Index: lnt/trunk/lnt/lnttool/
--- lnt/trunk/lnt/lnttool/
+++ lnt/trunk/lnt/lnttool/
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
 import lnt.formats
 import lnt.util.ImportData
 import lnt.server.instance
+import contextlib
 def action_import(name, args):
     """import test data into a database"""
@@ -45,27 +47,26 @@
     config = instance.config
     # Get the database.
-    db = config.get_database(opts.database, echo=opts.show_sql)
-    # Load the database.
-    success = True
-    for file in args:
-        result = lnt.util.ImportData.import_and_report(
-            config, opts.database, db, file,
-            opts.format, opts.commit, opts.show_sample_count,
-            opts.no_email, opts.no_report)
-        success &= result.get('success', False)
-        if opts.quiet:
-            continue
-        if opts.show_raw_result:
-            pprint.pprint(result)
-        else:
-            lnt.util.ImportData.print_report_result(result, sys.stdout,
-                                                    sys.stderr,
-                                                    opts.verbose)
-    if not success:
-        raise SystemExit, 1
+    with contextlib.closing(config.get_database(opts.database,
+                                                echo=opts.show_sql)) as db:
+        # Load the database.
+        success = True
+        for file in args:
+            result = lnt.util.ImportData.import_and_report(
+                config, opts.database, db, file,
+                opts.format, opts.commit, opts.show_sample_count,
+                opts.no_email, opts.no_report)
+            success &= result.get('success', False)
+            if opts.quiet:
+                continue
+            if opts.show_raw_result:
+                pprint.pprint(result)
+            else:
+                lnt.util.ImportData.print_report_result(result, sys.stdout,
+                                                        sys.stderr,
+                                                        opts.verbose)
+        if not success:
+            raise SystemExit, 1
Index: lnt/trunk/lnt/lnttool/
--- lnt/trunk/lnt/lnttool/
+++ lnt/trunk/lnt/lnttool/
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 import sys
 import tempfile
 from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
+import contextlib
 import werkzeug.contrib.profiler
@@ -293,57 +294,59 @@
     config = instance.config
     # Get the database.
-    db = config.get_database(opts.database)
+    with contextlib.closing(config.get_database(opts.database)) as db:
-    # Get the testsuite.
-    ts = db.testsuite[opts.testsuite]
+        # Get the testsuite.
+        ts = db.testsuite[opts.testsuite]
-    if
-        date = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
-    else:
-        # Get a timestamp to use to derive the daily report to generate.
-        latest = ts.query(ts.Run).\
-            order_by(ts.Run.start_time.desc()).limit(1).first()
-        # If we found a run, use it's start time (rounded up to the next hour,
-        # so we make sure it gets included).
-        if latest:
-            date = latest.start_time + datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
-        else:
-            # Otherwise, just use now.
+        if
             date = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+        else:
+            # Get a timestamp to use to derive the daily report to generate.
+            latest = ts.query(ts.Run).\
+                order_by(ts.Run.start_time.desc()).limit(1).first()
+            # If we found a run, use it's start time (rounded up to the next
+            # hour, so we make sure it gets included).
+            if latest:
+                date = latest.start_time + datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
+            else:
+                # Otherwise, just use now.
+                date = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+        # Generate the daily report.
+        note("building report data...")
+        report = lnt.server.reporting.dailyreport.DailyReport(
+            ts, year=date.year, month=date.month,,
+            day_start_offset_hours=date.hour, for_mail=True,
+            num_prior_days_to_include=opts.days,
+            filter_machine_regex=opts.filter_machine_regex)
+        note("generating HTML report...")
+        ts_url = "%s/db_%s/v4/%s" \
+            % (config.zorgURL, opts.database, opts.testsuite)
+        subject = "Daily Report: %04d-%02d-%02d" % (
+            report.year, report.month,
+        html_report = report.render(ts_url, only_html_body=False)
+        if opts.subject_prefix is not None:
+            subject = "%s %s" % (opts.subject_prefix, subject)
+        # Form the multipart email message.
+        msg = email.mime.multipart.MIMEMultipart('alternative')
+        msg['Subject'] = subject
+        msg['From'] = opts.from_address
+        msg['To'] = to_address
+        msg.attach(email.mime.text.MIMEText(html_report, "html"))
+        # Send the report.
