["file"], []) + items.append( + { + "construct": datum["construct"], + "line": datum["line"], + "clauses": datum["clauses"], + } + ) + result[datum["file"]] = items + def add_clause(datum, construct): """ @@ -119,8 +128,8 @@ datum -- Data construct containing clauses to check. construct -- Construct to add or increment clause count. """ - to_check = [i['clause'] for i in construct['clauses']] - to_add = [i['clause'] for i in datum['clauses']] + to_check = [i["clause"] for i in construct["clauses"]] + to_add = [i["clause"] for i in datum["clauses"]] clauses = construct["clauses"] for item in to_add: if item in to_check: @@ -128,8 +137,8 @@ if clause["clause"] == item: clause["count"] += 1 else: - clauses.append({"clause" : item, - "count" : 1}) + clauses.append({"clause": item, "count": 1}) + def process_summary(data, result: dict): """ @@ -140,37 +149,40 @@ result -- Dictionary to add the processed data to. """ for datum in data: - construct = next((item for item in result - if item["construct"] == datum["construct"]), None) + construct = next( + (item for item in result if item["construct"] == datum["construct"]), None + ) clauses = [] # Add the construct and clauses to the summary if # they haven't been seen before if not construct: - for i in datum['clauses']: - clauses.append({"clause" : i['clause'], - "count" : 1}) - result.append({"construct" : datum['construct'], - "count" : 1, - "clauses" : clauses}) + for i in datum["clauses"]: + clauses.append({"clause": i["clause"], "count": 1}) + result.append( + {"construct": datum["construct"], "count": 1, "clauses": clauses} + ) else: construct["count"] += 1 add_clause(datum, construct) + def clean_summary(result): - """ Cleans the result after processing the yaml files with summary format.""" + """Cleans the result after processing the yaml files with summary format.""" # Remove all "clauses" that are empty to keep things compact for construct in result: if construct["clauses"] == []: construct.pop("clauses") + def clean_log(result): - """ Cleans the result after processing the yaml files with log format.""" + """Cleans the result after processing the yaml files with log format.""" for constructs in result.values(): for construct in constructs: if construct["clauses"] == []: construct.pop("clauses") + def output_result(yaml: YAML, result, output_file: Path): """ Outputs result to either 'stdout' or to a output file. @@ -181,7 +193,7 @@ outputted to 'stdout'. """ if output_file: - with open(output_file, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as file: + with open(output_file, "w+", encoding="utf-8") as file: if output_file.suffix == ".yaml": yaml.dump(result, file) else: @@ -189,8 +201,10 @@ else: yaml.dump(result, sys.stdout) -def process_yaml(search_directories: list, search_pattern: str, - result_format: str, output_file: Path): + +def process_yaml( + search_directories: list, search_pattern: str, result_format: str, output_file: Path +): """ Reads each yaml file, calls the appropiate format function for the file and then ouputs the result to either 'stdout' or to an output file. @@ -215,7 +229,7 @@ for search_directory in search_directories: for file in find_yaml_files(search_directory, search_pattern): - with open(file, "r", encoding='utf-8') as yaml_file: + with open(file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as yaml_file: data = yaml.load(yaml_file) action(data, result) @@ -224,24 +238,45 @@ output_result(yaml, result, output_file) + def create_arg_parser(): - """ Create and return a argparse.ArgumentParser modified for script. """ + """Create and return a argparse.ArgumentParser modified for script.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() - parser.add_argument("-d", "--directory", help="Specify a directory to scan", - dest="dir", type=str) - parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", help="Writes to a file instead of\ - stdout", dest="output", type=str) - parser.add_argument("-r", "--recursive", help="Recursive search for .yaml files", - dest="recursive", type=bool, nargs='?', const=True, default=False) + parser.add_argument( + "-d", "--directory", help="Specify a directory to scan", dest="dir", type=str + ) + parser.add_argument( + "-o", + "--output", + help="Writes to a file instead of\ + stdout", + dest="output", + type=str, + ) + parser.add_argument( + "-r", + "--recursive", + help="Recursive search for .yaml files", + dest="recursive", + type=bool, + nargs="?", + const=True, + default=False, + ) exclusive_parser = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() - exclusive_parser.add_argument("-l", "--log", help="Modifies report format: " - "Combines the log '.yaml' files into one file.", - action='store_true', dest='log') + exclusive_parser.add_argument( + "-l", + "--log", + help="Modifies report format: " "Combines the log '.yaml' files into one file.", + action="store_true", + dest="log", + ) return parser + def parse_arguments(): - """ Parses arguments given to script and returns a tuple of processed arguments. """ + """Parses arguments given to script and returns a tuple of processed arguments.""" parser = create_arg_parser() args = parser.parse_args() @@ -270,13 +305,15 @@ return (search_directory, search_pattern, result_format, output_file) + def main(): - """ Main function of script. """ + """Main function of script.""" (search_directory, search_pattern, result_format, output_file) = parse_arguments() process_yaml(search_directory, search_pattern, result_format, output_file) return 0 + if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main()) diff --git a/flang/test/Evaluate/test_folding.py b/flang/test/Evaluate/test_folding.py --- a/flang/test/Evaluate/test_folding.py +++ b/flang/test/Evaluate/test_folding.py @@ -40,12 +40,14 @@ from difflib import unified_diff from pathlib import Path + def check_args(args): """Verifies that the number is arguments passed is correct.""" if len(args) < 3: print(f"Usage: {args[0]} ") sys.exit(1) + def set_source(source): """Sets the path to the source files.""" if not Path(source).is_file(): @@ -53,6 +55,7 @@ sys.exit(1) return Path(source) + def set_executable(exe): """Sets the path to the Flang frontend driver.""" if not Path(exe).is_file(): @@ -60,10 +63,11 @@ sys.exit(1) return str(Path(exe)) + check_args(sys.argv) cwd = os.getcwd() srcdir = set_source(sys.argv[1]).resolve() -with open(srcdir, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f: +with open(srcdir, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: src = f.readlines() src1 = "" src2 = "" @@ -77,7 +81,7 @@ flang_fc1 = set_executable(sys.argv[2]) flang_fc1_args = sys.argv[3:] flang_fc1_options = "" -LIBPGMATH = os.getenv('LIBPGMATH') +LIBPGMATH = os.getenv("LIBPGMATH") if LIBPGMATH: flang_fc1_options = ["-fdebug-dump-symbols", "-DTEST_LIBPGMATH"] print("Assuming libpgmath support") @@ -87,8 +91,14 @@ cmd = [flang_fc1, *flang_fc1_args, *flang_fc1_options, str(srcdir)] with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: - proc = subprocess.run(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, - check=True, universal_newlines=True, cwd=tmpdir) + proc = subprocess.run( + cmd, + stdout=subprocess.PIPE, + stderr=subprocess.PIPE, + check=True, + universal_newlines=True, + cwd=tmpdir, + ) src1 = proc.stdout messages = proc.stderr @@ -125,8 +135,9 @@ expected_warnings += f"{i}:{x}\n" warnings = [] -for line in unified_diff(actual_warnings.split("\n"), - expected_warnings.split("\n"), n=0): +for line in unified_diff( + actual_warnings.split("\n"), expected_warnings.split("\n"), n=0 +): line = re.sub(r"(^\-)(\d+:)", r"\nactual at \g<2>", line) line = re.sub(r"(^\+)(\d+:)", r"\nexpect at \g<2>", line) warning_diffs += line @@ -152,4 +163,3 @@ print() print(f"All {passed_results+passed_warnings} tests passed") print("PASS") - diff --git a/flang/test/NonGtestUnit/lit.cfg.py b/flang/test/NonGtestUnit/lit.cfg.py --- a/flang/test/NonGtestUnit/lit.cfg.py +++ b/flang/test/NonGtestUnit/lit.cfg.py @@ -2,15 +2,20 @@ import lit.Test -config.name = 'flang-OldUnit' +config.name = "flang-OldUnit" config.suffixes = [".test"] -config.test_source_root = os.path.join(config.flang_obj_root, 'unittests') +config.test_source_root = os.path.join(config.flang_obj_root, "unittests") config.test_exec_root = config.test_source_root config.test_format = lit.formats.ExecutableTest() -path = os.path.pathsep.join((config.flang_libs_dir, config.llvm_libs_dir, - config.environment.get('LD_LIBRARY_PATH',''))) -config.environment['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = path +path = os.path.pathsep.join( + ( + config.flang_libs_dir, + config.llvm_libs_dir, + config.environment.get("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", ""), + ) +) +config.environment["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = path diff --git a/flang/test/Semantics/common.py b/flang/test/Semantics/common.py --- a/flang/test/Semantics/common.py +++ b/flang/test/Semantics/common.py @@ -4,12 +4,14 @@ import sys from pathlib import Path + def set_source(source): """Checks whether the source file exists and returns its path.""" if not Path(source).is_file(): die(source) return Path(source) + def set_executable(executable): """Checks whether a Flang executable has been set and returns its path.""" flang_fc1 = Path(executable) @@ -17,11 +19,13 @@ die(flang_fc1) return str(flang_fc1) + def set_temp(tmp): """Sets a temporary directory or creates one if it doesn't exist.""" os.makedirs(Path(tmp), exist_ok=True) return Path(tmp) + def die(file=None): """Used in other functions.""" if file is None: @@ -30,15 +34,16 @@ print(f"{sys.argv[0]}: File not found: {file}") sys.exit(1) + def check_args(args): """Verifies that 2 arguments have been passed.""" if len(args) < 3: print(f"Usage: {args[0]} ") sys.exit(1) + def check_args_long(args): """Verifies that 3 arguments have been passed.""" if len(args) < 4: print(f"Usage: {args[0]} ") sys.exit(1) - diff --git a/flang/test/Semantics/test_errors.py b/flang/test/Semantics/test_errors.py --- a/flang/test/Semantics/test_errors.py +++ b/flang/test/Semantics/test_errors.py @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ cm.check_args(sys.argv) srcdir = cm.set_source(sys.argv[1]) -with open(srcdir, 'r') as f: +with open(srcdir, "r") as f: src = f.readlines() actual = "" expect = "" @@ -32,8 +32,14 @@ cmd = [flang_fc1, *flang_fc1_args, flang_fc1_options, str(srcdir)] with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: try: - proc = subprocess.run(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, - check=True, universal_newlines=True, cwd=tmpdir) + proc = subprocess.run( + cmd, + stdout=subprocess.PIPE, + stderr=subprocess.PIPE, + check=True, + universal_newlines=True, + cwd=tmpdir, + ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: log = e.stderr if e.returncode >= 128: @@ -41,11 +47,11 @@ sys.exit(1) # Cleans up the output from the compilation process to be easier to process -for line in log.split('\n'): +for line in log.split("\n"): m = re.search(r"[^:]*:(\d+:).*(?:error|warning|portability|because):(.*)", line) if m: if re.search(r"warning: .*fold.*host", line): - continue # ignore host-dependent folding warnings + continue # ignore host-dependent folding warnings actual += m.expand(r"\1\2\n") # Gets the expected errors and their line numbers diff --git a/flang/test/Semantics/test_modfile.py b/flang/test/Semantics/test_modfile.py --- a/flang/test/Semantics/test_modfile.py +++ b/flang/test/Semantics/test_modfile.py @@ -41,12 +41,13 @@ prev_files = set(os.listdir(tmpdir)) cmd = [flang_fc1, *flang_fc_args, flang_fc1_options, str(src)] - proc = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, - universal_newlines=True, cwd=tmpdir) + proc = subprocess.check_output( + cmd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, cwd=tmpdir + ) actual_files = set(os.listdir(tmpdir)).difference(prev_files) # The first 3 bytes of the files are an UTF-8 BOM - with open(src, 'r', encoding="utf-8", errors="strict") as f: + with open(src, "r", encoding="utf-8", errors="strict") as f: for line in f: m = re.search(r"^!Expect: (.*)", line) if m: @@ -62,13 +63,13 @@ if not mod.is_file(): print(f"Compilation did not produce expected mod file: {mod}") sys.exit(1) - with open(mod, 'r', encoding="utf-8", errors="strict") as f: + with open(mod, "r", encoding="utf-8", errors="strict") as f: for line in f: if "!mod$" in line: continue actual += line - with open(src, 'r', encoding="utf-8", errors="strict") as f: + with open(src, "r", encoding="utf-8", errors="strict") as f: for line in f: if f"!Expect: {mod.name}" in line: for line in f: @@ -77,9 +78,15 @@ m = re.sub(r"^!", "", line.lstrip()) expect += m - diffs = "\n".join(unified_diff(actual.replace(" ", "").split("\n"), - expect.replace(" ", "").split("\n"), - fromfile=mod.name, tofile="Expect", n=999999)) + diffs = "\n".join( + unified_diff( + actual.replace(" ", "").split("\n"), + expect.replace(" ", "").split("\n"), + fromfile=mod.name, + tofile="Expect", + n=999999, + ) + ) if diffs != "": print(diffs) @@ -89,4 +96,3 @@ print() print("PASS") - diff --git a/flang/test/Semantics/test_symbols.py b/flang/test/Semantics/test_symbols.py --- a/flang/test/Semantics/test_symbols.py +++ b/flang/test/Semantics/test_symbols.py @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ flang_fc1_options = "-fdebug-unparse-with-symbols" # Strips out blank lines and all comments except for "!DEF:", "!REF:", "!$acc" and "!$omp" -with open(src, 'r') as text_in: +with open(src, "r") as text_in: for line in text_in: text = re.sub(r"!(?![DR]EF:|\$omp|\$acc).*", "", line) text = re.sub(r"^\s*$", "", text) @@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ # Compiles, inserting comments for symbols: cmd = [flang_fc1, *flang_fc1_args, flang_fc1_options] with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: - diff3 = subprocess.check_output(cmd, input=diff2, universal_newlines=True, cwd=tmpdir) + diff3 = subprocess.check_output( + cmd, input=diff2, universal_newlines=True, cwd=tmpdir + ) # Removes all whitespace to compare differences in files diff1 = diff1.replace(" ", "") @@ -49,8 +51,15 @@ diff_check = "" # Compares the input with the output -diff_check = "\n".join(unified_diff(diff1.split("\n"), diff3.split("\n"), n=999999, - fromfile="Expected_output", tofile="Actual_output")) +diff_check = "\n".join( + unified_diff( + diff1.split("\n"), + diff3.split("\n"), + n=999999, + fromfile="Expected_output", + tofile="Actual_output", + ) +) if diff_check != "": print(diff_check.replace(" ", "")) @@ -60,4 +69,3 @@ else: print() print("PASS") - diff --git a/flang/test/Unit/lit.cfg.py b/flang/test/Unit/lit.cfg.py --- a/flang/test/Unit/lit.cfg.py +++ b/flang/test/Unit/lit.cfg.py @@ -7,29 +7,36 @@ import lit.formats # name: The name of this test suite. -config.name = 'flang-Unit' +config.name = "flang-Unit" # suffixes: A list of file extensions to treat as test files. -config.suffixes = [] +config.suffixes = [] # test_source_root: The root path where unit test binaries are located. # test_exec_root: The root path where tests should be run. -config.test_source_root = os.path.join(config.flang_obj_root, 'unittests') +config.test_source_root = os.path.join(config.flang_obj_root, "unittests") config.test_exec_root = config.test_source_root # testFormat: The test format to use to interpret tests. -config.test_format = lit.formats.GoogleTest(config.llvm_build_mode, 'Tests') +config.test_format = lit.formats.GoogleTest(config.llvm_build_mode, "Tests") # Tweak the PATH to include the tools dir. -path = os.path.pathsep.join((config.flang_tools_dir, config.llvm_tools_dir, config.environment['PATH'])) -config.environment['PATH'] = path - -path = os.path.pathsep.join((config.flang_libs_dir, config.llvm_libs_dir, - config.environment.get('LD_LIBRARY_PATH',''))) -config.environment['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = path +path = os.path.pathsep.join( + (config.flang_tools_dir, config.llvm_tools_dir, config.environment["PATH"]) +) +config.environment["PATH"] = path + +path = os.path.pathsep.join( + ( + config.flang_libs_dir, + config.llvm_libs_dir, + config.environment.get("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", ""), + ) +) +config.environment["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = path # Propagate PYTHON_EXECUTABLE into the environment -#config.environment['PYTHON_EXECUTABLE'] = sys.executable +# config.environment['PYTHON_EXECUTABLE'] = sys.executable # To modify the default target triple for flang tests. if config.flang_test_triple: diff --git a/flang/test/lib/lit.local.cfg b/flang/test/lib/lit.local.cfg --- a/flang/test/lib/lit.local.cfg +++ b/flang/test/lib/lit.local.cfg @@ -1,7 +1,28 @@ - -# Excluding .cpp file from the extensions since from this level down they are used for the development -config.suffixes = ['.c', '.f', '.F', '.ff', '.FOR', '.for', '.f77', '.f90', '.F90', - '.ff90', '.f95', '.F95', '.ff95', '.fpp', '.FPP', '.cuf' - '.CUF', '.f18', '.F18', '.f03', '.F03', '.f08', '.F08', - '.ll', '.fir', '.mlir'] - +# Excluding .cpp file from the extensions since from this level down they are used for the development +config.suffixes = [ + ".c", + ".f", + ".F", + ".ff", + ".FOR", + ".for", + ".f77", + ".f90", + ".F90", + ".ff90", + ".f95", + ".F95", + ".ff95", + ".fpp", + ".FPP", + ".cuf" ".CUF", + ".f18", + ".F18", + ".f03", + ".F03", + ".f08", + ".F08", + ".ll", + ".fir", + ".mlir", +] diff --git a/flang/test/lit.cfg.py b/flang/test/lit.cfg.py --- a/flang/test/lit.cfg.py +++ b/flang/test/lit.cfg.py @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ # Configuration file for the 'lit' test runner. # name: The name of this test suite. -config.name = 'Flang' +config.name = "Flang" # testFormat: The test format to use to interpret tests. # @@ -25,25 +25,48 @@ config.test_format = lit.formats.ShTest(not llvm_config.use_lit_shell) # suffixes: A list of file extensions to treat as test files. -config.suffixes = ['.c', '.cpp', '.f', '.F', '.ff', '.FOR', '.for', '.f77', '.f90', '.F90', - '.ff90', '.f95', '.F95', '.ff95', '.fpp', '.FPP', '.cuf' - '.CUF', '.f18', '.F18', '.f03', '.F03', '.f08', '.F08', - '.ll', '.fir', '.mlir'] - -config.substitutions.append(('%PATH%', config.environment['PATH'])) -config.substitutions.append(('%llvmshlibdir', config.llvm_shlib_dir)) -config.substitutions.append(('%pluginext', config.llvm_plugin_ext)) +config.suffixes = [ + ".c", + ".cpp", + ".f", + ".F", + ".ff", + ".FOR", + ".for", + ".f77", + ".f90", + ".F90", + ".ff90", + ".f95", + ".F95", + ".ff95", + ".fpp", + ".FPP", + ".cuf" ".CUF", + ".f18", + ".F18", + ".f03", + ".F03", + ".f08", + ".F08", + ".ll", + ".fir", + ".mlir", +] + +config.substitutions.append(("%PATH%", config.environment["PATH"])) +config.substitutions.append(("%llvmshlibdir", config.llvm_shlib_dir)) +config.substitutions.append(("%pluginext", config.llvm_plugin_ext)) llvm_config.use_default_substitutions() # ask llvm-config about asserts -llvm_config.feature_config( - [('--assertion-mode', {'ON': 'asserts'})]) +llvm_config.feature_config([("--assertion-mode", {"ON": "asserts"})]) # Targets config.targets = frozenset(config.targets_to_build.split()) for arch in config.targets_to_build.split(): - config.available_features.add(arch.lower() + '-registered-target') + config.available_features.add(arch.lower() + "-registered-target") # To modify the default target triple for flang tests. if config.flang_test_triple: @@ -53,81 +76,103 @@ # excludes: A list of directories to exclude from the testsuite. The 'Inputs' # subdirectories contain auxiliary inputs for various tests in their parent # directories. -config.excludes = ['Inputs', 'CMakeLists.txt', 'README.txt', 'LICENSE.txt'] +config.excludes = ["Inputs", "CMakeLists.txt", "README.txt", "LICENSE.txt"] # If the flang examples are built, add examples to the config if config.flang_examples: - config.available_features.add('examples') + config.available_features.add("examples") # Plugins (loadable modules) if config.has_plugins: - config.available_features.add('plugins') + config.available_features.add("plugins") if config.linked_bye_extension: - config.substitutions.append(('%loadbye', '')) + config.substitutions.append(("%loadbye", "")) else: - config.substitutions.append(('%loadbye', - '-fpass-plugin={}/Bye{}'.format(config.llvm_shlib_dir, - config.llvm_plugin_ext))) + config.substitutions.append( + ( + "%loadbye", + "-fpass-plugin={}/Bye{}".format( + config.llvm_shlib_dir, config.llvm_plugin_ext + ), + ) + ) # test_source_root: The root path where tests are located. config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__) # test_exec_root: The root path where tests should be run. -config.test_exec_root = os.path.join(config.flang_obj_root, 'test') +config.test_exec_root = os.path.join(config.flang_obj_root, "test") # Tweak the PATH to include the tools dir. -llvm_config.with_environment('PATH', config.flang_tools_dir, append_path=True) -llvm_config.with_environment('PATH', config.llvm_tools_dir, append_path=True) +llvm_config.with_environment("PATH", config.flang_tools_dir, append_path=True) +llvm_config.with_environment("PATH", config.llvm_tools_dir, append_path=True) if config.flang_standalone_build: # For builds with FIR, set path for tco and enable related tests if config.flang_llvm_tools_dir != "": - config.available_features.add('fir') + config.available_features.add("fir") if config.llvm_tools_dir != config.flang_llvm_tools_dir: - llvm_config.with_environment('PATH', config.flang_llvm_tools_dir, append_path=True) + llvm_config.with_environment( + "PATH", config.flang_llvm_tools_dir, append_path=True + ) # For each occurrence of a flang tool name, replace it with the full path to # the build directory holding that tool. tools = [ - ToolSubst('%flang', command=FindTool('flang-new'), unresolved='fatal'), - ToolSubst('%flang_fc1', command=FindTool('flang-new'), extra_args=['-fc1'], - unresolved='fatal')] + ToolSubst("%flang", command=FindTool("flang-new"), unresolved="fatal"), + ToolSubst( + "%flang_fc1", + command=FindTool("flang-new"), + extra_args=["-fc1"], + unresolved="fatal", + ), +] # Flang has several unimplemented features. TODO messages are used to mark # and fail if these features are exercised. Some TODOs exit with a non-zero # exit code, but others abort the execution in assert builds. # To catch aborts, the `--crash` option for the `not` command has to be used. -tools.append(ToolSubst('%not_todo_cmd', command=FindTool('not'), unresolved='fatal')) -if 'asserts' in config.available_features: - tools.append(ToolSubst('%not_todo_abort_cmd', command=FindTool('not'), - extra_args=['--crash'], unresolved='fatal')) +tools.append(ToolSubst("%not_todo_cmd", command=FindTool("not"), unresolved="fatal")) +if "asserts" in config.available_features: + tools.append( + ToolSubst( + "%not_todo_abort_cmd", + command=FindTool("not"), + extra_args=["--crash"], + unresolved="fatal", + ) + ) else: - tools.append(ToolSubst('%not_todo_abort_cmd', command=FindTool('not'), - unresolved='fatal')) + tools.append( + ToolSubst("%not_todo_abort_cmd", command=FindTool("not"), unresolved="fatal") + ) # Define some variables to help us test that the flang runtime doesn't depend on # the C++ runtime libraries. For this we need a C compiler. If for some reason # we don't have one, we can just disable the test. if config.cc: - libruntime = os.path.join(config.flang_lib_dir, 'libFortranRuntime.a') - libdecimal = os.path.join(config.flang_lib_dir, 'libFortranDecimal.a') - include = os.path.join(config.flang_src_dir, 'include') - - if os.path.isfile(libruntime) and os.path.isfile(libdecimal) and os.path.isdir(include): - config.available_features.add('c-compiler') - tools.append(ToolSubst('%cc', command=config.cc, unresolved='fatal')) - tools.append(ToolSubst('%libruntime', command=libruntime, - unresolved='fatal')) - tools.append(ToolSubst('%libdecimal', command=libdecimal, - unresolved='fatal')) - tools.append(ToolSubst('%include', command=include, - unresolved='fatal')) + libruntime = os.path.join(config.flang_lib_dir, "libFortranRuntime.a") + libdecimal = os.path.join(config.flang_lib_dir, "libFortranDecimal.a") + include = os.path.join(config.flang_src_dir, "include") + + if ( + os.path.isfile(libruntime) + and os.path.isfile(libdecimal) + and os.path.isdir(include) + ): + config.available_features.add("c-compiler") + tools.append(ToolSubst("%cc", command=config.cc, unresolved="fatal")) + tools.append(ToolSubst("%libruntime", command=libruntime, unresolved="fatal")) + tools.append(ToolSubst("%libdecimal", command=libdecimal, unresolved="fatal")) + tools.append(ToolSubst("%include", command=include, unresolved="fatal")) # Add all the tools and their substitutions (if applicable). Use the search paths provided for # finding the tools. if config.flang_standalone_build: - llvm_config.add_tool_substitutions(tools, [config.flang_llvm_tools_dir, config.llvm_tools_dir]) + llvm_config.add_tool_substitutions( + tools, [config.flang_llvm_tools_dir, config.llvm_tools_dir] + ) else: llvm_config.add_tool_substitutions(tools, config.llvm_tools_dir) diff --git a/libc/AOR_v20.02/math/tools/plot.py b/libc/AOR_v20.02/math/tools/plot.py --- a/libc/AOR_v20.02/math/tools/plot.py +++ b/libc/AOR_v20.02/math/tools/plot.py @@ -14,49 +14,53 @@ # example usage: # build/bin/ulp -e .0001 log 0.5 2.0 2345678 | math/tools/plot.py + def fhex(s): - return float.fromhex(s) + return float.fromhex(s) + def parse(f): - xs = [] - gs = [] - ys = [] - es = [] - # Has to match the format used in ulp.c - r = re.compile(r'[^ (]+\(([^ )]*)\) got ([^ ]+) want ([^ ]+) [^ ]+ ulp err ([^ ]+)') - for line in f: - m = r.match(line) - if m: - x = fhex(m.group(1)) - g = fhex(m.group(2)) - y = fhex(m.group(3)) - e = float(m.group(4)) - xs.append(x) - gs.append(g) - ys.append(y) - es.append(e) - elif line.startswith('PASS') or line.startswith('FAIL'): - # Print the summary line - print(line) - return xs, gs, ys, es + xs = [] + gs = [] + ys = [] + es = [] + # Has to match the format used in ulp.c + r = re.compile(r"[^ (]+\(([^ )]*)\) got ([^ ]+) want ([^ ]+) [^ ]+ ulp err ([^ ]+)") + for line in f: + m = r.match(line) + if m: + x = fhex(m.group(1)) + g = fhex(m.group(2)) + y = fhex(m.group(3)) + e = float(m.group(4)) + xs.append(x) + gs.append(g) + ys.append(y) + es.append(e) + elif line.startswith("PASS") or line.startswith("FAIL"): + # Print the summary line + print(line) + return xs, gs, ys, es + def plot(xs, gs, ys, es): - if len(xs) < 2: - print('not enough samples') - return - a = min(xs) - b = max(xs) - fig, (ax0,ax1) = plt.subplots(nrows=2) - es = np.abs(es) # ignore the sign - emax = max(es) - ax0.text(a+(b-a)*0.7, emax*0.8, '%s\n%g'%(emax.hex(),emax)) - ax0.plot(xs,es,'r.') - ax0.grid() - ax1.plot(xs,ys,'r.',label='want') - ax1.plot(xs,gs,'b.',label='got') - ax1.grid() - ax1.legend() - plt.show() + if len(xs) < 2: + print("not enough samples") + return + a = min(xs) + b = max(xs) + fig, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(nrows=2) + es = np.abs(es) # ignore the sign + emax = max(es) + ax0.text(a + (b - a) * 0.7, emax * 0.8, "%s\n%g" % (emax.hex(), emax)) + ax0.plot(xs, es, "r.") + ax0.grid() + ax1.plot(xs, ys, "r.", label="want") + ax1.plot(xs, gs, "b.", label="got") + ax1.grid() + ax1.legend() + plt.show() + xs, gs, ys, es = parse(sys.stdin) plot(xs, gs, ys, es) diff --git a/libc/docs/conf.py b/libc/docs/conf.py --- a/libc/docs/conf.py +++ b/libc/docs/conf.py @@ -16,32 +16,32 @@ # If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, # add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the # documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here. -#sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.')) +# sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.')) # -- General configuration ----------------------------------------------------- # If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here. -#needs_sphinx = '1.0' +# needs_sphinx = '1.0' # Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. 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Refer to documentation # for a list of supported languages. -#language = None +# language = None # There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some # non-false value, then it is used: -#today = '' +# today = '' # Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call. -today_fmt = '%Y-%m-%d' +today_fmt = "%Y-%m-%d" # List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and # directories to ignore when looking for source files. -exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'Helpers'] +exclude_patterns = ["_build", "Helpers"] # The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all documents. -#default_role = None +# default_role = None # If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text. -#add_function_parentheses = True +# add_function_parentheses = True # If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description # unit titles (such as .. function::). -#add_module_names = True +# add_module_names = True # If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the # output. They are ignored by default. show_authors = True # The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use. -pygments_style = 'friendly' +pygments_style = "friendly" # A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting. -#modindex_common_prefix = [] +# modindex_common_prefix = [] # -- Options for HTML output --------------------------------------------------- # The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for # a list of builtin themes. -#html_theme = 'haiku' -html_theme = 'alabaster' +# html_theme = 'haiku' +html_theme = "alabaster" # Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme # further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the # documentation. html_theme_options = { - 'font_size': '11pt', + "font_size": "11pt", # Don't generate any links to GitHub. - 'github_button' : 'false', + "github_button": "false", } # Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory. -#html_theme_path = [] +# html_theme_path = [] # The name for this set of Sphinx documents. If None, it defaults to # " v documentation". -html_title = 'The LLVM C Library' +html_title = "The LLVM C Library" # A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title. -#html_short_title = None +# html_short_title = None # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top # of the sidebar. -#html_logo = None +# html_logo = None # The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the # docs. This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32 # pixels large. -#html_favicon = None +# html_favicon = None # Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here, # relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files, # so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css". -html_static_path = ['_static'] +html_static_path = ["_static"] # -#html_context = { +# html_context = { # 'css_files': [ # '_static/libc.css' # ], @@ -135,101 +135,95 @@ # If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom, # using the given strftime format. -#html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y' +# html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y' # If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to # typographically correct entities. -#html_use_smartypants = True +# html_use_smartypants = True # Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names. -#html_sidebars = {} +# html_sidebars = {} # Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to # template names. -#html_additional_pages = {} +# html_additional_pages = {} # If false, no module index is generated. -#html_domain_indices = True +# html_domain_indices = True # If false, no index is generated. -#html_use_index = True +# html_use_index = True # If true, the index is split into individual pages for each letter. -#html_split_index = False +# html_split_index = False # If true, links to the reST sources are added to the pages. -#html_show_sourcelink = True +# html_show_sourcelink = True # If true, "Created using Sphinx" is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True. -#html_show_sphinx = True +# html_show_sphinx = True # If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True. -#html_show_copyright = True +# html_show_copyright = True # If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will # contain a tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the # base URL from which the finished HTML is served. -#html_use_opensearch = '' +# html_use_opensearch = '' # This is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml"). -#html_file_suffix = None +# html_file_suffix = None # Output file base name for HTML help builder. -htmlhelp_basename = 'libcxxdoc' +htmlhelp_basename = "libcxxdoc" # -- Options for LaTeX output -------------------------------------------------- latex_elements = { -# The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper'). -#'papersize': 'letterpaper', - -# The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). -#'pointsize': '10pt', - -# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. -#'preamble': '', + # The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper'). + #'papersize': 'letterpaper', + # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). + #'pointsize': '10pt', + # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. + #'preamble': '', } # Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. 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List of tuples # (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section). -man_pages = [ - ('contents', 'libc', u'libc Documentation', - [u'LLVM project'], 1) -] +man_pages = [("contents", "libc", "libc Documentation", ["LLVM project"], 1)] # If true, show URL addresses after external links. -#man_show_urls = False +# man_show_urls = False # -- Options for Texinfo output ------------------------------------------------ @@ -238,19 +232,25 @@ # (source start file, target name, title, author, # dir menu entry, description, category) texinfo_documents = [ - ('contents', 'libc', u'libc Documentation', - u'LLVM project', 'libc', 'One line description of project.', - 'Miscellaneous'), + ( + "contents", + "libc", + "libc Documentation", + "LLVM project", + "libc", + "One line description of project.", + "Miscellaneous", + ), ] # Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. -#texinfo_appendices = [] +# texinfo_appendices = [] # If false, no module index is generated. -#texinfo_domain_indices = True +# texinfo_domain_indices = True # How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'. -#texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote' +# texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote' # FIXME: Define intersphinx configuration. diff --git a/libc/utils/mathtools/GenerateHPDConstants.py b/libc/utils/mathtools/GenerateHPDConstants.py --- a/libc/utils/mathtools/GenerateHPDConstants.py +++ b/libc/utils/mathtools/GenerateHPDConstants.py @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ from math import * -''' +""" This script is used to generate a table used by libc/src/__support/high_precision_decimal.h. @@ -46,20 +46,20 @@ being shifted are greater than or equal to the digits of 5^i (the second value of each entry) then it is just the first value in the entry, else it is one fewer. -''' +""" # Generate Left Shift Table outStr = "" for i in range(61): - tenToTheI = 10**i - fiveToTheI = 5**i - outStr += "{" - # The number of new digits that would be created by multiplying 5**i by 2**i - outStr += str(ceil(log10(tenToTheI) - log10(fiveToTheI))) - outStr += ', "' - if not i == 0: - outStr += str(fiveToTheI) - outStr += '"},\n' + tenToTheI = 10**i + fiveToTheI = 5**i + outStr += "{" + # The number of new digits that would be created by multiplying 5**i by 2**i + outStr += str(ceil(log10(tenToTheI) - log10(fiveToTheI))) + outStr += ', "' + if not i == 0: + outStr += str(fiveToTheI) + outStr += '"},\n' print(outStr) diff --git a/libclc/generic/lib/gen_convert.py b/libclc/generic/lib/gen_convert.py --- a/libclc/generic/lib/gen_convert.py +++ b/libclc/generic/lib/gen_convert.py @@ -26,86 +26,114 @@ # # convert_<_sat><_roundingMode>() -types = ['char', 'uchar', 'short', 'ushort', 'int', 'uint', 'long', 'ulong', 'float', 'double'] -int_types = ['char', 'uchar', 'short', 'ushort', 'int', 'uint', 'long', 'ulong'] -unsigned_types = ['uchar', 'ushort', 'uint', 'ulong'] -float_types = ['float', 'double'] -int64_types = ['long', 'ulong'] -float64_types = ['double'] -vector_sizes = ['', '2', '3', '4', '8', '16'] -half_sizes = [('2',''), ('4','2'), ('8','4'), ('16','8')] - -saturation = ['','_sat'] -rounding_modes = ['_rtz','_rte','_rtp','_rtn'] -float_prefix = {'float':'FLT_', 'double':'DBL_'} -float_suffix = {'float':'f', 'double':''} - -bool_type = {'char' : 'char', - 'uchar' : 'char', - 'short' : 'short', - 'ushort': 'short', - 'int' : 'int', - 'uint' : 'int', - 'long' : 'long', - 'ulong' : 'long', - 'float' : 'int', - 'double' : 'long'} - -unsigned_type = {'char' : 'uchar', - 'uchar' : 'uchar', - 'short' : 'ushort', - 'ushort': 'ushort', - 'int' : 'uint', - 'uint' : 'uint', - 'long' : 'ulong', - 'ulong' : 'ulong'} - -sizeof_type = {'char' : 1, 'uchar' : 1, - 'short' : 2, 'ushort' : 2, - 'int' : 4, 'uint' : 4, - 'long' : 8, 'ulong' : 8, - 'float' : 4, 'double' : 8} - -limit_max = {'char' : 'CHAR_MAX', - 'uchar' : 'UCHAR_MAX', - 'short' : 'SHRT_MAX', - 'ushort': 'USHRT_MAX', - 'int' : 'INT_MAX', - 'uint' : 'UINT_MAX', - 'long' : 'LONG_MAX', - 'ulong' : 'ULONG_MAX'} - -limit_min = {'char' : 'CHAR_MIN', - 'uchar' : '0', - 'short' : 'SHRT_MIN', - 'ushort': '0', - 'int' : 'INT_MIN', - 'uint' : '0', - 'long' : 'LONG_MIN', - 'ulong' : '0'} +types = [ + "char", + "uchar", + "short", + "ushort", + "int", + "uint", + "long", + "ulong", + "float", + "double", +] +int_types = ["char", "uchar", "short", "ushort", "int", "uint", "long", "ulong"] +unsigned_types = ["uchar", "ushort", "uint", "ulong"] +float_types = ["float", "double"] +int64_types = ["long", "ulong"] +float64_types = ["double"] +vector_sizes = ["", "2", "3", "4", "8", "16"] +half_sizes = [("2", ""), ("4", "2"), ("8", "4"), ("16", "8")] + +saturation = ["", "_sat"] +rounding_modes = ["_rtz", "_rte", "_rtp", "_rtn"] +float_prefix = {"float": "FLT_", "double": "DBL_"} +float_suffix = {"float": "f", "double": ""} + +bool_type = { + "char": "char", + "uchar": "char", + "short": "short", + "ushort": "short", + "int": "int", + "uint": "int", + "long": "long", + "ulong": "long", + "float": "int", + "double": "long", +} + +unsigned_type = { + "char": "uchar", + "uchar": "uchar", + "short": "ushort", + "ushort": "ushort", + "int": "uint", + "uint": "uint", + "long": "ulong", + "ulong": "ulong", +} + +sizeof_type = { + "char": 1, + "uchar": 1, + "short": 2, + "ushort": 2, + "int": 4, + "uint": 4, + "long": 8, + "ulong": 8, + "float": 4, + "double": 8, +} + +limit_max = { + "char": "CHAR_MAX", + "uchar": "UCHAR_MAX", + "short": "SHRT_MAX", + "ushort": "USHRT_MAX", + "int": "INT_MAX", + "uint": "UINT_MAX", + "long": "LONG_MAX", + "ulong": "ULONG_MAX", +} + +limit_min = { + "char": "CHAR_MIN", + "uchar": "0", + "short": "SHRT_MIN", + "ushort": "0", + "int": "INT_MIN", + "uint": "0", + "long": "LONG_MIN", + "ulong": "0", +} + def conditional_guard(src, dst): - int64_count = 0 - float64_count = 0 - if src in int64_types: - int64_count = int64_count +1 - elif src in float64_types: - float64_count = float64_count + 1 - if dst in int64_types: - int64_count = int64_count +1 - elif dst in float64_types: - float64_count = float64_count + 1 - if float64_count > 0: - #In embedded profile, if cl_khr_fp64 is supported cles_khr_int64 has to be - print("#ifdef cl_khr_fp64") - return True - elif int64_count > 0: - print("#if defined cles_khr_int64 || !defined(__EMBEDDED_PROFILE__)") - return True - return False - - -print("""/* !!!! AUTOGENERATED FILE generated by convert_type.py !!!!! + int64_count = 0 + float64_count = 0 + if src in int64_types: + int64_count = int64_count + 1 + elif src in float64_types: + float64_count = float64_count + 1 + if dst in int64_types: + int64_count = int64_count + 1 + elif dst in float64_types: + float64_count = float64_count + 1 + if float64_count > 0: + # In embedded profile, if cl_khr_fp64 is supported cles_khr_int64 has to be + print("#ifdef cl_khr_fp64") + return True + elif int64_count > 0: + print("#if defined cles_khr_int64 || !defined(__EMBEDDED_PROFILE__)") + return True + return False + + +print( + """/* !!!! AUTOGENERATED FILE generated by convert_type.py !!!!! DON'T CHANGE THIS FILE. MAKE YOUR CHANGES TO convert_type.py AND RUN: $ ./generate-conversion-type-cl.sh @@ -149,7 +177,8 @@ #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cles_khr_int64 : enable #endif -""") +""" +) # # Default Conversions @@ -178,45 +207,58 @@ # is used, the rounding mode is ignored. # + def generate_default_conversion(src, dst, mode): - close_conditional = conditional_guard(src, dst) + close_conditional = conditional_guard(src, dst) - # scalar conversions - print("""_CLC_DEF _CLC_OVERLOAD + # scalar conversions + print( + """_CLC_DEF _CLC_OVERLOAD {DST} convert_{DST}{M}({SRC} x) {{ return ({DST})x; }} -""".format(SRC=src, DST=dst, M=mode)) - - # vector conversions, done through decomposition to components - for size, half_size in half_sizes: - print("""_CLC_DEF _CLC_OVERLOAD +""".format( + SRC=src, DST=dst, M=mode + ) + ) + + # vector conversions, done through decomposition to components + for size, half_size in half_sizes: + print( + """_CLC_DEF _CLC_OVERLOAD {DST}{N} convert_{DST}{N}{M}({SRC}{N} x) {{ return ({DST}{N})(convert_{DST}{H}(x.lo), convert_{DST}{H}(x.hi)); }} -""".format(SRC=src, DST=dst, N=size, H=half_size, M=mode)) - - # 3-component vector conversions - print("""_CLC_DEF _CLC_OVERLOAD +""".format( + SRC=src, DST=dst, N=size, H=half_size, M=mode + ) + ) + + # 3-component vector conversions + print( + """_CLC_DEF _CLC_OVERLOAD {DST}3 convert_{DST}3{M}({SRC}3 x) {{ return ({DST}3)(convert_{DST}2(x.s01), convert_{DST}(x.s2)); -}}""".format(SRC=src, DST=dst, M=mode)) +}}""".format( + SRC=src, DST=dst, M=mode + ) + ) - if close_conditional: - print("#endif") + if close_conditional: + print("#endif") for src in types: - for dst in types: - generate_default_conversion(src, dst, '') + for dst in types: + generate_default_conversion(src, dst, "") for src in int_types: - for dst in int_types: - for mode in rounding_modes: - generate_default_conversion(src, dst, mode) + for dst in int_types: + for mode in rounding_modes: + generate_default_conversion(src, dst, mode) # # Saturated Conversions To Integers @@ -229,97 +271,127 @@ # conversions with saturation. # + def generate_saturated_conversion(src, dst, size): - # Header - close_conditional = conditional_guard(src, dst) - print("""_CLC_DEF _CLC_OVERLOAD + # Header + close_conditional = conditional_guard(src, dst) + print( + """_CLC_DEF _CLC_OVERLOAD {DST}{N} convert_{DST}{N}_sat({SRC}{N} x) -{{""".format(DST=dst, SRC=src, N=size)) - - # FIXME: This is a work around for lack of select function with - # signed third argument when the first two arguments are unsigned types. - # We cast to the signed type for sign-extension, then do a bitcast to - # the unsigned type. - if dst in unsigned_types: - bool_prefix = "as_{DST}{N}(convert_{BOOL}{N}".format(DST=dst, BOOL=bool_type[dst], N=size); - bool_suffix = ")" - else: - bool_prefix = "convert_{BOOL}{N}".format(BOOL=bool_type[dst], N=size); - bool_suffix = "" - - # Body - if src == dst: - - # Conversion between same types - print(" return x;") - - elif src in float_types: - - # Conversion from float to int - print(""" {DST}{N} y = convert_{DST}{N}(x); +{{""".format( + DST=dst, SRC=src, N=size + ) + ) + + # FIXME: This is a work around for lack of select function with + # signed third argument when the first two arguments are unsigned types. + # We cast to the signed type for sign-extension, then do a bitcast to + # the unsigned type. + if dst in unsigned_types: + bool_prefix = "as_{DST}{N}(convert_{BOOL}{N}".format( + DST=dst, BOOL=bool_type[dst], N=size + ) + bool_suffix = ")" + else: + bool_prefix = "convert_{BOOL}{N}".format(BOOL=bool_type[dst], N=size) + bool_suffix = "" + + # Body + if src == dst: + + # Conversion between same types + print(" return x;") + + elif src in float_types: + + # Conversion from float to int + print( + """ {DST}{N} y = convert_{DST}{N}(x); y = select(y, ({DST}{N}){DST_MIN}, {BP}(x < ({SRC}{N}){DST_MIN}){BS}); y = select(y, ({DST}{N}){DST_MAX}, {BP}(x > ({SRC}{N}){DST_MAX}){BS}); - return y;""".format(SRC=src, DST=dst, N=size, - DST_MIN=limit_min[dst], DST_MAX=limit_max[dst], - BP=bool_prefix, BS=bool_suffix)) - - else: - - # Integer to integer convesion with sizeof(src) == sizeof(dst) - if sizeof_type[src] == sizeof_type[dst]: - if src in unsigned_types: - print(" x = min(x, ({SRC}){DST_MAX});".format(SRC=src, DST_MAX=limit_max[dst])) - else: - print(" x = max(x, ({SRC})0);".format(SRC=src)) - - # Integer to integer conversion where sizeof(src) > sizeof(dst) - elif sizeof_type[src] > sizeof_type[dst]: - if src in unsigned_types: - print(" x = min(x, ({SRC}){DST_MAX});".format(SRC=src, DST_MAX=limit_max[dst])) - else: - print(" x = clamp(x, ({SRC}){DST_MIN}, ({SRC}){DST_MAX});" - .format(SRC=src, DST_MIN=limit_min[dst], DST_MAX=limit_max[dst])) - - # Integer to integer conversion where sizeof(src) < sizeof(dst) - elif src not in unsigned_types and dst in unsigned_types: - print(" x = max(x, ({SRC})0);".format(SRC=src)) - - print(" return convert_{DST}{N}(x);".format(DST=dst, N=size)) - - # Footer - print("}") - if close_conditional: - print("#endif") + return y;""".format( + SRC=src, + DST=dst, + N=size, + DST_MIN=limit_min[dst], + DST_MAX=limit_max[dst], + BP=bool_prefix, + BS=bool_suffix, + ) + ) + + else: + + # Integer to integer convesion with sizeof(src) == sizeof(dst) + if sizeof_type[src] == sizeof_type[dst]: + if src in unsigned_types: + print( + " x = min(x, ({SRC}){DST_MAX});".format( + SRC=src, DST_MAX=limit_max[dst] + ) + ) + else: + print(" x = max(x, ({SRC})0);".format(SRC=src)) + + # Integer to integer conversion where sizeof(src) > sizeof(dst) + elif sizeof_type[src] > sizeof_type[dst]: + if src in unsigned_types: + print( + " x = min(x, ({SRC}){DST_MAX});".format( + SRC=src, DST_MAX=limit_max[dst] + ) + ) + else: + print( + " x = clamp(x, ({SRC}){DST_MIN}, ({SRC}){DST_MAX});".format( + SRC=src, DST_MIN=limit_min[dst], DST_MAX=limit_max[dst] + ) + ) + + # Integer to integer conversion where sizeof(src) < sizeof(dst) + elif src not in unsigned_types and dst in unsigned_types: + print(" x = max(x, ({SRC})0);".format(SRC=src)) + + print(" return convert_{DST}{N}(x);".format(DST=dst, N=size)) + + # Footer + print("}") + if close_conditional: + print("#endif") for src in types: - for dst in int_types: - for size in vector_sizes: - generate_saturated_conversion(src, dst, size) + for dst in int_types: + for size in vector_sizes: + generate_saturated_conversion(src, dst, size) def generate_saturated_conversion_with_rounding(src, dst, size, mode): - # Header - close_conditional = conditional_guard(src, dst) + # Header + close_conditional = conditional_guard(src, dst) - # Body - print("""_CLC_DEF _CLC_OVERLOAD + # Body + print( + """_CLC_DEF _CLC_OVERLOAD {DST}{N} convert_{DST}{N}_sat{M}({SRC}{N} x) {{ return convert_{DST}{N}_sat(x); }} -""".format(DST=dst, SRC=src, N=size, M=mode)) +""".format( + DST=dst, SRC=src, N=size, M=mode + ) + ) - # Footer - if close_conditional: - print("#endif") + # Footer + if close_conditional: + print("#endif") for src in int_types: - for dst in int_types: - for size in vector_sizes: - for mode in rounding_modes: - generate_saturated_conversion_with_rounding(src, dst, size, mode) + for dst in int_types: + for size in vector_sizes: + for mode in rounding_modes: + generate_saturated_conversion_with_rounding(src, dst, size, mode) # # Conversions To/From Floating-Point With Rounding @@ -335,59 +407,81 @@ # Only conversions to integers can have saturation. # + def generate_float_conversion(src, dst, size, mode, sat): - # Header - close_conditional = conditional_guard(src, dst) - print("""_CLC_DEF _CLC_OVERLOAD + # Header + close_conditional = conditional_guard(src, dst) + print( + """_CLC_DEF _CLC_OVERLOAD {DST}{N} convert_{DST}{N}{S}{M}({SRC}{N} x) -{{""".format(SRC=src, DST=dst, N=size, M=mode, S=sat)) - - # Perform conversion - if dst in int_types: - if mode == '_rte': - print(" x = rint(x);"); - elif mode == '_rtp': - print(" x = ceil(x);"); - elif mode == '_rtn': - print(" x = floor(x);"); - print(" return convert_{DST}{N}{S}(x);".format(DST=dst, N=size, S=sat)) - elif mode == '_rte': - print(" return convert_{DST}{N}(x);".format(DST=dst, N=size)) - else: - print(" {DST}{N} r = convert_{DST}{N}(x);".format(DST=dst, N=size)) - print(" {SRC}{N} y = convert_{SRC}{N}(r);".format(SRC=src, N=size)) - if mode == '_rtz': - if src in int_types: - print(" {USRC}{N} abs_x = abs(x);".format(USRC=unsigned_type[src], N=size)) - print(" {USRC}{N} abs_y = abs(y);".format(USRC=unsigned_type[src], N=size)) - else: - print(" {SRC}{N} abs_x = fabs(x);".format(SRC=src, N=size)) - print(" {SRC}{N} abs_y = fabs(y);".format(SRC=src, N=size)) - print(" return select(r, nextafter(r, sign(r) * ({DST}{N})-INFINITY), convert_{BOOL}{N}(abs_y > abs_x));" - .format(DST=dst, N=size, BOOL=bool_type[dst])) - if mode == '_rtp': - print(" return select(r, nextafter(r, ({DST}{N})INFINITY), convert_{BOOL}{N}(y < x));" - .format(DST=dst, N=size, BOOL=bool_type[dst])) - if mode == '_rtn': - print(" return select(r, nextafter(r, ({DST}{N})-INFINITY), convert_{BOOL}{N}(y > x));" - .format(DST=dst, N=size, BOOL=bool_type[dst])) - - # Footer - print("}") - if close_conditional: - print("#endif") +{{""".format( + SRC=src, DST=dst, N=size, M=mode, S=sat + ) + ) + + # Perform conversion + if dst in int_types: + if mode == "_rte": + print(" x = rint(x);") + elif mode == "_rtp": + print(" x = ceil(x);") + elif mode == "_rtn": + print(" x = floor(x);") + print(" return convert_{DST}{N}{S}(x);".format(DST=dst, N=size, S=sat)) + elif mode == "_rte": + print(" return convert_{DST}{N}(x);".format(DST=dst, N=size)) + else: + print(" {DST}{N} r = convert_{DST}{N}(x);".format(DST=dst, N=size)) + print(" {SRC}{N} y = convert_{SRC}{N}(r);".format(SRC=src, N=size)) + if mode == "_rtz": + if src in int_types: + print( + " {USRC}{N} abs_x = abs(x);".format( + USRC=unsigned_type[src], N=size + ) + ) + print( + " {USRC}{N} abs_y = abs(y);".format( + USRC=unsigned_type[src], N=size + ) + ) + else: + print(" {SRC}{N} abs_x = fabs(x);".format(SRC=src, N=size)) + print(" {SRC}{N} abs_y = fabs(y);".format(SRC=src, N=size)) + print( + " return select(r, nextafter(r, sign(r) * ({DST}{N})-INFINITY), convert_{BOOL}{N}(abs_y > abs_x));".format( + DST=dst, N=size, BOOL=bool_type[dst] + ) + ) + if mode == "_rtp": + print( + " return select(r, nextafter(r, ({DST}{N})INFINITY), convert_{BOOL}{N}(y < x));".format( + DST=dst, N=size, BOOL=bool_type[dst] + ) + ) + if mode == "_rtn": + print( + " return select(r, nextafter(r, ({DST}{N})-INFINITY), convert_{BOOL}{N}(y > x));".format( + DST=dst, N=size, BOOL=bool_type[dst] + ) + ) + + # Footer + print("}") + if close_conditional: + print("#endif") for src in float_types: - for dst in int_types: - for size in vector_sizes: - for mode in rounding_modes: - for sat in saturation: - generate_float_conversion(src, dst, size, mode, sat) + for dst in int_types: + for size in vector_sizes: + for mode in rounding_modes: + for sat in saturation: + generate_float_conversion(src, dst, size, mode, sat) for src in types: - for dst in float_types: - for size in vector_sizes: - for mode in rounding_modes: - generate_float_conversion(src, dst, size, mode, '') + for dst in float_types: + for size in vector_sizes: + for mode in rounding_modes: + generate_float_conversion(src, dst, size, mode, "") diff --git a/lld/docs/conf.py b/lld/docs/conf.py --- a/lld/docs/conf.py +++ b/lld/docs/conf.py @@ -16,92 +16,92 @@ # If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, # add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the # documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here. -#sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.')) +# sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.')) # -- General configuration ----------------------------------------------------- # If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here. -#needs_sphinx = '1.0' +# needs_sphinx = '1.0' # Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be extensions # coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom ones. -extensions = ['sphinx.ext.intersphinx', 'sphinx.ext.todo'] +extensions = ["sphinx.ext.intersphinx", "sphinx.ext.todo"] # Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory. -templates_path = ['_templates'] +templates_path = ["_templates"] # The suffix of source filenames. -source_suffix = '.rst' +source_suffix = ".rst" # The encoding of source files. -#source_encoding = 'utf-8-sig' +# source_encoding = 'utf-8-sig' # The master toctree document. -master_doc = 'index' +master_doc = "index" # General information about the project. -project = u'lld' -copyright = u'2011-%d, LLVM Project' % date.today().year +project = "lld" +copyright = "2011-%d, LLVM Project" % date.today().year # The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation # for a list of supported languages. -#language = None +# language = None # There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some # non-false value, then it is used: -#today = '' +# today = '' # Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call. -today_fmt = '%Y-%m-%d' +today_fmt = "%Y-%m-%d" # List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and # directories to ignore when looking for source files. -exclude_patterns = ['_build'] +exclude_patterns = ["_build"] # The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all documents. -#default_role = None +# default_role = None # If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text. -#add_function_parentheses = True +# add_function_parentheses = True # If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description # unit titles (such as .. function::). -#add_module_names = True +# add_module_names = True # If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the # output. They are ignored by default. show_authors = True # The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use. -pygments_style = 'friendly' +pygments_style = "friendly" # A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting. -#modindex_common_prefix = [] +# modindex_common_prefix = [] # -- Options for HTML output --------------------------------------------------- # The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for # a list of builtin themes. -html_theme = 'llvm-theme' +html_theme = "llvm-theme" # Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme # further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the # documentation. -#html_theme_options = {} +# html_theme_options = {} # Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory. html_theme_path = ["."] # The name for this set of Sphinx documents. If None, it defaults to # " v documentation". -#html_title = None +# html_title = None # A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title. -#html_short_title = None +# html_short_title = None # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top # of the sidebar. -#html_logo = None +# html_logo = None # If given, this must be the name of an image file (path relative to the # configuration directory) that is the favicon of the docs. Modern browsers use @@ -109,110 +109,104 @@ # icon file (.ico), which is 16x16 or 32x32 pixels large. Default: None. The # image file will be copied to the _static directory of the output HTML, but # only if the file does not already exist there. -html_favicon = '_static/favicon.ico' +html_favicon = "_static/favicon.ico" # Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here, # relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files, # so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css". -html_static_path = ['_static'] +html_static_path = ["_static"] # If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom, # using the given strftime format. -html_last_updated_fmt = '%Y-%m-%d' +html_last_updated_fmt = "%Y-%m-%d" # If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to # typographically correct entities. -#html_use_smartypants = True +# html_use_smartypants = True # Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names. -html_sidebars = {'index': ['indexsidebar.html']} +html_sidebars = {"index": ["indexsidebar.html"]} # Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to # template names. # html_additional_pages = {'index': 'index.html'} # If false, no module index is generated. -#html_domain_indices = True +# html_domain_indices = True # If false, no index is generated. -#html_use_index = True +# html_use_index = True # If true, the index is split into individual pages for each letter. -#html_split_index = False +# html_split_index = False # If true, links to the reST sources are added to the pages. html_show_sourcelink = True # If true, "Created using Sphinx" is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True. -#html_show_sphinx = True +# html_show_sphinx = True # If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True. -#html_show_copyright = True +# html_show_copyright = True # If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will # contain a tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the # base URL from which the finished HTML is served. -#html_use_opensearch = '' +# html_use_opensearch = '' # This is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml"). -#html_file_suffix = None +# html_file_suffix = None # Output file base name for HTML help builder. -htmlhelp_basename = 'llddoc' +htmlhelp_basename = "llddoc" # -- Options for LaTeX output -------------------------------------------------- latex_elements = { -# The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper'). -#'papersize': 'letterpaper', - -# The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). -#'pointsize': '10pt', - -# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. -#'preamble': '', + # The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper'). + #'papersize': 'letterpaper', + # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). + #'pointsize': '10pt', + # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. + #'preamble': '', } # Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, author, documentclass [howto/manual]). latex_documents = [ - ('contents', 'lld.tex', u'lld Documentation', - u'LLVM project', 'manual'), + ("contents", "lld.tex", "lld Documentation", "LLVM project", "manual"), ] # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of # the title page. -#latex_logo = None +# latex_logo = None # For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts, # not chapters. -#latex_use_parts = False +# latex_use_parts = False # If true, show page references after internal links. -#latex_show_pagerefs = False +# latex_show_pagerefs = False # If true, show URL addresses after external links. -#latex_show_urls = False +# latex_show_urls = False # Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. -#latex_appendices = [] +# latex_appendices = [] # If false, no module index is generated. -#latex_domain_indices = True +# latex_domain_indices = True # -- Options for manual page output -------------------------------------------- # One entry per manual page. List of tuples # (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section). -man_pages = [ - ('contents', 'lld', u'lld Documentation', - [u'LLVM project'], 1) -] +man_pages = [("contents", "lld", "lld Documentation", ["LLVM project"], 1)] # If true, show URL addresses after external links. -#man_show_urls = False +# man_show_urls = False # -- Options for Texinfo output ------------------------------------------------ @@ -221,19 +215,25 @@ # (source start file, target name, title, author, # dir menu entry, description, category) texinfo_documents = [ - ('contents', 'lld', u'lld Documentation', - u'LLVM project', 'lld', 'One line description of project.', - 'Miscellaneous'), + ( + "contents", + "lld", + "lld Documentation", + "LLVM project", + "lld", + "One line description of project.", + "Miscellaneous", + ), ] # Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. -#texinfo_appendices = [] +# texinfo_appendices = [] # If false, no module index is generated. -#texinfo_domain_indices = True +# texinfo_domain_indices = True # How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'. -#texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote' +# texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote' # FIXME: Define intersphinx configuration. diff --git a/lld/test/COFF/lit.local.cfg b/lld/test/COFF/lit.local.cfg --- a/lld/test/COFF/lit.local.cfg +++ b/lld/test/COFF/lit.local.cfg @@ -1 +1 @@ -config.environment['LLD_IN_TEST'] = '2' +config.environment["LLD_IN_TEST"] = "2" diff --git a/lld/test/ELF/lit.local.cfg b/lld/test/ELF/lit.local.cfg --- a/lld/test/ELF/lit.local.cfg +++ b/lld/test/ELF/lit.local.cfg @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ -config.suffixes = ['.test', '.s', '.ll', '.bat'] +config.suffixes = [".test", ".s", ".ll", ".bat"] # The environment variable DFLTCC=0 disables use of the hardware compression # facility on SystemZ. When this facility is enabled, slightly different # compression results can be seen, which can cause spurious failures in the # compressed-debug-level.test test case. -if 's390x' in config.host_triple: - config.environment['DFLTCC'] = '0' +if "s390x" in config.host_triple: + config.environment["DFLTCC"] = "0" diff --git a/lld/test/MachO/Inputs/DependencyDump.py b/lld/test/MachO/Inputs/DependencyDump.py --- a/lld/test/MachO/Inputs/DependencyDump.py +++ b/lld/test/MachO/Inputs/DependencyDump.py @@ -7,17 +7,17 @@ f = open(sys.argv[1], "rb") byte = f.read(1) -while byte != b'': - if byte == b'\x00': +while byte != b"": + if byte == b"\x00": sys.stdout.write("lld-version: ") - elif byte == b'\x10': + elif byte == b"\x10": sys.stdout.write("input-file: ") - elif byte == b'\x11': + elif byte == b"\x11": sys.stdout.write("not-found: ") - elif byte == b'\x40': + elif byte == b"\x40": sys.stdout.write("output-file: ") byte = f.read(1) - while byte != b'\x00': + while byte != b"\x00": sys.stdout.write(byte.decode("ascii")) byte = f.read(1) sys.stdout.write("\n") diff --git a/lld/test/MachO/Inputs/code-signature-check.py b/lld/test/MachO/Inputs/code-signature-check.py --- a/lld/test/MachO/Inputs/code-signature-check.py +++ b/lld/test/MachO/Inputs/code-signature-check.py @@ -24,15 +24,25 @@ import sys import typing + class CodeDirectoryVersion: SUPPORTSSCATTER = 0x20100 SUPPORTSTEAMID = 0x20200 SUPPORTSCODELIMIT64 = 0x20300 SUPPORTSEXECSEG = 0x20400 + class CodeDirectory: @staticmethod - def make(buf: memoryview) -> typing.Union['CodeDirectoryBase', 'CodeDirectoryV20100', 'CodeDirectoryV20200', 'CodeDirectoryV20300', 'CodeDirectoryV20400']: + def make( + buf: memoryview, + ) -> typing.Union[ + "CodeDirectoryBase", + "CodeDirectoryV20100", + "CodeDirectoryV20200", + "CodeDirectoryV20300", + "CodeDirectoryV20400", + ]: _magic, _length, version = struct.unpack_from(">III", buf, 0) subtype = { CodeDirectoryVersion.SUPPORTSSCATTER: CodeDirectoryV20100, @@ -43,6 +53,7 @@ return subtype._make(struct.unpack_from(subtype._format(), buf, 0)) + class CodeDirectoryBase(typing.NamedTuple): magic: int length: int @@ -63,6 +74,7 @@ def _format() -> str: return ">IIIIIIIIIBBBBI" + class CodeDirectoryV20100(typing.NamedTuple): magic: int length: int @@ -85,6 +97,7 @@ def _format() -> str: return CodeDirectoryBase._format() + "I" + class CodeDirectoryV20200(typing.NamedTuple): magic: int length: int @@ -109,6 +122,7 @@ def _format() -> str: return CodeDirectoryV20100._format() + "I" + class CodeDirectoryV20300(typing.NamedTuple): magic: int length: int @@ -136,6 +150,7 @@ def _format() -> str: return CodeDirectoryV20200._format() + "IQ" + class CodeDirectoryV20400(typing.NamedTuple): magic: int length: int @@ -167,13 +182,16 @@ def _format() -> str: return CodeDirectoryV20300._format() + "QQQ" + class CodeDirectoryBlobIndex(typing.NamedTuple): type_: int offset: int @staticmethod - def make(buf: memoryview) -> 'CodeDirectoryBlobIndex': - return CodeDirectoryBlobIndex._make(struct.unpack_from(CodeDirectoryBlobIndex.