Index: mlir/include/mlir/IR/Location.h
--- mlir/include/mlir/IR/Location.h
+++ mlir/include/mlir/IR/Location.h
@@ -64,15 +64,15 @@
   /// Type casting utilities on the underlying location.
   template <typename U>
   bool isa() const {
-    return impl.isa<U>();
+    return llvm::isa<U>(*this);
   template <typename U>
   U dyn_cast() const {
-    return impl.dyn_cast<U>();
+    return llvm::dyn_cast<U>(*this);
   template <typename U>
   U cast() const {
-    return impl.cast<U>();
+    return llvm::cast<U>(*this);
   /// Comparison operators.
@@ -169,6 +169,40 @@
+/// The constructors in mlir::Location ensure that the class is a non-nullable
+/// wrapper around mlir::LocationAttr. Override default behavior and always
+/// return true for isPresent().
+template <>
+struct ValueIsPresent<mlir::Location> {
+  using UnwrappedType = mlir::Location;
+  static inline bool isPresent(const mlir::Location &location) { return true; }
+/// Add support for llvm style casts. We provide a cast between To and From if
+/// From is mlir::Location or derives from it.
+template <typename To, typename From>
+struct CastInfo<To, From,
+                std::enable_if_t<
+                    std::is_same_v<mlir::Location, std::remove_const_t<From>> ||
+                    std::is_base_of_v<mlir::Location, From>>>
+    : DefaultDoCastIfPossible<To, From, CastInfo<To, From>> {
+  static inline bool isPossible(mlir::Location location) {
+    /// Return a constant true instead of a dynamic true when casting to self or
+    /// up the hierarchy. Additionally, all casting info is deferred to the
+    /// wrapped mlir::LocationAttr instance stored in mlir::Location.
+    return std::is_same_v<To, std::remove_const_t<From>> ||
+           std::is_base_of_v<To, From> ||
+           isa<To>(static_cast<mlir::LocationAttr>(location));
+  }
+  static inline To castFailed() { return To(); }
+  static inline To doCast(mlir::Location location) {
+    return To(location->getImpl());
+  }
 } // namespace llvm
Index: mlir/lib/AsmParser/Parser.cpp
--- mlir/lib/AsmParser/Parser.cpp
+++ mlir/lib/AsmParser/Parser.cpp
@@ -768,7 +768,7 @@
   auto &attributeAliases = state.symbols.attributeAliasDefinitions;
   auto locID = TypeID::get<DeferredLocInfo *>();
   auto resolveLocation = [&, this](auto &opOrArgument) -> LogicalResult {
-    auto fwdLoc = opOrArgument.getLoc().template dyn_cast<OpaqueLoc>();
+    auto fwdLoc = dyn_cast<OpaqueLoc>(opOrArgument.getLoc());
     if (!fwdLoc || fwdLoc.getUnderlyingTypeID() != locID)
       return success();
     auto locInfo = deferredLocsReferences[fwdLoc.getUnderlyingLocation()];
@@ -776,7 +776,7 @@
     if (!attr)
       return this->emitError(locInfo.loc)
              << "operation location alias was never defined";
-    auto locAttr = attr.dyn_cast<LocationAttr>();
+    auto locAttr = dyn_cast<LocationAttr>(attr);
     if (!locAttr)
       return this->emitError(locInfo.loc)
              << "expected location, but found '" << attr << "'";
@@ -1930,7 +1930,7 @@
   // If this alias can be resolved, do it now.
   Attribute attr = state.symbols.attributeAliasDefinitions.lookup(identifier);
   if (attr) {
-    if (!(loc = attr.dyn_cast<LocationAttr>()))
+    if (!(loc = dyn_cast<LocationAttr>(attr)))
       return emitError(tok.getLoc())
              << "expected location, but found '" << attr << "'";
   } else {
Index: mlir/lib/IR/Diagnostics.cpp
--- mlir/lib/IR/Diagnostics.cpp
+++ mlir/lib/IR/Diagnostics.cpp
@@ -404,12 +404,12 @@
 /// Return a processable CallSiteLoc from the given location.
 static Optional<CallSiteLoc> getCallSiteLoc(Location loc) {
-  if (auto nameLoc = loc.dyn_cast<NameLoc>())
-    return getCallSiteLoc(loc.cast<NameLoc>().getChildLoc());
-  if (auto callLoc = loc.dyn_cast<CallSiteLoc>())
+  if (auto nameLoc = dyn_cast<NameLoc>(loc))
+    return getCallSiteLoc(cast<NameLoc>(loc).getChildLoc());
+  if (auto callLoc = dyn_cast<CallSiteLoc>(loc))
     return callLoc;
-  if (auto fusedLoc = loc.dyn_cast<FusedLoc>()) {
-    for (auto subLoc : loc.cast<FusedLoc>().getLocations()) {
+  if (auto fusedLoc = dyn_cast<FusedLoc>(loc)) {
+    for (auto subLoc : cast<FusedLoc>(loc).getLocations()) {
       if (auto callLoc = getCallSiteLoc(subLoc)) {
         return callLoc;
Index: mlir/lib/IR/Location.cpp
--- mlir/lib/IR/Location.cpp
+++ mlir/lib/IR/Location.cpp
@@ -91,7 +91,8 @@
   for (auto loc : locs) {
     // If the location is a fused location we decompose it if it has no
     // metadata or the metadata is the same as the top level metadata.
-    if (auto fusedLoc = loc.dyn_cast<FusedLoc>()) {
+    if (auto fusedLoc = llvm::dyn_cast<FusedLoc>(loc)) {
+    // if (auto fusedLoc = loc.dyn_cast<FusedLoc>()) {
       if (fusedLoc.getMetadata() == metadata) {
         // UnknownLoc's have already been removed from FusedLocs so we can
         // simply add all of the internal locations.