+        if not opts.dry_run:
+            s = smtplib.SMTP(
+            s.sendmail(opts.from_address, [to_address],
+                       msg.as_string())
+            s.quit()
-    # Generate the daily report.
-    note("building report data...")
-    report = lnt.server.reporting.dailyreport.DailyReport(
-        ts, year=date.year, month=date.month,,
-        day_start_offset_hours=date.hour, for_mail=True,
-        num_prior_days_to_include=opts.days,
-        filter_machine_regex=opts.filter_machine_regex)
-    note("generating HTML report...")
-    ts_url = "%s/db_%s/v4/%s" % (config.zorgURL, opts.database, opts.testsuite)
-    subject = "Daily Report: %04d-%02d-%02d" % (
-        report.year, report.month,
-    html_report = report.render(ts_url, only_html_body=False)
-    if opts.subject_prefix is not None:
-        subject = "%s %s" % (opts.subject_prefix, subject)
-    # Form the multipart email message.
-    msg = email.mime.multipart.MIMEMultipart('alternative')
-    msg['Subject'] = subject
-    msg['From'] = opts.from_address
-    msg['To'] = to_address
-    msg.attach(email.mime.text.MIMEText(html_report, "html"))
-    # Send the report.
-    if not opts.dry_run:
-        s = smtplib.SMTP(
-        s.sendmail(opts.from_address, [to_address],
-                   msg.as_string())
-        s.quit()
 def action_send_run_comparison(name, args):
     """send a run-vs-run comparison email"""
@@ -397,47 +400,47 @@
     config = instance.config
     # Get the database.
-    db = config.get_database(opts.database)
+    with contextlib.closing(config.get_database(opts.database)) as db:
-    # Get the testsuite.
-    ts = db.testsuite[opts.testsuite]
+        # Get the testsuite.
+        ts = db.testsuite[opts.testsuite]
-    # Lookup the two runs.
-    run_a_id = int(run_a_id)
-    run_b_id = int(run_b_id)
-    run_a = ts.query(ts.Run).\
-        filter_by(id=run_a_id).first()
-    run_b = ts.query(ts.Run).\
-        filter_by(id=run_b_id).first()
-    if run_a is None:
-        parser.error("invalid run ID %r (not in database)" % (run_a_id,))
-    if run_b is None:
-        parser.error("invalid run ID %r (not in database)" % (run_b_id,))
-    # Generate the report.
-    reports = lnt.server.reporting.runs.generate_run_report(
-        run_b, baseurl=config.zorgURL, only_html_body=False, result=None,
-        compare_to=run_a, baseline=None,
-        aggregation_fn=min)
-    subject, text_report, html_report, _ = reports
-    if opts.subject_prefix is not None:
-        subject = "%s %s" % (opts.subject_prefix, subject)
-    # Form the multipart email message.
-    msg = email.mime.multipart.MIMEMultipart('alternative')
-    msg['Subject'] = subject
-    msg['From'] = opts.from_address
-    msg['To'] = opts.to_address
-    msg.attach(email.mime.text.MIMEText(text_report, 'plain'))
-    msg.attach(email.mime.text.MIMEText(html_report, 'html'))
-    # Send the report.
-    if not opts.dry_run:
-        s = smtplib.SMTP(
-        s.sendmail(opts.from_address, [opts.to_address],
-                   msg.as_string())
-        s.quit()
+        # Lookup the two runs.
+        run_a_id = int(run_a_id)
+        run_b_id = int(run_b_id)
+        run_a = ts.query(ts.Run).\
+            filter_by(id=run_a_id).first()
+        run_b = ts.query(ts.Run).\
+            filter_by(id=run_b_id).first()
+        if run_a is None:
+            parser.error("invalid run ID %r (not in database)" % (run_a_id,))
+        if run_b is None:
+            parser.error("invalid run ID %r (not in database)" % (run_b_id,))
+        # Generate the report.
+        reports = lnt.server.reporting.runs.generate_run_report(
+            run_b, baseurl=config.zorgURL, only_html_body=False, result=None,
+            compare_to=run_a, baseline=None,
+            aggregation_fn=min)
+        subject, text_report, html_report, _ = reports
+        if opts.subject_prefix is not None:
+            subject = "%s %s" % (opts.subject_prefix, subject)
+        # Form the multipart email message.