__format(), buf, 0)) + def make(buf: memoryview) -> "CodeDirectoryBlobIndex": + return CodeDirectoryBlobIndex._make( + struct.unpack_from(CodeDirectoryBlobIndex.__format(), buf, 0) + ) @staticmethod def bytesize() -> int: @@ -183,6 +201,7 @@ def __format() -> str: return ">II" + class CodeDirectorySuperBlob(typing.NamedTuple): magic: int length: int @@ -190,7 +209,7 @@ blob_indices: typing.List[CodeDirectoryBlobIndex] @staticmethod - def make(buf: memoryview) -> 'CodeDirectorySuperBlob': + def make(buf: memoryview) -> "CodeDirectorySuperBlob": super_blob_layout = ">III" super_blob = struct.unpack_from(super_blob_layout, buf, 0) @@ -202,17 +221,25 @@ return CodeDirectorySuperBlob(*super_blob, blob_indices) + def unpack_null_terminated_string(buf: memoryview) -> str: b = bytes(itertools.takewhile(lambda b: b != 0, buf)) return b.decode() + def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() - parser.add_argument('binary', type=argparse.FileType('rb'), help='The file to analyze') - parser.add_argument('offset', type=int, help='Offset to start of Code Directory data') - parser.add_argument('size', type=int, help='Size of Code Directory data') - parser.add_argument('code_offset', type=int, help='Offset to start of code pages to hash') - parser.add_argument('code_size', type=int, help='Size of the code pages to hash') + parser.add_argument( + "binary", type=argparse.FileType("rb"), help="The file to analyze" + ) + parser.add_argument( + "offset", type=int, help="Offset to start of Code Directory data" + ) + parser.add_argument("size", type=int, help="Size of Code Directory data") + parser.add_argument( + "code_offset", type=int, help="Offset to start of code pages to hash" + ) + parser.add_argument("code_size", type=int, help="Size of the code pages to hash") args = parser.parse_args() @@ -229,7 +256,10 @@ print(code_directory) ident_offset = code_directory_offset + code_directory.identOffset - print("Code Directory ID: " + unpack_null_terminated_string(super_blob_mem[ident_offset:])) + print( + "Code Directory ID: " + + unpack_null_terminated_string(super_blob_mem[ident_offset:]) + ) code_offset = args.code_offset code_end = code_offset + args.code_size @@ -238,7 +268,9 @@ hashes_offset = code_directory_offset + code_directory.hashOffset for idx in range(code_directory.nCodeSlots): - hash_bytes = bytes(super_blob_mem[hashes_offset:hashes_offset+code_directory.hashSize]) + hash_bytes = bytes( + super_blob_mem[hashes_offset : hashes_offset + code_directory.hashSize] + ) hashes_offset += code_directory.hashSize hasher = hashlib.sha256() @@ -253,5 +285,5 @@ sys.exit(-1) -if __name__ == '__main__': +if __name__ == "__main__": main() diff --git a/lld/test/MachO/lit.local.cfg b/lld/test/MachO/lit.local.cfg --- a/lld/test/MachO/lit.local.cfg +++ b/lld/test/MachO/lit.local.cfg @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ # FIXME: The MachO back-end currently does not respect endianness when # accessing binary data structures, and therefore only works correctly # on little-endian host systems. Skip all tests on big-endian hosts. -if sys.byteorder == 'big': +if sys.byteorder == "big": config.unsupported = True # We specify the most commonly-used archs and platform versions in our tests @@ -16,17 +16,21 @@ # flag will append to the set of library roots. As such, we define a separate # alias for each platform. -lld_watchos = ('ld64.lld -lSystem -arch arm64_32 -platform_version watchos 7.0 8.0 -syslibroot ' + - os.path.join(config.test_source_root, "MachO", "Inputs", "WatchOS.sdk")) -config.substitutions.append(('%lld-watchos', lld_watchos + ' -fatal_warnings')) -config.substitutions.append(('%no-fatal-warnings-lld-watchos', lld_watchos)) +lld_watchos = ( + "ld64.lld -lSystem -arch arm64_32 -platform_version watchos 7.0 8.0 -syslibroot " + + os.path.join(config.test_source_root, "MachO", "Inputs", "WatchOS.sdk") +) +config.substitutions.append(("%lld-watchos", lld_watchos + " -fatal_warnings")) +config.substitutions.append(("%no-fatal-warnings-lld-watchos", lld_watchos)) -config.substitutions.append(('%no-arg-lld', 'ld64.lld')) +config.substitutions.append(("%no-arg-lld", "ld64.lld")) # Since most of our tests are written around x86_64, we give this platform the # shortest substitution of "%lld". -lld = ('ld64.lld -arch x86_64 -platform_version macos 11.0 11.0 -syslibroot ' + - os.path.join(config.test_source_root, "MachO", "Inputs", "MacOSX.sdk")) -config.substitutions.append(('%lld', lld + ' -lSystem -fatal_warnings')) -config.substitutions.append(('%no-lsystem-lld', lld + ' -fatal_warnings')) -config.substitutions.append(('%no-fatal-warnings-lld', lld + ' -lSystem')) +lld = ( + "ld64.lld -arch x86_64 -platform_version macos 11.0 11.0 -syslibroot " + + os.path.join(config.test_source_root, "MachO", "Inputs", "MacOSX.sdk") +) +config.substitutions.append(("%lld", lld + " -lSystem -fatal_warnings")) +config.substitutions.append(("%no-lsystem-lld", lld + " -fatal_warnings")) +config.substitutions.append(("%no-fatal-warnings-lld", lld + " -lSystem")) diff --git a/lld/test/MachO/tools/generate-cfi-funcs.py b/lld/test/MachO/tools/generate-cfi-funcs.py --- a/lld/test/MachO/tools/generate-cfi-funcs.py +++ b/lld/test/MachO/tools/generate-cfi-funcs.py @@ -16,64 +16,80 @@ func_size_low = 0x10 func_size_high = 0x100 saved_regs = ["%r15", "%r14", "%r13", "%r12", "%rbx"] -saved_regs_combined = list(list(permutations(saved_regs, i)) - for i in range(0,6)) +saved_regs_combined = list(list(permutations(saved_regs, i)) for i in range(0, 6)) + def print_function(name): - global lsda_odds - have_lsda = (random.random() < lsda_odds) - frame_size = random.randint(4, 64) * 16 - frame_offset = -random.randint(0, int(frame_size/16 - 4)) * 16 - global func_size_low, func_size_high - func_size = random.randint(func_size_low, func_size_high) * 0x10 - func_size_high += 1 - if func_size_high % 0x10 == 0: - func_size_low += 1 - - print("""\ + global lsda_odds + have_lsda = random.random() < lsda_odds + frame_size = random.randint(4, 64) * 16 + frame_offset = -random.randint(0, int(frame_size / 16 - 4)) * 16 + global func_size_low, func_size_high + func_size = random.randint(func_size_low, func_size_high) * 0x10 + func_size_high += 1 + if func_size_high % 0x10 == 0: + func_size_low += 1 + + print( + """\ ### %s frame=%d lsda=%s size=%d .section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .p2align 4, 0x90 .globl %s %s: - .cfi_startproc""" % ( - name, frame_size, have_lsda, func_size, name, name)) - if have_lsda: - global lsda_n - lsda_n += 1 - print("""\ + .cfi_startproc""" + % (name, frame_size, have_lsda, func_size, name, name) + ) + if have_lsda: + global lsda_n + lsda_n += 1 + print( + """\ .cfi_personality 155, ___gxx_personality_v0 - .cfi_lsda 16, Lexception%d""" % lsda_n) - print("""\ + .cfi_lsda 16, Lexception%d""" + % lsda_n + ) + print( + """\ pushq %%rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset %d .cfi_offset %%rbp, %d movq %%rsp, %%rbp - .cfi_def_cfa_register %%rbp""" % (frame_size, frame_offset + 6*8)) - print("""\ + .cfi_def_cfa_register %%rbp""" + % (frame_size, frame_offset + 6 * 8) + ) + print( + """\ .fill %d popq %%rbp retq .cfi_endproc -""" % (func_size - 6)) +""" + % (func_size - 6) + ) - if have_lsda: - print("""\ + if have_lsda: + print( + """\ .section __TEXT,__gcc_except_tab .p2align 2 Lexception%d: .space 0x10 -""" % lsda_n) - return func_size +""" + % lsda_n + ) + return func_size + def random_seed(): - """Generate a seed that can easily be passed back in via --seed=STRING""" - return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for i in range(10)) + """Generate a seed that can easily be passed back in via --seed=STRING""" + return "".join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for i in range(10)) + def main(): - parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( - description=__doc__, - epilog="""\ + parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( + description=__doc__, + epilog="""\ Function sizes begin small then monotonically increase. The goal is to produce early pages that are full and later pages that are less than full, in order to test handling for both cases. Full pages @@ -83,39 +99,58 @@ Use --pages=N or --functions=N to control the size of the output. Default is --pages=2, meaning produce at least two full pages of compact unwind entries, plus some more. The calculation is sloppy. -""") - parser.add_argument('--seed', type=str, default=random_seed(), - help='Seed the random number generator') - parser.add_argument('--pages', type=int, default=2, - help='Number of compact-unwind pages') - parser.add_argument('--functions', type=int, default=None, - help='Number of functions to generate') - parser.add_argument('--encodings', type=int, default=127, - help='Maximum number of unique unwind encodings (default = 127)') - parser.add_argument('--lsda', type=int, default=0, - help='Percentage of functions with personality & LSDA (default = 10') - args = parser.parse_args() - random.seed(args.seed) - p2align = 14 - global lsda_odds - lsda_odds = args.lsda / 100.0 - - print("""\ +""", + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--seed", + type=str, + default=random_seed(), + help="Seed the random number generator", + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--pages", type=int, default=2, help="Number of compact-unwind pages" + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--functions", type=int, default=None, help="Number of functions to generate" + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--encodings", + type=int, + default=127, + help="Maximum number of unique unwind encodings (default = 127)", + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--lsda", + type=int, + default=0, + help="Percentage of functions with personality & LSDA (default = 10", + ) + args = parser.parse_args() + random.seed(args.seed) + p2align = 14 + global lsda_odds + lsda_odds = args.lsda / 100.0 + + print( + """\ ### seed=%s lsda=%f p2align=%d .section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .p2align %d, 0x90 -""" % (args.seed, lsda_odds, p2align, p2align)) - - size = 0 - base = (1 << p2align) - if args.functions: - for n in range(args.functions): - size += print_function("x%08x" % (size+base)) - else: - while size < (args.pages << 24): - size += print_function("x%08x" % (size+base)) - - print("""\ +""" + % (args.seed, lsda_odds, p2align, p2align) + ) + + size = 0 + base = 1 << p2align + if args.functions: + for n in range(args.functions): + size += print_function("x%08x" % (size + base)) + else: + while size < (args.pages << 24): + size += print_function("x%08x" % (size + base)) + + print( + """\ .section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .globl _main .p2align 4, 0x90 @@ -125,8 +160,9 @@ .p2align 4, 0x90 ___gxx_personality_v0: retq -""") +""" + ) -if __name__ == '__main__': - main() +if __name__ == "__main__": + main() diff --git a/lld/test/MachO/tools/generate-thunkable-program.py b/lld/test/MachO/tools/generate-thunkable-program.py --- a/lld/test/MachO/tools/generate-thunkable-program.py +++ b/lld/test/MachO/tools/generate-thunkable-program.py @@ -15,316 +15,1305 @@ # This list comes from libSystem.tbd and contains a sizeable subset # of dylib calls available for all MacOS target archs. libSystem_calls = ( - "__CurrentRuneLocale", "__DefaultRuneLocale", "__Exit", "__NSGetArgc", - "__NSGetArgv", "__NSGetEnviron", "__NSGetMachExecuteHeader", - "__NSGetProgname", "__PathLocale", "__Read_RuneMagi", "___Balloc_D2A", - "___Bfree_D2A", "___ULtod_D2A", "____mb_cur_max", "____mb_cur_max_l", - "____runetype", "____runetype_l", "____tolower", "____tolower_l", - "____toupper", "____toupper_l", "___add_ovflpage", "___addel", - "___any_on_D2A", "___assert_rtn", "___b2d_D2A", "___big_delete", - "___big_insert", "___big_keydata", "___big_return", "___big_split", - "___bigtens_D2A", "___bt_close", "___bt_cmp", "___bt_defcmp", - "___bt_defpfx", "___bt_delete", "___bt_dleaf", "___bt_fd", - "___bt_free", "___bt_get", "___bt_new", "___bt_open", "___bt_pgin", - "___bt_pgout", "___bt_put", "___bt_ret", "___bt_search", "___bt_seq", - "___bt_setcur", "___bt_split", "___bt_sync", "___buf_free", - "___call_hash", "___cleanup", "___cmp_D2A", "___collate_equiv_match", - "___collate_load_error", "___collate_lookup", "___collate_lookup_l", - "___copybits_D2A", "___cxa_atexit", "___cxa_finalize", - "___cxa_finalize_ranges", "___cxa_thread_atexit", "___d2b_D2A", - "___dbpanic", "___decrement_D2A", "___default_hash", "___default_utx", - "___delpair", "___diff_D2A", "___dtoa", "___expand_table", - "___fflush", "___fgetwc", "___find_bigpair", "___find_last_page", - "___fix_locale_grouping_str", "___fread", "___free_ovflpage", - "___freedtoa", "___gdtoa", "___gdtoa_locks", "___get_buf", - "___get_page", "___gethex_D2A", "___getonlyClocaleconv", - "___hash_open", "___hdtoa", "___hexdig_D2A", "___hexdig_init_D2A", - "___hexnan_D2A", "___hi0bits_D2A", "___hldtoa", "___i2b_D2A", - "___ibitmap", "___increment_D2A", "___isctype", "___istype", - "___istype_l", "___ldtoa", "___libc_init", "___lo0bits_D2A", - "___log2", "___lshift_D2A", "___maskrune", "___maskrune_l", - "___match_D2A", "___mb_cur_max", "___mb_sb_limit", "___memccpy_chk", - "___memcpy_chk", "___memmove_chk", "___memset_chk", "___mult_D2A", - "___multadd_D2A", "___nrv_alloc_D2A", "___opendir2", "___ovfl_delete", - "___ovfl_get", "___ovfl_put", "___pow5mult_D2A", "___put_page", - "___quorem_D2A", "___ratio_D2A", "___rec_close", "___rec_delete", - "___rec_dleaf", "___rec_fd", "___rec_fmap", "___rec_fpipe", - "___rec_get", "___rec_iput", "___rec_open", "___rec_put", - "___rec_ret", "___rec_search", "___rec_seq", "___rec_sync", - "___rec_vmap", "___rec_vpipe", "___reclaim_buf", "___rshift_D2A", - "___rv_alloc_D2A", "___s2b_D2A", "___sF", "___sclose", "___sdidinit", - "___set_ones_D2A", "___setonlyClocaleconv", "___sflags", "___sflush", - "___sfp", "___sfvwrite", "___sglue", "___sinit", "___slbexpand", - "___smakebuf", "___snprintf_chk", "___snprintf_object_size_chk", - "___split_page", "___sprintf_chk", "___sprintf_object_size_chk", - "___sread", "___srefill", "___srget", "___sseek", "___stack_chk_fail", - "___stack_chk_guard", "___stderrp", "___stdinp", "___stdoutp", - "___stpcpy_chk", "___stpncpy_chk", "___strcat_chk", "___strcp_D2A", - "___strcpy_chk", "___strlcat_chk", "___strlcpy_chk", "___strncat_chk", - "___strncpy_chk", "___strtodg", "___strtopdd", "___sum_D2A", - "___svfscanf", "___swbuf", "___swhatbuf", "___swrite", "___swsetup", - "___tens_D2A", "___tinytens_D2A", "___tolower", "___tolower_l", - "___toupper", "___toupper_l", "___trailz_D2A", "___ulp_D2A", - "___ungetc", "___ungetwc", "___vsnprintf_chk", "___vsprintf_chk", - "___wcwidth", "___wcwidth_l", "__allocenvstate", "__atexit_receipt", - "__c_locale", "__cleanup", "__closeutx", "__copyenv", - "__cthread_init_routine", "__deallocenvstate", "__endutxent", - "__flockfile_debug_stub", "__fseeko", "__ftello", "__fwalk", - "__getenvp", "__getutxent", "__getutxid", "__getutxline", - "__inet_aton_check", "__init_clock_port", "__int_to_time", - "__libc_fork_child", "__libc_initializer", "__long_to_time", - "__mkpath_np", "__mktemp", "__openutx", "__os_assert_log", - "__os_assert_log_ctx", "__os_assumes_log", "__os_assumes_log_ctx", - "__os_avoid_tail_call", "__os_crash", "__os_crash_callback", - "__os_crash_fmt", "__os_debug_log", "__os_debug_log_error_str", - "__putenvp", "__pututxline", "__rand48_add", "__rand48_mult", - "__rand48_seed", "__readdir_unlocked", "__reclaim_telldir", - "__seekdir", "__setenvp", "__setutxent", "__sigaction_nobind", - "__sigintr", "__signal_nobind", "__sigvec_nobind", "__sread", - "__sseek", "__subsystem_init", "__swrite", "__time32_to_time", - "__time64_to_time", "__time_to_int", "__time_to_long", - "__time_to_time32", "__time_to_time64", "__unsetenvp", "__utmpxname", - "_a64l", "_abort", "_abort_report_np", "_abs", "_acl_add_flag_np", - "_acl_add_perm", "_acl_calc_mask", "_acl_clear_flags_np", - "_acl_clear_perms", "_acl_copy_entry", "_acl_copy_ext", - "_acl_copy_ext_native", "_acl_copy_int", "_acl_copy_int_native", - "_acl_create_entry", "_acl_create_entry_np", "_acl_delete_def_file", - "_acl_delete_entry", "_acl_delete_fd_np", "_acl_delete_file_np", - "_acl_delete_flag_np", "_acl_delete_link_np", "_acl_delete_perm", - "_acl_dup", "_acl_free", "_acl_from_text", "_acl_get_entry", - "_acl_get_fd", "_acl_get_fd_np", "_acl_get_file", "_acl_get_flag_np", - "_acl_get_flagset_np", "_acl_get_link_np", "_acl_get_perm_np", - "_acl_get_permset", "_acl_get_permset_mask_np", "_acl_get_qualifier", - "_acl_get_tag_type", "_acl_init", "_acl_maximal_permset_mask_np", - "_acl_set_fd", "_acl_set_fd_np", "_acl_set_file", "_acl_set_flagset_np", - "_acl_set_link_np", "_acl_set_permset", "_acl_set_permset_mask_np", - "_acl_set_qualifier", "_acl_set_tag_type", "_acl_size", "_acl_to_text", - "_acl_valid", "_acl_valid_fd_np", "_acl_valid_file_np", - "_acl_valid_link", "_addr2ascii", "_alarm", "_alphasort", - "_arc4random", "_arc4random_addrandom", "_arc4random_buf", - "_arc4random_stir", "_arc4random_uniform", "_ascii2addr", "_asctime", - "_asctime_r", "_asprintf", "_asprintf_l", "_asxprintf", - "_asxprintf_exec", "_atexit", "_atexit_b", "_atof", "_atof_l", - "_atoi", "_atoi_l", "_atol", "_atol_l", "_atoll", "_atoll_l", - "_backtrace", "_backtrace_from_fp", "_backtrace_image_offsets", - "_backtrace_symbols", "_backtrace_symbols_fd", "_basename", - "_basename_r", "_bcopy", "_brk", "_bsd_signal", "_bsearch", - "_bsearch_b", "_btowc", "_btowc_l", "_catclose", "_catgets", - "_catopen", "_cfgetispeed", "_cfgetospeed", "_cfmakeraw", - "_cfsetispeed", "_cfsetospeed", "_cfsetspeed", "_cgetcap", - "_cgetclose", "_cgetent", "_cgetfirst", "_cgetmatch", "_cgetnext", - "_cgetnum", "_cgetset", "_cgetstr", "_cgetustr", "_chmodx_np", - "_clearerr", "_clearerr_unlocked", "_clock", "_clock_getres", - "_clock_gettime", "_clock_gettime_nsec_np", "_clock_port", - "_clock_sem", "_clock_settime", "_closedir", "_compat_mode", - "_confstr", "_copy_printf_domain", "_creat", "_crypt", "_ctermid", - "_ctermid_r", "_ctime", "_ctime_r", "_daemon", "_daylight", - "_dbm_clearerr", "_dbm_close", "_dbm_delete", "_dbm_dirfno", - "_dbm_error", "_dbm_fetch", "_dbm_firstkey", "_dbm_nextkey", - "_dbm_open", "_dbm_store", "_dbopen", "_devname", "_devname_r", - "_difftime", "_digittoint", "_digittoint_l", "_dirfd", "_dirname", - "_dirname_r", "_div", "_dprintf", "_dprintf_l", "_drand48", - "_duplocale", "_dxprintf", "_dxprintf_exec", "_ecvt", "_encrypt", - "_endttyent", "_endusershell", "_endutxent", "_endutxent_wtmp", - "_erand48", "_err", "_err_set_exit", "_err_set_exit_b", - "_err_set_file", "_errc", "_errx", "_execl", "_execle", "_execlp", - "_execv", "_execvP", "_execvp", "_exit", "_f_prealloc", "_fchmodx_np", - "_fclose", "_fcvt", "_fdopen", "_fdopendir", "_feof", "_feof_unlocked", - "_ferror", "_ferror_unlocked", "_fflagstostr", "_fflush", "_fgetc", - "_fgetln", "_fgetpos", "_fgetrune", "_fgets", "_fgetwc", "_fgetwc_l", - "_fgetwln", "_fgetwln_l", "_fgetws", "_fgetws_l", "_fileno", - "_fileno_unlocked", "_filesec_dup", "_filesec_free", - "_filesec_get_property", "_filesec_init", "_filesec_query_property", - "_filesec_set_property", "_filesec_unset_property", "_flockfile", - "_fmemopen", "_fmtcheck", "_fmtmsg", "_fnmatch", "_fopen", "_fork", - "_forkpty", "_fparseln", "_fprintf", "_fprintf_l", "_fpurge", - "_fputc", "_fputrune", "_fputs", "_fputwc", "_fputwc_l", "_fputws", - "_fputws_l", "_fread", "_free_printf_comp", "_free_printf_domain", - "_freelocale", "_freopen", "_fscanf", "_fscanf_l", "_fseek", - "_fseeko", "_fsetpos", "_fstatvfs", "_fstatx_np", "_fsync_volume_np", - "_ftell", "_ftello", "_ftime", "_ftok", "_ftrylockfile", - "_fts_children", "_fts_close", "_fts_open", "_fts_open_b", - "_fts_read", "_fts_set", "_ftw", "_fungetrune", "_funlockfile", - "_funopen", "_fwide", "_fwprintf", "_fwprintf_l", "_fwrite", - "_fwscanf", "_fwscanf_l", "_fxprintf", "_fxprintf_exec", "_gcvt", - "_getbsize", "_getc", "_getc_unlocked", "_getchar", "_getchar_unlocked", - "_getcwd", "_getdate", "_getdate_err", "_getdelim", "_getdiskbyname", - "_getenv", "_gethostid", "_gethostname", "_getipv4sourcefilter", - "_getlastlogx", "_getlastlogxbyname", "_getline", "_getloadavg", - "_getlogin", "_getlogin_r", "_getmntinfo", "_getmntinfo_r_np", - "_getmode", "_getopt", "_getopt_long", "_getopt_long_only", - "_getpagesize", "_getpass", "_getpeereid", "_getprogname", "_gets", - "_getsourcefilter", "_getsubopt", "_gettimeofday", "_getttyent", - "_getttynam", "_getusershell", "_getutmp", "_getutmpx", "_getutxent", - "_getutxent_wtmp", "_getutxid", "_getutxline", "_getvfsbyname", - "_getw", "_getwc", "_getwc_l", "_getwchar", "_getwchar_l", "_getwd", - "_glob", "_glob_b", "_globfree", "_gmtime", "_gmtime_r", "_grantpt", - "_hash_create", "_hash_destroy", "_hash_purge", "_hash_search", - "_hash_stats", "_hash_traverse", "_hcreate", "_hdestroy", - "_heapsort", "_heapsort_b", "_hsearch", "_imaxabs", "_imaxdiv", - "_inet_addr", "_inet_aton", "_inet_lnaof", "_inet_makeaddr", - "_inet_net_ntop", "_inet_net_pton", "_inet_neta", "_inet_netof", - "_inet_network", "_inet_nsap_addr", "_inet_nsap_ntoa", "_inet_ntoa", - "_inet_ntop", "_inet_ntop4", "_inet_ntop6", "_inet_pton", - "_initstate", "_insque", "_isalnum", "_isalnum_l", "_isalpha", - "_isalpha_l", "_isascii", "_isatty", "_isblank", "_isblank_l", - 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"_duplocale", + "_dxprintf", + "_dxprintf_exec", + "_ecvt", + "_encrypt", + "_endttyent", + "_endusershell", + "_endutxent", + "_endutxent_wtmp", + "_erand48", + "_err", + "_err_set_exit", + "_err_set_exit_b", + "_err_set_file", + "_errc", + "_errx", + "_execl", + "_execle", + "_execlp", + "_execv", + "_execvP", + "_execvp", + "_exit", + "_f_prealloc", + "_fchmodx_np", + "_fclose", + "_fcvt", + "_fdopen", + "_fdopendir", + "_feof", + "_feof_unlocked", + "_ferror", + "_ferror_unlocked", + "_fflagstostr", + "_fflush", + "_fgetc", + "_fgetln", + "_fgetpos", + "_fgetrune", + "_fgets", + "_fgetwc", + "_fgetwc_l", + "_fgetwln", + "_fgetwln_l", + "_fgetws", + "_fgetws_l", + "_fileno", + "_fileno_unlocked", + "_filesec_dup", + "_filesec_free", + "_filesec_get_property", + "_filesec_init", + "_filesec_query_property", + "_filesec_set_property", + "_filesec_unset_property", + "_flockfile", + "_fmemopen", + "_fmtcheck", + "_fmtmsg", + "_fnmatch", + "_fopen", + "_fork", + "_forkpty", + "_fparseln", + "_fprintf", + "_fprintf_l", + "_fpurge", + "_fputc", + "_fputrune", + "_fputs", + "_fputwc", + "_fputwc_l", + "_fputws", + "_fputws_l", + "_fread", + "_free_printf_comp", + "_free_printf_domain", + "_freelocale", + "_freopen", + "_fscanf", + "_fscanf_l", + "_fseek", + "_fseeko", + "_fsetpos", + "_fstatvfs", + "_fstatx_np", + "_fsync_volume_np", + "_ftell", + "_ftello", + "_ftime", + "_ftok", + "_ftrylockfile", + "_fts_children", + "_fts_close", + "_fts_open", + "_fts_open_b", + "_fts_read", + "_fts_set", + "_ftw", + "_fungetrune", + "_funlockfile", + "_funopen", + "_fwide", + "_fwprintf", + "_fwprintf_l", + "_fwrite", + "_fwscanf", + "_fwscanf_l", + "_fxprintf", + "_fxprintf_exec", + "_gcvt", + "_getbsize", + "_getc", + "_getc_unlocked", + "_getchar", + "_getchar_unlocked", + "_getcwd", + "_getdate", + "_getdate_err", + "_getdelim", + "_getdiskbyname", + "_getenv", + "_gethostid", + "_gethostname", + "_getipv4sourcefilter", + "_getlastlogx", + "_getlastlogxbyname", + "_getline", + "_getloadavg", + "_getlogin", + "_getlogin_r", + "_getmntinfo", + "_getmntinfo_r_np", + "_getmode", + "_getopt", + "_getopt_long", + "_getopt_long_only", + "_getpagesize", + "_getpass", + "_getpeereid", + "_getprogname", + "_gets", + "_getsourcefilter", + "_getsubopt", + "_gettimeofday", + "_getttyent", + "_getttynam", + "_getusershell", + "_getutmp", + "_getutmpx", + "_getutxent", + "_getutxent_wtmp", + "_getutxid", + "_getutxline", + "_getvfsbyname", + "_getw", + "_getwc", + "_getwc_l", + "_getwchar", + "_getwchar_l", + "_getwd", + "_glob", + "_glob_b", + "_globfree", + "_gmtime", + "_gmtime_r", + "_grantpt", + "_hash_create", + "_hash_destroy", + "_hash_purge", + "_hash_search", + "_hash_stats", + "_hash_traverse", + "_hcreate", + "_hdestroy", + "_heapsort", + "_heapsort_b", + "_hsearch", + "_imaxabs", + "_imaxdiv", + "_inet_addr", + "_inet_aton", + "_inet_lnaof", + "_inet_makeaddr", + "_inet_net_ntop", + "_inet_net_pton", + "_inet_neta", + "_inet_netof", + "_inet_network", + "_inet_nsap_addr", + "_inet_nsap_ntoa", + "_inet_ntoa", + "_inet_ntop", + "_inet_ntop4", + "_inet_ntop6", + "_inet_pton", + "_initstate", + "_insque", + "_isalnum", + "_isalnum_l", + "_isalpha", + "_isalpha_l", + "_isascii", + "_isatty", + "_isblank", + "_isblank_l", + "_iscntrl", + "_iscntrl_l", + "_isdigit", + "_isdigit_l", + "_isgraph", + "_isgraph_l", + "_ishexnumber", + "_ishexnumber_l", + "_isideogram", + "_isideogram_l", + "_islower", + "_islower_l", + "_isnumber", + "_isnumber_l", + "_isphonogram", + "_isphonogram_l", + "_isprint", + "_isprint_l", + "_ispunct", + "_ispunct_l", + "_isrune", + "_isrune_l", + "_isspace", + "_isspace_l", + "_isspecial", + "_isspecial_l", + "_isupper", + "_isupper_l", + "_iswalnum", + "_iswalnum_l", + "_iswalpha", + "_iswalpha_l", + "_iswascii", + "_iswblank", + "_iswblank_l", + "_iswcntrl", + "_iswcntrl_l", + "_iswctype", + "_iswctype_l", + "_iswdigit", + "_iswdigit_l", + "_iswgraph", + "_iswgraph_l", + "_iswhexnumber", + "_iswhexnumber_l", + "_iswideogram", + "_iswideogram_l", + "_iswlower", + "_iswlower_l", + "_iswnumber", + "_iswnumber_l", + "_iswphonogram", + "_iswphonogram_l", + "_iswprint", + "_iswprint_l", + "_iswpunct", + "_iswpunct_l", + "_iswrune", + "_iswrune_l", + "_iswspace", + "_iswspace_l", + "_iswspecial", + "_iswspecial_l", + "_iswupper", + "_iswupper_l", + "_iswxdigit", + "_iswxdigit_l", + "_isxdigit", + "_isxdigit_l", + "_jrand48", + "_kOSThermalNotificationPressureLevelName", + "_killpg", + "_l64a", + "_labs", + "_lchflags", + "_lchmod", + "_lcong48", + "_ldiv", + "_lfind", + "_link_addr", + "_link_ntoa", + "_llabs", + "_lldiv", + "_localeconv", + "_localeconv_l", + "_localtime", + "_localtime_r", + "_lockf", + "_login", + "_login_tty", + "_logout", + "_logwtmp", + "_lrand48", + "_lsearch", + "_lstatx_np", + "_lutimes", + "_mblen", + "_mblen_l", + "_mbmb", + "_mbrlen", + "_mbrlen_l", + "_mbrrune", + "_mbrtowc", + "_mbrtowc_l", + "_mbrune", + "_mbsinit", + "_mbsinit_l", + "_mbsnrtowcs", + "_mbsnrtowcs_l", + "_mbsrtowcs", + "_mbsrtowcs_l", + "_mbstowcs", + "_mbstowcs_l", + "_mbtowc", + "_mbtowc_l", + "_memmem", + "_memset_s", + "_mergesort", + "_mergesort_b", + "_mkdirx_np", + "_mkdtemp", + "_mkdtempat_np", + "_mkfifox_np", + "_mkostemp", + "_mkostemps", + "_mkostempsat_np", + "_mkpath_np", + "_mkpathat_np", + "_mkstemp", + "_mkstemp_dprotected_np", + "_mkstemps", + "_mkstempsat_np", + "_mktemp", + "_mktime", + "_monaddition", + "_moncontrol", + "_moncount", + "_moninit", + "_monitor", + "_monoutput", + "_monreset", + "_monstartup", + "_mpool_close", + "_mpool_filter", + "_mpool_get", + "_mpool_new", + "_mpool_open", + "_mpool_put", + "_mpool_sync", + "_mrand48", + "_nanosleep", + "_new_printf_comp", + "_new_printf_domain", + "_newlocale", + "_nextwctype", + "_nextwctype_l", + "_nftw", + "_nice", + "_nl_langinfo", + "_nl_langinfo_l", + "_nrand48", + "_nvis", + "_off32", + "_off64", + "_offtime", + "_open_memstream", + "_open_with_subsystem", + "_open_wmemstream", + "_opendev", + "_opendir", + "_openpty", + "_openx_np", + "_optarg", + "_opterr", + "_optind", + "_optopt", + "_optreset", + "_pause", + "_pclose", + "_perror", + "_popen", + "_posix2time", + "_posix_openpt", + "_posix_spawnp", + "_printf", + "_printf_l", + "_psignal", + "_psort", + "_psort_b", + "_psort_r", + "_ptsname", + "_ptsname_r", + "_putc", + "_putc_unlocked", + "_putchar", + "_putchar_unlocked", + "_putenv", + "_puts", + "_pututxline", + "_putw", + "_putwc", + "_putwc_l", + "_putwchar", + "_putwchar_l", + "_qsort", + "_qsort_b", + "_qsort_r", + "_querylocale", + "_radixsort", + "_raise", + "_rand", + "_rand_r", + "_random", + "_rb_tree_count", + "_rb_tree_find_node", + "_rb_tree_find_node_geq", + "_rb_tree_find_node_leq", + "_rb_tree_init", + "_rb_tree_insert_node", + "_rb_tree_iterate", + "_rb_tree_remove_node", + "_readdir", + "_readdir_r", + "_readpassphrase", + "_reallocf", + "_realpath", + "_recv", + "_regcomp", + "_regcomp_l", + "_regerror", + "_regexec", + "_regfree", + "_register_printf_domain_function", + "_register_printf_domain_render_std", + "_regncomp", + "_regncomp_l", + "_regnexec", + "_regwcomp", + "_regwcomp_l", + "_regwexec", + "_regwncomp", + "_regwncomp_l", + "_regwnexec", + "_remove", + "_remque", + "_rewind", + "_rewinddir", + "_rindex", + "_rpmatch", + "_sbrk", + "_scandir", + "_scandir_b", + "_scanf", + "_scanf_l", + "_seed48", + "_seekdir", + "_send", + "_setbuf", + "_setbuffer", + "_setenv", + "_sethostid", + "_sethostname", + "_setinvalidrune", + "_setipv4sourcefilter", + "_setkey", + "_setlinebuf", + "_setlocale", + "_setlogin", + "_setmode", + "_setpgrp", + "_setprogname", + "_setrgid", + "_setruid", + "_setrunelocale", + "_setsourcefilter", + "_setstate", + "_settimeofday", + "_setttyent", + "_setusershell", + "_setutxent", + "_setutxent_wtmp", + "_setvbuf", + "_sigaction", + "_sigaddset", + "_sigaltstack", + "_sigblock", + "_sigdelset", + "_sigemptyset", + "_sigfillset", + "_sighold", + "_sigignore", + "_siginterrupt", + "_sigismember", + "_signal", + "_sigpause", + "_sigrelse", + "_sigset", + "_sigsetmask", + "_sigvec", + "_skip", + "_sl_add", + "_sl_find", + "_sl_free", + "_sl_init", + "_sleep", + "_snprintf", + "_snprintf_l", + "_snvis", + "_sockatmark", + "_sprintf", + "_sprintf_l", + "_sradixsort", + "_srand", + "_srand48", + "_sranddev", + "_srandom", + "_srandomdev", + "_sscanf", + "_sscanf_l", + "_stat_with_subsystem", + "_statvfs", + "_statx_np", + "_stpcpy", + "_stpncpy", + "_strcasecmp", + "_strcasecmp_l", + "_strcasestr", + "_strcasestr_l", + "_strcat", + "_strcoll", + "_strcoll_l", + "_strcspn", + "_strdup", + "_strenvisx", + "_strerror", + "_strerror_r", + "_strfmon", + "_strfmon_l", + "_strftime", + "_strftime_l", + "_strmode", + "_strncasecmp", + "_strncasecmp_l", + "_strncat", + "_strndup", + "_strnstr", + "_strnunvis", + "_strnunvisx", + "_strnvis", + "_strnvisx", + "_strpbrk", + "_strptime", + "_strptime_l", + "_strrchr", + "_strsenvisx", + "_strsep", + "_strsignal", + "_strsignal_r", + "_strsnvis", + "_strsnvisx", + "_strspn", + "_strsvis", + "_strsvisx", + "_strtod", + "_strtod_l", + "_strtof", + "_strtof_l", + "_strtofflags", + "_strtoimax", + "_strtoimax_l", + "_strtok", + "_strtok_r", + "_strtol", + "_strtol_l", + "_strtold", + "_strtold_l", + "_strtoll", + "_strtoll_l", + "_strtonum", + "_strtoq", + "_strtoq_l", + "_strtoul", + "_strtoul_l", + "_strtoull", + "_strtoull_l", + "_strtoumax", + "_strtoumax_l", + "_strtouq", + "_strtouq_l", + "_strunvis", + "_strunvisx", + "_strvis", + "_strvisx", + "_strxfrm", + "_strxfrm_l", + "_suboptarg", + "_svis", + "_swab", + "_swprintf", + "_swprintf_l", + "_swscanf", + "_swscanf_l", + "_sxprintf", + "_sxprintf_exec", + "_sync_volume_np", + "_sys_errlist", + "_sys_nerr", + "_sys_siglist", + "_sys_signame", + "_sysconf", + "_sysctl", + "_sysctlbyname", + "_sysctlnametomib", + "_system", + "_tcdrain", + "_tcflow", + "_tcflush", + "_tcgetattr", + "_tcgetpgrp", + "_tcgetsid", + "_tcsendbreak", + "_tcsetattr", + "_tcsetpgrp", + "_tdelete", + "_telldir", + "_tempnam", + "_tfind", + "_thread_stack_pcs", + "_time", + "_time2posix", + "_timegm", + "_timelocal", + "_timeoff", + "_times", + "_timespec_get", + "_timezone", + "_timingsafe_bcmp", + "_tmpfile", + "_tmpnam", + "_toascii", + "_tolower", + "_tolower_l", + "_toupper", + "_toupper_l", + "_towctrans", + "_towctrans_l", + "_towlower", + "_towlower_l", + "_towupper", + "_towupper_l", + "_tre_ast_new_catenation", + "_tre_ast_new_iter", + "_tre_ast_new_literal", + "_tre_ast_new_node", + "_tre_ast_new_union", + "_tre_compile", + "_tre_fill_pmatch", + "_tre_free", + "_tre_mem_alloc_impl", + "_tre_mem_destroy", + "_tre_mem_new_impl", + "_tre_parse", + "_tre_stack_destroy", + "_tre_stack_new", + "_tre_stack_num_objects", + "_tre_tnfa_run_backtrack", + "_tre_tnfa_run_parallel", + "_tsearch", + "_ttyname", + "_ttyname_r", + "_ttyslot", + "_twalk", + "_tzname", + "_tzset", + "_tzsetwall", + "_ualarm", + "_ulimit", + "_umaskx_np", + "_uname", + "_ungetc", + "_ungetwc", + "_ungetwc_l", + "_unlockpt", + "_unsetenv", + "_unvis", + "_uselocale", + "_usleep", + "_utime", + "_utmpxname", + "_uuid_clear", + "_uuid_compare", + "_uuid_copy", + "_uuid_generate", + "_uuid_generate_random", + "_uuid_generate_time", + "_uuid_is_null", + "_uuid_pack", + "_uuid_parse", + "_uuid_unpack", + "_uuid_unparse", + "_uuid_unparse_lower", + "_uuid_unparse_upper", + "_vasprintf", + "_vasprintf_l", + "_vasxprintf", + "_vasxprintf_exec", + "_vdprintf", + "_vdprintf_l", + "_vdxprintf", + "_vdxprintf_exec", + "_verr", + "_verrc", + "_verrx", + "_vfprintf", + "_vfprintf_l", + "_vfscanf", + "_vfscanf_l", + "_vfwprintf", + "_vfwprintf_l", + "_vfwscanf", + "_vfwscanf_l", + "_vfxprintf", + "_vfxprintf_exec", + "_vis", + "_vprintf", + "_vprintf_l", + "_vscanf", + "_vscanf_l", + "_vsnprintf", + "_vsnprintf_l", + "_vsprintf", + "_vsprintf_l", + "_vsscanf", + "_vsscanf_l", + "_vswprintf", + "_vswprintf_l", + "_vswscanf", + "_vswscanf_l", + "_vsxprintf", + "_vsxprintf_exec", + "_vwarn", + "_vwarnc", + "_vwarnx", + "_vwprintf", + "_vwprintf_l", + "_vwscanf", + "_vwscanf_l", + "_vxprintf", + "_vxprintf_exec", + "_wait", + "_wait3", + "_waitpid", + "_warn", + "_warnc", + "_warnx", + "_wcpcpy", + "_wcpncpy", + "_wcrtomb", + "_wcrtomb_l", + "_wcscasecmp", + "_wcscasecmp_l", + "_wcscat", + "_wcschr", + "_wcscmp", + "_wcscoll", + "_wcscoll_l", + "_wcscpy", + "_wcscspn", + "_wcsdup", + "_wcsftime", + "_wcsftime_l", + "_wcslcat", + "_wcslcpy", + "_wcslen", + "_wcsncasecmp", + "_wcsncasecmp_l", + "_wcsncat", + "_wcsncmp", + "_wcsncpy", + "_wcsnlen", + "_wcsnrtombs", + "_wcsnrtombs_l", + "_wcspbrk", + "_wcsrchr", + "_wcsrtombs", + "_wcsrtombs_l", + "_wcsspn", + "_wcsstr", + "_wcstod", + "_wcstod_l", + "_wcstof", + "_wcstof_l", + "_wcstoimax", + "_wcstoimax_l", + "_wcstok", + "_wcstol", + "_wcstol_l", + "_wcstold", + "_wcstold_l", + "_wcstoll", + "_wcstoll_l", + "_wcstombs", + "_wcstombs_l", + "_wcstoul", + "_wcstoul_l", + "_wcstoull", + "_wcstoull_l", + "_wcstoumax", + "_wcstoumax_l", + "_wcswidth", + "_wcswidth_l", + "_wcsxfrm", + "_wcsxfrm_l", + "_wctob", + "_wctob_l", + "_wctomb", + "_wctomb_l", + "_wctrans", + "_wctrans_l", + "_wctype", + "_wctype_l", + "_wcwidth", + "_wcwidth_l", + "_wmemchr", + "_wmemcmp", + "_wmemcpy", + "_wmemmove", + "_wmemset", + "_wordexp", + "_wordfree", + "_wprintf", + "_wprintf_l", + "_wscanf", + "_wscanf_l", + "_wtmpxname", + "_xprintf", + "_xprintf_exec", ) + def print_here_head(name): - print("""\ -(tee %s.s |llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple %s -o %s.o) <>12) - print_here_head(name) - print("""\ -### %s size=%x calls=%x""" % (name, size, calls)) - print_function_head(4, name) - for i in range(calls): - print(" bl %sx%08x\n .p2align 4" % - ("_" if args.os == "macos" else "", - addrs[random.randint(0, len(addrs)-1)])) - if args.os == "macos": - print(" bl %s\n .p2align 4" % - (libSystem_calls[random.randint(0, len(libSystem_calls)-1)])) - fill = size - 4 * (calls + 1) - assert fill > 0 - print("""\ + name = "x%08x" % addr + calls = random.randint(0, size >> 12) + print_here_head(name) + print( + """\ +### %s size=%x calls=%x""" + % (name, size, calls) + ) + print_function_head(4, name) + for i in range(calls): + print( + " bl %sx%08x\n .p2align 4" + % ( + "_" if args.os == "macos" else "", + addrs[random.randint(0, len(addrs) - 1)], + ) + ) + if args.os == "macos": + print( + " bl %s\n .p2align 4" + % (libSystem_calls[random.randint(0, len(libSystem_calls) - 1)]) + ) + fill = size - 4 * (calls + 1) + assert fill > 0 + print( + """\ .fill 0x%x - ret""" % (fill)) - print_here_tail() + ret""" + % (fill) + ) + print_here_tail() + def random_seed(): - """Generate a seed that can easily be passed back in via --seed=STRING""" - return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for i in range(10)) + """Generate a seed that can easily be passed back in via --seed=STRING""" + return "".join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for i in range(10)) + def generate_sizes(base, megabytes): - total = 0 - while total < megabytes: - size = random.randint(0x100, 0x10000) * 0x10 - yield size - total += size + total = 0 + while total < megabytes: + size = random.randint(0x100, 0x10000) * 0x10 + yield size + total += size + def generate_addrs(addr, sizes): - i = 0 - while i < len(sizes): - yield addr - addr += sizes[i] - i += 1 + i = 0 + while i < len(sizes): + yield addr + addr += sizes[i] + i += 1 + def main(): - parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( - description=__doc__, - epilog="""\ + parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( + description=__doc__, + epilog="""\ WRITEME -""") - parser.add_argument('--seed', type=str, default=random_seed(), - help='Seed the random number generator') - parser.add_argument('--size', type=int, default=None, - help='Total text size to generate, in megabytes') - parser.add_argument('--os', type=str, default="macos", - help='Target OS: macos, windows, or linux') - global args - args = parser.parse_args() - triples = { - "macos": "arm64-apple-macos", - "linux": "aarch64-pc-linux", - "windows": "aarch64-pc-windows" - } - global triple - triple = triples.get(args.os) +""", + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--seed", + type=str, + default=random_seed(), + help="Seed the random number generator", + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--size", + type=int, + default=None, + help="Total text size to generate, in megabytes", + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--os", type=str, default="macos", help="Target OS: macos, windows, or linux" + ) + global args + args = parser.parse_args() + triples = { + "macos": "arm64-apple-macos", + "linux": "aarch64-pc-linux", + "windows": "aarch64-pc-windows", + } + global triple + triple = triples.get(args.os) - print("""\ + print( + """\ ### seed=%s triple=%s -""" % (args.seed, triple)) +""" + % (args.seed, triple) + ) - random.seed(args.seed) + random.seed(args.seed) - base = 0x4010 - megabytes = (int(args.size) if args.size else 512) * 1024 * 1024 - sizes = [size for size in generate_sizes(base, megabytes)] - addrs = [addr for addr in generate_addrs(base, sizes)] + base = 0x4010 + megabytes = (int(args.size) if args.size else 512) * 1024 * 1024 + sizes = [size for size in generate_sizes(base, megabytes)] + addrs = [addr for addr in generate_addrs(base, sizes)] - for i in range(len(addrs)): - print_function(addrs[i], sizes[i], addrs) + for i in range(len(addrs)): + print_function(addrs[i], sizes[i], addrs) - print_here_head("main") - print("""\ + print_here_head("main") + print( + """\ ### _x%08x -""" % (addrs[-1] + sizes[-1])) - print_function_head(14 if args.os == "macos" else 4, "main") - print(" ret") - print_here_tail() - print("wait") +""" + % (addrs[-1] + sizes[-1]) + ) + print_function_head(14 if args.os == "macos" else 4, "main") + print(" ret") + print_here_tail() + print("wait") -if __name__ == '__main__': - main() +if __name__ == "__main__": + main() diff --git a/lld/test/MachO/tools/validate-unwind-info.py b/lld/test/MachO/tools/validate-unwind-info.py --- a/lld/test/MachO/tools/validate-unwind-info.py +++ b/lld/test/MachO/tools/validate-unwind-info.py @@ -9,96 +9,119 @@ import re from pprint import pprint + def main(): - hex = "[a-f\d]" - hex8 = hex + "{8}" - - parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) - parser.add_argument('files', metavar='FILES', nargs='*', - help='output of (llvm-objdump --unwind-info --syms) for object file(s) plus final linker output') - parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true') - args = parser.parse_args() - - if args.files: - objdump_string = ''.join([open(f).read() for f in args.files]) - else: - objdump_string = sys.stdin.read() - - object_encodings_list = [(symbol, encoding, personality, lsda) - for symbol, encoding, personality, lsda in - re.findall(r"start:\s+0x%s+\s+(\w+)\s+" % hex + - r"length:\s+0x%s+\s+" % hex + - r"compact encoding:\s+0x(%s+)(?:\s+" % hex + - r"personality function:\s+0x(%s+)\s+\w+\s+" % hex + - r"LSDA:\s+0x(%s+)\s+\w+(?: \+ 0x%s+)?)?" % (hex, hex), - objdump_string, re.DOTALL)] - object_encodings_map = {symbol:encoding - for symbol, encoding, _, _ in object_encodings_list} - if not object_encodings_map: - sys.exit("no object encodings found in input") - - # generate-cfi-funcs.py doesn't generate unwind info for _main. - object_encodings_map['_main'] = '00000000' - - program_symbols_map = {address:symbol - for address, symbol in - re.findall(r"^%s(%s) g\s+F __TEXT,__text (x\1|_main)$" % (hex8, hex8), - objdump_string, re.MULTILINE)} - if not program_symbols_map: - sys.exit("no program symbols found in input") - - program_common_encodings = ( - re.findall(r"^\s+encoding\[(?:\d|\d\d|1[01]\d|12[0-6])\]: 0x(%s+)$" % hex, - objdump_string, re.MULTILINE)) - if not program_common_encodings: - sys.exit("no common encodings found in input") - - program_encodings_map = {program_symbols_map[address]:encoding - for address, encoding in - re.findall(r"^\s+\[\d+\]: function offset=0x(%s+), " % hex + - r"encoding(?:\[\d+\])?=0x(%s+)$" % hex, - objdump_string, re.MULTILINE)} - if not object_encodings_map: - sys.exit("no program encodings found in input") - - # Fold adjacent entries from the object file that have matching encodings - # TODO(gkm) add check for personality+lsda - encoding0 = 0 - for symbol in sorted(object_encodings_map): - encoding = object_encodings_map[symbol] - fold = (encoding == encoding0) - if fold: - del object_encodings_map[symbol] - if args.debug: - print("%s %s with %s" % ( - 'delete' if fold else 'retain', symbol, encoding)) - encoding0 = encoding - - if program_encodings_map != object_encodings_map: - if args.debug: - print("program encodings map:") - pprint(program_encodings_map) - print("object encodings map:") - pprint(object_encodings_map) - sys.exit("encoding maps differ") - - # Count frequency of object-file folded encodings - # and compare with the program-file common encodings table - encoding_frequency_map = {} - for _, encoding in object_encodings_map.items(): - encoding_frequency_map[encoding] = 1 + encoding_frequency_map.get(encoding, 0) - encoding_frequencies = [x for x in - sorted(encoding_frequency_map, - key=lambda x: (encoding_frequency_map.get(x), x), - reverse=True)] - del encoding_frequencies[127:] - - if program_common_encodings != encoding_frequencies: - if args.debug: - pprint("program common encodings:\n" + str(program_common_encodings)) - pprint("object encoding frequencies:\n" + str(encoding_frequencies)) - sys.exit("encoding frequencies differ") - - -if __name__ == '__main__': - main() + hex = "[a-f\d]" + hex8 = hex + "{8}" + + parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) + parser.add_argument( + "files", + metavar="FILES", + nargs="*", + help="output of (llvm-objdump --unwind-info --syms) for object file(s) plus final linker output", + ) + parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true") + args = parser.parse_args() + + if args.files: + objdump_string = "".join([open(f).read() for f in args.files]) + else: + objdump_string = sys.stdin.read() + + object_encodings_list = [ + (symbol, encoding, personality, lsda) + for symbol, encoding, personality, lsda in re.findall( + r"start:\s+0x%s+\s+(\w+)\s+" % hex + + r"length:\s+0x%s+\s+" % hex + + r"compact encoding:\s+0x(%s+)(?:\s+" % hex + + r"personality function:\s+0x(%s+)\s+\w+\s+" % hex + + r"LSDA:\s+0x(%s+)\s+\w+(?: \+ 0x%s+)?)?" % (hex, hex), + objdump_string, + re.DOTALL, + ) + ] + object_encodings_map = { + symbol: encoding for symbol, encoding, _, _ in object_encodings_list + } + if not object_encodings_map: + sys.exit("no object encodings found in input") + + # generate-cfi-funcs.py doesn't generate unwind info for _main. + object_encodings_map["_main"] = "00000000" + + program_symbols_map = { + address: symbol + for address, symbol in re.findall( + r"^%s(%s) g\s+F __TEXT,__text (x\1|_main)$" % (hex8, hex8), + objdump_string, + re.MULTILINE, + ) + } + if not program_symbols_map: + sys.exit("no program symbols found in input") + + program_common_encodings = re.findall( + r"^\s+encoding\[(?:\d|\d\d|1[01]\d|12[0-6])\]: 0x(%s+)$" % hex, + objdump_string, + re.MULTILINE, + ) + if not program_common_encodings: + sys.exit("no common encodings found in input") + + program_encodings_map = { + program_symbols_map[address]: encoding + for address, encoding in re.findall( + r"^\s+\[\d+\]: function offset=0x(%s+), " % hex + + r"encoding(?:\[\d+\])?=0x(%s+)$" % hex, + objdump_string, + re.MULTILINE, + ) + } + if not object_encodings_map: + sys.exit("no program encodings found in input") + + # Fold adjacent entries from the object file that have matching encodings + # TODO(gkm) add check for personality+lsda + encoding0 = 0 + for symbol in sorted(object_encodings_map): + encoding = object_encodings_map[symbol] + fold = encoding == encoding0 + if fold: + del object_encodings_map[symbol] + if args.debug: + print("%s %s with %s" % ("delete" if fold else "retain", symbol, encoding)) + encoding0 = encoding + + if program_encodings_map != object_encodings_map: + if args.debug: + print("program encodings map:") + pprint(program_encodings_map) + print("object encodings map:") + pprint(object_encodings_map) + sys.exit("encoding maps differ") + + # Count frequency of object-file folded encodings + # and compare with the program-file common encodings table + encoding_frequency_map = {} + for _, encoding in object_encodings_map.items(): + encoding_frequency_map[encoding] = 1 + encoding_frequency_map.get(encoding, 0) + encoding_frequencies = [ + x + for x in sorted( + encoding_frequency_map, + key=lambda x: (encoding_frequency_map.get(x), x), + reverse=True, + ) + ] + del encoding_frequencies[127:] + + if program_common_encodings != encoding_frequencies: + if args.debug: + pprint("program common encodings:\n" + str(program_common_encodings)) + pprint("object encoding frequencies:\n" + str(encoding_frequencies)) + sys.exit("encoding frequencies differ") + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + main() diff --git a/lld/test/lit.cfg.py b/lld/test/lit.cfg.py --- a/lld/test/lit.cfg.py +++ b/lld/test/lit.cfg.py @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ # Configuration file for the 'lit' test runner. # name: The name of this test suite. -config.name = 'lld' +config.name = "lld" # testFormat: The test format to use to interpret tests. # @@ -22,96 +22,114 @@ config.test_format = lit.formats.ShTest(not llvm_config.use_lit_shell) # suffixes: A list of file extensions to treat as test files. -config.suffixes = ['.ll', '.s', '.test', '.yaml', '.objtxt'] +config.suffixes = [".ll", ".s", ".test", ".yaml", ".objtxt"] # excludes: A list of directories to exclude from the testsuite. The 'Inputs' # subdirectories contain auxiliary inputs for various tests in their parent # directories. -config.excludes = ['Inputs'] +config.excludes = ["Inputs"] # test_source_root: The root path where tests are located. config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__) -config.test_exec_root = os.path.join(config.lld_obj_root, 'test') +config.test_exec_root = os.path.join(config.lld_obj_root, "test") llvm_config.use_default_substitutions() llvm_config.use_lld() tool_patterns = [ - 'llc', 'llvm-as', 'llvm-mc', 'llvm-nm', 'llvm-objdump', 'llvm-otool', 'llvm-pdbutil', - 'llvm-dwarfdump', 'llvm-readelf', 'llvm-readobj', 'obj2yaml', 'yaml2obj', - 'opt', 'llvm-dis'] + "llc", + "llvm-as", + "llvm-mc", + "llvm-nm", + "llvm-objdump", + "llvm-otool", + "llvm-pdbutil", + "llvm-dwarfdump", + "llvm-readelf", + "llvm-readobj", + "obj2yaml", + "yaml2obj", + "opt", + "llvm-dis", +] llvm_config.add_tool_substitutions(tool_patterns) # LLD tests tend to be flaky on NetBSD, so add some retries. # We don't do this on other platforms because it's slower. -if platform.system() in ['NetBSD']: +if platform.system() in ["NetBSD"]: config.test_retry_attempts = 2 # When running under valgrind, we mangle '-vg' onto the end of the triple so we # can check it with XFAIL and XTARGET. if lit_config.useValgrind: - config.target_triple += '-vg' + config.target_triple += "-vg" # Running on ELF based *nix -if platform.system() in ['FreeBSD', 'NetBSD', 'Linux']: - config.available_features.add('system-linker-elf') +if platform.system() in ["FreeBSD", "NetBSD", "Linux"]: + config.available_features.add("system-linker-elf") # Set if host-cxxabi's demangler can handle target's symbols. -if platform.system() not in ['Windows']: - config.available_features.add('demangler') +if platform.system() not in ["Windows"]: + config.available_features.add("demangler") llvm_config.feature_config( - [('--targets-built', {'AArch64': 'aarch64', - 'AMDGPU': 'amdgpu', - 'ARM': 'arm', - 'AVR': 'avr', - 'Hexagon': 'hexagon', - 'Mips': 'mips', - 'MSP430': 'msp430', - 'PowerPC': 'ppc', - 'RISCV': 'riscv', - 'Sparc': 'sparc', - 'WebAssembly': 'wasm', - 'X86': 'x86'}), - ('--assertion-mode', {'ON': 'asserts'}), - ]) + [ + ( + "--targets-built", + { + "AArch64": "aarch64", + "AMDGPU": "amdgpu", + "ARM": "arm", + "AVR": "avr", + "Hexagon": "hexagon", + "Mips": "mips", + "MSP430": "msp430", + "PowerPC": "ppc", + "RISCV": "riscv", + "Sparc": "sparc", + "WebAssembly": "wasm", + "X86": "x86", + }, + ), + ("--assertion-mode", {"ON": "asserts"}), + ] +) # Set a fake constant version so that we get consistent output. -config.environment['LLD_VERSION'] = 'LLD 1.0' +config.environment["LLD_VERSION"] = "LLD 1.0" # LLD_IN_TEST determines how many times `main` is run inside each process, which # lets us test that it's cleaning up after itself and resetting global state # correctly (which is important for usage as a library). -run_lld_main_twice = lit_config.params.get('RUN_LLD_MAIN_TWICE', False) +run_lld_main_twice = lit_config.params.get("RUN_LLD_MAIN_TWICE", False) if not run_lld_main_twice: - config.environment['LLD_IN_TEST'] = '1' + config.environment["LLD_IN_TEST"] = "1" else: - config.environment['LLD_IN_TEST'] = '2' + config.environment["LLD_IN_TEST"] = "2" # Many ELF tests fail in this mode. - config.excludes.append('ELF') + config.excludes.append("ELF") # Some old Mach-O backend tests fail, and it's due for removal anyway. - config.excludes.append('mach-o') + config.excludes.append("mach-o") # Some new Mach-O backend tests fail; give them a way to mark themselves # unsupported in this mode. - config.available_features.add('main-run-twice') + config.available_features.add("main-run-twice") # Indirectly check if the mt.exe Microsoft utility exists by searching for # cvtres, which always accompanies it. Alternatively, check if we can use # libxml2 to merge manifests. -if (lit.util.which('cvtres', config.environment['PATH']) or - config.have_libxml2): - config.available_features.add('manifest_tool') +if lit.util.which("cvtres", config.environment["PATH"]) or config.have_libxml2: + config.available_features.add("manifest_tool") if config.enable_backtrace: - config.available_features.add('backtrace') + config.available_features.add("backtrace") if config.have_libxar: - config.available_features.add('xar') + config.available_features.add("xar") if config.have_libxml2: - config.available_features.add('libxml2') + config.available_features.add("libxml2") if config.have_dia_sdk: config.available_features.add("diasdk") @@ -120,36 +138,44 @@ config.available_features.add("llvm-64-bits") if config.has_plugins: - config.available_features.add('plugins') + config.available_features.add("plugins") if config.build_examples: - config.available_features.add('examples') + config.available_features.add("examples") if config.linked_bye_extension: - config.substitutions.append(('%loadbye', '')) - config.substitutions.append(('%loadnewpmbye', '')) + config.substitutions.append(("%loadbye", "")) + config.substitutions.append(("%loadnewpmbye", "")) else: - config.substitutions.append(('%loadbye', - '-load={}/Bye{}'.format(config.llvm_shlib_dir, - config.llvm_shlib_ext))) - config.substitutions.append(('%loadnewpmbye', - '-load-pass-plugin={}/Bye{}' - .format(config.llvm_shlib_dir, - config.llvm_shlib_ext))) - -tar_executable = lit.util.which('tar', config.environment['PATH']) + config.substitutions.append( + ( + "%loadbye", + "-load={}/Bye{}".format(config.llvm_shlib_dir, config.llvm_shlib_ext), + ) + ) + config.substitutions.append( + ( + "%loadnewpmbye", + "-load-pass-plugin={}/Bye{}".format( + config.llvm_shlib_dir, config.llvm_shlib_ext + ), + ) + ) + +tar_executable = lit.util.which("tar", config.environment["PATH"]) if tar_executable: env = os.environ - env['LANG'] = 'C' + env["LANG"] = "C" tar_version = subprocess.Popen( - [tar_executable, '--version'], + [tar_executable, "--version"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, - env=env) + env=env, + ) sout, _ = tar_version.communicate() - if 'GNU tar' in sout.decode(): - config.available_features.add('gnutar') + if "GNU tar" in sout.decode(): + config.available_features.add("gnutar") # ELF tests expect the default target for ld.lld to be ELF. if config.ld_lld_default_mingw: - config.excludes.append('ELF') + config.excludes.append("ELF") diff --git a/lld/test/wasm/lit.local.cfg b/lld/test/wasm/lit.local.cfg --- a/lld/test/wasm/lit.local.cfg +++ b/lld/test/wasm/lit.local.cfg @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -if 'wasm' not in config.available_features: - config.unsupported = True +if "wasm" not in config.available_features: + config.unsupported = True -config.suffixes = ['.test', '.yaml', '.ll', '.s'] +config.suffixes = [".test", ".yaml", ".ll", ".s"] diff --git a/lld/utils/benchmark.py b/lld/utils/benchmark.py --- a/lld/utils/benchmark.py +++ b/lld/utils/benchmark.py @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import json import datetime import argparse + try: from urllib.parse import urlencode from urllib.request import urlopen, Request @@ -22,61 +23,71 @@ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() -parser.add_argument('benchmark_directory') -parser.add_argument('--runs', type=int, default=10) -parser.add_argument('--wrapper', default='') -parser.add_argument('--machine', required=True) -parser.add_argument('--revision', required=True) -parser.add_argument('--threads', action='store_true') -parser.add_argument('--url', help='The lnt server url to send the results to', - default='http://localhost:8000/db_default/v4/link/submitRun') +parser.add_argument("benchmark_directory") +parser.add_argument("--runs", type=int, default=10) +parser.add_argument("--wrapper", default="") +parser.add_argument("--machine", required=True) +parser.add_argument("--revision", required=True) +parser.add_argument("--threads", action="store_true") +parser.add_argument( + "--url", + help="The lnt server url to send the results to", + default="http://localhost:8000/db_default/v4/link/submitRun", +) args = parser.parse_args() + class Bench: def __init__(self, directory, variant): self.directory = directory self.variant = variant + def __str__(self): if not self.variant: return self.directory - return '%s-%s' % (self.directory, self.variant) + return "%s-%s" % (self.directory, self.variant) + def getBenchmarks(): ret = [] - for i in glob.glob('*/response*.txt'): - m = re.match('response-(.*)\.txt', os.path.basename(i)) + for i in glob.glob("*/response*.txt"): + m = re.match("response-(.*)\.txt", os.path.basename(i)) variant = m.groups()[0] if m else None ret.append(Bench(os.path.dirname(i), variant)) return ret + def parsePerfNum(num): - num = num.replace(b',',b'') + num = num.replace(b",", b"") try: return int(num) except ValueError: return float(num) + def parsePerfLine(line): ret = {} - line = line.split(b'#')[0].strip() + line = line.split(b"#")[0].strip() if len(line) != 0: p = line.split() - ret[p[1].strip().decode('ascii')] = parsePerfNum(p[0]) + ret[p[1].strip().decode("ascii")] = parsePerfNum(p[0]) return ret + def parsePerf(output): ret = {} - lines = [x.strip() for x in output.split(b'\n')] + lines = [x.strip() for x in output.split(b"\n")] - seconds = [x for x in lines if b'seconds time elapsed' in x][0] + seconds = [x for x in lines if b"seconds time elapsed" in x][0] seconds = seconds.strip().split()[0].strip() - ret['seconds-elapsed'] = parsePerfNum(seconds) + ret["seconds-elapsed"] = parsePerfNum(seconds) - measurement_lines = [x for x in lines if b'#' in x] + measurement_lines = [x for x in lines if b"#" in x] for l in measurement_lines: ret.update(parsePerfLine(l)) return ret + def run(cmd): try: return subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) @@ -84,56 +95,62 @@ print(e.output) raise e + def combinePerfRun(acc, d): - for k,v in d.items(): + for k, v in d.items(): a = acc.get(k, []) a.append(v) acc[k] = a + def perf(cmd): # Discard the first run to warm up any system cache. run(cmd) ret = {} - wrapper_args = [x for x in args.wrapper.split(',') if x] + wrapper_args = [x for x in args.wrapper.split(",") if x] for i in range(args.runs): - os.unlink('t') - out = run(wrapper_args + ['perf', 'stat'] + cmd) + os.unlink("t") + out = run(wrapper_args + ["perf", "stat"] + cmd) r = parsePerf(out) combinePerfRun(ret, r) - os.unlink('t') + os.unlink("t") return ret + def runBench(bench): - thread_arg = [] if args.threads else ['--no-threads'] + thread_arg = [] if args.threads else ["--no-threads"] os.chdir(bench.directory) - suffix = '-%s' % bench.variant if bench.variant else '' - response = 'response' + suffix + '.txt' - ret = perf(['../ld.lld', '@' + response, '-o', 't'] + thread_arg) - ret['name'] = str(bench) - os.chdir('..') + suffix = "-%s" % bench.variant if bench.variant else "" + response = "response" + suffix + ".txt" + ret = perf(["../ld.lld", "@" + response, "-o", "t"] + thread_arg) + ret["name"] = str(bench) + os.chdir("..") return ret + def buildLntJson(benchmarks): start = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() tests = [runBench(b) for b in benchmarks] end = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() ret = { - 'format_version' : 2, - 'machine' : { 'name' : args.machine }, - 'run' : { - 'end_time' : start, - 'start_time' : end, - 'llvm_project_revision': args.revision + "format_version": 2, + "machine": {"name": args.machine}, + "run": { + "end_time": start, + "start_time": end, + "llvm_project_revision": args.revision, }, - 'tests' : tests + "tests": tests, } return json.dumps(ret, sort_keys=True, indent=4) + def submitToServer(data): - data2 = urlencode({ 'input_data' : data }).encode('ascii') + data2 = urlencode({"input_data": data}).encode("ascii") urlopen(Request(args.url, data2)) + os.chdir(args.benchmark_directory) data = buildLntJson(getBenchmarks()) submitToServer(data) diff --git a/llvm-libgcc/generate_version_script.py b/llvm-libgcc/generate_version_script.py --- a/llvm-libgcc/generate_version_script.py +++ b/llvm-libgcc/generate_version_script.py @@ -18,13 +18,12 @@ its priortiy. A symbol that has a '@@' instead of '@' has been designated by the linker as the default symbol, and is awarded a priority of -1. """ - if '@' not in symbol: + if "@" not in symbol: return None - data = [i for i in filter(lambda s: s, symbol.split('@'))] - _, version = data[-1].split('_') - version = version.replace('.', '') - priority = -1 if '@@' in symbol else int(version + '0' * - (3 - len(version))) + data = [i for i in filter(lambda s: s, symbol.split("@"))] + _, version = data[-1].split("_") + version = version.replace(".", "") + priority = -1 if "@@" in symbol else int(version + "0" * (3 - len(version))) return data[0], data[1], priority @@ -43,9 +42,9 @@ def intersection(llvm, gcc): """ - Finds the intersection between the symbols extracted from compiler-rt.a/libunwind.a - and libgcc_s.so.1. - """ + Finds the intersection between the symbols extracted from compiler-rt.a/libunwind.a + and libgcc_s.so.1. + """ common_symbols = {} for i in gcc: suffix_triple = split_suffix(i) @@ -67,59 +66,58 @@ Runs readelf on a binary and reduces to only defined functions. Equivalent to `llvm-readelf --wide ${path} | grep 'FUNC' | grep -v 'UND' | awk '{print $8}'`. """ - result = subprocess.run(args=['llvm-readelf', '-su', path], - capture_output=True) + result = subprocess.run(args=["llvm-readelf", "-su", path], capture_output=True) if result.returncode != 0: - print(result.stderr.decode('utf-8'), file=sys.stderr) + print(result.stderr.decode("utf-8"), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) - stdout = result.stdout.decode('utf-8') - stdout = filter(lambda x: 'FUNC' in x and 'UND' not in x, - stdout.split('\n')) - stdout = chain( - map(lambda x: filter(None, x), (i.split(' ') for i in stdout))) + stdout = result.stdout.decode("utf-8") + stdout = filter(lambda x: "FUNC" in x and "UND" not in x, stdout.split("\n")) + stdout = chain(map(lambda x: filter(None, x), (i.split(" ") for i in stdout))) return [list(i)[7] for i in stdout] def to_file(versioned_symbols): - path = f'{os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))}/new-gcc_s-symbols' - with open(path, 'w') as f: - f.write('Do not check this version script in: you should instead work ' - 'out which symbols are missing in `lib/gcc_s.ver` and then ' - 'integrate them into `lib/gcc_s.ver`. For more information, ' - 'please see `doc/LLVMLibgcc.rst`.