diff --git a/llvm/docs/TableGen/ProgRef.rst b/llvm/docs/TableGen/ProgRef.rst
--- a/llvm/docs/TableGen/ProgRef.rst
+++ b/llvm/docs/TableGen/ProgRef.rst
@@ -223,10 +223,10 @@
                : !div        !empty       !eq          !filter      !find
                : !foldl      !foreach     !ge          !getdagop    !gt
                : !head       !if          !interleave  !isa         !le
-               : !listconcat !listsplat   !logtwo      !lt          !mul
-               : !ne         !not         !or          !setdagop    !shl
-               : !size       !sra         !srl         !strconcat   !sub
-               : !subst      !substr      !tail        !xor
+               : !listconcat !listremove  !listsplat   !logtwo      !lt
+               : !mul        !ne          !not         !or          !setdagop
+               : !shl        !size        !sra         !srl         !strconcat
+               : !sub        !subst       !substr      !tail        !xor
 The ``!cond`` operator has a slightly different
 syntax compared to other bang operators, so it is defined separately:
@@ -1740,6 +1740,10 @@
     This operator concatenates the list arguments *list1*, *list2*, etc., and
     produces the resulting list. The lists must have the same element type.
+``!listremove(``\ *list1*\ ``,`` *list2*\ ``)``
+    This operator returns a copy of *list1* removing all elements that also occur in
+    *list2*. The lists must have the same element type.
 ``!listsplat(``\ *value*\ ``,`` *count*\ ``)``
     This operator produces a list of length *count* whose elements are all
     equal to the *value*. For example, ``!listsplat(42, 3)`` results in
diff --git a/llvm/include/llvm/TableGen/Record.h b/llvm/include/llvm/TableGen/Record.h
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/TableGen/Record.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/TableGen/Record.h
@@ -847,6 +847,7 @@
@@ -900,6 +901,8 @@
   Init *getLHS() const { return LHS; }
   Init *getRHS() const { return RHS; }
+  std::optional<bool> CompareInit(unsigned Opc, Init *LHS, Init *RHS) const;
   // Fold - If possible, fold this to a simpler init.  Return this if not
   // possible to fold.
   Init *Fold(Record *CurRec) const;
diff --git a/llvm/lib/TableGen/Record.cpp b/llvm/lib/TableGen/Record.cpp
--- a/llvm/lib/TableGen/Record.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/TableGen/Record.cpp
@@ -1037,7 +1037,83 @@
    return BinOpInit::get(BinOpInit::LISTCONCAT, LHS, RHS, LHS->getType());
-Init *BinOpInit::Fold(Record *CurRec) const {
+std::optional<bool> BinOpInit::CompareInit(unsigned Opc, Init *LHS, Init *RHS) const {
+   // First see if we have two bit, bits, or int.
+   IntInit *LHSi = dyn_cast_or_null<IntInit>(
+       LHS->convertInitializerTo(IntRecTy::get(getRecordKeeper())));
+   IntInit *RHSi = dyn_cast_or_null<IntInit>(
+       RHS->convertInitializerTo(IntRecTy::get(getRecordKeeper())));
+   if (LHSi && RHSi) {
+     bool Result;
+     switch (Opc) {
+     case EQ:
+       Result = LHSi->getValue() == RHSi->getValue();
+       break;
+     case NE:
+       Result = LHSi->getValue() != RHSi->getValue();
+       break;
+     case LE:
+       Result = LHSi->getValue() <= RHSi->getValue();
+       break;
+     case LT:
+       Result = LHSi->getValue() < RHSi->getValue();
+       break;
+     case GE:
+       Result = LHSi->getValue() >= RHSi->getValue();
+       break;
+     case GT:
+       Result = LHSi->getValue() > RHSi->getValue();
+       break;
+     default:
+       llvm_unreachable("unhandled comparison");
+     }
+     return Result;
+   }
+   // Next try strings.