+        msg = email.mime.multipart.MIMEMultipart('alternative')
+        msg['Subject'] = subject
+        msg['From'] = opts.from_address
+        msg['To'] = opts.to_address
+        msg.attach(email.mime.text.MIMEText(text_report, 'plain'))
+        msg.attach(email.mime.text.MIMEText(html_report, 'html'))
+        # Send the report.
+        if not opts.dry_run:
+            s = smtplib.SMTP(
+            s.sendmail(opts.from_address, [opts.to_address],
+                       msg.as_string())
+            s.quit()
Index: lnt/trunk/lnt/lnttool/
--- lnt/trunk/lnt/lnttool/
+++ lnt/trunk/lnt/lnttool/
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 import os
 from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
+import contextlib
 import lnt.server.instance
 from lnt.testing.util.commands import note, warning, error, fatal
@@ -29,48 +30,50 @@
     if opts.testsuite is None:
         parser.error("--testsuite is required")
     path, = args
     # Load the instance.
     instance = lnt.server.instance.Instance.frompath(path)
     # Get the database and test suite.
-    db = instance.get_database(opts.database, echo=opts.show_sql)
-    ts = db.testsuite[opts.testsuite]
-    # Compute a list of all the runs to delete.
-    runs_to_delete = list(opts.delete_runs)
-    if opts.delete_machines:
-        runs_to_delete.extend(
-            id
-            for id, in ts.query(\
-                join(ts.Machine).\
-                filter(
-    # Delete all samples associated with those runs.
-    ts.query(ts.Sample).\
-        filter(ts.Sample.run_id.in_(runs_to_delete)).\
-        delete(synchronize_session=False)
-    # Delete all those runs.
-    ts.query(ts.Run).\
-        filter(\
-        delete(synchronize_session=False)
-    # Delete the machines.
-    for name in opts.delete_machines:
-        # Delete all FieldChanges associated with this machine.
-        ids = ts.query(\
-            join(ts.Machine).filter( == name).all()
-        for i in ids:
-            ts.query(ts.FieldChange).filter( == i[0]).delete()
-        num_deletes = ts.query(ts.Machine).filter_by(name=name).delete()
-        if num_deletes == 0:
-            warning("unable to find machine named: %r" % name)
-    if opts.commit:
-        db.commit()
-    else:
-        db.rollback()
+    with contextlib.closing(instance.get_database(opts.database,
+                                                  echo=opts.show_sql)) as db:
+        ts = db.testsuite[opts.testsuite]
+        # Compute a list of all the runs to delete.
+        runs_to_delete = list(opts.delete_runs)
+        if opts.delete_machines:
+            runs_to_delete.extend(
+                id
+                for id, in ts.query(\
+                    join(ts.Machine).\
+                    filter(
+        # Delete all samples associated with those runs.
+        ts.query(ts.Sample).\
+            filter(ts.Sample.run_id.in_(runs_to_delete)).\
+            delete(synchronize_session=False)
+        # Delete all those runs.
+        ts.query(ts.Run).\
+            filter(\
+            delete(synchronize_session=False)
+        # Delete the machines.
+        for name in opts.delete_machines:
+            # Delete all FieldChanges associated with this machine.
+            ids = ts.query(\
+                join(ts.Machine).filter( == name).all()
+            for i in ids:
+                ts.query(ts.FieldChange).filter( == i[0]).\
+                    delete()
+            num_deletes = ts.query(ts.Machine).filter_by(name=name).delete()
+            if num_deletes == 0:
+                warning("unable to find machine named: %r" % name)
+        if opts.commit:
+            db.commit()
+        else:
+            db.rollback()
Index: lnt/trunk/lnt/lnttool/
--- lnt/trunk/lnt/lnttool/
+++ lnt/trunk/lnt/lnttool/
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 import urllib
 import webbrowser
 from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
+import contextlib
 import lnt.util.ImportData
 from lnt.testing.util.commands import note, warning, error, fatal
@@ -86,22 +87,22 @@
         # Import the two reports.
-        db = config.get_database('default')
-        result = lnt.util.ImportData.import_and_report(
-            config, 'default', db, report_a_path,
-            '<auto>', commit=True)
-        result = lnt.util.ImportData.import_and_report(
-            config, 'default', db, report_b_path,
-            '<auto>', commit=True)
-        # Dispatch another thread to start the webbrowser.