\n') + path = f"{os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))}/new-gcc_s-symbols" + with open(path, "w") as f: + f.write( + "Do not check this version script in: you should instead work " + "out which symbols are missing in `lib/gcc_s.ver` and then " + "integrate them into `lib/gcc_s.ver`. For more information, " + "please see `doc/LLVMLibgcc.rst`.\n" + ) for version, symbols in versioned_symbols: - f.write(f'{version} {{\n') + f.write(f"{version} {{\n") for i in symbols: - f.write(f' {i};\n') - f.write('};\n\n') + f.write(f" {i};\n") + f.write("};\n\n") def read_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() - parser.add_argument('--compiler_rt', - type=str, - help='Path to `libclang_rt.builtins-${ARCH}.a`.', - required=True) - parser.add_argument('--libunwind', - type=str, - help='Path to `libunwind.a`.', - required=True) parser.add_argument( - '--libgcc_s', + "--compiler_rt", + type=str, + help="Path to `libclang_rt.builtins-${ARCH}.a`.", + required=True, + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--libunwind", type=str, help="Path to `libunwind.a`.", required=True + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--libgcc_s", type=str, - help= - 'Path to `libgcc_s.so.1`. Note that unlike the other two arguments, this is a dynamic library.', - required=True) + help="Path to `libgcc_s.so.1`. Note that unlike the other two arguments, this is a dynamic library.", + required=True, + ) return parser.parse_args() def main(): args = read_args() - llvm = find_function_names(args.compiler_rt) + find_function_names( - args.libunwind) + llvm = find_function_names(args.compiler_rt) + find_function_names(args.libunwind) gcc = find_function_names(args.libgcc_s) versioned_symbols = intersection(llvm, gcc) # TODO(cjdb): work out a way to integrate new symbols in with the existing @@ -127,5 +125,5 @@ to_file(versioned_symbols) -if __name__ == '__main__': +if __name__ == "__main__": main() diff --git a/openmp/docs/conf.py b/openmp/docs/conf.py --- a/openmp/docs/conf.py +++ b/openmp/docs/conf.py @@ -17,32 +17,32 @@ # If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, # add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the # documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here. -#sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.')) +# sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.')) # -- General configuration ----------------------------------------------------- # If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here. -#needs_sphinx = '1.0' +# needs_sphinx = '1.0' # Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. 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Refer to documentation # for a list of supported languages. -#language = None +# language = None # There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some # non-false value, then it is used: -#today = '' +# today = '' # Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call. -#today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y' +# today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y' # List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and # directories to ignore when looking for source files. -exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'analyzer'] +exclude_patterns = ["_build", "analyzer"] # The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all documents. -#default_role = None +# default_role = None # If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text. -#add_function_parentheses = True +# add_function_parentheses = True # If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description # unit titles (such as .. function::). -#add_module_names = True +# add_module_names = True # If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the # output. They are ignored by default. show_authors = True # The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use. -pygments_style = 'friendly' +pygments_style = "friendly" # A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting. -#modindex_common_prefix = [] +# modindex_common_prefix = [] # -- Options for HTML output --------------------------------------------------- # The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for # a list of builtin themes. -html_theme = 'llvm-openmp-theme' +html_theme = "llvm-openmp-theme" # Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme # further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the @@ -109,65 +109,65 @@ # html_title = 'OpenMP Parallel Programming API' # A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title. -#html_short_title = None +# html_short_title = None # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top # of the sidebar. -#html_logo = None +# html_logo = None # The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the # docs. This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32 # pixels large. -#html_favicon = None +# html_favicon = None # Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here, # relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files, # so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css". -html_static_path = ['_static'] +html_static_path = ["_static"] # If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom, # using the given strftime format. -html_last_updated_fmt = '%Y-%m-%d' +html_last_updated_fmt = "%Y-%m-%d" # If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to # typographically correct entities. -#html_use_smartypants = True +# html_use_smartypants = True # Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names. -#html_sidebars = {} +# html_sidebars = {} # Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to # template names. -#html_additional_pages = {} +# html_additional_pages = {} # If false, no module index is generated. -#html_domain_indices = True +# html_domain_indices = True # If false, no index is generated. -#html_use_index = True +# html_use_index = True # If true, the index is split into individual pages for each letter. -#html_split_index = False +# html_split_index = False # If true, links to the reST sources are added to the pages. -#html_show_sourcelink = True +# html_show_sourcelink = True # If true, "Created using Sphinx" is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True. -#html_show_sphinx = True +# html_show_sphinx = True # If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True. -#html_show_copyright = True +# html_show_copyright = True # If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will # contain a tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the # base URL from which the finished HTML is served. -#html_use_opensearch = '' +# html_use_opensearch = '' # This is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml"). -#html_file_suffix = None +# html_file_suffix = None # Output file base name for HTML help builder. -htmlhelp_basename = 'OpenMPdoc' +htmlhelp_basename = "OpenMPdoc" # If true, the reST sources are included in the HTML build as # _sources/name. The default is True. @@ -176,42 +176,39 @@ # -- Options for LaTeX output -------------------------------------------------- latex_elements = { -# The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper'). -#'papersize': 'letterpaper', - -# The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). -#'pointsize': '10pt', - -# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. -#'preamble': '', + # The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper'). + #'papersize': 'letterpaper', + # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). + #'pointsize': '10pt', + # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. + #'preamble': '', } # Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. 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The global OMPD address space defined in - ompd.py is set as well. - """ - super(OmpdFrameDecorator, self).__init__(fobj) - self.addr_space = ompd.addr_space - self.fobj = None - if isinstance(fobj, gdb.Frame): - self.fobj = fobj - elif isinstance(fobj, FrameDecorator): - self.fobj = fobj.inferior_frame() - self.curr_task_handle = curr_task_handle - - def function(self): - """This appends the name of a frame that is printed with the information whether the task started in the frame - is implicit or explicit. The ICVs are evaluated to determine that. - """ - name = str(self.fobj.name()) - - if self.curr_task_handle is None: - return name - - icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(self.curr_task_handle, ompd.icv_map['implicit-task-var'][1], ompd.icv_map['implicit-task-var'][0]) - if icv_value == 0: - name = '@thread %i: %s "#pragma omp task"' % (gdb.selected_thread().num, name) - elif icv_value == 1: - name = '@thread %i: %s "#pragma omp parallel"' % (gdb.selected_thread().num, name) - else: - name = '@thread %i: %s' % (gdb.selected_thread().num, name) - return name + def __init__(self, fobj, curr_task_handle): + """Initializes a FrameDecorator with the given GDB Frame object. The global OMPD address space defined in + ompd.py is set as well. + """ + super(OmpdFrameDecorator, self).__init__(fobj) + self.addr_space = ompd.addr_space + self.fobj = None + if isinstance(fobj, gdb.Frame): + self.fobj = fobj + elif isinstance(fobj, FrameDecorator): + self.fobj = fobj.inferior_frame() + self.curr_task_handle = curr_task_handle + + def function(self): + """This appends the name of a frame that is printed with the information whether the task started in the frame + is implicit or explicit. The ICVs are evaluated to determine that. + """ + name = str(self.fobj.name()) + + if self.curr_task_handle is None: + return name + + icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope( + self.curr_task_handle, + ompd.icv_map["implicit-task-var"][1], + ompd.icv_map["implicit-task-var"][0], + ) + if icv_value == 0: + name = '@thread %i: %s "#pragma omp task"' % ( + gdb.selected_thread().num, + name, + ) + elif icv_value == 1: + name = '@thread %i: %s "#pragma omp parallel"' % ( + gdb.selected_thread().num, + name, + ) + else: + name = "@thread %i: %s" % (gdb.selected_thread().num, name) + return name + class OmpdFrameDecoratorThread(FrameDecorator): - - def __init__(self, fobj): - """Initializes a FrameDecorator with the given GDB Frame object.""" - super(OmpdFrameDecoratorThread, self).__init__(fobj) - if isinstance(fobj, gdb.Frame): - self.fobj = fobj - elif isinstance(fobj, FrameDecorator): - self.fobj = fobj.inferior_frame() - - def function(self): - name = str(self.fobj.name()) - return '@thread %i: %s' % (gdb.selected_thread().num, name) - -class FrameFilter(): - - def __init__(self, addr_space): - """Initializes the FrameFilter, registers is in the GDB runtime and saves the given OMPD address space capsule. - """ - self.addr_space = addr_space - self.name = "Filter" - self.priority = 100 - self.enabled = True - gdb.frame_filters[self.name] = self - self.switched_on = False - self.continue_to_master = False - - def set_switch(self, on_off): - """Prints output when executing 'ompd bt on' or 'ompd bt off'. - """ - self.switched_on = on_off - if self.switched_on: - print('Enabled filter for "bt" output successfully.') - else: - print('Disabled filter for "bt" output successfully.') - - def set_switch_continue(self, on_off): - """Prints output when executing 'ompd bt on continued'." - """ - self.continue_to_master = on_off - if self.continue_to_master: - print('Enabled "bt" mode that continues backtrace on to master thread for worker threads.') - else: - print('Disabled "bt" mode that continues onto master thread.') - - def get_master_frames_for_worker(self, past_thread_num, latest_sp): - """Prints master frames for worker thread with id past_thread_num. - """ - gdb.execute('t 1') - gdb.execute('ompd bt on') - gdb.execute('bt') - - frame = gdb.newest_frame() - - while frame.older() is not None: - print('master frame sp:', str(frame.read_register('sp'))) - yield OmpdFrameDecorator(frame) - frame = frame.older() - print('latest sp:', str(latest_sp)) - - gdb.execute('ompd bt on continued') - gdb.execute('t %d' % int(past_thread_num)) - - - def filter_frames(self, frame_iter): - """Iterates through frames and only returns those that are relevant to the application - being debugged. The OmpdFrameDecorator is applied automatically. - """ - curr_thread_num = gdb.selected_thread().num - is_no_omp_thread = False - if curr_thread_num in self.addr_space.threads: - curr_thread_obj = self.addr_space.threads[curr_thread_num] - self.curr_task = curr_thread_obj.get_current_task() - self.frames = self.curr_task.get_task_frame() - else: - is_no_omp_thread = True - print('Thread %d is no OpenMP thread, printing all frames:' % curr_thread_num) - - stop_iter = False - for x in frame_iter: - if is_no_omp_thread: - yield OmpdFrameDecoratorThread(x) - continue - - if x.inferior_frame().older() is None: - continue - if self.curr_task.task_handle is None: - continue - - gdb_sp = int(str(x.inferior_frame().read_register('sp')), 16) - gdb_sp_next_new = int(str(x.inferior_frame()).split(",")[0].split("=")[1], 16) - if x.inferior_frame().older(): - gdb_sp_next = int(str(x.inferior_frame().older().read_register('sp')), 16) - else: - gdb_sp_next = int(str(x.inferior_frame().read_register('sp')), 16) - while(1): - (ompd_enter_frame, ompd_exit_frame) = self.frames - - if (ompd_enter_frame != 0 and gdb_sp_next_new < ompd_enter_frame): - break - if (ompd_exit_frame != 0 and gdb_sp_next_new < ompd_exit_frame): - if x.inferior_frame().older().older() and int(str(x.inferior_frame().older().older().read_register('sp')), 16) < ompd_exit_frame: - if self.continue_to_master: - yield OmpdFrameDecoratorThread(x) - else: - yield OmpdFrameDecorator(x, self.curr_task.task_handle) - else: - yield OmpdFrameDecorator(x, self.curr_task.task_handle) - break - sched_task_handle = self.curr_task.get_scheduling_task_handle() - - if(sched_task_handle is None): - stop_iter = True - break - - self.curr_task = self.curr_task.get_scheduling_task() - self.frames = self.curr_task.get_task_frame() - if stop_iter: - break - - # implementation of "ompd bt continued" - if self.continue_to_master: - - orig_thread = gdb.selected_thread().num - gdb_threads = dict([(t.num, t) for t in gdb.selected_inferior().threads()]) - - # iterate through generating tasks until outermost task is reached - while(1): - # get OMPD thread id for master thread (systag in GDB output) - try: - master_num = self.curr_task.get_task_parallel().get_thread_in_parallel(0).get_thread_id() - except: - break - # search for thread id without the "l" for long via "thread find" and get GDB thread num from output - hex_str = str(hex(master_num)) - thread_output = gdb.execute('thread find %s' % hex_str[0:len(hex_str)-1], to_string=True).split(" ") - if thread_output[0] == "No": - raise ValueError('Master thread num could not be found!') - gdb_master_num = int(thread_output[1]) - # get task that generated last task of worker thread - try: - self.curr_task = self.curr_task.get_task_parallel().get_task_in_parallel(0).get_generating_task() - except: - break; - self.frames = self.curr_task.get_task_frame() - (enter_frame, exit_frame) = self.frames - if exit_frame == 0: - print('outermost generating task was reached') - break - - # save GDB num for worker thread to change back to it later - worker_thread = gdb.selected_thread().num - - # use InferiorThread.switch() - gdb_threads = dict([(t.num, t) for t in gdb.selected_inferior().threads()]) - gdb_threads[gdb_master_num].switch() - print('#### switching to thread %i ####' % gdb_master_num) - - frame = gdb.newest_frame() - stop_iter = False - - while(not stop_iter): - if self.curr_task.task_handle is None: - break - self.frames = self.curr_task.get_task_frame() - - while frame: - if self.curr_task.task_handle is None: - break - - gdb_sp_next_new = int(str(frame).split(",")[0].split("=")[1], 16) - - if frame.older(): - gdb_sp_next = int(str(frame.older().read_register('sp')), 16) - else: - gdb_sp_next = int(str(frame.read_register('sp')), 16) - - while(1): - (ompd_enter_frame, ompd_exit_frame) = self.frames - - if (ompd_enter_frame != 0 and gdb_sp_next_new < ompd_enter_frame): - break - if (ompd_exit_frame == 0 or gdb_sp_next_new < ompd_exit_frame): - if ompd_exit_frame == 0 or frame.older() and frame.older().older() and int(str(frame.older().older().read_register('sp')), 16) < ompd_exit_frame: - yield OmpdFrameDecoratorThread(frame) - else: - yield OmpdFrameDecorator(frame, self.curr_task.task_handle) - break - sched_task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_scheduling_task_handle(self.curr_task.task_handle) - - if(sched_task_handle is None): - stop_iter = True - break - self.curr_task = self.curr_task.get_generating_task() - self.frames = self.curr_task.get_task_frame() - - frame = frame.older() - break - - gdb_threads[worker_thread].switch() - - gdb_threads[orig_thread].switch() - - - def filter(self, frame_iter): - """Function is called automatically with every 'bt' executed. If switched on, this will only let revelant frames be printed - or all frames otherwise. If switched on, a FrameDecorator will be applied to state whether '.ompd_task_entry.' refers to an - explicit or implicit task. - """ - if self.switched_on: - return self.filter_frames(frame_iter) - else: - return frame_iter + def __init__(self, fobj): + """Initializes a FrameDecorator with the given GDB Frame object.""" + super(OmpdFrameDecoratorThread, self).__init__(fobj) + if isinstance(fobj, gdb.Frame): + self.fobj = fobj + elif isinstance(fobj, FrameDecorator): + self.fobj = fobj.inferior_frame() + + def function(self): + name = str(self.fobj.name()) + return "@thread %i: %s" % (gdb.selected_thread().num, name) + + +class FrameFilter: + def __init__(self, addr_space): + """Initializes the FrameFilter, registers is in the GDB runtime and saves the given OMPD address space capsule.""" + self.addr_space = addr_space + self.name = "Filter" + self.priority = 100 + self.enabled = True + gdb.frame_filters[self.name] = self + self.switched_on = False + self.continue_to_master = False + + def set_switch(self, on_off): + """Prints output when executing 'ompd bt on' or 'ompd bt off'.""" + self.switched_on = on_off + if self.switched_on: + print('Enabled filter for "bt" output successfully.') + else: + print('Disabled filter for "bt" output successfully.') + + def set_switch_continue(self, on_off): + """Prints output when executing 'ompd bt on continued'." """ + self.continue_to_master = on_off + if self.continue_to_master: + print( + 'Enabled "bt" mode that continues backtrace on to master thread for worker threads.' + ) + else: + print('Disabled "bt" mode that continues onto master thread.') + + def get_master_frames_for_worker(self, past_thread_num, latest_sp): + """Prints master frames for worker thread with id past_thread_num.""" + gdb.execute("t 1") + gdb.execute("ompd bt on") + gdb.execute("bt") + + frame = gdb.newest_frame() + + while frame.older() is not None: + print("master frame sp:", str(frame.read_register("sp"))) + yield OmpdFrameDecorator(frame) + frame = frame.older() + print("latest sp:", str(latest_sp)) + + gdb.execute("ompd bt on continued") + gdb.execute("t %d" % int(past_thread_num)) + + def filter_frames(self, frame_iter): + """Iterates through frames and only returns those that are relevant to the application + being debugged. The OmpdFrameDecorator is applied automatically. + """ + curr_thread_num = gdb.selected_thread().num + is_no_omp_thread = False + if curr_thread_num in self.addr_space.threads: + curr_thread_obj = self.addr_space.threads[curr_thread_num] + self.curr_task = curr_thread_obj.get_current_task() + self.frames = self.curr_task.get_task_frame() + else: + is_no_omp_thread = True + print( + "Thread %d is no OpenMP thread, printing all frames:" % curr_thread_num + ) + + stop_iter = False + for x in frame_iter: + if is_no_omp_thread: + yield OmpdFrameDecoratorThread(x) + continue + + if x.inferior_frame().older() is None: + continue + if self.curr_task.task_handle is None: + continue + + gdb_sp = int(str(x.inferior_frame().read_register("sp")), 16) + gdb_sp_next_new = int( + str(x.inferior_frame()).split(",")[0].split("=")[1], 16 + ) + if x.inferior_frame().older(): + gdb_sp_next = int( + str(x.inferior_frame().older().read_register("sp")), 16 + ) + else: + gdb_sp_next = int(str(x.inferior_frame().read_register("sp")), 16) + while 1: + (ompd_enter_frame, ompd_exit_frame) = self.frames + + if ompd_enter_frame != 0 and gdb_sp_next_new < ompd_enter_frame: + break + if ompd_exit_frame != 0 and gdb_sp_next_new < ompd_exit_frame: + if ( + x.inferior_frame().older().older() + and int( + str(x.inferior_frame().older().older().read_register("sp")), + 16, + ) + < ompd_exit_frame + ): + if self.continue_to_master: + yield OmpdFrameDecoratorThread(x) + else: + yield OmpdFrameDecorator(x, self.curr_task.task_handle) + else: + yield OmpdFrameDecorator(x, self.curr_task.task_handle) + break + sched_task_handle = self.curr_task.get_scheduling_task_handle() + + if sched_task_handle is None: + stop_iter = True + break + + self.curr_task = self.curr_task.get_scheduling_task() + self.frames = self.curr_task.get_task_frame() + if stop_iter: + break + + # implementation of "ompd bt continued" + if self.continue_to_master: + + orig_thread = gdb.selected_thread().num + gdb_threads = dict([(t.num, t) for t in gdb.selected_inferior().threads()]) + + # iterate through generating tasks until outermost task is reached + while 1: + # get OMPD thread id for master thread (systag in GDB output) + try: + master_num = ( + self.curr_task.get_task_parallel() + .get_thread_in_parallel(0) + .get_thread_id() + ) + except: + break + # search for thread id without the "l" for long via "thread find" and get GDB thread num from output + hex_str = str(hex(master_num)) + thread_output = gdb.execute( + "thread find %s" % hex_str[0 : len(hex_str) - 1], to_string=True + ).split(" ") + if thread_output[0] == "No": + raise ValueError("Master thread num could not be found!") + gdb_master_num = int(thread_output[1]) + # get task that generated last task of worker thread + try: + self.curr_task = ( + self.curr_task.get_task_parallel() + .get_task_in_parallel(0) + .get_generating_task() + ) + except: + break + self.frames = self.curr_task.get_task_frame() + (enter_frame, exit_frame) = self.frames + if exit_frame == 0: + print("outermost generating task was reached") + break + + # save GDB num for worker thread to change back to it later + worker_thread = gdb.selected_thread().num + + # use InferiorThread.switch() + gdb_threads = dict( + [(t.num, t) for t in gdb.selected_inferior().threads()] + ) + gdb_threads[gdb_master_num].switch() + print("#### switching to thread %i ####" % gdb_master_num) + + frame = gdb.newest_frame() + stop_iter = False + + while not stop_iter: + if self.curr_task.task_handle is None: + break + self.frames = self.curr_task.get_task_frame() + + while frame: + if self.curr_task.task_handle is None: + break + + gdb_sp_next_new = int( + str(frame).split(",")[0].split("=")[1], 16 + ) + + if frame.older(): + gdb_sp_next = int( + str(frame.older().read_register("sp")), 16 + ) + else: + gdb_sp_next = int(str(frame.read_register("sp")), 16) + + while 1: + (ompd_enter_frame, ompd_exit_frame) = self.frames + + if ( + ompd_enter_frame != 0 + and gdb_sp_next_new < ompd_enter_frame + ): + break + if ( + ompd_exit_frame == 0 + or gdb_sp_next_new < ompd_exit_frame + ): + if ( + ompd_exit_frame == 0 + or frame.older() + and frame.older().older() + and int( + str(frame.older().older().read_register("sp")), + 16, + ) + < ompd_exit_frame + ): + yield OmpdFrameDecoratorThread(frame) + else: + yield OmpdFrameDecorator( + frame, self.curr_task.task_handle + ) + break + sched_task_handle = ( + ompdModule.call_ompd_get_scheduling_task_handle( + self.curr_task.task_handle + ) + ) + + if sched_task_handle is None: + stop_iter = True + break + self.curr_task = self.curr_task.get_generating_task() + self.frames = self.curr_task.get_task_frame() + + frame = frame.older() + break + + gdb_threads[worker_thread].switch() + + gdb_threads[orig_thread].switch() + + def filter(self, frame_iter): + """Function is called automatically with every 'bt' executed. If switched on, this will only let revelant frames be printed + or all frames otherwise. If switched on, a FrameDecorator will be applied to state whether '.ompd_task_entry.' refers to an + explicit or implicit task. + """ + if self.switched_on: + return self.filter_frames(frame_iter) + else: + return frame_iter diff --git a/openmp/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/ompd.py b/openmp/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/ompd.py --- a/openmp/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/ompd.py +++ b/openmp/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/ompd.py @@ -11,559 +11,675 @@ addr_space = None ff = None icv_map = None -ompd_scope_map = {1:'global', 2:'address_space', 3:'thread', 4:'parallel', 5:'implicit_task', 6:'task'} +ompd_scope_map = { + 1: "global", + 2: "address_space", + 3: "thread", + 4: "parallel", + 5: "implicit_task", + 6: "task", +} in_task_function = False + class ompd(gdb.Command): - def __init__(self): - super(ompd, self).__init__('ompd', - gdb.COMMAND_STATUS, - gdb.COMPLETE_NONE, - True) + def __init__(self): + super(ompd, self).__init__("ompd", gdb.COMMAND_STATUS, gdb.COMPLETE_NONE, True) + class ompd_init(gdb.Command): - """Find and initialize ompd library""" - - # first parameter is command-line input, second parameter is gdb-specific data - def __init__(self): - self.__doc__ = 'Find and initialize OMPD library\n usage: ompd init' - super(ompd_init, self).__init__('ompd init', - gdb.COMMAND_DATA) - - def invoke(self, arg, from_tty): - global addr_space - global ff - try: - try: - print(gdb.newest_frame()) - except: - gdb.execute("start") - try: - lib_list = gdb.parse_and_eval("(char**)ompd_dll_locations") - except gdb.error: - raise ValueError("No ompd_dll_locations symbol in execution, make sure to have an OMPD enabled OpenMP runtime"); - - while(gdb.parse_and_eval("(char**)ompd_dll_locations") == False): - gdb.execute("tbreak ompd_dll_locations_valid") - gdb.execute("continue") - - lib_list = gdb.parse_and_eval("(char**)ompd_dll_locations") - - i = 0 - while(lib_list[i]): - ret = ompdModule.ompd_open(lib_list[i].string()) - if ret == -1: - raise ValueError("Handle of OMPD library is not a valid string!") - if ret == -2: - print("ret == -2") - pass # It's ok to fail on dlopen - if ret == -3: - print("ret == -3") - pass # It's ok to fail on dlsym - if ret < -10: - raise ValueError("OMPD error code %i!" % (-10 - ret)) - - if ret > 0: - print("Loaded OMPD lib successfully!") - try: - addr_space = ompd_address_space() - ff = FrameFilter(addr_space) - except: - traceback.print_exc() - return - i = i+1 - - raise ValueError("OMPD library could not be loaded!") - except: - traceback.print_exc() + """Find and initialize ompd library""" + + # first parameter is command-line input, second parameter is gdb-specific data + def __init__(self): + self.__doc__ = "Find and initialize OMPD library\n usage: ompd init" + super(ompd_init, self).__init__("ompd init", gdb.COMMAND_DATA) + + def invoke(self, arg, from_tty): + global addr_space + global ff + try: + try: + print(gdb.newest_frame()) + except: + gdb.execute("start") + try: + lib_list = gdb.parse_and_eval("(char**)ompd_dll_locations") + except gdb.error: + raise ValueError( + "No ompd_dll_locations symbol in execution, make sure to have an OMPD enabled OpenMP runtime" + ) + + while gdb.parse_and_eval("(char**)ompd_dll_locations") == False: + gdb.execute("tbreak ompd_dll_locations_valid") + gdb.execute("continue") + + lib_list = gdb.parse_and_eval("(char**)ompd_dll_locations") + + i = 0 + while lib_list[i]: + ret = ompdModule.ompd_open(lib_list[i].string()) + if ret == -1: + raise ValueError("Handle of OMPD library is not a valid string!") + if ret == -2: + print("ret == -2") + pass # It's ok to fail on dlopen + if ret == -3: + print("ret == -3") + pass # It's ok to fail on dlsym + if ret < -10: + raise ValueError("OMPD error code %i!" % (-10 - ret)) + + if ret > 0: + print("Loaded OMPD lib successfully!") + try: + addr_space = ompd_address_space() + ff = FrameFilter(addr_space) + except: + traceback.print_exc() + return + i = i + 1 + + raise ValueError("OMPD library could not be loaded!") + except: + traceback.print_exc() + class ompd_threads(gdb.Command): - """Register thread ids of current context""" - def __init__(self): - self.__doc__ = 'Provide information on threads of current context.\n usage: ompd threads' - super(ompd_threads, self).__init__('ompd threads', - gdb.COMMAND_STATUS) - - def invoke(self, arg, from_tty): - global addr_space - if init_error(): - return - addr_space.list_threads(True) + """Register thread ids of current context""" + + def __init__(self): + self.__doc__ = ( + "Provide information on threads of current context.\n usage: ompd threads" + ) + super(ompd_threads, self).__init__("ompd threads", gdb.COMMAND_STATUS) + + def invoke(self, arg, from_tty): + global addr_space + if init_error(): + return + addr_space.list_threads(True) + def print_parallel_region(curr_parallel, team_size): - """Helper function for ompd_parallel_region. To print out the details of the parallel region.""" - for omp_thr in range(team_size): - thread = curr_parallel.get_thread_in_parallel(omp_thr) - ompd_state = str(addr_space.states[thread.get_state()[0]]) - ompd_wait_id = thread.get_state()[1] - task = curr_parallel.get_task_in_parallel(omp_thr) - task_func_addr = task.get_task_function() - # Get the function this addr belongs to - sal = gdb.find_pc_line(task_func_addr) - block = gdb.block_for_pc(task_func_addr) - while block and not block.function: - block = block.superblock - if omp_thr == 0: - print('%6d (master) %-37s %ld 0x%lx %-25s %-17s:%d' % \ - (omp_thr, ompd_state, ompd_wait_id, task_func_addr, \ - block.function.print_name, sal.symtab.filename, sal.line)) - else: - print('%6d %-37s %ld 0x%lx %-25s %-17s:%d' % \ - (omp_thr, ompd_state, ompd_wait_id, task_func_addr, \ - block.function.print_name, sal.symtab.filename, sal.line)) + """Helper function for ompd_parallel_region. To print out the details of the parallel region.""" + for omp_thr in range(team_size): + thread = curr_parallel.get_thread_in_parallel(omp_thr) + ompd_state = str(addr_space.states[thread.get_state()[0]]) + ompd_wait_id = thread.get_state()[1] + task = curr_parallel.get_task_in_parallel(omp_thr) + task_func_addr = task.get_task_function() + # Get the function this addr belongs to + sal = gdb.find_pc_line(task_func_addr) + block = gdb.block_for_pc(task_func_addr) + while block and not block.function: + block = block.superblock + if omp_thr == 0: + print( + "%6d (master) %-37s %ld 0x%lx %-25s %-17s:%d" + % ( + omp_thr, + ompd_state, + ompd_wait_id, + task_func_addr, + block.function.print_name, + sal.symtab.filename, + sal.line, + ) + ) + else: + print( + "%6d %-37s %ld 0x%lx %-25s %-17s:%d" + % ( + omp_thr, + ompd_state, + ompd_wait_id, + task_func_addr, + block.function.print_name, + sal.symtab.filename, + sal.line, + ) + ) + class ompd_parallel_region(gdb.Command): - """Parallel Region Details""" - def __init__(self): - self.__doc__ = 'Display the details of the current and enclosing parallel regions.\n usage: ompd parallel' - super(ompd_parallel_region, self).__init__('ompd parallel', - gdb.COMMAND_STATUS) - - def invoke(self, arg, from_tty): - global addr_space - if init_error(): - return - if addr_space.icv_map is None: - addr_space.get_icv_map() - if addr_space.states is None: - addr_space.enumerate_states() - curr_thread_handle = addr_space.get_curr_thread() - curr_parallel_handle = curr_thread_handle.get_current_parallel_handle() - curr_parallel = ompd_parallel(curr_parallel_handle) - while curr_parallel_handle is not None and curr_parallel is not None: - nest_level = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(curr_parallel_handle,\ - addr_space.icv_map['levels-var'][1], addr_space.icv_map['levels-var'][0]) - if nest_level == 0: - break - team_size = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(curr_parallel_handle, \ - addr_space.icv_map['team-size-var'][1], \ - addr_space.icv_map['team-size-var'][0]) - print ("") - print ("Parallel Region: Nesting Level %d: Team Size: %d" % (nest_level, team_size)) - print ("================================================") - print ("") - print ("OMP Thread Nbr Thread State Wait Id EntryAddr FuncName File:Line"); - print ("======================================================================================================"); - print_parallel_region(curr_parallel, team_size) - enclosing_parallel = curr_parallel.get_enclosing_parallel() - enclosing_parallel_handle = curr_parallel.get_enclosing_parallel_handle() - curr_parallel = enclosing_parallel - curr_parallel_handle = enclosing_parallel_handle + """Parallel Region Details""" + + def __init__(self): + self.__doc__ = "Display the details of the current and enclosing parallel regions.\n usage: ompd parallel" + super(ompd_parallel_region, self).__init__("ompd parallel", gdb.COMMAND_STATUS) + + def invoke(self, arg, from_tty): + global addr_space + if init_error(): + return + if addr_space.icv_map is None: + addr_space.get_icv_map() + if addr_space.states is None: + addr_space.enumerate_states() + curr_thread_handle = addr_space.get_curr_thread() + curr_parallel_handle = curr_thread_handle.get_current_parallel_handle() + curr_parallel = ompd_parallel(curr_parallel_handle) + while curr_parallel_handle is not None and curr_parallel is not None: + nest_level = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope( + curr_parallel_handle, + addr_space.icv_map["levels-var"][1], + addr_space.icv_map["levels-var"][0], + ) + if nest_level == 0: + break + team_size = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope( + curr_parallel_handle, + addr_space.icv_map["team-size-var"][1], + addr_space.icv_map["team-size-var"][0], + ) + print("") + print( + "Parallel Region: Nesting Level %d: Team Size: %d" + % (nest_level, team_size) + ) + print("================================================") + print("") + print( + "OMP Thread Nbr Thread State Wait Id EntryAddr FuncName File:Line" + ) + print( + "======================================================================================================" + ) + print_parallel_region(curr_parallel, team_size) + enclosing_parallel = curr_parallel.get_enclosing_parallel() + enclosing_parallel_handle = curr_parallel.get_enclosing_parallel_handle() + curr_parallel = enclosing_parallel + curr_parallel_handle = enclosing_parallel_handle + class ompd_icvs(gdb.Command): - """ICVs""" - def __init__(self): - self.__doc__ = 'Display the values of the Internal Control Variables.\n usage: ompd icvs' - super(ompd_icvs, self).__init__('ompd icvs', - gdb.COMMAND_STATUS) - - def invoke(self, arg, from_tty): - global addr_space - global ompd_scope_map - if init_error(): - return - curr_thread_handle = addr_space.get_curr_thread() - if addr_space.icv_map is None: - addr_space.get_icv_map() - print("ICV Name Scope Value") - print("===============================================================") - - try: - for icv_name in addr_space.icv_map: - scope = addr_space.icv_map[icv_name][1] - #{1:'global', 2:'address_space', 3:'thread', 4:'parallel', 5:'implicit_task', 6:'task'} - if scope == 2: - handle = addr_space.addr_space - elif scope == 3: - handle = curr_thread_handle.thread_handle - elif scope == 4: - handle = curr_thread_handle.get_current_parallel_handle() - elif scope == 6: - handle = curr_thread_handle.get_current_task_handle() - else: - raise ValueError("Invalid scope") - - if (icv_name == "nthreads-var" or icv_name == "bind-var"): - icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope( - handle, scope, addr_space.icv_map[icv_name][0]) - if icv_value is None: - icv_string = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_string_from_scope( \ - handle, scope, addr_space.icv_map[icv_name][0]) - print('%-31s %-26s %s' % (icv_name, ompd_scope_map[scope], icv_string)) - else: - print('%-31s %-26s %d' % (icv_name, ompd_scope_map[scope], icv_value)) - - elif (icv_name == "affinity-format-var" or icv_name == "run-sched-var" or \ - icv_name == "tool-libraries-var" or icv_name == "tool-verbose-init-var"): - icv_string = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_string_from_scope( \ - handle, scope, addr_space.icv_map[icv_name][0]) - print('%-31s %-26s %s' % (icv_name, ompd_scope_map[scope], icv_string)) - else: - icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(handle, \ - scope, addr_space.icv_map[icv_name][0]) - print('%-31s %-26s %d' % (icv_name, ompd_scope_map[scope], icv_value)) - except: - traceback.print_exc() + """ICVs""" + + def __init__(self): + self.__doc__ = ( + "Display the values of the Internal Control Variables.\n usage: ompd icvs" + ) + super(ompd_icvs, self).__init__("ompd icvs", gdb.COMMAND_STATUS) + + def invoke(self, arg, from_tty): + global addr_space + global ompd_scope_map + if init_error(): + return + curr_thread_handle = addr_space.get_curr_thread() + if addr_space.icv_map is None: + addr_space.get_icv_map() + print("ICV Name Scope Value") + print("===============================================================") + + try: + for icv_name in addr_space.icv_map: + scope = addr_space.icv_map[icv_name][1] + # {1:'global', 2:'address_space', 3:'thread', 4:'parallel', 5:'implicit_task', 6:'task'} + if scope == 2: + handle = addr_space.addr_space + elif scope == 3: + handle = curr_thread_handle.thread_handle + elif scope == 4: + handle = curr_thread_handle.get_current_parallel_handle() + elif scope == 6: + handle = curr_thread_handle.get_current_task_handle() + else: + raise ValueError("Invalid scope") + + if icv_name == "nthreads-var" or icv_name == "bind-var": + icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope( + handle, scope, addr_space.icv_map[icv_name][0] + ) + if icv_value is None: + icv_string = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_string_from_scope( + handle, scope, addr_space.icv_map[icv_name][0] + ) + print( + "%-31s %-26s %s" + % (icv_name, ompd_scope_map[scope], icv_string) + ) + else: + print( + "%-31s %-26s %d" + % (icv_name, ompd_scope_map[scope], icv_value) + ) + + elif ( + icv_name == "affinity-format-var" + or icv_name == "run-sched-var" + or icv_name == "tool-libraries-var" + or icv_name == "tool-verbose-init-var" + ): + icv_string = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_string_from_scope( + handle, scope, addr_space.icv_map[icv_name][0] + ) + print( + "%-31s %-26s %s" % (icv_name, ompd_scope_map[scope], icv_string) + ) + else: + icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope( + handle, scope, addr_space.icv_map[icv_name][0] + ) + print( + "%-31s %-26s %d" % (icv_name, ompd_scope_map[scope], icv_value) + ) + except: + traceback.print_exc() + def curr_thread(): - """Helper function for ompd_step. Returns the thread object for the current thread number.""" - global addr_space - if addr_space is not None: - return addr_space.threads[int(gdb.selected_thread().num)] - return None + """Helper function for ompd_step. Returns the thread object for the current thread number.""" + global addr_space + if addr_space is not None: + return addr_space.threads[int(gdb.selected_thread().num)] + return None -class ompd_test(gdb.Command): - """Test area""" - def __init__(self): - self.__doc__ = 'Test functionalities for correctness\n usage: ompd test' - super(ompd_test, self).__init__('ompd test', - gdb.COMMAND_OBSCURE) - - def invoke(self, arg, from_tty): - global addr_space - if init_error(): - return - # get task function for current task of current thread - try: - current_thread = int(gdb.selected_thread().num) - current_thread_obj = addr_space.threads[current_thread] - task_function = current_thread_obj.get_current_task().get_task_function() - print("bt value:", int("0x0000000000400b6c",0)) - print("get_task_function value:", task_function) - - # get task function of implicit task in current parallel region for current thread - current_parallel_obj = current_thread_obj.get_current_parallel() - task_in_parallel = current_parallel_obj.get_task_in_parallel(current_thread) - task_function_in_parallel = task_in_parallel.get_task_function() - print("task_function_in_parallel:", task_function_in_parallel) - except: - print('Task function value not found for this thread') - -class ompdtestapi (gdb.Command): - """ To test API's return code """ - def __init__(self): - self.__doc__ = 'Test OMPD tool Interface APIs.\nUsage: ompdtestapi ' - super (ompdtestapi, self).__init__('ompdtestapi', gdb.COMMAND_OBSCURE) - - def invoke (self, arg, from_tty): - global addr_space - if init_error(): - print ("Error in Initialization."); - return - if not arg: - print ("No API provided to test, eg: ompdtestapi ompd_initialize") - - if arg == "ompd_get_thread_handle": - addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space - threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] - ompdModule.test_ompd_get_thread_handle(addr_handle, threadId) - elif arg == "ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle": - addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space - threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] - thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle) - ompdModule.test_ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle(thread_handle) - elif arg == "ompd_get_thread_in_parallel": - addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space - threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] - thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle) - parallel_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle(thread_handle) - ompdModule.test_ompd_get_thread_in_parallel(parallel_handle) - elif arg == "ompd_thread_handle_compare": - addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space - threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] - thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle) - parallel_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle(thread_handle) - thread_handle1 = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_thread_in_parallel(parallel_handle, 1); - thread_handle2 = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_thread_in_parallel(parallel_handle, 2); - ompdModule.test_ompd_thread_handle_compare(thread_handle1, thread_handle1) - ompdModule.test_ompd_thread_handle_compare(thread_handle1, thread_handle2) - elif arg == "ompd_get_thread_id": - addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space - threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] - thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle) - ompdModule.test_ompd_get_thread_id(thread_handle) - elif arg == "ompd_rel_thread_handle": - addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space - threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] - thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle) - ompdModule.test_ompd_rel_thread_handle(thread_handle) - elif arg == "ompd_get_enclosing_parallel_handle": - addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space - threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] - thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle) - parallel_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle(thread_handle) - ompdModule.test_ompd_get_enclosing_parallel_handle(parallel_handle) - elif arg == "ompd_parallel_handle_compare": - addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space - threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] - thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle) - parallel_handle1 = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle(thread_handle) - parallel_handle2 = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_enclosing_parallel_handle(parallel_handle1) - ompdModule.test_ompd_parallel_handle_compare(parallel_handle1, parallel_handle1) - ompdModule.test_ompd_parallel_handle_compare(parallel_handle1, parallel_handle2) - elif arg == "ompd_rel_parallel_handle": - addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space - threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] - thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle) - parallel_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle(thread_handle) - ompdModule.test_ompd_rel_parallel_handle(parallel_handle) - elif arg == "ompd_initialize": - ompdModule.test_ompd_initialize() - elif arg == "ompd_get_api_version": - ompdModule.test_ompd_get_api_version() - elif arg == "ompd_get_version_string": - ompdModule.test_ompd_get_version_string() - elif arg == "ompd_finalize": - ompdModule.test_ompd_finalize() - elif arg == "ompd_process_initialize": - ompdModule.call_ompd_initialize() - ompdModule.test_ompd_process_initialize() - elif arg == "ompd_device_initialize": - ompdModule.test_ompd_device_initialize() - elif arg == "ompd_rel_address_space_handle": - ompdModule.test_ompd_rel_address_space_handle() - elif arg == "ompd_get_omp_version": - addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space - ompdModule.test_ompd_get_omp_version(addr_handle) - elif arg == "ompd_get_omp_version_string": - addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space - ompdModule.test_ompd_get_omp_version_string(addr_handle) - elif arg == "ompd_get_curr_task_handle": - addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space - threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] - thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle) - ompdModule.test_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(thread_handle) - elif arg == "ompd_get_task_parallel_handle": - addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space - threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] - thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle) - task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(thread_handle) - ompdModule.test_ompd_get_task_parallel_handle(task_handle) - elif arg == "ompd_get_generating_task_handle": - addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space - threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] - thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle) - task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(thread_handle) - ompdModule.test_ompd_get_generating_task_handle(task_handle) - elif arg == "ompd_get_scheduling_task_handle": - addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space - threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] - thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle) - task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(thread_handle) - ompdModule.test_ompd_get_scheduling_task_handle(task_handle) - elif arg == "ompd_get_task_in_parallel": - addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space - threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] - thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle) - parallel_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle(thread_handle) - ompdModule.test_ompd_get_task_in_parallel(parallel_handle) - elif arg == "ompd_rel_task_handle": - addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space - threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] - thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle) - task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(thread_handle) - ompdModule.test_ompd_rel_task_handle(task_handle) - elif arg == "ompd_task_handle_compare": - addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space - threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] - thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle) - task_handle1 = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(thread_handle) - task_handle2 = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_generating_task_handle(task_handle1) - ompdModule.test_ompd_task_handle_compare(task_handle1, task_handle2) - ompdModule.test_ompd_task_handle_compare(task_handle2, task_handle1) - elif arg == "ompd_get_task_function": - addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space - threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] - thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle) - task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(thread_handle) - ompdModule.test_ompd_get_task_function(task_handle) - elif arg == "ompd_get_task_frame": - addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space - threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] - thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle) - task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(thread_handle) - ompdModule.test_ompd_get_task_frame(task_handle) - elif arg == "ompd_get_state": - addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space - threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] - thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle) - ompdModule.test_ompd_get_state(thread_handle) - elif arg == "ompd_get_display_control_vars": - addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space - ompdModule.test_ompd_get_display_control_vars(addr_handle) - elif arg == "ompd_rel_display_control_vars": - ompdModule.test_ompd_rel_display_control_vars() - elif arg == "ompd_enumerate_icvs": - addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space - ompdModule.test_ompd_enumerate_icvs(addr_handle) - elif arg== "ompd_get_icv_from_scope": - addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space - threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] - thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle) - parallel_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle(thread_handle) - task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(thread_handle) - ompdModule.test_ompd_get_icv_from_scope_with_addr_handle(addr_handle) - ompdModule.test_ompd_get_icv_from_scope_with_thread_handle(thread_handle) - ompdModule.test_ompd_get_icv_from_scope_with_parallel_handle(parallel_handle) - ompdModule.test_ompd_get_icv_from_scope_with_task_handle(task_handle) - elif arg == "ompd_get_icv_string_from_scope": - addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space - ompdModule.test_ompd_get_icv_string_from_scope(addr_handle) - elif arg == "ompd_get_tool_data": - ompdModule.test_ompd_get_tool_data() - elif arg == "ompd_enumerate_states": - ompdModule.test_ompd_enumerate_states() - else: - print ("Invalid API.") +class ompd_test(gdb.Command): + """Test area""" + + def __init__(self): + self.__doc__ = "Test functionalities for correctness\n usage: ompd test" + super(ompd_test, self).__init__("ompd test", gdb.COMMAND_OBSCURE) + + def invoke(self, arg, from_tty): + global addr_space + if init_error(): + return + # get task function for current task of current thread + try: + current_thread = int(gdb.selected_thread().num) + current_thread_obj = addr_space.threads[current_thread] + task_function = current_thread_obj.get_current_task().get_task_function() + print("bt value:", int("0x0000000000400b6c", 0)) + print("get_task_function value:", task_function) + + # get task function of implicit task in current parallel region for current thread + current_parallel_obj = current_thread_obj.get_current_parallel() + task_in_parallel = current_parallel_obj.get_task_in_parallel(current_thread) + task_function_in_parallel = task_in_parallel.get_task_function() + print("task_function_in_parallel:", task_function_in_parallel) + except: + print("Task function value not found for this thread") + + +class ompdtestapi(gdb.Command): + """To test API's return code""" + + def __init__(self): + self.__doc__ = "Test OMPD tool Interface APIs.\nUsage: ompdtestapi " + super(ompdtestapi, self).__init__("ompdtestapi", gdb.COMMAND_OBSCURE) + + def invoke(self, arg, from_tty): + global addr_space + if init_error(): + print("Error in Initialization.") + return + if not arg: + print("No API provided to test, eg: ompdtestapi ompd_initialize") + + if arg == "ompd_get_thread_handle": + addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space + threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] + ompdModule.test_ompd_get_thread_handle(addr_handle, threadId) + elif arg == "ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle": + addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space + threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] + thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle) + ompdModule.test_ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle(thread_handle) + elif arg == "ompd_get_thread_in_parallel": + addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space + threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] + thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle) + parallel_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle( + thread_handle + ) + ompdModule.test_ompd_get_thread_in_parallel(parallel_handle) + elif arg == "ompd_thread_handle_compare": + addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space + threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] + thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle) + parallel_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle( + thread_handle + ) + thread_handle1 = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_thread_in_parallel( + parallel_handle, 1 + ) + thread_handle2 = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_thread_in_parallel( + parallel_handle, 2 + ) + ompdModule.test_ompd_thread_handle_compare(thread_handle1, thread_handle1) + ompdModule.test_ompd_thread_handle_compare(thread_handle1, thread_handle2) + elif arg == "ompd_get_thread_id": + addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space + threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] + thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle) + ompdModule.test_ompd_get_thread_id(thread_handle) + elif arg == "ompd_rel_thread_handle": + addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space + threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] + thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle) + ompdModule.test_ompd_rel_thread_handle(thread_handle) + elif arg == "ompd_get_enclosing_parallel_handle": + addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space + threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] + thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle) + parallel_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle( + thread_handle + ) + ompdModule.test_ompd_get_enclosing_parallel_handle(parallel_handle) + elif arg == "ompd_parallel_handle_compare": + addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space + threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] + thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle) + parallel_handle1 = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle( + thread_handle + ) + parallel_handle2 = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_enclosing_parallel_handle( + parallel_handle1 + ) + ompdModule.test_ompd_parallel_handle_compare( + parallel_handle1, parallel_handle1 + ) + ompdModule.test_ompd_parallel_handle_compare( + parallel_handle1, parallel_handle2 + ) + elif arg == "ompd_rel_parallel_handle": + addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space + threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] + thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle) + parallel_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle( + thread_handle + ) + ompdModule.test_ompd_rel_parallel_handle(parallel_handle) + elif arg == "ompd_initialize": + ompdModule.test_ompd_initialize() + elif arg == "ompd_get_api_version": + ompdModule.test_ompd_get_api_version() + elif arg == "ompd_get_version_string": + ompdModule.test_ompd_get_version_string() + elif arg == "ompd_finalize": + ompdModule.test_ompd_finalize() + elif arg == "ompd_process_initialize": + ompdModule.call_ompd_initialize() + ompdModule.test_ompd_process_initialize() + elif arg == "ompd_device_initialize": + ompdModule.test_ompd_device_initialize() + elif arg == "ompd_rel_address_space_handle": + ompdModule.test_ompd_rel_address_space_handle() + elif arg == "ompd_get_omp_version": + addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space + ompdModule.test_ompd_get_omp_version(addr_handle) + elif arg == "ompd_get_omp_version_string": + addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space + ompdModule.test_ompd_get_omp_version_string(addr_handle) + elif arg == "ompd_get_curr_task_handle": + addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space + threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] + thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle) + ompdModule.test_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(thread_handle) + elif arg == "ompd_get_task_parallel_handle": + addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space + threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] + thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle) + task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(thread_handle) + ompdModule.test_ompd_get_task_parallel_handle(task_handle) + elif arg == "ompd_get_generating_task_handle": + addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space + threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] + thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle) + task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(thread_handle) + ompdModule.test_ompd_get_generating_task_handle(task_handle) + elif arg == "ompd_get_scheduling_task_handle": + addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space + threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] + thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle) + task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(thread_handle) + ompdModule.test_ompd_get_scheduling_task_handle(task_handle) + elif arg == "ompd_get_task_in_parallel": + addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space + threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] + thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle) + parallel_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle( + thread_handle + ) + ompdModule.test_ompd_get_task_in_parallel(parallel_handle) + elif arg == "ompd_rel_task_handle": + addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space + threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] + thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle) + task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(thread_handle) + ompdModule.test_ompd_rel_task_handle(task_handle) + elif arg == "ompd_task_handle_compare": + addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space + threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] + thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle) + task_handle1 = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(thread_handle) + task_handle2 = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_generating_task_handle(task_handle1) + ompdModule.test_ompd_task_handle_compare(task_handle1, task_handle2) + ompdModule.test_ompd_task_handle_compare(task_handle2, task_handle1) + elif arg == "ompd_get_task_function": + addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space + threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] + thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle) + task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(thread_handle) + ompdModule.test_ompd_get_task_function(task_handle) + elif arg == "ompd_get_task_frame": + addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space + threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] + thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle) + task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(thread_handle) + ompdModule.test_ompd_get_task_frame(task_handle) + elif arg == "ompd_get_state": + addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space + threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] + thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle) + ompdModule.test_ompd_get_state(thread_handle) + elif arg == "ompd_get_display_control_vars": + addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space + ompdModule.test_ompd_get_display_control_vars(addr_handle) + elif arg == "ompd_rel_display_control_vars": + ompdModule.test_ompd_rel_display_control_vars() + elif arg == "ompd_enumerate_icvs": + addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space + ompdModule.test_ompd_enumerate_icvs(addr_handle) + elif arg == "ompd_get_icv_from_scope": + addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space + threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] + thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle) + parallel_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle( + thread_handle + ) + task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(thread_handle) + ompdModule.test_ompd_get_icv_from_scope_with_addr_handle(addr_handle) + ompdModule.test_ompd_get_icv_from_scope_with_thread_handle(thread_handle) + ompdModule.test_ompd_get_icv_from_scope_with_parallel_handle( + parallel_handle + ) + ompdModule.test_ompd_get_icv_from_scope_with_task_handle(task_handle) + elif arg == "ompd_get_icv_string_from_scope": + addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space + ompdModule.test_ompd_get_icv_string_from_scope(addr_handle) + elif arg == "ompd_get_tool_data": + ompdModule.test_ompd_get_tool_data() + elif arg == "ompd_enumerate_states": + ompdModule.test_ompd_enumerate_states() + else: + print("Invalid API.") class ompd_bt(gdb.Command): - """Turn filter for 'bt' on/off for output to only contain frames relevant to the application or all frames.""" - def __init__(self): - self.__doc__ = 'Turn filter for "bt" output on or off. Specify "on continued" option to trace worker threads back to master threads.\n usage: ompd bt on|on continued|off' - super(ompd_bt, self).__init__('ompd bt', - gdb.COMMAND_STACK) - - def invoke(self, arg, from_tty): - global ff - global addr_space - global icv_map - global ompd_scope_map - if init_error(): - return - if icv_map is None: - icv_map = {} - current = 0 - more = 1 - while more > 0: - tup = ompdModule.call_ompd_enumerate_icvs(addr_space.addr_space, current) - (current, next_icv, next_scope, more) = tup - icv_map[next_icv] = (current, next_scope, ompd_scope_map[next_scope]) - print('Initialized ICV map successfully for filtering "bt".') - - arg_list = gdb.string_to_argv(arg) - if len(arg_list) == 0: - print('When calling "ompd bt", you must either specify "on", "on continued" or "off". Check "help ompd".') - elif len(arg_list) == 1 and arg_list[0] == 'on': - addr_space.list_threads(False) - ff.set_switch(True) - ff.set_switch_continue(False) - elif arg_list[0] == 'on' and arg_list[1] == 'continued': - ff.set_switch(True) - ff.set_switch_continue(True) - elif len(arg_list) == 1 and arg_list[0] == 'off': - ff.set_switch(False) - ff.set_switch_continue(False) - else: - print('When calling "ompd bt", you must either specify "on", "on continued" or "off". Check "help ompd".') + """Turn filter for 'bt' on/off for output to only contain frames relevant to the application or all frames.""" + + def __init__(self): + self.