+   StringInit *LHSs = dyn_cast<StringInit>(LHS);
+   StringInit *RHSs = dyn_cast<StringInit>(RHS);
+   if (LHSs && RHSs) {
+     bool Result;
+     switch (Opc) {
+     case EQ:
+       Result = LHSs->getValue() == RHSs->getValue();
+       break;
+     case NE:
+       Result = LHSs->getValue() != RHSs->getValue();
+       break;
+     case LE:
+       Result = LHSs->getValue() <= RHSs->getValue();
+       break;
+     case LT:
+       Result = LHSs->getValue() < RHSs->getValue();
+       break;
+     case GE:
+       Result = LHSs->getValue() >= RHSs->getValue();
+       break;
+     case GT:
+       Result = LHSs->getValue() > RHSs->getValue();
+       break;
+     default:
+       llvm_unreachable("unhandled comparison");
+     }
+     return Result;
+   }
+   // Finally, !eq and !ne can be used with records.
+   if (Opc == EQ || Opc == NE) {
+     DefInit *LHSd = dyn_cast<DefInit>(LHS);
+     DefInit *RHSd = dyn_cast<DefInit>(RHS);
+     if (LHSd && RHSd)
+       return (Opc == EQ) ? LHSd == RHSd : LHSd != RHSd;
+   }
+   return std::nullopt;
+ Init *BinOpInit::Fold(Record *CurRec) const {
   switch (getOpcode()) {
   case CONCAT: {
     DagInit *LHSs = dyn_cast<DagInit>(LHS);
@@ -1091,6 +1167,28 @@
+  case LISTREMOVE: {
+    ListInit *LHSs = dyn_cast<ListInit>(LHS);
+    ListInit *RHSs = dyn_cast<ListInit>(RHS);
+    if (LHSs && RHSs) {
+      SmallVector<Init *, 8> Args;
+      for (Init *EltLHS : *LHSs) {
+        bool Found = false;
+        for (Init *EltRHS : *RHSs) {
+          if (std::optional<bool> Result = CompareInit(EQ, EltLHS, EltRHS)) {
+            if (*Result) {
+              Found = true;
+              break;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        if (!Found)
+          Args.push_back(EltLHS);
+      }
+      return ListInit::get(Args, LHSs->getElementType());
+    }
+    break;
+  }
   case STRCONCAT: {
     StringInit *LHSs = dyn_cast<StringInit>(LHS);
     StringInit *RHSs = dyn_cast<StringInit>(RHS);
@@ -1118,53 +1216,8 @@
   case LT:
   case GE:
   case GT: {
-    // First see if we have two bit, bits, or int.
-    IntInit *LHSi = dyn_cast_or_null<IntInit>(
-        LHS->convertInitializerTo(IntRecTy::get(getRecordKeeper())));
-    IntInit *RHSi = dyn_cast_or_null<IntInit>(
-        RHS->convertInitializerTo(IntRecTy::get(getRecordKeeper())));
-    if (LHSi && RHSi) {
-      bool Result;
-      switch (getOpcode()) {
-      case EQ: Result = LHSi->getValue() == RHSi->getValue(); break;
-      case NE: Result = LHSi->getValue() != RHSi->getValue(); break;
-      case LE: Result = LHSi->getValue() <= RHSi->getValue(); break;
-      case LT: Result = LHSi->getValue() <  RHSi->getValue(); break;
-      case GE: Result = LHSi->getValue() >= RHSi->getValue(); break;
-      case GT: Result = LHSi->getValue() >  RHSi->getValue(); break;
-      default: llvm_unreachable("unhandled comparison");
-      }
-      return BitInit::get(getRecordKeeper(), Result);
-    }
-    // Next try strings.
-    StringInit *LHSs = dyn_cast<StringInit>(LHS);
-    StringInit *RHSs = dyn_cast<StringInit>(RHS);
-    if (LHSs && RHSs) {
-      bool Result;
-      switch (getOpcode()) {
-      case EQ: Result = LHSs->getValue() == RHSs->getValue(); break;
-      case NE: Result = LHSs->getValue() != RHSs->getValue(); break;
-      case LE: Result = LHSs->getValue() <= RHSs->getValue(); break;
-      case LT: Result = LHSs->getValue() <  RHSs->getValue(); break;
-      case GE: Result = LHSs->getValue() >= RHSs->getValue(); break;
-      case GT: Result = LHSs->getValue() >  RHSs->getValue(); break;
-      default: llvm_unreachable("unhandled comparison");
-      }
-      return BitInit::get(getRecordKeeper(), Result);
-    }
-    // Finally, !eq and !ne can be used with records.
