Index: include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/SymbolManager.h
--- include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/SymbolManager.h
+++ include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/SymbolManager.h
@@ -565,7 +565,6 @@
   typedef llvm::DenseSet<const MemRegion *> RegionSetTy;
   SymbolMapTy TheLiving;
-  SymbolSetTy MetadataInUse;
   SymbolSetTy TheDead;
   RegionSetTy RegionRoots;
@@ -603,15 +602,6 @@
   /// environment. Checkers should instead use metadata symbols and markInUse.
   void markLive(SymbolRef sym);
-  /// \brief Marks a symbol as important to a checker.
-  ///
-  /// For metadata symbols,
-  /// this will keep the symbol alive as long as its associated region is also
-  /// live. For other symbols, this has no effect; checkers are not permitted
-  /// to influence the life of other symbols. This should be used before any
-  /// symbol marking has occurred, i.e. in the MarkLiveSymbols callback.
-  void markInUse(SymbolRef sym);
   /// \brief If a symbol is known to be live, marks the symbol as live.
   ///  Otherwise, if the symbol cannot be proven live, it is marked as dead.
Index: lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/CStringChecker.cpp
--- lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/CStringChecker.cpp
+++ lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/CStringChecker.cpp
@@ -2123,28 +2123,22 @@
     for (SymExpr::symbol_iterator si = Len.symbol_begin(),
                                   se = Len.symbol_end(); si != se; ++si)
-      SR.markInUse(*si);
+      SR.markLive(*si);
 void CStringChecker::checkDeadSymbols(SymbolReaper &SR,
                                       CheckerContext &C) const {
-  if (!SR.hasDeadSymbols())
-    return;
-  ProgramStateRef state = C.getState();
-  CStringLengthTy Entries = state->get<CStringLength>();
+  auto state = C.getState();
+  auto Entries = state->get<CStringLength>();
   if (Entries.isEmpty())
-  CStringLengthTy::Factory &F = state->get_context<CStringLength>();
-  for (CStringLengthTy::iterator I = Entries.begin(), E = Entries.end();
-       I != E; ++I) {
-    SVal Len = I.getData();
-    if (SymbolRef Sym = Len.getAsSymbol()) {
-      if (SR.isDead(Sym))
-        Entries = F.remove(Entries, I.getKey());
-    }
+  auto &F = state->get_context<CStringLength>();
+  for (auto I = Entries.begin(), E = Entries.end(); I != E; ++I) {
+    const MemRegion *MR = I.getKey();
+    if (!SR.isLiveRegion(MR))
+      Entries = F.remove(Entries, MR);
   state = state->set<CStringLength>(Entries);
Index: lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/SymbolManager.cpp
--- lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/SymbolManager.cpp
+++ lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/SymbolManager.cpp
@@ -393,11 +393,6 @@
-void SymbolReaper::markInUse(SymbolRef sym) {
-  if (isa<SymbolMetadata>(sym))
-    MetadataInUse.insert(sym);
 bool SymbolReaper::maybeDead(SymbolRef sym) {
   if (isLive(sym))
     return false;
@@ -459,10 +454,7 @@
     KnownLive = isLiveRegion(cast<SymbolExtent>(sym)->getRegion());
   case SymExpr::MetadataKind:
-    KnownLive = MetadataInUse.count(sym) &&
-                isLiveRegion(cast<SymbolMetadata>(sym)->getRegion());
-    if (KnownLive)
-      MetadataInUse.erase(sym);
+    KnownLive = isLiveRegion(cast<SymbolMetadata>(sym)->getRegion());
   case SymExpr::SymIntKind:
     KnownLive = isLive(cast<SymIntExpr>(sym)->getLHS());
Index: test/Analysis/string.c
--- test/Analysis/string.c
+++ test/Analysis/string.c
@@ -414,6 +414,12 @@
   clang_analyzer_eval(strlen(dst) >= 4); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
+void strcat_symbolic_src_length(char *src) {
+  char dst[8] = "1234";
+  strcat(dst, src);
+  clang_analyzer_eval(strlen(dst) >= 4); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
 void strcat_symbolic_dst_length_taint(char *dst) {
   scanf("%s", dst); // Taint data.
   strcat(dst, "1234");
@@ -520,6 +526,17 @@
   clang_analyzer_eval(strlen(x) > 4); // expected-warning{{UNKNOWN}}
+void strncpy_exactly_matching_buffer2(char *y) {
+    if (strlen(y) >= 4)
+        return;
+    char x[4];
+    strncpy(x, y, 4); // no-warning
+    // This time, we know that y fits in x anyway.
+  clang_analyzer_eval(strlen(x) <= 3); // expected-warning{{TRUE}}
 void strncpy_zero(char *src) {
   char dst[] = "123";
   strncpy(dst, src, 0); // no-warning
@@ -1079,30 +1096,3 @@
   // character. For now, we just model the invalidation.
   clang_analyzer_eval(str[1] == 'b'); // expected-warning{{UNKNOWN}}
-// FIXMEs
-// The analyzer_eval call below should evaluate to true. We are being too 
-// aggressive in marking the (length of) src symbol dead. The length of dst 
-// depends on src. This could be explicitely specified in the checker or the 
-// logic for handling MetadataSymbol in SymbolManager needs to change.
-void strcat_symbolic_src_length(char *src) {
-	char dst[8] = "1234";
-	strcat(dst, src);
-  clang_analyzer_eval(strlen(dst) >= 4); // expected-warning{{UNKNOWN}}
-// The analyzer_eval call below should evaluate to true. Most likely the same
-// issue as the test above.
-void strncpy_exactly_matching_buffer2(char *y) {
-	if (strlen(y) >= 4)
-		return;
-	char x[4];
-	strncpy(x, y, 4); // no-warning
-	// This time, we know that y fits in x anyway.
-  clang_analyzer_eval(strlen(x) <= 3); // expected-warning{{UNKNOWN}}