__doc__ = 'Turn filter for "bt" output on or off. Specify "on continued" option to trace worker threads back to master threads.\n usage: ompd bt on|on continued|off' + super(ompd_bt, self).__init__("ompd bt", gdb.COMMAND_STACK) + + def invoke(self, arg, from_tty): + global ff + global addr_space + global icv_map + global ompd_scope_map + if init_error(): + return + if icv_map is None: + icv_map = {} + current = 0 + more = 1 + while more > 0: + tup = ompdModule.call_ompd_enumerate_icvs( + addr_space.addr_space, current + ) + (current, next_icv, next_scope, more) = tup + icv_map[next_icv] = (current, next_scope, ompd_scope_map[next_scope]) + print('Initialized ICV map successfully for filtering "bt".') + + arg_list = gdb.string_to_argv(arg) + if len(arg_list) == 0: + print( + 'When calling "ompd bt", you must either specify "on", "on continued" or "off". Check "help ompd".' + ) + elif len(arg_list) == 1 and arg_list[0] == "on": + addr_space.list_threads(False) + ff.set_switch(True) + ff.set_switch_continue(False) + elif arg_list[0] == "on" and arg_list[1] == "continued": + ff.set_switch(True) + ff.set_switch_continue(True) + elif len(arg_list) == 1 and arg_list[0] == "off": + ff.set_switch(False) + ff.set_switch_continue(False) + else: + print( + 'When calling "ompd bt", you must either specify "on", "on continued" or "off". Check "help ompd".' + ) + # TODO: remove class ompd_taskframes(gdb.Command): - """Prints task handles for relevant task frames. Meant for debugging.""" - def __init__(self): - self.__doc__ = 'Prints list of tasks.\nUsage: ompd taskframes' - super(ompd_taskframes, self).__init__('ompd taskframes', - gdb.COMMAND_STACK) - - def invoke(self, arg, from_tty): - global addr_space - if init_error(): - return - frame = gdb.newest_frame() - while(frame): - print (frame.read_register('sp')) - frame = frame.older() - curr_task_handle = None - if(addr_space.threads and addr_space.threads.get(gdb.selected_thread().num)): - curr_thread_handle = curr_thread().thread_handle - curr_task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(curr_thread_handle) - if(not curr_task_handle): - return None - prev_frames = None - try: - while(1): - frames_with_flags = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_task_frame(curr_task_handle) - frames = (frames_with_flags[0], frames_with_flags[3]) - if(prev_frames == frames): - break - if(not isinstance(frames,tuple)): - break - (ompd_enter_frame, ompd_exit_frame) = frames - print(hex(ompd_enter_frame), hex(ompd_exit_frame)) - curr_task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_scheduling_task_handle(curr_task_handle) - prev_frames = frames - if(not curr_task_handle): - break - except: - traceback.print_exc() + """Prints task handles for relevant task frames. Meant for debugging.""" + + def __init__(self): + self.__doc__ = "Prints list of tasks.\nUsage: ompd taskframes" + super(ompd_taskframes, self).__init__("ompd taskframes", gdb.COMMAND_STACK) + + def invoke(self, arg, from_tty): + global addr_space + if init_error(): + return + frame = gdb.newest_frame() + while frame: + print(frame.read_register("sp")) + frame = frame.older() + curr_task_handle = None + if addr_space.threads and addr_space.threads.get(gdb.selected_thread().num): + curr_thread_handle = curr_thread().thread_handle + curr_task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle( + curr_thread_handle + ) + if not curr_task_handle: + return None + prev_frames = None + try: + while 1: + frames_with_flags = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_task_frame( + curr_task_handle + ) + frames = (frames_with_flags[0], frames_with_flags[3]) + if prev_frames == frames: + break + if not isinstance(frames, tuple): + break + (ompd_enter_frame, ompd_exit_frame) = frames + print(hex(ompd_enter_frame), hex(ompd_exit_frame)) + curr_task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_scheduling_task_handle( + curr_task_handle + ) + prev_frames = frames + if not curr_task_handle: + break + except: + traceback.print_exc() + def print_and_exec(string): - """Helper function for ompd_step. Executes the given command in GDB and prints it.""" - print(string) - gdb.execute(string) + """Helper function for ompd_step. Executes the given command in GDB and prints it.""" + print(string) + gdb.execute(string) + class TempFrameFunctionBp(gdb.Breakpoint): - """Helper class for ompd_step. Defines stop function for breakpoint on frame function.""" - def stop(self): - global in_task_function - in_task_function = True - self.enabled = False + """Helper class for ompd_step. Defines stop function for breakpoint on frame function.""" + + def stop(self): + global in_task_function + in_task_function = True + self.enabled = False + class ompd_step(gdb.Command): - """Executes 'step' and skips frames irrelevant to the application / the ones without debug information.""" - def __init__(self): - self.__doc__ = 'Executes "step" and skips runtime frames as much as possible.' - super(ompd_step, self).__init__('ompd step', gdb.COMMAND_STACK) - - class TaskBeginBp(gdb.Breakpoint): - """Helper class. Defines stop function for breakpoint ompd_bp_task_begin.""" - def stop(self): - try: - code_line = curr_thread().get_current_task().get_task_function() - frame_fct_bp = TempFrameFunctionBp(('*%i' % code_line), temporary=True, internal=True) - frame_fct_bp.thread = self.thread - return False - except: - return False - - def invoke(self, arg, from_tty): - global in_task_function - if init_error(): - return - tbp = self.TaskBeginBp('ompd_bp_task_begin', temporary=True, internal=True) - tbp.thread = int(gdb.selected_thread().num) - print_and_exec('step') - while gdb.selected_frame().find_sal().symtab is None: - if not in_task_function: - print_and_exec('finish') - else: - print_and_exec('si') + """Executes 'step' and skips frames irrelevant to the application / the ones without debug information.""" + + def __init__(self): + self.__doc__ = 'Executes "step" and skips runtime frames as much as possible.' + super(ompd_step, self).__init__("ompd step", gdb.COMMAND_STACK) + + class TaskBeginBp(gdb.Breakpoint): + """Helper class. Defines stop function for breakpoint ompd_bp_task_begin.""" + + def stop(self): + try: + code_line = curr_thread().get_current_task().get_task_function() + frame_fct_bp = TempFrameFunctionBp( + ("*%i" % code_line), temporary=True, internal=True + ) + frame_fct_bp.thread = self.thread + return False + except: + return False + + def invoke(self, arg, from_tty): + global in_task_function + if init_error(): + return + tbp = self.TaskBeginBp("ompd_bp_task_begin", temporary=True, internal=True) + tbp.thread = int(gdb.selected_thread().num) + print_and_exec("step") + while gdb.selected_frame().find_sal().symtab is None: + if not in_task_function: + print_and_exec("finish") + else: + print_and_exec("si") + def init_error(): - global addr_space - if (gdb.selected_thread() is None) or (addr_space is None) or (not addr_space): - print("Run 'ompd init' before running any of the ompd commands") - return True - return False + global addr_space + if (gdb.selected_thread() is None) or (addr_space is None) or (not addr_space): + print("Run 'ompd init' before running any of the ompd commands") + return True + return False + def main(): - ompd() - ompd_init() - ompd_threads() - ompd_icvs() - ompd_parallel_region() - ompd_test() - ompdtestapi() - ompd_taskframes() - ompd_bt() - ompd_step() + ompd() + ompd_init() + ompd_threads() + ompd_icvs() + ompd_parallel_region() + ompd_test() + ompdtestapi() + ompd_taskframes() + ompd_bt() + ompd_step() + if __name__ == "__main__": - try: - main() - except: - traceback.print_exc() + try: + main() + except: + traceback.print_exc() # NOTE: test code using: # OMP_NUM_THREADS=... gdb a.out -x ../../projects/gdb_plugin/gdb-ompd/__init__.py diff --git a/openmp/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/ompd_address_space.py b/openmp/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/ompd_address_space.py --- a/openmp/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/ompd_address_space.py +++ b/openmp/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/ompd_address_space.py @@ -6,309 +6,464 @@ import traceback from enum import Enum + class ompd_scope(Enum): - ompd_scope_global = 1 - ompd_scope_address_space = 2 - ompd_scope_thread = 3 - ompd_scope_parallel = 4 - ompd_scope_implicit_task = 5 - ompd_scope_task = 6 + ompd_scope_global = 1 + ompd_scope_address_space = 2 + ompd_scope_thread = 3 + ompd_scope_parallel = 4 + ompd_scope_implicit_task = 5 + ompd_scope_task = 6 + class ompd_address_space(object): - - def __init__(self): - """Initializes an ompd_address_space object by calling ompd_initialize - in ompdModule.c - """ - self.addr_space = ompdModule.call_ompd_initialize() - # maps thread_num (thread id given by gdb) to ompd_thread object with thread handle - self.threads = {} - self.states = None - self.icv_map = None - self.ompd_tool_test_bp = None - self.scope_map = {1:'global', 2:'address_space', 3:'thread', 4:'parallel', 5:'implicit_task', 6:'task'} - self.sched_map = {1:'static', 2:'dynamic', 3:'guided', 4:'auto'} - gdb.events.stop.connect(self.handle_stop_event) - self.new_thread_breakpoint = gdb.Breakpoint("ompd_bp_thread_begin", internal=True) - tool_break_symbol = gdb.lookup_global_symbol("ompd_tool_break") - if (tool_break_symbol is not None): - self.ompd_tool_test_bp = gdb.Breakpoint("ompd_tool_break", internal=True) - - def handle_stop_event(self, event): - """Sets a breakpoint at different events, e.g. when a new OpenMP - thread is created. - """ - if (isinstance(event, gdb.BreakpointEvent)): - # check if breakpoint has already been hit - if (self.new_thread_breakpoint in event.breakpoints): - self.add_thread() - gdb.execute('continue') - return - elif (self.ompd_tool_test_bp is not None and self.ompd_tool_test_bp in event.breakpoints): - try: - self.compare_ompt_data() - gdb.execute('continue') - except(): - traceback.print_exc() - elif (isinstance(event, gdb.SignalEvent)): - # TODO: what do we need to do on SIGNALS? - pass - else: - # TODO: probably not possible? - pass - - def get_icv_map(self): - """Fills ICV map. - """ - self.icv_map = {} - current = 0 - more = 1 - while more > 0: - tup = ompdModule.call_ompd_enumerate_icvs(self.addr_space, current) - (current, next_icv, next_scope, more) = tup - self.icv_map[next_icv] = (current, next_scope, self.scope_map[next_scope]) - print('Initialized ICV map successfully for checking OMP API values.') - - def compare_ompt_data(self): - """Compares OMPT tool data about parallel region to data returned by OMPD functions. - """ - # make sure all threads and states are set - self.list_threads(False) - - thread_id = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] - curr_thread = self.get_curr_thread() - - # check if current thread is LWP thread; return if "ompd_rc_unavailable" - thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(thread_id, self.addr_space) - if thread_handle == -1: - print("Skipping OMPT-OMPD checks for non-LWP thread.") - return - - print('Comparing OMPT data to OMPD data...') - field_names = [i.name for i in gdb.parse_and_eval('thread_data').type.fields()] - thread_data = gdb.parse_and_eval('thread_data') - - if self.icv_map is None: - self.get_icv_map() - - # compare state values - if 'ompt_state' in field_names: - if self.states is None: - self.enumerate_states() - ompt_state = str(thread_data['ompt_state']) - ompd_state = str(self.states[curr_thread.get_state()[0]]) - if ompt_state != ompd_state: - print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: ompt_state (%s) does not match OMPD state (%s)!' % (ompt_state, ompd_state)) - - # compare wait_id values - if 'ompt_wait_id' in field_names: - ompt_wait_id = thread_data['ompt_wait_id'] - ompd_wait_id = curr_thread.get_state()[1] - if ompt_wait_id != ompd_wait_id: - print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: ompt_wait_id (%d) does not match OMPD wait id (%d)!' % (ompt_wait_id, ompd_wait_id)) - - # compare thread id - if 'omp_thread_num' in field_names and 'thread-num-var' in self.icv_map: - ompt_thread_num = thread_data['omp_thread_num'] - icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(curr_thread.thread_handle, self.icv_map['thread-num-var'][1], self.icv_map['thread-num-var'][0]) - if ompt_thread_num != icv_value: - print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_thread_num (%d) does not match OMPD thread num according to ICVs (%d)!' % (ompt_thread_num, icv_value)) - - # compare thread data - if 'ompt_thread_data' in field_names: - ompt_thread_data = thread_data['ompt_thread_data'].dereference()['value'] - ompd_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_tool_data(3, curr_thread.thread_handle)[0] - if ompt_thread_data != ompd_value: - print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: value of ompt_thread_data (%d) does not match that of OMPD data union (%d)!' % (ompt_thread_data, ompd_value)) - - # compare number of threads - if 'omp_num_threads' in field_names and 'team-size-var' in self.icv_map: - ompt_num_threads = thread_data['omp_num_threads'] - icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(curr_thread.get_current_parallel_handle(), self.icv_map['team-size-var'][1], self.icv_map['team-size-var'][0]) - if ompt_num_threads != icv_value: - print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_num_threads (%d) does not match OMPD num threads according to ICVs (%d)!' % (ompt_num_threads, icv_value)) - - # compare omp level - if 'omp_level' in field_names and 'levels-var' in self.icv_map: - ompt_levels = thread_data['omp_level'] - icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(curr_thread.get_current_parallel_handle(), self.icv_map['levels-var'][1], self.icv_map['levels-var'][0]) - if ompt_levels != icv_value: - print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_level (%d) does not match OMPD levels according to ICVs (%d)!' % (ompt_levels, icv_value)) - - # compare active level - if 'omp_active_level' in field_names and 'active-levels-var' in self.icv_map: - ompt_active_levels = thread_data['omp_active_level'] - icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(curr_thread.get_current_parallel_handle(), self.icv_map['active-levels-var'][1], self.icv_map['active-levels-var'][0]) - if ompt_active_levels != icv_value: - print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: active levels (%d) do not match active levels according to ICVs (%d)!' % (ompt_active_levels, icv_value)) - - # compare parallel data - if 'ompt_parallel_data' in field_names: - ompt_parallel_data = thread_data['ompt_parallel_data'].dereference()['value'] - current_parallel_handle = curr_thread.get_current_parallel_handle() - ompd_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_tool_data(4, current_parallel_handle)[0] - if ompt_parallel_data != ompd_value: - print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: value of ompt_parallel_data (%d) does not match that of OMPD data union (%d)!' % (ompt_parallel_data, ompd_value)) - - # compare max threads - if 'omp_max_threads' in field_names and 'nthreads-var' in self.icv_map: - ompt_max_threads = thread_data['omp_max_threads'] - icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(curr_thread.thread_handle, self.icv_map['nthreads-var'][1], self.icv_map['nthreads-var'][0]) - if icv_value is None: - icv_string = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_string_from_scope(curr_thread.thread_handle, self.icv_map['nthreads-var'][1], self.icv_map['nthreads-var'][0]) - if icv_string is None: - print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_max_threads (%d) does not match OMPD thread limit according to ICVs (None Object)' % (ompt_max_threads)) - else: - if ompt_max_threads != int(icv_string.split(',')[0]): - print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_max_threads (%d) does not match OMPD thread limit according to ICVs (%d)!' % (ompt_max_threads, int(icv_string.split(',')[0]))) - else: - if ompt_max_threads != icv_value: - print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_max_threads (%d) does not match OMPD thread limit according to ICVs (%d)!' % (ompt_max_threads, icv_value)) - - # compare omp_parallel - # NOTE: omp_parallel = true if active-levels-var > 0 - if 'omp_parallel' in field_names: - ompt_parallel = thread_data['omp_parallel'] - icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(curr_thread.get_current_parallel_handle(), self.icv_map['active-levels-var'][1], self.icv_map['active-levels-var'][0]) - if ompt_parallel == 1 and icv_value <= 0 or ompt_parallel == 0 and icv_value > 0: - print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: ompt_parallel (%d) does not match OMPD parallel according to ICVs (%d)!' % (ompt_parallel, icv_value)) - - # compare omp_final - if 'omp_final' in field_names and 'final-task-var' in self.icv_map: - ompt_final = thread_data['omp_final'] - current_task_handle = curr_thread.get_current_task_handle() - icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(current_task_handle, self.icv_map['final-task-var'][1], self.icv_map['final-task-var'][0]) - if icv_value != ompt_final: - print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_final (%d) does not match OMPD final according to ICVs (%d)!' % (ompt_final, icv_value)) - - # compare omp_dynamic - if 'omp_dynamic' in field_names and 'dyn-var' in self.icv_map: - ompt_dynamic = thread_data['omp_dynamic'] - icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(curr_thread.thread_handle, self.icv_map['dyn-var'][1], self.icv_map['dyn-var'][0]) - if icv_value != ompt_dynamic: - print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_dynamic (%d) does not match OMPD dynamic according to ICVs (%d)!' % (ompt_dynamic, icv_value)) - - # compare omp_max_active_levels - if 'omp_max_active_levels' in field_names and 'max-active-levels-var' in self.icv_map: - ompt_max_active_levels = thread_data['omp_max_active_levels'] - icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(curr_thread.get_current_task_handle(), self.icv_map['max-active-levels-var'][1], self.icv_map['max-active-levels-var'][0]) - if ompt_max_active_levels != icv_value: - print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_max_active_levels (%d) does not match OMPD max active levels (%d)!' % (ompt_max_active_levels, icv_value)) - + def __init__(self): + """Initializes an ompd_address_space object by calling ompd_initialize + in ompdModule.c + """ + self.addr_space = ompdModule.call_ompd_initialize() + # maps thread_num (thread id given by gdb) to ompd_thread object with thread handle + self.threads = {} + self.states = None + self.icv_map = None + self.ompd_tool_test_bp = None + self.scope_map = { + 1: "global", + 2: "address_space", + 3: "thread", + 4: "parallel", + 5: "implicit_task", + 6: "task", + } + self.sched_map = {1: "static", 2: "dynamic", 3: "guided", 4: "auto"} + gdb.events.stop.connect(self.handle_stop_event) + self.new_thread_breakpoint = gdb.Breakpoint( + "ompd_bp_thread_begin", internal=True + ) + tool_break_symbol = gdb.lookup_global_symbol("ompd_tool_break") + if tool_break_symbol is not None: + self.ompd_tool_test_bp = gdb.Breakpoint("ompd_tool_break", internal=True) + + def handle_stop_event(self, event): + """Sets a breakpoint at different events, e.g. when a new OpenMP + thread is created. + """ + if isinstance(event, gdb.BreakpointEvent): + # check if breakpoint has already been hit + if self.new_thread_breakpoint in event.breakpoints: + self.add_thread() + gdb.execute("continue") + return + elif ( + self.ompd_tool_test_bp is not None + and self.ompd_tool_test_bp in event.breakpoints + ): + try: + self.compare_ompt_data() + gdb.execute("continue") + except (): + traceback.print_exc() + elif isinstance(event, gdb.SignalEvent): + # TODO: what do we need to do on SIGNALS? + pass + else: + # TODO: probably not possible? + pass + + def get_icv_map(self): + """Fills ICV map.""" + self.icv_map = {} + current = 0 + more = 1 + while more > 0: + tup = ompdModule.call_ompd_enumerate_icvs(self.addr_space, current) + (current, next_icv, next_scope, more) = tup + self.icv_map[next_icv] = (current, next_scope, self.scope_map[next_scope]) + print("Initialized ICV map successfully for checking OMP API values.") + + def compare_ompt_data(self): + """Compares OMPT tool data about parallel region to data returned by OMPD functions.""" + # make sure all threads and states are set + self.list_threads(False) + + thread_id = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1] + curr_thread = self.get_curr_thread() + + # check if current thread is LWP thread; return if "ompd_rc_unavailable" + thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(thread_id, self.addr_space) + if thread_handle == -1: + print("Skipping OMPT-OMPD checks for non-LWP thread.") + return + + print("Comparing OMPT data to OMPD data...") + field_names = [i.name for i in gdb.parse_and_eval("thread_data").type.fields()] + thread_data = gdb.parse_and_eval("thread_data") + + if self.icv_map is None: + self.get_icv_map() + + # compare state values + if "ompt_state" in field_names: + if self.states is None: + self.enumerate_states() + ompt_state = str(thread_data["ompt_state"]) + ompd_state = str(self.states[curr_thread.get_state()[0]]) + if ompt_state != ompd_state: + print( + "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: ompt_state (%s) does not match OMPD state (%s)!" + % (ompt_state, ompd_state) + ) + + # compare wait_id values + if "ompt_wait_id" in field_names: + ompt_wait_id = thread_data["ompt_wait_id"] + ompd_wait_id = curr_thread.get_state()[1] + if ompt_wait_id != ompd_wait_id: + print( + "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: ompt_wait_id (%d) does not match OMPD wait id (%d)!" + % (ompt_wait_id, ompd_wait_id) + ) + + # compare thread id + if "omp_thread_num" in field_names and "thread-num-var" in self.icv_map: + ompt_thread_num = thread_data["omp_thread_num"] + icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope( + curr_thread.thread_handle, + self.icv_map["thread-num-var"][1], + self.icv_map["thread-num-var"][0], + ) + if ompt_thread_num != icv_value: + print( + "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_thread_num (%d) does not match OMPD thread num according to ICVs (%d)!" + % (ompt_thread_num, icv_value) + ) + + # compare thread data + if "ompt_thread_data" in field_names: + ompt_thread_data = thread_data["ompt_thread_data"].dereference()["value"] + ompd_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_tool_data( + 3, curr_thread.thread_handle + )[0] + if ompt_thread_data != ompd_value: + print( + "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: value of ompt_thread_data (%d) does not match that of OMPD data union (%d)!" + % (ompt_thread_data, ompd_value) + ) + + # compare number of threads + if "omp_num_threads" in field_names and "team-size-var" in self.icv_map: + ompt_num_threads = thread_data["omp_num_threads"] + icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope( + curr_thread.get_current_parallel_handle(), + self.icv_map["team-size-var"][1], + self.icv_map["team-size-var"][0], + ) + if ompt_num_threads != icv_value: + print( + "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_num_threads (%d) does not match OMPD num threads according to ICVs (%d)!" + % (ompt_num_threads, icv_value) + ) + + # compare omp level + if "omp_level" in field_names and "levels-var" in self.icv_map: + ompt_levels = thread_data["omp_level"] + icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope( + curr_thread.get_current_parallel_handle(), + self.icv_map["levels-var"][1], + self.icv_map["levels-var"][0], + ) + if ompt_levels != icv_value: + print( + "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_level (%d) does not match OMPD levels according to ICVs (%d)!" + % (ompt_levels, icv_value) + ) + + # compare active level + if "omp_active_level" in field_names and "active-levels-var" in self.icv_map: + ompt_active_levels = thread_data["omp_active_level"] + icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope( + curr_thread.get_current_parallel_handle(), + self.icv_map["active-levels-var"][1], + self.icv_map["active-levels-var"][0], + ) + if ompt_active_levels != icv_value: + print( + "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: active levels (%d) do not match active levels according to ICVs (%d)!" + % (ompt_active_levels, icv_value) + ) + + # compare parallel data + if "ompt_parallel_data" in field_names: + ompt_parallel_data = thread_data["ompt_parallel_data"].dereference()[ + "value" + ] + current_parallel_handle = curr_thread.get_current_parallel_handle() + ompd_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_tool_data(4, current_parallel_handle)[ + 0 + ] + if ompt_parallel_data != ompd_value: + print( + "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: value of ompt_parallel_data (%d) does not match that of OMPD data union (%d)!" + % (ompt_parallel_data, ompd_value) + ) + + # compare max threads + if "omp_max_threads" in field_names and "nthreads-var" in self.icv_map: + ompt_max_threads = thread_data["omp_max_threads"] + icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope( + curr_thread.thread_handle, + self.icv_map["nthreads-var"][1], + self.icv_map["nthreads-var"][0], + ) + if icv_value is None: + icv_string = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_string_from_scope( + curr_thread.thread_handle, + self.icv_map["nthreads-var"][1], + self.icv_map["nthreads-var"][0], + ) + if icv_string is None: + print( + "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_max_threads (%d) does not match OMPD thread limit according to ICVs (None Object)" + % (ompt_max_threads) + ) + else: + if ompt_max_threads != int(icv_string.split(",")[0]): + print( + "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_max_threads (%d) does not match OMPD thread limit according to ICVs (%d)!" + % (ompt_max_threads, int(icv_string.split(",")[0])) + ) + else: + if ompt_max_threads != icv_value: + print( + "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_max_threads (%d) does not match OMPD thread limit according to ICVs (%d)!" + % (ompt_max_threads, icv_value) + ) + + # compare omp_parallel + # NOTE: omp_parallel = true if active-levels-var > 0 + if "omp_parallel" in field_names: + ompt_parallel = thread_data["omp_parallel"] + icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope( + curr_thread.get_current_parallel_handle(), + self.icv_map["active-levels-var"][1], + self.icv_map["active-levels-var"][0], + ) + if ( + ompt_parallel == 1 + and icv_value <= 0 + or ompt_parallel == 0 + and icv_value > 0 + ): + print( + "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: ompt_parallel (%d) does not match OMPD parallel according to ICVs (%d)!" + % (ompt_parallel, icv_value) + ) + + # compare omp_final + if "omp_final" in field_names and "final-task-var" in self.icv_map: + ompt_final = thread_data["omp_final"] + current_task_handle = curr_thread.get_current_task_handle() + icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope( + current_task_handle, + self.icv_map["final-task-var"][1], + self.icv_map["final-task-var"][0], + ) + if icv_value != ompt_final: + print( + "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_final (%d) does not match OMPD final according to ICVs (%d)!" + % (ompt_final, icv_value) + ) + + # compare omp_dynamic + if "omp_dynamic" in field_names and "dyn-var" in self.icv_map: + ompt_dynamic = thread_data["omp_dynamic"] + icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope( + curr_thread.thread_handle, + self.icv_map["dyn-var"][1], + self.icv_map["dyn-var"][0], + ) + if icv_value != ompt_dynamic: + print( + "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_dynamic (%d) does not match OMPD dynamic according to ICVs (%d)!" + % (ompt_dynamic, icv_value) + ) + + # compare omp_max_active_levels + if ( + "omp_max_active_levels" in field_names + and "max-active-levels-var" in self.icv_map + ): + ompt_max_active_levels = thread_data["omp_max_active_levels"] + icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope( + curr_thread.get_current_task_handle(), + self.icv_map["max-active-levels-var"][1], + self.icv_map["max-active-levels-var"][0], + ) + if ompt_max_active_levels != icv_value: + print( + "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_max_active_levels (%d) does not match OMPD max active levels (%d)!" + % (ompt_max_active_levels, icv_value) + ) + # compare omp_kind: TODO: Add the test for monotonic/nonmonotonic modifier - if 'omp_kind' in field_names and 'run-sched-var' in self.icv_map: - ompt_sched_kind = thread_data['omp_kind'] - icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_string_from_scope(curr_thread.get_current_task_handle(), self.icv_map['run-sched-var'][1], self.icv_map['run-sched-var'][0]) - ompd_sched_kind = icv_value.split(',')[0] - if self.sched_map.get(int(ompt_sched_kind)) != ompd_sched_kind: - print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_kind kind (%s) does not match OMPD schedule kind according to ICVs (%s)!' % (self.sched_map.get(int(ompt_sched_kind)), ompd_sched_kind)) - - # compare omp_modifier - if 'omp_modifier' in field_names and 'run-sched-var' in self.icv_map: - ompt_sched_mod = thread_data['omp_modifier'] - icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_string_from_scope(curr_thread.get_current_task_handle(), self.icv_map['run-sched-var'][1], self.icv_map['run-sched-var'][0]) - token = icv_value.split(',')[1] - if token is not None: - ompd_sched_mod = int(token) - else: - ompd_sched_mod = 0 - if ompt_sched_mod != ompd_sched_mod: - print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_kind modifier does not match OMPD schedule modifier according to ICVs!') - - # compare omp_proc_bind - if 'omp_proc_bind' in field_names and 'bind-var' in self.icv_map: - ompt_proc_bind = thread_data['omp_proc_bind'] - icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(curr_thread.get_current_task_handle(), self.icv_map['bind-var'][1], self.icv_map['bind-var'][0]) - if icv_value is None: - icv_string = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_string_from_scope(curr_thread.get_current_task_handle(), self.icv_map['bind-var'][1], self.icv_map['bind-var'][0]) - if icv_string is None: - print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_proc_bind (%d) does not match OMPD proc bind according to ICVs (None Object)' % (ompt_proc_bind)) - else: - if ompt_proc_bind != int(icv_string.split(',')[0]): - print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_proc_bind (%d) does not match OMPD proc bind according to ICVs (%d)!' % (ompt_proc_bind, int(icv_string.split(',')[0]))) - else: - if ompt_proc_bind != icv_value: - print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_proc_bind (%d) does not match OMPD proc bind according to ICVs (%d)!' % (ompt_proc_bind, icv_value)) - - # compare enter and exit frames - if 'ompt_frame_list' in field_names: - ompt_task_frame_dict = thread_data['ompt_frame_list'].dereference() - ompt_task_frames = (int(ompt_task_frame_dict['enter_frame'].cast(gdb.lookup_type('long'))), int(ompt_task_frame_dict['exit_frame'].cast(gdb.lookup_type('long')))) - current_task = curr_thread.get_current_task() - ompd_task_frames = current_task.get_task_frame() - if ompt_task_frames != ompd_task_frames: - print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: ompt_task_frames (%s) do not match OMPD task frames (%s)!' % (ompt_task_frames, ompd_task_frames)) - - # compare task data - if 'ompt_task_data' in field_names: - ompt_task_data = thread_data['ompt_task_data'].dereference()['value'] - current_task_handle = curr_thread.get_current_task_handle() - ompd_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_tool_data(6, current_task_handle)[0] - if ompt_task_data != ompd_value: - print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: value of ompt_task_data (%d) does not match that of OMPD data union (%d)!' % (ompt_task_data, ompd_value)) - - def save_thread_object(self, thread_num, thread_id, addr_space): - """Saves thread object for thread_num inside threads dictionary. - """ - thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(thread_id, addr_space) - self.threads[int(thread_num)] = ompd_thread(thread_handle) - - def get_thread(self, thread_num): - """ Get thread object from map. - """ - return self.threads[int(thread_num)] - - def get_curr_thread(self): - """ Get current thread object from map or add new one to map, if missing. - """ - thread_num = int(gdb.selected_thread().num) - if thread_num not in self.threads: - self.add_thread() - return self.threads[thread_num] - - def add_thread(self): - """Add currently selected (*) thread to dictionary threads. - """ - inf_thread = gdb.selected_thread() - try: - self.save_thread_object(inf_thread.num, inf_thread.ptid[1], self.addr_space) - except: - traceback.print_exc() - - def list_threads(self, verbose): - """Prints OpenMP threads only that are being tracking inside the "threads" dictionary. - See handle_stop_event and add_thread. - """ - list_tids = [] - curr_inferior = gdb.selected_inferior() - - for inf_thread in curr_inferior.threads(): - list_tids.append((inf_thread.num, inf_thread.ptid)) - if verbose: - if self.states is None: - self.enumerate_states() - for (thread_num, thread_ptid) in sorted(list_tids): - if thread_num in self.threads: - try: - print('Thread %i (%i) is an OpenMP thread; state: %s' % (thread_num, thread_ptid[1], self.states[self.threads[thread_num].get_state()[0]])) - except: - traceback.print_exc() - else: - print('Thread %i (%i) is no OpenMP thread' % (thread_num, thread_ptid[1])) - - def enumerate_states(self): - """Helper function for list_threads: initializes map of OMPD states for output of - 'ompd threads'. - """ - if self.states is None: - self.states = {} - current = int("0x102", 0) - count = 0 - more = 1 - - while more > 0: - tup = ompdModule.call_ompd_enumerate_states(self.addr_space, current) - (next_state, next_state_name, more) = tup - - self.states[next_state] = next_state_name - current = next_state + if "omp_kind" in field_names and "run-sched-var" in self.icv_map: + ompt_sched_kind = thread_data["omp_kind"] + icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_string_from_scope( + curr_thread.get_current_task_handle(), + self.icv_map["run-sched-var"][1], + self.icv_map["run-sched-var"][0], + ) + ompd_sched_kind = icv_value.split(",")[0] + if self.sched_map.get(int(ompt_sched_kind)) != ompd_sched_kind: + print( + "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_kind kind (%s) does not match OMPD schedule kind according to ICVs (%s)!" + % (self.sched_map.get(int(ompt_sched_kind)), ompd_sched_kind) + ) + + # compare omp_modifier + if "omp_modifier" in field_names and "run-sched-var" in self.icv_map: + ompt_sched_mod = thread_data["omp_modifier"] + icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_string_from_scope( + curr_thread.get_current_task_handle(), + self.icv_map["run-sched-var"][1], + self.icv_map["run-sched-var"][0], + ) + token = icv_value.split(",")[1] + if token is not None: + ompd_sched_mod = int(token) + else: + ompd_sched_mod = 0 + if ompt_sched_mod != ompd_sched_mod: + print( + "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_kind modifier does not match OMPD schedule modifier according to ICVs!" + ) + + # compare omp_proc_bind + if "omp_proc_bind" in field_names and "bind-var" in self.icv_map: + ompt_proc_bind = thread_data["omp_proc_bind"] + icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope( + curr_thread.get_current_task_handle(), + self.icv_map["bind-var"][1], + self.icv_map["bind-var"][0], + ) + if icv_value is None: + icv_string = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_string_from_scope( + curr_thread.get_current_task_handle(), + self.icv_map["bind-var"][1], + self.icv_map["bind-var"][0], + ) + if icv_string is None: + print( + "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_proc_bind (%d) does not match OMPD proc bind according to ICVs (None Object)" + % (ompt_proc_bind) + ) + else: + if ompt_proc_bind != int(icv_string.split(",")[0]): + print( + "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_proc_bind (%d) does not match OMPD proc bind according to ICVs (%d)!" + % (ompt_proc_bind, int(icv_string.split(",")[0])) + ) + else: + if ompt_proc_bind != icv_value: + print( + "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_proc_bind (%d) does not match OMPD proc bind according to ICVs (%d)!" + % (ompt_proc_bind, icv_value) + ) + + # compare enter and exit frames + if "ompt_frame_list" in field_names: + ompt_task_frame_dict = thread_data["ompt_frame_list"].dereference() + ompt_task_frames = ( + int(ompt_task_frame_dict["enter_frame"].cast(gdb.lookup_type("long"))), + int(ompt_task_frame_dict["exit_frame"].cast(gdb.lookup_type("long"))), + ) + current_task = curr_thread.get_current_task() + ompd_task_frames = current_task.get_task_frame() + if ompt_task_frames != ompd_task_frames: + print( + "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: ompt_task_frames (%s) do not match OMPD task frames (%s)!" + % (ompt_task_frames, ompd_task_frames) + ) + + # compare task data + if "ompt_task_data" in field_names: + ompt_task_data = thread_data["ompt_task_data"].dereference()["value"] + current_task_handle = curr_thread.get_current_task_handle() + ompd_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_tool_data(6, current_task_handle)[0] + if ompt_task_data != ompd_value: + print( + "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: value of ompt_task_data (%d) does not match that of OMPD data union (%d)!" + % (ompt_task_data, ompd_value) + ) + + def save_thread_object(self, thread_num, thread_id, addr_space): + """Saves thread object for thread_num inside threads dictionary.""" + thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(thread_id, addr_space) + self.threads[int(thread_num)] = ompd_thread(thread_handle) + + def get_thread(self, thread_num): + """Get thread object from map.""" + return self.threads[int(thread_num)] + + def get_curr_thread(self): + """Get current thread object from map or add new one to map, if missing.""" + thread_num = int(gdb.selected_thread().num) + if thread_num not in self.threads: + self.add_thread() + return self.threads[thread_num] + + def add_thread(self): + """Add currently selected (*) thread to dictionary threads.""" + inf_thread = gdb.selected_thread() + try: + self.save_thread_object(inf_thread.num, inf_thread.ptid[1], self.addr_space) + except: + traceback.print_exc() + + def list_threads(self, verbose): + """Prints OpenMP threads only that are being tracking inside the "threads" dictionary. + See handle_stop_event and add_thread. + """ + list_tids = [] + curr_inferior = gdb.selected_inferior() + + for inf_thread in curr_inferior.threads(): + list_tids.append((inf_thread.num, inf_thread.ptid)) + if verbose: + if self.states is None: + self.enumerate_states() + for (thread_num, thread_ptid) in sorted(list_tids): + if thread_num in self.threads: + try: + print( + "Thread %i (%i) is an OpenMP thread; state: %s" + % ( + thread_num, + thread_ptid[1], + self.states[self.threads[thread_num].get_state()[0]], + ) + ) + except: + traceback.print_exc() + else: + print( + "Thread %i (%i) is no OpenMP thread" + % (thread_num, thread_ptid[1]) + ) + + def enumerate_states(self): + """Helper function for list_threads: initializes map of OMPD states for output of + 'ompd threads'. + """ + if self.states is None: + self.states = {} + current = int("0x102", 0) + count = 0 + more = 1 + + while more > 0: + tup = ompdModule.call_ompd_enumerate_states(self.addr_space, current) + (next_state, next_state_name, more) = tup + + self.states[next_state] = next_state_name + current = next_state diff --git a/openmp/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/ompd_callbacks.py b/openmp/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/ompd_callbacks.py --- a/openmp/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/ompd_callbacks.py +++ b/openmp/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/ompd_callbacks.py @@ -9,88 +9,104 @@ """ Have the debugger print a string. """ + + def _print(*args): - # args is a tuple with just one string element - print_string = args[0] - gdb.execute('printf "%s\n"' % args[0]) + # args is a tuple with just one string element + print_string = args[0] + gdb.execute('printf "%s\n"' % args[0]) + """ Look up the address of a global symbol in the target. """ + + def _sym_addr(*args): - # args is a tuple consisting of thread_id and symbol_name - thread_id = args[0] - symbol_name = args[1] - if(thread_id >= 0): - gdb.execute('thread %d\n' % thread_id, to_string=True) - return int(gdb.parse_and_eval("&"+symbol_name)) + # args is a tuple consisting of thread_id and symbol_name + thread_id = args[0] + symbol_name = args[1] + if thread_id >= 0: + gdb.execute("thread %d\n" % thread_id, to_string=True) + return int(gdb.parse_and_eval("&" + symbol_name)) + """ Read string from the target and copy it into the provided buffer. """ + + def _read_string(*args): - # args is a tuple with just the source address - addr = args[0] - try: - buf = gdb.parse_and_eval('(unsigned char*)%li' % addr).string() - except: - traceback.print_exc() - return buf + # args is a tuple with just the source address + addr = args[0] + try: + buf = gdb.parse_and_eval("(unsigned char*)%li" % addr).string() + except: + traceback.print_exc() + return buf + """ Read memory from the target and copy it into the provided buffer. """ + + def _read(*args): - # args is a tuple consisting of address and number of bytes to be read - addr = args[0] - nbytes = args[1] -# print("_read(%i,%i)"%(addr, nbytes)) - ret_buf = bytearray() -# try: - buf = gdb.parse_and_eval('(unsigned char*)%li' % addr) - for i in range(nbytes): - ret_buf.append(int(buf[i])) -# except: -# traceback.print_exc() - return ret_buf + # args is a tuple consisting of address and number of bytes to be read + addr = args[0] + nbytes = args[1] + # print("_read(%i,%i)"%(addr, nbytes)) + ret_buf = bytearray() + # try: + buf = gdb.parse_and_eval("(unsigned char*)%li" % addr) + for i in range(nbytes): + ret_buf.append(int(buf[i])) + # except: + # traceback.print_exc() + return ret_buf """ Get thread-specific context. Return -1 if no match is found. """ + + def _thread_context(*args): - # args is a tuple consisting of thread_id and the thread kind - thread_id = args[1] - pthread = False - lwp = False - if args[0] == 0: - pthread = True - else: - lwp = True - info = gdb.execute('info threads', to_string=True).splitlines() - - for line in info: - if pthread: - m = re.search(r'(0x[a-fA-F0-9]+)', line) - elif lwp: - m = re.search(r'\([^)]*?(\d+)[^)]*?\)', line) - if m == None: - continue - pid = int(m.group(1),0) - if pid == thread_id: - return int(line[2:6],0) - return -1 + # args is a tuple consisting of thread_id and the thread kind + thread_id = args[1] + pthread = False + lwp = False + if args[0] == 0: + pthread = True + else: + lwp = True + info = gdb.execute("info threads", to_string=True).splitlines() + + for line in info: + if pthread: + m = re.search(r"(0x[a-fA-F0-9]+)", line) + elif lwp: + m = re.search(r"\([^)]*?(\d+)[^)]*?\)", line) + if m == None: + continue + pid = int(m.group(1), 0) + if pid == thread_id: + return int(line[2:6], 0) + return -1 + """ Test info threads / list threads / how to split output to get thread id and its size. """ + + def _test_threads(*args): - info = gdb.execute('info threads', to_string=True).splitlines() - for line in info[1:]: - content = line.split() - thread_id = None - # fetch pointer to id - if(content[0].startswith('*')): - thread_id = (content[3]) - else: - thread_id = (content[2]) - sizeof_tid = sys.getsizeof(thread_id) - print(sizeof_tid) - print(info) + info = gdb.execute("info threads", to_string=True).splitlines() + for line in info[1:]: + content = line.split() + thread_id = None + # fetch pointer to id + if content[0].startswith("*"): + thread_id = content[3] + else: + thread_id = content[2] + sizeof_tid = sys.getsizeof(thread_id) + print(sizeof_tid) + print(info) diff --git a/openmp/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/ompd_handles.py b/openmp/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/ompd_handles.py --- a/openmp/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/ompd_handles.py +++ b/openmp/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/ompd_handles.py @@ -1,178 +1,200 @@ import ompdModule import imp + class ompd_parallel(object): - - def __init__(self, parallel_handle): - """ Initializes an ompd_parallel object with the pointer - to a handle of a parallel region.""" - self.parallel_handle = parallel_handle - self.threads = {} - self.itasks = {} - self.enclosing_parallel_handle = None - self.enclosing_parallel = False - self.task_handle = None - - def get_thread_in_parallel(self, thread_num): - """Obtains thread handles for the threads associated with the - parallel region specified by parallel_handle.""" - if not thread_num in self.threads: - thread_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_thread_in_parallel(self.parallel_handle, thread_num) - self.threads[thread_num] = ompd_thread(thread_handle) - return self.threads[thread_num] - - def get_enclosing_parallel_handle(self): - """Obtains a parallel handle for the parallel region enclosing - the parallel region specified by parallel_handle.""" - if not self.enclosing_parallel_handle: - self.enclosing_parallel_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_enclosing_parallel_handle(self.parallel_handle) - return self.enclosing_parallel_handle - - def get_enclosing_parallel(self): - if not self.enclosing_parallel: - self.enclosing_parallel = ompd_parallel(self.get_enclosing_parallel_handle()) - return self.enclosing_parallel - - def get_task_in_parallel(self, thread_num): - """Obtains handles for the implicit tasks associated with the - parallel region specified by parallel_handle.""" - if not thread_num in self.itasks: - task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_task_in_parallel(self.parallel_handle, thread_num) - self.itasks[thread_num] = ompd_task(task_handle) - return self.itasks[thread_num] - - def __del__(self): - """Releases the parallel handle.""" - pass # let capsule destructors do the job + def __init__(self, parallel_handle): + """Initializes an ompd_parallel object with the pointer + to a handle of a parallel region.""" + self.parallel_handle = parallel_handle + self.threads = {} + self.itasks = {} + self.enclosing_parallel_handle = None + self.enclosing_parallel = False + self.task_handle = None + + def get_thread_in_parallel(self, thread_num): + """Obtains thread handles for the threads associated with the + parallel region specified by parallel_handle.""" + if not thread_num in self.threads: + thread_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_thread_in_parallel( + self.parallel_handle, thread_num + ) + self.threads[thread_num] = ompd_thread(thread_handle) + return self.threads[thread_num] + + def get_enclosing_parallel_handle(self): + """Obtains a parallel handle for the parallel region enclosing + the parallel region specified by parallel_handle.""" + if not self.enclosing_parallel_handle: + self.enclosing_parallel_handle = ( + ompdModule.call_ompd_get_enclosing_parallel_handle(self.parallel_handle) + ) + return self.enclosing_parallel_handle + + def get_enclosing_parallel(self): + if not self.enclosing_parallel: + self.enclosing_parallel = ompd_parallel( + self.get_enclosing_parallel_handle() + ) + return self.enclosing_parallel + + def get_task_in_parallel(self, thread_num): + """Obtains handles for the implicit tasks associated with the + parallel region specified by parallel_handle.""" + if not thread_num in self.itasks: + task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_task_in_parallel( + self.parallel_handle, thread_num + ) + self.itasks[thread_num] = ompd_task(task_handle) + return self.itasks[thread_num] + + def __del__(self): + """Releases the parallel handle.""" + pass # let capsule destructors do the job + class ompd_task(object): - - def __init__(self, task_handle): - """Initializes a new ompd_task_handle object and sets the attribute - to the task handle specified.""" - self.task_handle = task_handle - self.task_parallel_handle = False - self.generating_task_handle = False - self.scheduling_task_handle = False - self.task_parallel = False - self.generating_task = False - self.scheduling_task = False - self.task_frames = None - self.task_frame_flags = None - - def get_task_parallel_handle(self): - """Obtains a task parallel handle for the parallel region enclosing - the task region specified.""" - if not self.task_parallel_handle: - self.task_parallel_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_task_parallel_handle(self.task_handle) - return self.task_parallel_handle - - def get_task_parallel(self): - if not self.task_parallel: - self.task_parallel = ompd_parallel(self.get_task_parallel_handle()) - return self.task_parallel - - def get_generating_task_handle(self): - """Obtains the task handle for the task that created the task specified - by the task handle.""" - if not self.generating_task_handle: - self.generating_task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_generating_task_handle(self.task_handle) - return self.generating_task_handle - - def get_generating_task(self): - if not self.generating_task: - self.generating_task = ompd_task(ompdModule.call_ompd_get_generating_task_handle(self.task_handle)) - return self.generating_task - - def get_scheduling_task_handle(self): - """Obtains the task handle for the task that scheduled the task specified.""" - if not self.scheduling_task_handle: - self.scheduling_task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_scheduling_task_handle(self.task_handle) - return self.scheduling_task_handle - - def get_scheduling_task(self): - """Returns ompd_task object for the task that scheduled the current task.""" - if not self.scheduling_task: - self.scheduling_task = ompd_task(self.get_scheduling_task_handle()) - return self.scheduling_task - - def get_task_function(self): - """Returns long with address of function entry point.""" - return ompdModule.call_ompd_get_task_function(self.task_handle) - - def get_task_frame_with_flags(self): - """Returns enter frame address and flag, exit frame address and flag for current task handle.""" - if self.task_frames is None or self.task_frame_flags is None: - ret_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_task_frame(self.task_handle) - if isinstance(ret_value, tuple): - self.task_frames = (ret_value[0], ret_value[2]) - self.task_frame_flags = (ret_value[1], ret_value[3]) - else: - return ret_value - return (self.task_frames[0], self.task_frame_flags[0], self.task_frames[1], self.task_frame_flags[1]) - - def get_task_frame(self): - """Returns enter and exit frame address for current task handle.""" - if self.task_frames is None: - ret_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_task_frame(self.task_handle) - if isinstance(ret_value, tuple): - self.task_frames = (ret_value[0], ret_value[2]) - else: - return ret_value - return self.task_frames - - def __del__(self): - """Releases the task handle.""" - pass # let capsule destructors do the job + def __init__(self, task_handle): + """Initializes a new ompd_task_handle object and sets the attribute + to the task handle specified.""" + self.task_handle = task_handle + self.task_parallel_handle = False + self.generating_task_handle = False + self.scheduling_task_handle = False + self.task_parallel = False + self.generating_task = False + self.scheduling_task = False + self.task_frames = None + self.task_frame_flags = None + + def get_task_parallel_handle(self): + """Obtains a task parallel handle for the parallel region enclosing + the task region specified.""" + if not self.task_parallel_handle: + self.task_parallel_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_task_parallel_handle( + self.task_handle + ) + return self.task_parallel_handle + + def get_task_parallel(self): + if not self.task_parallel: + self.task_parallel = ompd_parallel(self.get_task_parallel_handle()) + return self.task_parallel + + def get_generating_task_handle(self): + """Obtains the task handle for the task that created the task specified + by the task handle.""" + if not self.generating_task_handle: + self.generating_task_handle = ( + ompdModule.call_ompd_get_generating_task_handle(self.task_handle) + ) + return self.generating_task_handle + + def get_generating_task(self): + if not self.generating_task: + self.generating_task = ompd_task( + ompdModule.call_ompd_get_generating_task_handle(self.task_handle) + ) + return self.generating_task + + def get_scheduling_task_handle(self): + """Obtains the task handle for the task that scheduled the task specified.""" + if not self.scheduling_task_handle: + self.scheduling_task_handle = ( + ompdModule.call_ompd_get_scheduling_task_handle(self.task_handle) + ) + return self.scheduling_task_handle + + def get_scheduling_task(self): + """Returns ompd_task object for the task that scheduled the current task.""" + if not self.scheduling_task: + self.scheduling_task = ompd_task(self.get_scheduling_task_handle()) + return self.scheduling_task + + def get_task_function(self): + """Returns long with address of function entry point.""" + return ompdModule.call_ompd_get_task_function(self.task_handle) + + def get_task_frame_with_flags(self): + """Returns enter frame address and flag, exit frame address and flag for current task handle.""" + if self.task_frames is None or self.task_frame_flags is None: + ret_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_task_frame(self.task_handle) + if isinstance(ret_value, tuple): + self.task_frames = (ret_value[0], ret_value[2]) + self.task_frame_flags = (ret_value[1], ret_value[3]) + else: + return ret_value + return ( + self.task_frames[0], + self.task_frame_flags[0], + self.task_frames[1], + self.task_frame_flags[1], + ) + + def get_task_frame(self): + """Returns enter and exit frame address for current task handle.""" + if self.task_frames is None: + ret_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_task_frame(self.task_handle) + if isinstance(ret_value, tuple): + self.task_frames = (ret_value[0], ret_value[2]) + else: + return ret_value + return self.task_frames + + def __del__(self): + """Releases the task handle.""" + pass # let capsule destructors do the job class ompd_thread(object): - - def __init__(self, thread_handle): - """Initializes an ompd_thread with the data received from - GDB.""" - self.thread_handle = thread_handle - self.parallel_handle = None - self.task_handle = None - self.current_task = False - self.current_parallel = False - self.thread_id = False - - def get_current_parallel_handle(self): - """Obtains the parallel handle for the parallel region associated with - the given thread handle.""" - #TODO: invalidate thread objects based on `gdb.event.cont`. This should invalidate all internal state. - self.parallel_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle(self.thread_handle) - return self.parallel_handle - - def get_current_parallel(self): - """Returns parallel object for parallel handle of the parallel region - associated with the current thread handle.""" - if not self.current_parallel: - self.current_parallel = ompd_parallel(self.get_current_parallel_handle()) - return self.current_parallel - - def get_current_task_handle(self): - """Obtains the task handle for the current task region of the - given thread.""" - return ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(self.thread_handle) - - def get_thread_id(self): - """Obtains the ID for the given thread.""" - if not self.thread_id: - self.thread_id = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_thread_id(self.thread_handle) - return self.thread_id - - def get_current_task(self): - """Returns task object for task handle of the current task region.""" - return ompd_task(self.get_current_task_handle()) - - def get_state(self): - """Returns tuple with OMPD state (long) and wait_id, in case the thread is in a - waiting state. Helper function for 'ompd threads' command.""" - (state, wait_id) = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_state(self.thread_handle) - return (state, wait_id) - - def __del__(self): - """Releases the given thread handle.""" - pass # let capsule destructors do the job + def __init__(self, thread_handle): + """Initializes an ompd_thread with the data received from + GDB.""" + self.thread_handle = thread_handle + self.parallel_handle = None + self.task_handle = None + self.current_task = False + self.current_parallel = False + self.thread_id = False + + def get_current_parallel_handle(self): + """Obtains the parallel handle for the parallel region associated with + the given thread handle.""" + # TODO: invalidate thread objects based on `gdb.event.cont`. This should invalidate all internal state. + self.parallel_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle( + self.thread_handle + ) + return self.parallel_handle + + def get_current_parallel(self): + """Returns parallel object for parallel handle of the parallel region + associated with the current thread handle.""" + if not self.current_parallel: + self.current_parallel = ompd_parallel(self.get_current_parallel_handle()) + return self.current_parallel + + def get_current_task_handle(self): + """Obtains the task handle for the current task region of the + given thread.""" + return ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(self.thread_handle) + + def get_thread_id(self): + """Obtains the ID for the given thread.""" + if not self.thread_id: + self.thread_id = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_thread_id(self.thread_handle) + return self.thread_id + + def get_current_task(self): + """Returns task object for task handle of the current task region.""" + return ompd_task(self.get_current_task_handle()) + + def get_state(self): + """Returns tuple with OMPD state (long) and wait_id, in case the thread is in a + waiting state. Helper function for 'ompd threads' command.""" + (state, wait_id) = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_state(self.thread_handle) + return (state, wait_id) + + def __del__(self): + """Releases the given thread handle.""" + pass # let capsule destructors do the job diff --git a/openmp/libomptarget/utils/generate_microtask_cases.py b/openmp/libomptarget/utils/generate_microtask_cases.py --- a/openmp/libomptarget/utils/generate_microtask_cases.py +++ b/openmp/libomptarget/utils/generate_microtask_cases.py @@ -2,30 +2,37 @@ import argparse + def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() - parser.add_argument('--max_args', type=int, help='Max number of arguments to generate case statements for', required=True) - parser.add_argument('--output', help='Output header file to include', required=True) + parser.add_argument( + "--max_args", + type=int, + help="Max number of arguments to generate case statements for", + required=True, + ) + parser.add_argument("--output", help="Output header file to include", required=True) args = parser.parse_args() - output='' - for i in range(args.max_args+1): - output += 'case %d:\n'%(i) - output += '((void (*)(kmp_int32 *, kmp_int32 *\n' + output = "" + for i in range(args.max_args + 1): + output += "case %d:\n" % (i) + output += "((void (*)(kmp_int32 *, kmp_int32 *\n" for j in range(i): - output += ', void *' - if (j+1)%4 == 0: - output += '\n' - output += '))fn)(&global_tid, &bound_tid\n' + output += ", void *" + if (j + 1) % 4 == 0: + output += "\n" + output += "))fn)(&global_tid, &bound_tid\n" for j in range(i): - output += ', args[%d]'%(j) - if (j+1)%4 == 0: - output += '\n' - output += ');\n' - output += 'break;\n' + output += ", args[%d]" % (j) + if (j + 1) % 4 == 0: + output += "\n" + output += ");\n" + output += "break;\n" - with open(args.output, 'w') as f: + with open(args.output, "w") as f: print(output, file=f) + if __name__ == "__main__": main() diff --git a/openmp/runtime/test/affinity/format/check.py b/openmp/runtime/test/affinity/format/check.py --- a/openmp/runtime/test/affinity/format/check.py +++ b/openmp/runtime/test/affinity/format/check.py @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import argparse import re + class Checks(object): class CheckError(Exception): pass @@ -13,32 +14,39 @@ self.check_no_output = False self.filename = filename self.prefix = prefix + def readStdin(self): - self.lines = [l.rstrip('\r\n') for l in sys.stdin.readlines()] + self.lines = [l.rstrip("\r\n") for l in sys.stdin.readlines()] + def readChecks(self): with open(self.filename) as f: for line in f: - match = re.search('{}: NO_OUTPUT'.format(self.prefix), line) + match = re.search("{}: NO_OUTPUT".format(self.prefix), line) if match is not None: self.check_no_output = True return - match = re.search('{}: num_threads=([0-9]+) (.*)$'.format(self.prefix), line) + match = re.search( + "{}: num_threads=([0-9]+) (.*)$".format(self.prefix), line + ) if match is not None: num_threads = int(match.group(1)) for i in range(num_threads): self.checks.append(match.group(2)) continue + def check(self): # If no checks at all, then nothing to do if len(self.checks) == 0 and not self.check_no_output: - print('Nothing to check for') + print("Nothing to check for") return # Check if we are expecting no output if self.check_no_output: if len(self.lines) == 0: return else: - raise Checks.CheckError('{}: Output was found when expecting none.'.format(self.prefix)) + raise Checks.CheckError( + "{}: Output was found when expecting none.".format(self.prefix) + ) # Run through each check line and see if it exists in the output # If it does, then delete the line from output and look for the # next check line. @@ -53,18 +61,28 @@ index = idx break if not found: - raise Checks.CheckError('{}: Did not find: {}'.format(self.prefix, c)) + raise Checks.CheckError("{}: Did not find: {}".format(self.prefix, c)) else: del self.lines[index] if len(self.lines) != 0: - raise Checks.CheckError('{}: Extra output: {}'.format(self.prefix, self.lines)) + raise Checks.CheckError( + "{}: Extra output: {}".format(self.prefix, self.lines) + ) + # Setup argument parsing -parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='''This script checks output of - a program against "CHECK" lines in filename''') -parser.add_argument('filename', default=None, help='filename to check against') -parser.add_argument('-c', '--check-prefix', dest='prefix', - default='CHECK', help='check prefix token default: %(default)s') +parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( + description="""This script checks output of + a program against "CHECK" lines in filename""" +) +parser.add_argument("filename", default=None, help="filename to check against") +parser.add_argument( + "-c", + "--check-prefix", + dest="prefix", + default="CHECK", + help="check prefix token default: %(default)s", +) command_args = parser.parse_args() # Do the checking checks = Checks(command_args.filename, command_args.prefix) diff --git a/polly/docs/conf.py b/polly/docs/conf.py --- a/polly/docs/conf.py +++ b/polly/docs/conf.py @@ -17,66 +17,66 @@ # If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, # add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the # documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here. -#sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.')) +# sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.')) # -- General configuration ----------------------------------------------------- # If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here. -#needs_sphinx = '1.0' +# needs_sphinx = '1.0' # Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. 