-    if (getOpcode() == EQ || getOpcode() == NE) {
-      DefInit *LHSd = dyn_cast<DefInit>(LHS);
-      DefInit *RHSd = dyn_cast<DefInit>(RHS);
-      if (LHSd && RHSd)
-        return BitInit::get(getRecordKeeper(),
-                            (getOpcode() == EQ) ? LHSd == RHSd : LHSd != RHSd);
-    }
+    if (std::optional<bool> Result = CompareInit(getOpcode(), LHS, RHS))
+      return BitInit::get(getRecordKeeper(), *Result);
   case SETDAGOP: {
@@ -1260,6 +1313,7 @@
   case GT: Result = "!gt"; break;
   case LISTCONCAT: Result = "!listconcat"; break;
   case LISTSPLAT: Result = "!listsplat"; break;
+  case LISTREMOVE: Result = "!listremove"; break;
   case STRCONCAT: Result = "!strconcat"; break;
   case INTERLEAVE: Result = "!interleave"; break;
   case SETDAGOP: Result = "!setdagop"; break;
diff --git a/llvm/lib/TableGen/TGLexer.h b/llvm/lib/TableGen/TGLexer.h
--- a/llvm/lib/TableGen/TGLexer.h
+++ b/llvm/lib/TableGen/TGLexer.h
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
     XSHL, XListConcat, XListSplat, XStrConcat, XInterleave, XSubstr, XFind,
     XCast, XSubst, XForEach, XFilter, XFoldl, XHead, XTail, XSize, XEmpty, XIf,
     XCond, XEq, XIsA, XDag, XNe, XLe, XLt, XGe, XGt, XSetDagOp, XGetDagOp,
-    XExists,
+    XExists, XListRemove,
     // Boolean literals.
     TrueVal, FalseVal,
diff --git a/llvm/lib/TableGen/TGLexer.cpp b/llvm/lib/TableGen/TGLexer.cpp
--- a/llvm/lib/TableGen/TGLexer.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/TableGen/TGLexer.cpp
@@ -584,6 +584,7 @@
     .Case("filter", tgtok::XFilter)
     .Case("listconcat", tgtok::XListConcat)
     .Case("listsplat", tgtok::XListSplat)
+    .Case("listremove", tgtok::XListRemove)
     .Case("strconcat", tgtok::XStrConcat)
     .Case("interleave", tgtok::XInterleave)
     .Case("substr", tgtok::XSubstr)
diff --git a/llvm/lib/TableGen/TGParser.cpp b/llvm/lib/TableGen/TGParser.cpp
--- a/llvm/lib/TableGen/TGParser.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/TableGen/TGParser.cpp
@@ -1179,6 +1179,7 @@
   case tgtok::XGt:
   case tgtok::XListConcat:
   case tgtok::XListSplat:
+  case tgtok::XListRemove:
   case tgtok::XStrConcat:
   case tgtok::XInterleave:
   case tgtok::XSetDagOp: { // Value ::= !binop '(' Value ',' Value ')'
@@ -1208,6 +1209,7 @@
     case tgtok::XGt:     Code = BinOpInit::GT; break;
     case tgtok::XListConcat: Code = BinOpInit::LISTCONCAT; break;
     case tgtok::XListSplat:  Code = BinOpInit::LISTSPLAT; break;
+    case tgtok::XListRemove: Code = BinOpInit::LISTREMOVE; break;
     case tgtok::XStrConcat:  Code = BinOpInit::STRCONCAT; break;
     case tgtok::XInterleave: Code = BinOpInit::INTERLEAVE; break;
     case tgtok::XSetDagOp:   Code = BinOpInit::SETDAGOP; break;
@@ -1246,12 +1248,16 @@
       // ArgType for the comparison operators is not yet known.
     case tgtok::XListConcat:
-      // We don't know the list type until we parse the first argument
+      // We don't know the list type until we parse the first argument.