-        comparison_url = '%s/v4/nts/2?compare_to=1' % (url,)
-        note("opening comparison view: %s" % (comparison_url,))
-        thread.start_new_thread(start_browser, (comparison_url,True))
-        # Run the webserver.
-        app =
-        app.debug = True
-, opts.port, use_reloader=False)
+        with contextlib.closing(config.get_database('default')) as db:
+            result = lnt.util.ImportData.import_and_report(
+                config, 'default', db, report_a_path,
+                '<auto>', commit=True)
+            result = lnt.util.ImportData.import_and_report(
+                config, 'default', db, report_b_path,
+                '<auto>', commit=True)
+            # Dispatch another thread to start the webbrowser.
+            comparison_url = '%s/v4/nts/2?compare_to=1' % (url,)
+            note("opening comparison view: %s" % (comparison_url,))
+            thread.start_new_thread(start_browser, (comparison_url, True))
+            # Run the webserver.
+            app =
+            app.debug = True
+  , opts.port, use_reloader=False)
Index: lnt/trunk/lnt/server/db/
--- lnt/trunk/lnt/server/db/
+++ lnt/trunk/lnt/server/db/
@@ -124,6 +124,10 @@
         assert (self.real_sample_type and self.status_sample_type), \
             "sample types not initialized!"
+    def close(self):
+        if self.session is not None:
+            self.session.close()
     def testsuite(self):
         # This is the start of "magic" part of V4DB, which allows us to get
Index: lnt/trunk/lnt/server/ui/
--- lnt/trunk/lnt/server/ui/
+++ lnt/trunk/lnt/server/ui/
@@ -85,6 +85,13 @@
         return self.testsuite
+    def close(self):
+        db = getattr(self, 'db', None)
+        if db is not None:
+            db.close()
+        return super(Request, self).close()
 class App(flask.Flask):
     def create_with_instance(instance):
Index: lnt/trunk/lnt/util/
--- lnt/trunk/lnt/util/
+++ lnt/trunk/lnt/util/
@@ -122,19 +122,19 @@
         # Load the shadow database to import into.
         db_config = config.databases[db_name]
         shadow_name = db_config.shadow_import
-        shadow_db = config.get_database(shadow_name)
-        if shadow_db is None:
-            raise ValueError,("invalid configuration, shadow import "
-                              "database %r does not exist") % shadow_name
-        # Perform the shadow import.
-        shadow_result = import_and_report(config, shadow_name,
-                                          shadow_db, file, format, commit,
-                                          show_sample_count, disable_email,
-                                          disable_report)
+        with closing(config.get_database(shadow_name)) as shadow_db:
+            if shadow_db is None:
+                raise ValueError, ("invalid configuration, shadow import "
+                                   "database %r does not exist") % shadow_name
+            # Perform the shadow import.
+            shadow_result = import_and_report(config, shadow_name,
+                                              shadow_db, file, format, commit,
+                                              show_sample_count, disable_email,
+                                              disable_report)
-        # Append the shadow result to the result.
-        result['shadow_result'] = shadow_result
+            # Append the shadow result to the result.
+            result['shadow_result'] = shadow_result
     result['success'] = True
     return result
Index: lnt/trunk/lnt/util/
--- lnt/trunk/lnt/util/
+++ lnt/trunk/lnt/util/
@@ -45,11 +45,12 @@
     instance = lnt.server.instance.Instance.frompath(path)
     config = instance.config
     db_name = 'default'
-    db = config.get_database(db_name)
-    if db is None:
-        raise ValueError("no default database in instance: %r" % (path,))
-    return lnt.util.ImportData.import_and_report(
-        config, db_name, db, file, format='<auto>', commit=commit)
+    with closing(config.get_database(db_name)) as db:
+        if db is None:
+            raise ValueError("no default database in instance: %r" % (path,))
+        return lnt.util.ImportData.import_and_report(
+            config, db_name, db, file, format='<auto>', commit=commit)
 def submitFile(url, file, commit, verbose):
     # If this is a real url, submit it using urllib.