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Refer to documentation # for a list of supported languages. -#language = None +# language = None # There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some # non-false value, then it is used: -#today = '' +# today = '' # Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call. -#today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y' +# today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y' # List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and # directories to ignore when looking for source files. -exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'analyzer'] +exclude_patterns = ["_build", "analyzer"] # The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all documents. -#default_role = None +# default_role = None # If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text. -#add_function_parentheses = True +# add_function_parentheses = True # If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description # unit titles (such as .. function::). -#add_module_names = True +# add_module_names = True # If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the # output. They are ignored by default. -#show_authors = False +# show_authors = False # The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use. -pygments_style = 'friendly' +pygments_style = "friendly" # A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting. -#modindex_common_prefix = [] +# modindex_common_prefix = [] in_progress_title = "(In-Progress) " if tags.has("PreRelease") else "" @@ -90,35 +90,36 @@ # a list of builtin themes. try: import sphinx_rtd_theme + html_theme = "sphinx_rtd_theme" html_theme_path = [sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path()] except ImportError: - html_theme = 'haiku' + html_theme = "haiku" # Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme # further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the # documentation. -#html_theme_options = {} +# html_theme_options = {} # Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory. -#html_theme_path = [] +# html_theme_path = [] # The name for this set of Sphinx documents. If None, it defaults to # " v documentation". -#html_title = None +# html_title = None # A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title. -#html_short_title = None +# html_short_title = None # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top # of the sidebar. -#html_logo = None +# html_logo = None # The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the # docs. This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32 # pixels large. -#html_favicon = None +# html_favicon = None # Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here, # relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files, @@ -127,92 +128,89 @@ # If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom, # using the given strftime format. -#html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y' +# html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y' # If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to # typographically correct entities. -#html_use_smartypants = True +# html_use_smartypants = True # Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names. -#html_sidebars = {} +# html_sidebars = {} # Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to # template names. -#html_additional_pages = {} +# html_additional_pages = {} # If false, no module index is generated. -#html_domain_indices = True +# html_domain_indices = True # If false, no index is generated. -#html_use_index = True +# html_use_index = True # If true, the index is split into individual pages for each letter. -#html_split_index = False +# html_split_index = False # If true, links to the reST sources are added to the pages. -#html_show_sourcelink = True +# html_show_sourcelink = True # If true, "Created using Sphinx" is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True. -#html_show_sphinx = True +# html_show_sphinx = True # If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True. -#html_show_copyright = True +# html_show_copyright = True # If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will # contain a tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the # base URL from which the finished HTML is served. -#html_use_opensearch = '' +# html_use_opensearch = '' # This is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml"). -#html_file_suffix = None +# html_file_suffix = None # Output file base name for HTML help builder. -htmlhelp_basename = 'Pollydoc' +htmlhelp_basename = "Pollydoc" # -- Options for LaTeX output -------------------------------------------------- latex_elements = { -# The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper'). -#'papersize': 'letterpaper', - -# The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). -#'pointsize': '10pt', - -# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. -#'preamble': '', + # The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper'). + #'papersize': 'letterpaper', + # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). + #'pointsize': '10pt', + # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. + #'preamble': '', } # Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, author, documentclass [howto/manual]). latex_documents = [ - ('index', 'Polly.tex', u'Polly Documentation', - u'The Polly Team', 'manual'), + ("index", "Polly.tex", "Polly Documentation", "The Polly Team", "manual"), ] # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of # the title page. -#latex_logo = None +# latex_logo = None # For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts, # not chapters. -#latex_use_parts = False +# latex_use_parts = False # If true, show page references after internal links. -#latex_show_pagerefs = False +# latex_show_pagerefs = False # If true, show URL addresses after external links. -#latex_show_urls = False +# latex_show_urls = False # Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. -#latex_appendices = [] +# latex_appendices = [] # If false, no module index is generated. -#latex_domain_indices = True +# latex_domain_indices = True # If true, show URL addresses after external links. -#man_show_urls = False +# man_show_urls = False # -- Options for Texinfo output ------------------------------------------------ @@ -221,16 +219,22 @@ # (source start file, target name, title, author, # dir menu entry, description, category) texinfo_documents = [ - ('index', 'Polly', u'Polly Documentation', - u'The Polly Team', 'Polly', 'One line description of project.', - 'Miscellaneous'), + ( + "index", + "Polly", + "Polly Documentation", + "The Polly Team", + "Polly", + "One line description of project.", + "Miscellaneous", + ), ] # Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. -#texinfo_appendices = [] +# texinfo_appendices = [] # If false, no module index is generated. -#texinfo_domain_indices = True +# texinfo_domain_indices = True # How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'. -#texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote' +# texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote' diff --git a/polly/lib/External/isl/imath/tests/gmp-compat-test/genctest.py b/polly/lib/External/isl/imath/tests/gmp-compat-test/genctest.py --- a/polly/lib/External/isl/imath/tests/gmp-compat-test/genctest.py +++ b/polly/lib/External/isl/imath/tests/gmp-compat-test/genctest.py @@ -73,8 +73,12 @@ code = "\t" if ty == mpz_t or ty == mpq_t: code += self.api_call_prefix(ty) + "init(" + var + ");\n\t" - code += self.api_call_prefix(ty) + "set_str(" + ",".join( - [var, param, "10"]) + ")" + code += ( + self.api_call_prefix(ty) + + "set_str(" + + ",".join([var, param, "10"]) + + ")" + ) if ty == mpq_t: code += ";\n\t" code += self.api_call_prefix(ty) + "canonicalize(" + var + ")" @@ -101,8 +105,12 @@ ret = "\t" ret_ty = self.api.ret_ty if ret_ty != void: - ret += self.test_var_type(ret_ty) + " " + self.test_var_name( - ret_ty, "_ret") + " = " + ret += ( + self.test_var_type(ret_ty) + + " " + + self.test_var_name(ret_ty, "_ret") + + " = " + ) # call mpq or mpz function if self.api.name.startswith("mpz_"): prefix = self.api_call_prefix(mpz_t) @@ -118,34 +126,35 @@ {var} = 1; else if ({var} < 0) {var} = -1;\n\t -""".format(var=cmpval) +""".format( + var=cmpval + ) return code def extract_result(self, ty, pos): code = "" if ty == mpz_t or ty == mpq_t: var = self.test_var_name(ty, pos) - code += self.api_call_prefix( - ty) + "get_str(out+offset, 10," + var + ");\n" + code += self.api_call_prefix(ty) + "get_str(out+offset, 10," + var + ");\n" code += "\toffset = offset + strlen(out); " code += "out[offset] = ' '; out[offset+1] = 0; offset += 1;" else: assert pos == -1, "expected a return value, not a param value" if ty == ilong: var = self.test_var_name(ty, "_ret") - code += 'offset = sprintf(out+offset, " %ld ", ' + var + ');' + code += 'offset = sprintf(out+offset, " %ld ", ' + var + ");" elif ty == ulong: var = self.test_var_name(ty, "_ret") - code += 'offset = sprintf(out+offset, " %lu ", ' + var + ');' + code += 'offset = sprintf(out+offset, " %lu ", ' + var + ");" elif ty == iint: var = self.test_var_name(ty, "_ret") - code += 'offset = sprintf(out+offset, " %d ", ' + var + ');' + code += 'offset = sprintf(out+offset, " %d ", ' + var + ");" elif ty == size_t: var = self.test_var_name(ty, "_ret") - code += 'offset = sprintf(out+offset, " %zu ", ' + var + ');' + code += 'offset = sprintf(out+offset, " %zu ", ' + var + ");" elif ty == charp: var = self.test_var_name(ty, "_ret") - code += 'offset = sprintf(out+offset, " %s ", ' + var + ');' + code += 'offset = sprintf(out+offset, " %s ", ' + var + ");" else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown param type: " + str(ty)) return code @@ -160,9 +169,12 @@ # call canonicalize for mpq_set_ui if self.api.name == "mpq_set_ui": - code += self.api_call_prefix( - mpq_t) + "canonicalize(" + self.test_var_name(mpq_t, - 0) + ");\n\t" + code += ( + self.api_call_prefix(mpq_t) + + "canonicalize(" + + self.test_var_name(mpq_t, 0) + + ");\n\t" + ) # get return value if ret_ty != void: @@ -180,8 +192,7 @@ for (i, p) in enumerate(self.api.params): if p == mpz_t or p == mpq_t: var = self.test_var_name(p, i) - code += "\t" + self.api_call_prefix( - p) + "clear(" + var + ");\n" + code += "\t" + self.api_call_prefix(p) + "clear(" + var + ");\n" return code def print_test_code(self, outf): @@ -190,8 +201,9 @@ self.test_param_type(p) + " " + self.test_param_name(p, i) for (i, p) in enumerate(api.params) ] - code = "void {}_{}(char *out, {})".format(self.test_prefix(), api.name, - ", ".join(params)) + code = "void {}_{}(char *out, {})".format( + self.test_prefix(), api.name, ", ".join(params) + ) code += "{\n" code += self.init_vars_from_params() code += self.make_api_call() diff --git a/polly/lib/External/isl/imath/tests/gmp-compat-test/gendata.py b/polly/lib/External/isl/imath/tests/gmp-compat-test/gendata.py --- a/polly/lib/External/isl/imath/tests/gmp-compat-test/gendata.py +++ b/polly/lib/External/isl/imath/tests/gmp-compat-test/gendata.py @@ -42,10 +42,13 @@ mm_all = mm_slong + mm_ulong + mm_sint + mm_uint + mm_sshort + mm_ushort zero_one_all = mzero_one + zero_one -mpz_std_list = zero_one_all + mm_all + apply(plus1, mm_all) + apply( - minus1, mm_all) -si_std_list = zero_one + mm_slong + mm_sint + mm_sshort + mm_slong1 + mm_sint1 + mm_sshort1 -ui_std_list = zero_one + mm_ulong + mm_uint + mm_ushort + mm_ulong1 + mm_uint1 + mm_ushort1 +mpz_std_list = zero_one_all + mm_all + apply(plus1, mm_all) + apply(minus1, mm_all) +si_std_list = ( + zero_one + mm_slong + mm_sint + mm_sshort + mm_slong1 + mm_sint1 + mm_sshort1 +) +ui_std_list = ( + zero_one + mm_ulong + mm_uint + mm_ushort + mm_ulong1 + mm_uint1 + mm_ushort1 +) def gen_random_mpz(mindigits=1, maxdigits=100, allowneg=True): @@ -73,8 +76,9 @@ if length == 1: i = random.randint(1, 9) else: - digits = [random.randint(1, 9) - ] + [random.randint(0, 9) for x in range(length - 1)] + digits = [random.randint(1, 9)] + [ + random.randint(0, 9) for x in range(length - 1) + ] digits = map(str, digits) i = "".join(digits) return str(i) @@ -82,8 +86,7 @@ def gen_mpzs(mindigits=1, maxdigits=100, count=10): return [ - gen_random_mpz(mindigits=mindigits, maxdigits=maxdigits) - for x in range(count) + gen_random_mpz(mindigits=mindigits, maxdigits=maxdigits) for x in range(count) ] @@ -123,8 +126,7 @@ def gen_mpz_spread(count=default_count): - return gen_small_mpzs(count) + gen_medium_mpzs(count) + gen_large_mpzs( - count) + return gen_small_mpzs(count) + gen_medium_mpzs(count) + gen_large_mpzs(count) def gen_mpz_args(count=default_count): @@ -257,8 +259,7 @@ size = ["1", "2", "4", "8"] endian = ["0"] nails = ["0"] - ops = gen_mpz_args(1000) + gen_mpzs( - count=100, mindigits=100, maxdigits=1000) + ops = gen_mpz_args(1000) + gen_mpzs(count=100, mindigits=100, maxdigits=1000) args = [] for r in rop: @@ -274,8 +275,7 @@ def mpz_sizeinbase_data(api): bases = list(map(str, range(2, 37))) - ops = gen_mpz_args(1000) + gen_mpzs( - count=1000, mindigits=100, maxdigits=2000) + ops = gen_mpz_args(1000) + gen_mpzs(count=1000, mindigits=100, maxdigits=2000) return [(op, b) for op in ops for b in bases] @@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ } if __name__ == "__main__": - #apis = [gmpapi.get_api("mpq_set_str"),] + # apis = [gmpapi.get_api("mpq_set_str"),] apis = gmpapi.apis for api in apis: tests = gen_args(api) diff --git a/polly/lib/External/isl/imath/tests/gmp-compat-test/genpytest.py b/polly/lib/External/isl/imath/tests/gmp-compat-test/genpytest.py --- a/polly/lib/External/isl/imath/tests/gmp-compat-test/genpytest.py +++ b/polly/lib/External/isl/imath/tests/gmp-compat-test/genpytest.py @@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ def print_header(outf): - outf.write(""" + outf.write( + """ #AUTOGENERATED FILE import ctypes import os @@ -14,11 +15,13 @@ verbose = False fork = False - """) + """ + ) def print_cmp(outf): - outf.write(""" + outf.write( + """ def passt(line, name, a_s, b_s): if verbose: print("PASS: {}@{} {} == {}".format(line, name, a_s, b_s)) @@ -101,11 +104,13 @@ #print(iout.raw[:70]) return cstr_eq(line, name, gout, iout) -""") +""" + ) def print_api(name, outf): - outf.write(""" + outf.write( + """ def test_{0}(line, name, gmp_test_so, imath_test_so, *args): gout = ctypes.create_string_buffer(1024*4); iout = ctypes.create_string_buffer(1024*4); @@ -113,14 +118,19 @@ imath_test_so.test_{0}(iout, *args) eq = cstr_eq(line, name, gout, iout) return eq -""".format(name)) +""".format( + name + ) + ) def print_api_map(outf): - outf.write(""" + outf.write( + """ def get_wrapper(name): test_wrappers = { -""") +""" + ) for api in gmpapi.apis: outf.write(' "{}" : {},\n'.format(api.name, "test_" + api.name)) outf.write(" }\n") diff --git a/polly/lib/External/isl/imath/tests/gmp-compat-test/gmpapi.py b/polly/lib/External/isl/imath/tests/gmp-compat-test/gmpapi.py --- a/polly/lib/External/isl/imath/tests/gmp-compat-test/gmpapi.py +++ b/polly/lib/External/isl/imath/tests/gmp-compat-test/gmpapi.py @@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ class GMPAPI: def __init__(self, ret_ty, name, *params, **kw): - out = kw.get('out', [0]) - inout = kw.get('inout', []) - mixed = kw.get('mixed', False) - custom = kw.get('custom', False) + out = kw.get("out", [0]) + inout = kw.get("inout", []) + mixed = kw.get("mixed", False) + custom = kw.get("custom", False) self.name = name self.ret_ty = ret_ty self.params = params @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ if self.ret_ty != void and not mixed: self.out_params = [] else: - self.out_params = out #param location of the output result + self.out_params = out # param location of the output result def is_write_only(self, pos): if pos in self.out_params and pos not in self.inout_params: @@ -35,8 +35,9 @@ return False def __str__(self): - return ("{} {}({})".format(self.ret_ty, self.name, ",".join( - map(str, self.params)))) + return "{} {}({})".format( + self.ret_ty, self.name, ",".join(map(str, self.params)) + ) def __repr__(self): return str(self) @@ -96,7 +97,8 @@ iint, size_t, mpz_t, - custom=True), + custom=True, + ), # The mpz_import signature is a bit of a lie, but it is ok because it is custom GMPAPI( void, @@ -108,10 +110,10 @@ iint, size_t, mpz_t, - custom=True), + custom=True, + ), GMPAPI(size_t, "mpz_sizeinbase", mpz_t, iint), GMPAPI(charp, "mpz_get_str", charp, iint, mpz_t), - # mpq functions GMPAPI(iint, "mpq_set_str", mpq_t, charp, iint, out=[0], mixed=True), GMPAPI(void, "mpq_canonicalize", mpq_t, inout=[0]), diff --git a/polly/lib/External/isl/imath/tests/gmp-compat-test/runtest.py b/polly/lib/External/isl/imath/tests/gmp-compat-test/runtest.py --- a/polly/lib/External/isl/imath/tests/gmp-compat-test/runtest.py +++ b/polly/lib/External/isl/imath/tests/gmp-compat-test/runtest.py @@ -36,15 +36,17 @@ if options.skip > 0 and line < options.skip: continue name, args = test.split("|") - if options.verbose or (options.progress > 0 - and line % options.progress == 0): + if options.verbose or (options.progress > 0 and line % options.progress == 0): print("TEST: {}@{}".format(line, test), end="") api = gmpapi.get_api(name) wrapper = wrappers.get_wrapper(name) input_args = args.split(",") if len(api.params) != len(input_args): - raise RuntimeError("Mismatch in args length: {} != {}".format( - len(api.params), len(input_args))) + raise RuntimeError( + "Mismatch in args length: {} != {}".format( + len(api.params), len(input_args) + ) + ) call_args = [] for i in range(len(api.params)): @@ -72,8 +74,9 @@ else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown param type: {}".format(param)) - res = wrappers.run_test(wrapper, line, name, gmp_test_so, - imath_test_so, *call_args) + res = wrappers.run_test( + wrapper, line, name, gmp_test_so, imath_test_so, *call_args + ) if not res: failures += 1 print_failure(line, test) @@ -90,27 +93,26 @@ "--fork", help="fork() before each operation", action="store_true", - default=False) + default=False, + ) parser.add_option( "-v", "--verbose", help="print PASS and FAIL tests", action="store_true", - default=False) + default=False, + ) parser.add_option( "-p", "--progress", help="print progress every N tests ", metavar="N", type="int", - default=0) + default=0, + ) parser.add_option( - "-s", - "--skip", - help="skip to test N", - metavar="N", - type="int", - default=0) + "-s", "--skip", help="skip to test N", metavar="N", type="int", default=0 + ) return parser.parse_args() @@ -128,16 +130,22 @@ for test_file in tests: print("Running tests in {}".format(test_file)) (passes, failures, fail_lines) = run_tests(test_file, options) - print(" Tests: {}. Passes: {}. Failures: {}.".format( - passes + failures, passes, failures)) + print( + " Tests: {}. Passes: {}. Failures: {}.".format( + passes + failures, passes, failures + ) + ) total_pass += passes total_fail += failures all_fail_lines += fail_lines print("=" * 70) print("Total") - print(" Tests: {}. Passes: {}. Failures: {}.".format( - total_pass + total_fail, total_pass, total_fail)) + print( + " Tests: {}. Passes: {}. Failures: {}.".format( + total_pass + total_fail, total_pass, total_fail + ) + ) if len(all_fail_lines) > 0: print("Failing Tests:") for (line, test) in all_fail_lines: diff --git a/polly/lib/External/isl/imath/tools/mkdoc.py b/polly/lib/External/isl/imath/tools/mkdoc.py --- a/polly/lib/External/isl/imath/tools/mkdoc.py +++ b/polly/lib/External/isl/imath/tools/mkdoc.py @@ -14,13 +14,15 @@ # A regular expression to match commented declarations. # This is specific to C and not very general; it should work fine for the imath # headers but will not adapt well to arbitrary code or to C++. -doc = re.compile(r'''(?mx)/\*\* # open /** +doc = re.compile( + r"""(?mx)/\*\* # open /** (?P(?:[^*]|\*[^/])*) # text Does a thing \*/\n # close */ -(?P[^;{]*(?:;$|\{))''') # decl void f(x); +(?P[^;{]*(?:;$|\{))""" +) # decl void f(x); # A regular expression matching up to 4 spaces at the head of a line. -spc = re.compile(r'(?m)^ {1,4}') +spc = re.compile(r"(?m)^ {1,4}") # A regular expression matching an insertion point. An insertion point has the # form {{include "header" name ...}}. If no names are given, all the names in @@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ ins = re.compile(r'{{insert "(?P[^"]*)"(?P(?:\s+\w+)+)?\s*}}') # A regular expression matching non-identifier characters, for splitting. -nid = re.compile(r'\W+') +nid = re.compile(r"\W+") # A cache of already-parsed files, maps filename to declarations. CACHE = {} @@ -43,17 +45,19 @@ """Renders text with verbatim sections into markdown.""" lines = [] fence = False - for line in text.split('\n'): - if fence != line.startswith(' '): - lines.append('```') + for line in text.split("\n"): + if fence != line.startswith(" "): + lines.append("```") fence = not fence lines.append(line) if fence: - lines.append('```') + lines.append("```") for i, line in enumerate(lines): - if i == 0: lines[i] = ' - ' + line - elif line: lines[i] = ' ' + line - return '\n'.join(lines) + if i == 0: + lines[i] = " - " + line + elif line: + lines[i] = " " + line + return "\n".join(lines) class LIndex(object): @@ -69,7 +73,7 @@ # Scan forward for newlines or EOF, and push the offsets of the line # breaks onto the list so we can binary search them later. while pos < len(text): - next = text.find('\n', pos) + next = text.find("\n", pos) if next < 0: break idx.append(next) @@ -115,13 +119,13 @@ decl: the raw text of the declaration line: the line number of the declaration """ - lp = decl.find('(') + lp = decl.find("(") if lp < 0: - self.name = last_word(decl.rstrip(';')) + self.name = last_word(decl.rstrip(";")) else: self.name = last_word(decl[:lp]) - self.decl = ' '.join(decl.rstrip(';{').strip().split()) - self.comment = spc.sub('', com.rstrip()) + self.decl = " ".join(decl.rstrip(";{").strip().split()) + self.comment = spc.sub("", com.rstrip()) self.line = line def __repr__(self): @@ -134,14 +138,16 @@ path, self.line, self.name, - self.decl[pos + len(self.name):], + self.decl[pos + len(self.name) :], ) - return '''------------ + return """------------
{comment} -'''.format(name=self.name, decl=decl, comment=typeset(self.comment)) +""".format( + name=self.name, decl=decl, comment=typeset(self.comment) + ) def parse_decls(text): @@ -149,8 +155,8 @@ decls = collections.OrderedDict() idx = LIndex(text) for m in doc.finditer(text): - line, _ = idx.linecol(m.span('decl')[0]) - d = Decl(m.group('text'), m.group('decl'), line) + line, _ = idx.linecol(m.span("decl")[0]) + d = Decl(m.group("text"), m.group("decl"), line) decls[d.name] = d return decls @@ -158,7 +164,7 @@ def load_file(path): """Load declarations from path, or use cached results.""" if path not in CACHE: - with file(path, 'rU') as fp: + with file(path, "rU") as fp: CACHE[path] = parse_decls(fp.read()) return CACHE[path] @@ -171,35 +177,38 @@ doc_template = args[0] doc_markdown = args[1] - with file(doc_template, 'rU') as input: + with file(doc_template, "rU") as input: template = input.read() - with file(doc_markdown, 'wt') as output: + with file(doc_markdown, "wt") as output: print( - ''' -'''.format(doc_template), - file=output) +""".format( + doc_template + ), + file=output, + ) pos = 0 # last position of input copied # Look for substitution markers in the template, and replace them with # their content. for ip in ins.finditer(template): - output.write(template[pos:ip.start()]) + output.write(template[pos : ip.start()]) pos = ip.end() - decls = load_file(ip.group('file')) - if ip.group('names'): # pick the selected names, in order + decls = load_file(ip.group("file")) + if ip.group("names"): # pick the selected names, in order decls = collections.OrderedDict( - (key, decls[key]) - for key in ip.group('names').strip().split()) + (key, decls[key]) for key in ip.group("names").strip().split() + ) # Render the selected declarations. for decl in decls.values(): - print(decl.markdown(ip.group('file')), file=output) + print(decl.markdown(ip.group("file")), file=output) # Clean up any remaining template bits output.write(template[pos:]) diff --git a/polly/lib/External/isl/isl_test_python.py b/polly/lib/External/isl/isl_test_python.py --- a/polly/lib/External/isl/isl_test_python.py +++ b/polly/lib/External/isl/isl_test_python.py @@ -21,39 +21,42 @@ # multiple overloaded constructors and overload resolution is tested. # def test_constructors(): - zero1 = isl.val("0") - assert(zero1.is_zero()) + zero1 = isl.val("0") + assert zero1.is_zero() - zero2 = isl.val(0) - assert(zero2.is_zero()) + zero2 = isl.val(0) + assert zero2.is_zero() - zero3 = isl.val.zero() - assert(zero3.is_zero()) + zero3 = isl.val.zero() + assert zero3.is_zero() - bs = isl.basic_set("{ [1] }") - result = isl.set("{ [1] }") - s = isl.set(bs) - assert(s.is_equal(result)) + bs = isl.basic_set("{ [1] }") + result = isl.set("{ [1] }") + s = isl.set(bs) + assert s.is_equal(result) + + us = isl.union_set("{ A[1]; B[2, 3] }") + empty = isl.union_set.empty() + assert us.is_equal(us.union(empty)) - us = isl.union_set("{ A[1]; B[2, 3] }") - empty = isl.union_set.empty() - assert(us.is_equal(us.union(empty))) # Test integer function parameters for a particular integer value. # def test_int(i): - val_int = isl.val(i) - val_str = isl.val(str(i)) - assert(val_int.eq(val_str)) + val_int = isl.val(i) + val_str = isl.val(str(i)) + assert val_int.eq(val_str) + # Test integer function parameters. # # Verify that extreme values and zero work. # def test_parameters_int(): - test_int(sys.maxsize) - test_int(-sys.maxsize - 1) - test_int(0) + test_int(sys.maxsize) + test_int(-sys.maxsize - 1) + test_int(0) + # Test isl objects parameters. # @@ -64,33 +67,35 @@ # the method is called. # def test_parameters_obj(): - a = isl.set("{ [0] }") - b = isl.set("{ [1] }") - c = isl.set("{ [2] }") - expected = isl.set("{ [i] : 0 <= i <= 2 }") + a = isl.set("{ [0] }") + b = isl.set("{ [1] }") + c = isl.set("{ [2] }") + expected = isl.set("{ [i] : 0 <= i <= 2 }") + + tmp = a.union(b) + res_lvalue_param = tmp.union(c) + assert res_lvalue_param.is_equal(expected) - tmp = a.union(b) - res_lvalue_param = tmp.union(c) - assert(res_lvalue_param.is_equal(expected)) + res_rvalue_param = a.union(b).union(c) + assert res_rvalue_param.is_equal(expected) - res_rvalue_param = a.union(b).union(c) - assert(res_rvalue_param.is_equal(expected)) + a2 = isl.basic_set("{ [0] }") + assert a.is_equal(a2) - a2 = isl.basic_set("{ [0] }") - assert(a.is_equal(a2)) + two = isl.val(2) + half = isl.val("1/2") + res_only_this_param = two.inv() + assert res_only_this_param.eq(half) - two = isl.val(2) - half = isl.val("1/2") - res_only_this_param = two.inv() - assert(res_only_this_param.eq(half)) # Test different kinds of parameters to be passed to functions. # # This includes integer and isl object parameters. # def test_parameters(): - test_parameters_int() - test_parameters_obj() + test_parameters_int() + test_parameters_obj() + # Test that isl objects are returned correctly. # @@ -98,55 +103,59 @@ # returned. # def test_return_obj(): - one = isl.val("1") - two = isl.val("2") - three = isl.val("3") + one = isl.val("1") + two = isl.val("2") + three = isl.val("3") + + res = one.add(two) - res = one.add(two) + assert res.eq(three) - assert(res.eq(three)) # Test that integer values are returned correctly. # def test_return_int(): - one = isl.val("1") - neg_one = isl.val("-1") - zero = isl.val("0") + one = isl.val("1") + neg_one = isl.val("-1") + zero = isl.val("0") + + assert one.sgn() > 0 + assert neg_one.sgn() < 0 + assert zero.sgn() == 0 - assert(one.sgn() > 0) - assert(neg_one.sgn() < 0) - assert(zero.sgn() == 0) # Test that isl_bool values are returned correctly. # # In particular, check the conversion to bool in case of true and false. # def test_return_bool(): - empty = isl.set("{ : false }") - univ = isl.set("{ : }") + empty = isl.set("{ : false }") + univ = isl.set("{ : }") - b_true = empty.is_empty() - b_false = univ.is_empty() + b_true = empty.is_empty() + b_false = univ.is_empty() + + assert b_true + assert not b_false - assert(b_true) - assert(not b_false) # Test that strings are returned correctly. # Do so by calling overloaded isl.ast_build.from_expr methods. # def test_return_string(): - context = isl.set("[n] -> { : }") - build = isl.ast_build.from_context(context) - pw_aff = isl.pw_aff("[n] -> { [n] }") - set = isl.set("[n] -> { : n >= 0 }") + context = isl.set("[n] -> { : }") + build = isl.ast_build.from_context(context) + pw_aff = isl.pw_aff("[n] -> { [n] }") + set = isl.set("[n] -> { : n >= 0 }") + + expr = build.expr_from(pw_aff) + expected_string = "n" + assert expected_string == expr.to_C_str() - expr = build.expr_from(pw_aff) - expected_string = "n" - assert(expected_string == expr.to_C_str()) + expr = build.expr_from(set) + expected_string = "n >= 0" + assert expected_string == expr.to_C_str() - expr = build.expr_from(set) - expected_string = "n >= 0" - assert(expected_string == expr.to_C_str()) # Test that return values are handled correctly. # @@ -154,16 +163,18 @@ # returned correctly. # def test_return(): - test_return_obj() - test_return_int() - test_return_bool() - test_return_string() + test_return_obj() + test_return_int() + test_return_bool() + test_return_string() + # A class that is used to test isl.id.user. # class S: - def __init__(self): - self.value = 42 + def __init__(self): + self.value = 42 + # Test isl.id.user. # @@ -171,14 +182,15 @@ # can be retrieved again. # def test_user(): - id = isl.id("test", 5) - id2 = isl.id("test2") - id3 = isl.id("S", S()) - assert id.user() == 5, f"unexpected user object {id.user()}" - assert id2.user() is None, f"unexpected user object {id2.user()}" - s = id3.user() - assert isinstance(s, S), f"unexpected user object {s}" - assert s.value == 42, f"unexpected user object {s}" + id = isl.id("test", 5) + id2 = isl.id("test2") + id3 = isl.id("S", S()) + assert id.user() == 5, f"unexpected user object {id.user()}" + assert id2.user() is None, f"unexpected user object {id2.user()}" + s = id3.user() + assert isinstance(s, S), f"unexpected user object {s}" + assert s.value == 42, f"unexpected user object {s}" + # Test that foreach functions are modeled correctly. # @@ -188,30 +200,33 @@ # the closure and that it propagates the exception. # def test_foreach(): - s = isl.set("{ [0]; [1]; [2] }") - - list = [] - def add(bs): - list.append(bs) - s.foreach_basic_set(add) - - assert(len(list) == 3) - assert(list[0].is_subset(s)) - assert(list[1].is_subset(s)) - assert(list[2].is_subset(s)) - assert(not list[0].is_equal(list[1])) - assert(not list[0].is_equal(list[2])) - assert(not list[1].is_equal(list[2])) - - def fail(bs): - raise Exception("fail") - - caught = False - try: - s.foreach_basic_set(fail) - except: - caught = True - assert(caught) + s = isl.set("{ [0]; [1]; [2] }") + + list = [] + + def add(bs): + list.append(bs) + + s.foreach_basic_set(add) + + assert len(list) == 3 + assert list[0].is_subset(s) + assert list[1].is_subset(s) + assert list[2].is_subset(s) + assert not list[0].is_equal(list[1]) + assert not list[0].is_equal(list[2]) + assert not list[1].is_equal(list[2]) + + def fail(bs): + raise Exception("fail") + + caught = False + try: + s.foreach_basic_set(fail) + except: + caught = True + assert caught + # Test the functionality of "foreach_scc" functions. # @@ -219,29 +234,31 @@ # but where two of the elements ("a" and "b") are incomparable. # def test_foreach_scc(): - list = isl.id_list(3) - sorted = [isl.id_list(3)] - data = { - 'a' : isl.map("{ [0] -> [1] }"), - 'b' : isl.map("{ [1] -> [0] }"), - 'c' : isl.map("{ [i = 0:1] -> [i] }"), - } - for k, v in data.items(): - list = list.add(k) - id = data['a'].space().domain().identity_multi_pw_aff_on_domain() - def follows(a, b): - map = data[b.name()].apply_domain(data[a.name()]) - return not map.lex_ge_at(id).is_empty() - - def add_single(scc): - assert(scc.size() == 1) - sorted[0] = sorted[0].concat(scc) - - list.foreach_scc(follows, add_single) - assert(sorted[0].size() == 3) - assert(sorted[0].at(0).name() == "b") - assert(sorted[0].at(1).name() == "c") - assert(sorted[0].at(2).name() == "a") + list = isl.id_list(3) + sorted = [isl.id_list(3)] + data = { + "a": isl.map("{ [0] -> [1] }"), + "b": isl.map("{ [1] -> [0] }"), + "c": isl.map("{ [i = 0:1] -> [i] }"), + } + for k, v in data.items(): + list = list.add(k) + id = data["a"].space().domain().identity_multi_pw_aff_on_domain() + + def follows(a, b): + map = data[b.name()].apply_domain(data[a.name()]) + return not map.lex_ge_at(id).is_empty() + + def add_single(scc): + assert scc.size() == 1 + sorted[0] = sorted[0].concat(scc) + + list.foreach_scc(follows, add_single) + assert sorted[0].size() == 3 + assert sorted[0].at(0).name() == "b" + assert sorted[0].at(1).name() == "c" + assert sorted[0].at(2).name() == "a" + # Test the functionality of "every" functions. # @@ -249,74 +266,81 @@ # test that exceptions are properly propagated. # def test_every(): - us = isl.union_set("{ A[i]; B[j] }") + us = isl.union_set("{ A[i]; B[j] }") + + def is_empty(s): + return s.is_empty() - def is_empty(s): - return s.is_empty() - assert(not us.every_set(is_empty)) + assert not us.every_set(is_empty) - def is_non_empty(s): - return not s.is_empty() - assert(us.every_set(is_non_empty)) + def is_non_empty(s): + return not s.is_empty() - def in_A(s): - return s.is_subset(isl.set("{ A[x] }")) - assert(not us.every_set(in_A)) + assert us.every_set(is_non_empty) - def not_in_A(s): - return not s.is_subset(isl.set("{ A[x] }")) - assert(not us.every_set(not_in_A)) + def in_A(s): + return s.is_subset(isl.set("{ A[x] }")) - def fail(s): - raise Exception("fail") + assert not us.every_set(in_A) + + def not_in_A(s): + return not s.is_subset(isl.set("{ A[x] }")) + + assert not us.every_set(not_in_A) + + def fail(s): + raise Exception("fail") + + caught = False + try: + us.ever_set(fail) + except: + caught = True + assert caught - caught = False - try: - us.ever_set(fail) - except: - caught = True - assert(caught) # Check basic construction of spaces. # def test_space(): - unit = isl.space.unit() - set_space = unit.add_named_tuple("A", 3) - map_space = set_space.add_named_tuple("B", 2) + unit = isl.space.unit() + set_space = unit.add_named_tuple("A", 3) + map_space = set_space.add_named_tuple("B", 2) + + set = isl.set.universe(set_space) + map = isl.map.universe(map_space) + assert set.is_equal(isl.set("{ A[*,*,*] }")) + assert map.is_equal(isl.map("{ A[*,*,*] -> B[*,*] }")) - set = isl.set.universe(set_space) - map = isl.map.universe(map_space) - assert(set.is_equal(isl.set("{ A[*,*,*] }"))) - assert(map.is_equal(isl.map("{ A[*,*,*] -> B[*,*] }"))) # Construct a simple schedule tree with an outer sequence node and # a single-dimensional band node in each branch, with one of them # marked coincident. # def construct_schedule_tree(): - A = isl.union_set("{ A[i] : 0 <= i < 10 }") - B = isl.union_set("{ B[i] : 0 <= i < 20 }") + A = isl.union_set("{ A[i] : 0 <= i < 10 }") + B = isl.union_set("{ B[i] : 0 <= i < 20 }") + + node = isl.schedule_node.from_domain(A.union(B)) + node = node.child(0) - node = isl.schedule_node.from_domain(A.union(B)) - node = node.child(0) + filters = isl.union_set_list(A).add(B) + node = node.insert_sequence(filters) - filters = isl.union_set_list(A).add(B) - node = node.insert_sequence(filters) + f_A = isl.multi_union_pw_aff("[ { A[i] -> [i] } ]") + node = node.child(0) + node = node.child(0) + node = node.insert_partial_schedule(f_A) + node = node.member_set_coincident(0, True) + node = node.ancestor(2) - f_A = isl.multi_union_pw_aff("[ { A[i] -> [i] } ]") - node = node.child(0) - node = node.child(0) - node = node.insert_partial_schedule(f_A) - node = node.member_set_coincident(0, True) - node = node.ancestor(2) + f_B = isl.multi_union_pw_aff("[ { B[i] -> [i] } ]") + node = node.child(1) + node = node.child(0) + node = node.insert_partial_schedule(f_B) + node = node.ancestor(2) - f_B = isl.multi_union_pw_aff("[ { B[i] -> [i] } ]") - node = node.child(1) - node = node.child(0) - node = node.insert_partial_schedule(f_B) - node = node.ancestor(2) + return node.schedule() - return node.schedule() # Test basic schedule tree functionality. # @@ -327,64 +351,76 @@ # - test every_descendant # def test_schedule_tree(): - schedule = construct_schedule_tree() - root = schedule.root() - - assert(type(root) == isl.schedule_node_domain) - - count = [0] - def inc_count(node): - count[0] += 1 - return node - root = root.map_descendant_bottom_up(inc_count) - assert(count[0] == 8) - - def fail_map(node): - raise Exception("fail") - return node - caught = False - try: - root.map_descendant_bottom_up(fail_map) - except: - caught = True - assert(caught) - - count = [0] - def inc_count(node): - count[0] += 1 - return True - root.foreach_descendant_top_down(inc_count) - assert(count[0] == 8) - - count = [0] - def inc_count(node): - count[0] += 1 - return False - root.foreach_descendant_top_down(inc_count) - assert(count[0] == 1) - - def is_not_domain(node): - return type(node) != isl.schedule_node_domain - assert(root.child(0).every_descendant(is_not_domain)) - assert(not root.every_descendant(is_not_domain)) - - def fail(node): - raise Exception("fail") - caught = False - try: - root.every_descendant(fail) - except: - caught = True - assert(caught) - - domain = root.domain() - filters = [isl.union_set("{}")] - def collect_filters(node): - if type(node) == isl.schedule_node_filter: - filters[0] = filters[0].union(node.filter()) - return True - root.every_descendant(collect_filters) - assert(domain.is_equal(filters[0])) + schedule = construct_schedule_tree() + root = schedule.root() + + assert type(root) == isl.schedule_node_domain + + count = [0] + + def inc_count(node): + count[0] += 1 + return node + + root = root.map_descendant_bottom_up(inc_count) + assert count[0] == 8 + + def fail_map(node): + raise Exception("fail") + return node + + caught = False + try: + root.map_descendant_bottom_up(fail_map) + except: + caught = True + assert caught + + count = [0] + + def inc_count(node): + count[0] += 1 + return True + + root.foreach_descendant_top_down(inc_count) + assert count[0] == 8 + + count = [0] + + def inc_count(node): + count[0] += 1 + return False + + root.foreach_descendant_top_down(inc_count) + assert count[0] == 1 + + def is_not_domain(node): + return type(node) != isl.schedule_node_domain + + assert root.child(0).every_descendant(is_not_domain) + assert not root.every_descendant(is_not_domain) + + def fail(node): + raise Exception("fail") + + caught = False + try: + root.every_descendant(fail) + except: + caught = True + assert caught + + domain = root.domain() + filters = [isl.union_set("{}")] + + def collect_filters(node): + if type(node) == isl.schedule_node_filter: + filters[0] = filters[0].union(node.filter()) + return True + + root.every_descendant(collect_filters) + assert domain.is_equal(filters[0]) + # Test marking band members for unrolling. # "schedule" is the schedule created by construct_schedule_tree. @@ -393,23 +429,27 @@ # by the AST generator. # def test_ast_build_unroll(schedule): - root = schedule.root() - def mark_unroll(node): - if type(node) == isl.schedule_node_band: - node = node.member_set_ast_loop_unroll(0) - return node - root = root.map_descendant_bottom_up(mark_unroll) - schedule = root.schedule() - - count_ast = [0] - def inc_count_ast(node, build): - count_ast[0] += 1 - return node - - build = isl.ast_build() - build = build.set_at_each_domain(inc_count_ast) - ast = build.node_from(schedule) - assert(count_ast[0] == 30) + root = schedule.root() + + def mark_unroll(node): + if type(node) == isl.schedule_node_band: + node = node.member_set_ast_loop_unroll(0) + return node + + root = root.map_descendant_bottom_up(mark_unroll) + schedule = root.schedule() + + count_ast = [0] + + def inc_count_ast(node, build): + count_ast[0] += 1 + return node + + build = isl.ast_build() + build = build.set_at_each_domain(inc_count_ast) + ast = build.node_from(schedule) + assert count_ast[0] == 30 + # Test basic AST generation from a schedule tree. # @@ -419,62 +459,67 @@ # - test unrolling # def test_ast_build(): - schedule = construct_schedule_tree() - - count_ast = [0] - def inc_count_ast(node, build): - count_ast[0] += 1 - return node - - build = isl.ast_build() - build_copy = build.set_at_each_domain(inc_count_ast) - ast = build.node_from(schedule) - assert(count_ast[0] == 0) - count_ast[0] = 0 - ast = build_copy.node_from(schedule) - assert(count_ast[0] == 2) - build = build_copy - count_ast[0] = 0 - ast = build.node_from(schedule) - assert(count_ast[0] == 2) - - do_fail = True - count_ast_fail = [0] - def fail_inc_count_ast(node, build): - count_ast_fail[0] += 1 - if do_fail: - raise Exception("fail") - return node - build = isl.ast_build() - build = build.set_at_each_domain(fail_inc_count_ast) - caught = False - try: - ast = build.node_from(schedule) - except: - caught = True - assert(caught) - assert(count_ast_fail[0] > 0) - build_copy = build - build_copy = build_copy.set_at_each_domain(inc_count_ast) - count_ast[0] = 0 - ast = build_copy.node_from(schedule) - assert(count_ast[0] == 2) - count_ast_fail[0] = 0 - do_fail = False - ast = build.node_from(schedule) - assert(count_ast_fail[0] == 2) - - test_ast_build_unroll(schedule) + schedule = construct_schedule_tree() + + count_ast = [0] + + def inc_count_ast(node, build): + count_ast[0] += 1 + return node + + build = isl.ast_build() + build_copy = build.set_at_each_domain(inc_count_ast) + ast = build.node_from(schedule) + assert count_ast[0] == 0 + count_ast[0] = 0 + ast = build_copy.node_from(schedule) + assert count_ast[0] == 2 + build = build_copy + count_ast[0] = 0 + ast = build.node_from(schedule) + assert count_ast[0] == 2 + + do_fail = True + count_ast_fail = [0] + + def fail_inc_count_ast(node, build): + count_ast_fail[0] += 1 + if do_fail: + raise Exception("fail") + return node + + build = isl.ast_build() + build = build.set_at_each_domain(fail_inc_count_ast) + caught = False + try: + ast = build.node_from(schedule) + except: + caught = True + assert caught + assert count_ast_fail[0] > 0 + build_copy = build + build_copy = build_copy.set_at_each_domain(inc_count_ast) + count_ast[0] = 0 + ast = build_copy.node_from(schedule) + assert count_ast[0] == 2 + count_ast_fail[0] = 0 + do_fail = False + ast = build.node_from(schedule) + assert count_ast_fail[0] == 2 + + test_ast_build_unroll(schedule) + # Test basic AST expression generation from an affine expression. # def test_ast_build_expr(): - pa = isl.pw_aff("[n] -> { [n + 1] }") - build = isl.ast_build.from_context(pa.domain()) + pa = isl.pw_aff("[n] -> { [n + 1] }") + build = isl.ast_build.from_context(pa.domain()) + + op = build.expr_from(pa) + assert type(op) == isl.ast_expr_op_add + assert op.n_arg() == 2 - op = build.expr_from(pa) - assert(type(op) == isl.ast_expr_op_add) - assert(op.n_arg() == 2) # Test the isl Python interface # diff --git a/polly/lib/External/isl/libisl-gdb.py b/polly/lib/External/isl/libisl-gdb.py --- a/polly/lib/External/isl/libisl-gdb.py +++ b/polly/lib/External/isl/libisl-gdb.py @@ -3,98 +3,116 @@ # GDB Pretty Printers for most isl objects class IslObjectPrinter: - """Print an isl object""" - def __init__ (self, val, type): - self.val = val - self.type = type - - def to_string (self): - # Cast val to a void pointer to stop gdb using this pretty - # printer for the pointer which would lead to an infinite loop. - void_ptr = gdb.lookup_type('void').pointer() - value = str(self.val.cast(void_ptr)) - printer = gdb.parse_and_eval("isl_printer_to_str(isl_" - + str(self.type) - + "_get_ctx(" + value + "))") - printer = gdb.parse_and_eval("isl_printer_print_" - + str(self.type) + "(" - + str(printer) + ", " - + value + ")") - string = gdb.parse_and_eval("(char*)isl_printer_get_str(" - + str(printer) + ")") - gdb.parse_and_eval("isl_printer_free(" + str(printer) + ")") - return string - - def display_hint (self): - return 'string' + """Print an isl object""" + + def __init__(self, val, type): + self.val = val + self.type = type + + def to_string(self): + # Cast val to a void pointer to stop gdb using this pretty + # printer for the pointer which would lead to an infinite loop. + void_ptr = gdb.lookup_type("void").pointer() + value = str(self.val.cast(void_ptr)) + printer = gdb.parse_and_eval( + "isl_printer_to_str(isl_" + str(self.type) + "_get_ctx(" + value + "))" + ) + printer = gdb.parse_and_eval( + "isl_printer_print_" + + str(self.type) + + "(" + + str(printer) + + ", " + + value + + ")" + ) + string = gdb.parse_and_eval("(char*)isl_printer_get_str(" + str(printer) + ")") + gdb.parse_and_eval("isl_printer_free(" + str(printer) + ")") + return string + + def display_hint(self): + return "string" + class IslIntPrinter: - """Print an isl_int """ - def __init__ (self, val): - self.val = val - - def to_string (self): - # Cast val to a void pointer to stop gdb using this pretty - # printer for the pointer which would lead to an infinite loop. - void_ptr = gdb.lookup_type('void').pointer() - value = str(self.val.cast(void_ptr)) - - context = gdb.parse_and_eval("isl_ctx_alloc()") - printer = gdb.parse_and_eval("isl_printer_to_str(" - + str(context) + ")") - printer = gdb.parse_and_eval("isl_printer_print_isl_int(" - + str(printer) + ", " - + value + ")") - string = gdb.parse_and_eval("(char*)isl_printer_get_str(" - + str(printer) + ")") - gdb.parse_and_eval("isl_printer_free(" + str(printer) + ")") - gdb.parse_and_eval("isl_ctx_free(" + str(context) + ")") - return string - - def display_hint (self): - return 'string' - -class IslPrintCommand (gdb.Command): - """Print an isl value.""" - def __init__ (self): - super (IslPrintCommand, self).__init__ ("islprint", - gdb.COMMAND_OBSCURE) - def invoke (self, arg, from_tty): - arg = gdb.parse_and_eval(arg); - printer = str_lookup_function(arg) - - if printer == None: - print("No isl printer for this type") - return - - print(printer.to_string()) + """Print an isl_int""" + + def __init__(self, val): + self.val = val + + def to_string(self): + # Cast val to a void pointer to stop gdb using this pretty + # printer for the pointer which would lead to an infinite loop. + void_ptr = gdb.lookup_type("void").pointer() + value = str(self.val.cast(void_ptr)) + + context = gdb.parse_and_eval("isl_ctx_alloc()") + printer = gdb.parse_and_eval("isl_printer_to_str(" + str(context) + ")") + printer = gdb.parse_and_eval( + "isl_printer_print_isl_int(" + str(printer) + ", " + value + ")" + ) + string = gdb.parse_and_eval("(char*)isl_printer_get_str(" + str(printer) + ")") + gdb.parse_and_eval("isl_printer_free(" + str(printer) + ")") + gdb.parse_and_eval("isl_ctx_free(" + str(context) + ")") + return string + + def display_hint(self): + return "string" + + +class IslPrintCommand(gdb.Command): + """Print an isl value.""" + + def __init__(self): + super(IslPrintCommand, self).__init__("islprint", gdb.COMMAND_OBSCURE) + + def invoke(self, arg, from_tty): + arg = gdb.parse_and_eval(arg) + printer = str_lookup_function(arg) + + if printer == None: + print("No isl printer for this type") + return + + print(printer.to_string()) + IslPrintCommand() -def str_lookup_function (val): - if val.type.code != gdb.TYPE_CODE_PTR: - if str(val.type) == "isl_int": - return IslIntPrinter(val) - else: - return None - - lookup_tag = val.type.target() - regex = re.compile ("^isl_(.*)$") - - if lookup_tag == None: - return None - - m = regex.match (str(lookup_tag)) - - if m: - # Those types of printers defined in isl. - if m.group(1) in ["basic_set", "set", "union_set", "basic_map", - "map", "union_map", "qpolynomial", - "pw_qpolynomial", "pw_qpolynomial_fold", - "union_pw_qpolynomial", - "union_pw_qpolynomial_fold"]: - return IslObjectPrinter(val, m.group(1)) - return None + +def str_lookup_function(val): + if val.type.code != gdb.TYPE_CODE_PTR: + if str(val.type) == "isl_int": + return IslIntPrinter(val) + else: + return None + + lookup_tag = val.type.target() + regex = re.compile("^isl_(.*)$") + + if lookup_tag == None: + return None + + m = regex.match(str(lookup_tag)) + + if m: + # Those types of printers defined in isl. + if m.group(1) in [ + "basic_set", + "set", + "union_set", + "basic_map", + "map", + "union_map", + "qpolynomial", + "pw_qpolynomial", + "pw_qpolynomial_fold", + "union_pw_qpolynomial", + "union_pw_qpolynomial_fold", + ]: + return IslObjectPrinter(val, m.group(1)) + return None + # Do not register the pretty printer. # gdb.current_objfile().pretty_printers.append(str_lookup_function) diff --git a/polly/test/update_check.py b/polly/test/update_check.py --- a/polly/test/update_check.py +++ b/polly/test/update_check.py @@ -11,19 +11,28 @@ import re -polly_src_dir = '''@POLLY_SOURCE_DIR@''' -polly_lib_dir = '''@POLLY_LIB_DIR@''' -shlibext = '''@LLVM_SHLIBEXT@''' -llvm_tools_dir = '''@LLVM_TOOLS_DIR@''' -llvm_polly_link_into_tools = not '''@LLVM_POLLY_LINK_INTO_TOOLS@'''.lower() in {'','0','n','no','off','false','notfound','llvm_polly_link_into_tools-notfound'} - -runre = re.compile(r'\s*\;\s*RUN\s*\:(?P.*)') -filecheckre = re.compile(r'\s*(?P.*)\|\s*(?PFileCheck\s[^|]*)') -emptyline = re.compile(r'\s*(\;\s*)?') -commentline = re.compile(r'\s*(\;.*)?') - - -def ltrim_emptylines(lines,meta=None): +polly_src_dir = """@POLLY_SOURCE_DIR@""" +polly_lib_dir = """@POLLY_LIB_DIR@""" +shlibext = """@LLVM_SHLIBEXT@""" +llvm_tools_dir = """@LLVM_TOOLS_DIR@""" +llvm_polly_link_into_tools = not """@LLVM_POLLY_LINK_INTO_TOOLS@""".lower() in { + "", + "0", + "n", + "no", + "off", + "false", + "notfound", + "llvm_polly_link_into_tools-notfound", +} + +runre = re.compile(r"\s*\;\s*RUN\s*\:(?P.*)") +filecheckre = re.compile(r"\s*(?P.*)\|\s*(?PFileCheck\s[^|]*)") +emptyline = re.compile(r"\s*(\;\s*)?") +commentline = re.compile(r"\s*(\;.*)?") + + +def ltrim_emptylines(lines, meta=None): while len(lines) and emptyline.fullmatch(lines[0]): del lines[0] if meta is not None: @@ -44,14 +53,14 @@ complpath = os.path.join(path, filename) if os.path.isfile(complpath): return complpath - elif os.path.isfile(complpath + '.exe'): - return complpath + '.exe' + elif os.path.isfile(complpath + ".exe"): + return complpath + ".exe" return filename def indention(line): - for i,c in enumerate(line): - if c != ' ' and c != '\t': + for i, c in enumerate(line): + if c != " " and c != "\t": return i return None @@ -59,127 +68,130 @@ def common_indent(lines): indentions = (indention(line) for line in lines) indentions = (indent for indent in indentions if indent is not None) - return min(indentions,default=0) + return min(indentions, default=0) -funcre = re.compile(r'^ Function: \S*$') -regionre = re.compile(r'^ Region: \S*$') -depthre = re.compile(r'^ Max Loop Depth: .*') -paramre = re.compile(r' [0-9a-z-A-Z_]+\: .*') +funcre = re.compile(r"^ Function: \S*$") +regionre = re.compile(r"^ Region: \S*$") +depthre = re.compile(r"^ Max Loop Depth: .*") +paramre = re.compile(r" [0-9a-z-A-Z_]+\: .*") + def classyfier1(lines): i = iter(lines) line = i.__next__() while True: - if line.startswith("Printing analysis 'Polly - Calculate dependences' for region: "): - yield {'PrintingDependenceInfo'} + if line.startswith( + "Printing analysis 'Polly - Calculate dependences' for region: " + ): + yield {"PrintingDependenceInfo"} elif line.startswith("remark: "): - yield {'Remark'} + yield {"Remark"} elif funcre.fullmatch(line): - yield {'Function'} + yield {"Function"} elif regionre.fullmatch(line): - yield { 'Region'} + yield {"Region"} elif depthre.fullmatch(line): - yield {'MaxLoopDepth'} - elif line == ' Invariant Accesses: {': + yield {"MaxLoopDepth"} + elif line == " Invariant Accesses: {": while True: - yield { 'InvariantAccesses'} - if line == ' }': + yield {"InvariantAccesses"} + if line == " }": break line = i.__next__() - elif line == ' Context:': - yield {'Context'} + elif line == " Context:": + yield {"Context"} line = i.__next__() - yield {'Context'} - elif line == ' Assumed Context:': - yield {'AssumedContext'} + yield {"Context"} + elif line == " Assumed Context:": + yield {"AssumedContext"} line = i.__next__() - yield {'AssumedContext'} - elif line == ' Invalid Context:': - yield {'InvalidContext'} + yield {"AssumedContext"} + elif line == " Invalid Context:": + yield {"InvalidContext"} line = i.__next__() - yield {'InvalidContext'} - elif line == ' Boundary Context:': - yield {'BoundaryContext'} + yield {"InvalidContext"} + elif line == " Boundary Context:": + yield {"BoundaryContext"} line = i.__next__() - yield {'BoundaryContext'} + yield {"BoundaryContext"} line = i.__next__() while paramre.fullmatch(line): - yield {'Param'} + yield {"Param"} line = i.__next__() continue - elif line == ' Arrays {': + elif line == " Arrays {": while True: - yield {'Arrays'} - if line == ' }': + yield {"Arrays"} + if line == " }": break line = i.__next__() - elif line == ' Arrays (Bounds as pw_affs) {': + elif line == " Arrays (Bounds as pw_affs) {": while True: - yield {'PwAffArrays'} - if line == ' }': + yield {"PwAffArrays"} + if line == " }": break line = i.__next__() - elif line.startswith(' Alias Groups ('): + elif line.startswith(" Alias Groups ("): while True: - yield {'AliasGroups'} + yield {"AliasGroups"} line = i.__next__() - if not line.startswith(' '): + if not line.startswith(" "): break continue - elif line == ' Statements {': + elif line == " Statements {": while True: - yield {'Statements'} - if line == ' }': + yield {"Statements"} + if line == " }": break line = i.__next__() - elif line == ' RAW dependences:': - yield {'RAWDep','BasicDep','Dep','DepInfo'} + elif line == " RAW dependences:": + yield {"RAWDep", "BasicDep", "Dep", "DepInfo"} line = i.__next__() - while line.startswith(' '): - yield {'RAWDep','BasicDep','Dep','DepInfo'} + while line.startswith(" "): + yield {"RAWDep", "BasicDep", "Dep", "DepInfo"} line = i.__next__() continue - elif line == ' WAR dependences:': - yield {'WARDep','BasicDep','Dep','DepInfo'} + elif line == " WAR dependences:": + yield {"WARDep", "BasicDep", "Dep", "DepInfo"} line = i.__next__() - while line.startswith(' '): - yield {'WARDep','BasicDep','Dep','DepInfo'} + while line.startswith(" "): + yield {"WARDep", "BasicDep", "Dep", "DepInfo"} line = i.__next__() continue - elif line == ' WAW dependences:': - yield {'WAWDep','BasicDep','Dep','DepInfo'} + elif line == " WAW dependences:": + yield {"WAWDep", "BasicDep", "Dep", "DepInfo"} line = i.__next__() - while line.startswith(' '): - yield {'WAWDep','BasicDep','Dep','DepInfo'} + while line.startswith(" "): + yield {"WAWDep", "BasicDep", "Dep", "DepInfo"} line = i.__next__() continue - elif line == ' Reduction dependences:': - yield {'RedDep','Dep','DepInfo'} + elif line == " Reduction dependences:": + yield {"RedDep", "Dep", "DepInfo"} line = i.__next__() - while line.startswith(' '): - yield {'RedDep','Dep','DepInfo'} + while line.startswith(" "): + yield {"RedDep", "Dep", "DepInfo"} line = i.__next__() continue - elif line == ' Transitive closure of reduction dependences:': - yield {'TransitiveClosureDep','DepInfo'} + elif line == " Transitive closure of reduction dependences:": + yield {"TransitiveClosureDep", "DepInfo"} line = i.__next__() - while line.startswith(' '): - yield {'TransitiveClosureDep','DepInfo'} + while line.startswith(" "): + yield {"TransitiveClosureDep", "DepInfo"} line = i.__next__() continue elif line.startswith("New access function '"): - yield {'NewAccessFunction'} - elif line == 'Schedule before flattening {': + yield {"NewAccessFunction"} + elif line == "Schedule before flattening {": while True: - yield {'ScheduleBeforeFlattening'} - if line == '}': + yield {"ScheduleBeforeFlattening"} + if line == "}": break line = i.__next__() - elif line == 'Schedule after flattening {': + elif line == "Schedule after flattening {": while True: - yield {'ScheduleAfterFlattening'} - if line == '}': + yield {"ScheduleAfterFlattening"} + if line == "}": break line = i.__next__() else: @@ -192,15 +204,17 @@ line = i.__next__() while True: if funcre.fullmatch(line): - while line.startswith(' '): - yield {'FunctionDetail'} + while line.startswith(" "): + yield {"FunctionDetail"} line = i.__next__() continue - elif line.startswith("Printing analysis 'Polly - Generate an AST from the SCoP (isl)' for region: "): - yield {'PrintingIslAst'} + elif line.startswith( + "Printing analysis 'Polly - Generate an AST from the SCoP (isl)' for region: " + ): + yield {"PrintingIslAst"} line = i.__next__() - while not line.startswith('Printing analysis'): - yield {'AstDetail'} + while not line.startswith("Printing analysis"): + yield {"AstDetail"} line = i.__next__() continue else: @@ -208,22 +222,56 @@ line = i.__next__() -replrepl = {'{{':'{{[{][{]}}','}}': '{{[}][}]}}', '[[':'{{\[\[}}',']]': '{{\]\]}}'} -replre = re.compile('|'.join(re.escape(k) for k in replrepl.keys())) +replrepl = {"{{": "{{[{][{]}}", "}}": "{{[}][}]}}", "[[": "{{\[\[}}", "]]": "{{\]\]}}"} +replre = re.compile("|".join(re.escape(k) for k in replrepl.keys())) + def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Update CHECK lines") - parser.add_argument('testfile',help="File to update (absolute or relative to --testdir)") - parser.add_argument('--check-style',choices=['CHECK','CHECK-NEXT'],default='CHECK-NEXT',help="What kind of checks lines to generate") - parser.add_argument('--check-position',choices=['end','before-content','autodetect'],default='autodetect',help="Where to add the CHECK lines into the file; 'autodetect' searches for the first 'CHECK' line ind inserts it there") - parser.add_argument('--check-include',action='append',default=[], help="What parts of the output lines to check; use syntax 'CHECK=include' to apply to one CHECK-prefix only (by default, everything)") - parser.add_argument('--check-label-include',action='append',default=[],help="Use CHECK-LABEL for these includes") - parser.add_argument('--check-part-newline',action='store_true',help="Add empty line between different check parts") - parser.add_argument('--prefix-only',action='append',default=None,help="Update only these prefixes (default: all)") - parser.add_argument('--bindir',help="Location of the opt program") - parser.add_argument('--testdir',help="Root dir for unit tests") - parser.add_argument('--inplace','-i',action='store_true',help="Replace input file") - parser.add_argument('--output','-o',help="Write changed input to this file") + parser.add_argument( + "testfile", help="File to update (absolute or relative to --testdir)" + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--check-style", + choices=["CHECK", "CHECK-NEXT"], + default="CHECK-NEXT", + help="What kind of checks lines to generate", + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--check-position", + choices=["end", "before-content", "autodetect"], + default="autodetect", + help="Where to add the CHECK lines into the file; 'autodetect' searches for the first 'CHECK' line ind inserts it there", + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--check-include", + action="append", + default=[], + help="What parts of the output lines to check; use syntax 'CHECK=include' to apply to one CHECK-prefix only (by default, everything)", + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--check-label-include", + action="append", + default=[], + help="Use CHECK-LABEL for these includes", + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--check-part-newline", + action="store_true", + help="Add empty line between different check parts", + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--prefix-only", + action="append", + default=None, + help="Update only these prefixes (default: all)", + ) + parser.add_argument("--bindir", help="Location of the opt program") + parser.add_argument("--testdir", help="Root dir for unit tests") + parser.add_argument( + "--inplace", "-i", action="store_true", help="Replace input file" + ) + parser.add_argument("--output", "-o", help="Write changed input to this file") known = parser.parse_args() if not known.inplace and known.output is None: @@ -236,13 +284,13 @@ outfile = known.output filecheckparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) - filecheckparser.add_argument('-check-prefix','--check-prefix',default='CHECK') + filecheckparser.add_argument("-check-prefix", "--check-prefix", default="CHECK") filename = known.testfile - for dir in ['.', known.testdir, os.path.join(polly_src_dir,'test'), polly_src_dir]: + for dir in [".", known.testdir, os.path.join(polly_src_dir, "test"), polly_src_dir]: if not dir: continue - testfilename = os.path.join(dir,filename) + testfilename = os.path.join(dir, filename) if os.path.isfile(testfilename): filename = testfilename break @@ -253,23 +301,23 @@ allchecklines = [] checkprefixes = [] - with open(filename, 'r') as file: - oldlines = [line.rstrip('\r\n') for line in file.readlines()] + with open(filename, "r") as file: + oldlines = [line.rstrip("\r\n") for line in file.readlines()] runlines = [] for line in oldlines: m = runre.match(line) if m: - runlines.append(m.group('tool')) + runlines.append(m.group("tool")) - continuation = '' + continuation = "" newrunlines = [] for line in runlines: - if line.endswith('\\'): - continuation += line[:-2] + ' ' + if line.endswith("\\"): + continuation += line[:-2] + " " else: newrunlines.append(continuation + line) - continuation = '' + continuation = "" if continuation: newrunlines.append(continuation) @@ -278,7 +326,7 @@ if not m: continue - tool, filecheck = m.group('tool', 'filecheck') + tool, filecheck = m.group("tool", "filecheck") filecheck = shlex.split(filecheck) tool = shlex.split(tool) if known.bindir is not None: @@ -295,14 +343,17 @@ newtool = [] optstderr = None for toolarg in tool: - toolarg = toolarg.replace('%s', filename) - toolarg = toolarg.replace('%S', os.path.dirname(filename)) - if toolarg == '%loadPolly': + toolarg = toolarg.replace("%s", filename) + toolarg = toolarg.replace("%S", os.path.dirname(filename)) + if toolarg == "%loadPolly": if not llvm_polly_link_into_tools: - newtool += ['-load',os.path.join(polly_lib_dir,'LLVMPolly' + shlibext)] - newtool.append('-polly-process-unprofitable') - newtool.append('-polly-remarks-minimal') - elif toolarg == '2>&1': + newtool += [ + "-load", + os.path.join(polly_lib_dir, "LLVMPolly" + shlibext), + ] + newtool.append("-polly-process-unprofitable") + newtool.append("-polly-remarks-minimal") + elif toolarg == "2>&1": optstderr = subprocess.STDOUT else: newtool.append(toolarg) @@ -310,21 +361,25 @@ inpfile = None i = 1 - while i < len(tool): - if tool[i] == '<': + while i < len(tool): + if tool[i] == "<": inpfile = tool[i + 1] - del tool[i:i + 2] + del tool[i : i + 2] continue i += 1 if inpfile: with open(inpfile) as inp: - retlines = subprocess.check_output(tool,universal_newlines=True,stdin=inp,stderr=optstderr) + retlines = subprocess.check_output( + tool, universal_newlines=True, stdin=inp, stderr=optstderr + ) else: - retlines = subprocess.check_output(tool,universal_newlines=True,stderr=optstderr) - retlines = [line.replace('\t', ' ') for line in retlines.splitlines()] + retlines = subprocess.check_output( + tool, universal_newlines=True, stderr=optstderr + ) + retlines = [line.replace("\t", " ") for line in retlines.splitlines()] check_include = [] for checkme in known.check_include + known.check_label_include: - parts = checkme.split('=') + parts = checkme.split("=") if len(parts) == 2: if parts[0] == check_prefix: check_include.append(parts[1]) @@ -335,12 +390,17 @@ filtered_retlines = [] classified_retlines = [] lastmatch = None - for line,kind in ((line,class1.union(class2)) for line,class1,class2 in zip(retlines,classyfier1(retlines), classyfier2(retlines))): + for line, kind in ( + (line, class1.union(class2)) + for line, class1, class2 in zip( + retlines, classyfier1(retlines), classyfier2(retlines) + ) + ): match = kind.intersection(check_include) if match: if lastmatch != match: - filtered_retlines.append('') - classified_retlines.append({'Separator'}) + filtered_retlines.append("") + classified_retlines.append({"Separator"}) filtered_retlines.append(line) classified_retlines.append(kind) lastmatch = match @@ -350,44 +410,50 @@ classified_retlines = (set() for line in retlines) rtrim_emptylines(retlines) - ltrim_emptylines(retlines,classified_retlines) - retlines = [replre.sub(lambda m: replrepl[m.group(0)], line) for line in retlines] + ltrim_emptylines(retlines, classified_retlines) + retlines = [ + replre.sub(lambda m: replrepl[m.group(0)], line) for line in retlines + ] indent = common_indent(retlines) retlines = [line[indent:] for line in retlines] checklines = [] previous_was_empty = True - for line,kind in zip(retlines,classified_retlines): + for line, kind in zip(retlines, classified_retlines): if line: - if known.check_style == 'CHECK' and known.check_label_include: + if known.check_style == "CHECK" and known.check_label_include: if not kind.isdisjoint(known.check_label_include): - checklines.append('; ' + check_prefix + '-LABEL: ' + line) + checklines.append("; " + check_prefix + "-LABEL: " + line) else: - checklines.append('; ' + check_prefix + ': ' + line) - elif known.check_style == 'CHECK': - checklines.append('; ' + check_prefix + ': ' + line) + checklines.append("; " + check_prefix + ": " + line) + elif known.check_style == "CHECK": + checklines.append("; " + check_prefix + ": " + line) elif known.check_label_include and known.check_label_include: if not kind.isdisjoint(known.check_label_include): - checklines.append('; ' + check_prefix + '-LABEL: ' + line) + checklines.append("; " + check_prefix + "-LABEL: " + line) elif previous_was_empty: - checklines.append('; ' + check_prefix + ': ' + line) + checklines.append("; " + check_prefix + ": " + line) else: - checklines.append('; ' + check_prefix + '-NEXT: ' + line) + checklines.append("; " + check_prefix + "-NEXT: " + line) else: if previous_was_empty: - checklines.append('; ' + check_prefix + ': ' + line) + checklines.append("; " + check_prefix + ": " + line) else: - checklines.append('; ' + check_prefix + '-NEXT: ' + line) + checklines.append("; " + check_prefix + "-NEXT: " + line) previous_was_empty = False else: - if not 'Separator' in kind or known.check_part_newline: - checklines.append(';') + if not "Separator" in kind or known.check_part_newline: + checklines.append(";") previous_was_empty = True allchecklines.append(checklines) if not checkprefixes: return - checkre = re.compile(r'^\s*\;\s*(' + '|'.join([re.escape(s) for s in checkprefixes]) + ')(\-NEXT|\-DAG|\-NOT|\-LABEL|\-SAME)?