       ArgType = ItemType;
     case tgtok::XListSplat:
       // Can't do any typechecking until we parse the first argument.
+    case tgtok::XListRemove:
+      // We don't know the list type until we parse the first argument.
+      ArgType = ItemType;
+      break;
     case tgtok::XStrConcat:
       Type = StringRecTy::get(Records);
       ArgType = StringRecTy::get(Records);
@@ -1329,6 +1335,13 @@
           ArgType = nullptr; // Broken invariant: types not identical.
+        case BinOpInit::LISTREMOVE:
+          if (!isa<ListRecTy>(ArgType)) {
+            Error(InitLoc, Twine("expected a list, got value of type '") +
+                               ArgType->getAsString() + "'");
+            return nullptr;
+          }
+          break;
         case BinOpInit::EQ:
         case BinOpInit::NE:
           if (!ArgType->typeIsConvertibleTo(IntRecTy::get(Records)) &&
@@ -1423,6 +1436,9 @@
     // listsplat returns a list of type of the *first* argument.
     if (Code == BinOpInit::LISTSPLAT)
       Type = cast<TypedInit>(InitList.front())->getType()->getListTy();
+    // listremove returns a list with type of the argument.
+    if (Code == BinOpInit::LISTREMOVE)
+      Type = ArgType;
     // We allow multiple operands to associative operators like !strconcat as
     // shorthand for nesting them.
@@ -2154,6 +2170,7 @@
 ///   SimpleValue ::= SRLTOK '(' Value ',' Value ')'
 ///   SimpleValue ::= LISTCONCATTOK '(' Value ',' Value ')'
 ///   SimpleValue ::= LISTSPLATTOK '(' Value ',' Value ')'
+///   SimpleValue ::= LISTREMOVETOK '(' Value ',' Value ')'
 ///   SimpleValue ::= STRCONCATTOK '(' Value ',' Value ')'
 ///   SimpleValue ::= COND '(' [Value ':' Value,]+ ')'
@@ -2453,6 +2470,7 @@
   case tgtok::XGt:
   case tgtok::XListConcat:
   case tgtok::XListSplat:
+  case tgtok::XListRemove:
   case tgtok::XStrConcat:
   case tgtok::XInterleave:
   case tgtok::XSetDagOp: // Value ::= !binop '(' Value ',' Value ')'
diff --git a/llvm/test/TableGen/listremove.td b/llvm/test/TableGen/listremove.td
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/TableGen/listremove.td
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// RUN: llvm-tblgen %s | FileCheck %s
+// CHECK: class X {
+// CHECK:   list<string> T0 = ["foo", "bar"];
+// CHECK:   list<string> T1 = ["foo", "bar"];
+// CHECK:   list<string> T2 = ["bar"];
+// CHECK:   list<string> T3 = ["foo"];
+// CHECK:   list<string> T4 = [];
+// CHECK: }
+class X {
+  list<string> T0 = !listremove(["foo", "bar"], []);
+  list<string> T1 = !listremove(["foo", "bar"], ["baz"]);
+  list<string> T2 = !listremove(["foo", "bar"], ["foo"]);
+  list<string> T3 = !listremove(["foo", "bar"], ["bar", "bar"]);
+  list<string> T4 = !listremove(["foo", "bar"], ["bar", "foo"]);
diff --git a/llvm/utils/kate/llvm-tablegen.xml b/llvm/utils/kate/llvm-tablegen.xml
--- a/llvm/utils/kate/llvm-tablegen.xml
+++ b/llvm/utils/kate/llvm-tablegen.xml
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
       <item> !strconcat </item>
       <item> !cast </item>
       <item> !listconcat </item>
+      <item> !listreplace </item>
       <item> !listsplat </item>
       <item> !size </item>
       <item> !foldl </item>