Index: clang/lib/Driver/OffloadBundler.cpp =================================================================== --- clang/lib/Driver/OffloadBundler.cpp +++ clang/lib/Driver/OffloadBundler.cpp @@ -1060,7 +1060,7 @@ // If we found elements, we emit an error if none of those were for the host // in case host bundle name was provided in command line. - if (!FoundHostBundle && BundlerConfig.HostInputIndex != ~0u) + if (!FoundHostBundle && BundlerConfig.HostInputIndex != ~0u && !BundlerConfig.AllowMissingBundles) return createStringError(inconvertibleErrorCode(), "Can't find bundle for the host target"); Index: clang/test/Driver/clang-offload-bundler.c =================================================================== --- clang/test/Driver/clang-offload-bundler.c +++ clang/test/Driver/clang-offload-bundler.c @@ -224,8 +224,11 @@ // RUN: diff %t.empty %t.res.tgt2 // Check that bindler prints an error if given host bundle does not exist in the fat binary. -// RUN: not clang-offload-bundler -type=s -targets=host-amdgcn-xxx-linux-gnu,openmp-powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu -output=%t.res.s -output=%t.res.tgt1 -input=%t.bundle3.s -unbundle -allow-missing-bundles 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix CK-NO-HOST-BUNDLE -// CK-NO-HOST-BUNDLE: error: Can't find bundle for the host target +// RUN: not clang-offload-bundler -type=s -targets=host-amdgcn-xxx-linux-gnu,openmp-powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu -output=%t.res.s -output=%t.res.tgt1 -input=%t.bundle3.s -unbundle 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix CK-NO-HOST-BUNDLE +// CK-NO-HOST-BUNDLE: error: Can't find bundles for host-amdgcn-xxx-linux-gnu + +// Check missing host entry is allowed with -allow-missing-bundles +// RUN: clang-offload-bundler -type=s -targets=host-amdgcn-xxx-linux-gnu,openmp-powerpc64le-ibm-linux-gnu -output=%t.res.s -output=%t.res.tgt1 -input=%t.bundle3.s -unbundle -allow-missing-bundles // // Check binary bundle/unbundle. The content that we have before bundling must be the same we have after unbundling.