\s*\:') + checkre = re.compile( + r"^\s*\;\s*(" + + "|".join([re.escape(s) for s in checkprefixes]) + + ")(\-NEXT|\-DAG|\-NOT|\-LABEL|\-SAME)?\s*\:" + ) firstcheckline = None firstnoncommentline = None headerlines = [] @@ -413,27 +479,30 @@ uptonowlines = [] lastwascheck = False - for i,line in enumerate(newlines): + for i, line in enumerate(newlines): if not commentline.fullmatch(line): firstnoncommentline = i break - with open(outfile,'w',newline='') as file: + with open(outfile, "w", newline="") as file: + def writelines(lines): for line in lines: file.write(line) - file.write('\n') + file.write("\n") - if firstcheckline is not None and known.check_position == 'autodetect': + if firstcheckline is not None and known.check_position == "autodetect": writelines(newlines[:firstcheckline]) writelines(uptonowlines) - for i,checklines in enumerate(allchecklines): + for i, checklines in enumerate(allchecklines): if i != 0: - file.write('\n') + file.write("\n") writelines(checklines) writelines(newlines[firstcheckline:]) writelines(emptylines) - elif firstnoncommentline is not None and known.check_position == 'before-content': + elif ( + firstnoncommentline is not None and known.check_position == "before-content" + ): headerlines = newlines[:firstnoncommentline] rtrim_emptylines(headerlines) contentlines = newlines[firstnoncommentline:] @@ -441,9 +510,9 @@ writelines(headerlines) for checklines in allchecklines: - file.write('\n') + file.write("\n") writelines(checklines) - file.write('\n') + file.write("\n") writelines(contentlines) writelines(uptonowlines) writelines(emptylines) @@ -451,9 +520,9 @@ writelines(newlines) rtrim_emptylines(newlines) for checklines in allchecklines: - file.write('\n\n') + file.write("\n\n") writelines(checklines) -if __name__ == '__main__': +if __name__ == "__main__": main() diff --git a/polly/utils/argparse.py b/polly/utils/argparse.py --- a/polly/utils/argparse.py +++ b/polly/utils/argparse.py @@ -75,17 +75,17 @@ still considered an implementation detail.) """ -__version__ = '1.1' +__version__ = "1.1" __all__ = [ - 'ArgumentParser', - 'ArgumentError', - 'Namespace', - 'Action', - 'FileType', - 'HelpFormatter', - 'RawDescriptionHelpFormatter', - 'RawTextHelpFormatter', - 'ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter', + "ArgumentParser", + "ArgumentError", + "Namespace", + "Action", + "FileType", + "HelpFormatter", + "RawDescriptionHelpFormatter", + "RawTextHelpFormatter", + "ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter", ] @@ -120,30 +120,34 @@ def _callable(obj): - return hasattr(obj, '__call__') or hasattr(obj, '__bases__') + return hasattr(obj, "__call__") or hasattr(obj, "__bases__") + # silence Python 2.6 buggy warnings about Exception.message if _sys.version_info[:2] == (2, 6): import warnings + warnings.filterwarnings( - action='ignore', - message='BaseException.message has been deprecated as of Python 2.6', + action="ignore", + message="BaseException.message has been deprecated as of Python 2.6", category=DeprecationWarning, - module='argparse') + module="argparse", + ) -SUPPRESS = '==SUPPRESS==' +SUPPRESS = "==SUPPRESS==" -OPTIONAL = '?' -ZERO_OR_MORE = '*' -ONE_OR_MORE = '+' -PARSER = 'A...' -REMAINDER = '...' +OPTIONAL = "?" +ZERO_OR_MORE = "*" +ONE_OR_MORE = "+" +PARSER = "A..." +REMAINDER = "..." # ============================= # Utility functions and classes # ============================= + class _AttributeHolder(object): """Abstract base class that provides __repr__. @@ -159,8 +163,8 @@ for arg in self._get_args(): arg_strings.append(repr(arg)) for name, value in self._get_kwargs(): - arg_strings.append('%s=%r' % (name, value)) - return '%s(%s)' % (type_name, ', '.join(arg_strings)) + arg_strings.append("%s=%r" % (name, value)) + return "%s(%s)" % (type_name, ", ".join(arg_strings)) def _get_kwargs(self): return _sorted(self.__dict__.items()) @@ -179,6 +183,7 @@ # Formatting Help # =============== + class HelpFormatter(object): """Formatter for generating usage messages and argument help strings. @@ -186,16 +191,12 @@ provided by the class are considered an implementation detail. """ - def __init__(self, - prog, - indent_increment=2, - max_help_position=24, - width=None): + def __init__(self, prog, indent_increment=2, max_help_position=24, width=None): # default setting for width if width is None: try: - width = int(_os.environ['COLUMNS']) + width = int(_os.environ["COLUMNS"]) except (KeyError, ValueError): width = 80 width -= 2 @@ -212,8 +213,8 @@ self._root_section = self._Section(self, None) self._current_section = self._root_section - self._whitespace_matcher = _re.compile(r'\s+') - self._long_break_matcher = _re.compile(r'\n\n\n+') + self._whitespace_matcher = _re.compile(r"\s+") + self._long_break_matcher = _re.compile(r"\n\n\n+") # =============================== # Section and indentation methods @@ -224,11 +225,10 @@ def _dedent(self): self._current_indent -= self._indent_increment - assert self._current_indent >= 0, 'Indent decreased below 0.' + assert self._current_indent >= 0, "Indent decreased below 0." self._level -= 1 class _Section(object): - def __init__(self, formatter, parent, heading=None): self.formatter = formatter self.parent = parent @@ -248,17 +248,17 @@ # return nothing if the section was empty if not item_help: - return '' + return "" # add the heading if the section was non-empty if self.heading is not SUPPRESS and self.heading is not None: current_indent = self.formatter._current_indent - heading = '%*s%s:\n' % (current_indent, '', self.heading) + heading = "%*s%s:\n" % (current_indent, "", self.heading) else: - heading = '' + heading = "" # join the section-initial newline, the heading and the help - return join(['\n', heading, item_help, '\n']) + return join(["\n", heading, item_help, "\n"]) def _add_item(self, func, args): self._current_section.items.append((func, args)) @@ -297,8 +297,7 @@ # update the maximum item length invocation_length = max([len(s) for s in invocations]) action_length = invocation_length + self._current_indent - self._action_max_length = max(self._action_max_length, - action_length) + self._action_max_length = max(self._action_max_length, action_length) # add the item to the list self._add_item(self._format_action, [action]) @@ -313,18 +312,16 @@ def format_help(self): help = self._root_section.format_help() if help: - help = self._long_break_matcher.sub('\n\n', help) - help = help.strip('\n') + '\n' + help = self._long_break_matcher.sub("\n\n", help) + help = help.strip("\n") + "\n" return help def _join_parts(self, part_strings): - return ''.join([part - for part in part_strings - if part and part is not SUPPRESS]) + return "".join([part for part in part_strings if part and part is not SUPPRESS]) def _format_usage(self, usage, actions, groups, prefix): if prefix is None: - prefix = _('usage: ') + prefix = _("usage: ") # if usage is specified, use that if usage is not None: @@ -332,11 +329,11 @@ # if no optionals or positionals are available, usage is just prog elif usage is None and not actions: - usage = '%(prog)s' % dict(prog=self._prog) + usage = "%(prog)s" % dict(prog=self._prog) # if optionals and positionals are available, calculate usage elif usage is None: - prog = '%(prog)s' % dict(prog=self._prog) + prog = "%(prog)s" % dict(prog=self._prog) # split optionals from positionals optionals = [] @@ -350,20 +347,20 @@ # build full usage string format = self._format_actions_usage action_usage = format(optionals + positionals, groups) - usage = ' '.join([s for s in [prog, action_usage] if s]) + usage = " ".join([s for s in [prog, action_usage] if s]) # wrap the usage parts if it's too long text_width = self._width - self._current_indent if len(prefix) + len(usage) > text_width: # break usage into wrappable parts - part_regexp = r'\(.*?\)+|\[.*?\]+|\S+' + part_regexp = r"\(.*?\)+|\[.*?\]+|\S+" opt_usage = format(optionals, groups) pos_usage = format(positionals, groups) opt_parts = _re.findall(part_regexp, opt_usage) pos_parts = _re.findall(part_regexp, pos_usage) - assert ' '.join(opt_parts) == opt_usage - assert ' '.join(pos_parts) == pos_usage + assert " ".join(opt_parts) == opt_usage + assert " ".join(pos_parts) == pos_usage # helper for wrapping lines def get_lines(parts, indent, prefix=None): @@ -375,20 +372,20 @@ line_len = len(indent) - 1 for part in parts: if line_len + 1 + len(part) > text_width: - lines.append(indent + ' '.join(line)) + lines.append(indent + " ".join(line)) line = [] line_len = len(indent) - 1 line.append(part) line_len += len(part) + 1 if line: - lines.append(indent + ' '.join(line)) + lines.append(indent + " ".join(line)) if prefix is not None: - lines[0] = lines[0][len(indent):] + lines[0] = lines[0][len(indent) :] return lines # if prog is short, follow it with optionals or positionals if len(prefix) + len(prog) <= 0.75 * text_width: - indent = ' ' * (len(prefix) + len(prog) + 1) + indent = " " * (len(prefix) + len(prog) + 1) if opt_parts: lines = get_lines([prog] + opt_parts, indent, prefix) lines.extend(get_lines(pos_parts, indent)) @@ -399,7 +396,7 @@ # if prog is long, put it on its own line else: - indent = ' ' * len(prefix) + indent = " " * len(prefix) parts = opt_parts + pos_parts lines = get_lines(parts, indent) if len(lines) > 1: @@ -409,10 +406,10 @@ lines = [prog] + lines # join lines into usage - usage = '\n'.join(lines) + usage = "\n".join(lines) # prefix with 'usage:' - return '%s%s\n\n' % (prefix, usage) + return "%s%s\n\n" % (prefix, usage) def _format_actions_usage(self, actions, groups): # find group indices and identify actions in groups @@ -429,13 +426,13 @@ for action in group._group_actions: group_actions.add(action) if not group.required: - inserts[start] = '[' - inserts[end] = ']' + inserts[start] = "[" + inserts[end] = "]" else: - inserts[start] = '(' - inserts[end] = ')' + inserts[start] = "(" + inserts[end] = ")" for i in range(start + 1, end): - inserts[i] = '|' + inserts[i] = "|" # collect all actions format strings parts = [] @@ -445,9 +442,9 @@ # remove | separators for suppressed arguments if action.help is SUPPRESS: parts.append(None) - if inserts.get(i) == '|': + if inserts.get(i) == "|": inserts.pop(i) - elif inserts.get(i + 1) == '|': + elif inserts.get(i + 1) == "|": inserts.pop(i + 1) # produce all arg strings @@ -456,7 +453,7 @@ # if it's in a group, strip the outer [] if action in group_actions: - if part[0] == '[' and part[-1] == ']': + if part[0] == "[" and part[-1] == "]": part = part[1:-1] # add the action string to the list @@ -469,18 +466,18 @@ # if the Optional doesn't take a value, format is: # -s or --long if action.nargs == 0: - part = '%s' % option_string + part = "%s" % option_string # if the Optional takes a value, format is: # -s ARGS or --long ARGS else: default = action.dest.upper() args_string = self._format_args(action, default) - part = '%s %s' % (option_string, args_string) + part = "%s %s" % (option_string, args_string) # make it look optional if it's not required or in a group if not action.required and action not in group_actions: - part = '[%s]' % part + part = "[%s]" % part # add the action string to the list parts.append(part) @@ -490,50 +487,49 @@ parts[i:i] = [inserts[i]] # join all the action items with spaces - text = ' '.join([item for item in parts if item is not None]) + text = " ".join([item for item in parts if item is not None]) # clean up separators for mutually exclusive groups - open = r'[\[(]' - close = r'[\])]' - text = _re.sub(r'(%s) ' % open, r'\1', text) - text = _re.sub(r' (%s)' % close, r'\1', text) - text = _re.sub(r'%s *%s' % (open, close), r'', text) - text = _re.sub(r'\(([^|]*)\)', r'\1', text) + open = r"[\[(]" + close = r"[\])]" + text = _re.sub(r"(%s) " % open, r"\1", text) + text = _re.sub(r" (%s)" % close, r"\1", text) + text = _re.sub(r"%s *%s" % (open, close), r"", text) + text = _re.sub(r"\(([^|]*)\)", r"\1", text) text = text.strip() # return the text return text def _format_text(self, text): - if '%(prog)' in text: + if "%(prog)" in text: text = text % dict(prog=self._prog) text_width = self._width - self._current_indent - indent = ' ' * self._current_indent - return self._fill_text(text, text_width, indent) + '\n\n' + indent = " " * self._current_indent + return self._fill_text(text, text_width, indent) + "\n\n" def _format_action(self, action): # determine the required width and the entry label - help_position = min(self._action_max_length + 2, - self._max_help_position) + help_position = min(self._action_max_length + 2, self._max_help_position) help_width = self._width - help_position action_width = help_position - self._current_indent - 2 action_header = self._format_action_invocation(action) # ho nelp; start on same line and add a final newline if not action.help: - tup = self._current_indent, '', action_header - action_header = '%*s%s\n' % tup + tup = self._current_indent, "", action_header + action_header = "%*s%s\n" % tup # short action name; start on the same line and pad two spaces elif len(action_header) <= action_width: - tup = self._current_indent, '', action_width, action_header - action_header = '%*s%-*s ' % tup + tup = self._current_indent, "", action_width, action_header + action_header = "%*s%-*s " % tup indent_first = 0 # long action name; start on the next line else: - tup = self._current_indent, '', action_header - action_header = '%*s%s\n' % tup + tup = self._current_indent, "", action_header + action_header = "%*s%s\n" % tup indent_first = help_position # collect the pieces of the action help @@ -543,13 +539,13 @@ if action.help: help_text = self._expand_help(action) help_lines = self._split_lines(help_text, help_width) - parts.append('%*s%s\n' % (indent_first, '', help_lines[0])) + parts.append("%*s%s\n" % (indent_first, "", help_lines[0])) for line in help_lines[1:]: - parts.append('%*s%s\n' % (help_position, '', line)) + parts.append("%*s%s\n" % (help_position, "", line)) # or add a newline if the description doesn't end with one - elif not action_header.endswith('\n'): - parts.append('\n') + elif not action_header.endswith("\n"): + parts.append("\n") # if there are any sub-actions, add their help as well for subaction in self._iter_indented_subactions(action): @@ -560,7 +556,7 @@ def _format_action_invocation(self, action): if not action.option_strings: - metavar, = self._metavar_formatter(action, action.dest)(1) + (metavar,) = self._metavar_formatter(action, action.dest)(1) return metavar else: @@ -577,16 +573,16 @@ default = action.dest.upper() args_string = self._format_args(action, default) for option_string in action.option_strings: - parts.append('%s %s' % (option_string, args_string)) + parts.append("%s %s" % (option_string, args_string)) - return ', '.join(parts) + return ", ".join(parts) def _metavar_formatter(self, action, default_metavar): if action.metavar is not None: result = action.metavar elif action.choices is not None: choice_strs = [str(choice) for choice in action.choices] - result = '{%s}' % ','.join(choice_strs) + result = "{%s}" % ",".join(choice_strs) else: result = default_metavar @@ -594,26 +590,27 @@ if isinstance(result, tuple): return result else: - return (result, ) * tuple_size + return (result,) * tuple_size + return format def _format_args(self, action, default_metavar): get_metavar = self._metavar_formatter(action, default_metavar) if action.nargs is None: - result = '%s' % get_metavar(1) + result = "%s" % get_metavar(1) elif action.nargs == OPTIONAL: - result = '[%s]' % get_metavar(1) + result = "[%s]" % get_metavar(1) elif action.nargs == ZERO_OR_MORE: - result = '[%s [%s ...]]' % get_metavar(2) + result = "[%s [%s ...]]" % get_metavar(2) elif action.nargs == ONE_OR_MORE: - result = '%s [%s ...]' % get_metavar(2) + result = "%s [%s ...]" % get_metavar(2) elif action.nargs == REMAINDER: - result = '...' + result = "..." elif action.nargs == PARSER: - result = '%s ...' % get_metavar(1) + result = "%s ..." % get_metavar(1) else: - formats = ['%s' for _ in range(action.nargs)] - result = ' '.join(formats) % get_metavar(action.nargs) + formats = ["%s" for _ in range(action.nargs)] + result = " ".join(formats) % get_metavar(action.nargs) return result def _expand_help(self, action): @@ -622,11 +619,11 @@ if params[name] is SUPPRESS: del params[name] for name in list(params): - if hasattr(params[name], '__name__'): + if hasattr(params[name], "__name__"): params[name] = params[name].__name__ - if params.get('choices') is not None: - choices_str = ', '.join([str(c) for c in params['choices']]) - params['choices'] = choices_str + if params.get("choices") is not None: + choices_str = ", ".join([str(c) for c in params["choices"]]) + params["choices"] = choices_str return self._get_help_string(action) % params def _iter_indented_subactions(self, action): @@ -641,13 +638,14 @@ self._dedent() def _split_lines(self, text, width): - text = self._whitespace_matcher.sub(' ', text).strip() + text = self._whitespace_matcher.sub(" ", text).strip() return _textwrap.wrap(text, width) def _fill_text(self, text, width, indent): - text = self._whitespace_matcher.sub(' ', text).strip() - return _textwrap.fill(text, width, initial_indent=indent, - subsequent_indent=indent) + text = self._whitespace_matcher.sub(" ", text).strip() + return _textwrap.fill( + text, width, initial_indent=indent, subsequent_indent=indent + ) def _get_help_string(self, action): return action.help @@ -661,7 +659,7 @@ """ def _fill_text(self, text, width, indent): - return ''.join([indent + line for line in text.splitlines(True)]) + return "".join([indent + line for line in text.splitlines(True)]) class RawTextHelpFormatter(RawDescriptionHelpFormatter): @@ -684,11 +682,11 @@ def _get_help_string(self, action): help = action.help - if '%(default)' not in action.help: + if "%(default)" not in action.help: if action.default is not SUPPRESS: defaulting_nargs = [OPTIONAL, ZERO_OR_MORE] if action.option_strings or action.nargs in defaulting_nargs: - help += ' (default: %(default)s)' + help += " (default: %(default)s)" return help @@ -696,11 +694,12 @@ # Options and Arguments # ===================== + def _get_action_name(argument): if argument is None: return None elif argument.option_strings: - return '/'.join(argument.option_strings) + return "/".join(argument.option_strings) elif argument.metavar not in (None, SUPPRESS): return argument.metavar elif argument.dest not in (None, SUPPRESS): @@ -722,15 +721,15 @@ def __str__(self): if self.argument_name is None: - format = '%(message)s' + format = "%(message)s" else: - format = 'argument %(argument_name)s: %(message)s' - return format % dict(message=self.message, - argument_name=self.argument_name) + format = "argument %(argument_name)s: %(message)s" + return format % dict(message=self.message, argument_name=self.argument_name) class ArgumentTypeError(Exception): """An error from trying to convert a command line string to a type.""" + pass @@ -738,6 +737,7 @@ # Action classes # ============== + class Action(_AttributeHolder): """Information about how to convert command line strings to Python objects. @@ -789,17 +789,19 @@ help string. If None, the 'dest' value will be used as the name. """ - def __init__(self, - option_strings, - dest, - nargs=None, - const=None, - default=None, - type=None, - choices=None, - required=False, - help=None, - metavar=None): + def __init__( + self, + option_strings, + dest, + nargs=None, + const=None, + default=None, + type=None, + choices=None, + required=False, + help=None, + metavar=None, + ): self.option_strings = option_strings self.dest = dest self.nargs = nargs @@ -813,41 +815,44 @@ def _get_kwargs(self): names = [ - 'option_strings', - 'dest', - 'nargs', - 'const', - 'default', - 'type', - 'choices', - 'help', - 'metavar', + "option_strings", + "dest", + "nargs", + "const", + "default", + "type", + "choices", + "help", + "metavar", ] return [(name, getattr(self, name)) for name in names] def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): - raise NotImplementedError(_('.__call__() not defined')) + raise NotImplementedError(_(".__call__() not defined")) class _StoreAction(Action): - - def __init__(self, - option_strings, - dest, - nargs=None, - const=None, - default=None, - type=None, - choices=None, - required=False, - help=None, - metavar=None): + def __init__( + self, + option_strings, + dest, + nargs=None, + const=None, + default=None, + type=None, + choices=None, + required=False, + help=None, + metavar=None, + ): if nargs == 0: - raise ValueError('nargs for store actions must be > 0; if you ' - 'have nothing to store, actions such as store ' - 'true or store const may be more appropriate') + raise ValueError( + "nargs for store actions must be > 0; if you " + "have nothing to store, actions such as store " + "true or store const may be more appropriate" + ) if const is not None and nargs != OPTIONAL: - raise ValueError('nargs must be %r to supply const' % OPTIONAL) + raise ValueError("nargs must be %r to supply const" % OPTIONAL) super(_StoreAction, self).__init__( option_strings=option_strings, dest=dest, @@ -858,22 +863,24 @@ choices=choices, required=required, help=help, - metavar=metavar) + metavar=metavar, + ) def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): setattr(namespace, self.dest, values) class _StoreConstAction(Action): - - def __init__(self, - option_strings, - dest, - const, - default=None, - required=False, - help=None, - metavar=None): + def __init__( + self, + option_strings, + dest, + const, + default=None, + required=False, + help=None, + metavar=None, + ): super(_StoreConstAction, self).__init__( option_strings=option_strings, dest=dest, @@ -881,65 +888,59 @@ const=const, default=default, required=required, - help=help) + help=help, + ) def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): setattr(namespace, self.dest, self.const) class _StoreTrueAction(_StoreConstAction): - - def __init__(self, - option_strings, - dest, - default=False, - required=False, - help=None): + def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, default=False, required=False, help=None): super(_StoreTrueAction, self).__init__( option_strings=option_strings, dest=dest, const=True, default=default, required=required, - help=help) + help=help, + ) class _StoreFalseAction(_StoreConstAction): - - def __init__(self, - option_strings, - dest, - default=True, - required=False, - help=None): + def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, default=True, required=False, help=None): super(_StoreFalseAction, self).__init__( option_strings=option_strings, dest=dest, const=False, default=default, required=required, - help=help) + help=help, + ) class _AppendAction(Action): - - def __init__(self, - option_strings, - dest, - nargs=None, - const=None, - default=None, - type=None, - choices=None, - required=False, - help=None, - metavar=None): + def __init__( + self, + option_strings, + dest, + nargs=None, + const=None, + default=None, + type=None, + choices=None, + required=False, + help=None, + metavar=None, + ): if nargs == 0: - raise ValueError('nargs for append actions must be > 0; if arg ' - 'strings are not supplying the value to append, ' - 'the append const action may be more appropriate') + raise ValueError( + "nargs for append actions must be > 0; if arg " + "strings are not supplying the value to append, " + "the append const action may be more appropriate" + ) if const is not None and nargs != OPTIONAL: - raise ValueError('nargs must be %r to supply const' % OPTIONAL) + raise ValueError("nargs must be %r to supply const" % OPTIONAL) super(_AppendAction, self).__init__( option_strings=option_strings, dest=dest, @@ -950,7 +951,8 @@ choices=choices, required=required, help=help, - metavar=metavar) + metavar=metavar, + ) def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): items = _copy.copy(_ensure_value(namespace, self.dest, [])) @@ -959,15 +961,16 @@ class _AppendConstAction(Action): - - def __init__(self, - option_strings, - dest, - const, - default=None, - required=False, - help=None, - metavar=None): + def __init__( + self, + option_strings, + dest, + const, + default=None, + required=False, + help=None, + metavar=None, + ): super(_AppendConstAction, self).__init__( option_strings=option_strings, dest=dest, @@ -976,7 +979,8 @@ default=default, required=required, help=help, - metavar=metavar) + metavar=metavar, + ) def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): items = _copy.copy(_ensure_value(namespace, self.dest, [])) @@ -985,20 +989,15 @@ class _CountAction(Action): - - def __init__(self, - option_strings, - dest, - default=None, - required=False, - help=None): + def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, default=None, required=False, help=None): super(_CountAction, self).__init__( option_strings=option_strings, dest=dest, nargs=0, default=default, required=required, - help=help) + help=help, + ) def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): new_count = _ensure_value(namespace, self.dest, 0) + 1 @@ -1006,18 +1005,14 @@ class _HelpAction(Action): - - def __init__(self, - option_strings, - dest=SUPPRESS, - default=SUPPRESS, - help=None): + def __init__(self, option_strings, dest=SUPPRESS, default=SUPPRESS, help=None): super(_HelpAction, self).__init__( option_strings=option_strings, dest=dest, default=default, nargs=0, - help=help) + help=help, + ) def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): parser.print_help() @@ -1025,19 +1020,16 @@ class _VersionAction(Action): - - def __init__(self, - option_strings, - version=None, - dest=SUPPRESS, - default=SUPPRESS, - help=None): + def __init__( + self, option_strings, version=None, dest=SUPPRESS, default=SUPPRESS, help=None + ): super(_VersionAction, self).__init__( option_strings=option_strings, dest=dest, default=default, nargs=0, - help=help) + help=help, + ) self.version = version def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): @@ -1050,20 +1042,14 @@ class _SubParsersAction(Action): - class _ChoicesPseudoAction(Action): - def __init__(self, name, help): sup = super(_SubParsersAction._ChoicesPseudoAction, self) sup.__init__(option_strings=[], dest=name, help=help) - def __init__(self, - option_strings, - prog, - parser_class, - dest=SUPPRESS, - help=None, - metavar=None): + def __init__( + self, option_strings, prog, parser_class, dest=SUPPRESS, help=None, metavar=None + ): self._prog_prefix = prog self._parser_class = parser_class @@ -1076,16 +1062,17 @@ nargs=PARSER, choices=self._name_parser_map, help=help, - metavar=metavar) + metavar=metavar, + ) def add_parser(self, name, **kwargs): # set prog from the existing prefix - if kwargs.get('prog') is None: - kwargs['prog'] = '%s %s' % (self._prog_prefix, name) + if kwargs.get("prog") is None: + kwargs["prog"] = "%s %s" % (self._prog_prefix, name) # create a pseudo-action to hold the choice help - if 'help' in kwargs: - help = kwargs.pop('help') + if "help" in kwargs: + help = kwargs.pop("help") choice_action = self._ChoicesPseudoAction(name, help) self._choices_actions.append(choice_action) @@ -1109,8 +1096,8 @@ try: parser = self._name_parser_map[parser_name] except KeyError: - tup = parser_name, ', '.join(self._name_parser_map) - msg = _('unknown parser %r (choices: %s)' % tup) + tup = parser_name, ", ".join(self._name_parser_map) + msg = _("unknown parser %r (choices: %s)" % tup) raise ArgumentError(self, msg) # parse all the remaining options into the namespace @@ -1121,6 +1108,7 @@ # Type classes # ============== + class FileType(object): """Factory for creating file object types @@ -1134,16 +1122,16 @@ the builtin open() function. """ - def __init__(self, mode='r', bufsize=None): + def __init__(self, mode="r", bufsize=None): self._mode = mode self._bufsize = bufsize def __call__(self, string): # the special argument "-" means sys.std{in,out} - if string == '-': - if 'r' in self._mode: + if string == "-": + if "r" in self._mode: return _sys.stdin - elif 'w' in self._mode: + elif "w" in self._mode: return _sys.stdout else: msg = _('argument "-" with mode %r' % self._mode) @@ -1157,13 +1145,15 @@ def __repr__(self): args = [self._mode, self._bufsize] - args_str = ', '.join([repr(arg) for arg in args if arg is not None]) - return '%s(%s)' % (type(self).__name__, args_str) + args_str = ", ".join([repr(arg) for arg in args if arg is not None]) + return "%s(%s)" % (type(self).__name__, args_str) + # =========================== # Optional and Positional Parsing # =========================== + class Namespace(_AttributeHolder): """Simple object for storing attributes. @@ -1186,12 +1176,7 @@ class _ActionsContainer(object): - - def __init__(self, - description, - prefix_chars, - argument_default, - conflict_handler): + def __init__(self, description, prefix_chars, argument_default, conflict_handler): super(_ActionsContainer, self).__init__() self.description = description @@ -1203,17 +1188,17 @@ self._registries = {} # register actions - self.register('action', None, _StoreAction) - self.register('action', 'store', _StoreAction) - self.register('action', 'store_const', _StoreConstAction) - self.register('action', 'store_true', _StoreTrueAction) - self.register('action', 'store_false', _StoreFalseAction) - self.register('action', 'append', _AppendAction) - self.register('action', 'append_const', _AppendConstAction) - self.register('action', 'count', _CountAction) - self.register('action', 'help', _HelpAction) - self.register('action', 'version', _VersionAction) - self.register('action', 'parsers', _SubParsersAction) + self.register("action", None, _StoreAction) + self.register("action", "store", _StoreAction) + self.register("action", "store_const", _StoreConstAction) + self.register("action", "store_true", _StoreTrueAction) + self.register("action", "store_false", _StoreFalseAction) + self.register("action", "append", _AppendAction) + self.register("action", "append_const", _AppendConstAction) + self.register("action", "count", _CountAction) + self.register("action", "help", _HelpAction) + self.register("action", "version", _VersionAction) + self.register("action", "parsers", _SubParsersAction) # raise an exception if the conflict handler is invalid self._get_handler() @@ -1230,7 +1215,7 @@ self._defaults = {} # determines whether an "option" looks like a negative number - self._negative_number_matcher = _re.compile(r'^-\d+$|^-\d*\.\d+$') + self._negative_number_matcher = _re.compile(r"^-\d+$|^-\d*\.\d+$") # whether or not there are any optionals that look like negative # numbers -- uses a list so it can be shared and edited @@ -1264,7 +1249,6 @@ return action.default return self._defaults.get(dest, None) - # ======================= # Adding argument actions # ======================= @@ -1279,8 +1263,8 @@ # argument chars = self.prefix_chars if not args or len(args) == 1 and args[0][0] not in chars: - if args and 'dest' in kwargs: - raise ValueError('dest supplied twice for positional argument') + if args and "dest" in kwargs: + raise ValueError("dest supplied twice for positional argument") kwargs = self._get_positional_kwargs(*args, **kwargs) # otherwise, we're adding an optional argument @@ -1288,12 +1272,12 @@ kwargs = self._get_optional_kwargs(*args, **kwargs) # if no default was supplied, use the parser-level default - if 'default' not in kwargs: - dest = kwargs['dest'] + if "default" not in kwargs: + dest = kwargs["dest"] if dest in self._defaults: - kwargs['default'] = self._defaults[dest] + kwargs["default"] = self._defaults[dest] elif self.argument_default is not None: - kwargs['default'] = self.argument_default + kwargs["default"] = self.argument_default # create the action object, and add it to the parser action_class = self._pop_action_class(kwargs) @@ -1302,9 +1286,9 @@ action = action_class(**kwargs) # raise an error if the action type is not callable - type_func = self._registry_get('type', action.type, action.type) + type_func = self._registry_get("type", action.type, action.type) if not _callable(type_func): - raise ValueError('%r is not callable' % type_func) + raise ValueError("%r is not callable" % type_func) return self._add_action(action) @@ -1347,7 +1331,7 @@ title_group_map = {} for group in self._action_groups: if group.title in title_group_map: - msg = _('cannot merge actions - two groups are named %r') + msg = _("cannot merge actions - two groups are named %r") raise ValueError(msg % (group.title)) title_group_map[group.title] = group @@ -1361,7 +1345,8 @@ title_group_map[group.title] = self.add_argument_group( title=group.title, description=group.description, - conflict_handler=group.conflict_handler) + conflict_handler=group.conflict_handler, + ) # map the actions to their new group for action in group._group_actions: @@ -1371,8 +1356,7 @@ # NOTE: if add_mutually_exclusive_group ever gains title= and # description= then this code will need to be expanded as above for group in container._mutually_exclusive_groups: - mutex_group = self.add_mutually_exclusive_group( - required=group.required) + mutex_group = self.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=group.required) # map the actions to their new mutex group for action in group._group_actions: @@ -1384,16 +1368,16 @@ def _get_positional_kwargs(self, dest, **kwargs): # make sure required is not specified - if 'required' in kwargs: + if "required" in kwargs: msg = _("'required' is an invalid argument for positionals") raise TypeError(msg) # mark positional arguments as required if at least one is # always required - if kwargs.get('nargs') not in [OPTIONAL, ZERO_OR_MORE]: - kwargs['required'] = True - if kwargs.get('nargs') == ZERO_OR_MORE and 'default' not in kwargs: - kwargs['required'] = True + if kwargs.get("nargs") not in [OPTIONAL, ZERO_OR_MORE]: + kwargs["required"] = True + if kwargs.get("nargs") == ZERO_OR_MORE and "default" not in kwargs: + kwargs["required"] = True # return the keyword arguments with no option strings return dict(kwargs, dest=dest, option_strings=[]) @@ -1405,8 +1389,7 @@ for option_string in args: # error on strings that don't start with an appropriate prefix if not option_string[0] in self.prefix_chars: - msg = _('invalid option string %r: ' - 'must start with a character %r') + msg = _("invalid option string %r: " "must start with a character %r") tup = option_string, self.prefix_chars raise ValueError(msg % tup) @@ -1418,7 +1401,7 @@ long_option_strings.append(option_string) # infer destination, '--foo-bar' -> 'foo_bar' and '-x' -> 'x' - dest = kwargs.pop('dest', None) + dest = kwargs.pop("dest", None) if dest is None: if long_option_strings: dest_option_string = long_option_strings[0] @@ -1426,24 +1409,24 @@ dest_option_string = option_strings[0] dest = dest_option_string.lstrip(self.prefix_chars) if not dest: - msg = _('dest= is required for options like %r') + msg = _("dest= is required for options like %r") raise ValueError(msg % option_string) - dest = dest.replace('-', '_') + dest = dest.replace("-", "_") # return the updated keyword arguments return dict(kwargs, dest=dest, option_strings=option_strings) def _pop_action_class(self, kwargs, default=None): - action = kwargs.pop('action', default) - return self._registry_get('action', action, action) + action = kwargs.pop("action", default) + return self._registry_get("action", action, action) def _get_handler(self): # determine function from conflict handler string - handler_func_name = '_handle_conflict_%s' % self.conflict_handler + handler_func_name = "_handle_conflict_%s" % self.conflict_handler try: return getattr(self, handler_func_name) except AttributeError: - msg = _('invalid conflict_resolution value: %r') + msg = _("invalid conflict_resolution value: %r") raise ValueError(msg % self.conflict_handler) def _check_conflict(self, action): @@ -1461,10 +1444,10 @@ conflict_handler(action, confl_optionals) def _handle_conflict_error(self, action, conflicting_actions): - message = _('conflicting option string(s): %s') - conflict_string = ', '.join([option_string - for option_string, action - in conflicting_actions]) + message = _("conflicting option string(s): %s") + conflict_string = ", ".join( + [option_string for option_string, action in conflicting_actions] + ) raise ArgumentError(action, message % conflict_string) def _handle_conflict_resolve(self, action, conflicting_actions): @@ -1483,13 +1466,12 @@ class _ArgumentGroup(_ActionsContainer): - def __init__(self, container, title=None, description=None, **kwargs): # add any missing keyword arguments by checking the container update = kwargs.setdefault - update('conflict_handler', container.conflict_handler) - update('prefix_chars', container.prefix_chars) - update('argument_default', container.argument_default) + update("conflict_handler", container.conflict_handler) + update("prefix_chars", container.prefix_chars) + update("argument_default", container.argument_default) super_init = super(_ArgumentGroup, self).__init__ super_init(description=description, **kwargs) @@ -1502,8 +1484,7 @@ self._actions = container._actions self._option_string_actions = container._option_string_actions self._defaults = container._defaults - self._has_negative_number_optionals = \ - container._has_negative_number_optionals + self._has_negative_number_optionals = container._has_negative_number_optionals def _add_action(self, action): action = super(_ArgumentGroup, self)._add_action(action) @@ -1516,7 +1497,6 @@ class _MutuallyExclusiveGroup(_ArgumentGroup): - def __init__(self, container, required=False): super(_MutuallyExclusiveGroup, self).__init__(container) self.required = required @@ -1524,7 +1504,7 @@ def _add_action(self, action): if action.required: - msg = _('mutually exclusive arguments must be optional') + msg = _("mutually exclusive arguments must be optional") raise ValueError(msg) action = self._container._add_action(action) self._group_actions.append(action) @@ -1553,33 +1533,40 @@ - add_help -- Add a -h/-help option """ - def __init__(self, - prog=None, - usage=None, - description=None, - epilog=None, - version=None, - parents=[], - formatter_class=HelpFormatter, - prefix_chars='-', - fromfile_prefix_chars=None, - argument_default=None, - conflict_handler='error', - add_help=True): + def __init__( + self, + prog=None, + usage=None, + description=None, + epilog=None, + version=None, + parents=[], + formatter_class=HelpFormatter, + prefix_chars="-", + fromfile_prefix_chars=None, + argument_default=None, + conflict_handler="error", + add_help=True, + ): if version is not None: import warnings + warnings.warn( """The "version" argument to ArgumentParser is deprecated. """ """Please use """ """"add_argument(..., action='version', version="N", ...)" """ - """instead""", DeprecationWarning) + """instead""", + DeprecationWarning, + ) superinit = super(ArgumentParser, self).__init__ - superinit(description=description, - prefix_chars=prefix_chars, - argument_default=argument_default, - conflict_handler=conflict_handler) + superinit( + description=description, + prefix_chars=prefix_chars, + argument_default=argument_default, + conflict_handler=conflict_handler, + ) # default setting for prog if prog is None: @@ -1594,26 +1581,35 @@ self.add_help = add_help add_group = self.add_argument_group - self._positionals = add_group(_('positional arguments')) - self._optionals = add_group(_('optional arguments')) + self._positionals = add_group(_("positional arguments")) + self._optionals = add_group(_("optional arguments")) self._subparsers = None # register types def identity(string): return string - self.register('type', None, identity) + + self.register("type", None, identity) # add help and version arguments if necessary # (using explicit default to override global argument_default) if self.add_help: self.add_argument( - '-h', '--help', action='help', default=SUPPRESS, - help=_('show this help message and exit')) + "-h", + "--help", + action="help", + default=SUPPRESS, + help=_("show this help message and exit"), + ) if self.version: self.add_argument( - '-v', '--version', action='version', default=SUPPRESS, + "-v", + "--version", + action="version", + default=SUPPRESS, version=self.version, - help=_("show program's version number and exit")) + help=_("show program's version number and exit"), + ) # add parent arguments and defaults for parent in parents: @@ -1630,13 +1626,13 @@ # ======================= def _get_kwargs(self): names = [ - 'prog', - 'usage', - 'description', - 'version', - 'formatter_class', - 'conflict_handler', - 'add_help', + "prog", + "usage", + "description", + "version", + "formatter_class", + "conflict_handler", + "add_help", ] return [(name, getattr(self, name)) for name in names] @@ -1645,29 +1641,29 @@ # ================================== def add_subparsers(self, **kwargs): if self._subparsers is not None: - self.error(_('cannot have multiple subparser arguments')) + self.error(_("cannot have multiple subparser arguments")) # add the parser class to the arguments if it's not present - kwargs.setdefault('parser_class', type(self)) + kwargs.setdefault("parser_class", type(self)) - if 'title' in kwargs or 'description' in kwargs: - title = _(kwargs.pop('title', 'subcommands')) - description = _(kwargs.pop('description', None)) + if "title" in kwargs or "description" in kwargs: + title = _(kwargs.pop("title", "subcommands")) + description = _(kwargs.pop("description", None)) self._subparsers = self.add_argument_group(title, description) else: self._subparsers = self._positionals # prog defaults to the usage message of this parser, skipping # optional arguments and with no "usage:" prefix - if kwargs.get('prog') is None: + if kwargs.get("prog") is None: formatter = self._get_formatter() positionals = self._get_positional_actions() groups = self._mutually_exclusive_groups - formatter.add_usage(self.usage, positionals, groups, '') - kwargs['prog'] = formatter.format_help().strip() + formatter.add_usage(self.usage, positionals, groups, "") + kwargs["prog"] = formatter.format_help().strip() # create the parsers action and add it to the positionals list - parsers_class = self._pop_action_class(kwargs, 'parsers') + parsers_class = self._pop_action_class(kwargs, "parsers") action = parsers_class(option_strings=[], **kwargs) self._subparsers._add_action(action) @@ -1682,14 +1678,10 @@ return action def _get_optional_actions(self): - return [action - for action in self._actions - if action.option_strings] + return [action for action in self._actions if action.option_strings] def _get_positional_actions(self): - return [action - for action in self._actions - if not action.option_strings] + return [action for action in self._actions if not action.option_strings] # ===================================== # Command line argument parsing methods @@ -1697,8 +1689,8 @@ def parse_args(self, args=None, namespace=None): args, argv = self.parse_known_args(args, namespace) if argv: - msg = _('unrecognized arguments: %s') - self.error(msg % ' '.join(argv)) + msg = _("unrecognized arguments: %s") + self.error(msg % " ".join(argv)) return args def parse_known_args(self, args=None, namespace=None): @@ -1745,7 +1737,7 @@ for i, mutex_action in enumerate(mutex_group._group_actions): conflicts = action_conflicts.setdefault(mutex_action, []) conflicts.extend(group_actions[:i]) - conflicts.extend(group_actions[i + 1:]) + conflicts.extend(group_actions[i + 1 :]) # find all option indices, and determine the arg_string_pattern # which has an 'O' if there is an option at an index, @@ -1756,24 +1748,24 @@ for i, arg_string in enumerate(arg_strings_iter): # all args after -- are non-options - if arg_string == '--': - arg_string_pattern_parts.append('-') + if arg_string == "--": + arg_string_pattern_parts.append("-") for arg_string in arg_strings_iter: - arg_string_pattern_parts.append('A') + arg_string_pattern_parts.append("A") # otherwise, add the arg to the arg strings # and note the index if it was an option else: option_tuple = self._parse_optional(arg_string) if option_tuple is None: - pattern = 'A' + pattern = "A" else: option_string_indices[i] = option_tuple - pattern = 'O' + pattern = "O" arg_string_pattern_parts.append(pattern) # join the pieces together to form the pattern - arg_strings_pattern = ''.join(arg_string_pattern_parts) + arg_strings_pattern = "".join(arg_string_pattern_parts) # converts arg strings to the appropriate and then takes the action seen_actions = _set() @@ -1790,7 +1782,7 @@ seen_non_default_actions.add(action) for conflict_action in action_conflicts.get(action, []): if conflict_action in seen_non_default_actions: - msg = _('not allowed with argument %s') + msg = _("not allowed with argument %s") action_name = _get_action_name(conflict_action) raise ArgumentError(action, msg % action_name) @@ -1820,7 +1812,7 @@ # if there is an explicit argument, try to match the # optional's string arguments to only this if explicit_arg is not None: - arg_count = match_argument(action, 'A') + arg_count = match_argument(action, "A") # if the action is a single-dash option and takes no # arguments, try to parse more single-dash options out @@ -1836,7 +1828,7 @@ action = optionals_map[option_string] break else: - msg = _('ignored explicit argument %r') + msg = _("ignored explicit argument %r") raise ArgumentError(action, msg % explicit_arg) # if the action expect exactly one argument, we've @@ -1850,7 +1842,7 @@ # error if a double-dash option did not use the # explicit argument else: - msg = _('ignored explicit argument %r') + msg = _("ignored explicit argument %r") raise ArgumentError(action, msg % explicit_arg) # if there is no explicit argument, try to match the @@ -1886,13 +1878,13 @@ # slice off the appropriate arg strings for each Positional # and add the Positional and its args to the list for action, arg_count in zip(positionals, arg_counts): - args = arg_strings[start_index: start_index + arg_count] + args = arg_strings[start_index : start_index + arg_count] start_index += arg_count take_action(action, args) # slice off the Positionals that we just parsed and return the # index at which the Positionals' string args stopped - positionals[:] = positionals[len(arg_counts):] + positionals[:] = positionals[len(arg_counts) :] return start_index # consume Positionals and Optionals alternately, until we have @@ -1906,10 +1898,9 @@ while start_index <= max_option_string_index: # consume any Positionals preceding the next option - next_option_string_index = min([ - index - for index in option_string_indices - if index >= start_index]) + next_option_string_index = min( + [index for index in option_string_indices if index >= start_index] + ) if start_index != next_option_string_index: positionals_end_index = consume_positionals(start_index) @@ -1940,14 +1931,14 @@ # if we didn't use all the Positional objects, there were too few # arg strings supplied. if positionals: - self.error(_('too few arguments')) + self.error(_("too few arguments")) # make sure all required actions were present for action in self._actions: if action.required: if action not in seen_actions: name = _get_action_name(action) - self.error(_('argument %s is required') % name) + self.error(_("argument %s is required") % name) # make sure all required groups had one option present for group in self._mutually_exclusive_groups: @@ -1958,11 +1949,13 @@ # if no actions were used, report the error else: - names = [_get_action_name(action) - for action in group._group_actions - if action.help is not SUPPRESS] - msg = _('one of the arguments %s is required') - self.error(msg % ' '.join(names)) + names = [ + _get_action_name(action) + for action in group._group_actions + if action.help is not SUPPRESS + ] + msg = _("one of the arguments %s is required") + self.error(msg % " ".join(names)) # return the updated namespace and the extra arguments return namespace, extras @@ -2007,11 +2000,11 @@ # raise an exception if we weren't able to find a match if match is None: nargs_errors = { - None: _('expected one argument'), - OPTIONAL: _('expected at most one argument'), - ONE_OR_MORE: _('expected at least one argument'), + None: _("expected one argument"), + OPTIONAL: _("expected at most one argument"), + ONE_OR_MORE: _("expected at least one argument"), } - default = _('expected %s argument(s)') % action.nargs + default = _("expected %s argument(s)") % action.nargs msg = nargs_errors.get(action.nargs, default) raise ArgumentError(action, msg) @@ -2024,8 +2017,9 @@ result = [] for i in range(len(actions), 0, -1): actions_slice = actions[:i] - pattern = ''.join([self._get_nargs_pattern(action) - for action in actions_slice]) + pattern = "".join( + [self._get_nargs_pattern(action) for action in actions_slice] + ) match = _re.match(pattern, arg_strings_pattern) if match is not None: result.extend([len(string) for string in match.groups()]) @@ -2053,8 +2047,8 @@ return None # if the option string before the "=" is present, return the action - if '=' in arg_string: - option_string, explicit_arg = arg_string.split('=', 1) + if "=" in arg_string: + option_string, explicit_arg = arg_string.split("=", 1) if option_string in self._option_string_actions: action = self._option_string_actions[option_string] return action, option_string, explicit_arg @@ -2065,15 +2059,16 @@ # if multiple actions match, the option string was ambiguous if len(option_tuples) > 1: - options = ', '.join([option_string - for action, option_string, explicit_arg in option_tuples]) + options = ", ".join( + [option_string for action, option_string, explicit_arg in option_tuples] + ) tup = arg_string, options - self.error(_('ambiguous option: %s could match %s') % tup) + self.error(_("ambiguous option: %s could match %s") % tup) # if exactly one action matched, this segmentation is good, # so return the parsed action elif len(option_tuples) == 1: - option_tuple, = option_tuples + (option_tuple,) = option_tuples return option_tuple # if it was not found as an option, but it looks like a negative @@ -2084,7 +2079,7 @@ return None # if it contains a space, it was meant to be a positional - if ' ' in arg_string: + if " " in arg_string: return None # it was meant to be an optional but there is no such option @@ -2098,8 +2093,8 @@ # split at the '=' chars = self.prefix_chars if option_string[0] in chars and option_string[1] in chars: - if '=' in option_string: - option_prefix, explicit_arg = option_string.split('=', 1) + if "=" in option_string: + option_prefix, explicit_arg = option_string.split("=", 1) else: option_prefix = option_string explicit_arg = None @@ -2130,7 +2125,7 @@ # shouldn't ever get here else: - self.error(_('unexpected option string: %s') % option_string) + self.error(_("unexpected option string: %s") % option_string) # return the collected option tuples return result @@ -2142,36 +2137,36 @@ # the default (None) is assumed to be a single argument if nargs is None: - nargs_pattern = '(-*A-*)' + nargs_pattern = "(-*A-*)" # allow zero or one arguments elif nargs == OPTIONAL: - nargs_pattern = '(-*A?-*)' + nargs_pattern = "(-*A?-*)" # allow zero or more arguments elif nargs == ZERO_OR_MORE: - nargs_pattern = '(-*[A-]*)' + nargs_pattern = "(-*[A-]*)" # allow one or more arguments elif nargs == ONE_OR_MORE: - nargs_pattern = '(-*A[A-]*)' + nargs_pattern = "(-*A[A-]*)" # allow any number of options or arguments elif nargs == REMAINDER: - nargs_pattern = '([-AO]*)' + nargs_pattern = "([-AO]*)" # allow one argument followed by any number of options or arguments elif nargs == PARSER: - nargs_pattern = '(-*A[-AO]*)' + nargs_pattern = "(-*A[-AO]*)" # all others should be integers else: - nargs_pattern = '(-*%s-*)' % '-*'.join('A' * nargs) + nargs_pattern = "(-*%s-*)" % "-*".join("A" * nargs) # if this is an optional action, -- is not allowed if action.option_strings: - nargs_pattern = nargs_pattern.replace('-*', '') - nargs_pattern = nargs_pattern.replace('-', '') + nargs_pattern = nargs_pattern.replace("-*", "") + nargs_pattern = nargs_pattern.replace("-", "") # return the pattern return nargs_pattern @@ -2182,7 +2177,7 @@ def _get_values(self, action, arg_strings): # for everything but PARSER args, strip out '--' if action.nargs not in [PARSER, REMAINDER]: - arg_strings = [s for s in arg_strings if s != '--'] + arg_strings = [s for s in arg_strings if s != "--"] # optional argument produces a default when not present if not arg_strings and action.nargs == OPTIONAL: @@ -2196,8 +2191,11 @@ # when nargs='*' on a positional, if there were no command-line # args, use the default if it is anything other than None - elif (not arg_strings and action.nargs == ZERO_OR_MORE and - not action.option_strings): + elif ( + not arg_strings + and action.nargs == ZERO_OR_MORE + and not action.option_strings + ): if action.default is not None: value = action.default else: @@ -2206,7 +2204,7 @@ # single argument or optional argument produces a single value elif len(arg_strings) == 1 and action.nargs in [None, OPTIONAL]: - arg_string, = arg_strings + (arg_string,) = arg_strings value = self._get_value(action, arg_string) self._check_value(action, value) @@ -2229,9 +2227,9 @@ return value def _get_value(self, action, arg_string): - type_func = self._registry_get('type', action.type, action.type) + type_func = self._registry_get("type", action.type, action.type) if not _callable(type_func): - msg = _('%r is not callable') + msg = _("%r is not callable") raise ArgumentError(action, msg % type_func) # convert the value to the appropriate type @@ -2240,14 +2238,14 @@ # ArgumentTypeErrors indicate errors except ArgumentTypeError: - name = getattr(action.type, '__name__', repr(action.type)) + name = getattr(action.type, "__name__", repr(action.type)) msg = str(_sys.exc_info()[1]) raise ArgumentError(action, msg) # TypeErrors or ValueErrors also indicate errors except (TypeError, ValueError): - name = getattr(action.type, '__name__', repr(action.type)) - msg = _('invalid %s value: %r') + name = getattr(action.type, "__name__", repr(action.type)) + msg = _("invalid %s value: %r") raise ArgumentError(action, msg % (name, arg_string)) # return the converted value @@ -2256,8 +2254,8 @@ def _check_value(self, action, value): # converted value must be one of the choices (if specified) if action.choices is not None and value not in action.choices: - tup = value, ', '.join(map(repr, action.choices)) - msg = _('invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)') % tup + tup = value, ", ".join(map(repr, action.choices)) + msg = _("invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)") % tup raise ArgumentError(action, msg) # ======================= @@ -2265,16 +2263,14 @@ # ======================= def format_usage(self): formatter = self._get_formatter() - formatter.add_usage(self.usage, self._actions, - self._mutually_exclusive_groups) + formatter.add_usage(self.usage, self._actions, self._mutually_exclusive_groups) return formatter.format_help() def format_help(self): formatter = self._get_formatter() # usage - formatter.add_usage(self.usage, self._actions, - self._mutually_exclusive_groups) + formatter.add_usage(self.usage, self._actions, self._mutually_exclusive_groups) # description formatter.add_text(self.description) @@ -2294,10 +2290,12 @@ def format_version(self): import warnings + warnings.warn( 'The format_version method is deprecated -- the "version" ' - 'argument to ArgumentParser is no longer supported.', - DeprecationWarning) + "argument to ArgumentParser is no longer supported.", + DeprecationWarning, + ) formatter = self._get_formatter() formatter.add_text(self.version) return formatter.format_help() @@ -2320,10 +2318,12 @@ def print_version(self, file=None): import warnings + warnings.warn( 'The print_version method is deprecated -- the "version" ' - 'argument to ArgumentParser is no longer supported.', - DeprecationWarning) + "argument to ArgumentParser is no longer supported.", + DeprecationWarning, + ) self._print_message(self.format_version(), file) def _print_message(self, message, file=None): @@ -2350,4 +2350,4 @@ should either exit or raise an exception. """ self.print_usage(_sys.stderr) - self.exit(2, _('%s: error: %s\n') % (self.prog, message)) + self.exit(2, _("%s: error: %s\n") % (self.prog, message)) diff --git a/polly/utils/pyscop/isl.py b/polly/utils/pyscop/isl.py --- a/polly/utils/pyscop/isl.py +++ b/polly/utils/pyscop/isl.py @@ -2,495 +2,485 @@ isl = cdll.LoadLibrary("libisl.so") + class Context: - defaultInstance = None - instances = {} + defaultInstance = None + instances = {} + + def __init__(self): + ptr = isl.isl_ctx_alloc() + self.ptr = ptr + Context.instances[ptr] = self - def __init__(self): - ptr = isl.isl_ctx_alloc() - self.ptr = ptr - Context.instances[ptr] = self + def __del__(self): + isl.isl_ctx_free(self) - def __del__(self): - isl.isl_ctx_free(self) + def from_param(self): + return self.ptr - def from_param(self): - return self.ptr + @staticmethod + def from_ptr(ptr): + return Context.instances[ptr] - @staticmethod - def from_ptr(ptr): - return Context.instances[ptr] + @staticmethod + def getDefaultInstance(): + if Context.defaultInstance == None: + Context.defaultInstance = Context() - @staticmethod - def getDefaultInstance(): - if Context.defaultInstance == None: - Context.defaultInstance = Context() + return Context.defaultInstance - return Context.defaultInstance class IslObject: - def __init__(self, string = "", ctx = None, ptr = None): - self.initialize_isl_methods() - if ptr != None: - self.ptr = ptr - self.ctx = self.get_isl_method("get_ctx")(self) - return - - if ctx == None: - ctx = Context.getDefaultInstance() - - self.ctx = ctx - self.ptr = self.get_isl_method("read_from_str")(ctx, string, -1) - - def __del__(self): - self.get_isl_method("free")(self) - - def from_param(self): - return self.ptr - - @property - def context(self): - return self.ctx - - def __repr__(self): - p = Printer(self.ctx) - self.to_printer(p) - return p.getString(); - - def __str__(self): - p = Printer(self.ctx) - self.to_printer(p) - return p.getString(); - - @staticmethod - def isl_name(): - return "No isl name available" - - def initialize_isl_methods(self): - if hasattr(self.__class__, "initialized"): - return - - self.__class__.initalized = True - self.get_isl_method("read_from_str").argtypes = [Context, c_char_p, c_int] - self.get_isl_method("copy").argtypes = [self.__class__] - self.get_isl_method("copy").restype = c_int - self.get_isl_method("free").argtypes = [self.__class__] - self.get_isl_method("get_ctx").argtypes = [self.__class__] - self.get_isl_method("get_ctx").restype = Context.from_ptr - getattr(isl, "isl_printer_print_" + self.isl_name()).argtypes = [Printer, self.__class__] - - def get_isl_method(self, name): - return getattr(isl, "isl_" + self.isl_name() + "_" + name) - - def to_printer(self, printer): - getattr(isl, "isl_printer_print_" + self.isl_name())(printer, self) + def __init__(self, string="", ctx=None, ptr=None): + self.initialize_isl_methods() + if ptr != None: + self.ptr = ptr + self.ctx = self.get_isl_method("get_ctx")(self) + return + + if ctx == None: + ctx = Context.getDefaultInstance() + + self.ctx = ctx + self.ptr = self.get_isl_method("read_from_str")(ctx, string, -1) + + def __del__(self): + self.get_isl_method("free")(self) + + def from_param(self): + return self.ptr + + @property + def context(self): + return self.ctx + + def __repr__(self): + p = Printer(self.ctx) + self.to_printer(p) + return p.getString() + + def __str__(self): + p = Printer(self.ctx) + self.to_printer(p) + return p.getString() + + @staticmethod + def isl_name(): + return "No isl name available" + + def initialize_isl_methods(self): + if hasattr(self.__class__, "initialized"): + return + + self.__class__.initalized = True + self.get_isl_method("read_from_str").argtypes = [Context, c_char_p, c_int] + self.get_isl_method("copy").argtypes = [self.__class__] + self.get_isl_method("copy").restype = c_int + self.get_isl_method("free").argtypes = [self.__class__] + self.get_isl_method("get_ctx").argtypes = [self.__class__] + self.get_isl_method("get_ctx").restype = Context.from_ptr + getattr(isl, "isl_printer_print_" + self.isl_name()).argtypes = [ + Printer, + self.__class__, + ] + + def get_isl_method(self, name): + return getattr(isl, "isl_" + self.isl_name() + "_" + name) + + def to_printer(self, printer): + getattr(isl, "isl_printer_print_" + self.isl_name())(printer, self) + class BSet(IslObject): - @staticmethod - def from_ptr(ptr): - if not ptr: - return - return BSet(ptr = ptr) + @staticmethod + def from_ptr(ptr): + if not ptr: + return + return BSet(ptr=ptr) + + @staticmethod + def isl_name(): + return "basic_set" - @staticmethod - def isl_name(): - return "basic_set" class Set(IslObject): - @staticmethod - def from_ptr(ptr): - if not ptr: - return - return Set(ptr = ptr) + @staticmethod + def from_ptr(ptr): + if not ptr: + return + return Set(ptr=ptr) + + @staticmethod + def isl_name(): + return "set" - @staticmethod - def isl_name(): - return "set" class USet(IslObject): - @staticmethod - def from_ptr(ptr): - if not ptr: - return - return USet(ptr = ptr) + @staticmethod + def from_ptr(ptr): + if not ptr: + return + return USet(ptr=ptr) - @staticmethod - def isl_name(): - return "union_set" + @staticmethod + def isl_name(): + return "union_set" class BMap(IslObject): - @staticmethod - def from_ptr(ptr): - if not ptr: - return - return BMap(ptr = ptr) + @staticmethod + def from_ptr(ptr): + if not ptr: + return + return BMap(ptr=ptr) + + def __mul__(self, set): + return self.intersect_domain(set) - def __mul__(self, set): - return self.intersect_domain(set) + @staticmethod + def isl_name(): + return "basic_map" - @staticmethod - def isl_name(): - return "basic_map" class Map(IslObject): - @staticmethod - def from_ptr(ptr): - if not ptr: - return - return Map(ptr = ptr) - - def __mul__(self, set): - return self.intersect_domain(set) - - @staticmethod - def isl_name(): - return "map" - - @staticmethod - def lex_lt(dim): - dim = isl.isl_dim_copy(dim) - return isl.isl_map_lex_lt(dim) - - @staticmethod - def lex_le(dim): - dim = isl.isl_dim_copy(dim) - return isl.isl_map_lex_le(dim) - - @staticmethod - def lex_gt(dim): - dim = isl.isl_dim_copy(dim) - return isl.isl_map_lex_gt(dim) - - @staticmethod - def lex_ge(dim): - dim = isl.isl_dim_copy(dim) - return isl.isl_map_lex_ge(dim) + @staticmethod + def from_ptr(ptr): + if not ptr: + return + return Map(ptr=ptr) + + def __mul__(self, set): + return self.intersect_domain(set) + + @staticmethod + def isl_name(): + return "map" + + @staticmethod + def lex_lt(dim): + dim = isl.isl_dim_copy(dim) + return isl.isl_map_lex_lt(dim) + + @staticmethod + def lex_le(dim): + dim = isl.isl_dim_copy(dim) + return isl.isl_map_lex_le(dim) + + @staticmethod + def lex_gt(dim): + dim = isl.isl_dim_copy(dim) + return isl.isl_map_lex_gt(dim) + + @staticmethod + def lex_ge(dim): + dim = isl.isl_dim_copy(dim) + return isl.isl_map_lex_ge(dim) + class UMap(IslObject): - @staticmethod - def from_ptr(ptr): - if not ptr: - return - return UMap(ptr = ptr) + @staticmethod + def from_ptr(ptr): + if not ptr: + return + return UMap(ptr=ptr) + + @staticmethod + def isl_name(): + return "union_map" - @staticmethod - def isl_name(): - return "union_map" class Dim(IslObject): - @staticmethod - def from_ptr(ptr): - if not ptr: - return - return Dim(ptr = ptr) + @staticmethod + def from_ptr(ptr): + if not ptr: + return + return Dim(ptr=ptr) - @staticmethod - def isl_name(): - return "dim" + @staticmethod + def isl_name(): + return "dim" - def initialize_isl_methods(self): - if hasattr(self.__class__, "initialized"): - return + def initialize_isl_methods(self): + if hasattr(self.__class__, "initialized"): + return - self.__class__.initalized = True - self.get_isl_method("copy").argtypes = [self.__class__] - self.get_isl_method("copy").restype = c_int - self.get_isl_method("free").argtypes = [self.__class__] - self.get_isl_method("get_ctx").argtypes = [self.__class__] - self.get_isl_method("get_ctx").restype = Context.from_ptr + self.__class__.initalized = True + self.get_isl_method("copy").argtypes = [self.__class__] + self.get_isl_method("copy").restype = c_int + self.get_isl_method("free").argtypes = [self.__class__] + self.get_isl_method("get_ctx").argtypes = [self.__class__] + self.get_isl_method("get_ctx").restype = Context.from_ptr - def __repr__(self): - return str(self) + def __repr__(self): + return str(self) - def __str__(self): + def __str__(self): - dimParam = isl.isl_dim_size(self, 1) - dimIn = isl.isl_dim_size(self, 2) - dimOut = isl.isl_dim_size(self, 3) + dimParam = isl.isl_dim_size(self, 1) + dimIn = isl.isl_dim_size(self, 2) + dimOut = isl.isl_dim_size(self, 3) - if dimIn: - return "" % (dimIn, dimOut, dimParam) + if dimIn: + return "" % (dimIn, dimOut, dimParam) + + return "" % (dimOut, dimParam) - return "" % (dimOut, dimParam) class Printer: - FORMAT_ISL = 0 - FORMAT_POLYLIB = 1 - FORMAT_POLYLIB_CONSTRAINTS = 2 - FORMAT_OMEGA = 3 - FORMAT_C = 4 - FORMAT_LATEX = 5 - FORMAT_EXT_POLYLIB = 6 + FORMAT_ISL = 0 + FORMAT_POLYLIB = 1 + FORMAT_POLYLIB_CONSTRAINTS = 2 + FORMAT_OMEGA = 3 + FORMAT_C = 4 + FORMAT_LATEX = 5 + FORMAT_EXT_POLYLIB = 6 - def __init__(self, ctx = None): - if ctx == None: - ctx = Context.getDefaultInstance() + def __init__(self, ctx=None): + if ctx == None: + ctx = Context.getDefaultInstance() - self.ctx = ctx - self.ptr = isl.isl_printer_to_str(ctx) + self.ctx = ctx + self.ptr = isl.isl_printer_to_str(ctx) - def setFormat(self, format): - self.ptr = isl.isl_printer_set_output_format(self, format); + def setFormat(self, format): + self.ptr = isl.isl_printer_set_output_format(self, format) - def from_param(self): - return self.ptr + def from_param(self): + return self.ptr - def __del__(self): - isl.isl_printer_free(self) + def __del__(self): + isl.isl_printer_free(self) - def getString(self): - return isl.isl_printer_get_str(self) + def getString(self): + return isl.isl_printer_get_str(self) -functions = [ - # Unary properties - ("is_empty", BSet, [BSet], c_int), - ("is_empty", Set, [Set], c_int), - ("is_empty", USet, [USet], c_int), - ("is_empty", BMap, [BMap], c_int), - ("is_empty", Map, [Map], c_int), - ("is_empty", UMap, [UMap], c_int), +functions = [ + # Unary properties + ("is_empty", BSet, [BSet], c_int), + ("is_empty", Set, [Set], c_int), + ("is_empty", USet, [USet], c_int), + ("is_empty", BMap, [BMap], c_int), + ("is_empty", Map, [Map], c_int), + ("is_empty", UMap, [UMap], c_int), # ("is_universe", Set, [Set], c_int), # ("is_universe", Map, [Map], c_int), - - ("is_single_valued", Map, [Map], c_int), - - ("is_bijective", Map, [Map], c_int), - - ("is_wrapping", BSet, [BSet], c_int), - ("is_wrapping", Set, [Set], c_int), - - # Binary properties - ("is_equal", BSet, [BSet, BSet], c_int), - ("is_equal", Set, [Set, Set], c_int), - ("is_equal", USet, [USet, USet], c_int), - ("is_equal", BMap, [BMap, BMap], c_int), - ("is_equal", Map, [Map, Map], c_int), - ("is_equal", UMap, [UMap, UMap], c_int), - - # is_disjoint missing - - # ("is_subset", BSet, [BSet, BSet], c_int), - ("is_subset", Set, [Set, Set], c_int), - ("is_subset", USet, [USet, USet], c_int), - ("is_subset", BMap, [BMap, BMap], c_int), - ("is_subset", Map, [Map, Map], c_int), - ("is_subset", UMap, [UMap, UMap], c_int), - #("is_strict_subset", BSet, [BSet, BSet], c_int), - ("is_strict_subset", Set, [Set, Set], c_int), - ("is_strict_subset", USet, [USet, USet], c_int), - ("is_strict_subset", BMap, [BMap, BMap], c_int), - ("is_strict_subset", Map, [Map, Map], c_int), - ("is_strict_subset", UMap, [UMap, UMap], c_int), - - # Unary Operations - ("complement", Set, [Set], Set), - ("reverse", BMap, [BMap], BMap), - ("reverse", Map, [Map], Map), - ("reverse", UMap, [UMap], UMap), - - # Projection missing - ("range", BMap, [BMap], BSet), - ("range", Map, [Map], Set), - ("range", UMap, [UMap], USet), - ("domain", BMap, [BMap], BSet), - ("domain", Map, [Map], Set), - ("domain", UMap, [UMap], USet), - - ("identity", Set, [Set], Map), - ("identity", USet, [USet], UMap), - - ("deltas", BMap, [BMap], BSet), - ("deltas", Map, [Map], Set), - ("deltas", UMap, [UMap], USet), - - ("coalesce", Set, [Set], Set), - ("coalesce", USet, [USet], USet), - ("coalesce", Map, [Map], Map), - ("coalesce", UMap, [UMap], UMap), - - ("detect_equalities", BSet, [BSet], BSet), - ("detect_equalities", Set, [Set], Set), - ("detect_equalities", USet, [USet], USet), - ("detect_equalities", BMap, [BMap], BMap), - ("detect_equalities", Map, [Map], Map), - ("detect_equalities", UMap, [UMap], UMap), - - ("convex_hull", Set, [Set], Set), - ("convex_hull", Map, [Map], Map), - - ("simple_hull", Set, [Set], Set), - ("simple_hull", Map, [Map], Map), - - ("affine_hull", BSet, [BSet], BSet), - ("affine_hull", Set, [Set], BSet), - ("affine_hull", USet, [USet], USet), - ("affine_hull", BMap, [BMap], BMap), - ("affine_hull", Map, [Map], BMap), - ("affine_hull", UMap, [UMap], UMap), - - ("polyhedral_hull", Set, [Set], Set), - ("polyhedral_hull", USet, [USet], USet), - ("polyhedral_hull", Map, [Map], Map), - ("polyhedral_hull", UMap, [UMap], UMap), - - # Power missing - # Transitive closure missing - # Reaching path lengths missing - - ("wrap", BMap, [BMap], BSet), - ("wrap", Map, [Map], Set), - ("wrap", UMap, [UMap], USet), - ("unwrap", BSet, [BMap], BMap), - ("unwrap", Set, [Map], Map), - ("unwrap", USet, [UMap], UMap), - - ("flatten", Set, [Set], Set), - ("flatten", Map, [Map], Map), - ("flatten_map", Set, [Set], Map), - - # Dimension manipulation missing - - # Binary Operations - ("intersect", BSet, [BSet, BSet], BSet), - ("intersect", Set, [Set, Set], Set), - ("intersect", USet, [USet, USet], USet), - ("intersect", BMap, [BMap, BMap], BMap), - ("intersect", Map, [Map, Map], Map), - ("intersect", UMap, [UMap, UMap], UMap), - ("intersect_domain", BMap, [BMap, BSet], BMap), - ("intersect_domain", Map, [Map, Set], Map), - ("intersect_domain", UMap, [UMap, USet], UMap), - ("intersect_range", BMap, [BMap, BSet], BMap), - ("intersect_range", Map, [Map, Set], Map), - ("intersect_range", UMap, [UMap, USet], UMap), - - ("union", BSet, [BSet, BSet], Set), - ("union", Set, [Set, Set], Set), - ("union", USet, [USet, USet], USet), - ("union", BMap, [BMap, BMap], Map), - ("union", Map, [Map, Map], Map), - ("union", UMap, [UMap, UMap], UMap), - - ("subtract", Set, [Set, Set], Set), - ("subtract", Map, [Map, Map], Map), - ("subtract", USet, [USet, USet], USet), - ("subtract", UMap, [UMap, UMap], UMap), - - ("apply", BSet, [BSet, BMap], BSet), - ("apply", Set, [Set, Map], Set), - ("apply", USet, [USet, UMap], USet), - ("apply_domain", BMap, [BMap, BMap], BMap), - ("apply_domain", Map, [Map, Map], Map), - ("apply_domain", UMap, [UMap, UMap], UMap), - ("apply_range", BMap, [BMap, BMap], BMap), - ("apply_range", Map, [Map, Map], Map), - ("apply_range", UMap, [UMap, UMap], UMap), - - ("gist", BSet, [BSet, BSet], BSet), - ("gist", Set, [Set, Set], Set), - ("gist", USet, [USet, USet], USet), - ("gist", BMap, [BMap, BMap], BMap), - ("gist", Map, [Map, Map], Map), - ("gist", UMap, [UMap, UMap], UMap), - - # Lexicographic Optimizations - # partial_lexmin missing - ("lexmin", BSet, [BSet], BSet), - ("lexmin", Set, [Set], Set), - ("lexmin", USet, [USet], USet), - ("lexmin", BMap, [BMap], BMap), - ("lexmin", Map, [Map], Map), - ("lexmin", UMap, [UMap], UMap), - - ("lexmax", BSet, [BSet], BSet), - ("lexmax", Set, [Set], Set), - ("lexmax", USet, [USet], USet), - ("lexmax", BMap, [BMap], BMap), - ("lexmax", Map, [Map], Map), - ("lexmax", UMap, [UMap], UMap), - - # Undocumented - ("lex_lt_union_set", USet, [USet, USet], UMap), - ("lex_le_union_set", USet, [USet, USet], UMap), - ("lex_gt_union_set", USet, [USet, USet], UMap), - ("lex_ge_union_set", USet, [USet, USet], UMap), - - ] + ("is_single_valued", Map, [Map], c_int), + ("is_bijective", Map, [Map], c_int), + ("is_wrapping", BSet, [BSet], c_int), + ("is_wrapping", Set, [Set], c_int), + # Binary properties + ("is_equal", BSet, [BSet, BSet], c_int), + ("is_equal", Set, [Set, Set], c_int), + ("is_equal", USet, [USet, USet], c_int), + ("is_equal", BMap, [BMap, BMap], c_int), + ("is_equal", Map, [Map, Map], c_int), + ("is_equal", UMap, [UMap, UMap], c_int), + # is_disjoint missing + # ("is_subset", BSet, [BSet, BSet], c_int), + ("is_subset", Set, [Set, Set], c_int), + ("is_subset", USet, [USet, USet], c_int), + ("is_subset", BMap, [BMap, BMap], c_int), + ("is_subset", Map, [Map, Map], c_int), + ("is_subset", UMap, [UMap, UMap], c_int), + # ("is_strict_subset", BSet, [BSet, BSet], c_int), + ("is_strict_subset", Set, [Set, Set], c_int), + ("is_strict_subset", USet, [USet, USet], c_int), + ("is_strict_subset", BMap, [BMap, BMap], c_int), + ("is_strict_subset", Map, [Map, Map], c_int), + ("is_strict_subset", UMap, [UMap, UMap], c_int), + # Unary Operations + ("complement", Set, [Set], Set), + ("reverse", BMap, [BMap], BMap), + ("reverse", Map, [Map], Map), + ("reverse", UMap, [UMap], UMap), + # Projection missing + ("range", BMap, [BMap], BSet), + ("range", Map, [Map], Set), + ("range", UMap, [UMap], USet), + ("domain", BMap, [BMap], BSet), + ("domain", Map, [Map], Set), + ("domain", UMap, [UMap], USet), + ("identity", Set, [Set], Map), + ("identity", USet, [USet], UMap), + ("deltas", BMap, [BMap], BSet), + ("deltas", Map, [Map], Set), + ("deltas", UMap, [UMap], USet), + ("coalesce", Set, [Set], Set), + ("coalesce", USet, [USet], USet), + ("coalesce", Map, [Map], Map), + ("coalesce", UMap, [UMap], UMap), + ("detect_equalities", BSet, [BSet], BSet), + ("detect_equalities", Set, [Set], Set), + ("detect_equalities", USet, [USet], USet), + ("detect_equalities", BMap, [BMap], BMap), + ("detect_equalities", Map, [Map], Map), + ("detect_equalities", UMap, [UMap], UMap), + ("convex_hull", Set, [Set], Set), + ("convex_hull", Map, [Map], Map), + ("simple_hull", Set, [Set], Set), + ("simple_hull", Map, [Map], Map), + ("affine_hull", BSet, [BSet], BSet), + ("affine_hull", Set, [Set], BSet), + ("affine_hull", USet, [USet], USet), + ("affine_hull", BMap, [BMap], BMap), + ("affine_hull", Map, [Map], BMap), + ("affine_hull", UMap, [UMap], UMap), + ("polyhedral_hull", Set, [Set], Set), + ("polyhedral_hull", USet, [USet], USet), + ("polyhedral_hull", Map, [Map], Map), + ("polyhedral_hull", UMap, [UMap], UMap), + # Power missing + # Transitive closure missing + # Reaching path lengths missing + ("wrap", BMap, [BMap], BSet), + ("wrap", Map, [Map], Set), + ("wrap", UMap, [UMap], USet), + ("unwrap", BSet, [BMap], BMap), + ("unwrap", Set, [Map], Map), + ("unwrap", USet, [UMap], UMap), + ("flatten", Set, [Set], Set), + ("flatten", Map, [Map], Map), + ("flatten_map", Set, [Set], Map), + # Dimension manipulation missing + # Binary Operations + ("intersect", BSet, [BSet, BSet], BSet), + ("intersect", Set, [Set, Set], Set), + ("intersect", USet, [USet, USet], USet), + ("intersect", BMap, [BMap, BMap], BMap), + ("intersect", Map, [Map, Map], Map), + ("intersect", UMap, [UMap, UMap], UMap), + ("intersect_domain", BMap, [BMap, BSet], BMap), + ("intersect_domain", Map, [Map, Set], Map), + ("intersect_domain", UMap, [UMap, USet], UMap), + ("intersect_range", BMap, [BMap, BSet], BMap), + ("intersect_range", Map, [Map, Set], Map), + ("intersect_range", UMap, [UMap, USet], UMap), + ("union", BSet, [BSet, BSet], Set), + ("union", Set, [Set, Set], Set), + ("union", USet, [USet, USet], USet), + ("union", BMap, [BMap, BMap], Map), + ("union", Map, [Map, Map], Map), + ("union", UMap, [UMap, UMap], UMap), + ("subtract", Set, [Set, Set], Set), + ("subtract", Map, [Map, Map], Map), + ("subtract", USet, [USet, USet], USet), + ("subtract", UMap, [UMap, UMap], UMap), + ("apply", BSet, [BSet, BMap], BSet), + ("apply", Set, [Set, Map], Set), + ("apply", USet, [USet, UMap], USet), + ("apply_domain", BMap, [BMap, BMap], BMap), + ("apply_domain", Map, [Map, Map], Map), + ("apply_domain", UMap, [UMap, UMap], UMap), + ("apply_range", BMap, [BMap, BMap], BMap), + ("apply_range", Map, [Map, Map], Map), + ("apply_range", UMap, [UMap, UMap], UMap), + ("gist", BSet, [BSet, BSet], BSet), + ("gist", Set, [Set, Set], Set), + ("gist", USet, [USet, USet], USet), + ("gist", BMap, [BMap, BMap], BMap), + ("gist", Map, [Map, Map], Map), + ("gist", UMap, [UMap, UMap], UMap), + # Lexicographic Optimizations + # partial_lexmin missing + ("lexmin", BSet, [BSet], BSet), + ("lexmin", Set, [Set], Set), + ("lexmin", USet, [USet], USet), + ("lexmin", BMap, [BMap], BMap), + ("lexmin", Map, [Map], Map), + ("lexmin", UMap, [UMap], UMap), + ("lexmax", BSet, [BSet], BSet), + ("lexmax", Set, [Set], Set), + ("lexmax", USet, [USet], USet), + ("lexmax", BMap, [BMap], BMap), + ("lexmax", Map, [Map], Map), + ("lexmax", UMap, [UMap], UMap), + # Undocumented + ("lex_lt_union_set", USet, [USet, USet], UMap), + ("lex_le_union_set", USet, [USet, USet], UMap), + ("lex_gt_union_set", USet, [USet, USet], UMap), + ("lex_ge_union_set", USet, [USet, USet], UMap), +] keep_functions = [ - # Unary properties - ("get_dim", BSet, [BSet], Dim), - ("get_dim", Set, [Set], Dim), - ("get_dim", USet, [USet], Dim), - ("get_dim", BMap, [BMap], Dim), - ("get_dim", Map, [Map], Dim), - ("get_dim", UMap, [UMap], Dim) - ] + # Unary properties + ("get_dim", BSet, [BSet], Dim), + ("get_dim", Set, [Set], Dim), + ("get_dim", USet, [USet], Dim), + ("get_dim", BMap, [BMap], Dim), + ("get_dim", Map, [Map], Dim), + ("get_dim", UMap, [UMap], Dim), +] + def addIslFunction(object, name): functionName = "isl_" + object.isl_name() + "_" + name islFunction = getattr(isl, functionName) if len(islFunction.argtypes) == 1: - f = lambda a: islFunctionOneOp(islFunction, a) + f = lambda a: islFunctionOneOp(islFunction, a) elif len(islFunction.argtypes) == 2: - f = lambda a, b: islFunctionTwoOp(islFunction, a, b) + f = lambda a, b: islFunctionTwoOp(islFunction, a, b) object.__dict__[name] = f def islFunctionOneOp(islFunction, ops): - ops = getattr(isl, "isl_" + ops.isl_name() + "_copy")(ops) - return islFunction(ops) + ops = getattr(isl, "isl_" + ops.isl_name() + "_copy")(ops) + return islFunction(ops) + def islFunctionTwoOp(islFunction, opOne, opTwo): - opOne = getattr(isl, "isl_" + opOne.isl_name() + "_copy")(opOne) - opTwo = getattr(isl, "isl_" + opTwo.isl_name() + "_copy")(opTwo) - return islFunction(opOne, opTwo) + opOne = getattr(isl, "isl_" + opOne.isl_name() + "_copy")(opOne) + opTwo = getattr(isl, "isl_" + opTwo.isl_name() + "_copy")(opTwo) + return islFunction(opOne, opTwo) + for (operation, base, operands, ret) in functions: - functionName = "isl_" + base.isl_name() + "_" + operation - islFunction = getattr(isl, functionName) - if len(operands) == 1: - islFunction.argtypes = [c_int] - elif len(operands) == 2: - islFunction.argtypes = [c_int, c_int] + functionName = "isl_" + base.isl_name() + "_" + operation + islFunction = getattr(isl, functionName) + if len(operands) == 1: + islFunction.argtypes = [c_int] + elif len(operands) == 2: + islFunction.argtypes = [c_int, c_int] + + if ret == c_int: + islFunction.restype = ret + else: + islFunction.restype = ret.from_ptr - if ret == c_int: - islFunction.restype = ret - else: - islFunction.restype = ret.from_ptr + addIslFunction(base, operation) - addIslFunction(base, operation) def addIslFunctionKeep(object, name): functionName = "isl_" + object.isl_name() + "_" + name islFunction = getattr(isl, functionName) if len(islFunction.argtypes) == 1: - f = lambda a: islFunctionOneOpKeep(islFunction, a) + f = lambda a: islFunctionOneOpKeep(islFunction, a) elif len(islFunction.argtypes) == 2: - f = lambda a, b: islFunctionTwoOpKeep(islFunction, a, b) + f = lambda a, b: islFunctionTwoOpKeep(islFunction, a, b) object.__dict__[name] = f + def islFunctionOneOpKeep(islFunction, ops): - return islFunction(ops) + return islFunction(ops) + def islFunctionTwoOpKeep(islFunction, opOne, opTwo): - return islFunction(opOne, opTwo) + return islFunction(opOne, opTwo) + for (operation, base, operands, ret) in keep_functions: - functionName = "isl_" + base.isl_name() + "_" + operation - islFunction = getattr(isl, functionName) - if len(operands) == 1: - islFunction.argtypes = [c_int] - elif len(operands) == 2: - islFunction.argtypes = [c_int, c_int] + functionName = "isl_" + base.isl_name() + "_" + operation + islFunction = getattr(isl, functionName) + if len(operands) == 1: + islFunction.argtypes = [c_int] + elif len(operands) == 2: + islFunction.argtypes = [c_int, c_int] - if ret == c_int: - islFunction.restype = ret - else: - islFunction.restype = ret.from_ptr + if ret == c_int: + islFunction.restype = ret + else: + islFunction.restype = ret.from_ptr - addIslFunctionKeep(base, operation) + addIslFunctionKeep(base, operation) isl.isl_ctx_free.argtypes = [Context] isl.isl_basic_set_read_from_str.argtypes = [Context, c_char_p, c_int] @@ -554,25 +544,44 @@ isl.isl_map_lex_ge.argtypes = [c_int] isl.isl_map_lex_ge.restype = Map.from_ptr -isl.isl_union_map_compute_flow.argtypes = [c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_void_p, - c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p] +isl.isl_union_map_compute_flow.argtypes = [ + c_int, + c_int, + c_int, + c_int, + c_void_p, + c_void_p, + c_void_p, + c_void_p, +] + def dependences(sink, must_source, may_source, schedule): - sink = getattr(isl, "isl_" + sink.isl_name() + "_copy")(sink) - must_source = getattr(isl, "isl_" + must_source.isl_name() + "_copy")(must_source) - may_source = getattr(isl, "isl_" + may_source.isl_name() + "_copy")(may_source) - schedule = getattr(isl, "isl_" + schedule.isl_name() + "_copy")(schedule) - must_dep = c_int() - may_dep = c_int() - must_no_source = c_int() - may_no_source = c_int() - isl.isl_union_map_compute_flow(sink, must_source, may_source, schedule, \ - byref(must_dep), byref(may_dep), - byref(must_no_source), - byref(may_no_source)) - - return (UMap.from_ptr(must_dep), UMap.from_ptr(may_dep), \ - USet.from_ptr(must_no_source), USet.from_ptr(may_no_source)) - - -__all__ = ['Set', 'Map', 'Printer', 'Context'] + sink = getattr(isl, "isl_" + sink.isl_name() + "_copy")(sink) + must_source = getattr(isl, "isl_" + must_source.isl_name() + "_copy")(must_source) + may_source = getattr(isl, "isl_" + may_source.isl_name() + "_copy")(may_source) + schedule = getattr(isl, "isl_" + schedule.isl_name() + "_copy")(schedule) + must_dep = c_int() + may_dep = c_int() + must_no_source = c_int() + may_no_source = c_int() + isl.isl_union_map_compute_flow( + sink, + must_source, + may_source, + schedule, + byref(must_dep), + byref(may_dep), + byref(must_no_source), + byref(may_no_source), + ) + + return ( + UMap.from_ptr(must_dep), + UMap.from_ptr(may_dep), + USet.from_ptr(must_no_source), + USet.from_ptr(may_no_source), + ) + + +__all__ = ["Set", "Map", "Printer", "Context"] diff --git a/polly/utils/pyscop/pyscop.py b/polly/utils/pyscop/pyscop.py --- a/polly/utils/pyscop/pyscop.py +++ b/polly/utils/pyscop/pyscop.py @@ -1,49 +1,52 @@ import json from isl import * + class Scop: - def __init__(self, filename): - f = open(filename, 'r') - self.json = json.load(f) - return + def __init__(self, filename): + f = open(filename, "r") + self.json = json.load(f) + return + + def __str__(self): + return json.dumps(self.json, indent=2) - def __str__(self): - return json.dumps(self.json, indent=2) + def __repr__(self): + return str(self) - def __repr__(self): - return str(self) + @property + def statements(self): + return self.json["statements"] - @property - def statements(self): - return self.json['statements'] class Transforms: - """ - Create a map that interchanges two dimensions 'A' and 'B' + """ + Create a map that interchanges two dimensions 'A' and 'B' - numberDimensions: The overall number of dimensions - dimensionA: The dimension of dimension 'A' - dimensionB: The dimension of dimension 'B' + numberDimensions: The overall number of dimensions + dimensionA: The dimension of dimension 'A' + dimensionB: The dimension of dimension 'B' - getInterchange(2, 0, 1): - {[d0, d1] -> [d1, d0]} - """ - @staticmethod - def getInterchange(numberDimensions, dimensionA, dimensionB): + getInterchange(2, 0, 1): + {[d0, d1] -> [d1, d0]} + """ - dims = ['d' + str(i) for i in range(numberDimensions)] - dimString = ",".join(dims) + @staticmethod + def getInterchange(numberDimensions, dimensionA, dimensionB): - changedDims = dims - first = dims[dimensionA] - second = dims[dimensionB] - changedDims[dimensionA] = second - changedDims[dimensionB] = first - changedDimString = ",".join(changedDims) + dims = ["d" + str(i) for i in range(numberDimensions)] + dimString = ",".join(dims) - return Map("{[%s] -> [%s]}" % (dimString, changedDimString)) + changedDims = dims + first = dims[dimensionA] + second = dims[dimensionB] + changedDims[dimensionA] = second + changedDims[dimensionB] = first + changedDimString = ",".join(changedDims) - """ + return Map("{[%s] -> [%s]}" % (dimString, changedDimString)) + + """ Create a map that strip mines one dimension numberDimensions: The overall number of dimensions @@ -53,16 +56,22 @@ getStripMine(2, 1, 64): {[d0, d1] -> [d0, o, d1] : o % 64 = 0 and o <= d1 <= d1 + 63} """ - @staticmethod - def getStripMine(numberDimensions, stripMineDim, factor): - - dims = ['d' + str(i) for i in range(numberDimensions)] - dimString = ",".join(dims) - - changedDims = dims - smd = dims[stripMineDim] - changedDims[stripMineDim] = "o,%s" % smd - changedDimString = ",".join(changedDims) - string = "{[%s] -> [%s]: o %% %i = 0 and o <= %s <= o + %i}" % \ - (dimString, changedDimString, factor, smd, factor - 1) - return Map(string) + + @staticmethod + def getStripMine(numberDimensions, stripMineDim, factor): + + dims = ["d" + str(i) for i in range(numberDimensions)] + dimString = ",".join(dims) + + changedDims = dims + smd = dims[stripMineDim] + changedDims[stripMineDim] = "o,%s" % smd + changedDimString = ",".join(changedDims) + string = "{[%s] -> [%s]: o %% %i = 0 and o <= %s <= o + %i}" % ( + dimString, + changedDimString, + factor, + smd, + factor - 1, + ) + return Map(string) diff --git a/pstl/test/std/lit.local.cfg b/pstl/test/std/lit.local.cfg --- a/pstl/test/std/lit.local.cfg +++ b/pstl/test/std/lit.local.cfg @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -if 'parallel-algorithms' not in config.available_features: +if "parallel-algorithms" not in config.available_features: config.unsupported = True diff --git a/third-party/benchmark/.ycm_extra_conf.py b/third-party/benchmark/.ycm_extra_conf.py --- a/third-party/benchmark/.ycm_extra_conf.py +++ b/third-party/benchmark/.ycm_extra_conf.py @@ -5,21 +5,25 @@ # compilation database set (by default, one is not set). # CHANGE THIS LIST OF FLAGS. YES, THIS IS THE DROID YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR. flags = [ -'-Wall', -'-Werror', -'-pedantic-errors', -'-std=c++0x', -'-fno-strict-aliasing', -'-O3', -'-DNDEBUG', -# ...and the same thing goes for the magic -x option which specifies the -# language that the files to be compiled are written in. This is mostly -# relevant for c++ headers. -# For a C project, you would set this to 'c' instead of 'c++'. -'-x', 'c++', -'-I', 'include', -'-isystem', '/usr/include', -'-isystem', '/usr/local/include', + "-Wall", + "-Werror", + "-pedantic-errors", + "-std=c++0x", + "-fno-strict-aliasing", + "-O3", + "-DNDEBUG", + # ...and the same thing goes for the magic -x option which specifies the + # language that the files to be compiled are written in. This is mostly + # relevant for c++ headers. + # For a C project, you would set this to 'c' instead of 'c++'. + "-x", + "c++", + "-I", + "include", + "-isystem", + "/usr/include", + "-isystem", + "/usr/local/include", ] @@ -29,87 +33,84 @@ # # Most projects will NOT need to set this to anything; you can just change the # 'flags' list of compilation flags. Notice that YCM itself uses that approach. -compilation_database_folder = '' +compilation_database_folder = "" -if os.path.exists( compilation_database_folder ): - database = ycm_core.CompilationDatabase( compilation_database_folder ) +if os.path.exists(compilation_database_folder): + database = ycm_core.CompilationDatabase(compilation_database_folder) else: - database = None + database = None + +SOURCE_EXTENSIONS = [".cc"] -SOURCE_EXTENSIONS = [ '.cc' ] def DirectoryOfThisScript(): - return os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath( __file__ ) ) - - -def MakeRelativePathsInFlagsAbsolute( flags, working_directory ): - if not working_directory: - return list( flags ) - new_flags = [] - make_next_absolute = False - path_flags = [ '-isystem', '-I', '-iquote', '--sysroot=' ] - for flag in flags: - new_flag = flag - - if make_next_absolute: - make_next_absolute = False - if not flag.startswith( '/' ): - new_flag = os.path.join( working_directory, flag ) - - for path_flag in path_flags: - if flag == path_flag: - make_next_absolute = True - break - - if flag.startswith( path_flag ): - path = flag[ len( path_flag ): ] - new_flag = path_flag + os.path.join( working_directory, path ) - break - - if new_flag: - new_flags.append( new_flag ) - return new_flags - - -def IsHeaderFile( filename ): - extension = os.path.splitext( filename )[ 1 ] - return extension in [ '.h', '.hxx', '.hpp', '.hh' ] - - -def GetCompilationInfoForFile( filename ): - # The compilation_commands.json file generated by CMake does not have entries - # for header files. So we do our best by asking the db for flags for a - # corresponding source file, if any. If one exists, the flags for that file - # should be good enough. - if IsHeaderFile( filename ): - basename = os.path.splitext( filename )[ 0 ] - for extension in SOURCE_EXTENSIONS: - replacement_file = basename + extension - if os.path.exists( replacement_file ): - compilation_info = database.GetCompilationInfoForFile( - replacement_file ) - if compilation_info.compiler_flags_: - return compilation_info - return None - return database.GetCompilationInfoForFile( filename ) - - -def FlagsForFile( filename, **kwargs ): - if database: - # Bear in mind that compilation_info.compiler_flags_ does NOT return a - # python list, but a "list-like" StringVec object - compilation_info = GetCompilationInfoForFile( filename ) - if not compilation_info: - return None - - final_flags = MakeRelativePathsInFlagsAbsolute( - compilation_info.compiler_flags_, - compilation_info.compiler_working_dir_ ) - else: - relative_to = DirectoryOfThisScript() - final_flags = MakeRelativePathsInFlagsAbsolute( flags, relative_to ) - - return { - 'flags': final_flags, - 'do_cache': True - } + return os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + + +def MakeRelativePathsInFlagsAbsolute(flags, working_directory): + if not working_directory: + return list(flags) + new_flags = [] + make_next_absolute = False + path_flags = ["-isystem", "-I", "-iquote", "--sysroot="] + for flag in flags: + new_flag = flag + + if make_next_absolute: + make_next_absolute = False + if not flag.startswith("/"): + new_flag = os.path.join(working_directory, flag) + + for path_flag in path_flags: + if flag == path_flag: + make_next_absolute = True + break + + if flag.startswith(path_flag): + path = flag[len(path_flag) :] + new_flag = path_flag + os.path.join(working_directory, path) + break + + if new_flag: + new_flags.append(new_flag) + return new_flags + + +def IsHeaderFile(filename): + extension = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] + return extension in [".h", ".hxx", ".hpp", ".hh"] + + +def GetCompilationInfoForFile(filename): + # The compilation_commands.json file generated by CMake does not have entries + # for header files. So we do our best by asking the db for flags for a + # corresponding source file, if any. If one exists, the flags for that file + # should be good enough. + if IsHeaderFile(filename): + basename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + for extension in SOURCE_EXTENSIONS: + replacement_file = basename + extension + if os.path.exists(replacement_file): + compilation_info = database.GetCompilationInfoForFile(replacement_file) + if compilation_info.compiler_flags_: + return compilation_info + return None + return database.GetCompilationInfoForFile(filename) + + +def FlagsForFile(filename, **kwargs): + if database: + # Bear in mind that compilation_info.compiler_flags_ does NOT return a + # python list, but a "list-like" StringVec object + compilation_info = GetCompilationInfoForFile(filename) + if not compilation_info: + return None + + final_flags = MakeRelativePathsInFlagsAbsolute( + compilation_info.compiler_flags_, compilation_info.compiler_working_dir_ + ) + else: + relative_to = DirectoryOfThisScript() + final_flags = MakeRelativePathsInFlagsAbsolute(flags, relative_to) + + return {"flags": final_flags, "do_cache": True} diff --git a/third-party/benchmark/bindings/python/google_benchmark/example.py b/third-party/benchmark/bindings/python/google_benchmark/example.py --- a/third-party/benchmark/bindings/python/google_benchmark/example.py +++ b/third-party/benchmark/bindings/python/google_benchmark/example.py @@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ while state: sum(range(1_000_000)) + @benchmark.register def pause_timing(state): """Pause timing every iteration.""" diff --git a/third-party/benchmark/setup.py b/third-party/benchmark/setup.py --- a/third-party/benchmark/setup.py +++ b/third-party/benchmark/setup.py @@ -95,10 +95,13 @@ self.spawn(bazel_argv) - shared_lib_suffix = '.dll' if IS_WINDOWS else '.so' + shared_lib_suffix = ".dll" if IS_WINDOWS else ".so" ext_bazel_bin_path = os.path.join( - self.build_temp, 'bazel-bin', - ext.relpath, ext.target_name + shared_lib_suffix) + self.build_temp, + "bazel-bin", + ext.relpath, + ext.target_name + shared_lib_suffix, + ) ext_dest_path = self.get_ext_fullpath(ext.name) ext_dest_dir = os.path.dirname(ext_dest_path) diff --git a/third-party/benchmark/tools/compare.py b/third-party/benchmark/tools/compare.py --- a/third-party/benchmark/tools/compare.py +++ b/third-party/benchmark/tools/compare.py @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python import unittest + """ compare.py - versatile benchmark output compare tool """ @@ -20,160 +21,194 @@ """ in1_kind, in1_err = classify_input_file(in1) in2_kind, in2_err = classify_input_file(in2) - output_file = find_benchmark_flag('--benchmark_out=', flags) - output_type = find_benchmark_flag('--benchmark_out_format=', flags) + output_file = find_benchmark_flag("--benchmark_out=", flags) + output_type = find_benchmark_flag("--benchmark_out_format=", flags) if in1_kind == IT_Executable and in2_kind == IT_Executable and output_file: - print(("WARNING: '--benchmark_out=%s' will be passed to both " - "benchmarks causing it to be overwritten") % output_file) + print( + ( + "WARNING: '--benchmark_out=%s' will be passed to both " + "benchmarks causing it to be overwritten" + ) + % output_file + ) if in1_kind == IT_JSON and in2_kind == IT_JSON and len(flags) > 0: - print("WARNING: passing optional flags has no effect since both " - "inputs are JSON") - if output_type is not None and output_type != 'json': - print(("ERROR: passing '--benchmark_out_format=%s' to 'compare.py`" - " is not supported.") % output_type) + print( + "WARNING: passing optional flags has no effect since both " + "inputs are JSON" + ) + if output_type is not None and output_type != "json": + print( + ( + "ERROR: passing '--benchmark_out_format=%s' to 'compare.py`" + " is not supported." + ) + % output_type + ) sys.exit(1) def create_parser(): - parser = ArgumentParser( - description='versatile benchmark output compare tool') + parser = ArgumentParser(description="versatile benchmark output compare tool") parser.add_argument( - '-a', - '--display_aggregates_only', - dest='display_aggregates_only', + "-a", + "--display_aggregates_only", + dest="display_aggregates_only", action="store_true", help="If there are repetitions, by default, we display everything - the" - " actual runs, and the aggregates computed. Sometimes, it is " - "desirable to only view the aggregates. E.g. when there are a lot " - "of repetitions. Do note that only the display is affected. " - "Internally, all the actual runs are still used, e.g. for U test.") + " actual runs, and the aggregates computed. Sometimes, it is " + "desirable to only view the aggregates. E.g. when there are a lot " + "of repetitions. Do note that only the display is affected. " + "Internally, all the actual runs are still used, e.g. for U test.", + ) parser.add_argument( - '--no-color', - dest='color', + "--no-color", + dest="color", default=True, action="store_false", - help="Do not use colors in the terminal output" + help="Do not use colors in the terminal output", ) parser.add_argument( - '-d', - '--dump_to_json', - dest='dump_to_json', - help="Additionally, dump benchmark comparison output to this file in JSON format.") + "-d", + "--dump_to_json", + dest="dump_to_json", + help="Additionally, dump benchmark comparison output to this file in JSON format.", + ) utest = parser.add_argument_group() utest.add_argument( - '--no-utest', - dest='utest', + "--no-utest", + dest="utest", default=True, action="store_false", - help="The tool can do a two-tailed Mann-Whitney U test with the null hypothesis that it is equally likely that a randomly selected value from one sample will be less than or greater than a randomly selected value from a second sample.\nWARNING: requires **LARGE** (no less than {}) number of repetitions to be meaningful!\nThe test is being done by default, if at least {} repetitions were done.\nThis option can disable the U Test.".format(report.UTEST_OPTIMAL_REPETITIONS, report.UTEST_MIN_REPETITIONS)) + help="The tool can do a two-tailed Mann-Whitney U test with the null hypothesis that it is equally likely that a randomly selected value from one sample will be less than or greater than a randomly selected value from a second sample.\nWARNING: requires **LARGE** (no less than {}) number of repetitions to be meaningful!\nThe test is being done by default, if at least {} repetitions were done.\nThis option can disable the U Test.".format( + report.UTEST_OPTIMAL_REPETITIONS, report.UTEST_MIN_REPETITIONS + ), + ) alpha_default = 0.05 utest.add_argument( "--alpha", - dest='utest_alpha', + dest="utest_alpha", default=alpha_default, type=float, - help=("significance level alpha. if the calculated p-value is below this value, then the result is said to be statistically significant and the null hypothesis is rejected.\n(default: %0.4f)") % - alpha_default) + help=( + "significance level alpha. if the calculated p-value is below this value, then the result is said to be statistically significant and the null hypothesis is rejected.\n(default: %0.4f)" + ) + % alpha_default, + ) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers( - help='This tool has multiple modes of operation:', - dest='mode') + help="This tool has multiple modes of operation:", dest="mode" + ) parser_a = subparsers.add_parser( - 'benchmarks', - help='The most simple use-case, compare all the output of these two benchmarks') - baseline = parser_a.add_argument_group( - 'baseline', 'The benchmark baseline') + "benchmarks", + help="The most simple use-case, compare all the output of these two benchmarks", + ) + baseline = parser_a.add_argument_group("baseline", "The benchmark baseline") baseline.add_argument( - 'test_baseline', - metavar='test_baseline', - type=argparse.FileType('r'), + "test_baseline", + metavar="test_baseline", + type=argparse.FileType("r"), nargs=1, - help='A benchmark executable or JSON output file') + help="A benchmark executable or JSON output file", + ) contender = parser_a.add_argument_group( - 'contender', 'The benchmark that will be compared against the baseline') + "contender", "The benchmark that will be compared against the baseline" + ) contender.add_argument( - 'test_contender', - metavar='test_contender', - type=argparse.FileType('r'), + "test_contender", + metavar="test_contender", + type=argparse.FileType("r"), nargs=1, - help='A benchmark executable or JSON output file') + help="A benchmark executable or JSON output file", + ) parser_a.add_argument( - 'benchmark_options', - metavar='benchmark_options', + "benchmark_options", + metavar="benchmark_options", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, - help='Arguments to pass when running benchmark executables') + help="Arguments to pass when running benchmark executables", + ) parser_b = subparsers.add_parser( - 'filters', help='Compare filter one with the filter two of benchmark') - baseline = parser_b.add_argument_group( - 'baseline', 'The benchmark baseline') + "filters", help="Compare filter one with the filter two of benchmark" + ) + baseline = parser_b.add_argument_group("baseline", "The benchmark baseline") baseline.add_argument( - 'test', - metavar='test', - type=argparse.FileType('r'), + "test", + metavar="test", + type=argparse.FileType("r"), nargs=1, - help='A benchmark executable or JSON output file') + help="A benchmark executable or JSON output file", + ) baseline.add_argument( - 'filter_baseline', - metavar='filter_baseline', + "filter_baseline", + metavar="filter_baseline", type=str, nargs=1, - help='The first filter, that will be used as baseline') + help="The first filter, that will be used as baseline", + ) contender = parser_b.add_argument_group( - 'contender', 'The benchmark that will be compared against the baseline') + "contender", "The benchmark that will be compared against the baseline" + ) contender.add_argument( - 'filter_contender', - metavar='filter_contender', + "filter_contender", + metavar="filter_contender", type=str, nargs=1, - help='The second filter, that will be compared against the baseline') + help="The second filter, that will be compared against the baseline", + ) parser_b.add_argument( - 'benchmark_options', - metavar='benchmark_options', + "benchmark_options", + metavar="benchmark_options", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, - help='Arguments to pass when running benchmark executables') + help="Arguments to pass when running benchmark executables", + ) parser_c = subparsers.add_parser( - 'benchmarksfiltered', - help='Compare filter one of first benchmark with filter two of the second benchmark') - baseline = parser_c.add_argument_group( - 'baseline', 'The benchmark baseline') + "benchmarksfiltered", + help="Compare filter one of first benchmark with filter two of the second benchmark", + ) + baseline = parser_c.add_argument_group("baseline", "The benchmark baseline") baseline.add_argument( - 'test_baseline', - metavar='test_baseline', - type=argparse.FileType('r'), + "test_baseline", + metavar="test_baseline", + type=argparse.FileType("r"), nargs=1, - help='A benchmark executable or JSON output file') + help="A benchmark executable or JSON output file", + ) baseline.add_argument( - 'filter_baseline', - metavar='filter_baseline', + "filter_baseline", + metavar="filter_baseline", type=str, nargs=1, - help='The first filter, that will be used as baseline') + help="The first filter, that will be used as baseline", + ) contender = parser_c.add_argument_group( - 'contender', 'The benchmark that will be compared against the baseline') + "contender", "The benchmark that will be compared against the baseline" + ) contender.add_argument( - 'test_contender', - metavar='test_contender', - type=argparse.FileType('r'), + "test_contender", + metavar="test_contender", + type=argparse.FileType("r"), nargs=1, - help='The second benchmark executable or JSON output file, that will be compared against the baseline') + help="The second benchmark executable or JSON output file, that will be compared against the baseline", + ) contender.add_argument( - 'filter_contender', - metavar='filter_contender', + "filter_contender", + metavar="filter_contender", type=str, nargs=1, - help='The second filter, that will be compared against the baseline') + help="The second filter, that will be compared against the baseline", + ) parser_c.add_argument( - 'benchmark_options', - metavar='benchmark_options', + "benchmark_options", + metavar="benchmark_options", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, - help='Arguments to pass when running benchmark executables') + help="Arguments to pass when running benchmark executables", + ) return parser @@ -188,16 +223,16 @@ assert not unknown_args benchmark_options = args.benchmark_options - if args.mode == 'benchmarks': + if args.mode == "benchmarks": test_baseline = args.test_baseline[0].name test_contender = args.test_contender[0].name - filter_baseline = '' - filter_contender = '' + filter_baseline = "" + filter_contender = "" # NOTE: if test_baseline == test_contender, you are analyzing the stdev - description = 'Comparing %s to %s' % (test_baseline, test_contender) - elif args.mode == 'filters': + description = "Comparing %s to %s" % (test_baseline, test_contender) + elif args.mode == "filters": test_baseline = args.test[0].name test_contender = args.test[0].name filter_baseline = args.filter_baseline[0] @@ -206,9 +241,12 @@ # NOTE: if filter_baseline == filter_contender, you are analyzing the # stdev - description = 'Comparing %s to %s (from %s)' % ( - filter_baseline, filter_contender, args.test[0].name) - elif args.mode == 'benchmarksfiltered': + description = "Comparing %s to %s (from %s)" % ( + filter_baseline, + filter_contender, + args.test[0].name, + ) + elif args.mode == "benchmarksfiltered": test_baseline = args.test_baseline[0].name test_contender = args.test_contender[0].name filter_baseline = args.filter_baseline[0] @@ -217,8 +255,12 @@ # NOTE: if test_baseline == test_contender and # filter_baseline == filter_contender, you are analyzing the stdev - description = 'Comparing %s (from %s) to %s (from %s)' % ( - filter_baseline, test_baseline, filter_contender, test_contender) + description = "Comparing %s (from %s) to %s (from %s)" % ( + filter_baseline, + test_baseline, + filter_contender, + test_contender, + ) else: # should never happen print("Unrecognized mode of operation: '%s'" % args.mode) @@ -228,199 +270,229 @@ check_inputs(test_baseline, test_contender, benchmark_options) if args.display_aggregates_only: - benchmark_options += ['--benchmark_display_aggregates_only=true'] + benchmark_options += ["--benchmark_display_aggregates_only=true"] options_baseline = [] options_contender = [] if filter_baseline and filter_contender: - options_baseline = ['--benchmark_filter=%s' % filter_baseline] - options_contender = ['--benchmark_filter=%s' % filter_contender] + options_baseline = ["--benchmark_filter=%s" % filter_baseline] + options_contender = ["--benchmark_filter=%s" % filter_contender] # Run the benchmarks and report the results - json1 = json1_orig = gbench.util.sort_benchmark_results(gbench.util.run_or_load_benchmark( - test_baseline, benchmark_options + options_baseline)) - json2 = json2_orig = gbench.util.sort_benchmark_results(gbench.util.run_or_load_benchmark( - test_contender, benchmark_options + options_contender)) + json1 = json1_orig = gbench.util.sort_benchmark_results( + gbench.util.run_or_load_benchmark( + test_baseline, benchmark_options + options_baseline + ) + ) + json2 = json2_orig = gbench.util.sort_benchmark_results( + gbench.util.run_or_load_benchmark( + test_contender, benchmark_options + options_contender + ) + ) # Now, filter the benchmarks so that the difference report can work if filter_baseline and filter_contender: - replacement = '[%s vs. %s]' % (filter_baseline, filter_contender) - json1 = gbench.report.filter_benchmark( - json1_orig, filter_baseline, replacement) + replacement = "[%s vs. %s]" % (filter_baseline, filter_contender) + json1 = gbench.report.filter_benchmark(json1_orig, filter_baseline, replacement) json2 = gbench.report.filter_benchmark( - json2_orig, filter_contender, replacement) + json2_orig, filter_contender, replacement + ) - diff_report = gbench.report.get_difference_report( - json1, json2, args.utest) + diff_report = gbench.report.get_difference_report(json1, json2, args.utest) output_lines = gbench.report.print_difference_report( diff_report, args.display_aggregates_only, - args.utest, args.utest_alpha, args.color) + args.utest, + args.utest_alpha, + args.color, + ) print(description) for ln in output_lines: print(ln) # Optionally, diff and output to JSON if args.dump_to_json is not None: - with open(args.dump_to_json, 'w') as f_json: + with open(args.dump_to_json, "w") as f_json: json.dump(diff_report, f_json) + class TestParser(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.parser = create_parser() testInputs = os.path.join( - os.path.dirname( - os.path.realpath(__file__)), - 'gbench', - 'Inputs') - self.testInput0 = os.path.join(testInputs, 'test1_run1.json') - self.testInput1 = os.path.join(testInputs, 'test1_run2.json') + os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "gbench", "Inputs" + ) + self.testInput0 = os.path.join(testInputs, "test1_run1.json") + self.testInput1 = os.path.join(testInputs, "test1_run2.json") def test_benchmarks_basic(self): parsed = self.parser.parse_args( - ['benchmarks', self.testInput0, self.testInput1]) + ["benchmarks", self.testInput0, self.testInput1] + ) self.assertFalse(parsed.display_aggregates_only) self.assertTrue(parsed.utest) - self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, 'benchmarks') + self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, "benchmarks") self.assertEqual(parsed.test_baseline[0].name, self.testInput0) self.assertEqual(parsed.test_contender[0].name, self.testInput1) self.assertFalse(parsed.benchmark_options) def test_benchmarks_basic_without_utest(self): parsed = self.parser.parse_args( - ['--no-utest', 'benchmarks', self.testInput0, self.testInput1]) + ["--no-utest", "benchmarks", self.testInput0, self.testInput1] + ) self.assertFalse(parsed.display_aggregates_only) self.assertFalse(parsed.utest) self.assertEqual(parsed.utest_alpha, 0.05) - self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, 'benchmarks') + self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, "benchmarks") self.assertEqual(parsed.test_baseline[0].name, self.testInput0) self.assertEqual(parsed.test_contender[0].name, self.testInput1) self.assertFalse(parsed.benchmark_options) def test_benchmarks_basic_display_aggregates_only(self): parsed = self.parser.parse_args( - ['-a', 'benchmarks', self.testInput0, self.testInput1]) + ["-a", "benchmarks", self.testInput0, self.testInput1] + ) self.assertTrue(parsed.display_aggregates_only) self.assertTrue(parsed.utest) - self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, 'benchmarks') + self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, "benchmarks") self.assertEqual(parsed.test_baseline[0].name, self.testInput0) self.assertEqual(parsed.test_contender[0].name, self.testInput1) self.assertFalse(parsed.benchmark_options) def test_benchmarks_basic_with_utest_alpha(self): parsed = self.parser.parse_args( - ['--alpha=0.314', 'benchmarks', self.testInput0, self.testInput1]) + ["--alpha=0.314", "benchmarks", self.testInput0, self.testInput1] + ) self.assertFalse(parsed.display_aggregates_only) self.assertTrue(parsed.utest) self.assertEqual(parsed.utest_alpha, 0.314) - self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, 'benchmarks') + self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, "benchmarks") self.assertEqual(parsed.test_baseline[0].name, self.testInput0) self.assertEqual(parsed.test_contender[0].name, self.testInput1) self.assertFalse(parsed.benchmark_options) def test_benchmarks_basic_without_utest_with_utest_alpha(self): parsed = self.parser.parse_args( - ['--no-utest', '--alpha=0.314', 'benchmarks', self.testInput0, self.testInput1]) + [ + "--no-utest", + "--alpha=0.314", + "benchmarks", + self.testInput0, + self.testInput1, + ] + ) self.assertFalse(parsed.display_aggregates_only) self.assertFalse(parsed.utest) self.assertEqual(parsed.utest_alpha, 0.314) - self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, 'benchmarks') + self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, "benchmarks") self.assertEqual(parsed.test_baseline[0].name, self.testInput0) self.assertEqual(parsed.test_contender[0].name, self.testInput1) self.assertFalse(parsed.benchmark_options) def test_benchmarks_with_remainder(self): parsed = self.parser.parse_args( - ['benchmarks', self.testInput0, self.testInput1, 'd']) + ["benchmarks", self.testInput0, self.testInput1, "d"] + ) self.assertFalse(parsed.display_aggregates_only) self.assertTrue(parsed.utest) - self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, 'benchmarks') + self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, "benchmarks") self.assertEqual(parsed.test_baseline[0].name, self.testInput0) self.assertEqual(parsed.test_contender[0].name, self.testInput1) - self.assertEqual(parsed.benchmark_options, ['d']) + self.assertEqual(parsed.benchmark_options, ["d"]) def test_benchmarks_with_remainder_after_doubleminus(self): parsed = self.parser.parse_args( - ['benchmarks', self.testInput0, self.testInput1, '--', 'e']) + ["benchmarks", self.testInput0, self.testInput1, "--", "e"] + ) self.assertFalse(parsed.display_aggregates_only) self.assertTrue(parsed.utest) - self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, 'benchmarks') + self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, "benchmarks") self.assertEqual(parsed.test_baseline[0].name, self.testInput0) self.assertEqual(parsed.test_contender[0].name, self.testInput1) - self.assertEqual(parsed.benchmark_options, ['e']) + self.assertEqual(parsed.benchmark_options, ["e"]) def test_filters_basic(self): - parsed = self.parser.parse_args( - ['filters', self.testInput0, 'c', 'd']) + parsed = self.parser.parse_args(["filters", self.testInput0, "c", "d"]) self.assertFalse(parsed.display_aggregates_only) self.assertTrue(parsed.utest) - self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, 'filters') + self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, "filters") self.assertEqual(parsed.test[0].name, self.testInput0) - self.assertEqual(parsed.filter_baseline[0], 'c') - self.assertEqual(parsed.filter_contender[0], 'd') + self.assertEqual(parsed.filter_baseline[0], "c") + self.assertEqual(parsed.filter_contender[0], "d") self.assertFalse(parsed.benchmark_options) def test_filters_with_remainder(self): - parsed = self.parser.parse_args( - ['filters', self.testInput0, 'c', 'd', 'e']) + parsed = self.parser.parse_args(["filters", self.testInput0, "c", "d", "e"]) self.assertFalse(parsed.display_aggregates_only) self.assertTrue(parsed.utest) - self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, 'filters') + self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, "filters") self.assertEqual(parsed.test[0].name, self.testInput0) - self.assertEqual(parsed.filter_baseline[0], 'c') - self.assertEqual(parsed.filter_contender[0], 'd') - self.assertEqual(parsed.benchmark_options, ['e']) + self.assertEqual(parsed.filter_baseline[0], "c") + self.assertEqual(parsed.filter_contender[0], "d") + self.assertEqual(parsed.benchmark_options, ["e"]) def test_filters_with_remainder_after_doubleminus(self): parsed = self.parser.parse_args( - ['filters', self.testInput0, 'c', 'd', '--', 'f']) + ["filters", self.testInput0, "c", "d", "--", "f"] + ) self.assertFalse(parsed.display_aggregates_only) self.assertTrue(parsed.utest) - self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, 'filters') + self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, "filters") self.assertEqual(parsed.test[0].name, self.testInput0) - self.assertEqual(parsed.filter_baseline[0], 'c') - self.assertEqual(parsed.filter_contender[0], 'd') - self.assertEqual(parsed.benchmark_options, ['f']) + self.assertEqual(parsed.filter_baseline[0], "c") + self.assertEqual(parsed.filter_contender[0], "d") + self.assertEqual(parsed.benchmark_options, ["f"]) def test_benchmarksfiltered_basic(self): parsed = self.parser.parse_args( - ['benchmarksfiltered', self.testInput0, 'c', self.testInput1, 'e']) + ["benchmarksfiltered", self.testInput0, "c", self.testInput1, "e"] + ) self.assertFalse(parsed.display_aggregates_only) self.assertTrue(parsed.utest) - self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, 'benchmarksfiltered') + self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, "benchmarksfiltered") self.assertEqual(parsed.test_baseline[0].name, self.testInput0) - self.assertEqual(parsed.filter_baseline[0], 'c') + self.assertEqual(parsed.filter_baseline[0], "c") self.assertEqual(parsed.test_contender[0].name, self.testInput1) - self.assertEqual(parsed.filter_contender[0], 'e') + self.assertEqual(parsed.filter_contender[0], "e") self.assertFalse(parsed.benchmark_options) def test_benchmarksfiltered_with_remainder(self): parsed = self.parser.parse_args( - ['benchmarksfiltered', self.testInput0, 'c', self.testInput1, 'e', 'f']) + ["benchmarksfiltered", self.testInput0, "c", self.testInput1, "e", "f"] + ) self.assertFalse(parsed.display_aggregates_only) self.assertTrue(parsed.utest) - self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, 'benchmarksfiltered') + self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, "benchmarksfiltered") self.assertEqual(parsed.test_baseline[0].name, self.testInput0) - self.assertEqual(parsed.filter_baseline[0], 'c') + self.assertEqual(parsed.filter_baseline[0], "c") self.assertEqual(parsed.test_contender[0].name, self.testInput1) - self.assertEqual(parsed.filter_contender[0], 'e') - self.assertEqual(parsed.benchmark_options[0], 'f') + self.assertEqual(parsed.filter_contender[0], "e") + self.assertEqual(parsed.benchmark_options[0], "f") def test_benchmarksfiltered_with_remainder_after_doubleminus(self): parsed = self.parser.parse_args( - ['benchmarksfiltered', self.testInput0, 'c', self.testInput1, 'e', '--', 'g']) + [ + "benchmarksfiltered", + self.testInput0, + "c", + self.testInput1, + "e", + "--", + "g", + ] + ) self.assertFalse(parsed.display_aggregates_only) self.assertTrue(parsed.utest) - self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, 'benchmarksfiltered') + self.assertEqual(parsed.mode, "benchmarksfiltered") self.assertEqual(parsed.test_baseline[0].name, self.testInput0) - self.assertEqual(parsed.filter_baseline[0], 'c') + self.assertEqual(parsed.filter_baseline[0], "c") self.assertEqual(parsed.test_contender[0].name, self.testInput1) - self.assertEqual(parsed.filter_contender[0], 'e') - self.assertEqual(parsed.benchmark_options[0], 'g') + self.assertEqual(parsed.filter_contender[0], "e") + self.assertEqual(parsed.benchmark_options[0], "g") -if __name__ == '__main__': +if __name__ == "__main__": # unittest.main() main() diff --git a/third-party/benchmark/tools/gbench/__init__.py b/third-party/benchmark/tools/gbench/__init__.py --- a/third-party/benchmark/tools/gbench/__init__.py +++ b/third-party/benchmark/tools/gbench/__init__.py @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ """Google Benchmark tooling""" -__author__ = 'Eric Fiselier' -__email__ = 'eric@efcs.ca' +__author__ = "Eric Fiselier" +__email__ = "eric@efcs.ca" __versioninfo__ = (0, 5, 0) -__version__ = '.'.join(str(v) for v in __versioninfo__) + 'dev' +__version__ = ".".join(str(v) for v in __versioninfo__) + "dev" __all__ = [] diff --git a/third-party/benchmark/tools/gbench/report.py b/third-party/benchmark/tools/gbench/report.py --- a/third-party/benchmark/tools/gbench/report.py +++ b/third-party/benchmark/tools/gbench/report.py @@ -18,26 +18,25 @@ self.code = code def __repr__(self): - return '%s%r' % (self.__class__.__name__, - (self.name, self.code)) + return "%s%r" % (self.__class__.__name__, (self.name, self.code)) def __format__(self, format): return self.code # Benchmark Colors Enumeration -BC_NONE = BenchmarkColor('NONE', '') -BC_MAGENTA = BenchmarkColor('MAGENTA', '\033[95m') -BC_CYAN = BenchmarkColor('CYAN', '\033[96m') -BC_OKBLUE = BenchmarkColor('OKBLUE', '\033[94m') -BC_OKGREEN = BenchmarkColor('OKGREEN', '\033[32m') -BC_HEADER = BenchmarkColor('HEADER', '\033[92m') -BC_WARNING = BenchmarkColor('WARNING', '\033[93m') -BC_WHITE = BenchmarkColor('WHITE', '\033[97m') -BC_FAIL = BenchmarkColor('FAIL', '\033[91m') -BC_ENDC = BenchmarkColor('ENDC', '\033[0m') -BC_BOLD = BenchmarkColor('BOLD', '\033[1m') -BC_UNDERLINE = BenchmarkColor('UNDERLINE', '\033[4m') +BC_NONE = BenchmarkColor("NONE", "") +BC_MAGENTA = BenchmarkColor("MAGENTA", "\033[95m") +BC_CYAN = BenchmarkColor("CYAN", "\033[96m") +BC_OKBLUE = BenchmarkColor("OKBLUE", "\033[94m") +BC_OKGREEN = BenchmarkColor("OKGREEN", "\033[32m") +BC_HEADER = BenchmarkColor("HEADER", "\033[92m") +BC_WARNING = BenchmarkColor("WARNING", "\033[93m") +BC_WHITE = BenchmarkColor("WHITE", "\033[97m") +BC_FAIL = BenchmarkColor("FAIL", "\033[91m") +BC_ENDC = BenchmarkColor("ENDC", "\033[0m") +BC_BOLD = BenchmarkColor("BOLD", "\033[1m") +BC_UNDERLINE = BenchmarkColor("UNDERLINE", "\033[4m") UTEST_MIN_REPETITIONS = 2 UTEST_OPTIMAL_REPETITIONS = 9 # Lowest reasonable number, More is better. @@ -53,10 +52,11 @@ """ assert use_color is True or use_color is False if not use_color: - args = [arg if not isinstance(arg, BenchmarkColor) else BC_NONE - for arg in args] - kwargs = {key: arg if not isinstance(arg, BenchmarkColor) else BC_NONE - for key, arg in kwargs.items()} + args = [arg if not isinstance(arg, BenchmarkColor) else BC_NONE for arg in args] + kwargs = { + key: arg if not isinstance(arg, BenchmarkColor) else BC_NONE + for key, arg in kwargs.items() + } return fmt_str.format(*args, **kwargs) @@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ """ longest_name = 1 for bc in benchmark_list: - if len(bc['name']) > longest_name: - longest_name = len(bc['name']) + if len(bc["name"]) > longest_name: + longest_name = len(bc["name"]) return longest_name @@ -89,13 +89,13 @@ """ regex = re.compile(family) filtered = {} - filtered['benchmarks'] = [] - for be in json_orig['benchmarks']: - if not regex.search(be['name']): + filtered["benchmarks"] = [] + for be in json_orig["benchmarks"]: + if not regex.search(be["name"]): continue filteredbench = copy.deepcopy(be) # Do NOT modify the old name! - filteredbench['name'] = regex.sub(replacement, filteredbench['name']) - filtered['benchmarks'].append(filteredbench) + filteredbench["name"] = regex.sub(replacement, filteredbench["name"]) + filtered["benchmarks"].append(filteredbench) return filtered @@ -104,9 +104,11 @@ While *keeping* the order, give all the unique 'names' used for benchmarks. """ seen = set() - uniqued = [x['name'] for x in json['benchmarks'] - if x['name'] not in seen and - (seen.add(x['name']) or True)] + uniqued = [ + x["name"] + for x in json["benchmarks"] + if x["name"] not in seen and (seen.add(x["name"]) or True) + ] return uniqued @@ -119,7 +121,7 @@ def is_potentially_comparable_benchmark(x): - return ('time_unit' in x and 'real_time' in x and 'cpu_time' in x) + return "time_unit" in x and "real_time" in x and "cpu_time" in x def partition_benchmarks(json1, json2): @@ -136,18 +138,24 @@ time_unit = None # Pick the time unit from the first entry of the lhs benchmark. # We should be careful not to crash with unexpected input. - for x in json1['benchmarks']: - if (x['name'] == name and is_potentially_comparable_benchmark(x)): - time_unit = x['time_unit'] + for x in json1["benchmarks"]: + if x["name"] == name and is_potentially_comparable_benchmark(x): + time_unit = x["time_unit"] break if time_unit is None: continue # Filter by name and time unit. # All the repetitions are assumed to be comparable. - lhs = [x for x in json1['benchmarks'] if x['name'] == name and - x['time_unit'] == time_unit] - rhs = [x for x in json2['benchmarks'] if x['name'] == name and - x['time_unit'] == time_unit] + lhs = [ + x + for x in json1["benchmarks"] + if x["name"] == name and x["time_unit"] == time_unit + ] + rhs = [ + x + for x in json2["benchmarks"] + if x["name"] == name and x["time_unit"] == time_unit + ] partitions.append([lhs, rhs]) return partitions @@ -157,9 +165,9 @@ Get value of field_name field of benchmark, which is time with time unit time_unit, as time in seconds. """ - time_unit = benchmark['time_unit'] if 'time_unit' in benchmark else 's' + time_unit = benchmark["time_unit"] if "time_unit" in benchmark else "s" dt = Timedelta(benchmark[field_name], time_unit) - return dt / Timedelta(1, 's') + return dt / Timedelta(1, "s") def calculate_geomean(json): @@ -168,11 +176,15 @@ and calculate their geomean. """ times = [] - for benchmark in json['benchmarks']: - if 'run_type' in benchmark and benchmark['run_type'] == 'aggregate': + for benchmark in json["benchmarks"]: + if "run_type" in benchmark and benchmark["run_type"] == "aggregate": continue - times.append([get_timedelta_field_as_seconds(benchmark, 'real_time'), - get_timedelta_field_as_seconds(benchmark, 'cpu_time')]) + times.append( + [ + get_timedelta_field_as_seconds(benchmark, "real_time"), + get_timedelta_field_as_seconds(benchmark, "cpu_time"), + ] + ) return gmean(times) if times else array([]) @@ -184,19 +196,23 @@ def calc_utest(timings_cpu, timings_time): - min_rep_cnt = min(len(timings_time[0]), - len(timings_time[1]), - len(timings_cpu[0]), - len(timings_cpu[1])) + min_rep_cnt = min( + len(timings_time[0]), + len(timings_time[1]), + len(timings_cpu[0]), + len(timings_cpu[1]), + ) # Does *everything* has at least UTEST_MIN_REPETITIONS repetitions? if min_rep_cnt < UTEST_MIN_REPETITIONS: return False, None, None time_pvalue = mannwhitneyu( - timings_time[0], timings_time[1], alternative='two-sided').pvalue + timings_time[0], timings_time[1], alternative="two-sided" + ).pvalue cpu_pvalue = mannwhitneyu( - timings_cpu[0], timings_cpu[1], alternative='two-sided').pvalue + timings_cpu[0], timings_cpu[1], alternative="two-sided" + ).pvalue return (min_rep_cnt >= UTEST_OPTIMAL_REPETITIONS), cpu_pvalue, time_pvalue @@ -206,38 +222,46 @@ return BC_FAIL if pval >= utest_alpha else BC_OKGREEN # Check if we failed miserably with minimum required repetitions for utest - if not utest['have_optimal_repetitions'] and utest['cpu_pvalue'] is None and utest['time_pvalue'] is None: + if ( + not utest["have_optimal_repetitions"] + and utest["cpu_pvalue"] is None + and utest["time_pvalue"] is None + ): return [] dsc = "U Test, Repetitions: {} vs {}".format( - utest['nr_of_repetitions'], utest['nr_of_repetitions_other']) + utest["nr_of_repetitions"], utest["nr_of_repetitions_other"] + ) dsc_color = BC_OKGREEN # We still got some results to show but issue a warning about it. - if not utest['have_optimal_repetitions']: + if not utest["have_optimal_repetitions"]: dsc_color = BC_WARNING dsc += ". WARNING: Results unreliable! {}+ repetitions recommended.".format( - UTEST_OPTIMAL_REPETITIONS) + UTEST_OPTIMAL_REPETITIONS + ) special_str = "{}{:<{}s}{endc}{}{:16.4f}{endc}{}{:16.4f}{endc}{} {}" - return [color_format(use_color, - special_str, - BC_HEADER, - "{}{}".format(bc_name, UTEST_COL_NAME), - first_col_width, - get_utest_color( - utest['time_pvalue']), utest['time_pvalue'], - get_utest_color( - utest['cpu_pvalue']), utest['cpu_pvalue'], - dsc_color, dsc, - endc=BC_ENDC)] - - -def get_difference_report( - json1, - json2, - utest=False): + return [ + color_format( + use_color, + special_str, + BC_HEADER, + "{}{}".format(bc_name, UTEST_COL_NAME), + first_col_width, + get_utest_color(utest["time_pvalue"]), + utest["time_pvalue"], + get_utest_color(utest["cpu_pvalue"]), + utest["cpu_pvalue"], + dsc_color, + dsc, + endc=BC_ENDC, + ) + ] + + +def get_difference_report(json1, json2, utest=False): """ Calculate and report the difference between each test of two benchmarks runs specified as 'json1' and 'json2'. Output is another json containing @@ -248,36 +272,39 @@ diff_report = [] partitions = partition_benchmarks(json1, json2) for partition in partitions: - benchmark_name = partition[0][0]['name'] - time_unit = partition[0][0]['time_unit'] + benchmark_name = partition[0][0]["name"] + time_unit = partition[0][0]["time_unit"] measurements = [] utest_results = {} # Careful, we may have different repetition count. for i in range(min(len(partition[0]), len(partition[1]))): bn = partition[0][i] other_bench = partition[1][i] - measurements.append({ - 'real_time': bn['real_time'], - 'cpu_time': bn['cpu_time'], - 'real_time_other': other_bench['real_time'], - 'cpu_time_other': other_bench['cpu_time'], - 'time': calculate_change(bn['real_time'], other_bench['real_time']), - 'cpu': calculate_change(bn['cpu_time'], other_bench['cpu_time']) - }) + measurements.append( + { + "real_time": bn["real_time"], + "cpu_time": bn["cpu_time"], + "real_time_other": other_bench["real_time"], + "cpu_time_other": other_bench["cpu_time"], + "time": calculate_change(bn["real_time"], other_bench["real_time"]), + "cpu": calculate_change(bn["cpu_time"], other_bench["cpu_time"]), + } + ) # After processing the whole partition, if requested, do the U test. if utest: - timings_cpu = extract_field(partition, 'cpu_time') - timings_time = extract_field(partition, 'real_time') + timings_cpu = extract_field(partition, "cpu_time") + timings_time = extract_field(partition, "real_time") have_optimal_repetitions, cpu_pvalue, time_pvalue = calc_utest( - timings_cpu, timings_time) + timings_cpu, timings_time + ) if cpu_pvalue and time_pvalue: utest_results = { - 'have_optimal_repetitions': have_optimal_repetitions, - 'cpu_pvalue': cpu_pvalue, - 'time_pvalue': time_pvalue, - 'nr_of_repetitions': len(timings_cpu[0]), - 'nr_of_repetitions_other': len(timings_cpu[1]) + "have_optimal_repetitions": have_optimal_repetitions, + "cpu_pvalue": cpu_pvalue, + "time_pvalue": time_pvalue, + "nr_of_repetitions": len(timings_cpu[0]), + "nr_of_repetitions_other": len(timings_cpu[1]), } # Store only if we had any measurements for given benchmark. @@ -285,45 +312,58 @@ # time units which are not compatible with other time units in the # benchmark suite. if measurements: - run_type = partition[0][0]['run_type'] if 'run_type' in partition[0][0] else '' - aggregate_name = partition[0][0]['aggregate_name'] if run_type == 'aggregate' and 'aggregate_name' in partition[0][0] else '' - diff_report.append({ - 'name': benchmark_name, - 'measurements': measurements, - 'time_unit': time_unit, - 'run_type': run_type, - 'aggregate_name': aggregate_name, - 'utest': utest_results - }) + run_type = ( + partition[0][0]["run_type"] if "run_type" in partition[0][0] else "" + ) + aggregate_name = ( + partition[0][0]["aggregate_name"] + if run_type == "aggregate" and "aggregate_name" in partition[0][0] + else "" + ) + diff_report.append( + { + "name": benchmark_name, + "measurements": measurements, + "time_unit": time_unit, + "run_type": run_type, + "aggregate_name": aggregate_name, + "utest": utest_results, + } + ) lhs_gmean = calculate_geomean(json1) rhs_gmean = calculate_geomean(json2) if lhs_gmean.any() and rhs_gmean.any(): - diff_report.append({ - 'name': 'OVERALL_GEOMEAN', - 'measurements': [{ - 'real_time': lhs_gmean[0], - 'cpu_time': lhs_gmean[1], - 'real_time_other': rhs_gmean[0], - 'cpu_time_other': rhs_gmean[1], - 'time': calculate_change(lhs_gmean[0], rhs_gmean[0]), - 'cpu': calculate_change(lhs_gmean[1], rhs_gmean[1]) - }], - 'time_unit': 's', - 'run_type': 'aggregate', - 'aggregate_name': 'geomean', - 'utest': {} - }) + diff_report.append( + { + "name": "OVERALL_GEOMEAN", + "measurements": [ + { + "real_time": lhs_gmean[0], + "cpu_time": lhs_gmean[1], + "real_time_other": rhs_gmean[0], + "cpu_time_other": rhs_gmean[1], + "time": calculate_change(lhs_gmean[0], rhs_gmean[0]), + "cpu": calculate_change(lhs_gmean[1], rhs_gmean[1]), + } + ], + "time_unit": "s", + "run_type": "aggregate", + "aggregate_name": "geomean", + "utest": {}, + } + ) return diff_report def print_difference_report( - json_diff_report, - include_aggregates_only=False, - utest=False, - utest_alpha=0.05, - use_color=True): + json_diff_report, + include_aggregates_only=False, + utest=False, + utest_alpha=0.05, + use_color=True, +): """ Calculate and report the difference between each test of two benchmarks runs specified as 'json1' and 'json2'. @@ -339,44 +379,53 @@ return BC_CYAN first_col_width = find_longest_name(json_diff_report) - first_col_width = max( - first_col_width, - len('Benchmark')) + first_col_width = max(first_col_width, len("Benchmark")) first_col_width += len(UTEST_COL_NAME) first_line = "{:<{}s}Time CPU Time Old Time New CPU Old CPU New".format( - 'Benchmark', 12 + first_col_width) - output_strs = [first_line, '-' * len(first_line)] + "Benchmark", 12 + first_col_width + ) + output_strs = [first_line, "-" * len(first_line)] fmt_str = "{}{:<{}s}{endc}{}{:+16.4f}{endc}{}{:+16.4f}{endc}{:14.0f}{:14.0f}{endc}{:14.0f}{:14.0f}" for benchmark in json_diff_report: # *If* we were asked to only include aggregates, # and if it is non-aggregate, then don't print it. - if not include_aggregates_only or not 'run_type' in benchmark or benchmark['run_type'] == 'aggregate': - for measurement in benchmark['measurements']: - output_strs += [color_format(use_color, - fmt_str, - BC_HEADER, - benchmark['name'], - first_col_width, - get_color(measurement['time']), - measurement['time'], - get_color(measurement['cpu']), - measurement['cpu'], - measurement['real_time'], - measurement['real_time_other'], - measurement['cpu_time'], - measurement['cpu_time_other'], - endc=BC_ENDC)] + if ( + not include_aggregates_only + or not "run_type" in benchmark + or benchmark["run_type"] == "aggregate" + ): + for measurement in benchmark["measurements"]: + output_strs += [ + color_format( + use_color, + fmt_str, + BC_HEADER, + benchmark["name"], + first_col_width, + get_color(measurement["time"]), + measurement["time"], + get_color(measurement["cpu"]), + measurement["cpu"], + measurement["real_time"], + measurement["real_time_other"], + measurement["cpu_time"], + measurement["cpu_time_other"], + endc=BC_ENDC, + ) + ] # After processing the measurements, if requested and # if applicable (e.g. u-test exists for given benchmark), # print the U test. - if utest and benchmark['utest']: - output_strs += print_utest(benchmark['name'], - benchmark['utest'], - utest_alpha=utest_alpha, - first_col_width=first_col_width, - use_color=use_color) + if utest and benchmark["utest"]: + output_strs += print_utest( + benchmark["name"], + benchmark["utest"], + utest_alpha=utest_alpha, + first_col_width=first_col_width, + use_color=use_color, + ) return output_strs @@ -388,21 +437,19 @@ class TestGetUniqueBenchmarkNames(unittest.TestCase): def load_results(self): import json - testInputs = os.path.join( - os.path.dirname( - os.path.realpath(__file__)), - 'Inputs') - testOutput = os.path.join(testInputs, 'test3_run0.json') - with open(testOutput, 'r') as f: + + testInputs = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "Inputs") + testOutput = os.path.join(testInputs, "test3_run0.json") + with open(testOutput, "r") as f: json = json.load(f) return json def test_basic(self): expect_lines = [ - 'BM_One', - 'BM_Two', - 'short', # These two are not sorted - 'medium', # These two are not sorted + "BM_One", + "BM_Two", + "short", # These two are not sorted + "medium", # These two are not sorted ] json = self.load_results() output_lines = get_unique_benchmark_names(json) @@ -418,15 +465,15 @@ def setUpClass(cls): def load_results(): import json + testInputs = os.path.join( - os.path.dirname( - os.path.realpath(__file__)), - 'Inputs') - testOutput1 = os.path.join(testInputs, 'test1_run1.json') - testOutput2 = os.path.join(testInputs, 'test1_run2.json') - with open(testOutput1, 'r') as f: + os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "Inputs" + ) + testOutput1 = os.path.join(testInputs, "test1_run1.json") + testOutput2 = os.path.join(testInputs, "test1_run2.json") + with open(testOutput1, "r") as f: json1 = json.load(f) - with open(testOutput2, 'r') as f: + with open(testOutput2, "r") as f: json2 = json.load(f) return json1, json2 @@ -435,123 +482,236 @@ def test_json_diff_report_pretty_printing(self): expect_lines = [ - ['BM_SameTimes', '+0.0000', '+0.0000', '10', '10', '10', '10'], - ['BM_2xFaster', '-0.5000', '-0.5000', '50', '25', '50', '25'], - ['BM_2xSlower', '+1.0000', '+1.0000', '50', '100', '50', '100'], - ['BM_1PercentFaster', '-0.0100', '-0.0100', '100', '99', '100', '99'], - ['BM_1PercentSlower', '+0.0100', '+0.0100', '100', '101', '100', '101'], - ['BM_10PercentFaster', '-0.1000', '-0.1000', '100', '90', '100', '90'], - ['BM_10PercentSlower', '+0.1000', '+0.1000', '100', '110', '100', '110'], - ['BM_100xSlower', '+99.0000', '+99.0000', - '100', '10000', '100', '10000'], - ['BM_100xFaster', '-0.9900', '-0.9900', - '10000', '100', '10000', '100'], - ['BM_10PercentCPUToTime', '+0.1000', - '-0.1000', '100', '110', '100', '90'], - ['BM_ThirdFaster', '-0.3333', '-0.3334', '100', '67', '100', '67'], - ['BM_NotBadTimeUnit', '-0.9000', '+0.2000', '0', '0', '0', '1'], - ['OVERALL_GEOMEAN', '-0.8344', '-0.8026', '0', '0', '0', '0'] + ["BM_SameTimes", "+0.0000", "+0.0000", "10", "10", "10", "10"], + ["BM_2xFaster", "-0.5000", "-0.5000", "50", "25", "50", "25"], + ["BM_2xSlower", "+1.0000", "+1.0000", "50", "100", "50", "100"], + ["BM_1PercentFaster", "-0.0100", "-0.0100", "100", "99", "100", "99"], + ["BM_1PercentSlower", "+0.0100", "+0.0100", "100", "101", "100", "101"], + ["BM_10PercentFaster", "-0.1000", "-0.1000", "100", "90", "100", "90"], + ["BM_10PercentSlower", "+0.1000", "+0.1000", "100", "110", "100", "110"], + ["BM_100xSlower", "+99.0000", "+99.0000", "100", "10000", "100", "10000"], + ["BM_100xFaster", "-0.9900", "-0.9900", "10000", "100", "10000", "100"], + ["BM_10PercentCPUToTime", "+0.1000", "-0.1000", "100", "110", "100", "90"], + ["BM_ThirdFaster", "-0.3333", "-0.3334", "100", "67", "100", "67"], + ["BM_NotBadTimeUnit", "-0.9000", "+0.2000", "0", "0", "0", "1"], + ["OVERALL_GEOMEAN", "-0.8344", "-0.8026", "0", "0", "0", "0"], ] output_lines_with_header = print_difference_report( - self.json_diff_report, use_color=False) + self.json_diff_report, use_color=False + ) output_lines = output_lines_with_header[2:] print("\n") print("\n".join(output_lines_with_header)) self.assertEqual(len(output_lines), len(expect_lines)) for i in range(0, len(output_lines)): - parts = [x for x in output_lines[i].split(' ') if x] + parts = [x for x in output_lines[i].split(" ") if x] self.assertEqual(len(parts), 7) self.assertEqual(expect_lines[i], parts) def test_json_diff_report_output(self): expected_output = [ { - 'name': 'BM_SameTimes', - 'measurements': [{'time': 0.0000, 'cpu': 0.0000, 'real_time': 10, 'real_time_other': 10, 'cpu_time': 10, 'cpu_time_other': 10}], - 'time_unit': 'ns', - 'utest': {} + "name": "BM_SameTimes", + "measurements": [ + { + "time": 0.0000, + "cpu": 0.0000, + "real_time": 10, + "real_time_other": 10, + "cpu_time": 10, + "cpu_time_other": 10, + } + ], + "time_unit": "ns", + "utest": {}, }, { - 'name': 'BM_2xFaster', - 'measurements': [{'time': -0.5000, 'cpu': -0.5000, 'real_time': 50, 'real_time_other': 25, 'cpu_time': 50, 'cpu_time_other': 25}], - 'time_unit': 'ns', - 'utest': {} + "name": "BM_2xFaster", + "measurements": [ + { + "time": -0.5000, + "cpu": -0.5000, + "real_time": 50, + "real_time_other": 25, + "cpu_time": 50, + "cpu_time_other": 25, + } + ], + "time_unit": "ns", + "utest": {}, }, { - 'name': 'BM_2xSlower', - 'measurements': [{'time': 1.0000, 'cpu': 1.0000, 'real_time': 50, 'real_time_other': 100, 'cpu_time': 50, 'cpu_time_other': 100}], - 'time_unit': 'ns', - 'utest': {} + "name": "BM_2xSlower", + "measurements": [ + { + "time": 1.0000, + "cpu": 1.0000, + "real_time": 50, + "real_time_other": 100, + "cpu_time": 50, + "cpu_time_other": 100, + } + ], + "time_unit": "ns", + "utest": {}, }, { - 'name': 'BM_1PercentFaster', - 'measurements': [{'time': -0.0100, 'cpu': -0.0100, 'real_time': 100, 'real_time_other': 98.9999999, 'cpu_time': 100, 'cpu_time_other': 98.9999999}], - 'time_unit': 'ns', - 'utest': {} + "name": "BM_1PercentFaster", + "measurements": [ + { + "time": -0.0100, + "cpu": -0.0100, + "real_time": 100, + "real_time_other": 98.9999999, + "cpu_time": 100, + "cpu_time_other": 98.9999999, + } + ], + "time_unit": "ns", + "utest": {}, }, { - 'name': 'BM_1PercentSlower', - 'measurements': [{'time': 0.0100, 'cpu': 0.0100, 'real_time': 100, 'real_time_other': 101, 'cpu_time': 100, 'cpu_time_other': 101}], - 'time_unit': 'ns', - 'utest': {} + "name": "BM_1PercentSlower", + "measurements": [ + { + "time": 0.0100, + "cpu": 0.0100, + "real_time": 100, + "real_time_other": 101, + "cpu_time": 100, + "cpu_time_other": 101, + } + ], + "time_unit": "ns", + "utest": {}, }, { - 'name': 'BM_10PercentFaster', - 'measurements': [{'time': -0.1000, 'cpu': -0.1000, 'real_time': 100, 'real_time_other': 90, 'cpu_time': 100, 'cpu_time_other': 90}], - 'time_unit': 'ns', - 'utest': {} + "name": "BM_10PercentFaster", + "measurements": [ + { + "time": -0.1000, + "cpu": -0.1000, + "real_time": 100, + "real_time_other": 90, + "cpu_time": 100, + "cpu_time_other": 90, + } + ], + "time_unit": "ns", + "utest": {}, }, { - 'name': 'BM_10PercentSlower', - 'measurements': [{'time': 0.1000, 'cpu': 0.1000, 'real_time': 100, 'real_time_other': 110, 'cpu_time': 100, 'cpu_time_other': 110}], - 'time_unit': 'ns', - 'utest': {} + "name": "BM_10PercentSlower", + "measurements": [ + { + "time": 0.1000, + "cpu": 0.1000, + "real_time": 100, + "real_time_other": 110, + "cpu_time": 100, + "cpu_time_other": 110, + } + ], + "time_unit": "ns", + "utest": {}, }, { - 'name': 'BM_100xSlower', - 'measurements': [{'time': 99.0000, 'cpu': 99.0000, 'real_time': 100, 'real_time_other': 10000, 'cpu_time': 100, 'cpu_time_other': 10000}], - 'time_unit': 'ns', - 'utest': {} + "name": "BM_100xSlower", + "measurements": [ + { + "time": 99.0000, + "cpu": 99.0000, + "real_time": 100, + "real_time_other": 10000, + "cpu_time": 100, + "cpu_time_other": 10000, + } + ], + "time_unit": "ns", + "utest": {}, }, { - 'name': 'BM_100xFaster', - 'measurements': [{'time': -0.9900, 'cpu': -0.9900, 'real_time': 10000, 'real_time_other': 100, 'cpu_time': 10000, 'cpu_time_other': 100}], - 'time_unit': 'ns', - 'utest': {} + "name": "BM_100xFaster", + "measurements": [ + { + "time": -0.9900, + "cpu": -0.9900, + "real_time": 10000, + "real_time_other": 100, + "cpu_time": 10000, + "cpu_time_other": 100, + } + ], + "time_unit": "ns", + "utest": {}, }, { - 'name': 'BM_10PercentCPUToTime', - 'measurements': [{'time': 0.1000, 'cpu': -0.1000, 'real_time': 100, 'real_time_other': 110, 'cpu_time': 100, 'cpu_time_other': 90}], - 'time_unit': 'ns', - 'utest': {} + "name": "BM_10PercentCPUToTime", + "measurements": [ + { + "time": 0.1000, + "cpu": -0.1000, + "real_time": 100, + "real_time_other": 110, + "cpu_time": 100, + "cpu_time_other": 90, + } + ], + "time_unit": "ns", + "utest": {}, }, { - 'name': 'BM_ThirdFaster', - 'measurements': [{'time': -0.3333, 'cpu': -0.3334, 'real_time': 100, 'real_time_other': 67, 'cpu_time': 100, 'cpu_time_other': 67}], - 'time_unit': 'ns', - 'utest': {} + "name": "BM_ThirdFaster", + "measurements": [ + { + "time": -0.3333, + "cpu": -0.3334, + "real_time": 100, + "real_time_other": 67, + "cpu_time": 100, + "cpu_time_other": 67, + } + ], + "time_unit": "ns", + "utest": {}, }, { - 'name': 'BM_NotBadTimeUnit', - 'measurements': [{'time': -0.9000, 'cpu': 0.2000, 'real_time': 0.4, 'real_time_other': 0.04, 'cpu_time': 0.5, 'cpu_time_other': 0.6}], - 'time_unit': 's', - 'utest': {} + "name": "BM_NotBadTimeUnit", + "measurements": [ + { + "time": -0.9000, + "cpu": 0.2000, + "real_time": 0.4, + "real_time_other": 0.04, + "cpu_time": 0.5, + "cpu_time_other": 0.6, + } + ], + "time_unit": "s", + "utest": {}, }, { - 'name': 'OVERALL_GEOMEAN', - 'measurements': [{'real_time': 1.193776641714438e-06, 'cpu_time': 1.2144445585302297e-06, - 'real_time_other': 1.9768988699420897e-07, 'cpu_time_other': 2.397447755209533e-07, - 'time': -0.834399601997324, 'cpu': -0.8025889499549471}], - 'time_unit': 's', - 'run_type': 'aggregate', - 'aggregate_name': 'geomean', 'utest': {} + "name": "OVERALL_GEOMEAN", + "measurements": [ + { + "real_time": 1.193776641714438e-06, + "cpu_time": 1.2144445585302297e-06, + "real_time_other": 1.9768988699420897e-07, + "cpu_time_other": 2.397447755209533e-07, + "time": -0.834399601997324, + "cpu": -0.8025889499549471, + } + ], + "time_unit": "s", + "run_type": "aggregate", + "aggregate_name": "geomean", + "utest": {}, }, ] self.assertEqual(len(self.json_diff_report), len(expected_output)) - for out, expected in zip( - self.json_diff_report, expected_output): - self.assertEqual(out['name'], expected['name']) - self.assertEqual(out['time_unit'], expected['time_unit']) + for out, expected in zip(self.json_diff_report, expected_output): + self.assertEqual(out["name"], expected["name"]) + self.assertEqual(out["time_unit"], expected["time_unit"]) assert_utest(self, out, expected) assert_measurements(self, out, expected) @@ -561,12 +721,12 @@ def setUpClass(cls): def load_result(): import json + testInputs = os.path.join( - os.path.dirname( - os.path.realpath(__file__)), - 'Inputs') - testOutput = os.path.join(testInputs, 'test2_run.json') - with open(testOutput, 'r') as f: + os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "Inputs" + ) + testOutput = os.path.join(testInputs, "test2_run.json") + with open(testOutput, "r") as f: json = json.load(f) return json @@ -577,65 +737,108 @@ def test_json_diff_report_pretty_printing(self): expect_lines = [ - ['.', '-0.5000', '-0.5000', '10', '5', '10', '5'], - ['./4', '-0.5000', '-0.5000', '40', '20', '40', '20'], - ['Prefix/.', '-0.5000', '-0.5000', '20', '10', '20', '10'], - ['Prefix/./3', '-0.5000', '-0.5000', '30', '15', '30', '15'], - ['OVERALL_GEOMEAN', '-0.5000', '-0.5000', '0', '0', '0', '0'] + [".", "-0.5000", "-0.5000", "10", "5", "10", "5"], + ["./4", "-0.5000", "-0.5000", "40", "20", "40", "20"], + ["Prefix/.", "-0.5000", "-0.5000", "20", "10", "20", "10"], + ["Prefix/./3", "-0.5000", "-0.5000", "30", "15", "30", "15"], + ["OVERALL_GEOMEAN", "-0.5000", "-0.5000", "0", "0", "0", "0"], ] output_lines_with_header = print_difference_report( - self.json_diff_report, use_color=False) + self.json_diff_report, use_color=False + ) output_lines = output_lines_with_header[2:] print("\n") print("\n".join(output_lines_with_header)) self.assertEqual(len(output_lines), len(expect_lines)) for i in range(0, len(output_lines)): - parts = [x for x in output_lines[i].split(' ') if x] + parts = [x for x in output_lines[i].split(" ") if x] self.assertEqual(len(parts), 7) self.assertEqual(expect_lines[i], parts) def test_json_diff_report(self): expected_output = [ { - 'name': u'.', - 'measurements': [{'time': -0.5, 'cpu': -0.5, 'real_time': 10, 'real_time_other': 5, 'cpu_time': 10, 'cpu_time_other': 5}], - 'time_unit': 'ns', - 'utest': {} + "name": ".", + "measurements": [ + { + "time": -0.5, + "cpu": -0.5, + "real_time": 10, + "real_time_other": 5, + "cpu_time": 10, + "cpu_time_other": 5, + } + ], + "time_unit": "ns", + "utest": {}, }, { - 'name': u'./4', - 'measurements': [{'time': -0.5, 'cpu': -0.5, 'real_time': 40, 'real_time_other': 20, 'cpu_time': 40, 'cpu_time_other': 20}], - 'time_unit': 'ns', - 'utest': {}, + "name": "./4", + "measurements": [ + { + "time": -0.5, + "cpu": -0.5, + "real_time": 40, + "real_time_other": 20, + "cpu_time": 40, + "cpu_time_other": 20, + } + ], + "time_unit": "ns", + "utest": {}, }, { - 'name': u'Prefix/.', - 'measurements': [{'time': -0.5, 'cpu': -0.5, 'real_time': 20, 'real_time_other': 10, 'cpu_time': 20, 'cpu_time_other': 10}], - 'time_unit': 'ns', - 'utest': {} + "name": "Prefix/.", + "measurements": [ + { + "time": -0.5, + "cpu": -0.5, + "real_time": 20, + "real_time_other": 10, + "cpu_time": 20, + "cpu_time_other": 10, + } + ], + "time_unit": "ns", + "utest": {}, }, { - 'name': u'Prefix/./3', - 'measurements': [{'time': -0.5, 'cpu': -0.5, 'real_time': 30, 'real_time_other': 15, 'cpu_time': 30, 'cpu_time_other': 15}], - 'time_unit': 'ns', - 'utest': {} + "name": "Prefix/./3", + "measurements": [ + { + "time": -0.5, + "cpu": -0.5, + "real_time": 30, + "real_time_other": 15, + "cpu_time": 30, + "cpu_time_other": 15, + } + ], + "time_unit": "ns", + "utest": {}, }, { - 'name': 'OVERALL_GEOMEAN', - 'measurements': [{'real_time': 2.213363839400641e-08, 'cpu_time': 2.213363839400641e-08, - 'real_time_other': 1.1066819197003185e-08, 'cpu_time_other': 1.1066819197003185e-08, - 'time': -0.5000000000000009, 'cpu': -0.5000000000000009}], - 'time_unit': 's', - 'run_type': 'aggregate', - 'aggregate_name': 'geomean', - 'utest': {} - } + "name": "OVERALL_GEOMEAN", + "measurements": [ + { + "real_time": 2.213363839400641e-08, + "cpu_time": 2.213363839400641e-08, + "real_time_other": 1.1066819197003185e-08, + "cpu_time_other": 1.1066819197003185e-08, + "time": -0.5000000000000009, + "cpu": -0.5000000000000009, + } + ], + "time_unit": "s", + "run_type": "aggregate", + "aggregate_name": "geomean", + "utest": {}, + }, ] self.assertEqual(len(self.json_diff_report), len(expected_output)) - for out, expected in zip( - self.json_diff_report, expected_output): - self.assertEqual(out['name'], expected['name']) - self.assertEqual(out['time_unit'], expected['time_unit']) + for out, expected in zip(self.json_diff_report, expected_output): + self.assertEqual(out["name"], expected["name"]) + self.assertEqual(out["time_unit"], expected["time_unit"]) assert_utest(self, out, expected) assert_measurements(self, out, expected) @@ -645,424 +848,487 @@ def setUpClass(cls): def load_results(): import json + testInputs = os.path.join( - os.path.dirname( - os.path.realpath(__file__)), - 'Inputs') - testOutput1 = os.path.join(testInputs, 'test3_run0.json') - testOutput2 = os.path.join(testInputs, 'test3_run1.json') - with open(testOutput1, 'r') as f: + os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "Inputs" + ) + testOutput1 = os.path.join(testInputs, "test3_run0.json") + testOutput2 = os.path.join(testInputs, "test3_run1.json") + with open(testOutput1, "r") as f: json1 = json.load(f) - with open(testOutput2, 'r') as f: + with open(testOutput2, "r") as f: json2 = json.load(f) return json1, json2 json1, json2 = load_results() - cls.json_diff_report = get_difference_report( - json1, json2, utest=True) + cls.json_diff_report = get_difference_report(json1, json2, utest=True) def test_json_diff_report_pretty_printing(self): expect_lines = [ - ['BM_One', '-0.1000', '+0.1000', '10', '9', '100', '110'], - ['BM_Two', '+0.1111', '-0.0111', '9', '10', '90', '89'], - ['BM_Two', '-0.1250', '-0.1628', '8', '7', '86', '72'], - ['BM_Two_pvalue', - '1.0000', - '0.6667', - 'U', - 'Test,', - 'Repetitions:', - '2', - 'vs', - '2.', - 'WARNING:', - 'Results', - 'unreliable!', - '9+', - 'repetitions', - 'recommended.'], - ['short', '-0.1250', '-0.0625', '8', '7', '80', '75'], - ['short', '-0.4325', '-0.1351', '8', '5', '77', '67'], - ['short_pvalue', - '0.7671', - '0.2000', - 'U', - 'Test,', - 'Repetitions:', - '2', - 'vs', - '3.', - 'WARNING:', - 'Results', - 'unreliable!', - '9+', - 'repetitions', - 'recommended.'], - ['medium', '-0.3750', '-0.3375', '8', '5', '80', '53'], - ['OVERALL_GEOMEAN', '+1.6405', '-0.6985', '0', '0', '0', '0'] + ["BM_One", "-0.1000", "+0.1000", "10", "9", "100", "110"], + ["BM_Two", "+0.1111", "-0.0111", "9", "10", "90", "89"], + ["BM_Two", "-0.1250", "-0.1628", "8", "7", "86", "72"], + [ + "BM_Two_pvalue", + "1.0000", + "0.6667", + "U", + "Test,", + "Repetitions:", + "2", + "vs", + "2.", + "WARNING:", + "Results", + "unreliable!", + "9+", + "repetitions", + "recommended.", + ], + ["short", "-0.1250", "-0.0625", "8", "7", "80", "75"], + ["short", "-0.4325", "-0.1351", "8", "5", "77", "67"], + [ + "short_pvalue", + "0.7671", + "0.2000", + "U", + "Test,", + "Repetitions:", + "2", + "vs", + "3.", + "WARNING:", + "Results", + "unreliable!", + "9+", + "repetitions", + "recommended.", + ], + ["medium", "-0.3750", "-0.3375", "8", "5", "80", "53"], + ["OVERALL_GEOMEAN", "+1.6405", "-0.6985", "0", "0", "0", "0"], ] output_lines_with_header = print_difference_report( - self.json_diff_report, utest=True, utest_alpha=0.05, use_color=False) + self.json_diff_report, utest=True, utest_alpha=0.05, use_color=False + ) output_lines = output_lines_with_header[2:] print("\n") print("\n".join(output_lines_with_header)) self.assertEqual(len(output_lines), len(expect_lines)) for i in range(0, len(output_lines)): - parts = [x for x in output_lines[i].split(' ') if x] + parts = [x for x in output_lines[i].split(" ") if x] self.assertEqual(expect_lines[i], parts) def test_json_diff_report_pretty_printing_aggregates_only(self): expect_lines = [ - ['BM_One', '-0.1000', '+0.1000', '10', '9', '100', '110'], - ['BM_Two_pvalue', - '1.0000', - '0.6667', - 'U', - 'Test,', - 'Repetitions:', - '2', - 'vs', - '2.', - 'WARNING:', - 'Results', - 'unreliable!', - '9+', - 'repetitions', - 'recommended.'], - ['short', '-0.1250', '-0.0625', '8', '7', '80', '75'], - ['short', '-0.4325', '-0.1351', '8', '5', '77', '67'], - ['short_pvalue', - '0.7671', - '0.2000', - 'U', - 'Test,', - 'Repetitions:', - '2', - 'vs', - '3.', - 'WARNING:', - 'Results', - 'unreliable!', - '9+', - 'repetitions', - 'recommended.'], - ['OVERALL_GEOMEAN', '+1.6405', '-0.6985', '0', '0', '0', '0'] + ["BM_One", "-0.1000", "+0.1000", "10", "9", "100", "110"], + [ + "BM_Two_pvalue", + "1.0000", + "0.6667", + "U", + "Test,", + "Repetitions:", + "2", + "vs", + "2.", + "WARNING:", + "Results", + "unreliable!", + "9+", + "repetitions", + "recommended.", + ], + ["short", "-0.1250", "-0.0625", "8", "7", "80", "75"], + ["short", "-0.4325", "-0.1351", "8", "5", "77", "67"], + [ + "short_pvalue", + "0.7671", + "0.2000", + "U", + "Test,", + "Repetitions:", + "2", + "vs", + "3.", + "WARNING:", + "Results", + "unreliable!", + "9+", + "repetitions", + "recommended.", + ], + ["OVERALL_GEOMEAN", "+1.6405", "-0.6985", "0", "0", "0", "0"], ] output_lines_with_header = print_difference_report( - self.json_diff_report, include_aggregates_only=True, utest=True, utest_alpha=0.05, use_color=False) + self.json_diff_report, + include_aggregates_only=True, + utest=True, + utest_alpha=0.05, + use_color=False, + ) output_lines = output_lines_with_header[2:] print("\n") print("\n".join(output_lines_with_header)) self.assertEqual(len(output_lines), len(expect_lines)) for i in range(0, len(output_lines)): - parts = [x for x in output_lines[i].split(' ') if x] + parts = [x for x in output_lines[i].split(" ") if x] self.assertEqual(expect_lines[i], parts) def test_json_diff_report(self): expected_output = [ { - 'name': u'BM_One', - 'measurements': [ - {'time': -0.1, - 'cpu': 0.1, - 'real_time': 10, - 'real_time_other': 9, - 'cpu_time': 100, - 'cpu_time_other': 110} + "name": "BM_One", + "measurements": [ + { + "time": -0.1, + "cpu": 0.1, + "real_time": 10, + "real_time_other": 9, + "cpu_time": 100, + "cpu_time_other": 110, + } ], - 'time_unit': 'ns', - 'utest': {} + "time_unit": "ns", + "utest": {}, }, { - 'name': u'BM_Two', - 'measurements': [ - {'time': 0.1111111111111111, - 'cpu': -0.011111111111111112, - 'real_time': 9, - 'real_time_other': 10, - 'cpu_time': 90, - 'cpu_time_other': 89}, - {'time': -0.125, 'cpu': -0.16279069767441862, 'real_time': 8, - 'real_time_other': 7, 'cpu_time': 86, 'cpu_time_other': 72} + "name": "BM_Two", + "measurements": [ + { + "time": 0.1111111111111111, + "cpu": -0.011111111111111112, + "real_time": 9, + "real_time_other": 10, + "cpu_time": 90, + "cpu_time_other": 89, + }, + { + "time": -0.125, + "cpu": -0.16279069767441862, + "real_time": 8, + "real_time_other": 7, + "cpu_time": 86, + "cpu_time_other": 72, + }, ], - 'time_unit': 'ns', - 'utest': { - 'have_optimal_repetitions': False, 'cpu_pvalue': 0.6666666666666666, 'time_pvalue': 1.0 - } + "time_unit": "ns", + "utest": { + "have_optimal_repetitions": False, + "cpu_pvalue": 0.6666666666666666, + "time_pvalue": 1.0, + }, }, { - 'name': u'short', - 'measurements': [ - {'time': -0.125, - 'cpu': -0.0625, - 'real_time': 8, - 'real_time_other': 7, - 'cpu_time': 80, - 'cpu_time_other': 75}, - {'time': -0.4325, - 'cpu': -0.13506493506493514, - 'real_time': 8, - 'real_time_other': 4.54, - 'cpu_time': 77, - 'cpu_time_other': 66.6} + "name": "short", + "measurements": [ + { + "time": -0.125, + "cpu": -0.0625, + "real_time": 8, + "real_time_other": 7, + "cpu_time": 80, + "cpu_time_other": 75, + }, + { + "time": -0.4325, + "cpu": -0.13506493506493514, + "real_time": 8, + "real_time_other": 4.54, + "cpu_time": 77, + "cpu_time_other": 66.6, + }, ], - 'time_unit': 'ns', - 'utest': { - 'have_optimal_repetitions': False, 'cpu_pvalue': 0.2, 'time_pvalue': 0.7670968684102772 - } + "time_unit": "ns", + "utest": { + "have_optimal_repetitions": False, + "cpu_pvalue": 0.2, + "time_pvalue": 0.7670968684102772, + }, }, { - 'name': u'medium', - 'measurements': [ - {'time': -0.375, - 'cpu': -0.3375, - 'real_time': 8, - 'real_time_other': 5, - 'cpu_time': 80, - 'cpu_time_other': 53} + "name": "medium", + "measurements": [ + { + "time": -0.375, + "cpu": -0.3375, + "real_time": 8, + "real_time_other": 5, + "cpu_time": 80, + "cpu_time_other": 53, + } ], - 'time_unit': 'ns', - 'utest': {} + "time_unit": "ns", + "utest": {}, }, { - 'name': 'OVERALL_GEOMEAN', - 'measurements': [{'real_time': 8.48528137423858e-09, 'cpu_time': 8.441336246629233e-08, - 'real_time_other': 2.2405267593145244e-08, 'cpu_time_other': 2.5453661413660466e-08, - 'time': 1.6404861082353634, 'cpu': -0.6984640740519662}], - 'time_unit': 's', - 'run_type': 'aggregate', - 'aggregate_name': 'geomean', - 'utest': {} - } + "name": "OVERALL_GEOMEAN", + "measurements": [ + { + "real_time": 8.48528137423858e-09, + "cpu_time": 8.441336246629233e-08, + "real_time_other": 2.2405267593145244e-08, + "cpu_time_other": 2.5453661413660466e-08, + "time": 1.6404861082353634, + "cpu": -0.6984640740519662, + } + ], + "time_unit": "s", + "run_type": "aggregate", + "aggregate_name": "geomean", + "utest": {}, + }, ] self.assertEqual(len(self.json_diff_report), len(expected_output)) - for out, expected in zip( - self.json_diff_report, expected_output): - self.assertEqual(out['name'], expected['name']) - self.assertEqual(out['time_unit'], expected['time_unit']) + for out, expected in zip(self.json_diff_report, expected_output): + self.assertEqual(out["name"], expected["name"]) + self.assertEqual(out["time_unit"], expected["time_unit"]) assert_utest(self, out, expected) assert_measurements(self, out, expected) -class TestReportDifferenceWithUTestWhileDisplayingAggregatesOnly( - unittest.TestCase): +class TestReportDifferenceWithUTestWhileDisplayingAggregatesOnly(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): def load_results(): import json + testInputs = os.path.join( - os.path.dirname( - os.path.realpath(__file__)), - 'Inputs') - testOutput1 = os.path.join(testInputs, 'test3_run0.json') - testOutput2 = os.path.join(testInputs, 'test3_run1.json') - with open(testOutput1, 'r') as f: + os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "Inputs" + ) + testOutput1 = os.path.join(testInputs, "test3_run0.json") + testOutput2 = os.path.join(testInputs, "test3_run1.json") + with open(testOutput1, "r") as f: json1 = json.load(f) - with open(testOutput2, 'r') as f: + with open(testOutput2, "r") as f: json2 = json.load(f) return json1, json2 json1, json2 = load_results() - cls.json_diff_report = get_difference_report( - json1, json2, utest=True) + cls.json_diff_report = get_difference_report(json1, json2, utest=True) def test_json_diff_report_pretty_printing(self): expect_lines = [ - ['BM_One', '-0.1000', '+0.1000', '10', '9', '100', '110'], - ['BM_Two', '+0.1111', '-0.0111', '9', '10', '90', '89'], - ['BM_Two', '-0.1250', '-0.1628', '8', '7', '86', '72'], - ['BM_Two_pvalue', - '1.0000', - '0.6667', - 'U', - 'Test,', - 'Repetitions:', - '2', - 'vs', - '2.', - 'WARNING:', - 'Results', - 'unreliable!', - '9+', - 'repetitions', - 'recommended.'], - ['short', '-0.1250', '-0.0625', '8', '7', '80', '75'], - ['short', '-0.4325', '-0.1351', '8', '5', '77', '67'], - ['short_pvalue', - '0.7671', - '0.2000', - 'U', - 'Test,', - 'Repetitions:', - '2', - 'vs', - '3.', - 'WARNING:', - 'Results', - 'unreliable!', - '9+', - 'repetitions', - 'recommended.'], - ['medium', '-0.3750', '-0.3375', '8', '5', '80', '53'], - ['OVERALL_GEOMEAN', '+1.6405', '-0.6985', '0', '0', '0', '0'] + ["BM_One", "-0.1000", "+0.1000", "10", "9", "100", "110"], + ["BM_Two", "+0.1111", "-0.0111", "9", "10", "90", "89"], + ["BM_Two", "-0.1250", "-0.1628", "8", "7", "86", "72"], + [ + "BM_Two_pvalue", + "1.0000", + "0.6667", + "U", + "Test,", + "Repetitions:", + "2", + "vs", + "2.", + "WARNING:", + "Results", + "unreliable!", + "9+", + "repetitions", + "recommended.", + ], + ["short", "-0.1250", "-0.0625", "8", "7", "80", "75"], + ["short", "-0.4325", "-0.1351", "8", "5", "77", "67"], + [ + "short_pvalue", + "0.7671", + "0.2000", + "U", + "Test,", + "Repetitions:", + "2", + "vs", + "3.", + "WARNING:", + "Results", + "unreliable!", + "9+", + "repetitions", + "recommended.", + ], + ["medium", "-0.3750", "-0.3375", "8", "5", "80", "53"], + ["OVERALL_GEOMEAN", "+1.6405", "-0.6985", "0", "0", "0", "0"], ] output_lines_with_header = print_difference_report( - self.json_diff_report, - utest=True, utest_alpha=0.05, use_color=False) + self.json_diff_report, utest=True, utest_alpha=0.05, use_color=False + ) output_lines = output_lines_with_header[2:] print("\n") print("\n".join(output_lines_with_header)) self.assertEqual(len(output_lines), len(expect_lines)) for i in range(0, len(output_lines)): - parts = [x for x in output_lines[i].split(' ') if x] + parts = [x for x in output_lines[i].split(" ") if x] self.assertEqual(expect_lines[i], parts) def test_json_diff_report(self): expected_output = [ { - 'name': u'BM_One', - 'measurements': [ - {'time': -0.1, - 'cpu': 0.1, - 'real_time': 10, - 'real_time_other': 9, - 'cpu_time': 100, - 'cpu_time_other': 110} + "name": "BM_One", + "measurements": [ + { + "time": -0.1, + "cpu": 0.1, + "real_time": 10, + "real_time_other": 9, + "cpu_time": 100, + "cpu_time_other": 110, + } ], - 'time_unit': 'ns', - 'utest': {} + "time_unit": "ns", + "utest": {}, }, { - 'name': u'BM_Two', - 'measurements': [ - {'time': 0.1111111111111111, - 'cpu': -0.011111111111111112, - 'real_time': 9, - 'real_time_other': 10, - 'cpu_time': 90, - 'cpu_time_other': 89}, - {'time': -0.125, 'cpu': -0.16279069767441862, 'real_time': 8, - 'real_time_other': 7, 'cpu_time': 86, 'cpu_time_other': 72} + "name": "BM_Two", + "measurements": [ + { + "time": 0.1111111111111111, + "cpu": -0.011111111111111112, + "real_time": 9, + "real_time_other": 10, + "cpu_time": 90, + "cpu_time_other": 89, + }, + { + "time": -0.125, + "cpu": -0.16279069767441862, + "real_time": 8, + "real_time_other": 7, + "cpu_time": 86, + "cpu_time_other": 72, + }, ], - 'time_unit': 'ns', - 'utest': { - 'have_optimal_repetitions': False, 'cpu_pvalue': 0.6666666666666666, 'time_pvalue': 1.0 - } + "time_unit": "ns", + "utest": { + "have_optimal_repetitions": False, + "cpu_pvalue": 0.6666666666666666, + "time_pvalue": 1.0, + }, }, { - 'name': u'short', - 'measurements': [ - {'time': -0.125, - 'cpu': -0.0625, - 'real_time': 8, - 'real_time_other': 7, - 'cpu_time': 80, - 'cpu_time_other': 75}, - {'time': -0.4325, - 'cpu': -0.13506493506493514, - 'real_time': 8, - 'real_time_other': 4.54, - 'cpu_time': 77, - 'cpu_time_other': 66.6} + "name": "short", + "measurements": [ + { + "time": -0.125, + "cpu": -0.0625, + "real_time": 8, + "real_time_other": 7, + "cpu_time": 80, + "cpu_time_other": 75, + }, + { + "time": -0.4325, + "cpu": -0.13506493506493514, + "real_time": 8, + "real_time_other": 4.54, + "cpu_time": 77, + "cpu_time_other": 66.6, + }, ], - 'time_unit': 'ns', - 'utest': { - 'have_optimal_repetitions': False, 'cpu_pvalue': 0.2, 'time_pvalue': 0.7670968684102772 - } + "time_unit": "ns", + "utest": { + "have_optimal_repetitions": False, + "cpu_pvalue": 0.2, + "time_pvalue": 0.7670968684102772, + }, }, { - 'name': u'medium', - 'measurements': [ - {'real_time_other': 5, - 'cpu_time': 80, - 'time': -0.375, - 'real_time': 8, - 'cpu_time_other': 53, - 'cpu': -0.3375 - } + "name": "medium", + "measurements": [ + { + "real_time_other": 5, + "cpu_time": 80, + "time": -0.375, + "real_time": 8, + "cpu_time_other": 53, + "cpu": -0.3375, + } ], - 'utest': {}, - 'time_unit': u'ns', - 'aggregate_name': '' + "utest": {}, + "time_unit": "ns", + "aggregate_name": "", }, { - 'name': 'OVERALL_GEOMEAN', - 'measurements': [{'real_time': 8.48528137423858e-09, 'cpu_time': 8.441336246629233e-08, - 'real_time_other': 2.2405267593145244e-08, 'cpu_time_other': 2.5453661413660466e-08, - 'time': 1.6404861082353634, 'cpu': -0.6984640740519662}], - 'time_unit': 's', - 'run_type': 'aggregate', - 'aggregate_name': 'geomean', - 'utest': {} - } + "name": "OVERALL_GEOMEAN", + "measurements": [ + { + "real_time": 8.48528137423858e-09, + "cpu_time": 8.441336246629233e-08, + "real_time_other": 2.2405267593145244e-08, + "cpu_time_other": 2.5453661413660466e-08, + "time": 1.6404861082353634, + "cpu": -0.6984640740519662, + } + ], + "time_unit": "s", + "run_type": "aggregate", + "aggregate_name": "geomean", + "utest": {}, + }, ] self.assertEqual(len(self.json_diff_report), len(expected_output)) - for out, expected in zip( - self.json_diff_report, expected_output): - self.assertEqual(out['name'], expected['name']) - self.assertEqual(out['time_unit'], expected['time_unit']) + for out, expected in zip(self.json_diff_report, expected_output): + self.assertEqual(out["name"], expected["name"]) + self.assertEqual(out["time_unit"], expected["time_unit"]) assert_utest(self, out, expected) assert_measurements(self, out, expected) -class TestReportDifferenceForPercentageAggregates( - unittest.TestCase): +class TestReportDifferenceForPercentageAggregates(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): def load_results(): import json + testInputs = os.path.join( - os.path.dirname( - os.path.realpath(__file__)), - 'Inputs') - testOutput1 = os.path.join(testInputs, 'test4_run0.json') - testOutput2 = os.path.join(testInputs, 'test4_run1.json') - with open(testOutput1, 'r') as f: + os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "Inputs" + ) + testOutput1 = os.path.join(testInputs, "test4_run0.json") + testOutput2 = os.path.join(testInputs, "test4_run1.json") + with open(testOutput1, "r") as f: json1 = json.load(f) - with open(testOutput2, 'r') as f: + with open(testOutput2, "r") as f: json2 = json.load(f) return json1, json2 json1, json2 = load_results() - cls.json_diff_report = get_difference_report( - json1, json2, utest=True) + cls.json_diff_report = get_difference_report(json1, json2, utest=True) def test_json_diff_report_pretty_printing(self): - expect_lines = [ - ['whocares', '-0.5000', '+0.5000', '0', '0', '0', '0'] - ] + expect_lines = [["whocares", "-0.5000", "+0.5000", "0", "0", "0", "0"]] output_lines_with_header = print_difference_report( - self.json_diff_report, - utest=True, utest_alpha=0.05, use_color=False) + self.json_diff_report, utest=True, utest_alpha=0.05, use_color=False + ) output_lines = output_lines_with_header[2:] print("\n") print("\n".join(output_lines_with_header)) self.assertEqual(len(output_lines), len(expect_lines)) for i in range(0, len(output_lines)): - parts = [x for x in output_lines[i].split(' ') if x] + parts = [x for x in output_lines[i].split(" ") if x] self.assertEqual(expect_lines[i], parts) def test_json_diff_report(self): expected_output = [ { - 'name': u'whocares', - 'measurements': [ - {'time': -0.5, - 'cpu': 0.5, - 'real_time': 0.01, - 'real_time_other': 0.005, - 'cpu_time': 0.10, - 'cpu_time_other': 0.15} + "name": "whocares", + "measurements": [ + { + "time": -0.5, + "cpu": 0.5, + "real_time": 0.01, + "real_time_other": 0.005, + "cpu_time": 0.10, + "cpu_time_other": 0.15, + } ], - 'time_unit': 'ns', - 'utest': {} + "time_unit": "ns", + "utest": {}, } ] self.assertEqual(len(self.json_diff_report), len(expected_output)) - for out, expected in zip( - self.json_diff_report, expected_output): - self.assertEqual(out['name'], expected['name']) - self.assertEqual(out['time_unit'], expected['time_unit']) + for out, expected in zip(self.json_diff_report, expected_output): + self.assertEqual(out["name"], expected["name"]) + self.assertEqual(out["time_unit"], expected["time_unit"]) assert_utest(self, out, expected) assert_measurements(self, out, expected) @@ -1072,12 +1338,12 @@ def setUpClass(cls): def load_result(): import json + testInputs = os.path.join( - os.path.dirname( - os.path.realpath(__file__)), - 'Inputs') - testOutput = os.path.join(testInputs, 'test4_run.json') - with open(testOutput, 'r') as f: + os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "Inputs" + ) + testOutput = os.path.join(testInputs, "test4_run.json") + with open(testOutput, "r") as f: json = json.load(f) return json @@ -1098,45 +1364,45 @@ "91 family 1 instance 0 aggregate", "90 family 1 instance 1 repetition 0", "89 family 1 instance 1 repetition 1", - "88 family 1 instance 1 aggregate" + "88 family 1 instance 1 aggregate", ] - for n in range(len(self.json['benchmarks']) ** 2): - random.shuffle(self.json['benchmarks']) - sorted_benchmarks = util.sort_benchmark_results(self.json)[ - 'benchmarks'] + for n in range(len(self.json["benchmarks"]) ** 2): + random.shuffle(self.json["benchmarks"]) + sorted_benchmarks = util.sort_benchmark_results(self.json)["benchmarks"] self.assertEqual(len(expected_names), len(sorted_benchmarks)) for out, expected in zip(sorted_benchmarks, expected_names): - self.assertEqual(out['name'], expected) + self.assertEqual(out["name"], expected) def assert_utest(unittest_instance, lhs, rhs): - if lhs['utest']: + if lhs["utest"]: unittest_instance.assertAlmostEqual( - lhs['utest']['cpu_pvalue'], - rhs['utest']['cpu_pvalue']) + lhs["utest"]["cpu_pvalue"], rhs["utest"]["cpu_pvalue"] + ) unittest_instance.assertAlmostEqual( - lhs['utest']['time_pvalue'], - rhs['utest']['time_pvalue']) + lhs["utest"]["time_pvalue"], rhs["utest"]["time_pvalue"] + ) unittest_instance.assertEqual( - lhs['utest']['have_optimal_repetitions'], - rhs['utest']['have_optimal_repetitions']) + lhs["utest"]["have_optimal_repetitions"], + rhs["utest"]["have_optimal_repetitions"], + ) else: # lhs is empty. assert if rhs is not. - unittest_instance.assertEqual(lhs['utest'], rhs['utest']) + unittest_instance.assertEqual(lhs["utest"], rhs["utest"]) def assert_measurements(unittest_instance, lhs, rhs): - for m1, m2 in zip(lhs['measurements'], rhs['measurements']): - unittest_instance.assertEqual(m1['real_time'], m2['real_time']) - unittest_instance.assertEqual(m1['cpu_time'], m2['cpu_time']) + for m1, m2 in zip(lhs["measurements"], rhs["measurements"]): + unittest_instance.assertEqual(m1["real_time"], m2["real_time"]) + unittest_instance.assertEqual(m1["cpu_time"], m2["cpu_time"]) # m1['time'] and m1['cpu'] hold values which are being calculated, # and therefore we must use almost-equal pattern. - unittest_instance.assertAlmostEqual(m1['time'], m2['time'], places=4) - unittest_instance.assertAlmostEqual(m1['cpu'], m2['cpu'], places=4) + unittest_instance.assertAlmostEqual(m1["time"], m2["time"], places=4) + unittest_instance.assertAlmostEqual(m1["cpu"], m2["cpu"], places=4) -if __name__ == '__main__': +if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main() # vim: tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 diff --git a/third-party/benchmark/tools/gbench/util.py b/third-party/benchmark/tools/gbench/util.py --- a/third-party/benchmark/tools/gbench/util.py +++ b/third-party/benchmark/tools/gbench/util.py @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ IT_JSON = 1 IT_Executable = 2 -_num_magic_bytes = 2 if sys.platform.startswith('win') else 4 +_num_magic_bytes = 2 if sys.platform.startswith("win") else 4 def is_executable_file(filename): @@ -23,21 +23,21 @@ """ if not os.path.isfile(filename): return False - with open(filename, mode='rb') as f: + with open(filename, mode="rb") as f: magic_bytes = f.read(_num_magic_bytes) - if sys.platform == 'darwin': + if sys.platform == "darwin": return magic_bytes in [ - b'\xfe\xed\xfa\xce', # MH_MAGIC - b'\xce\xfa\xed\xfe', # MH_CIGAM - b'\xfe\xed\xfa\xcf', # MH_MAGIC_64 - b'\xcf\xfa\xed\xfe', # MH_CIGAM_64 - b'\xca\xfe\xba\xbe', # FAT_MAGIC - b'\xbe\xba\xfe\xca' # FAT_CIGAM + b"\xfe\xed\xfa\xce", # MH_MAGIC + b"\xce\xfa\xed\xfe", # MH_CIGAM + b"\xfe\xed\xfa\xcf", # MH_MAGIC_64 + b"\xcf\xfa\xed\xfe", # MH_CIGAM_64 + b"\xca\xfe\xba\xbe", # FAT_MAGIC + b"\xbe\xba\xfe\xca", # FAT_CIGAM ] - elif sys.platform.startswith('win'): - return magic_bytes == b'MZ' + elif sys.platform.startswith("win"): + return magic_bytes == b"MZ" else: - return magic_bytes == b'\x7FELF' + return magic_bytes == b"\x7FELF" def is_json_file(filename): @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ 'False' otherwise. """ try: - with open(filename, 'r') as f: + with open(filename, "r") as f: json.load(f) return True except BaseException: @@ -71,7 +71,9 @@ elif is_json_file(filename): ftype = IT_JSON else: - err_msg = "'%s' does not name a valid benchmark executable or JSON file" % filename + err_msg = ( + "'%s' does not name a valid benchmark executable or JSON file" % filename + ) return ftype, err_msg @@ -94,11 +96,11 @@ if it is found return the arg it specifies. If specified more than once the last value is returned. If the flag is not found None is returned. """ - assert prefix.startswith('--') and prefix.endswith('=') + assert prefix.startswith("--") and prefix.endswith("=") result = None for f in benchmark_flags: if f.startswith(prefix): - result = f[len(prefix):] + result = f[len(prefix) :] return result @@ -107,7 +109,7 @@ Return a new list containing the specified benchmark_flags except those with the specified prefix. """ - assert prefix.startswith('--') and prefix.endswith('=') + assert prefix.startswith("--") and prefix.endswith("=") return [f for f in benchmark_flags if not f.startswith(prefix)] @@ -116,24 +118,40 @@ Read benchmark output from a file and return the JSON object. REQUIRES: 'fname' names a file containing JSON benchmark output. """ - with open(fname, 'r') as f: + with open(fname, "r") as f: return json.load(f) def sort_benchmark_results(result): - benchmarks = result['benchmarks'] + benchmarks = result["benchmarks"] # From inner key to the outer key! benchmarks = sorted( - benchmarks, key=lambda benchmark: benchmark['repetition_index'] if 'repetition_index' in benchmark else -1) + benchmarks, + key=lambda benchmark: benchmark["repetition_index"] + if "repetition_index" in benchmark + else -1, + ) benchmarks = sorted( - benchmarks, key=lambda benchmark: 1 if 'run_type' in benchmark and benchmark['run_type'] == "aggregate" else 0) + benchmarks, + key=lambda benchmark: 1 + if "run_type" in benchmark and benchmark["run_type"] == "aggregate" + else 0, + ) benchmarks = sorted( - benchmarks, key=lambda benchmark: benchmark['per_family_instance_index'] if 'per_family_instance_index' in benchmark else -1) + benchmarks, + key=lambda benchmark: benchmark["per_family_instance_index"] + if "per_family_instance_index" in benchmark + else -1, + ) benchmarks = sorted( - benchmarks, key=lambda benchmark: benchmark['family_index'] if 'family_index' in benchmark else -1) + benchmarks, + key=lambda benchmark: benchmark["family_index"] + if "family_index" in benchmark + else -1, + ) - result['benchmarks'] = benchmarks + result["benchmarks"] = benchmarks return result @@ -144,21 +162,19 @@ real time console output. RETURNS: A JSON object representing the benchmark output """ - output_name = find_benchmark_flag('--benchmark_out=', - benchmark_flags) + output_name = find_benchmark_flag("--benchmark_out=", benchmark_flags) is_temp_output = False if output_name is None: is_temp_output = True thandle, output_name = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(thandle) - benchmark_flags = list(benchmark_flags) + \ - ['--benchmark_out=%s' % output_name] + benchmark_flags = list(benchmark_flags) + ["--benchmark_out=%s" % output_name] cmd = [exe_name] + benchmark_flags - print("RUNNING: %s" % ' '.join(cmd)) + print("RUNNING: %s" % " ".join(cmd)) exitCode = subprocess.call(cmd) if exitCode != 0: - print('TEST FAILED...') + print("TEST FAILED...") sys.exit(exitCode) json_res = load_benchmark_results(output_name) if is_temp_output: @@ -178,4 +194,4 @@ return load_benchmark_results(filename) if ftype == IT_Executable: return run_benchmark(filename, benchmark_flags) - raise ValueError('Unknown file type %s' % ftype) + raise ValueError("Unknown file type %s" % ftype) diff --git a/third-party/benchmark/tools/strip_asm.py b/third-party/benchmark/tools/strip_asm.py --- a/third-party/benchmark/tools/strip_asm.py +++ b/third-party/benchmark/tools/strip_asm.py @@ -9,13 +9,14 @@ import os import re + def find_used_labels(asm): found = set() label_re = re.compile("\s*j[a-z]+\s+\.L([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)") for l in asm.splitlines(): m = label_re.match(l) if m: - found.add('.L%s' % m.group(1)) + found.add(".L%s" % m.group(1)) return found @@ -28,24 +29,24 @@ decls.add(m.group(0)) if len(decls) == 0: return asm - needs_dot = next(iter(decls))[0] != '.' + needs_dot = next(iter(decls))[0] != "." if not needs_dot: return asm for ld in decls: - asm = re.sub("(^|\s+)" + ld + "(?=:|\s)", '\\1.' + ld, asm) + asm = re.sub("(^|\s+)" + ld + "(?=:|\s)", "\\1." + ld, asm) return asm def transform_labels(asm): asm = normalize_labels(asm) used_decls = find_used_labels(asm) - new_asm = '' + new_asm = "" label_decl = re.compile("^\.L([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)(?=:)") for l in asm.splitlines(): m = label_decl.match(l) if not m or m.group(0) in used_decls: new_asm += l - new_asm += '\n' + new_asm += "\n" return new_asm @@ -53,14 +54,15 @@ if len(tk) == 0: return False first = tk[0] - if not first.isalpha() and first != '_': + if not first.isalpha() and first != "_": return False for i in range(1, len(tk)): c = tk[i] - if not c.isalnum() and c != '_': + if not c.isalnum() and c != "_": return False return True + def process_identifiers(l): """ process_identifiers - process all identifiers and modify them to have @@ -68,14 +70,15 @@ For example, MachO inserts an additional understore at the beginning of names. This function removes that. """ - parts = re.split(r'([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)', l) - new_line = '' + parts = re.split(r"([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)", l) + new_line = "" for tk in parts: if is_identifier(tk): - if tk.startswith('__Z'): + if tk.startswith("__Z"): tk = tk[1:] - elif tk.startswith('_') and len(tk) > 1 and \ - tk[1].isalpha() and tk[1] != 'Z': + elif ( + tk.startswith("_") and len(tk) > 1 and tk[1].isalpha() and tk[1] != "Z" + ): tk = tk[1:] new_line += tk return new_line @@ -85,24 +88,24 @@ """ Strip the ASM of unwanted directives and lines """ - new_contents = '' + new_contents = "" asm = transform_labels(asm) # TODO: Add more things we want to remove discard_regexes = [ - re.compile("\s+\..*$"), # directive - re.compile("\s*#(NO_APP|APP)$"), #inline ASM - re.compile("\s*#.*$"), # comment line - re.compile("\s*\.globa?l\s*([.a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9$_.]*)"), #global directive - re.compile("\s*\.(string|asciz|ascii|[1248]?byte|short|word|long|quad|value|zero)"), - ] - keep_regexes = [ - + re.compile("\s+\..*$"), # directive + re.compile("\s*#(NO_APP|APP)$"), # inline ASM + re.compile("\s*#.*$"), # comment line + re.compile("\s*\.globa?l\s*([.a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9$_.]*)"), # global directive + re.compile( + "\s*\.(string|asciz|ascii|[1248]?byte|short|word|long|quad|value|zero)" + ), ] + keep_regexes = [] fn_label_def = re.compile("^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_.]*:") for l in asm.splitlines(): # Remove Mach-O attribute - l = l.replace('@GOTPCREL', '') + l = l.replace("@GOTPCREL", "") add_line = True for reg in discard_regexes: if reg.match(l) is not None: @@ -114,21 +117,21 @@ break if add_line: if fn_label_def.match(l) and len(new_contents) != 0: - new_contents += '\n' + new_contents += "\n" l = process_identifiers(l) new_contents += l - new_contents += '\n' + new_contents += "\n" return new_contents + def main(): - parser = ArgumentParser( - description='generate a stripped assembly file') + parser = ArgumentParser(description="generate a stripped assembly file") parser.add_argument( - 'input', metavar='input', type=str, nargs=1, - help='An input assembly file') + "input", metavar="input", type=str, nargs=1, help="An input assembly file" + ) parser.add_argument( - 'out', metavar='output', type=str, nargs=1, - help='The output file') + "out", metavar="output", type=str, nargs=1, help="The output file" + ) args, unknown_args = parser.parse_known_args() input = args.input[0] output = args.out[0] @@ -136,14 +139,14 @@ print(("ERROR: input file '%s' does not exist") % input) sys.exit(1) contents = None - with open(input, 'r') as f: + with open(input, "r") as f: contents = f.read() new_contents = process_asm(contents) - with open(output, 'w') as f: + with open(output, "w") as f: f.write(new_contents) -if __name__ == '__main__': +if __name__ == "__main__": main() # vim: tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 diff --git a/utils/bazel/overlay_directories.py b/utils/bazel/overlay_directories.py --- a/utils/bazel/overlay_directories.py +++ b/utils/bazel/overlay_directories.py @@ -18,75 +18,82 @@ def _check_python_version(): - if sys.version_info[0] < 3: - raise RuntimeError( - "Must be invoked with a python 3 interpreter but was %s" % - sys.executable) + if sys.version_info[0] < 3: + raise RuntimeError( + "Must be invoked with a python 3 interpreter but was %s" % sys.executable + ) def _check_dir_exists(path): - if not os.path.isdir(path): - raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), path) + if not os.path.isdir(path): + raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), path) def parse_arguments(): - parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=""" + parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( + description=""" Overlays two directories into a target directory using symlinks. Tries to minimize the number of symlinks created (that is, does not symlink every single file). Symlinks every file in the overlay directory. Only symlinks individual files in the source directory if their parent directory is also contained in the overlay directory tree. - """) - parser.add_argument( - "--src", - required=True, - help="Directory that contains most of the content to symlink.") - parser.add_argument( - "--overlay", - required=True, - help="Directory to overlay on top of the source directory.") - parser.add_argument( - "--target", - required=True, - help="Directory in which to place the fused symlink directories.") - - args = parser.parse_args() - - _check_dir_exists(args.target) - _check_dir_exists(args.overlay) - _check_dir_exists(args.src) - - return args + """ + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--src", + required=True, + help="Directory that contains most of the content to symlink.", + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--overlay", + required=True, + help="Directory to overlay on top of the source directory.", + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--target", + required=True, + help="Directory in which to place the fused symlink directories.", + ) + + args = parser.parse_args() + + _check_dir_exists(args.target) + _check_dir_exists(args.overlay) + _check_dir_exists(args.src) + + return args def _symlink_abs(from_path, to_path): - os.symlink(os.path.abspath(from_path), os.path.abspath(to_path)) + os.symlink(os.path.abspath(from_path), os.path.abspath(to_path)) def main(args): - for root, dirs, files in os.walk(args.overlay): - # We could do something more intelligent here and only symlink individual - # files if the directory is present in both overlay and src. This could also - # be generalized to an arbitrary number of directories without any - # "src/overlay" distinction. In the current use case we only have two and - # the overlay directory is always small, so putting that off for now. - rel_root = os.path.relpath(root, start=args.overlay) - if rel_root != ".": - os.mkdir(os.path.join(args.target, rel_root)) - - for file in files: - relpath = os.path.join(rel_root, file) - _symlink_abs(os.path.join(args.overlay, relpath), - os.path.join(args.target, relpath)) - - for src_entry in os.listdir(os.path.join(args.src, rel_root)): - if src_entry not in dirs: - relpath = os.path.join(rel_root, src_entry) - _symlink_abs(os.path.join(args.src, relpath), - os.path.join(args.target, relpath)) + for root, dirs, files in os.walk(args.overlay): + # We could do something more intelligent here and only symlink individual + # files if the directory is present in both overlay and src. This could also + # be generalized to an arbitrary number of directories without any + # "src/overlay" distinction. In the current use case we only have two and + # the overlay directory is always small, so putting that off for now. + rel_root = os.path.relpath(root, start=args.overlay) + if rel_root != ".": + os.mkdir(os.path.join(args.target, rel_root)) + + for file in files: + relpath = os.path.join(rel_root, file) + _symlink_abs( + os.path.join(args.overlay, relpath), os.path.join(args.target, relpath) + ) + + for src_entry in os.listdir(os.path.join(args.src, rel_root)): + if src_entry not in dirs: + relpath = os.path.join(rel_root, src_entry) + _symlink_abs( + os.path.join(args.src, relpath), os.path.join(args.target, relpath) + ) if __name__ == "__main__": - _check_python_version() - main(parse_arguments()) + _check_python_version() + main(parse_arguments())